HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200000133 Action Letter 2000-08-18 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Planning&Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 218
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
August 18, 2000
Mr. Tom Muncaster
Muncaster Engineering
1740 Lamb's Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Re: SUB 2000-133 Foxcroft Phase IV Reinstated Revised Preliminary Plat dated 6/29/00
Dear Tom:
Pursuant to Section 14-219 of the Code of Albemarle approval of the above referenced subdivision plat
has been denied. This action has been taken because the site plan has not been revised to include required
revisions of the Site Review Committee.The items are the same and have been raised on previous
submittal comments of 8/6/99, 9/3/99, 6/1/00,and 6/23/00. To date they have not been addressed
1. [] It must be demonstrated that Lot 21 has a building site that convorms to Section
of the Zoning Ordinance. It appears from the preliminary plat that most of the lot is affected by the
proposed 3:1 roadway cut slope.
2. [] It must be demonstrated thats Lot 19 and 21 have a building site that conforms to Section The critical slopes on Lot 19 extend further into the lot than is indicated on the site plan.
This is evidenced by the previously submitted site plan(received June 12, 2000)and evaluation by
the Engineering Department When redrawn to scale on the revised site plan,the building site shown
for Lot 19(which was submitted on a separate sheet)encroaches into the critical slopes. The
applicant may need to reconfigure the lot or file a written request to the Planning Commission for a
critical slopes waiver.
3: [14-519A] The proposed southern(right) ditches along Lake Tree Court have a grade of 10%on
either side of Foxvale Lane. We are concerned that runoff in these ditches will not be able to enter
the cross drainage culverts at the Foxvale Lane intersection. The high velocity runoff will likely
bypass these structures and flood Foxvale Lane. Please revise the grading or include additional
drainage structures to address this issue.
You may resubmit the plan, containing all required revisions,within 15 days of the mailing of this notice
of denial along with a fee of$50. If a revised plan and fee are not received within 15 days the
preliminary site plan shall be deemed to be denied and a new application and fee shall be required for
submittal of the preliminary site plan.
In accord with Section of the Albemarle County Code, this decision may be appealed to the
Board of Supervisors by filing a written request with the Director of Planning and Community
Development within ten calendar days of the decision.
Page 2
Muncaster—Foxcroft Phase IV Reinstatement
August 18, 2000
Attached are specific comments and recommendations of each of the Departments, which have been
unable to approve this plat. All comments of these Departments should be addressed if you choose to
resubmit this plat.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require additional
&L& C t t
Elaine K. Echols, AICP
Senior Planner
cc: Sam Craig, Hunter Craig Company
Susan Sperling,Zoning
Jeff Thomas, Engineering
Albemarle County Development Departments SUB-2000-133
SPIN Submission and Comments Foxcroft, Phase 4 Reinstatement
Preliminary Plat
Zoning [description and date] revision 2
reviewer received reviewed decision
susan sperling 8/3/00 8/4/00 requested changes
FROM: Susan Sperling, Zoning Plans Reviewer
DATE: August 3, 2000
RE: SUB-00-133; Foxcroft Phase IV Preliminary Plat Revision
The Albemarle County Department of Building Code and Zoning Services will approve the preliminary
plan for zoning compliance when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. The Building
Official may provide separate comments. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which
is to the Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise specified.]
1. [] It must be demonstrated that Lot 19.has a building site that conforms to Section
The critical slopes on this lot extend further into the lot than is indicated on the site plan. This is
evidenced by the previously submitted site plan (received June 12, 2000)and evaluation by the
Engineering Department When redrawn to scale on the revised site plan, the building site shown for
Lot 19 (which was submitted on a separate sheet) encroaches into the critical slopes. The applicant may
need to reconfigure the lot or file a written request to the Planning Commission for a critical slopes waiver.
[] It must be demonstrated that Lot 21 has a building site that conforms to Section
Final tentative approval from the Department of Building Code and Zoning Services will be subject to the
following conditions: (The following conditions are those that have
been identified at this time. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.)
1. Build or bond the bike/ pedestrian trail.
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Albemarle County Development Departments SUB-2000-133
SPIN Submission and Comments Foxcroft, Phase 4 Reinstatement
Preliminary Plat
Engineering preliminary plat revision 1
reviewer received reviewed decision
Jeff Thomas 7/28/00 8/11/00 requested changes
The revised preliminary plat for Foxcroft Phase IV received on July 28, 2000 has been reviewed. The
Engineering Department will recommend approval when the following items have been satisfactorily
addressed. The remaining items are the same as have been raised on previous submittal comments of
8/6/99, 9/3/99, 6/1/00, and 6/23/00.
1. It is recommended that a central sewer system with a single privately maintained pump station and
force main be proposed. This will require Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission approval. The
system of private force mains and grinder pumps will be more burdensome for the residents and difficult
to repair.
2. The proposed road grading must provide a six percent or flatter slope through the cul-de-sacs.
[AASHTO Ramp Safety Guidelines] This may be addressed with the road plan submittal.
3. Staff have raised a concern regarding lot 21. It appears from the preliminary plat that most of the lot is
affected by the proposed 3:1 roadway cut slope. Please show how a buildable lot is possible for lot 21.
4. The proposed southern (right)ditches along Lake Tree Court have a grade of 10% on either side of
Foxvale Lane. We are concerned that runoff in these ditches will not be able to enter the cross drainage
culverts at the Foxvale Lane intersection. The high velocity runoff will likely bypass these structures and
flood Foxvale Lane. Please revise the grading or include additional drainage structures to address this
issue. [14-519A]
The following items must be submitted before a final plat can be reviewed and approved by the
Engineering Department.
a. A completed application and fee for erosion control and stormwater management. [17-203, 17-303]
b. An erosion control plan, narrative and computations. [14-311, 17-203]
c. A completed (updated) stormwater management facilities maintenance agreement and fee. [17-323]
d. Road plans, pavement design sheets and drainage computations. VDOT approval will be required. [14-
512, 14-304]
All improvements must be built or bonded prior to Engineering Department recommending approval of
final plats. VDOT approval will be required for public road plans and any other right-of-way improvements.
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