HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000021 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2021-11-10County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Jeff Carter, P.E. (jeff@carteren ing eering.net), Justin Headley (iustin&w4wash.com),
and the Owner of Record — Allen & Allen Properties — Charlottesville, LLC 1809 Staples
Mill Rd., Richmond, VA 23230
From: Kevin McCollum - Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: Final Site Plan SDP202000021— W4 Development Car Wash — Final
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community
Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment
is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
Applicable Comments from Initial Site Plan Action Letter (October 24, 2019)
If the comment has been addressed, it has been blurred out. Additional comments are added in bold font, like
1. [17-403] Groundwater assessment. The applicant paid the fee for a Tier IV Groundwater Assessment, however, this
assessment is not needed as the property is currently served by municipal services. Please work with the lead planner to
request a refund of this fee.
2. [ZMA198700007, 32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(a)] Setbacks
a. In the project notes, revise the setbacks to those listed below. (Note: These setbacks were established by the
approved rezoning plan, ZMA198700007.) This has not been addressed. Multiple sheets still include a
Project Notes box that includes setback info that is incorrect. Please change the setbacks to read as
i. Building setback: 30ft min
ii. Parking lot setback: IOft min
b. Depict the setback lines on the plan maps for at least the existing and proposed site plans. Setback lines have
been added to Sheet 4 — Utility Plan. Please add setback lines to the Site Plan.
3. [32.5.2(i), 32.5.2(m), 4.12] Travewways and easements
a. Please ensure all travelways are measured from face -of -curb to face -of -curb. It appears some travelway
measurements provided on the plan may be measuring from back -of -curb to back -of -curb. (Note: All
travelways must be at least 12ft wide.)
b. Provide deed book and page numbers for all access easements shown on the plan.
c. Provide a 2-way ingress/egress from the parking lot area to accommodate employees and emergency vehicles.
The current site configuration forces employees and emergency vehicles to go through the queuing area before
reaching the parking lot.
d. At the property's entrance/exit, provide pavement marking to indicate when 2-way vehicular travel becomes 1-
way queuing for the car wash facility. This will ensure that egress from the site is not obstructed.
e. Specify the direction of travel for the 1211 travelway shown between the queuing lane area and the car wash.
f Adjust the moveable bollard/traffic cone label such that it accurately indicates where these improvements will
be placed.
g. On Sheet 3, please remove the two vehicles symbols adjacent to, but not within, the queuing area. They appear
to be left over from a previous version of the plan.
4. [32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] Application reference number. On the cover sheet, please include the initial site plan application
reference number — SDP201900052. (Note: The final site plan will be given a separate reference number so it is suggested
that room be reserved so this information can be easily added in the future.) Please add the Site Plan Number
"SDP202000021" to the front page before or after where it reads "Site Development Plans for W4 Development Car
Wash." Please also amend the front to read:
Tax Map and Parcel Number: 04500-00-00-093CO instead of "tax parcel id
Initial Site Plan Number: SDP201900052 instead of"application reference #."
5. [32.6.2(h)] Signature panel. Provide the following signature panel on the cover sheet. This has been addressed, but please
enlarge the box if you can so that the signatures and the dates can fit more easily.
6. [Comment, 32.5.2(a)] Sheets. The sheet index provided on the cover sheet suggests that several sheets may still be in
process. Please be aware that any sheet included in the Table of Contents must be provided before final site plan approval
can be granted.
7. [32.5.2(a)] Magisterial District. Include in the project notes or on the cover sheet that this property is in the Rio magisterial
8. [32.5.2(a)] Zoning. Revise the following.
a. In the project notes, combine both "Current Zoning" and "Proposed Zoning" line items into one line item that
is simply labelled "Zoning". Site plans do not typically distinguish between current and proposed zoning
districts unless a change to the zoning classification is being proposed.
b. As par[ of the zoning notes, include the overlay districts to which this parcel subject. This can be done in
parenthesis following the zoning district. (Note: This parcel is subject to the following overlay districts:
Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, and Managed Steep Slopes.)
9. [32.5.2(b)] Building height. Note that the maximum building height for this district is 6511.
10. [32.5.2(f)] Watershed. Indicate on the cover sheet or in the project notes whether the property is located within a watershed
of a public water supply reservoir. (Note: The property is located in the South Fork Rivanna watershed which is not a water
supply watershed, however this information must be noted on the plan.)
11. [32.5.2(a)] Owner. Similar to the "Developer" and "Engineer" information provided in the project notes, include
information regarding the parcel owner as well. Not addressed. Please include the owner information. If there are
concerns about the owner changing you can simply put "current owner as of xx/xx/xxxx." The current owner is in
the title of this comment letter above.
12. [32.5.2(a)] Information Sources. Provide both the source of the topography and source of the survey
13. [Albemarle County Engineering Policy] Benchmarks. Reference the benchmarks used for surveys.
14. [32.5.2(a)] Abutting parcel information. Please include the zoning district and present uses within the abutting parcel
information label(s). There is technically only one abutting parcel — TMP 04500-00-00-094A0, you only have to
include this reference once as opposed to twice on several of the sheets. The current use can also be simply identified
as "shopping center."
15. [32.5.2(a)] Departing lot lines. Depict the departing lot line for tax map parcel TMP 45-94A (SCT Rio Hill LLC) along U.S.
Route 29.
16. [32.5.2(a)] Parcel boundary. Provide curve data for C1, C2, and C3.
17. [32.5.20), 32.5.2(1), Albemarle County Engineering Policy] Utility easements. Indicate the deed book and page reference for
all existing utility easements located on the property.
18. [32.5.2(d)] Slopes. Demonstrate where managed steep slopes areas are located on the property. Not addressed.
19. [32.5.l(c)] Dimensions. Show the dimensions of the building footprint on the plan. Not fully addressed. Add dimensions
to Sheet 3. It would be also helpful to show how the 3,739 feet used in the parking calculation were measured for the
retail sales area.
20. [32.5.2(n), Albemarle County Engineering Policy] Retaining wall. Label the maximum height of the retaining wall.
21. [Albemarle County Engineering Policy] Sight distance. Indicate the available sight distance for left turn lanes.
22. [32.5.2(b), 4.12] Parking schedule.
a. The required parking for this application is 30 parking spaces. Anything over a whole number rounds up to the
next whole number, as the use requires more than [insert lesser number] of parking spaces. Please revise.
b. Indicate which spaces will be used as employee parking spaces. Staff recommends providing at least one
parking space per employee, being mindful of parking needs during overlap times if shift work is anticipated.
23. [32.5.2(n)] Paving materials. Indicate the proposed paving materials for the parking lots and driveways.
24. [32.5.2(n), 4,12.19] Dumpster pad. Provide a detail for the dumpster pad in accordance with Sec. 4.12.19, This comment
appears to be addressed. Approval pending from ARB. Comment has been addressed. A dumpster pad detail has
been added to Sheet 9.
25. [32.5.2(q)] Traffic generation figures. Provide traffic generation figures for the property in accordance with Sec. 32.5.2(q).
Refer to VDOT's comment letter to see if this is needed.
26. [32.5.2(n), 4.15.5] Proposed sign. If the applicant plans to locate a sign on the property, the intended location of the sign
must be shown on the site plan. Please be aware that signs are not approved with the approval of site plans, they are
approved through separate permits. See Sec. 4.15 for more information. Not addressed.
27. [32.5.2(e),] Landscape features to remain. On Sheet 2, provide a note/label regarding the general composition of
the vegetated area at the rear of the property (i.e. evergreen, deciduous, mix of type). For the portion of the wooded area that
will remain, provide a Conservation Checklist (attached). (Note: If ARB agrees, preserving this wooded area may act as a
substitute for providing an additional large tree along Woodbrook Dr. See review comment 428b below). It doesn't appear
that any landscaping is to remain and therefore a conservation checklist isn't needed. Is this correct?
28. [32.5.2(p)] Landscape Plan
a. It appears the symbology for the large trees species may have been accidental switched in the legend. Revise.
b. Like parking, when calculating the number of street trees needed, if more than ` x" (whole number) of trees are
needed, please round up to the next whole number. You only need to round up any number that has a
decimal between .5-.99.
c. Due to the presence of an overhead power line across the front of the site, the applicant may also need to work
with Dominion Power to ensure that the proposed placement of street trees along U.S. Route 29 does not
interfere with power line maintenance.
d. Staff recommends removing from the plan proposed sodding that falls outside the property boundary.
e. See comments from the ARB review regarding other landscaping -oriented comments.
29. [32.5.2(n)] Outdoor lighting. Please be aware that if lighting over 3,000 lumens will be provided onsite, an outdoor lighting
plan and schedule, in accordance with Sec. 4.17, will need to be provided as part of the final site plan per Sec. 32.6.2(k).
30. [Comment] Will off -site, temporary easements be needed for construction?
Final Site Plan Review Comments
1. [32.43.2(c), SDP201900032] On December 18, 2019 the Board of Supervisors took action on your special
exception to vary the application plan associated with TMP 45-93C. The Special Exception provides
conditional approval to the application plan, SDP201900052. Those conditions require a shared use path along
Route 29 and Woodbrook Drive. The Final Site Plan must meet these conditions before final approval. Please
revise the Site Plan to include the two shared use paths and the landscape strips separating them from the
vehicular travel way.
Comment Revision (3/30/2021) The conditions of the special exception have been partially met, the
shared use paths along Woodbrook Drive and Route 29 meet the required dimensions, but the required
buffer required for Woodbrook Drive has not been met. A minimum 6' landscape strip is required
between the shared use path and the Woodbrook Dr. Right-of-way. As currently designed, it appears
that adequate area exists to reverse the location of the path and strip in order to comply with the special
exception condition. Please revise the site plan accordingly.
One of the following options must be done prior to final site plan approval:
• Provide an access easement over the 10' path along Woodbrook Drive and the portion of the 14' path
along Route 29 that is currently outside of the Route 29 right-of-way. Easements must be provided
through submittal of an Easement Plat Application. Once the easement plat is approved and
recorded, this comment will be addressed. An easement plat has been submitted for review, but will
require additional changes provided the comment above regarding the location of the access
easement over the relocated shared use path is met.
• At the option of the applicant developer, additional land from within the parcel could be dedicated as
public right-of-way along the property's Route 29 and Woodbrook Dr. Frontage in order to locate
the 14' and 10' paths entirely within the VDOT right-of-way. Easements and land dedication can be
accomplished through submittal of an Easement Plat Application.
o If dedication of ROW creates an issue with complying with setbacks, the applicant/developer
can submit a Special Exception application to waive or modify the minimum required front
setbacks. Such a request requires approval from the Board of Supervisors.
o If the applicant chooses this option, this comment will be addressed once the easement plat
is approved and recorded.
Attached is the Easement Plat Application available on our website.
The Applicant has indicated that an access easement has been applied for, however, our records
currently show that no easement plat applications have been submitted for this. This easement plat will
need to be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to Final Site Plan approval.
5/5/2021 - All comments have been addressed pending the approval and recordation of SUB202100038
and the accompanying access agreement prior to the approval of this Site Plan. This comment has been
2. [32.6.1(e)] Please provide the dimensions for the proposed building (tunnel) and the shared use paths once they
are included on the Final Site Plan. Additionally, please provide the dimensions for the "Retail Sales Area" used
in the parking data calculation. The parking requirement is based on this square footage and I need to confirm
that this calculation is correct for the total number of required parking spaces.
3. [32.6.20) and 32.7.9] Landscape Plan
a. Along Route 29 there should be one large street tree for every 50' of frontage or one medium street tree
for every 40' of frontage. Given 249,25' of frontage there should either be 5 large street trees or 6
medium street trees. The applicant has proposed 13 small trees which does not meet this requirement.
This comment appears to have been addressed, awaiting ARB approval. This comment has not
been addressed. The Applicant is showing 12 trees along 29 that are all identified in our approved
plant list as small trees. Please see our approved plants list (link) for what qualifies as large,
medium, and small trees.
b. Please edit/remove landscaping that is located in easements (see ACSA comments) and overtop of
storm pipes (engineering).
ACSA comments are pending. Please see Engineering comments. Comment addressed. See
engineering comment.
c. [] Please indicate that the parking area will have at least 5% of landscaping. It appears the
current calculation of 80% is for the entire site and not just the parking area. The correct area would
include all of the landscaping within the impervious area (parking and circulation).
d. [] All shrubs must be at least 18" when planted. There are some on the plant schedule that are
listed as being 12".
4. [32.6.2(k) and 4.17] Outdoor Lighting
e. [4.17] Provide a luminaire schedule identifying outdoor lighting type, manufacture/model number,
quantity proposed, pole height, lumens, wattage, and light loss factor (LLF) used to calculate the
footcandles for each luminaire type. Albemarle County requires lighting plans to use a LLF of 1.0.
f. [4.17 (a)] Provide manufacturer cut sheets demonstrating that each light emitting 3,000 lumens or more
will have a full -cutoff fixture. Cut -sheets should be provided as exhibits on the lighting plans. This has
not been addressed. Comment has been addressed.
g. [4.17.4 (b)(1)] Footcandle measurements adjacent to Route 29 Woodbrook Drive exceed 0.5
footcandles. Please revise lighting locations or luminaire types so that maximum footcandle
measurements do not exceed 0.5 footcandles along property lines adjacent to public roads. The
measurements meet our standards, but please refer to VDOT's comments regarding spillover
onto public roads. Comment addressed.
h. [4.17] Please add a note to the lighting plan which states "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp
that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded
to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from
luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one-half footcandle."
5. [32.7.3, 4,12,13, 4.12,18] Parking — Please provide 1 loading space. If the applicant doesn't want to provide a
loading space, please provide a justification for not providing one in accordance with 4.12.13(f). This comment
has not been addressed. Please provide a loading space that meets the requirements of 4.12.13 and 4.12.18
or provide justification of why the Applicant doesn't need one. Applicant has indicated all deliveries are
made during non -business hours and therefore does not iustifv the need for a designated space. The
Zoning Administrator is reviewing the request to not provide a loading space. Pending outcome of the
review, this comment may be addressed. The Zoning Administrator's determination will be forwarded to
the applicant once it is complete. Comment has been addressed.
6. [32.7.8, 4.15] Please show the location and dimensions of any proposed signage.
Other General Review Comments
In the Project Notes box please change it from "Parcel No.: #04500-00-00-093C0" to either:
a. Tax Map and Parcel Number: 04500-00-00-093C0
b. TMP:04500-00-00-093C0
In the Project Notes box add SDP201900052 to the Conditional Approval section that lists ZMA198700007 and
Please see Engineering comments (attached). A WPO Plan must be approved prior to Final Site Plan
approval. It does not appear that the WPO Plan has been resubmitted since changes were requested in early
2020. Please remove all the WPO Plan sheets from the Site Plan. Please contact Engineering for more
information. WPO has been resubmitted.
Other SRC Reviewers:
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)
Emily Cox, ecox2@albemarle.org albemarle.org — No Objection, see comments attached (4/l/2021).
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Michael Dellinger, mdellingerAalbemarle.ora — No Objection (7/23/2020).
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Shawn Maddox, smaddox@albemarle.org—No Objection (8/6/2020).
Albemarle County Service Authority
Richard Nelson, melsonAserviceauthority.org — Requested changes via email to Applicant on 11/10/2021.
Virginia Department of Transportation
Adam Moore, adam.moorekvdot.virginia.gov—No objection, see comments attached (1/21/2021).
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board
Margaret Maliszewski, MMaliszewski(aalbemarle.orQ —Approved (5/18/2021).
� AI
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Kevin Mccollum
Emily Cox
31 March 2020
Rev. 1:
04 Aug 2020
Rev. 2:
29 Jan 2021
Rev. 3:
01 April 2021
W4 Development Car Wash — Final Site Plan (SDP20200021)
The final site plan for W4 Development Car Wash has been reviewed by Engineering. The following
comments will need to be addressed before approval:
1. WP0201900067 plan must be approved before final site plan can be approved. Rev. 1:
Comment not addressed. Rev. 2: Comment not addressed. Rev. 3: Comment addressed.
2. Remove sheets that are not applicable to the site plan, such as E&S. Those only need to be in the
WPO Plan. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
3. Show all existing easements along with their deed book and page. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
4. According to county GIS, there appears to be managed slopes on the property. Please show the
managed slopes. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
5. Proposed grading should show the top and bottom elevations of the retaining walls. A building
permit will be necessary for walls over 3 ft. in height. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
6. Provide detail for retaining wall. It appears to be touching the property line. How will this be built
without disturbing the adjacent property? In general, grading should be tied in to contours 5 ft
from property lines whenever possible. This prevents construction from happening offsite. Rev.
1: Comment addressed.
7. Please label the curbing (CG-6, etc). Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
8. Please remove landscaping items that are shown directly over storm pipes. Rev. 1: Trees still
appear very close to storm pipes. They should be at least 5 ft away unless they are small
shrubs. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
9. The entrance radii should be a minimum of 12.5 ft. The plans current show 12 ft at the entrance.
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
10. Please label the dumpster pad dimensions and ensure the heavy duty concrete detail meets the
following: dumpster pad detail or specification to be a minimum 4" stone base and 6" concrete of
3000psi at 28 days, or stronger, reinforced with a minimum grid of wire reinforcing or #4 bars at
12" on center. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
11. Rev. 2: This plan should not include sheets that are only applicable to the WPO plan, such
as E&S and SWM. This was previously addressed in comment 2, but it appears these sheets
were included again. The required contents of a final site plan can be seen in county code
18-32.6.2. Rev. 3: WPO sheets were included. Please note that WP0201900067 dictates E&S
and SWM, not any sheets included in this plan.
Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street
Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219
January 21, 2021
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Kevin McCollum
Re: SDP-2020-00021- W4 Development Car Wash- Final Site Plan
Review# 3
Dear Mr. McCollum:
(804) 7862701
Fax: (804) 7862940
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Carter Engineering,
Consultants, dated August 21, 2019, revised January 06, 2020 and find it to be generally
If further information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency land Use Section at (434) 422-9399
for information pertaining to this process.
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency