HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900067 Review Comments 2018-08-01 C*A 11i;LP AVOW A • COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 Memorandum To: Mr. Justin Shimp,P.E. (justin@shimp-engineering.com) From: Tim Padalino, AICP—Senior Planner Date: August 1, 2018 Subject: Mandatory Pre-Application Meeting(7/30/2018)—"EcoVillage Charlottesville" [Re: Initial Site Plan SDP201800058 and Special Use Permit(s) and/or other Approval Requirements] This letter contains preliminary comments and informational guidance from County staff and Site Review Committee (SRC)member agencies regarding the above noted pre-application(pre-app)meeting. The parcels under consideration are identified as TMP#61-21 and#61-21A,which are located in the Rio Magisterial District and which have frontage on Rio Road E (State Route 631). These parcels are in the R4 Residential zoning district, and are owned by EcoVillage Holdings Inc. The purposes of this pre-app meeting were generally as follows: — to identify and discuss any requests for exceptions,modifications, or waivers which may be necessary in order to develop the EcoVillage development as shown on the initial site plan SDP201800056, which was recently submitted(on July 23, 2018); and — to identify and discuss any special use permits (SP) or other legislative approvals which may be necessary in order to develop the proposed EcoVillage residential development as shown on SDP201800056. As such,this meeting satisfies the requirement for a mandatory pre-app meeting prior to submittal of the anticipated SP application, as required per County Code §18-33.4(a). The following are preliminary comments and informational guidance from County staff and Site Review Committee member agencies for your proposal, as discussed on July 30: (i)provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project: An initial site plan application (SDP201800056) was recently submitted(July 23) for the proposed development of these properties. The initial site plan(and other application materials for SDP201800056) can be accessed and viewed at the following web page: http://www.albemarle.org/weblink/search.aspx?dbid=3&searchcommand=%7b%5bCDD- Planning%5d:%5bApplicationNumber%5d=%22SDP201800056%22%7d The overall site configuration of dwellings, structures, and other improvements as shown on the initial site plan would involve multiple instances of preserved steep slopes being disturbed to provide for private facilities (including the entrance, a private street for vehicular access, and parking). As such, the proposed development would require a special use permit(SP) for disturbance of preserved steep slopes [pursuant to County Code §18-30.7(4)(b)(2)]. Page 1 of 7 After the July 30 pre-app meeting, the applicant provided the County with a written request for deferral of SDP201800056 on July 30(or on"Day 7"of the 60-day initial site plan review process). The purpose of this request was to defer County action on the initial site plan until a complete SP application is submitted requesting County approval to disturb preserved steep slopes in order to locate and develop private facilities for the proposed development [pursuant to County Code §18- 30.7(4)(b)(2)]• As discussed at the pre-app meeting, the applicants' anticipated submittal date for this required SP application is August 20. If the SP application is received on August 20, and if a request for the County to resume action on SDP201800056 is received in writing on that same day, County staff would legally have 53 days remaining from that point to take action on SDP201800056, including reviewing the site plan at the SRC meeting. The earliest available SRC meeting after an August 20 submittal date(or "resume action" date, in this case) is October 4,which would be within the remaining 53-day review period. (it) consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The property is located within a portion of the County that is included in the Places 29 Master Plan. The subject properties are designated for"Neighborhood Density Residential"future land uses,which envisions single-family detached and attached housing with a gross density range between 3 —6 units per acre. (EcoVillage): — The proposed EcoVillage development, which would consist of single-family attached and detached units at a gross density of approximately—5.5 dwelling units per acre, appears to be consistent with that designation. — The proposed EcoVillage development would also include features and characteristics that support and advance Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives, and/or recommendations. These include but are not limited to preservation of forests, low-impact development and stormwater management,pedestrian orientation(internal to the residential development, as currently proposed), and affordable housing. (Steep Slopes): — The proposed disturbance of preserved steep slopes in order to locate and develop private facilities for the proposed development is an activity that would be inconsistent with certain Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives, and/or recommendations. o For example, Strategy 5c in the Natural Resources chapter encourages the protection of steep slopes in the Development Areas that are shown for preservation on Master Plan maps. o Additionally, it is not clearly demonstrated that it is necessary to locate the proposed private facilities within preserved steep slopes areas because of the lot"not contain[ing] adequate land area outside of the preserved slopes to locate the private facilities." The SP application should include information (in narrative and graphic format)to show, describe, quantify, and/or otherwise detail the proposed disturbance of preserved steep slopes as well as any/all associated proposed mitigation practices. — However, such activity(proposed disturbance of preserved steep slopes) may potentially allow for the overall development of the proposed EcoVillage project to be realized in ways that support and advance other Comp Plan goals, objectives, and/or recommendations. Potential examples (subject to regulatory review and subject to revision by the applicants) include the following: o Enabling compact new residential development(inclusive of affordable housing)within the Development Area, as encouraged by Strategy 1 a in the Growth Management chapter, and by Objective 5 of the Development Areas chapter. o Supporting site planning features that embody Neighborhood Model Principles contained in Page 2 of 7 Objective 2 of the Development Areas chapter, such as compact/cluster development and open space;pedestrian orientation("walking streets"); and relegated parking. Please also be advised that all special use permits are evaluated relative to the following "factors to be considered," as contained in County Code §18-33.8(a): 1. No substantial detriment. The proposed special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots. 2. Character of district unchanged. The character of the district will not be changed by the proposed special use. 3. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this chapter,with the uses permitted by right in the district,with the regulations provided in section 5 as applicable, and with the public health, safety and general welfare. 4. Consistency with comprehensive plan. The use will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. (iii) broadly identify the planning, zoning, and other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by the applicant: • Private Street Request: Submit private street request and justification pursuant to County Code §14- 233(B)(2). o Within this overall private street request, please include detailed requests (with justifications and alternative proposals, as may be applicable) for any and all applicable modifications, waivers, and/or exceptions regarding the following private street requirements: • Sidewalk requirements • Curb and gutter requirements • Landscaping strip requirements • Materials and specifications requirements o Please also include an exhibit (or multiple exhibits) showing the location(s) for each requested modification, waiver, and/or exception. o Please note that coordination with Albemarle County Fire &Rescue is essential; and continued coordination with Engineering, Planning, and Zoning, will also be important. • Please contact Mr. Shawn Maddox,Assistant Fire Marshall, at(434)-296-5833 or smaddox@albemarle.org to discuss Fire Code requirements. Please copy CDD staff on correspondence with Fire &Rescue. • o Please ensure that"private alley" and"access easement"annotation are removed from areas that should be labeled"private streets." • Double Frontage Lots: Double frontage lots are prohibited per County Code §14-401. However, you may submit a request(with justification) for an exception to these double frontage id regulations, pursuant to County Code §14-203(1). o Please provide detailed information regarding your proposal(s)to address the screening requirements established by County Code §14-419 along the main street(where driveways are proposed) and along the"walking street"(which is shown as having a landscaping strip between the 22' travelway and the residential lots). • Mailbox Kiosks: The two mailbox kiosks shown on the initial site plan may need to be consolidated, relocated, or both. o If/when the applicant requests the County to resume action on SDP201800056, the initial site plan will be distributed to the Crozet Postmaster(or other representative from USPS) for review comments. Page 3 of 7 • Bonus Density Calculation: Complete, detailed calculations and explanations for bonus density must be provided per County Code §18-2.4.2. o The initial site plan proposes—5.5 dwelling units/acre in the R4 Residential district,but does not identify what bonus density factors are being proposed/utilized, and does not demonstrate how those bonus density factors are being accomplished. o During the pre-app meeting,the following proposed density bonus factors were identified as the target bonus density factors: • "environmental standards"(pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 15.4.1); • "affordable housing" (pursuant to Z.O. 15.4.3); and • "development standards"(pursuant to Z.O. 15.4.2), through possible dedication of land for public use for purposes such as a bus stop—see"Pedestrian Connectivity" below for important information regarding opportunities for this project to incorporate public benefit(s)related to pedestrian connectivity. o Ensure correct labels and information related to proposed cluster development options are shown on the initial site plan. For example,the Cluster Development regulations in County Code §18-2.2.3 require a minimum of 25% of the total land area of the cluster development to "be in common open space"in accordance with the provisions and regulations contained in County Code §18-4.7. • Pedestrian Connectivity: Principal Planner Kevin McDermott was unable to attend the pre-app meeting,but he identified the need to further discuss the important opportunity to provide on-site pedestrian infrastructure(constructed through the EcoVillage development, and made available for public use). o This concept was identified in part due to the fact that sidewalks on this portion of Rio Road E(on which the subject properties have frontage)would be comparatively very high-cost and comparatively unsafe, with regards to the site context(narrow shoulder, steep embankments, steep road grade). o Such a pedestrian connection would support and extend the new sidewalk connections that are being funded/installed by the County along Rio Road E to the northeast of this proposed development. o Such a pedestrian connection could also potentially be incorporated into the density bonus calculations for"development standards" (dedication of land or access easement for public use)—subject to additional discussions. • Entrance Sight Distance: Area Land Use Engineer Adam J. Moore, P.E. of VDOT noted that the project(as shown on SDP201800056)requires VDOT approval of a sight distance exception. o Discussion at the pre-app meeting included mention of the completed speed study conducted on this portion of Rio Road E (showing a speed of 30 mph,which is below the 45 mph posted speed limit), and the subsequent submittal of that speed study and sight distance exception request to VDOT. • Second Point of Access: Assistant Fire Marshall Shawn Maddox was unable to attend the pre-app meeting; but it is anticipated that this proposed residential development will be required to have a second point of vehicular/emergency access because it contains more than 30 dwelling units. o Coordination with Albemarle County Fire &Rescue is essential in order to clearly understand the applicability of this Fire Code requirement, and for determining how to properly address and resolve this issue (as may be applicable). Page 4 of 7 ■ Please contact Mr. Shawn Maddox, Assistant Fire Marshall, at(434)-296-5833 or smaddox@albemarle.org to discuss Fire Code requirements. Please copy CDD staff on correspondence with Fire &Rescue. o The pre-app meeting included discussion of the opportunity to provide an emergency vehicular connection to the north, utilizing an existing driveway through the subject property (which appears to currently serve"540 Rio Road East"). • Special Use Permit(SP)— Steep Slopes: • Please submit a complete SP application pursuant to County Code §18-30.7(4)(b)(2), which states: "The only use permitted by special use permit on preserved slopes are private facilities such as accessways, utility lines and appurtenances, and stormwater management facilities, not otherwise permitted by right under subsection (b)(1)(e), where the lot does not contain adequate land area outside of the preserved slopes to locate the private facilities. " • The application for a Special Use Permit must be signed by the appropriate authorized signatories. Appendix A of the County's Land Use Law Handbook,which provides information on authorized signatories, is accessible here. • The fee for a new Special Use Permit application(including the first resubmission) is $2,150. Other fees to be aware of include public notice requirements: staff estimates the total cost of legal advertisement and adjacent owner notification to be between$400 and $450 per hearing. • Special Use Permit(SP)— Stand Alone Parking • This use would NOT require an approved SP pursuant to County Code §18-, unless the parking would be the only use on the parcel (i.e. not required if parking is part of a larger common area that includes community center, walking trails or other amenities, etc.). • However, if permissible by right as described above,this proposed use/configuration would require a"shared parking agreement"fto be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator. • Ultimately, for this proposed project to be implemented, the required future approvals include the following: • Approved Initial Site Plan(SDP201800056 currently deferred until no later than January 30, 2019) • Approved Private Street Request(with approved waivers/modifications/exceptions) • Approved Final Site Plan • Approved Road Plans (and any/all associated easements) • Approved Subdivision Plat(and any/all associated easements, agreements, etc.) • Approved WPO Plan(and any/all associated easements, agreements, etc.) (iv) applicable procedures: To request a Special Use Permit(SP) for the proposed use: • Submit an application for a Special Use Permit(SP); submittal should also include associated Project Narrative and Concept Plan(which show and describe the proposed disturbance and any associated proposed mitigation practices), as described in the"Special Use Permit Checklist" (provided to you along with this comment letter). Note: initial site plan Page 5 of 7 SDP201800056 may be used as the concept plan for review of the SP application; additional copies will be necessary. • Coordinate and conduct a Community Meeting;per County Code §18-33.4(j), all SP applications include a requirement for the applicant to hold a"community meeting"as one of the early steps in the permit review process. Please see the attached Community Meeting Guidelines for more detailed information about the applicant's responsibilities for conducting the required community meeting. Coordination of the community meeting should be conducted with County staff and elected and appointed officials within the first two weeks of the SP application being submitted. County review of the SP application includes the following steps: • County staff will review the SP application materials in coordination with members of the Site Review Committee, and will provide review comments to the applicant that identify any deficiencies with the application, including any additional information that needs to be submitted for further review before scheduling a public hearing. • The Planning Commission(PC)will conduct a public hearing in accordance with applicable County and State Code requirements. The PC will vote to make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to recommend approval,or to recommend denial, or to recommend approval with recommended conditions. • After the PC public hearing, the Board of Supervisors (BOS) will conduct a public hearing in accordance with applicable County and State Code requirements. The BOS will vote to approve, or to deny, or to approve with conditions. (v) identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental information: • Completed Special Use Permit Checklist(attached) • Project Narrative • Concept Plan(initial site plan SDP201800056 may be used as the concept plan for review of the SP application; additional copies will be necessary; additional exhibits and/or other supplemental information may also need to be prepared and submitted to show, describe, quantify, and/or otherwise detail the proposed disturbance of preserved steep slopes as well as any/all associated proposed mitigation practices) • A copy of this Pre-App Comment Letter If you have any questions about the information provided in this letter, or if you wish to discuss the proposed project further,please contact me using the information provided below. Thank you very much; sincerely, Tim Padalino,AICP Senior Planner (434)-296-5832 x 3088 tpadalino@albemarle.org Page 6 of 7