HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100089 Correspondence 2022-01-14Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 10:41 AM To: jbeirne@wwassociates.net Subject: SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan - SRC Action Letter 1-14-2022 Attachments: SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan SRC Action Letter 1-14-2022.pdf Good Morning John, Attached is the SRC Action Letter granting administrative approval of the Initial Site Plan application SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1. Let me know if you have any questions. Kevin McCollum, AICP, C2o Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 Kevin McCollum From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 9:37 AM To: Kevin McCollum Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Hi Kevin, Sorry for the late response; the holidays and weather set me back a bit. I recommend SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan for approval with the following conditions: RWSA and City of Charlottesville Sewer Flow Capacity Certification will be required. Provide fixtures counts and initial booster pump flow range to determine if the existing meter is adequately sized. The parking garage ramp will be required to have a minimum separation of 10-feet from existing ACSA utilities. Submit a copy of the updated plan to ACSA ATTN: Alex Morrison. Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (434) 977-4511 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:35 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org> Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan ICAUTION: This email originated from outside the ACSA. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good Morning Richard, Have you had a chance to look at this Site Plan yet? I'm trying to send comments by this Thursday, January 6`h and will be issuing an action letter by Friday, January 21'. 1 don't believe anyone has sent me any comments so far that will prevent Initial Site Plan approval, just a bunch of comments that will need to be addressed prior to Final Site Plan approval. Thanks. Kevin McCollum, AICP, C20 Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthoritv.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <0anderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <d0ames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis<travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; devreview@rivanna.org: Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 301', 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https://cob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o rg/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ng%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountvofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 Kevin McCollum From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Good Afternoon John, Kevin McCollum Thursday, January 6, 2022 3:27 PM jbeirne@wwassociates.net SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan SRC Review Comments SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan SRC Comments 1-6-2022.pdf Attached are the applicable SRC Review Comments for application SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan. At this time we have no comments that need to be addressed prior to Initial Site Plan approval, but are waiting any comments from ACSA. I will send over any ACSA comments as soon as I get them. If I don't hear from them, or they only have comments to be addressed prior to Final Site Plan approval, I will issue the Action Letter approving this Initial Site Plan by Friday, January 21, 2022. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns at this time. Thanks so much! Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Tuesday, January4, 2022 11:56 AM To: Khristopher Taggart Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Do you think you could paste those comments that need to be addressed prior to Final Site Plan approval into County View under SDP202100089? Also, maybe a statement that it will be reviewed again by the ARB on Jan. 18`7 Day 60 is January 21, so if anything additional comes up at that meeting on the 181h I think we'd have time to address it — or at least include it with the SRC action letter. But, I think those comments for now are good to include in my SRC comments I'm going to send on Thursday. Thanks, Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 From: Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:49 AM To: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Hey Kevin, The ARB meeting yesterday was cancel due to connectivity and power issues and will be reviewed January 18. This item was to be on the consent agenda and no Board member indicate prior to yesterday's meeting that they wanted to pull this item off of the consent agenda, so I imagine that the recommendation of approval of the Initial Plan without conditions from the staff report will remain. Khris Khris Taggart, Planner Albemarle County, Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3278 ktaggart@albemarle.ore From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:37 AM To: Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.ore> Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Hey Khris, I think I saw that this project was scheduled for ARB yesterday, did that meeting occur? If so, could you please send me your ARB action letter when it is done? Day 45 of the initial site plan review is Thursday, January 6`h so I am hoping to get comments out by then. Thanks so much! Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthoritv.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <!anderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <d0ames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis<travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; devreview@rivanna.org: Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 301', 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https://cob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o rg/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%SbCD D- Planni ng%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountvofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, Czo Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 Kevin McCollum From: Khristopher Taggart Sent: Tuesday, January4, 2022 11:49 AM To: Kevin McCollum Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Attachments: ARB2021137StonefieldTownce.pdf Hey Kevin, The ARB meeting yesterday was cancel due to connectivity and power issues and will be reviewed January 18. This item was to be on the consent agenda and no Board member indicate prior to yesterday's meeting that they wanted to pull this item off of the consent agenda, so I imagine that the recommendation of approval of the Initial Plan without conditions from the staff report will remain. Khris Khris Taggart, Planner Albemarle County, Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext. 3278 ktaggart@albemarle.org From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:37 AM To: Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Hey Khris, I think I saw that this project was scheduled for ARB yesterday, did that meeting occur? If so, could you please send me your ARB action letter when it is done? Day 45 of the initial site plan review is Thursday, January 6`h so I am hoping to get comments out by then. Thanks so much! Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthoritv.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <janderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <d!ames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis<travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; devreview@rivanna.org; Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 301', 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https://cob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o rg/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ng%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N u m ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountvofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Tuesday, January4, 2022 11:37 AM To: Khristopher Taggart Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Hey Khris, I think I saw that this project was scheduled for ARB yesterday, did that meeting occur? If so, could you please send me your ARB action letter when it is done? Day 45 of the initial site plan review is Thursday, January 6`h so I am hoping to get comments out by then. Thanks so much! Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <janderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <djames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis <travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; devreview@rivanna.org; Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 30", 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https://cob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o re/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ne%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountyofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 10 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Tuesday, January4, 2022 11:35 AM To: Richard Nelson Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning Richard, Have you had a chance to look at this Site Plan yet? I'm trying to send comments by this Thursday, January 6`h and will be issuing an action letter by Friday, January 21'. 1 don't believe anyone has sent me any comments so far that will prevent Initial Site Plan approval, just a bunch of comments that will need to be addressed prior to Final Site Plan approval. Thanks. Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <janderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <djames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis <travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; devreview@rivanna.org; Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 30", 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https://cob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o re/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ng%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountvofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, Czo Senior Planner I Albemarle County 11 Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 12 Kevin McCollum From: Mazurowski, Alan<alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 2:28 PM To: Kevin McCollum Subject: Stonefield Plan Review Attachments: Stonefield, Block C2-1, Initial Site Plan.doc CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Kevin, Hope you had a nice Christmas, please see the attached comment letter. Thanks, Alan x Alan Mazurowski Environmental Health Supervisor Blue Ridge Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22906 Office: 434-972-4306 Environmental Health Specialist, Senior Greene County Health Department 50 Stanard Street Stanardsville, VA 22973 Office: 434-985-2262 13 Kevin McCollum From: John Anderson Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 11:31 AM To: Kevin McCollum Cc: Cameron Langille Subject: Planning Application Review for SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1 - INITIAL. [ Engineering review comments ] Attachments: SDP202100089_ Stonefield Towncenter_block C2-1_ISP_122221.pdf The Review for the following application has been completed: Application Number = SDP202100089 Reviewer = John Anderson Review Status = Requested Changes Completed Date = 12/22/2021 This email was sent from County View Production. Kevin, Thanks for your patience. Attached also in CV. Please share comments with Applicant /Owner, Developer, and W W Associates at your convenience. Engineering has not sent comments to these entities. Thanks, Kevin best, J. Anderson John E. Anderson, PE I Civil Engineer 11 Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle, Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext. 3069 14 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 10:37 AM To: Francis MacCall Subject: Stonefield Parking and Initial Site Plan SDP202100089 Attachments: Stonefield Shopping Center Parking Determination 2-26-2020.pdf, Blocks Map.pdf Francis, Below is some analysis regarding the parking at Stonefield. Please see the attached Stonefield Blocks Map for reference and the determination I wrote in February of 2020.1 have summarized much of that info below which leads me to my conclusions at the end. Take some time to look at this and let's meet to discuss. Thursday would be a good day for me to meet. The commercial components of the Stonefield Shopping Center (Blocks A, B, C1, C2, D3, and E1) are subject to site plans: SDP2012-00005 and SDP2012-00001 Based on the determination written in 2020 the revised parking requirements for the Stonefield Shopping Center (Blocks A, B, C1, C2, D3, and E1) are: Required: 1236 spaces Provided: 1262 spaces Based on this determination there are 26 remaining surplus spaces at Stonefield. The proposed initial site plan on C2-1 appears to eliminate some of those shared parking spaces while only providing 160 structured parking spaces for the proposed residential use. SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1 is an Initial Site Plan proposal for the development of Stonefield Block C2-1 into a seven -story apartment building with 112 units of residential across five stories above two stories of structured parking. Based on the cover sheet of the Initial Site Plan (link below) they plan to eliminate 6 of those shared parking spaces while only providing 160 spaces in the proposed structured garage. Some comments/conclusions I have about this are: 1. A determination needs to be made regarding the required number of spaces for the proposed use. They are proposing 112 units of residential and have proposed a rate of 1.75 spaces/unit for a total requirement of 196 additional spaces. I have no objections to this proposed rate. SDP2020-00024 Stonefield Block D1 approved 220 units of residential with 370 required spaces (1.69 spaces/unit). They could certainly argue a slightly lower rate, but 1.75 spaces/unit is definitely sufficient if that's what they want to propose. 2. If the 1.75 spaces/unit is determined to be appropriate and the parking requirements are 196 spaces then they are not providing enough parking with this site plan. a. If they continue to share parking with the Stonefield Commercial Components the adjusted parking requirements would be b. Required: 1236 + 196 = 1432 spaces c. Provided: 1262 — 6 + 160 = 1416 spaces d. This means there is a shortage of 16 parking spaces. They will need to provide at lease 176 spaces in the garage to meet this requirement. 3. Another option is that they could self -park this residential building. Blocks D1, D2, and E2 all residential areas of Stonefield are self parked (parking provided on their own individual site plans). It may be easier to self park this residential building as well. However, given proximity of the proposed building to the existing commercial uses I think shared parking could certainly work as long as it is clear that the garage is open to the public — those going to the movie theater, burger bach, etc. 15 4. If they were to self -park this site, the remainder of the Stonefield Shopping Center will still have sufficient parking. They are only removing 6 parking spaces that had counted towards those totals, and based on the determination in 2020 there were 26 surplus spaces. Removing 6 spaces means the shopping center still has 20 surplus spaces. 5. If they choose to self park this site they will need to provide the required 196 spaces which is 36 more than what they have proposed in the garage. 6. Whether or not they self -park or continue to share parking I think will have a lot of impacts on how we do further parking analysis for this site. If parking is shared, there are different things to consider than if parking is solely for the residential component. And if parking is self -parked then they are going to need to make major revisions to add 36 more spaces. SDP202100089 stonefield Towncenter block C2-1 Initial Site Plan - https://Ifweb.a I bema rle.org/webl i nk/sea rch.aspx?dbid=3&sea rchcom ma nd=%7b%5 bCDD- Planni ne%5d:%5 bAppl ication N um ber%5d=%22SDP202100089%22%7d Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 16 Kevin McCollum From: Francis MacCall Sent: Friday, December 10, 2021 1:45 PM To: Kevin McCollum Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan OK. Next week is my last week. I am off the last two weeks in December. Francis From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 20214:05 PM To: Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan I added you on this SDP review because I would like to go over the parking implications of the proposed building. They are taking away some of the shared parking at the overall Stonefield shopping center and will be parking this property solely on site. Once I have a chance to complete my review I'll follow up with you so we can discuss. Kevin From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthoritv.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <0anderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <d0ames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis<travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; devreview@rivanna.org; Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 301', 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https:Hcob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o rg/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ng%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=Cou ntvofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, C20 Senior Planner I Albemarle County 17 Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 18 Kevin McCollum From: Elise Kiewra Sent: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 12:07 PM To: Kevin McCollum Subject: Planning Application Review for SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1 - INITIAL. The Review for the following application has been completed: Application Number = SDP202100089 Reviewer = Elise Kiewra Review Status = No Objection Completed Date = 12/07/2021 This email was sent from County View Production. 19 Kevin McCollum From: Vivian Groeschel Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 3:01 PM To: Kevin McCollum Cc: Vivian Groeschel Subject: SDP2021-89 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 - SRC Submittal FYI............ The SRC Distribution Memo was emailed on 12.2.2021 The SRC APO Letters went in the mail on 12.3.2021 The Public Notice Info has been scanned and uploaded to CV. The Public Notice paper copy will be placed in your mailbox this coming Friday to file. Fees are PAID IN FULL IN CV. Thank you, Q Vivian Groeschel Community Development Assistant I - Planning Albemarle Countv - Community Development varoeschel@albemarle.ora 434 296 5832 x 3259 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 20 Kevin McCollum From: Elise Kiewra Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 8:30 AM To: Vivian Groeschel; Brian Becker Cc: Kevin McCollum; Ruth Emerick Subject: RE: SDP2021-89 Stonefield Block C2-1 City Search - Need help on Adjacent owners Attachments: Abutting_Owners_City.docx, Abutting_Owners_County.docx In case anyone needs them.... Elise Kiewra, GISP GIs Analyst Community Development Albemarle Countv eki ewra C@al bemarl e.org office 434-296-5832 x 3030 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 From: Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 3:06 PM To: Brian Becker <bbecker@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org> Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>; Ruth Emerick <remerick@albemarle.org>; Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel @albema rle.org> Subject: RE: SDP2021-89 Stonefield Block C2-1 City Search - Need help on Adjacent owners Thanks for your help Brian! I appreciate you Q Vivian Groeschel Community Development Assistant I - Planning Albemarle County -Community Development vgroeschel@albemarle.ora 434 296 5832 x 3259 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 From: Brian Becker <bbecker@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 3:05 PM To: Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra(a@albemarle.or¢> Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>; Ruth Emerick <remerick@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: SDP2021-89 Stonefield Block C2-1 City Search - Need help on Adjacent owners I think we have it figured out now! Brian Becker GIs Specialist, Community Development Albemarle Countv Office of Geographic Data Services 21 GIS Web bbecker(c@albemarle.org office 434-296-5832 x3031 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 From: Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 2:29 PM To: Elise Kiewra <ekiewraCa@albemarle.org>; Brian Becker <bbeckerCa@albemarle.org> Cc: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>; Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel@albemarle.org>; Ruth Emerick <remerick@albemarle.org> Subject: SDP2021-89 Stonefield Block C2-1 City Search - Need help on Adjacent owners Importance: High Hi Elise/Brian, I really need some help with this GIS City search, my screen is just not big enough to draw along the whole length of stonefield for adjacent owners on the city side. when I double click the red line to move up the screen it keeps disappearing. I have been trying now all afternoon. Can anyone help me? I can show you on teams also where I need to go. https://gisweb.albemarle.org/aov 51 /Viewer.aspx?state=088993200986 The TMP is 61 WO-03-00-019AO This is the county side and I need to draw all the way up from Seminole Trail on the city side. Thank you, Vivian Groeschel Community Development Assistant I - Planning Albemarle County -Community Development varoeschel@albemarle.ora 434 296 5832 x 3259 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 22 Kevin McCollum From: Dyon Vega <dvega@rivanna.org> Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 2:42 PM To: Kevin McCollum Cc: devreview@rivanna.org; Richard Nelson Subject: RE: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Kevin, RWSA has reviewed the Stonefield Towncenter Block C2 Initial site plan dated 11/19/2021 by W W Associates and has the following comments. General Comments: RWSA will require a sewer flow acceptance prior to final site plan approval. The request will need to be sent to us by ACSA and will include the following: • Estimated average daily dry weather sewage flow (ADDWF) • Point of connection into RWSA system (which manhole) • Number of units/square footage • Estimated in-service date Do you have other apartments or housing going in for the full buildout of the Towncenter Blocks? If so can you send those please. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Dyon Vega Civil Engineer RIVANNA WATER 6 SEWER AUTHORITY Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (434) 977-2970, Ext. 170 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA 22902 www.rivanna.orQ "Effective October 1, 2021, please email devreview@rivanna.ors for any correspondence related to Development Review. 23 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Khristopher Taggart <ktaggart@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Betty Slough <bslough@albemarle.org>; Elise Kiewra <ekiewra@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>; John Anderson <janderson2@albemarle.org>; David James <djames2@albemarle.org>; Emily Cox <ecox2@albemarle.org>; Howard Lagomarsino <hlagomarsino@albemarle.org>; Josh Kirtley <Joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>; Davis, Travis <travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov>; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH) <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>; Development review <DevReview@rivanna.org>; Brenda Loving <brenda.loving@vdot.virginia.gov>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore @vdot.virginia.gov> Cc: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Carla Harris - CDD <CHARRIS@albemarle.org> Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan EXTERNAL EMAIL Think before you click. This email originated from outside the organization. 1. Do not click links or open attachments unless you were expecting this email and know the content is safe. 2. If this appears to be a malicious email, please report it to IT Support Admins by clicking Phish Alert. Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 301h, 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https://cob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o re/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ne%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountyofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 24 Kevin McCollum From: McAvoy, Doug <douglas.mcavoy@vdot.virginia.gov> Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 9:37 AM To: Kevin McCollum Cc: Adam Moore Subject: VDOT Comments on SDP-2021-00089 Stonefield Parcel 1 Block C2-1 Attachments: SDP-2021-00089 VDOT Comment Letter.pdf CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Kevin, Attached please find the Department's comments on the subject -named project. Please let me know if you have any questions. Doug McAvoy Jr., P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency XVDOT I Virginia Department of Transportation 540-718-6113 Douglas.McAvoy(cDVDOT.V irginia.gov 25 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:14 AM To: Vivian Groeschel Subject: SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Legal Ad Attachments: SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Legal Ad.docx SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Legal Ad is attached here and has been added to County View. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks! Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 26 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:11 AM To: Richard Nelson; Margaret Maliszewski; Khristopher Taggart; Francis MacCall; Betty Slough; Elise Kiewra; Matthew Wentland; John Anderson; David lames; Emily Cox; Howard Lagomarsino; Josh Kirtley; Davis, Travis; Mazurowski, Alan (VDH); devreview@rivanna.org; Brenda Loving; Adam Moore Cc: Frank Pohl; Carla Harris - CDD Subject: Transmittal of SDP202100089 Stonefield Towncenter Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Attachments: SDP202100089 Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan - Plan 11-22-2021.pdf Good Morning, This email is to serve as the transmittal of initial site plan application SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1— INITIAL. The plans are attached and can be accessed at the link below. This is a SRC application, so please have comments to me by Thursday, December 30"', 2021. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! SDP202100089 STONEFIELD TOWNCENTER BLOCK C2-1- INITIAL https:Hcob-lfweb.a I be ma rle.o re/W ebLi n k/Sea rch.aspx?sea rchcomma nd=%7b%5bCD D- Planni ng%5d%3a%5 bAppl icatio n N um ber%5d%3d%22SDP202100089%22%2c%SbTaxM a p N u m be r%5d%3d%22 *%22%7d &repo=CountvofAl bema rle&d bid=2 Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 27 Kevin McCollum From: jbeirne@wwassociates.net Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 7:43 AM To: Kevin McCollum Subject: RE: Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Attachments: OCP C2-1 Initial Site Plan_11-19-21.pdf CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Kevin, Attached is a pdf of the Initial Site Plan for Block C2-1. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, John D. Beirne, Jr., PE Senior Associate WAAM E\GINFSRS Im SURyEYORs PLANNERS ASSOCIATES Office Phone: 434.960.8275 Main: 434.984.2700 Fax: 434.978.1444 968 Olympia Drive, Suite 1 Charlottesville, VA 22911 jbeirneAwwassociates.net www.wwassociates.net From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 7:41 AM To: jbeirne@wwassociates.net Subject: Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning John, Could you possibly send me digital copies, or a link to the digital copies, of the Initial Site Plan for Stonefield Block C2-1? Thanks so much. Kevin McCollum, AICP, C2D Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 28 Kevin McCollum From: Kevin McCollum Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 7:41 AM To: jbeirne@wwassociates.net Subject: Stonefield Block C2-1 Initial Site Plan Good Morning John, Could you possibly send me digital copies, or a link to the digital copies, of the Initial Site Plan for Stonefield Block C2-1? Thanks so much. Kevin McCollum, AICP, CZO Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development Department Planning Division (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902 29