HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201300032 Correspondence 2021-12-02STEVENSON CONSULTING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION & EVALUATION Cascadia Detention Pond Albemarle County, Virginia Prepared for Charlie Hurt CEVA Contractors P. O. Box 82147 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 Stevenson Consulting Job No. 7-1916A August 28, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICE...........................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................1 2.1 Site Location and Conditions........................................................................................................1 2.2 Project Description........................................................................................................................1 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION.....................................................................................................................2 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS......................................................................................................:...2 4.1 Site Geology..................................................................................................................................2 4.2 Subsurface Conditions.......................................................:..........................................................2 4.2.1 Soils Encountered.....................................................................................................................2 4.2.2 Groundwater..............................................................................................................................3 5.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................3 5.1 General....................................................................................................................:..:..................3 6.0 LIMITATIONS .....................••-----......................................................................................................8 APPENDICES A. Figures: Site Vicinity Map Boring Location Plan B. Soil Boring Logs C. Permeability Test Cascadia Detention Pond l Project Number 7-1916A Albemarle County, Virginia Geotechnic•al Investigation and Evaluation 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICE The purpose of the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to explore the subsurface conditions in the existing pond embankment at Pond 2 within the Cascadia development. If the project characteristics that are expected to exist based on documentation by others differ from those discussed within our report, or if different subsurface conditions are encountered during any other exploration, please contact our office immediately so that we may reassess our recommendations. Stevenson's scope of services included the following: • Completion of three 10.5 to 18.5-foot-deep geotechnical test borings, • Performance of a generalized geotechnical engineering evaluation with respect to the existing dam, laboratory testing including standard compaction AASHTO T-99 and permeability and Preparation of this geotechnical report by professional engineers. 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Project Description Stevenson understands that a stormwater detention dam was constructed with no quality control testing during construction. Albemarle County Engineering Department requested confirmation of embankment construction including compaction, suitable embankment material, cut-off trench and other relative information. Our study was to determine the type of soil used for the construction of the dam and the relative compaction of the soil based on three soil test borings and various laboratory tests The above project description and criteria form the basis of our evaluation and the recommendations presented in this report. notify us. 2.2 Site Location and Conditions If any of these criteria are found to be different, please The site is located within the Cascadia Subdivision in Charlottesville, Virginia, to the east of Stony Point Road, to the north of Cascadia Drive, to the west of the residential lots along Marietta Drive, and to the south of the Broadus Memorial Baptist Church entrance road.The pond was identified as Pond 2 and borings were performed along the western embankment which is mainly covered with grass with some sparce trees along the western edge. Cascadia Detention Pond 2 Project Number 7-1976A Albemarle Countv, Virginia CeotcehnicalInvestigation and Evaluation 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION To determine the general subsurface conditions at the site, three (3) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were drilled on July 21,2021. Borings, identified as B-1, B-2, and B-3 were drilled to depths of 18.5 feet, 13.5 feet, and 10.5 feet, respectively, below the top of the dam. Test boring locations were located and staked by Shimp Engineering team. Drilling services were performed by Ayers and Ayers from Midlothian using a truck mounted CME- 45 drilling rig. Standard Penetration Testing was performed in the test borings as per ASTM D 1586, Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils. The test borings were advanced using hollow -stem auger procedures to the planned depths stated above. Samples were obtained in the test borings by driving a 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon sampler in accordance with ASTM D 1586. The sampler was first seated to penetrate any loose cuttings and then driven an additional 18 inches with a 140-pound hammer free falling 30 inches. The numberof hammer blows required to drive the sampler the latter 12 inches in the case of an 18-inch drive was designated the penetration resistance or N-value. The N-value can be used as a qualitative index of the relative density of non -cohesive or granular soils. In a more approximate way, the N-value can be used as an index for the consistency of cohesive or plastic soils. Soil samples were returned to Stevenson Consulting's laboratory for visual classification by our personnel and limited laboratory testing. Logs of the test borings are included in Appendix B. Soil samples collected during the field exploration program will be stored at Stevenson's office for a period of sixty (60) days. After 60 days, the samples will be discarded unless prior notification is provided to us in writing. 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 Site Geology Geologically the site is underlain by the Catoctin formation. The Catoctin Formation is composed primarily of metabasalt, commonly referred to as greenstone due to the rock's greenish tint. When the original basalt was metamorphosed, igneous minerals Blue Ridge cross section in central Virginia, note the Catoctin Formation is exposed in both a western and eastern belt. Pyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine were converted to new minerals (chlorite, actinolite, and epidote), which give the rock a gray -green color. The Catoctin Formation also contains discontinuous layers of metasedimentary rock (including phyllite, quartzite, and even marble), as well as volcanic breccia and metarhyolite. 4.2 Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions encountered at the test boring locations are consistent with the site geology and are shown on the logs in Appendix B. The strata interface locations recorded on the boring logs should be considered approximate, as actual transitions between strata are generally 2 Cascadia Detention Pond 3 Project Number 7-1916A Albemarle County, Virginia Geotechnical Investigation and Evaluation gradual. Although individual test borings depict the subsurface conditions at the specific locations on the dates shown, they are not necessarily indicative of subsurface conditions at other locations or at other times. Data from the specific test borings are shown on the boring logs in Appendix B. 4.2.1 Soils Encountered Surficial Soil was encountered in the borings to approximate depths of 17.5 feet in boring B-1, 12.5 feet in boring B-2 and 8.5 feet in boring B-3 below the existing ground surface. Surficial Soil consists of fill material that classifies as a red clayey silt, (CH). SPT N-values for the fine-grained soils range from 6 to 41 bpf indicating these soils are medium stiff to hard. Natural residual soils of the Catoctin formation were encountered beneath the Surficial Soil. These residual soils consisted of silty SAND (SM). The SPT N-values for the coarse -grained soils ranged from 39 to 50/3" bpf, indicating these soils are dense to very dense. 4.2.2 Groundwater Groundwater was not observed in any of our borings. Cave-in depths were observed at depths ranging from 8 toll 0 feet below existing grades. 5.0 General Findings 5.1 General The following evaluation is determined from the results of our borings and laboratory test results. The soils used in the construction of the dam, in our opinion, are suitable for this type of construction. Laboratory testing indicates that the soils in the dam are classified as a CH soil, which is a clay with a high plasticity, which is ideal for dam construction. Permeability testing indicates a value of 1.4EE10-7, which is also ideal for dam construction. SPT N-values in the fill of the dam also indicate that the compaction of the material ranges from good to excellent. Also, our borings indicate that the cut-off trench was excavated to proper material prior to the placement of fill. In conclusion, it is our opinion that the construction of the dam is consistent with proper engineering recommendations and should perform adequately. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of CEVA Contractors or their agent, for the specific application to the existing stormwater detention dam for Pond 2 in Cascadia subdivision in Albemarle County, Virginia, in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering 3 Cascadia Detention Pond Albemarle County, Virginia Project Number 7-1916A Geotechnical Investigation and Evaluation practices. No otherwarranty, express or implied, is made. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on design information located in plans provided to our firm by CEVA Contractors. Regardless of the thoroughness of a subsurface exploration, there is the possibility that conditions in other areas will differ from those at the boring locations, that conditions are not as anticipated by the designers, or that the construction process has altered the soils conditions. Therefore, our experienced geotechnical engineers should evaluate any further construction to verify that the conditions anticipated in the design actually exist. Otherwise, we assume no responsibility for construction compliance with the design concepts, specifications, or recommendations. ll Stevenson Consulting, Inc. SUBSURFACE PROFILE LOG BORING NUMBER: B-1 PROJECTCLIEN Cascadia Detention Pond PROJECT NUMBER 7-1916A CEVA Contractors DATE July 21, 2021 KATTON LOCATIAlbemarle Count VA County, ELEVATION Sipe Plan E\CAVATiON METHOD Truck Mounted Drill Rig LOGGER EB DEPTH TO WATER: Nia WHEN CHECKED; CAVING: 10' EL: Depth' (fll SPT: USCS: DESCRiPTiON: N/a 0.25 10-11-18 N/a 1.00 N/a 2.00 9-22-19 N/a 3.00 N/a 4.00 8-9-12 N/a 5.00 N/a 6.00 N/a 7.00 4-5-9 Red clay, CH Fill N/a 7.50 N/a 8.00 N/a 9.00 7-7-9 N/a 10.00 /a 1 I.00 /a P 11'00 /a 13.00 8-5-4 N/a 14.00 N/a 15.00 4-4-7 N/a 16.00 N/a 17.00 Brown silty sand, SM Residual N/a 18.00 50/3" Boring Terminated at 18.5 Feet N/a 19.00 N/a 20.00 N/a 21.00 N/a 22.00 N/a 23.00 N/a 24.00 N/a 25.00 N/a 26.00 N/a 27.00 N/a 28.00 N/a 29.00 N/a 30.00 NOTES: 2116E Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, Virginia 434-244-0011 Stevenson Consulting, Inc, SUBSURFACE PROFILE LOG BORING NUMBER: B-2 ROJECT Cascadia Detention Pond PROJECTNUM13ER 7.1916A CLIENT CEVA Contractors DATE July 21, 2021 LocnnoN Albemarle Count' VA County, ELEVATION $i[e Plan EXCAVATION METHOD Truck Mounted Drill Rig LOGGER EB DFPTI I TO WATER: N/a WHEN CHECKED: CAVING: 9; EL: Depth: (t) SPT: USCS: DESCRIPTION: N/a 0.25 8-12-12 N/a 1.00 N!a 2.00 5-6-10 N/a 3.00 N/a 4.00 5-5-5 N/a 5.00 N/a 6.00 N/a 7.00 4-4-5 Red clay, CH Fill N/a 7.50 N/a 8.00 N/a 9.00 3-3-3 N/a 10.00 N/a 11.00 N/a 12.00 Brown silty sand, SM Residual N/a 13.00 5-6-39 Boring Terminated at 18.5 Feet N/a 14.00 N/a 15.00 N/a 16.00 N/a 17.00 N/a 18.00 N/a 19.00 N/a 20.00 N/a 21.00 N/a 22.00 N/a 23.00 N/a 24.00 N/a 25.00 N/a 26.00 N/a 27.00 N/a 28.00 N/a 29.00 N/a 30.00 NOTES: 2116E Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, Virginia 434-244-0011 `Stevenson Consulting, Inc. SUBSURFACE PROFILE LOG BORING NUMBER: B-3 PROJECT Cascadia Detention Pond PROJECT NUMBER 7-1916A CLIENT CEVA Contractors DATE July 21, 2021 I-OCATION Albemarle County, VA ELEVATON Si[e Plan E.XCAVATTON METHOD Truck Mounted Drill Rig LOGGER EB DEPTH TO WATER: N/a WHEN CHECKED: CAVFNG g, EL: Depth. (ft) SPT: USCS: DESCRIPTION: N/a 0.25 10-13-19 11 N/a 1.00 N/a 2.00 12-11-12 N/a 3.00 N/a 4.00 6-10-12 N/a 5.00 N/a 6.00 N/a 7.00 9-5-13 Red clay, CH Fill N/a 7.50 N/a 8.00 N/a 9.00 9-13-26 Brown silty sand, SM Residual N/a 10.00 Boring Terminated at 10.5 Feet N/a 11.00 N/a 12.00 N/a 13.00 N/a 14.00 N/a 15.00 N/a 16.00 N/a 17.00 N/a 18.00 N/a 19.00 N/a 20.00 N/a 21.00 N/a 22.00 N/a 23.00 N/a 24.00 N/a 25.00 N/a 26.00 N/a 27.00 N/a 28.00 N/a 29.00 N/a 30.00 NOTES: 2116B Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, Virginia 434-244-0011 Project Name: CascadiaDetention Pond Project Number: 7 1916A Report Date: 07/22/21 Date Received: Lab Number: E7 Sampled by: EB Proctor Method: AASHTO T99 A Tested by: EB Description: Red Brown Clayey SILT w/ Gravel Material Source: Proctor 1 115 110 105 MI 85 Moisture Density Curves 20 25 30 35 40 Moisture Content, % 2120 Berkmar Drive, Unit D Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 434-244-0011 PROCTOR MAX. DRY DENSITY 94.7 PROCTOR OPT. MOISTURE, % 30.0 MATERIAL PASSING SIEVE #4 % MATERIAL RETAINED 32.5 Gs, RETAINED MATERIAL 2.7 CORRECTED MDD, PCF 110.4 CORRECTED OMC, . 20.9 SIEVE SIZE (in./#) PERCENT PASSING BY WT. 2.5 in 100.0 2 in 100.0 1.5 in 100.0 1 in 98.1 3/4 in 91.7 3/8 in 77.8 #4 67.5 #10 40.9 #20 40.9 #40 -13.7 #60 -32.0 #100 -51.4 #200 -58.5 Zero Air -Voids Curve for SG=2.70 SG value determined by estimate SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE DEPTH (ft.) SAMPLE TYPE USCS CLASS. AASHTO CLASS. NATURAL MOISTURE % ATTERSERG LIMITS LL PL PI E7 2 0 N/A 1 A-1 21.1 42 37 1 5 Test Procedures: Natural Moisture Content, ASTM D2216 Atterberg Limits, ASTM D4318 (Single Point) Sample Gradation, ASTM D422 USCS Classification, ASTM D2487 AASHTO Classification, AASHTO M145 �o All 4 Aif a Fi ape •1 A 1 •' 9} 8 d - ,i I s 5 I ri x tx L9MOM AAA • �i� 1{` � - 1Y=e ili ,j 11; rl Ii , 4 ! r_ 1 j , f I I ' ''t I 'ii f ii II,I P•...... ! I r, �• ' 1 0! r ra ij 1 I 111 1 I Ir • jf) , 1 .!!! .11! li VSMP AMENDMENT PLAN FOR CASCADIA :BLOCKS 4 7 STCBU\4ATFA rAANAGENIEYT P W N'CETTAILS G s _- 's" yo� ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. AJOvvx+ewa. A•svrts.v�n AANPruwan uRNUMA „ Bob Cantrell Order CEVA Contractors Inc. 10997 195 Riverbend Drive i3s Charlottesville , VA 22911 PO p.(434)906-1761 Projected Receipt f. n/a Thu 7/29/21 e. rwcbuild@ntelos.net estimated WETLAND PLANTS INC. Terms: Payment due 48 hours before plants shipped Ceratophplkun demersum Coontail 6 inch cutting 1,566 51.09 $1,706.94 Juncus ejjusus Soft Rush 5" deep x 1.6" wide plug 1,567 $1.09 $1,708.03 Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Softstem Bulrush 5" deep x 1.6" wide plug 1,567 $1.09 $1,708.03 # items 4,700 total for above items $5,123.00 Free Shipping! (one shipment per order, please!) 50.00 The prices above have been reduced in the expectation that at least 3000 plants will be ordered and a single delivery is acceptable to you, the customer. There will be additional charge if the total total 55,123.00 plants per delivery drops below 3000. 812 Drummonds Point Rd Edenton, NC 27932 p: 252.482.5707 f. 252.482.4987 team@wetlandplantsine.com Wetland Plants Inc 812 Dntmmonds Point Rd Edenton, NC 27932 252,482.5707 team(wlwetlandplantsinc.com Projected Receipt 7.29.2021 CEVA Contractors Inc. Bob Cantrell Order 10997 total plants this order 4,700 4,700 Ceratophyllum demersum Coontail 1566 6 inch cutting sub for Waterweed Juncus eJfusus Soft Rush 1567 5" deep x 1.6" wide plug sub for Cattail Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Softstem Bulrush 1567 5" deep x 1.6" wide plug generated 7/23/2021 2:38:53 PM