HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100082 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2021-12-10County of Albemarle i Community Development Department - Department Memorandum To: Scott Collins, P.E., scoff(a)collins-engineering.com Date: December 10, 2021 Re: SDP202100082 Brookhill Block 18 Phase Al Final Site Plan - Review Comments Cameron Langille Principal Planner, Planning blangille@albemarle.org Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3432 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] Comments from Initial Site Plan Approval Letter: 1. [ZMA201500007] Per the Application Plan and Section 2.4.3 (page 22 of the Code od Development), a 30,000 sq. ft. civic space identified as Eastern Park -Civic Space #3 is required in Blocks 16, 17, and/or 18. The Civic space may be provided in one location, or divided into multiple locations as long as each part measures a minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Sheet 1 of the site plan states that 0.5 acres of civic space areas is proposed in Block 18. Please provide information on where/when the civic space will be provided. a. The open space note on Sheet 1 states that 0.4 acres of civic space are proposed in Block 18, however no civic space areas are labeled. Please provide more details on the location and size of the proposed civic space in Block 18. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Sheet 1 of the site plan states that 0.5 acres of civic space areas is proposed in Block 18. Please provide information on where/when the civic space will be provided. 2. [ZMA201500007] Please address the following related to street design and cross -sections: a. Add a note to Sheet 11 stating that "all streets within Block 18 are to be designed in accordance with Figure 8: Neighborhood Street Cross Section from Section 2.8 of the ZMA201500007 Code of Development" First submittal: Comment not addressed, note is not on the plans. Please provide this note on Sheet 1. 3. [ZMA201500007] Please address the following related to greenway areas: a. Block 18 is required to have a minimum of 4.4. acres of greenway to be dedicated to the County, per proffer #2 of ZMA201800011. Greenway areas are defined as all land within WPO stream buffers and wetlands. See Section 2.4.1 on page 18 of the COD. First Submittal: There are areas of Preserved Steep Slopes that are not within the Greenway limits. All Preserved Steep Slopes must be located within the Greenway. Please revise. See Engineering comments #3 and #4 for further information. b. Please label all greenway areas on the plan and plat. First submittal: Comment stands. c. Greenway areas are required to contain primitive trails, as shown on the Application Plan of ZMA201500007. Please show primitive trails within the greenway areas and provide a construction detail of the primitive trails. First submittal: Comment stands, no primitive trails are shown. 4. [Application Plan; COD; Proffers] When will the greenway easement within Block 18 be dedicated to public use? Per proffer #2 of ZMA201800011, the greenway must be dedicated to the County. First submittal: The greenway parcel was subdivided through a plat application. SUB202000189. that was aooroved on March 30. 2021. The ereenwav parcel is currently identified in County tax records as Tax Map Parcel TMP 46-19139. That plat did not include subdivision of some of the greenway areas on the east side of Brookhill in Block 18 that are adjacent to Montgomery Ridge, as shown on the Application Plan. Developer has previously indicated that another plat would be submitted to subdivide the remaining greenway area in Block 18. Please provide information on when that plat will be submitted. Also, please provide information on when the greenway easement will be dedicated to the County. SUB202000189 only subdivided the greenwav Darcel. it did not dedicate a public easement to the Countv over the greenwav was W W W.ALBE MARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 required by the COD and proffer. Additionally, please show the property limits for the greenway parcel on the site plan (TMP 46-19B9). 2.4 Greenspace and Amenities Brookhill will feature over 100 acres of Greenspace This Greenspace represents more than 35% of the entire community's land area, and includes the Buffer areas, the Greenway and stream buffers, parks and civic amenity areas, and general open space The Greenspace will not only provide a linear trail system throughout the community, but shall also preserve environmentally sensitive areas such as steep slopes, streams, and stream buffers All of the Greenspace areas shall be located outside of private lots and right -of --way All Greenspace within Brookhill, with the exception of the Greeenway, will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. Establishment of the buffers, trails, and amenities within the Greenspace will be the responsibility of the developer Upon written request by the County, but not prior to the issuance of the five hundredth (5001h) Pencil litr a dwelling within the Project, the Owner shall dedicate to the County an casement for public use over the Greenway area, as shown on the Application flan. Prior to the C'ounty's request to dedicate such easement. the Owner may dedicate portions of the Greenway by casement concurrently with one or more subdivision plats for areas lying adjacent to the Greenway: provided however, that Owner may reserve in such casements, rights of access for grading, utilities and maintenance. Each subdivision plat shall depict the Greenway area to be dedicated and shall bear a notation that the Greenway area is dedicated for public use. If, at the time the Count requests dedication of the Greenway. any pan of the Greenway that has not been dedicated by subdivision plat, shall be (within six (6) months of such request) at Owner's cost, surveyed, platted and recorded with one or more deeds of easement dedication. 5. [14-419;] Lots 27-44 are double frontage lots. The plans show a 20' landscape buffer at the rear of the lots, but this buffer appears to be within the property lines. Is the buffer intended to be subdivided off as a separate piece of land that will be owned and maintained by the HOA? Or will this be a private landscaping easement within each lot? First submittal: Comment stands. 20' open space area is shown behind Lots 1-22, and these are the only double frontage lots proposed in Block 18 Phase Al. Please provide information on whether that are will be an easement or will be subdivided off as a separate HOA owned parcel. a. If private easement, an instrument evidencing maintenance of all landscaping within the 20' buffer easement will need to be provided with the final plat. First submittal: Comment stands, see above. b. If private easement, please revise the callouts so that it states that it is a "private 20' landscaping easement" on the final site plan and final plat. First submittal: Comment stands, see above. 6. [32.5.2 (o) and ZMA201500007] Prior to final site plan approval, please be sure to update the Block Area Summary table on Sheet 3 so that all figures are accurate based on approvals for other blocks in Brookhill. Some of the figures may change since multiple site plans and plats are under review for other blocks. These may be approved prior to final site plan approval for Block 18. First submittal: Comment stands. Currently, the table does not include information for what has been approved in Block 3A. Please add this as a row in the table. Prior to Block 18 Phase Al final site plan approval, other rows and columns may need to be updated if other blocks reach approvals. a. Please revise the Area Per Brookhill COD column so that it states that Block 18 was permitted to be 38.8 acres per the COD (see page 6 of the COD). First submittal: Comment stands table does not say Block 18 is permitted to be 38.8 acres overall. 7. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the watershed note on Sheet 1 to state whether that is a water supply watershed. First submittal: Comment stands, watershed note does not indicate whether that is a water supply watershed. 8. [32.5.2 (a)] Prior to final site plan and plat approval, please revise the Existing Conditions and all other applicable drawings where adjacent properties are visible. The correct property lines, TMP numbers, acreages, and recorded instrument numbers should be stated. Multiple plats are currently under review which may change any of these attributes prior to final site plan/plat approval. First submittal: Comment stands. Prior to final site plan approval, all existing parcel lines. TMP numbers, acreages, and deed book/page numbers must be shown and labeled on the site WWW,ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 plan. There are currently many parcel lines and labels missing (e.g. the greenway parcel, TMP 46-19139). These should be shown on the existing conditions, site layout, grading, and other sheets where parcels are visible. 9. [32.5.2 (c)] See Engineering comment #6. Please provide the Preserved Steep Slopes District exhibit as mentioned in the label behind Lot 136. First submittal, comment not applicable. Lot 136 is not proposed in Block 18 Phase Al. 10. [32.5.2 (a)] Please add a note to Sheet 1 titled "Block Classification' with "Neighborhood Density Residential" as the block type for Block 18, as stipulated by the Brookhill Code of Development. First submittal: Comment not addressed note not included on Sheet 1. 11. [32.5.2 (b)] Please state the maximum building footprint permitted (10,000 sq. ft.) on Sheet 1 in accordance with Table on page 18 of the COD. First submittal: Comment not addressed, note not included on Sheet 1. 12. [32.5.2 (b)] Please state the minimum and maximum lot sizes permitted in Block 18 in accordance with Section on page 18 of the Code of Development. First submittal: Comment not addressed, note not included on Sheet 1. a. Minimum lot size: no minimum. First submittal: Comment not addressed, note not included on Sheet 1. b. Maximum lot size: 10,000 sq.ft. (up to 20,000 sq.ft. by Special Exception). First submittal: Comment not addressed, note not included on Sheet 1. 13. [32.5.2 (a)] The minimum parking requirement calculation note on Sheet 1 is incorrect. Parking must be provided in accordance with Section 2.9 of the COD, and the garage and driveway exhibit shown on page 30 of the Code of Development. First submittal: Comment not addressed, the driveway and garage exhibit has not been provided. Please provide this as a detail on Sheet 15 or 16, and refer to where the detail is provided in the parking note on Sheet 1. a. Each single-family lot must have a minimum of 2 off-street parking spaces. Since each lot will have two separate dwelling units, a minimum of 220 parking spaces total are required in Block 8B. There are currently on 36 on - street parking spaces provided, with a presumed 110 parking spaces (two each lot) on private lots. Please add the additional parking spaces as required. First submittal: Comment addressed. 14. [32.5.2 (b)] Please amend the "Allowable Density" note on Sheet 1. The allowable density for Block 8B is 2-6 dwelling units/acre. First submittal: Comment addressed. a. Please amend the proposed density note so that it states the proposed density (currently 4.51 du/acre). First submittal: Comment addressed. 15. [32.5.2 (a)] Per Table of the Code of Development, please clearly show and label all minimum and maximum setback lines locations across all applicable drawings. Label each setback line as a front, side, corner side, or rear setback and state the dimensions in the label. First submittal: Comment addressed. 16. [32.5.2 (n)] Please label and call out the locations of the primary and secondary building entrances to the building in accordance with the Neighborhood Density Residential block regulations Section 2.2.3 (page 11) of the Code of Development. First submittal: Comment not fully addressed. Building entrances are not labeled on the site layout sheets. Per comment #13 above, it appears that some garages are not in compliance with the garage exhibits from oaee 30 of the COD. Front loading earazes need to be located a minimum of 3' behind the front of the structures (see scenario 6 from page 30 of the COD). 17. 32.5.2 (a)] Block 18 must provide the minimum recreation area and facilities specified in Section 4.16 of the Zoning Ordinance. Add a note stating the sq.ft. of the tot lot, state the equipment that will be installed in the tot lot area, and provide construction details identifying the specific types of recreational equipment proposed within the tot lot. First submittal: comment not addressed. a. Equipment required within the tot lot can be found in Section 18- of the Zoning Ordinance. First submittal: comment not addressed. 18. [32.5.2 (k)] Please show the location of all proposed sewer and drainage easements. On the final plat/site plan, revised the labels so they state either "public" or "private" and the easement type and dimensions. First submittal: The subdivision plat that has been submitted to create lots in Block 18 Phase Al (SUB202300189) shows all of the new easements proposed on the site plan. Is the applicant's intention to get the final site plan approved first? If so, a separate easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan aooroval. All easements proposed with the site plan will need to be labeled as existing with the easement tvoe. W W W.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 dimensions, and recorded deed book and page number. See comment #19 and #35 for more information. 19. [32.5.2 (1)] On the final plat/site plan, please label all new utility easements as "public" or "private" and state the easement type and dimensions. First submittal: The subdivision plat that has been submitted to create lots in Block 18 Phase Al (SUB202300189) shows all of the new easements proposed on the site plan. Is the applicant's intention to get the final site plan approved first? If so, a separate easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval. All easements proposed with the site plan will need to be labeled as existing with the easement type, dimensions, and recorded deed book and page number. See comment #18 and #35 for more information. 20. [32.5.2 (n)] Please state the proposed surface materials for all parking lots, travel ways, walkways, etc. in a label on the site plan drawings. First submittal: Comment addressed. 21. [32.5.2 (e)] Please provide more details about the existing landscape features that will preserved as described in Section 18- State the general types of trees or shrubs that exist (e.g. deciduous trees, caliper range at breast height, etc.) and label these features on the existing conditions drawing and the landscaping plan. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. a. The Albemarle County Conservation Plan Checklist and Chapter 3.38 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control handbook is provided on Sheet 18, but it is not fully completed. This must be completed and signed prior to final approval. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 22. [32.7.9] Please provide the individual canopy coverage and total canopy coverage proposed for each shrub type being provided in Block 18. These columns should be updated in the Plant Schedule on Sheet 18. The canopy area for each species can be found on the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List and Albemarle County Plants Canopy Calculations tables. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 23. [, and 14-410, and 14-422] Please revise the landscaping plan so that more than one (1) type of street tree is provided. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 24. [] Please center all street trees within the planting islands to allow adequate growth area. Some trees are not centered. For example, the tree between lots 40 and 41 is not centered. See Engineering comment #10 for additional information. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 25. (a)] Please provide a calculation for the minimum tree canopy required and proposed in Block 18 based on the use type. The density s less than 10 units per acre, and therefore a minimum of 20% tree canopy is required. The calculation on Sheet 18 states that only 15% tree canopy is required. This must be revised. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. a. Provide additional landscaping as necessary to achieve minimum canopy requirements. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 26. [] Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating, "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development." First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 27. [] Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan." First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. WWW.ALBEMARLE,ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 28. [32.6.2 (h)] Please provide a signature panel with a line for each member of the Site Review Committee. A copy of the SRC signature panel template is attached. First submittal: Comment not addressed. SRC signature panel is not included on the cover sheet. 29. [14-317] An instrument evidencing maintenance of all required improvements that will not be owned or maintained by the County is required with the final. This includes private street and alley easements, sidewalk easements (if applicable), buffer easements, landscaping easements (if applicable), etc. First submittal: Comment stands, pending applicant response to this letter. Any required private improvements located outside of the right-of-way will need a maintenance agreement. This can be included as part of the easement plat mentioned in comments #18, #19, and #36. 30. [4.17] Please provide a full lighting plan with the final site plan in compliance with Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. First submittal: Comment addressed. No outdoor lighting is proposed according to the lighting note on the cover sheet. 31. [General Comment] Please show the limits of any State level Dam Break Inundation Zones within the property. First submittal: Comment not addressed. County GIS shows a DBIZ at the southern end of Block 18. Please label this on the existing conditions and site layout drawings, and add a note to the cover sheet stating the name of the DBIZ. New comments final site plan: 32. [32.6] Prior to final site plan approval, final site plan must meet all applicable requirements of Sections 18-32.6, 18- 32.7, 18-32.8. First submittal: Prior to final site plan approval, all comment in this letter will need to be addressed. 33. [32.7A.1] Approval of a VSMP Plan is required prior to final site plan approval. See attached Engineering review comments for further information. First submittal: Comment stands, please see Engineering Division comments. 34. [32.7.9] Please provide a landscaping plan that complies with all requirements of Section 32.7.9 on the final site plan. This includes the following: a. [] Please identify all existing landscaping on site and label the landscaping by species/size. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. b. [] Minimum total landscaping canopy for the site area. 10% of the site must be canopy area. Site area is calculated as described in Section (c). Please provide a calculation on the landscaping plan identifying the percentage and sq. ft. of required and proposed canopy area. Any existing landscaping retained per comment #19a above can be used to count toward the minimum canopy requirement. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscapine plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. c. [ (a)] An area of at least five percent of the paved parking and vehicular circulation area shall be landscaped with trees or shrubs. Provide a calculation stating the area of parking and vehicular circulation proposed, and the landscaping area provided. Identify trees and shrubs being used to meet this requirement. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. d. [ (b)] Parking lot tree requirements are one large or medium shade tree per ten parking spaces or portion thereof. Add a calculation stating the required number of trees and number of trees proposed. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. e. [] Screening for off-street parking or dumpster pad areas. i. If screening for trash enclosures will be constructed instead of landscaping, a plan and profile view construction detail of the enclosure must be provided on the final site plan. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. f. Provide landscaping tables identifying the type of landscaping proposed (street tree, parking lot tree, shrub, etc.), the quantity of each species proposed, size/height at time of installation, spacing, etc. Include columns WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 identifying the individual canopy area for each species, and the total canopy proposed for each species based on the quantity provided. These figures can be obtained from the tables in sub -comment g and h below. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. g. All proposed landscaping must be species identified on the Albemarle County Approved Plants List. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. h. Canopy areas for specific tree and shrub species can be obtained from the Plant Canopy Calculations table. First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. i. [ (a)] Add a note stating "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development, or a phase thereof." First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. j. [ (c)] Add a note stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association, and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan." First submittal: Comment not addressed. Landscaping plans are noted in the Sheet index on the cover sheet, but were not included in the site plan submitted. 35. Prior to final site plan approval, easement plat for all proposed easements must be approved and recorded. Once the easement plat is recorded, update all new easement labels to state the easement type, dimensions, and recorded instrument (deed book and page number). First submittal: The subdivision plat that has been submitted to create lots in Block 18 Phase Al (SUB202300189) shows all of the new easements proposed on the site plan. Is the applicant's intention to get the final site plan approved first? If so, a separate easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval. All easements proposed with the site plan will need to be labeled as existing with the easement type, dimensions, and recorded deed book and page number. See comment #18 and #19 for more information. 36. [32.7.2] Prior to final site plan approval, a road plan application must be submitted, reviewed, and approved for the new streets proposed in Block 18 Phase Al. Please contact Cameron Langille in the Planning Division by using blangille0albemarle.ore or 434-296-5832 ext.3432 for further information. Comments from Other Reviewers: Albemarle County Engineering Division - Emily Cox, ecox2@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) - Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski@albemarle.org - No objection, see attached. Albemarle County E911 Services - Elise Kiewra, ekiewra@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Building Inspections - Betty Slough, bslough@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Department of Fire & Rescue - Howard Lagomarsino, hlagomarsino@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) - Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthoritv.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. WWW.ALBEMARLE,ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) - Max Greene, max.greene@vdot.virginia.gov - Requested changes, see attached. Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority - Victoria Fort, vfort@rivanna.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 �$ County of Albemarle m COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Memorandum To: Cameron Langille From: Emily Cox Date: 12/06/2021 Subject: Brookhill Block 18 Phase Al Final Site Plan (SDP202100082) 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Telephone: 434-296-5832 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG The Brookhill Block 18 Phase Al final Site Plan has been reviewed by Engineering. The following comments will need to be addressed before approval: 1. WPO plan must be submitted and approved before final site plan can be approved. 2. Road plan must be submitted and approved before final site plan can be approved. 3. [Cover Sheet] The proposed greenway label appears incorrect. Please revise. Also, if this greenway is recorded, please provide the DB & PG. 4. The proposed greenway should match what was shown on the approved ZMA map (shown on sheet 2). It does not appear to match. Please revise. 5. [Cover Sheet] Topography should have been completed or field verified within the last year. 6. [Sheet 4] Please change note about Blocks 16 & 17, just list the plan number. Also note that it not currently built (existing conditions). 7. Please show calculation to show that 10' drainage easement is sufficient for yard drains. 8. Please provide drainage pipe design calculations. 9. Please provide spot shots to ensure water drains away from houses, especially the rear of the lots on the eastern side of this plan. Also show the 10-year WSE of the yard drain inlets. 10. It is hard to tell where yard drains and inlets are located on the eastern side of this plan since it coincides with the property line. Please clearly show them and ensure there is an inlet every 3 houses. 11. [Sheet 15] The landscaping sheet was not included. Please provide. 12. Please label the street section as the type of street from the Code of Development (neighborhood or connector, etc.) Review Comments for SDP202100082 Final Site Development Plan Project Name: BROOKHILL - BLOCK 18 PHASE Al - FINAL - DIGFFAL Date Completed: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski CDD ARB No Objoctlon Page: � County of Albemarle Printed On: 12/09/2021 �y pF AL8 County of Albemarle GEOGRAPHIC DATA SERVICES OFFICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS - E911 APPLICATION#: SDP202100082 TMP: 04600-00-00-019138 DATE: 11/18/21 Road G and Road H will require road names. Elise Kiewra ekiewra@albemarle.org tel: 434-296-5832 ext. 3030 fax:434-972-4126 Road I will need to be named Marcella St as it is a continuation of that road. This site will require a 2 (2) new private road name. Per Sec. 7-200-B of the County's Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance (Page 2 of PDF). "It is intended by this article that all roads within the County which serve or are designed to serve three or more addressable structures will be named; and that all addressable structures within the County will be assigned property numbers. We recommend providing three (3) candidate names for each road to our office for review, in case your first choices are not acceptable. A PDF version of the Ordinance and Manual can be found here: https://gisweb.albemarle.org/gisdata/Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manuah)df Please consult the County's Road Name Index to check your road names prior to submittal. The Index can be found here: https://Ifweb.albemarle.org/Forms/RoadName]ndex Parcel and mapping information can be found here: https://gisweb.albemarle.org/gi)v 51/Viewer.asox If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, Suite 228 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 Review Comments for SDP202100082 Final Site Development Plan Project Name. BROOKHILL -BLOCK 18 PHASE Al -FINAL -DIGITAL Date Completed- Monday, December O6, 2021 Department/Division/Agency Review Status: Reviewer Betty Slough CDD Inspections Requested Changes Add the following note to the general notes page: Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4 feet in height require a stamped engineered design also. Walls require inspections as outlined in the USBC. Add the following note to the general notes page: Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. Add the following to the general notes page: All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. Note to developer: Due to required distances from lot lines and structures as required by the NFPA, underground propane tanks may be prohibited. Plan accordingly. Add the following note to the general notes page: Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects at 540-562-3580 x131. Add the following note to the general notes page: All water, sewer and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department(ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in connection. The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities not covered by the ACSA orACBID. This includes building sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/buil ding(s). The Special Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 12/09/2021 Review Comments for SDP202100082 Final Site Development Plan Project Name. BROOKHILL- BLOCK 18 PHASE Al - FINAL - DIGITAL Date Completed: Monday, December 06, 2021 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer Howard Lagomarsino Fire Rescue Requested Changes 1) On roads G, H and I, there are not any "no parking" signs indicated on the planns. Areas on nthese roads, not designed as parking spaces, due to the proposed road widths, require "no parking" signs 2) Please indiate on the plans the needed fire flow for the buildings proposed for the site. 3) Please provide a note on the plan of the available fire flow for the hydrant system to ensure it meets the needed fire flow requirement Page. 1 --:1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 22/0912 221 (Z) COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street (804) 786-2701 Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 Fax: (804) 786,2940 November 10, 2021 Cameron Langille County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SUB-2021-00082- Brookhill, Block 18, Phase Al — FSP Rev. #1 Dear Mr. Langille: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced Brookhill, Block 18, Phase Al final site plan, as submitted by Collins Engineering, dated October 22, 2021 and find the following: 1) Please show "no parking" signs along both sides of roads G & I. "No Parking "signs are required unless parking is specifically allowed. 2) Please show the cross drains on the plan view per cross section details. 3) Please show proposed location of cluster mail box units per RDM Appendix B(1)-56. 4) Please include a planting plan and note trees are not to be within 30' of intersections per RDM B(1)-44 5) Stubouts must be signed per the SSAR concerning potential/eventual street extension. 6) Type III barricades and signage should be shown at road stubs 7) Please provide a comment response letter with each submission after the initial. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If you have further questions please contact Max Greene at (434) 422-9894. Sincerely, VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency