HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200500002 Review Comments 2005-05-03 (2) STAFF PERSON: John Shepherd PUBLIC HEARING: May 3, 2005 STAFF REPORT VA-2005-002 OWNER/APPLICANT: T. Ronald Durham TAX MAP/PARCEL: 056A2-03-0B-00400 ZONING: Residential- R-2 ACREAGE: LOCATION: 5716 Wayland Drive TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests a variance from Section 4.11 .2.1 which requires a minimum 6-foot setback for an accessory structure from a right of way. The carport currently encroaches 1 foot into the right of way of Wayland Drive. The variance of 6 feet is necessary to permit a free standing carport to be located at the property line. It is contrary to VDOT policy to permit the 1-foot encroachment into the right of way. Therefore, the carport must be moved back at least 1 foot so that it is on the applicant's property. RELEVANT HISTORY: Prior to construction of the carport, the applicant asked about permitting requirements for carports. He was informed by a County staff person that no permit was required for such a use. That information was incorrect. He then installed the carport in good faith relying on the information he had received. On December 30, 2003 we received a complaint regarding the carport that was logged as VIO-2003-313. No action was taken on this matter for more than a year. A zoning inspector visited the site on January 3, 2005 and confirmed the violation. The applicant applied for a building permit, B2005-428NNR, on January 19, 2005. The permit was not issued because the structure did not meet the 6-foot setback. On February 6, 2002 the Zoning Ordinance was amended to reduce the setbacks for accessory structures from rights of way from that required for primary structures in the district to 6 feet. A corrective Zoning Text Amendment that will restore the primary setbacks for all structures from access easements and rights of way is pending. APPLICANT'S DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: "I was advised 7/03 that I did not require a building permit for a portable carport. At the end of 2/04 I was advised that a neighbor had complained that I did not obtain a permit for the carport so I applied for a permit and have been denied because I need to move it 6 feet to comply with the property line. I can move it 3 feet at a cost of $300 to $350. I am asking for a variance of 6 feet and if not agreeable then for the 3 feet and will have the carport moved." PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: This parcel is improved by a dwelling. Based on this improvement, staff finds that the applicant enjoys a reasonable use of their property. Staff cannot find that a carport is I:IDEPT\BCZS12005 staff reports\VA-2005-002 Durham,doc 2 necessary for reasonable use of the property. Therefore, staff finds that the strict criteria for a finding of hardship have not been met. However, in addition to the misleading information provided to the applicant, there are other factors the Board may choose to consider. The applicant has indicated that it would be feasible to move the carport back 3 feet on the existing driveway. This would cure the encroachment into the right of way and result in the structure being located 2 feet from the property line, a variance of 4 feet. Staff agrees that the carport's placement on the existing paved driveway is the most practical location for it. It is staff opinion that it is possible to move the structure back 7 feet resulting in compliance with the 6-foot setback. This would involve extending the 18-foot wide driveway 4 feet over a slope estimated to be between 20% and 25%. This would necessitate the construction of a retaining wall approximately 1 foot above grade to contain the fill and the removal of two mature shrubs. Staff acknowledges that to move the carport more than 3 feet back will result in the substantial additional construction expense. This would possibly require the raising of the phone wire. There is an oil tank filler pipe located 18 feet beyond the end of the driveway. There is a VEPCO easement shown on the plat. However, we were assured by Virginia Power that there is no objection to the current placement of this structure. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: (Staff comments are written in italics and follow the applicant's. Hardship The applicant comments that he would hope to have this approved and to have to move the carport 3 feet at a cost of$300 to $350. (This is a hardship) especially after he was advised by County Building that a permit was not required. It is staff opinion that since the owner has reasonable use of the property this request does not meet the standard for a finding of hardship. However, staff acknowledges that if the applicant had been correctly advised regarding the need for a building permit, he could have avoided the need for this variance by purchasing a smaller structure and/or locating it 6 feet from Wayland Drive. The applicant would also have avoided the expense of the variance and the cost to move the carport. 1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. I.IDEPT\BCZS12005 staff reports\VA-2005-002 Durham.doc 3 Uniqueness of Hardship The applicant notes, "I have located 21 more carports in the area. I know only six of the people and none of them have had to get a permit" Since there is no finding of hardship, there can be no finding that the hardship is unique. This department will investigate and if necessary, strive to abate any complaints we receive regarding other carports. 2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers, "There is no detriment at all to any adjacent property and there are no plans to widen Wayland Drive in the future." Staff opinion, given the zoning ordinance's recent amendment to allow of 6-foot front setbacks for accessory structures, is that no substantial detriment to adjacent property or to the district is caused by this request. 3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the granting of the variance will not change the character of the district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since only one of the three criteria for a variance have been met, staff can not recommend approval of the request. Should the Board find cause to approve it, staff recommends the following condition: 1 . This variance is approved for a reduction of the front setback from 6 feet to 2 feet for the 18' x 20' carport described in this application. I.IDEPT\Bczs12005 staff reports\VA-2005-002 Durham.doc • • . . '� - , . ;.itr „, „No-, . -.A. ' ' 1-°: :::11 ' iltat6 ill-— I-11-1 ,, 1. ,n _ — 'o* ,fit .> t 11; R.. I • v: . - tilt I •W. is . rr . IT P. ` t,-wa6i, '°' + ti►. .-,. •..0,..! y.:‘,.t.',., ,...,T -.L.-.# illa - ilif.. ••„,;, ..-.,i„,,,,,,,_ . .. • e , 1 ,;.,?— ..-7...„......_.:1 t., 10:......-2 , 4440 , ' ' N.s( . .. 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