HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDP201700010 Correspondence 2021-01-12NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM
January 12, 2021
Mr. Leonard Jackson, P.E. IN REPLY REFER TO:
Project Manager Case No.: 21-03-0174P
Leonard Jackson Associates, LLC. Community: Albemarle County, VA
26 Firements Memorial Drive Community No.: 510006
Pomona, NY 10970
Dear Mr. Jackson:
This responds to your request dated October 29, 2020 that the Department of Homeland Security's
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issue a revision to the Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) for Albemarle County, Virginia and Incorporated Areas. Pertinent information about the request
is listed below.
North Pointe Development — Flat Branch
Flooding Source: Flat Branch
FIRM Panel Affected: 51003CO145D
The data required to complete our review, which must be submitted within 90 days of the date of this
letter, are listed on the enclosed summary.
If we do not receive the required data within 90 days, we will suspend our processing of your request.
Any data submitted after 90 days will be treated as an original submittal and will be subject to all
submittal/payment procedures, including the flat review and processing fee for requests of this type
established by the current fee schedule. The current fee schedule is available for your information on the
FEMA Web site at https://www.fema.gov/flood-map-related-fees.
FEMA receives a very large volume of requests and cannot maintain inactive requests for an indefinite
period of time. Therefore, we are unable to grant extensions for the submission of required data for
revision requests. If a requester is informed by letter that additional data are required to complete our
review of a request, the data must be submitted within 90 days of the date of the letter. Any fees already
paid will be forfeited for any request for which the requested data are not received within 90 days.
LOMC Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426 PH: 1-877-FEMA MAP
Production and Technical Services Contractor for the National Flood Insurance Program
If you have general questions about your request, FEMA policy, or the National Flood Insurance
Program, please call the FEMA Mapping and Insurance Exchange (FMIX), toll free, at
1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). If you have specific questions concerning your request, please
contact your case reviewer, Mr. Wael Eltayeb, by e-mail at wael.eltayebkstantec.com or by telephone at
(301) 982-2806, or the Revisions Coordinator for your request, Ms. Sonal Kulkami, at
sonal.kulkami@stantec.com or at (240) 542-3102.
Alex Haptemariam, P.E., CFM
MT-2 Process Manager
cc: Mr. Julian Bivins
Planning Commission Liaison
Ms. Kimberly Biasiolli
Natural Resources Manager
Natural Resources & Land Conservation
Ms. Wendy C. Howard -Cooper
Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation
Division of Dam Safety and Floodplain Management
Case No.: 21-03-0174P
Summary of Additional Data Required to Support a
Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)
Requester: Mr. Leonard Jackson, P.E.
Community: Albemarle County, VA Community No.: 510006
The issues listed below must be addressed before we can continue the review of your request.
1. The submitted Form 1, entitled "Overview & Concurrence Form," did not include the community
official's signature. Please resubmit Application/Certification Form 1, entitled "Overview &
Concurrence Form," Section D (copy enclosed).
2. Paragraph 65.6(a)(2) of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations states that to avoid
discontinuities between revised and unrevised flood data, hydraulic analyses must have a logical
transition between revised elevations of the base (1-percent-annual-chance) flood and those
developed previously for areas not affected by the revision. Our review revealed that the post -project
conditions hydraulic analyses along Flat Branch do not tie into the effective hydraulic analysis within
0.5 foot at the upstream end of the revised reach. Please provide revised post project conditions
analyses for Flat Branch that tie into the effective hydraulic analysis within 0.5 foot, or within 0.0 feet
if practical.
3. The HEC-RAS output shows negative surcharge at Cross Section 4125 of -0.10, respectively. Please
revise the floodway analysis to eliminate all negative surcharges or explain why this is not necessary.
4. The following comments are based on our review of the post -project condition hydraulic analysis and
the submitted topographic work map. Please provide an explanation for these discrepancies or make
the appropriate changes and submit a revised work map that is certified by a registered professional
a. The stream baseline is disconnected on the submitted digital work map. Please submit a
revised digital work map that clearly shows stream baseline for the entire revision area.
b. The floodway width at the upstream end of the revised reach do not adequately tie into the
effective floodway width. Please extend the submitted topographic work map to show the
tie-ins between the effective and revised boundary delineations of the regulatory floodway.
c. Please extend the submitted topographic work map to show the tie-ins between the effective
and revised boundary delineations of the base floodplain and 0.2-percent-annual-chance
LOMC Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426 PH: 1-877-FEMA MAP
Production and Technical Services Contractor for the National Flood Insurance Program
5. Please submit annotated Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), at the scale of the effective FIRM
affected by your revision request that show the revised boundary delineations of the base floodplain,
0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain, and regulatory floodway shown on the submitted work map
and how they tie into the boundary delineations shown on the effective FIRM at the downstream and
upstream ends of the revised reach.
6. Please submit documentation of the individual legal notices that were sent to property owners who are
affected by any increases in width and/or shifting of the base floodplain and/or increase in Base Flood
Elevations. Legal notice may take the form of certified mailing receipts or certification that all
property owners have been notified, with an accompanying mailing list and a copy of letter sent.
Examples of individual notices can be found on pages 12 through 17 of the instructions for the MT-2
application/certification forms, which may be accessed at
http://www.fema. gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=1493.
Please submit a copy of the public notice distributed by Albemarle County stating its intent to revise
the regulatory floodway, or provide a statement that community officials have notified all affected
property owners, in compliance with Paragraph 65.7 (b)(1) of the National Flood Insurance Program
regulations. These notices must include the extent of revision, the changes to the regulatory floodway,
and contact information for any interested parties. An example of public notice can be found in
Figure 3 of the MT-2 instructions, which may be accessed at
http://www.fema. gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=1493.
Please send the required data directly to us at the address shown at the bottom of the first page attention to
Mr. Wael Eltayeb, STARR II. For identification purposes, please include the case number referenced
above on all correspondence.