HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000012 Study 2021-11-17SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering November 15, 2021 Adam Moore Virginia Department of Transportation 701 Vdot Way Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 RE: ZMA2020-12 Montclair Turn Lane Warrant Analysis Dear Mr. Moore, Please find attached a warrant analysis for Montclair, a zoning map amendment application seeking to rezone 17.51-acres to Neighborhood Model District. The Application Plan and Code of Development establish a maximum of 157 residential units and a maximum of 16,500 square feet of non-residential uses. To evaluate commercial traffic impacts that may be generated at a neighborhood -scale, two commercial scenarios were analyzed with residential build -out of 157 units. The turning movements from Route 240 Three Notched Road to Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive were not evaluated as existing left and right turn lanes are present on Route 240. The following items are included with this report: • VDOT 2019 Traffic Data • ITE Trip Generation Summary • Warrant Analysis Exhibits The attached analysis shows that only a left turn would be warranted if the development were to develop to the maximum density of 157 units, with up to 16,500 square feet of non-residential square footage. If you have any questions, you may contact me at justingshimp-en ing eering com or by phone at 434- 953-6116. Regards, Justin Shimp Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com 1. VDOT 2019 Traffic Data The property is located at the intersection of Route 240 Three Notched Road and Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive. One entrance is proposed on each of these roadways, for a total of two entrances to be constructed. The following tables provide VDOT 2019 traffic data on Route 240 and Route 2150. The speed limit on this portion of Route 240 and Park Ridge Drive is 45 mph and 30 mph, respectively. The traffic data for Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive did not provide a K-factor or directional factor and the values shown in the table are assumed. The directional factor was assumed to be 0.8 as Park Ridge Drive leads to residential subdivisions that do not provide easy and convenient access to connecting public roads or non-residential uses; due to these conditions, it is likely that traffic is predominately traveling in one direction during the morning and evening peak hour. Route 240 Three Notched Road 2-lane highway 2.40-mile segment from Route 810 Crozet Avenue to Route 802 Old Three Notched Road 45-m h AADT 6000 K 0.097 D 0.556 Peak Hour Total 852 Peak Hour Direction A 324 Peak Hour Direction B 258 Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive 2-lane highway 0.33-mile segment from Route 1251 Lake Tree Lane to Route 240 Three Notched Road 30-m h AADT 1600 K 0.1* D 0.8* Peak Hour Total 160 Peak Hour Direction A 128 Peak Hour Direction B 32 *Assumed values 2. ITE Trip Generation Summary ZMA2020-12 proposes a mixed -use development, following design principles of the Neighborhood Model District. The development is proposed predominately as residential, with commercial uses that would be compatible with the neighborhood character of the site. The Code of Development proposes a maximum of 157 units, consisting of attached single-family dwelling and multifamily units. These units may house one to four households. To account for a range of neighborhood -scale commercial uses, two commercial scenarios were analyzed alongside the residential trip generation. An existing day care center is present on the adjacent property, tax map parcel 056EO-00-00-002AO and an expansion of this day care on the subject property would be a highly compatible use. This use is included in both commercial scenarios. With the remaining non-residential square footage, as allotted by the Code of Development, a neighborhood restaurant or office space would be appropriate for the proposed development. Overall, the residential portion of the site establishes that approximately 1,100 trips would be generated by this development, with supporting commercial uses generating approximately 400 trips. ITE Code Independent Variable AM PM Daily Total In Out Total In Out Total Low -Rise Multifamily 220 135 Units 14 49 63 48 29 77 980 Mid -Rise Multifamily 221 22 Units 2 6 8 6 4 10 118 Residential Total 135 Units 16 55 71 54 33 87 1098 Commercial ITE Independent AM PM Daily Scenario A Code Variable Total In Out Total In Out Total Day Care 565 6,000 SF 35 31 66 31 36 67 286 Center General 710 10,000 SF 31 5 36 2 11 13 114 Office Commercial 16,000 SF of 66 36 102 33 47 80 400 Scenario A Total non-residential Commercial 135 Units + 82 91 173 87 80 167 1498 Scenario A + 13,800 SF of Residential non-residential Commercial ITE Independent AM PM Daily Scenario B Code Variable Total In Out Total In Out Total Day Care 565 6,000 SF 35 31 66 31 36 67 286 Center Quality 931 1,550 SF - - 1 8 4 12 130 Restaurant Commercial 5,350 SF of 35 31 67 39 40 79 416 Scenario A Total non-residential Commercial 135 Units + 51 86 138 93 73 166 1514 Scenario A + 5,350 SF of Residential non-residential 3. Warrant Analysis Exhibits Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive Two entrances are proposed with this rezoning application. One entrance is to be located on Route 240 and the other on Park Ridge Drive. The entrance on Park Ridge Drive is existing and would be improved to VDOT commercial standards at the time of construction. This existing entrance is utilized by the adjacent tax map parcel 56E-2A as an accessway to their day care center operations. This access would be maintained with this rezoning. Both entrances are evaluated as though 100% of the residential trips would utilize each of the entrances. mm:Y" = 700 W 600 M Mj 500 (0 400 Np2 1 300 O 200 7 > 100 Two assumptions were established with this turn lane warrant analysis for both the Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive entrance and the Route 240 entrance. Because the existing day care center is located at the Southwestern boundary of the property and the future day care center and other commercial uses would be located in this general area per the Code of Development, it is highly unlikely that vehicles traveling to the commercial uses would turn into the Route 240 entrance and travel through the neighborhood, with additional stops and turns. Based on these site conditions, only the Park Ridge Drive entrance accounts for the turns generated by the commercial uses into the site; the trips generated by the proposed commercial area are maintained in the traffic volume on Route 240 and Park Ridge Drive. The second assumption is the directional factor of Park Ridge Drive. As discussed in Section 1: VDOT 2019 Traffic Data of this analysis, Park Ridge Drive essentially acts as an entrance into residential subdivisions. The road network eventually connects to Crozet Avenue, however, the path is not straightforward nor convenient. Due to the traffic volume of Route 240 being significantly higher than that of Park Ridge Drive, the analysis takes the assumption that the majority of trips entering the property through the Park Ridge Drive entrance would come off of Route 240. With these two assumptions in place, neither a right nor left turn lane is warranted at this entrance for commercial scenario A and B. Residential & Commercial Scenario A (Day Care + Office Turns In Advancing Opposing % of Left Turns Morning Right 16 144 - - Morning Left 66 98 144 67% Evening Right 14 49 - - Evening Left 70 198 49 35% u 200 400 600 S00 low VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-9 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY i MOIVF REWIRED �•••• •- I.aNiS ORT REDIIIRFD tm am am aw sap — apo raa PMV IVMWcn roT1 vEX ..rKKIIr FIGURE }gS WARRANTS FOR RKWT TURN TREATMENT (PLANE HIGHWAY) Appropriate Radlua reWlred at at Inletwoons anal Enaanoes (O ,reroal or P ate(. UGEND PHV Peak Hour Volume (alto Design Hourly Vaume eou alent) MlusNrent Ito Malin Tom For posted speed. at or un er 45 n^ PHV n ht turna a0, and PHV IObI � M) Ad,.Iaol rlghl turns = PHV R,hl TVma - W e PHV ornot.norm use latmula'. PHV = ADT a K a D K = iNe percent a AADT xamrq n IAe pwl Npur D = me percent a alnc h d,e peal(... ml a no. Note An average a 11%rot K s D wal sull m. When e4a turn laclsks R aMRrsee, sea rQEai Iat Eaur.Nana; goo arofi 600 O 500 7 40C z 0 300 d O 200 O 100 Residential & Commercial Scenario B (Day Care + Restaurant Turns In Advancing Opposing % of Left Turns Morning Right 10 138 - - Morning Left 41 73 138 56% Evening Right 19 51 - Evening Left 74 202 51 37% u 200 40D 600 800 low VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-9 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY Route 240 Three Notched Road P MY . TOTA.. VEMICLEa PFP Pe XR FIGURE g N WAFUlA ITS FOR NIGHT TURN TREATMENT (g4-ANE HIGHWAY) Au,noprlate Radius requiretl at all Inlersecbons an0 Entranoas (D nserwl or Pvtvale). LEGEND PNV - Peak Hour Volume (also De ogn Hourly VdWne egulvabnf) Mlusemant tnr Right Turns For PosteE speeds al or under 45 ni PHV ng51 rums s 40_ ID1d PHV total 300. AElusled right turns = PHV RpM Turns - 20 d PIN n not known use formula PHV = ADT x K x D K =1M percent of AADT mooring in Me Peak hour D = Ne percent W traffic in III, peak dvectgn of flow We An average of 11% for K x D MI suRKe WNm dgM alm lauMies are wmanled, see M desto alle As discussed in the Route 2150 Park Ridge Drive turn lane analysis, the analysis for Three Notched Road removes commercial turns through the Route 240 entrance, however, the trips generated by the commercial square footages are included in the increased traffic volume estimates. This entrance, like the Park Ridge Drive entrance, is evaluated as though 100% of the residential trips would enter and exit through on Route 240. With the removal of commercial turns into this entrance, only a left turn would be warranted at the time of full build -out of 157 dwelling units, and up to 16,500 square feet of non-residential uses. a00 = Too a 600 W 500 4W Z p d00 O a zao 0 > 1m Residential Only (Commercial Scenario A Trips Added to Advancing/ Opposing Traffic) (Day Care + Office Turns In Advancing Opposing % of Left Turns Morning Right 9 365 - - Morning Left 7 299 365 2% Evening Right 24 315 - - Evening Left 30 387 315 8% W ADVANCING VOLUME(VPH) FIGURE 3-11 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY PNV APNgACN TOtAI. VEIICr cR PER HOUR FIGURE 136 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT 12-LANE HIGHWAYI Appropriate Radius required at all Intersections and Entrances (Comm erual or Private) LEGEND PHV - Peak Hour Volume (also Design Hourty Volume egwvalent) Adiu*Vftnl for RiRM Turns For posted speeds at a under 45 mph. PHV right lums � 40, and PHV total < 300 Adjusted right tums = PHV Right Turns - 20 d PHV Is notknown use loanuW PHV = ADT x K x D K = the percent of AADT moaning in the peak hour D = the percent of traffk: m Me peak duection of flow Note- An average of 11% for K x D Mil suffice When right turn facilities are warmnlM. see Frnue 3.1 br design arena Residential Only (Commercial Scenario B Trips Added to Advancing/ Opposing Traffic) (Day Care + Restaurant Turns In Advancing Opposing % of Left Turns Morning Right 9 350 - - Morning Left 7 283 350 3% Evening Right 24 302 - - Evening Left 30 373 302 8% 000 = 700 iL Z 600 w 500 O > 400 0 Z N 300 a o 200 0 > 100 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FM/MMgY.'N 1fIT/iL VFIICLEE'F11Np111 TURN TREATMENT (Z{ANE HWNWAY) FIGURE 3-11 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE Appropriate Radms reausecl at an intersections and Entrances lCommardal a Private). HIGHWAY LEGEND PNY- Peak (lour Volume (also Design Flourty Volume ertimil enl) AEiustmant far Runt Tums For Posted speeds at or most 45 mph. PHV right luau . 40. and PHV local x 300 Ad(usled right lums =PHV Right Turns - M ff PHV Is not kmwn use loanula PHV = ADT x K x D K = Me percent of AADT mwmng in the peak hour D = the ,arcaht of iraffk in ma, ceak diredwn of flow Note An average of t t % for K x D "I suffice. When right ant football are warranted, see Fwre 3.1 far demgtl aI1Ma.