HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100005 Correspondence 2021-11-15SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
November 10, 2021
Andy Reitelbach
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: Response Letter #2 for ZMA2021-00005 1805 Avon Street Extended
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your review of the zoning map amendment request for 1805 Avon Street Extended. This letter contains
responses to County comments dated October 8, 2021.Our responses are below in black text:
Plannin¢ — General Application Comments
1. As a PRD, an improved level of amenities and creative design of the site should be provided in the
development.Recreation requirements mandate a minimum of 200 square feet be provided per
dwelling unit, up to 5% of the site area. With 85 units proposed, 7,900 sq. ft. of recreational space is
required. Open space must be a minimum of 25% of the development.
a. On sheet 8, the legend that is provided does not match what is shown on the concept plan.
There areseveral discrepancies among the colors. Revise for clarity.
RESPONSE: The legend has been revised for clarity. Since there are descriptive labels on
this sheet calling out site elements, some of the labels in the legend have been removed.
b. On sheet 7, in the inset and the provided calculations, it appears that parts of the development
like parkinglot islands and planting strips along sidewalks/around buildings are included as a
part of the approximately 0.9 acres of required open space. Such areas cannot be counted as
open space in PRDs. (Please note, this requirement is different from "greenspace" in NMDs,
where such elements can count.) Revise the plan to remove those areas of the proposed
development that cannot count as open space. Staffdoes recognize, however, that final
calculations for the 25% open space will be determined at the site planning stage if this ZMA is
approved by the Board.
The inset on sheet 7 has been revised to remove planting strips and landscape islands from the
"open space" designation. As Staff has stated the final calculation will be determined at site plan
once the layout is finalized.
2. Interparcel connections are an important factor in promoting an interconnected street network and
multi -modal transportation opportunities. Such connections are recommended for the parcels to the
south and northwest of the two subject parcels.
RESPONSE: The application plan has been revised to show areas reserved for future interparcel
connections with the properties to the south and northwest of the subject parcels. The following note
has been incorporated into the application plan for these areas, "Interparcel vehicular connection to be
provided upon recording a maintenance agreement with adjacent property owner which establishes cost
sharing for maintenance of roadway based on a pro rata share of use."
3. Student generation numbers and school capacity have been closely considered by the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors recently. Mountain View Elementary School and Monticello
High School are both currentlyover capacity, and this development would generate additional students
for these schools.
RESPONSE: The Board has made significant investments in identifying and funding school expansion,
renovation, construction, and acquisition projects; the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee
(LRPAC) is crucial in recommending projects to the School Board and Board of Supervisors that will
serve the most immediate need while having an equitable impact on ACPS students. The 2021 LRPAC
report lists "Mountain View Capacity" as the number 2 ranked project on the priority capital
improvement projects list. The number 1 ranked project is the High School Center 2, which will help to
alleviate long term capacity concerns at Monticello High School. Mountain View Elementary School is
also in the midst of Master Planning project which will culminate in a recommendation for how to
resolve the short and long term capacity conflicts at Mountain View.
Student generation numbers and school capacity have been closely considered by the Planning
Commission and the Board of Supervisors recently, this was evident during the discussion at the public
hearing for RST Residences. It was noted by the Board Chair during this hearing that "it's on [the
Board]" to plan for future CIP projects and they have shown a commitment to planning for future
growth by continually monitoring enrollment and capacity in existing school facilities and identifying
solutions to accommodate future growth.
4. In the Neighborhood Center section of the Neighborhood Model Principles, it is recommended that
informational so be included about how a neighborhood center is being provided for this
development. It appears that the recreational spaces are proposed to act as a center area for this
RESPONSE: Although there is not a designated center within this development noted in the
Comprehensive Plan, the central recreation space effectively functions as a center for future residents
of this development. The recreation spaces are centrally located within the development and are
accessible to residents via internal sidewalks and roadways.
Comprehensive Plan
Additional comments on how your proposal relates to the Comprehensive Plan and the Southern and Western
UrbanNeighborhoods (SAWUN) Plan are provided below. Comments on conformity with the Comprehensive
Plan and associated master plan are provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of
the staff report.
The SAWUN Master Plan identifies Tax Map Parcels (TMPs) 90-35D and 90-35H as Urban Density Residential
land use.The UDR classification calls for a mix of residential uses as the primary use pattern, with limited
neighborhood -scale commercial and institutional uses permitted as secondary uses. The requested maximum
number of units and density of the site falls within the range recommended by the master plan, which is 6-34
units per acre. The height of buildings is recommended to be 1-3 stories. It appears the proposed height of the
buildings, up to a maximum of three stories, meets the height recommendations of the master plan.
Planning - Transportation
The following comments regarding this proposal have been provided by Daniel Butch, Transportation
Senior Planner,dbutch@albemarle.org:
For multi -modal transportation options, staff finds a sidewalk on Avon St Ext suitable as it fits current
pedestrian infrastructure already being developed on Avon St Ext. The right-of-way reservation for a multi -use
path/shared-use pathis appreciated and should provide for a 10 foot path.
Will the emergency access maintain bicycle/pedestrian accessibility?
RESPONSE: Accessibility will be maintained in accordance with the terms of the access easement established in
D.B. 4500-121.
What efforts are being committed to providing an inter -parcel vehicular connection even though existing
connections donot necessarily favor that?
RESPONSE: The application plan has been updated to show two areas reserved for future interparcel connections
with the properties to the north and southwest of the subject properties.
Design Focused Engineering
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at
kelsa shimp-en ing eering com or by phone at 434-227-5140.
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com