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VA200600003 Review Comments 2006-05-02
STAFF PERSON: John Shepherd PUBLIC HEARING: May 2, 2006 STAFF REPORT VA-2006-003 OWNER/APPLICANT: Central Virginia Capital LLC TAX MAP/PARCEL: 55 / 57 ZONING: Residential — R-1 ACREAGE: 4.80 LOCATION: Property is located on both sides (north and south) of Lanetown Road, approximately 0.6 mile south of the intersection with Railroad Avenue. TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: As part of a proposed 3 lot subdivision, the applicant proposes the creation of a new lot containing 39,435 square feet. This involves the portion of this parcel that is located on the southern side of Lanetown Road. Approval of this lot (lot C) requires variances from two sections of the zoning ordinance as follows: 1 . The applicant requests a variance of 5,665 square feet from Section 13.3, Area and Bulk regulations of the R-1 zoning district. The minimum lot size in this district is 45,000 square feet. 2. The applicant also requests a variance of 535 square feet from the minimum area requirements of Section 4.1.2. The minimum size for any parcel served by one public utility (in this case public water) is 40,000 square feet. RELEVANT HISTORY: SUB-2005-314 is under review and has received Planning Commission approval for the preliminary plat. This is a request to divide this 4.8-acre parcel into three lots. Proposed lot C is on the southern side of Lanetown Road and lots A and B are on the northern side of the road. The final approval of this plat is subject to Health Department approval of drainfields, VDOT approval of entrance locations and the closure of one existing entrance serving Lot C. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: This 4.8-acre parcel is located on both sides of Lanetown Road, Route 684. The road is within a 40 foot wide right of way that physically separates the two parts of this property. The southern portion of the parcel contains 39,435 square feet and it is proposed lot C. The minimum lot size in the R-1 district is 45,000 square feet. Therefore, without approval of a lot size variance, it is necessary to include at least 5,565 square feet from the northern portion of the parcel as part of proposed Lot C. The minimum lot area requirement (per Section 4.1 .2) is based on the fact that the property will not be served by both public (or central) water and sewer. These VA-2006-003 2 regulations (which apply in any zoning district) are intended to assure sufficient lot size to support private well and/or septic system. In this particular case, a house exists on public water and private septic system and has been supported by the 39,435 square feet of land on the south side of Lanetown Road. In addition, before the plat can be signed for approval, they will need to obtain Health Department approval for a reserve septic area on lot C. Furthermore, proposed lot C is only lacking 535 square feet or 1.4% of the required lot area based on a private utility; this is a relatively minimal reduction in area. Therefore, we are not concerned that approval of this variance results in a lot which would not support the house. Both these regulations for minimum lot area and the minimum lot size in the zoning district apply to the creation of a new lot. This analysis focuses on the area requirement in the R-1 zoning district of 45,000 square feet because it is the more stringent of the two regulations. The property is improved with a dwelling located on Lot C that was built in 1920. It has been approved, subject to conditions, for subdivision into three separate parcels. Consequently, staff finds that the applicant enjoys a reasonable use of the property. One of the three findings the BZA must make in order to grant a variance under Virginia Code § 15.2-2309(2) and Albemarle County Code § 34.2 is that the strict application of the ordinance would produce an undue hardship. Undue hardship exists where, because of a condition of the property or adjacent property: (1) strict application of the ordinance effectively prohibits or unreasonably restricts the use of the property; or(2) without a variance, there is a clearly demonstrable hardship approaching confiscation. Without approval of a variance, lot C will need to include a minimum of 5,565 square feet of land on the northern side of Lanetown Road. It is staff opinion that the creation of a lot that contains two separate parts does not meet the test for a finding of undue hardship with respect to either Lot C or the lots on the northern side of Lanetown Road. However, there are other factors the Board may choose to consider. Lanetown Road serves as the boundary for the jurisdictional area for public water to existing structures. The existing dwelling on Lot C is connected to public water and is served by a private septic system. Proposed dwellings on Lots A and B are not eligible to connect to public water. The entire 4.8-acre parcel is ineligible to connect to public sewer. Staff notes that the definition of variance in Section 15.2-2201 of the Code of Virginia allows granting a deviation in the size or area of a lot. Approval of this request would not be tantamount to a rezoning because it will result in no increase in the density of the development of the parcel. Staff had originally suggested that the applicant request a rezoning of the property to R- 2 which would allow the creation of smaller lots on this property and therefore avoid the l:1DEPT1BCZS12006 Staff ReportslVA 2006-003 Central Virginia Capital LLC.doc VA-2006-003 3 need for a variance. However, based on David Benish's comments below we realize that it is unlikely a rezoning of this property could be approved. This is a request to allow the portion of a parcel on the south side of Lanetown Road to be developed as a separate property. The south side of Lanetown Road is located within the Crozet Development Area (the north side is designated Rural Area). Most of the area is designated as "Development Area Preserve" or "Reserve." This is a very restricted area intended for "development area open space preserve or reserve with a very low residential density. The recommended residential density is very low density-no denser than 1 unit/20 acres. The existing site (on the south side of Lanetown Road) as development and the current zoning (R1) of the property is already inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation. However, the variance would not substantially change the character of the area since it is already developed with a residential unit. Staff responsible for the review of the pending subdivision plat, after an analysis of the subdivision ordinance regulations regarding lot shape and a discussion of this issue with the Planning Commission have determined that the 5,585 square foot strip can be approved because it will have minimal impact due to its location within a stream buffer that can not be disturbed. Rather than being a pie-shaped strip running the length of the side property boundary, it may be reconfigured into a more regular usuable shape such as a rectangle. The uses available to such a small a portion of land are fairly limited but could include a garden, for example. I APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: Hardship Staff comments are written in italics and follow the applicant's comments. The applicant notes that the strict application of the ordinance would produce a hardship because it would cause a small strip of land to become a portion of Lot C even though they do not adjoin each other. It is staff opinion that the creation of the 5,585 square foot strip of land adjacent to Lot A that is attached to Lot C will not deny the owner of either Lot C or Lot A the reasonable use of their land to the degree that it would constitute an undue hardship. We do recognize that it is somewhat impractical and inconvenient to both the lot C owner and the adjacent property to the strip, to have such a small portion of land on the other side of a state road. 1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. 1:1DEPTIBCZS12006 Staff ReportslVA 2006-003 Central Virginia Capital LLC.doc VA-2006-003 4 Uniqueness of Hardship The applicant notes: • It would create a strip that does not exist in this neighborhood already. Since no hardship is identified, staff is unable to find that this hardship is unique. However, staff agrees with the applicant that this situation is unique. Typically, parcels that are divided by roads contain either sufficient acreage on both sides to meet area requirements or the land on one side is a narrow, unbuildable strip. In this instance the southern portion of the property has supported a dwelling since 1920 but does not meet the area requirement for the district. 2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers: One possible adjoiner has already voiced his displeasure at having this strip adjoin his land at a Planning Commission meeting. It is staff opinion that the elimination of the 5,585 square foot strip from Lot C would have no detrimental impact on the district or on adjacent parcels. There would be no visible evidence of the elimination of this small strip of land. 3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since only one of the three criteria for approval has been met, staff can not recommend approval of this variance request. Should the Board find cause to approve it, staff recommends the following condition: e c f fiiir 1.a.1.t e r r �-C.. 1. tic approval is subject to the approval of a subdjvision plat that shows the nt 39,435-square foot lot as a separate parcel. �'"� Qit"'`kmv4ei 4401 41/4" SIT S l:1DEPTIBCZS12006 Staff ReportslVA 2006-003 Central Virginia Capital LLC.doc ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 401 MCINTIRE ROAD MEETING ROOM #241, 2:00 P.M FINAL AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2006 1 . Call to Order 2. Establish a Quorum 3. Matters Not on the Agenda 4. Matters Deferred from Previous Meetings 5. Variance Hearings A. VA-2005-009 Mechum's Trestle LLC (owner) / Melton McGuire (applicant) Staff: Amelia McCulley Applicant requests indefinite deferral B. VA-2006-002 Timothy or Ginger Aylor (owners/applicants) Staff: Jan Sprinkle Applicants request deferral to June 6, 2006 C. VA-2006-003 Central Virginia Capital LLC (owner/applicant) Staff: John Shepherd 6. Old Business 7. New Business A. Approval of Written Decision for AP-2005-013 Scott W. or Caroline F. Watkins (owners/appellants) B. Approval of January 10, 2006 Minutes 8. Adjournment BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MEETING GUIDELINES Thank you for attending the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. As a courtesy to others, please turn off all pagers and cell phones during the meeting. During the 2006 Calendar Year, the Chairman is David Bass. This meeting is recorded on audio tape and is later transcribed into the written word. Each item will begin with a presentation of the staff report. Next, the applicant or appellant for that item will be invited to speak. During the course of the process, the Chairman will open the public hearing to comments from the public. At the end of these proceedings the Chairman will announce that the public hearing is closed. Once the public hearing is closed, no further public comments will be allowed unless the Board asks for additional information from the applicant or appellant. If you wish to address the Board, please raise your hand or stand when the Chairman asks for public comments for that item. When it is your turn for comment, please come to the microphone and state your name for the record. For uncommon spellings, please spell your name for the recording secretary. If you are with a group of people, you may want to have a spokesperson present your position to the Board and have others in agreement recognized by standing. In order to give all speakers equal treatment and courtesy, the Board requests that speakers adhere to the following guidelines: (Note: All comments are recorded on tape); • Come forward to the speaker's podium and state your name (if you have an unusual spelling for your name, please spell it for the recorder); • Do not speak from your seat or out of turn; • Address comments directly to the Board as a whole; open public debate is prohibited; • State your position and give facts and other data to back it up; • Give written statements and other supporting material to the Clerk (written comments are also welcome if you do not wish to speak); • Please do not applaud. The Chairperson at his or her option, reserves the right to digress from these guidelines in a particular case. Secretary, Board of Zoning Appeals 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 A ' , ' 4•*v.' , • • • { . . li I . 4 \ . t ; ' ...in.' -••• • \ . • . • - , • • f . •. , • 41111ft _ i AV:iv. 401f*,„41V t -#.• - ,....1„, • • 7--41 ot. • • .i. - *''' • • I 1. t. . . . 4 •.'... ... 111111r,111M.4.• .1# • -'''• '',. .4.....4....•.. •, t • .... ... ,.. . , ,,,`I.ti a' : • N 4V0Fiiii .'. ' '- -- •ft. .1..,-,• . . , , . • -._.-- ....,_ • ...i...ir • .. • • or . 1' *.•diF . ' — '.."111". .. • ., .',41,,'"..:41.w. ..., . • A".16. •11. ‘ -"" i '•• ' (.., •ol•••• `41,:SI• .. . • t . . .‘: j; , • . •• , . • ''4. . ... i. . , 94, • ; • '.''' I t: I I . 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'�I�• M ,/ -"' THE ..� �U.d( • ''�"I' yg0 Ot `av, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ''' ''��.00- Z28 2T• '(.�' •T M 63-P.68A PLANNING COMMISSION �0 (4, JAMES B,,SR El �1 0I ° i'o EXREA SPENCE s/s 0�' NCE:= ` U A' (LIFE ESTATE) DATE �I�'' ' ^�E :IF 0.9.154,910,P 1396 PLAT � I - \\ ,o -'.....1.... '� �� "E ;3190 TA. B _ • ALONG CENTERLINE LOT OF OLD ROADBED N�7.001 \'12 ` . 60,291 S. F. 'w TO m PIPE FOUND AT \ -.�cb •` �� CROZET CORNER FENCE \ cb POLE "�4 , N LOT A \ 6aA e•1e•o1'o2" A R•458 00' TM SS-PSBD 93,344 S. F. �^y C•I4343' ROLAND K,III 8 "�Q, °o/ \ (L CB•946.22'29"W LINDA BEARD 9 J� D B 2278,P 341 PLAT yi• D B.988,P 103 i„ -\ '3 \ ' /0 V' 4. '�' a. O0, N" /.� T.M.55-P 62A /�, I , WILLIAM L ADCOCK a HELEN CRITZER w I b0 4 C�P • D.B.503,P 194,196 PLAT T M 55- P SBC �',y, '� �I: ROLAND K,III 8 LINDA BEARD -i; 1 OVERHEAD" q•6^ PO Rid SPRING D e 2278,P 341 PLAT \k, NL NIEITY Q0 b�4 R•418 00' - D B 953,P 354 a m L•93874c^ .., J4.0C•93.68'7= QP w CB•N43.47-59-E ENTJ)7.. L,E •�0' N / \ ROAD $ e' 'GRAVEL IIR *k at 3. • :DRIVE �t'i3O ‘da B •03•25'17", ,/I OLE Q\ '9 A3� 0'R•1332.50 Q'• ' 0 . � L•795T ; .,br 5,,,,,,:'•' �,, C•79.56' °t LOT C VICINITY SKETCH 7, OTC -( S38.39'I4"W/ ? T.M.55-P 58A /s �Q� ta 45,020 S.F. T.M. 55-P 82 684 THOMAS H THOMPSON r 's(Ps s J, - Q� ROBERT B.B PATRICIA H 789 D.B 1765,527 P 190 S� ./ (LOWER x PLEASANTS D.B.1 ,P 79 PLAT / (LOWER LOT) P? I D.81310,P 56 (39,435 S.F)Q; D.B.668,P.499A PLAT TIE A- D.B.088,P 369 PLAT 341.11'59"E , MATER E7ER A•04'12'16"R•129250'9 "B rE" 780 3 4R' /// L• A 84' 17,99 E2' 684 IRON FOUND.;//�O • N�22O�.W • 691 691 /jN./ / I T.M.55-L P 83A e•1332.530" T.M. 55- P 61 zR ET RN. L8 PATRICIA A. L•25.00' ROBERT 8 CYNTHIA C. MORRIS C•25.00' ARMSTRONG + 1 i D.B.1086,P 579,581 PLAT C•25 W' A- CB•536•24'21"W D.8.1383,P 277 �, RB 773,P.337,339 PLAT D.B.150,P.245 PLAT W' PLAT SHOWING le SUBDIVISION PLAT OF u LOTS A B a C NOTES ' )1 IIS ail A DIVISION OF T. M. 55-P. 57 I. <DENOTES IRON SET UNLESS OTHERWISE 1 1p DESIGNATED HEREON I / THE PROPERTY OF 2 THIS PLAT IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY� 11 It CENTRAL VIRGINIA CAPITAL L.L.C. 3. THESE LOTS DO NOT LIE IN ZONE A(SPECIAL FL000 NI 1W LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 684 RATEHAZAR MAP,COMMD AREA)�TYING TO PANEL FLCOD INSURANCE 15 0006 0228 D. N 1 I AND THE CSX RAILROAD 4. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED,EASEMENTS AND O_1 I AND THE WATERS OF POWELLS CREEK OTHER ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN.MAY EXIST I I ABOUT ONE MILE WEST OF CROZET 5 THISPROPERTYZONED R-I,YARD REQUIREMENTS. I FRONT.2s,26 SIDEEIS15 B REAR 20' I I WHITE HALL DISTRICT 6 REFERENCES,D.B.2994,P.698- I D.B.165,P.168 PLAT- D.8.95,P9 PLAT ' IRON 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY 7 THE STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE I 'FOUND SN VIRGINIA MANAGED N THEACCORDANCE WITH WATER PRO ECT1CN ORD.. , 8. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO. U FOR A VT B T R/W-0.8.338,P 589 IV BRAD CHANDLER ElVEPCO R/W-D B 275,P 90 / •GRAYROCK" 0 9. LOTS A,8 AND C EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING SITE THAT D.B.2619,P 630 PLAT COMPLIES WITH SEC.4.2 I OF THE ALBE CO ZONING ORD. D B 612,P.438 PLAT SCALE ' I"• 50' DATE 'AUGUST 8,2005 50 30 10' 25' 100' 40' 20 0' 50' 200' OLD ALBEMARLE SURVEYING,LLC , 612 EAST JEFFERSON STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22902 655 pANet f> , AcnY C FLA f F oh oto 4-L1g 1-("7 Sukv(N,nt& 1445 oE2r PI GO TtfOr lrt& etC71 AC p42,C67L CotiITXr(US oNC- pwc tt,A16 , or.f life- . S. i. St ve or:- iitR-0A-1) Oat G-t&tvel-a ks toT C Ar ''al" ;1� T J •* a/� •I.1. +...; 7 ,'I', .! /t }` 1fi"(, >,i�►�c '} = �; •1-.•rtt� ; r t• �� �(y, it',` �t \I: !' r 11;ir, •r t• y�1�� a � •ter ~ 'a• , '� , rah y 1, R"` N•i �� ',. . .vp•I y I. Aft: Cra ae't",, -J"'` r.1 k. 4.1M P izr ' , ,. *2. I , ♦ t' � 1 , Ter -. 14 I r ,, •• .. J1 .ram. f "",r�, `' •. •� M. ( • •.� �."• y ,k ` , � rt� �'l`- ...• � r .j1,r• '�''4'"�' f, . \! 4'1"iR'i. % / 1. •• *• ,.. fAI T '{• ' , I).. •• ,.R rT•� 1 1! 1. •'4,.. t .a . ,t •' p• •g. ,�iv `r "„•,�', ,, 1• ,.t q'1���• i ' ,��'f. t '� t; .. .y4l� ♦� • - Ya4 ... Z`, Y.t,.,, ,1tit. `�'1,,3: • //. .-t ', • . f 1` • t it 1 'a', } •. _ .1.. `4 r J' �' 11 • '$ !irk y 'r', t / ' r; ! 'ter t " P / ,.• ' i I A �.'.�` „ • yy� f ,aYC J•. y , 4', . 1 i f �, i i • 1i . 1 r N. t. a , rf•`� "`4 _ . Irwe; t g' ,/ • l'' "�r',ti I y '1:' .t Y R ' • 1 J . , \ it a t j•r *!‘-,--•` •w'0-. , �a ?A ( Ef if fX•i�j, ,ir, A, ,4- • 1 *.��`,r 1 .,1` " a0,�, i' •, JA ,.,, • ty, , 1• :;. �r.'-•4,,, ,. ,�,,,..0. ',> 6 f y.J +.Y �7,. > 2 A� • •� le. 'I . , *we{ ‘ a a •1 : �.' `°y ,•f' - ` JI�>.�/ ,�: 1' -� /1'�' i'i'�i♦i / A4 ^•' `^ •7 -,- '' 1,. /•:*- 'kv..-,,,. `, r*:1 ' /' r y 1, tF'~r'4 4i.` •. 'i • °1011r w !),4i, •;Is �►t..'S►1.0441• ',Y �', ,,',.,i' - •' r 1'��Y4 ...,• , .1 .� • �It.,t'' S, • •�,\'�y JN t '• , } • - ,\ �•,• •y^,,.. (• 1 _,�a "" `y L •f (t j -` -'"L►.L. , �� f. I N• t rV L •MAI �'� • i '.'•^ I , ,�It � �' _ts -� r .4'`•!}I },r 'S f T. it .�. .• ° ` '�. ` r t{ .•�1 , r4 'F ..1 , /• t,/1 1 . .�\ } ~• a • A. •-' ▪ T� i F`ra' ' f 1� � 4k c'�.vl 1 + � , •♦ ', IT t • ,•L. f-',� f'�try'{ ` , � i- y �f� - C. ,. �' '` ,; /�?' .�T '�1 • 1 ".`•!{a�• ' ��,' V '. 1' •/'•I.1 ta' ,Y • 1 Y' �}� �. 'I �. In: • ,d t /., le �`( f "•,,`jam.—•r, y ,* r, �'�a h .! /I . ,+ f`i ,� ` ly / 1� I 1 1+ J • 1 r.� a ?" r r - \'M rr • •• •`Cyy' 1 r•P '1'', ' ,'•/J' /".. ,'•� 1Si .+r) 1 `, ^\t ..V 1 / -Ill 1�� .� .«•`•• , 1, ,`„.1 • ,; 'V'r ' . . � ,. ..k •) •' •' t ,;,...•`�yf%'0�.•. \'r/'v �tc 11 ; \ / k" �'a ;� K711� R ' •��,. • i 4 ♦♦,•• •"t •'' j1'F: • �� • ti (l i�PN. 1 ill r,� t ` { I��N �• • .�� • 4Y. � :•te � ', •,r. )r'.r I,1. T. •'e' 't. '�,'!N• i7` ♦,1':I \ i\ , � •�r 1.0 , ,,i• Mom,_ .• , ,•• • '',-;•. `� i4.4-m s c',,ly r,t 1�• C '/ ; a.K°• .):� . '•S/'••',Ai/',i fsk ' '4; �1, - • ,I• - \� ,.4 ' «ia ••' ^V•44• . a / r 'r �T J I J .- . 1 , r 'It .tip: - - -.. r..,.— ,\r V ^ I!r•IA., t 'i •." 'r A r� i �ruir t . •1 1 1' :M ,-- j..L: •. I d. - .,� ,,7i`, q, . 1 •'fs?• I•� N, • / � • '` "� �pt+�--. ���. t' I �! •,+1' 11`! 1 i ,J s _ ..S�f,7•��•� •,, •P.•1 y • ' '' , r;, ii-4,-,• , I", ' ''a y'- ,r,• ^7„. 4E40'0 . r'!�.\ :fI r. .6:. • -.� ....ice �a' �W �1. K. •1 t rh �'� r/'a,b.rt ,T.•1 `jr.+ .,.ILNr• ` , • • 'W�. .i r. `� ' C • ,4', ',:`11,4' ;,.. ‘, .... d.,,r. _„ ,,, .. '_ ,,,,•,,...;_-......- •r .'1 w�`G -aa,' C ' ! p.�G`.r f' '� .'i•'.y' 'C'r .-�.' •,, .._- �r t!'{ice• -Y • �••i Ii4 �' r� • if • . •7•/"a1Ei r • i~‘,j,, . J 4' ~I/ '•'1 •~ f• - '� 1(, • , ; •' *.' tsl,. �j/ 1/ , P,T. ,�[,� t'J �., • r (, {, ( f J of .. , ,•a• • 1 • f,, •tj 1 { I y��f • • '.J '• 3 `yT�i rL 1 A fi� .! •A %♦ M1. �' .,1r1♦t� �1 V � ' •r y� •�. �i �.it `% �,•r►' j�•i', j. { N .'¢.'fI .r a' , .� r 1 I �� I f _1� f�w+� ► n�. � �1`�/ i + •1 %' • �.,` '�;,. .i,f 11 r4 Y1 V , '!" • ,. . . ' >. Y !1� �`L>�. rti• . •v ' • --• y \.. .. • r • , M J1 i' 1_ •. �r.. ,� • `',,�t ;(� ", •,,, 1I `„ F " .J 1�f g,A %• , ,'Ili•\ iflok V! Y , X.°", ,•, I I SJa . ,`. ,Il ,I'(•' ;('t' J ,./I ` r,+, ,•;--,, � . ✓�,• '' ,.a j'ir\ ' :>/ a/',,f " t ' •y'•�'") I t A %\' 11 ri l' 61 '�.•I /:,114 4, /:.t •l'' ' - II J fr 'Y o •1!•�.•.' r •�,•, •.i r 1 # J fir v ) \ `♦, W 'f ` s ,, -y r t� 7I,. R (((��- .7, (i �.4. t�yTT,}} • r,. ,' 1 r / i./ �y �f i °. , _▪ (,1a r► ,f( `4/',; flr.� "t •\y4-1,',1 lAl ✓ It' 1 Is. •��t 11 ry.tr'' y -l' IL.. I/_�.:.!r„J� k..sr r.ti �� •i'tor •y11 J' (Jyy'__•`((,,..--��.y... w, ►,,i ' ai 1 ` t4, i• •`. 4./ 1 i ,R+, r"r •?: IN, tl ! '4• ' }1• ' ';�:.i . \ J i•LA 1 f , `t•' .��1 1 ,4'1 1 1_fit s .. _ 1 4,, i) ,. - ....... .....,r.............. -. ..• • . 1 1� \ y.: Y.,\ .1.�:, —��. 7"., r' �../`«, -.��_ „�,�`� +4.*,• 1,=1 •' 1 r!�•.I ,�•,.N1"t\-..'1ti.e a �' i . ,!�, ;�, 1,jA IV* / OWNERS' APPROVAL : NOTARY PUBLIC r A=OI°32'5I" THE DIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN STATE OF ,CITY/COUNTY OF R=3813.07' IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE ,THIS INSTRUMENT WAS L=102.99' '�.� WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS_DAY CB= N72°55'23"E ���' PROPRIETORS AND OR TRUSTEES.ANY REFERENCE OF ,20_. �� DEEMED AS THEORETICAL ONLYTO FUTURE POTENTIAL . ALL STATEMENTS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NT IS TO BE AS OWNER. ' O^O '0...° --.....----- TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE.AFFIXED TO THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT 20_. =:`�.00' ' X /En ''�� 560 p? �i BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , '.•�° /,'*` �� Z i y T.M. 55 - P. 56A PLANNING COMMISSION : '0°�� DAMES B.,SR.a SPENCE G �0'S NA '''/' FENCE F D.B LIFE 9A10 SP. 396TATE' DATE '�10 r I_ D.B. 154,P.I87 PLAT '�I a �/i o �''' a0 LOT B m ry ALONG CENTERLINE 010111.11.111.11 �1 331. \9 /r•,, ( OF OLD ROADBED .1y°o85? , 60 , 291 S. F. ; '0 N a° 0 TO �� PIPE FOUND AT \ O •�i 'o CROZET CORNER FENCE• A 13 \ 000' POLE '*•a° r; ' F /` �9�� LOT A \�G� ro$ R= 458.00 2" T. M. 55 - P. 58D ROLAND K.,I I I a % 93,344 S. F. �`� ., L=14a 43' , LINDA BEARD �\ O' U')� \ �'� CB=S46 2229'W D.B.2278,P.341 PLAT A D.B. Fy /iv 988,P. 103 �i� 4'v •• \ p `_ F° tP ,5�.' 26'� O. N, T. M. 55 - P. 62A WILLIAM L. ADCOCK E� I k HELEN CRITZER hh ��Q D.B.503,R 194,196 PLAT T.M. 55 - P. 58C „,. rye �v ROLAND K.,Ill a LINDA BEARD ^° SPRING OVERHEAD g O D.B. 2278, P. 341 PLAT UTILITY OV" °ry coh G=12°52'03" D.B. 953,P. 3544\1 LINE h^ 4ti. 0 R=418.00' c 0 „3a O + L=93.87' F y ,y• A r . ° C=93.68' 'Y�� \0i, OLE �� it 0 r a' CB=N 43°47 59"E ,' * ENTRANC h I / GRAVEL s. O R=1332.50. ,' OLE • h \ ' F,p /L=79.57 , ; DP,p,00'O. `. VICINITY SKETCH FS`�1J CB=S38°39'I4;W/• i �� LOT C 684 T. M.55 - P. 58A s rs P, �� 45,020 S. F T. M. 55 - P. 62 THOMAS H. THOMPSON �O. ad', Q� o ROBERT B.a PATRICIA H. 789 D.B. 1765, P. 190 S 1 f PLEASANTS D.B. 1527,P. 79 PLAT •'�j (LOWER LOT) P�tr )( D.B.1310,P.56 ;' (39,435 S.F. ) ?� D.B.658,P.499A PLAT TIE ° & D.B.588,P.369 PLAT WATER S41°II'59"E �/ METER A=04°12'16" R=1292.50. 0 rrQ7'" 41,1' h I = Q4 R4' R=Q4 A9' 7VV IRON FOUND T 125.26, CB=N 38°15.45"E x 684 / O , N83°20'00"W • 691� \� 691 Ps A=01°04'30' T. M. 55 - P 63A T. M. 55 - P. 6I z ERNEST L.a PATRICIA A. R= 1332.50 0 /1-TnI L=25.00' ROBERT a CYNTHIA C. 0)o xo MORRIS C=25.00' ARMSTRONG 4. m D.B. 1086,P.579,581 PLAT CB=S36°24'21"W D.B. I383,P.. 277 D.B. 773,P. 337,339 PLAT D.B. 150,P. 245 PLAT co_ PLAT SHOWING x SUBDIVISION PLAT OF cn LOTS A , B a C NOTES : \ r x A DIVISION OF T. M. 55 - P. 57 I. aC DENOTES IRON SET UNLESS OTHERWISE I DESIGNATED HEREON I 113 THE PROPERTY OF 2. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. iv x CENTRAL VIRGINIA CAPITAL,L.L.C. 3. THESE LOTS DO NOT LIE IN ZONE A (SPECIAL FLOOD NI m LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 684 HAZARD AREA)ACCORRATE MAP,COMMUNITYDING PANELTOF510006 0228 D.D INSURANCE 4. 0 I tI ..)4 AND THE CSX RAILROAD 4. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED,EASEMENTS AND AND THE WATERS OF POWELLS CREEK OTHER ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN.MAY EXIST. 1I I ABOUT ONE MILE WEST OF CROZET 5 FRONT RTHIS P025,,S DE : 15N8 REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS x I WHITE HALL DISTRICT 6. REFERENCES : D.B.2994,P.698 - I I __ tO D.B.I65,P. 166 PLAT - D.B.95,P. 9 PLAT ,• IIRaN 0 ALBEMARLE COUNTY 7. THE STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE I I FOUND N VIRGINIA MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WATER PROIB.TION ORD. 8. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO : ' U FOR A. VT 8 T R/W-D.B.338,P.589 " GRAYROCK " z BRAD CHANDLER B. VEPCO R/W-D.B.275,P.90 l 09. LOTS A,B AND C EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING SITE THAT D.B. 2619,P.630 PLAT Q COMPLIES WITH SEC.4.2.I OF THE ALBE.CO.ZONING ORD. D.B.612,P. 438 PLAT M SCALE : I" = 50' DATE : AUGUST 8, 2005 50' 30' 10' 25' 100' im um 40' 20' 0' 50' 200' OLD ALBEMARLE SURVEYING,LLC 612 EAST JEFFERSON STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22902 655 038 039 040 Exz'.= �>7IF� �e 54-24 '' MINT SPR/N . s \ t/ p 54-24A n LAKE •��,� 39-23 I ) \ 4�� 55-28 ( yy.0 5-40 1 1p,... .\, .Y J z5A. siS in Qom / di 0 / , 55-25 u i ti\ m � ca co 4 -11I'''..1"."."' PlFilliir. .- -..------:' ,..:12,;IPS/ . 03 1 41‘le cr• 55 2 ts• t fit.. ,�in �f� 0 56� A�part 1, 788 �o�' i �g� 1. 56•A1 Part 1411( ► y, ...1� 'i. +v{ \ 707 x � r ] - x, it � •r•_ l de // 40 4. ;, ""!.:1..:i.:;:l.t'V',.., ,1' 4::gir ";•,4,:"..,:;,, '::.,,,5,..--:"-4F-F:1 i{:it, dt0ti .: :- -14,,. '7 . „. ...:, S" k _�+�da —�� 55 34 yfri,:___17_, .„,....,.., ..,„rF 'his 55 24B ® iq © ��j - CA I tli:-27 Q". Pita L — sq, i ss.9 \�I® _���00��N i �r�i .r;� _ - r ,. °�,, ..;.,yamau milif, ,,, ow ,. ~ eri� „G,), __ or• 691 _ lit , �� �r ss. 1 r 1° fig ' ;'_ in �" j 1 9e 1p 'r b ., 684 �`'/ � / may 6' �. C .„. „,,,,,,...,,,,v, ..,. ,....,.,„ ...„, /it:, .,,:....„..„..., /' *.h,,,, vi s 55 79 ,v� 55 79D ` . 8,' ,,. 3 55E Part 1 s,. 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' -'7-7".14. .?-',.'%-c--;"V- -,,:4011A14,1-t.'--,-:.-f., - \• 55-12E SS w \ \ .r � \ A --- :At:'-. 7� :,,.,..,, I ...4v., ii, • \ 55A d-isL.xt, .. g. 55-13A' 55-93 / �' # 55B 271 I iv 144.14,4F, 1. 1• 1113 ' ; i y�11 55 111 B g_ U l •504 /PFc y ss,ow1 11101.5&.20,4 ` _� \` 'Al / I i' ` `` •55-98A ss,00 co Q ..'`cam' _ ,r ' C f --�\; ".4111111161k.- zzii ss99 4j ®� 55 16B ® 55-112A h 55 15 6' ss1B r ss,en es96A 71-42 r,ae $24 • ss,w n•se r, 5.5-19 070 071 072 Albemarle CountyTax Map: Scale 055 �r -- Feet `` 0aroilie 800 1,600 2,400 _ �40+•� y Note:This map is for display purposes only Pill +_.�fier t and w parcs of 12131/2004. ,>,;'7,s See sho Map Books Introdel as uction for additional details 2ooG3VA s )WNERS' APPROVAL : NOTARY PUBLIC : I 0=01032'51" THE DIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN STATE OF CITY/COUNTY OF R=3813.07' IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE ,THIS INSTRUMENT WAS L=102. 98' WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS— DAY C= 102.97' PROPRIETORS AND OR TRUSTEES. ANY REFERENCE OF , 20_. CB = N72o55'23"E TO FUTURE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE AS OWNER. DEEMED AS THEORETICAL ONLY. ALL STATEMENTS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES —, AFFIXED TO THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT 20—. Rp,�LROA TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IBOARD OF SUPERVISORS : IPLANNING COMMISSION : DATE CS)( O6 6,7 E NT2/ PIPE FOUND AT CORNER FENCE ,y 9 T. M. 55 - P. 58D ROLAND K.,111 a LINDA BEARD D. B. 2278, P. 341 PLAT yFio D. B. 988, P. 103 i T. M. 55 - P. 58C ROLAND K.,11I a LINDA BEARD D.B. 2278, P. 341 PLAT D.B. 955, P. 354 \ sT 3 L 0 T A 93,344 S. F. 9F \ 9� 1 I VICINITY SKETCH 684 T M. 55 - P. 58A THOMAS H.THOMPSON 789 D.B. 1765, P. 190 D. B. 1527, P. 79 PLAT "SITE" 788 684 691 691 q e?� B -A=03-25'17" 'O S O'R=1332.50 CB=S38 39'14W rS TIE �pF S41o11'59"E 3.48' ` IRON FOUND�O P� 560 0� 228 21 LOT B p 60,291 S. F. o, 0 POLE 20 O W N. /- V g � Gi / a SPRING 'RHEAD y� P° ti� g i LITY O o g MR E °?fig^^ry. E Q y' i y GRAVEL aOLE DRIVE 4�0 ago g'b LOT C �P 45,020 S. F. (LOWER LOT) �D ji (39,435S.F.).4 WATER 1/ METER A = 04.84' " R= 94.82'0' y L = 94.84' C= 94.82' 125 26' C8=N38°15'45"E l� F i 1' y 08 T. M. 55 - P. 56A i JAMES B., SR. a ai EXREA SPENCE rn ( LIFE ESTATE) F D. B. 1910, P. 396 1 0 D. B. 154, P. 187 PLAT n ALONG CENTERLINE ' (-OF OLD ROADBED TO CROZET /f $� C=1Bo01'02° V R = 458.00' L = 14. C = 143.4343' CS = S46o22'&'W T. M. 55 - P. 62A WILLIAM L. ADCOCK a HELEN CRITZER D.B. 503, P. 194,196 PLAT C = 120 52' 03" rn R = 418.00' 0 L = 93.87' C = 93.68' an C13=N43o 47'59"E N \ F T. M. 55 - P. 62 ROBERT B.a PATRICIA H. PLEASANTS D.B. 1310, P 56 D. B. 658, P. 499A PLAT D. B. 588, P. 369 PLAT C=01o04'30" T. M. 55 - P. 61 z T. M. 55 - P. 63A R = 1332.50' O rr'i ERNEST L.a PATRICIA A. 2 L= 25.00' ROBERT a CYNTHIA C. m xm MORRIS C=25.00' ARMSTRONG AD CB=S36o 24'21"W D.B. 1383, P. 277 ,,, D.B. 1086, P 579, 581 PLAT D.B. 773, P. 337, 339 PLAT D.B. 150, P. 245 PLAT °D- 1 LAT SHOWING f ;UBDIVISION PLAT OF I .OTS A, B a C NOTES ' 10 _w 10 �, DIVISION OF T. M. 55 - P 57 I. < DENOTES IRON SET UNLESS OTHERWISE I 'HE PROPERTY OF DESIGNATED HEREON 1 0 / :ENTRAL VIRGINIA CAPITAL, L.L.C. 2. 3. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. THESE LOTS DO NOf LIE IN ZONE A (SPECIAL FLOOD roll Im Iv j 1 ON STATE ROUTE 684 HAZARMAPRCOMMUN�TYIPANENG � FLOOD p I II .00ATED RATE 106 0228 DCE �11 IND THE CSX RAILROAD 4. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED, EASEMENTS AND ►ND THE WATERS OF POWELLS CREEK OTHER ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN.MAY EXIST. IBOUT ONE MILE WEST OF CROZET 5 FRONT THIS R P5 RSIDETY S:Z 5N8 REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS I x VHITE HALL DISTRICT 6. REFERENCES: D. B. 2994, P. 698 - -_� ►LBEMARLE COUNTY D.B. 165, P. 166 PLAT - D.B. 95, P 9 PLAT U) IR N p 7 THE STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE FOUND a VIRGINIA MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WATER PROTECnON ORD. DR S. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ' v w A. VT a T R/W - D. B. 338, P. 589 GRAYROCK" " z RAD CHANDLER B. VEPCO R/W - D.B.275, P. 90 / 9. LOTS A,B AND C EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING SITE THAT D.B. 2619, P. 630 PLAT Q CALE I" = 50' DATE AUGUST 8, 2005 COMPLIES WITH SEC.4.2.1 OF THE ALSE. CO. ZONING ORD. D. B. 612, P. 438 PLAT D' 30' 10' 25' 100' 40' 20' 0' 50' 200' ,LD ALBEMARLE SURVEYING, LLC 12 EAST JEFFERSON STREET HARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 VA 20DG -3 655