HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202100161 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2021-11-19�q off nig 401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832
Road Plan Review
Project title:
Dunlora Farm Road and Drainage Plan
Project file number:
Plan preparer:
Chris Mulligan, PE — Roudabush, Gale & Assoc., Inc.
999 Second Street, SE, Suite 201
Charlottesville, VA 22902 cmulligankroudabush.com
440 Premier Circle, Suite 200, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Owner /Applicant:
E. L. Phillips and Ann P. Phillips Liv. Trust, etal C/O Caroline Molina -Ray
6704 Menchaca Road, Unit 33, Austin TX, 78745
Southern Development Homes, 142 South Pantops Dr.
Charlottesville, VA 22911 charlesa(a),southem-develooment.com
Date Received:
22 Sep 2021
Date of comments:
19 Nov 2021
Plan Reviewer:
John Anderson
Engineering has reviewed the ROAD Plan and offers the following:
Sheet 1
1. Revise plan title to include reference to SLTB202100161.
2. Recommend revise plan title to include reference to Phase 1.
3. Include title sheet note reference to associated plan: WPO202100063.
4. Recommend title sheet note reference to Steep Slopes Exhibit approved 3/23/21, associated with
preliminary subdivision plat, SUB2020-00223.
Sheet 2
5. Recommend include public road acceptance guidance at this link:
httos: //www.albemarle. ore/home/showoublisheddocument/ 1276/637321324043370000
6. Incorporate slopes shown to be less steep than 25%, per approved steep slopes exhibit, recommend legend
distinguish newly -designated non -steep slopes as this may aid review, construction, compliance, and limit
Sheet 5
7. Show and label RW width on Goldsberry Lane and Miranda Crossing.
8. Coordinate any wetland impact permit or mitigation requirements with Vinny Pero, USACE.
9. Please confirm stop sign placement at intersection of Fowler Street and Odom Court, since Fowler Street
presents a more natural through movement, if stop sign is located on Odom Court.
10. Label attached unit driveway private entrances (PE), and provide VDOT PE detail.
11. Label lots.
12. Label curbing.
13. Label all traffic control signs (stop, no parking, speed limit, etc.)
Sheet 6
Engineering Review Comments
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14. Provide permanent barrier at each end of Odom Court hammerhead to prevent off -road incident. Unbroken
unrecoverable slopes lie immediately adjacent to curb at each end of the hammerhead. Permanent barrier
may not consist of landscaping only, but may include landscape screening. Recommend VDOT-class
permanent GR-2.
15. Provide and label interim barriers at ends of Fowler Street and Miranda Crossing.
16. Provide label reference to WPO2021-00063 at ends of 18" and 24" HDPE pipes that daylight behind third
lot on N side of Odom Court.
17. Provide footprint outline and labels of WPO2021-00063 SWM facilities, to clarify that HDPE storm pipes
do not simply daylight, but discharge to stormwater management facilities.
18. Show and label public drainage easements for any storm pipe located outside public RW.
19. Provide and show roof leader lines since WPO2021-00063 relies on post -developed sheet flow. Roof
leader lines need to connect with storm conveyance system.
20. Provide reverse bench and surface water diversion for 40-ft. vertical interval over 3:1 slopes east of Fowler
Street along north boundary of parcel. Ref requirements at 18-4.3.3.C.
21. Note especially requirement prohibiting concentrated storm runoff release across fill or cut slopes, which
prohibits (roof) downspout release, specifically. Ref. 184.3.3.C.4.
Sheet 7
22. Revise prop. Storm sewer easement label to read `public drainage easement.'
23. On this or prior sheet, provide and label proposed SWM facility easements.
24. On this or prior sheet, provide and label proposed SWM facility access easements.
Sheet 8
25. Typical street section includes Goldsberry Lane and Odom Court; please confirm each of these roads is
built with 8" subbase (2 IA), since sheet 10 indicates Goldsberry Lane has 4" 21A stone.
26. Fowler Street and Miranda Crossing profiles include tangent sections with more than one grade label,
please check and revise as needed (list a single % grade in tangent sections).
27. Ensure Fowler Street and Miranda Crossing tie with smooth tangent or smooth vertical curve to
corresponding sections to be built in Belvedere development. Ref. SUB202100195 ROAD plan.
28. Miranda Crossing profile includes `Intersection fire road' label, please delineate fire road in plan view on
sheet 5.
29. Provide underdrains, VDOT UD-1, at vertical sags and proposed cut/fill transitions, show and label in
Sheet 9
30. Provide Odom Court sight distance easement across lot at NW comer of Int. Fowler Street and Odom
Court. May record easement with final subdivision plat.
Sheet 10
31. Provide sight distance easement across 2 lots at NW corner of intersection of Goldsberry Lane and Miranda
Crossing. May record easement with final subdivision plat.
Sheet 11
32. 7 or more storm structures require safety slab. Label structures that require VDOT SL-1 (vertical interval
between INV OUT and TOP > 12.0').
33. STRM 128-130 profile existing grade profile is inconsistent with sheet 8, which shows structure will be in
fill, please check and revise as needed.
34. If pipe between Str. 128 and 130 is in fill, recommend revise pipe slope since any deflection may require
constructive remedy difficult or expensive to perform once storm conveyance system is complete. 0.5%
pipe slope, the minimum, affords little leeway for error of in a fill section.
Engineering Review Comments
Page 3 of 3
35. STRM 120-126: Recommend increase proposed 0.50%pipe slope, since pipe is in fill section.
Sheet 12
36. VDOT LD-204: Revise inlet length/s to avoid spread > %: travel lane width. Several inlets are insufficient
Sheet 13
37. See comment at items 19 and 21 concerning roof runoff, leader lines, storm conveyance, and sheet flow.
Revise linework to provide capture and conveyance of entire roofscape since concentrated downspout
runoff may not release to cut or fill slopes. Note: splash blocks do not transition concentrated flow to sheet
SUB202100161 Dunlora Fann Phase 1 ROAD Plan 111921