HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200000173 Action Letter 2000-09-29 Ric
Department of Planning&Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 218
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
September 29, 2000
Mr. Tom Muncaster
Muncaster Engineering
1740 Lamb's Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Re: SUB 2000-173 Folcroft Phase IV Reinstated Revised Preliminary Plat dated 9/1/00
Dear Tom:
Pursuant to Section 14-219 of the Code of Albemarle approval of the above referenced
subdivision plat has been denied. This action has been taken because the site plan has not been
revised to include required revisions of the Site Review Committee. The items are the same and
have been raised on previous submittal comments of 8/6/99, 9/3/99, 6/1/00, 6/23/00, and 8/18/00.
To date they have not been addressed satisfactorily:
1. [] It must be demonstrated that Lots 19, 30, and 31 have building sites that conform
to Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Please see the attached memos from Susan
Sperling in Zoning and Jeff Thomas in Engineering concerning the specific reasons why the
information provided is not satisfactory.
Please also look at Lot 21, which appears to be a difficult site to develop outside of critical
slopes. Additionally, you will need to coordinate with the E911 Addressing division of the
Department of Planning and Public Works concerning a different name for Lake Tree Court.
After I sent you the last letter, I found that this street name does not meet our criteria for street
names in the County.
You may resubmit the plan, containing all required revisions, within 15 days of the mailing of
this notice of denial along with a fee of$50. If a revised plan and fee are not received within 15
days the preliminary subdivision plat shall be deemed to be denied and a new application and fee
shall be required for submittal of the preliminary subdivision plat.
Page 2
September 28, 2000
In accord with Section of the Albemarle County Code, this decision may be appealed to
the Board of Supervisors by filing a written request with the Director of Planning and
Community Development within ten calendar days of the decision.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require additional
aI &eL
Elaine K. Echols, AICP
Senior Planner
cc: Hunter Craig
Susan Sperling, Zoning
Jeff Thomas, Engineering
Albemarle County Development Departments SUB-2000-173
SPIN Submission and Comments Foxcroft Phase 4 Reinstatement
of review
Engineering Revised Prel. Plat 9/1/00 revision 1
reviewer received reviewed decision
Jeff Thomas 9/5/00 9/27/00 requested changes
The revised preliminary plat for Foxcroft Phase IV received on September 14, 2000 has been reviewed.
The Engineering Department will recommend approval when the following items have been satisfactorily
1. It is recommended that a central sewer system with a single privately maintained pump station and
force main be proposed. This will require Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission approval. The
system of private force mains and grinder pumps will be more burdensome for the residents and difficult
to repair.
2. The following comments refer to a September 21, 2000 memorandum from Susan Sperling, Zoning
Plans Reviewer regarding the need for a critical slopes waiver for lot 19. Mr. Tom Muncaster, the
applicant's engineer, contends that the critical slopes shown near the lot 19 building site are correctly
shown. He cites Section 18-4.2.1 of the County Code, which defines the term "building site". Mr.
Muncaster feels that this portion of the Code"clearly speaks to 20-foot contour intervals." He has
therefore based his lot 19 critical slope limits on 20-foot contour intervals. Section 4.2.1 does indeed refer
to the 20-foot contours of a USGS quadrangle map, but it also allows for the substitution of"a source
determined by the county engineer to be of superior accuracy." According to the notes on the
preliminary plat, the source of the topography is an aerial survey. The Engineering Department has
determined that this aerial survey is of superior accuracy to the USGS quadrangle map for this area.
Based on the topography on this plat, the critical slopes shown for lot 19 are incorrect and actually extend
into the building site for lot 19. Therefore, a critical slopes waiver is required if the applicant wishes to
maintain the current configuration of this lot. The waiver request must address all items listed in Section
The following items must be submitted before a final plat can be reviewed and approved by the
Engineering Department.
a. A completed application and fee for erosion control and stormwater management. [17-203, 17-303]
b. An erosion control plan, narrative and computations. [14-311, 17-203]
c. A completed (updated) stormwater management facilities maintenance agreement and fee. [17-323]
d. Road plans, pavement design sheets and drainage computations. VDOT approval will be required. [14-
512, 14-304]
All improvements must be built or bonded prior to Engineering Department recommending approval of
final plats.
VDOT approval will be required for public road plans and any other right-of-way improvements.
9/29/00 09.51 AM Page 1 of 1
Albemarle County Development Departments SUB-2000-173
SPIN Submission and Comments Foxcroft Phase 4 Reinstatement
of review
Zoning Rev. prel. plat 9/1/00 revision 3
reviewer received reviewed decision
susan sperling 9/5/00 10/2/00
FROM: Susan Sperling, Zoning Plans Reviewer
DATE: October 2, 2000
RE: SUB 00-133 Foxcroft IV Preliminary Plat
Revised ; Received September 14, 2000)
It has not been demonstrated that a building site that conforms to Albemarle County Code, Sections 4.2.1
& can be achieved on Lot 19.
The 20' contours cited in the Albemarle County Code, Section 4.2.1 are irrelevant as they refer to the
USGS map and the subdivision plat specifies that an aerial map was utilized for topographic information.
The county engineer has determined this aerial map to be of superior accuracy.
Furthermore, Albemarle County Code, Section 14-302(T) specifies that"the preliminary plat shall contain
the topography of the property prior to development and the area at least 200' outside of the property...
with a contour interval of not greater than 10' on those parts of the property of a 20% slope or
greater...(and) identification of all parts of the property of a 25% slope or greater..."
In addition, the applicant chose to show 2' contours which identified critical slopes within the proposed
building site for Lot 19 on previously submitted plats. Despite the alteration of Lot 19, these critical slopes
remain within the proposed building site on the revised plat received September 14, 2000.
In order to receive Zoning approval of the preliminary plat, Lot 19 must be (1) abandoned as a building
site, (2) the area of the lot must be modified, or(3) a critical slopes waiver must be approved by the
Planning Commission.
Additionally, due to the critical slopes created by the grading necessary to construct the road, Lots 30 and
31 do not appear to have building sites that comply with Albemarle County Code. It must be
demonstrated that a buildin
site in compliance with Section 4.2 2.2(a) exists or critical slopes waiver from the Planning Commission
will be necessary
10/2/00 03:13 PM Page 1 of 1