HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202100107 Agreements 2021-10-05200 V RECORD COVER SHEET Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE §§ 17.1-223,-227.1, -249 FORM A— COVER SHEET CONTENT Instrument Date:._10/5/2021 ............................................... Instrument Type: Ag............................................................. Number of Parcels: ....... 1....... Number of Pages:..... i 2.. [ ] City [X] County . ALBEMARLE..................... CIRCUIT COURT Tax Exempt? VIRGfNIA/FEDERAL CODE SECTION [ ] Grantor: [X] Grantee: .171-266 ..................... Business/Name RECORDED IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA JON R. ZUG FILED Nov 03, 2021 AT 01:24 pm BOOK 05634 START PAGE 0600 END PAGE 0611 INST # 202100018387 TOTAL NUM PAGES 12 MEB (Area Above Reserved For Deed Stamp Only) X Grantor: NORTH .POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... ... z...... X Grantor: NORTH_ POINTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. ...._.. 1...... X Grantee: COUNTY ;OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA .......................................................................:.......................................................................................................................... Grantee: Grantee Address Name: COUNTY .OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA ........................................................... 901 MCINTIRE ROAD, RM. 325 Address: ............................................. I .............................. City:. CHARLOTTESVILLE ......................................................... State: Stte:...VA..Zip Code: ............................... Consideration:. so-.00 Existing Debt: so :oo so:00 .......................... Actual Value/Assumed:................. PRIOR INSTRUMENT UNDER § 58.1-803(D) Original Principal:.$"... 0........................... Fair Markel Value Increase: .$.0. .0............................. Original Book No.:_5432 ............................ Original Page No.: 396. ............................... Original Instrument No.: ........... Prior Recording At: [ ] .City [X] County ALBEMARLE g 100� Percentage In This jurisdiction: Book Number: .593?................ Page Number: ... 396 ...... Instrument Number: . 2 .. 0 . 2 . 0 .. 0 .. 0 . 0 . I .. 7 . 0 . 6 . 0 .......... Parcel Identification Number/Tax Map Number-..03200-00-00-02300 ............................................................ Short Property Description: . PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................... TMP 32-23 Current Property Address: _SEMINOLE _TRAIL & NORTHSIDE DR - ........................................... ............................... ............................................. :....................................................................................... City:.CHARLOTTESVILLE.................................... State:.....°A...... Zip -Code: 22911.................................7 Instrument Prepared By: ALBEMARLE COUNTY ATTORNEY Recording Paid By: ALBEMARLE COUNTY ATTORNEY .........:............................................................................... Recording Returned To: ALBEMARLE COUNTY ATTORNEY ................... ................................................................................ .................... ............................. :.......................................................... :....... Address: _401 MCINTIRE ROAD, RM. 325 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... City: . CHARLOTTESVILLE ......................................... State: ... ... . .... Ztp Code:...22902 ...................................,........ FORM CC-1570(MASTER, PAGE ONE OF ONE I1)/I9 ® Copyright 2014 Office, , of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Coon of Virginia. All rights reserved. *Cover Sheet A 202100018387.002 Tliis document was prepared by: Great Eastem Mgt Co. P.O. Box 5526 Charlottesville, VA 22905 Parcel ID Number 03200-00-00-02300 Thus instrument is exempt From Clerk's tees under Vhguua Code § 17.1-266. AGREEMENT TO MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL THIS AGREEMENT, dated this S577 day of 04afflKIZ—, 20—�—, is entered into by and between NORTH POINTE LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ("Developer") and NORTH POINTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC., a Virginia non -stock corporation ("HOA"), collectively hereinafter called die "Owner," and the COUNTY OF ALBEMAiL.E, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of die Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter called die "County." RECITALS R-1. Owner is the owner of certain real property described as Albemarle County Parcel ID Number 03200-00-00-02300 (die "Property"); and R-2. Owner is proceeding to build on and develop die Property into a development known as "North Pointe"; and R-3. As part of die development of die Property, die Owner has agreed to install a 10' x 8' high box culvert to serve as a pedestrian tunnel, or grade separation structure (die "Tunnel"), which will ultimately be maintained by the HOA, under die road identified on die Plan (as deluied below) as "Nordiside Drive," which will ultimately be maintained by die Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation ("VDOT"); and R4. The Tunnel is required pursuant to die proder statement for ZMA 2013-0007 (North Pointe Proffer Aniendinent), dated August 5, 2013 (hereinafter called die "Plan"), which is expressly made a part hereof, as approved or to be approved by die County, and which provides for certain improvements on die Property; and R5. As a condition of permitting die Tunnel under Nordiside Drive, VDOT is requiring die County to enter a certain "Agreement for die Inspection and Maintenance of die Grade Separated Structure of Nordiside Drive and the North Pointe Greenway Trail, Albemarle County" (the WDOT Agreement", a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A), in which die County is agreeing to assume responsibility for die Tunnel; and 1 202100018387.003 R-6. As a condition of entering die required VDOT Agreement, the County requires that die Owner assu ne all County obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities under die VDOT Agreement; and R 7. As part of the ongoing approval of the North Pointe development on die Property, including die Plan and any additional plans or phases of tie Plan that may be approved by die County in the future, die County further requires that die Tunnel, including die concrete culvert and all supporting infrastructure necessary to allow sale and convenient passage of pedestrians under Northside Drive, all structures, berms, drainage structures, and any other unprovement that may affect die proper functioning of die Tunnel (collectively, die "Facilities") be constructed and adequately maintained by die Owner in perpetuity. In consideration of die foregoing premises, die mutual covenants contained herein, and die following terms and conditions, die parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Obligation of the Owner to construct the Fatalities. The Owner must construct and protect any required Facilities in accordance hhith die plans and specifications identified in die Plan and as shown on that certain plan entitled "North Pointe Subdivision Section 1 Road Plans," prepared by Townes Site 1 ngineering and last revised November 12, 2020. 2.Obligation of the Owner to maintain the Facilities. The Owner must maintain the Facilities in good working condition for so long as die Facilities exist, in a manner that nheets or exceeds die maintenance standards provided herein, subject to die following: A. "Good working condition" defined. For die purposes of this Agreement, a Facility is in "good working condition" when it performs its design function in accordance with die plans and specifications identified in die Plan, including all conditions imposed in conjunction with approval of die Plan. B. "Maintain and maintenance" defined. For the purposes of this Agreement, "maintain" and "maintenance" include (butare not limited to): maintaining, repairing, replacing, reconstructing, preserving, and restoring die Facilities or any part thereof necessary to comply with the plans and specifications identified in die Plan. 3. Inspections and the Inspection Report by the Owner. At least once per year following completion of the construction of die Facilities, the Owner must have the Facilities inspected to ensure that the Facilities are in good working condition. The Owner's inspection report to die County must include, at a nhinimwn: die date of die inspection, the name of die inspector, a description of die 4 202100018387.004 condition of the concrete culvert and all structures, bernis, inlet and outlet structures, and any other improvenhent that may affect the proper functioning of the Facilities, a list of all deficiencies causing the Facilities not to be in good working condition, if any, a list of required maintenance work to be performed so that the Facilities are restored to good working condition, and die date by which die maintenance work will be performed (the "Inspection Report"). Upon written request from die County, die Owner must submit die Inspection Report and any other requested documentation to the Director, Albemarle County Department of Facilities and Environmental Services, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 or a successor department, office and address as specified by die County to the Owner. The Owner must provide the Inspection Report to die Department widhin thirty (30) days of such request. 4. Permission to the County or VDOT to inspect the Facilities. The Owner hereby grants pernnission to die County and to VDOT, including its authorized agents and employees, to enter die Property and to inspect the Facilities whenever the County or VDOT deems an inspection to be necessary, subject to the following terms: A. Purposes for County/VDOT inspection. The County and VDOT may inspect die Facilities for die purpose of determining die condition of die Facilities including (but not limited to) determining whether die Facilities are in good working condition, investigating any deficiencies reported in the Inspection Report, responding to citizen complaints about the Facilities, and inspecting or observing any maintenance of the Facilities. B. Prior notice to the Owner not required. Neither die County nor VDOT is required to provide prior notice to die Owner to enter die Property to conduct die inspection. C. Inspection findings and demand for maintenance. The County and/or VDOT will provide die Owner w2tn a copy of die findings of its/their inspection of die Facilities. If die inspection concludes that maintenance of any of the Facilities is required, die County and/or VDOT also will notify die Owner of die required maintenance and die date by which die maintenance work must be completed. 5. The Owner's response to the Inspection. the Inspection Report or the County's or VDOT's demand for maintenance. If die Inspection Report under Section 3 or die inspection conducted by die County and/or VDOT under Section 4 identifies Facility deficiencies, die Owner must promptly complete die maintenance work by die date specified in the Inspection Report: or as demanded by die County or VDOT. VVlhen die maintenance work is completed, a qualified inspector retained by 3 202100018387.005 Owner must certify to die County and VDOT that the Facilities are in good working condition. 6.Obligation of the Owner to indemnify and hold harmless the County. A. Owner Performance under the VDOT Agreement The Owner hereby assumes all obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities of the County under die VDOT Agreement. B. No County liability. Tlus Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the County, including its agents, officers and employees. C. Obligation of the Owner to indemnify and hold harmless. The Oiv ier hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the County (including its agents, officers and employees) for any and all damages, accidents, casualties, occurrences or claims which might arise or be asserted against the County (including its agents, officers and employees) resulting from (a) the VDOT Agreement or (b) die failure of die Facilities to perform their design Function or to otherwise operate properly; any repairs, maintenance, construction, or any other acts perfornied by the County or die Owner, including their respective agents, officers and employees, related to die Facilities, regardless of how those acts were performed, except if die County's acts are die product of willful misconduct. D. Notice of and defense of actions. If a claim is asserted against the County (including its agents, officers and employees) based upon any of die indemnities in subsection (C), the County will promptly notify the Owner of die claim. The Owner must defend, at its expense, any lawsuit or other action arising dherefrom. If, as a result of a claim, any judgement is allowed against die County, its agents, officers and employees, or any of diem, the Owner must pay all damages, costs, expenses and fees associated with die judgment. 7. References to County deyartments and officers: successors. Any reference in this Agreement to a County department or office includes its successor department or office as determined by fire County. 8. Covenantrunningwith the land. This Agreementhvill be recorded by die County in the Clerk's Office of die Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia. It constitutes a covenant running with die land, and is binding on die Owner, its administrators, executors, assigns, heirs and any other successors in interests, including any homeowners' association. 9. Date of this Agreement This Agreement will be deemed entered into and effective on and after die date it is signed by die Albemarle County Executive. 4 KIYA 1810191 E:i9I:YA8111:1 WITNESS the following signatures: 3 NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTES LLC avid G Mitchell Title: �H :qebv�r —A— COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF b&rY1a 1i The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Dja22L , 20.97 by David G. Mitchell asCa%7Vueh6.IdA,owral North Pointe Charlottesville, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company. otary Public My Commission Expires: 3 ! -off Registration Number:4 u3_ lq_0,__ SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE Christine Schlottenmaler Notary Publio - Commonwealth of Virginia Reg.M7039993 My Commission EyPires March 31, 2022 5 f IYA1810191I:i9I:YA811YA NORTH POINTE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. By(L) DaN id G. Mitchell, President COMMONWEALT VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY 02=6 —: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (O day of Oc, 20/-')] by Dairid G. Mitchell, as President of Nordi Pointe Homeowner's Association, Inc., Virginia non -stock corporation. otary Public My Commission Expires:— -31 —a Registration Number:U�_ Christina Schlottenmaier Notary public Commonwealth of Vlrglnla Reg. H7039983 My Commission Expires March 31, 2022 10YA 1818111 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA County Executive COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLO'ITESVILLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l- day of October, 2021, by Douglas C. Walker, Deputy County Executive. Notary Pu is My commission expires: dc4-. 31 a 0 a3 Notary.Registration Number: rj 1537 b2 Approved as to Form: CHERYL L. SKEEN NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATIONN7153762 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 31. 2023 QCV, .4 -7(2t)x-f County torney Date 202100018387.009 * EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT FOR THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GRADE SEPARATED STRUCTURE OF NORTHSIDE DRIVE AND THE NORTH POINTE GREENWAY TRAIL, ALBEMARLE COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ("Agreement") is made as of the date last signed below, by and between the County of Albemarle (the "County"), and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation (the "Department" or "VDOT"); WHEREAS, the County has a greenway trail known as the North Pointe Greenway Trail (the'irail"), which is located adjacent to the Flat Branch stream within the North Pointe development in Albemarle County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the developer of North Pointe (the "Developer') is required to construct a portion of the roadway referred to as Northside Drive, which will include a concrete culvert structure (the "Structure" to allow pedestrian traffic to pass under the roadway; and WHEREAS, the County is entering into a separate agreement with the Developer regarding the Developers responsibilities for maintenance and inspection of the Structure; and WHEREAS, because the Structure is intended to serve a secondary purpose that is not essential to the operation of the roadway, the parties to this Agreement agree that the Structure is an extrinsic structure, ineligible for maintenance by the Department at public expense; and WHEREAS, the costs associated with periodic safety inspections and maintenance of such structures, including ultimate closure or removal, are deemed appropriately sustained by the community that they are intended to serve; and WHEREAS, the National Bridge Safety Inspection Act requires that uniquely qualified personnel perform periodic safety inspections of roadway structures to ensure their structural integrity and the safety of those using the structures; and WHEREAS, the County agrees to bear the costs, including but not limited to the construction, maintenance, inspection, and repair, of the Structure, up to but not including the surface of Northside Drive, which the Department shall maintain, NOW, THEREFORE WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the aforesaid recitals, which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as if fully set forth herein, and in further consideration of the covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: A. The County agrees to the following: 1. The Structure will be treated as an integral part of the highway system, but that the County shall be responsible for routine bridge safety inspections of the Structure, the results of which the County will promptly provide to the Department. All inspections must meet the Department's regulatory guidance and be undertaken by an inspector licensed to perform those inspections to the Department's standards. 2021 AGREEMENT TFE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GRADE SEPARATED STRUCTURE OF NORTHSIDE DRIVE AND THE NORTH POLNTE GREENWAY TRAIL, ALBEMARLE COUNTY 2. The Structure shall be inventoried and inspected in accordance with the Department's IIM policy guidance as a large culvert, and that the level of the inventory and inspection shall meet the requirements of the National Bridge Inspection Standards and the Department's IIM policy guidelines provided in the following standards (as they may be amended from time to time): • The National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) found in the Code of Federal Regulations title 23 Highways - Part 650, Subpart C. • The Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE); • VDOT IIM-S& B-27.8 Bridge Safety Inspections; • VDOT IIM-S&B-86.1 Load Rating and Posting of Structures (Bridges and Culverts). 3. The Department has no maintenance, upkeep and/or repair responsibility or liability for the Structure, except in cases of physical damage resulting from road maintenance operations or road construction projects administered by the Department. 4, The Department, in its sole discretion, may require an inspection of the Structure at anytime, and may at any time require that the County perform any maintenance it deems necessary for the timely preservation of the Structure or for public safety. In the event of any disagreement regarding the necessity of an inspection, the Departments determination shall be binding. 5. The County shall operate and maintain all pedestrian facilities within the Structure, or otherwise associated with the Trail crossing of Northside Drive that are within VDOT operated right of way, in compliance with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act or any other state and federal law, and to make no claim for financial assistance from the Department for the operation of the pedestrian facilities. 6. The County shall not fasten or attach to the Structure any pedestrian facility component (including but not limited to: signs, lighting fixtures, paved invert, and hand rails), except (a) by pre -approved attachments to anchor systems installed by the prefabricator or (b) as otherwise approved by the Department in its review of the construction plans. Neither additional attachments to the Structure nor any painting of the Structure's surfaces may be made without approval of the Departments bridge and structures office. 7. All maintenance, repairs or replacements of the Structure performed by the County, and all fastenings or attachments to the Structure made by the County, are herein collectively referred to as the "Work". All of the Work shall be done in accordance with a Single Use Permit issued by the Department pursuant to 24VAC30-151 upon proper application therefor made by the County prior to the commencement of such Work. 8. The County shall carry insurance against liability for personal injury and property damage that may arise from the operation of the Trail, up to one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence and five million dollars ($5,000,000) in the aggregate. In addition, the County or any contractor or subcontractor of the County who wishes to enter the Property for the purpose of performing Work thereon shall obtain and maintain Workers' Compensation, Employer's Page 2 of 4 ZOZ AGREEMENT8O R FTHE CIIINSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GRADE SEPARATED STRUCTURE Of NORTHSIDE DRIVE AND THE NORTH POINTE GREENWAY TRAIL, ALBEMARLE COUNTY Liability, Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance as required by, and in the amounts set forth, in the Commonwealth of Virginia Agency Procurement and Surplus . Property Manual, as amended (the "Manual"). All insurance required under this Section shall name the Department as an additional insured. The County, or any contractor or other party performing the Work on County's behalf, as the case may be, shall provide to the Department a certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage required by this Section prior to commencement of the Work or entry upon the Department's property, and in addition the Contractor shall provide any bonds required by the Manual inform acceptable to the Department. All insurance coverage required hereunder shall require written notice to the Department at least thirty (30) days prior to any cancellation, renewal or expiration of such coverage. 9. If the Structure is no longer required for its intended purpose, the County will permanently close the structure to the Department's satisfaction at no cost to the Department. Alternatively, in such event the Department may elect to close the Structure and recover its costs from the County up to the amount of the actual costs. 10. To timely perform all maintenance of the Structure when required by the Department. 11. To pay all costs of repair of the roadway over the Structure in the event failure of the Structure causes damage to the roadway. 12. Not to seek indemnification or contribution from the Department for any claims or damages arising from improper maintenance or operation of the pedestrian facility by the County. B. The Department agrees: 1. To accept the operational responsibilities associated with the Structure as part of the highway system carried by the. Structure, in keeping with its normal practices and in accord with this Agreement. 2. To coordinate its activities with the County to avoid interfering with the County's activities, events or use of pedestrian facilities within the Structure. 3. To not restrict pedestrian movement on the trail within its right of way without cause. C. Both parties further acknowledge that: The Department in its sole discretion may close the road above the Structure or the Structure itself, as the Commissioner of Highways or his agent deems necessary for the safety of the public or for the proper completion of work. However, the Department will coordinate its. activities with the County to avoid interference with the County's activities, events, and use of the pedestrian facility within the Structure. 2. This Agreement does not relieve the parties hereto of their rights and obligations pursuant to any applicable federal or state laws or regulations. Page 3 of 4 2021 9 R9EWrVRT 1:LPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GRADE SEPARATED STRUCTURE OF NORTHSIOE DRIVE AND THE NORTH POINTE GREENWAY TRAIL, ALBEMARLE COUNTY 3. While this Agreement is not intended to relieve the parties hereto for any liability to each other for the parties' actions under this Agreement for which the parties may be subject under the law, nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit or waive either party's rights to assert sovereign immunity as a defense to any action against that parry arising from this Agreement. Witness the following signatures and seals: Albemarle County Attorney Cot By: Nat Titl, Date: 1017/2 Witness: l' KZ , 'irginia Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation By: Name: /b(3Hc7 W. #QNTE7� Title: blt�strraR� of g &F LAM Usg Date: 18 OC:r 7PZI Witness: INSTRUMENT N 202100018387 RECORDED ALBEMARLE CO CIRCUIT COURT CLERICS OFRCE Nov 03, 2021 AT 01:24 pm JON R. ZUG, CLERK by MEB BOOK 05634 PAGE 0600 - 00611 1� Page 4 of 4