HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100006 Correspondence 2021-12-13 (2)Maplewood Rezoning Project Narrative
Updated December 13, 2021
Location: Hollymead Town Center Area at the corner of Worth Crossing and Proffitt Road
Parcel ID 046B4-00-00-00400
Approximate acreage: 3.41
Current Zoning: C-1 Commercial
To address the housing crisis in the Albemarle Charlottesville region, new and innovative housing types
are needed. High quality housing that is less land consumptive and convenient to a mix of uses should
be provided to protect our rural and environmental resources while creating an opportunity for
lifestyles that are less dependent on the automobile and more focused on the human experience and
enjoyment of place.
In the creation of mixed -use centers within the Comprehensive Plan and the Neighborhood Model,
Albemarle County recognizes these important goals. The Hollymead area is a place with much potential.
The property that is the subject of this rezoning, is located strategically at the corner of Worth Crossing
and Proffit Road. It is part of an area designated as a mixed -use center and certainly part of the larger
context of the Hollymead area. The property is within proximity to the airport and 29 North, and it is
convenient to a variety of retail options, restaurants, and services. It is an ideal location for relatively
dense housing that is walkable to many resources.
Another benefit of this location, as briefly mentioned, is its convenience to the transportation
infrastructure that is already in place for Route 29. Additionally, easements are in place on the property
that allow for any future improvements to Proffit Road.
Example of 2 over 2 housing
Project Proposal:
Proposed Zoning: PRD
Density: Up to 102 units or up to 30 DUA
The design incorporates 20-25% Greenspoce and recreational amenities.
The access points line up with entrances to the East of the property and an interconnection is created to
the South of the property.
There are no public roadways proposed within the development, all private access
easements/travelways. This layout also meets Fire and Rescue requirements for circulation.
The rezoning also incorporates the extension of the 10'shored pedestrian pathway and landscape
buffers along the frontage of the site.
Example of a row of 2 over 2 units. Each pad has two units, each with 2 stories inside the structure.
The project, known as Maplewood, will feature a relatively new housing type, known as a 2 over 2, that
is wildly popular throughout Northern Virginia, Williamsburg, Richmond, and North Carolina. This
housing type is a unique hybrid that combines the best aspects of the townhouse unit, the duplex, and
the apartment building. In essence, the 2 over 2 looks like a townhouse, but contains 2 units stacked on
top of one another, with 2 garages on the back side of the first floor. Because the units are stacked, this
product type is less consumptive of land. Like a townhouse unit, it is vertical in nature but defined
enough to create a nice pedestrian -oriented scale of rhythm and detail, versus the larger scale of an
apartment building. Like a townhouse, these units can be offered for sale or for rent, and with two
distinct unit types and sizes within each 2 over 2, they can appeal to a variety of end users and hit
various price points within the housing market. The proposed development may also contain a variety
of other unit types such as triplexes and townhouse units to create a healthy mix of housing types within
the mixed -use center.
When a mixed -use center is created, there may be an overall target of percentages of use types within
the center. What we know about this mixed -use center is it is currently 100% suburban commercial
development. All developed parcels contain one story buildings surrounded by parking, meaning that
this area will likely continue to redevelop in the future as available land in Albemarle remains scarce. To
support the evolution of the area, Maplewood will offer a more urban scale of housing that will help
support the existing retail activities and will connect seamlessly as redevelopment occurs. To be a
mixed -use area does not imply that every parcel must contain a certain mix of uses, instead we want
uses throughout the center that are supportive of each other as well as place making and pedestrian
In designing the conceptual layout of Maplewood, our team followed the Neighborhood Model
Maplewood is a community focused on Pedestrian Orientation. An ample network of sidewalks and
connections are provided throughout and around the property. Green spaces are located throughout
the property to allow for outdoor experiences and the enjoyment of all residents.
While Maplewood is a residential property, it is within and part of a mixed -use center and is easily
accessible to a Mixture of Uses via walking and biking. The proposed housing is a perfect complement
to the great variety of surrounding uses. By having houses within walking distance of retail and
restaurants, we create a symbiotic and supportive relationship of uses.
Maplewood is an integral part of a mixed -use center that can also serve as a Neighborhood Center.
A Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability are proposed within this development. We anticipate a
variety of unit types and sizes, such as townhouse units, 2 over 2 units, triplexes, and affordable housing
on site. Affordable housing is addressed on the application plan.
The site is designed with the principle of Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks. The
design includes an interconnection to the South where the grade allows, and the property is well
situated in relationship to the existing transportation networks and infrastructure of Albemarle County.
The site has easy access to Route 29 and the Charlottesville Airport.
By being a part of a mixed -use center, the site is set up well for Multi -modal Transportation
Opportunities, as they become available, especially along Route 29.
A series of Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space are laced throughout the site to provide a
variety of open space experiences and green space that will be well utilized.
By providing 2 over 2 units and the potential for other similar unit types such as townhomes, the
property design achieves the goal of Buildings and Space of Human Scale. The design of this unit type
has a nice level of detail and rhythm of units, combined with a variety of open spaces.
Relegated Parking- All parking within Maplewood is relegated from Worth Crossing and Proffit Road.
Redevelopment- The site is currently vacant, so this principle does not apply, but the property is part of
an overall commercial development.
Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Re -grading of Terrain is a principle that is easily met on this
relatively flat site. This vacant site is primed for a residential development without the need for
extensive grading and no environmental features exist that might be impacted.
Maplewood as designed, supports Clear Boundaries with the Rural Area as it is a responsible use of
land within the development areas, with a density of up to 30 units per acre, as specified within the
Comprehensive Plan.
Public Need and Benefit:
Albemarle County continues to grow, but no new land will ever be available here. Because of the
popularity of this area, it is our duty to ensure that when the Comprehensive Plan calls for densities up
to 34 units per acre, that we do our best to allow for and encourage that type of density, especially
when so much of the County has been developed in suburban, low -density patterns that are land
consumptive. By providing new housing opportunities, we can meet help meet the ever-present
demand while also beginning to tackle the issue of affordability. The Maplewood site also offers a
unique opportunity for residents who want to live nearby to medical outpatient facilities, shopping,
restaurants, and the airport. We think it is the perfect fit.
For an article that speaks to the relatively new housing type known as the 2 over 2 unit, please see the
link below:
h ttps://Rgwa sh. ors/view/42112/i n-praise-of-the-sta cked-
townhousek:-:text=Also%20cal led%20a%20two%2Dover,in%20back%2C%20on%20a n%20alley.
The Hollymead Town Center area. This area, south of Airport Road and west of US 29, has
been the subject of five separate rezonings, all now approved. Some of the proposed buildings,
streets, and infrastructure have been constructed and are occupied. Others are still at the site plan
stage. When built out, the area will include retail, restaurants, offices, an assisted living facility,
and residences.
Proiect Context Map
Site and Surrounding Uses:
The 3.41-acre site is currently vacant and surrounded by a variety of commercial uses, as well as
preschools, churches, and a medical outpatient clinic. This property is also within the vicinity of 29 North
and the Charlottesville Airport. The site is relatively flat with no known environmental features.
As shown on the google map above, the site is surrounded by a great variety of uses such as grocery
stores, drug stores, retail. gas stations and restaurants. Across the street to the east are civic uses such
as churches and preschools. To the southeast, there are a variety of housing types.
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan:
Comp Plan Area Hollymead: Places 29, Community Center
The proposed rezoning is in compliance with the primary designation, as the site is surrounded by a
commercial area, thus housing creates a good mix of uses that are walkable to non-residential
Mixed Use area, except the center only contains commercial. Every single property is commercial only,
with parcels only developed in a suburban pattern of one-story buildings surrounded by parking- thus
lots of potential for redevelopment with a higher density of a variety of uses in the area. Housing creates
a welcome mix and improves access to commercial and walkability. Maplewood fully complies with
secondary land use of urban density residential with densities of up to 30 dwelling units per acre. This
site will provide a new and innovative housing type that is complimentary to the surrounding uses.
There are two concentrations of Community and Destination Centers. One is located around the
intersection of Rio Road and US 29. The second is the large area that includes the Hollymead Town
Center, the proposed North Pointe development, and several other Centers around the intersection
of Airport Road and US 29. This second area also includes the Uptown, a vibrant new urban center in
the northern portion of Places29 similar to a traditional downtown area. Several of the Centers in
this second area are the result of development that is now underway (Hollymead Town Center) or
has been approved (North Pointe). The concentration of Community and Destination Centers at the
intersection of Rio Road and US 29 reflects the area's existing retail function and the concentration
of opportunity sites for major redevelopment.
Comp Plan Land Use: Primary Urban Mixed Use (in Centers)
Urban Mixed Use. This designation is used both inside and outside of the Centers. In Centers and in the
Uptown, it includes a balanced mix of retail, housing, commercial, employment, and office uses, along
with some institutional and open space uses. The types of retail and services, as well as dwelling unit
types, vary depending upon the type of Center (see Land Use Table LU1) and the land use designations
in the area around the Center (see Land Use Table LU2):
Primary uses: community and regional retail, commercial service, office, and other employment
generators, with a mix of residential types. At least two different types of dwelling units are
recommended. In the Uptown, office, research & development (R&D), and flex uses are also considered
primary uses.
Comp Plan Land Use: Secondary Urban Density Residential
Urban Density Residential. This designation is used in areas around Centers where multifamily housing
with a gross density range between 6.01 and 30 units per acre is desired. It is also applied to existing
residential areas with densities within this range (see Land Use Table LU2). This designation is essentially
the same as the Urban Density Residential designation in the 1996 Land Use Plan.
Primary uses: multifamily and single-family residential, including two or more housing types.
Secondary uses: retail, commercial, and office uses that support the neighborhood, live/work units,
open space, and institutional uses. Retail, commercial, office, and institutional uses are encouraged to
locate in Centers, so they are accessible to residents throughout the surrounding area, and so they
benefit from co -location with other neighborhood -serving businesses. However, they may be located by
exception in areas around Centers designated Urban Density Residential provided they are compatible
with surrounding uses.
Project Impacts:
Impact on Facilities, Infrastructure, Transportation, Parks and Schools:
Maplewood will include up to 102 attached/multi-family units in a variety of unit types. The trip
generation for the project is shown below. Given the proximity to Route 29, we do not anticipate any
major transportation impacts from the development.
Trips per day: 746 trips
Peak AM: 47 VPH
Peak PM: 57 VPH
We are not aware of any other additional impacts to parks, schools, or other facilities. A variety of
greenspace is provided on site, and the County has adequate park resources in the general area. New
school sites for this general vicinity were provided through the Brookhill Development.
Impact on Environmental Features:
This site does not contain any environmental features, so there will be no impact. In addition, the
adjacent commercial area is slated to have a larger civic green space when it is redeveloped that will
serve as a helpful amenity to the residents of Maplewood.
Civic Green Centers are public open spaces of 1 to 3 acres in size that serve as main focal points for
the surrounding residential or employment land uses creating a walkable neighborhood. Civic Green
Centers may include a tot lot, playground, or other smaller scale facilities for active recreation as well
as multi -purpose lawns and park areas dedicated to passive recreation.
Civic Green Centers are not shown on Figure 4, as their specific locations are flexible to best fit in
with future development proposals. However, approximate locations for Civic Green Centers are
included on the Parks & Green Systems Map (see Figure 7). In general, a Civic Green Center is
required for areas that are designated for development, but that are not located within one -quarter
mile of a mixed -use center (Neighborhood Service, Community, Destination, or the Uptown). The
location and spacing of Civic Green Centers will depend on the walking sheds of adjacent Civic Green
and mixed -use centers.
The Maplewood Application Plan is included with this submittal.
Community Center (C)
Single family attached, multifamily
Density: 6-01 — 34 unilslacre
Maximum building height 4 stories
• Maximum single building footprint 60,000 SF
• Maximum building height 4 stones: no more than 2
stories for retail -only buildings
• All activities must be within a building, except for
customer/employee parking loading, and gas pumps.
• Evidence must be provided that noise, odors, and
other potential nuisances do not adversely affect
surrounding uses.
• Maximum single building footprint: 7.500 SF
• Maximum single -building footprint: 20,000 SF
• Maximum building height for retaikonly buildings: 2
• Maximum building heighj if retail on ground floor only
3 stories, with residential units or office/commercial
uses above retail
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
• Maximum single -building footprint: 20,000 SF
• Minimum of 1 green usable park, centrally located
• Park is intended to be a focal point of the Center
• Minimum size of park: 114 to 1 acre.
• Additional open space may be necessary, depending
on the intensity and mix of uses. This additional open
space may be a plaza (5,000 SF min.), greenway,
formal lawns in front of public buildings (1/4 acre
min.), or a playground (1/4 acre min.)
Residential Information
Park Information for
Commercial Area