HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB199500107 Application 1995-10-16 1111111111111111,4 APPLICATION FOR of County of Albemarle PLANNING COMMISSION 3 ;74ir .'� Department of Planning and Community Development mil 1 ( ® . CI 401 McIntire Road ww Review of a �1 :: Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 SUBDIVISION PLAT „ 1N„. (804)296-5823 PIPlining (14 Copies Required for First Sub ' , 5 Copies Required for Revision) ® PRELIMINARY PLAT Extension of Approval I to 9 lots = $565 PRIOR to Expiration Only($35) 10 to 19 lots =$11 ' ,,�^,Brdinance Waiver($140) 20 or more Jots\$ 0 Cara ``'(Attach written justification) ❑ FINAL PLAN {1 O 0 Relief of Conditions of Prior Approval ($140) 11 I to 9 lots = $565 -1 Oc\V 'C' Prior File Name/Number 10 to 19 lots=$880' 0 Appeal to Board of Supervisors ($190) 20 or more lots =;1060 Prior File Name/Number as per John Shep herd Date Submitted October 16, 1995 © Fee Paid and/or Fee Due TITLE OF PROJECT Applewood Cove Albemarle Rural Preservation Development B Number of Lots 7 Acreage of Site 78 acres Average Size 4.8 acres Type Use Residential Residue Preservation OtherMill - LOCATION North of Route 699 (Boaz Road) ; .30 miles from 29 South Magisterial District Scottsville Existing Zoning Rural Area Tax Map #108 Parcel(s) 4 OWNER/DEVELOPER Ronald W. Harvey/Le-Jud Development mil Address P•O.Box 155 Covesville, VA 22931 Tel. 804 195-5196 SURVEYOR/ARCHITECT/LAND PLANNER Rieley & Associates Address 200 E.Market St. Charlottesville Tel. 804 296-9715 CONTACT PERSON Heather Warren, Rieley & Associates Address 200 E. Market St. Charlottesville Tel. 804 296-9715 OWNER/APPLICANT SHALL READ AND SIGN • The Subdivision Plat application process includes providing the Planning Commission with all the informa IJI - tion required in the Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance, Chapter 18 of the County Code. • The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the provisio f the Albemarle County Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance applicable to this ap- plication. , `� �47 October 16, 1995 • Si ed Date ( wngr,Contract er, Ag t) SUBDIVISION PLAT CHECKLIST: PRELIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL NAME OF PROJECT: Applewood Cove of Albemarle B ITEMS REQUIRED TECHNICAL ITEMS REQUIRED ON PRELIMINARY AT DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL: lerNWFLINoich PLATS: N Preliminary conference with staff GENERAL CONTENT ® Application and fee ® Title of subdivision(18.52a) • Fourteen(14)copies preliminary(or final)plat ® Names/addresses of record owner, subdivider and any Two (2) copies preliminary (or final) road and drainage easement holders(18-52a) plans ® Name of surveyor,date of drawing,number of sheets,north • Two(2)copies building site studies-identify 25%slopes, point,scale(1"=100')(18-52a) note location,area and dimensions of building site on each ® Vicinity map(1"=2,000')(18-52b) lot OKI Topo with 5' contours, boundary lines, floodplain limits NM 0 Two(2)copies traffic analysis plan if required by Virginia (18-52c) Department of Transportation l] Location,width and names of streets,easements,right-of- way(18-52d) ITEMS REQUIRED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO ® Lot lines,total acreage in each use(18-52d) PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ® Location and dimensions of proposed streets,lots,building ❑ HEALTH DEPARTMENT written approval setback lines,easements(18-52e) ® Boundary survey(18-52e) ❑ SOIL SCIENTIST report if required [for five (5) lots or more if runoff control, for ten (10) lots or more if other tat to be dedicated or reserved for public use or common private use(18-52f) areas] ® Comprehensive Plan proposals for subject property (18- ❑ SERVICE AUTHORITY written preliminary approval if 52g,18-17) public water or sewer ® Preliminary plans for bridges or culverts(18-52h) 0 COUNTY ENGINEER written preliminary approval: N/A❑ Tract boundaries if multiple sources of title(18-52i) ❑ Runoff Control ® Existing zoning and proposed uses (compliance with ❑ Stormwater Detention(18-22) zoning) (18-52j) ❑ Private road plans/profile ® Number,approximate dimensions and area of lots(18-521) ❑ Public road plans ® Building site on each lot- location area and dimensions ❑ Drainage plans (18-52o) ❑ Existing private road-review of adequacy for total ® Development rights assigned including aggregate acreage number of lots to be served (RA zone)(18-52p) ❑ FIRE OFFICER written preliminary approval(18-26): ® Deed book reference of instrument whereby subject parcel ❑ Hydrant locations(if public water reasonably avail- was created(18-52q) able) ® Tax Map,parcel number(18-52r) O Fire Flow adequate ® Runoff control ordinance:100'septic setback from streams ❑ Dumpster location and screening A❑ Scenic highway setbacks O Provisions for handicapped access ® Magisterial District noted ❑ VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION /\❑ Date received stamp(by staff) preliminary approval: Q Additional setback reserved in keeping with Comprehen- ❑ Public road plans/profiles sive Plan(18-8) ❑ Entrance location and site distance IX Dedication of minimum 50' right-of-way or greater if re- 0 Entrance 500'from crossover(18-37o) quired(18-8) ❑ Shared entrance recommended I Dedication of 1/2 the right-of-way(18-30) O PLANNING STAFF APPROVAL I= Adequate utility and drainage easements(18-12,16) _ ® Lot sizes, number of lots,building setbacks and frontage ❑ Condominium checklist needed . �.❑ Written waiver request conform to Zoning Ordinance(18-28,29,30) _� Satisfactory lot arrangement, design and shape. No odd- 0 Technical items v shaped elongations to provide area or frontage(18-29) 1 61995 0 Corner lot-maintain building line on both streets(18-31) P]^^ ''ng Dept _,w © Lot sizes adequate for utilities available(18-23c) E] Temporary cul-de-sacs: required if street exceeds 300'or 94 El Public water or sewer provided if reasonably available serves more than four residences (18-25) /A ❑ Alleys: 20'right-of-way if required for parking or service ® Side lot lines perpendicular to street(18-32) © Reserved or spite strips not permitted ® Remnants or out lots added to adjacent lots(18-33) ❑ Service drives: reserved adjacent to a major highway Is1/A El Double frontage lots require waiver(18-34) PUBLIC STREETS (18-39): W/4 El Good orientation if adjoining major highway(18-35) Ig Virginia Department of Transportation construction PRIVATE ROADS: standards El Demonstration of significant degradation;or El Street names-shall not duplicate existing streets in City or El Two lots only;or County unless a continuation of existing street ❑ Non-residential or non-agricu ral;or © Street signs-required at intersection El Not in rural area and res. ntial other than single-family ® Sidewalks and curb and gutter if required detached;or ® Existing public road improved to accommodate proposed El Family Division traffic ❑ Written waive equest under: El Section 18 c-Private road would benefit environment or ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL ITEMS REQUIRED- publi terest FINAL PLATS: ❑ S ion 18-36f-Request access to public street ection 18-36g-Existing easement to fixed width GENERAL CONTENT El Original maximum size 11"x 18"(18 5) El Notarized owner's approval sta : ent and signature (18- Road is ades uate to carr e .ected traffic volu ••includin_: 55b) El Width of easement El Signature panels for Chai an,Planning Commission and El Width of travelway Agent,Board of Supe sors(18-55k) El Based/surface treatment El Linear-angular di ensions and curve data(18-55d) ❑ Sight distance El Lot numbers a . .lock identification(18-55e) El Comprehensive Plan show public road planned ❑ Lot size in s• are feet indicated on each parcel(18-550 El Fee of road is owned by . jacent owners or homeowners El Locatio .nd material of permanent reference monuments association (18-5 El No through traffic; ,more than one intersection with state ❑ B..ring and distance tie(18-55h) highway ■ 'estrictions imposed by Board of Supervisors(18-55j) f/ Note regarding temporary cul-de-sac(18-551) NOTES 0 'LAT: ❑ No furthe• subdivision without Planning Commission ap- ITEMS REQUIRED PRIOR TO SIGNING PLAT proval (FINAL APPROVAL): El On one dwelling per lot El lots enter onto private road El PLANNING STAFF final ap. oval • Street name sign ❑ SERVICE AUTHORITY 'nal approval • Private maintenance sign,if required ❑ COUNTY ENGINEE' anal approval El FIRE OFFICER fin approval GENERAL ROAD DESIGN(18-37): El VIRGINIA DEP RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ® Alignment:continuation of existing streets final approval IN Layout:discourage through traffic in residential areas but ❑ COUNTY TTORNEY approval of homeowners'docu- avoid jogs ments :-7) El Angle:80°or greater at intersections El Bon. posted for all public improvements(18-19) ® Access:to adjoining parcels for orderly development El S.• Erosion and Sedimentation permit(18-24) IN Grade: 8%maximum or 10%with special circumstances; El •unoff Control permit paved ditches on 5%grades ® Right-of-way width:minimum 50'right-of-way radius;min- imum 40'paved radius.Length to be determined by Plan- ning Commission. F( 0-57" C t -E `12. to/zipC SUBDIVISION PLAT CHECKLIST: P LIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL NAME OF PROJECT: QED — REV mu op ['O 1�0 5 Sv(3 µ I T-TAL_ ITEMS REQUIRED TECHNICAL ITEMS REQUIRED ON PRELIMINARY AT DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL: AND FINAL PLATS: ❑ Preliminary conference with staff ENERAL CONTENT ❑ Application and fee itle of subdivision(18.52a)T 15 t 5 0 ❑ Fourteen(14)copies preliminary(or final)plat Names/addresses of record owner, subdivider and any ❑ Two (2) copies preliminary (or final) road and drainage easement holders(18-52a) plans a' Name of surveyor,date of drawing,number of sheets,north ❑ Two(2)copies building site studies-identify 25%slopes, point,scale(1"=100') (18-52a) note location,area and dimensions of building site on each Vicinity map(1"=2,000') (18-52b) lot al'opo with 5' contours, boundary lines, floodplain limits O Two(2)copies traffic analysis plan if required by Virginia (1$S2c) Department of Transportation 1`G��',ILocation,width and names of streets,ease I e is ri: t-of- ay(18-52d) = _ , --- _ S ITEMS REQUIRED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO of lines,total acreage in`h use(18-5 •) tip.. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: Location and dimensions of proposed streets,lots,building s ack lines,easements(18-52e) ❑ HEALTH DEPARTMENT written approval Boundary survey(18-52e) 01flEt45(044 isV Lt 0 SOIL SCIENTIST report if required [for five (5) lots or Land to be dedicated or reserved for public use or common more if runoff control, for ten (10) lots or more if other private use(18-52f) areas] M-Comprehensive Plan proposals for subject property (18- 0 SERVICE AUTHORITY written preliminary approval if 52g, 18-17) public water or sewer Preliminary plans for bridges or culverts(18-52h) 0 COUNTY ENGINEER written preliminary approval: ,tract boundaries if multiple sources of title(18-52i) 0 Runoff Control L{J Existing zoning and proposed uses (compliance with 0 Stormwater Detention(18-22) ning) (18-52j) 0 Private road plans/profile ber,approximate dimensions and area of lots(18-521) 0 Public road plans Building site on each to - location area and dimensions 0 Drainage plansaf,18=52o) getg /5 I' 0 Existing private road-review of adequacy for total Development rights assigned including aggregate acreage number of lots to be served (�2A zone) (18-52p) ( �K. JV.s 0 FIRE OFFICER written preliminary approval(18-26): Deed book reference of instrument whereby subject parcel 0 Hydrant locations(if public water reasonably avail- was created(18-52q) -r-j 0 to able) ❑ Map,parcel number(18-52r) I. L€ 0$4. s' 0 Fire Flow adequate Runoff control ordinance:100'septic setback from streams O Dumpster location and screening (Scenic highway setbacks O Provisions for handicapped access Magisterial District noted O VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ❑`Date received stamp(by staff) preliminary approval: Additional setback reserved in keeping with Comprehen- 0 Public road plans/profiles sive Plan(18-8) ❑ Entrance location and site distance Vi'Dedication of minimum 50' right-of-way or greater if re- O Entrance 500'from crossover(18-37o) quired(18-8) 0 Shared entrance recommended "Dedication of 1/2 the right-of-way(18-30) ❑ PLANNING STAFF APPROVAL dequate utility,and drainage easements(18-12,16) Lot sizes, number of lots, building setbacks and frontage,' ❑ Condominium checklist neededk nform to Zoning Ordinance(18-28,29,30) lt"ye se 0`` ❑ Written waiver requestue4 Satisfactory lot arrangement, design and shape. l�o odd-` 0 Technical items shaped elongations to provide area or frontage(18-29) Corner lot-maintain building line on both streets(18-31) l2r Lot sizes adequate for utilities available(18-23c) ❑ Temporary cul-de-sacs: required if street exceeds 300'or Public water or sewer provided if reasonably available serves more than four residences 18-25) ❑ Alleys: 20'right-of-way if requirmil for parking or service Aide lot lines perpendicular to street(18-32) ❑ Reserved or spite strips not permitted emnants or out lots added to adjacent lots(18-33) ❑ Service drives: reserved adjacent to a major highway 3 Double frontage lots require waiver(18-34) PUBLIC STREETS (18-39): Er—Good orientation if ado' .REmajor u•ghway(18-35) ❑ Virginia Department of Transportation construction PRIVATE ROADS: standards ❑ Demonstration of significant degradation;or 0 Street names-shall not duplicate existing streets in City or ❑ Two lots only;or County unless a continuation of existing street 0 Non-residential or non-agricultural;or 0 S• treet signs-required at intersection O Not in rural area and residential other than single-family 0 Sidewalks and curb and gutter if required detached;or 0 Existing public road improved to accommodate proposed ❑ Family Division traffic O Written waiver request under: O Section 18-36c-Private road would benefit environment or ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL ITEMS REQUIRED- public interest FINAL PLATS: ❑ Section 18-36f-Request access to public street 0 Section 18-36g-Existing easement to fixed width GENERAL CONTENT 0 Original maximum size 11"x 18"(18-55) ❑ N• otarized owner's approval statement and signature (18- Road is adequate to carry expected traffic volume;including: 55b) ❑ Width of easement 0 Signature panels for Chairman,Planning Commission and O Width of travelway Agent,Board of Supervisors(18-55k) O Based/surface treatment 0 Linear-angular dimensions and curve data(18-55d) ❑ Sight distance 0 L• ot numbers and block identification(18-55e) ❑ Comprehensive Plan show no public road planned ❑ Lot size in square feet indicated on each parcel(18-55f) 0 Fee of road is owned by adjacent owners or homeowners 0 Location and material of permanent reference monuments association (18-55g) ❑ No through traffic;no more than one intersection with state ❑ Bearing and distance tie(18-55h) highway ❑ Restrictions imposed by Board of Supervisors(18-55j) ,COTES ON PLAT: 0 Note regarding temporary cul-de-sac(18-551) L� No further subdivision without Planning Commission ap- ITEMS REQUIRED PRIOR TO SIGNING PLAT oval (FINAL APPROVAL): ��my one dwelling per lot lots enter onto private road El STAFF final approval L 1 Street name sign 0 SERVICE AUTHORITY final approval O Private maintenance sign,if required ❑ COUNTY ENGINEER final approval GENERAL ROAD DESIGN(18-37): 0 FIRE OFFICI✓R final approval ❑ VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ❑ Alignment:continuation of existing streets final approval 0 Layout:discourage through traffic in residential areas but ❑ • COUNTY ATTORNEY approval of homeowners'docu- avoid jogs ments(18-7) ❑ Angle:80°or greater at intersections 0 Bond posted for all public improvements(18-19) ❑ Access:to adjoining parcels for orderly development 0 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation permit(18-24) ❑ Grade:8%maximum or 10%with special circumstances; ❑ Runoff Control permit paved ditches on 5%grades ❑ Right-of-way width:minimum 50'right-of-way radius;min- imum 40'paved radius.Length to be determined by Plan- ning Commission.