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ARB202100133 Plan - Submittal (First) 2021-11-09
NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS GENERAL NOTES OWNERS: TMP 03200-00-00-02300 (PORTION OF) NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC 261g HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 DEVELOPER: GW REAL ESTATE PARTNERS 145 EDHAM DRIVE, SUITE Zoo CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING zoo GARRETT ST, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TAX MAP: 03200-00-00-02300 (PORTION OF) - LOT 2 D.B. 5432, PG.396 io.88 ACRES (LOT 2) ZONING: PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) - (ZMA-2000-00009 & ZMA-2013-00007), CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING: ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT, MANAGED AND PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES OVERLAY DISTRICT, FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT, AIRPORT IMPACTAREA OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE (WPO BUFFERS). SPECIAL USE PERMITS: SP-2oo6-034: MARCH 13, 2007 SPECIAL USE PERMITTO ALLOW FILL IN THE FLOODPLAIN OF FLAT BRANCH CREEK FOR THE PROPOSED LEWIS AND CLARK DRIVE EXTENSION, REQUIRING COUNTY AND VDOTAPPROVAL OFTHE ROADWAY AND CULVERTDESIGN. ALSO REQUIRED ARE FEMA APPROVAL OF THE CROSSING, AND A COUNTY APPROVED ESC PLAN AND MITIGATION PLAN, SPECIFIC LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS, AND WALL DESIGN DETAILS. SP-2002-72: AUGUST 23, 2oo6 SPECIAL USE PERMITTO REZONE THE PROPERTY FROM RA TO PD-MC PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL SPECIFYING THE TYPE OF UNITS, PHASING, CONSERVATION AREAS, OPEN SPACE, GREENWAYS AND ACCESS, LANDSCAPING, ROADWAY CONNECTIONS, AND GRADING UTILITY, AND DRAINAGE RESTRICTIONS. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: LOT 2-io.88 ACRES PROPOSED USE: 294 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT UNITS (238) ONE BEDROOM UNITS (343.)TWO BEDROOM UNITS (15)THREE BEDROOM UNITS BLOCK/SECTION CLASSIFICATION: LOT 2, SECTION 2A PROPOSED DENSITY: 294 RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY UNITS WITHIN io.88 ACRES DENSITY= 294/20.88 ACRES DENSITY= 27.o DUA OPEN SPACE: NO DEDICATED OPEN SPACE IS REQUIRED WITH THIS PHASE OF THE DEVELOPMENT. NORTH POINTE INCLUDES OVERALL OPEN SPACE FOR THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT THAT IS DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE FOR THE COMMUNITY. BUILDING HEIGHTS: NO MINIMUM HEIGHTAND 4 STORIES MAXIMUM HEIGHT (6o'MAXIMUM HEIGHT). NOTE, BUILDINGS GREATERTHAN 3 STORIES MUST STEP BACK A MINIMUM OF 15 FEET AFTER THE 3RD STORY OR PROVIDE A MINIMUM 15 FOOT FRONT SETBACK OR SIDE SETBACK ADJACENT TO A STREET. SETBACKS: FRONT: F MINIMUM SETBACK & 5o' MAXIMUM SETBACK GARAGE DOORWAYS: 18' MINIMUM SETBACK SIDE: U MINIMUM SETBACK & NO MAXIMUM SETBACK REAR: io' MINIMUM SETBACK & NO MAXIMUM SETBACK NOTE: lo' MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN BUILDINGS. BUILDING FOOTPRINT: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING FOOTPRINT= 20,000 SF (BUILDING FOOTPRINTS RANGE FROM 12,350 SFTO 23,88o SF) LOT SIZE: NO MINIMUM LOT SIZE AND NO MAXIMUM LOT SIZE STREETS: CURB & GUTTER FOR PRIVATE TRAVELWAYS WATERSHED: THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE NON -WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED AREA OF THE NORTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER, JACOBS RUN AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT: NONE TOPOGRAPHY & SURVEY: TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARY WAS FIELD SURVEYED BY LINCOLN SURVEYING, OCTOBER 2022. TOPOGRAPHY AND FIELD CONDITIONS WERE VERIFIED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING, OCTOBER 2022. DATUM: NAVD 1988 EXISTING VEGETATION: COMPLETELY CLEARED AND GRADED SITE. THIS AREA HAS BEEN CLEARED AND GRADED WITH THE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD, INCLUDING CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD, NORTHSIDE DRIVE, AND THICKET RUN PLACE. LIGHTING: LIGHTING - ALL PROPOSED LUMINARIES WILL MEET THE OUTDOOR LIGHTING STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 4.17 OFTHE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. THE FINAL SITE PLAN WILL INCLUDE A LIGHTING PLAN THAT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. PHASING: THE APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT WITHIN LOT 2 SHALL BE DEVELOPED WITHIN(1)PHASE. THE APARTMENT PROJECT IS ONE OF MANY PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THIS SECTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT IS PHASE A OF SECTION 2E. LOT LAND LOT 3 WITHIN SECTION lE SHALL BE FUTURE PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT. RECREATION: NO RECREATION SPACE IS REQUIRED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. NORTH POINTE INCLUDES OVERALL RECREATIONAL AREAS AND AMENITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY. HOWEVER, THIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROPOSES A CLUBHOUSE AND POOL/AMENITY AREA. THE OVERALL CLUBHOUSE AND AMENITIES PROPOSED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT IS APPROXIMATELY 17,935 SF. PARKING: RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS: (1.5) PARKING SPACES PER EACH ONE BEDROOM UNIT= 238 ONE UNITS x 2.5 = 207 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED (2) PARKING SPACES PER EACH TWO OR MORE BEDROOM UNIT =156 UNITS x 2 = 312 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: 519 PARKING SPACES TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 474 PARKING SPACES (INCLUDING 9 VAN ACCESSIBLE ADA HANDICAP SPACES) NOTE: A to%PARKING REDUCTION IS BEING REQUESTED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A PARKING STUDY HAS BEEN SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. 52g SPACES REQUIRED - 474 SPACES PROVIDED = 45 SPACES FOR REDUCTION 45 SPACES 1474 SPACED PROVIDED = 9.5% PARKING REDUCTION (io%REQUESTED PARKING REDUCTION) BURIAL SITES: NO CEMETERIES WERE FOUND DURING FIELD INVESTIGATION OFTHIS SECTION OFTHE DEVELOPMENT. PRESERVED/MANAGED SLOPES: THERE ARE EXISTING PRESERVED AND MANAGED SLOPES ON THIS PORTION OFTHE PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2. THE MANAGED SLOPES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN, AS THEY WERE ORIGINALLY PRESERVED SLOPES BUT WERE APPROVED FOR IMPACTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE NORTH POINTE INFRASTRUCTURE, INCLUDING CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD, NORTHSIDE DRIVE, AND THICKET RUN PLACE. THE IMPACTS OF THE PRESERVED SLOPES FOR THE APPROVED INFRASTRUCTURE ARE NOW SHOWN AS MANAGED SLOPES, PER THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ORDINANCE. FLOODPLAIN: THERE IS A ioo-YR FLOODPLAIN LOCATED IN THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT PER FEMA MAP ID 51003Co145D, DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2005. IN ADDITION, A STATE DAM BREACH INUNDATION ZONE EXISTS IN THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THERE IS NO FEMA FLOODPLAIN OR DAM INUNDATION ZONE LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OFTHIS 2o.88ACRE DEVELOPMENT (LOT 2). RETAINING WALLS: RETAINING WALLS ARE PROPOSED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT, SEE THE GRADING, DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN SHEET FOR THE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL DESIGNS. RETAINING WALLS SHALL NOT EXCEED 6 FEET IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY STANDARDS. LANDSCAPING: STREET TREES ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS SURROUNDING THE PROJECTAS PART OF THE APPROVED NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 2 ROAD PLANS. A LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR THIS PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH THE FINAL SITE PLAN. THE LANDSCAPING PLAN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS WITHIN SECTION 32.7.9 OF THE COUNTY CODE. TRASH SERVICE: ATRASH COMPACTOR IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO SERVICE THE APARTMENT COMPLEX. UTILITIES: ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER IMPERVIOUS AREASILAND AREAS: TRAVELWAYS/PARKING:179,700SF(4-23ACRES) - (38%) SIDEWALKS: 2o,26o SF (0.46 ACRES) - (4%) BUILDINGS: 2oo,16oSF(2.3oACRES) - (21%) RECREATIONAL AREA: 17,935 SF (0.41 ACRES) - (4%) LOT AREA/LANDSCAPING:156,400SF(3.59ACRES) - (33%) TOTAL: io.88 AC PAVED PARKING AND VEHICULAR CIRCULATION AREA: 17g,7oo SF AFFORDABLE HOUSING: AFFORDABLE HOUSES TO BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED NORTH POINTE PROFFERS, SEE SHEETS 9-11. TOTAL PROPOSED UNITS: 294 UNITS (25%OFTOTAL UNITS FOR AFFORDABLE UNITS WITHIN THIS SECTION) TOTAL PROPOSED AFFORDABLE UNITS: 45UNITS -SEE TRACKING CHARTS, THIS SHEET STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: THE STORMWATER FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THIS BLOCK OF NORTH POINTE DRAINS TO THE EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES DESIGNED FOR THE SECTION 1 DEVELOPMENT AREA. THESE FACILITIES WERE DESIGNED TO INCLUDE THE STORMWATER FROM THIS SECTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. THE EXISTING FACILITY PROVIDES BOTH WATER QUALITY AND WATER QUANTITY TO TREAT THE RUN-OFF FROM THE SITE. SEE THE APPROVED NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION I - ROAD PLANS (SUB2o16-00092) FOR THE PROPOSED DESIGN OF THESE FACILITIES. NEEDED FIRE FLOW CALCULATION: CLASS I -FRAME TYPE CONSTRUCTION (IBC TYPE V-A) FACTOR = 2.5 TOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA=13,88o SF TOTAL AREAS OF OTHER FLOORS = 27,76o SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 42,640SF REQUIRED ISOP FIRE FLOW =3,500 SF NEEDED FIRE FLOW (5o%REDUCTION FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS)= 2,750 SECTION 1E -PHASE A INITIAL SITE PLAN RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AFFORDABLE UNITS "FOR SALE" TRACKING TABLE NORTH POINTE Single Family Multi Family Other AH Total For Unit Type AH For Sale AH for Sale For Sale Sale Required 16 12 12 40 Phase 1A-1D AH Previously Provided 16 0 0 16 Phase 1E AH Provided 0 0 0 0 For Sale Units of all Types in Phase 1 E 0 0 0 0 % of AH Proposed Phase 1E 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Previous Provided AH For Sale 0 0 0 0 Total Provided to Date 16 0 0 16 Total % Provided to Date 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40.00% AFFORDABLE UNITS "FOR RENT" TRACKING TABLE NORTH POINTE Unit Type Multi Family AH for Rent Required 66 Phase 1E - Phase A Proposed AHU 45 Phase 1E - Future Areas Proposed AHU 21 For Rent Uhits of all types in Phase 1E 415 % of AH Proposed 100% Previous Provided AH For Rent 0 Total Provided to Date 66 Total % Provided to Date 100% Note: "Previously Provided" may include units not previously proposed but qualified under the North Pointe Charlottesville, LLC ZMA-2009-009, SP-2002-72 and MIA 2013-00007 North Pointe Proffer Amendment Section 8.2 Ao,en<a„ rvmieoai O • unive-nry© SITE C, k, O Airport Acres e� Spni gfeltl ® PROFFIT RD Terrytrook greens A-s' _- .amn mmmm,®asne irw.e VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 COVER 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 OVERALL SITE LAYOUT 4 SITE PLAN 5 SITE PLAN 6 GRADING, DRAINAGE, & UTILITY PLAN 7 GRADING, DRAINAGE, & UTILITY PLAN 8 NOTES & DETAILS 9 PROFFERS 10 PROFFERS 11 PROFFERS 11 LEGEND 0 TOTAL SHEETS EDGE OF PAVEMENT CURB PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXISTING VEGETATIVE/LANDSCAPE BUFFER GREEN WAY BUFFER PROPOSED EASEMENT VARIOUS WITH EACH SHEET DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. DRAINAGE PIPE BENCH MARK 4 VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN PROPOSED HANDICAP PARKING SPACE STRIPING <11 PROPOSED ASPHALT STRIPING (DIRECTING TRAFFIC) EXISTING CONTOUR 200 zoo PROPOSED CONTOUR 506.71 TC 506. 21 EP PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION TBC DENOTES TOP/BACK OF CURB T/B DENOTES TOP OF BOX 506.71 TW 506.21 BW PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION TW DENOTES TOP OF WALL BW DENOTES BOTTOM OF WALL PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES MANAGED STEEP SLOPES PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS PROPOSED CONCRETE PROPOSED & EXISTING GUARDRAIL PROPOSED FENCE OO OO OO OO 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN BUILDING CODE NOTES: i. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES, ACCESS ISLES, AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICC ANSI A117.i-og AND THE 2015 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE. 2. ALL WATERLINES, SEWER LINES, AND FIRE LINES FROM THE MAIN TO THE STRUCTURE MUST HAVE A VISUAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 3. WHERE THE FLOOD LEVEL RIIMS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE BELOW THE ELEVATION OF THE MANHOLE COVER OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE IN THE PUBLIC SEWER, THE FIXTURE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A BACKWATER VALVE INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING DRAIN, BRANCH OF THE BUILDING DRAIN, OR HORIZONTAL BRANCH SERVING SUCH FIXTURES. PLUMBING FIXTURES HAVING FLOOD LEVEL RIMS ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE MANHOLE COVER OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE IN THE PUBLIC SEWER SHALL NOT DISCHARGE THROUGH A BACKWATER VALVE. 4. ALL ROOF DRAINS SHALL DISCHARGE IN A MANNER NOT TO CAUSE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND NOT OVER SIDEWALKS. NOTES: 1. ALL PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. 2. ROADWAYS SHALL BE PRIVATE TRAVELWAYS. SEE NOTES & DETAILS FOR MORE DETAIL ON THE PROPOSED TRAVELWAY CROSS SECTIONS. 3. ITE TRIP GENERATION: TRAFFIC IMPACT NUMBERS ARE BASED ON THE ITE TRIP GENERATION MANUAL, 2oTH EDITION. CODE 22o WAS USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED 294 DWELLING UNITS ADT RATE - 7.32 VPD PER DU = 2,252 ADT (2,076 ENTER/ 2,076 EXIT) AM PEAK RATE - 0.46 VPD PER DU =135 VPD (31 ENTER/ 104 EXIT) PM PEAK RATE - o.56 VPD PER DU = 220VPD (139 ENTER/ 81 EXIT) NOTE: AN OVERALL TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HAS BEEN COMPLETED FOR THE NORTH POINTE PROJECT. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THIS PHASE OF NORTH POINTE IS INCLUDED IN THE APPROVED TIA. APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTIONS ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT ffq rA SCOTT7R. CITLLINS'Z Lic. No. 035791, , P 11/08/21 tvj N w N in o ti L9 Ul z J J 0 ti C? Cy) N C'7 N C:) N N Q LU J J_ CO LU 0 Q U Y LU F_ D H LU LU F_ U) LU (Q V CD CD N LU r� tY LU z o O U U 'LU V / 1 Lf) LU Q Q LU z O w / J OLn w z w 2 JOB NO. 182150 SCALE 1 rr=80' SHEET NO. 1 C 0 a _ t °F'o NORTHPOINr \\ ; GENERAL NOTES: \\\� : URE r I . • � � � , • „ + oFUT-vELOPMENT � - I � 1. A 100-YR FLOODPLAIN EXISTS ON A PORTION OF THE NORTH POINT- TH Q TMP03200-0a000zao �\ _ - GRAPHIC SCALE DEVELOPMENT, T NO FLOODPLAIN IS LOCATED ON HE SUBJECT F� \ , . » »{ •': - NORTH POI NTE� _ NT, BUT T CHARLOTTES VILLEuc �I ao PARCEL PER FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP # 51003CO145D. NO p 1� »t5o 1 =s so FLOODPLAIN IMPACTS ARE PROPOSED WITH THE PROJECT. C, ® % rzs Ll Vls I ® ® 2. A STREAM BUFFER DOES NOT EXISTS ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. SCOTT R. LLINSZ �' I906osl 13 , LIFFSTONE gpU ' I �� O �-+ =/ o \' y Iso�t2te N '9 ®,E -EP PUBLIC RIGHT LEVARD ma's 3. BEFORE BEGINNING SITE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL U Lic. No. 035791,E ROOF yygy ss (IN FEET) INVESTIGATE AND VERIFY THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF 1 inch = 50 ft. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, ��0 11/08/21 w4 AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION AFFECTING THE WORK. BEFORE BLS Gti1� z ARv R=55450' .. �� CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION SloNAL E� w ' L=340.37� w \ AND INVERT ELEVATIONS AT POINTS OF CONNECTION OF SANITARY z fR`55450' ^�" oomd „s SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND WATER -SERVICE PIPING; z 390\�e� - - 34jg WV \ ° y� ddoM, UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICES, AND OTHER UTILITIES. THE N s o VAR LE WIDTH I z ' ss _ RELATED JJAABB U EOFSIGHT - - EXISTING EXISTING io \D.g, EASEMENT _- ---- - -- --ae� SHAREDT \.� �• CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH LOCATION DATA FOR WORK RELA - RIGHT-of-wnY �\ .< � �,_ ` .-, - � T PROJECT THAT MUST BE PERFORMED BY PUBLIC UTILITIES J - ss _ ' o C _ \ o SERVING THE PROJECT SITE. SDM USE PATHWAY \ \ 4. THE EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE BASED ON CURRENTLY APPROVED o dNd \�0 24M MP�469.61 83 - _ E 8' PLUG & \ E SITE, SINCE THE SITE IS CURRENTLY z ��,g�2' eL w\F � � -_ -N TOPOGRAPHY/LAYOUT ON THE SIE z ° M35 Nl� � C\:. - •. °• .: , \ - 30 LIMP UT-469. (� 7) �,9 i \ Q � � � o p / \ �s _ EXISTING UNDER CONSTRUCTION. w r CO SDMH#113 15"C'MP IN=47058 #113/ / _- --- - -" 1'6' 24"CMP IN=472.29(((( 1 - r; -- Q n -15"CMP OUT=470.78(#83)\ I24" MP'OUT=470.46#85) / / / 1 \ 'ass \ vzt \ \ ce s`r - BENCHMARK � I / \�� '� _ _- �_ 1 _ - - NEW VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC / \\ - `LU --- TOP OF D.I. �, �, - - �� DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ ' - / ELEV.=478.66' / - M1 S oro v _ _ _ -��- sS$ s ss SS ca \_ NEW VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC ,,, ` u L LU --- ------------------------------------ _ {n 3 -- SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT '9 � \ _.. � .. z I_ / LIMITS OF EXISTING ALBEMARLE COUNTY \ �� I / ----_____ ass FBI g m EXISTING \ !�� / PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES / P RK / I _ ss \ w STORMWATER I as•yc. / o1 / c t• `- / HAVE BEEN DETERMINED MANAGED SLOPES �o / - ss 4 MANAGEMENT 3�'E/a oP �^ w I , - ass (n / BASED ON IMPACTS TO THESE AREAS FORTH- � \ / N I / I NOECTIONNTE 10 s-.- W J FACILITY Fic / INSTALLATION OF THE ROADWAY / "- I , secnoN 10 _ �� INFRASTRUCTURE, AS PERMITTED UNDER _ / / rC.', I TMP03200-000002300 8 --__ F- �\ PARK SECTION o.. (b)h , / NORTH POINT- Z ° 3 7 4 I CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC 7 ° \ 6 j a EXISTING 8" ER I" /SANITARY SEW �✓ ` \ r I o \ �5 I 4'HDPE IN= 84.55 NORTH) \ PUS CRFTRU N o /�88CM IN= 0.59�#79 � � 'I 61'Ik/W OF W,- c N 2 24 CMP AUT 480.55(j 4 o c 0 BENCHMARK V� v 1 "��vz '" o Z TOP OF D.I. �� \\ \ \ \,• 3 Q NEW VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC 9Y\ \ �\ , 0 , C DRAINAGE EASEMENT-- � i �'� � � Lu NORTH POINT- �\ \ ss 15 j FUTURE - - 1 \ �d. v \ 14 NEW . ® I� o DEVELOPMENT VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC I .' EXISTING / \ oo� � rMP o3200 00 0a 02300 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \ \ � //�' C NORTH POINT- I , �� RIGHT-OF-WAY /y/ '-� a \� ` i. V / CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC I / \ \ \ \ \� \ \\ 17 1 p N ° LIMITS OF EXISTING �\ vv v ' ``9 0 I/ \ ALBEMARLE COUNTY \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � s > EXISTING S' '-- _ PRESERVED STEEP \ \ \ \ `\ \ 1 (17 3 I� SLOPES v V 1 \m s PROPERTY LINE I - p� SIDEWALK ° / � �� � \ \ \ b -�� ,�' B z MEANDERS±1,390' ALONG I ' o = 3 \ THE E OF CREEK si / SDMH#111 SDMH#69 OU "15"487 495.4 I9) I u 4HD E IN=491.77 SOUTH) CMP T .66(# z:5 N 15"CMP IN=486.86( 67) '? a SDMH#79 / - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Sz / M " C�, N a 4 S _ Y39 1 15"CMP OUT=486.8 (# 9 - 49 \ / 15"CMP IN-487.47( 111) ' VARIABLE WIDTH DRAINAGE i / �\ / � 2 Q EASEMENT - 18"CMP IN=487.49( 77) \ ' / " Q -- w o / O•� C 24"CMP D.B. -, ------ ` `o BENCHMARK 2 � � ---- W � TOP OF D.I. / EXISTING / i^ a, 5 / ��r ELEV-4 5.39' _ \ T FELINE t_ % 5 �o ss s =3 - / ..." C�{OSSCRE PLACE h �` / / �'° '/ e i ;i>, .. -o ' PUEILIC RIGH OF WAY > o .�0 61'R ., D.I. W/L ^ / WV WVJ� \ ��annK I 23 ss ��,- 7" I ' '� o Lu 0 W/L / / `' Lu H1 �cd� �. o%� \ 'I. y°: _ • .. :_ C° .... _ �" � EX. 8" PLUGJ4,P 1'Ox.,8 C' \� T� n c_ ry ss - asp s ss,.... •... _ & 2 OWOFF \ OQ\� � r � 3 ,. � `o 4ZY SME 0 T- N� SDMH#77 \ / �r m ss - ------ T ------ - �- 499.04 \ \ 4 J� �� O O -/ N' EW 20' PUBLIC DRAIN GE 90 �, 15"CMP IN=492.56(#109,)/ / / \ \ ��`�C� ss ter' 35 �� 0 3 EASEMENT 15"CMP IN=493.72(((/#/75y��� 1--I 18"CMP OUT=489.65(#79) \ . - 4'�'J `4 Q U gg 9 $ A V LE COUNTY Q _--___-1 \ LIMITS OF EXISTING ALBEMAR JO R=51g.5o' PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES `¢ 2.63( �L-251.57' \ HAVE BEEN DETERMINED MANAGED SLOPES I ss ,' 34 r, o / 6 I BASED ON IMPACTS TO THESE AREAS FOR THE I -- ,' _ v w z 1 1 91 1 - INSTALLATION OF THE ROADWAY 38 VARIABLE I/ \ INFRASTRUCTURE, AS PERMITTED UNDER WIDTH PUBLIC / I \ j SANITARYSEWER \ \ / / \ SECTION3o.7.y(b)h N i S r I 1 A 85 jFASPIIII/ A v ti i roo 00 Ii - Lu X o Lu o �� i I� I l l I l i 33 ,// / 39 \- � E S VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC i \ _ PARK ' / I pJ ul w ° PRIVATE j \\ _ DRAINAG€EASEMENT / �'°/ / �� �F Ip I ' / _ DRAINAGE - D.B. PG._ 05 �, EASEMENT - / / / A I I I I I = -Lu - _ T - --- --Lu \\\ PARK / i % z - - J Zza � � \ s� o Z � 32 I I \ �, = J moo/ � / I c // // Vl 4 \ \ / \ it H it % 4 / NORTH POINT- e,\lam 7 SECTION 1A I 94 \ \ NY< h I / r '/•� O 52rr TMP 03200-00-00-02300 NORTH POINT- �5,6�o / / r 0 �3 CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC L J \_ \ \ .� y' S / , \ n/ui i? / c / / LL_ 31 a z ss - ss - ss &_ �ss °-- m - � R=3o5'So F' 13' I l •' a Q 96:98' \ -sro 28 " „ 1 / I c _ r L 102 ---- - \ _ 43 - I 101 100 99 �8 97 -%- 9 5119 7b75 " �i �z - / - � - A ss - --- 0 CN '^ 5"CMP=51)0.88( 73) �' \' 0 30 ° / Z --- ----1 512.26 107 j z --- - -- � $DM 1 '�r 5"CMP I - NORTH POINT � � __ - //// / -- -'\ 519. 0 �' 5"LIMBO T ----- ` '1 ) �2� _�Sz4- �/` �, PARKTMP 03200-0000-02300 29 15"C P i�105 EXISTING S _ 15"CA>iPi�.¢8(#7 EXISTING - NORTH POINTE U Ir r VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC �� RIGHT-OF-WAY- --- --5�6 ONCRETE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC r'\%� O ~ OS 1 h. \� DRAINAGE EASEMENT / SIDEWALK \\\ 1I rr ��" , w E \ .. SDMH 1 / zr� D.B.. PG._ S51°o6'16"W 2' ARV ! , , " 0 Z x o _ - 85(#1 ) , e v. o' 395 m ..a ,.a wv wv w v B.. 182150 s \\ - L=38.oz' 4"HDPE IN=516.39(WEST) h " s R=25.00 520.4 ( o \ THICKETRUNP CE r 15"CMP IN-511.38 71 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY r a �/ s , \ SCALE ° 15"CMP OUT=511.26 �5 61' R/W 79 J bJ vC-. 41 �d '� -��Z_ ��- SDMWL70 - NORT POINT- vv v - --- - -- --- - ! - -- 2ir - fig-=--��-----�-- - 66 --- ----64--s ro'r A---�---- ----- 62----------61---- ----- ---- --- ---- ---- - - ---------- ---------------------- SHEET No. n r S r' I / TMP 0320-00-00-02300 y 78 NL 4 HDPE IN-516.3 (SOUTH) / / NORr POINTE 2 15"CMP OUT=511.52(#73) j CHARLO ESVILLE LLC GRAPHIC SCALE SS ® ` I ® CLIFFSTONE ' " I I ��$ I II OSCOTT R. CbLLINSZ \`c'Isobosu 3 / \' ® 44 -E/P LI911R OF WAY " I I I ,S s5 I ( IN FEET) U LiO. N0. 035791 o so ya�ts N 9 ® PUB BOULEVARD 1 inch = 50 ft. �p 11/08/21 aw4� m 1 I i : m I � " I n /n 7 C B2 Al Al Ai B2 / \ 1,3 B3 \ L 1 - 1 r' \ @ ® L.O.S. 390 Al Al Al Ai Ai B3 _ . _ \ 1 _ I p yy l s (,•', ® F _ Q C " roE II �— — - _ \\-- — ----- ----- ---- ---- — — — ; �^ O Z ¢ Q -i \\\ ���, SS"�—�—rS S3� S SS O H � ss ss ss L ss I lu PARK i �sss$�ss ss F ss _ > C 10 ss W �r NORTH POINTE 9 8 — F PARK SECTIONID { r TMP 03200-00-00-02300 7 1 NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC 6 5 I / PU CKET R � ; -- ^ ` BU6I IGHT UFLACE I w c R/W WAV ', 4 12 NORTH POINTE FUTURE \ 16 ' DEVELOPMENT \ 13 TMP 03200-00-00-02300 /e \\ \\ NORTH POINTE I ;; ya s" \\ 15 / aq L9 7— ' 1' flyl � L CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC I I P o 9 °ab"sa'� \\ \ \ \\ r~— a' w s \\ 14 F1 I\ \ — 17 % N 18 M F1 19 \ y i m 20 N O z I 2j I j 10 D NOS R TE I 6 "Z /i 21 F TURE .... DEV op ENT TMP 032 I POIN-02300 I D D ,I • y , • p � ` y� / u / NOR HPOINTE ^ `' '"ice �'� / j n -, " O Lu CHARLO ESVILLE LLC < I� �m ° T. // // ,` /n/ •° �5 ss 22ui ° 5 \ / n S J CROSSCREEK PLACE y 1 ^+,. i e`' '�� �• PUBLIC61I R/W GHT F WAY I m ➢$ II j / 23 n ss � � w PARK I i ^ s� 37 A �.0 O ` Q ss —ss —ss ss ss PS o ��P 4 //' \\ \\ 36 p °nm \ s 7 s I �, I I � �' � \ ` � Z O s I I I 24 C- '� / \ \Uri J W i " c� \ I tl3ismo m 1 88 w a3e3ia SS 89 ( , J 87 I I � I oaaosn oalaa+� D I I Q � � v �../ N C) \ \ I aa,wrviaas 13eova I s /' 34 \ w ' 38 86 91 I , y \ I I \ 11 Le v v v tl LB i 25 t i \\ \ af I 85 i " i w i 92 A e 33 39 PARK, // (� 26 W / CC Lu ul m \ �' \ /_ _________ _ 1 / ' \ PARK 93 % V �\ v / 40 W ,.�/ w\ �' A A \ i/ /' LL i O 1 � a 94 27 % 4 I i / W \ w o I / 03 1 i i .0 \ �� r s 1 / r/ � LY i s \ 31 1 SS — SS —SS "_ — SS F� < 28 ( Z 102 " i 43 ✓/ " I ss O " > 3='EIPEIP I EB LV LV Ltl Ltl LV r r o 101 100 99 98 97 96 9 \ sPlc-ec O� M �aaamiaas I I I 1 n ' NORTH POIN E II E8 PARK 1 1 29 30 SECTION 1 NORTH ONPOINTE1C1 a n naw' TMP NORTH Po' 02300 - �1 Ze Ltl Ltl Ltl Ze o I 1 SECTION NORTH POIN E — — CHARLOTTESVIL E LLC \ TMP 03200-00-00-02300 ,' - - •• \ / NORTH POINTE LU �—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----------__---------------- CH�RLOTTESVILLE LLC i 1 n/ \ 0 W .� Ce CU 53 JOB N0. 82 \ " THICKET RUN PLACE r �;.,. s/ '� \\ `\ 1 150 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 61' R/W rSCALE ... .• s. 79 Nv v+ ac_, � av ,a•J it �.�;', t.. r I s �.� y V 54 — :: ss --- ------------�— --�Z— --��— --�D — -- �— �— {9----��-----�-- — 66 65 --------64----------� --- ----- 62-----------b1-------------- ----�9 ---- ----&--------------- ----------- ----------- \\ SHEET NO. 7a I I 3 V ING STORMWATERGEMENTITY-SEE APPROVEDH POINTE SUBDIVSIONON 1 ROAD PLANSo16-000gz) \ Ic I L? �' Lu -z CO NORTH POINTE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT TMP 03200-00-00-02300 EX. STREET TREES TO BE NORTH POINTE T CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC INSTALLED UNDER NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION EX. 10' ASPHALT SHARED SECTION 1 ROAD PLANS USE PATHWAY TO BE (SUB 2016-00092) -TYPICAL INSTALLED UNDER NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION _4 SECTION 1 ROAD PLANS 0 SUB 2016 00 92) CLIFFST ONE BOU t EX. ENTRANCE INSTA E/P PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY UNDER NORTH POINT R/14/ SUBDIVISION SECTION —_ 8'EP-F/C ROAD PLANS SUB 2 EX. BIKE 2016-00092)-TYPICAL LANE ° (P) STREET 8' FRONT SETBACK _ _ SIGN 390' — --- ------Ex.s' EX. ROW PLANTING � _ i STRIP PROPOSED CG- SEGMENTED RA (TYP) RETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL (MAX. HT=6') ELECTRIC C B2 Al Al B2 METER \ / BUILDING #1 CLUSTE / 42 UNITS A (P) vDOT a m Y STD. R1-1 TYPE 1 SPRINKLER/ O STOP SIG w B3 13, 880 SF WATER O N T I DATA \ \ a I CLOSET - -,r Al Al Al B3 \ W \ I N ` PROPOSE 5' CONC. P _ \ \ I 779 � 20 HT9Y 8' 8 R e-° 'R PROPOSED P- I BUILDING #2 3 O EX. NORTHSIDE DRIVE\ \ o� I 42 UNITS � 6' CONC. S/W STD. CG-6 CURRENTLY UNDER \ 3z'E/p_E/p CONSTRUCTION. ROAD\ I TYPE 1 APPROVED WITH NORTH \ 36'F/C_F/C �P I 13,880 SF o, F (P) N0'-' POINTE SUBDIVISION \ ' 6 3R SECTION 1 ROAD PLANS d PARKING W ti P p SIGNS (TYP,) (SUB 2016-00092) \ I U DESIGN SPEED: 25 MPH 3R 4'GRASS 16' z ' 0 Q NORTH POINTE FUTURE DISTANCE TO NEA DEVELOPMENT INTERSECTION TMP 03200-00-00-02300 (CLIFFSTONE BLV & NORTH POINTE NORTHSIDE DRI E) _ CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC EX. STREET TREES TO INSTALLED UNDER NOI POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 1 ROAD PI (SUB 2016-00092) -TY —J NORTH POINTE a a U PARKING } OVE HA / o (P) VDOT N I 16 17 TD. CG-2 31R i. O 16' z ' 16' a � I W ¢ Y D I 0_ 4' GRASS m I PROP SED PARKING a I 6' CON. S/W of o OVERHA 31R 3'R Qm a EX. 6' EX. ROW I m `, x a o f j'R n m m PLANTING I a m a STRIP I F� a co jR ` C w 18' z ' 16 26 Q� R 6 R Q� O (P) MILL/ PROPOSED s= - VDOT STD. OVERLAY I p Ci CG-6 10' - - - PROPOSED TRASH VDOT STD. I oo g'R (p THE TYP. O ~ � III G .," tS�� COMPACTOR &BRICK 16'w x 1001 I ,R 3'R (P) VDOT 1 1z'R /1 NCLOSURE PROPOSED 3'R O 6' CONC. S/W n STD. R1 1 STOP STD.DCGT6 _ STOP SIG (P) STREET z R o, 6'R 3'R 1O, 3'R SIG R z5'R S O O / 31R \ P I 18' z PA KING TYP. O 00 N 3'R SIG S ( P.) A STD OT 3'R (i 1 ZooR 6'RCOPNC. S/W (P) VDOT �p ST PROPOSED v —S ST STD. S1I 1 5' CONC. S/W ry LL TD. CG-2 ry d (P) VDOT z5'R d• `%r�s7� < STD. ti5R 7 R (P) VDOT 31R dr�ib���� STD. CG-2 ( VDO 3� N o (P) STREET STD 1 1 (P) STREET A N mod', SIGN 1o'R STOP SIG �� SIGN ~ j d N (P) ST EET od9 r I R SIGN (P) VDOT o D C� R ro 6o R ° R /daL9L r j W ST � > 3 _ I J y W STOP SIGN j'R 8 j'R \��2 6 Lu ~ 31R J m _ C� } PROPOSED I" `Z I m D 6' CONC. SNV U<� y$ IL p O 2'G SSLQ \6 NG OVEPARK ANG D MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 5 <n I y$ BUILDING # 16' 6' 18' BUILDING #3 ��° J CO I 42 UNITS 42 UNITS TYPE 2 TYPE 1 CLUBHOUSE 13,210 SF za I 14 15 13,880 SF 5200 SF 3'R I 65'x80' A 6 EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY - SEE APPROVED NORTH POINTE SUBDIVSION SECTION i ROAD PLANS N 5 (�Ut$2010-0009z/ SCOTTIR._C LLINSZU Lic. No. 035791,E'0 ��SSIONAL 11/08/21 w4z 'VE,zwNz \DISTANCE oO NEAREST I ° INTERSECTION o (CLIFFSTO E BLVD & I z NORTHSID DRIVE) = 480' I I Ouj o LLED I E 1 I ¢ E I I Z O w m ,n II I � u O z ee e - I w 0 r I Z O 0 o f TIE-IN TO EXISTING ee I �"� U) D 3 CURB AT CG-12 ADA e w z o RAMP AS SHOWN I g y �a•Fi ea,2 i i W o FiP Ln a ` Z o `o o - � C 0 o P N U N � � o � `\ \ w saes z p \\ Q o \, \ \OL L9\ o \ F� C ----- �/) I Cq J o ---- — — � /r--------- n ° w PARK i N z U) O F1 o � w o , CA 1 0 W N Q NORTH POINTE SECTION 1 D Lu o TMP 03200-00-00-02300 U) ° NORTH POINTE Q PROPERTY BOUNDARY ��\ CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC J J t (TYP.) c o o Lu Lu a \ � T--I _ 1 rh � z o z Q r _ _j i o EX. CLASS 'B' I' PEDESTRIAN TRAILLu - _ = v \ \ _ Lu (n \\ 12 W U) ° > o \ \ \ E \\ \\ U) z ° \ \ \ Lu \ \ w \ \ \ Lu w z_ \ z \ _ U) a w z �� V \ J •,. v Q o \ vv 1 w Lu `o \ \ 0 \ `\ Q z o vv v o O \ A V O v y I l o PROPOSED \Nn SEGMENTED RETAINING WALL WITH \� o A L.L P� \\ E F HANDRAIL (MAX. HT=6') w 2 3 U O o< \ \ JOB NO. w \ \\ 182150 \ GRAPHIC SCALE / y 0 o SCALE ,o 0 5 ,o so , 1 "=30' o I o / = SHEET NO. n ( IN FEET) / o N 1 inch = 30 ft. / / s v ° Q� NORTH POINTE EXISTING STORMWATER / ° Q FACILITY -SEE APPROVED TH U s — NORTH POINTE SUBDIVSION o e �dWBi ,A FUTURE O r / G STOR ATE f� ad v °- l � ... �... ., � S � I � S SECTI�AI 1 R PLANS r\ g I > DEVELOPMENT (UB2016-0 �I O SC( R. LLINSZ /bdWH / Q / TMP 03200-00-00-02300 a U Lic. No. 035791 FACILITY I \ S APPROVED NORTH P TE UBDIVSIgN \\ - I \ NORTH E CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC 11/08/2 �°n 1 w� c� . SECTION ROAD PLANS i \\ � --- (SUB20 -00092-- - E��� z ° 1 o - 1Q) ° ' -- 0 _ p C o1✓/ TpN E - p ULEVqRp_ \ t />/ II I m I I $$ I Lu c0CoU ��BLIC RIGHT44�E/ E/P pF c- I\\ Ma /I / lI/ i i ` .1 • "� „^^—^— „T >_ 91' R/W o28� \ $ II Z m v / 2„ ARV �^ A n / w Z m > I I I O � (n ^ I I I Z ^\WV 1 / n O s _ _ n WV e Mn MnCO .3 1 _ �11 SS 1 • \^/^ /' � � \ ___``` \ M1\n II II 8 ti 0 _ _ _ \ •F� Ip e _ � o W J ° � I ° v N C / Al Al AlA BQ\ Q METERIERX -7 A\^ p n C B� �TLV V I Iii 9 O y`\ I ULQ O o B3 \ NKLER/ WATER v / ER / _ N / DATA N \\ m °y,^• °\L�a ~ m i ° 1 CLOSET ET /A I _ Al A Al \ I '-Al 1 \ B3 c a A m \ N - o N - ♦ - I i $ </Lu /C-F Q •.m ' 36' F c+R / i -\ \ $ ss — C'V/ s >Q p I ` �= / ! •II III �l / - e� / P R K cv Z ' I o I —I 0 if a --- - / NORTH POINTELu Q CL PARK SECTION 1D Lu i TMP 03200-00-00-02300 (n NORTH POINTE Lu Q CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC J Q Z 2 L Xomw a120 ¢ oX f �I T. / I I - ! o � -----Lu Lu o z66 o / a ."00 O 7L7 Lu I i ----- \------- \ 12 Lu Lu z Lu Z NORTH POINTE / I I92 � + I o i -- — — \ — I — — — — — FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I TMP 03200-00-00 02300 / /I E I \ + + \ so `� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �\ `\\ 1 �5i W� w ° NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC Q Z / Iw °° �. \ \ \ \ �\ o O/� 3 A. \ \ \\� \ N / 4,1 rQ / W Q I D \ \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 O w / �JOB NO. \ \ o z w / I D MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET\ • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 182150 0 i v � \ v \ \ \ \ GRaPxi�\,scaLE o // SCALE v \ �o � o j0 J 1 „_30' o / ��, \ \ \ \ z CO i I / D / D SHEET NO. n i yCL \ \� IN --- \ \ y 0 \ \ FEET / 5 6 1 inch = 30) ft. ' \ r NOR POINTE i� F TURE DEV OPMENT TMP 032-00-00-02300 NOR POINTE _ C OSSCRE K PLACE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 61' R/W D.I. W/L _ - SS — SS SS SS SS — SS — S SS b � JJI JJ \ JJ JJ 75 'I I I I I 9 1 I I I I I MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 6cp \ \ / I dyo A. ' WV IWV I J �1—n „gin w AA 0 m \ I \ #WV wco �� 0 m � A jPL' G W: I 2/BI CV r+_r W. oto 03 �� V — r. r • r \ s �. I . ' H31smo I\ r I I W 'd31Smo a313N / a31Sm0 \ \ N \ I I a313W 01a103la 'd313V4 \ P O • �'. • 01a10 / 01a10313 Fw a31N(JIadS / / 13SO10 ' 1 I / a31VM V1V0 \ / D T------------ � \ 04— I / I \ j Imo' �.. \ r \ a I — — — — — — ------------------- -- __________________ N O] • I 0 6 00 >� mz 94 \ s \ I /56LFF / :W— • rLw, Ll � • rY—r— rY—rJ / 8 • // o / \ / I I / 3°�,d \• / —520 . I / 7 ---- --- z Gr� 1 I N" 1 E p I I £8 L v I,V 6d LH IV I 1 I • \ 1 13SO10 yzs V1VO 97 9SN JL � g6' FIC F1� E8 \ o 1 a31vM _ --- \ 1 • /a31NNIadS -- NN I I I I I I • I o I -_� 1=�2 II Zm I I I I I a I 0 I D D /D D S D / NORTH POINTE szs io o I �5z — — j PA SECTION 1A I \i� 2�— - - -- TMP 03200-00-00-02300 2 a3i3u / Z8 �� w— I'd Z8 O NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC ---------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — ,, / d- 01 n v B. C \ \ \ s ° e :�� • v. • s P ev. e s cp � eoo� o a v - eg° v O e P e v v a" v^ e , O \_l \ o n—A—n� jWW r nn n n n n nnnn n n nn n n n n /M I Q g WV WV THICKET RUN PLACE m ti PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY m \ ti 61' R/W e� e P .e J eo• e v^ eP;o° �•e .a ,., �ee °J •vo e ° A N• ? 4 P •D $$ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $S $$ $$ $S $S $$ $$ $$ $ $ $ $S $S S $$ SS — 71 6L—-- �— --------- -------- 3--- 2 - NORTH POINTE SECTION 1A TMP 03200-00-00-02300 NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC ss I / / / / / 5 / / 5 / / Lic. No. 035791,E 11/08/21 'Ad i Z UI co o i 5 / Z , O L S 55 Z ti O r s ■O■■ ■"7 Oca Imo. D _ 3 o RK N > Luz L ° Y I I H d m o I H I ti c o Lu o I � Q H c I � I I Z p U I I N I 0 I I o I I ° I I I a p I I � I I c - I I Q W c O I 0 , I ' � z E I I I - L9 Lu M N J o ® v < S 0 \ VIP F� p 0 \ \ o \ p o o 1 rn N o N Q y / < \ Lu N � y M o / W C 0 I ^ I.L Q I U) w C Lu° p 1..1 1..111 C I ` I— o z a L p I I/ J O z 3 = U r—, Q .c U o v Lu 6 w \ N 29 \'I NORTH POINTE W o 1 SECTION 1 C (n ,—+ > TMP 03200-00-00-02300 0 NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC U)-° w Z oS•= e P 6° o° Gip• Z 8" D.I. W/L U) Q'—' Z 1--Q � o W Lu o Q z 0 n g-' u ss 6 -------------�------- ba---- --------------------- O o x v 2 ~ ° U W J H U O F W c N z W JOB NO. w 182150 0 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE 30 o 15 30 6o 1 "=30' o Emini0 SHEET NO. n ( IN FEE y 1 inch = 30 t. NOTE: MANDATORY INSPECTIONS AT THE FOLLOWING PHASES ARE REQUIRED FOR ROADS THAT ARE PROPOSED TO BE STATE MAINTAINED: I. INSTALLATION OF ANY ENCLOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM BEFORE IT IS COVERED. ii. INSTALLATION OF ANY ENCLOSED UTILITY PLACEMENTS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY BEFORE BEING COVERED. III. CONSTRUCTION OF THE CUTS AND FILLS, INCLUDING FIELD DENSITY TESTS, BEFORE PLACEMENT OF ROADBED BASE MATERIALS. iv. A FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN, BASED ON ACTUAL SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AND CERTIFIED TESTS, SHALL BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE THE PAVEMENT STRUCTURE IS PLACED. v. PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIALS, INCLUDING STONE DEPTHS, CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED PAVEMENT DESIGN, PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE PAVING COURSE OR COURSES FOLLOWED BY FIELD DENSITY AND MOISTURE TESTS AND THE PLACEMENT OF A PAVING COURSE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. vi. CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENT, INCLUDING DEPTH AND DENSITY, UPON COMPLETION AS PART OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. vii. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING VDOTA MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EACH OF THE ABOVE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION. viii. FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE THESE INSPECTIONS WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TESTING OF THE ROADS AT THE DISCRETION OF VDOT OR MAY LEAD TO THE ROADS NOT BEING ELIGIBLE FOR STATE MAINTENANCE. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREETS 1. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION OF ALL PROPOSED ROADS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTY. THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 296-5832 48 ( ) HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. UPON COMPLETION OF FINE GRADING AND PREPARATION OF 774E ROADBED SUBGRADE, THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE CBR TESTS PERFORMED ON THE SUBGRADE SOIL. THREE (3) COPIES OF THE TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY. IF A SUBGRADE SOIL CBR OF 10 OR GREATER IS NOT OBTAINABLE, A REVISED PAVEMENT DESIGN SHALL BE MADE BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED WITH THE TEST RESULTS FOR APPROVAL. J. SURFACE DRAINAGE AND PIPE DISCHARGE MUST BE RETAINED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR WITHIN EASEMENTS PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNTY. ALL DRAINAGE OUTFALL EASEMENTS ARE TO BE EXTENDED TO A BOUNDARY LINE OR A NATURAL WATERCOURSE. 4. GUARDRAIL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE EXACT LENGTH, LOCATION AND APPROPRIATE END TREATMENTS WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AT LOCATIONS NOT SHOWN WHEN, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY. WHEN GUARDRAIL IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE INSTALLED FOUR (4) FEET OFFSET FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO THE FACE OF GUARDRAIL, AND ROADWAY SHOULDER WIDTHS SHALL BE INCREASED TO SEVEN (7) FEET. 5. WHERE URBAN CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL CONFORM TO VDOT CG-9(A, B OR C). 6. WHERE RURAL CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL CONFORM TO VDOT STANDARD PI 1. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH THE MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH, SHOULDER WIDTH AND DITCH SECTIONS, AS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL, SHALL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. 8. ROAD PLAN APPROVAL FOR SUBDIVISIONS IS SUBJECT TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT VALIDATION. SHOULD THE FINAL PLAT FOR THIS PROJECT EXPIRE PRIOR TO SIGNING AND RECORDATION, THEN APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE NULL AND VOID. 9. ALL SIGNS OR OTHER REGULATORY DEVICES SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ROAD NAMING AND PROPERTY NUMBERING ORDINANCE AND MANUAL. 10. TRAFFIC CONTROL OR OTHER REGULATORY SIGNS OR BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER WHEN, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, THEY ARE DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS. 11. THE SPEED LIMITS TO BE POSTED ON SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ARE 5 MPH BELOW THE DESIGN SPEED, OR AS DETERMINED BY VDOT FOR PUBLIC ROADS. 12. VDOT STANDARD CD-1 OR CD-2 CROSS -DRAINS UNDER TO BE INSTALLED UNDER THE SUBBASE MATERIAL AT ALL CUT AND FILL TRANSITIONS AND GRADE SAG POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE ROAD PROFILES. 13. A VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL STORM SEWERS AND CULVERTS THAT ARE DEEMED INACCESSIBLE TO VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTIONS. THE VIDEO INSPECTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT'S VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION PROCEDURE AND WITH A VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTOR PRESENT ROAD NOTES GRADING 1. THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ROAD & BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS, 774E ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS SHALL GOVERN THE MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS OF THIS PROJECT. 2. WHERE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY, IT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ENTIRE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH AND REPLACED WHERE NECESSARY WITH SUITABLE MA7ERIAL TO THE SATISFACTION OF 174E ENGINEER. 3. ALL GROWTH OF TREES AND VEGETATION SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR THE ENTIRE EASEMENT OTHER TREES AND VEGETATION WHICH OBSTRUCT SIGHT DISTANCES AT ROAD INTERSECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED. 4. ALL VEGETATION AND OVERBURDEN TO BE REMOVED FROM SHOULDER TO SHOULDER PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SUBGRADE. DRAINAGE 1. ALL PIPE CULVERTS, EXCEPT PRIVATE ENTRANCES, SHOWN HEREON ARE TO BE RCP WITH A MINIMUM COVER OF ONE (1) FOOT. 2. STANDARD UNDERDRAINS (CD-1 OR CD-2 OR UD-4S) TO BE PROVIDED AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS, OR WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS INDICATE J. ALL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PIPES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWENTY (20) FEET IN LENGTH AND HAVE A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF FIFTEEN (15) INCHES AND SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAION SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE N07ED ON PLANS. 4. ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRADED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL EXTEND TO A POINT DEEMED AS NATURAL WATER COURSE. EA VEMENT 1. AN ACTUAL COPY OF THE CBR REPORT IS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO T74E PLACEMENT OF THE AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL. IF THE SSV VALUES ARE LESS THAN 10, THE DEVELOPER WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT FOR ENGINEERS APPROVAL 174E PROPOSED METHOD OF CORRECTION. 2. SUBGRADE MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER FOR GRADE, TEMPLATE AND COMPACTION BEFORE BASE IS PLACED. J. TEST REPORTS ON SELECT MATERIALS MUST BE SUBMITTED SHOWING THE MATERIAL MEETS REQUIRED GRADATION FOR TYPE 1, N, OR III PRIOR TO PLACING AGGREGATE BASE. 4. THE REQUIREMENTS TO PUGMILL AGGREGATE BASE WILL BE WAIVED IN THE EVENT THAT THE SURFACE COURSE IS BEGINNING AT THE COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE AGGREGATE BASE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE SURFACE COURSE IS APPLIED PRIOR TO 60 DAYS, THE PUGMILL REQUIREMENT WILL APPL Y. 5. THE USE OF AN AGGREGATE SPREADER IS REQUIRED WHEN PLACING AGGREGATE BASE. 6. BASE MUST BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER FOR DEPTH, TEMPLATE, AND COMPACTION BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT IS APPLIED. 7. PRIME COAT MUST BE APPLIED TO BASE MATERIAL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT (PRIME COAT RC-250 ® 0.3 GAL./SQ. YD.). 8. BITUMINOUS SURFACE TO BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS. 9. ENCROACHMENT. • POSTS, WALLS, SIGNS, OR SIMILAR ORNAMENTAL STRUCTURES THAT DO NOT ENHANCE A ROADWAY'S CAPACITY OR TRAFFIC SAFETY, SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY. ONLY THOSE STRUCTURES SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT ISSUED BY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN THE STREETS RIGHT OF WAY. ALBEMARLE COUNTY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF 7RANSPORTA77ON (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. J. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED, AND MULCHED. 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 3: 1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. 7. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CLASS Ill. 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). CG-12 MTEHYDRAULItXCEMENTSOEWALK (DEAMPS PTH IN INCHES. OF THEAREA IN SOUAM YAMS) GENERAL NOTES DETEciTABBLE WAWnNNG SURFACE(ACEA IN LSQUARE YES) 1. THE DETECTIBLE WARNING SHALL BE PROMISED BY TRUNCATED OWES. EACH OF THE MOVE ITEMS IS A SEPARATE PAY ITEM AND SHOULD 2. DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE FROM THE MATERIALS APPROVED LIST FOR BE SUMMARIZED FOR EACH CURB CUT RAMP. DETECTABLE WARNING FLEXES. PRODUCTS ACT LISTED SHALL MEET ta THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SPECIAL PROVNION FOR CG-12 DETECTABLE MAX WARNING SURFACE MO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO TIE STANDARDS MID SPECIAL DESIGN SECTION FOR APPROVAL. 3. SLOPING SHOES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED WNOLIHICMLY WITH RAMP A• FLOOR OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH REWIRED BAR. 4. IF RAMP MOOR N PRECMT,HOLES MST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BANS SO B MM PRAT ST RAMP FLARED.SIBEE T C BE LAST IN H PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT OF PRECAST RAMP BOON. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLANS A-4. TYPE A 3. BBOOTH ROES OF HE RAMP FLOOR. MO -DEPTH EOF (RAMP FLOM.CENTER TO CMINIMUMENTER PERPENDICULAR CONCRETE COVER IV". B. CURB / CURB MD GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITIONS ADJACENT TO CURB RAPS ME INCLUDED IN PAYMENT FOR CURB / CURB AND GUTTER. 5'MN ]. CURB RAMPS ME TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE ARMS OR AS DIRECTED "., Mw -C BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ME TO BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER W MAX AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WITHIN THE MIGHT OF WAY OF A HIGHWAY FACILITY CROSSES A CURB BEGAN LESS OF WHETHER SIDEWALK IS EXISTING, PROPOSED, OR NONEXISTENT. THEY MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS AS SHOWN ON ARMS OR M DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. MO SHOULD NOT TYPE B BE LOCATED BEHIND VEHICLE STOP LIKES. EXISTING LIGHT POLES•FIRE HYDRANTS, DROP INLETS, ETC. =OSBLE ROUTES PROVIDE A CON71MWS PARALLEL UNOBSTRUCTED STMLE,FIRM AND SUP RESISTANT PATH CONNECTING ALL ;PAAMENT ACCESSIBLE ELEMENTS OF A FACILITY THAT CM BE APPROACHI ENTEREDMD USED BY PEDESTRIANS.B. RAMPS MAY HE PLACED ON RADIAL OR TANGENTIAL SECTIONS PROVIDED THATTHE CURB OPENING IS PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CROSSWALK MD 12;1�a .A&THATTALE SLOPE AT THE CONHECTON OF THE CURB OPENING ISPERPENDICULAR TO THE CLRB, 9HIM •Ex9. TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK IS ♦"THICK. WHEN THE ENTRMCE RAOIICMNOT ACCOMMODATE THE TURNINGREQUIREMENTS DF ANTILPATEO XEAVY iRIILN iRNfb, REMR TO STMDMDCG-13. CWMERCIAL ENTRANCE (HEAVY < MNAT K ER THINTRUCK iRANCI FOR CONCRETE DEPTH EDGE b. WHEN CURB RAMPS ME USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHARED WE PATH, AT.X.X ,SANE AR TOP OF WRB THE MINIMUM WIDTH SHALL HE THE WIDTH OF THE SHARED USE PATH. It. WHEN ONY ONE LURE RAMP IS PROVIDED FOR TWO CROSSINGS (DIAGONAL), TYPE C A 4'x HLADING AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED TO MANEUVER A WHEELCHAIR PARALLEL III PERPENDICULAR INTO THE CROSSWALK WITHOUT GOING INTO THE TRAVELWAY. THIS 4' x 4' LANDING AREA MAY INCLUDE THE GUTTER PAN. TRUNCATED DOME 12. ALL CASES WHETS CURB RAMPS INTERSECT A RADIAL SECTOR OF B"-2 4- C-C m CUM AT ENTRANCES OR STREET CONNECTIONS HE DETECTABLE -.I c WARNING SURFACE SHALL HAVE A FACTORY RADIUS OR BE FIELD O O O O O -MODIFIED M RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO MATCH THE BACK OF CVO, - �0000 0000000 0 0 0 O D D o D o o O o 7 it 0 0000 00 0 00 00 00 0 I= LMONC RMP } I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o D o D o 0 0 0000000 o 0000 0 00 m0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 X- YOF BASE DIAMETER 000000000000000 R OETECTMLE WMMND d AT BACK OF W. 9"-1.4" VARIABLE FELL WIDTH OF RAMP FLOOR BEE ANTE 12. BASE gNAETER f' PAY LIMITS DETECTABLE WARNING TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING INSTALLED ON A RADIUS DETAIL DETAIL ROAD AN`BRID TANDARDS SPE REHFdCNCEN CG 12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHEET t0F 5 "SON DATE (GENERAL NOTES) bs 07/15 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 02 203.0.E CG 2 NOTES: 1. THIS REM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS N F CAST IN PEACE. 40M PSI IF PRECAST. 3. CUM HAVING A RADIUS OF 3UD FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE W CURB( WILL BE PAID FEW AS RADIAL CUM. 4• THE DEPTH OF MRS MAY BE REDUCED MUCH M W M DEPTH) ORON INCREASES AS WM S' 1M' DEPTH) N ORDER HAT THE BOTTOM OF CURB ROLL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTI£RWIBE HE BEPH R TO BE 18" AS SHOWN. RO ID�Wi�MNT N HE PRICE BID IS TO BE MARE FOR A BELREMf OR M INCREASE N DEPTH 5' T2i WE EFRNCSONHEKOMMO°-M HYNN APPENDIX A OF THE VWT ROAD SOON MANUAL, N THE SECTION ON ON URBAN STANDARDS. ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE IF CURB IS EXTRUDED REFERENCE I STANDARD 6" CURB ' -- ROM AND BRIDGE STANDARDS b5 REVISION DATE SHEET 1 TOE 1 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201.0 STD. CG-12 HANDICAP SIGN RAMP HAND/CAP SIGN LOCARON (VAN) LOCATION SIDEWALK d� I FARFA FACE OF CURB BUMPER' BLOCK is, PAIN 4" PAINTED PER VDOT STRIPE SPEC. (TYPICAL) ININ.MIN. MIN. ACCESSIBLE SPACES HANDICAP SPACE DETAIL NOTE NO SCALE HC PARKING SPACES & ACCESSIBLE ROUTES SHALL BE COMPLIANT w/ ALL CURRENT ADA STANDARDS & LOCAL/STATE REQUIREMENTS HANDICAPPED SPACES SHALL BE IDEN77FYED BY ABOVE GRADE SIGNS AS RESERVED FOR RESERVED PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS PROVIDE RESERVED PARKING ONE (1) R-7-8 SIGN AT EACH HANDICAPPED PARKING PARKING SPACE INDICATED ON SITE PLAN. SIGN NI BE ALUMINUM (PAINTED WITE) WITH GREEN LETTERS AND INTERNA77ONAL WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL. THE CENTER OF SIGN SHALL BE Al LEAST RVE (5) FEET ABOVE GRADE, BUT NO HIGHER THAN SEVEN (7) FEET ABOVE GRADE. SIGN SHALL BE PLACED ON STEEL POST 1-110 PAINTED BUCK SET IN 12" OF CONCRETE. TOW AWAY TYPICAL ACCESSIBLE S/GVS SHALL CONFORM TO VAN ZONE ADA REQUIREMENTS ACCESSIBLE $100 - $500 $100 - $500 FINE FINE unnlnTrADDFn DAPVTKIr_ cTr--nlc NO SCALE TOP OF 4� 2"R CURB •a .. 6" • '. .. .:. 6" L� 1' 6„ 2, 78 STANDARD CG-6 STONE#57BA E6UNDER CURB DRY CURB & GUTTER & CHECKED BY VDOT NO SCALE PRIOR TO PAVING AND/OR BACKFILLING. CC-tt NOTE COMPONENTS OF CURB RAMPS CEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING: HYDRMLC CEMENT SIDEWALK (DEPTH IN INCHES. AREA IN SQUARE YARDS) GENERAL NOTES' DETECTTAABELE WWNNG SURFACER(CAREEA3 IN SQUARE YARDS) 1. THE DETECTIBLE WARNING SHALL BE PRCNOED BY TRUNCATED OWES. EACH OF TIE ABOVE ITEMS IS A SEPARATE PAY ITEM AND SHOULD 2. DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE FROM THE MATERIALS APPRUVED LET FOR Bf SUNMARIZfO FOR EACH CURB CUT RAP. DETECTABLE REQUIREM REQUIREMENTSTHE ESSPECIAL PROS. VISION FORTED CG-12HALL DETECTAABLE SIDEWALK ZR�PMAX WARNING SURFACE MID SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIAL DESIGN SECTION FOR MPRI l 3. SLOPING VMS OF CURB PUP MAY BE POWER MONOLITHICALLY WITH RAMP 4' FLOW OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CWSTRUCTIW JOINT WITH REWIRED BARS. 4. IF RAMP FLOOR 5 PRECAST IDLES MST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BARS SC B THAT ADJOINING FLARED SEEARIN NUKAFTERS CAN BE CT E TER PLACEMENT OF C ADJOINING No PRECAST RAP FLOOR. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLANS A-4. TYPE A 5, REQUIRED GARS ME TO BE NO.5 % B" PLACED :CENTER TO CENTER ALONG BOTH 90E5 6 THE RAMP FLOUR, MID DEPTH OF RAMP FLOOR. MINMW PERPENDICULAR CONCRETE COVER S. CURB / CURB AND GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITIONS ADJACENT TO CURB RAMPS ARE INCLUDED IN PAYMENT FOR WRB / CURS AND GUTTER. 5'LN ]. CURB RAPS ME TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE ARMS OR M DIRECTED TM T BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER lhl M M ACCESSIBLE MATE WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF A HIGHWAY FACILITY AY CROSSES A CURB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SIDEWALK IS EXISTIM,PROPDSED, OR NONEXISTENT. THEY MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS M SHOWN ON ARMS ON AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER, MD SHOULD N07 TYPE B BE LOCATED BEHIND VEHICLE STOP LINES EXISTING LICHT POLES'FIRE HAIRMTS.0R P INLETS. C ACCESSIBLE ROUTES PROVIDE ACONTI NUWS PARALLEL UNOBSTRUCTED. STABLE, NPTISANTBAPPRODENEEACCCESSELEMETNSorA rfiLITVTHAT PATH CONNECTING ENTAND ERED Y B. RAMPS MAY BE PURLED ON RADIAL OR TANGENTIAL SECTIONS PROVDEO TXAi `'��„AVyI`I� S� 9 1 v THE WRB OPENING IS PLACED WITHIN THE UNITS OF HE CROSSWALK AND 12;1 MAX ; THAT THE SLOPE AT THE CONNECTION OF THE CURB OPENING IS PEAPEWCLLM i0 THE CURB. WHOM x. A FARM CONCRETE SDEWALK IS 4" THICK WHEN THE ENTRANCE RADII CMN07 ACCOMMODATE THE TURNING REQUIREMENTS OF ANTICIPATED HEAVY TRUICK 4, WN TRAFFIC REFER TO STANDARD CC-13 COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE IHEAW AT X.Z' HIGHER THAN TRUCK TRAFC)FOR CONCRETE DEPTH. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 10. WTEN CURB RAMPS ME ABED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHAPED WE PATH AT X.K , SAME AS TOP OF CURB THE MINIMUM WIDTH SHALL BE THE WIDTH OF THE SHARES USE PATH. N. WHEN ONLY ONE CUM RAMP IS PROVIDED FOR TWO CROSSINGS (DIAGONAL). TYPE C A 4' x 4 LAN ONG AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED TO MANEUVER A WHEELCHAIR PARALLEL &PERPENDICULAR IRO HE CROSSWALK WITHOUT GOING INTO THE TRAVELWAY. THIS 4' It 4- LANDING AREA WY INCLUDE THE GUTTER PAN. U. ALL CASES WHERE CURS RAMPS INTERSECT A RADIAL SECTION OF TNUNCATEO DOPE WITH AT ENTRANCES OR STREET CONNECTIONS THE DETECTM3E �y 'B 2'4 L-G OO WARNING SURFACE SHALL HAVE A FACTORY PAGES CR BE FIELD 1 O O O O O z -MODIFED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO MATCH THE BMX OF CURB. 4. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O - u 00000 000000a 7 LAIDwc RAW + L o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000E _ 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 X- X DIAMETER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOP GIAMETE DETECTABLE WARNING d AT BALK OF CURB 0.9"-1.A" _ VARIABLE FULL WIDTH OF RILP BOOR SEE NOTE 12. BASE OMAETER PAY LINTS DETECTABLE WARNING TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING INSTALLED ON A RADIUS DETAIL DETAIL REDID AND I)13T IME MEMOS EREFEICATION CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE REFERENCE s1EfT I OF E WAS" DATE (GENERAL NOTES) 10.5 OT/IS VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 203.03 WES NOTES: 1. TNB ITEM MAY BE PRECAST M CAST N PLACE 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS AT IF CAST N RACE, 4WD PSI IF PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CUM M GUTTER HAVING A BMW °F��°UBBRAECURN SMALL PMFORAB RACK CO6UN CURB M GUTTER. 4. FM USE WITH STARWED OPEWORADED MANAGE LAYER. THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB M °INTER SNAI BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO TIME SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES AND TO THE DEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR HE USE OF CG-8 IS GIRD ON ROADWAY WMSBICATON AND 'VON SPEED IS SHOWN N APPENDIX A OF R HE ROM SOON MAUk N HE SECTION ON CS MEAN STANDAD& a rw awED D D D A OF THE°CCONTRACTOR COMBINATION 6" CURB AND GUTTER ROAD AND-SAIDGE STANDMIM REVISION GATE SHEET 1 OF 1 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201,03 REFLECTIVE ALUMINUM I LEGEND AND BORDER - GREEN 11 WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE BACKGROUND BACKGROUND - WHITE TYPICAL AT ALL HANDICAP SPACES THIS SIGN TYPICAL AT ALL "VAN VAN ACCESSIBLE" PARKING SPACES ACCESSIBLE PENALTY SIGN WITH WORDING AS REQUIRED BY STATE OR LOCAL LAW LL GALVANIZED "U" CHANNEL POST 0D F :20 0U IY oC, DO C, - �I VDOT A3 GENERAL 0 n CONCRETE ow 30 TOPSOIL AND SEED N 4" MIN. I--1 -0 --� HANDICAP PARKING SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ONE AT EACH HANDICAP SPACE. WHERE HANDICAP SPACES FACE EACH OTHER WITHOUT WALKWAY, THERE SHALL BE ONE POST WITH SIGNS MOUNTED BOTH SIDES (5' MIN.) 4" COMIC. 3000 psi MIN. • 4" 21-A STONE BASE CONCRETE SIDEWALK NO SCALE 2" SM-9.5--� SURFACE COURSE 3" BM-25 - INTERMEDIATE COURSE 6" 21-A - BASE COURSE CC-90 WIDTH OF FAWI~AR11 A --I WIDTH OF ENTRANCE GO O EXPANSION JOINT j H w H � O MWND OR PROPOSED M SDEWALK OR SIDEWALK SPICE LN w15 CLIMB INCLUDES N bw EXPANSION JOINT ENTRANCE CUTTER w ,y Zyw y /C ¢ 4 ID ROW LINE i ENTRMCE WOTH ENPMSON JOINT MINIMUM W. ABSOLUTE MINIMUM 12' MUM EDGE OF PAVEMENT I LMTS a PEDESTPoM® __ _® LIMITS OF PEDESTRIM AC 55 RWTE ACCESS ROUTE UAPAVED SPACE ION-TRAVEMMLE UNPAVED SPACE WIDTH F r IROf55 RWTE NW-TRAVMAKE L GEES ROUTE TmVW PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE DETAILS WITH 6 WITHOUT UPAVED SPACE ADDTIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY IS REO�WIO F THE UNITS OF PEBESTPoM ACCESS RWTE AMYL ENTEM BEYOND EXISTING 15" OR PROPOSED MOOT RIGHT -OP W e. ® PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TA ROUTES PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS UNOBSTWCTLS,STALLL ACCESSIBLE AND SLIP EL PETSOF PATH CONNECTING ALL MCESSIBLE ELEMENTS OF A HALF PLAN w~ FACILITY THAT CM BE APPROACHED, ENTERED MD S. P. •e USED BY PEDESTRIANS. w IF PEDESTRIAN ACCESS MUTES j, ME BEING PROVIDED,A MINIMUM 41TRAVERS LE WIDTH IS WITH A MAX. 2X CROSS SLOPE. SECTION8-0REQUIRED WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH STANDARD CG-3 OR CG-] HE CURB FACE ON THE STANDARD IS TO BE ADJUSTED TO NATION I�ro { UNPAVED SIDEWLK SPACE PARABOLIC THE MOUNTABLE CURB CONFIGURATION. URVE ' e. ® ® NORMAL CUTTER ® X % •. E EDXIiO OY CHANGE ve epe ^` b ePNgggR4Rb o4 9oq q ililz. qeq I 8' ACCMGATE BARE GUMS AS NICONC. SECTION C C TYPE ISIEE 2H I."I E'-0" A MINT OF MADE CHANGE I 12k MM. SLOPE FOR, CURS AND GUTTER ONLY Y >. 12 % MADMUM INCREASE IN ROPE AT MINIMUM D' INTERVALS. s. F K T BMLi WNNRMMLY ...3 X MMNUM DECREASE IN SLOPE FOR FIRST 10-IIAD - I:. • s. B Y MAXIMUM DECREASE FOR SUCCEEDING MINIMUM 10' INTERVALS SECTION A -A SECTION D-D VD= STANDARD ENTRANCE GUTTER SPECIRC22N REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDE STANDARDS VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 SHEET 1 of 1 REVISOR DATE D]/15 20.1 W 3 A a STREET PPNOACH SINE GUREIDIM (RADIUS TO BE AS AS WHINE ROADWAY (SEE NOTE 6) SHOWN ON PLANS' 0 C C -_----- - T I iRADIU3 TO BE M / rRrADLk COMBINATION SHOWN ON PLMS) B MO GUTTER / / R B USE NOTE TI 0_ OWE NOTE2l F_I OPTNNAL ei, ANTE: NDH 'B" r-O" ON AS W MAINME ROADWAY SOWN ON TYPICAL SECTION. A-F! PLAN VIEW MAWLNE ROADWAY SLOPE b'PMMMC WRVS �TpN°IFL Sx MM. ® - p SLOPE CHANGE - M°FLlE°R _ - - D MANUE ROADWAY ---- ---- ---- StMM. ® -- p SLOPE CHANCE - - D 3'YN. COWfRCIk ENTRANCE M CONSTRUCT GRADE CHARGES WITH A PMABOAC CURVE. SECTION A - A GENESIS N SECTION C-C GENERAL NOTES I. WHEN CC-1115 USED FOR STREET CONNECTIONS HE CONNECTION MST SE DOOMED IN ACCOPDMDE WEN AANHTO POLICY AND THE MPLCMLE MOVEMENTS OF THE VOICE ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. INCLUDINGSIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. 2. TURNING THE ENTRANCE OF CARMCPATAEOXEAVYYATRUC TRAEC. THE DEPTH FOR BMW" M CUM RAPS WITHIN HE LIMITS OF THE RADIOSHOULD BE INCREASED TO T". 3. WHEN USED IN CON UNCTON NTH STANDAD W-3 OR W-T, HE CUE( FACE ON THIS STANDARD IS TO BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH THE MOUNTABLE CUB CONDURATION. 4. ME STANDARD CG-12 FM CURB RAP DESIGN TO BE (RED NTH THS STANDARD. S. OPTIONAL FLOWLIHE MAY REQUIRE WARPING OF A PORTION OF GUTTER TO PRECLUDE PENDING OF WATER. ENTRANCE NOTES 8. LK"E5 REWUIRED °TO PROVIDE POMI EE °MRANNAGA MOW E ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. T. MNIIIE PAVEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCIED TO TIE R/W LINE (EXCEPT MY SUNN NIE STMLIUTION REWIRED FOR MMRWE PAVEMENT WHICH CM BE OMITTED N THE ENTRAMI B. RADIAL CUM OR WMDMMTIW GURU MD GUTTER SHALL. MT BE CONSTRUCTED BEYOND THE WW LINE EXCEPT FOR REPLACEMENT PURPOSES, 9. THE DESIRABLE AND MAXIMUM ENTRANCE GRADE CWNGES 0" ME LISTED IN THE ALLOWABLE ENTRANCE GRADE TABLE. THESE VALUES ME MT APPLICABLE TO STREET CONNECTIONS. ALLOWABLE ENTRANCE GRADE CHANGES EXHMCE VOLUTE GRADE CHANCE "D" OESR/1LE MMNUM HIGH MORE THAN 1500 AID 0 % 3 % MEOOM 80°-1W0 WO Sax 8x Low LESS THAN SOO VM 58x 8S NOTE, ALLOWABLE ENTRANCE GRADE TARE IS NOT APMOUNELE TO STREET CONNECTIONS BPEORCATON TREATMENT - REFERENCE METHOD OF TREATIxENT- CONNECTION FOR STREET INTERSECTIONS 502 AND COMMERCIAL ENTRANCES REYSAID VAGINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1L13M ASPHALT PAVING - DRIVE AISLES AND TRAVELWAYS NO SCALE 2" SM-9.5 SURFACE COURSE 1" BM-2 BINDER COURSE BACOMPOACTED \ \j\\�/�\//�///�/�\���/X' / SUBGRADE ASPHALT PAVING - PARKING SPACES NO SCALE 23'X44' CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD 6" THICK - 3000 PSI CONCRETE �6" COMPACTED 2iB STONE BASE CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL NO SCALE ELEVATION NEW ❑ IN GROUND MOUNT(IG) MADRAX DIVISION GRASER MANUFACTURING, INC. 1080 UNIEK DROVE v((BOD�41B-T831, P/l60B)8A&1pABU0, (F�8 B419,1081 WVNN.MADRAX.COM, E-MAIL: SALEB®MACRAX.COM STEELTUBING CHECK DESIRED MOUNT ❑ �3XIIXIVTHICK 2EA.3S•SD.HOLETYP. 9� S G BOLT CONCRETE ❑ SURFACE FUMGE MOUNT(SI SECTICN MEWS EA. 9/1r OHOLETYP. 12112- LAO BOLT CONCRETE ❑ SURFACE GUSSET MOUNT(SG) UPCHARGE PRODUCT: UKI901%SFj DESCRIPTION:'u'BUIiiEE K DATE2 BIKE, SURFACE OR IN GROUND MOUNT END,S-C ERG: SMC NOTES: C W MEMIk D R4tMNG MO INFgiNATON IB NOT TO BE COPIED IXi DIBLLOBFO I. IMTAIL BINS MUS ACCOMI W TO MM UF4TU RDYG SPECIE(W nM MO ERSWRHOUTTHECWSENTOGMBERMWUFACWRING, INC. 2. CONSUTARTTOSFJECTCOOR fINIBH SEFMMUFACTURER'SSPECIRCATONS. WECIFIC nT MESIIBE MCMNOEVlIT1IXI MIME. 3 SEESTEMAN FMRLOCATNNORCONSULTOWHER 02014ORMERMMLFACWPoNq HO.ALL RROPNETARY NOX18 RESERVED. SCOTT/R. CCIIII INSIZ H-H Lic. No. 035791 � P0� 11/08/21'�4' S S G S I1 InArnr. E z O d U Z" (n W O 0 z TT N U) TT U w LU z Q J 0L A�A� VM W MA••K� M V/ C\l J V cM I --I N z CD I --I VJ ' N N Q Lu LiJ U) i > 0L Lu W Q o Lu z O 0 Q U W w U-) Y ' �� O Lli V / W z W LiJ Lii U) Q uj W z H1 (] 1-L N w J F_ F- O w zW Ln a I Ln JOB NO. 182150 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. 8 M AMENDED AND RESTATED hedgerows, along the Entrance Corridor frontage parcels owned by Owner. The buffer will IV. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND STREAM BED CONSERVATION V. TRANSPORTATION review and, when satisfactory, approval, subject also to the County's approval of private streets PROFFER STATEMENT consist of a minimum 40-foot wide continuous visual landscape area that shall be subject to under the Subdivision Ordinance (Ch. 14 of the Albemarle County Code). NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENTS - NP, LLC Albemarle County Architectural Review Board ("ARB") review and approval (the "Buffer"). 4.1 Flood Plain. The area of the 100-year flood plain within the Project shall remain 5.1 Internal Street Construction Standards. Public streets, which in any event ORIGINAL REZONING APPLICATION: #ZMA-2000-009, SP-2002-72 The Buffer may be located partly on the Owner's property and partly on VDOT property. In the undisturbed except for road crossings, public utility facilities and their crossings, and pedestrian shall include at least Leake Road, North Pointe Boulevard, Northside Drive East and Northwest Phasing. The Road Improvements shall be constructed and completed in three REZONING APPLICATION: #ZMA 2013-00014 event VDOT at any time in the future reduces any portion of the Buffer located on VDOT and biking trails, and only to the extent such exceptions are permitted by County ordinances and Passage, shall be (i) constructed in accord with the illustrative urban design cross sections shown phases as set forth below: PERTAINING TO TAX MAP AND PARCEL NUMBER 32-22k property, the Owner shall compensate for such reduction by extending the Buffer on Owner's regulations. Upon the request of the County, Owner shall provide a survey and prepare the on Sheet D-I to the Application Plan ("Sheet D-1") and also in accordance with VDOT design property in order to maintain a minimum 40-foot Buffer, even if such compensation shall require necessary documentation and dedicate the land within such flood plain to the County. standards pursuant to detailed plans agreed to between Owner and VDOT, and (ii) dedicated for (a) Phase I Road Improvements. Prior to approval of the first commercial March 25, 2014 the removal of parking adjacent to such Buffer. public use and offered for acceptance into the state highway system. Trees (with a maximum subdivision plat or site plan within the Project, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and post 4.2 Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwater/best management practices spacing of fifty (50) feet), landscaping and sidewalks as shown on Sheet D-i shall be installed all associated bonds required for the construction of the following (collectively, the "Phase I With respect to the property described in rezoning application #ZMA-2000-009, 2.2 Appearance of Storm Water Manaeement ("SWM") Facilities. The SWM ("BMP") Plan for the Project shall be prepared, and all stormwater management facilities for the and maintained by the Owner in accordance with County or VDOT standards, unless VDOT or Road Improvements"): and SP - 2002-72 (the original "ZMA"), CWH Properties Limited Partnership is the fee simple facilities visible from the Entrance Corridor identified on the Application Plan (stormwater Project shall be designed and constructed, to accommodate all current stormwater discharge from the County agrees in writing to assume this responsibility. owner and North Pointe Charlottesville, LLC is the contract purchaser of Tax Map 32, management facilities 1, 2, and 10) shall be shown on a plan and be subject to ARB review and Tax Map Parcel 032A0-02-00-00400 (Northwoods Mobile Horne Park Development) and from (1) Southernmost Entrance on U.S. Route 29: Parcels 20, 20A, 20A1, 20A2, 20A3 and 291 (the "North Pointe Property"), and Violet Hill approval. SWM 1 shall be designed such that its shape, placement, and land form (grading) the existing developments on the northeast and northwest comers of Proffit Road and U.S. 5.2 Timine of Completion for internal Streets. Before issuance of certificates of Associates, L.L.C. is the fee simple owner of Tax Map 32, Parcels 23, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, transition between the adjacent conservation area and the adjacent hard edge of the parking lot Route 29, specifically the following parcels shown on the current Albemarle County tax maps: occupancy, Owner shall complete that segment of an internal street as shown on Sheet D-1 i U.S. Route 29 Southbound -correction of the vertical 23F. 23G, 23H and 23J (the "Violet Hill Property"), and Neighborhood Investments - NP, LLC and buildings. The plan for SWM i shall be submitted to the ARB with the first ARB tax map 32, parcels 38, 38A, 39, and 39A; tax map 32A, parcels 2-1, 2-IA, 2-lAI, 2-113, 2-1C within the Project which serves the building or residence for which a certificate of occupancy is curvature in the roadway just north of the entrance. is the fee simple owner of Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K (Parcels 22H and 22K have been combined submission for Building 14 or 19 identified on Sheet B to the Application Plan ("Sheet B"), or and 2-11). The stormwater management facilities shall mitigate the stormwater quality and sought with at least the stone base and all but the final layer of plant -mix asphalt. The final layer U.S. Routed Southbound into a single Parcel 22K) (the "Neighborhood Investments Property"). Unless otherwise noted, any such building that is proposed to be located where Building 14 is located on Sheet B quantity impacts, for the stormwater generated both within the Project and for such existing of plant -mix asphalt shall be installed within one (1) year following the issuance of the first - construction of a continuous (h foot wide through lane (with shoulders guard rail required starting a the respective parties are individually and collectively referred to herein as the "Owner", which pursuant to the terms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 shall have a more structured appearance than offsite conditions as described herein, as though the entire preexisting condition of the drainage certificate of occupancy for a building or residence served by the affected street segment. point h en that is 1000 feet north of the southernmost entrance and extending south to Airport Road. a u to Air term shall include any successors in interest. The term Owner shall refer to the specific owner of SWM 10 (see below) and shall be designed such that its shape, placement, and land form area is an undeveloped wooded site and is being developed to the existing off -site conditions and . the Neighborhood Investments Property, the North Pointe Property or the Violet Hill Property (grading) transition between the adjacent conservation area and the adjacent hard edge of the the proposed on -site conditions. In addition biofilters shall comprise a minimum of thirty-three P P , P � rtY- 5.3 Road Improvements. Owner shall design and construct all of the road (iii) U.S. Route 29 South - ( ) bound construction of dual left rum when a proffered condition relates to a specific property, and the term Owner shall refer to the parking lot and buildings. The plan for SWM 2 shall be submitted to the ARB with the first and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the total required parking lot landscaped areas within the improvements referenced in Sections 5.3.1(a), 5.3.1(b) and 5.3.1(c) below, which are also shown lanes with taper at the crossover. owners of the respective properties collectively whenever a proffered condition relates to all the ARB submission for any of Buildings 26 through 31. SWM 10 shall be designed such that its "Commercial Area" of the Project, as such Commercial Area is delineated on Sheet G of the on Sheet D-1 to the Application Plan and on Sheet E to the Application Plan entitled "External PP Pp properties subject to this zoning map application. The North Pointe Property, the Violet Hill shape, placement, and land form (grading) are integral with the adjacent conservation area. The P P (g g) g J Application Plan ("Sheet G"). Road Improvement Plan" ("Sheet E) (collectively, the "Road Improvements"), unless such (iv) U.S. Route 29 Southbound -construction of right rum lane Property, and the Neighborhood Investments Property are referred to collectively as the plan for SWM 10 shall be submitted to the ARB at the time road plans are submitted to the Road Imp Improvements are first constructed or bonded by others. The various phases of the Road with taper to serve northernmost entrance to SR 1515. "Property," unless otherwise noted. County and VDOT for Northwest Passage. 4.3 Erosion and Sediment ControL Improvements are also shown for illustrative purposes on a color -coded copy of Sheet B that is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Owner shall dedicate to public use any required right-of-way that it (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a continuous Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, Owner III. DENSITIES (a) The Owner shall, to the "maximum extent practicable", provide such now or hereafter owns in fee simple. For purposes of this Section 5.3, the use of the term "road" 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be required by VDOT) extending hereby voluntary proffers the conditions listed in this Amended and Restated Proffer Statement,additional appropriate erosion and sediment control measures that exceed State and Local as it applies to intemal streets shalt also have the same meaning as the word "street" in the from Proffit (Airport) Road (Route 649) to the Northwest Passage entrance. which shall be applied to the North Pointe Property if this ZMA is approved by Albemarle 3.1 Total Buildout. The total number of dwelling units within the Project shall not minimum standards. if there is a disagreement regarding whether the standard of "maximum Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code) where County. These conditions are proffered as part of the ZMA and it is agreed that: 1 the ZMA g () exceed eight hundred ninety-three 893 . Subject to Section 3.2, the building footprints and gross ( ) J g tP 8 extent practicable" is satisfied, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation will be applicable. (vi) U.S. Route 29 Northbound -construction of a right hand itself gives rise to the need for the conditions, and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation floor areas of commercial, office, and other uses, and the building footprints of hotels shall not provided an opportunity to review and advise on such question. turn lane at the Southernmost entrance, the geometries of which will be subject to VDOT to the rezoning requested. exceed those set forth in the Land Use Breakdown Table on Sheet A to the Application Plan 5.3.1 Design and Phasing. All Road Improvements shall be designed and phased as approval, ("Sheet A"). (b) Post -Construction Stormwater Management: The Owner shall, to the follows: This Amended and Restated Proffer Statement shall relate to the multi -page maximum extent practicable, provide post -construction Stormwater BMPs that are designed to (vii) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of left turn lane application plan entitled "North Pointe Community", prepared by Keeney & Co., Architects, as 3.2 Limited Adiustments to the Elements of the Application Plan. The gross floor achieve an average annual sediment removal rate of 80% as published by the Center for Design. The Road Improvements shall be shown on detailed road plans satisfying with taper into SR 1515. revised through June 13, 2006 and attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Application Plan"), and the area of the buildings used for commercial, office, other uses, and hotels shown on Sheet A may Watershed Protection in Article 64 of The Practice of Watershed Protection (2000 edition). VDOT design standards which shall be submitted by the Owner for review and, when Albemarle County Code in effect as of the date of the Original Proffer Statement (the "County be adjusted within a range of up to ten percent (10°/u), provided that the maximum gross floor These will include, but are not limited to, bioretention, bioretention filters and wet retention satisfactory, approved by VDOT and the County (except for the Road Improvements to U.S. (viii) SR 1515 Eastbound - construction and/or restriping to Code"). The North Pointe Community shall be referred to as the "Project." area for each category of uses shown on Sheet A is not exceeded. The footprints of Buildings 6, basins. Route 29, which shall be subject only to VDOT approval) (hereinafter, the "Approved Road provide left tam lane with taper. 14 and 36 as shown on Sheet A can be interchanged. Notwithstanding the terms of this Plans'). The Approved Road Plans shall show the width and length (except as specified in I. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED Section 3.2 to the contrary, Building 14 shall not initially exceed 88,500 square feet, provided, 4.4 Stream Buffer and Restoration. Upon the commencement of the applicable Sections 5.3.1(a)(1)(ii) and (v) and Section 5.3.1(b)(1)(i)) location, type of section, and (ix) Installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase timing, video however, that after two years following the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for comment period, the Owner shall notify the County and provide the County with a copy of any geometries of all lane improvements as required by VDOT design standards. All of the Road detection and associated intersection improvements at the intersection with U.S. Route 29. iI. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR Building 14, Building 14 may be adjusted within a range of up to ten percent (10%o), and if application(s) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or DEQ for any stream disturbance. In Improvements shall be constructed in compliance with the Approved Road Plans. The Road 2.1 Creation of a 40-Foot Buffer along the Entrance Corridor. Building 14 is located in the location shown on Sheet B, any such expansion shall be located to addition if necessary, after first looking on -site for mitigation opportunities available to satisfy Improvements to U.S. Route 29 shall be based on the then -current VDOT design speed and (x) Close existing crossover at U.S. Route 29 and Within six 6 () months after the acceptance b the Virginia Department of Transportation VDOT' P y 8 the the east so that t the additional space is located slop North Pointe Boulevard P g Notwithstanding the permitting process, the Owner shall contact the Count for a list of off -site opportunities P g P Y PP Albemarle County for cross -slope requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to the contrary, in Ire q g P P g P arY, Southernmost Entrance t once to SR 1515. p P ("VDOT"') of RoadImprovements defined in the terms of this Section 3.2 to the contrary, but subject to the provisions of Section 8.1, the within such mitigation, and shall look for such mitigation opportunities the event that the internal residential street designs as shown on Sheet D-1 are not accepted by as Section 5.3 that are along the northbound lanes of U.S. Route 29, Owner shall plant and thereafter maintain at all times a landscaped buffer, including County may authorize Building 21 as shown on Sheet A to be adjusted by more than ten percent off -site. VDOTp , the Owner shall submit detailed road construction plans for such streets to the County for (xi) Proposed Entrance Road between North Pointe Boulevard and U.S. Route 29. (10%). 2 North Pointe Boulevard. Leake Road and Pr ffr O o t Road: (i) Leake Road and North Pointe Boulevard, in accordance with the cross -sections design g ec ons shown on Sheet D 1, from Proffit Road to either Northside Drive East or, if Northside Drive East has not yet been constructed to the roundabout at North Pointe Boulevard, North Pointe Boulevard shall be extended to Northwest Passage. The Owner shall provide a fifty (50) foot public right-of-way along Leake Road and shall construct a two-lane public street to be accepted VD OT DOT and as much of the other improvements shown on the P P Y P cross -sections as possible within the available right-of-way as reasonably determined by the County Engineer. (ii) The roundabout, or such other improvements as may be approved by VDOT and the County, at the intersection of Leake Road and Proffit Road shown on Sheet B and an additional westbound right turn lane on Proffit Road from Leake Road to U.S. Route 29 as shown on Sheet E. In addition, for property acquisition that is required for the off - site public right-of-way for construction of the improvements required by this Section 5.3.1(a)(2)(ii), the Owner shall make a cash contribution or provide a letter of credit in a form approved by the County Attorney for such purpose in the amount as deemed necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such amount shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for acquisition and condemnation purposes. The cash contribution or letter of credit described in this Section 5.3.l(a)(2)(ii) shall be used to pay for the total cost of the right of way acquisition. The total cost of the right of way acquisition for the off -site property necessary to construct the improvements required by this Section 5.3. 1 (a)(2)(ii) shall include the normal costs associated with acquiring land, buildings, structures, easements and other authorized interests by condemnation or by purchase including, but not limited to, land acquisition, engineering, surveying,and reasonable attorneys fees. The cash contribution r he letter of credit shall be Y 0 o t provided by the Owner within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. If the property is acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase price shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for condemnation purposes without the consent of the Owner. If the cost of the right of way acquisition exceeds the amount � Y previously contributed, then the Owner shall reimburse the County all such excess costs within thirty (30) days upon request by the Count y. The County shall refund to the Owner all excess contributions upon completion of the land acquisition. (iii) Intentionally Omitted (iv) An additional through lane eastbound on Proffit Road from U.S. Route 29 to the rou ndabout at the intersection of Leake Road and Proffit Road. In addition for property acquisition that is required for the off -site public right-of-way for construction of the improvements required by this Section 5.3. 1 (a)(2)(iv), the Owner shall make a cash contribution or provide a letter of credit in a form approved by the County Attorney for such purpose in the amount as deemed necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such amount shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for acquisition and condemnation purposes. The cash contribution or letter of credit described in this Section 5.3.1 a 2 iv shall be used to a for the total cost of the right of ()()( ) PY g way acquisition. The total cost of the right of way acquisition for the off -site property necessary to construct the improvements required by this Section 5.3.1 a (2)(iv) shall inclu de the normal costs associated with acquiring land, buildings, structures, easements and other authorized interests by condemnation or by purchase including, but not limited to, land acquisition, engineering, surveying, and reasonable attorneys fees. The cash contribution or the letter of credit shall be provided by the Owner within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. If the property is acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase price shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for condemnation purposes without the consent of the Owner. If the cost of the right of way acquisition exceeds the amount previously contributed, then the Owner shall reimburse the County all such excess costs within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. The County shall refund to the Owner all excess contributions upon completion of the land acquisition. Completion of the Phase I Road Improvements.W' p Within fifteen (15) months after the issuance of the first building permit for a commercial building within the lands subject P g J to the first commercial subdivision plat or site plan within the Project, or prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for such building, whichever is earlier, all of the Phase I Road Improvements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a secondary highway. (b) Phase If Road Improvements. Prior to approval of the first site plan that would authorize the aggregate commercial, office and hotel gross floor area as shown on Sheet A within the Project to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) square feet, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of the following (collectively, the "Phase H Road Improvements"): (1) Middle Entrance on U.S. Route 29 (Northside Drive East/ SR 1570): i U.S. Route 29 Southbound - construction of a continuous 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be required by VDOT) starting at a point that is 1000 feet north of the Middle Entrance and extending to the point where it connects with the portion of the lane constructed pursuant to Section 5.3.1(a)(1)(ii). (ii) U.S. Route 29 Southbound - construction of dual left turn lanes with taper, (iii) U.S. Route 29 Southbound - construction of a right turn lane with taper. (iv) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a right hand turn lane at the Middle Entrance, the geometries of which will be subject to VDOT approval. (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of left turn lane with taper. (vi) SR 1570 Eastbound - construction of or restriping of lanes to result in separate left, through and right turn movements. vii Entrance - ( ) once road Westbound installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase timing, video detection and associated intersection improvements on U.S. Route 29. (viii) Existing crossover at Cypress Drive - construction to close the crossover. ix Frontage r - oad from Cypress Drive to SR 1570 ( ) g YP construction of a public street to serve properties currently accessing U.S. Route 29 through Cypress Drive. (2) Northside Drive East between U.S. Route 29 and North Pointe Boulevard as shown on Sheet D-1. Completion of the Phase II Road Improvements. Within fifteen 1 e 5 months after the issuance of the first s building permit for a building within the lands subject to the first subdivision plat or site plan that would authorize the aggregate commercial, office and hotel gross floor area as shown on Sheet A within the Project to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) square feet or pri or to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any building that causes such gross floor area to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) square feet, whichever is earlier, all a of the Phase II Road Irprovements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a secondary highway. As it relates to the Neighborhood Investments Property, Proffer 5.3.1(c) is replaced and amended as set forth below: (c) Phase III Road Improvements. Prior to approval of a subdivision plat or site plan for any development of the Neighborhood Investments Property or any portion thereof, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of th f e ollowin road improvements collective) th 8 p ( Y, e "Phase III Road Improvements") to the extent any such road improvements have not already been completed: (1) Northernmost Entrance (opposite Lewis & Clark Drivel on U.S. Route 29: (i) U.S. Route 29 Southbound - construction of left turn lane with taper. (ii) Northwest Passage from U.S. Route 29 to the south property line of Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K as shown on the Application Plan. (iii) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a right hand turn lane, the geometries of which will be subject to VDOT approval. (iv) If the traffic signal to be constructed by others is in place prior to Owner commencing work on this Northernmost Entrance, and such traffic signal only includes three legs, Owner shall add the fourth leg to the signal, which shall include additional mast arms signal hea ds and ancillary ryequipment ne cessary to support Northwest Passage's use of the interse ction, as determined by VDOT. If such traffic signal is not in place and the vehicular traffic generated by the Project causes the VDOT signal warrants to be met, and VDOT requires that a traffic signal be installed as a condition of the entrance permit, Owner shall install such traffic signal. 2 Within twelve 12 months after issuance of O ( )the building permit for construction of the elementary school on the School Lot, and if not already completed, Owner will complete the improvements set forth in Section 5.3.l(c)(1) above. Completion of the Phase IiI Road improvements. Within twelve (12) months after the occurrence of the applicable event in Section 5.3.1(c) which required the Owner to obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of the Phase III Ro ad Improvements, opts all of the Phase III ro ad improvements shall b accepted P e ce red b P P Y VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a secondary highway. 5.3.2 Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cash contribution to the County or VDOT for the cost of a cable or wireless radio system that will link one or more of the signals between Lewis and Clark Drive and Airport Road-, Provided that the total cash however, contribution shall not exceed thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000). Subject to matters of force majeure, if the County does not request the funds, or does request the funds but the construction of the system does not begin by the later of December 31, 2010 or three (3) years after completion of all of the Road Improvements, said funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 5.3.3 Prior to the approval of plans for improvements at any U.S. Route 29 intersection, Owner shall provide VDOT traffic signal network timing plans that VDOT finds acceptably address the impacts of the proposed traffic signals for peak traffic periods. 5.3.4 Regional Transportation _ g Study. Cash Contribution. THiS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cash contribution of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to the County for the purposes of funding a regional transportation study for the Route 29 corridor, which includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Rivanna River and the Hollymead Growth Area of which North Pointe is a part. The contribution shall be made within thirty (30) days after requested by the County anytime after the rezoning is approved. If the request is not made within one (1) year after the date of approval of the first final site plan for the first commercial building within the Project, this proffer shall become null and void. If such cash contribution is not expended for the stated purpose within three (3) years from the date the funds were contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. VI. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND GREENWAY 6.1 Pedestrian Pathways. All pedestrian pathways shall be classified as shown on the Pedestrian Pathwa y Key on Sheet G and except for the pathwa ys to be constructed b the Y Y P p Y Y County, shall be shown on the subdivision plat or site plan for the underlying or adjacent lands within the Proje ct. The pathways shall be constructed b Owner as Class A or Class B trail J P Y Y s as identified on Sheet G, and in accordance with the applicable design and construction standards in the County's Design Standards Manual. Such construction shall be in conjunction with the improvements for the subdivision plat or site plan, as the case may be, and bonded with the streets if the pathways are a subdivision improvement, or with a performance bond if the pathways are a site plan improvement. The pathway shown on Sheet G along Flat Branch north and south of Northside Drive East shall not continue through a culvert if a culvert is used for the stream crossing. The pathway intended for the culvert between Park E and Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall conform to the applicable standards in VDOT's "Subdivision Street Guidance" and Owner shall maintain the pathway if it is not accepted by VDOT for maintenance. 6.2 Lake. Upon request by the County, Owner shall dedicate to the County the lake shown on the Application Pla n for public use provided that such la ke will be available for use b PP P > P Y Owner for stormwater management as described in Sheet C to the Application Plan entitled "Stormwater Management and Stream Conservation Plan" ("Sheet C"). VII. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED VIII. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8.1 Branch Library. -(aj—Upon request by the County, Owner shall dedicate to the County the fee simple interest ' s m the land shown on Sheet B e as a library, consisting of a 15 000 square foot full P �', g q Y graded pad site, with utilities, to accommodate a 12,500 square foot building footprint, a five foot perimeter strip and up to a 25,000 square foot building, together with a nonexclusive easement to the adjacent common area for ingress, egress, construction staging and sufficient Count Coder required parking, Stormwater detention and water quality facilities Y for the location eq P g, 4 tY of a freestanding Jefferson -Madison Regional Library and such other uses that are compatible with the proposed surrounding uses, as determined by the County (the Library Lot"), Notwithstanding the terms of the prior sentence to the contrary, if the requirements for the library building require a larger building footprint, the County may authorize the library building footprint to be larger than as stated in the prior sentence, provided, however, that the size of the area shown as "Park H" on Sheet B ("Park H") and/or the size of the adjacent parking area immediately north of the Library Lot on Sheet B (the "Library Parking Lot") shall be adjusted accordingly to accommodate such larger building footprint. The Owner shall not be responsible for any utility tap fees, but Owner shall complete construction of the Library Parking Lot and other parking areas serving the Library Lot. The Owner shall permit the County to use the Library Parking Lot and/or, if not already constructed, Park H, for purposes of construction staging. Within twelve (12) months after written notice from the County that it intends to begin construction of the library, the Owner shall make the access roads and the area of the Library Parking Lot available with at least a four inch compacted stone base for use as access and constructionstaging. Such street access serving the Library L n g ary of and the Library Parking Lot shall be completed and available for use no later than ten (10) months after issuance of the SCOTT/R. CITLLINS7Z Lic. No. 035791,a 11/08/21 "Aj r 1 Ur r LL Ul Z z Q LU ti M (n a7 N J c Q c'7 l--1 r I-1 N z CD 1--I CY) N N Q Q LU J Q J_ > LU LU �--I U) o z J w O LL Q '—' LL _ ~ O v U � r LU L%) LU � I D z (ii LU LU LU 0 U a H Q LU LU elf t� o O O CL N w J U w O w w z 30B NO. 182150 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. 9 M building permit for the library, provided, however, that asphalt pavement in areas used for construction staging by the County shall not be required to be installed until thirty (30) days (or such longer reasonable time as may be necessary due to weather conditions) after the County has removed its construction -related materials and equipment. Upon the request of the County, Park H shall also be dedicated to public use, but the Owner shall not be responsible for maintaining such park. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the Library Parking Lot and other parking spaces serving the Library Lot and the County shall have no obligation to be a member of any owner's association. The County's request for dedication of the land for the Library Lot and Park H shall be made within three (3) years following the later to occur of (i) issuance of the first residential building permit within the Project, (ii) Owner's completion of the infrastructure (including but not limited to streets, water, sewer, electric, gas) required for the use of the Library Lot, or (iii) December 31, 2016 (which December 31, 2016 deadline may be extended by written mutual agreement of the Owner and the County). If a request for such dedication is not made within three (3) years following the later of these dates, this proffer will be null and void. (b) Green Roof. In the event that the requirements for the library building require a larger building footprint, and the County elects to authorize the library building footprint to be larger than 12,500 square feet pursuant to section 8.1(a) above, and in the further event that the building is developed as a condominium and the County requests the Owner to assume ownership for a portion of the larger building, Owner shall accept such ownership at a reasonable price upon which the parties may mutually agree, and shall contribute to the County, on a pro rata basis based on the proportional size of the portion of the library building owned by the Owner relative to the size of the library building as a whole, the cost of designing and constructing such building. These costs may include, if desired by the County, installation of a "green roof," and any additional expenses associated with structurally reinforcing the roof as necessary to support the green roof. Within ten (10) days after receipt of a request for payment by the County that is accompanied by documentation to support the progress payment amount as provided in the construction contract, the Owner shall submit such payments to the County. Alternatively, in the event the County elects to design the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED") building, the Owner shall contribute to the County, on a pro rata basis based on the proportional size of the portion of the library building owned by the Owner relative to the size of the library building as a whole, the additional costs of constructing the library building to obtain LEED certification for the building. Within ten (10) days after receipt of a request for payment by the County that is accompanied by documentation to support the progress payment amount as provided in the construction contract, the Owner shall submit such payments to the County. The design of the green roof, or the criteria utilized to obtain the LEED certification, as applicable, shall be in the County's discretion. 8.2 Affordable Housing. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Section 8.2, the Owner shall provide a minimum of forty (40) "for -sale" residential dwelling units as affordable dwelling units, a minimum of sixty-six (66) "for -rent" residential dwelling units as affordable dwelling units, and a minimum of four (4) Carriage House Units (as Carriage House Units are defined in Section 8.2(d)). The forty (40) "for -sale" residential dwelling units shall be comprised of the following types of dwelling units: twelve (12) from multi -family; twelve (12) from "other" (consisting of townhouses, duplexes, attached housing, condominiums in the commercial areas and other unidentified housing types); and sixteen (16) from single family detached, each at the the purpose described herein, but shall, by January 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days after such later date, contribute five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) cash to the County to be used by the County for projects identified in the County's CIP reasonably related to the needs of the North Pointe community, and in such event the School Lot may be used for other residential purposes as approved by the County after request by Owner for an amendment to the Application Plan. After dedication and before the County uses the School Lot for a school or for park and recreational purposes, and if requested by the County, Owner shall maintain the School Lot until requested by the County to no longer do so, subject to the Owner's right to exclusive use of the School Lot for park and recreational purposes. Such park and recreational purposes shall be only those uses shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat for the area that includes the School Lot. Upon being requested by the County, Owner shall cease all use and maintenance of the School Lot and remove all improvements established by Owner that the County requests be removed. The County shall not be obligated to pay Owner for any improvements established by Owner that the County retains. The deed of dedication for the School Lot shall provide that if the County accepts title to the School Lot and then does not construct either a park or a school within twenty (20) years following the date the Board of Supervisors approved ZMA 2013- 00007, then upon Owner's request title to the School Lot shall be transferred to Owner at no expense to Owner. 9.2 Bus Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop Improvements, and Bus Service. (a) Owner shall construct ten (10) public bus stop turnoffs as shown on the Application Plan, or otherwise two (2) in the southernmost residential area, four (4) in the commercial areas and four (4) in the other residential areas, each in a location mutually acceptable to Owner and the County. The bus stop turnoffs shall be approved with street construction plans for the Project and bonded and constructed with the streets. (b) Upon the request by the County, Owner shall contribute the total sum of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) cash towards the design and construction of the above ground bus stop improvements such as benches and shelters meeting standards established by the County at each bus stop. If the County does not request the funds, or requests the funds but does not construct the bus stop improvements by the later of December 31, 2015 or three (3) years after completion of the road network that includes the bus stop turnoffs, then subject to matters of force majeure, the unexpended funds shall, in the discretion of the County, either be returned to Owner or applied to a project identified in the County's capital improvements program within or adjacent to the Project that benefits the Project. (c) Within thirty (30) days after the introduction of public transportation to the Project, Owner shall contribute twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) cash to the County to be used for operating expenses related to such service, and shall thereafter annually contribute Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) cash to the County to be used for operating expenses related to such service for a period of nine (9) additional years, such that the total funds contributed to the County pursuant to this Section 9.2(c) shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000). If the introduction of public transportation to the Project does not commence by the later of ten (10) years after the Board of Supervisors approved ZMA 2013- 00007, or seven (7) years after the date of the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the first commercial building within the Project, this Section 9.2(c) shall become null and void. sale prices and under the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 8.2. The Owner shall convey the responsibility of constructing the affordable units to the subsequent owners of lots within the Property. (a) Multi -Family and "Other" For -Sale Affordable Units. For multi -family and "other" for -sale affordable dwelling units within the Property, such affordable units shall be affordable to households with incomes less than eighty percent (80%) of the area median family income (the "Affordable Unit Qualifying Income"), such that the housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate taxes and homeowners insurance (PITI) do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, that in no event shall the selling price of such affordable units be less than the greater of One Hundred Ninety Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($190,400) or sixty-five percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority ("VHDA") maximum mortgage for first-time home buyers at the beginning of the 90-day identification and qualification period referenced in Section 8.2(f). (b) Single Family Detached For -Sale Affordable Units ("Moderately -Priced Units"). For single family detached for -sale affordable units within the Property ("Moderately - Priced Units"), such Moderately -Priced Units shall be affordable to households with incomes less than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median family income (the "Moderately -Priced Unit Qualifying Income"), such that the housing costs consisting of PITI do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Moderately -Priced Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, that in no event shall the selling price of such Moderately -Priced Units be required to be less than the greater of Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Dollars ($238,000) or eighty percent (80%) of the applicable VHDA maximum mortgage for first-time home buyers at the beginning of the 90-day identification and qualification period referenced in Section 8.2(f). (c) For -Rent Affordable Units. For a period of five (5) years following the date the certificate of occupancy is issued by the County for each for -rent affordable unit, or until the units are sold as low or moderate cost units qualifying as such under either the Virginia Housing Development Authority, Farmers Home Administration, or Housing and Urban Development, Section 8, whichever comes first (the "Affordable Term"), such units shall be rented to households with incomes less than the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income. No for -rent affordable unit may be counted more than once towards the number of for -rent affordable dwelling units required by this Section 8.2. (i) Conveyance of Interest. All deeds conveying any interest in the for -rent affordable units during the Affordable Term shall contain language reciting that such unit is subject to the terms of this Section 8.2(c). In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any for -rent affordable unit, or any part thereof, during the Affordable Term, shall contain a complete and full disclosure of the restrictions and controls established by this Section 8.2(c). Prior to the conveyance of any interest in any for -rent affordable unit during the Affordable Term, the then -current owner shall notify the County in writing of the conveyance and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requirements of this Section 8.2(c)(i) have been satisfied. X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Dedication of Right -of -Way -Extension to Parcel 22E. Unless the dedication of public right-of-way and the construction of such street are required in conjunction with the approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and related sections, or their successors: Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) foot wide right-of-way located within the area shown on Sheet B and identified as a "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication" connecting a right- of-way from the proposed middle entrance road into North Pointe to the southern property line of Tax Map 32, Parcel 22E ("TMP 32-22E"). Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Building 32 as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, a current, irrevocable deed of dedication dedicating to public use for road purposes, the area labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledges that if it is not part of a subdivision plat approved by the County, such offer of dedication must be first reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors and accepted by the Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that TMP 32-22E shall have been upzoned; and (ii) that prior to its use for road purposes, there shall have been constructed on the land so dedicated a road approved by the County and accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance. At the time of the construction of the access road serving Building 32, the Owner shall construct the intersection curb radii or the road serving TMP 32-22E and extend construction of such road for at least a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from Northside Drive East. The Owner shall also place at the end of such extended road, a sign, approved by the County, advising and notifying the public that such right-of-way is the location of a future road extension. Owner shall grant temporary construction easements as determined necessary by the County Engineer to allow for the road to be extended to TMP 32- 22E, which construction easements shall be on Owner's property and outside of the dedicated right-of-way, and shall be established by the applicable site plan. No improvements shall be located within the temporary construction easements until construction of such road has been completed. 10.2 Access to Tax Map 32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 (current Northwoods Mobile Home Park Property). Unless the dedication of public right-of-way and the construction of such street are required in conjunction with the approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and related sections, or their successors: Owner shall reserve an area in the location labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication" at the eastern end of the main commercial access road from U.S. Route 29 on Sheet B for access to Tax Map 32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 ("TMP 32A-2-4"). Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Building 6 or Buildings VI through V6, each as shown on the Application Plan, whichever is earlier, Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, a current, irrevocable deed of dedication dedicating to public use for road purposes, the area labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledges that if it is not part of a subdivision plat approved by the County, such offer of dedication must be first reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors and accepted by the Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that TMP 32A-2-4 shall have been upzoned; and (ii) that prior to its use for road purposes, there shall have been (ii) Annual Reporting. During the Affordable Term and within ninety (90) days following the end of each calendar year, the then -current owner shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a certified annual report of all for -rent affordable units for the immediately preceding year in a form and substance reasonably acceptable to the County Housing Office. Subject to all federal, state and local housing laws, and upon reasonable notice during the Affordable Term, the then -current Owner shall make available to the County at the then -current Owner's premises, if requested, any reports, copies of rental or lease agreements, or other data pertaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. (d) Carriage House Units, Carriage House Units shall meet the requirements for a single family dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, shall be on the same parcel as the primary dwelling unit to which it is accessory, and shall not be subdivided from the primary residence ("Carriage House Units"). The subdivision restriction shall be included on the plat creating such parcels and be incorporated into each deed conveying title to such parcels. (e) Each subdivision plat and site plan for land within the Property which includes affordable units (which, for this Section 8.2(e) shall include Moderately -Priced Units) shall designate the lots or units, as applicable, that will, subject to the terms and conditions of this proffer, incorporate affordable units as described herein. The first such subdivision plat or site plan shall include a minimum of three (3) such affordable units. Thereafter, and until the total number of affordable dwelling units proffered hereunder shall have been fulfilled, the Owner shall provide a minimum of three (3) such affordable dwelling units per year. Each final subdivision plat and final site plan also shall include a running total of the number and percentage of affordable units previously provided and proposed to be provided by the subdivision plat or site plan. For purposes of this Section 8.2(e), such units shall be deemed to have been provided when the subsequent owner/builder provides written notice to the County Housing Office or its designee that the unit(s) will be available for sale, as required by Section 8.2(f) below. In the event that the Owner provides more than three (3) affordable dwelling units in a single year, the Owner may "carry over" or "bank" credits for such affordable units, such that the additional affordable units which exceed the minimum annual requirement may be allocated toward the minimum number of affordable units required to be provided for any future year. The maximum number of affordable units that may be carried over or banked shall not exceed twelve (12) per year. Notwithstanding the terms of this Section 8.2(e) to the contrary, upon the written request of the Owner, the County may authorize an alternative process and/or schedule for the provision and/or delivery of such affordable units upon a determination that the request is in general accord with the purpose and intent of Section 8.2 and/or otherwise furthers the goals of providing affordable housing in the County. (f) All purchasers of the for -sale affordable units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office or its designee. The subsequent owner/builder shall provide the County or its designee a period of ninety (90) days to identify and prequalify an eligible purchaser for the affordable unit. The ninety (90)-day period shall commence upon written notice from the then -current owner/builder that the unit(s) will be available for sale. If the County or its designee does not provide a qualified purchaser who executes a contract of purchase during this ninety (90)-day period, the then -current owner/builder shall have the right to sell the unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income of the purchaser(s), provided, however, that any constructed on the land so dedicated a road approved by the County and accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance. At the time of the construction of the roundabout serving Building 6 and Buildings V I through V6 the Owner shall construct the intersection curb radii and extend construction of the road for a distance of at least thirty feet beyond the roundabout. The Owner shall also place at the end of such extended road, a sign, approved by the County, advising and notifying the public that such right-of-way is the location of a future road extension. After dedication and before the conditions of the dedication have been satisfied, and if requested by the County, Owner shall maintain the dedicated land until requested by the County to no longer do so, subject to the Owner's right to exclusive use of the dedicated land for park, recreational, and/or greenspace purposes. Upon being requested by the County, Owner shall cease all use and maintenance of the dedicated land and remove all improvements established by Owner (if any) that the County requests be removed. Owner shall grant temporary construction easements as determined necessary by the County Engineer to allow for the road to be extended to TMP 32A-2-4, which construction easements shall be on Owner's property and outside of the dedicated right-of-way, and shall be established by the applicable site plan. No improvements shall be located within the temporary construction easements until construction of such road has been completed. XI. SIGNATORY 11.1 Certificate. The undersigned certifies that it is the only owner of the Neighborhood Investments Property, which is the subject of ZMA 2013-00014. 11.2 The Owner. These proffers shall run with the Property and each reference to Owner within these proffers shall include within its meaning, and shall be binding upon, Owner's successor(s) in interest and/or the developer(s) of the Property or any portion of the Property. (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) unit(s) sold without such restriction shall nevertheless be counted toward the number of affordable units required to be provided pursuant to this terms of this Section 8.2. The requirements of this Section 8.2 shall apply only to the first sale of each of the affordable units. (g) The County shall have the right, from time to time, on reasonable notice and subject to all applicable privacy laws, to inspect the records of Owner or any successors in interest for the purposes of assuring compliance with this proffer. (h) Cash Proffer. THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days after the Board of Supervisors approval of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be contributed three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) cash to the County of Albemarle for the Albemarle Housing Initiative Fund or such other similar fund as may be established or authorized by the County. The contribution shall be to fund affordable home ownership loan programs within the Project and other areas of Albemarle County, including those provided by non-profit housing agencies such as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Habitat for Humanity, and the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program. If such cash contribution is not expended for the stated purpose within five (5) years from the date the funds were contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shal l be refunded to the Owner. IX. EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES 9.1 Elementary School Site. Within two hundred seventy (270) days following request by the County, Owner shall dedicate to the County the land shown on the Application Plan as "Elementary School 12.85 Acres Schematic Layout", consisting of approximately 12.85 acres (or a smaller portion of such land in the County's sole discretion) (the "School Lot"). Prior to dedication, the School Lot shall be graded and compacted by Owner to a minimum of 95% compaction as measured by a standard Proctor test with suitable material for building construction as certified by a professional engineer or as otherwise approved by the County Engineer to establish a fully graded pad site to accommodate an elementary school. The recreational field improvements shown on the Application Plan shall be fine graded and have top soil and soil amendments added, and the mains for an underground irrigation system serving the recreational fields shall be installed. Such improvements shall be reasonably equivalent to those existing at the recreational fields at Baker -Butler Elementary School, exclusive of any above ground improvements. The pedestrian pathways as shown on the perimeter of the School Lot on the Application Plan shall be reflected on the subdivision plat prepared by Owner creating the School Lot and the pathways shall be installed when the site is graded for the recreation fields. The Owner shall provide all utilities to the School Lot. The dedication shall include easements across Owner's land for access to and use of Storm Water Basins 5 and 10 shown on the Application Plan, together with all temporary construction easements to allow Stormwater Basin 10 to be redesigned and enlarged, if necessary, to accommodate the School Lot stormwater..The School Lot shall be used as an elementary school site, but if the County determines that the School Lot will not be used as an elementary school site, it shall be used by the County for park and recreational purposes serving both the North Pointe community and the region. If the County does not request that the School Lot be dedicated by the later of December 31, 2016 (which December 31, 2016 deadline may be extended by written mutual agreement of the Owner and the County), or three (3) years after the issuance of the first residential building permit within the Project, the Owner shall be under no further obligation to dedicate the School Lot for This Proffer Statement may be signed in counterparts and/or via facsimile with the same ful I force and effect as if all signatures were original and on one document. J 11 Date: S ���z1 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF RICHMOND NEIGHBORHOOD INVESSTMEEENTS - NNP, LLC By: By: William H. Shewmake Its: Agent The undersigned Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid hereby certifies that William H. Shewmake as Agent for Neighborhood Investments - NP, LLC signed the foregoing Proffer Statement bearing the date as of fir S 2014, acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid on behalf of said limited Viability company. Given under my hand this a1 day of 2014. My commission expires: NMA,3 -V/ t XMD [SEAL] Y Notary Pu lic c.�',;• r�l Notary Registration No.: ^ =ri Z O 1�1 U) M W SCOTT/R. CITLLINS7Z Lic. No. 035791,a z 0 a V U)LU0 z 0 m w LL Ur 11/08/21 N O N N z Q J LU O 1- t (J LU V) 1 V) LU 57 a Q LU cL U) Of Ld LL LL 30B NO. 182150 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. 10 M �racrNtr• COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296.5832 Fax (434) 972-4012 a continuous informal mix of large, medium and small deciduous trees ranging from one and one- half inches (1'/," ) to two and one half inches (2%" ) caliper and evergreen trees ranging from four feet (4') to sic feet (6') in height; 9. All of the above -noted landscaping shall be shown on the road plans submitted forNorthwest Passage. The plans shall include a complete planting schedule keyed to the plan. The plans are subject to approval of the Design Planner; 10. Design details of the retaining walls, including column cap design, pier design, stone finish, other materials, etc., plant size and planting configuration shall be shown on the road plans and are subject m approval of the Design Planner; and 11. If the use, structure, or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced within sixty me months after the permit is issued, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. q �c't °rN'P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development P p 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Peony (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 9n-4mz Wagner Page 2 of 8 August 23, 2006 (40) single family detached residential units in any year (including any year prior to the date of approval of the first commercial building permit), the excess lots shall be credited to the lots required in subsequent years. 3. Conservation areas. The conservation areas shown on the Application Plan shall remain undisturbed and shall be protected from development impacts to the satisfaction of the Wagner Page 3 of 8 August 23, 2006 A. Open space areas not dedicated to public use shall be for the use and enjoyment of the residents arof eas Project, subject to the restrictions that may be imposed m any declaration recorded as part of a conveyance of these areas to a homeowner's association. Open space areas dedicated to public use shall be for the use and enjoyment of the public, including the residents of the Project. County's program authority for the Water Protection Ordinance (Chapter 17 of the "Program B. No structural improvements other than utilities, pedestrian and biking trails, and March 13, 2007 Albemarle County Code) (the Authority"); except that the pedestrian paths common area amenities such as playgrounds, picnic areas, hardscapes, and PAR Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the August 23, 2006 shown on the Application Plan may be placed in a conservation area where shown on the exercise equipment shall be established and maintained in the open space areas. project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all Application Plan. Storm drainage ouffalls and other pedestrian paths may only be placed Valerie W. Long applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes: in conservation areas if the Program Authority finds that no other location is reasonably 6. Aggregate set aside for open -space related areas. In no event shall the total area of Williams Mullen Donald J. Wagner available and that the disturbance is necessary for such a proposed use. open -space related areas comprised of the conservation areas (Condition 3), East Main Sheet, Suite 400 compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; & Riverbend, LP GO Notwithstanding the terms of this Condition 3 to the contrary, the Program Authority may conservation areas with utilities (Condition 4), open space (Condition 5), greenway Charlottesville, VA 22902 Charlottesville, • approval of and compliance with a SITE PLAN; and Bo PO Box 5526 approve a utility main within a conservation area, even if it is not shown on the (Conditions 5 and 7), and landscaped buffer areas (Conditions 5 and 8) shown on the • approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. Charlottesville, VA 22905 Application Plan, and the Program Authority may approve other disturbances and/or y_ P ( o ) Application Plan, be less than a total of thirty-five percent 35 /a of the total land within measures as may be appropriate in the Program Authority's discretion to further protect a the Project to be developed for residential uses, as shown on Sheet G to the Application RE: SP 2006-034 North Pointe- Stream Crossing (Sign #g) In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced conservation area. Plan entitled "Open Space and Green Way Plan," dated March 6, 2006 ("Sheet G"). Tax Map 32 Parcel 22K within sixty (60) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed abandoned and the permit RE: ZMA-00-009 North Pointe PD-MC (Signs #97, 98, 99) terminated. The tern "commenced" means "construction of any structure necessary to the use of the AND 4. Conservation areas with utilities. The conservation areas with utilities shown on the The Owner shall reserve for dedication public use a 7. Rivanna greeng p permit." Application Plan shall remain undisturbed and shall be protected from development PP P P a greenway along the boundary of the Project and adjacent to the Rivanna River, between the bound Dear Ms. Long: SP-02-072 North Pointe Residential Uses (SignS #97, 98, 99) impacts to the satisfaction of the Program Authority; except that: the flood plain line and a preservation area (hereinafter, the "greenway") as shown on If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact Tax Map 32 Parcels 20, 20a, 20a1, 20a2, 20a3, 22h 22k, 23, 23a, 23b, 23c, 23d, 23e, Sheet G. On February 14, 2007, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on SP 2006-034, North Sherri Proctor at 296-5832. 23 f, 23g, 23h, 23j and 29i A. The streets and pedestrian paths shown on the Application Plan may be placed in a Pointe Stream Crossing, to allow fill in the floodplam of Flat Branch Creek for a road crossing to provide conservation area with utilities where shown on the Application Plan. Other AThe Owner may grant such utility easements across the greenway as are required for A. access for residential development on Tax Map 32 Parce122K in the Rivanna Magisterial District. This based following Sincerely, ly pedestrian paths, other streets, and sanitary sewers, storm drainage ouffalls, and/or a forced main utility and for the proposed uses shown on the Application Plan, each special use permit was approved on the conditions: ` Dear Mr. Wagner: stream mitigation measures may only be placed in a conservation area with utilities if the Program Authority finds that no other location is reasonably available and the with the prior written consent of the County. Erosion and sediment control structures be within a solely to address impacts from I. County and VDOT approval of the final lane configuration for the Northwest Passage the Your disturbance is necessary for such In the and measures shall permitted greenway over The Board of Supervisors approved ZMA-2000-009 North Pointe on August 2, 2006. a proposed use. any event, construction, authorized land disturbing activity within the greenway, except as otherwise requested stream creasingwith the final road plans; P V. Wayne imberg rezoning from RA Rural Area to PD-MC Planned Development Mixed Commercial was maintenance and use of the improvements shall have the minimum environmental by the Owner and approved by the Program Authority. 2. County and VDOT approval of final design plans and hydmlogic/hydraulic computations for the Director of Planning approved in accordance with the attached proffers dated July 20, 2006. An application impact on the conservation area with utilities necessary for the improvements to be stream crossing; Ian/ Ian of development dated June 13, 2006 was approved as art of the rezoning. Please P P P PP P 9' established and maintained, and the long-term impacts shall be adequately mitigated. g P q y 9 B. The Owner shall dedicate to public use the greenway and all pathways shown through 3. The applicant must obtain a map revision, letter of revision, m letter of amendment as required refer to these documents for any future applications and requests on this property. Nothing m this condition shall be construed to obviate the requirements established land depicted on Sheet G as "Greenway"; provided, however, that the property from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and copy the County Engineer on all V WC/aer for stream buffers under Chapter 17 of the Albemarle County Code or shall constitute owners within the Project shall have access to and over such pathways at all times correspondence; 4. County approval of a grading and an erosion and sediment control plan prior to the issuance of a On August 2, 2006, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors also took action on SP 2002- 072 North Pointe to allow Residential Uses on Tax Map 32 Parcels 20, 20a, 20al, 20a2, 20a3, a waiver of such requirements. the pathways are open to the public. The greenway and pathways shall be dedicated either upon the request of the County, or in conjunction with the platting of the din permit for modification of the existing stream crossin • grading P g g, Cc: North Pointe Charlottesville, LLC 22h 22k, 23, 23a, 23b, 23c, 23d, 23e, 23 f, 23g, 23h, 23j and 29i in the Rivanna Magisterial B. Erosion and sediment control structures and measures shall be permitted within a residential lots adjacent to the section of the greenway to be dedicated. If the 5. Natural Resources Manager rove) of a stream buffer mitigation Lm nor to the issuance of 8 PP P P C/O Great Eastern Management Co. District. This special use permit was approved based on the following conditions: conservation area with utilities sole) to address impacts from authorized land y p greenway and pathways are dedicated by platting, the greenway and pathways shall grading permit for modification of the existing stream crossing; ng P.O. Box 5526, Charlottesville, VA 22905-5526 disturbing activity within such area, unless otherwise requested by the Owner and be set apart on the plat for public use with a notation that the greenway and pathways 6. Provide an informal planting of mixed tree and shrub species and sizes to compensate for "proposed 1. Residential mix. The dwelling units within the Project shall consist of the following three approved by the Program Authority. are dedicated for public use. If the County accepts dedication of the lake referenced removed vegetation, and low -growing plants to stabilize slopes in the landscaping "Proposed Virginia Land Trust; Charles Wm Hurt & Shirley L Fisher Trustees types: (a) single-family detached, including carriage house units; (b) multi -family; and (c) in section VI of the Proffer Statement for the Project (ZMA 2000-009), upon request areas" shown on the plan submitted for ARB review entitled Entry Layout with P O Box 8147, Charlottesville VA 22906 other (consisting of townhouses, duplexes, attached housing, condominiums in the C. The Program Authority may approve other disturbances and/or measures as may be b the County,the Owner shall dedicate to public use the access pathway east of the y Landscaping North West Passage Intersection @ Route 29 North" with revision date of 12-04-06. commercial areas and any other unidentified housing types). The minimum number of appropriate in the Program Authority's discretion to further protect a conservation middle entrance and leading to Flat Branch as Shown on Sheet G. 7. Provide large shade trees on the north and south sides of Northwest Passage, along the sidewalk Amelia McCulley each of the three dwelling unit types shall be 205 of the 893 total permitted dwelling units. area with utilities. and space reserved for the sidewalk, two and one half inch (2W') caliper minimum at planting, forty feet (40') on center, for a minimum distance of four hundred feet (400') from the existing Tex Weaver Chuck Proctor 2. Phasing residential units. Beginning from the date of approval of the first commercial 5. Open space. The Owner shall restrict from development p ant all open space areas C. Access easements to the Rivanna River shall be provided as shown on the Application Plan for the benefit and use by property owners within the Project. Pp edge of pavement of Route 29 North; Sheen Proctor building permit, the owner shall record subdivision plats creating a minimum of forty (40) a designated as greenway, buffer areas and park areas shown on the Application Plan. 8. Provide trees in the median of Northwest Passage, beginning at the point closest to Route 29 lots for single family detached residential units each year thereafter until plats have been This condition shall not apply to development parcels, conservation areas, and D. The Owner shall be responsible for the costs of drafting the deeds of dedication, North that can be approved by VDOT and extending for a minimum distance of four hundred feet (400') from the existing edge of pavement of Route 29 North. The shall take the form of recorded creating lots fora minimum of two hundred (200) single family detached conservation areas with utilities shown on the Application Plan. having required surveys conducted and plats prepared, and recordation costs. planting residential units. If the owner records subdivision plats creating lots for more than forty Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Page 4 of 8 Page 5 of 8 Page 6 of 8 Page 7 of 6 Page 8 of 8 August 23, 2006 August 23, 2006 August 23, 2006 August 23, 2006 August 23, 2006 lines or within v easements. 8. Landscaped buffer between residential areas and rural areas. Before the County issues the upgrades shall be completed for such acceptance within one hundred eighty property a ailable a ants All amendments shall be subject to the Engineer will make the determination. The builder must provide evidence of the a certificate of occupancy for the first dwelling unit constructed on any of the lots shown (180) days after the request by the County. review and approval by the County Engineer. ability to maintain any retaining wall which could not be maintained without the use of Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the Application Plan abutting the areas shown on the Application Plan as "Open adjoining property. on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully A. The Overlot r begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions B. Extension e O e of Grading Plan shall be drawn to scale not realer h have been met. Space Buffer 30' " atom Pritchett Lane Lots A1- - - nsion to Tax Map than one 1 inch equals 9 PP PP 6 H8 20 L15 34 and N2- 32 Parcel 23HI. In 9 P ( ) 9 ( 5 the Owner the event that an 9 O 4 of the resider )� y bat units shall establish and thereafter maintain a heavily vegetated buffer in the open space buffer within the Project adjacent to Tax Map 32, Parcel 23HI are developed under a site fifty ( 50 ) feat, with all proposed grading shown at contour intervals not greater than F. Except for the main entrance to the dwelling, which shall be governed by Condition 10 This includes: common areas. The buffer, where one does not already exist, shall be planted in plan, the Owner shall design and construct extensions to Tax Map 32, Parcel 23HI by two (2) feet interpolated and shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County (G), the Plan shall demonstrate that an area at least five (5) feet in width, or to the lot line if the distance is less than five 5 feet, from an compliance with applicable PROFFERS; accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the County. The landscaping plan shall way of two streets within the fifty (50) foot wide rights -of -way located as shown on the Engineer that: () y possible doorways to dwellings • In • compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; include the following: i an informal mix of screening r Application Plan shown on the P trees, loose) staggered, n Plan and identified Ian or from the edges P 9 () 9 Y 99 ect, fifteen (15) PP t ect by the notation "R.O.W. Reserved for Future gas of any grade level patios as shown on the ' 1. All concentrated runoff is conveyed • approval of n compliance with SITE feet on -center; (ii) the same species of screening trees shall be clustered in groups and Dedication," adjacent to the church property identified as Tax Map 32, Parcel 23HI c eyed across lots using vegetated swales or Plan that will not be served by a stairway, has grades no steeper than ten percent PP and p ce t PLANS) AND/OR SUBDIVISION PLATS); and o alternate groups of screening trees shall be provided to create a naturalistic rural that fronts on Pritchett Lane. The exact location of the rights -of -way shall be fixed by underground (10%) perpendicular to the exterior wall. approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. drainage structures in a manner that does not result in flooding of landscape; (III) large and medium shade trees shall be interspersed among the screening the applicable final site plan. buildings or erosion as a result of the grading. For the purposes of this trees; (iv) clusters of ornamental trees shall be provided in groups of 3's and 5's; and (v) requirement, flows from roof downspouts will be considered concentrated flows if G. In lieu of the foregoing provisions, the grading plan for the residential units located in In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not not adequately dispersed before reaching the property line. the southeastern portion of the Project as shown on the Application Plan shall be commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed tall shrubs shall be massed to help integrate the proposed plantings into a naturalistic 1. The streets shall be designed and constructed to applicable Virginia Department of q Y P g p p y P / abandoned and the permit terminated. The term "commenced" means "construction of any rural landscape. The f Transportation included a p features described in (i) through (v) herein define a "naturalistic nsportation public street standards. The streets shall be constructed in s part of the site development plan application for the appurtenant 2. Overland relief is assured in the event that drainage structures n not function. commercial area as shown on the Application Plan. structure necessary to the use of the permit." rural landscape." Approved plant species shall be obtained from the Albemarle County conjunction with the applicable final she plan, or at such other time authorized by Overland relief will be considered satisfied if buildings are designed to have Recommended Plants List and the buffer design shall be subject to the review and the County Engineer under such terms and conditions the County Engineer I v i finished floors at least on 1 f you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action lease do not h approval of the Director of the De a foot above low pints for an H. An requirement hesitate to pp Department of Community Development. The Owner shall determines to be appropriate, including the requirement that the Owner provide () P y drainage area which Y q ement of this condition may be waived by the County Engineer by Y q 9 9 P i submi tting should b h this t oundm With dams and similar imp oundments, pens, s soue mng a waver request with the preliminary plat. If such a request is made, it contact Sheri Proctor at 296-5832. maintain the buffer. adequate surety or other guarantee that the streets will be constructed and includes the houseq maintained until accepted into the state highway system. measured from the top of the dam, shall include: (i) a justification for the request contained in a certified engineer's Sincerely, 9. Extensions. Unlessr the dedication of public right-of-way report; (it) a vicinity a and the construction t ma showing P 9 on of such P . () a larger street network Y Y P twork at a scale B. The Count et in 9 9 ale no smaller than Engineer may allow other drainage structures streets or accesswa s as applicable, r r 2. t uctures e. ri ra ditches one 1 inch are required in conjunction with The streets shall Y 9 Y where equals six hundred Y . PP th the approval be constructed a 9 ( 9 , riprap O red 600 feet iii q 1 al of s close to the property ) q a conceptual PP ert line betty ( )Ian at a s P between the Project � ( )tale no small P Y o ectP smaller and Tax Ma 1 c has been determined this change will not significantly impact usable yards (e.g., than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet showing surveyed boundaries of the ,/ 1 subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code , as applicable, and related sections, or their ping Parcel 23HI u determined by the County Engineer to be feasible cobblestone Swale next to a driveway), where slopes are too stag for vegetated property; (iv) topographyof the ro art at five 5 foot intervals for the property being �I) successors, the following streets or accessways, as applicable, shall be constructed and without obtaining offsite construction easements. The rights -of -way shall be Y), P P 9 P Y; ( ) property Y () p pe y g t IN / Y rights -of -way shall be reserved for dedication to public use as provided herein: graded as close as passible to the Project property line. swales (e.g., steeper than 33% grades), or where the change would better mitigate subdivided and on abutting lands to a distance of five hundred (500) feet from the impacts on adjoining properties e. matches offsite drainage structure). bounds line or a lesser distance determined to be sufficient by the agent; (v) the V. Wayne ilanning P I 9 P P ( 9 9 ) boundary Director of Planning A. 3. To allow the tom y 1 property locations of streams, stream buffers, steep slopes, floodplains, known wetlands; and Extensions to Pritchett Lane. The Owner shall design and construct a emergency on completion of street improvements to and beyond the ProjectC. Public drainage across lots shall be in storm sewers except open drainage was may (vi the proposed layout of streets and lots, unit types, uses, and location of parking, access ways extensions to Pritchett Lane within the fifty (50) foot wide rights -of -way line, temporary construction easements on the Owner's property and outside of the g p p g Y Y ) p P Y p g, restricts located between Lots H-9 and H-10 and Lots L-16 and L-17, respectively, as shown rights -of -way to be dedicated shall be reserved on the applicable final site plan. be allowed if the plat is construction of a building within fifty (50) feet of as applicable. In reviewing a waiver request, the County Engineer shall consider open drai VWC/aer proposed p nageway. If a storm sewer is used across lots, easement widths whether the alternative proposed by the Owner satisfies the purpose of the on the Application Plan, subject to the following: The site plan also shall include a note stating that no improvements shall t must be sufficient to allow excavation with 1:1 side slopes on the trench, sufficient requirement to be waived to at least an equivalent degree. In approving a waiver, the established within h n the reserved are a. Within ninety 90 days after eel cat Y ( ) Y t b the q Y room on one side of the trench 1. The emergency c to stockpile excavated materials, accesswa s shall be designed an als sufficient room on Court Engineer P County g shall find that requiring compliance with the requirement of this Cc: Violet Hills Association, etal 9 Y Y 9 graded to accommodate a County, the easements shall be granted. No improvements shall be located within the opposite side of the trench to allow for movement of materials, and adequate condition would not forward the purposes of the County's Subdivision and Water minimum Virginia Dep artment of Transportation s the g p p standard for a public street as temporary construction easements until the construction of the street room for a backhoe boom to swim Fences, walls, driveways, C/o Greater Eastern Management Co. determined by the County Engineer, and constructed using pervious parking improvements onto Tax Map 32, Parcel 23HI has been completed so that the need g ys, and other uses are not Protection Ordinances or otherwise serve the public interest; and granting the waiver for the ter Post Office Box 5526, Charlottesville, VA 22905 pavers or other materials sufficient support fire and other emergency vehicles, apiary construction easements no longer exists. allowed within the easements, except where a "hold harmless' clause is included in would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly the easement agreement. development of the Project, and to the land adjacent thereto. but that support grass or other ground cover, in conjunction with the construction of Amelia McCulley the streets serving Lots H-7 and L-14, respectively. 4. Within ninety (90) days after request by the County after Tax Map 32, Parcel 23HI D. No surface drainage may flow across more than three (3) lots or one-half (1/2) acre, I. The Owner may request that the Plan be amended at any time. All amendments shall Tex Weaver has been upzoned, the Owner shall dedicate to public use the streets and rights -of- whichever is greater, before being collected in a storm sewer or directed to a drainage be subject to the review and approval by the County Engineer. Chuck Proctor 2. The fifty (50) foot wide rights -of -way shall be dedicated to public use upon request way and offer the street for acceptance into the state highway system. way outside of the lots. Sherri Proctor by the County, together with all necessary right-of-way for the fifty (50) foot wide 11. Sanitary sewers. All residential uses shall be served by gravity sanitary sewers; Steve Allshouse rights -of -way to be geometrically connected to adjoining streets as approved by the 10. Overlot grading plan. For all subdivisions with lots less than 15,000 square feet in size E. Retaining walls higher than four (4) feet (measured from the top of the face to the however, basements may be served by grinder pumps. Sarah Baldwin County Engineer. and not otherwise requiring a site plan, a lot grading plan ("Overlot Grading Plan") must Bruce Woodzell (Real Estate) round on the downhill side shall b de signed es red b a professional be a 9 ) al engineer to assure roved b the C 9 Y P e County Engineer prior 9 approved Y or to the issuer Y 9 issuance of a building permi t for a new w long-term d pro it . Retaining incl walls r 'I 9 Y 9 building using a VDOT standard or a pre- 3 . If requested by the County within ten (10) years after the fist certificate of residence on any such lot(s). The Overlot Grading Plan must satisfactorily demonstrate engineered product that includes certification are not required to provide a separate In addition, the Board approved the following WAIVERS: occupancy is issued for a dwelling unit within the H or L sections shown on the compliance with all Erosion and Sediment Control requirements for drainage conveyed professional engineer's certification provided the building contractor provides an Application Plan, and after the property on the east side of Pritchett Lane opposite across such lolls), An "Agreement in Lieu of a Plan" will be allowed for building permits, affidavit that the wall was constructed consistent with the standard. Retaining walls 1. Section 21.7 minimum yard requirement waiver to allow for alternative setbacks in the respective emergency access p g y s ways has been upzoned, the Owner shall provided the general drainage patterns and grading matches that shown on the Overlot higher than four (4) feet in useable yards or places where the public might walk must accordance with the application plan; and convert and upgrade the emergency access ways to the applicable Virginia Grading Plan. The Overlot Grading Plan may be revised at any time by the subdivision include a railing similar in design to what is required for elevated decks. In 2. Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance related to critical slopes, as shown on the application Department of Transportation public street standards for acceptance into the state developer or individual lot owners, provided all work can be accomplished within their circumstances where it is questionable whether a railing is required, the County Plan. highway system. Subject to weather delays or force majeure, the construction of SCOTT/R. CITLLINS'Z, Lic. No. 035791,a 11/08/21 "Aj N 1 J J_ > W LU UJ r Q U LU1 i LU D Ul w w U) J UN.j Ld_ a c� o o N z O U LU V / 1 LU LL a LU z O CL J O~ W zw 30B NO. 182150 i 1� . 1L L.L 0 D U VJ SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. 11