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ZMA201600015 Resubmittal 2016-12-16
OAKLEIGH RIO DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN PREPARED BY: ALAN G.FRANKLIN,P.E.LLC Civil and Site Planning Engineering 427 Cranberry Lane,Crozet,VA 22932 telel 434.531.5544 el alan©alanfranklinpe.com Edwards designStudio,PLLC Landscape Architecture and Site Planning 4936 Old Boonsboro Road Lynchburg,VA 24503 telel 434.531.7507 el steve@dedwardsdeslgnstudio.com www.edwardsdeslgnstudlo.com 30 JUNE 2016 28 NOVEMBER 2016(REV) 16 DE(.EMBER 2016(REV) SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 COVER SHEET SHEET 2 PARCEL OVERVIEW®IONAL CONTEXT SHEET 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN SHEET 4 BLOCK PLAN SHEET 5 CODE OF DEVELOPMENT SHEET 6A APPLICATION PLAN:SCENARIO'A' SHEET 6B APPLICATION PLAN.SCENARIO'B' VICINITY MAP I Scale:NTS PROPERTY DATA APPLICATION PLAN NOTES OwnerlDeveloper 1 This Application Plan proposes a change in land use from • Oakleigh Albemarle,LLC Neighborhood Model District(NMD)to Neighborhood Model District 690 Berkmar Circle I C'ville,VA 22901 (NMD)to allow a mixed use development of the site "•"' """"` 2 This Site Lies within the South Fork Rivanna. Legal Description: 3 Refer to the Code of Development located in this set on Sheet 5 SITE _ -- TM 45 Parcel 26A(8 822 Acres) 547 West Rio Road BASE INFORMATION .,, Source of Phylscal,Topographic and Boundary Survey: Completed by Robert Lum,Dated 5/30/2003 • - Additional Work completed by Thomas B.Lincoln Land Surveyors,Dated 5/31/2007 and 11/15/2007 Datum.NAVD 83(State Plane) a Benchmark:Top of Fire Hydrant.Elev=566.50 Water Source:Albemarle County Service Authority-Jurisdictional Area • Sewer Service.Albemarle County Service Authority-Jurisdictional Area Existing Zoning:Neighborhood Model District(NMD), ZMA#2007-04 with a Parking Waiver Entrance Corridor:Yes Comprehensive Plan:Urban Density Residential(6 01-34 DU/AC),Urban Image provided by GOGGLE Maps Mixed Use(in Centers)In Neighborhood 1(Places 29) Existing Approved Site Plan:SDP200800101 \ \\ Edwards rce3NPLLC Ae do dS. Landscape rcNedure an051e Penni g \ 4936 OW Boomboro Road Lynchburg.VA 24503 TMP 45-26A1 MA 434.5317507 /♦♦ Now or Formerly \ el atew�edwvdadealgnaludb.com • EJM GARDEN.LLC wow vdwardadealgnetuelo.cwn ♦ D.B.2717 PG 746 ♦ • Zoned:Cl ALAN G.FRANKLIN.P.E.LLC Comp.Plan.Urban Density CM .s I and vlarnrnq Frqrnean'p ♦ Use:Residential 4Z/Gan6eiry Lane C.o 129, ze.v4 /♦ . oR1 tNPI431.n1.d544 • el aln�♦a66143W531.55m ♦ ♦♦ \\ KEY • •4\/e,!°°°°° • 70 i ` o • 70 I • o a AF \I Cr1 01 TMP 45-26A iY I Now or Formerly a I OAKLEIGH ALBEMARLE,LLC LL I D.B 3346 PG 314 Z Zoned-NMD Comp Plan.Urban Density • 0 (a Use Urban Mixed Use ^` 8.822 AC ' U i aJ i II CL C.) r CI w i 11 Q CO Z1 N TAN 451ow or Forme� I Z Cs1u • MEDICAL FACILITIES OF AMERICA • I D.B 3678 PG 655 Zoned. • Z Camp.Plan:Urban Density • 0 QQ Use:Residential _ N f 1 I 11. 11• Block A E • Lot:Unit 1A Bldg C ihry Unit EE 30 Bldg 11 Block i _---- - - ------- - TMP fi1M-12-1A1 1 ill'! _.) -�Q- -�- Zoned:PDMC 11 Bk.S Block B Block 6 At TMP 61MBI11 1A2 thru 1A6 Comp.Plan Community Service L.19 Use.ConmercialOMce I9 TMP 61M-05-19 Lott Lot 2 Zoned.Cl See Chart CCC TMP 61M-O61 111P 61M-06-2 Comp.Plan:Community Service a Formerly Now or Formerly WILLIAM R.THOMAS OR RACHFI PREMIL OR RAN.CEIN: RUIN PARSONS See Chart8p T.CASTILLO D.B 2301 PG.366 D.B 4160 PG ud8 • E D.B.2829 PG.593 Zoned:R2 Zoned:R2 Zoned:R2 CIt omp Plan'.Neighborhood penally Comp.Plan: mmero FOake Block F1 BkIl F1 Ii Comp.Plan:Neighborhood Density Use:Residend Re M Use:Residential TMP 61M-13-2F1 ihru 2F4 TMP 61M-t}1Ft'two FS Use.Residential Zoned:Cl Zoned:C1 I El Comp Plan:Community Service Comp Plan Community Servko Use:Caoner99.Offce Use'Commorda4O8k See Chan See Chan 4i 1 ER Parcel Overview i p ILI it '` .,, - School—__� 'a ro rea / • by `�> 2 t NS '�' Ra \ E F{ ' NSit t1 � ': i ` SITE -� - fi Ns ` ••albumRi•- `4NS_ ` +4j • , T�i Iff � . SITE ::, 2a it _ . e a S•, .I Seasons ' SCALE: 1"x 30it • ISSUED. 30 June 2016 a g NS` A nor-Hurt ! 0011 REVISIONS. tud----- , • •��4 i School , 1032416 COUNiY/ARB COMMENI9W • 2.11-0216 COUNTY COMMENTS _ i •' Ag.�nor-Hur+�t=�f�' 3 1246-16,COUNTY COMMENTS • N�4� � c/� 4 12-1616 PC MTG.COMMFNIS F••.♦•♦♦ ' 'NS �` -_� NS / �. .1 -- 'CD 'PR I SVWO: )1 cot�r .- _elKm2tar (/ I _4•• _- I I �i.. Js••t _ ' • .• .• • •• r F. _ SHEET: ry • ,�• �,., `/'Woodbrook� r i �h •• _fi�lT78f �EpIP. - •R10--1,11. ■ r ' I _ �� t �--�. School Q • a: 2 i sty ) p ; Shopping Cente��• Parcel Overview& Regional Context Map Places 29 Future Land Use-South I Not to Scale Regional Context fg OF 72 ■ • • , VICINITY MAP ADJACENT OWNERS LEGEND: / \ `h Mawr-Lal2nsWaa.PLLC 1"s SOO' Tay BG•BUCK GUM ` ^ ad p l Parcel Ow.r Da-Pe. CHR•CHERRY _ / �T O.zcape ArcM1necturo and Sale 4936 Old Raonzporo Row 61M-12 tAt Ar41vry w Nary N Vaae• •613M) HEM•HEMLOCK / / r / L,chtaurq.VA 24503 • ) ' 61M-1]-tA2 KqA LLC 3044503 LOC•LOCUST _ / 1T 61M-12W YTB ar4Nbnenre.llC 30R a0 RO•RED OAK IN•l47<.SJ1.T501 •�-L 6tM-t]-1M DEYREV LLC t14bT RN•RED MARE / --) Pi Z• VP•VIRGNNPNE �� \ ` / •I.Mv.e6wreaL•Iwnalu6b.cwn 1 t. ✓ BIM-12-W Btepl•n Wabn B.HcuttScalt 1BOMSp / J Ica/ www•avade..19.1Ebcwn IRIe:F't��r r/�y, 61M-1]-tA8 DEIYEP LLC 1)]6211 wqL.WALNUT �- 4 5W /FJ _` .)�Y �/�' 61M-13.1F1 Lama.-aRYtiY Caw 132125w WO•WHITE OAK a ALAN G.FRANKUN.PE LLC ,/!- \fir __ ^� 61M-131F2 Rush L M a-.woe Mew 15112 5 / Ae� / Cove and See Alarm,Engrneenng �.♦ t 61M 131F3 Kama L.DM MIN SURVEY PREPARED BY. / ' ' _ R \ l .']Cranberry Lane.Crozet.VA 22932 L I /,)�.� T 61M-131F4 Dana and Gramm Spacer L13 1Y6241 LUM'S LAND SURVEYS.INC. 1W. • � \ / \, N, 6194131F5 Rasa L.,a a Jew.C.Maw 1902406 P.0.130%154 PALMYRA.VA 229630154 / Mal 434.531.55. .`t�j e1M-lsal JAW M.swrnraawor.. 32mUBr a3a)Sesa3w5 // / \ el aun�a.nnanxwnv.Ana �� ♦ c 61M-13iF2 Ma.A.or Juno M.MOW/ 5162121 T, ♦••� ♦ 61M-133F5 Dlr.•alN aaw1MYD GaW +6o1-Sl 100M SS.SURVEYED By / / * r• / KEY. _/ /^° 61M-112f• DHNE►LL.0 t]6BH) THOMAS B.LINCOLN UND SURVEYOR INC. / // / / 1• " / -ALL. .. ^ ) ' 632 SUMMAR CIRCLE `1I °O NOTES. CWIRLOTTESNLLE VA 22901 / R 1 THE PROPERTY LES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE C AS SHOWN •rl/H¢H (434)934-1411 / F C6Y L' a O.% ON THE FIRM MAP PANEL NO:St0p060230B. / Y/ / / a / / \ .r \ / / �1yr ,�. / /ems- \ 2 \\ {'t21 ,i'' j- 2 THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT HAVE ANY CRITICAL SLOPES. / IMP 45.26A1 G ` 'I ,/,'aY` o f3�. �!Y\ 3 DATUM STATE PLANE coonolwLre 1963 -, ,,,, Now or Formerly \ A V ;r TREE INVENTORY BENCHMARK TOP OFFHAEEV 566.50 /__- / I EJMGARDEN,LLC \�/ I / / DB 2717 PG 746 2 \ r \ , .+ Zoned.C1 \ `,."'is \ 2 \ _,_ - d 31?6 7 - -,�.iiii vow o.a 121. " / / - Comp.Plan.Urban Density \ ♦-589•TO y t,/ IA kw a" t :�+u• / ... IIII r / Use Commercial .�, A a CVILL�NEId. e. \� �V n 4411h • , =z1w..m.mm / +. . =: \ f- // / / / - • -- // ` :„..,- \o..e \ ENTRANCE Cep i ' 3' • . C •��, .�MMMMMIMMI / • / / _ / _ ---s 2\ , ..., 1..,,,,e ! \ \ l \ DBURN voouptr.11Wll°it t S. ' •p 1 7 Moro!,, y - - , ____ , . ,.\ ,,_) -iii\ - �^arx -.s-iMMMMMIMM ' J \ \ cL / r 11 \ 1MM e ‘ 't 0 5 Ng. 1 /\ N\ HA P• �'d C. s �' / / // / // / • I ) / •I 1 1 Q .0 He w,,.P. lr M©= IIL . 2Ii. �!. r� / / —/ // / 70 A :a ) / / / \/ 1 ( \ ' - •W t'A 0==iMINjiL.MMMMI / 11 -1♦t'i f' Lc"iX // / / / ' / — § / / / / Dl)11 BT2 \// ' \ w I� (ZS PS MI ,,•.....MA am. A / / \ I / / / / / 0 K 21'4.5gliM / / / V4yAlb-- / nA vik�M63MMMMM N / / / / / dp/ 4 ' I TMP 45-28A/ / / / ` :y-I'' wg 36 LMM�M /�e f / / `"�ta� 4 \ I Now or Formerly / I I \ o OQ RN,-RO gs 3) MEM / 0 / / / / / 19 /r°I -��� _ _\ aA I I I OAKLDIBH 348 PM314 //C // // / / / \/M�.,. R0 859 9y oar a x _� / // / / tag) ��I I I I I &Med'NMD / / / / / /\ 1IMI / / / / I I I tromp Phan.Urban Densny / / / f.�• ��MES� / // / // / \ I I I I use Urban s22M Ced us6 / // // / / / (( % , ' I .L., m����, . ' / / /'ts) '' \ I I I I I bP�l. I I i I I I I I / 4 \ 19 ,t,°'" ,I r■1\ / I 1 / / I I 1 I 1 A811 RE I I I I I I I II I` "'. x.. x RI ` // l I 1/ / \\ �/ 1 1 1 I I II I I 1 1 I I / I / iI IS 36• °00 : IIIf' / / 1 / / 321 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I l l ICI \l' 11 4i AS •Ra" w x I I ` / / 1 1 I / l ll 1 I I / I 1 I I I I I 1 I - - §i d• 1r ��S 11Aa Z / // / �. I 3 �35 / // / / I I / 1 I I I / I 1 I wr -F i���I I I ljj I / / P�I ———/ - / / / / / I I I 1 I I I / I lI i. 113 III �� a / / ( I / r_ / / / / I I I I I I 1 I I / 11 I. + «e H• ��IIII / I //—/ / / / / / / / / 1 I I / " r. i '11\ 1 I I \\ ----// // // // // / / / / / / I I I / IIt �' 11 , / ��/l��i�l� I\� l\\ -- // ,...m/// // // // /_/ // /l / // // I �_�� as _ ti 2s • _- •/....ar // 1 \ \ - /// Or".. - :+.�e....-:-s,- -er. M . 35•If.7.J1 as _ / Now or Formely .1\ --- ` \ - --- // / $■ ////- _—-!--- ____ _ =.r.•�X-a a- \8' •l ..` sa MEDICAL FACILITIES OF�IMERICA \ / /////// ••. vdt ( \\ 11 SCALE: 1"�30't1 D 3678 PG 6r66 /,e/f/ .�;.JI[�� ,�/ r I_ ._(L_--1 I {' nl / ISSUED: 30 June 2016 a 3 B'`Lbned.R6 ..maaP�r �� _ .F- ///' ////""w m.. " a"B 1 � VCi I� )\ P .1 Comp.Plan Wban Density „„ N � / /// $R[{NjAg Q V / REVISIONS: / / / `Iaa \ • L 0929-I6,COUNTY/Ma COMMENTS O Use'ResldentlaF \ ,! -- - - \ _ i $46• 'F ea _- _ .- / //// A Q 41`r :/, 1. , 2 31-02-18.COONTY COMMENTS Pi _`r._ _ -' 7..a...... -_,l f///L/e14 7u7—IAipmtt5 \ ? / I 1 33 :� 3.11.2&16.COUNTY COMMENTS ' - ——— \ Y4 " " • / ' /� 439.51' " /`// / / "•`y \\� )1I I O+ , 0.12-18•SB PC MTG.COMMENTS F m. �� \ m,„ Block 6 I) _- •i--= —-- _ ° Block-A - �, L 4.y I� , o �- ♦ \ \ -_. _ _ / P CROSS dA21pru 1A6 Block Al �ot 19 1 \ Lot 1 \ . Block 6 ��////e_---—__- -_ / TMP BIM-12-1A; - `•� _ 4 0r P81M 8 TMPBIM-06-1 �r �___ B,- AR CROSSNG CONDOMINIUM1 / - ,_'4ASSOCIATIONS,ET AL I BERKMAR CROSSING CON IN 6 / " Iw• w or Fo,edy Now or Formerly- 1 \ , aw / �/ r R/Ire • — / �// / "� +' Zonenmone ASSOCIATIONS,ET SHEET: 1 WILL -. .0 AS OR- CHEL PREMIL OR RANKA CETIC 2 1-dr °"�av :,. S St sb`8�B'`Id"-"a, L °"/ '„'j' r- w mod'•63� Plan'Comma Service--- C Zoned:PDMC i T 82 •'BCPr D�2ag1 PG.36fj \ j No onnedy I -®, � .. _• Use Commercial-Office Comp Plan Community ServYm? / ..4j., 6' �� F B 2829'- - 1 Zoned R2 R SONS Use Commercial-Office \ _• z I Zoned:• Comp Plan Neighborhood Density / 1 -D. 4i6D 4&. Block F1 IMP BiM-13.1F1 thru FB "o,•. hart"'" / 1� 1 Zoned-R2 TAP fi1M-13-2F1 thru 2F4 RKMAR CROSSING CONDOMINI M p See Chart g-< �, Plan Neighbo ••r Density Use:Residential �-iw 2^•• _ 3 �r \ BERKMAR CROSSING CONDOM •` i -- n Use'Reside 1�• Comp.Plan, lgnmercial-Office ASSOCIATIONS,ET AL •I� \ z J \ Use ite5ldenlial OCIATIONS,ET AL Zoned C1 <'t! ,..r1 , .1i° 'ro"" a n w Zoned:Ct Comp plan Community Servke b `j" ft`" 1"•^" a fp \ I 1 1 / Comp Plan Community Sem " A, 7 Existing 12 H Use.Commercial-Office a I♦'i M s "�" r 1 use Commercial-Office See Chart g - y' e ""� �� c/a a� Conditions Plan r ✓1 I 1 1 I ` 1 see chart \ -• OF 7 re ■ Edwards de•Ignstudo.PLLC Landscape Architecture and Site Pbnnrg DEVELOPMENT BLOCK SUMMARY 4936 as born Road // I Lynchburg VA 24wa MIL MFL MAX. WYf.O WCK FOMENTED 4 W.HDN- 11AY.NON. /}jxCLJ{lyS7y-lE-y// / DWELLING WELLING WOWS flBMDOIT4L / l`[- WI 43LSN 1M1 Ag1E/10! ALLOYM9YBE BIb1310 REMDEKTIAL REBOENTML ,y yL SCOIMOA M®1MOB MITI PIIFM,T HOUSING GE GaF - BLOCK IV \s: N•b w.rd•d.lpn•Wdb.cpm dwardstlsdgnsweb.cwn LLc sIACNI t.ro4 WED USE 0 0 8 OaD APARTMENT w s om0 m.ggD .96 ACRES \V/ �� i\'...., 1.1 �;e`bNs F ^9E^9a'ring \ ` / 427 CianEerry Larw Crozet.VA 22932 MMTkENT RESIDENTIAL /' . lBLOCK II OM WED LSE 0 0 8 1000 CONDOS 5A00 20AM �. / � MWI 434.531.5541 LOFTS // \ el abn42alwirw enpvcom APARTMENT / \ . \TOWNIgkEs , / \ ` `-� ,! rt \1 KEY: BLOCKM 0.42 MEDUSA 0 0 20 WA LCM�DOSS 0 WANT , ' % • .• �I /8/ATTACIED TACHED •.I / 1 �. / !�APARIAQO / �( lTOWNHOWs /Ill 4BLOCKIV 038 WEDUSE 0 0 30 3,25 W B0 '0.030 0 •• \V , �A fLOFTS ��� �!'r"�',� .= SF DETACHED • \ Se ARACNED • \\, BLOCK V 433 WED USE 0 0 03 ,8R i Os 0 115,000 •• • f .�.s 1 OFTSSF DETAD,ED SF ATTACIED Rom OS F/SR MEIRlf~0 /M WA WA WA WA WA WA r". g + p i .. ,., ROM B 03J INTERNIROAD WAWA WA WA WA WA WA �e s , PUNKROWDEOICATPU 002 u F'X'RAD WA WA WA WA WA WA WA •..- „.., E ' � TOTAL LEMMA eat id e1 100 /Sit IMO mess \ RESTRICTgN1mE0UeREMENTS AS50aATED WTH THE sTANDARDs MOVE 11'/ - • I witer to me Cm001w nt o en Sheet 5 tor on r Ow Pewee Leas , 11, I ewes .W 2 Ica.m ems 'Meet*rcm•mc•l newerd Bodo wean We OaNy'. dewle n. \ , L . I I ti •, 43. enBlomenswadb edleSO din flex Q BbckvanotevebpaMuan mete)wine Fealty.•scW be d•wtp9 m awe.swore enm Scwrxoe pen ahom 00inst MAW n 9n.tl ma.WI the Cade I ROAD'B' W 01 Ord.,.PI Sheet 5 heen • De,heemai'en.umnumber hew Shads m ere proocaed wawa my;Facet was NM10.140.wttcn a whew b Gamow.wm elwar N ne9OraK olfw CO.W .33 ACRES �� ZO (D a.&eweA•erw pennim under ne A•utae LAag RCN,we. S; ■ r a (PRIVATE ROW) ""r';"" Q c • U 71 LAND USE SUMMARY LAND USE BREAKDOWN f��` -1 BLOCK V 7 : _ -B _ - B USE ACREAGE %OF TOTE. USE ACREAOE %OF TOTAL r ■ 4.68 ACRES - ! SITE SITE �/ MIXED USE ; -------- ------"�- ---r-1-.«..�. z Q� COMMERC01LMg(ED USE 7.01 79% BUILDINGS 1.8/ 22% I �B W r0 **99d RESIDENTIAL 0.98 11% PARKING S ROADS 5.0E 57% �_, ' B Q �( v OPEN SPACE 0 0% ROW 0 0% /ii}� ROAD DEDICATIONS 0A5 10% GREEN SPACE 1.83 21% •I B ROAD'A' I I W 1 l ) L of TOTAL 832 100% TOTAL SA2 100% • `V � .50 ACRES ,'� < 0 � �o I (PRIVATE ROW) e. z ay PARKING DATA .-, i ■ - -i 1 OREQUIRED 1 BLOCK UNIT TYPE Pot NITSSPACES � G ACES _� -- II �, (r J BIOCN I APARTMENTS° 16 0 --� r_ _ _�•l ..i.._.. .. RRRa�.. ; I- BLOCKII APARTMENTS 1M 0 •) - COM.ERCWL(13,680GSF)t I 1M M 1 T• - &g BLOCK III COMOERCLBL(13,680 GSF)1 a 31 S 3.' BLOCK N TOWWIDMES(1 CAR r OF.F)• 12 17 0 1 -', aaz BLOCKY ASSISTED LM1'° 123 92 1N : j: 0 I I I I I II ' . @ _ TOTAL 142 21/ 2M _ - - - - - - -. _ I cwt.. . i2 1. ILIIIIIIMM EMIMIIMIIIIIIMMII RESTRC WITH ueTIONOREOUREMENTB ASSOCIATED THE STANDARDS ABOVE �- +_ --T- `-1 lid! ) - g1 1 Gst spaces are NOT requred Mt LOIN when perking isgrouped to9 pa ath0 6 e rlaS St.af0oro). • •• •• •• •• \ 1 ` ,.I • [@ 2 See cammer0Wl p reins ubl9Ttia,s Meow on Res sheet for deters .., it 3 Based m Its Approted Relpnrr9(7 4.1007-04)a Perking Water was granted for a reduction of lounyarc(41)spaces \1 _ 7 The approved Wdilrns arc as 8WON . __- a e6M(8)parkn9 spaces rear%Mi g'A'shall be marked as.side I only. ... b.eghl(8)parkas spaces near bold ng-B'shall be marked as ked only I 1' ",r;8v ,'•-' ; a -T. .., .tea. c Sidewalks wi be required between the parking 13 adjacent l building D-and We parka g bl adjacent b b9idng'8'as yy shown col Sleet BB Wee Pen''SCanar0 B'AeemaDeely.sidewalks w000 regained W We tine of We plan f" r�--`":_ I I 4 -'i (C- -e+I approval between We parkas W adjacent lo BUIMg'B'and he adecenl b,Wlr6 ICI.shown ce Sheet 6A Wed, 3 GpmcatDnPlan:Scera,bA' BLOCK III BLOCK II W. RIO ROAD 4 Theeseas,a,WSsted inwral engas29nell'ehrgdrede5 .42 ACRES .86 ACRES DEDICATION li 5 The Wepropcsedassumes assisted Wing GAFAeg assumes one tutored no.nly(120)bedroom apedmmb Equa3eW m one hundred Panty-two(132)beds(1 space per 3 beds).Addemrel apartments anNa beds are permlisd prwded the mmrum palms s � provided. �e.Ketiethe9emo.ofihentota,addsse^el50.60spap.W accomoateba^sMN COMMERCIAL MIXED USE .02ACRES E.Parking shall.snared be9een all Blocks w4hh tie&..Aretiwnt. (PUBLIC ROW) 1- COMMERCIAL PARKING CALCULATIONS(per Buildings A S e) - FOOTPRNT 7 200 SF TRIP GENERATION PARKING @F,8 COWERCLeLAREA 14 400 GSF MINUS PERIMETER WALL T20 GSF AND ADJ STREET IDA STREET •A reduction from me listed requirements may he approved by the Albemarle County Zoning ADJUSTED GSF 13,e20 GSF CODE LAM USE t M AND PENS PEAKS SATURDAY SUNDAY Admn accordance In addition to the previous reduction at the time of Final Site Plan approval In e 80%(NET TO GROSS) 10 9e4 NSFTRIPS accordance with Sections 4 12 7 and 4 12.8 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Y E SPACES REQUIRED 111200 NSF) 55 UNITS (Parr Unit) AM(Par Unit) PM(RrjhMO P •The minimum off-street parking for all non-residential uses permitted by-right In the permitted APART►ENT 806 _ 0.55 0.67 830 5.86 uses table in the Code of Development(Section III Sheet 5)shall be 1 space per 200 square feet I f COMMERCIAL PARKING CALCULATIONS(per Buildings C) NA 18 105A 83 1072 1•224 ISM of gross floor area(GSF).See supporting documentation for approved or requested parking €ss FOOTPRNT 4 100 SF 230 TON/MOLES(1 CAR GARAGE) 0 5A1 0.44 0.52 567 4A1 reductions A3 other den-residential uses shall adhere to the minimum parking requirements in %g COM,ERCTLAREA 8200 GSF 34A8 184 112 3Lf2 VIM accordance with Section 4 12.6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance 14 MINUS PER2.ETER WALL 410 GSF 2M ASSISTED LAIC 120 274 _ 0.23 0.37 2.2 2.44 2 8 ADJUSTED GSF 7 790 CSF MAO VA) 44A0 VISO 24260 •The minimum off-street parking for all residential uses shall be(2)two spaces per unit.Garage F 80%(NET TO GROSS) 6.232 NSF 710 COMA:RCBIL(35,150 GSF).a 0 11.01/1,000 1.W8I1,000 1 49/1,000 2.40N,000 105//000 spaces may county towards the off-street parking requirement.A parking study shall be provided € to Albemarle County Department of Community Development to justify an parking reductions t a SPACES FtEOUKEO)e)20DN6F) 31 W 86 u M A N r pa SCALE: 1"•Stir-e below this standard at me nine or Final Site Plan approval ISSUED 30 June 2016 s i TOTAL 657 94 111 467 433 •Any Site Plan submitted for approval to develop uses in any block shall provide a u)culatlon for REVISIONS' BLOCK GREEN SPACE AND AMENITIES RESTRCTIONB(REOUREMENT9 ASSOCIATED1MTN THE STANDARDS ABOVE required nntparsheng eiat the request of ith aA request,0 needed,for any reduction of the 1.09-2316,CWNrv/ORB COMMENTS O 1 Based on helnra et Transplaiaten EnpiteEs(RE Manual).Tarp GerWrolbn,Tar Ed requirements herein accordance with Sections 4 12 7 and 4 12.8 of the Albemarle County Zoning 2.11-02-18,COUNTY COMMENTS V REQ.MN GREENVPACE 7 AMENITIES(AC) Ordinance 3.11-28.18,COUNTY COMMENTS 2.Based on he Magnum GSF al Non-Residential Urea bud h the Bock Summary on Sleet 4 4.12-16-16,PC MTG.COMMENTS Fe PROJECT GREEN SPACE • BLOCK TOTAL 3.A Canrrerce calculations are based on 1000 SFw ACREAGEAND AMENITY A.EWTES OPEN BUFFERS % GREEN % TREE PRESERVATION SPACE SPACESPACE •A Tree Conservation Plan will be submitted as pad of the Final Site Plan Thinning 5501 be 8 BLOCK 1 28% 5147 74.66 permitted In areas designated open space green spa.and amenity areas at the direction of a BLOCK C OF 0 0.00 BLOCK II 3A22 GROSS SITE 0 0.00 71558.32 Certified Tree Arborlsl(or equivalent) BLOCK IV 74957260 102e6 37.35ro SHEET: SIGNAGE AND ARCMfTECTURE BLOCK V 176AC 12654 3037 e •See Code of Development on Sheets 5 for Signege and Arch0ectural Guidelines rc TOTAL 0.84 37% 133 21% H LANDSCAPE TREATMENTS 4 i RESTRICTIONS/REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE STANDARDS ABOVE •Will be tlelarminetl at the Final Site Plan process with the Input of the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board(ORB) a Numbers shown are appraemale and are subject to change W the Final Site Pion process AmenAes and Green Space are twined by the Merced.County Zoning Ordinance ICy 1S Section 3-Oenruhom) Green Space inckdea a.l Amenty areas W Amenity Space oalculaMs do not nada indoor acmay areas Block Plan �1 OF7rc — Edward.dedgnSNJn.PLLC Landscape Architecture and Site CODE OF DEVELOPMENT III-Architectural Standards V-Table of Non-Residential Uses by Block peter rn Ptmn sitter., VI-Street Cross Sections ire er re Pan sine to .36 bid Boonsboos Road Lynchburg.VA 24503 A.FORM,MASSING AND PROPORTIONS OF STRUCTURES ORNATE STREETS I-General Project Information P,.es.e.,+, ids1434.511.7N7 •In Block I the main mass of each building are proposed to share the same ground floor...Ion. The following table estabashes the permitted residential and non-residential uses special uses and •Road'A'and'8'will serve as private street access to al blocks.The typical section is 24'curb o N slsv®•deardsd•Ignsadb.cm Any buildings containing a commercial use shall relate to West Rio Road Dormers and patio prohibited uses by block.The leper'P'represents uses permitted by-right.The letters'SP symboize curb Streets may have gutter pans depending on the engineering requirements.Planting strips ww.F hrwasdsslgnatudb.com A.Principles o1 the Neighborhood Model: decks are permitted. uses allowed by special use permit only Uses not designated as either'P'or SP'are prohibited in the and sidewalks are along Road'A'but not required for Road'B' ALAN G.FRANKUN.P.E.uC • Pedestrian Orientation-Sidewalks are provided along Rio Road and Berkmar Drive.which will block. Cyr end Site Planning Ergineanng provide convenient access from the Oakleigh development to other nearby commercial uses, •In Block II.the ground floors may respond to the grading of the adjacent proposed paving and the �•we a and public transportation.Within the Oaklegh development sidewalks and pathways are shown existing topography in an effort to minknbe land disturbance.Therefore ground floor elevations of I - w The anticipated street section '-�Cranberry Lane.Gozet.vA 22Sea buildings Block II will vary PERMRTED USES f will be Me following. tw.I.r flnT.ssu throughout the development making this a pedestrian friendly development. gs in ry 1 •I WnDra�nrankNnP..com P=PERMITTED USES r _ 2-of5M-95A surface •Articulation of the facade shall occur wherever three or more units are attached.The minimum • Multi-Modal Transportation Opportunities•The streets within Oakleigh are primarily SP a SPECIAL USE PERMIT REOURED - Course KEY' • articulation allowed is 4inches. designed as travelways.Slow traffic speeds,low traffic volumes,and landscaped roadways with BLANK=USE NOT PERMITTED W IfHBe.N BLOCK 3'o,Ble 25 Be Course ' sidewalks MI help to make the sheets and paths neighborhood friendly This will allow B.PERMITTED eCHRECTURAL STYLES BLOCK ,,,. , _se.I �uw•'• { 8'of VDOT e2rA Stone Base Yj opportunities for bicyclist to get to and from their destinations without the need of separate bike I II ■ IV V r- , I t y 37 j'-1 lanes on the traveteeys Bike racks will be considered In Blocks 111 III and V In addition. •No restrictions on architectural styles are specified In this Code of Development.However some Adnnetratrre,professional offices PPPPP 1 ., residents and visitors alike can take advantage of the nearby pubic bus stop near the front of common elements of style through the use of omamenlaOons should Nand the design of all is r r buildingArchitectural des will be reviewed b either the developer/owner ar a MlptAe,gill)west',roe and craft shops P P P P P t Oakleigh. uses. designs cull y e - g neighborhood association ifone is utilized.Initially,the developer/owner we NMI'the role of the Auction houses MI' ,_ n �� e hborhood association Berber,beauty hops • Interconnected Streets and Transportation Netwaas-Interconnection Is shown on the plan n g Cllurchre s P P newel Twice'Street Secobu into the Berkmar Crossing Development This interconnection wit help facilitate the _ r _ y ,� The anbcipated travehsays •; „i transportation network related to Oakleigh because there Is a Vane sgnal at one of the Berkman Cemtents(Dory as currently Rest) --r and parking sections(except 1 Cldhirg,apparel and shoe shoos P P - Tfa Crossing accesses and Rio Road.The access from Rio Road to the Oakleigh development Is -- 10r the por0u4 paving areas) Canmuniy CenterrCluNhouse PPPPP will be the fOlbwin �' '/ not proposed to be signalized. g ,.a ' 2 Clubs,lodges,civic,fraternal,patrbte Ind.5.1.7) PPPPP 11C111. IV-Table of Residential Uses byBlock nererropransheer.; Canmemral recreation etablishmentsInc l gtailndimlledto ,,, 2'ofSM-a.SA Surface • Parks and Open Space-Thera will be a pocket park located In the development.This will P P P P P -1 '� Course Igarden and buffer between the front and rear uses.In addition.several amusement Cantos'bowling alleys,pod heft end dance Me serve as a one 0 of BM 25 Base Coale large mature hens will be preserved Benches,paths and landscaping will help facilitate this The following table estabishes the permitted residential arid non-residential uses,special uses and oo ���s��equipment storage yard P P P � e'of VDOT CIA 5rona Base space into a park like environment.A tot lot is not envisioned at this time to be incorporated Into prohibited uses by Nock The letter'P'represents uses permitted by-right.The letters'SP'symbolize p Coeoeeerce soles P P the park given the few residential units. uses allowed by special use permit only Uses not designated as either'P'or SP'are prohibited In the D Care,chid Nee,a rinser/facility P P P Nock. sJs Figure 2:Typical Trove..SediOns • Neighborhood Centers-The commercial space within the Oakleigh development may serve F ednws earwig or asecteted with permitted uses P P Notes' as a center to area residents and surrounding area. o Dog store pharmacy P P P P P Where perking occurs adjacent to fog nlep the sldewasa is associated with curb as PERMITTED USES Eatig establohment PP p shown.In other instances a 6'planing strip is proposed. • Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale-Limitations are placed on building sizes.heights and E Edoalonal,technical and trade sc P P setbacks In Block I. P=PERMTFED USES 2 Electrical paver substatiore,transmission Goes and related towers, SP=SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED i gas or ail basmisaor lines,pumpng alatons and appurtenances, VII-Affordable Housing • Relegated Parking-In Block I parking Is shown in front of Building B.Working with the ARB BLANK=USE NOT PERMITTED W R u telephone 11t4 BLOCK untanned telee exchange centers,microwave and radw wave P P P P P W paring spaces were removed and now satisfies their request Additional along parking has been BLOCK transmission and relay towers,substatons and appurtenances Refer to the Proffers for additional detain. Q relegated behind and off to the side of the two commercial buildings alo West Rio Road.The I s M IV V (ref 5.1 12) LL maining parking within Oakleigh has been minimized and buffered throughout the site using Detached single(amity P P P Electric garages,topography and Introducing landscaping to help minlMze any parking impacts from the s an tit and communication gpoleIics,td:ilitie5,excluding lower Z Entrance Corridor Semidetached and attached single-family dwellngs such as sWet ees and ncWing poles.tines,transformers,pipes,meters Q 1.0 duplexes,triplexes,quad-apkus,townhouses,atrium houses and PPPPP and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and F- • Mixture of Uses and Types-This development proposes commercial uses in the two buidings pea houses - prere'd by a pubic Any Water distnbuhM and sewerage Q `^ >` located In Blocks I II and III.Residential uses are located above and behind this commercial ell MakeFan*/dwellings P P P P P eelledan lines.pumping shone and appurtenant.owned and P P P P P V space In Block N In Block V assisted living is proposed at Reach of accessory structures PPPPP operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority Except es VIII-Yard Requirements by Block p.wo tic ee she.all J Ha mar fardesNWpmeualy disabled persons(ref 5.1 07) PPPPP of herwse expressly prwrded.central water suede.and Central d • Mixture of Housing Types end Affordability-The appllranl proposes to provide townhouses, Boaderg FWses sewerage systems in Conformance win Chapter 16 o the Coded ----- sisted living,and either a type of apartment or condominiums/lofts above the commercial w Tourist Ledges(ref 5.1 17) PPPPP Albemarle and all other appicabie law LOT)PARKING I BUILDING REGULATIONS Q ^' �+, buildings in Block I.In addition a cash proffer is also provided to the County in the amount D Home Occupation,CANS A(rs/52) P P P P P Formers make[ref 5.1 38 P PI- e W Z based on the County's affordable housing policy lo Hone Occupation,CMes B(rat 52) ) FRONT FRONT SIDE SIDE REM REAR 11111L Z 3 - re LOT YMDTH BUILDING PARKING BUI DNG PARKING BUILDING PARING MR l MAK aILDRG W Q AcceseoN Ayamnaae' P P P Factory outlet sabatbdhig and teak P P P isio SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK STORES • Redevelopment-Oakleigh H an example of an infi development. MORT 0 U Accessory uses and purl tags including storage diditle PPPPP Feed and seed stones(reference 5.1.22) Nes) (min.) RNA/ 1 ) (Wm) OTML) 11 • She Planning that Respects Tartan-The applicant Is making a large effort to preserve as Assisted living 2 P P P Finance'reau6orhs P P P BLOCK' 125' 30 15 0 s e r 30 6 tic! 66 Z f the existing mature trees on the site and do as rage din Rest home,n Fire a shier and see BLOCK 5 126 30 16 0 s 0• 30 6 vs es W TQ many o g grading possible within their nursing hone or cgiwMecant home P P P dngu! swiftly products,sales and service P P P vicinity Food and slue nclW Floral P P P BLOCK M 120 76 I0 6 0 0 S u S e6 I Accessory apartments are permted n single f iy dwellings any grocery eg such specialty shops as dairy. P P P BLOCK N4 /0 10 0 0 S 10 S 53 Q O P • Clear Boundaries with the Rural Area-This development is located in the development area 2.h the event that Block V e not developed as an Assisted Limp Facility,it shall be developed n cady mak disperse 3 and wie and cheese shops BLOCK V 50 70 10 10 10 0 6 1/3 se 0 ID [l so this t applicable. general accord with Scenario BFurniture and home elpiance.(sales and maybe) P P P Q l principle is no pplica plan shown on Sheet 6B herein and it general accord with the Hardware store P P P — Z 8 Code of DeveloP„ndri on Sheet 5 herein RESTRICTIONS/REOUIRENENTSNOTES ASSOCIATED PITH THE STANDARDS ABOVE. Z Q Health spas P P P Regulations esrabist rbme ae based upon an Assisted Irvrg Fee Home and business services such as grounds care,cleaning. 1 egutry dereloPmhera ri general need with 0 II-Block Characteristics rare MPies7M.i,Qnwt2O1500015 deu[...con. EA-Cocept w li exterminators,landscaping.and other repair and mantLnance P P P 2Rasvtome Cods of[...con.in MA201600015 ter germs on me Peened us. services 3 Mary lot lines wi have a 0 setback along streets,roads access easements or to ales a i / a Y � �� \\ F�IoIeN motets sort ore P P t A 4'setback Shag be enforced from any Racier access easement L -..' �, sang sebMK Side auanip Setbacks apply N Meret end cum` \ \ tl. 5 Attached urine wM common waae via nave a 0 Side Bur �� 't Indoor atYete fac tins P P 6.Curb and guise may hi into M parkin setbacks. r `\ ,�, ' . ',' \\\1 Leborebrgs ed I or phamueelliea PPPPP 7 M roads are private with pink saeee easements as sham over tem8 Architecture features and methane.may encroach into Benne Setbacks g ,( v � __ e\ ` 1 Laundries dry cleaners(pnDwaig of gammas goods oil eIM) p P P e.Paden')Setbacks shown are parking Ira with(s)a m«specie w to Ili lea. `i. -! Laundromat(prnvdetl that enaRTidafa shot loamdih9'aal boos • \ +\'\ 1 I• �' duringoperation) la Subierzn parking slut rid be Madame a buffing stay i e + \r\1 Lioenp,museums P P P IIBBPI�^ 1 y 1 ; Musical Mtrunea sale P P P e - i.' t Newsstands.magazines,pipe and tobacco shops P P P we s,T•.tom/ ,1 Newspaper weses,publishing @ • �/ Office and lwsnas machetes sales and service P P P i -I 1' I• I I, -Ica .Ind r:I, I Optiral-•-.,sea P P P gI'll 1 (�I1 JIII lJ I Outdoor stooge,display Medlo salsa serving or associated tall a 8 ft I!�- _ _ _ 17 I� e 1 by-right permitted use t any palm of the use ward be Visible A0m SP SP 1 i J ` a County designated Entrap Cantle ,tvCTn of lz� 61 ••1 1 e • I 'I PrrPhotographic vatole pin goods sake P P P $P P cy� 14 o`..?e.a ter-.ors.... i _ 1 -isl / Professional offices.including medical,dental and opttal PPPPP Noce 1v Edwards [ n -- _I - )e. Pubic uses and build including tam r :, rgs� g porary or mobile b ur.v..o93t such an schools.offices,parks.playgrounds and roads funded. O A''' y`a owned or operated by local,state,or federal agent..pubic waterP P P P P uco P ,t`o 9 • Black I-May consist of a three-story commercial building facing and oriented with West Rio and sewer transmission,main or trunk Ines,treatment famines, I v 'S Road There is proposed a sunken plaza in the front.Programming for this space its punning staaona and the like.owned ardru operated by the 8 undetermined al this time and will be flnallzed at the time of construction.Primary access will be Rivarma Water ace Sewer Putridity if from the rear which alit be accessed at the second teen Parking is relegated to the rear and -- - side of this building Integrated into the building on the third floor may be residential units.No Research and development activities including sopoknenW testing P P P P P11 retail is envisioned in this buiding. Retail nurseries and greenhouses Sporting goods sales P P P �1dyL1ll oP IT yy55T • Block II-May also consist of a three-story commercial building.This building wB be simian to Stand alone parking and parking structures(ref 4.1Z 5.1.41) PPPPP y �� ?} the one in Black I but might include retail uses.Parking is available both in the front and rear Sto,mwake management facebea shown CO al approved find site pp p pp it y E{ The parking on the front allows interconnection between Berkmar Crossing with our she for plan or subdv5ien plat Alan G Franklin 11 easier accessibility to the light at that development. Swim.golf.tennis or simper aihletc facilities PPPPP f In Su'15326 y 2 Taior,seamstress PPPPP -r 2"' f 1 • Block III-Consist of a two story commercial building Envisioned uses for this building include Temporary construction uses(ref 5.1 18) PPPPP `d' doctors,dentists and other health care professionals.Another possibility would be a daycare Temporary non-residential mobile llama Oaf.A5) -rile v t e bcv %1 center serving the development.Parking Is relegated behind Block II from West Rio Road and I visual and audio appliances sales P P P accessed off Road A. jul W ida curds- tack and ef. 19, At P PP P P iii i- -Dry cleani g plaits(processing d gamaa goods state) • Block N'Black IV Is located off to the side of Block V behind Block I.This may consist of a traditional residential townhomes.Private access off Road B is provided.A pocket park will be Z w Tiff 1 a Tier I Personal Wireless Service Facelift PPPPP located in this block and oveda with Block V Thispark may buffer between the front IO Real Stores and Shops p p SCALE: 1"=30' I p yserve ass 2 `E6 and rear f the Oakleigh development. Parking Structure/Sbucased Parking PPPPP ISSUED: 30 June 2016 s 2 Is F Accessory uses and buildngs Ocludingstorage bulkg% PPPPP REVISIONS. • Block V-An assisted Irvin facility Is envisioned for this block,or It would be developed as Q w Collocation.Exempt PPPPP _ residential ones. -2O 2-11-02-16,001co /000 COMMENTS O 3.11-28-18,COUNTY COMMENTS O e _ 4.12-se-18,PC MTG.COMMENTS or 0 1 No contractor equipment storage yards wil be Permitted or allowed. u 2 Eating establishments shall be considered in this COD as"Restaurant'as deferred by ere o Albemarle County Zoning Ordnance.The purpose of this e to allow coffee shops,cafes,sub 0 shops.delis.lunchrooms.luncheonette for moss within the Oakleigh project working in the w commercial buildings or vetting the site. SHEET: w ie 5 `o Code of Development OF 7cc ■ - - a \\ \D-7=jj / -. 1,4 •I'All 10 v -- \\1\ \\1 �� � '� \\ ,,' •� ` �\ \ 40l —7-17 \ \ \\ \ \a_ / _,..0,, _ —�_ _ \/' y \ 1 i / / m ri -,„ , / ,__ B, , . . -_,.., \\ :4,3-, ' s \\ \\ \\\\`„ 4‘k, —— /I I / /� \® �� ��i � � � \\ r� '\',\\ \ \\\ \ \ m z z \ 9p gsEst-rIl g I/ f I i \\ \ \ gz II \ I \\\ \ f:g•ii \ • : J mgzm> I 1 Y • \ IV mot:Jena, I 111 ISO \\ Fm z \ d�' / \ 1 0 \ \ \\ I \ \\ r . -46--- \ \ WS \ \ 1 N , \ \- -r -\ \ Oillik. 1 \ - ' _, \\\ \ \ \Vali \1\11 I I I _ 1 •.Al�llljl �Il�i I .4 V1 � \ \\ II1 \I \I0 FilcIrs_\\\\\\ O ,II11 \\ 1I\ a. VA 11q- 111,v� m�Q�� ,/a a%&ka � ,/ mil W. w hill j• ' 1 vM _ fill, -1- -- V __--rpt • I \ \\ \ r 1 I I \ ! �r. _ P i �� / '- it \ \ \ 0:.°11;;;i11111111k \\ ' : 11\ mow,. •1 I I )� ` �: r I --,.., 4„::::!..._,-----,-_-__....----„,,\\ . N is iso•-1 1,,,„„Jairmi--- -- ,-.--, \ \ _ As ,- \\�`' ' �� sal ' \+ 1 1 II .ee4ew-P-c r1. • AOVA\V1� VCO . 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HY r. <CD I Pi'„ i v n i O O y m Oakleigh ,\ ga g i s <s 2S O, '_ Albemarle County, Virginia • ,,, Y ^mg s4 IF r/ a3a \}`T.1 u. 3 L v A n l i'6. }5$3 P, PROGRESS PRINT'NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION ....aa..."u.mw.w.w.w.w.m.xron.m..".m- uo*i+wer n"a" m• r-•w. e.m:,•mmwa" �.n •mm•d�uo•• •"P•• nw�•r swo vi i,. • . a • t.Ntur TYPES AND BREAKDOWN a "N \ Eawama n.MEnsaao.PuO r / a as aw A•na.x,mvia na 11 KEY oawnar a.wmr 0. �� wv' `� V� s av6 as e,yrche,9.VA 2aso MUB r B CONOOM 8 . \\\ t,- Mel 434 531.7507 ` \ G CONOOh GAMS fa ♦ \ V V V v •I a1•Va�aEwreaJeslBm uab com O cfatc. MS 14 , �.` \\ �(� Vvs]3]v�. GREEN SPACE °;AN.`»F"a" F�a;adLL9 E 18'wIOE TOMNNOMES W,O GARAGE E I , \\\ v V <2]Cranpa,ry Le.re LroxeI VA22932 F COFOOMNIMs t/ /}\.\ `� e1 akn•Janhanklinlro.com M1IM a3a.531.35 4 G 27M7 ErormwMEsw,cnwGE 4 ', \\ ,� AMENITY AREAS A \ KEY N CONDOMINIUMS 2e ' 1 \ g l\\ _, _ .•. 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SCALE: 1'•30'i! •ERITAGE �, 2 € E itEifti•"t t, i _i - t: ISSUED: 30 June �� ,:,.' ..a �E a/_tJ, r l•k r REVISIONS: _ HALL �s 1. •_ • _ - ~s:}__•s.._.�- r� :;;E: E a4.144 : 1 -, - I I �1 J t 2 -0216 COON Y COMMENTS OTS F 86.50 e]11 18]33 l BB.So • __ _••-- - - lE ..1. 3.11-2&16 PC WA.COMMENTS V 89.67 09.00 88.33 07.67 0]00 86.33 g1 _ //'1 0.12.1616 PC MTG.COMMENTS F 65 I F I I ;n I I /``, UNITS SI-o$ I �2 I 3 I I y • O O O® '` O )6.50 ]].18}I.]].03 ]8.5' 9000/AJ,00 1 a9 15 ' f , wr' �J �, 1 O 806] 80.00 ]9.JJ ]8.8] ]8.00 ]6.J3 r 1 A ' , ,..1 _ - J _- i A Auk O I 111 ` 1 SH SHEET: z ` 1rr BERKLEY I) 11 / ) A SUBDIVISION 3 B AG 1 . Application Plan n I .-, __ F„' i , • JO Scenario'B' of rc n �J �