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SP201600023 Application 2016-09-19
Community Development Departs Albemarle C UI?ty 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville;VA 22902-4! Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4 Planning Application PARCEL / OWNER INFORMATION TMP 06100-00-00-12460 Owner(s): CHARLOTTESVILLE REALTY CORPORATION Application # SP201600023 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE 1 t.'a_isteri=_I Dist. Rio � Land Use Primar; Unassigned Current AFD Not in A/F District ] Current Zoning Primary Cl Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address Entered Judy Martin Application Type Special Use Permit 9I20f2016 Project Arden Place II-Commercial Property Received Date 09/19/16 Received Date Final , Submittal Date 09/20/16 Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid Revision Number Comments ARS-OK ON ALL THREE(3)PARCELS Legal Ad WITHDRAWN Per Zoning Ordinance SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Application Comment APPLICANT/ CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType J Name Address CityState Zip Phone PhoneCf Owner{Applicant :CHARLOTTESVILLE REALTY CORPORATION 17.0 BOX 6340 CHARLOTTESVILL :22906 Applicant CASTLE DEVELOPMENT A230 COURT SQUARE, STE. 2 CHARLOTTESVILL 22902 Primary Contact SCOTT COLLINS-COLLINS ENGINEERING 200 GARRETT STREET, STE, K CHARLOTTESVILL 22902 •4342933719 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Anent Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SP# ,FNVI;1 l 1: SIGN a Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who' Receipt r Clo4 ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION • • Ds T-7---)-6W Application for pp & ;►�A Special Use Permit �?- IMPORTANT Your application will be considered INCOMPLETE until all of the required attachments listed on page Ti have been submitted. Also,please see the list on page 3 for the appropriate.fee(s) related to your application Staff will assist you with these items I PROJECT NAME: (how should we refer to this a plication?) Arden Place"Commercial Property C i,Spfc IA $ PROPOSAL/REQUEST:1) R-1 r sid n ial it an otel use within C-1 Comm r -ial and HW Commercial Zoning ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION(S):_ Section 22.2 2 and 24.2.2 within Chapter 18 of zoning ordinance EXISTING COMP PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Urban mixed use, Office/is&D and Urban Density LOCATION/ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT: INTERSECTION OF RIO ROAD (ROUTE 631)AND PUTT PUTT PLACE—__.____ - I TAX MAP PARCEL(s): 61-124G. 61-124F & 61-124 E ZONING DISTRICT: Cl & HW (AIA& EC) #OF ACRES TO BE COVERED BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT(if a portion,it must be delineated neated on;, piat): r11.25 Is this an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit?If Yes provide that SP Num1`cr. SP- ❑YES CA NO Are you submitting a preliminary site plan with this application? _--_-__ 1 ❑ YES ❑NQ Contact Person(Wno should we call/write concerning this project") SCOTT COLLINS- COLLINS ENGINEERING Address 200 GARRETTSTREET, SUITE K City CHARLOTTEiVILLES:ate—VAZip 22902 Daytime Phone(434) 293-3719 Fax#L ) E-,nail Scott(E0cr liins-engrneering.com� Owner of Record SEE ATTACHED SHEET Address City —State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( )-- _E-mail Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?) CASTLE DEVELOPMENT Address 230 COURT SQUA , SUITE 202__— City CHARLOTTESVIL�E__—State_VA __—Zip 22902 Daytime Phone( J---_ Fax#(— -) —E-mail Does the owner of this property own(or have any ownei ship inteiest in)any abutting property? If yes,pleistl list ti,use tax it ap ana parcel numbers FOR OFFICE USE ONLY History: ❑ Special Use Permits • —_- —_- 1 Concurrent review of Site Development Plan? 0 YES ❑NO • County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 Speetai Use Permit Appie itiun Revised i 1/02/201S Page 1 of 3 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS&OTHER INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED for THE APPLICATION TO BE OFFICIALLY SUBMITTED U One(1)completed&sinned copy of the Checklist for a Special Use Permit U One(1)copy of the Pre-application Comment Form received from county staff • One(1) copy of any special studies or documentation as specified in the Pre-application Comment Form, O Seventeen(17)folded copies of a Conceptual Plan O Seventeen(17)copies of a written narrative with section TITLES as follows • PROJECT PROPOSAL The project proposal,including o its public need or benefit, o how the special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots, o how the character of the zoning district will not be changed by the proposed special use,and o how the special use will be in harmony with the following. • the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, • the uses permitted by right in the zoning district, • the regulations provided in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance as applicable,and • the public health,safety and general welfare (be as descriptive as possible,including details such as but not limited to the number of persons involved in the use,operating hours,and any unique features of the use) • CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area, • IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES&PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE The proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public infrastructure. • IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The proposed project's impacts on environmental features ® One(1)copy of the most recent recorded plat,that shows the Deed Book/Page Number,of the parcel(s) composing the proposed project,or a boundary survey if a portion of one or more parcels compose the proposed project,both of which shall include a metes and bounds description of the boundaries ® One(1)copy of ownership information(if applicant is not also the owner). If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including,but not limited to, the name of a corporation,partnership or association,or in the name of a trust,or in a fictitious name,a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing below has the authority to do so If the applicant is a contract purchaser,a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application If the applicant is the agent of the owner,a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency Please attach the owner's written consent See Attachment A in the Land Use Law Handbook for more information © As the owner/agent I certify that any delinquent real estate taxes,nuisance charges,stormwater management utility fees,and any other charges that constitute a lien on the subject property,which are owed to the County of Albemarle and have been properly assessed against the subject property, have been paid. PLEASE CONSULT THE LIST OF ITEMS WHICH WILL BE REVIEWED BY STAFF FROM THE LINK BELOW: STAFF ANALYSIS OF ZMA& SP REQUESTS Special Use Permit Application Revised 11/02/2015 Page 2 of 3 Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sig I hereby certify that I own the subject property,or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this application I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true,and correct to the best of my knowledge By signing this application I am consenting to written comments,letters and or notifications regardin this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email This consent does not preclud such written communication from also being sent via first class mail 8-15-16 Signature of Owner/Agent or Contract Purchaser Date Scott Collins 431-/- 2 n" 3 7/q Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Required FEES to be paid once the application is deemed complete: What type of Special Use Permit are�/you applying for? }111 NewS. cial Use Permit (2) Sf> ,�2 ,;v V 2 = iLj 3°�.� L.7.:7)-:,,,, ❑ Additional lots under section 10 5 2 1 , 5 ❑ Public utilities _ $1,075 ❑ Day care center _ $1,075 ❑ Home Occupation Class B $1,075 ❑ To amend existing special use permit $1,075 1 ❑ To extend existing special use permit $1,075 ❑ Farmer's markets without an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT or without existing and adequate parking $527 ❑ Farmer's markets with an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT and with existing and adequate parking $118 ❑ Signs under section 4 15 5 and 4 15 5A(filed for review by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the Variance Schedule) $538 To be paid after staff review for public notice: Most applications for a Special Use Permit require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore,at least two fees for public notice are required before a Special Use Permit may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. Applications reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals,however,only require one public hearing and therefore require just one fee for public notice. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. Staff estimates the total cost of legal advertisement and adjacent owner notification to be between$400 and$450 per hearing. This estimate reflects the average cost of public notice fees for Special Use Permit applications,but the cost of certain applications may be higher. ➢ Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices $215+actual cost of first-class postage ➢ Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty(50) $1 08 for each additional notice+actual cost of first-class postage D. Legal advertisement(published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (averages between$150 and$250) ➢ Special Exception—provide written Justification with application-$457 I Other FEES that may apply: • ' -I ➢ Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request T 19-1 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$2,150 ➢ First resubmission I FREE > Each additional resubmission ("i0 iii.PAID WHEN Tlii<RESt B1iiSSION IS 11ADE, i t)IN F Lis. `I Afi i $1,075 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of S1,075 ➢ First resubmission FREE ➢ Each additional resubmission(TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $538 The full list of fees can be found in Section 35 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Special Use Permit Application Revised 11/02/2015 Page 3 of 3 SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST for 0FAl,g � 1f111 Arden Place II /TMP 61-124G &61-124F o�� Project Name/Tax Map Parcel Number w" vi f tRGI^ti�P After the mandatory pre-application meeting, county staff will mark this checklist appropriately so that it is clear to the applicant the information from Section 33.4(c)that must be submitted with RF the official application Name or initials of staff filling out form Required for Provided with application? application (County Staff) (Applicant) SECTION 33.4(c) X X YES NO ❑ \ ! A narrative of the project proposal, including its public need or benefit; �f A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, X 'V including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area; A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public X infrastructure. )71 A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on environmental features. X A narrative of the proffers proposed to address impacts from the proposed project. One or more maps showing the proposed project's regional context and existing natural X and manmade physical conditions; X A conceptual plan showing,as applicable: 1)the street network, including circulation within the project and connections to existing and proposed or planned streets within and outside of the project; 2)typical cross-sections to show proportions,scale and streetscape/cross- X sections/circulation; X , 3)the general location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities; X 4) building envelopes; X I l 5) parking envelopes; X ❑ 6) public spaces and amenities; X I 1 `r 7) areas to be designated as conservation and/or preservation areas; SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 04/2013 Page 1 of 2 ❑x ❑ � 8)conceptual stormwater detention facility locations; ❑ ❑X ❑ 9)conceptual grading; Other special studies or documentation,if applicable,and any other information identified as necessary by the county on the pre-application comment form. ❑ ❑x ❑ Please note: There are additional submittal requirements outlined on the official application for a Special Use Permit. Read and Sign I hereby state that,to the best of my knowledge,the official application submitted contains all information marked on this check st as required for application. Signature of person completing this checklist Date s� �uw1 2'1-37,y Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 04/2013 Page 2 of 2 Arden Place Development— Special Use Permit Requests Date: 9/19/2016 The Arden Place Development is comprised of(3) parcels which make up the "property", including tax parcels 06100-00-00-124G0, 06100-00-00-124F0, and 06100-00-00-124E0. The properties are owned by Charlottesville Realty, LF Jr. & Patricia E Wood, and Makika Properties LLC respectively. Castle Development Partners is working with the three property owners on their behalf for the proposed Master Plan and Special Use Permit Requests for the development. The property is currently zoned Highway Commercial and C-1 Commercial. Castle Development Partners is seeking a Special Use Permit request to allow R-15 residential development on the property and a second Special Use Permit request to allow a Hotel use on the property. In addition, Castle Development Partners is seeking to develop additional commercial and retail on the property in accordance with the current Highway Commercial zoning and C-1 Commercial zoning,and Castle Development Partners is requesting a Special Exception for Laboratories/Research and Development, Manufacturing/ Proceessing/Assmbly/ Fabrication and Recycling,and Storage/Warehousing/Distribution/Transportation over 4,000 SF. All of these Special Use Permits and requests will allow Castle Development Partners to master plan the property, meeting the overall character and intent of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The property is located along Rio Road East in Ablemarle County and includes a total of 11.25 acres. Narrative: Castle Development Partners is working with the (3) property owners on this project to develop the property with an overall master plan to better maximize the land use of the properties and achieve the County's vision for the area and the property. The property is an infill site within the development area, positioned between (2) shopping centers and multi-family residential developments. It would be difficult to achieve the County's vision for the development of this infill property if the properties were developed independently and not as part of an overall master plan development. The proposed development provides additional residential housing within the development area that is located within walking distance to many of the employment areas and along bus/transit lines allowing the residents access to employment centers and public transportation. In addition to the residential uses,the development provides commercial/retail uses at a location that central and accessible to the community, and a hotel use for the increased business and tourism needs in the County. Lastly, a portion of the site is being reserved for Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses, helping the County to provide land options for these types of businesses that are seeking business opportunities within the County. The overall master plan for the property offers a mixed use development where people can work, live and play all within a walkable area, and it provides uses and employment opportunities to the community that are accessible by public transportation. Under this master development plan,Castle Development Partners is requesting is a Special Use Permit to allow R-15 residential development on the property. The R-15 residential use is allowed under the Highway Commercial and C-1 Commercial zoning classifications with a SUP. The R-15 residential would be clustered on the property, as shown in the attached application plan. A second Special Use Permit is being requested to develop a portion of the C-1 commercial property as a hotel use,which is also allowed as a use in the C-1 zoning with a special use permit. The portion of the property at the intersection of Rio Road and Putt Putt Lane is planned for Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses as listed on the application plan. A Special Exception is included with this request to allow these uses to exceed 4,000 SF in size. The property would be development in accordance with the attached application plan. 1 Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The property, as shown on the Application Plan, is currently designated on the Comprehensive Plan for a combination of Urban Density Residential, Urban Mixed Use, and Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses. Within the Places29 Comprehensive Master Plan,guiding principles are given for the development of the property within this Northern Growth Area. The property includes a hybrid of these uses as the infill property is located where these varying types of uses come together and meet each other on this property, as shown in Exhibit 1 below. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive plan 2. / ieo�zoo rv.+ay <V" XV *Pod / ,.. 9 1 \l 3S /l 41-,.. / / 45401111 / nflo U DA Places29 9 a `\ \i, a' a a 61-124Et NS I ( :KAI t s �������V`4 / \\„..N 61-124E2 I" Comprehensive Plan Acreages: LAND USE DISTRICTS Land Plans Office/R&D/Flex/Light Urban Neighborhood Industrial Density Service Center PLACES29 MASTER PLAN 2.4 Acres 5.0 Acres 3.85 Acres 2 The density allowed for the comprehensive designations are as followed: Urban Density Residential (6—34 units/acre): 5.0 acres x 34= 170 units Neighborhood Service Center(3-20 units/acre) x 3.85 acres = 77 units Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial (residential as a secondary use)x 2.40 acres = 0 units Under the proposed master plan for this development,as shown in Exhibit 2, Castle Development Partners is proposing a master plan development of the property which includes a combination of Urban Residential Development, Neighborhood Service Center Commercial/Retail uses, and Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses on the property as shown. Exhibit 2: Proposed Master Plan Uses r r TAr /.. tthz,z34-.A.:5; /' • r rrr „ , \ tt\\\ ,„: F. \N‘ Proposed Master Plan Acreages: LAND USE DISTRICTS Land Plans Office/R&D/Flex/Light Urban Neighborhood Industrial Density Service Center PROPOSED MASTER PLAN 1.5 Acres 4.50 Acres 5.25 Acres 3 These proposed uses are consistent with the proposed uses for the property as indicated under the Comprehensive plan. The overall location of the proposed uses vary slightly from the Comprehensive plan, but the proposed uses and acreages are equivalent. The Urban Density Residential has been positioned to better align with the existing Arden Place Apartments and provide an attractive streetscape frontage along Rio Road. Urban Mixed use—Neighborhood Center commercial and retail is proposed along Rio Road and Putt Putt Lane as shown on the master plan,with residential over a portion of the commercial uses along Rio Road. Also, along Rio Road frontage is the proposed hotel site, which is a Regional commercial use for the community within the Neighborhood Service Center. The additional Neighborhood and Community commercial retail area is proposed along Putt Putt Lane. As shown in the comprehensive plan,the proposed master plan contemplates the Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial use at the corner of Rio Road and Putt Putt Lane. The location is consistent with and connected to the other existing and proposed Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses in this area. Overall, the property, as shown on the Application plan, meets the intent of the Comprehensive plan in this location. Impacts on Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure: This project is not anticipated to have much effect on the existing public infrastructure. The development of the property as a mixed use development allows the opportunities for people to live and work within a walkable distance, and also provides entertainment options to the proposed and existing residential neighborhoods. The property is located within the jurisdictional area for County water and sewer service with water along Rio Road and Putt Putt Lane, and sewer from the existing Arden Apartments. A new access road will connect to Rio Road, providing(2) means of access and exit from the property and neighboring developments. With the recent improvements to the Rio Road and Route 29 intersection,the existing roadway infrastructure can accommodate any additional traffic from this development. Impacts on Environmental Features: There is a small stream on the existing property downstream of the existing stormwater management pond. This stream, along with the existing stormwater pond will remain. The existing stormwater management pond was designed and constructed with the Arden Apartment complex and was sized to handle the stormwater for the development and redevelopment of these properties. Any additional stormwater management requirements will be provided in accordance with County and DEQ regulations to capture, retain, and reduce stormwater run-off from the property. Along the eastern property line adjacent to Putt Putt lane,there are some managed slopes that have been identified and marked on the County GIS system. These slopes will be impacted, but only as permitted by the County ordinance and regulations. Compliance with the Neighborhood Model District Principles: The following is a summary of how the proposed Master plan for the property complies with the Neighborhood Model District Principles. 1. Pedestrian Orientation Sidewalks are proposed along the private streets through the development to allow pedestrian access through the property and connecting the existing and proposed residential developments to the existing shopping centers and proposed neighborhood services. In addition, the existing 10' multi-use pathway along the western property will remain. This also provides a pedestrian and bicycle connection through the property. 4 2. Neighborhood Friendly Streets and Paths Travelways designed for both the pedestrian and bicyclist,as well as vehicles will provide a neighborhood- friendly and sensitive atmosphere. Two private roadways are proposed through the development,which include sidewalks, street trees and crosswalks. In addition, the existing multi-use pedestrian trail across the property linking the commercial centers to the residential developments shall remain. These features combine to create a pedestrian network throughout the property where pedestrians are prioritized and protected. 3. Interconnected Streets and Transportation Network Two roadways are proposed through the property as shown on the Application plan, completing an irregular grid block pattern on the property. The proposed private streets shall be constructed to VDOT standards and have been designed to accommodate all modes of transportation through the property and allow connections to the adjacent properties. 4. Parks and Open Space The existing pedestrian multi-use pathway and the open space around the trailway will remain on the property. The additional area provided along this pathway corridor will enhance the pedestrian experience along this trail. In addition,there is an open space area around the stormwater management facility that will remain with some passive recreational amenities. 5. Neighborhood Centers The proposed commercial and retail areas on the property provide a neighborhood service center for the residential areas proposed on the property and existing adjacent to the property. The proposed commercial retail spaces create a neighborhood service center for the community. 6. Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale The proposed buildings shall meet the building height requirements for the Highway commercial and Commercial C-1 zonings. The building envelopes on the master plan have been designed to provide a tighter spatial enclosures within the neighborhood service center and along Rio Road, creating a more vibrant pedestrian environment. 7. Relegated Parking The proposed building envelopes as shown in the master plan relegate the parking areas from the adjacent public streets and entrance corridor. 8. Mixture of Uses The proposed development with allow for a variety of non-residential uses along with residential units to create a neighborhood service center that not only will promote a variety and mixture of uses, it will embrace the blending of uses together through an emphasis on compatible architecture. The service center will offer a mixture of live and work opportunities along with entertainment options to the County and surrounding neighborhoods within a walkable distance. 9. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability The proposed special use permit for the project will allow a residential component to the site. The Urban density residential proposed on the project will provide a housing product for the work force in Charlottesville that is close to the employment areas and accessible to public transit. 5 10. Redevelopment The proposed master plan includes the redevelopment of the corner parcel at the intersection of Rio Road and Putt Putt Lane. The remaining portions of the property are currently undeveloped. 11. Site Planning that Respects the Terrain The property is an infill development site with very little natural streams and no preserved slopes. The majority of the property is relatively flat and ideal for development. Site grading and earthwork is minimal for this site. 12. Clear Boundaries with the Rural Areas This property is an infill property located within the Albemarle County designated Growth Area. Proposed Proffers: Any proposed proffers for the project will follow the County guidelines, and shall be submitted on a separate document in accordance with the proffer regulations. Proposed Maps and Exhibits: Application plan—layout design of the mixture of uses, building envelopes,and parking areas for the property, along with the location of the stormwater management features for the property. The application plan also includes the location of existing natural and manmade physical conditions on the property. Conclusion: The property is an infill development that is located in an area that is currently served by public infrastructure and can fully accommodate the envisioned uses by the Comprehensive Plan. The mixture of commercial, residential,and Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses across the property help create a development that is consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan and Places29 Master Plan for the area, making it far much more beneficial to the County than the by-right development. 6