HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201600015 Application 2016-06-15 Pre-application Meeting Request for 45: 7 -.„ g Special Use Permits or Zoning Map Amendments .: P1JG1 1 Project Name: Oakleigh Tax Map Parcel Number(s): 45-26A I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING(Check the appropriate box or boxes) 0 PROPOSED NEW SPECIAL USE PERMIT 0 PROPOSED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT or AMENDMENT Current Zoning District: NMD Proposed Use(s)&Section(s)of the Zoning Ordinance requiring a Special Use Permit(if known): Proposed Zoning District: NMD (if known) COD-to allow Assisted Living Facilities This will be an amendment to a prior rezoning action? Yes, ZMA 2007-04 File number or name of prior action Has a pre-application meeting happened previously for this project? YES NO ✓ If YES provide the date of the meeting: Agent/Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Steve Edwards,Agent Daytime Phone#( ) Cell Phone#(434) 531-7507 *E-mail steve@edwardsdesignstudio.com Owner of Record Oakleigh Albemarle, LLC c/o George Ray, Jr Daytime Phone#(434) 978-1766 Cell Phone#(434) 242-3527 *E-mail george@insignia-va.com *Email will be primary method of contact unless otherwise specified. Submittal Requirements 611 One(1)completed Pre-application Meeting Checklist(including all written desctiptions noted in the checklist) Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this request form and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best . , , knowledgeUI and b lief. 4. • rN�S 6-15-16 Si - of Owner or Agent Date Steven W. Edwards,Agent 434-531-7507 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Pre-application Meeting Request 04/01/2013 Page 1 of 1 Edwards designStudio, Landscape Architecture and Site Planning Transmittal Date: June 15, 2016 Pages. 1 of 1 From. Steve Edwards To: M%Erahcis MacGall I Senior Planner Albemarle County of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Oakleigh: Pre-Application Meeting For: X Distribution X Review&Comment X Records Other Transmitting the Following: Qty Item 1 Pre-Application Meeting Request Form 1 Pre-Application Meeting Checklist 1 Written Description/Questions/Permitted Uses 6 Concept Plan/Excerpts from Approved Plan showing similarities Comments: If you have any additional request prior to the meeting to help answer specific questions staff may have please don't hesitate to call. Cc: George Ray, Oakleigh Albemarle, Inc. 7 )- y 16-06-15,MacCall,Oakleigh,Pre-Application,Transmittal.docx 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg,Virginia •24503 •tele• 434 531 7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio.com 1 of 1 �4.0V AN County of Albemarle o$� thi Department of Community Development C.) -•r 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 �IRGII` Pre-application Meeting Checklist Pre-application meetings are held every Monday at 2 p.m.,3 p.m.or 4 p.m. (Holidays excluded). There is no fee for setting up or attending the meeting. Attendees of the meeting include staff from Community Development(Planning, Zoning, &Engineering)VDOT,and where appropriate the Albemarle County Service Authority(water and sewer),and Albemarle County Fire& Rescue. Pre-application process First, consult with either the Pre-application Coordinator(Francis MacCall) or the Chief of Planning(David Benish)to preliminarily discuss your proposal and questions you need answered to determine the type of pre-application meeting that is needed and what agencies/departments need to attend. l l A prospective Applicant may request or be guided to have a more general,exploratory pre-application meeting with staff to discuss their proposal prior to submitting more detailed information about the project as will be required for the mandatory pre-application meeting. It may be determined that, based on the nature of or circumstances related to the proposal,and the level of information available at the meeting, that a mandatory pre-application meeting is no longer needed Staff will notify the applicant if this meeting may qualify as the mandatory pre-application meeting or if an additional meeting is required. If it has been determined that your project is ready for a mandatory pre-application meeting,then fill out the "Pre-application Meeting Request"form below or located on the County website,www.albemarle.org/cdapps and provide the following information with the request form: A written description of your proposal,specifically outlining,as applicable,the following; WI Description of the properties to be developed (tax map and parcel number,total acreage, existing buildings and uses/activities current on the property,existing zoning and Comprehensive Plan land use designation) WI The proposed use or mix or uses;the proposed density or total square footage of development,the proposed scale, and the proposed zoning district, and any other information that may help identify potential impacts of the development(such as hours of operation, unique traffic characteristics,etc). A brief description of the surrounding properties including the uses on site (i.e. residential, commercial,vacant, etc.and character of the property(mostly wooded, in pasture, etc.) WI A written statement as to the proposal's consistency with the comprehensive plan. Sketch/concept plan is recommended but not required for the meeting request An illustration of the proposal ("sketch"/concept plan) may be useful in discussing your project. You are encouraged to at least submit a boundary survey or plat of the property or any known prior approved plan or plat on the property, if one exists. Please see the recommended content for a sketch/concept plan below** Pre-application Meeting Checklist 04/2013 Page 2 of 3 WI Submit the following to the front desk of Community Development office,401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 by 4 p.m.on or before any Monday; • One(1)completed Pre-application Meeting Request form • One(1)completed Pre-application Meeting Checklist • Six(6)copies of all additional information including a Sketch/concept plan (if providing one) NOTE: Once the Pre-application Meeting Request form and Pre-application Meeting Checklist have been dropped off to Community Development you will be contacted by staff to set up a meeting on the next available Monday time slot. Any mandatory pre-application meeting will be scheduled within two weeks from the Monday the request is received(subject to meeting time availability). **Sketch/concept plan recommended content It is desirable to have an illustration of the following information; • The parcel(s)to be developed and the general area of the parcel(s)to be developed (the development envelope) • Location of entrance(s)onto the public street(s) • Location of proposed use(general location for buildings/building areas(envelopes) or existing structure/building/area to be used on a developed site) • Parking locations • Major environmental features(water bodies/floodplain, area of 25%>slope) The more information about the proposal,the better the staff can assess the issues and provide feedback on the overall proposal. Particularly for larger scale projects, it is encourage that the following additional is provided, if possible: • Grading activity(rough concept for grading or detailed grading plan, if available)or topographic information for the property with 25%slopes identified (this information is available from the County's Web-GIS site). • The type and location of stormwater management facilities • For properties within the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District,general location for landscape areas,wooded areas to be retained NOTE:illustrative info/sketch plan does not need to be an engineered plan;a basic"sketch plan"may be adequate for most pre-application meetings. Map information/layers are available on the County's GIS-Web system and can be used to obtain some of the required or recommended information Pre-application Meeting Checklist 04/2013 Page 3 of 3 Edwards designStudio Landscape Architecture and Site Planning The following is intended to serve the purpose of the written description in the Pre-Application process for the Oakleigh Rezoning/SUP request. The site is located on West Rio Road (Rte. 631)adjacent r to both Berkmar Crossing and The Garden Spot.The planX(., -, received a rezoning to Neighborhood Model in 2007 •_• „jz ,f .. ,X ,q 1,.(Pf i'' ,- (ZMA 2007-04) and had a final site plan approved in •- 11,0k1, „ /I�' ` ,,.' ,kl .r', rrµg ate ,0 2008(SP 2008-101).The 8.822 acre property is owned byr .i 4. . set, _• _'' l' 4 Oakleigh Albemarle, LLC and recognized as Tax Map 45 Parcel 26A. Under the Comprehensive Plan,Oakleigh is f•, + r !_ designated as Urban Density Residential (6.01-34 s ,V # x31 -.^µ ,4,xr"--,---` "t- >_,: DU/AC),and Neighborhood 1 under Places29. ' •'4. �:,,�r With regard to the surrounding properties, not 1,,Y:,,,. f® i much has changed.The Garden Spot operates as a t is ,;' iN'~" +."-— .-` y commercial retail nursery. It is an Urban Mixed Use ' L n� i, . Site s' dbu in the Comprehensive Plan. Berkmar Crossing is still a- : g ` `'".�a�~f r �\ ,� -, a commercial office/flex-space complex with a PRD • ` �:,, `Myra , f i,+rr., {...`•,4 zoning. Medical Facilities of America (formerly Tr.{, `., -°� -•'---'! Heritage Hall)continues to operate as a ,C�I•'irl i`j-i— •4 NS , r. _ ; t`Agnor-Hurt• rehabilitation facility.With an R6 zoning it is listed li \f •.I,,f ..f!=; '. chool -4 as Urban Density/Mixed Use in the Comprehensive �, ,. � r.° -"_._itAL'L,JHItir '._ . ' ; _ r°'„ : Plan. In addition,there are three single-family sP }l areenler Fes, 'Ric �rir1 parcels backing up to the southwest corner of the �a,o° 1, r !,, iiHill l / I -. ,'L, .. >''•.Shoppin.Cent"/f{ site. All have R2 zoningand designated as either , ',NS `, , "mot_ , fr,:1f(r,1,r 2 11/, \ S. fir .,... .t„';...� !e'fJ t{r.Ntr ��A. ` ri j' �."` `._ - dit` 1C-.�!rti Office/R&D/Flex Light Industrial or Neighborhood �...'r rrp'{/f/// �^-,.i e.'.= 's: °f" '1 l l t#1',J'h r, /1-1 tl�,r, ?,`;^ q ;r IftFe `/T4�i I;I,rl� Density Residential according to the , i • - '1,tr`.'\'.1."''. LL-- Comprehensive Plan.All the properties described ,„w.,,J /,:o ., i.. r it", lltte r rr t I +Vi Mil: Fr T.= -, ';�l, /bi e .,/ • >''':t';{,/, WI f,4 f NS ,I, above have a Places29 designation of `S ''}l,Pt "'rt.l.ir ♦IFJ r.{ ^ 1`i if t�#r (r ,F i t •v.a..�i.Ri.._F.� -- = _ '.. - Neighborhood 1. As for the property itself, it still has many of the large trees on it but some have been damaged due to natural causes over the past few years.All in all, Oakleigh remains undeveloped (with the front in pasture and wooded in the rear) due to the difficulties in finding builders and commercial tenants following the 2008 recession. Oakleigh remains consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. As a Neighborhood Service Center under 10 acres,there will be office/retail/services on the first two floors of the commercial buildings along Rio Road with residential lofts on the third floor and it provides an additional mixture to the surrounding area.These commercial/retail buildings can provide potential opportunities to doctors, dentists and other health care professionals close by to both the proposed assisted living use and Medical Services of America (formerly known as Heritage Hall). 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg, Virginia •24503 •tele. 434.531 7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio corn Edwards designStudio Landscape Architecture and Site Planning The owner/applicant wishes to rezone the property from NMD to NMD with a SUP to allow an assisted living facility use in addition to the residential and commercial uses already approved, thereby continuing to serve as a mixed-use development. In addition,we are hoping to revise the Code of Development to permit a wider range of uses in each block for future flexibility,and adjust the recommended setbacks to better respond to market conditions. By revising the rezoning to include an assisted living facility in place of residential townhomes we are fulfilling a significant need in the County, particularly the need for additional Alzheimer patient's rooms. Furthermore,this revision reduces traffic; reduces both financial and service impacts on the County;as well as,will provide greater taxable revenue for the County. The owner is still committed to ensuring that as many of existing trees will remain where possible.As before,this effort will continue to be orchestrated by an arborist.With his input,the trees shown are what we believe can be saved with the addition of the assisted living facility and their strict program requirements.As a result,the developer is prepared to spend an extra$200,000 in site costs to implement the assisted living program.We are prohibiting grading in the vicinity of the preserved trees which necessitates this large additional expense for the fill and retaining walls to level Lot E. Attached you will find for comparison purposes both the current approved site plan (excerpt sheets)and our proposal for how we wish to redevelop the site. Other Statistical Data: Lots A&B=2.270 Acres for Existing Commercial Buildings (excluding VDOT dedication) Lot C=.495 Acres for New Commercial Building Lot D= 1.293 Acres for the Revised Residential Units(including the Pocket Park) Pocket Park is approximately.25 Acres excluding roads/row Lot E=4.746 Acres for the Assisted Living Facility Building/Lots A&B are 3 floors. Floors 1&2 will continue to have 14,400 GSF each with (16)2-3 bedroom apartments on the 3rd floor. Building/Lot C is 2 floors and will have 7,200 GSF. Building/Lot E is 2 floors and has approximately: 120,000 GSF, 120 rooms,70 full-time employees;and an annual payroll of$2,000,000. 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg,Virginia •24503 •tele.434.531 7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio corn • Edwards designStudio Landscape Architecture and Site Planning In addition,we would like answers to the following questions: 13°S 1. Can a by-right reduction be applied to any cash proffers (existing or proposed)? No, 1113 2. How will the affordable housing policy effect this project with the proposed revisions? 3. Can we apply for a Site Plan Amendment following the Rezoning or do we need to go through a whole new Site Plan application process? 4. Do our roads need to be public or can they be private particularly with the proposed townhomes? 5. Is the approved Riverside Village Rezoning submittal a suitable format to follow compared to our existing format?The difference being their COD is included in their plan sheets where ours was originally a separate document. 6. In terms of expediting the required Rezoning/SP, recommend how we can best do it for a County review? 7. Are the proposed allowable uses acceptable and/or will any create difficulties for us in our rezoning process?See the following Permitted Uses table. 8. Are the Questionable Uses(highlighted in red)exemplified in the chart accurately located with the use? 9. Do we need to designate SP in our Permitted Uses or what falls under the County norm dictate? 10. Are there things we can do now(i.e.submit individual COD variations regarding uses,yard and lot requirements, etc)to speed things up so they don't slow us down later? 0 Does a Block Plan make sense now? If not, how would it best be configured? 12. If the GIS shows critical slopes on site but our topography doesn't how is that remedied? Do we need a critical slopes waiver? 13. Do we need to submit our tree bond now if we are rezoning?Can we submit it for only the trees we are planning to save at this point? 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg, Virginia•24503 •tele:434 531 7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio.com Edwards designStudio Landscape Architecture and Site Planning Permitted Uses T he table below delineates which uses will be permitted within Oakleigh. P=PERMITTED USES SP=SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED BLANK=USE NOT PERMITTED WITHIN BLOCK BLOCKA - _ - I II Detached single family P Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as duplexes,triplexes, X P quadraplexes,townhouses,atrium houses and patio houses Multiple Family dwellings P P wRental of accessory structures P P ] Homes for developmentally disabled persons(ref.5.1.07) P P Boarding Houses wTourist Lodges(ref.5.1.17) P P O Home Occupation,Class A(ref.5.2) P P w Home Occupation,Class B(ref.5.2) Accessory Apartments I Accessory uses and buildings including storage buildings P P Assisted living X Rest home,nursing home or convalescent home Administrative,professional offices P X Antique,gift,jewelry,notion and craft shops P Auction houses X Barber,beauty shops p Churchescn p Cemeteries(only as currently exist) Clothing,apparel and shoe shops p Community Center/Clubhouse X X zClubs,lodges,civic,fraternal,patriotic(ref.5.1.2) a1 Commercial recreation establishments including but not limited to amusement centers, w bowling alleys,pool halls and dance halls Contractor's office and equipment storage yard2 X Convenience stores Day Care,child care,or nursery facility Department store Drive-in windows serving or associated with permitted uses SP Drug store,pharmacy Eating establishment(not including fast food restaurant)3 P P 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg,Virginia •24503 •tele:434 531 7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio corn Edwards designStudio Landscape Architecture and Site Planning I II Educational,technical and trade schools P Electrical power substations,transmission lines and related towers;gas or oil transmission lines,pumping stations and appurtenances;unmanned telephone exchange P P centers;microwave and radio wave transmission and relay towers,substations and appurtenances(ref.5 1.12) Electric,gas,oil and communication facilities,excluding tower structures and including poles,lines,transformers,pipes,meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility.Water distribution and sewerage collection lines,pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the P P Albemarle County Service Authority.Except as otherwise expressly provided,central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law Farmer's market(ref.5.1.36) Fast food restaurant-(i.e Subway,coffee shops,sm.mom/pop cafe)? X Factory outlet sales-clothing and fabric P Feed and seed stores(reference 5.1.22) cn cn Financial institutions P • Fire extinguisher and security products,sales and service Florist P Food and grocery stores including such specialty shops as bakery,candy,milk P dispensary and wine and cheese shops • Furniture and home appliances(sales and service) P • Hardware store z Health spas P Home and business services such as grounds care,cleaning,exterminators,landscaping, X and other repair and maintenance services-florist,vacuum repair? Hotels,motels and inns Indoor theaters Indoor athletic facilities Laboratories,medical or pharmaceutical Laundries,dry cleaners(processing of garment goods off-site) P Laundromat(provided that an attendant shall be on duty at all hours during operation) Libraries,museums-historical society? X Musical Instrument sales P Newsstands,magazines,pipe and tobacco shops P Newspaper publishing Office and business machines sales and service P Optical goods sales P Outdoor amphitheater 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg,Virginia•24503 •tele. 434 531 7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio corn Edwards designStudio Landscape Architecture and Site Planning �• �, _ . I II Outdoor storage,display and/or sales serving or associated with a by-right permitted SP use,if any portion of the use would be visible from a travel way. Photographic goods sales X Private schools Professional offices,including medical,dental and optical P Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices,parks,playgrounds and roads funded,owned or operated by local,state,or federal agencies,public water and sewer transmission,main or trunk lines,treatment P P facilities,pumping stations and the like,owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water 1-4 and Sewer Authority Research and development activities including experimental testing P Retail nurseries and greenhouses School of special instruction P Sporting goods sales O Stand alone parking and parking structures(ref.4.12;5.1.41) z Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat Swim,golf,tennis or similar athletic facilities-weight room/physical therapy? X Tailor,seamstress P Temporary construction uses(ref.5.1.18) P Temporary non-residential mobile homes(ref.5.8) Visual and audio appliances sales P Wayside stands-vegetable and agricultural produce(ref.5.1.19) Dry cleaning plants(processing of garment goods on-site) w Tier I or Tier II Personal Wireless Service Facilities P P Retail Stores and Shops 4 P zParking Structure/Structured Parking P P O X Accessory uses and buildings including storage buildingsgi P P A c 0 z A.Block designations may change once a determination is given as a result from the Pre-Application meeting 1.Accessory apartments are permitted in single family dwellings only. 2.No contractor equipment storage yards will be permitted or allowed. 3 Eating establishments shall be considered in this COD as "Restaurant"as defined by the Albemarle County Code. The purpose of this is to allow coffee shops,cafes,lunchrooms,luncheonettes for those within the Oakleigh project working in the commercial buildings or visiting the site for commercial activities. 4.No retail uses shall be allowed in Building'A' 4836 Old Boonsboro Road • Lynchburg,Virginia •24503 •tele:434 531.7507 email: steve@edwardsdesignstudio corn . • CeAt/ 1-t) Rovk in addition,we would like answers to:the following•questions: 1. Can•03y.-4IghtredOttiOn be applied to-any cash proffers:(existing or proposed)? 2. How will the affordable hotising policy effect this project with the propoted revisions? moybc 3. On we appforaSitePian Amendment following theReloning or d6 We need to k through a whole neW site PlanapplicatiOnprocess? 4. DO our roads tieed'to-be publiOr•canthey be private PartieulatlY W4h,the proposed lownhorne :$,: .ii:th-eaPPrOVed RiversideVillage Rezoning submittal format to follOW-compa red to. our eidstingfOrmat?The.differente beingtheirCOD IS Inchidefttin theirplansheetswhere ours was originally a se,patatedOCUMent; e6,- In terms of expediting the required lieizoning/p,,recommend how we caribest do it for a .County leVIOW? tk eice-e_GLW vLvirA...1 ii-vticktv roi:.t*cy 7, Are the proposed allOwable Uses'atceptableand/OtWill anytreatelliffieUltlesjOru$in our rezoning process?See thefollp.Wing.:Pettnifted Ustô 8. Are the Questionable (hijfigghtedifiied)OeMPlified)kthe 004 accurately located with Th.e:use?' Pkr644- &jc Look e :p, Do we need to deSignaP inOtirOprnittted,Uses or what-failt undertheOunty,norni-dittate? NA,kb, 10. Are there things wetari.do,noW(1„e,-submit Individual COD variationi:regatding:USet;:yard and a.ss:S\4-4 lait.requirernents,etc)io speed things up so they dOnIslav US.dOwn.latet? DOes a plOckPlan.Make_tente nOW/ hOw would:it'best beconfigured? 12. :lithe GIS shows crititalSlopest on Site but our topography doesn't-hOw!filhat.remedied?Do we. need a critical Slopes-waiver? 13. Dome need to-subMWour tree,bond now if we are rezoning?Can we submitit for onlythe trees we'are planning to save atthiS.point? Actic- J" Le vd- 2 Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 10:54 AM To: Ron Higgins; Michael Vieira; Robbie Gilmer; Margaret Maliszewski; Moore, Adam PE(VDOT), 'Deel, Justin(VDOT)'; Frank Pohl, Matthew Wentland Cc: Elaine Echols Subject:- 3pm, Room B, Mandatory Pre-app meeting on Oakleigh ZMA All, , I would like to quickly draw your attention to the 13 questions on page 3 of the pre-app narrative. I think I can address many of these questions, but there are some where I will need your input and others that are best answered by a different division.Just wanted to put it on your radar screen. I have large paper copies on the plans in my office if anyone would like to see them ahead of Monday afternoon. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 1 In additiOnfWewould 1 ike anSWers7to;thelokoWingqqesliPhs: /,, Art (>11 1. c*a:by-,rjoittodootioh'.0e applied to any cagy proffers lexisting orproposed)? r( "- ‘4:01 pi et,411 I _ 2. How-Will the affordable houing policy effeCt this project with the.ProPOSed reflOOns:?..j Can we apphifOrt Site:Plan:Arnendhie-nt follOWingthe:ReiOnIng-Pf.dPv;te heed:to gOthroUghe WhOtehe*Slte Plan:application process?' c--a((eAA)*(-- a Pe Cf c 14(>(-2--7 4. Do our roads needid'he public or can they be.private,partiCUla0With;the proposed townhorhes? ik-041 avki. WILA ded:c V-1-1 S $. .1i the approved,klyerSide:11111age'ilezoriing:stihrolttal.a suitable format to follow compared to ourexisting format?The difference being their COD is Included in Aneir:p)ansOleet4where.our4 was-priglnallya-SeparateiodUirent 7.-OLA-A'/N3 cr- Pj 4-1(14. " 3 InfirmiotiSPedifihg:fhkrequlted',$ 00140P4 recommend bow we can beSt,do:it for.a •County otam# EAJ.L ketou 6-04 4t(-fed )<=egs. i/mY ,z6/ Are the proposed allowable uses'acceptable(andlat will bfiy-dOte;diffietiltrOfOtiOn.-* krot).r00614000-00$0.0gf011oWipgMttiitted(4e#cibk, 8: Aroihe:Quettionabie.-UsetihWOred:Krgq)00Plikeel0:144e.04rtaOturatOjy104401With The 140' DOWeheedjp-dolgo0i.sp iii:04t;00.0.ii4tp0*es or what'fallS:onderihe tpaptv,Orpri,dittate? 10. Are there things)A76,taritio.hoWl4csiibmit rodiiiid#01.0D variations regarding yard-a Id t reoultomq*.ptc)fto speed thlngs:upso:theydoni SW/iit'.clOWit later? PtZi& ' 11 Does a'BIOak Plan.Make.Sen5knO0 lf:OPto..how would it'hest.,be,conftgured?'14 Z- 761/A V. if tile.01$,Stiowt critical slopes on tito.b-utOuttOpOge0044001-ilOw,g.thaftOttied(ed?.Dro:we. 000 critiCatslOpes wah.,fer ' AA -E. ArW14.1 13: "Dowe-hOdio'sOhthit-Outtree bond now if we.are rezon1h0r.an we submit 1(for onlyAhe-treet we are Oanniog to sa'ye:at this tidint?: '7,0 i+0 c<iShca4 cusscd( I TE_), r I 0 re S k/t1 -6>v rK ire 2,0/1(,4 ArE r 146 tae-.‹stc nfz cR. s et,c a 0( vet4A-f-a .(to I 5 tiLCv e V: 4 CedcL_ N/L-c / 0 1 ( QoJ 2 • Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry , Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 10:54 AM To: Ron Higgins; Michael Vieira; Robbie Gilmer; Margaret Maliszewski; Moore, Adam PE(VDOT); 'Deel, Justin (VDOT)'; Frank Pohl; Matthew Wentland Cc: Elaine Echols Subject: 3pm, Room B, Mandatory Pre-app meeting on Oakleigh ZMA All, I would like to quickly draw your attention to the 13 questions on page 3 of the pre-app narrative. I think I can address many of these questions, but there are some where I will need your input and others that are best answered by a different division.Just wanted to put it on your radar screen. I have large paper copies on the plans in my office if anyone would like to see them ahead of Monday afternoon. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 i County of Albemarle PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE NOTES for By-Right Applications Tax Map and Parcel(s): Lt 5 ac A Date: (/Zo//h This checklist is intended to facilitate and document the meeting discussion. Visitors: f A / A VG- v.‘c L r i Gt. ,�- n�il k - C wa%d t GL�C , J410,40. Fru kk1:r ayU plug 2R- laydt ,L« CA Staff: S i.ts.c,,,,, S 1; Current Development: /"l-a.vcl.,a rcA- ✓ Planning: .S• T-N ,�c,.(,r/ c1 Zoning: L., �' '"s Engineering/County Engineer: IF„- ,k ,raoJ-I VDOT: /4-ol.e,,,, .Moak, - Service Authority: 1tA Z ►� 1, 1A:cet a. Building Official: Housing Office: Description of Location: Existing Zoning: MA) Zoning/Planning History: Comp. Plan location and land use designation ��tr I� erns ` y - IP."4d c.A AGENDA[Typically, the Planning Division planner will lead the meeting.] I. Introductions and Disclaimer: "This pre-application conference is advisory and based on information provided prior to the meeting. Since details are rarely provided at a pre-application conference, staffs comments will be general in nature. If staff doesn't have answers to an applicant's questions, we will get back to you over the next week. Similarly, if staff needs additional information to assist you in making a future application, we will get back to you over the course of the week to obtain that information." 2. Applicant explains proposal and asks questions. Summary of proposal/Questions: A is a ti,A. 1- . s.lam- ( l-sc,) lcks 4t, ]x. -,PIA 410 a..cs.st . 1�vc Lov..0 N,��,1 com5 Cci s 66 ) ) 5c `�( o�.{ L4 4 Lot /3 '`s u— 14,0^1`9 1 L0 (7 cots 14- at,, . cvas% 3. Staff answers questions and identifies issues. (A list of some potential issues is provided below.) Question/answer: y d 2 Lc Zt camas• co,.¢�.•��{.�( f L W 6 �owti hauics c...c. La..R�vue1'e-t V5 5 27, yS"/,..,t ko..c.s„-� 40,614 u,Ly-aet ter reAr l r 14)4..1.e Question/answer: Question/answer: r , vsivw Question/answer Issue: Issue: Issue: Issue: Topics Discussed (Check those that apply;add notes as necessary) Comp. Plan recommendations including Master Plans and RA Plan recommendations Following Special Use Permit: meeting conditions, application plan conformance Following ZMA: application plan conformance, proffer conformance NMD Conformance with Code of Development Variation(s) required Waivers/exceptions/variations from Site Plan or Sub ordinance Setbacks Transportation Need for transportation study Interconnections to adjacent property/development(street/ped/bike) -- DA Public road access internal circulation (in conjunction with Engineer or Current Planner) Private Street request Natural Features/Open Space Plan/Greenway System Urban Design/Public Spaces/ Parks or RA-rural character issues Other community facility issues Entrance Corridor/ARB Historic Preservation Rural clustering RPD option and conservation easement options Easements Deeds required New and Existing Utility(ACSA, RWSA, Private)/Building Code Issues Fire/Rescue Groundwater assessment, including LUST sites WPO Jurisdictional area issues 4. PROCESS DISCUSSION: Staff summarizes the review process. (Depending on application type, respective department representative explains application process,including timing, submittal requirements, application details, scheduling hearing.) Discussion/Issues 5. NEXT STEPS Additional information to be provided by staff: I- Additional information to be provided by applicant: Summary/Other Issues: L