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WPO201600035 Plan - Revision 2021-11-17
ALBEMARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes U Prior lowly construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road. apermit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govetti. 2. All materials and cmistmction methods shall confoem to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing grading or othei construction. 4. All slopes and dhs(urbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope, is 2:1 (horizomal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage. channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Pan 1926). General Construction votes for Streets (This list is in addition to the General Construction Notes) 1. All materials and construction must be tested and documented according to V DOT standards and specifications_ 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained witliu the public right-of-way or within eascmcrnts prior to acceptanec. All drainage outfall casenncnts arc lobe extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified at the time of construction. Additional guardrail may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of VDOT (for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or desia ee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is requited, it shall be. installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9(A, B or C)_ 5. Where rural Cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PE 1. 6. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shouldei width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire poor to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be null and void. 8_ All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic: Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Properly Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 9. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricades shall be installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. The speed limits to be posted on speed limit signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by VDOT for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross -drains are to be, installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDO'I's video camera inspection procedure. General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans I The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference. one week prior to the cmrnnencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sedinncrt control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans r > >> rw is r (including, but not hnmted tc, off -site be ur w r r rite areas), the contractor hall sal nut a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures neccssa v to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. T All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures m all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dcwatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion contiol devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated bonrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of toots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow or waste areas arc to be reclainned within 7 days of completion pci Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 11. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Cole of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:OOpm. 15. Borrow, fill of waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to nunuuuze any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent sto irwater management facilities where applicable all erosion contiol measmros required b this plan regardless of the sale of an lot unit building or other portion of theproperty. Y P g Y g P IT Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to Consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf_ Alternatives arc subject to approved by the County erosion control inspectot. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be time and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Feitilizet shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 1801bs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw match is to be G, applied at 801bs/100.1. Ahernahve. are subject to approved ed b the _cunt erosion control PP J PP Y Y inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned P ) P 7 . 5 0 . when _ (Lo of the wet stops c volume is tilled with sediment All seeded areas arc to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sedinncnt control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. this plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of Water Protection Ordinance section 17-204G. approval. ( ) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Watch Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum nnoisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotedmicrl mngncei. A geotechnieal engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. Tot temporary sediment tiaps of basins which are to be convetted to permanent stoinnwater management facihties; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. SECTION 1 WPO PLANS y1101lrna DEVELOPER/APPLICANT GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 v DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. i PHONE: (434)09 FAX: (434) 963-2670-2670 ' E-MAIL: david@southern-classic.com ENGINEER TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, VA 23832 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELL@CCTOWNES.COM SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA ZONING DISTRICT PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) TAX MAPS/PARCELS 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 48.41 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Ricanna 11-ater &: Scm-er Authority- (RW&-i) Geueral ll'ater & Sanitary- Sewer totes La sr Revised: February 2O 11 1. all materials and methods of construction shall comply With the la test version of the General Water and Sewer Con Stmction SIecifica[tons as adopted by the Albemarle Coumv, Service Authori• on Janus • 15. 1998. exc as modified below or modified in S ial Notes. h rG _ � I� 2. RWSA shall approve all construction materialsand methods of construction. A Preconstruction conference small be held with RW SA prior to the start of any work. 3. The contractor shaD be responsible for notifying s5ss IJ[ilih'(1-800-552-'001). 4. RW SA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 91)'-291) 0 ex 205) shall be notified three busing ss days prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RR -SA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RR'SA staff. 'No work shall be conducted on RR'SA facilitieson weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSa.. 6. For sanitary Sewer line construction: RV -SA mavrequir5 bypass pumping for he -ins to the existing system. All dOEhOUSe manholes must be pressure -tested before a connection ismade to the.. System. y5tem. .. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necesrilycomple to or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and Subsurface. The Contractor shall imm diatel •non • the Engineer of an • discre nctes between the plans and y ry y _ 1� field conditions. the Contractor shall use due diligenceto Protect all lnlitresand structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or noL Damage to any exiSdnE utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the avner. S. Er osim and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RIVSA easement without special written permission from RR SA. No grading shall be permitted in the RV -SA easement unless permitted othern se by R1VS A in writing. 9. No blasting small be permitted within 140 feet of RWSA facilities vcitliaut written permission and RR'SA approval of the blasting plan. Ground mvni LMILE during bta sting and a pre -blast surrey maybe required. For blasting within I CO fee t of any operatic kWS A sewerline s, bypass pumping and or pre -and post CIV maybe required. RR-SAmayalsorequirecertification from a licensed Professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities Dam age to anv utilities due to btastinE shall he repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the av aer. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirementsfor utitityaossings Rhea a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be Provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crussing shall beback-filled with compacted 5' stone to the springing of the existing pipe. 11. New water main installations shall be Pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samples approved prior to makinE anypr..rmanent connection to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system. 12. All ea sement4 for new R[[ SA facilln es shall be Iecorded prior to plaCME the neR" facilitle S into Service. 13. No permanent Structural facilities will be permitted in the RR'SA easement. Thisincludes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure,. drainage structures, etc. Trees are not permitted in the RW S A Basemen t- ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. F• VAR1OC806 TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMENT = 268 AC In co it _> 0o 00 Z NOT TO SCALE j PREVIOUS • •'• 2 I•• DISTURBED •I I.1 78) •000 o. PROPOSED DISTURBED R8 .41 .!.!•!•!ec P • TOTALDISTURBED AREA = •: ROAD AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE NO.) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE ❑� DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. Q PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH �► EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED - - -100 - EXISTING CONTOUR 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR x rooac EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS + 100.00 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS Tz� (T/C - TOP OF CURB) #1 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO, to VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND �okn -----�- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T• SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 150500.00 COORDINATE LOCATION STATION OR WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE T PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION ►/ GATE VALVE 4*4 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP ► REDUCER ILI- L � _L Know what's below. Call before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #A421701876-OOA & #A534501636 CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1 IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. ePCE 3. 2 0 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3,07 rev- INLET PROTECTION 3.09 DD TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3.13 . TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ROCK CHECK DAM 0000`'7 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3,31 TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING MU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL Y C* LOCATION MAP: 1 11 =2,000' APPLICANTS NAME: GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ARB: N/A ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS 1EET # LATEST REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 10/19/21 COVER SHEET C-1A 10/19/21 SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B 10/19/21 MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN C-2 10/19/21 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 10/19/21 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE I C-4 10/19/21 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE II C-5 10/19/21 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE C-5A 10/19/21 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-5B 10/19/21 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-6 10/19/21 HYDRAULICS C-7 10/19/21 SWM COMPLIANCE -PsE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION C-8 10/19/21 SWM COMPLIANCE - POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDITION C-9 10/19/21 SWM COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS C-10 10/19/21 CBPA COMPLIANCE PLAN C-11 10/19/21 CBPA COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS C-12 10/19/21 POND GRADING AND DETAILS C-12A 10/19/21 POND LANDSCAPE D C-12B 10/19/21 POND GRADING AND DETAILS C-12C 10/19/21 POND LANDSCAPE D C-12D 10/19/21 BIO-RETENTION FILTERS C-12E 10/19/21 BIO-RETENTION FILTER LANDSCAPING APPROVED by the Albemarle County CommuniT1 evelo ent Department Date T File 11 P 101101[1611I41111$• Amendment #1 M to CQ Z C\2 � � 0 W � U �W o9 1 Z �b°� V O ri c .4 Q) c m Zro C) c rt --1 CA Ul rn O W U ) W LO �1 06 d+ cd Z) co a � � o tit 0 N ►y � U 0 ,Sy'y \ c a ° 0 0 O C/) (>J'3 m Y o � Q act E 0 o "MII Tc o Lic. No, 035724 0 °1 10/19/2021 O�FSSIONALENO\� `o y c 0 U c O 'mot [, E, ^y rn ^y Q ti E4 o E, w q � 0 ° W o o Q) a o U O � c o W a Q) v 1 m REVISIONS DATE ITEM we 10107116 PER COMMENTS _ 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER to N 41 c 10119121 CLUBHOUSE 3 0 r 0 N a 0 `a DATE r 04-27-2016 "' SCALE c 3 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn N DESIGNED BY rove BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY -o c 0 PROJ.# � 0 SHEET' ° C \ r G-LOTS WITH GRIND � ,y PUMPS DISC HARGl f TO GRAN-1 ' 'IV `' 9�b 7Viggo- � , I o 103 84 50 pp w C k/ I d 4 3 r 55 s m r ESERMEG 4Ta - m< 12 1 FOR FUTURE DEDICATOR DEDILAT ( UPON DEMAND a 73 aA � � I i� YwF •.. 773 ��>� (BY . i P A QGF:ICE •. BUF{Fa _ d �. Q PARKS Sig MODIFIED ACTIVITYso iTl MARK TYPE LANDSCAPING ACTIVITY ,SDES(S.F.) A Residential Park Landscaped grass & benches Passive t9 500 NIA S Natural public amphitheater Grass bowl Passive f2995 NIA C Residential Street Island Landscaped grass Passive 16457 6,938 D Natural Valley Entrance Natural woods&benches Passive 27923 29.370 E South Club House Recreation Area Pool add natural woods Active I Passive 46 507 65.872 F South Club House Picnic Area Play courts in natural woods Active 53 G00 47,267 G Exercise l. Landscaped walk &benches Active 36544 NIA e Pathway.—romy >.^ :.�. „ H Urban Plaza (landscaped) Landscaped walkways Passive 12 100 NIA I North Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active (Passive 50669 64,087 r .a•we•l.uen.w) J NafgFelYsey @Nand8Eeld Play Area Pay'coodrin natural woada_ Ache/Passive 11586 12.392 TOTAL 281 S61 307,063 /'p I. '!' 1♦� 19S XNT 196 i FOR E CATONVV �✓ UPON DEMAND 1� Fi IT r-- 4 i r A - r ^ � F " II ... �IBu{yFR ... ... CRITICAL SLOPE 21- PRESERVED MANAGED LLLLJ 17- ASCA CREATED/MAN 0 n E I .� >a al�U f 1 q y '(�.•, y � P pYje."Id1. 4L{.'i.( lJ /' 1V�,9/j} ✓`.�JO \/\ \\� IT VVV.p d y6 µ .. ''' l�r_ e/f/'..r'b,_,�t> �.d.�—. •_.. .. ......... —� Itia,�V)1,'r\t,. U, �\ �,.. ""'\r,e MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN {: a RMEQU)R D WITH II, d v �� W PO 1D IM OVEME S NLES`< IN 1� r.. > > � PROFF AMEN � �"0 P TH P 0 1 '\\\I T W APPROV 71 TO 4I0 IT. Q � b L GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.I. PHONE (434) 296 4109 FAN: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: david0sou Meru clossic.com TOMES SITE ENGINEERING CIO ELL. P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 20t CHESTERFIELD, C. MITCHELD, VA 23832 74 PHONE: (804) 746-9011 CAR: (804) 748-2590 C As4us xow E-MAIL BMITCHELLTCHELLaCCTOMNES.COM v s ,✓f q .,.. r RIVANNA DISTE,ICT ` A ALBEMA1RLE COUNTY, VIIRGINIA < d -:_ - .FBI GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT Townes SITE ENGINEERING 9850 Lori Road, Suite 201 Chesterfield, Virginia 23832 ehone:(804) 748-9011 Paz: (804) 748-2590 ASK US HOW 0 rn C /11 a0 O v 1414 U Z CQ r.- �1n IH Qi E �cmo Q) N tip O (D W U cui Z V I /11 O'er 1,J �I U ry Z �bo -Cal O W 1-14-1co Q WCD (To n 5 �C Cl' D � 00 G) O N O Oy.y 10 C a ° U O 0 rn d o p N V) co Q ; C N E d rn �,pLTH T C Q` O U y BRIAN C, MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 d 1111212020 o�FSS10NALENG\4 2 C N c 0 U lrn C r Evy a 3 �lj IT � c q .o O � W ° N J o � 7 T a G� U �I C O 0 � WCIL O REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMENTS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 05117119 PER COMMENTS 08127119 PER COMMENTS 0713112020 PER OWNER 11 12 2020 PER COMMENTS DATE °' 04-27-2016 SCALE NOT TO SCALE 0 PROJECT MANAGER rn BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / dLS r CHECKED BY -° C O PROJ.# c .3 20150290 0 SHEET # C-1B r COUS OpANTLESIABLE ficess res otions, ofConeannit, resoluteness ad. ad iseraluslust. sharown., snur[M2.3k, Orprid. 121.2-11. DencomiI val-A ready 32, Ease Alan St Suite 400 Charlottesville VA 22M ME SP201�3 March Pointe Middle Exam.. auannal Dexurld"Iso., Us N-colsor 11, 2015 his tourd.fSerecousers vask ......... I Stswul Use, Pornar ... ficarm.N. county evidituater room, U. aracal 1:1. Branch studs, Cheirter IS section 30 3 tax ThiSlaccul IN, Tani ous antinAnd to IN, Board s adurasou of do,mched no,date, and I..d ous .P, I.... bond .... I do-luo ... IN 11, Alsorearle C ... or wainder s,lemiNors, runs soon, -the .on,mir hlo:d Auocl no uses on I, pievort, se,pp .... d base may 1-filly love. until Vi ,plan ... been met. Thus includes couiplicoc, wish SPECIAL USE Plaolff; ap pp ed ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARAOICE, 81 wausunix.ol, on.U.Scal by this OPOW use -.I r,v- losses clumicaria oxerhux 1wina- Cited won, pleacce, contact Relsocca Fropuble AT (434) 29l mt. 3226. smears". ToonwDinswererplaces, Cs CWHININ-fical-inusidlardersuchils P 0 Bus 5526 ChislocomilleVatIalso .1mocaued. RESOLUTION TO AXPROW, SP 20VaO NORTH POMU �PM ENTRANCE AWMMEW Mid Via]. Hill Aidesions, LIC I, ft Insurer -.fT. Seasonal hotel 032004roths.02300 cullecirsely, Ind OB"PonmatI it W�% ilds, 2000 09 asectipprescal - Awn. 2,201 Arsonists, the larda lichur, dencklearear, And! BE 200746 inat approved on June 6,2007, which aflosars The Onancer 0 firestall a reso A. onscrousuccuse, fia 6. Sima at.. canonical, ��AS, the Onancer filed ou or,loadmi car a elsoird so Mandit N, conand ise cmdftkns,f apm"lf.,SP2007�3�.Wif���itions�ui��=m�Vmcnlw�m�ingofFWB=chC,eek To I_ hossucs Adverts cont dia arisficarous is Assifind in Sceird Use Peonsil 2015�ls)003 Norch Pords Middle fustrance Araossiment 2015431, And! PII �C�% an N-their 10, 2015, after A corrections isiblian hascria, 0. Aftentrach, Cam, a..- ...dM��valafSP2015-03�ffi�e�ditiommo=��byCwnI, sesucholiall I ... I elm coundrions To rearevid-lies, And tabseconcure. ishis I.-, sUbscrecal, C.aux,. ounouseenus, .1 WMMAS, an Nonocartuar 11, 2015, dre Arbearrarle Courso Bucced! ofSaineraimin held a duly "Alked Pal hoo.Ixe SP 2MOIAN, NOW, TM�FU�, BE IT �LV� duaL roxi considenscouscofthe Intel ft sciff occout imenci car SP 2.1103 scandididits sovelorecon, dis Jokersvion isoncestal at de, pasysio mossix, -it ext fortions rainam N. spencial - rearrul en M�l� Caner, Cude f 18.31A. See Al�� noun, Baral oftsupearosers lauslo, sparrows SP 2015 03, subject to the emotions residual lands, LEfla W looder,doloardy ��bytheB��ofSu�ni�ofA]��U�,V���a�of&W�w�Med belonsIG.Raturaunceson,hold -deck B aw has W Boyd y has-emen y - Mrs. Mallus, y - Mt. MosacT Y - Mrs so- Y - M, weduld Y - Federal Ernergeric , v M�imuement Xperic, "a,hIi,uIIC ri I I ITCAL1111111111 UNRIINY it 11 11 11, ACTUR, uCro' E�tup,,' coustro, t _�apApsfl N - but So said do E.M..W� Ea�4 I. .... I I mi"01911 "'nuou I, I, I, I , ��,ks,' -W�7p� and Flood lul-oaLl "'1' 111, 111 r,,1a1,,,dFkNj, Is"I'as _y,rdl ouncaus, To' "no 'roc A-Ld Laos S"Ag losee, BaSeg ., I rescue, RMRIc.tl t ... I,, I, "i,ell Ar Nil art, I'll 1. 1 so.firsGrarrin 'IF.A Mud !coal..- _ld_; Fireardre Consul ",ou"'Nown, ce" Ailreart r afterlife I ... 1, MCdhoidC MIT,11 Cood'E.N. a ..... I 111.11.11 lls-'al an -in, Federal Ernprieenev ManageratentAgrathey CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT ,a., ... Ip . . ... .. d 11 ... salls. lisaar 7 is sess, us Federal ErnergonRyAttyfliEsurt \gercv CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTMUEDI COMMUNITY INFORMATION P, s No two =wPloomovemosiefdav, AS zondow - N,dh Fusion Middle E.Ionsur, Annottiet Condor... 1. Prior 1. first ricand,lar.,occul. he ... i,ar, dvill.boace ft.. Th. Feursad panels, scouresimsent Anerso, ff�) a coundicural louse .1 ass, resionnis RMOMR or CLONUU. cost poor To occur 1. sudditiod, the arficand, As]] Into theIAsur, EnShUNIN, all AmMetaxonc,mr, pe", z TIM-Nor, under rowithende Driso shall No I. rourand -.11 o.Ih she areciand drear, ratical Basis Loan, SP Conome, of ON Broarch" Releared by T-1 So, rachincisimis mou a reension aide cOuly 20,2015,rarion2t,73(the gerairal sim surrounpumnL and losoccon ofthe caroms. Miciddlearious to da Pers, which do cant cainflect Was the cressions, show cour has appraised Subject At the roo- and arearisalsiffficDcuumfergincer. 3, Frose, 6C allional anall con. ateprocial.f. landussions I. by To Can,,, Dea,, Plance, .1 In &Ito shall No tacticians as founded on the supposed maressise prous ", hiclocape, plan shall include . earrialesselFIxurn, rehodul. kayeall 1. Be ill arrall provehe on hub.i., 1, Provide - hassical Thenteng of mixedi toce sced ithroul, ausim and Usece 0 cararounnince or own.vid screarditan, it low rassints 1.G 1. mission 1.,A so ass suess of factround goods, said cons. noccoad, it el cousends, hatic shade asses m unnionsurs And -1 aide AT loorshoids Dme, d, ran salmon, and samse neemostal Sur dus Minister, cm, and no-ralf Mid, inches calfirsear sainumen I AdmiI ficall, (40) RUT con coular, far. avitersions emission offirsor handred Too) feel fices i1s, m.m, Adle.fivannessaa offous, ya Nl 4. Nsip��lsofffie�ning�lls,�ciudingwi�,,,pd�ip,piadmip,�e�0,wdsimilar Hod, PIxr 5, If Be use c es, act to, edict, are strauchil .it is Next is nor crunnuencedi by Nessusbaill Thesomposconsireare. 7� CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTH.R.) 1. 11 1 1 1. ou. ut I I `:-Il d eu ..... I " -l'oulax ,nexansay al is R eussrstl� -.ft0o� 0 hp,� .. .... I, I., am Evo, 2 mutant omars, I Nars, ............. I Yd us, 111. -IR'Isainissia"no, I es-IdOlifirchusl I. ....... "ouYussaIn"l 's"Arna"'ll ....... I I "'Is --- ruloncen Is- rco&moSo,,� s loll 'Nesure-wassr-estraw'da"Biounid ructudi, tsce"'s, Ad . ..... ... Aps= vins amystinamiwas," so Ocion exist on, 11, "'ess, a I,- No-st I, InoreassratungiluNk, --I- CoBia"I eXesea I,,asI 4_66,w Fed,ral Enter geney .1slanagempajot ig"By A T,uY,n 1) 1 2,1172 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) �,,aosjomox,a. It".."Rucau., V� - c wallues Attitudes, 0 Partly soneve unimp vou'Romorwaid As a R Mal hassam, I - J1 Niom-Andi, IRI "MoS ... ow JErk lares", MAL �wf�W saRz211-1yerselso nal"thm,"oulds, Sell In Tar If 11,i.... ... .... ,'I ... I-Iss'n"nuesso.c.sen's, "".I III 's'ei "a"lica 11 11 11 1 .... I ......... 1, ?", lh�, ",I 11.1judlen" "Is"I'', 111-1 oJIlk,ress , �hm.,vuh,leAtal I ...... I,,,1,,, Il,, ,s-I, 1.11 Roln"O, -'s I, III, 'i- AN -, - , 1',� .............. i I I I u .... lu,suencon"Noomadraddim"'o .... I., 2017 ,cau., "'In FrolesplitUrprissr a Agerocn, CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) I "NIT 1111 a, IIIIPT IT, 'Ches"Pit".1c, atsunal-a-i-oviI ... "'O'comus,r ..... u 1 11 1 'mauxecaussion�-F-A, mai'Ama. ncle u, 11 . ...... u 1 r I ottill'u, S='I �, 31M A, -1.1- s..- s.-O 1AIAsi:ae I's uessesso"-s'.- I,, AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STAT79MENT NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPLICATION: #ZMA-2000-10109, SP -2002-72 ZMA 2013-011007 North Points Proffer Amendmmt Tax M.p32 Partimson 20,20A, 20AI, 20A2,2OA3,291,73,23A, 231B, 23C, 23D,23E, 23F, 23G, 23% and 23J. App"jimmtely 229 acres =tied Planned Devdopment - Mixed Commemid ("PDMC") August 5, 2013 With =pool to the property described in �ing application #ZMA-20OM9 will SP-20BI (the "Ordidual ZII CWH Properties Limited Partnership is the finis simple owner it North Pointe Charlottervilms LLC is the m� purchincer of Thus Map 32, Parmis 20,20A, 201 2DA2, 2OA3 and 291 (the 'North Pointe Propeally'% and Viold Hill ASmGR1cu, L.LC. is the fits simple u� affair Map 32, Follows 23,23A, 23B, 23C,23D,23E,23P, 230, thershoody, 23H and 131 (the "'Violat Hill Pnopparty"). Th, respective Patties as an, rdwfed to herein as the "O�r", which � shall include any sumoncria in interest The North Pointe Property and the Virolot HUI Property pre reftered to Wfluslionly an the "Propersys, all of which is the wb*t of zoning map mmdmmt application number ZMA 2013-DOOV7 known AS the "ZMA A�Eh�." Panamint to thictim 33.3 of tire Albemarle Cartel 7=i.g Gdi�M Owed hereby volairstary praffiess the conditions listed in this Amended mad Rmwted Profild Statement, which shall be applied ill the North Pointe "my if the ZMA Amendment is approved by Albemarle County. Thappe wareditions wo proffided as part of the ZMA Amcodmmt Wit it is aFmd the (1) the ZMA AmendmRu itselfghoses rise to the need for the mndifim, nd (2) such mnditions have a Reasonable rotation to the reprooding requested, The Original ZMA, together with it. ..-.limit I .. fr. dated Jet, 20. 2OD5 (the sodural Proffer Swi�nt'), wo approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervildrear an August 2, 2006, and aim included Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K (which parcel 22K was at the time examinuoull of two separate parcish 2211 and 22K, which haw since battle combined into a single parcel 22K) which is owned by Ne!Hbbwhm)d Properhate - NP, LLC (the "Neighborhood Innithards Limpidly"). The changes reflermal in this ZMA Arnediment shall mt apply to the Neighborhood Invespirsent Property. In all other rcapeass, this ZMA Armaidmin mosends and resslates said preffims in flice mli�y add the Asucauded and Restatical Proffitir Swment shall relabc to the multi -page application plan ndtiM "North Prime Commmi(Y', prepared by Isotopy g, Co., sucifit", As revised thmuo Jim 13. 2006 and muscled hereto An Exhibit A (the "Application and ft Albemarle County Code in effissin as of the date of the Original Nor&, Sw� (the "Cruinty Com"), TIM, North Pointe Community shall be referred to an the 1. Prolamr 1. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED 11. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 Creation of a 40-ISAW Buffer Iluirs, the Entraloona, Caurido, Within six (6) months after the weapons by the Virginia Dep�MWI of Trmpomt� psVDCT`) of the Rood Irnp�men� as defirsed in Sedion 5.3 thin pre along the northbound hunes opUS. Rome 29, Orsoner shall plant and thereafter maintain As all inner . lds�a* buffer, including bedgerows, along the E�w Corridor frontage post owned by Owner. The briffer will �il of a MW=m 40I.Inot wide continuous visual landscape wan Dim shall be subject ill Albemarle County Archit�umi Review Bond fIARIP) review, add approval (the "Thuffer"). TficEsuffiermay be totaled partly wit Oversesespimpairry and Lundy on VDOT formerly. Ill evol VDUT at my lime in the foodere ratio= my pmtim of the Buffor located on VDOT property, the Onvor, shall compensate far such haduation by untersding the Buffer an Owner's propertyin Indeterminism ..iim=40-fwtBuffa, cour Honda �pmsoti. shall require tbD.B.1 ofparkingdj� My such Bfien 2.2 App.anns. of Storm Water M.no,...t CaSsoilly"I Familifies, The SWM facilities visibbs from the En� CoTddw idmfifit�d on the Application Plan (dommatter �aganmt finififier 1, 2, and 10) shall be sbaresen an a plan and be subject to ARB reviews and approvid. SWM I shall be designed such that its shape, placement and land form (gralifing) transition between die adjaccrot �wmtion man and the adjacent hard edge of the puking lot and buildings. The plan for SWIM I shall be submitted Me the ARB with the first ARDI submission for Building 14 or 19 identified on Show IS W the Application Plan ("Sh� B'j or my Such building that is proposed to be )owns where Building 14 is limited on Show 13 pum�t to the Items of Section 3.2. SWM 2 shall have a mom structured appraisal than SWM 10 (se: babons) and sholl be designed Such felt its shop., final md land farm (goding) motritim between the adjacent conservation nine mid the adjacent hard cdge of the puking lot and buildings. The plan fier SWISS 2 shall be submitted 0 the AREI with th, first ARB for my of Buildings 26 through 3 1. SWIM 10 shall be densignand Bush that its shape, pl�wt, and land force flerading) whe integral with the adjacent unimpareation all The pin for SISM 10 shall be submitted to the ARE at the time mad plans are Submitted to the County and VDOT for Northwed Passage. Ill. DENSITIES all not I IlEaLlijilliligge, Ile total number of dwelling wits within the Project all eactord eight hundred runcity-dirm (893). Subjom to Secticho 3.2, the building footprints and Sarm floor areas of commercial, office, and offer miss, and the building flomprints of howls Shall not exceed those set faith in the Latest Use lowdeduare Table on Sham A 10 the Application Plan (-Shm A-1. 3.2 Limited AdistomU 1. th, Elements of the Amilleatim, Plot. The gross four dran arrive buildings used ficar m=mial, orffiop� other mad, and hotels shown on Sheet A lady be mimstund within a range of up in Ran pw�( (iOl parvidud the the maximum gross floor �fwewh�goryof�sho�wShodAisnmmcmded. The footprints ofHoddings 6, 14and36asho"anSh�Acanbeinterchnged. isimoughwunding the terms safthis Shadow 3.2 to the �my, Building 14 shall not initially ==it 88,500 square fee, provided, however. that after two yam fiblimaing the issuance of the eartifirom of occupary, fm Building 14. Building 14 my be alliance within a range crop Ed tur pe�t Ilyf), and ifBifilding 14 is B, my such exp�ior. shall be located to the "at so that loomed in the loesmom shown crin Sham the addhisical "w is jdW along North Perwas Boulevard. Notwithstanding ft terms of this Section 1.2 in the contrary, but subibet to BASS poranimse Of section 8.1. &a Cluarmy my ButhosizeBuildidal wsho"o.ShmAmbeadiw�dby�dmtmP�t(10'/-)- IV. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND STREAM BED CONSERVATION 4.1 Flood Plain. The wes of the 10(hyssar flood plain within the Pmjm "I remain mdism�ta except far mad missinga, public utility facilities and their ardissings, and pedouim and bigong falls, =it only to the extreast such moolifform ant p=iued by County offirspromp and -Pare the Regulmi... Upon the request of the cmty, Owner Shall provide a worny and FT owner, documentation it dedicate the land within such flood Plain to the County 4.2 ftjj�au PORgemml ?I=- The st�wgtahm �agcmmt PmDt'cm Led wit be prepa�, wed 11 stom"w management fincilifiess for the ('Bhp") plan project Shall be designed End =Mcted, to ��Odme Oil clmvw �waler 'fisebudge from mant) And from Tax Map Parcel 032AO-02-00-00400 flibutheacceds Mobile Home Park Develop made ofFroffit Road and U.S. Rom the existingdeivinpmm� on the northeast andrairthonst 29, sprepificedly the following Panels shown on the current Albmwie Comply tax maps� moral 32, idescals3g, 38A, 39, and 39A; tax map 32A, p�ls 2-1, 2-1 A, 2-hAl. 2-1 B, 2-1 C and 2-1 D. The g��r management firchiths, slid mitigate the stomw� quality and quantity impact, far the mrstrearter g.mted both within the Project and far such misting offinte wndtiom an described herein, a though the entire premicating simplition of the drainage wear is an undeveloped ..tied site and is being developed to the existing off -site ciduffin ons and the propmed�silewnditims. in Addition, biefiltion, shall GwUpfiSc a minimum offldfty-thm and onse-thod percent (33 113%) of the lots[ required parking lot landscaped Areas within the oil Shed G or the -C.Awarcuddi Arm" of the PETI as such Cmemini Arm is dolineartiod Application Plan ("Shm 0"). 4.3 Erosion And Sedim"t C--�l IS) Th. Owner shall, to the "maximum minim prannicable", provide such imm, central memo= that somend State and Local additional appropriate mission and sed minimum standards. ir Ill= is a impressment regarding wlwflmF the standard Of "muinlum mitand practicall is smisfin, the Virginia Deparol of Conservation and RaRwhm will be provided an opportunity to review and advise an such question. fill pou.c�mclign swedwou, ma.Lmt: The ovar. wall, By the desigival to maximum eastern "Glandless pm,ide pom-witim motion summations 13MIrs that m t achieve an "smile mmal swimmt mwvai rate or sD% as published by the Center fin W,t,,h.d Pm.t,B. in Amid. l of The Famadim if 3AImEalossid � Limited (20M edition) Than will includc� but am not limited to, bl�tmtion, bi�ion filhapt and Ron retention basins. mi of the applicable 4A Stream Buffer And RestOrAti", Upon the �� period, the Owner shall notify the County and Provide the County with a copy of my appimidim(s) an the U.S. Army Corps ofEngi� and/or r)EQ for my � disturber=. In addhimse ifoccesmity, afta fird lorsking on -aim for mifigation opoperalarritict, available To Satisfy the purniffing pmms, the Owner shall mn� the County for A list Of OfirMte OP1pw`mffAz within Albemarle Cowry for such ansitigatiost, and shall look for such mitigation opportunities reffrom. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 ].least Street Construction §MudaEds Public �ts, which in my Avoid shall include at Input Looks Road, North Pointe Bml"md, Nsathsade hinvis Ernst and Northwest Panxim, shall be (I) usernmedo in Accord with the illustrative mbn design crass smti� shown im Shed D-I to the Application Plan ("Shed D-l") and aim in amorshmocis with VDIOT dessign standards pursuant to detailed plares agreed in between Ovum, and VDOT, it (ii) dedicated for Toms (with a �im= public no And offered fin wwp�ce Into the arms highway �yst� spacing of fifty (50) past), landscaping and sidewalks as shown an Sheet D-I shall be installed and maintained by the Owed in comments, with County or VIDOT starchards, tralcus VDOT or the County agrees in ofieffing to �e this responsibility, 5.2 Timin, of Complebon. for Internal Before tons= of certificates of �pimy, 0. shall complette thin negandalt of an firteraw s� As --- CH Sham D-1 within the Project which items the building a resuckeence for which a matifical Of �P�Y is mughtvith At l�thesto.. bascand allbsu tilt final layier o1`pIantndx asphalt The final loyal of IIIHI asphalt shall be installed within me (1) Yew 11011ONVIR9 the iswmn= Of the film William of careful fter a building or residearics, served by the offidessind street scgmmt. 53 Road imp�emnis. chancer shall design and -�u all of ties end improvements Refiencems! in Sections 5.3,10), 5.3.1 N and 5.3 1 to) belood, which an aim shown on Shed D I to the Application Plan and on Show P to the Application Ft= entitled "Ex�l 'Sheet r) ocullowinly, the "Road Improvem�"� onlareas Such Road Improvement Plan" L Road Impm�mn Am fire mm�ded in bonded by, other. The Various phase of The ROW Impmvmms arc also shown for illustrative purposes on a color-corhad call of Sheet B that is riglit-of-way, that it attached board AS Exhibit 13, Owner shall derficure to public use my required oansinfinsimple. For Purposes orfilis Section 5.3, the use ofthe wrin "road" now a, hernsfiar 0 as a applies By in�let sows shall also lims, the More meaning Be the word "Sham's in the Albemarle County Subdivision OrdinwwA (Chapter 14 of The Albemarle County Code) when applicable, 5.3.1 Bonded and Phosim All Rmd impmvmentS rhail IS, designed and phased As follows; Dalga. The Road Impm.vmmltB shall Be shown an detailed road plans satisfying VDCT design standard. which shall be Submitted by the Owt" fir review and, when satisfactory, approved by VDOT and the County (except for the Road lmp�ts to U.S. Route 29, which shall be subject only on VDOT approvid) floreireafterr, the "Approved Road Plawris). The Approved Road Plans shall show the width wed length (except a spandified in Sections and (v) and Swim 5.11(b)(1)(U), locattion, type Of Irwin, and gwmcww of ill] lane i%pmn, it 4nd7.d;. All of the Road 'r.oZ brnpm�ots shall be A=��d R Plan& The Road impmv�ts in U.S. Route 29 bad] be band on the th� VDOT desig. spend and crado-slople mquAmmmu. Notwithstanding the previsions of this paringlaph IN the wntmfY, in the uns, ded the infrared Residential girld daigion .9 a).. an Shoe D-I an at Accepted by VDOT, the Owner shall submit deptatiled mad em�im plane for smh �ts to the County for ruved, and, when smidemary, approval, subject Also Us the CD=IY's BPPMV41 OfP'inm s�3 undu the Subdivision Ordinmea(Ch. 14 affair Albemarle County Code), Phasing. The Road bnpm�� shall be �Mnw�d and completed in ill= phone as set fortb below: (a) Phase I Road ImPmwmmts. Prior to APPmval mum f� w�MIBJ obidivallitil orsimplmvyiffiin thaProjecti O�u shall come all amciated pamits and post all assouthared bonds requited far tire compludid, of the following (callactinly, the `Phase I Road Improvements"): (1) Smtb�.�i pa� a. UI Room 29, (0 US. Rom 29 Souffibamd - �tim of the vertical mma� in due roadway has! nurda offire �m (if) U.S. Route 29 Southbound of a wnti�s 12 too wide through lane (with shouldne or goad rail an required by VEHYpri staining at a point the is 1000 feel north Of ther MUth�DSt �" and mtmding Muth in Ampull Road. (III) US. Rowe 29 Smildhound - cambraction Of dual left HIM Ines with tisper at fin crourver. (IV) U.S. Route 29 Stimbbound - constmuctione offighl turn lane with lop. to wirs, wdhe.m �m to SR 1515. (M) U.S.Ro�29Nonhbmnd �dionufawntinuom 12 foot wide though lane (with shoulders an guard rail as may be Equired by VDOT) ex�ding furain Profit (Airposturt) Road (Route 649) to the Northwest Passage M�". (vi) U.S. Room 29 NoCbbound - �s=dim of a right hand mr, lane at the South�st mLr== the g�ntics of whirb will be subject Is VDOT approval. (vii) U.S. Routc29NojthbourLd w�aioitoflcflt=l� with taper into SR 15 15. (MR) SR 1515 Eastbowd - m�ction and/or reshiping to fortervid. Ian tam lane with fisper. IS) InsWIntinn of a traffic signal with 8 phase times& videar dmmion OM associated impmvmts At the inspection with U.S. Route 29. lx) Chile, existing w� in U.S. Route 29 and Sauffi�oM E�m to SR 1515. (all Propossed Entrance Road Wwom North Pointe Boulevard and U.S. Rome 29. (2) North Pointe Rogliourd, L�_ke Road and Preffit Road (I) Leaks Road and North POiBIC Boulevard, in ac=dmw with timillesign mu-s�i� shown on Sh�D-1. farm fardiffit Road or cificor Ncrthside Drive Ears(cor, if Northride Drive East ban � EA been wns"dtd 10 the muradermnat at NOth Points Boulevard, North Pointe Boulevard shot be extentiod By Notchwat Passage. The Owner shall provid; a fifty (50) foot public right-of-way along Unlike Road and shall �a a two-lorm public strat in be Accepted by VDOT and up much of %a other improvmcnts shown on the �s�ec6om a possible within the wettable fightcf-way as um�ably determined by the County Engineer. (ill -Me ondabour, al well Other i,.p.,.� as Busy be approved by VDOT said (he County, in the inta=tion of home, Road Bud Proffit go IT ad show, on Shed B and an additioncial nodurand fight turn Islas an Proffit Road from Laske Road to U.S. Route 29 a he= on Sham I- In addition. for property Acquisition that is required for the off - sift public right-of-way for cm�ajon of the impmv�s required by this Spertion 5.3. 1 uag2Xii), the Owner shall make a ash contribution or provide a bond, of credit in a force approved by the County Attorney fier such purpose in the mount an denied necessary for the proparty acquiBiUn by the County Attorney, provided that such Amount shall That wasidead one hundred fifty parent (150%) of the County's fifir �ket volue appraisal prepared for acquisition and wndmmfion purpose. pal coush contribution or base, of credit described in this East 3.3.1(a)(2)(9) dual be used to pay for the total cast ofthe fight mosay, acquisition. Tfiettralcopot offlic tight splay acquiEdlicer For the off -sate property �UrY To �a the holdervishrods Required by this Spection 5,3.1(a)(Iltl shall include the ��d cc= modmed with acquiring land, buildings, structures, ..Ms and other dithorized int�w by d..ti. or by Bob purchase including, but not limited to, land acquisition, aginterifing, annoying. mid =am to attorneys tan The cub contribution or the lether of credit shall be provided by flat o�u within thirty (311) days upport request by the County. lfthepmpcay�sacquiTedbypurchm,tb5 oundurbirtion fin the puruhmu prim shall mt mimed one hundred fifly p�l (15(1 of him County's Wit mrkd nine appraisal prepared for mnd�tim purposes without the cement of Up heowilu. tribe rem athe right ofway soquision exceeds Cie amount previcusly main ul :h. the Owed shall reimburse fl. County all =Ch excess =is within thirty (30) days upon mq� by the County. The Comfy shall refund to the Own" all extras coundributiorm squal completion ofthe land Acquisition. filed flii) Intentionally0sin (Pal An dditi"W through Ism auto ... it BE Pmffit Road from U.S. Rmte29 1. the roundabout at the inta�ion ofLasorkso Road and Parcuffit Rawd. In addition, for proplary Acquisition thin is required for the off -sib, public nglit-of-way, fin cm�aim apple impm�mm required by this Swim 5.11(a)(2)UM), the CEARSHE shall make . truth ��'butim or provider a hater of credit in a farm approved by the Comfy Abdul far well purpose in the =Bum &a declined marsuy for the pationly acquisition by the County Atiorday, provided that and, amml shall not exceed we beautiful fifty percent (150%) offlos County's fair market value contribution or letter of Appraisal pripaired for acquisithm ad mndemalim purposes. The wall credit dcombrod in this Section 5.3.1 (a)(2)(is) shall be wed to pay for the octal met cribs right of way Acquisitions. The total uses cribs right oftury acquisition for the offisith property Treasury To �"e the improvements required by this Section 5.3.1(a)(2)(lv) shall include she �l allocation, =wants and other aufforidel Goals somewhat with aosquidirg; land, buildings, interests by condominium w by purchase including, but mt Limited Ed, lead acquisition, terginescring, suricayingh ad reasonable attorneys fees. The cat cormithution or the letter of credit shall leeprovided by the O�w within thirty (30) days upon niquest by the County. Ifthe is fair market value appraisal prepared for saindity is Acquired by Landslides the wWbufim fal the purchase prim Shall not excend one hundred fifty patient (150%) of the County's mis without the cronsed of the Owed. If the mot of the right of wely =dmna6m purpo p� I trusly �tibuted, rhm the Owner shall reimburse the acquisition towmen the mount County all such =can owns within thirty 00) days upon request by the Comfy The County sMI rewd ill the Owner All ..a. �tribu6ms upon completed ofthe Ind acquienticur. Cyoltion of the Phiese I Road 1,�lmarktg. Widen fifim (15) months the Inds subject After the issuance of the ft.[ building Permit for a continuum twoung within A first �er6al subdivision plas or site pin el the Project, or prim to the issuance of to Ill f odupway for such building, whichever is off all of the Ph= I Road a erfifi� 0 impmvmcrAs shall be woopted by VDOT forpublic on HE bonded far VDOT's accepproarm if .6 Road lmprovw.� . a primary highway, a acoBpW by VDOT for public one or bonded to ft County for VDOT's Acceptance if Slash Road Tmp.��ts pare a secondary highway. (b) Phase 11 Road lmpr�momb. Prouto approval ofthe tam gilep1m that would authorize the agnagres, commercial, offics, and hotel green Unit Area Ap she. on Show A cited ninsity thownd (290,000) square told. Owner Shull within the Proples to Axwed wa, ban the =�.60� Ordo, obtain all Associated permits and post all associated bonds required lot following piallessidesely, the 'Ph= 11 Road Impm�ts")' (1) Middle Entrunce an ll.a. Billion 29 IN id, Drive East/$ Im (I) U.S. Route 29 Southbound �nsnofion of a asonfinuous 12 Ism wide thmugh lane (with shoulders or guard rail as my be required by VDOT) sterling at point dim in ILGO fed with of the Middle Entrance and extending to the paceirit where ft Oonn�wilb UHpGl Dfft lane constructed pursuant to Section 5.3.1ila)(1)(ifl. (it) U.S. Roam 29 Smallwood - ��chm ofilund left too land With this". f1i) IUS, Rome 29 Southisound - of a right hall bm with tap" (iv) U.S. Romm 29 Northbound - mnstcfim of a right hand ma lane AT the middle Burawl the gwm*Wm ofwhich will be subject to MOOT Rppmval. Iv) U.S. Route 29 Northbound �s"cfim of left Win lane with uppen (vi) SR 1570 Eastbound - carnstruction of or restriping of lardes to mutt in shimadeleft, Daniel and right turn movements mad WAzftmund - installation of a traffic signal (vil Entrancery with a phase iming, video dometion and appraisal intasWim imprisonment an UI Route 29. U close (viii) Existing crossover at Cypress Drive - m�ctim t the waspown flx) Prowage, mad from Cypms Drive in SR 1570 cammmin of a public ared To swn pompeifies "nufly mutual U.S. Route 29 ftm& Cypress Drive. (2) Northoide Drive Rest hat.= U.S. Rout, 29 and North Pointe Buidleard As shown an Shed D-1. C..pk�&p of the Phase U Read im�un. Within fifteen (15) monflits after the issuance of (he first building permit for a building within the howles subject us the first subdivision End or aim plan that would Awhrdn the Ashomplom Offisis wW hotel Wass flocer area As shown an Sham A within the JIMI to "Gonal two hundred ninety thousand (290.DOC) square fed, in prior 0 the iswmm are cufifi�(c of owupncy for my building that ..A ... III pms four � to AxGcAd two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) square fee, whichrever is enlist, all of the Fidere 11 Road Improvements mat be accepted by VDOT fitur public use or bonded for VDI acceptance if such Road Imprisonments am a primary cap highway, in arooploal by STOT fledir public use Pir bonded in the County for VDOT's so il'such Road improvemmh Art a secondary highway. lb (c) Philips Ill Road Improvements. Prior no the malmst at. (1) a apporaval of the first subdivision plan or site pro that would authorize Ole aggregate number of dwelling Units, saii the Project to ecustrod five hundred thfily6tbm (533); (if) the approval of a subdivision plat or site plan fin any developmem of the Neighborhood Invmmem Property or my piansid, director a, fift) the five (5) yam anniversary of the dale of iu�c� of the flat comficau, or occupancy Far a building or prunnam within the Pfisjeds Owed shall obtain all Associated permits and paid all associated bonds required for the connection of the following mad improvements (collectively, the 'Them III Road lmpmvmm(s') to the utmi my such mad impmmmts have not already been emnocied: (1) Norrhammour Enhance homplI Utivis III, Clerk Drive) on U S. Route 29 (I) U.S. Rom 29 SouthboLmd - wnsuucfion of left mn law with Upon, (it) Norfluded Passage four ILS. Fine 29 to North Porkno Boulevard. 01) U.S. Rome 29 Northbound - ��ofin of a right hand haw lw� the gometries oftwhich will besubjed to VDOT approval. fiv) Iffircut wildly North Pointe Boulevard be� Worthaide Drive East and Northwest Passage. (v) If the traffic Signal Us be cDnstmied by others is in place prim in Chspir �wcM work an this Northernmost En�m, and such braffic Signal (MY includes finds led, Owner SM]] add the fourth log to the signal, which shall include additional ni arms, signal bonds and All equipma nescessarry to supperri Northwest Passage's use of the intaweim, as determined by VOOT. If web Traffic signal is not in place and the velpicular traffic goodualudif by the project causes the VDOT sigald �is to be mot, wit VDOT requires that a traffic Signal be installed as a coalition ofthe m*mm p�itt Owner Shall install such �fBc signal. (2) Notwithstanding any other Provision conorcera in dos Proffile, Stmmm� within one hundret! eighty (180) days after writum notice from the County that it fivends Ed build an elmmwy �hwl on the School Lot (an uSchool Lan is defined in Section 9.1), the Owner she]] submit mad pimp for the Guamanian ofliordavest Passage from North Pointe Boddevard to U.S. Route 29 to VDOT and to the County for Wasmin, and when satisfactory, approved. F�h�m with'. twelve t2) months after issuance Of the building pannit far .�.lion of the elementary boo], Bud if not ahead, plet4 Owner will complain fill N.Ab� Passage ft. North Point. Boulevard IG U.S. Rome 29, pal, the iWo��ft post form in Sectim 5.11(c)(1) Above, ad (fit) North Points Bod ... d from Nordireelp Drive East to Northwest Image. To allow (he developencall of the Sduml Lot, the Cove. Shall Saint .11 temporary windows a l�.,y be flow missiles mad Agrees for vehicles and construction equipment, grading, the lostollasim and maintenance of consim and wdimmt wilimi stmctmss or anderainfies, and any ofirear associated w�eliDn MCMMM, B.4 Such tmWmry us=enm am shown on tits subdivision plat or site plan far the School Lot and mutually agrecid to by the Owner and the developer ofthe School Lot Cilourijorma alibi ag, III Road IDmMaments. Within twelve (12) mmths after the w�c of the applicable want in Stoticion 5.3.1(C) Which required the Owner 10 Obtain all associated p�iw and post all mechanism] limits required for the constructurn of the Phase III Road impm�ts, all of the Phase HI mad inLpm�mmts shall be acumplud by VDOT for public no or bonded for VDOT`A mainframe if Such Road Impmv=cM$ atic a primary highway, or accuposid by VDOT fin public may or bonded to the Comfy fier VDOT's awepMaeifsuch Rmd impmvm� Are a secondary highway, 5.3.2 Upon nq� by the County, Owner shot] make a Cash contribution to the C�y in VDOT for the cost of a able BE whelm radio system that will link one or am ofthe fignals boduchain Lewis and Clark Drive oil Airport Road; provided, however, dim the 0%1 CRSh dantribution shall not ==it ffirty-five thousand dollairs ($35,600L Subject in �im of fiarm majors, if the County do" mt request the finds, or dom request the limits bid the mountain of the system dom not begin by the term of D�bu 31, 2010 m than (3) yam Lft� �p]�on ofall ofthe Road lmpm�mm, said funds shall be refunded TO the Owned, 5.3.3 Prior to the approval ofplm fill i�Pm�n� at MY U S Pl� 29 int=Ocfim, owner shall provide VOOT craffic signal network timing plans that VDQT finds acceptably add" the imp� Bribe PrOPOOd mffic signals for Peak tfzffic PtnOdL 5.3.4 Renional Tranwonation Stul Cash Con�ibutim. THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Upon requed by the Comfy, Owner Shull make a web nontribution oforter hwdred thomand dollars ($100,000) to the County fur the purposes of funding a regional transportation study fier the Route 29 corridor, which inaludes the South Forda and Ninth Fork of the Riv� River and the Hollymmd Growth Arts of which Noth Pointe is a part The contribution hall be reade within thirty (30) days after requested by the County anytime After the Beginning is approved. Iffifis Request is not made witWame (1) year after the date ofatoproval of Led first final aim plan for the firat mmmercial building within the Projects this proffer shall bow= null and void. If such web contribidind is not experaided for the Stated phopoese within of and three (3) years fast the chae the funds was contributed to the Countly, I udBop oil funds "I be Refunded Ed the Owns. V1. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND GREENWAY 6.1 Pedestrian Path-- . All pedderiam pathway& shall be classificall as she" an dia redecorate Path", Key an Sheet 0 it, evaint Per the pathway. to be constructord by the County, shall be shown on the subdivision plat or site plan fin tire underlying in adjacent lands within the Project, The pathways shall be constructed by Owner an Class A or Class B falls an identified an Slood 0, and in artiourdance, with the applicidele design and =Mmcfion standards in the CouruyIs Design S�daTds Mmul. Such construction shall be in conjunction with the impmv=mL� for the subdivision plat or into plan, as the law may ba, and bonded with the sareces if the pathways am a Subdivision impt�&i� in with a paf�anm bond if the pathways Am a site plan inVmvmmt. The pathway shown on Slim U along Flat Branch north ampowl, of Noth.uh, Drive East shall not countimay thmugh a solvent ifft culved is used fin the Amm. creasing. 'Me pathway inbrindud for the culvert bm� Park E and Park P under North Poinw Boulevard Shull conform to the applicable, �ndwiiR in VDOT's "Subdivision Street Ulfidance" mid Owner, shall maintain ft pathway if it is mt astrawd by VDOT for mai�ancc. O"u shot dedicate to the Comply the lake 6.2 Lolijill, Upon request by the County, sho�mffieAp licamon Plan forpublic uxa� provided" such lake will be aveflabl P A far . by Oncrow far acm"tcr arawcarrept in described to Sheet C to the Application Pin mitiod "St=� Mm.g�t nd Sm.. Pin-" ("Shect C"), VII. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED VED, PuBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8.1 Branch I,Ihra Upon request by the Call*, Owner shelf deboade He the Comfy the fee (a) simple intanst in the land shown an Shad B AS a library, terminal 15,000 ago= foot fully graded pad site, with utilities, to �mmad� a 12,500 square foot building firstpurint, a five fact perfumer strip and up to a 25,000 ago= foot buildings together with a nonmetal mmcnt to the adjassior, woman area for ingraps, egress, mountain Soiling am sufficient County Code required puking, summoner deimtim and water quality facilities fiar the ]million of a ft�oding Jeffmon-Ma&s. Regional Library AW web ad,= Bonds thut art consinalible with ffe, proposed surrounding uses, AS datemiwd by to County (the "Library Lee'). the � afths, prior Sentence pay the =nvy, ifthe requirements far th. library building require a larger building footprints the County may authorize The library building fidistprint to be larger to= as Stated in the prim mutual parovided, however, that arc size offlic am shumn as "Park HP on Shed IS ("Peork HI andlor the size of the adjacent parking orm immediately norifir of the Library Lot an Sheet B (the "Liblarry Parking Lots) SW be adjusted acermlingly to �nmDd� web larger building lonorprion. The Chimou shall not be Responsible for my wity lap fide, but Owner shall wmplde =�aion of the Library parking Lot and other pariang am Serving the Library Lou The Owner "I permit the County to use the Library Pedcing Lot anI if not already camponded, Park H, for purposes Of �tm�ion wagall Within twelve (12) mmths after wand, nother, firm the County thin it intends to begin �tmefion of the libleary, the Owner shelf make the accept rards and the area of the Library Parking Ism wettable with at least a four inch ampoused smile line fier use an mom and m�efion staging. Such ons =as Serving the Ularmy Lart and the laftermy Paking Let shall be completed wit available for we no ]arm than The (10) months sifies, issuance of the building permit for the fiburry, provided, however, thad asphalt pavement in � used for conotractim staging by the County shall not be required to be imWIed until thirty (30) days (or such hingto cannabis lime AS my he nommy due to weather condition.N) after the County has moved in =s�ctim-miated materials saw equipment. Upon the milinest arrive County, Park IN Shall also be dedicandil to public mt, but the Owner shall mt be mopmenlis filer noddifit-I pry Parking Lot and offor web park. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance Of The Ijbir parking spaces Serving the Library Lot and the Comfy shall have no obligation to be a member of my overrou's &%�iation, The Cindy's request fin dediatism of the land for Th. library Lot mid Park H gmil be made within three (3) years following the halls' to occur of (I bounce of flat first residential lostalifing permat within the Projects (it) Owal wmpletion or the ifm$tNctum (including but not limited to wims, water ewer, electric, gas) required for the am of the Lib,.YL,*m(iii)Demmbff3l.2D]6 (which D..ba3l,2016 ddli.emaybe�ndd by wri��alag�wtoftheo�mdtheCmty), III request for such dedication is mt me& within tbrw (3) yam fieffoodaill the later ofthese datres, this proffer will be null and valid. fil Green Roo In the event that the requarements, for the library building require a larger building fwqxint, and tire Comfy One, so authorize the librady building footprint to be larger than 12,sDD aqumn fed pursuant he ... tion S. l(a) above. and in the fiuthw evem thin the building is developed as a conclonsimums and the Cowty requess the Owner to assume �hip for a portion of the larger building, Own" shall exempt Buell ownership 9 a reasonable pidn" uped, which the parion may =really allow, and shall carratrioutic to the County, in a pro Me basis based on the proportional sin ofthe porman of The library building owned by the Owner mWi,. Ed the sin of the library building as a whol the war of designing and �ing web building. These �m may model if desired by the County, indetflaosion of a "gratur rourn and my additional expand Associated with structurally mnfming the war as nwmuy in support thegm roof Witbn�(IO)dgysaftaimmptDfarequmtf�payrnmt by the County that is �mpmied by dou=mtation to support if. purgeom payntent Amount Air provided in the construction contract, the Owner Shall submit such paymm� to the County. Allmmively, in In. mitt the County aleactur or design the libmy building an a Leadership I. Energy and Environmental Design V"LEEDs") building, the Owner shall lessfiribuse, to the Counity, an a pin rate basis based on the limproutionall aim of the ponfisom of the library building owned by the Owner relative in the size of the library building AS a whole, the additional courts Of �s�ting the library building to obtain LBED �ifim6on for the building, it Within tan D) days after Receipt Bra request for paymmi by the Countrythat is accompanied by documentation to ittrippirm the pmgrm installed mount an provided in the wnsbmdion w�c� the Owner shall dardifit web paymmts to [be Cousul no design of [be plan mt, ar due criberia udleolid 0 edition the LEED unification, as applicable, shall be in the Catalysis disswithar. 8.2 Afterdshle Housin . Subject to the [Acres and conditions of this Section 8.2, the Owed shall prainvide a minimum of fixty (40) "Far-salen mi&ntial dwelling wits as Affordable dwelling units, a minim= of sixty-six (66) "for-mf' residential dwelling units as flooldil. dwelling Units. Aid . lot.. of tam (4) Carnage House Units (ME Carriage House Units am defided I. Section ll The fbarty, (40) dwelling mits shall be comprised of the following typm of dwelling wits: twelve 02) fmcm =164atrnily; twelve LI 2) from -'other" (consisting of townhorues, duplexes, mtwhBd housing, condominiums in the �ed.l am oil other midectified housing types); and sixteen (16) from single family detached, each at the sale prim and under the issues and wnditims ad forth in this Section 8.2. no Owner shall convey the Responsibility of implanting the affordable unit W the subcamillsort ownear of lots within the Property. (a) Mulii-rardly and "Other For -Sale Affirindmik, Unit . I% multi -family and "other"fiseseR, affordable dwelling units within the Property, web affordable units shall be afforlmd. 0 households with in�u less lican eighty perment (80%) of the arm enable family inmate (the "Affordable Unit Qualifying l�"), such that the pumping main containing of poularpral, interest, real estate team and inmnee (PTA) do mt mumad thirty partial( (30yo) of the Affordable Unit Quidifyitig Income, proosidull, however, that in no andat shall the soiling prim of such affinardable units be Ins than the grww of One Hundred Ninety Iflummul Four Hundred Dollars ($190,400) or sixi3sfive percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority ("NIFIDA-) �imm meactinge for full-time home buyers at gas beginning of the 9D-day islionfification and qualification period ref�otd in Socticho 8,2(0. (b) Surader Family 2ewc -r.-Sale-AC�dable_Units LAISidemply-Fligall -sale nffwdable units within the Property ("Moscormely- Units". For Single family detechod fin Priced Urall such Moderately -Priced Units abraill be affordable to howhisholds, with incomes im Us, we hundred twenty percent (120%) of the ams, loodliM But Income (the in "Moderatedy-Pricad Unit Qualifying Immil well that lkhOming ccgs mmig gOfPMdu not mount thirty p�M (30%) of the Mod"dy-PdcM Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, that in no east shall the Selling prim of web MademWy-Pri�d Units be required in be [.A than the greater DfTwo HvEdmd Thirty Eightrhousuld Dollars ($238,000) BE eighty parent (80%) of the applicable VHDA maximum mortgage for first-time home buyers at The beginning ofthe 90-day ithruffimatficion and quelificanfloor listed ref�wd in Swim 8.2(f). (c) For -Red Affordable Units. For a period of five (5) yam following the due the uniform cfo�pmeyis issued by the Comply foresail flarTed affordable wit, Graded] the i� are old as low or moderate mt units qualifying AS Such mda cither the Virginia Homing Development Auftfity, Farmers Home Administration. BE Housing and Urban Development, Swim a whichever arms firm (the "Affordable Term"). such India "I be related to lachreelaralYs wouth immune, less than the Affirclobl. Undt qualifying linximse. No for -ream affordable unit may be counted more it= mm towards the mmba of harvest affordable dwelling units required by this Scurturn 8.2. (I) Courverawase of En� All deeds conveying my iotwcd in ffic for- cont affordable units during the Affordable Term shall =tam ]a~ ressiting But such Until is subjedtothet=sDfdiisSmflon8.2(c). Inaddifim,aUml*�pWainingMammey�of my fw-� affordable unit, ar my paid thereof, during the Affwdable Tters, shall contain R complete md fall discloveres of tilt rustrictions, and controls, caddifieved by this Section MID). Prim to the =veymm of Any misting in my ficy-Trim affordable unit during the Affordable Term, the thm-cuffea owner shall notify the County in writing cribs mnvemm and provide the mine address Bud tichiphrom nnmbw of the praboreffal Umnt� no state that The requi�ents ofthis Sadism 8.2c)(l) bombs. mthefid. (is). A -"I Radmin . During the Affordable Term sort within ninety (90) days following the ad of nab Calendar year, the throacuffent owner shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Offiess, a cidified Alto=] report are][ firstar-rent affordable Units ford. marrosediately preconfing year in a form and substa� mo�My acceptable to the County Hawing Offics, Subjeca or all federal, stale and local housing laws, and upon �able notice during the Affardairls, Tent the ffer-ounfient Owner shall make available 10 the County al the flawsimard Owner's prearmuste, if requested, any mpons. capics, of =mf or lease "meiim of other data pertaining to rmWi mid as the County May m�wnbly require. (d) Cammer House jjnjj . Cmiage House Unikil Shall ill= the requirements par a single family dwelling an defined in The Virgam Unifictrin Statewide Befilding Code, shall be an the Same parcel as the primary dwelling unit to which it is weaponry, and shall not be subdivided from the primary residence ("Curbille 14mare Units"). The subdivision restricam amill he moulded on the plat orming such panels and be ineDrpmicd inal ad& dead conveying title to such parrals. (a) Esch pubeiMsim plot and site plan for land within the Pmpwy which includes .5rol.ble wits (which, for this Swim ii shall include Modemteiy-Priced OHIO) hall Thraignatic the lots in mits. as apphmble� that will. bi� in get terms and conalloods; of Us proffer, Immixture officardable units as described beside. The But such subdivision plat Or site plan shall include a minim= of tbache (3) such affordable units. Thentafter, Red until the total number of affordable dwelling units proffered botoodu shall have been fulfilled, the Owns, shall imoviskey a minim= offlorce (3) such affmilable dwelling units PAT yew. Each final subdivision plat and first site plan also shall include a mutual; Mal of the numbm and percentage of affordable =its previously provided Blvd pirlphossed or be provided by the Subdivision plat or site pin. Par inspection; of this Swim, 8.2(eh such units shall be Amount] to ban been provided who the Subsequent �lbuil(kr providers writoon notice in the Coal Housing OR= or its designal, the the metals) will be available for sale, as required by Sewall 8.2fl) below, In the mount that else Owner provided more dract timin (3) affordable dwelling Units in a single year, the Owed my "Garry over" of "bare credits for Such affordable units, such that the nMhional affordable mans which exceed the nlWmm Samuel requirement Italy be allowed toward ft Esimarrum number of affordable units required to be provided Ism Mary flutwor year. The maximum lumber of affordable units that my be moried ever nor limited Shull rot exceed mein (12) per year. Nodwithsohnifing the I.. of this Soft. 8.2(c) to the wn�y, upon the wdftm request of the Oww, the Caunly may authorize an Rimmativa procens and/or schedule for the prevision and/or dialivirry of Such affordable units upon a detenninatim the the with the purpose and intent of Storm 8.2 and/or Billions firribera request I. in go.] accord the goals appointing affordable housing in the Cormly fl) All pumhnm of the fix -sale affordable units shall be approved by the Albemarle Comfy Eoming Officer in its designer. Tim subsequent ownwellbuilder Shall provide the County or its depoignme: a *ad of ninety (90) days To identify and prequalify an eligible purchases for the affordable, lot. The Ififirty (91OF-rhy period shall mmus aTittem notice train the NmRRARmt mormirlbuilder lbart the unit(s) will be available for salt. IftlocCountymits design= does nor provid, a qualified pundispor who execules a cannot of purchase during thin ninety (00yollay factiod, the th�.�t ownwilmilder shall haw the 'ism to sell the toritt.) without anyouriction onsales prim or in�enf�hepuTchmer(s), provided, however, that any uniels) mid without mch �i0ion shall novembehiss be mmW tooned the number of afforduble wits required to be provided pursuant to this terms of this Swim 8.2, The requirements offlas Section 8.2 shall apply Only to the first sale ofach ofthe affmdable union (g) The County shall have the right, him time to time, an i�nabie notice and subject to all applicable pfi�Cy laws, to inspect the t�rds of Counmer or my Assumption in interest for the purposes cradlesong wmptimee with this preffier. (h) Qigb Pmkq, THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days aft" the Board of Sursersipasse Approved of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be cointribustal three hundred thousand dollars ($300.000) cloth to the County of Albemarle for the Albemarle Howitig Initiative Fund BE much other similar fired as may be combleshad or authorized by The Conly. The contribution shall be to fund affiersdable home waurphip [sin pmjEum within Sm Project Am oth" man of Albemarle County, including those prarvided by notairrefit frousing slosecties Batch a the Piedmont Housing Alli=� Hataftell for liummity, and the Albmulc Housing Indistativernam Pmp� If suGb cash contribution is at copplarbal for the smW purpose within five (5) years false the date the funds were cmbibuted to the Caudal ust"psaided fire& shall ba,efimudad Is the Owner. IX EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES 9.2 Museum" School Sim. Within twour bwWmd sevortly (270) days fiellost I Application request by the Comfly, Owner shall dedicate to the County The Ind shown an Ily I, consisfing of appmxbnmAly 12.35 Pipe a "El�twy School 12.85 Amm Schmic Layout' muchis (irra samflorporthon speech land in LM County's ]a disimethrin) (the "School Loilo). Nor in dedicationt, The School Let shall be graded and compacted by Owner to a minim= of 95% usampaction as mmsured by a standard Proctor Ism with Suitable mamial fier building �=cdor as mitifpid by a limbessimal ouglimur or as otherwise preand by the County Engineer to astablisto a fully graded pad site to &=�odaM an whifficantory school. The e�timW field impro�mn shown on the Application Plan shall be fine graded and have top oil =it soil Amendments added, and the claim for an underground litigation system serving the =Wionalfirld�shabebmWIed. Such iprouemmts shall be ressonably equivalent to those misting at the monsfirocal holds at Balmrilmoor El=mtwy School, exclusive of my above ground impm�ents. The perancian pathways as she" on die perimeter of the Schwl Let m the Applicashan Plan shall be rinflusited on the subdivision plat prepared by Owner meeting the School Let and the pmbwayg shall be installed when the site is graded for the recreation fields. The Owed shall provich, all utilities to the School LOL The dedi�iM am] include easmmm won Owner's land fin wereas to and use of Sharon Witter Basins 5 and 10 shown on am Application Plan, together with all temporary communities easements to allow Sl"w� Basin ]a to be ficidassroured mid criltageth flumel to ww�odate the School Lot g�water. The School Lot shall be used All An elementary School site, but if the County d�inm ffim the it shall be Used by the County far park School Lot .0) net be .it AS pre damonary school siR_ and ma�i�l purproders serving both the North Pointe mmmunity and the region. If the County it= not Below thin the School Lot be dedicated by the ]aim of December 31, 2016 31, 2016 deadline may he Extended by Micron mutual agreement ol Owner (which December ..it the County), ex three (3) years rdft� the issuance of the firial residertfid building permit within the PmjAGU the Owner shall be mdm no further obligation, a dedicate the Schipsal W for the purpose described herein, but shall, by January 30, 2017� or thirty (30) days mine such Mal date, cornatributus fin hundred thownd dollars pleiflU,01010) culb to the County to be used by the County for loniiands identified in the County's CUP reasonably mimed by the ruccals of tbe North Pointe �mity, and in web event OR, School Lot may be wed for other midmtiad parpoess AS approved by the County aflear refund by Owner for an mendmmt to the Appl"don Plan, a] Lot for a school m for park and Aft. dedication oil hot. the County ames the Shim commoml purpraw, and if request by the Coal Owner shall matindion the So.] Led until requested by the County to an larger do an suldept to due Oneard'. rigid ill ANCIUMin we Of Ill- Sedwal Lot fimpno and ymsmaimed prapossion, Such park And mermatimad purpeacis shall be hall Y those CAft Shown an an approved fluid site plan or Subdivision plat far the doo that include. the School Lot. Upon being respappod by the County, 0-mar shall emm -11 Ime and Of the School Lot and remove All impmvemmu �blishod by Owa that the County requests be removed. The County shelf mt be obligatcd to pay Owner for my improvements established by Owner &,at the County Mains. The dead of dedication lim the School Lot shall provide that if the County accepts title W the School Lot Aid than does Hod Construct either 9 Park Or 2 School within fiverty, (20) years following the time the Board of Supervisors approval the ZMA Amendment, then upon OvvnI request title to the School Lot shall be traddlemed in Owne, at an ups.t. Owner. 9�2 On, Stop Turnoffs, Bills Stoll Im�ents, and Be, Service. (a) Owner shall construct Ian (10) public bus mop tumoffs AS shown on the Applicatim Plau, or otherwise two (2) in thc Southernmost Residential area, few (4) in the wmamrial anals and four (4) in the ill. radial whals, each in a lounfiroat mumally acceptable so Owner and the County. The bus stop turnoffs shall be approved with at= �mctim plarens fin the Preject and bonded and construded with the �s. (b) Upon the request by the County, Owner shall wnffibute The total am of jwwy fin thommd dollarit ($23,000) conslo lower& the design and of the she" ground bus stop impmvmmu such as bmehm and sheltm misting smardards eshablished by the County at ewh bus top. tribe County does not request the finds, or mqu%N the funds but dom mt anuml the bus stop impmv=mts by the later of Dmmbu 31, 2015 or three (3) years aftear mmpidim of the mad network that includes the bus stop Wmoffh, than subject to matters of force majount, the unexpeodded firreds shall, in the discoidal of the County, either be rowned to Opium or applied in a projew identified in the County's capital improutwories program within or adjacent to the Product that benefits the Projech (c) Within thirty (30) days other the introduction of public trarrepourtanion to the Prmcc4 Owner shad mntnbute twmty�five thousand dollars ($25,DOD) cub ur the County Us be wed for Dual ng =Iran= related to such sworiceu and shall thereafter Annually contribute Twmty-Five Thousand Dollars (525,MO) cash to the County W he used for operating mpenwp related to such mouth fier a period of mine (9) additional yars, Web that the t�l limits comillund to the County pursuant to this Section 9.2(c) unit mt mow Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Duties ($250,000), Ifthe intooduction oppublic transportation to the Project does not �cn� by the laid of has (10) wor after the Board of Suparciscris approvels the ZMA Amendment, mnim, ri� years fast the date of the issunm arms first �ifi=t� DfOCMPMCY for the first m�cial building within the Pmjw, this Section 9.9(c) shall became null and sold. X ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 DedientionofRi�ht-of-WV-ExtensioalONme]22E Unlas the dedication, of public righl-of-way and the mastication Grouch smiA Me required in conjunction with ft approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle Carry Code 14-409 and related wationes, or their ==.I.: Opera shall nations the fifty (50) that wide dElit�oPway, lomted within ft � Shown on Shed B and identified an a "50' R.O.W. R�d for Factors Dedication" �ting a righl of -way from the proposed middle arm== mad trim North Pointe in the Southern Point line of Tax Mail 32, Parcel 22E ("7MP 32-22T). Poor da the Issuance of a building permit for Officer of the Building 32 as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall ��d in the Clark Cinsuft Court o1`AIbdwr1e County, a mnw4 inevitable deed ofdcdi�w dedicating to public me for mad purposes, the me labeled "501 R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dadjswim." Chilms acknowledges, that if it is Pat pact of a subdivision plat approved by the Candy, such Offer of malicalust raw be dim reviewed and approved by the Board Offuthervisors and picurceprod by the Borml. Such deed of dedication shall include the flillowing conditions: (I) that IMP 32-22E shall haw bm eliminated; md (U) that prifir or its use for mad purpose, thus shall have been minsomad as the land a. chadistated a mad approved by the Courty add accepted by VDOT for public com By bonded for VDOT's acceptance. Aithetimofthemnstruoflonofth�w.�md serving Bruffifing 32, the Owner shall assured the intrup mition mrb radii or the mad serving IMP 32-2213 Sold extend omgmcPm of Such mad for at hunt . mininum of � handrail (100) fee fican Northiside Errive Fast. Th. Owner shall else place alt tire end of well mtmded road, a sign, appeared by file Canty, advising and Minifying the public that sueb fight -of -way is the loodon of B fume mind exterision. Owner shall grant tmpormy clonstrussion ==mm m determined n�uy by the County Engl� As allow for the Bond To be watianded ill IMP 32- 22E, which cwstmetim determine shall be an O�r's property and Outside of the dwics fightrumay, and shall be established by the applimbl. sift plan. No improvements hall br, loomed within the tmepormy �mts until �Wim of such fraud ban bec, completed. 10.2 Access to Tax Man YJA_ Session 7. Parrol 4 (mfft Nrth�d, Moldl HIM, Park Property), Unless the dedication ofpablic right-olf-way Bud the commuction N� web Sam pre required in mjmdion with the approved of u subdivision plat under Albemarle Coal Code § 14409 and related Sections, a than successful Owner Shall Purpose an arm in the low6on labeled "50' R.O.W. Re�d for Fratum DedimioW'.1 the eirmeart ad ofthe main co�ial dws mad from U.S. Route 29 on Shad H I., � By Tax Map 32A. Section 2, Parcel 4 CTW 32A-2-41I Prior to the ism�. of a building pe=t for Building 6 or Buildings Vi through Vd, muld As she" an the Application Plan, whicipas, is Italian, Owner shall recond in the Cluk's Officer of the Circuit Coural of Albemarle County, a cunwi� irrevocable deed of dedication dedionting; to public use LOT mad purposes, The area labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dollination." Owner acknowledges that if it is not part of a Subdivision plat approved by the County, such offer of dedicartion mum be But revieramed md approvell by the Board of Superviscris and achicepted by the Breard. Such -2-4 shall have base dead of dedication shall include the following exanditionts: (I) that TMP 32A speared; and (if) that prior to its we fis, mad purimses, them pliall have been echnstructad on the land Be dedi�od a road Approved by the County and associated by VDOT for public use ar bonded her VDOT'a acceptance. At the lime of the wmtructim OF the mutido6.t erving, Building 6 and Buildings VI ituouidt V6 the Owner shall wm�d the intusedion cauld mdii and momid cimstruction of the mad for a dismirms of at least flinty fed beyond Um mmdkbmt. The Owner shall aim place a the rail of such exteddled mad, a Sign, approved by the County, advising ill mfifyiBg the public That macla fight-oll is the l�tiOR Of a fCW,1G mad mtmim of the dedication have ban smisfied, and if requested After dedication and before the condition by the County, Own. Shall maimme, the dedirsuad lam untill requested by the Coundly to no Ionger do mi, subject he the howmes right to colmin we of the dedicated land for park, numerical and'" g=spEce Purposes, Upon being requesdad by the County, Owner " calls all me and maintenance ofthe dadicepted land and remove all impmv=mD established by Owner (ifany) than the County requests be �d, C)wm shall grant t=P--Y constructim m� as pletermined =osuy by the County Engineer UP allow for the mad to be "tmdcd to IMP 32A-2-4, which construction easmmtg shall be on Owns's property and oneside, of the deffichom rightof-way, add shall be established by the applicable site pin. No impm�� shall be located within the Temporary construddition -�"is =fit minim iOnDf-&-dh- ban wmpided. XL SIGNATORY 12,1 Cer1fia The undersigned certify that theyare the only owners ofthoProphirty, which is the Barred ofthe ZM A �.d.�. 12.2 The Own . Th= PITIFfus shall mer wid, the Priquirly =it MCh lCf�aW to shall include within its meaning, add shall be binding upon. Owner within those proffers ortion of the owul assompoll in im� andla the developper(s) of The Property an my p property. (Sigw. Fages Remedial Fellow) This Prefiffix Statement may be signed in countorpronts webodir via fincit with the some mt and at one dowment full f� and eflAssid as if all aignamum, overs, Help Signs OFCOJRUSCI Purcharmi: Ind All On Coast Eastern Data-. CwnP;AY1 M-SW COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE d d Notary Pubb in �sndllc,,Uda it aft, d hereby cernificer that rd=fi;�: Iwdau h'.'so a. A LUC V wo Manag=mt Company, a4mmilmol PoinRChubtLaville�LLC, Virginia limitand hatillitycloodinfamy issigitedto Z�� ojl� fix the foregoing Amended and Restated Proffer Statement treating the date As of IS 2013, UolMged am arm before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid an behelf of. limid ttd- liability �ymny. Gi� under my hand 06. dyorA1mr*:S,2 my man expires gone OL, C� Ess 7�', ��� - - ,, 2014 [SEA1.1 Notary Pliffille adN Debt COMMONWEALTH OF VIRONIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Arratiesd Notary P bi and ft do j solictiter, aforesaid hereby matifuss that 17. ZA whose n Onsat Eagm Mmagm-t Company, Associates, LI-C., . Virginia limited liability company, is signed ill the It �mded and Rempand proffer Statement bearing the date as of 2013, acknowledged the same before mein myjurisdiction afwmaid an belosliI IPti.nd1ifibility company Given uRd�.yhmd this dayof IvbIllersulAr, 2013. My w��nion hall h=aZ�[SEAL] 01 N liml NM"PLM CMWOM@dholft* COV45'a, NI YOPI MISConint Ew VaI 2014 Dow. COMMONWRALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OFALSFMARULE thaind ad Notary Public a I I Y. Ap t whose nine AS I Ong Epson Manag=mt Company, Gmeral P of Tow= Limited Paranorship, moral Partner of CWH PropMi" Limited Partnership, Virgin I clited �mb , 'a signed to the foregoing Amended and Featured 'a I P 1. to. me Proffur &�.at learing the data AS crfl]� 2013, hadoccalmlited the A.. in my,juriandictoon aforesaid an behal f of said ownership. under my haind ties Given dayof Olt 2013. r-ommu"M txlda=mds� Tim YOM$3 UVC�.EV.MMCh3l 2014 (SEAL] soll Is Al =led Z0 Uj `77 4. 0 W U.1 laaaa CQ co 0 1414 0 riss- CQ viiiii co CO3 In 6 N co 0 is is >4 rial �;- 0 a) C 4 I:-) v Q) 1-4 C 01 C: LIj 0 4-1 Co _.j. Q �F. N, CD viss It- 0% Or) On a) 11.0 aa, 00 '414 It 0 to 0) 0 coPal 1-- 'St. 0 0 Est c', it:ds' 0 XA 14 0 I 0 4) 4) E pLTH 0 iz P >1 C 10 'PI BRIAN C, MI CHELL Lic, No. 03 1111212020 ep 0 2 'k'YS�/O N A L CL 'o' '35724 L122020 10 L II NA 0 Q C4 9) It: 4) Z) 0 3c E, satz� E-s-4 E__4 0 4) 0 0 i_ 0 Issaaaal 1_4 6" Q4 se� 0- 0 0 Isiss-4 0 &_4 �j se::� 0 1- CIL Q4 0) C REVISIONS CDA TE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS - 12118118 PER COMMEN TSIO 05117119 PER COMMEN TS 08127119 PER COMMEN TS 0713112020 PER 0 WNER 1111212020 PER COMMEN TS a) C Ld 0 se- 0 CL 0 I CL DA TO 4) 04 _27_2016 . . . . . . . . SCA E L C SC L NO A E 3c 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. 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MIYCHELL I 11 o Lic, No, 035724 d 0 1011912021 P FFSSIONAL ENO�I 2 Im w c N N c 0 c c w O .-. ^� .- N e. . 7 O t qQti N U 1/.�, ' �I On ~ � c 3 W I �� o ti O I� � N � QI O q p m c �I 0 2i � U o Wc I;[l O U r(�)` �-1I Y O r W 4) a d C W c REVISIONS CDATE m ITEM IJJc 10107116 PER COMMENTS a) 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER En N 1OV19121 aowusE o I- O Q) N a O a DATE d 04-27_ 2 SCALE "_100, 1 o r PROJECT MANAGER ' BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. c .21 N DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -o c O PROJ.# E- 20150290 3 O SHEET # v C - 2 0 -I - - - - - I 1 \ I � 6549 � i'-'' - // /"l \ ''-� \ ` l % ' 1 `\\\ I I 49183 _ CNNS��.N3?4�________- \ (f`-�� I /• v/ _ ``♦ \ / I I / , 1 I ,'' \\ I `__---_----_ 1 \ I l --------------- - -- , _ STONE � #■-■-� _ ` OSIILET i j /',/ i� 000 *Air ITS IF r ♦. �I.���■os/ LEA N -----3.13 1- - ` Ile ➢y \ / / ------ -` \ \ ` DI ANCE/ CLE SF i ` \\\` `\`♦\ \`\ it / % /. �\ 11 �I 3.05 / ____- �,� _;:. \,> �`\ \\ \\\ \ \ / I \ ,♦ \♦ ♦` LIMITS OF \ •. / / \ / �/ �/ \`♦ \\\ \\\ % 1 1 -/ I/� I I/ �'/ //.; �.`\'�♦\\\ \♦C/ DISTURBANCE/LEARING /\ ���_ // / / \`\ ``\ \1 \\ / I I I`_I, II 1 I . I /"..\�4 _- 3 1 I - /// �'/ '/ . , ` \ \ \\ \\ _� \`, / I I 7\ _ `♦` � _� \ \ � \ . /� -ice / l ♦ \ 1 \ j I I:I:I: 1 I I / I / $ I /�' // \ \ \ }yl / I / `,\ \ \ / _- ! / \ 1 ♦�3+d 1 II' 1 j 1 ! . / `\\ I I ' ' / ` \ \ _ W \ lC.\ , / 1 \ `�\` \\ 1 \ / / ,-� �`♦ 1 1 I t::l I I I . 1 i I 11 1 1 1 /�/ i \\ I 1 \\\ \`--- \\ \ ,'' % I \\ \ \` ��♦ ,\ \\ 04 / DD 1 \ EE PROTECTIO r/ \ / I I I \\ -� 1 � . / `♦ ; / / j r 1 I It / / 1 I I \ \ \ OW CAUT10/ 1 \ / I 1 `♦ 11 ;:J. !1 I I 1 • / / I I ------- .:1� / I 1 � / / \ \ � \ 1 7A E TO PROTECT 4 - /' I. \ 1 I TIE WETLANDS I \ 1 \ _ ♦ / I \ I I I I f: LJ T$ IIOF DI TURMANI:L ` / / I N•_/ , I \ \ SF _ I \ . / / I I \ \ \ \\ \ - .1 E 1 C - / ♦ - I , , \ I \ 1 \ d t CL�ARIi{IG 1 / I . / 1\ I / /;.. / I 1 i , / I I \ ` \ \ _-'' / k if I DD it I � \ , / \ / I \ \ \ ! 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DISTU / \ \\ 1\` \\ \ \ \\ ,\ / PI ItS OF . _ _ --__ _ - , / ' - J L - ✓-'''' '' ,� /'' Jv / Is-__ e\ \\ \\ `\ `\ .�.�n/�.,v \I i / I I TU CE� i / AGI%{rI AREA\ " / I 11 \\`\ 1\ 11 \\ \\, \\I ♦`\ \\ \\ 11 \ \ ,\ \\ \`. \`\ \ \ \ I 1 1 I it 4' I 1 DD d I 1 I I I I I \ . 41 $B-1 ♦a / , ,i ,, �: �,'-- ``♦ ,, , / / / / l 1 1 I 1 I / I I I I / / / I 1 I \'k .\ ``♦ i % T / \ \ `\ ,r. i`•.�J/ 'l ''' .,f ��P'''/ __-__- ``\ _--' ''/ ,,'// �' / ,,'/ ,,' / / /� // / % // I \'� \I ! �I 1 I/ 'I /l % I 1\ \\.. J`w 4VSIR BREW, x T R / ' ice' • //-_ '`\ - ' ' % / I 1 I I l l jl \� I ♦..�\cr �/ '___' v► / \ \I 1\ _- .W EET DD D / I \ \' i L-M�ITSiF STONE To CE0/ �0 D�TtiR@A -- / �--CLEARING LIMITS OF In O --- D*NI, /DISTURBANCE/ARNGo zs -�-0' p o--' \\ `\ \ \ ` \ \♦ \ \♦ � / / / 1 �\\ - \ .O9 CLEARING% • --- . -- / ` \ / / I / I I I \ . ' 1 \ � / / / / / ♦/` �"' 0 0 11 _____ , /� / 1 1 \ \ \ 4` -:.\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ i / __,�_ '' �'' ' ' / ° �\ /O ° � � — � o O O \\\ \ / . / \ \ \L I \ '., \ d / 1 \ � \ _ ' / QI1TLQf O \ \ p-'d ` ,' • i s \I i r'',DISi11RBAN6E/ / SF r.' _ o ' 0 m CL o IP \ \ \♦ -- _-_' \ O EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA _• , I ,- -/'_ , ,/ / / I / ','1 J. l i. ..I \ \ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK �_- -_\ � 1 I / � _ / / / I / / I� 1 i Il jl I I \ SF , �� I I I / , , \ \ \ \ -- ,' 0 -' , o r�.� � � \ \ STD. 6 SPEC. NCE/ 3P.00E2 ' O CUNSTRUCTIDN ENTRANCE O �'__ LMI$ /,,, ' /,,,,-' O ° SF E SILT FENCE 3.13 _ -�_ // /' i / / % I ♦\ `�_ -_' i j j RB '�1 / - i / S [ _ _ F------ ----- ___ /° O INLET PROTECTION 3.07 l%1���o�� wff / / `\ / 1 \ ♦ ,._ -_- ,. ../ f� O O Q 6 -.. , ' , , / • \ c 1 \ \ \ \ �, ---- -' ,/ / 1---------' ------__ TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE />�) � �. � �r � / ^ \ - - 11'I \ r �' �/ _� ' ' ,'' /' .•!� /C STFmTEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ST_y STONE / /_ _ i'� .L TONE \\ -.'�_ `:�_ - - o 0 0 0 CD ROCK CHECK DAM / I STONE, \ S / — // - _-,_ i O O 3,20 ' - .! 1 OU \\\ i / OU1L¢T 1 I\�� 1 ��0------ _- \�-- ' ° 0 �_- ^-.�._- o_ G0000 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION \�� , / ,i__�\ \\\ i l i l / 11 \I \1- ` -' A' , ° , V+`' \ /' �s S$F _ /// / / •O / / \ I / / / / / ' i // ° 6 TS TEMPORARY SEEDING PS PERMANENT SEEDING J` / CRITICAL SLOPE ° ° 0 ° ° GRAPHIC SCALE ° MULCHING PRESERVED 100 0 50 100 200, O O '° ' °' ODUST CONTROL ' 9 \ \ \ - MANAGED IN FEET ) _,- 1 inch = 100 Pt. 0 m Lo CQ y Q) E6 ,14 0 U�� 0 W "�' U �W U Z � b°� 'b � 0 ,--1 .--I Q) c N ZbC) c .r Ul rn W O = ) W Lo y 71 t F ,^ Co a UI 0 ►y � U ,Sy c a ° U O 0 o+ N O O _ ° y � y Q c N CT ��pLT H 0 c c p � o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic. No, 035724 P 10/1912021 O�FSS/ONALENO�� a c N N C O U �1 C �U. 0 � o 0 o 0 q c o c 0 C�8 U 11 6 ` V O r REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMENTS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 0610112020 PER OWNER 10119121 CLUBHOUSE c m DATE 04-27-2018 � SCALE c AS SHOWN L tl1 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. T v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY C O c PROD.# 20150290 ; _ o SHEET f C — 3 t O O CQ d co 0 O co, AMC) Uw00 U .� U U],b� O ^� a -� Ow � a Co knCO muc a4 cyi o M O 4 a Yil BRIAN C, MITCHELI Lic. No. 035724 1011912021 d ffi 44 64 O Y a Z4 W co r i O O 1� REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMENTS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 0610112020 PER OWNER 10119121 CLUBHOUSE 04-27-2016 1 "=100, PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN Kllf C — rn c C m m c w 0 m c N -- — — — — - 6548— /, 3.39 'CONSTIENT14 6549 491. 83 CONS T-I------- I ------------------ -------------- mafioso *AN a 0 \ \ 1 1 1 / ♦ \`\ 1 .j .I.\ `\`\ I NCE}'.- 1 I 1 1 1 �i / • � % 1 � I . � '. .._ i i i / / I j l l i . / l __ `\ `\� \`\ /i / I� LIMITS OF 'IMITAU�ROF DISTU ANC / / / ,. , / , /�i / . CLEARING_ // l I I': it f / `\ 1Awi i i i I T-1 / / / I 1 I I�IITGET `\ \ \ ' `\ ' , / \ I I I / C I I $TON OUTLE / / I \ \ \ \ • ,'' \ — — i 1 I \\ \ I 1 l / .'�(: I j /' % I { �\ \`� /, i // ..N % i l `--__�.� \\ \\ `♦ ''� / < �"------------- ' i /Ax/j/4 --------- J. --rep - \ i ------- ------ it DIMM ----- `\ X --- ---- I . .% /\+`\\\ `\\ --___ \\ • /. .l am _ .����■ '/ /--------�\ / r AV /I i �~♦� i LIMITS OF� \ `.. `------- '' \\ i.... ��/. ,''- ' :��� DISTURBANCE/ \\\ \\ _ : I/ ■ s o ,' i I CLEARING `\ \ . \ \ • t I 1 r / A1 # ,' \ *� I I 1 II � 1 ..• __ •.�3. � /�''-,`�� `-` •i•� ■ ■ �l■ 1 1 1 ' ♦♦ \- 1 II \ I I 4W' DD I I I 1 �/ I^ — — / • .G Iv I ' G ' DD IJMI7S OF �GMITS OF / i --- ` DISTURBJANCE7 ' `e� / ♦ \ \ >�> -' £,` DISTURBANCE/ • i \ \ I:. f/ CLEARING \\\ \ \\ - CLEARING 3 r Y■■*■■III► ,-- -\\ I EROSION CONTROL • r. i. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA I I I `•+ I 1 \ \ •/ OP 'h✓�\ \ \ \ \ / , EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK 1. STD. & SPEC. I\ 1\ \ I ,1 I j^\\ \``\----�»' /� / :' . / `—wc_— 1 I I I/ ., .I. / \ \ 7 73 1 PCE 3.02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE BRE SF / f //:: THE SILT SILT FENCE I / I \ / 1 \ -"O--_ , / / / / I WITH ROCK I C,1ECK. IP INLET PROTECTION �'�- ------- / / ♦ \ \\---------- ``\ ♦`` / �/ t� / /,, ✓' ,,1 ::.'li{:::li. / b\'- \- TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE \ `----_--------__ --------- TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ----'' / . I \\ \\ \ r .as- DD / ROCK CHECK DAM \ -- \ \ _ - ' / --\- ---` - , \\ \ \ DD- _-� no (ZD0000 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTIONI TS TEMPORARY SEEDING , PS PERMANENT SEEDING CRITICAL SLOPE • / \'° / — o / 3.32 GRAPHIC SCALE--Lw>__ 1 \—�''— --__ DISTU / / ` • / / MU MULCHING — PRESERVED too 0 50 100 200 ,/ / I 1 , 1 I \ — --- _ — — — \ \` ` OC DUST CONTROL MANAGED ---- I '' ,'' / / / / / — --- IP = _ ��� / ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 100 ft. ----'' da ''' a `" �_. _ //-- \\_ ---\ a 3a O C rn CC)0 v d4 U Z CQCD co di ci CQInO NO 0 W "C U �W v -7 1loczl 0 W 0 4-1 Co U O CD CD+5 00 Ld ° muo O t O 0 N Oyy L \ ,+y 02 a 3 d E N m �pLT H 0 w T O y � BRIAN G. MIYCHELL I II o Lic, No, 035724 1011912021 P FFSSIOIII AI ENO\ a 41 w C N W �I C O U C r � w •� 11 r 0 3. � lT� �{ V 0 N `\ q 0 0 COX U W I�[l � C o ti 0CI O d m r 0 REVISIONS CVATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMENTS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 0610112020 PER OWNER 10119121 CLUBHOUSE c w En c 3 12 0 C d O a DATE ° 04-27-2016 N SCALE C AS SH0WN o r PROJECT MANAGER U BRIAN C. MITCHELL, .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -° c 0 PROJ.# c 20150290 3 0 SHEET # C - 3 r CONSTRUCTION NARRATIVE THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 98-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THAT IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THE PROJECT ALSO INVOLVES THE MASS GRADING OF A FUTURE APARTMENT SITE THAT LIES IN THE CENTER THIS PROJECT, ALSO A PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE PROJECT, AND THE INSTALLATION OF TWO LARGE SWMBMP BASINS AND TWO BIO-RETENTION BASINS. THE FOUR BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND A PORTION OF A FUTURE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST OF THIS PROJECT. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER WILL BE EXTENDED TO SERVICE THE FUTURE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENTS. THE DISTURBED AREA ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT IS APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THE EXISTING SITE IS MOSTLY FORESTED. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE SLOPES NORTHWEST TO FLAT BRANCH. THE SITE CONTAINS WATERS OF THE U.S. THAT SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED EXCEPT FOR THE PERMITTED AREAS TO BE IMPACTED. GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER AND A 12" WATERLINE ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION ON THE MIDDLE ENTRANCE ROAD AS PART OF THE NORTHPOINTE MIDDLEENTRMCEANDROUTE 29IMPROFEMENTSPROJECT. EACHWILLBE EXTENDED TO SERVICE THIS PROJECT AND FUTURE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENTS. ADJACENT AREAS THE SITE IS BORDERED BY THE NORTH POINTE MIDDLE ENTRANCE AND ROUTE 19 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND FLAT BRANCH TO THE WEST, PRITCHETT DRIVE (VA 785) TO THE SOUTH, AND A FUTURE NORTH POINTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE EAST. OFFSITE AREAS THERE IS NO OFFSITE WORK PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT. SOILS THE SITE IS CHARACTERIZED BY SANDY, LEAN CLAY (CL) AND SILTY, LEAN SAND (SM). CRITICAL AREAS THE CRITICAL AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT INCLUDE FLAT BRANCH AT THE PROPOSED CROSSCREEK DRIVE ROAD CROSSING. DISTURBED AREA SHOULD BE LIMITED TO WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. OTHER SENSITIVE AREAS INCLUDE WETLANDS AND WATERS OF THE U.S., CONTRACTOR MUST CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION FROM LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND PREVENT THEM FR40M ENTERING WATERWAYS. THIS SITE IS SET UP TO DRAIN TO FIVE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND TWO SEDIMENT BASINS WHICH WILL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS STABILIZED. THE SITE CONTAINS STEEP SLOPES THROUGHOUT THE DISTURBED AREAS. THESE DISTURBED AREAS WILL NEED TO BE SEEDED AND STABILIZATION ACHIEVED TO PREVENT EROSION FROM OCCURRING AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALSO TAKE CARE TO KEEP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION IN ORDER TO NOT TRACK MUD ONTO EXISTING ROADWAYS. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE I 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VTRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 -PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEW ATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THIS PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS, THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE OWNER MUST GIVE THE COUNTY INSPECTOR 48 HOURS NOTIFICATION TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING THAT WILL BE HELD AT COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 401 MCINTIRE ROAD FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 2. THE CERTIFIED RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER (CRLD) MUST ATTEND THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 3. INSTALL CAUTION TAPE ALONG THE 50' UNDISTURBED CONSERVATION AREA FROM FLAT BRANCH TO PREVENT CLEARING THE 50' CONSERVATION AREA. 4. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON THE ENTRANCE DRIVE AND PROFFIT ROAD LOCATIONS AS SHOWN. 5. INSTALL THE PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING ON CROSSCREEK DRIVE INCLUDING STORM STRUCTURES 1, 2, 2A, AND 3. STRUCTURE 2 SHALL BE INSTALLED FIRST SO THE STREAM MAY BE ➢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a. SEDIMENT TRAPS WILL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK b. THE BASIN EMBANKMENTS SHOULD BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE STRUCTURALLY SOUND AND HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGED BY EROSION OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. THE BASINS SHOULD BE CHECKED AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL FOR SEDIMENT CLEANOUT. WHEN THE SEDIMENT REACHES THE CLEAN -OUT LEVEL, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED. C. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSIT SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. D. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP THAT WILL PREVENT PROPER DRAINAGE. IF THE GRAVEL IS CLOGGED BY SEDIMENT, THE GRAVEL WILL BE REMOVED AND CLEANED, OR IT WILL BE REPLACED. E. DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EVERY STORM EVENT AND REPAIRS MADE TO THE DIKES, FLOW CHANNELS, OUTLET OR SEDIMENT TRAPPING FACILITY, AS NECESSARY. ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS, WHETHER A STORM EVENT HAS OCCURRED OR NOT, THE MEASURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRS MADE IF NEEDED. DAMAGES CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OR OTHER ACTIVITY MUST BE REPAIRED BEFORE THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. DUST CONTROL THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION: - VEGETATIVE COVER: IN AREAS SUBJECT TO LITTLE OR NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, A VEGETATIVE STABILIZED SURFACE WILL REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS. - MULCH: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AREAS WITHIN HEAVY TRAFFIC PATHWAYS. - IRRIGATION: SITE TO BE SPRINKLED WITH WATER UNTIL THE SURFACE IS WET. REPEAT AS NEEDED. IT OFFERS FAST PROTECTION FOR HAUL ROADS AND OTHER HEAVY TRAFFIC ROUTES. IN ADDITION TO THE TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES, PERMANENT METHODS SHALL BE APPLIED AND THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: - PERMANENT VEGETATION: APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING (PER STD 3.32). EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE II 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PAS SED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VD0T LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER"CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CLEAR AND GRUB TO FINAL LIMITS OF CLEARING. 2. INSTALL ADDITIONAL SILT FENCE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. BEGIN SITE GRADING OPERATIONS. 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER. 5. GRADE ROADWAYS TO SUBGRADE. 6. INSTALL THE PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL AND HEADWALLS ON THE ENTRANCE DRIVE (STRUCTURES 4-6). 7. INSTALL STORM SEWER PIPES AND STRUCTURES, INSTALLING INLET PROTECTION FOR THE DRAINAGE INLETS AS PROGRESSION OCCURS. 8. INSTALL WATERLINE. 9. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER, STONE, AND PAVEMENT. 10. SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS. 11. ONCE LAND DISTURBANCE AREAS HAVE BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND OTHER EC DEVICES (WITH EXCEPTION OF THE SEDIMENT BASINS) UPON APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. 12, ONCE SEDIMENT TRAPS 1 AND 5 ARE REMOVED, PERMANENT BIOFIOLTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED, RESPECTIVELY. THE SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL REMAIN AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS UNTIL THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE AND ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ARE CONSTRUCTED. ONCE THESE FUTURE SITES ARE STABILIZED, THE BASINS MAY BE CONVERTED TO PERMANENT SWMBMPS. O C O O 1414 U cq r.- In Gi C', co m 6 N 00 O co U b •r-I 0 O W O w Ln00 muo P4 y� 0 M L) k1l BRIAN G. MITCHELI Lic, No, 035724 1011912021 REVISIONS rn c c c W N w 0 c 0 H �h 0 N c m r o+ c 0 c cc w PER COMMENTS I m PER COMMENTS/OWNER 0 0 0 10119121 auBHouSE o H 0 0 T d 0 0 a DATE r 04-27-2016 0 SCALE c AS SHOWN o r PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY o c 0 STORMWATER RUNOFF CONSIDERATIONS PROJ.# c 20150290 .3 0 CC - 5B� Paved construction entrance for erosion control plans STONE CONSTRUCTION ^ ASPHALT PAVED ACCESS I-'lJ WgSHRACK EXISTING 2% 2% PA EMENT 'ZR 12• MIN! POSITIVE DRAIN0.GE 'MUST EXTEND FLL WIDTH I- A I OF INGRESS AND EGRESS 1- TO SEDIMENT OPERATION 1 TRAPPING DEVICE ��. P051TNE DRAINASf 29 TO SEDIMENT BA?PING) OEVICE. FILTER CLO 11 SECTION A -A A aurlaama water far of 1 arch must be unstalled aide a amir mun I melt ba0cock shutoff vake -n burs T wash lose mtb a dinmefer of L. arches for adequate Pp. <OIISfmlf TI e�Slae. R fl 1l0.flfer lllll)f be Cmlle(I aRm" $D111 f11e e114al1ce N 011 approved Retttuy area to reulace seduueuf -Ail seduueuf s1uTB be preT'erred from e+demtz.tonn Maul, ditches or \vaterconrses. PAVED WASH RACK w S'AF PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS NopAA I • • I No r i -ullll-l�IIIIII�_�tlTl� ��� IF 051 ,- a � I M _ 1 I 1 1 . I' 1 • • a • a • . a a a ••a • a • . a a . • a • 1 -•-a-•� •. • 1`••••••.•a••••`••a`a•. �•••••••••••••••••••••1 �•••,•.•0,; ,M•,.•,•,•,•1 N•••••••••••••••••••••� •••••••••�••••••••••••. ,•••••••••••••••�•••�•� 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •�a 1•••••.•••••••••••ar.•• �•••• • • • • • • • . • . • • • 1•••••••••••••••••••••• i • (• • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ••.•••1 •••••.•a•••••.•••a••••e l • • • . • . • . • • • • • • e CI , lall •••••• I-•old-•-•-•d-•-•-•-• .-•-•-•. .......al ..............as....... •-•d-•-1 dd-•-•-•-•dd-•-•-•- �� A Q♦l��1� � ��� '`v��+`' _`IIIIII- -..IIIIII- �yf'� W "LE !.`1l ;�. .. t m ■ Ifs - � t I -=111011111M Ih •11 1 1 I I]I' •11 •- ,• •- 1 1 • . .r �ningrlhf]L�BlTi9111ri sSi,4l{?L Ti•!'sl I, I,1. .•.. T•, a•t.ri. Air mill �� .�1►. t..�l4�,,.! -r�A� Ie RR ':I�J�Id:�►�� tT��:%` - (IIII IIIIII- FLOW Va. DSWC Plate 3.18-1 SOURCE: VA DSWC EC-3 MAT TO BE INSTALLED ON TYPICAL INSTALLATION AT END OF PIPE 3-OVERLAP BETWEEN RDLLS TRANSVERSE CLOSED CHECK SLOT STAKING DETAIL EC-3 STAKES OR MRS 3 C.C. SLOT 23' cc. OPEN CHECK SLOT \V DITCH NOTES: 4 1. STN(ES SHALL BE WOOD OR METAL AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER ND SHALL BE A MNRIIIM OF 12" IN LENGTH. IN SANDY SOTS METAL STN(ES A L•aA.V OF 18" N LENGTH SHALL BE USED. 2. SOIL 5TASLIZATION MAT TYPE A ND 8 ARE TO BE N ACCORDANCE WON THE APPROVED PRODUCTS LEST. ��. 3. SOL STABILIZATION MAT SHOULD BE NSTALLED TO THE SHOULDER BREAK PANT OR EXLSTNG GROUND THEN EMBEDDED 8'. MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDES OF THE WON SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE SNE 1 iC T ELEVATIONS. 4. IF MORE THAN 3 LINES Of MATERAL ARE REOLRED PARALLEL TO THE f OF THE DITCH, WATERAI SHALL + BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTER LIE OF THE DITCH, STARTING AT THE LOWEST rLELEVATDN OF THE DITCH. UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM TERMINAL 5. FOR SOURCES OF APPROVED MATERIALS SEE VDOT'S APPROVED PRODUCTS EST FOR ST-0. EC-3, YPE A OR S. TION UrERESOIL STABILIZATION MAT NVMT DITCH INSTALLATION TYPE A ORB V°"° °1° BRoaE HEFT I OF SooTS REVISION GATE SLEET i ar O EDe YRWMA DEPARTMENT OF TRNISPORTATIO! +IJ.D3 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION J. DETAIL A SPECIFIC APPLICATION I RIPRAP THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER PLATE. 3.20-1 THAN 59) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING I C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. SOURCE: N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plann)na and Design Manual. 1988 PLATE 3.07-1 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.13-2 GRAVEL FILTER 1p• RUNOFF WAIER WARE MESH F/UERED WATER THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO AV ACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED AREAS. • GRAVEL SHALL BE VOOT /3, /357 OR 5 COARSE AGGREGATE. SOURCE: VA DSWC SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEMA TIC ELE VA. TIONS DESIGN HIGH WATER L. (25-YR. STORM ELEV.) 0.5' SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT (w RAGE TO 34 C Y./ ACRE) REDUCED SOURCE: VA. DSWC MIN. 1 RISER CREST BARREL SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE 3.09-1 PLATE. 3.14-2 BASIN # DRAIN AREA WET STOR. VOL. REO'D. WET STOR. VOL. ELEV. WET STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. REQ D. DRY STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. ELEV. BOTTOM ELEV. RISER CREST ELEV. DEWAT. DEVICE ELEV. EMERG. SPILL. ELEV. 25-YR STORM ELEV. TOP DAM ELEV. RISER DIAM. DEWAT DEVICE DIAM. FLEX. TUBING DIAM. ANT- VORTEX DIAM. ANTI- VORTE THICK GAUGE ANTI- VORTEX HEIGHT ANTI- VORTEX STIFFENER -1/4 PIPE or 1-1/4x1-1/4 xf 4 ANGLE OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL ANTI -SEEP COLLARS DIAM. LENGTH INN. IN INN. OU 1 AC. YD.3 FT YD.3 YD.3 YD.3 FT. FT. FT FT. FT. FT. FT. IN. IN. IN. IN. GA. IN. IN. FT FT. FT SIZE 38.12 2554 430 6128 2554 7318 435,50 422 435.50 430 435.50 436.55 437.50 48 24 26 72 14 21 42 120.49 422 418 4 5.8X5.8 2 24 16 445 2745 16 1919 447 439 447 445 N A 447.65 450 48 19 21 72 14 21 7174 ANGLE 42 78.869 439 434 3 5.6X5.6 L PLATE 3.07- SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET cIP PROTECTION 3.08 p15PIRE 5 E MNRess E Fiaw rs TOWND E1■IW(YENr now OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION** o' vs• a� FLOW a5' "war A tI A/36 OR AO /3T COARSE GREGIIE ro RETLICE sLr Fvtrc N • faRSESIaE • w Hw•I VELOCITY of FLOW rs EXPECTED I RIPRAP SOURCE ADAPTED From MOT Standard Sheets and Va. DSIW PLATE 3.08- ANTI- VORTEX DEVICE DESIGN PRESSURE RELIEF HOLES 1/2- DM A O O TOP STIFFENER IS /6 REBAR OR X3 16 ANGLE WL O O TO TOP AND ORIENTED PER- PENDICULAR TO CORRUGATIONS. O O 0 0 TOP IS16-GAGE CORRUGATED O METAL OR 1/B' STEEL PLATE. PRESSURE RELIEF HOLES MAY BE OMMrfTED, IF ENDS OF PLAN VIEW CORRUGATIONS ARE LEFT FULLY OPEN WHEN THE TOP IS o-Tz' ATTACHED. -. •. ....:. CYLINDER IS 14' GAGE CORRUGATED . :.......::..: H.21• METAL PIPE OR FABRICATED FROM sYE EL PLATE. Miil e• MIN. TNOTES: 1. THE CYLINDER MUST BE SUPPORT BAR SZE FIRMLY FASTENED TO THE (/e REBAR MIN.) TOP OF THE RISER. RISER DIAMETER 2. SUPPORT BARS ARE WELDED TO THE TOP OF THE RISER OR ATTACHED BY STRAPS ECTION A -A ISOMETRIC BOLTED TO TOP OF RISER. INFORMATION SHOWN FOR SEDIMENT BASIN 1 RECOMMENDED DE WA TERING SYSTEM FOR SEDIMENT BASINS PROVIDE ADEQUATE POLYETHYLENE CAP STRAPPING PERFORATED POLYEfHYLI DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETER VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN APPENDIX 3.14-A) DEPTH VARIES AS REQUIRED FOR' DRY STORAGE WET FERNOO-STYLE ' COUPLING STORAGE CORRUGATED METAL RISER APPENDIX 3.14-A) NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB FOR DEWATERING ORIFICE •DRAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 AND AASHTO M294 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.14-15 1992 1992 t7n STRAYY BALE/SILT FENCE PIT IDS 3.26 HUM am u wPwR SPyyx Nara • OEPP1 PUV dYWMi - � • ~ I r \ MUE (M.) 1 I GhRR CIaTX t+As Vans. 1 e'saaw." OrmAw . 541 eV( NNR gryghp IMT/il Ai PA 51D. IKI1EL iM. 5Ri kO' y„A 7 W T $25 OR f2e WRCGIC I'd ® CU95 N RIPRF' PLAN VIEW OUSTRIG rz li ll AHD 1111 1111 Farr WK R 1Fp 1 eNra CROSS-SECTION A -A --I I--r-r r R row w NooT s DR 2a .N:catuw r �s t DfPMS IXUMIEO MX1 asom Ouva NCO CROSS-SECTION B-B Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.26-3 3.25 1992 3.24 DIVERSION CHANNEL CROSSING USC roRa dAMN o nos 6"M I t �I 3.25 our III •SAE Ml£ 1.23-2 t FOR CROSS-SECTION A -A CRNOSSRIG, SH, • PCG. 3. DON LDCARD M aMa1W. 31RFIYRfD Al FOR NTNL ranwasr) - /�%✓ TRANSITION Source: Vs. DSWC TEMPORARY CULVERT CROSSINC 3.24 uP Dm v Pwe a urs rDDLTxFR GLaw YDO+ /1 COARSE ADGRCWIC r D[LP 0 DE 0. I O% %PC OR In 'MIICNEYDI IS MaTER rMM FILL CJVERCD „{ I,qa[ y1W1AR or U Nmr /1 caMSE /1YA[GT[ OR "A" MR/ Plate 325.1 Source: Va. DSWC ELEVATION FLOW sLwull �»a PLAN VIEW TABLE 3.31-C TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES SEEDING RATE NORTH' SOUTH' PLANT 3/1 5/I B/15 2/15 5/1 9/1 SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 8/15 11/1 4/30 9/1 11/15 OATS 3 bu. (up to 10D Iba, 2 Ibs. X - - X - - Use spring wideties (e.g. Noble). (Awna eaeva) not less than 50 Iba) RYE' 2 bu. (up to 110 Ibs., 2.5 lbs. X - X X - X Use for late fall seeding& winter (Seed, cer•de) not less than 50 Iba) Cover. tolerates cold and low moisture. GERMAN RYEGRASS 50 Iba approx. 1 lbs. - X - - X - Warm -season annual. Diva at first (Sstala Ra@a) frost May be added to summer mixes. ANNUAL RYEGGRRASS° 60 Iba 1 Alba. X - X X - X May be added in mixes. JIM (tolbm mule-earun) mow out of most stands. WEEPING 15 Iba 5 XA oar, - X - - X - Warm -season perennial. May LOVEGR LOVEGRASS bunch. Tolerates hot, try dopes and aoM, infertile sole. May be auvula) added to mixes, KOREAN 25 Iba approx. 1 XA Iba X X - X X - Warm seasonal annual legume LESPEDEZA° Tolerates ace solla May be added to mixes (Leepadem stipulaosa) ° Northern Piedmont and Mountain region. See Plate 3.22-1 and 3.22-2. ' Southern Piemont and Coastal Plain. c May be used as a cover crop with spring seeding. d May be used as a cover crop with fall seeding. X May be planted between these dates. - May not be planted between these dates. SMRCE: VA DSWC TABLE 3.32-D (Revised June 2003) SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA SEED' LAND USE SPECIES APPLICATION PER ACRE Minimum Care Lawn Tall Fescuel 95-100% Commer�dentid) Perennial Ryegrass Kentucky Bluegrass+ 0-5R 0-5% TOTAL 175-200 Iba High Maintenance Lawn Toll Fescuel TOTAL• 2OD-250 6e Tall Fescue 128 Its. Gmeral Slope (3:1 or Isar) Red Top Aare or Creeping Red Fescue Seasonal Nurse Crop2 2 Iba 20 Ibs TOTAL: 150 6s Toll Fescuel 108 Its. Low -Maintenance Slope Red Top Lass a Creeping Red Fescue 2 Iba (Steeper than 3:1) Seasonal Nurse Crop2 20 Iba Aownvetch3 20 Iba TOTAL 150 Ibs 1 - When selecting writles of turfgrass, use the Virginia Crop Improvement Association (VCIA) recommended turfgrass Variety list. Quality seed will bear a loble indicating that they are approved by VCIA. A Current turgfgrass variety list is available at the local County Extenstion office or through VCIA of 804-746-48B4 or at htto://mdan.cses.vt.edu Atml/Turf/turf/publications2.html 2 - Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: February 16th through April ....................................................Annual Rye May let through August 15th............................................... Foxtail Millet August 16th through October ................................................. Annual Rye November through February 15th .............................................Winter Rye 3 - Substitute Sedce r lespedezo for Crownvetch east of Fornville, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericea, dl other periods, use unhulled Sedceo). If Flatpeo is used increase rate to 30 Ibs./acre. If Weeping Lovegrass is used, include in any slope of low maintenance mixture cluing wanner seeding periods, increase to 30 - 40 CLOTH L.RCE AKJ1lAR fIAIVRr Y OVf„ GILL SAWLE oh£MaI dt 51WIE Plate 324 0 W N 00 co 0 W � U W �.F.4 0 0 �w V . �11 O rl c al Z �Pdo In JIM C W a W z I @ d��r 0 01-1 Cc 0 CO a_ a �r O a Q) g U U �0Ay \ 04 C ° 0 MIN C E On GNLT H 0 c T U ° Y � BRIAN C. MIYCHELL II o Lic, No, 035724 m 1011912021 P�FSS/ONALENG\� a Ol c m as c 0 N Q ti ,t � �l LI N Q IV O 3 • �y rn � v` m w q � o wW V �+ w 0 Q [�Q4CL �I Q 9 c°F �I O QH, o a rrT�Nyyy � 1!Q i ■ H.. OI (1 REVISIONS )ATE ITEM lLI 7107/16 PER COMMENTS 2118118 PER COMMEN)S/OWNER In m N 0119121 CLUBHOUSE o F- 0 a) 0 O a DATE t 04-27-2016 m SCALE NOT TO SCALE o PROJECT MANAGER a1 BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o+ 63 DESIGNED BY -0 BCM LEN a) CHECKED BY -0 c 0 PROJ.# c 20150290 3 0 SHEET ,¢L C-5A t F- Silt Trap 1 Area= 0.63 acres 1.26 Wet Volume Req'd 1425 cf 1.25 *Dry Volume Re q 'd 1425 cf Bottom L = 21 ft Bottom W = 11 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 1445 Dry Volume Actual 1993 cf Stone Outlet L = 4 Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 435.0 Top Width= 30.5 Top Length= 41.0 Silt Trap 4 Area= 0.72 acres Wet Volume Req'd 1302 cf Dry Volume Req'd 1302 cf Bottom L = 20 ft Bottom W = 10 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 1356 cf Dry Volume Actual 1904 cf Stone Outlet L = 5 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 506.0 Top Width= 30.0 Top Length= 40.0 Silt Trap 7 Area= 2.57 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4649 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4649 cf Bottom L = 46 ft Bottom W = 23 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4665 cf Dry Volume Actual 4896 cf Stone Outlet L = 16 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 494.0 Top Width= 43.1 Top Length= 66.2 Silt Trap 10 Area= 2.76 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4993 cf Wet Volume Req'd 4993 cf Bottom L = 50 ft Bottom W = 25 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 5316 cf Dry Volume Actual 5444 cf Stone Outlet L = 17 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 425.0 Top Width= 45.0 Top Length= 70.0 II \ \\\ \\ 11 1 i 111111\ I\ I \. \ / // \ 1 1 1 1\\\ , \ \ \ \\ I IIIII \ \ / \\ 1 I I I 1 1 1\ \\ \I\I\ IIII II 1\11 1 \ \ 1\ 1\ I I\ 1\` 1\ I \ 1 1 \ \ I\ II \\ ♦``. \\II \I 11\I\ 1\I\ \ \ \\ \ IN ST- 7 ST-10 -� 0 SCALE 1 "=50' Silt Trap Area= 0.61 acres Wet Volume Req'd 1103 cf Dry Volume Req'd 1103 cf Bottom L = 17 ft Bottom W = 9 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 1109 cf Dry Volume Actual 1649 cf Stone Outlet L = 4 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 445.0 Top Width= 28.5 Top Length= 37.0 Silt Trap 5 Area= 2.62 acres 1.26 *Wet Volume Req'd 5924 cf 1.25 `Dry Volume Req'd 5924 cf Bottom L = 54 ft Bottom W = 27 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 6048 cf Dry Volume Actual 6052 cf Slone Outlet L = 16 ft Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 499.0 Top Width= 47.0 Top Length= 74.0 Silt Trap 8 Area= 2.59 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4685 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4685 cf Bottom L = 48 ft Bottom W = 24 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 Ift Wet Volume Actual 4968 cf Dry Volume Actual 5152 lcf Stone Outlet L = 16 Ift Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 460.0 Top Width= 44.0 Top Length= 68.0 Silt Trap 11 Area= 2.34 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4233 cf Wet Volume Req'd 4233 cf Bottom L = 44 ft Bottom W = 22 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4308 cf Dry Volume Actual 4592 cf Stone Outlet L = 15 Ift Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev Top Width= 42.0 Top Length= 64.0 \`\\ -'�� _.. _��-�_-_-��'�/jam I- �✓�'� _ ST-2 SCALE 1 50' ----------------`----- DEDICATIO DEMAND E a ' 1 ALBEMARL / 1 ' lU TLkIpORA \\\\\\\ \\ \ 10'' TE OOS \\`\\\\\♦\\\\ '// ' 'i I ii Ili j l ilililllll l \ \ \ \// l l l I I I I I I I ST-5 SCALE Silt Trap IK3 Area= 1.40 acres Wet Volume Req'd 2533 cf Dry Volume Req'd 2533 cf Bottom L = 30 ft Bottom W = 15 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 2376 cf Dry Volume Actual 2884 cf Stone Outlet L = 9 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Ell = 494.0 Top Width= 35.0 Top Length= 50.0 Silt Trap 6 Area= 2.65 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4794 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4794 cf Bottom L = 47 ft Bottom W = 24 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4799 cf Dry Volume Actual 6009 cf Stone Outlet L = 16 ft Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 440.0 Top Width= 43.5 Top Length= 67.0 ��\I\\\�f\\I\ \\\\�\\\m \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\\ \� \\ \ yyy \ I I IN \ IN \\ \ 1 \\ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I \ \\ \ \\ IN I\ `\ '\ \\ \ \ `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ ------------ 1 It \ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \` \♦ ``____ -- I o I IN I \\\\\\\\\ \ I \ \ 1\\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ `♦ \♦ `\ ♦\ \\ 0 ST-3 1 SCALE 50' -------------- _ ST- 6 ; o' 9 ------ 5409 _ - \\\\ _. Area= 2.99 acres / i I I I I/ �� ---` `. Wet Volume Req'd cf Dry Volume Req'd 5409 cf / -' ---- :. `\`. \\ Bottom L = 58 ft I--- ,- Bottom W = 29 ft- ---_ Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft ` \ \ Wet Volume Actual 6828 1cl /'/ ,/'-'''/'` /' `• \ \ Dry Volume Actual 6692 cf Stone Outlet L = 18 Ift/N,- /' Side Slopes = 2 :1 r- \ Bottom Elev = 460.0 Top Width= 49.0 P To Length = 78.0 \ \ \ I - ._ + z--- \ \ IIIII I \ * . �` �^ fT�x �,L • _ • ��� \ I I\III I I I I I I $ .�y. . \ \ �\ \ �i'x'1♦ `\`� \ I\ ! \\I I I I I I I 1 I \ \\ \ \I \\\ / '///,�I 1 I I I I 1111 / I I if IIIII I \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ `r T� r-r-/-y--I_1 Ill LF� / II IIIII \'�� ���`�.� • . \\��`��_ \ . l / l l / 1 I I l / I 1 1 I fT'-j-j-I-l-1+} l l I l l i i i i ''/''�/_---- '• \\ \\ \\ \ \` \ j l l I l l l l l l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I \ Ii � \'if I II I 1111 I l \ \\\\ \\♦`\\ \ \\ // �/' I I I j 'it I II II 111111111111\I\\\\``;\.` III SCALE SCALE ST-8 1 „-50' ST-9 1 0=50' ST- 1 1 sca50 Silt Tran FN Area= 2.99 acres Wet Volume Req'd 5409 cf Wet Volume Req'd 5409 cf Bottom L = 52 ft Bottom W = 26 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 5676 cf Dry Volume Actual 5744 cf Stone Outlet L = 18 it Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 468.0 Top Width= 46.0 Top Length= 72.0 i I l i 1 1 1 i ST-12 0 rn C 00 O i� Z � ce)co ' CQIno W 0 -- O -) 0 U Z v •r-I /11 O'er �� •. ,I U Uj OW Owl U WCD+'i� v rj) r 00 4 cd 0 MUO U O N O O�yy A C a 2 U 0 0 rn d o w+ U /l/^� vJ 0 ::) o Q ; E d o+ �0kLTH 0 c T C p � O U y � BRIAN G. MI CHELL o Lic, No, 035724 1011912021 P FFSSIONAL ENO\ 2 Ch- rn c 0 w o p 3 17, ti 0 0 w �v w o a �I O 0 O CIL d O °' REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMENTS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 0610112020 PER OWNER 10119121 CLUBHOUSE c C c W 0 in v, 0 c 3 l2 0 CIL 0 0 a - DATE r 04-27-2016 SCALE C AS SHOWN o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -o c 0 PRO. c .3 20150290 0 SHEE=5B C - N. 1 4 / I 1 1 / / `\ \ _ V , I I, i I /. • � /' % 1 `\ 1 / / / `sue \ I -------------- , , � r --_ - , ARM I \ \ l f \ _ _ i UUMMME 40 At IL NE alb Aft U& �, 1>> MU OoA 00 / / \Aft 00 NN< to on 1 \\ 1 % % $\ `�'/ / .'' .. i ♦/-�- \ 'B-- "'��, �', �,I DQ'1.. ! - I ----------- 677TvmTT,7, \ /�.� �\ ,\ �\ ■-� Al iv,, ' l .'-------.------- I / / / �'/I r \ \ \ v r ,/� ' ` 1�5 ID�'�59 � �`, \ \`\ II ♦ \ ,, - - \�� '.\ ♦ 1 DAB £ `� �\\ *E�A65C� - ,/ \` / / i `,+o-_ I I 1 ■ , I I I I I, / .♦ 1. 11 I 131 1 ` / \I 1 1 , _ \ \ I I 1 P°o `\ � I I I I I 1 1 11 I I \ I I r '�1 '.:1: I` \ I ��♦ 1 6M r • 1 / / �, 1 I I ■ / I I r 1 1 II / I I I � / \ I. , .I 1 + p .g I � I _----"- -- ♦ '-`',\ --- / , _ 1 I I I Y� f 1 / I 1 I I 1 DAok DA 16 ♦ / I \ I \ \ .\\ \`__ _ I. \ / ,gyp ` I \ \, vl 7 �, � : `\ / / / \\ \ I I I ; � I 1 1 1 1 \ / / 1' 1 \ � \ I I •: \ .\ `\ 't I 1. 11 / ' � \ .' /_A �` �- ♦ ' \ / 1`� I \ � I I I I I, I I I ` i'• I / ' 1• I \ _ I 1. 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I \. . \ I U I r r I O / 1 1 ./ ��// /' -`� -\ 1 \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ a ' �g//' 1 . \ - \ r „ \ \ \ Z ;.. - 1 inch = 100 ft. SIR IDA RUNOFF STR IDA RUNOFF ACRES "C" ACRES "C" #REF! #REF! #REF! 97 0.00 0.00 9 7.11 0.60 99 0.00 0.00 13 0.00 #DIV/0! 103 0.87 0.61 15 0.00 #DIV/0! 105 0.21 0.90 18 (STUB) 0.00 #DIV/0! 107 0.06 0.90 19 8.97 0.55 109 0.64 0.67 - 23 0.07 0.76 111 0.03 0.90 25 0.07 0.76 113 0.31 0.83 27 0.00 0.00 115 0.23 0.82 29 0.43 0.76 117 0.19 0.84 31 0.32 0.87 119 0.33 0.72 33 0.23 0.81 121 0.07 0.78 35 0.07 0.84 123 0.09 0.90 37 0.00 0.00 125 0.29 0.72 41 0.39 0.63 127 0.81 0.45 ,- 43 0.12 0.82 129 0.16 0.74 45 0.00 0.00 131 0.43 0.81 47 0.00 0.00 137 0.04 0.90 49 0.20 0.90 139 0.10 0.90 51 0.95 0.61 141 0.07 0.90 53 0.17 0.68 143 0.15 0.90 y 55 0.05 0.90 145 0.00 0.00 57 0.21 0.90 147 0.08 0.90 59 0.00 0.00 149 0.19 0.80 63 1.15 0.62 151 0.20 0.79 65 0.20 0.45 153 0.36 0.78 67 0.76 0.66 155 0.00 0.00 69 0.14 0.90 167 0.19 0.81 ` 71 1.58 0.57 169 0.79 0.60 73 0.22 0.78 171 0.60 0.68 75 0.10 0.63 173 0.79 0.54 i 77 0.55 0.48 175 0.39 0.75 79 1.42 0.35 177 1.17 0.59 / 81 1.55 0.36 179 0.00 0.00 / 83 1.46 0.35 181 0.00 0.00 85 0.87 0.44 185 0.45 0.74 87 0.29 0.42 187 0.92 0.60 89 0.12 0.60 189 0.37 0.49 \ 91 0.15 0.54 191 0.18 0.32 93 1 0.21 0.60 193 0.20 0.32 95 1 0.16 1.13 195 0.19 0.64 1 I 1 I I i 11 I ; \ `, I \, % 197 0.25 0.46 199 0.00 0.00 203 0.46 0.52 CH1 0.04 0.30 CH3 0.33 0.50 CH5 0.18 0.73 O C rn CC)0 v d4 U Z cQco V-4 co Gi 2mO Yz W C�2 .p O � .iJ U � W � F.4 Z� anr� b � -I /11 0 Z �bo Q) Ul rn W 0 w co U OL CD W�� VJ �co � �+ v + o U O N O � ,ti c a 2 U 0 O rn N O w, O - vJ N d co Q c N E N m �pLT H 0 w T c p o U y � BRIAN G. MI CHELL o Lic: No: 035724 10/1912021 p � FFSSIONAL ENS\� a w c c 0 U C N V� 3 N 3 q '�I - � 0 r ti N o 0 c (� (� 0 U c 0 U �W a 0 `Tn CL v 1 O O c REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 10107116 PER COMMENTS ; 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER En N 10119121 aUBHouSE o H 0 CL 0 0 a DATE 04-27-2016 rn SCALE c 1 "_100' o r PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, .N DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -o C 0 PROJ.# c 20150290 3 0 SHEET # C - 6 r H i ,'' i 3.39 i -, --- / '. \ ♦ 1 I .- - -- _ -- / ' ---- --' _ J \ - `♦ \\ i j I I / % I I /' \ I. 1 1 \---"____ - /' ' / /// \ �, / : 1 / ; i . . 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Dpa 30D Oin 04A Slant Flow, SMaMbw 110 3m Din 02B Slant Flew, SMaMbw tT0 3m 0in 029 Slant Flaw, S.. tT0 3m 01m0 029 aM1nt Flax,SMaMbw. Wnas: LghtundrOru¢n al PR=3.6Y Woods : LynlunderOn¢n m0400 PR=3.W Wool LeAundeentsch n-0400 FC-3,W Gran: SMn n=D.15D P2=]62" Gress: SMn n=0150 P2=162' Gress: Shan n=D. 150 P2=362" Grass:Oensa -1D 40 P2=3,62" Gress: Can.. ,D.0 P2=3.W' Grw: .an.. n=0240 ill ID2" 2.0 100 0.0140 am Shallow Coxenrrattd now, Shallow Carcenlnlad Flaw 2.0 1M 0.0140 0W Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Carcenlnlad Flaw 2.0 1m 0.0140 0. Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Carcenlnhd Flaw e.? 1m 0.2500 2m Shallow Coxenrrattd Flow. Shallow Concentrated 0.1 1m 03500 2m Shallow Concentrate Flow Shallow CarceMaled 0.7 too 025D0 the Shallow Coxenlrattd Flow. Shallow Goren d 1.0 100 (1,200 1n Shallow Concentrated Flow. Shallow Concentrated Flow 1.0 100 (1,200 1n Shallow Coxenrrand Flow Shallow CarceMaled Flow 1.0 100 (1,00 1n Shallow Coxenrrattd Flow. Shallow Carrcentrld Flow Shod Gress..w a, I.,an Shan Grass PazWre a,-101n Shml Gresslli vvahehps cappi Hv-50fps Wmdlend Hv-50Fps Wopl Hv=501ps Woodland ii fps Wmdlenp Hv-50hps cappi Hv-50hpe 42 110 0.0600 boo 5.85 Coal ForClrannl Flow 42 110 D.mm 6N 856 Channal Flow Channel Flux Fla., Channel 42 110 0.0600 boo rot Channel Flaw Channl Flow Flow, aA 1 m Claim 593 1542 Cbnml Flow Channel Flew '3 U 1 m 0.09m 5,93 1642 CallFlow CarlFlow '3 aA 13m 0arm 593 1542 Channel Flow Channel Flow 4A 1 1 0.1= 3D] I]] Channel Flow Channel Flew 'm 4A l 1 0.1000 3W 4.TI Channel Flow Claannl Flow 'm 4A 1 1 0.1= 3W 4.77 Chanml Far Chances Flow 'm Mn=t9NPetlm=65•-042' m0A40 EaM. m6Nu... dun tides =19.1 n=0040 Ea.. cal MMm...a =1 DO Foreal•-042' m0.0 Ea.. n6Nu MMm... Mn=26e1 r=Ode' n=0c40 EaM. n6du.... dun sides a=26e1 aall-0.39' n 0050 Ea.. m6Nu MMm. dun.. a=26e1 Perval =0.38' m... Ea.. n6Me paphol dnn sides 2.1 Faiir I,-rD.' n 0040 Ea.. n6du... dun Sees Al 12.1 aenm=fi.1' r= 010' -Doo. Ea.. n6du MMm. dun.. 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MITCHELLI P.E. rn N DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN (= r CHECKED BY -O C O PRO=290 On .3 0 SHEET # i C - 7 9 CONST/ENT W 6549 491.83 _\\ / CONSI 4W -_J \ \ CQ / 3 - _ -- / / / / �/ / ao 0 co NN JOIN LU / 11 1 1 / 1 / 1 i ,/ \`♦ \\ \\ L l/� I ♦ / , n �_--_ae-' > / 1 N- I \ , it \ . 1 � � w � 01 N/ _�, _ .� .ram'• - _ ��`�__\ ♦ � �\ \\ � � � � • `♦ i ///' . . ar T , \.�< -.A- - / ��'�' _-;--�"e-- \\ ♦\ / / I 1 'YA , '0. - \ ' ( \ \ \ \\ b C •a•,1 UPIN . wwfr ,1 ` ~_ ` `\ \ ' / I 1 ` ♦\ - _ \ . --� \ \ \\ W O W 1 a laJ N IN' OFFISTE DA 0 \ \ / / `\ i i i SWM/BMP 1 t r - _ ` /r ` S�f'M)13MP / W CD / / 1 I i \ ' I I . u, / / ` \ 1 \ .,,✓ I I DA-1A / / t / - \ .1 t # \ \ - . \ r I I ! 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Ponta 12mmin5 Pnpaltl py XPlllc. pnii ITIM18 PreOareE CYHP Ina pri' IY,6Rm8 ^ / / .Q' ,i' _� `♦ \ / I r� L rvwoumlapo-la an 9s366 ®2m4rv.e,acno smm.m snl�i.n¢uc ms A t4 Lie IwemcnoblyGHW I3a, 063w® ID14 HwxA69am- smnom. LLc Summary for Link API: ANALYSIS POINT I nn Summary far Link API: ANALYSIS POINT I Summary for Link AP1: ANALYSIS MINTI I // O',/'' ,- ✓/ / / a ,1/ / \ / I / •p ' InAw Ai®• 262oo- 2afo%IrnpPIv , Ill- Merin - 1.zt• rut-Yur-1 Llogr.= IWMan, m.]69hlmpanlwa ink-Wpin- IW kr 1AVmrmnl IalkwAm• 26.20o as za.]o%Imp-l-. 1.OelJn= SM' M 10owr-1 I O O -� p O Q O 'p ! _// '�-_-____ `y'aranrXm rbl y / / / 1r IN FEET ) e amcl, ,]32nn.Valema= z]p90 I,Akw = 22.WM 12.71M,Wl- Ame INhY = 85.93c0 I2<]M1rs.Valun, ,z,Ntl , arPIkWM / 1 inch = ET ft. a4 Pnmary 4W Cad t532M, vuwme= Me! M-0%, 1a�0.0 m1n Rimary 22.WC,® 1za1 M. Velure= 5.5Ntl. merr LgONmin Phan - 8593 cf¢@ 124T rim. Vumms iz1Nm, NMn•0%, lapa.a mn I / O 0 / �./ _ / O .�� V �\\\ I / '/ ././ /�. � -OPtly(! ` 1t. � �i N,�A''K(I / / primary o W w.lanw, rare spa, s.00-, zo ro M, ar= o.os M ' y LiMAPt: AINLLYSIS POINT 1 4.W ...,.,..,; ...... I II II11I 111 II I1111 PnmeryoNlYw=LiG', Thq Bpw S00.1z0 W M q=0.0M Link API: ANALYSIS POINT I av 22fi9 ch , , r . r --{--V--L-t-4-�-' Inflow Area=26.200 ay_ ,o RI,,.1ry W Mbx • InAay. Tlim Sqn= 5. W-126.00 M¢. 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MITCHELL, P.E. rn Ca v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -o C O PROJ. S 20150290 J 3 0 SHEET # C - 6 L 20150290 NP-SECT1 Tyi 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall= 20150290 NP-SECT1 Ty24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP-SECT1 Type 1124-hr 2-Year Rainfall2 20150290 NP-SECT1 Type Il 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall= Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD010.00.13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 20 HydfoCAD@ I0.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 23 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 sin 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pace 26 HydfoCAD@ 10.013 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 29 Pond BMP 1: SW�MpeMP1 (RETENTION BASIN BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (810-RETENTION FILTER) Hydroprayh = _ rime OutFlow Max-1 cfs 12.93 him HW-437.05' Free Discharge) p ry @ ( 9) t HyerograPh -T --r-_ ■I,,11,.. 24.49 cfs J1_____J__�__i_1__i__i__�__-__� 3.30 cfs ' ' I I , I I �1!9 P�! Bartell Culvert Passes 11.94 cfs of 141.25 cfs antis( flow ( ) ( Pat ) 2=Orifice-2 YR ConVolling Structure (Orifice Controls 10.37 cfs@7.43 fps) I ■Imrow 2.07 cfs ■rnmaw --,_-,_-,__ __ __ _ __ _-,) nflvwiArEa ! 3 =Orifice- I OYR Controlling Structure Controls 1.57 cis -- -- -- -- -- - -- --;)-' -- - -'az1; re. . m - - -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- - - -- - ,ate- �1. =Riser Controls 0.00 ds z , . .r� . . . 22 Peak-HIeAr-448 63' Re�k�E�e' s -11 � irk! � s Re�k�E�e'-�4�8.� 7 *ir1 � __r__r__I __r_ry__T "_ tore 5 , econdary OulFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) ' I I I I I I I I I I I e= Cf P '_�__J__�__ , e�3 r mergency Spillway (Controls 0.00 cfs) =E a' t0ia�i e�2 r to ___L__�__L__I__J__J________ ' - - �-- �--;--�----�--^--�- �---;------�-- -- -- - -- -- -- . 1e -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- --, -- Pond BMP (RETENTION BASIN 3• SWM/BMP3 (RET II) _ r 4 ",- r , . rL . r, 4 z 1.80 cfs - xyaap aPh - . 6 _L J J J 1 t L L L J r r I , I I I I I I r- r, ° , I r r 10 r •. , I I I , , , e , I I ■Inflo -- - n o"maw u 1 0.76 cfs a t , I _i_J _1 _L_J _L _L_J _L _� _ Seri ow Area 40.310 ac o Sac°"na,7 e -- ;--;--;--4--:-+-4 -'1-1--------------F--1-;--------;I-- a.oz crs I I I I I I I I - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --- Peak EIev=437.05' , I, I, 1 1 1 I , I i i i i St rage 280 030 f _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ 1 z 5 10 15 W 25 W 36 40 45 W 55 W W 70 75 W 85 W 95 1W IN 110115 IN 5 10 1s A % % is '(0 Is W % 60 W 70 75 W % W 95 160 165110115110 S 10 1S 20 % % 35 40 45 W % BO % 'Po 75 W aS W % 1W 10 110113110 Time (hours) ours Times (hours) 4° I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I , , e _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ____ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ne. h (ours) =3s Pond BMP 1: SWMIBMPI (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) 3 l -r-1 -r -r-1 -r--i -r i _r -r -T c W I ;; I :-.--,--.--:-- Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) sage-om�M1aree sage-Discharse 25 -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- r -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- 20 __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ 15. 11.96 cfs L I 1 stage-Dis.harge _____L_____J______L _____L___.. .._J____. D w1,. DPrima rr 4 o Primary u , I I I - I ' I , I 466 10 1s W % % mom NNW Orrce , -- r-----4------------------------ ___ r, r Wz- r I I (boreal _ __ __._ _.. 445 _ L L _ 1 J _ L 1 J L _ 439 - - 446 '+ o_ 943 5 , -- , -- • 44z p ; r - d r ___ w w a clm.twdflbAAs I r I I I I I I cwmm ws4na � I I 44D I r I I I I I I I _ _J _� _♦ _1 _� _L _i _J _L 1 039 W, I I , I fi I I I I I I I I ____________r_____,_____,______ 457 same( I I I I I , _.... I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I , 436 C 10 20 30 40 W W TO W W iW 0 10 W % 40 (e W 70 W W U 5 10 15 % % Di 35 40 46 W 55 W W oawrps yq oisaM1ar9e (°1s) oiwhsr9" (ca) 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Typell 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 924-hr 10-Year Rainfa11=5.46" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfa11=5.46" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared I y HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Panted 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pal 53 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pace 56 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2DA HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peas 59 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 sin 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pal 62 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) HydN,.ph rima6y Oul @ 12.64 him8.2enfll (Free Discharge) y r re °y Ph ■ w 53.56 cfs ■ n ■ 6.ini 84 cfs ■ 7W-cfs (Culvert asses cfs of 2-Orifice - 2 YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 14.32 cfs 10.25 fps) DI"Dow 4.51 cfs o Primary is -- - Inflow Area=25.450,alp 6,50Dfs Inflow Area=1.910ac =Ori93tntu@ct20re��nficeCo ro1s14.36crs�8.58ips)) Inflow Area=1.540'ac , =Rafer(We Controlsm3 4.1scf5 Peak EIev=447.$8' 1111111 _ Peak EIev 501.47 4 _ Peak EIev 438.1i1 ---7__;__`--.__.-..__' fis- ry @ O 9 utyoMax (gods 5.O0h; HW 434.00' FreeDischa e III III Store a=196 295 Cf I I I g I I I I I , Storage=3,998 CIF- Enh Emer enc Spillway Controls 0.00 cfs Storage=3,379 Cf , I , 11 I I I I I I I I I I T__r__r__r__r_�__T__T__�_. � � r-- Pond BMP 3: SWM/BMP3 (RETENTION BASIN IO 3 - ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;i - 4 h Hydrograph I , __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __i - 1 1 1 1 1 r I I 22.47 cfs r r r --- , , , T r r r LL , I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I 1 1 „ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L J J J _1 I �J LJ �.� � - -- - -- -- ■Inflow 115.60 ds „ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ �_ ❑Frlmeryhours i LL z I I I I I I I I • r r � _J _L_J _L_J _J InfloP@ak Area 40439 j 1 i L j EIev- 20' '' 1 t , r__,__,__,__.__.__.__._Y__y__ti-- 1 1 1 f _ _ - Sts#�9$5A 1' I 1W 1 1„ I I I„ 1 1 t I D W I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 ]0 ]5 40 45 SD 55 W % 'N y5 W % W % 1W 10S 110 1% 110 5 10 15 20 25 ]0 35 4D 45 50 55 fi0 fi5 ]0 ]5 W % W % 1W 1% 110 113 110 W I I I I I I I I I I r S 10 1S 20 % % % W 45 W % W OS 70 75 00 05 90 95 100 10.1 110 113 110 rim. nrsrasl Time (hours) _ ,_ �_�__�_�__}_ �_�__�_�__�__�_�__}_ �_�__�_'__}_ �_f__ T.(Irours) m Pond BMP 1: SWMIBMPI (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) W 42.08 cfs - _ Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) sage -Discharge Sage -Discharge 40 i__r_i__r_i__r __r_i__r_i__i__r_i__i_-_i__r_i__i_ �_i__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sage -Discharge ___ ________ __ ._ ■Rn soa- ■� 445 '.. 1. DPrlmary m Riser ____ _____ ____ ___ __ ' 0.a ds w7 ', I i_____i_____'______i _____i_____i______' ___ 1 6 10 15 i9 25 W % W 45 60 ss 6D fis ]o ]s W % 90 r61W "1 51101151m _ r arfi�.r_____T_____T______r___ 502- ______ __ _ ______ ______________ _____ Time 44h_ r I I I I I I I _ _J _L L _1 _J _L _1 _J _L___ = 1 = 439 1 1 r I G 44e 1 r L J 1 1 1 1 - 'rom ,______' q 442 Ir 11� -------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ --- w - , , , , r a w carom wemoml« 44, weh)a1 nee �------r------T------�--------------I------1- ; 11 __r----- ------ r----- r----- ___________r----- r----- �______r___ i ____ _______________________ ____ ____ Ono r _____._____J___________L__________�______L_____�_____1______�___ I 439 ' I I I I I I I I _ f _. _, _y _. _, _a _F . r I i I 1 f 1 I i 430 I , 4]9 1 I I I I I ------------------------------------ 436 Barrel culvert) - 1 I soD0 4360 10 30 30 40 W W 70 W W IN 10 n W 40 W W 75 60 W 0 5 10 15 20 % % % 40 4 W W W 55 oiwnsrp• feral ol.chsr9• feral oh `h p Ms) 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfa11=8.95" 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type H24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type It 24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290_NPSECT.1 Typell 24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared ty HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared tFy HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared ty HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 sin 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pal 86 HydroCAD@ 10.00.13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 89 Hydroi 10.00-13 sin 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 92 HydroCAD@ 10,00-13 sin 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pace 95 Pond BMP I: SWMIBMP1 RETENTION BASIN II Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 B10-RETENTION FILTER t et Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 BIO-RETENTION FILTER) reh Hydrop P rah HydrOp P _ - - rlma OutFlow Max 154.64 cis 12.35 him HW-440.56' Free Discharge) re) Hydr ,Mann _;__;__r__r_ _�__�__;__}__r__�_ �_�__�_ 115.86 cfs r _T__T__r_ _r--'; - ■Rnmary _. ;__�__,__;__;__�__r_ __ __ __ 14.15 cfs r ,r , .' =Barrall(Cavert)(Passes 1564 cfsdl .77 potental6 ) I 4 fi5 cfs i ow 2=Orifice-2 YR ConVolling Structure (Orce Controls 16.31 cfs@11.68 fps) umrow 9.67 cfs ■Rnmary 1 _____._ _ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ _ _ _ _ ._ - -? 1 - - ;- r r , r I � 13.81 cfs J J J i L L - G- 3=Orifice - 10VR Controlling Strudure(Orifice Controls 18.86 ds @ 8.64 ips) to 9.45 cts + .--, , = C r tt r�y�,'ar' _ ' It �4 13 _ 7•]!- I - =Riser(Weir Controls 119.47 cfs@4.33 fps) 9 J J__1 1 L L _L pAf_ PeakI t. _ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ -_ econda 9Out lowp Maxy3�etrControls.35 h 6' (Free Discharge) I I . a � I I 85.24 cfs t Qgf�YaaR�F Qf- 1, --;--;--;--r--r-=--r-i--;'nflPStO a e=4 B34 C'f- g � Emer enc Spillway ds @�0. - -- -- -- --, -- ---- -- - g � e=4 06$ cf W--'-----------------------------------'i - ,0' I I Pond BMP (RETENTION BASIN ) 1 _ i0 a ° 8 ___i__�__i__}__r__r_ �__r_�__�__i__7__i__r_ �_ �__r_i__�__ aa S o I I r r r I I I I I I I I I 1 , M�ropr+P h I I r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r_,__,__1__r I I I I I I I I I I I I r r 1 1 1 1 1 l __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ I I 1 I ,III W- __J__L__L__L_ __r__r_Jr_ I I r r r I I I I I I 1 s. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ ,;; I I I I I I I I I r r r r 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I r r r I------ _ __r__r __' _�__ __; __r__r __' __I _�__ __LF _ 228.61 _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ ____ __ _ __ __ _ ■I05px , I __________________________ i �ry 4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --.............. -- -- -- -- - -------- 40 - _'__J__ i__i__�__�_�__ i__J__f__L__i __�_�__�__1__i __L__�_ Jr_ 5, I__ I__i__r__i I__i__1__1 1 1 1 1 � 1nlOW A'r®'8�40.31'jti18C r r r ______________.____,__,__,__.__,__.__,__,_,__.__,__ I r r„:P J 1 L L I J J J L 1 1 L L J J J _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ 24D 19Oak E1440 58'III IL I 4.25 CfS a___ __ i __ _ T -r-; 'r-1 -T -r-; -r.........T-Try� �'I` I','rfff2202 I I I , I , I , I , I 2W. I , 1 ' 1•-�il���r�� 1 ,W- 154.06 ds t__L_J__L_J__L__L_J__L_J__,__L_J__t__L_,__L_J__1__L_1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ° ,_ ,_;__;_�__1._ ____________________ �_�__;_�__�_ �_�__ o 5 10 is 20 25 W % 4D 45 W % W % 70 )5 W % W % 1W 1% 110 113 1A S 10 15 % % % % b 4S W % W % 70 75 W % W % 1W 103 110 113 110 tW- -" 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 10 15 ID % % % W IS W % W % 70 7S W % W % tW 1W 110 itS iW nms @aural nms (hours) ' ; }_ �__i__r_�__r_ �__i__r_�__�__r_�__r_ _J__L _J__L_J__J-_ nms Ill L t49 Pond BMP 1: SWMIBMPI (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) E -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) IN III $age-DiscM1afge Stage -Discharge i -r-; -r-; -i -r-; -r-; -1 -r-1 -i i -1 -r-1 -T i W I I I I I I I I . I I Stage-0iaCM1drge , ____ ____ _ ____ _f _�____. .. J aPnnw... wa I ■ � I I I I I I I I I I 40.18 cts 1 _L J _L_J _. L �_J J L I 440 D Pnm M ' , I b , ' R. I I , U7 , I I I I I I I I 0 995 - r , , , r I I $ 10 15 A 26 30 35 4D 46 tin 55 fiD fis 10 15 00 85 90 95 100 ,OS 110 ,15 120 _______ _____ ____ ____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ___ OriM1re r r -i -, - I---4---------------------,- T I 1 I r I I I Time (hours) -I- 446 5°z- , I , I r I I I 439 1 I I I I a 444 _L _L _1 _J _L _1 _J _L___ • 1 r r 1' 1 1 1 1 0 443 r c , a 442 44, w I , r05nwN _____ 6____ T _i__ _______r __i_ w Custom Weir/Ooze. n4D 439 43fi 45] r J------ I ----- L_____I_____�------ L----- i _____J------ L--- 4------ 1------ • ----- ------ 4----- 4------ --- 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 4ze 436 9 10 20 30 40 W W M W W 1W 0 10 20 W 40 W W M W W C 1 10 15 20 25 W % 40 46 W 55 W 05 oaehupa W oacherlp (°al oisshsrtp (dal North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 1 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SW-NABN4P Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From SWN BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (eff) (efs) (efs) (ft) (eff) 2 Year 5.42 5 .42 4.02 446.63 4.08 Storm 10 Year 22.8 22.8 22.47 447.85 22.69 Storm 100 Year 70.59 N/A 85.24 448.97 85.93 Storm North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 3 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWMBMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow p Elevation From SWM/BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (11) (cfs) 2 Year 12.57 12.57 11.96 437.05 12.00 Storm 10 Year 44.71 44.71 42.08 439.20 42.22 Storm 100 Year 125.20 N/A 194.25 44Q56 195.12 Storm North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 4 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SW-NA/BMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From SWM/BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (efs) (efs) (eff) (ft) (efs) 2 Year 5.67 5.67 0.76 438.37 5.78 Storm 10 Year 22.16 22.16 4.15 438.61 17.14 Storm 100 Year 65.41 N/A 9.45 438.84 40.12 Storm O N Q `111a BRIAN Cr MITCHELI Licr No, 035724 i 1011912021 r� i REVISIONS rn c e m c C W in m c 0 a N 6 PER COMMENTS B 8 PER COMMENTS/OWNER I(n 1 10119121 CLUBHOUSE I 04-27-2016 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROsi 20150290 C - 9 PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX 51 PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX SD 4. Calculate the pollutant load removed by the proposed BMP(s): Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Lremoved = EffBMp x LBMP (Equation 5-24) Page 1 of 3 Page 1 of 4 Where: Lremoved = Post -development pollutant load removed by proposed BMP STEP 1 Determine the applicable area (A) and the post -developed impervious cover Summary of Situation 2 criteria : from calculations procedure STEP 1 thru STEP 3, Worksheet 1: (pounds per year) (Ipost) EffBMp = pollutatn removal efficiency of BMP (expressed in decimal form) Applicable area (A)* = 83.34 acres Applicable area (A)* = 83.34 acres LBMp = relative post-devlopmenttotal phosphorus load entering Post -development impervious cover: (post=(total post -development impervious cover/ A)x100= 43% proposed BMP (pounds per year) Structures = acres parking lot = acres * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, Lremoved/BMPI = 65 x 21.516 = 13.985 pounds per year roadway= acres consult the locality for proper determination of this value. other: Iwatershed = 16%x Lr emoved/BMP2 = pounds per P Y 50 1.820 = 0.910 ds year p = acres le„;sting=(total post -development impervious cover/ A)x10C 00/0 = acres lexisting 0°0 < Iwatersher 16°/0 Lremoved/BMP3 = 65 x 48.815 = 31.730 pounds per year Total = acres (post 43% > Iwatersher 16% (post=(total post -development impervious cover/A) x 100= 43% Lremoved/BMP4 = 50 x 1.411 = 0.705 pounds per year STEP 4 Determine the relative pre -development pollutant load (Lpre). * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, 5. Calculate the total pollutant load removed by the BMP(s): consult the locality for proper determination of this value. Lpre)watershed)=[0. 05 + (0.009 x I watershed) I x A x 2.28 (Equation5-16) Lremoved/total = Lremoved/BMPI+Lremoved/BMP2+Lremoved/BMP3+Lremoved/BMP4 STEP 2 Determine the average land cover condition (I.te,shed) orthe existing Where (watershed) = relative pre -development total phosphorus load (pounds peryear) impervious cover I P (exating) Iwatershed = average land cover condition for specific watersh or locality or Lremoved/total = 13.99 + 0.91 + 31.73 + 0.71 the Chesapeake Bay default value of 16% (percent expressed in Average land cover condition (Iw,tpnhpd): whole numbers) = 47.33 Pounds per year A = Applicable area (acres) If the locality has determined land coverconditions for individual watersheds within its 6. Verify compliance: jurisdiction, use the watershed specificvalue determined by the locality as Iwatershed L 0.05+ 0.009 x 16% preiwatershed) _ [ ( ) )] x 83.34 x 2.28 = 36.863 Pounds per year Lremoved/total RR Iwatershed = 16°/0 Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 47.33 > 46.70 Worksheet 1 Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 3 Existing impervious cover 0ex;,Ao'): Determine the existing impervious cover of eth development site if present. Existing impervious cover: Structures = acres parking lot = acres roadway = acres other: Total = acres = acres = acres le„;sting = (total post -development impervious cover / A) x 101 01/o * The area should be the same as used in STEP 1. STEP 3 Determine the appropriate situation. The site informtaion determined in STEP 1 and STEP 2 provide enough information to determine the appropriate development situation underwhich the performance criteria will apply. Check ( ) the appropriate development situation as follows: Situation 1: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexlsting) is less than or equal to the average land covercondition (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (Ipost) which is less than or equal to the average land cover condition (Iwatershed). I post Iwatershed Worksheet 1 Page 3 of 3 X Situation 2: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexlsting) is less than or equal to the average land covercondition (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (Ipnst) which is greaterthan the average land cover condition (Iwatershed)• lexisting 0•� Iwatershed 16% 1post 43% > Iwatershed 16% Situation 3: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lex;st;ng) is greaterthan the average land covercondition (Iwatershed) Iexoting Iwatershed Situation 4: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lex;st;ng) is served by an existing stormwater management BMP (s) that addresses water aual itv If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situation 1, than the low density development is considered to be the BMP and no pollutant removal is required. The calculation procedure for Situation 1 stops here. If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situations 2, 3 or4, then proceed to STEP 4 on the appropriate worsheet. STEP 5 Determine the relative post -development pollutant load (Lpost). Lpost = [0.05+(0.009 x Iwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) Where: Lpost = relativepost-developme nt total phosphorus load (pounds per year) Ipost = post -development percent impervious cover (expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area (acres) Lpost = [0.05 + (0.009) x 43% )] x 83.34 x 2.28 = 83.563 Pounds per year STEP 6 Determine the relative poluutant removal requirement (RR). RR = Lpost - Lpre(watershed) RR = 83.563 - 36.863 = 46.700 Pounds per year STEP 7 Identify best management practice (BMP) for the site. 1. Determine the required pollutant removal efficiency forthe site: EFF = ( RR / Lpost) x 100 Where: EFF = required pollutant removal efficiency (percent expressed in whole numbers) RR = pollutant removal requirement (pounds peryear) Lpost = relative post -development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) EFF = 46.700 / 83.563 x 100 = 56% 2. Select BMP (s) from Table 5-15 and locate on the site: BMP 1: BMP 2: BMP 3: BMP 4: BMP 5: 3. Determine the pollutant load enteringthe proposed BMP(s) : LBMP = [0.05+(0.009 x IBMP)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-23) Where: LBMP = relative post -development total phosphorus load entering proposed BMP (pounds per year) Ipost = post -development percent impervious cover of BMP drainage area percent expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area of proposed BMP (acres) LBMp, = (0.05+(0.009) x 43 )] x 21.60 x 2.28 = 21.516 Pounds per year LBMP2 = 10.05+(0.009) x 41 )] x 1.91 x 2.28 = 1.820 Pounds per year LBMP3 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 53 )] x 40.31 x 2.28 = 48.815 Pounds per year LBMP4 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 39 )] x 1.54 x 2.28 = 1.411 Pounds per year Water Quality Volume Calculations: Vwq (ft3)= Impervious area (ft) x 0.5 (in) / 12 (in./ft Vwq (ac.ft.) = Vwq (ft3) / 43560 ft'/ac. SW M/BMP1: Drainage Area = 21.60 acres Impervious = 43 9.2852 acres Vwq (ft) = 16,853 ft3 Required 4x Vwq = 67,411 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 101,646 ft3 SW M/BMP2 : Drainage Area = 1.91 acres Impervious = 41 % = 0.781 acres Vwq (ft) = 2,835 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious arei Provided WQvolume = 4,929 ft3 SW M/BMP3 : Drainage Area = 40.31 acres Impervious = 53 % = 21.5495 acres Vwq (ft) = 39,112 ft3 Required 4x Vwq = 156,449 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 174,449 ft3 SW M/BMP4 : Drainage Area = 1.54 acres Impervious = 39 % = 0.602 acres Vwq (ft) = 1,093 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious arei Provided WQvolume = 2,359 ft3 AREAS SUMMARY TABLE: ONSITE OFFSITE (NOT AD[ SITE AREA) NO. ACRES IMP. % BYPASS 1 1.74 30 BYPASS 2 0.84 26 BYPASS 3 1.40 27 BYPASS 4 9.52 28 BYPASS 5 3.84 0 BYPASS 6 0.64 10 DA-1 21.60 43 DA-1A 3.85 6 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 DA-4 1.54 39 )EDTOAPPLICABLE APPLICABLE SITE AREA 83.34 ACRES I post = 43% LW4IIGi QI 3 a. c 0 E W v+ LT H 0 N c c ° (� BRIAN C. MIYCHELL 1 (( o Lic, No, 035724 m P 1011912021 t �FSSIONALENG a m c m pa c 0 U c •� v 1 0 2 V o � o o rn C U I�j C� o U v W o 0 CL v1 L a. rn 0 REVISIONS )ATE ITEM w` 7/07/16 PER COMMENTS 2118118 PER COMMEN)S/OWNER m 0119121 CLUBHOUSE o F2 0 C a 0 a t DATE 04-27-2016 po SCALE NO SCALE o -CPROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN t .. v CHECKED BY c v c .3 PROJ. f 20150290 v SHEET # � C - 11 t a HOST STRUCTURE INSIDE DIMENSIONS PART NUMBER: TYPE OF PIPE MOUNTING TO: INSIDE DIAMTER OF PIPE: *AS DISTRIBUTED BY CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS NATIONALLY* (PLEASE PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TIONS INC. OR EQUAL LOSS BARS RS ATTACHED x METAL OR SIDE VIE PLAN VIEW ROUND SERIES TRASH RACKS RISER PART N0. CONCRETE INSIDE DIA. CMP OR HDPE NOMINAL DIA. A B C D E F G RS-24 24'0 12"0-18'0 17 1/3" 13 1/3' 7 3/4' 6 1/4' 6 1/4" 27 1/2' 6 1/4' 11/2- RS-36 36"0 21"0-30'0 21 1/8" 131/2" 6 1/4" 6 1/4' 6 1/4" 40 1/2" 6 1/4" RS-48 48'0 33'0-42'0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 7' 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 541/4" 8 1/2'RS-60 60"0 48"0-54"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 11 1/2" 8 1/2' 6 3/4" 67 1/2" 8 1/2' ~11--L::CAVo CUSTOMER: CONURUcnoN PRooucrs roc. PROJECT: 9025 CENTRE 901Ni owK, s 1l wo NEST CHO . Cwo awes RN: i.800.a 11 . 51IW 7 ee ® COPi76co ROUND :ASH RACK SEE DETAIL HIS SHEET) 0����ILLfIKIr] DATE: DRAWN BY: APP'D BY: DETAIL: (2) STAINLESS STEEL U-BOLTS TO SECURE 12' PVC DRAIN PIPE TO 5x5 ❑RIFICE CONCRETE SLAB ASH RACK 12' PVC. DRAIN51 �91 RISER CONCRETE SLAB & 12" PVC DRAIN PIPE N. T. S. ' — ELEV. 436.30 B_B (BOTTOM OF CULVERT) 48 " RCP RISER DETAIL N.T.S. 455 450 445 0 435 430 425 1 SWM bMH 'I ULAY UUNL HNUHLL 455 450 445 f 435 430 425 •36 SWM /BMP 1 450 SEE SHEET C-6 FOR FURTHER DETAILS 440 435 430 1 425 I71S1�:1 COLLAR (TYP) O (711 O M O CO NOS N }I�H O ��O N II ° FOB to to H � 100-YR WSE: 448.97 10:1 10-YR WSE: 447.8EI AFETY BENCH 2-YR WSE: 446.63 NWSE: 445.00 / DESIGN VOLUME: 101,646 CUFT 10:1 QUATIC BENCH REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUME: 67,411 CU i \ SWM/BMP 1 N BOTTOM ELEV. 440.0 CLAY CORE TO BE INSTALLED AROUND OUTFALL PIPE 206 D=42" RCP CLASS III w/ 0-RING GASKET POND BOTrOM BaOW 44Q0 •70 MAXIV DDS7ING CREEKIBED AS 10400 11I00 I 12100 I 13100 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L - - - - - - - - - EXIST. GROUND AT C/L SCALE: 1 " = 30' RIPRAP L=65'xW=16'xD= W/ FILTER FABI 14100 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 50' VERTICAL: > " =5' 0 rn C r n CC)0 V d4 C-)Z C\2 r.- In co d4 c"InO NO o W � ".� U � W � "4 Z � e�oczl 0 `,f •-i U d N W owo U W Ln00 w to- VJ U0 U o N O L) a ° 0 XA 3 d E d c �0kLT H O c c O y BRIAN C. MIYCHELL II o Lic, No, 035724 0 1011912021 FFSSIONAL ENO\ 2 c rn c 0 U Oc C 3 .LO. o r 3 c S O IJ (V ^1 O O V 0 c 0 O C ° V �VTI 7 a o (Y ^y w n d O (/� m c REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 10107116 PER COMMENTS ; 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 1n rn 0 10119121 aowuSE o H 0 d n 0 a DATE r 04-27-2016 SCALE AS SHOWN 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -° c 0 PROJ.# c .3 20150290 SHEET # C - 12 --- - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN PLANTING NOTES: ' - - - _ - - _ _ -'--__ V `\\ \\\ 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: USE LAWN SEED AT THE RATE OF 5 TO _ \ \\ \\ \\ `\ \ A. NOMENCLATURE: PLANT NAMES SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION 8 LEIS PER 1,000 SF.- %i %i OF "STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES" AS ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN JOINT COMMITTEE ON HORTICULTURAL NOMENCLATURE. AMOUNT BY: MINIMUM % WEIGHT SPECIES OR VARIETY PURITY GERMINATION`\\ `\ \\\ `\\ �\ B. SIZE AND GRADING: PLANT SIZES AND GRADING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 25% KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 95% 60% -, -'--___,_--'' / /\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ` \\ ---- _ — LATEST EDITION OF "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK" AS 35% PERENNIAL RYE 98% 90% _, �'-�__ -'--___ \ \ _ _ I / / i / `\ `\ `\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. (AAN), 44%s. RED FESCUE 97% 85% -, _ \ -_ / / / \ \\ \\ \ \ `\ `\ ` - — —'yam ``IN UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 100%\`\ \`\ \ \ ` C. NURSERY SOURCE: OBTAIN FRESHLY DUG, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, PLANTS C. FERTILIZER (TO BE USED ON SEEDED LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE THE BASIN \ \ '---__ / / ,' i / \\ `\\ `\\ `.\ `.\ NURSERY GROWN UNDER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN THE ONLY): \ — — -�--__ __- / ,' \ _ / \ \ LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT. PLANTS SHALL HAVE BEEN LINED OUT IN 1. FOR SPRING SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, _ '��, — � _ / ,/ / / , / '��\ ROWS, ANNUALLY CULTIVATED, SPRAYED, PRUNED, AND FERTILIZED IN GRANULAR,NONBURNING PRODUCT CONTAINING 10% NITROGEN, 6% ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE. HEELED IN PLANTS AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS, AND 4% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (10-6-4). AND PLANTS FROM COLD STORAGE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 2. FOR FALL SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, -` / y/' "---_'j''V D. SUBSTITUTIONS: DO NOT MAKE SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS. IF REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE SUBMIT PROOF OF NONBURNING PRODUCT, CONTAINING 5% NITROGEN, 10% AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS AND 5% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (5-10-5) ,\ — _ — � "-- AR TAB �E W4 T/n// r ---' � - - t \ NON -AVAILABILITY AND PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL WHEN AUTHORIZED, ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT AMOUNT (IF ANY) WILL 3. FOR FINAL FERTILIZING: IF APPLIED IN SPRING SEASON, SHALL BE A ---__ \ ' "' :"" / Y"' _ BE MADE BY CHANGE ORDER. SLOW RELEASE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, WITH HIGH _ - — — -----------'' EA �`— /// /JL4IV/ NITROGEN, 38%a URAMITE OR APPROVED EQUAL. IF APPLIED IN FALL "- — 2. SEEDING & PLANTING SEASONS AN TIMING CONDITIONS: �— E D SEASON, SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN (3.C.2) ABOVE. `��� -___ A. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING, SEED STORMWATER —_ ---------------- MANAGEMENT BASIN AREA FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE 15. AND FROM D. MULCH AUGUST 15 TO OCTOBER 15. 1. LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: HYDROSEED OR USE OAT �� _--------' OR WHEAT STRAW FREE OF WEEDS�\ ____ B. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING THE PLANTING OF PLUGS SHALL — — 2. EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AREA WITHIN BASIN: HYDROSEED -------- BE FROM APRIL 15 TO OCTOBER 30. '- \ \ ------/ - - - - -___------- - / ���� ���`\��� � ----- ONLY. DO NOT USE OTHER MULCH WITHIN THE BASIN. — PA C. PROCEED WITH AND COMPLETE SEEDING AND PLANTING AS RAPIDLY AS — — — — — \ — — — — — — — — — , PORTIONS OF THE SITE BECOME AVAILABLE, WORKING WITHIN THE 4. EXECUTION SEASONAL LIMITATIONS FOR EACH KIND OF LANDSCAPE WORK REQUIRED. A. PLANTING WORK SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN AS SOON AS SITE AREAS ARE ----- - - _ _------- _ AVAILABLE. \ \ \ �- - --/- -----� _- '---- -------- D. PROVIDE TEMPORARY ANNUAL RYEGRASS COVER FOR SEEDING OUTSIDE — _ _ — — ___------ PERMITTED SEEDING PERIODS. SEED AT THE RATE OF 3 TO 4 LEIS PER B. THE BASIN MUST BE DRAINED AND FINE GRADED TO FINISHED ELEVATION 1,000 SF. PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO A SMOOTH I vv- EVEN SURFACE, FREE OF DEPRESSIONS OR RIDGES WITH A UNIFORM - \ _ - ---- - ---- 3. PRODUCTS: LOOSE, FINE TEXTURE./'/ -- A. IMPORTED TOPSOIL: PROVIDE TOPSOIL CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. ORIGINAL LOAM TOPSOIL, WELL DRAINED HOMOGENOUS TEXTURE AND OF C. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO \` TO ASSURE WATER DRAINED FROM THE BASIN SHALL BE FREE FROM - ' UNIFORM GRADE, WITHOUT THE ADMIXTURE OF SUBSOIL MATERIAL AND SEDIMENT PRIOR TO DISCHARGE TO RECEIVING CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. - \ \ \ - - /'' _-------- FREE OF INVASIVE WETLAND SPECIES SEEDS OR ROOTS, DENSE _ - _ _ - I --' / _------'- MATERIAL, HARDPAN, CLAY, STONES, SOD OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE D. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD NO LESS THAN 4" THICK EXCEPT 6" THICK FOREIGN MATERIAL OVER THE AQUATIC BENCH. W - /' W ` / 2. CONTAINING NOT LESS THAN 5% NOR MORE THAN 20% ORGANIC W E. THE TOPSOIL SHALL BE TESTED FOR PH AND LIME ADDED IF NECESSARY MATTER IN THAT PORTION OF A SAMPLE PASSING A 1/4" SIEVE WHEN TO AMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL AMENDMENTS DETERMINED BY THE WET COMBUSTION METHOD ON A SAMPLE DRIED SHALL BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE W — — — M P 1 AT 105" C. AMENDMENTS ARE MADE. 3. CONTAINING A PH VALUE WITHIN THE RANGE OF 6.5 TO 7.5 ON THAT F. ALL NEWLY SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT MOIST BY WATERING UNTIL y •�, '� 'L / / / / PORTION OF THE SAMPLE WHICH PASSES A 1/4" SIEVE. VEGETATIVE COVERS ARE WELL ESTABLISHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP / r PLUG ROOTS MOIST UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE PERMANENT WATER 4. CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING WASHED GRADATIONS: SURFACE IS REACHED WITHIN THE BASIN. — SIEVE DESIGNATION % PASSING 1" 100 G. THE WATER IN THE BASIN SHALL BE ALLOWED TO RISE TO ITS W _ ■— PERMANENT POOL LEVEL WHEN THE AQUATIC BENCH HAS BEEN PLANTED " 97 - 100 AND ONLY AT A RATE THAT WILL NOT DISTURB THE NEWLY PLANTED N0. 200 20 - 65 (OF THE 1/4" SIEVE) PLUGS. B. SEED: PROVIDE FRESH, CLEAN, NEW -CROP SEED MIXED IN THE PROPORTIONS SPECIFIED FOR SPECIES AND VARIETY, AND CONFORMING H. VEGETATIVE AREAS ARE TO BE WARRANTIED UNTIL THEY HAVE BECOME TO FEDERAL AND STATE STANDARDS. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MIXTURES: ESTABLISHED, AND NOT LESS THAN 60 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL WORK AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 1. WITHIN STORMWATER BASIN, NEW ENGLAND EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AS SUPPLIED BY NEW ENGLAND WETLAND PLANTS, INC., 820 WEST ST., AMHERST, MA 01002, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. APPLY AT A RATE OF 1 LBS/1,245 S.F. AQUATIC BENCH PLUG PLANTING DETAIL 3' TOPSOIL & SEED AQUATIC BENCH 10' TYP. WIDTH — — — 6' DEEP BED CORE LOG (16) --_-_ _ _ - - - __ ' / AQUATIC PLANT NWSE 216 ---- - _ _ - - / / ' / / ' ❑F TOPSOIL ------------- --- - - — / ------------ _ ..,.... PLUG CTYP) ------------------- _ -- _ -- -- IMPERMEABLE LAYER (REFER TO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BASIN TYPICAL SECTION NOTES S WM /B M P 1 SCALE: 1 " = 20' 1, HERBACEOUS PLANTS SHOULD BE PEAT POT GROWN OR HEAVILY ROOTED PLUGS, PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANTED WITH ROOT SYSTEMS FULL INTACT 2, REMOVE ALL UNDESIRABLE PLANTS OR WEEDY VEGETATION FROM THE PLANTING PLUG 3, HERBICIDES SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE BASIN TO REMOVE EXISTING WEED GROWTH 4, FERTILIZERS SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE PERMANENT POOL 5, PLANTING SHALL TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER SOIL PREPARATION. A(711ATIC BENCH PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL ABBR. i BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME INUNDA ON SPACING SIZE REMARKS WILDLIFE VALUE �'�'�'�'�'�' FULL SUN, ALTHOUGH TOLERANT .:. �.,.: ;.:. RC 640 Leesla aryeoides RICE CUTGRASS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG OF SHADE. SHORELINE HIGH, FOOD AND COVER STABILIZATION z MH 640 Hibiscus moaheutos MARSH HIBISCUS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN. CAN TOLERATE LOW, NECTAR yAhA PERIODIC DRYNESS Y FAST COLONIZER. CAN TOLERATE HIGH, SEEDS, COVER, CTS 360 Scipus pungens COMMON THREE SQUARE UP TO 6" 20"0.C. 2" PLUG PERIODS OF DRYNESS FULL SUN. WATEFOWL, SONGBIRDS HIGH METAL REMOVAL AH 360 Saggitmia latlfolla ARROWHEAD/DUCK POTATO UP TO 1• 20"0.C. 2" PLUG AGGRESSIVE COLONIZER MODERATE, NBAND SEEDS EATEN BYY D DUCKS LT 360 Saurusus cemuua LIZARDS TAIL UP N 1• 20"O.C. 2" PLUG RAPID GROWTH. SHADE TOERANT LOW, EXCEPT WOOD DUCKS Im PW 360 Pontederia cordate PICKERELWEED UP TO 1• 20"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN TO PARTIAL SHADE MODERATE, DUCKS, NECTAR FOR BUTTERFLIES MIIri c v E 0 0+ G �pLT H 0 T U � O Y � BRIAN C. MIYCHELL 1 11 o Lic, No, 035724 m P 1011912021 t �FSS)ONALENG\� a m C m a] c o U C •� v 1 00 ko t q0., ram, o O O ti �^ 1y, V c [� CL c 0 V 7 W O CL O lTn — 1 ` L a+ Or REVISIONS )ATE ITEM w` 7/07/16 PER COMMENTS 2118118 PER COMMEN)S/OWNER On m N 0119121 CLUBHOUSE 0 o 0 O e) O O CL t DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE AS SHOIRIV o t PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN t .. CHECKED !BY=� c v c PROJ.jf 20150290 3 0 SHEET ,¢' C-12A t - i 1 l 111 l \ \ .\ .\\ .� \------- -------- _-- -= '-TI 1 14 _f+;T +11 �IJJ�. J-1=.1 / %j � \ IT �T I-� 1-f 1 ` `\`\ \\\\`\ S� __�__ _-__-__ \\iS1-_ _ -- ------------------------------ IT ------------ / \ \ ` \ `\ `\\ = ---- ------ __---- 1 ____ _ --fl ---__- __- i IT i i i i i / \��i i i i i ; -------- IT IT IT If IT V- Il--_ — __-__ _-_-----------------___- - // _ _-___--- % ' i % l� l I I I I l I I, --__ _ -_-_ -_ ___-- /I A / i / �/ �l Il Il i ii,%� 1------�`` -$ _---- �a'7 0------- ------ ------------ - '.'-`--------- --- �' ___ / III 1 \I O it iI\\\ e-o- CL - _ -- - ----- - --- '. , . . ,. , lI I SWM/BMP 4 SCALE: 1" = 30' ROUND !ASH RACK SEE DETAIL HIS SHEET) 3111130AW& :3E:I1. ORIFICE 4SH RACK CV. 436.50 ❑RIFICE aSH RACK �cya 426.00 B-B 60" RCP RISER DETAIL N.T.S. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL N. T. S. (2) STAINLESS STEEL U-BOLTS TO SECURE 12' ELEV. 441.50 PVC DRAIN PIPE TO 5x5 //fCONCRETE SLAB 12' PVC. ELEV. 439.25 DRAIN 24' RIPRAP 1 i CLASS I WITH 5'� FILTER FABRIC I c CONCRETE SLAB & 12" PVC DRAIN PIPE N. T. S. 450 445 [Mrs] 435 430 425 420 1 415 i \✓- 41C 40E 0 N 0 cd 0 N 0 0 m 0 CAI 4. 1D 00 + 0 ILI m HMO O .- •d- O N II 8' ERM in 1n ~ ELEV: 1.50 CLAY CORE (TYP) RIPRAP =16'xW=VARIESxD=2' W/ FILTER FABRIC 0 00 SWM/BMP 4 PROFILE 0:1 SAFETY BENCH 100-YR WSE: 440.56 0:1 AQUATIC BENCH 10-YR WSE: 439.20 2-YR WSE: 437.05 NWSE: 434.00 / DESIGN VOLUME: 174,44.cL REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUME: 156,449 1J J ' I J CLAY CORE TO BE INSTALLED AROUND OUTFALL PIPE 210 L=111.55 S=1.79% D=42" RCP CLASS IV w/ 0-RING GASKET 11 I00 SWM 13MH 5 CLAY DUNE NKUFILE 445 445 431 431 421 421 4V 411 435 430 425 420 415 SWM/BMP 3 r; '*0 d�IM M Z H ni 95X COMPACTED FILL MUST BE PLACED BELOW STORM SEWER STRUCTURES & PIPES IN FILL RIPRAP L-28'xW-VARI ESxD-VARIES W/ FILTER FABRIC 426.0,_______ ��POND B07TOM BELOW ELEV 426.0 TO MATCH EXIS77NG CREETC BED AS SHOIW ON THE GRADING PLAN HOST STRUCTURE INSIDE DIMENSIONS PART NUMBER: TYPE OF PIPE MOUNTING T0: INSIDE DIAMTER OF PIPE: *AS DISTRIBUTED BY CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS NATIONALLY* (PLEASE PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) SOLUTIONS INC. RACK OR EQUAL T T CROSS BARS 1STENERS ATTACHED SH RACK )GATED METAL OR IC PIPE RCp Cl D,36" COUNTERSINK PIPE(S) A OF SIX (6) INCHES BELO EXIS77NG S7REAM BED E.' *HERE CULVERTS ARE L( ON BEDROCK OR ON SLC OR GREATER 7H£Y DO N REQUIRE TO BE COUNTEF PLAN VIEW ROUND SERIES TRASH RACKS RISER PART NO. CONCRETE INSIDE DIA. CMP OR HDPE NOMINAL DIA. A B C D E F G H RS-24 24"0 12"1 17 1/3" 13 1/3" 7 3/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 27 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2" RS-36 36"0 21"11-301 21 1/8" 13 1/1 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 40 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2" RS-48 48"0 33"1 27 3/4" 17 3/4' 7" 8 1/2' 6 3/4' 54 1/4' 8 1/2" 9" RS-80 60'f 48'0-54'f 27 3/4 17 3/4' 11 1/2' 8 1/2' 6 3/4' 67 1/2' 8 1/2' 9" 410 ^-4j(,--LrmokLJ" CUSTOMER: 91 WIVAIP-11 i FWW"I CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS INC. I, FoTE DRVE, nbu REwST CHESTER. DwO 45069 PROTECT: I H. 1 B55.3381122 FAX: 513 645 7399 © COPYRIGHT LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L - - - - - - - - - EXIST. GROUND AT CIL DATE: DRAWN BY: APP'D BY: DETAIL: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: > " = 5' 1►'1�II♦ 3 N E 6) m ��pLT H O c T Q ° U y BRIAN C. MIYCHELL II o Lic, No, 035724 op 1011912021 FFSSIONAL ENO\ 2 a� c c O U O C w I� 3 o 3. c E r^ vl o IJ V Q o O OIVyI c �i C c O ° V �VTI 7 O w II- a � v O 1 � c REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 10107116 PER COMMENTS ; 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER to 10119121 CLUBHOUSE o H 0 N CL 0 O a DATE r 04-DA=TE SCALE AS SHOWNr PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY ° ° PROJ.# c .3 20150290 ° SHEET # C - 12B r / It If it 1M/EN T/ ; / // I I 1 I 1 11 II I 11 It It II I 1 I I 1 I I � II 1 II i I 11 1 1 11 I I II 11 I I 1 1 I I � 1 1 1 Ilk If IIII I III I 1 11 I 1 II 111 1 I kill I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 � I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 / I I I ,/ l l //I l l ;' i I i / / / / I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 / YI I � � � \ I I � I I � I\ •I I � � I r I I I I I I I L I / I I / I // IfI i l i— / / , I / / / I / I ILIt --IT+�TIT—f If / If I I ItI I 1 It I I I I I I It l / i l I If I i It lI l 1 I I l i \\\ \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ ------------ _—______ \ — --- I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \------------- -------------- ------- ------ — -------------------------------- I --- ----- \ \ - _ -------- - _- `-__ — ------------------� \ -- __— — — — — — — --- ---- - ------------ \ `---------- ----__ -__ -- - ------ -- ----- - ___ \ \------- — — --- ---------- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ — o--------------------------- -_ `- ------ -- $ — — — _ _ -- - - - - - - D-0—gn _ __ — SWM/BMP 4 SCALE: 1" = 20' AQUATIC BENCH PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL ABBR. AaPPrtO)c BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME INUN A ON SPACING SIZE REMARKS WILDLIFE VALUE K' FULL SUN, ALTHOUGH TOLERANT RC 320 Leash orymides RICE CUTGRASS UP TO 3' 15"O.C. 2" PLUG OF SHADE. SHORELINE HIGH, FOOD AND COVER STABILIZATION S 320 Carez spp. SAS UP TO 3' 15'0.C. 2' PLUG AND MANYSEVERAL UETLPLNAND SPECIES HIGH. RFOWL SONGBIRDSO PE P# MH 480 Hibiscus mosheutos MARSH HIBISCUS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN. CAN TOLERATE LOW, NECTAR huh PERIODIC DRYNESS FAST COLONIZER. CAN TOLERATE HIGH, SEEDS, COVER, CTS 360 Scipus pungens COMMON THREE SQUARE UP TO 6" 20"O.C, 2" PLUG PERIODS OF DRYNESS. FULL SUN. WATEFOWL, SONGBIRDS HIGH METAL REMOVAL AA 320 Pdtandra virglnlca ARROW ARUM RED UP TO 1' 15"O.C. 2' PLUG FULL SUN RT TO PAIL SHADE HIGH, BERRIES AREA EATEN BY WOOD DUCKS AN 180 Sa Maria IatHdla 99 ARROWHEAD/DUCK POTATO UP TO 1' 20-O.C. 2' PLUG AGGRESSIVE COLONIZER MODERATE, TUBERS AND SEEDS EATEN BY DUCKS LT 270 Saumme aernuus UZARD'S TAIL UP TO 1' 20'O.C. 2" PLUG RAPID GROWTH. SHADE TOERANT LOW, EXCEPT WOOD DUCKS PW 320 Pantederia cordato PICKERELWEED UP TO V 20"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN TO PARTIAL SHADE MODERATE, DUCKS, NECTAR FOR BUTTERFLIES AQUATIC BENCH PLUG 3' TOPSOIL PLANTING DETAIL & SEED AQUATIC BENCH 10' TYP. WIDTH 6' DEEP BED CORE LOG AQUATICPLANT OF TOPSOIL 11V11 IMPERMEABLE LAYER (REFER TO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BASIN TYPICAL SECTION NWSE: 216 NOTES: 1. HERBACEOUS PLANTS SHOULD BE PEAT POT GROWN OR HEAVILY ROOTED PLUGS, PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANTED WITH ROOT SYSTEMS FULL INTACT 2. REMOVE ALL UNDESIRABLE PLANTS OR WEEDY VEGETATION FROM THE PLANTING PLUG 3. HERBICIDES SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE BASIN TO REMOVE EXISTING WEED GROWTH 4. FERTILIZERS SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE PERMANENT POOL 5. PLANTING SHALL TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER SOIL PREPARATION. E:Tie7;,,:':L�'I�CI:Y?�F3T7��`riI:T�3:Ce=� 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: USE LAWN SEED AT THE RATE OF 5 TO A. NOMENCLATURE: PLANT NAMES SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION 8 LBS PER 1,000 SF. OF "STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES" AS ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN JOINT COMMITTEE ON HORTICULTURAL NOMENCLATURE. AMOUNT BY: MINIMUM % WEIGHT SPECIES OR VARIETY PURITY GERMINATION B. SIZE AND GRADING: PLANT SIZES AND GRADING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 25% KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 95% 60% LATEST EDITION OF "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK" AS 35% PERENNIAL RYE 98% 90% SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. (AAN), 40% RED FESCUE 97% 85% UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 100% C. NURSERY SOURCE: OBTAIN FRESHLY DUG, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, PLANTS C. FERTILIZER (TO BE USED ON SEEDED LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE THE BASIN NURSERY GROWN UNDER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN THE ONLY): LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT. PLANTS SHALL HAVE BEEN LINED OUT IN 1. FOR SPRING SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, ROWS, ANNUALLY CULTIVATED, SPRAYED, PRUNED, AND FERTILIZED IN GRANULAR,NONBURNING PRODUCT CONTAINING 10% NITROGEN, 6% ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE. HEELED IN PLANTS AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS, AND 4% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (10-6-4). AND PLANTS FROM COLD STORAGE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 2. FOR FALL SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, D. SUBSTITUTIONS: DO NOT MAKE SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS. IF NONBURNING PRODUCT, CONTAINING 5% NITROGEN, 10% AVAILABLE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF PHOSPHORUS, AND 5% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (5-10-5). NON -AVAILABILITY AND PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. WHEN AUTHORIZED, ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT AMOUNT (IF ANY) WILL 3. FOR FINAL FERTILIZING: IF APPLIED IN SPRING SEASON, SHALL BE A BE MADE BY CHANGE ORDER. SLOW RELEASE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, WITH HIGH NITROGEN, 38%, URAMITE OR APPROVED EQUAL. IF APPLIED IN FALL 2. SEEDING Qa PLANTING SEASONS AND TIMING CONDITIONS: SEASON, SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN (3.C.2) ABOVE. A. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING, SEED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN AREA FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE 15, AND FROM D. MULCH AUGUST 15 TO OCTOBER 15. 1. LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: HYDROSEED OR USE OAT OR WHEAT STRAW FREE OF WEEDS B. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING THE PLANTING OF PLUGS SHALL BE FROM APRIL 15 TO OCTOBER 30. 2. EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AREA WITHIN BASIN: HYDROSEED ONLY. DO NOT USE OTHER MULCH WITHIN THE BASIN. C. PROCEED WITH AND COMPLETE SEEDING AND PLANTING AS RAPIDLY AS PORTIONS OF THE SITE BECOME AVAILABLE, WORKING WITHIN THE 4. EXECUTION SEASONAL LIMITATIONS FOR EACH KIND OF LANDSCAPE WORK REQUIRED. A. PLANTING WORK SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN AS SOON AS SITE AREAS ARE AVAILABLE. D. PROVIDE TEMPORARY ANNUAL RYEGRASS COVER FOR SEEDING OUTSIDE PERMITTED SEEDING PERIODS. SEED AT THE RATE OF 3 TO 4 LBS PER B. THE BASIN MUST BE DRAINED AND FINE GRADED TO FINISHED ELEVATION 1,000 SF. PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO A SMOOTH EVEN SURFACE, FREE OF DEPRESSIONS OR RIDGES WITH A UNIFORM 3. PRODUCTS: LOOSE, FINE TEXTURE. A. IMPORTED TOPSOIL, PROVIDE TOPSOIL CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING: C. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES 1. ORIGINAL LOAM TOPSOIL, WELL DRAINED HOMOGENOUS TEXTURE AND OF TO ASSURE WATER DRAINED FROM THE BASIN SHALL BE FREE FROM UNIFORM GRADE, WITHOUT THE ADMIXTURE OF SUBSOIL MATERIAL AND SEDIMENT PRIOR TO DISCHARGE TO RECEIVING CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. FREE OF INVASIVE WETLAND SPECIES SEEDS OR ROOTS, DENSE MATERIAL, HARDPAN, CLAY, STONES, SOD OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE D. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD NO LESS THAN 4" THICK EXCEPT 6" THICK FOREIGN MATERIAL. OVER THE AQUATIC BENCH. 2. CONTAINING NOT LESS THAN 5% NOR MORE THAN 20% ORGANIC E. THE TOPSOIL SHALL BE TESTED FOR PH AND LIME ADDED IF NECESSARY MATTER IN THAT PORTION OF A SAMPLE PASSING A 1/4" SIEVE WHEN TO AMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL AMENDMENTS DETERMINED BY THE WET COMBUSTION METHOD ON A SAMPLE DRIED SHALL BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE AT 105" C. AMENDMENTS ARE MADE. 3. CONTAINING A PH VALUE WITHIN THE RANGE OF 6.5 TO 7.5 ON THAT F. ALL NEWLY SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT MOIST BY WATERING UNTIL PORTION OF THE SAMPLE WHICH PASSES A 1/4" SIEVE. VEGETATIVE COVERS ARE WELL ESTABLISHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PLUG ROOTS MOIST UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE PERMANENT WATER 4. CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING WASHED GRADATIONS: SURFACE IS REACHED WITHIN THE BASIN. SIEVE DESIGNATION % PASSING 1" 100 G. THE WATER IN THE BASIN SHALL BE ALLOWED TO RISE TO ITS PERMANENT POOL LEVEL WHEN THE AQUATIC BENCH HAS BEEN PLANTED 97 - 100 NO. 200 20 - 65 (OF THE 1/4" SIEVE) AND ONLY AT A RATE THAT WILL NOT DISTURB THE NEWLY PLANTED PLUGS. B. SEED: PROVIDE FRESH, CLEAN, NEW -CROP SEED MIXED IN THE H. VEGETATIVE AREAS ARE TO BE WARRANTIED UNTIL THEY HAVE BECOME PROPORTIONS SPECIFIED FOR SPECIES AND VARIETY, AND CONFORMING ESTABLISHED, AND NOT LESS THAN 60 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL TO FEDERAL AND STATE STANDARDS. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MIXTURES: WORK AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 1. WITHIN STORMWATER BASIN: NEW ENGLAND EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AS SUPPLIED BY NEW ENGLAND WETLAND PLANTS, INC., 820 WEST ST., AMHERST, MA 01002, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. APPLY AT A RATE OF 1 LBS/1,245 SF. col 1; d E rn �0kLT H 0 c T C Q O U y � BRIAN C. MIYCHELL 1 II o Lic, No, 035724 v 1011912021 P FFSSIONAL ENO\ 2 w c rn c O U r c w 3 ti o 3 rn c v1 �j o Q 0 1Vy 0 O c C'- c Q O `T l Imo, V �VTI a U 7 a o w CL Q) v 1 C REVISIONS m DATE ITEM Lc 10107116 PER COMMENTS a) 12118118 PER COMMENI•S/OWNER 10119121 aUBHouSE o 1— 0 d 0_ 0 a DATE r 04-27-2016 rn SCALE C AS SHOWN 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -a c 0 PROJ.# c .3 20150290 0 SHEET # C-1, r 520 515 510 505 ■':.LIF• 0 rrl501 . III $ 0 0 M N00 N OO Moj ll CO o�Z� II_o f5 ;� o» in Inpzz 00 N O 6 N RV toS 0011 4^ i50>�, 520 515 510 \ W 505 \ 3' WIDE BERM 2 \ TOP ELEV. 503.0 \ I, wBOTTOM ELA� w x ED4,501.O I 182 \ 500 L=20.85 11 \ a 500 S=0.48% \ - - D=18" RCP CLASS III VARIABLE H p„ WIDTH ENERGY 495 DISSIPATER 6" PERFORATED HDPE WRAPPED J IN FILTER FABRIC 2" MIN. WASHED GRAVEL 490 / 1 0.50% \ \ / 1 6" SDR35 -` \ \ \1 495 CLASS I RIP RAP Fk W FILTER FABRIC /< L=5'xW=5'xD=2' 485 I I I 101DOLfT7 I111+000I12 00 BLMPILB^011E IPIVFLZE 490 I 485 12 63 i- -----' - --- _ -___ ------ __ ' __--- \\---- - _---------------------------lk- -------'" \'\PRI TCHE T T L A NE� � c� / 1 PRI TCHETT LANE 10' MPORAIRY ik ----- -' - _----------- ----- C 0 N S TR U TIC __ ----- - ----------------- / \ \ TYP \ -----1 L - - - - - - - - - - - - /- o CONCRETE CHECKDAMI I II I / TOP = 501.0 1 1 I / SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET i I I \ TO BE KEYED IN 5' MIN INTO DA I/ ; 6-- PERFORATED PVC / WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC C VARIABLE WIDTH ENERGY DISSIPATER A \ 510 510 505 500 495 CLAY CORE 490 1 10+ 00 BMP 5 ROCK CORE PROFILE ,Do 505 445 445 500 440 495 435 490 430 11+00 11 I35 425 CLAY CORE V/A 1 10 00 t�1JAM ,ef) rrrC'1W11 IULLE 455 \ n 455 \ M 00 N 7 M 000) \ In MMa to 0 \ COaa::r 1 Z0 450 450 �lao»> cn �rzzz \ 445 \ 445 \ \ 3' MADE BERM 38 TOP ELEV: 440.0 440 L=1638 \w 440 S=0.98% �+ =15" RCP CLASS III BOTTOM ELEV: \ 437.25 VARIABLE \ 435 WIDTH C4 \ 435 ENERGY a \ DISSIPATER it \ 1.00% \ INV. 432.51 2" MIN. WASHED 430 GRAVEL 6" PERFORATED- HDPE WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC 425 i 440 435 430 425 11 7 6" SI)i / 430 INV. 431.45-� CLASS I RIP RAP W/ FILTER FABRIC L=5'xW=5'xD=2' 425 4210100 1 11 100 I 12100 12 { 40 20 r 1 / / / / BMP 2 PLAN 1 "=20' I I I ;/ Q I l I I I I I Jil / I I I I 1---'�. I\It I \ \ II II\� ( X x \\ \-------- / -- / \ ,I 1 1 \ ll ". ISO II I I I I I ' C.O. (TYP�r /I I \ 3' BERM / I W/ CLA RE �1I iT�P\ 440.0 i J IABLE WI E Y ,DISSIPA 1 1 '' / .BOTTOM ELEV. �\♦ Il i i = 437.25/ / 6" ORATED P WRAPP FILTER F I / CHECK DA O O O , BMP 4 PLAN 1 "=20' • Mulch Layer • The mulch shall be uniformly applied approximately 2 to 3 inches in depth on top of planting soil. • An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood clips or similar product. • Of the approved mulch products all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material including plant material. • Mulch shall be free of weed seeds, soil, roots, grass or any other substance not consisting of either bole or branch wood or bark. NOTES: 1. SOIL EVALUATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOR COMPOSITION, PLACEMENT AND DEPTH PER THE PLANTING SOIL MEDIA GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED ON THIS SHEET. 2. RAIN GARDEN CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE SITE IS FULLY STABILIZED AND ALL EC MEASURES HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR REMOVAL. 3. ALL GRASSED SWALES AND SURROUNDING GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY STABILIZED AND THE RAIN GARDEN EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE SODDED PRIOR TO PLACING THE RAIN GARDEN IN TO OPERATION 4. A MINIMUM OF 3 SOIL BORING LOGS PER BASIN SHALL BE PROVIDED TO EVALUATE SOIL SUITABILITY FOR THE PROPOSED RAIN GARDENS AND TO ENSURE THAT THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER IS AT LEAST 3 FEET BELOW THE FILTER BED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF EACH RAIN GARDEN. 5. A DENSE COVER OF WATER -TOLERANT, EROSION -RESISTANT GRASS OR OTHER VEGETATION MUST BE ESTABLISHED. RECOMMENDED GRASSES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: KENTUCKY-31 TALL FESCUE, REED CANARY GRASS, REDTOP, AND ROUGH -STALKED BLUE GRASS, NOTE THAT THESE GRASSES CAN BE MIXED. 6. MONKEY GRASS SHALL BE PLANTED OVER MULCH LAYER TO STABILIZE THE MULCH. 7. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE INITIAL GRADING IS COMPLETE AND THE UNSUITABLE EXISTING SOIL HAS BEEN EXCAVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM. 8. THE PERIOD OF CARE AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BEGIN AFTER INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL PLANTS AND CONTINUE UNTIL ONE YEAR AFTER STATE ACCEPTANCE. BIORETENTION AREA on EXISTING GROUND I DRAW CHA 12" MAX. PONDING DEPTH •i TOP <--0.O% PROPOSED GRADE * MULCH 3 MITI 3.1 MAX » PLANTING • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED SOIL 25' SOIL MEDIA HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS 3" PEA GRAVEL » THE RECOMMENDED O " GYtAVELO 1Y WASHED GRAVEL BIOREIENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMYMIN SAND ON THE USDA TEXTIXRE 7PoANGLE, WITIR THE FOLLOWING 8" PERFORATED HOPE TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEO DAYLIGHT O IS 1 2• - 20 STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC ASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO9 GRAVEL -n8z Ta tu2saL FINES: AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3x TO n ORGANIC MATIER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 2 (NOT TO SCALE) BIORETENTION AREA EXISTING GROUND GRASS r12• MAX. PONDING DEPTH • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS « THE RECOMMENDED BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE Is GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMY SAND ON THE USDA 1EXnIRE SOIL MEDIA PEA GRAVEL WASHED GRAVEL TRIANGLE, W11H THE FGLOMINO 8" PERFORATED HOPE T0� COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEG DAYLIGHT O 1% 1/2" - 2" STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.Y GRAVEL -8= TO III SAND -8W TO 12X SGL FINES; AID MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -31P ro EDP ORGANIC MATTERBIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 4 (NOT TO SCALE) Bioretention Basin Adjacent to a Drainage Swale ire , 610RETENTION AREA LIMIT A 15' BERM FLOW *V Ili FLOW P�� SWALE 4 PLAN VIEW IILOW CONCRETE (Nor TO SCALE) CHECK DAM 3: (T Pro{ I_ BIORETENTION AREA �- SECTION A -A' (NOT TO SCALE) II-5.DWG NOTES: 1. PLANTING SOILS SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 12" OR LESS LAYERS AND SHALL BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED. BIORETENTION AREA PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ROOT STOCK OF THE PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORT FROM THE SOURCE TO THE JOB SITE AND UNTIL PLANTED 2. WALLS OF PLANTING PIT SHALL BE DUG SO THAT THEY ARE VERTICAL 3. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANTING PIT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL OF THE TREE 4. THE PLANTING SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ALLOW 1/8 OF THE OVERALL DIMENSION OF THE ROOT BALL TO BE ABOVE GRADE. LOOSE SOIL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIT SHALL BE TAMPED BY HAND. 5. THE PLANT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER AND PLACED IN THE PLANTING PIT BY LIFTING AND CARRYING THE PLANT BY ITS' BALL NEVER LIFT BY BRANCHES OR TRUNK) 6. SET THE PLANT STRAIGHT AND IN THE CENTER OF THE PIT SO THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/8 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL IS ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. MAKE SURE PLANT REMAINS STRAIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PROCEDURE. 8. NEVER COVER THE TOP OF THE BALL WITH SOIL. MOUND SOIL AROUND THE EXPOSED BALL. 9. TREES SHALL BE BRACED BY USING 2" BY 2" WHITE OAK STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO WALWAYS AND BUILDINGS. STAKES ARE TO BE EQUALLY SPACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TREE BALL. UTILIZING HOSE AND WIRE THE TREE IS BRACED TO THE STAKES. 10. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVELS OF NUTRIENTS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF TO BE TREATED, BIORETENTION BASIN PLANTS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE CHEMICAL FERTILIZATION PLANTING DATE GUIDELINES BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATES. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. TOP ELEV 4" 2 R 8" III FLOW 'II d:. I 2, I It 7 d °. ° ". d e 18" ° CONCRETE CHECK DAfl (MODIFIED/DRY Ji Maintenance/Inspection Guidelines The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive. Specific Facilities may require additional measures not discussed here. A schedule of recommended maintenance for bioretention areas is given in Table 3.11-5. The table gives general guidance regarding methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance. Planting Soil Urban plant communities tend to become very acidic due to precipitation as well as the influences of storm water runoff. For this reason, it is recommended that the application of alkaline, such as limestone, be considered once to twice a year. Testing ofthe pH ofthe organic layer and soil, should precede the limestone application to determine the amount of limestone required. Soil testing should be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Over a period of time, heavy metals and other toxic substances will tend to accumulate in the soil and the plants. Data from other environs such as forest buffers and grass swales suggest accumulation of toxins and heavy metals within five years of installation. However, there is no methodology to estimate the level oftoxic materials in the bioretention areas since runoff, soil, and plant characteristics will vary from site to site. As IItoxicsubstancesaccumulate,theplantbiologicfunctionsmaybecomeimpaired,andtheplant rh experience dwarfed growth followed by mortality. The biota within the soil can also become void and the natural soil chemistry may be altered. The preventative measures would include the removal ofthe contaminated soil. ]n some cases, removal and disposal ofthe entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Mulch Bioretention areas should be mulched once the planting of trees and shrubs has occurred. Any ground cover specified as plugs may be installed once the area has been mulched. Ground cover established by seeding and\or consisting of grass should not be covered with mulch. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. LEGEND P1NISH£D GRADE AT CIL - - - - - - - - - DOST. GROUND AT CIL SCALE: HORIZONTAL: I') = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' c v E a) 01 C NLT H 0 c T o Y � BRIAN C, MIYCHELL I I1 o Lic, No, 035724 m P 10/19/2021 t �FSS/ONALENO\� a D Wm D c O c •� v 1 1-41 0 0 c �I O 3 O Q-1 IV E, t ti N ° �Wy •L-1�I CL O 44 1r�-4 c I� [0 o \ �l 0 O a O rr^^ v1 N L a° rn c a, REVISIONS )ATE ITEM w` 7107/16 PER COMMENTS 2118118 PER COMMEN)S/OWNER 0119121 CLUBHOUSE o F2 0 CIL O a t DATE 04-27-2016 m SCALD' c AS SHOli1V 0 WC PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn 0 v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY c v E .3 PROD. J 2015029,0 0 SHEET ,¢' C - 12D t 2'S2-STAKE 04 WIRE GUY til TURNBUCKLE I � 120' 30- MIN 4 C/L TREE GUYING DETAIL - 3" CALIPER OR MORE ^�f NOTTOSCALE 3" EARTH MOUNDED TO FORM SAUCER 3" - 4" PINEBARK MULCH _ w� REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP` 1/3 OF BALL PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL 6- SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PIT PRUNE ALL BROKEN, DEAR AND DAMAGED BRANCHES. DO NO CUT LEADER 3" MIN. WEBBING x 12" MIN. THREAD CABLE THROUGH METAL OROMMETS WRAP WITH COMMERCIAL CREPE TO SECOND BRANCH. START AT BOTTOM �64/2' GALVANIZED TURNBUCKLE 12 GA. GALVANIZED GUY WIRE WOODORMETAL 3N12" OD FLAG WHITE `i - 3--EARTH MOUND TO CREATE SAUCER } l 4 3" MIN. SHREDDED PINEBARK MULCH REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 113 OF WILL PRESSURE 0.EATED �1 TREATED PINE -DRIVE FLUSH WITH GARDE PIN-DRKES.SISH PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL - I SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PIT / 1" SHREDDED \ L PINEBARK MULCH / IIIIII tom. 'I�_ .z �` i z•• I19ill�l MIN ` MIN .........-_ B 8L B SHRUB / GROUNDCOVER BED \ NOT TO SCALE BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATE. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. BIORETENTION FILTER 2 PLANT SCHEDULE SIZE SYMBOL QUANL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HEIGHT SPACING ® 11 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' O.C. O2 Magnolia Virginians Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7' 15' O.C. 12 Iteo Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal. 4' O.C. 16 Cornus Sericea 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' O.C. 12 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' O.C. O I / IN / / ' // �' ' I I / I I I I I 1 I 1 1 11 II II II�V\ \ ♦`vV � — �`v �`v / I 1' I \ I ` b / \ " ARIA LE B M P & DRAINA'G ro EASEMENT ;0Q� AN'D-, aLNA _ BIORETENTION FILTER 4 PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL TOTAGUANL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE HEIGHT SPACING ® 8 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' O.C. O3 Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7 15' O.C. 7 Itea Virginica 'Henrys Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal. 4' O.C. 12 Cornus Sericea 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' O.C. © 17 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' O.C. MIIF: QI 3 a. c 0 E ° LT H 0 c T u � o Y � BRIAN C. MIYCHELL 1 11 o Lic, No, 035724 m P 1011912021 t �FSS)ONALENG\� a m c m D, c o U O I� r � 11 C •L_ 3 � �I 'r'1~Y w 0 0 46 w O ti t o `o �I O COL U 0 r` V 04 0 .0 O V11 0 � � t v 0 REVISIONS )ATE ITEM w` 7/07/16 PER COMMENTS 2118118 PER COMMEN)S/OWNER 03 0119121 CLUBHOUSE o F2 0 0 T N 0 O a t DATE 04-27-2016 m SCALE AS SHORW o t G1 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN t CHECKED !BY=r c v c .3 PROJ.1j' 20150290 v SHEET C — 12E t