Thank you for attending tonight's Planning Commission meeting. As a courtesy to others,please turn off all pagers and cell
phones during the meeting. If you wish to address the Commission on an agenda item, please raise your hand or stand when the
Chairman (during the 2006 Calendar Year, the Chairman is Marcia Joseph)asks for public comments for that item.
No more than three persons at any meeting will be allowed to speak(three minute time limit per person)during the time set aside ' AGENDA FOR for"Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda From the Public"at the beginning of each meeting. If you are with a group of people,you may 1
MARCH ZH ZOO6 David Pennock
want to have a spokesperson present your position to the Commission and have others in agreement recognized by standing. Principal Planner
During public hearings,the Commission will try to hear everyone who wishes to speak on a subject. Please use sign up sheets _..
located on the table outside the meeting room to indicate your desire to speak. Sign up sheets will be provided to the Chair at the beginning
of the meeting. If a previous speaker has stated your position,you may make that known by reference. Each applicant shall be allowed to
make a presentation not to exceed ten minutes, and a closing remark at the close of the hearing on the matter not to exceed five minutes. ' f ,,
Each other person speaking on a matter shall be allowed one appearance not to exceed three minutes. A speaker may not reserve any time m- �_ ���' #__�"` '~'
for rebuttal or transfer any time to another speaker. The time limits set forth herein shall not include any time during which the applicant or
other speaker is responding to questions asked by the Commission. The Recording Secretary shall act as the timekeeper. Welcome to this Meeting of the , I"
":Albemarle County Planning Commission" '
In order to give all speakers equal treatment and courtesy, the Commission requests that speakers adhere to the following guidelines: s
(Note:All comments are recorded on tape); _
Come forward to the speaker'spodium and stateyourname(ifyou have an unusual spelling foryour name,please spell it for the Bill Ed erton - J•" " annon
P P 9 P �� g ��
recorder); �° ��
Do not speak from your seat or out of turn; Jack-,JOuett District" RIO Distric
Address comments directly to the Commission as a whole;
State your position and give facts and other data to back it up;
If you represent a group or organization, ask others present to rise and be recognized; Marcia Joseph '. Cal Morris
Debate is prohibited; Chairman mei, Vice-Chairman
Give written statements and other supporting material to the Clerk (written comments are also welcome if you do not wish to ., .,
speak); At-Large Representati / ;t Rivanna District
Additional speakers are asked to step forward and stand to the side of the aisle in the interest of time; - =..�
Please hold all applause. �° - ,.
Secretary, Albemarle County Planning Commission William "Pete" Craddock, ', Eric Strucko
401 McIntire Road ''Scottsville District ., r Samuel Miller District
Charlottesville, Virginia
22902 4596
.v Jo' Higgins '\_ v . •. Greg `Kamptner-
White Hall District. - "Ep i Asst. County Attor :ey .
i.4111111101.11t: ,,
V. Wayne Cilimberg
The Albemarle County Planning Commission meets in Room 241, Second Floor, County Office Building,401 McIntire
Road, Charlottesville,Virginia,22902-4596,Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. Because of the potentially large number of items presented
for consideration, the Commission has established certain guidelines for citizen participation (see back of this agenda for a
complete listing). These guidelines help to ensure that everyone who wishes to speak can do so, and that the Commission
can benefit from hearing as many different people as possible in the shortest period of time.
Matters generally are considered by the Commission in the order listed on the agenda. Matters on the "consent
agenda" are routine and are normally adopted or approved by one motion without discussion. Items listed on the regular
agenda are taken up one at a time. Keep in mind that the agenda is for the convenience of the Commission and the public and
the agenda can be altered by the Commission at any time without prior notice when it is considered to be in the best interest to
do so.
Information concerning agendas and their scheduling is available from the Community Development Department,
296-5832; by calling the Agenda Information Line, 296-5824; or on the Internet at http://www.albemarle.org. If you wish to
have your name added to the agenda mailing list, call the Planning Department at the above number.
6:00 P.M.
a. SDP-2006-002 Charlottesville Kingdom Hall — Critical Slopes Waiver Request (Keith Lancaster)
1. Call to order and establish quorum.
2. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Public.
3. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
4. Regular Items.
a. SUB-2006-056 Carter/Connolly Waiver- Request for a waiver of Section 4.2.1 of the Zoning Ordinance in
order to construct one (1) dwelling and associated septic drainfield on critical slopes within the boundaries
of an existing lot. The property, described as Tax Map 57 - Parcel 85D1, contains 2.000 acres zoned Rural
Area (RA). This site is located in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District on the north side of Gillums Ridge
Road [State Route#866] within the Skyline Crest Subdivision. The Comprehensive Plan designates this
property as Rural Area in Rural Area 3. (David Pennock)
5. Public Hearing Items.
a. ZTA-2005-005 Temporary Farm Worker Housing -Amend Sections 3.1 ("Definitions"), 5 ("Supplemental
Regulations"), and 10 ("Rural Areas") of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code. This
ordinance would amend Section 3.1 by adding definitions of"Farm", "Farm worker housing, Class A" and
"Farm worker housing, Class B"; Section 5 by adding supplemental regulations for temporary farm worker
housing; and Section 10 by adding temporary farm-worker housing facilities for 20 or fewer residents as a
by-right use (farm worker housing, Class A), and temporary farm-worker housing facilities for more than 20
residents as a use requiring a special use permit (farm worker housing, Class B). (Scott Clark)
6. Work Session.
a. ZMA-2002-004 Cascadia (Signs #30,91)
PROPOSAL: Rezone 55.71 acres from RA(Rural Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential
density(0.5 unit/acre)to NMD (Neighborhood Model District- residential (3 - 34 units/acre) mixed with
commercial, service and industrial uses); and rezone 5.06 acres from R-6 (Residential: 6 units/acre)to
NMD to allow for up to 330 dwelling units and 20,000 square feet of non residential in a planned district.
residential (3-6 units/acre) and supporting uses such as religious institutions and schools and other small-
scale non-residential uses.
LOCATION: Tax Map 62, Parcel 25, Tax Map 78, Parcels 59 and 59A, and Tax Map 78E, Parcel H1
located along Route 20 North, across from Darden Towe Park, north of Fontana Drive and south of
Broadus Memorial Baptist Church.
STAFF: Sean Dougherty
7. Old Business.
8. New Business.
9. Adjournment-8:00 p.m.