HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200800032 Legacy Document 2008-09-30 (9)Central Virginia Recycling LLC Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Groundwater Management Plan Portions of TMP 94-21 N & TMP 94-21 N1, Boyd Tavern Prepared for: Central Virginia Recycling LLC 2330 Commonwealth Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 August 18, 2008 Nick H. Evans PhD CPG Virginia Groundwater LLC 4609 Burnley Station Road Barboursville, VA 22923 Key Findings Hydrogeologic unit: Piedmont Proper Groundwater availability zone: VIII—Class 1 (lowest relative availability) Estimated daily groundwater withdrawal: 1950 gallons Estimated daily groundwater recharge to site: 49,100 gallons Site within groundwater sensitivity zone? Yes: one public water supply well is within 1000 feet of the property Contamination threats on record: Documented leaking underground storage tank (LUST) site within 1000 feet of the property Additional contaminant threats observed in field reconnaissance? None Hydrogeologic conditions favorable to proposed use? Yes Anticipated impacts of proposed use on existing users: None Groundwater management plan: Preserve existing forest cover wherever possible; implement runoff -neutral site development as practicable. Site Overview The proposed development comprises about 100 acres on two parcels located south of US 250 near Boyd Tavern (Figure 1). The parcels are entirely within the watershed of Limestone Creek, which is a tributary of the Rivanna River. Two unnamed intermittent tributaries of Limestone Creek are on the property. There is about 100 feet of relief on the parcels, with gently rolling open pasture in the western portion, and wooded rolling topography to the east. Land uses on adjoining parcels are light agricultural (hay and pasture land) to the west and south, and rural residential to the east. There is a commercial / industrial facility at the intersection of Three Chopt Road and US 250, adjacent to the proposed development. The applicant proposes to use the northern portion (A, Figure 1) as a private residence. The southern portion (B, Figure 1) would be developed as a recycling facility, converting wooden waste (stumps, pallets and wood compost material) into mulch. A site plan showing the proposed development layout and approximate land disturbance is attached to this report. Projected groundwater usage for the northern (residential) portion would be consistent with that of a single-family residence (estimate: 450 gallons per day for a 3 -bedroom house). There is an existing well on this portion of the property, details are discussed in a later section. On the southern portion of the property, groundwater would be used to wet the mulch product, wash vehicles, and serve bathroom and kitchen facilities for employees. Total groundwater usage for the recycling facility is estimated by the applicant at a maximum of 1500 gallons per day: 500 gallons for bathroom and kitchen facilities and 1000 gallons for wetting mulch product. The water consumption for the bathroom and kitchen component was determined using the information provided by the Thomas Jefferson Health Department and comparing it to the Albemarle County Service Authority data. Water consumption estimates for mulch wetting were determined based on discussions with several similar operations around the state. All stated their water usage varied depending on the quantity of materials on-site, the condition of the product (i.e. roughness factor) and the climatic conditions (i.e. how dry it was). Based on these discussions, the Applicant made an informed "best guess" assumption of the amount of water would be required of this proposal. A coloring agent will be mixed with water during the wetting process. This agent is similar to food coloring, and is regarded by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to be chemically benign (documentation attached). Mulch product will be stored in bins on a concrete pad, however the plan is to generate only enough mulch to supply existing orders. There is no intent to store mulch Figure 1: Location map for TMP 94-21 N & TMP 94-21 N1 showing topography, planametric features, surface water features and drainage divides, and approximate locations of proposed uses: A: residence, and B: recycling facility local drainage divide product for lengths of time sufficient to cause decomposition leachate to form. Runoff from the site will be controlled by standard Stormwater Management practices. Hydrogeologic Assessment Bedrock geology The parcel is situated within a bedrock formation described as "metagraywacke, quartzose schist and melange" on the 1993 Geologic Map of Virginia (Figure 2). This falls within the Piedmont Proper hydrogeologic unit, as defined in the Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Assessment Summary Report of 2003, with Class 2 (medium) relative groundwater availability. Bedrock fracture density and water well productivity The bedrock underlying this property does not contain primary intergranular porosity through which groundwater might flow. Instead, groundwater flow is confined to bedrock fractures and fissures. The property is situated about 1000 feet east of a fault zone that includes lenses of limestone. Deformation associated with this zone, and related lenses of limestone likely extend onto the western portion of this property. High -yield water wells have been successfully constructed within this zone, to the northeast and southwest of the property along geologic strike. However, no significant linear features, fracture traces or structural features were identified on air photos or other maps in this study that would be useful indicators of bedrock fracture orientation on these parcels. Within the fault zone containing limestone lenses, the likelihood of striking a high -yield well without conducting detailed geological or geophysical study to select an optimal drilling site can be characterized "hit and miss". No bedrock exposures were observed on the property during field reconnaissance. In the absence of good bedrock exposures with which to directly observe bedrock fractures, the yields of randomly -sited water wells can be used as a proxy for fracture density. Table 1 summarizes data from 290 wells in the current county database that were constructed in the same bedrock formation as underlies this property. Table 1: Domestic water well statistics from Albemarle County database Geologic map unit yield (gallons per minute) total well depth (feet) casing length (feet) count CZpm (metagraywacke, average: 7.7 average: 179 average: 50.4 290 quartzose schist & maximum: 75 maximum: 630 maximum: 322 melange) Figure 2: Geologic map of Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville showing location of TMP 94-21 N and TMP 94-21 N1 � TMP 94-21 N & TMP 94-21 N1 metagraywacke, quartzose schist and phyllite 0 5 10 Mmm-MMMMME�-- miles source: digital compilation by NH Evans from the Geologic Map of Virginia, 1993, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, 1:500,000 scale There are eleven wells in the Albemarle County database that are within 2500 feet of the property (Figure 3). Data from those wells are reported in Table 2. Approximately 40 additional wells are inferred to be present within 2500 feet of the property, on the basis of air photos and site reconnaissance, although these are not in the current county database. There is one existing well on the property (located on Figure 3). This well was constructed and permitted by the Virginia Department of Health as a Class IIB Public Water Supply Well, with a design capacity of 23 GPM (documentation attached). During a 48-hour pumping test of this well conducted at 23 GPM, stabilized drawdown of the well was less than 3 feet, indicating the capacity of the well is considerably greater than 23 GPM. At least one dry hole was reportedly drilled on the property, prior to drilling the successful well. Overall, the data indicate that local metagraywacke and quartzose schist bedrock is favorable for groundwater development in terms of fracture density. However, the success of a water well drilled at a given location still depends on whether or not the well intersects water -bearing fractures. A dry hole results if no water - bearing fractures are encountered at the chosen drilling site. Table 2: Data for wells (Albemarle database) within 2500 feet of proposed development total depth (feet) casing length (feet) yield (gallons per minute) 630 190 -�— 250 33 41 1 105 37 10 80 60 10 305 35 1 300 68 1 165 31 20 90 305 350 40 63 20 _ 6 1 0.25 Soils and saprolite Soils on the proposed development site are predominantly Nason silt loam, with small inliers of Manteo channery silt loam and Abell silt loam (Figure 4). The soils are deep and well drained, with moderate permeability, moderate available water capacity and moderate susceptibility to erosion. The soils on site have the potential to contribute favorably to groundwater recharge where land cover does not inhibit infiltration of rainwater. Figure 3: Wells and drainfields in the vicinity of proposed development (2500 foot radius circle) public water supply well a e)asting water well on property e)asting water well e)asting water well (location inferred) (Albemarle County database) ■ e)asting drainfield (location inferred) A J go O 0 3,000 6,000 feet_ -- Figure 4: Soils mapping in the vicinity of TMP 94-25N and TMP 94-21 N1 Groundwater flow, recharge and discharge Soils units mapped on property: 1 B: Abell silt loam, 2 -7% slope 51 C: Manteo channery silt loam, 7 - 15% slope 62B. Nason silt loam, 2 - 7% slope 62C: Nason silt loam, 7 - 15% slope source: Us Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1985 Groundwater flow across the parcel is estimated to be generally northwestward, with recharge in higher elevations on the eastern margins of the property, and discharge into intermittent streams and into Limestone Creek (Figure 5). Ultimately, groundwater discharges into the Rivanna River, about 2 miles southwest of the property. Existing hardwood forest cover on the eastern portion of the parcels is optimal in terms of promoting infiltration of rainwater for groundwater recharge. Open pasture land to the west is moderately favorable in terms of groundwater recharge. Groundwater sensitivity Contaminant threats The proposed development does coincide with areas of recognized groundwater sensitivity according to Albemarle County studies and databases that were assembled during the 2003 Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Assessment, Phase 11 (Figure 6). Figure 5: Groundwater flow in the vicinity of TMP 94-21 N & TMP 94-21 N1 predicted groundwater flow direction approximate location of drainage d ivid e Figure 6: Groundwater Sensitivity: location map showing proposed development, nearby public water supply wells, remapped location of Woods Edge subdivision well, approximate location of Woods Edge subdivision, and known LUST sites (1000 foot buffer A public well (VDH oversight) IM public well (Albemarle County oversight A Woods Edge subdivision well (location field verif LUST site (county databas( 1000 foot buffer There is one leaking underground storage tank (LUST) site very close to the northern boundary of the property (#19891184; listed as "closed case" by Virginia DEQ). This is nominally up hydrologic gradient from the northern corner of the property, and within 2000 feet of the existing well on the property. Due to the proximity of this well to the LUST site, the applicant will need to test the well for presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in accordance with Albemarle County ordinance 05-E(1) prior to issuance of a building permit. There are approximately 40 existing drainfields, approximate locations inferred from air photos and field reconnaissance, within 2500 feet of the proposed development (Figure 3). Very few of these are up hydrologic gradient from the property, and none are considered to pose contaminant threats to the property under normal circumstances. Threats to existing users of groundwater The Woods Edge subdivision public water supply well was erroneously mapped in the Albemarle database as located on the property under study (Figure 6). However, field verification places that well about 800 feet west of the southern limit of the property. A water supply line between the well and the Woods Edge subdivision crosses the southern portion of the property by right-of-way. Three other public water supply wells are located about 2500 feet north of the property (Figure 6). The proposed development anticipates using a maximum of 450 gallons per day on the residential portion of the development (3 bedroom house @ estimated 150 gallons per bedroom, VDH standards). This proposed withdrawal of groundwater is not consumptive, to the extent that much of this water will be returned to the ground as recharge through a drainfield. The proposed recycling center will be converting wooden waste into mulch, which will be stored on site prior to transport to market. It is estimated by the applicant that a maximum of 1000 gallons of water per day will be used during certain times of the year, for wetting of the mulch material. A coloring agent will be mixed with water during the wetting process. This agent is similar to food coloring, and is regarded by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to be chemically benign (documentation attached). The design intent of the facility is to supply "just in time" inventory of mulch product. Fresh mulch will be stored in bins on a concrete platform until picked up by customers. Mulch will not be inventoried on site for more than one season, not long enough for decomposition to occur, and leachate to form. Runoff from the site will be controlled by standard Stormwater Management practices. In addition, an estimated maximum of 500 gallons per day will be used in bathroom, kitchen and garage facilities associated with the recycling plant. A substantial portion of this water will be returned to the ground as recharge through a conventional drainfield. The permit for this drainfield has not been written at this stage of the application process (application for Special Use Permit), therefore the capacity of the drainfield cannot be used as a proxy for estimating water usage. Overall, maximum aggregate groundwater usage on the property is predicted to be in the neighborhood of 1950 gallons per day. This equates to less than 1.5 gallons per minute of groundwater withdrawal. A conservative estimate of groundwater recharge for the site is on the order of 49,100 gallons per day (calculations below). It is not anticipated that groundwater withdrawal of this magnitude will impact the Woods Edge subdivision well, or other existing wells on adjoining parcels or elsewhere in terms of groundwater supply. The proposed uses as a residence and wood recycling center do not pose threats of groundwater contamination under normal circumstances. Water budget estimate for site Annual precipitation: 44 inches Conservative estimate for percentage of precipitation contributing to groundwater recharge: 15% Annual groundwater recharge: 6.6 inches Daily groundwater recharge: .0181 inches = .0015 feet Daily recharge per acre: .0015 feet X 43560 square feet per acre = 65.6 cubic feet Gallons recharge per day per acre: 65.6 cubic feet X 7.48 gallons per cubic foot = 491 gallons per day per acre Gallons per day recharge over entire site: 491 gallons per acre X 100 acres= 49,100 gallons per day Predicted groundwater withdrawal on site: 1950 gallons per day. Reserve wellfield Given the 100 -acre size of the property, it appears there are ample opportunities for siting additional well(s) in the event that existing well(s) become contaminated or otherwise rendered unusable. Dedicated Monitorinq well Given the proximity of this property to existing public water supply wells, this may be an appropriate location for installation of a dedicated monitoring well. Groundwater management plan The proposed development will seek to minimize degrading groundwater recharge by preserving undisturbed existing forest cover where possible, and by storm water management strategies that minimize offsite runoff. The site plan includes 100 -foot vegetated buffers on each of the intermittent streams that cross the property, as well as standard Stormwater Management practices. Submitted by Nicholas I September 19, 2008 # 2801 001041 DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATION exalaesoN _1 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230 NUMBER3600 08-31 —2009 Telephone: 1 (804) 367-8500 2801 001041 J BOARD FOR GEOLOGY CERTIFIED AS A PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST NICHOLAS H EVANS:.,. 4609 BURNLEY STATION ROAD !, •� � Nt BARBOURSVILLE, VA 22923 . DeBocr, Director uTexATwN orTws ooewE*n. use ArTEn ExnNA1pN. oN use er rE wNs oft r.ms Draft INOSE NAtlEO YAY HESOLT W CPBWiAL PROSE(.ViUN IINOEN THE COOL Of 4ftOMA. (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOP. NAME AND/OR ADDRESS CHANGE) S1�RE �9� OVERALL EXISTING LANDUSE DATA: \-AREA PROJECT DATA: I "0, eNDHJSE23XCOONWE: +� a^� ^* NOT MAPPED DEVELOPER: LVIROMIARECVCIWU.C. G. ♦ Z ROAecluonYALKa: 2J30 COMMALTH DRIVE. CYILLEA2290 V1 CONTACT:KENNYVESS.A34.SJ1.50.,F: A79.T33B \ I I7�� PAVED PARIONGII10ADa: U LL0p PF ♦ BY SURVEYOR ` •(� TMP 94.21 K 1NTouas SOURCED 9Y PROPERTYOWNER: CENTRAL VIRGINIA RECYCLING. LLC. �\ 69]EWALKa: 0 440 OY. AUIEMARLE CO. GIS DEPT. 2330 COMMONWEALTH DRIVE. C'V ,VA 22001 ( NIF WILLIAM DORSEY LAND TRUST P9iWD119 ARFA/GPBI APACE: 4,3aS,4B +04]2 - CONTACT: KENNY VE58, 434.531.3803, F:431.8]8.)339 I I / D.ONING:1142 c}, TREELINE T. AIAP I PARCEL I' W-11NaNt I I ZONING: N 100TOTAGTEAUEIGE: A]a].SE9 +04.1 +40a -I RTYAODRE39: 4915 RICHMOND ROAD l;/ S uE'VSTT IIT\ / ,USE: RESIDENTIAL waoDEDnREA 2981.901 ee 54 ♦ ACRES PROPERTY SIZE: 100.291 --D "Ely 1.3]90yy90 3108 CURRENI RA , g PROR08ED M20INING: RAW/ 9P RiOPOeEDUSE: COMMERCIAL WOOD RECYCLING CENTER \ PROFFERS: N. 1 'WATER UNE\ G NPASTURE ♦♦ WAIVESTS; CE CRITICAL 9LOPEa EASfiMENT / pd REQUESTS; D.B. 983-45 / / \ ,./ I / TMP 94-21K ` SURVEY SOURCES: BOUNOMV: GLOCIWER aOS80RNE. —.,DATED 8189) � t / \ � NIF WILL DOR$JV, III POGRAPHY: TOLOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS, DATED 32999 \ ♦ 0.9.248:98 N TOPOGRAPHIC INFILL: STEVEN L KEY. INC.. OATED SlHWS \ \ 7)' ♦ ZCYNUSE: RESSIDENIDEN DATUM: NAW &'f \ I /' \< a30g•E 66593 TIAL ♦+ BENCHMARK PT, It (Y4' REBAR V- CAP FLUSH WITH GRADE) I I \ I 1 I EX. TREELINE ELEV • 310.219 (N 38BJ919A01 E 11520004.520) FLOODPWN: THE SITE IS NOT INAFLOOORNN \ \ /\ / 1 / \ ♦ O j CRITICAL SLOPES: NONE(OTHER THAN MA'4M ALONG ROUTE 250 WITHIN FUO..) \ \ / \ I Ex.1Y \EWE i I /V2j r- ♦ • �I 69. 2 OG o � \\\`.• sTRucTURF.� / \ • O , ♦ i s♦ //�1rwAH LINE AREA NOT MAPPED / // \ "aBY SURVEYOR /lE. 0859145 OONTOUNSSOURCEDBY STPEAMI��T ap // .. 'ALBEMARIF CO. GIS DEPT. ja0 / /•/ I I / P' AA _ � ^ � OPCN aASTURE A so// TMP SUB / NSF KENNETH AND AND SUSAN DOFF / D.13 19401670BtlFFEREAM \ I / ` \ / /� I 2 ✓� �, usE R sGOEF�ina / / / \ / I / / / / \ \ I / / �✓ / S�' �i i SNT E- OUFFERo •� l/ /./ / //� �a.� \\ I I \\, Il 1 \, �/ 3, // 9 TMPNt111zw3H 2 4 / 5 94-21 N1 //� /./ // \\\ i \\ \\ / I �/ •0(� OEX .WW54LELRW0 H 9TMP­111 96T PAUIi TEO/THIO) -OLID G0\HEATERIAy R�N9SHP MLLO A P I TRI F1DRIVE'Al 31 IS � a ♦ \ \ \ TMP 94.72 \ NIT KAREN JOHNSON D.B. 3465/50 , Tm ' � 20NING: RA JfL�I� bO ,� , ♦I US E: RESIDENTIAL 9 A6 E MINETOS IS 0 )TIAL O 1;) 00 v(D O I ^ O O TMP 94-25A4 Q v WF CARLTON. JR, AND HEIDI BROOKS N VA TT 1816AIS E. RESIDENTIAL N O o USPA ZONING. o ' 0, O VV f�/J �✓ • p O O p• O o °0�6- w r\ /• TMP 94.32 N/F LINDSAY BROOKS U D.B. 322/756 w w Z G: RA TMP 25A3 us DENTIAL S38°20'22"E TTHEW BAS NANI AND ALAN 102.34' HIGGI D.B. 2051 3 TMP 94-31A TONING: w USE: RESID TIAL d° TMP 94.12F N/F RICHARD AND PEGGV -ND CARTER D.B. 2952/393 ZONING: RA / USE: COMMERCIAL ^ w f+ o OPEN PASTURE CENTRAL VIIRGINIA IRECYCLING CENTEIR PREPARED BY: ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TERRA CONCEPTS, P.C. EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN CrVI ILPTEMBER 19, 2W8 (REV) LANDSCAPDSCAPE ARCHITBNGINEECTS COURT,I CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22912 PH. 434-295.00FAX 434.295-2103 OPEN PAS -URE .1)"43 Og E 865.93' ' ' \ A •♦ `\ // PROPOSED LIMITS OF «E\�A / 11 �. ■ CLEARING MID SAVED A . WO.OED,AREA RROPOSED BUIUANG •♦ `\ , --3,—SF OOMBHATN2N 1 `✓ / � ♦ OFFICE SHOP. THE OFFICE - d •♦ �, ,/'' - Al.WILLBE I -STORY. MESHOP ♦ - WILL BE 2 -STORY NA%IMUN KEY: �. GRAVEL SURFACING ASHPALT SURFACING I e` CONCRETE SURFACING TMP 248MS NF WILLIAM DORSEV, III ZONING: ♦ 20NING: RA USE: RESIDENTIAL %111\ '/\�l• O / ♦ v /' I .�..c1R ♦ O i ♦ 1 O � 1 1 00 i o O pa 0 0 OPEN PASTURE / I , / s PREE.WEO L� \ ` O If O • •♦ 1 % ' - HEKI—ROPOSED> / NOTEdEBSWr 1 / .•til ``. / PROCGANDSTWRPILEMEATOBE IP I AREAI/ I ; ;'-----/: . ♦ 1 GMVEL1—KEER—DTCLEANAND / ( /r O- E%. iR=ECHE ♦• ``, \\ REDMEMOSION _ I RESWVDf i i / O / •♦ `. \ MYNEW WELLSAKDDRAMF WROR FO FFI / / SPECUL USE AREA WKL SE LOCATE. ANO Q ,•♦ Y PERMITTED TER—AND ACCORDING TODS ♦• /%, GTIE TIE UIDEUiNOW15lEFFER30N HEALTH DEPT, j E� / ♦ auWEl1NES' 141E `•♦i ``, ♦o a PROPOSED ,.•; ., WATER STORAGE I \ 1 ♦ Rourvn GROU ` I § •♦ ,A !W MIN. SETBIGK9UFFER I r ♦ 9 er 7 O0) 0 ' /r- f O v / TMP 94-25AG NF DENNIS AND JULIE MINETOS Ir 1 l � fi$IDUE PAROL (+l- 27 AC.) 1'0$E USXD FOR SF RESi17fNTiAb . // EX.HasE AG121CULTURAL USES IN jHE ITO BE OEMOLISHEOI \`FUTURE % ^ \ iee' • � ON \ ale 80 1 f o° O 0 O O 0T O NF CARLTTMP 25A4 TMP 25A ON. JR.. AN. HEIDI BROOKS N MATTHEW BAS NAI 0 AND ALAN 7 94.32 N INDSMP AY BROOKS D S. 322/156 ZQRMIG: RA S38°20'22"E 102.34' FT` POND • O TMP 94-32 NIF KAREN JOHNSON D.B. 3465/50 ZONING: RA USE: RESIDENTIAL OPEN PASTURE v D.B. 1908/135 D.B. 1816/418 ♦ HIGG S /rl.EEZONING;901RA 3 _ O//�7 zoNING. RA 0 o D.B. 2051 3 TMP 94-31A rf USE: RESIDENTIAL O l , USE: RESIDENTIAL O ZONING: 00 /^1O USE: RESID TIAL TMP 94.12F O n O�O N/ N/F RICHARD AN D P GD 4 O CATER �3.29 2/ NN O o ^ USE: CO CIAL o Zo \ r C-PNV71FDA T A7FJL\X -A-\X TNT',".-C���P� PULPARLU BY: ALPEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TERRA CONCEPTS, P.C. CONCEPT' PLAN ('I\,I.IGINFFRY 8CP'IT.JLBER 19, ?DOR (REV.) I \,(1 N nic.\T'F AIWIl l TEcT3 724('.01-R'I lQ1 ARE ('11:11il.V'1"1 Lti\II.I.I:.\'IR(;I\I:\ 22%12 PIN. 4}4-21)5_41X15 FAX 134-295.2103 1 ,sr RE's ♦;� "ss -.4 sF, TMP 94-25AA NF KENNETH rf SUSAN GOFF D.B. 401670 ♦, `Atb ♦♦� TMP 94.21K 20N(NG' RA § • I I `� ry ♦♦ NF WILLIAM DORSEY LAND TRUST USE:RESIDENTIAL,• / I `�r ♦ D.B. 11341142 .x —LINE ♦q ♦ 20MING: RA - 1 �� USE: RESIDENTIAL IF1 - �i i t '�` '�`, \ ♦�♦ 1 AREA RESERV D FOR �`.� �i i ` ♦•�• FINAL OPERA ION �i i `; f TORAGE AND LO G) •.•••• ;•• ,`.� • / •••••. Tj i ; �• d/ a'WATER EASEMENT • $%-. D.B sea P.s �,, \ / \ � �- .•� \\ / \I ` \a/, ••• - • I ; /% ' _ \ PROPOSED LIMBS OF • IF/ / CLEN(ING inSAVE y MR.— \ \WOODED AREA �• / \ / • / \ ho-'• '• / • I \ SRESERVE. / r \ \ sTREAla BUFFERIF r��- 3 SERYEn Iz I ES �• RBA ' / // / RES ' Am All/ FO DIN OVERALL AREA DEDICATED / / ERA ` / ♦• / TO THE SPECIAL USE /' y / '� RE OR PERMIT \ IAEA ERA 73 AC. /" /f G OLOR 1 ♦ `A` 78 AC. INCLUDING SUPPORTING (+l- ♦♦ �/ \` T G) %AREAS SUCH AS ACCESS ROAD) , 1 ft / OPEN PAS -URE .1)"43 Og E 865.93' ' ' \ A •♦ `\ // PROPOSED LIMITS OF «E\�A / 11 �. ■ CLEARING MID SAVED A . WO.OED,AREA RROPOSED BUIUANG •♦ `\ , --3,—SF OOMBHATN2N 1 `✓ / � ♦ OFFICE SHOP. THE OFFICE - d •♦ �, ,/'' - Al.WILLBE I -STORY. MESHOP ♦ - WILL BE 2 -STORY NA%IMUN KEY: �. GRAVEL SURFACING ASHPALT SURFACING I e` CONCRETE SURFACING TMP 248MS NF WILLIAM DORSEV, III ZONING: ♦ 20NING: RA USE: RESIDENTIAL %111\ '/\�l• O / ♦ v /' I .�..c1R ♦ O i ♦ 1 O � 1 1 00 i o O pa 0 0 OPEN PASTURE / I , / s PREE.WEO L� \ ` O If O • •♦ 1 % ' - HEKI—ROPOSED> / NOTEdEBSWr 1 / .•til ``. / PROCGANDSTWRPILEMEATOBE IP I AREAI/ I ; ;'-----/: . ♦ 1 GMVEL1—KEER—DTCLEANAND / ( /r O- E%. iR=ECHE ♦• ``, \\ REDMEMOSION _ I RESWVDf i i / O / •♦ `. \ MYNEW WELLSAKDDRAMF WROR FO FFI / / SPECUL USE AREA WKL SE LOCATE. ANO Q ,•♦ Y PERMITTED TER—AND ACCORDING TODS ♦• /%, GTIE TIE UIDEUiNOW15lEFFER30N HEALTH DEPT, j E� / ♦ auWEl1NES' 141E `•♦i ``, ♦o a PROPOSED ,.•; ., WATER STORAGE I \ 1 ♦ Rourvn GROU ` I § •♦ ,A !W MIN. SETBIGK9UFFER I r ♦ 9 er 7 O0) 0 ' /r- f O v / TMP 94-25AG NF DENNIS AND JULIE MINETOS Ir 1 l � fi$IDUE PAROL (+l- 27 AC.) 1'0$E USXD FOR SF RESi17fNTiAb . // EX.HasE AG121CULTURAL USES IN jHE ITO BE OEMOLISHEOI \`FUTURE % ^ \ iee' • � ON \ ale 80 1 f o° O 0 O O 0T O NF CARLTTMP 25A4 TMP 25A ON. JR.. AN. HEIDI BROOKS N MATTHEW BAS NAI 0 AND ALAN 7 94.32 N INDSMP AY BROOKS D S. 322/156 ZQRMIG: RA S38°20'22"E 102.34' FT` POND • O TMP 94-32 NIF KAREN JOHNSON D.B. 3465/50 ZONING: RA USE: RESIDENTIAL OPEN PASTURE v D.B. 1908/135 D.B. 1816/418 ♦ HIGG S /rl.EEZONING;901RA 3 _ O//�7 zoNING. RA 0 o D.B. 2051 3 TMP 94-31A rf USE: RESIDENTIAL O l , USE: RESIDENTIAL O ZONING: 00 /^1O USE: RESID TIAL TMP 94.12F O n O�O N/ N/F RICHARD AN D P GD 4 O CATER �3.29 2/ NN O o ^ USE: CO CIAL o Zo \ r C-PNV71FDA T A7FJL\X -A-\X TNT',".-C���P� PULPARLU BY: ALPEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TERRA CONCEPTS, P.C. CONCEPT' PLAN ('I\,I.IGINFFRY 8CP'IT.JLBER 19, ?DOR (REV.) I \,(1 N nic.\T'F AIWIl l TEcT3 724('.01-R'I lQ1 ARE ('11:11il.V'1"1 Lti\II.I.I:.\'IR(;I\I:\ 22%12 PIN. 4}4-21)5_41X15 FAX 134-295.2103 07/24?2008 12:53 4349787575 MCRAVEN N96L el Commonwealth of Virginia Uniform Water Well Completion Report P{oft !— L.ocadon o• �1 h *49mref in Oaftp Mevnd DaPh >n B+drneft cc Sudo 1Maoer Level Wai Dtairtl�q�d (Y or casing From tQ To d0 S1xa d%y�t.ri�j T WeLilhv3C»dula .ZQY'i ��L�..F�� aftwet Deet From To _ O To aae mole ska -� V Type Madxld v Waft Data D40 Yield 6Pf� Sabllzrd Wasrr Lwd DisWfeaw lived From To Sts MWt— W*hsSd,�edis Pam To From To Has Mole Size Type metvad From To Stre Malsriat wwghvsdwue From To From To Bore mole Sire Type MoOod Twc hW tO VOH Pen 1 VWGB POM* VKH {0 Tow Depth of Wap /Z :57 UrvM of Tact Na&ft Fbw (RW*) _.. Anrou+i Uaad r zoo" of screened intarvafa rromTo From To From 70 Mash Size Dian Meeh Size Diem Mah SL=a Otam Fft7tt To From To From To Meeh Siz■ Diem Mash Size Diem fYksh Size Diem • Use Drag• Pttrata WON: Oomesbc ApricrAwtal ir4n4ial MonhWng PubAc WON: ComrrarrshY~ Non Cannuni y ' AbVW*nWx% lnforrttalivn- gwwd or dug W441e WORM char than Bored Waite C mno Rrrorad, Y a N?_ Caatrq ramored. Y or N9 It Y. 080tl1 to %*rich ft&ft was rtcaored: _ DepCt and of 11 Y. Oapdt m mid cmino waa ren+ovao• H vookubia. OsgXz1 ants typo of Qay.La.nd ds' Sounar o1 Fi: Sour» of gm% -W or sand• t &nwnt* Plupa: Frt)'rtmto Fim hh*ad _ o CwncnC Fran -- b_ Fran b -- 39 ME I 07/24/2008 12:53 DspM t �)o �0 1Z5 4349787575 r 'flan Lop''• Daarsipdcn of Famadon or s.dir t �el clay, MUA 3a -t" brown rock frat',K Arv� f i (Uar addltkr .W Sham is nacossmY) r -Hu CIO 1 cordfy ihK the inbortnaum conmined hrs is true wu d Chat dda wap was Inswilac ' A conaIn3aad In ocaxdanrs with "permit and holher T --t Cho wall ranyiaa with ad sppficabis sats and focal rsquWbom. ordlrvneas and iawa, Nacos Addre" mg Phone Drilime�gr"n L Data: yyKZ spraaw�at� V'itpiroA Contiacmra Uca ua Number 40 07/24/2008 12:53 4349787575 Tkur-5da I// tO17 1 0: �Z'L f : 00 pM, 00 M. oo M. q oo P M. f ;tea -M q,abr,�,M. 4; oo A.M. FM ao P, M, 8e 0 M f�:va 0O of M. �;od a.ry-I- o100cl\M, 35- :36 35 -35 -5 35 35 55- 34 534 3� 34 3w 34 3N 3q 3N 3=4 .34 3q 3q 34 3� 3� �q 3q 34 34 34 MCRAVEN G FM PAGE 05 ` /I the k e�k- t rr �Tq rT (e -v d z3 Z� 23 � z3 �Z 3 �3 �3 ;Z-3 Z3 z> 2S �3 '7 I x3 z� 2.3 9-3 23 '),3 A3 I z.3 1-3 �P-3 1 23 07/24!2008. 12:53 4349707575 MCRAVEN 1L 1, MLL DEDICATION a Virginia 11does dedicate that tract or parcel of real estate situated, lying and being in 0P--Aj 6ej=r e County, Virginia, morepparticularly descri�e4 deed and plat of survey of record ;srl�aea — �trG'ui�- F'L+� i id ^rte j.,, 'he Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Al b:°41Nde Couxty, Virginia, and being the identical real astmte which said corporation acquired by grain with General Wairranty of Title and Modern English covenants from Q. If BLwru sS Tr. ,de - Said dedication being to establish the aforesaid area for water supply use orJy, and the said pC, -+�, ezI"-agrees that only appurter►ances pertinent to.the water supply ter- -� I system will be constructed in said area dedicated and that said 1 ��r�-�--- –) will not be used for human habitation or other sources of contamination. The full interest and control of the aforesaid area dedicated shall rernain with the CX�s and this instrument is solely for the purpose of assuring the t of Health of the Commonwealth of Virginia as to the matters herein above set forth so long as said parcel is used for a water supply systern; and this dedication shall be null and void and of no further effect should the well on the said premises be abandoned and the use tharcof for a water supply system cease - WITNESS the following signatures and seal this � day of r BY: A717EST: i, A Notary Public for the County aforesaid in the Cqp7llmonwcalth of Virginias do certify that 01&L&j `-Me- -z 4a ,whose namca arc signed to the writing above, bcaring date on the �.'��' day ofJ,a a(D have acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand this l day of V Notary Public My Commission Expires Ibis Well Dedication Document, as described above. was recorded In Deed Book page on the day of —.10—. SIGNED: of the County Clerks Office 06/17/96 10:11 TX/RX NO, 0601 P.002 1 07!2412008 12:53 4349787575 MCRAVEN I-'F;UL Ut' COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA. Randolph. L. Gordon, MD., MRH Commissioner Mr. Charles McRaven 1781 Productions, Ltd. Drawer G Free Union, VA 22940 Dear Mr. McRaven: Department of Health P O BOX 2448 RICHMOND, VA 23218 TDD 1-800-82&-1120 SUBJECT- Albemarle County Water - General -Jefferson Amphitheater Plans and specifications for the development of a drilled well and the construction of gravity storage tanks, booster pumps, and a pressure tank at the proposed Jefferson Amphitheater, located in Albemarle County, as prepared by 2rw Consulting Engineers, have been reviewed by this Department. The plans include six (6) sheets dated July 1, 1996 and three (3) sheets dated June 3, 1996 titled "Jefferson Amphitheater, 1781 Productions, Albemarle County, Virginia". Specifications are included on the plan sheets. In accordance with Part 1, Article 3, Section 1.23 (VR 355-18-003-17) of the Commonwealth of Virginia Waterworks Regulations, this letter is to advise that, subsequent to our review, the previously described plans and specifications are technically adequate and approved by this Division. One copy of the plans with specifications thereon, with a State Health Department approval sticker is enclosed_ Any local permits must be obtained from appropriate officials before construction begins. In accordance with Part 1 , Article 3, Section 1.24 (VR 355-18-003.18), Issuance of the Construction Permit, Waterworks Construction Permit No. 202996 with an effective date of July 31, 1996 is enclosed. This permit is your authorization from the State Health Commissioner to construct the subject public waterworks in accordance with these approved plans and specifications. Any deviations from approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, hydraulic conditions, operating units, the functioning of the water treatment process, or the quality of the water to be delivered must be approved by this Division before any such changes are made. Revised plans and specifications shall be submitted to our Lexington Environmental Engineering Field Office in time to permit the review and approval before any construction work is begun that will be affected by such changes. VDHODF HEALTHNT P -1V(1 -k Vn and Y,., Fn�iipnm,.�l OT/24/2008 12:53 4349787575 MCRAVEN PAGE 07 Mr. Charles McRaven Page 2 SUBJECT: Albemarle County Water - General -Jefferson Amphitheater Upon completion of the construction of the waterworks, the owner shall submit to this Division's Lexington Environmental Engineering Field Office two copies of a statement signed by a licensed professional engineer stating that the construction work was completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Upon receipt of this statement, the satisfactory bacteriological analyses required following disinfection, and final inspection by a Division representative to insure that the work has been satisfactorily completed, the State Health Commissioner will issue an operating permit in accordance with the Waterworks Regulations. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. James W. Moore III, P.E., District Engineer, at 540/463-7136. Sincerely, Allen R. Hammer, P,Ez., Director Division of Water Supply Engineering cc 2rw Consulting Engineers - Attn: Mr. Tim Miller Albemarle County Building Official - Attn, Mr. Jesse Hurt Albemarle County Health Department - Attn: Dr. Susan McLeod VDH - Lexington Environmental Engineering Field Office COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING WATERWORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1781 Productions, Ltd. Is Hereby Granted Permission To Construct A Noncommunity Waterworks That Will Consist of the development of Well No. 1 at Jefferson Amphitheater Located In _Albemarle County In Accordance With the (City, Town and/or county Provisions of Title 32.1, Chapter 6, Articie 2, Section(s) 32.1 - 172 , Code of Virginia, as Amended, and Section(s) 1.20 and 1.24 Of the Waterworks Regulations of the Virginia Department of Health As Amended. This Permit Is Issued fn Accordance With the Following Plans, Specifications and Other Documents Plans include six (6) sheets dated July 1 1996 and three (3) sheets dated June 3 1996 titled `Jefferson Amphitheater, 1781 Productions Albemarle County, Virginia". Specifications are included on the plan sheets. An Engineering Description Sheet Is Attached Dated July 31, 9996 PERMIT NO. 202996 EFFECTIVE DATE July 31, 1996 EXPIRATION DATE July 30, 2001 FtEC0MMENDED Di, a, DIvlsl.n of Wat*r auvP4 EngrA'.'J" RECOMMENDED Dlr.ttor, OtRca o! W.7., Rcz.m. APPROVED S4N Fi..ttfi Corninl.don.r CJ A LD co -J 0 A n D M z D G) M 07/24/2008 12: 53 4349787575 INSTALLATION COUNTY: LOCATION MCRAVEN STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION SHEET Jefferson Amphitheater Albemarle DATE: July 31, 1996 CERTIFIED CLASS: NA TYPE: Noncommunity taut U i On the south side of Route 250 at the intersection of Route 250 and Route 794 near Boyd Tavern in Albemarle County OWNER: 1781 Productions, Ltd. Drawer G Free Union, VA 22940 OPERATOR: Charles and Linda McRaven PERMIT NO.: 202996 DATE ISSUED: July 31, 1996 TYPE OF TREATMENT: None SOURCE: Single drilled well DESIGN BASIS: 8000 gpd DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: This project consists of developing a single drilled well and the construction of gravity storage tanks, booster pumps and pressure tank to serve the proposed Jefferson Amphitheater (1781 Productions) located in Albemarle County, Well Number 1 is located approximately 1100 feet north of the main parking lot. The well, completed in September 1993, is drilled to a depth of 125 feet. The well is cased with heavy steel well casing to a depth of 100 feet and grouted with cement grout to a depth of 50 feet. The well casing extends 12 inches above a 6 foot by 6 foot by 6 inch thick concrete pad and is provided with a pitless adapter, sanitary well seal, and well cap. Water is pumped from the well by a Red Jacket, 1 HP, submersible pump capable of delivering 26 gpm at 73 feet TDH into dual 2000 gallon gravity storage tanks. A sample tap and totalizing water meter are located on the 21-, inch well discharge line prior to the storage tanks. The reliable well yield following a 48 hour pump test was 23 gpm. Storage consists of dual 2000 gallon welded steel gravity storage tanks. Each tank measures 6 feet in diameter by 91,-� feet long and provides 2000 gallons of effective storage. Each tank is provided with an access manway, drain line, screened tank vent and screened overflow. The total effective storage volume provided with both tanks 07,-`24/2008 12:53 4349787575 MCRAVEN T- SLI�_.La.O N 9 Z I D w Ia - l_. aUr" T D N F o VIIRC tA ` DHS Aol�er� 1tw sed D�n� PAGE 11 P,. 01 Office of Water Programs Environmental Engineering Field Office 131 Walker Street Lexington, Va. 24450 Phone: (540)463-7136 I FACSTMII.E TRANSNUI"TAL FAX: (540) 463-3892 Aatc= June 17, 1996 Please Mtiver To: Tim Miller Dcpart=nt/A,gency: 2RW From: Jinn Moore, District Eoginftr Lexington Environmental Engineering Field Office Subject: 1781 Productions Water System Approval Attaebed is a copy of the well lot dedication doct=em which. we &wiuscd. 1 deed the following items in order to issue a coristruetion permit: 1) Surveyed Wcll Lot Piet (100 ft x 100 ft with well iu cc=cr) 2) Well Lot Dedicasioa Doc u w= (attadvd) [Plat and Dedication Docurnent n= be recorded in Albem ria County] 3) 3 Secs of Project Plans & Speclfleadona Showing: Well (w/ conerew pad, sample tap, tnttt I sanitary well mal, pump TDH calculations) Well House or Pidcss Adapter Awembfy Water Line from Well to Storage w/ Diainf ion SpecifIcation, Storage Tanks & Booster Pun4* w/ all piping axad TDH calculations & Disinfection Spec) If you have any questions or if t can be of Witional assisumm, please let me b)ow. HM 11 Number of Pages inchsding T'r4mminal Flora: _2_jlk?e TRANSIv MION PROBl.smS ???, Please Call (540)4,63-7136 06/17/96 10:11 TX/RX N0,0601 P.001 07x''24!2008 12:53 4349787575 MCRAVEN mut U4 RM OSYSTEORATORN OX h :2tT�lXrtbillV�1't�;xte >e, : r s .��a�l�"�?7 `.Il�f ��J�F, <�•��;.��x•. k: �:o �>,;:: zi...z TS°i iz ,nXz <4 ' _..+„z 2zz t. 904 X7374a Client: Mathen Well Drilling and Pum2 Service e of analysis: Most Probable Number MPN drinking water Sample ID: McRaven Well Tracking #ID: 1720-1728 Date: September 18, 1993 Sam” �e N•�.irber :�ate:and �'�m�e S�;a }��° .�at�.�t�ce���E .. , Resui`ts � 1��'�.u�its/.l;do� .. 1 9/16/93 2:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — no growth 2 9/16/93 3:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — no growth 3 9/16/93 4:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — no growth 4 9/16/93 5:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — no growth 5 9/16/93 6:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — no growth 6 9/16/93 7:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — no gowth 7 9/16/93 8:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 no growth 8 9/16/93 9:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 — uo zrowth 9 9/16/93 10:00 am 9/16/93 <.02 -- no growth This well meets standards set for drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act and Commonwealth of Virginia. If you have any questions regarding tltese resu}t�be0f se contact me or tine Biotechnology Division Laboratory. Please let us know if we can any further service to you. Pamela E. Bell, Ph.D. Director, Biotechnology Laboratory 07/24/2008 12:53 4349787575 MCRAVEN Page 2 - Albemarle County - Jefferson Amphitheater Engineering Description Sheet Ha( -DE 1 b is equal to 4000 gallons. Water is pumped from the gravity storage tanks by three 5 HP Taco centrifugal pumps each capable of delivering 85 gpm at 136 feet TDH. System pressure is maintained by a single prepressurized tank with an effective volume of 200 gallons. DESIGN BASIS Well No. 1 - Yield = 23.0 gpm Well Pump Capacity = 26 gpm Source caps ity is limited to 23 gpm by well yield - 23 gpm x 2 ERC/gpm = 46 ERCs 46 ERCs x 400 gpd/ERC = 18,400 gpd Storaae Capacity Gravity Storage - 2000 gallons @ 2 tanks = 4000 gallons 4000 gallons - 200 gal/ERC = 20 ERC 20 ERC x 400 gal/ERC = 8000 gpd Hence, the design capacity of this waterworks will be equal to 8000 gpd limited by the available storage capacity. JWM/mep Page 1 of 2 Steve Edwards n: kmc123kn@netscape.net Monday, August 11, 2008 10:48 AM To: sedwards@terraconceptspc.com Subject: Fwd: Mulching Facility Attachments: REGISTRATION STATEMENT.doc; FEE FORM-2008.DOC -----Original Message ----- From: Pascarella,Jonathan <jepascarella@deq.virginia.gov> To: kmc123kn@netscape.net Cc: Simmerman,Graham <ghsimmerman@deq.virginia.gov>; Critzer,Olive <obcritzer@deq.virginia.gov>; Showalter,Kelly <krshowalter@deq.virginia.gov> Sent: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 9:49 am Subject: RE: Mulching Facility Hello Mr. Vess, I am not sure what regulatory areas you have explored for your business so I have provided information on the Waste, Water, and Air programs below. As we have discussed, the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations have a conditional exemption for mulch, the mulching ss, and the raw materials that are collected and stored to make the mulch. This exemption is available providing that certain C a are met. The criteria are that 75% of the raw material on-site at the beginning of the calendar year is processed into mulch at the end of that year, and that the site is operated such that no open dump, hazard or public nuisance is created. Additionally, since your operation will receive pallets, there may be pallets that are too contaminated to be processed into mulch. These pallets will need to be collected separately and sent for proper disposal. If this waste stream is greater that 5% of the total material coming into the site, you may be required to obtain a Materials Recovery Facility permit from DEQ. The most efficient procedure would be for your company to reject the objectionable material and send it back to the generator for proper management. Thus, if you operate under the parameters listed above, no Waste permit would be required. Please contact me by email or the phone number below if you have any questions regarding the waste aspect of this operation. Regarding storm -water. I have attached to this email, a registration statement which includes an SIC code list and a fee -form. If your operation has one of the listed SIC codes, a storm -water permit will be required. Additionally, if your facility has a point - source discharge, you will need to obtain the storm -water permit. Please review the attached information and contact Ms. Olive Critzer, in VRO's Water Program with any questions. Ms. Critzer can guide you through this process if you need help or have questions. She can be reached at 540-574-7877. Finally, equipment that operates on petroleum fuels or processes that emit dust/fumes, etc, may require a permit from our Air Pollution Control program. Please contact Ms. Kelly Showalter to discuss any Air permits that may be required for your grinding equipment or operations. Ms. Showalter may be reached at 540-574-7843. 1 hope this information is useful. Again, Please contact me by email or the phone number below if you have any questions regarding application of the Waste regulations to your operation. Thanks. JED Jed Pascarella, Environmental Program Planner DEQ - Valley Regional Office r.v. Box 3000, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ph: 540-574-7838 fx: 540-574-7878 -----Original Message ----- 8/12/2008 Page 2 of 2 From: kmc123kn netscape.net [mailto:kmc123kn netscape.net] Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 9:20 AM To: Pascarella,Jonathan Subject: Re: Mulching Facility Mr. Pascarella: Centra Virginia Recycling is setting up a facility for producing high quality mulch. The County of Albemarle has requested a letter from DEQ stating the requirements for storm water management. We will only be processing clearing debris, pallets. No painted material will be accepted or treated wood, metal products or construction demo. Thank you very much for your help with this letter. Kennely e. Vess ----Original Message ----- From: Pascarella,Jonathan <jepascarella@dei vir ig; nia.gov> To: kmcl23kngnetscape.net Sent: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 6:10 am Subject: Mulching Facility Jed Pascarella, Environmental Program Planner VA DEQ - Valley Regional Office P.O. Box 3000, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ph: 540-574-7838 fx: 540-574-7878 It's time to go back to school! Get the latest trends and gadgets that make the grade on AOL Shopping. It's time to go back to school! Get the latest trends and gadgets that make the grade on A01 -Shopping. 8/12/2008 T.H. Glennon Co., Inc. 26 Fanaras Onve • Salisbury MA 01952.978-465-722,2 *Fax 978465-32.28 Water -Based Adhesives, Coatings and Colorants --✓Experience Our Chemistry-- 4 ww.mulchcoloriet.com July 22, 2008 Environmental statement: All componcnts used in the manufacture of Colorfast colorants are non-toxic to plants and animals_ According to federal regulations codes OSHA* and ACGIH', there are no environmental restrictions on this product. The iron oxide and titanium dioxide used in Colorfast Colorant is non-toxic. Appropriate information pertaining to the health and safety concerns that nnust be observed when handling Colorfast colorants can be found in Material Safety Data Sheets (MSUS). If we am be of any further assistance to you, please don't hesitate to call. *OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration *ACG1H: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ,Material Safety Data Sheet. U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, Occupational Safety and 11calth Adrulaism6on 29 CFR 191 o.12oo. Standard must be (Non -Mandatory Form) Form Approved 1ted for specific rrguir=ents. OMB No. 1218-0072 —jr-,dTITX (As Used on Label and List) #262 Black Note: Blank space, are not permitted If any item is Not applicaNe' or no information iJ available, the sPace must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufactwer's Name Emcrgericy Telephone Number T.H. GLENNpN CO., INC. (979) 465-7222 Address (Number, Street, City, State, and,ZlP Code) Tel Nu�oriber for lnfvsmatiou 26 FANARAS DRIVE (978) 465-7222 SALISBURY, MA 01952 Date 3/08�ared Section U - Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Inform■tion hazardous Components Composition CAS M Weight % OSHA P£1, AMN TLV 56 (optional) None Carbon Black#1333--86-4 -42 N/L 3.5 m m3 N/L Water #7732.-18-5 -55 N/L N/L N/L Polymer Proprietary - 2 N/L NIL N/L Additives Proprietary - 1 N/L N/L NIL i ►n III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics i Point 212T LbsJGal. 10.0 vapor Pressure (mm Hg) 17 mm Melting Point N/A apor Density (AIR a 1) Evaporation Rate > 1 (Butyl Acetate = 1) < 1 etubility in Water 100% Percent Solids by Weight 47% ppearance and Odor Black liquid with slight characteristic odor. ection IV - Fire and Explosion Data lash Point (Method) Not Flammable xtinguiahing Media Not flammable. Use appropriate extinguishing media for the combustible material involved in the fine. )ecial Fire Fighting Procedures - Firefighters should use self-contained breathing apparatus. iusual Fire and Explosion Hazw* ' None eprodam LNwtv) #260 Black (Page 2) -Pction V - Reactivity Data - Stability Unstable Stable Conditions to Avoid X Do not freeze Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Strong oxidizers; c-& chlorates brown nitrates Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxid oxides of Suffer Hazardous May Occur Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid Potymertmork x` Route($) of Entry: inhalation? Skin? t agemon N/A N/A N/A Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) -. Carcinogenicity- — NTP? IARC Monographs? OSHA Regulated'1 No No Group 2B No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure Occupational exposure to this material has not been reported to cause adverse human health effects when recommended safetx precautions are followed. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure None Known. Carbon black powder can act as irritant. Emergency and First Aid Procedures Randle in accordance with good industrial hygiene, avoiding unnecessary exposure and removal of material from eyes, skin and clothing. _ Section VII - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use _ Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Apply sawdust or sweeping compound to soak up. May be flushed to sewer or settling ponds if local regulations permit Waste Disposal Method Material is not a "hazardous waste" as defined in 40 CFR 26I,(RCRA}. May be disposed of in an approved nwitary landfill or incinerated in accordance with local regulations - Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing Avoid overheating and exposure to high concentrations of mists and vapors. Other Precautions Protect from freezing -- Section VIII - Control Measures Respiratory Prouction (Specify Type) Wear NIOSH approved respirator in areas of high concentration of Hoists or vapors. Ventilation Local Exhaust Special Mechanical (General) Other Yes Preferred Protection Gloves Eye ProtecaOn _ Chemtical Resistant Type Safety Glasses Other Protective Clothing or Equipment None Work Hygienic Practices Follow good industrial hygiene practices lib/b//2010b 17:1!7 b0b17/0741 O Material Safety Data Sheet U _ S . Department of Labor May be used to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration nctlA, Hazard Communication Standard, (Non -Mandatary Form) S _FR 1910.1200. Standard must be Form Approved ..-sulted fors ecific ryguiTements. OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List) #298 Moeda Note: Blank spaces are not permitted ff any item is not applicable, or no informarron is avadable, rhe space Must be marked io inclicrae that. Manufacturer's Name nwVUr,.0 , —...p..,.A -- T.H. GLENNON CO., INC. (9M 465-7222 Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) Telephone Number for tnfonnation 26 FANARAS DRIVE (978) 465-7222 SALISBURY INDUSTRIAL. PARK Date Prepared P.O_ BOX 5311 07/04 SALISBURY, MA 01952 Sigaanuc of Preparer (optional) Section II Hazardous Ingrediernts/Identity 10formation Hazardous Components Composition CAS # Wei t % OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV STEL None Iron Oxide #332-37-2 -42 N/L 5 mg/m3 NIL Carbon Black#133346-4 -13 NAL 3.5 mg/m3 NIL Water 117732-18-5 - NAL, NIL NIL Po"er Proprietary - NII.. N/L NIL Additives Proprietary - NR. NII, NAL Section III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point 212°F Lbs_/Gel. 12 -Vapor Pressure (tam Hg) 17 mm Melting Point N/A Vapor Density (AIR = 1) Evaporation Rate > 1 (Butyl Acetate = 1) < 1 Solubility in water 100% Percent Solids by Weigh 55% Appearance and Odor Brower, liquid with slight characteristic odor. Section IV - Fire and Explosion Data Flash Point (Method) Not Flammable Extinguishing Media Not flammable. 118e appropriate eattinguisbiug media for the combustible waterital involved in the fire - Special .Fire Fighting Procedures _ Fiirafitgb,tm should use self-contained breathing *urates_ Ummot Fire and Exploaiun Hzz=ds None Reproduce Locally) #298 Mocha (Page 2) Section V - Reactivity Data cinical imotnpatibilides It is incompatible with hydrazine, calcium biypochlorite, performic acid, and bromine _ pentailuoride. Haaardous Decomposition Products None Conditions to Avoid None Section VI - Health Hazard Data This product is not considered a carcinogen by IARC, NTP, ACGIH or OSHA. Summary of Health Risks and Symptoms of Exposure May cause mechanical skin and eye irritation. Principal Routes of Entry Inhalation of dry iron oxide dust, ingestion, skin and eye contact. Acute Effects Causes mechanical skin and eve irritation. Chronic Heahh Effects(s) None Emergency and first Aid Procedures Eye Contact: Flush eyes with generous amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician if irritation persists. Skin Contact: Wash skin with mild soap and water. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Call a physician. Ingestion: If conscious, give I= quantities of water to induce vomiting. Get medical attention. ection VII - Precautions for Safe Handling, Use or Disposal Spill/teak Procedures Contain the spial to prevent discharge to surface streams or storm sewers. Since landfill operations will not accept liquid waste, allow to dry if possible before collecting for disposal. An absorbent material would aid in cleaning up a liquid spill. ,If liquid cleanup is necessary, collect in drums, buckets or other containers. Waste Management/Disposal The environment concern is discoloration of lend or water. If possible, the slurry should be dried before disposal. Disposal must be made in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. Pursuant to 40 CFR part 261 of the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) Regulations currently in effect, discarded Iron Oxide would not be classified as a hazardous waste. Precautions to be taken in handling and storing - For transportation emergencies, call CHEMTREC, 24 hour Information service, (800) 424-9300. Material Safety Data. Sheer U.S. Dep-trtment of Labor V May be used to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA's Haurd Communication. Standard, (Non -Mandatory Form) ^ "'FR 1910.1200. Standard must be Form Approved Jted for spoxific rcquilrC nts. OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY (AS Uwd un Label and Lisp 4208 Red Note: B1anA spaces are not permitted !f any item is (iron Oxide Dispersion) not replicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer's None Emergency Telephone Number T.H. GLENNON CO_, INC. (978) 465-'x222 Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) Telephone Number for Inforwetion 26 FANARAS DRIVE (978) 465-7222 SALISBURY INDUSTRIAL. PARK Date Prepared P.O. BOX 5311 44/02 SALISBURY, MA 01952 Signature of Prtparcr (optional) Section 11- Hazardous Ingredientsildentity Wormation Hazwdous Components Composition CAS # Weism % OSHA PEL ACG1F i TLV STEL None Iron Oxide ##332-37-2 -71 Water #7732-18-5 - 25 N/L 51mrJm3 N/L N/L N/L N/L Polymer Proprietary - 3 N/L NIL N/L Additives Proprietary - 1 N/L N/!, N/L Section III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point 212OF Lbs./Gal. 18.2 Vaprm Pressure (mm Hg) 17 mm Melting Point N/A Evaporation Raw V aper Density (Alit 1) > I (Butyl Acetate — 1) < 1 Solubility in Water 100% Percent Solids by Weight 75% Appearance and Odor Red liquid with slight characteriatic odor. Section IV - Fire and Explosion Data Flash Point (Method) Not Flammable Extinguishing Media Not flammable. Use appropriate extinguishing media for combustible material involved in the fire. Special Fire Fighting Procedures Firefighters should use self-contained breathing apparatus. Unusual Fite and Explosion Hazards None produce Locally) #208 Red (Page 2) Section V - Reactivity Data ;hernical incompatibilities It Is incompatible with hydrazine, calcium hypochlorite, performic acid, and bromine nentafluoride. Hazardous Decomposition Products Nome _ _— Conditions to Avoid None Section VI - health Hazard Data This product is not considered a carcinogen by IARC, NIP, ACGIH or OSHA. Summary of Health Risks and Symptoms of Exposure May cause mechanical skin and eye irritation. Principal Routes of Entry Inhalation of dry iron, oxide dust, ingestion, skin and eye contact. Acute Effects Causes mechanical skin and eye irritation. Chronic Health Efi'eets(s) None Emergency and First Aid Procedures Eye Contact: Flush eyes with generous amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician if irritation persists. skin Contact: Wash skin with mild soap and water. lnbalation: Remove to fresh air. Call a physician. Ingestion: If conscious, give large quantities of water to induce vomiting, Get andical attention. Section VII - Precautions for Safe Handling, Use or Disposal Spi]Mcak Procedures Contain the spill to prevent discharge to surface streams or storm sewers. Since landfill operations will not accept liquid waste, allow to dry if possible before collecting for disposal. An absorbent material would aid in cleaning up a liquid spill. If liquid cleanup is necessary, collect in drums, buckets or other containers. Waste Management/Disposal The environment concern is discoloration of land or water. If possible, the slurry should be dried before disposal. Disposal roust be made in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. Pursuant to 40 CFR part 261 of the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) Regulations _ currently in effect, discarded Iron Oxide would not be classified as a hazardous waste. Precautions to be taken in handling and storing For transportation emergencies, calls CHEM REC, 24 hour information service, (800) 424-9300.