HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP198800008 Application 1988-01-19 ALBEMARLE COUNTY t"r4 1 Office Use Only gi Application for JAN 19 1988 File Number SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Da e Submitted PLANNING DIVISION 0 Preliminary or Final Site Plan to Commission (Fee of $200 plus 14 copies required) * Administratively Approved Final Site Plan (Fee of $100) 0 Major Amendment To File Name (Fee of $50 plus 12 copies required) 0 Minor Amendment to File Name (Fee of $25 plus 5 copies required) O Ordinance Waivers (Fee of $100 plus sketch/plat) O Relief of Conditions of File Number (Fee of $50) 0 Landscape Plan Waiver (Fee of $50) TITLE OF PROJECT:Location: i_ rrc:- 6E1 l� w c-f_CSc=tii r 1)i tyt= Tax Map(s)-Parcel(s) � 755 - 17- 0 (pwai-tr--in) Existing Zoning pp ; LI- Magisterial District t?tu/tii,v/1 If Residential: Number of units i\l / i3 Type of Units Acreage of site Resulting density If Commercial .I3r, Industrial 0 , or Quasi-Public 0 (Please check one) Square footage of building (s) 2 5 Z c Acreage of site G , 77 Intended use: Fil .i Fc c,D 17,c`,- . \ni IT ii t) tv - I rJ tna$r,p(,,i,j Owner (As listed currently in Real Estate Department) Name Rev,/ =n,n six 1._Tu. ja TivCi 4it' Phone 2`l e, • V/)/ / Address PA:. f;,,y Wit, L L.• i C' 'v+I.L. i v;r-) , '1 ZgcS i :z Developer (If different from owner) Outz(4C2 841src=2 s1 ris c - Address j L.c; . G , N1i1, 1<er S r; 1-11) Rt�c>c.i6ucc VA . Phone / (/7,25i I 1 i • Surveyor/Architect/Land Planner Ole Cr.� /CO—iAiotvC-r E,uc,,,uEc=0Iv(„ /J C Address i',c , t',tit,x (.z ( /1 el' v, L-L L. L�,9 . z t.cic=c. Phone q 7 7 /`,L li Contact Person - 1 t -0 fv C.., ,, .�,,,c Address j).c ,l,< r (,--zr-lr e t-, L._ , (, .i . .1r<<<.(, Phone et77 - / q9S, • The Site Plan application process includes providing the Planning Commission with all the information required in the Zoning Ordinance, Section 32. • The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance applicable to this application. • Signed J,:s. ( ( �1-'l:c',. ._ - Date /�i 19 `3. ( er, Contract Purchaser, Agent) Fee A j CC. Date Paid /-/ -/ - 4 ,S.' Received By PA,v1 r //(---' Notes: OFFICE USE ONLY PLANNER: Site Review Date: Recommendation: Planning Commission Date: Action: !Illir Board of Supervisors Date: Action: ram. I/ib(6ts H ATTACHMENT - D " C COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE IV. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN CHECKLIST PROJECT NAME: R/VE/e8END DRIVE T4CO BELL TAX MAP( S) AND PARCEL NUMBER( S ) : T,M. 78 - /740 02,4Rr O.c-'�_ PLAN TITLE: 7 co BELL 3/TE PGAA/ FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL PREPARING THE SUBMITTAL : APPL/EO TECNNOLOGY J ENG►/A/EEiri.{/G, P.C. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this final plan for approval , I hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached plan and find it complete as to submittal criteria . I also certify that I have met with and/or discussed the attached plan with all the following agencies and have their tentative approvals at the time of this submittal : _%."--- Department of Planning & Community Development _s/ Department of Engineering _ Department of Zoning _✓ Department of Inspections - Fire Official Approval _1/ Albemarle County Service Authority G4L let /i.i. — 1 Date : —/I—g.� (4 gnature of Submittal Agent - The following information shall be provided by the applicant . A. PROFESSIONAL REDU I REMENTS: _✓ I . Except as otherwise expressly provided by law under Title 54, Chapter 3 of the Code of Virginia , all final plans submitted for approval shall be prepared by an Architect , Engineer , Land Surveyor , or Certi - C, fied Landscape Architect , duly licensed in the State of Virginia . The professional seal and signature of the individual assuming responsibility for the design shall be affixed to the final plan. C B. FILING REQUIREMENTS: ____ 1 . Minimum accuracy standards : Boundary , setback , zoning - 2 feet : 10 ,000 feet Existing contours - 1/2 contour interval Proposed contours - 1 foot horizontally & vertically Spot elevations - 0. 1 foot Existing structures and features - 2 feet , crit- ical structure - 0. 1 foot Proposed improvements - 0 . 1 foot _✓ 2 . Fourteen ( 14 ) clearly legible blue or black line copies and one reproducible mylar copy . 3 . Six ( 6 ) copies of_ landscape plan. __✓__ 4 . Plan scale of 1 inch equals 20 feet or larger . No sheet to be larger than 42 inches by 36 inches , with a sheet size of 24 inches by 36 inches being the preferred size . If more than 1 sheet , match lines must be indicated . _✓_ 5 . All off-site easements have been acquired . C. TITLE BLOCK IDENTIFICATION: 1 . Signature panels for Department of planning and Community Development , Department of_Engineerinq , Department of .Zoning , Fire Officer , Albemarle County Service__Guthority , Virginia Depar ent of Health , Virginia`Department of Transportation. _✓ 2. Name of development . _ ✓ 3. Name of owner/developer . ✓ 4 . Name of individual or firm who prepared the plan. 5. Tax map and parcel number . 6 . Zoning . ✓ 7. Description of variances , zoning proffers and bonus factors which are applicable to the site. l j1/6CIA E. pc_lzr^.iT ✓ 8. Magisterial district . 9. County and state. C ✓ 10 . North Point . ✓ 11 . Scale. - ✓ 12. Datum used and a benchmark reference. _/ 13. Source of the topography . ✓ 14 . Source of the survey . _✓ 15. Sheet number and total number of sheets . ✓ 16 . Date of drawing . 17 . Date and description of latest revision . _✓ 18. Owner , zoning , tax map . parcel number , departing lot lines and present use of adjacent parcels . ✓ 19. Minimum setback lines, yard and building separa- tion requirements . _✓ 20 . Vicinity map at scale of 1 inch equals 2, 000 feet . C _✓ 21 . Boundary dimensions (metes and bounds ) . D. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ✓ 1 . Written schedule or notes ( see Section 32. 6 .6 . a) Ah4 . 2. Indicate if sale or rental units . N.A. 3 . Number bedrooms per unit . AAA. 4 . Number units per building . A 4. 5 . Recreation facilities specifications. E. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: _✓ 1 . Proposed grading (maximum 2 foot contours ) up to 20% ; ( maximum 5 foot contours ) over 20% . _✓ 2. Detailed water and sewer plans required by the Albemarle County Service Authority . _✓ 3 . Detailed construction of drainage and grading plans: C_ a . For all proposed ditches and channels show existing and proposed grades , invert of ditches , cross pipes or utilities; typical channel cross section for new construction; and actual cross sections for existing_ channels intended to remain . ATtois/S b . Pr-e-f-i leo of all storm sewer systems ) i^iLeT showing existing and proposed grades . t FWG I Lontc, c . Plan view of all drainage systems with all structures , pipes and chan- nels numbered or lettered on the plan and profile views. Show suf- ficient dimensions and benchmarks to allow field stake out of all proposed work from the boundary lines . d . A drainage summary table for cul- verts , storm, sewer and channels ( see 32.6.6 .d ( 4 ) ) . _✓ e. A legend showing all symbols and abbreviations used on the plan. _✓ f . General notes , typical sections , and details of all items not covered by Virginia Department of Transporta- tion standard drawings . N A_ g . Flood plain limits for the 100 year storm for all watercourses that have a drainage area of 100 acres or more . _✓_ 4 . Typical street section ; centerline curve data, radius of curb returns or edge of pavement ; location, type , and size of proposed ingress/egress to/from the site ; together with culvert size ; symmetrical transition of pavement at intersection with existing street ; the edge of street surface or face of curb for full length of proposed street ; when proposed streets intersect with or adjoin existing streets or travel- ways , both edges of existing pavement , or travelway together with curb and gutter indicated for a mini- mum of one hundred ( 100 ) feet or the length of con- nection, whichever is the greater distance . _ Z . For all parking and loading areas indicate : size ; angle of stalls ; width of aisles and specific num- ber of spaces required and provided and method of computation. Indicate type of surfacing for all paved or gravel areas.