HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200700150 Legacy Document 2008-03-04 (8)Al
ucMnTIVcmror QoAur;
w//i a*n=urum^nxx,x=v"~hL!m .",x
februar,% 20, 2008
Mr. Lane Lawocr,fit
300 Preston Avenue, Suite 300
nc Wam/v2lmm:,wo.vL-08-02-vxo-001
Lane Bonner Driveway Crossings, Parcels mc-0z-4 and
Dear Mr. Bonner
The Departnient ofEm ironmental Quality ("DEQ" or "the Department-) has reason to bclic%c that tile
activities conducted with tile construction "r*vuri,c°w stream crossings mpbe/n violation urmn
State Wote, Control Lms and sugu|^mm»�
This letter addresses conditions a' (lie properties named above. and also cites cumpxu"uomou/rcmon'cor
tire State Water Control Lnw and acLo/ouvn,. Pursuant mvm, Code §61/-4-1./5(oo).malmnrisuotu
case dec+`ioo under the Virg /niaxumin istmmve Process Act, v"�Code §oz-44mm*mv The
ouruumm./cvocStl,hatvuo respond within zo days nr the date "r this /ooa,.
/. nosuhiec nmn,�rtics are Jonatc nnmo*er Path -djaceni m the existing onmairy"wi,isim in
Albemarle omnvvurginia. According w Albemarle Count) mxmall information, tire parcel numbers
are mc'oz'5 and roc'm-4 and are owned bv Lane Bonner.
I onmo,xmuc,1o.mozosVstaxin,cuhu'xuu complaint =gau/nomn*,w^iomac,i°/l�.
specificall, tile inszallation ofeuket-, crossings, occurring it) jUrisdictional caters On the suWect parcels,
DEQ staffobserved usingle culvert strearn.mossingaceessint-, the 76C-02-5 parcel * that time.
� onJ�"unzv.zoux,osQ�uncvnau��a~cnnus/�/n�,u/vn.rmem�u,��c�s°aichtile
,conouco/,cncm*,�ooma"»mmcuaccessing Parcel mc'ou-4rl-trcu/vr"cro,xinxuy"n`npn°urm
be adcquatclx countmunk to pre°ent undermining, and to maintain lo" flo° conditions.
4 x re. ice vrorvu*xICmroc"mssliv°smu,,hcpmrcrtNo�nc,a/ao^` have m ill /un*",
Pror"fion (VWP) permit prior to the installation ofthe stream crossim-'s,
lane Bonner D i,Csya, C`ec75
WI: 08 -02 -V RG -00l
Paas, ,
Va. Code s 62.1-44.23 of the State V ater Control Lays pro ides For an mJunction for any vtotlation of the
State Dater Control Lav- n- State V ater C'ont of Board rule or reg111atiOn. an order, p ermu condition.
standard, or an} certificate requirement or pro%ision, Va. Code §. e 6 i -44.15 and 62.1 -44.332 Firm ide for
a civil penalty up to $32.500 Per day of each violation of the swuc. it addition, Va. Code < 6 1 -44.15
autho izes tit- State Water Control Board d to issue orders to anti person to co rnpir vl ith the State Wam
Control Lain- at:d to L uIattons t'tclttdsn the t,a }x tuon of s cis :1 penally for vioiatiotts of tip to $ 106,000.
Also, Va. Code s 10. 1 -! 186 authorizes the Dire --tor o t` INIQ to issue special orders to any person to
comply yvith the Sate Vvarcr Contro' Lain and regulations`. and to impose a civil penalty, of not more than
$10.000. Va. Code 62-1-41 332 (b) and 611 - 441.32 {c} pro, ide for other additional penalties.
'I he Court has the inherent authority to enforce its injunction, and is authorized to award the
Commonwealth ealth its attorney s' fees and costs.
After reviewing, this Letter, please respond it,, wrhing to DEQ within 26 days of tine date of this letter
detailing actions you have taken or will be taking to ensure compliance with state law and regulations.
Please submit a status report indicating current conditions at the project site. If corrective action, will take
longer than 90 days to coutptete, you nay be asked to sign : Letter ofAgreement or enter into a Consent
Order with the Department to fbrutalize the plan and schedule. 11 is DEO poiic} that rzplaroltr late, tunnel},
corrective action underiaken in resjwnse to a Warrxrag Letter will avoid adversarial enforcement
p,roceedi „> and thr arses rr =r' olfen'd charges ur Pe wallies.
Please advise us ii you dispute an} of the observations recited herein or if there is other information of
which DEL% should be aware. to the event that discussions with staff do not lead to a satisfactory
conclusion concerning the contents of this letter. t ors may cl et to participate in DFffs Process for liar ii-
Dispute Resolution, Uyou Complete the Process for Ea, 1ti Dispute Resolution and are not satisfied v,ith
the resolution, you nta }' request in writing that DFQ take all necessary steps to issue a case decision
where appropriate. For further information on the Process for Early Dispute Resolution, please visit the
Department's website under `Laws & Regulations" and "DEQ regulations" at:
€trt ^,:i:'ei v v.dcu.y t tttr t, cat Jre ulat <>rs d ' il_ css lcr F:arly Dispute Reso nut n h?iC' ,pd or a sk
the DF Q contact listed below.
Your contact at DE Q in this matter is Eric Millard, Please direct writien materials to ltis attention. IPyoii
have questions or wish to a, `range it r„ceun you n ty reach hire directly a* (540) 574 -7813 or at
er a it lard Ti,deq.virginia.go%.
13. K4t( Fowler
Water Permits Manager
Attachment: DEC} Site Inspection Report
I3tiI I I,' ompliance File
N ra iseh, USACE
il7ard .Ambler, Albemarle Counts
4411 L'arly Road -1 P.O.Box, ',000' Harr�sonbur.g. VA 22801
aoaxFC-: Proposed residential uevcvnmeul^djaccmm the ocuu abdvs;o 's�tevisit�
Albeinau cOUn
To: Lane Bonner, a. Keith powic,(vvvrMuuuc¢ Note mon(oSAre,`Tumxmunimel
pm}'vl: Eric Millard
/oSD:ctiououw aanuanz«zmx
Purpose: The Purpose ofdhissite visuvas to detern`iic the permit requirements necessanfor the
proposed p, oJ*ct and muma clear vuucrstundmgor the situation.
Findings: Eric Millard (ocg). Nora zseu(usAcE).Tamara Ambler (m6erouuecotoi/'>,and
Albemarle Countv Piannine staff met on-site %%hh Lane Bonner (owner' regarding several properties
adjacent to, the existing a,xhr subdivision mmmr proposed for subdivision.
Lane Benner indicated that the plans foi the project ha\ e not been finabzcdor appro% ed by tht: Count)
the pm|imi^an plans are to divide oo map parcel 76('0z'5 (currently uoum/c loped) into two
approximately / acre lots (,e,Tuxxavr). Albemarle couotr restricts access trnmv shared auvcvur`o
umaximumvf,"uparcels, A stream crossing for uu6vowux has been. n|uc,d.m access the parcel (sec
Photo #U.
Parcel 7oc-0o-4cviro^|r has oonuist/oa house vn the she wm Mr. Bonner has constructed aunvu°w
"mauin,m access the rrvponr. Albemarle Coom' has determined that tucunv*va intersects critical
dnr,suud has not made a final determiravion whether the driveway car. staN in its current locafion.
uu,inc, the sit,- visit it was determined that the cu|vert used to cross the stream was ptaced irnproperir
not countcrsunk to an appopriate depth to, pre%ent undcrmining (See Photos #1 and mora
Iseh (IUSACE) indicated thin the cuiven will have in be pulled out and constructed Properly.
I listoricallP, . Parcel 76C-02-4 was accessed throuah an undocumented right-ofxa/ throuth Parcel
7*c-n2'5 and accessed nmmsuuornunt Lane with vvjuris'6icdooa|cmsuiugn (see TuxMar). w,.
Bonner did not indicate whether Parcel 7o[-uz-4 was Proposed to, bcuiviucu�
The Mat existing parcel, parcel 7oc'o2'\ owned ur�r. Michael Harding, i, also proposed muc
subdivided dito two lots ofapproximateIN I acre each. Mr. Bonner indicated tha,, he has no fircuiciad.
iotcmmio the subdividiu,ni�yar,,|76c'nz-\' however, uei,ucunuoob°uo|[ofthe owner asuucnt�
Adjacent to the streams on the properties, "etlands appear to be present based on presence of
o'dm/umr and uyump6vticvuse/minu, Soil borings taken du6ugthe site visit »rNora /uu/ in6icme
he presence o!'high-chronia fill material innnediately followinL the A-ho-izon, which indicates this
ma, houn*b/cm site a�uefiioouiothe |oo7 Comps Delineation Manual.
Possib It Violations nmmuvert dri%e��a% crouin,-,, hu% c heen placed m access lot, 76C-02-11and
7eC-oz-5.x rev iex^yocV files ioucates that uvernu%�as not received prior m construction mtile
u-mc=a cme,iros. wnorherouosirucuvnuruwr- iojuu,uicoouo|mucs appeal, muuvo occurred ('n
the parcels.
uemrnmsum ions: moa�
Recruired Actions
Based on the imonmnioo gathered during this site inspcction^tue�e appcarsmbe two single and
complete residential subdivision proposed as defincd b-, thewntDEQ - osAT-,-nN Corps of
Euinreoo-mn66}u District su,divisivu guidance. The Subdivision auuancc indicates u real estate
xvodivisi^owue the division ofparcels into smaller parcels or the combination of'2 or more parcels
/oma larger parcel for the purpose *fy,niog conveying .',uns/enaua, leasing, o,omvuupim-,the
remmdngporceks). This includes the entire area ofa residential. conlynercial, or industrial subdivision
or a mixed-vise or master-planned development di"ided or combined after Octobe. o, /v84 Because
the proposed subdivision ofpmrc67oc'nz-| (Michael larding) and Parcel 7mC-o2'5 (Lane Bonner)
are not dependent in an), \%u� and ei/uonr�cut rnorhc withdrawn without effect oo the other, these
projects r ill be considered separate single and complete projects based on the inl'ormation received to
A joint permit application InUst be submitted to the regulating agencies prior to the development of' the
*hovc mentioned parcels if/mpmmmreagw|uud waters are proposed,
A delineation orjmisuiuunoall waters vrmzce|76c'u2'/ must oe performed -and submitted m the U.S.
Armv Corps o[Eoyioeers for confirmation prior m the ^u6oiou/vf*oapplication. Ajo6sUctioaal
deterniLnation confirmation is necessary for a complete application for all project thal meet the
conditions nymru7-npQr'Ol.Acuvitv/ for Residential, coman:ruim and Institutional uvv^\vpmeoc
The culvert uroo6i-acc:ysimz Parcel 7uc-o2-4 must 6e removed orreplaced as toxcuuevUate}y
countersunk to prevent sal'etN issues associated with undermining and to allor far the passage of'
aquatic resources. li'me culvert, iy reconstructed, the culvert must 6r countersunk v minimum ufo
inches below the srremmuvu� Tue owner should aivco£0 notification prior to and foUo�ive
completion orconstruction activity and sub-nit Photographic monitoring to tLrify the cul-,erts were
placed properl%
Tax Map fur existing lot boundaries
F"ti dr
Lx �
1 � i
Tax Map fur existing lot boundaries
Photo --12
ng to occur.
Photo 9�': Dri �, eway crossing, to access Parcel 76C-02-5