HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100077 Correspondence 2022-01-11OLINEAC Kevin McCollum Senior Planner I Planning Service County of Albemarle January 10, 2022 Re: SDP202100077— DS Tavern SDP202000062 — Minor Site Plan Amendment Dear Mr. McCollum: Thank you for providing comments on the above project in a letter dated December 13, 2021. The comments are repeated below with our answers in italics. Due to file sizes, all resubmitted plans and accompanying material have been resubmitted through the website. The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] Review Comments: 1. [32.5.2 (s)] Please add the application number, SDP202100077, to the project title on Sheet C-01. State that this is minorsite plan amendment to SDP202000062 in the title. Comment addressed. 2. [32.6.2(i) and 4.12.6] Provide additional evidence to confirm the proposed net square footage of office space as shown in the parking calculations table on Sheet C-04. Please email floor plans or other evidence to confirm the amount of parking required. Comment addressed. 3. [32.6.20) and] Please include the conservation checklist which appears to have been included withSDP202000062 but was removed on Sheet C-04A. Comment addressed. 4. [General Comment] Please strike through Sheet C-05A and Sheet C-056 on the Cover Sheet's Index of Sheetsindicating they are not being included in this Minor Site Plan Amendment. A strike through has been added to the requested lines on Sheet C-01. P.O. Box 991 • 98 Lee Highway • Verona, Virginia 24482 Phone: 540.248.3771 • Fax: 540-248-1628 info@lineagearch.com Thank you for the opportunity to provide these responses. Please contact our office with any questions or requested clarifications. Very respectfully, Jonathan Garber, PE Principal Engineer Lineage Architects, PC Cc: Matthews Development file P.O. Box 991 • 98 Lee Highway • Verona, Virginia 24482 Phone: 540.248.3771 • Fax: 540-248-1628 info@lineagearch.com