HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100073 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2021-12-14AL
+' County of Albemarle
To: Stephen McCray (stephen.mccray9kimley-horn.com)
From: Kevin McCollum — Senior Planner I
Division: Planning Services
Date: December 14, 2021
Subject: Final Site Plan SDP202100073 WAWA Route 29 and Greenbrier
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community
Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment
is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
Applicable Comments from Initial Site Plan Action Letter (June 2, 2021) Mariah Gleason
If the comment has been addressed, it has been grayed out. Additional comments are added in bold
font, like this.
[Comment] Project number. Now that the initial site plan has been assigned a project number,
please include the number — SDP202100027 — in the title/heading of the Cover Sheet as well as a
place holder for the final site plan project number. Add the final site plan project number
"SDP202100073" in front of"Final Site Plan For" on the top of the Cover Sheet. Add "Initial
Site Plan' in front of the reference to SDP202100027.
2. [32.5.2(b)] Parking schedule. On the Cover Sheet, provide the calculation that was used to
determine the number of required parking spaces for this plan. (Note: Per Albemarle County Code,
an appropriate scheduled use for this development is "Retail use not otherwise identified" which
requires one space per 100 square feet of retail sales area for the first 5,000 square feet and one
space per each 200 square feet of retail sales area above 5,000 square feet. Retail sales areas is
defined as 80% of the gross floor area.)
3. [32.5.2(n), 4.12.4] Shared parking. The site plan notes that the 20 parking spaces in the small
parking area at the rear of the property will be created for the benefit of TMP 61 W-02-2B. Please
be aware that, per Sec. 4.12.4(a), County Code does not allow the number of proposed parking
spaces to exceed the number of required spaces by more than 20 percent. The current site plan
exceeds the number of required spaces by 41.7°/u. It may be possible to provide the desired parking
schedule through a shared parking agreement. Staff recommends following up with the Zoning
Division to see if this may be an option.
a. [4.12] This comment has not been addressed. Please provide additional evidence to be
reviewed by the Zoning Administrator stating the need for this overflow parking area.
Provide shared parking agreements between all applicable parties. Provide safe and
convenient access via sidewalk or other means of access to and from the parcel who
will be sharing this parking. Include a label that references applicable shared parking
agreement and include which tax map and parcel number enjoys the use of these
parking spaces on Sheet CS-101.
Comment stands. Please provide a shared parking agreement for Zoning review.
4. [32.5.2(n), 4.171 Outdoor lighting. Please refer to comments provided by the ARB reviewer below
(comments #6-12, specifically) concerning outdoor lighting.
5. [Comment] Landscaping. Please refer to comments provided by City of Charlottesville
Department of Public Utilities and ARB, below, regarding landscaping and plantings.
6. [Comment] Grading. Please refer to comments provided by City of Charlottesville Department of
Public Utilities regarding proposed grading over existing gas lines.
7. [4.12.18] Loading zone. A loading space is not required for this development, per 4.12.13, since
the building is less than 8,OOOsf. However, a loading zone is shown on the site plan. County Code
Sec. 4.12.18 requires loading spaces to be a minimum of 12 feet in width, 14% feet in clearance
height and a length sufficient to accommodate the largest delivery trucks serving the establishment,
but providing no less than 25 feet in length. Please be aware, that code section also requires the
loading space to be designed in such a way that no part of any vehicle will extend into a driveway
or aisle space. Please revise the loading zone shown on the site plan to align with these ordinance
8. [32.5.2(n)] Fuel stations and pumps. On the Cover Sheet, please edit the "WAWA Information"
notes to clearly state the number of fuel stations and pumps being proposed by this project.
9. [32.5.2(q)] Traffic generation. Provide expected traffic generation information, if not provided
10. [32.5.2(i), 32.5.2(m)] Vehicular travelways. In addition to the comments provided by Engineering
and VDOT reviewers, below, please also show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing
street intersection from the proposed ingress and egress points.
11. [4.12.19] Dumpster pad. The regulations for dumpster pads require the concrete pad to extend at
least eight feet beyond the front of the dumpster. Please revise the plan to demonstrate that this
minimum design requirement is being met. This could be done with a distance label on the site
12. [32.5.2(n)] Monument signs. Remove all depictions and notes regarding monument signs. Those
signs are reviewed through a separate application and permitting process.
13. [32.5.2(a)] Zoning. Include in the zoning notes that this property is subject to special use permit
SP1991-00069 and its conditions. State the conditions of approval in the notes. See reference
document attached.
14. [32.5.2(a)] Setbacks. Revise the setback notes to reflect the following:
a. Front: loft minimum; no maximum
b. Side and Rear: none
15. [32.5.2(f)] Water supply watershed. In the Site Statistics notes on the Cover Sheet, provide a note
to indicate whether the site is located within a water supply watershed.
16. [32.5.1(c)] Boundary line. If not given already, please provide the curve data for the curved
boundary line at the northernmost property comer.
17. [] Existing landscape features. On the Existing Conditions sheet, identify whether
exiting tree/vegetated areas are composed of evergreen, deciduous, or a mix of tree types. Also
please provide a label for the existing tree line symbology.
18. [32.5.2(n)] Building footprint. Provide length and width dimensions for the proposed building
19. [32.5.2(a)] Scales. With the scales on each plan map sheet, please include a "I in = " label.
20. [32.5.2(a)] Abutting parcel information. Provide the present uses for all parcels that abut the subject
21. [32.5.2(i)] Easement plat. Please be aware, prior to approval of a final site plan for this
development, an easement plat for new, required easements will need to be submitted, approved,
and recorded. Comment stands.
Final Site Plan Review Comments
1. [32.6.21 Please remove the SWM/E&S Sheets from this Site Plan. See Engineering comments for
more information. Revise the sheet index and total number of sheets count on the cover sheet
2. [General Comment] Please add a date of revision.
3. [32.6.2(k) and 4.171 Lighting. Please revise the Lighting Plan to incorporate a LLF of 1.0. The
spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads shall not exceed one-half foot
candle. ARB may provide additional lighting comments that need to be addressed prior to final
site plan approval.
4. [] The Zoning Ordinance provides that one large street tree is required for every 50
feet of street frontage or one medium street tree for every 40 feet of street frontage along
Greenbrier Drive and Seminole Trail.
a. Unless required by ARB, the requirements for the amount of street trees along Greenbrier
Drive are much less than the suggested 7 street trees. The linear frontage is only the
distance the property abuts Greenbrier. The full 352 If of the property is partially buffered
by TMP 61W-02-2B.
b. Unless required by the ARB, correct the calculations provided on the Planting Plan
(Sheet CP-101) for Seminole Trail to correctly say one large tree per 501f instead of one
per 351f.
5. [] It appears "Quercuz x warei (QW)" is not a tree listed on the Albemarle County
Approved Plant List.
a. Please provide landscaping that is reflected on the Albemarle County Recommended
Plant List which can be found here.
6. [General Comment] A special exception (SE) request to vary the minimum design requirements
and improvements for vehicle access aisles as outlined in Section 4.12.17 of the Zoning Ordinance
has been received. The Applicant is requesting a waiver to increase the grade of the access aisle to
Greenbrier Dr. from the permitted maximum of 10% up to a maximum of 16%. This SE
(SE202100048) is currently under review. A Board of Supervisors date has been tentatively secured
for Wednesday, February 161.
Please contact Kevin McCollum at the Department of Community Development at
kmccollum@albemarle.org or (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 for further information.
Additional Reviewer Comments
Albemarle County Engineering Services — Emily Cox, ecox2@albemarle.org — Requested Changes
1. The VSMP plan WPO202100049 must be approved before this final site plan can be approved.
Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.
2. An easement plat must be submitted and recorded before the final site plan can be approved. The
easement plat will need SWM and drainage deeds which the County will provide when that plat is
ready for recordation. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.
3. [CA-100] This plan is SDP202100073. Please revise and remove the old initial site plan number.
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
4. Please remove sheets that apply to VSMP plan such as E&S and SWM. They will not be
reviewed with this plan. The required contents of a final site plan can be found here:
bgps:Hlibrary.municode.com/va/albemarle county/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=CH18Z0_
ARTIVPR S32SIPL 532.6FISIPLFOCO S32.6.2COFISIPL Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
5. [CG-101] Maximum slope allowed is 2:1. Grading appears to exceed this in a few places. Rev. 1:
Comment not addressed. Contours are still measuring steeper than 2:1 slopes. Revise the
grading or provide spot shots and label the distance between the spots to show the max
grade is 2:1 over the slope. For example, this is 5ft of vertical change in less than 10 ft of
_ c
horizontal change:
6. [CG-101] Please check 2:1 and 3:1 labels. Slope appears to be steeper than 3:1 where it is labeled
as 3:1. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. For example, this should measure 15 ft to be 3:1:
:4 r
7. Ensure landscaping that can withstand steep slopes is specified for the slopes steeper than
3:1.Rev. 1: Please show ground cover or steep slope grass seed in this area:
8. Ensure all proposed easements are shown. This includes a SWM facility easement around the
SWM facility. This is separate from the public drainage easement around the outfall from the
facility. Rev. 1: The SWM facility easement seems inadequate to perform maintenance or
replace the SWM facility. Ensure there is room for equipment within the easement. See the
design standards manual, page 15 for guidance:
9. Do you have permission to grade off site? It appears you are doing work on parcel 061W0-
02-00-002B0. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.
10. Per county code 18-4.12.17.a, vehicle access aisles that are not adjacent to parking spaces, shall
not exceed a grade of ten percent. The entrance off Greenbrier Dr. appears to exceed 10%.
Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. Special exception (SE202100048) is under review.
11. Parking areas should not exceed 5% grade anywhere, in any direction. Rev. 1: Comment
12. Please show DEQ approval of remedial activities for the leaking underground storage tank and
show any necessary notes on the plan for the contractor. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.
13. Minimum slope of storm pipes is 0.5%. Please revise the 0.10% slope. Rev. 1: Comment
14. Please show storm pipe calculations including velocity and hydraulic grade lines. Rev. 1:
Velocity should not exceed 15 ft/s. Per VDOT drainage manual, 10 ft/s max is
15. All proposed trees should be at least 5' from storm pipes and structures. Rev. 1: Comment
16. Structure 100 should not be in the middle of a travelway. Also the SWM facility should be
located so it doesn't impede the Greenbrier entrance if maintenance or replacement is necessary.
Rev. 1: Please show that structure 100 is at least outside of the wheel path of the travelway.
Albemarle County Building Inspections — Betty Slough, bslou hg galbemarle.org—No objection
Albemarle County Fire -Rescue— Howard Lagomarsino, hlaeomarsino@albemarle.org — No Objection
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) —Adam Moore, Adam.Moore anvdot.vir ig nia.gov — No
objection (9/30/2021).
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) — Richard Nelson, melson&serviceauthority.org — Review
pending. Comments will be forwarded to the Applicant upon receipt.
Albemarle County E911—Elise Kiewra, ekiewra@albemarle.org—No Objection (10/6/2021).
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board — Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski@albemarle.org —
See recommendations below (12/l/2021).
1. Comment #4 from the November 16, 2021 ARB action letter required shrubs to be added between
Greenbrier Rd. and the 8-space parking row. Creeping St. John's Wort was added, which is a ground
cover — not a shrub. The intent of the comment was to provide plants that would have more visual
impact from the streets than the ground covers that were shown in that area. Revise the plan to add
shrubs between Greenbrier Rd. and the 8-space parking row.
2. Comment #5 required additional landscaping between the Greenbrier sidewalk and the new path
connecting the sidewalk to the parking lot. Ground cover was added along the path above the
monument sign, but no plants were added between the Greenbrier sidewalk and the new path. The
intent was to provide plants with more visual impact than the ground cover to help compensate for the
lack of trees. Revise accordingly.
3. Comment #6 required low level planting along the Rt. 29 and Greenbrier frontages. A row of mixed
plants (coneflower and fountain grass) was added, but the plants won't have impact year-round. Revise
the plant choices in this new row for increased year-round impact.
Greenbrier Wawa ARB2021-110 resubmission was received on 12/10/2021 and will be reviewed
accordingly. Comments will be forwarded to the Applicant upon completion.
Virginia Department of Health — Alan Mazurowski, alan.mazurowskikvdh.vir iginia.gov — No objection