HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201700016 Plan - As-built 2022-01-17BMP AS -BUILT PLAN FOR LEGEND OLD TRAIL BLOCKS 55 205 * 2 EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION 165 TC x 125TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 165 x 125 SPOT ELEVATION 165 TW x 12'TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 165Bw x 125BW BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION 5l BENCHMARK STORM SEWER —RD -RE ROOF DRAIN SEWER LINE VW a"w WATER LINE GAS GAS GAS LINE oRE orE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE uGE eE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OFT OHT OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE ucT uG UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE I— DRAIN INLET (DI) OO OO STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE PLUG wv wv WATER VALVE & BOX FIRE HYDRANT ® ®" WATER METER ♦� �� LIGHT POLE f • UTILITY POLE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK x PARKING SETBACK SANITARY EASEMENT --"'— GRADING EASEMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT WATER EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT TREE LINE FENCE STREAM 312— — 1 2 — INTERVAL CONTOUR 300— —oo— INDEX CONTOUR CG-2 CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB CG-6 CG-6 COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK RIPRAP ASPHALT GRASS EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND 10 to PARKING COUNT — CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE CG-12 HANDICAP PARKING NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. TM F 055E0-0 I -A I -000AO WF02017-0001 G WHITE HALL DISTRICT, ALDEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Vineyards ■ SlabtoWn 8 anch 1,140 i-!Ni 1114 HARVEST FARMS P, VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1�11=1,0001 erg � yEPwgtl 0 Rivende\\ y 0 rocket W$/ Yancey Mills v 25a azs IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOOGLE MAPS CI C2 C3 C4 C5 11111, 250 • G��Qt 0 _' aot ?N SITE labtoWfl 5011c,t 5 a b T,tnPike Rock�tish Gap r 9LP 9� P Gs� cWanch m 3 l S Western Albemarle High School SHEET INDEX - COVER SHEET - AS -BUILT PLAN OVERVIEW - AS -BUILT BI OI`I LTER PROI=1 LES - AS -BUILT PIOEILTER PLAN VIEW - AS -BUILT MITIGATION PLAN Locwa Ln pak pt 0 Brownsville zso N 2 0 0 a OWNER / DEVELOPER Owner: Denstock Old Trail, LLC 1430 Rolkin Ct. Suite 301 Charlottesville, VA 22911 Developer: Denico Development Co. 1430 Rolkin Court, Suite #301 Charlottesville, VA 22911 LEGAL REFERENCE TMP 055EO-01-00-000 i " Y'd,- I '-" — DB 5016 PG 134-147 (Plat) — DB 5028 PG 62 ZONING AD — Neighborhood Model District (For Portion of Parcel Subject To Site Plan) Entrance Corridor Overlay Original Approved ZMA 2004-024 N Amended ZMA 2008-05 4mended ZMA 2r''` SOURCE OF BOUNDARY & TOPO DU-IIJJI) LJI ✓ey II01 IIGlILf �VIC' � ..y Roudabush, Gale, & Associates, Inc. 914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22 u2 (434) 977-0205 Boundaries shown on an unrecorded plat based on the proposed Blocks 5, 20, & 21 subdivision dated 07/20/2016, revised 10/04/2016 Topographic survey provided by: Roudabush, Gale, & Associates, Inc. Date Completed: 08/16/2012 Curb and Gutter Survey and Field Verification Completed on 05/03/2016 Proposed development will be subdivided from TMP 55E-01—A1. Asbuilt Survey provided by: Shimp Engineering, P.C. on: November 17th, 2020 Additional Survey provided by: Shimp Engineering, P.C. on: June 29th, 2021 A title report was not provided. All easements and encumbrances may not be shown on this plan. BENCHMARK BMP MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ONSITE BMPS: Bioretention Filter Basins (biofilters) Biofilters are sized per Virginia Stormwoter Management Regulations Part IIC. All BMP are to be owned and maintained by the Old Trail HOA. All BMP outlet to wetlands at compliant runoff rates. Total Area treated by BMPS: 6.58 Acres. BIOFILTER MAINTENANCE: Maintenance Tasks Frequency • Sot weeding, erosion repair, trash removal, and mulch raking Twice during growing season • Add reinforcement planting to maintain desired the vegetation density • Remove invasive plants using recommended control methods As needed • Stabilize the contributing drainage area to prevent erosion • Spring inspection and cleanup • Supplement mulch to maintain a 3 inch layer Annually • Prune trees and shrubs • Remove sediment in re -treatment cells and inFlow oints Once every 2 to 3 years • Re lace the mulch layer Eve 3 ears All primary spillways (outlet risers) should be inspected quarterly. Remove any sediment and debris buildup within filters and risers quarterly and after heavy storm events. Cleanouts shall be used to unclog underdrains and remove sediment buildup from the system. U T$ GO Li . No. 45183 ; VS1nxTAT E� 1 SN L_I_ ___ ___ _-- --- --- ---- ___ _ _ ___ L I J� I _ \ \ / m I I J� 11 % LnrnLin 1 II \ N �V N N N N N N 01 GO �` °/ m s •: l 1 \ __ OLD TRAIL DRIVE _ _---------- ED LD VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC ROW _ „ o m DB 2886 PG 134 155 (PLAT) y6x R-1 R-z + o e _ - ° , p � y 3x n I _ ^w_ n 96 ///• /.�(�, tsr �./° � '��/ ///. m $iI.,Dxut r—`►_' ° I \�+ \ h\e 1 B%,/ \/ amoMo o. 'Bldg00 7 =otoof10Bldg.1/0/0 Rodto Biofiter A w102 Roof TocpW To ST-1ST-2 i �EX. W/L ESMT Clubhouse R9of A o t To ST \ -� C0g D.B. 3442 P.G. 188 0 :7 TO BE VACATED / 0. ` i / / // / /'/ '/ I / _ / ' v o I / �I / / I / / I / / / / / // / / / m} L0Z rtl �� — J // FILTER E I/ / _ ..,D^- . _._ '� , . I � � D - _e°_x° °—e° a° x° v o `.'1 pIOJa o002f - I � /F0 • _ �IIp'' II — — — — — — — — 22 / // ssaz _ 4a 4z b 8 6z / . 8 / / 1 - - / ' A• D - , • _ � RAMP � / / /6AM AM xSL'1 AM //. / . - / ,...,j / / 1$• ' / / A • Y _ 14.0% — / I — — m0 HppE o�m / / I eaeSS O • -1 _ / 7. P / / _ _ mep i 20' AC UTILITY AS�MENT ^� x-> I FE=69 DB 3442 PG 188- .53 FE=68 .81 , I. /// `V ,I I FE— 90.60 W I' (PLAT) ,, I 9 0 �/ / u _ 3 m P Bldg.�03 &Go Bldg. 103 Roofxo,z ai / / /' , ' // // / T _ o �� /M Fad t Z I . ofilter A To ST-1 ----'' ' ' 12 / /' ® • ® - I Bldg. 102 RooflBldg. 102 Roof I: > I / / abs,a. • % 5916 P 20' SW V Q3 / FE=697.07 o xS'Z o ToS>- To, I v PI / / J I FE=686.3s ea i x�z ro o / / I rain e I / f / r_ LC zz � //' / o • o a / /' Ea ent i / '61350 / IOFIL ER ` PG 134/ 3 I I "\ ICI � - s1. ' ' I /�• o �'I /' I / o n+ / / / // // / / // ,/ / // � ,/ i i/� /i 01 'g'., °._ /' IP � � � / II uJ Bldg. 101 Roof- Bldg 101 Root) + �3 o D=T o go/ al I_ To ST-5 I ,'To ST-9 j L�APE &SIDE AUK x0L 6 <+ / CD CD E-9SEME�IT �3 /'DB 344 F�188 4 ( AT) ,_' I /,' / / , ti/ CBS 501 R / /' p. / / / x9' / 6 / � 00003 �' TO BE JAC&TE _ _ I / PG-134 J.° • / _---_\\\ ~I rnm �o ga / ° �/ / / / ST—z1''rOr / , / / /'/ //' • r • ♦ • j/ ♦ • • r / SI—G / 15. HpPE / /' �/' /'/ ___i/'/ / / /'I • r r//• r r FE 81.81 .. / a°— + a f • / / /yj / / / ,/' / / / // ♦ r •/' / v storm / .(�/ \ WM Facjly \ g" / e� _ / / / ,' Easement 15 /I\CP '\ 'ent DB xs't \\ e� xo's \ m� Slap~ / " �'' �' a - / / / / /' \® \_CU/vert /I � ,' 5016 PG 134 a '° xv'a /.. � / x9 T- 15::Stolhi - FE 7sss � •. ST-8/' // / /' / ®� Lu ♦_ � D> ° � / / / _ _ o �r [uv: � �- / SWM y 1:510FILTER A ` _—_ — . _ _ - - - - LL�o / /� I �'��,�; ,, BIOFILTER E''- 20' L 4 ° ° i = i / \ / �, -E6sement \ , 1 — — � na.rae� / / / // / II,�Q�• I/.•'/ //' amass \p / 0peS / �,/• — — _1. • o • •®d p ades7.7 // // // I / �\ �/ RIP -Rap N4�y 3 / 1 0 20' SWM 76 \ • • ® • o • o F I Drainage i'' \\ A • • F1EN87 . — ♦ / / ' / / / AV /// /_ V Ifl6lK70FR. ♦ �/ / d \ \ \ • / / / o - ' , 20' SWM Easement � \\ \ \ / _ Dran 9e /' ,' // � / / / �••\ _-'--- / j. PC - \ \ \ >- /5�6X 134 / / I / \ WetlgRds To Be 67 -r /\ / Ex 1 / / \ \ \ --- ----76 - - �" / / • 1 • \ \ Preserved / APPR❑XIMATE L❑C�T�9� _ a r J / / // O / ♦/ I / I-L❑❑DPLAIN Z❑NE/AE t/ y (BEE DETERMED)_- -- "w• /' BIOEILTER E OUTLET Scale: 1"=30' � / / // /'/° / I / N43° / N� I / C2 Scale: 1"=40' TH op H I Pa No. 45183 G TONAL 'e 670 665 660 655 650 6459+00 695 690 685 680 675 670 665 66 680 675 670 665 660 655 650 6405+ 665 660 655 650 645 640 63§5+50 i )ST6-OUT3 STORM PROFILE C3 )HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 680 675 670 665 660 655 650 64151 +00 665 660 655 650 645 g640 5 10+00 10+50 11+003 OUT9-OUT10 STORM PROFILE C3 ) HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 9+50U-OUT'7 + 3 T6 STORM PROFILE \ C3 )HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 4 OUT1A-EX1 STORM PROFILE C3 )HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 670 665 660 655 650 645 695 690 685 680 675 670 g665 11+5060 695 690 685 680 675 670 665 66 �f mil!% — =---- =•-- NONE 1 1- • L'ld����1�— 1• E. :.:NINO MEMO 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+0 n BIOFILTER A PROFILE C3 )HOR: 1"-30, VERT: 1"=10' 24" HDPE Pipe w. domed grate 685 Top=668.21 48" Precast Conc. 685 Riser w. Trash Rack �_ Rim=669.26 680 3 o- P-cce�r-Gage. 680 Rise n. + ask Reek 675 MAX WSE _ rc 675 671.54 �"='4 ° "'o CREST 671 670 - - - 670 66f'r.B i ,.`max 665 665.21 — Filter Media: 611sf x 662.21 2.5' Depth 660� —r-, 660 No. 3 Stone 4 685.86 8 .' 4 655 Layer. 611 sf 4" Perf. PVC 6fr9 96 655 x 3' Depth ® 662.36 M 30" HDPE Out 18" HDPE in ® 659.14 659+50 10+00 from Filter 9 gg 10+50 11+0050 ® 659.29 BIOFILTER C PROFILE \ C3 %HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' AS -BUILT BMP NARRATIVE: Upon initial as —built survey and inspection of the Biofilters, it was determined that all of the Biofilters where not installed per the approved plans and several significant discrepancies were found. Biofilters B & C were excavated to bottom elevations well below those proposed in the approved plans. All standpipes and overflow structures were installed at elevations not consistent with the approved plans, nor in appropriate relation to the bottom of pond elevations. Media depths were found to be inadequate for all Biofilters. Shimp Engineering utilized the as —built survey data to determine the appropriate revisions required to each individual BMP in order bring each into compliance and to meet the approved stormwater treatment and runoff rates. The as —built conditions were modeled in HydroCAD and new models were created to determine appropriate elevations based on existing conditions. Shimp Engineering provided the contractor with revised elevations, inverts, structure heights and material depths to correct the discrepancies. Shimp Engineering inspected and surveyed all changes made to the Biofilters and confirmed appropriate elevations and adequate media depths for each BMP. 685 680 675 670 665 660 655 INS 680 675 670 665 660 655 650 645 +50 10+00 10+50 BIOFILTER B 11+00 PROFILE \7� \ C3 HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 10+00 10+50 11+0O BIOFILTER D PROFILE C3 )HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 670 665 660 MAX_ 655 653.60 650.60 650 648.10 645 640 635 a� o Q.N 61+50 10+00 24" HDPE Pipe w. domed grate Ipl Top=654.10 r No. 3 Stone Layer: 2457 sf x 2.5' Depth 11+50 680 675 670 660 655 650 g645 1 1 +5040 670 48" Precast Conc. Riser w. Trash 665 Rack Rim=655.94 4a" PFF.P89 Cam. 660 vim,= w- ,-rem CREST 658.07 m=654.2 655 �fFer--Mks- N eB 1h 18" �-64Cr9& 18" HDPE Out 640 ® 647.76 g635 11 +5030 10+50 BIOFILTER E 11+00 PROFILE C3 )HOR: 1"=30, VERT: 1"=10' 685 680 675 j OP0 0��� TFI pF O � U J IMP a Li . NO. 45183 �r8IO1VAL 'i SEGMENTED BLOCK RET.WALL VISIBLE Height= 8' BW=669.52 TW=677.52 RIP —RAP f \ CLASS Al � u / / 6" PVC UNDERDRAIN 0 BUSH Peed e- (T SP) 9l 6" Capped PVC C/o POND BERM ELEV 675.50 / UURD CUT i OMER- 1 I�il�I o a PVC C/o 24" NYLOPI / DRAIN W/G1 2 6 ' 48"STANDPIPE I I/ r 48"STANDPIPI 8'� H D P _ 24" NYLOPLAST DRAIN W/GRATE 1-'� BIOFILTER B PLAN VIEW C4) SCALE: 1`10' B10FILTER E / 24" NYLOPLAST s4 DRAIN W/GRATE TREE (TYP) 0 \ \� jo— — 3 BIOFILTER E PLAN VIEW C4 SCALE: 1 `10' BUSH (TYP) Biofilter Planting Plan: Required Planting: Per VA Type IIC Regulations: between 10 and 23 plantings per 1000 sf biofilter surface Provided Planting: 12 plantings per 1000 sf of biofilter surface Planting mix=3:1 or 2:1 shrub:tree ratio Biofilter A: Biofilter B: Bed Size= 2960 sf 472 sf Bed Size-"�3f Required Plantings-32 Required Provided Plantings-7 Ple—h-j— Thr= 3 � PFevided Pleigtingsi Trees-9 chr hg—�2n Biofilter C: Bed Size= 611 sf Biofilter D: Bed Size= 1898 sf = Plantings=4 Bed SiFe_176n s-f Required Plantings=22 plantings=22 P,mided Plantings. - - _ = 7 Biofilter E: —Sze-- Total Blo9ter Area: Bed 2487 sf TOTAL Bed Size= 8398sf � e- 109 6 aII �� T90 sf '-ed rew�rgs: P! 4i-ig5-2 5 PLMings=za a Total Required Plantings=90 Plantings=87 ra-pan-Fao,aza--Panztri g so Tr., es22 &o �4 D 48"STANDPIPE POND BERM ELEV 658.07 D 6 X6" TIMBER RET. 10P .685.2� 72�13I0FILTER A PLAN VIEW C4 SCALE: 1"=10' �iAQFILTER D PLAN VIEW (',4 SCALE: 1"-10' 1 Zt gR A j f TFI pF Gl o U J IMP a Li . No. 45183 �`rSIONAL ��G 5 1 BIOFILTER C PLAN VIEW C4 SCALE: C-10' 0 a > I I CD C� CD CD w w w m N co Q 'zd- 00 'd- 00 �r7N Q � m m I I I Sidewalk Easement] f — — 4 OLD TRAIL DRIVE VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC ROW DB 2886 PG 134 - 155 (PLAT J 1. Option 1 - Mitigate through new plantings and permanent protection as given below. Now plantings must be in the stream buffer area. Applicant has choice of planting tote of the following: a. For every 44X) square foot unit or fraction thereof. plant (me (/) canopy tree measuring 1 W' - 2" caliper or a large evergreen 6 feet in height, one (1) understoty tree measuring 3A" - I W' caliper or one evergreen 4 fat in height. and one (1) •small shneh I5" - 18" in height. b. For every acre or fraction thereof. plant 1.210 hardwcxrd and/or pine seedlings on approximately 6'X6' centers without tree tubes and mats. c. For every acre or fraction thereof, plant 600 hardwood and/or pine seedlings on approximately 8'X8' centers with tree tubes and mats. 2. Option 2 -Mitigate by preserving existing buffer where currently not required by ordinance: i.e. preserve stream buffers on intermittent streams in the development areas. Mitigation must be accomplished by permanent protections as given below. Permanent Protection for each of these options will be inclusion in the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District 1TISWCD) Easement Program, or recordation of a permanent maintenance agreement and escrow to run with the land. \ BUFFER AREA DISTURBED: 1.79 ACRES WITHIN 100' BUFFER MITIGATION OPTION 1 B REQUIREMENTS: 2166 HARDWOOD AND PINE SEEDLINGS ON 6'x6' CENTERS WITHOUT TREE TUBES OR MATS MITIGATION PLANTING CALCULATIONS 77,561 SF Disturbed Stream Buffer 155,122 SF 1:2 Ratio Suggested Replanting Area 39,354 SF Available Replanting Area 548 SEEDLINGS Available Replanting Area (denoted main planting area) Shall Have GAO geedl Rts. The remaining 1618 Seedlings shall be planted within the existing undisturbed forest within the stream buffer and in unused areas within the site (shown as solid grey hatch). No seedlings shall be planted within ACSA Sanitary Easements. LEGEND MITIGATION REPLANTING (MAIN AREA) + MITIGATION REPLANTING (SECONDARY AREA) ANDS FER 01NG � O + + + + +> + ++++++ +air Mitigation A I - - - - - - - I \ + + + + Planting Area+ + + + + + + + + ♦\` \ ♦\` ♦\` \ \ as %San. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + + + + e ♦ — ainage I + t Ease 16+ e / o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ge Secondary Mitigation s a + +PG+134. + + + + + + + Easement r + + + + + + + + + + DB 5016 Planting Area ♦ + + -Main Mitigation--� .+ + + + + + + + + + Planting Area + + P 34 .y / + + + + + + / + + + + + + + + + + r �' ♦ + + + + + + + + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ed.S�s g I I + + + + + + + + + + + N 5e E m�' Construction -... i ° s ost-Constru 100' Stream + + + + + + + + + 0 Treeline No Seedlings + Secon ary bove SMitigation El+ ® + an. Lot + + + + ♦ � � � .� �' � � I .+ I + 0 g Area 0' Stream Stream J + + + + + / - r 40 0 40 80 ts+oo + + + + _ 00 Stream- -�-- -�— + + + + + + + + Scale: 1"=40' _ — - —{— - — Buffer 12+00 13+0o 14+00 + + + + +oo — + + + + ( i - + + + + + ++ + / / / / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + E . etlands / + + + + + + +._Main Mitigation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Secon ary + + + + + + + Planting Area + + + + + + + + + / + + + + + + + + + + + + • — . _ Main Mitigation + + + + + Mitigation / + + + + - - — ' — — _ Planting Area + + + + + + Planting Area - / n + + + + \ -7 + + + + + + + + In Son. Esmf. on. MH / s t \ I Secon ary econ ary / Mitigation Mitigation \ Plantin Area Plantin Area \ •/ �.' \ �. Post -Cons ructionmi Treeline r / \ ACSA San. \ Easement \ 120 Mitigation Planting Schedule Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Planting Details Quantity Hardwood Seedling Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak 6'x6' on Center 541 Hardwood Seedling Acer rubrum & cvs. Red (Swamp) Maple 6'x6' on Center 542 Evergreen Seedling Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine 6'x6' on Center 541 Evergreen Seedling Picea Abies Norway Spruce 6'x6' on Center 542 Total: 2166 Note: Species can be substituted from Albemarle County Approved Planting List. Contractor shall begin planting after earthwork is finished and shall complete plantings within 6 months. Seedlings shall be planted according to best practices as specified by the USDA. IN 0 m N N Q Nw J I J a > z N w F- N 0 Qo W J N Q I 01 U O c v J IMp Li . No. 45183 o t(IgZL �,4 :`VSIONAL S WW Date 08/10/2021 Scale 1 "=10' Sheet No. C5 OF 5 File No. 16.020