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VA200700004 Application 2007-02-22
• e�t °_ County of Albemarle Community Development Department,Zoning& l Current Development Division 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Planning Application 1 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 PARCEL/ OWNER INFORMATION TMP 054A0-00-00-00900 Owner(s): ELVEN LAND LLC Application# VA200700004 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE Magisterial Dist. Whitehall Land Use Primary Residential--Single-family(incl.modular homes) Current AFD Not in A/F District 1 Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas APPLICATION INFORMATION House # Street Name Apt/Suite City State Zip Street Address - Entered By:Ana Kilmer on 02/26/2007 Application Type Variance Project: Mamakos,Paul S. 4,311.00 Received Date 02/22/2007 Received Date Final Total Fees $ 120.00 Submittal Date 03/05/2007 Submittal Date Final Total Paid $ 120.00 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: 2/26/07 Taxes due. I have called the owner. AK Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Application Date Comments APPLICANT/ CONTACT INFORMATION Primary Contact Name Mamakos,Paul S. Phone # (434)960-7293 Street Address 1402 A Hazel Street Fax # ( ) - City/State Charlottesville/VA Zip Code 22902-0000 E-mail paul©everythingraw.com Cellular# ( ) - Owner/Applicant Name ELVEN LAND LLC Phone# ( ) - Street Address 1402 HAZEL ST APT A Fax # ( ) - City/State CHARLOTTESVILLE VA Zip Code 22902- E-mail Cellular# ( ) - Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date fiL County of Albemarle Geographica Divis on-Room 218 4 — a Property Information cnarbna i�,vn 401 Mdnure Road 22902d96 Voice (434)296-5832 Fax (434)972-4126 ACTIVITY INFORMATION PLANNING ACTIVITIES BUILDING ACTIVITIES Special Special Application # Current Status Conditions Application # Current Status Conditions VA200700004 Under Review 199300062MHC ,Void taa-A, i PROPERTY INFORMATION TMP r054A0-00-00-00900 Legal Description ACREAGE Parent TMP - - - Tax Map 1054A0 _ Section 00 Block L00 1 Parcel [0900 GPIN 401443905501 Major Subdiv. !Acreage Total Acres 0.338 l TMP Inactive? NO ADDRESS INFORMATION House# Street Name Apt/Suite City State Zip Street Address WI 111111.7 ` OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name ELVEN LAND LLC Street Address 1402 HAZEL ST APT A City/ State CHARLOTTESVILLE VA Zip 22902- ADDMONAL PROPERTY INFORMATION Comprehensive Plan Area ariel Il High School District Western Albemarle Traffic Zone Not In TAZ , Middle School District Henley Voter Precinct Brownsville ' a Elem. School District Brownsville Magisterial District �` 1. Metro Planning Area? Census Block Group 5 CATS Area? Census Tract 112 Public Water&Sewer No Service Water Supply Protection Area? >l Development Area? Watershed Stockton Creek Other Rural Land? Historical Significance I__ World Heritage Site I I Virginia Landmark Register CI National Historic Landmark ji National Register of Historic Places Parcel Has Proffers D Proffers? Parcel Has Easments ❑ Easements? Agricultural &Forest District Not in A/F Dist ¢ ill Number of Number of Dwelling Units Landuse Structures Comp Plan Landuse Primary Residential --Single-family(Incl. module 1 1 Rural Area Secondary Forest-- Deciduous Unassigned Minor Unknown Land Use Unassigned Comp Plan Landuse Other Unassigned 6 Current Zoning Zoning Adopted 12/1980 Zoning Prior to 12/198Q Primary Rural Areas Rural Areas Agricultural in; Secondary Unassigned Planned Industrial Park Unassigned Minor Unassigned Planned Industrial Park Unassigned Other Unassigned _ Natural Resource Extraction Overlay ❑ Airport Impact Area I J Entrance Corridor Overlay Flood Hazard Overlay ❑ Scenic Stream Overlay ❑ Defe ' ks( (/oVe v- 6"-:0 tb (Ylc,t, 1 l�/ 1 `D""• Application for APF'afed yy a vok Variance . / O 0/07 —. - ! eya/4 ariance=$120 Project Name: 5en,exck Le" ►-i'a t) to Tax map and parcel: 5.4.4 9 Magisterial District: Zoning: Physical Street Address(if assigned): Location of property(landmarks,intersections,or other): Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): I H 134 ct c? el 4,1 !h S Address /y 0 2 A ' 1 Gt eel s'iCtity c:t 'C �]��S✓�/%e State Zip .2��4 Z p ci.0 v > ^ u �W, 69 Daytime Phone(93 g) /6 O- �27-Tax#L) E-mail t y�� n �I Owner of Record E Nth t- G, ^b., ' MQfh- l© 3 /ohal l/r '( IJ 5 1 t Address 1110 1114 -.e I Sy• Ij , 11 City 7�,p I•(E f Ih (/— State 071-Zip 227 6 Z Daytime Phone( 11) 7(a— 72 L 3Fax#U E-mail Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?): Address City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail VA 2007-004 (Sign # 77) Elven Land LLC (owner/applicant). Request for variance to reduce side setback from 25 to 5 feet on both sides of the property, a variance of 20 feet, to allow the construction of a house. The property, described as Tax Map 54A, Parcel 9, is located on the north side of Newtown Road (Route 690) approximately, one mile west of Greenwood. This property is zoned Rural Areas. FOR OFFICE USE �ONL\ V A# -- 0 ORDINANCE SECTION# I .4/ SIGN# ' I ri � Fee Amount$ t w Date Paid 42407 By who? Receipt# 2 i Ck# / ' By L,�c� County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 5/1/06 Page 1 of 2 The following information shall be submitted with the application and is to be provided by the applicant: 1) Recorded plat or boundary survey of the property requested for the rezoning. If there is no recorded plat or boundary survey,please provide legal description of the property and the Deed Book and page number or Plat Book and page number. 2) The appropriate drawings showing all existing and proposed improvements on the property,with all dimensions and distances to property lines,and any special conditions on the property that may justify the request. 3) Fee payable to the County of Albemarle. 4) Description of Request(include dimensions,measurements or sizes in feet): (1) lZe?t 5 4- 1 5e-ga c & iic.f/�,k,it Ce So .� i) jf_trie A Leltt5-P , A 1-Qer4,1 1- 4A_ r�1 I / Larble , 11 O - ND ' . i d'e I. et se i t/o t-t. 1 d I e i>ip n I. (i) `ger.s Yc,plae1NcvLA! CI1s ,rc, -f'�ts1 941 C N, i1, hP � Jibs 4-0f)I Alit, 1 szp 1-r'C 044CI ...d) 5) Justification shall be based on these three(3)criteria: 1. That the strictt1 application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. // / J / 40 L'� A� h o.w1 .,� S t'F est s W Q 0 f �,iv1,7-Q d 'Yc- b tL, 10671 a 10 1 .✓1>I.P AitAr47 - (7) CO l/ �r.�rtt c _)�J �1f SoicTcE� / i✓ i�� eCzuS •F 17aKlSA/ f-) ry,I o *1-PS i- c TYIa +L-e J�+ - Y r�] k , `C o n /y 4'D" '1 4,P 2. That such hardship is not shared generally by other roperties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. �'✓HeiA5-e OA _ry A - sSA ,`s \ l.,/,dc t- 41.e n I ' a I 44mr~ 1. ��,.Q \' • roteit4-7 ,k rfP e k R( t_„-cl )1 � Y 3. That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. ig_ -rAQ 1,fe ,s-e l-c 'lie le-IV (Scc ) 7S L[Ieecit{(�/J /r el) (�- IGh6 i Th 5 GL/ ly �� 1.tn e T-1 _ y et" ta01t` y's�. 4 I PC41.islf�r � A Q. ,-� L✓,1ir ,l y AA f Q a s 5't-] -lc) r`S a it Cie ri i d r. " ci�i a 4 t r'�y /.e 104 t " 0 -1'=-e.rS 4 I s 4 csf'AA s ,‘,4 •tor dc v e ItsP t+-,�F k� Owner/Applicant Must Read d Sign a.1N +� ,r The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals,if sufficient information necessary to this review has not been submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information pro 0 ed on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best of , kno ledg- •- d belief. 4. 2/2Z O Signature • Owner, ontract Purchaser, ent ate or cs (Ill am cr c9 3 ci �c-- 7-275 Prin Name ayti a phone number of Signatory 5/1/06 Page 2 of 2 Property Corner = COfS Exact location of Septic tank,RVFCW,and pump tank PC PC2 will vary based upon topography and landscaping. A 16.5' 41 5' Provide Engineer with proposed as-built triangulation B 51 5' 23' C 60' 72.5 measurments at preconstruction conference Before D 75.5' 63 5' pncmg system installation,the contractor shall inspect the site and verify dimensions,elevations,and layout of system. 1.25"Sch 40 PVC manifold VB lateral 3 to 6 PC1 PC2 Pads \ 1VB 2 each3 typ / `��� 12'x35' 50%+ 2 15`to 45"deep:6"min cover \ Reserve Ares; Low Pressure Distribution �\' 3hnes@4'OC '�J 2"Sch 40 PVC manifold —5; 9"gravel below centerline pipe laterals 1 to 3 _ 3"gravel above centerline pipe 50%Reserve Area`\ _ 1 1/4"diameter SCH 40 / hole size 3/16" 2"Sch 40 PVC Force Main �_ hole spacing 4'4" Pump Dist.=26'+/_ ............:• first hole @ 2'4"from end Pump Height=15' 2.5'of head ateach line adjust header valve to equalize flow and pressure sheet 7 1000 gallon mid seam pump .• Zoeller 140 Flow Mate Sheets RVFCW RVFCW ii O1en°vad Recirculation Pump Chamber 15'x 15' Zoeller 5030-0005 sheet 6 2.5 min on 30 min off 3 BDR Halle no basement 1000 gallon rind seam septic tank Zabel A300 8x 18 Cleanout l li ° O C? �Di E ? MBC� > ®weu Si s6159 AC 41. 6 cAq-0 � erXHo Road.eh 690 Sewage Disposal Separation distance between building and septic tank, pump tank,header line or force main - S lte Plan 10'when located below basement floor elevation IJ 20'when located above basement floor elevation TM 54A-9 Newtown Road,SRT 690 Albemarle County,VA .332 Acres tVB 1,2 Detail on sheet 7 Scale 1" = 30' i -p Old Dominion Engineering,___ 01 2036 Forest Drive Waynesboro,VA 22980 (540)942-5600 olddomeng@ntelos.net Tecdoti- c)1(11 1-09 — -1-koz rc, ri--y c- ci r IA) f -4 c a ri A.L O V e_ rcr a MAO r.L kt ci 5>/sti -rx„ ji_tj illictypta, /05. f "Me feet/7 ivtQ cIs'o Cal/ Phh, e (11 3 Y)-- ? Co - Li 3 5 3 --pc t- vv‘c l-e ao-r- s af",� 333 C 75 Ifftidti plq a vor 7l rYl `7 714qpd ALBEMARLE COUNTY • • • • ..• a - • • • 3 • 3'{ J wut AM NfIALLR DISTRICT: N':, SECTIO S4-A-C� - NT:JT-O N.UNSEar,.. : Legend (Note:Some Items on map may not appear In legend) 11.11.1111111 54A-15 54A-16 _ •�• 54A:_18 54A-20 ® ,•„� 54A-19 .......................- 54A-1 O 54A-8A � -� .54A N 54A-$ \ 54A-1OA 0 1 y t GIS-Web i \ a<`.,�^t e. Geographic Data Services www.albemade.org a n (434)296-5832 r` kUl /+1 ip 'a a /, t� 54-14A 54-15 0 63 Feet 1 . 817 Map is for display purposes only•Aerial Imagery 2002 Commonwealth of Virginia Frlt6nwy 22,2007 2 54-3 54A-14 / I 16B VA-2007-004 Elven Land LLC "` (owner/applicant) I' , 54A parcel 9 1 Tax map t 7 04A-19 54A i -17 54A-15 54A-24 54A 5A -21 54A-25 54A-23 1 I' / 54A j 54A-18 SCC l 54A-12 / / i/ t I i 54A �~ m 61 Al 1 1 �` f I -16 �� I j C X SIN .V � , .- --F 54A-10 54A-11 C ¢' 54A "? -l_ - _ \ \ 54A , 54A 10B 7A 54A-8 10A 54A-7 64A-6 16A 54A-3 54A-5 _' 54A-1 Ili 8 €: _. 15 z �� j14A _ 14 14C �!' 54A-4 14B 54A-2 /-. �- -- - t'1 16 �� // 1 if15A3 13A „osCae260 Albemarle County Tax Map. Feet 0 54A s Note This map is for display purposes only tifl,,,z''' andshowsparcelsasofn a005. NeWt0 WI1 ',^See Map Book Introduction for additional details. PLAT SHOWING PROPERTY LINE ESTABLISHED 50' BOUNDARY AND PHYSICAL SURVEY OF FROM CENTERLINE OF RAILROAD 0. 332 AC. TRACK BASED ON MONUMENTATION FOUND AND C. a O. RAILROAD R/W THE PROPERTY OF DALE LUDWIG PLANS, AND DOES NOT AGREE WITH LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 690 PLAT IN D.B. 497, P. 442. NEAR GREENWOOD CSX RAILROAD WHITE HALL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY SINGLE TRACK VIRGINIA FOR PAUL MAMAKOS POWER LINE SCALE : I " = 25' OVER EAD 50' DATE : FEBRUARY 8 , 2007 POLE N05°od100"W 20 id 0' 75 STONE 0.37 IRON ����� /CULVERT FOUND 15' 110.22' OLD ALBEMARLE SURVEYING,LLC• ri,� N 86°54'40" E _ -- 612 EAST JEFFERSON STREET y' 55.13 IRON •� 55.09' -,_, AXLE IRON � s CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22902 -- FOUND/ FOUND 0.12 { , FOUND G c - � TIE FROM IRON FOUND / REAM , \ TO AXLE FOUND NOTES S 06°37'021' E 8.38' I. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. o 0 0 D c 2. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT LIE IN ZONE A (SPECIAL W r • S 3 FLOOD HAZARD AREA) ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE 11 c0 01 71 .T co 03 °D = D • RATE MAP,COMMUNITY PANEL 510006 0225 D. ? cr N r— p _4 rn m� 0p 3. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED, ESMTS. AND -v -0" " C 1CF) W m v OTHER ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN co W 0 -o � :3-p-p U) I MAY EXIST. \ W - N �A6O Z (. g (c)4 % -v \ \ In rn O ' Wj GO � � rn 30m om\ i nmUi -o0 -v m � o o � vD\ \ o D\ N - m\ \ m o --1 T. M. 54A - P. 8A � � m RUBY B. SMITH _�� ROAD ~ _ -, D. B. 1752 , P. 208 cfl ` - - _ - D. B. 497, P. 442 PLAT Co 4 O D. B. 3I3 , P. 585 N \ �6�3% D. B. 90 , P. 84 DESC o N c3 N N 3 F� SX`Tii On'Vi O,�4 eS * QO��� Illii z 0 � i:y26i in o z g 14C :C. ` 0' 793 ON LINE - O 2 8 7 —_-_ _ .' � �'� 4.-, ,...$ ,., /I z qt _{.., Zo N o �-J \ \ 0 W rn TIE o d- TO N79°34'22" W 00 GREEN HILL LANE 5. 12' IRON IRON 1000' t FOUND° „ FOUND 25.00' IRONSET -.J 14.42' . cr , , — `ENE o • z ROUTE 690 -� 41, � �. a S�P RNe- n/ CENTERLINE OF 30 0\J E(/t/r0 PRESCRIPTIVE ESMT WA/ & PAVED ROAD N 73°35'37" W 59.14' 0q 1061