HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900132 Review Comments 2019-09-24 A. A
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County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Steve Edwards—Edwards designStudio(steve(aedwardsdesignstudio.com)
4836 Old Boonsboro Road,Lynchburg,VA 24503
From: Tim Padalino,AICP—Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: September 24,2019
Subject: Review Comment Letter—SUB-2019-00132(Willow Glen—Final Plat)
The final subdivision plat referred to above(dated August 13,2019;received August 26,2019)has been
reviewed by the Planning Services Division of Albemarle County's Department of Community Development
(CDD)and other applicable members of the Site Review Committee(SRC).
The review comments contained herein are those that have been identified at this time; additional comments may
be added or eliminated based on further review. (Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the
Albemarle County Code Chapter 14(Subdivision Ordinance/"S.O.")or Chapter 18 (Zoning Ordinance/
"Z.O.").Any pending review comments from other SRC members will be promptly forwarded upon receipt.
The County will approve this final plat when all of the following review comments(below)have been
satisfactorily addressed. As may be applicable,please resubmit revised application materials directly to my
attention,and I will distribute those materials to the other reviewers; and then work directly with each reviewer
to address and resolve all review comments. Tentative approvals from each reviewer should be forwarded to the
Planner upon receipt.
Please contact me if you have questions or requests for assistance,or if you require any clarification or additional
information. Thank you.
int R.,
Tim Pad • o,AICP
Senior Planner
(434)-296-5832 x 3088
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Albemarle County Planning Services(Planner)
Contact: Tim Padalino,tpadalino(a albemarle.org/(434)-296-5832 x. 3088
Review Status: Requested Changes
1. [Special Exception Application Plan(ZMA200600019—Variation)and S.O.Section 14-302.(B).5]:
Please revise Note 2 on Sheet 1 to include a reference to the Special Exceptions(Variations)to
ZMA200600019 approved by the Board of Supervisors(BOS)on 1/16/2019.
2. [Special Exception Application Plan(ZMA200600019—Variation)and S.O.Sections 14-303, 14-
302.(A).5, 14-302.(A).14,and 14-303.(E)]: Please revise the plat to incorporate the following public
easements,which the Agent hereby formally requests to be dedicated to the County for public use in
accordance with the Special Exceptions(Variations)to ZMA200600019 approved by the Board of
Supervisors(BOS)on 1/16/2019. Please clearly identify the size and locations of these easements(with
all required dimensions); and please clearly identify that these easements are"hereby dedicated to the
County for public use."
a. (Sheet 8): The Access Easement(and corresponding Temporary Grading and Construction
Easement)to allow for a future vehicular interparcel connection to the north.
i. Note: Please also see"Advisory Note/Request#1"(below).
b. (Sheet 5): The Access Easement to allow for a future non-vehicular interparcel connection to the
c. (Sheets 4-9,as applicable): All proposed Stormwater Management Facilities Easement(s).
i. Note: Staff acknowledges that the Title References on Sheet 1 include reference to one or
more recorded public easement(s)for stormwater management facilities("D.B. 3605 P. 677
—Alb. County SWM").Unless these existing easements will be replaced with new or
modified easements for stormwater management facilities,please add annotation to Sheet 5
and Sheet 7(and other sheets, as may be applicable)to reference the existence and general
location of these easements; currently,only a reference to"Public Drainage Easement"is
made on those sheets. [S.O. Section 14-302.(A).13]
ii. Note: Please see CDD-Engineering review comments.
Note:Please ensure site plan major amendment(SDP201900017)and final plat(SUB201900132)are
revised to be consistent with one another, and consistent with the approved Special Exception
Application Plan for Variations to ZMA200600019.
3. [Special Exception Application Plan(ZMA200600019—Variation)and S.O.Sections 14-303, 14-
302.(A).4, 14-302.(A).14,and 14-303.(E)]: Please revise the plat to incorporate the following private
easements. Please clearly identify the size and locations of these easements with all required dimensions;
and please clearly identify the recipient(s) of these easements.
a. (Sheets 6,7, and 8): Landscape Easement(outside of the Trudeau Court private right of way)
in Block 4.
Note:Please ensure site plan major amendment(SDP201900017)and final plat(SUB201900132)are
revised to be consistent with one another, and consistent with the approved Special Exception
Application Plan for Variations to ZMA200600019.
4. [S.O. Sections 14-303 and 14-302(A).4 and Landscaping Along Streets Variation Conditions of
Approval#2 and#31: Regarding the private landscape easement(s)proposed in Block 4 and approved by
the Agent with conditions on 9/11/2019(pursuant to Z.O. Section 32.3.5),please revise the plat to ensure
the following conditions of approval are satisfied through final plat SUB201900132:
a. The landscape easement(s)must have a minimum width of five(5)feet, in general
accord with the proposed landscaping shown on the"Willow Glen Phase 2 Landscape
Easements"exhibit(dated August 29,2019 and prepared by Edwards design Studio).
b. The proposed landscape easement(s)to accommodate the required street trees outside
of the right of way(ROW)must be shown on the corresponding final plat
(SUB201900132),and a note must be included as follows(or similar): "The purpose
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of this landscape easement is to provide a location outside of the right way for the
installation and perpetual maintenance of street trees, in order to satisfy the
"landscaping along streets"requirements contained in Zoning Ordinance Section The location of the required street trees within this landscape easement is
permissible per a variation approved with conditions by the Agent,pursuant to Zoning
Ordinance Section 32.3.5, on September 11, 2019."
Note:Please ensure site plan major amendment(SDP201900017)and final plat(SUB201900132) are
revised to be consistent with one another, and consistent with the applicable conditions of approval
for the Variation to Landscaping Along Streets request approved on 9/11/2019.
5. [S.O.Sections 14-303, 14-302.(A).4 or 14-302.(A).5,and 14-303.(E)]: Regarding the proposed"New
Access Easement"shown on Sheet 4,please clearly identify the recipient(s)of this easement and please
clearly identify the locations of the easement with all required dimensions.
6. [S.O. Sections 14-303 and 14-302(]: Please revise Sheet 3 as follows:
a. Ensure all areas of the subject property for Phase II of the Willow Glen development are
(completely)shown.Currently,portions of Block 5 and portions of the Open Space are omitted.
b. Add match lines showing the locations of Sheets 4-9.
7. [S.O. Section 14-317]: The following maintenance agreements will need to be approved prior to final
plat approval. Specifically,CDD staff and the County Attomey's Office will need to review and accept
these maintenance agreements(with the exception of the ACSA easements for water/sewer utilities)
prior to approval of this Final Plat SUB201900132.
As previously discussed,it is expected that these maintenance agreements can be established through a
supplemental declaration.To facilitate the County's review of these maintenance agreements,please
complete and submit the checklist provided as an email attachment on 9/14/2019. Specifically,please
identify the page number(s)in the supplemental declaration where each of the checklist requirements is
satisfied; and please do so for each of the different types of maintenance agreements—this will greatly
assist County staff's review.
a. Private street maintenance agreement;
b. Public access easements(associated with the future vehicular interparcel connection to the north,
the future non-vehicular interparcel connection to the south, and the unidentified"new access
easement"shown on Sheet 4);
c. Temporary grading and construction easement(associated with the future vehicular interparcel
connection to the north);
d. Landscape easement access and maintenance agreement(including but not limited to the Willow
Glen property owners association's perpetual maintenance of the required street trees that are
proposed to be located within landscape easements outside of the Trudeau Court private ROW
and on proposed private lots in Block 4);
e. Public drainage easements;
f. SWM facility access and maintenance(direct coordination with CDD-Engineering is required;
please see CDD-Engineering review comments); and
g. ACSA water/sewer utility easements(direct coordination with and approval by ACSA is
required;per previous correspondence,this has already been completed)
• [Advisory Note/Request#1]: The Agent formally requests(but does not require)that the public
access easement to allow for a future vehicular interparcel connection to the north(identified in
Planning comment 2.a, above)be extended along a portion of Trudeau Court, so as to provide a
publicly-accessible vehicular connection from the future vehicular interparcel connection to the
Prestwick Glen Drive public right of way.
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Community Development Department—Engineering:
Contact: Matthew Wentland/mwentland@albemarle.org
Review Status: Requested Changes(9/18/2019)—see attached comment letter
Community Development Department—E911:
Contact: Andrew Slack/aslack@albemarle.org
Review Status:No Objection to corresponding Major Site Plan Amendment SDP201900017 (5/7/2019)
Albemarle County Fire—Rescue:
Contact: Shawn Maddox/smaddoxaalbemarle.org
Review Status: No Objection(9/17/2019)—see attached comment letter
Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA):
Contact: Richard Nelson/rnelson(a),serviceauthority.org
Review Status: Pending(as of 9/24/2019)—comments will be forwarded upon receipt from ACSA
Virginia Department of Transportation(VDOT):
Contact: Adam Moore/Adam.Moore(c vdot.virginia.gov
Review Status: Pending(as of 9/24/2019)—comments will be forwarded upon receipt from VDOT
Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at(434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or
tpadalino@albemarle.org for further information or assistance. Thank you.
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Review Comments for SUB201900132 rinal Plat Jj
Project Flame: Willow Glen - Final
Date Completed: Wednesday, September 18,2019 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Matthew Wentland El COD Engineering a Requested Changes
1 The WPO bond will need to be posted
2. The road plans will need to be approved and bonded
3. Show separate easements around SWM facilities (the pond and biofilters) and label them as 'Stormwater Management
Facility Easement" (or similar)
4. Deeds will be required for the public drainage easements and the facilities easements These will be prepared by County
Staff and forwarded to the applicant after plat revision
5.Atemporary grading easement has been added to the road plans at the future interparcel connection and will need to be
shown on the plat.
Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: '09124;2019
Review Comment' `7f SUB201900132 'inaI Plat
Project Name: Willow Glen-Final
Date Completed: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox ,h Fre Rescue jJ No Objection
Page. 1 County of Albemarle Printed On 109/24/2019