HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeadow Creek Pky Fin Rep May 01FINAL
The authors wish to thank all of those who
have contributed to the information, content,
and conclusions of this document:
Albemarle County Staff Committee
Jack Kelsey--Chief of Engineering
Sally Thomas--Board of Supervisors
Dennis Rooker--Planning Commission
Pat Mullaney--Director, Parks & recreation
Wayne Cilimberg--Director, Planning & Community Development
David Benish Chief, Planning & Community
Juandiego Wade--Transportation Planner
Albemarle County Planning Commission
Virginia Department of Transportation
Meadow Creek Parkway Design Advisory Committee
Jones & Jones Architects and Landscape Architects--Seattle, Washington
Grant Jones-- Principal-in-Charge
Charles Scott--Project Manager
Nate Cormier--Project Landscape Architect
David Sorey--Project Landscape Architect
Mark Ellis Walker--Production
Okerlund Associates--Charlottesville, Virginia
Gary Okerlund--Principal
H.W. Lochner, Inc.--Richmond, Virginia
existing reports and plans
landscape character
project vicinity
existing site conditions
site suitability
preferred alternative
arrangement of land uses
transportation corridor concept
urban development concept
parklands concept
cost estimates
Beginning in 1967, the Virginia Department of Transportation
(VDOT) proposed the development of a new north-south
arterial at the northeast edge of Charlottesville. Initially
named the Mclntire Road Extension, the new road was
intended to improve access to downtown Charlottesville,
provide an alternative to Route 29 North, and relieve traffic
volume on local residential roads and streets.
In 1979, following a series of design studies, a corridor was
selected for the new road. Approximately 2 miles in length,
the road corridor consisted of two segments; the first segme~
lay within the city limits of Charlottesville and traversed
Mclntire Park between SR250 and Melbourne Road, while the
second segment lay on undeveloped land along Meadow Cre,
in Albemarle County between Melbourne Road and Rio Road.
As the route for the new road coalesced, and as funding was
secured, the project came to be identified as Meadow Creek
Parkway. Initially envisioned as a four-lane divided road with
limited access, the City of Charlottesville resolved in the early
1980s that the road should be designed as "a true parkway
which would follow the contours of the land." Through
subsequent years of design and debate, the City placed other
stipulations on the design of the new road, including a lower6
design speed, use of an urban (curb and gutter) cross-section,
consideration of a 2-lane versus 4-lane design, provision of
separated pedestrian trail, and road engineering for passenge
vehicles only. Continued debate over the need and design for
the road finally prompted the City of Charlottesville to
commission a study in early 1999 to evaluate alternative
design approaches for Meadow Creek Parkway and to
better convey to VDOT the City's preferences.
The study, referred to as the Rieley Report after the planning
firm which prepared it, primarily focused on the design of the
Parkway for the City's portion of the project, through Mclntire
Park from SR250 to Melbourne Road. Various alignments
and lane configurations (2-lane, 3-lane, and 4-lane divided
and undivided) as well as the VDOT design were compared.
Alignment and design recommendations in the Rieley Report
were based on design principles that have been applied to
other parkways and scenic roads. Design guidelines for the
Parkway included the careful coordination of horizontal and
vertical alignment to create a pleasing 3-D line, incorporation
of transition spiral curves for safety and aesthetic value, use o
minimum pavement widths, and variable side-slope grading
to blend the road cut and fill slopes with the adjacent terrain.
In short, the Rieley Report promoted a design for the Parkway
that was sensitive to the Mclntire Park setting and blended wi1
the terrain to ensure minimal impacts upon the park resource:
The Report also recommended that the linear park setting for
the road needed to continue north of Melbourne Road over
the County's portion of the project to Rio Road.
In early 2000, following the City's initiative, Albemarle County
decided to commission a study for their portion of the Parkwa
The report presented here is a culmination of a process
whereby design options for the Parkway were evaluated
in conjuction with concepts for urban and park development.
The purpose of this project is to develop design
recommendations for a 2-lane parkway and adjacent
park and urban development areas along a corridor of land
between Melbourne Road and Rio Road in Albemarle County,
Virginia. The corridor occupies mostly undeveloped land
flanking a stretch of the Meadow Creek just outside the
northeast city limits of Charlottesville. The corridor
adjoins the north end of Charlottesville's portion of
the parkway between SR250 and Melbourne Road.
The overall vision for the project is that it be true to the
idea of a "parkway," joined with the creation of a linear park
which acts as the framework for a scenic road. This type
of vision has guided the development of the finest national
parkways. The park simply cannot consist of planter strips or
buffers along the road; rather, it must have sufficient capacity
and area to support recreation and preserve natural features
as well as provide a setting for the parkway. Additionally,
the park needs to provide connections and linkages to other
parks and open space areas and accommodate an extension
of the Rivanna Trails System.
This study is also being conducted to suggest design concepts
and strategies for areas in the corridor that possess potential
for urban development. Design concepts for these areas must
be consistent with the principles for density, mix, connectivity,
etc. set forth by the Albemarle Development Steering
Committee (DISC) report. The County's Comprehensive Plan
and other city and county planning documents also have
influence upon the development concepts. In defining the
urban concepts, continuous open space along the Parkway
must be preserved to maintain the linear park atmosphere.
Integration of park and open space throughout the urban
development areas are also important project objectives.
While the park and urban development elements are
important components of the project, this study considers
the design of the Parkway to be the most pressing issue
and the one requiring the greatest level of resolution.
The Parkway design is required to be based on state-of-the-art
techniques and practices for parkway and aesthetic roadway
design. Equal attention must be given to AASHTO and
VDOT design standards and safety requirements.
The Parkway portion within the County also needs to
mirror the characteristics established in the Reiley Report
for the City's portion of the parkway, including:
· coordination of the horizontal and vertical alignment
to create a pleasing three-dimensional line
· use of a 35 mph design speed
· integration of stormwater management concepts into the
road design
· incorporation of spiral transition curves
· use of variable side slope grading to blend cuts and fills
for the new road into the adjacent terrain.
Additionally, the MPO Meadow Creek Parkway Design
Advisory Committee established design criteria for the project
which are included in Appendix E. These criteria, while fairly
detailed and explicit, are utilized as general guidelines for
this study and do not include detailed analysis or response.
Throughout the course of the project, the progress and
findings of the study were reviewed during meetings with
the Albemarle County Engineering and Planning Departments
and the Planning Commission. These periodic review meetings
provided the Consultant team with additional information
about other issues in the study area and allowed the County
an opportunity to have input on various issues and approval
on the direction of the project.
The design process for this project began by concurrently
looking at the characteristics of the land and collecting and
reviewing planning studies relevant to the project.
Following this, the design team developed alternatives
that illustrated a range of values and approaches
in response to various issues and project requirements.
Finally, as a result of collaboration with the community,
an optimal design was created.
October 2000. The design team of Jones & Jones,
Okerlund Associates, and Lochner Engineers visited
Albemarle County to discuss goals for the project,
investigate the project site and site vicinity,
and collect existing reports and plans.
The design team synthesized observations and
existing materials.
December 2000. The design team returned to review and
discuss their analysis of the project vicinity and existing site
conditions. This analysis formed the basis of a site suitability
diagram that described the best use of various landscape units
within the project area. The design team also presented
a number of transportation corridor design precedents.
The impact of the transportation corridor on the urban
development and park areas were identified for further
study in conceptual alternatives.
The design team examined a range of parkway alignments
and their implications for the development of urban
neighborhoods and park and open space areas.
January 2001. The design team returned to present
three alternative parkway alignments and urban development
approaches. Alternative A explored building the parkway
further west to create more continuity for the urban
development and parkland areas. Alternative B was similar
to the proposed VDOT alignment. Alternative C explored
moving the transportation corridor to the west side of the
CATEC high school. In the end, Alternative A was
recommended by the design team and approved by
the County as the direction for further refinement.
The design team refined the parkway alignment and urban
development approach of Alternative A. The design team
also developed a parklands strategy that included investigation
of the impacts of urbanization upon Meadow Creek and
techniques for restoring and protecting the creek.
March 2001. The design team returned to present and discuss
a draft recommendation for the parkway, urban development
area and parklands. The parkway alignment was resolved
in greater detail and strategies for the urban development
and parklands were illustrated.
The design team finalized the recommendations for
the parkway, urban development, and parklands.
Simulated views of the parkway, cost estimates,
and an implementation strategy were developed
for inclusion in this report.
Research and data collection for this study included a full
review of existing planning reports and materials related to
the project site. County staff were instrumental in assembling
the required documents and digital files. Materials collected
and reviewed include the following:
Existing VDOT and City data for the
county and city portions of the parkway.
The Rieley Report
Horizontal and vertical alignments
· Topographic mapping
· Typical road cross-sections
Bridge elevation and design data
Mapping related to the project site.
Digital mapping including 5' contours, structures and
· Property lines, parcels and owners
· 100-year flood boundary
· SCS soil survey
Wildlife habitat & migration maps
· Orthophotos, 1996 and 2000
· Oblique aerial photography
· Surveyed location of 24" diameter & larger trees
Gas and sewer utility information
Mapping and plans related to the project
Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan
· City of Charlottesville Comprehensive Plan
· The City as a Park: A Citizen's Guide to Charlottesville Park
The DISC Report
Rivanna Trails Foundation's "Rivanna Greenways Trails"
University of Virginia (UVA) Strategic Plan for Water
Resources Management
· South Fork Watershed Study
· Rivanna River Basin Project "State of the Basin 1998"
UVA Thesis, "Meadow Creek- A Model for the Future"
· Bicycle Plan for the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle
· County GIS Mapping for community facilities,
comprehensive plan development areas,
comprehensive plan land use designations,
greenways, hydrography, major residential development,
major river & home watersheds, parks and recreation,
physiographic provinces, registered historic properties
& districts, scenic resources, and wetlands
· USGS topographic mapping
Meadow Creek
County of Albemarle, Virginia
The Meadow Creek Parkway project is located in a growing
area of the Charlottesville metropolitan region that is
identified in the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan
for promotion of higher density mixed-use development.
Within this growing metropolitan region, Meadow Creek
Parkway has the potential to connect existing open space,
parklands, habitat, and trails to create an interconnected
and expanded park and trail system for Charlottesville
and Albemarle County.
With its location and natural resources, the Meadow Creek
Parkway project stands to be an important environmental
educational tool for nearby schools. In addition to
the University of Virginia, there are four high schools
and an elementary school in the project vicinity.
An early step in this study involved conducting an inventory and analysis of existing site conditions
and features. This process required the mapping of obvious physical elements such as vegetation,
creeks, and utilities as well as delineating less discernable features such as viewsheds, the lO0-year
flood plain, and slopes over 30%. The analysis was essentially a process of looking closely at the land,
understanding what it was in the past and the reasons for its current conditions, and its limitations
and opportunities for future land uses.
Initially, site features which were considered relevant to the planning of the urban development and
park areas as well as the transportation corridor were mapped. The site was then divided into
seven distinct units; these units consist of landscape elements and characteristics that give one
a sense of being in a contiguous area with distinctive qualities.
woooEo unet'VELOt~a uum
-Geetly retlMg t~rain et paraHet
-Open pasture~agdcettuN nn uppm' ridges
-Wwls; I~ht Im~ on steeper depas
-Beautiful dletant flem to weet nnd seuth
-Geed expseum Ind ~eldele aseess potential
hQm Rle Road
-Ne expasure ot vehicle accese fl~m
¢lm, entF/used as hail
-Wildlife habitat
-HIll rep ridge buffers railfead
-Veblele aeem - e.n~etly reWleted;
Ilndted e~ dlfltcult pMmflJal accass
,-Ne exposure or vetdcle at.se from
-Cmmmmnn to 6mnbd~ Park (City)
-Saepe to Ueadew Creek
-WOMIMI - paWal~ buff~ed vtem
-UeM bm~ and tteas
-Tall antenna and gm/~ms
Meadow Creek
County of Albemarle, Virginia
The landscape units identified in the
Existing Conditions and Features analysis
were evaluated in terms of their suitability for
the following three land uses: urban development
(residential and commercial), park and open space,
and transportation corridor (e.g. roadway, light rail,
commuter bike path). In the following summary
of the Suitability Analysis, the landscape units
are grouped according to the land use that
they can accommodate.
Suitable fer:
Suitable for:.
Suitable for:
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Suitable for:
Suitable feK
Meadow Creek
County of Albemarle, Virginia
Site Features
The Existing Conditions and Features map depicts the following elements within and adjacent to the study area:
Existing Greenspace: areas that are wooded
and undeveloped
· Existing Recreational areas: parks, athletic fields,
golf course, and trails
· Steep Slopes: where the land slopes at 30% or greater
· lO0-year Floodplain: areas that may be under water
after a major storm
· Meadow Creek and its tributaries
An existing abandoned railway bed
(currently used as a walking/running/biking trail)
· Other existing trails
Existing structures: schools, houses,
apartments, businesses, etc.
· Roads and driveways
Southern Railroad tracks
· Promontories which afford panoramic views
over adjacent terrain
Landscape Units
The following is a description of the seven landscape districts that were identified in the Parkway corridor:
Rolling Uplands--Open
The northern portion of the site (south and east of the
Charlottesville-Albemarle Vocational Technical School)
consists of gently rolling terrain with parallel ridge tops
and draws. The ridges and moderate side slopes are
generally free of trees and are currently used as pastureland.
Steeper slopes and draws near Meadow Creek are lightly
to moderately wooded and likely provide wildlife habitat.
Distant views to the west and south are afforded from
the ridge tops. The scenic quality of the rolling pasture land
in this unit is very high. It has good exposure and
access potential from Rio Road.
Meadow Creek Bottomland
This is a Iow-lying floodplain which is bordered by
Meadow Creek on the east. It is a lightly wooded riparian zone
and is depicted on the map by the limits of the 100-year
floodplain. The channel of Meadow Creek is highly degraded
and scoured from heavy flood flows caused by upstream
development. A trail next to the Creek receives moderate use
and is a quiet refuge within this developing urban area.
There is a potential path connection to the northwest leading
to Greenbrier Park, provided a larger culvert could be
constructed beneath the railroad tracks. This area is also
not accessed from existing streets. Signs of wildlife are
visible throughout the bottomland.
Wooded Highlands & Old Railroad Grade
This landscape unit is bounded by railroad tracks to
the west, Meadow Creek Bottomland to the east and north,
and high school athletic fields to the south. The land generally
slopes gently up from the floodplain to the railroad tracks.
An abandoned railroad bed, currently used as a recreational
trail, is benched into the hillside. The slopes are mostly
moderate, with some steeper areas. The hill is lightly
to moderately wooded with scattered large trees, allowing
for filtered views of adjacent areas. This secluded area
is neither exposed to nor directly accessible from any existing
thoroughfares or local streets. There are indications that
the area is habitat to a number of animals--during one
recent traverse, a surveyor was startled when he
suddenly came within a few steps of a group of four deer.
Rolling Uplands - Wooded
This unit extends from the high steep slopes east of
Meadow Creek to Rio Road. The wooded uplands have been
partially cleared in order to accommodate several housing
developments and apartment complexes. Portions that
have been left wooded generally are part of elongated
private tracts associated with existing older homes.
Access to this area is from Rio Road.
A number of small tributaries branch from Meadow Creek.
These drainages have created moderate to steeply sloped
ravines that are generally wooded, with good scenic value.
These ravines have little or no access due to the severity
of their slopes.
Steeply Sloped Hillside
Rising up along the east side of Meadow Creek, the wooded
slopes of this area help to buffer views of the apartments
on the uplands above from the trails along the creek.
The slopes here are greater than 30% and would be highly
susceptible to erosion from any type of disturbance.
Schenk's Branch Convergence
This is a Iow-lying floodplain associated with Schenk's
Branch--a tributary to Meadow Creek that flows from
the south through Mclntire Park and Golf Course.
Light brush and trees allow for contained views within this
small basin. Traffic noise from both Rio and Melbourne Roads,
as well as a large antenna and guy wires, detract from
the natural qualities of this area.
Transportation Corridor
For the purposes of this Suitability Analysis,
the transportation corridor land use was seen as a
multi-modal corridor capable of accommodating the
2-lane Parkway and bike and pedestrian paths as well as
future bus-only lanes or a light rail commuter line.
Only the first two landscape units listed below have
characteristics favorable to a corridor containing car,
bus, and train transportation modes. The other landscape
units are suitable for only pedestrian and bike paths.
Rolling Uplands - Open
Mostly open, un-vegetated areas
Must cross steep slopes to access this area from the south
Wooded Highlands & Old Railroad Grade
Gently to moderately sloped terrain
Existing trail can potentially have more connections
to greater trail network
Meadow Creek Bottomland &
Schenk's Branch Convergence
Pedestrian trails only
Steep Hillsides & Ravines
Pedestrian trails only
Rolling Uplands--Wooded
Opportunity for connections to greater trail network
and neighborhoods
Urban Development
The first two landscape units listed below were
determined to have characteristics capable of
supporting urban development. The third unit
(Wooded Highlands) was seen to have some
characteristics suitable for urban development
but also has several limitations to development.
Rolling Uplands - Open
Large, contiguous area with slight to moderate slopes
Panoramic views from high vantage points
Good access and exposure from Rio Road
Rolling Uplands--Wooded
Good access from Rio Road
Slopes are slight to moderate
Wooded Highlands & Old Railroad Grade
High ground at moderate slopes
Good scenic value with views of Meadow Creek
Limitations to development:
· No current access, and future access
from Parkway would not be permitted
· Some steep slopes
· Potential fragmentation (proposed roadway
would bisect portions of area)
· Close proximity of railroad
Park and Open Space
Alt of the landscape units have characteristics suitable
for park and open space. Certain units, however, have
a preponderance of sensitive natural resources that are
easily damaged or restrictive to urban development.
These units gain high priority for park and open space
since these uses result in less disruption of sensitive
natural systems.
Rolling Uplands - Open
The majority of this area is currently undeveloped
Picturesque terrain
High scenic value
Meadow Creek Bottomland & Schenk's
Branch Convergence (High Priority)
Picturesque natural area
Existing recreational trail system, with potential for more
Opportunity for storm water detention, retention
and water quality enhancement
Habitat preservation and restoration
Wetland restoration
Environmental education opportunities
Wooded Highlands & Old Railroad Grade
Currently used as recreational open space
Existing recreational trail
Existing wildlife habitat
Steep Hillsides and Ravines (High Priority)
Existing green spaces that also function as view buffers
Existing wildlife habitat
Runoff abatement
Potential for light trail development and pedestrian links
Suitable for resources preservation
Rolling Uplands - Wooded
Potential for development of recreational trails
Connectivity to greater trail network
and adjacent neighborhoods
Potential for green space/open space enhancement
in the form of small neighborhood parks
The Suitability Analysis went a long way toward
determining the capability of the various site areas
to support certain land uses. However, there still
remained considerable variation in where the road
might be located and how the park and urban
development areas would lay out. The relationship
of the three elements--road, park, and development
areas--will be vital. The placement of the road
will have a pervasive effect on the character and
quality of the other two components, so it was
important to look at various options for the road
and its relationship to the park and urban
development areas. Several roadway, park,
and urban development configurations were
considered, and three proved viable and worthy
of further study. The following is a description
and comparison of the Alternatives A, B, and C
as well as the proposed VDOT alignment.
The VDOT design for the Parkway has been incrementally
refined over the years in response to ongoing comment from
County and City officials and the local community.
The current proposed VDOT alignment avoids man-made
features in the corridor, including the high school athletic fields,
CATEC facilities, railroad line, and existing upland housing
development. The proposed alignment takes a "path of
least resistance" over natural terrain features in the corridor,
thereby reducing the need for large
cuts and fills through the hilly
topography. Where the alignment
approaches Meadow Creek, a fill berm
would be required through the flood
plain to carry the proposed roadway
above the 100-year flood elevation.
At the crossing of Meadow Creek,
an open span bridge structure of
approximately 230 feet in length is
proposed. North of the bridge,
through the area proposed for
urban development, the alignment
travels up through a wooded ravine,
gaining elevation as it approaches the
tie-in to Rio Road.
After studying the VDOT alignment,
the design team identified a number
of liabilities linked to the plan.
The southern portion of the alignment,
which consists of linked curves,
would result in a road that responds
to the rolling topography. However,
fairly long tangents proposed off
both ends of the bridge would appear
incongruous or out-of-sync with
the curvilinear segments of the road.
Additionally, the bridge span and fill
berms are perhaps longer than they
would need to be if the alignment
crossed a narrower reach in the
floodplain. Another liability of the
VDOT alignment, which unfortunately
the VDOT did not have the benefit
of studying, is that the proposed road
travels through the middle of the
proposed urban development area
in the northern portion of the corridor.
As a limited access road, the VDOT
alignment would significantly limit
vehicle and pedestrian connectivity and
linkages within this developed area.
Following this analysis, the design
team evaluated three roadway
alternatives, which are outlined
on the following pages.
Within the study area from Melbourne Road to Rio Road,
three roadway alternatives were evaluated. All alternatives
were seen to lie within the following three landscape units:
1. Schenk's Branch Convergence: All roadway alternatives
will need to cross an existing baseball practice field
and curve to pass around a formal fenced baseball field
farther north. The roadway must allow room for narrow
service access along the outside of the baseball field fence.
At the same time, the roadway cannot move too far
to the east without requiring extensive filling of the
Meadow Creek Bottomlands.
2. Wooded Highlands: One alternative roadway alignment
crosses this area at a lower elevation, near the abandoned
railroad bed; another gradually ascends the highlands
farther west, closer to the existing railroad, thus allowing
more room for contiguous open space and habitat
preservation near Meadow Creek.
3. Open Rolling Uplands: Three distinct alignments were developed for this area:
Alternative A crosses the steep hill close to the existing
railroad berm over Meadow Creek and continues up
the ravine east and southeast of the CATEC school.
This alignment travels along the west edge of
the proposed urban development area.
Alternative B is similar to the route developed in the
VDOT proposal. It traverses the wooded ravine south
and east of the existing farmstead and would pass through
the middle of the proposed urban development area.
Alternative C crosses the steep hill near the existing
railroad (as in Alternative A) and continues north fairly
close to the rail line, passing along the west side of
CATEC and a church before intersecting with Rio Road.
The Site Suitability Analysis suggested that the Open Rolling Uplands are
well suited for urban development. Rather than bisect this parcel,
the Alternative A alignment travels around the west edge of the proposed
development area. It crosses Meadow Creek near the existing railroad culvert,
where the creek valley has been filled to create a high berm carrying
the railroad tracks over the creek. Construction of a roadway bridge here
would consolidate bridge disturbances to Meadow Creek in one location
and would create an opportunity to improve the severely degraded creek
channel below the railroad culvert. ~.~
The Alternative A alignment allows
a contiguous area of parkland and
open space to be created across the
wooded highland and Meadow Creek
bottomland. It also crosses Meadow
Creek at a point where the floodplain
is narrower than suggested in
Alternative B. This will presumably
allow Alternative A bridge to be shorter
in length than Alternative B bridge.
Visual intrusion of the bridge into
proposed park areas along Meadow
Creek will be less for Alternative A
than for Alternative B.
There are two slight disadvantages
associated with Alternative A roadway
alignment. First, the steep hill to the
north of the proposed creek crossing
would be cut through in order to keep
the road at a comfortable gradient.
The cut, however, would not have
to appear as a scar upon the land.
It would occur on a curved section of
the proposed alignment and could be
blended into the existing topography ~'i/~
and re-vegetated so that it would
appear as a natural landform.
In addition, the view to the west from
the bridge in Alternative A will be of
the railroad berm. Trees planted
between the bridge approaches and
the Southern Railroad will help soften
the severity of the berm.
Urban Development Concept:
The Alternative A parkway alignment
skirts the edge of the urban
development area, thus creating
an available "critical mass" of
approximately 40 contiguous acres
--an area that can support a compact,
walkable, mixed-use community.
The Alternative A development concept
concentrates commercial development
on two high points on the site with lower intensity residential development
extending outward from these centers. This enables uninterrupted pedestrian
and vehicular circulation between the centers with major vehicular access from
Rio Road at points north and south. The ravine and draw that bisect the site
allow lower intensity development (in the draw) transitioning to park and
open space (in the deeper ravine).
Within the development area, pedestrian-oriented streets, parks, and squares
will e n h a n ce wa I ka b i lity a n d co n n e ct i v ity bet we e n co m m e r c i a I, re si d e n ti a I,
and recreational areas. Pedestrian circulation linkages beyond the site would
include access to CATEC, via a bridge over the parkway with possible
connections to the hike/bike trails paralleling the parkway as well as access
to any future transit line whether along the parkway or on the existing railroad
line. Within the development area, connections to parks and open space
would occur via the trail system mentioned above. Opportunities also exist
to extend pedestrian linkages to the southeast through existing neighborhoods
and future development areas. Pedestrian links from the development area
across Rio Road would provide access to existing and potential recreation
resources to the east including Pen Park and the Rivanna River.
Careful attention would need to be given to providing safe
and convenient pedestrian and bicycle crossings of Rio Road.
By providing compact and connected development patterns, opportunities are
created to maximize open space and view retention both along Rio Road as well
as southward down the slopes and ravines to the Meadow Creek corridor.
Alternative B alignment follows a "path of least resistance" across the
wooded highlands down to Meadow Creek and up through a wooded ravine
into the Open Rolling Uplands to intersect with Rio Road. The route effectively
bisects the uplands area, an area that has been determined to be suitable for
urban development. Alternative B thereby potentially creates two fragmented
development areas rather than one continguous community. Additionally,
while Alternative B may require slightly less earthwork than Alternative A,
Alternative B passes through a broader stretch of bottomland and a wooded
area north of Meadow Creek which
would result in the loss of a greater
number of trees than Alternative A.
As mentioned above, the bridge
location for Alternative B would
diminish the park user's experience
by having a roadway and bridge located
in the midst of the proposed park area.
Urban Development Concept:
The urban development concept
for Alternative B shares some of
the characteristics of Alternative A.
The major difference between them
is that the Alternative B parkway
bisects the development area, thus
losing continuity and reducing the
available "critical mass" that can
support a true compact, mixed-use
community. The developable land area
resulting from Alternative B would be
more attractive to "single use"
developments on individual parcels
rather than a mixed-use development.
Alternative B allows concentrated
development on the two high points
of the site with lower intensity
development to occur outward
from these centers. The draw or
large drainage swale through the site
is traversed by the Parkway in
Alternative B. Thus the Parkway
effectively divides the development
area into two pieces. A bridge over
the parkway could provide a vehicular
and pedestrian connection, but it
would lack continuity of activity.
The parkway's more central location,
however, makes access more direct
to the hike/bike trails paralleling
the parkway, as well as to any
future transit along the parkway.
The centrally located parkway corridor
also reduces the visual impact of
open space and view retention
southwestward down the draw
to the Meadow Creek corridor.
The parkway route for Alternative C is basically the same
as for Alternative A from Melbourne Road to slightly beyond
the Meadow Creek bridge. From there, after ascending the
steep hill, the route stays close to the railroad tracks and passes
along the west side of the CATEC school and the church at
Rio Road. The terrain in this area is quite varied and steep,
and constructing a road here would require extensive
re-grading. This regrading would necessitate the removal
of most of the vegetation in the area and possibly some
modification to the church parking lots. It would be difficult
to maintain a "parkway" feel through such a constricted area
with little room for vegetation.
It was also determined that, should it be required in the future,
constructing an additional two lanes would be nearly
impossible along Alternative C without significant additional
impacts to the CATEC school and the existing church.
Although the Alternative C alignment met Rio Road with
a simple "T" intersection, it was concluded that this alternative
would generally not meet the goals of the project, and it was
excluded from further consideration.
Urban Development Concept: Alternative C development
concept, where the parkway corridor passes to the west of
CATEC, parallels the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks,
and intersects Rio Road, is similar to Alternative A.
Its additional characteristics include minimal encroachment
on site ravines and the swales, thus protecting open space
corridors and providing a direct, uninterrupted link to CATEC.
However, access is less direct to the hike/bike trails paralleling
the parkway and to any future transit along the parkway.
Also visual, noise, and environmental intrusions of the parkway
are more severe on CATEC and the church.
The project scope and design criteria, as well as various other planning reports and studies, suggested
a range of values or approaches to the parkway, urban development, and parklands. A matrix was
constructed to compare the three alternatives in terms of the identified values.
Parklands Parkway
Evaluate potential as a linear park
Capacity to support recreation, maintain and enhance ecological
integrity and rural and historic quality
Protection of natural and historic resources: ...smallest possible
negative impact on natural and historic resources such as water, air,
soils, wildlife and their habitats, archeological and historic sites.
Particular care should be taken to protect Meadow Creek and its
Landscaping...should reflect a park-like setting, create a gateway
setting, respect and reinforce existing natural settings, be pleasing
in all seasons, screen and preserve certain views, be Iow
maintenance, etc.
A ~
A ~
A ~
Two-lane parkway, within a right-of-way to accommodate a four-
lane divided parkway, along its entire length.
Consideration for the current VDOT alignment,
Roadway scenario shall link historic, cultural and scenic elements;
shall provide a geometry that is sensitive and reflective of the
natural terrain and is adjusted to minimize the impact to the
inherent and visual quality of the existing landscape; shall provide
smooth flowing alignment without abrupt changes; shall provide
cross-sections that are blended into the existing terrain.
The excavated roadway roadway should incorporate smooth rollir
shoulders and slopes,
The Parkway should enhance efficient traffic movement and
appropriate capacity for current and projected needs...
Bicycle and pedestrian paths, with safe crossings and tie-ins to
existing facilities and trails should be provided.
Safe pedestrian and bicycle crossings should be assured at all
Objective: Maintain the visual integrity of all of AIbemarle's
Urban open spaces objective: recognize the value of urban open
spaces (including among others: greenways, greens, squares...) as
a structuring element in emerging urban areas, and as part of a
larger network of urban open space which may be linked to the
rural open space system.
Greenways objective: establish a countywide network of greenway
trails for conservation, recreation, transportation, and education
throughout Albemarle County and linked to City trails.
roadways. Roadways are important to protect for the impression
that they convey to residents and visitors alike. Design standards
should be used tohelp maintain the visual integrity of all roadway:
Scenic roadways...offer scenery representing the best of
Albemarle's varied terrain, water features, forests, agricultural use
and architectural and landscape design heritage.
The appearance of urbanizing corridors such as Route 29 North is
specific concern. Route 29 North serves as a major entrance and
travel route through the community...Areas of intensive land use
require a design vision to ensure that future development is
compatible with the County's natural beauty.
A parkway is not a road, even a beautifully landscaped road. A
parkway is a linear park that contains a scenic road. If you don't
have a park, you don't have a parkway.
The City as a Park: A Citizen's Guide to Charlottesville Parks
Vision: recognizes the park as a system; it also acknowledges that
which is special in each park,
Sustainability: every place ultimately connects to our region's
natural systems.
Maintenance: sustainable parks require less money...there are
sensible and sustainable means of reducing the cost of parks
There is a strong desire to build connections between parks through
a greenbelt and trails system.
Safe connections between parks and adjacent neighborhoods are
seen as a necessity; there is a need to provide suitable pedestrian
access for local residents.
There is interest in providing a diversity of plantings for
environmental education,
Stormwater runoff and drainage are a problem.
There is a need for bank stabilization throughout the city.
Parks should embody sustainable principles.
Public lands should be developed as a system.
Park sites should be both a recreational and educational resource.
DISC Report
Parks and open space should be understood on a civic and
environmental scale,
The Greenway should extend between villages and neighborhoods
as well as through them, connecting the countryside to urban parks
and squares.
The Commons is a public park of 2-5 acres that is clearly defined,
possibly irregular in shape, and available for civic gatherings and
unstructured recreation, A Commons may be designed around an
existing natural feature such as a wetland or pond, a stand of
mature trees or even a knoll or swale.
A Commons may incorporate stormwater retention.
Alt schools can be connected to Greenways, Greenbetts, or
A heath or meadow can be preserved by clustering
devetopment...Landscaping is usually informal and consists of
native plants and grasses that require minimal maintenance.
A ~
Using a 35 mph design speed.
Coordinating the centerline location and the horizontal/vertical
alignment to create a pleasing three-dimensional line.
Coordinating stormwater management concepts with road design
Incorporating transition spirals and widening on horizontal curves
Incorporating variable side slope grading to to ensure that the roa
prism is blended as gracefully as possible into the adjacent
Geometry of the roadway was designed within the framework of t
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offici~
(AASHTO) and the VDOT standards.
The CitY asa Park: A Citizen's Guide to charl0ttesville parks
Create a continuous system of paths and trails that encircles the
City, and follows the major waterways: Meadow and Moore's
Creeks, and the Rivanna River,
Trail system to connect Charlottesvitle's parks and schools, with
neighborhoods and workplaces. Reduce automobile dependence.
DISC Report
parkway is a rural version of a boulevard. It is a long-distance
thoroughfare, traversing rural areas and edges. It can link
neighborhoods to each other.
The main road should be kept relatively free of intersections.
An off-road pedestrian and bicycle way, usually traversing a park
traveling along a greenspace corridor (greenway). Paths may also
be used to connect neighborhoods
Transportation Options--Convenient routes for pedestrians,
bicyclists, and buses and other transit including light rail will
augment the street network. Public transit stops will be located
within each Development Area. Walking to them will be safe and
convenient. Waiting for transit will be a comfortable and normal
part of activity in the Neighborhood Center.
Urban Development
A Preserving continuous band of open space along each side of the
A Maintaining the linear park atmosphere while meeting the goals of
the Comprehensive Plan and perhaps enhancing the overall value of
future developments.
A Planning for access to the linear park from future developments.
A ~ The design should minimize the disruption of neighborhoods,
schools, and businesses as much as possible, avoiding such effects
as the physical division or prevention of circulation within
Goal: Protect and efficiently utilize the County resources by A.
Emphasizing the importance of protecting the elements that define
the Rural Area-agricultural and forestry resources, water supply
resources, natural resources, scenic resources, historic and cultural
resources, limited service delivery. Of these the protection of
agricultural and forestry resources is the highest priority. B.
Designating Development Areas where a variety of land uses,
facilities, and services are planned to support the County's future
growth with emphasis on infill development.
Urban Area (Neighborhoods 1-7) is comprised of: a full array of
residential types and densities; with the upper ranges of proposed
densities anticipated; all service levels of retail, professional
business, and industrial activities; geographically defined
Encourage greater utilization of land in designated Development
Discourage extensive linear style development along major roads.
Following a series of meetings
with the Albemarle County
Planning Commission and
Staff Committee, Alternative A
was approved as the direction for
the Parkway design. Alternate A
was further refined to develop the
following recommendations.
A That Charlottesville's neighborhoods possess unique qualities
should be seen as an asset to build upon. Certainly, the segregation
of past decades is not to be advocated. By contrast, however,
recognizable physical characteristics and strong social networks
give a neighborhood its identity. Favorable qualities should
identified and preserved.
DISC Report
Centers-Neighborhoods will have centers or focal points for congregating. These may include schools, parks, civic centers, or small commercial and
social areas. Such features will be an easy walk for most residents in the neighborhood.
Network--A network of streets, bikeways, pedestrian paths, and bus routes will connect new neighborhoods, existing residential areas and
nonresidential districts.
Mixed Uses--Neighborhoods will contain a true mix of uses, including residences, shops, places of employment, and civic, religious, and cultural
Building Placement and Scale--Consideration will be given to massing, height, setbacks, and orientation of buildings so that these characteristics
enhance the public realm.
Alleys--Where topography permits, alleys will provide rear access to parcels, allowing for and facilitating the provision of garages and utilities to the
rear of houses.
Relegated Parking--Parking for the automobile will not result in an excessive amount of paved area.
Variety of Housing Types--Each neighborhood will possess a variety of housing types accommodating a range of incomes. Affordable units will be
Appealing Streetscapes--As the fundamental element of public space with the neighborhood, the street will make the neighborhood inviting with
street trees and landscaping. Sidewalks and paths that connect houses to each other and to centers and common areas will be the norm.
Our recommendations for the Meadow Creek Parkway project are illustrated first with design concepts
for each aspect of the project--parkway, urban development, and parklands. These concepts are followed
by digital simulations of the transportation corridor alignment, a diagram of overall land use within
the project, and an estimate of costs associated with development of the transportation corridor.
The preferred alignment for the Parkway as presented here
meets the criteria for the project set forth by Albemarle County.
The Parkway design is consistent with both the design
philosophy and the techniques that have guided the design
of the nation's best parkways. At a fundamental level,
the preferred alignment has minimal impacts on the natural
resources and man-made features in and along the corridor.
Furthermore, the alignment complies with design standards
for an urban collector as established by VDOT and maintains
and enhances the integrity of the proposed park and urban
development areas. Finally, the preferred road alignment
has been carefully designed to create an aesthetically
pleasing composition as it winds through the hilly
landscape of the corridor.
The most prominent feature of the Meadow Creek corridor
is the terrain. Moderate to steeply sloping hills and ravines
flank the Meadow Creek channel and floodplain. Although
obscured and softened by summer foliage, the rounded hills
and relatively flat Meadow Creek floodplain are the defining
features of the corridor. Apartment buildings and other
constructed features such as the railroad and the high school
athletic fields are visible at certain locations in the corridor,
but these man-made features do not diminish the prominence
of the natural landforms.
For the Parkway to appear or feel like it is part of this
landscape, the road needs to move with and around
the natural landforms rather than move against or cut
through them. Since the route for the road is across rolling
and curving terrain, a horizontal alignment that curves and
bends with the terrain will be better visually and physically
integrated with the land. To accomplish this, the preferred
alignment makes use of a continuous curvilinear horizontal
alignment--that is, an alignment made up of simple curves,
spiral transition curves, and short tangents. The curvilinear
alignment blends with the curving, rolling terrain resulting in
a road that will be visually attractive as well as safe to drive.
Like the horizontal alignment, the vertical alignment consists
of a series of curves which closely follow the existing
topography. Care was taken to coordinate the vertical
and horizontal alignment whereby horizontal curve vertices
generally coincide with vertical curve vertices to enhance
the curvilinear character of the road. Another benefit of having
the vertical alignment closely following the terrain is that
less cut and fill will be required, thus reducing disturbance
to existing terrain and vegetation and reducing earthwork
costs. The only area of relatively extensive cut is through
the knoll north of the proposed bridge where an excavation
10' to 14' deep will be required. Fortunately, this cut is
over a short distance, and the cut banks can be rounded
to blend into the existing knoll.
The preferred alignment crosses Meadow Creek just east
of the current Southern Railroad crossing. As a result,
disturbances to the creek due to the parkway and railroad
crossing structures will be consolidated in one location.
Construction of the Parkway bridge here would provide an
opportunity to repair the severely degraded Meadow Creek
channel just below the railroad culvert. Ideally, design and
construction of the Parkway bridge would spur replacement
of the small existing railroad culvert with a larger structure
that accommodates flood flows and provides for a pedestrian
connection into Greenbriar Park.
The preferred alignment also crosses Meadow Creek at a poir
where the floodway is relatively narrow. The bridge span
at this location is estimated at approximately 180' as compare
to a 230' span that would be required for the proposed
VDOT bridge. The bridge elevation for the preferred alignmer
would be approximately 404' .MSL, well above the 100-year
flood elevation and about 14' below the railroad crossing.
Due to the narrow floodway and high banks at both ends of
the proposed bridge, high fill berms will not be required for
the bridge approaches. Geotechnical information and
additional engineering analysis will be needed to determine
the structural system, actual span lengths, and final deck
elevation for the bridge.
During review meetings, discussion occurred regarding
views of the creek from the bridge as well as views of
the bridge from nearby vantage points. Given the proposed
location of the bridge, views over the Meadow Creek basin
should be afforded on the bridge approaches. From the bridg
itself, views eastward of the creek may occur if the bridge rail
is of an open design. Views to the west from the bridge will b
of the heavily vegetated berm below the railroad line.
Views of the bridge will occur from trails along Meadow Cree~
and possibly from developed upland areas north of the bridge
Sidewalks on the bridge will link pedestrian trails in the park
and open space areas flanking the creek. It is important that
the bridge be aesthetically designed for the location and
close-up visual exposure, as it will be viewed from many
different vantage points by motorists and pedestrians.
There are valuable opportunities for the planning,
urban design, and development of privately owned parcels
designated for urban development in the study area.
These opportunities are only heightened by the proposed
location of the Meadow Creek Parkway with its linear park,
bike and pedestrian circulation, and open space components.
The intent of the urban design concept presented here
is to balance density and development opportunities with
the protection of sensitive landscapes and the enhancement
of open space and recreation opportunities. This concept
is consistent with the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan
which states growth should occur in "...areas where a variety
of land uses, facilities, and services are planned to support
the County's future growth with an emphasis on
infill development."
The following design is conceptual, providing a framework
for a development pattern that encompasses multiple parcels
and multiple ownership while allowing development flexibility
based upon changing needs, markets and conditions.
Future development plans and refinements should respect
and evolve from the special characteristics of their setting
and embody the principles of community and mixed use
development, as described in the Neighborhood Model
of the Development Area Initiatives Project.
The following is a summary of objectives drawn from
various sources for mixed use, cohesive, walkable urban
developments. These objectives helped define and influence
the development patterns and concepts presented in this study.
· Discourage excessive linear-style development
(strip development) along major roads;
instead encourage compact communities
with strong centers and clearly defined boundaries.
· Maintain the linear park atmosphere along the parkway,
thus enhancing the overall value of future developments
bordering the parkway.
· Create districts and neighborhoods that have centers
or focal points for congregating. These centers may
include parks, plazas, schools, community centers,
or small commercial and social areas. Centers
should be within easy walking distance for most
residents in the neighborhood.
· Establish mixed-use areas and neighborhoods
made up of residences, shops, places of employment,
and civic, religious, and cultural institutions.
· Ensure that there is adequate developable area to provide
the necessary "critical mass" for a mixed-use center.
· Establish an ordered network of streets, bikeways,
pedestrian paths, and transit routes that will connect
new neighborhoods, existing residential areas and
non-residential districts.
· Create appealing streetscapes and public spaces with
street trees and landscaping to make the neighborhood
inviting and to connect residential areas to each other
as well as to commercial centers and common areas.
· Integrate residential and commercial development
with open space and recreation opportunities, including
the parkway, parks and natural areas, and pedestrian/bike
paths. Connect to surrounding park and recreation
amenities such as Pen Park and the proposed Rivanna
river walk, as well as to other existing developed areas.
· Protect and enhance existing views and capitalize on
newly available views from the parkway.
· Encourage new development that respects the existing
landscape and that is compatible in scale, form, and
character with the terrain features.
The following development concept is an elaboration on
the preferred Alternative A scheme. Future refinements
of development schemes for the site should be subject to
more detailed design development, economic and market
analyses, development and infrastructure cost assessments,
and topographic and environmental assessment. The urban
development concept provided here is described first as
an overall concept and is then followed by more specific
components: the urban development pattern, pedestrian
circulation and open space, and vehicular circulation.
Conceptual Diagram
The development concept is set within a site area framed by
the proposed parkway, the existing railroad, Rio Road,
Meadow Creek, CATEC, and other existing residential
development. Two high points on the site are proposed
as primary and secondary urban, mixed-use centers. These
centers would be joined by a connecting link of lower intensi
development to form the spine of the concept. Open space
corridors including the parkway and the open space in the
Iow area between high points would provide important trail
and recreational connections within the area and beyond.
potent~a~ Transit Stops - ~- -- ~
~ H~gh Point:
'~ Primary Urban Cen~ er
Low Point: ' /
Corridor Open
High Point:
Urban Center
Headow Creek
Norfolk ~
Meadow Creek
Urban Developm~
Conceptial Diagram
r Creek
Meadow Cre
Parkway ~
Urban Development Pattern
As portrayed on the diagram below, the suggested
development revolves around two centers, each
anchored by parks or plazas and surrounded by a relatively
high density of mixed-use development. Surrounding
this high-density development is lower-density, primarily
residential development. A partially gridded street pattern,
adapted to topographic changes, gives structure and cohesion
to the development. Streets would have differing levels
of function but all would be pedestrian-friendly. Primary
entrances or "gateways" into the development area occur
at the north and south ends off Rio Road.
Build-out of the entire developable area is most likely to be
incremental, taking place over a period of time. One purpose
of this plan is to provide a long-term framework to guide this
development. The area in Zone 1 is currently in single
ownership and may be developed at one time. Zone 2,
however, is in multiple ownership, is underdeveloped,
and can be expected to be redeveloped over time.
Zone 3 is underdeveloped and offers the opportunity for
additional development and the creation of a coordinated
path and trail system throughout the area.
Pedestrian Circulation and Open Space
A matrix of pedestrian paths and open space corridors
creates a circulation network within the urban development
area and provides links with the larger park and trail
system beyond. Key elements in the proposed urban
development area include formal parks and plazas,
pedestrian-oriented streets, and continuous sidewalks
and bike and pedestrian trails. Paths would help define
the outer boundaries of development and the edges
of open spaces. These paths connect with the adjacent
park path system and could incorporate signing,
wayfinding assistance, viewpoints, and
interpretive elements.
While creating an architectural image and character
that is sensitive to the land is important, so too is
the creation of open spaces that fit with existing intrinsic
landscape qualities. Preserving agricultural remnants
along the Rio Road corridor and utilizing open space
areas for run-off remediation, wildlife habitat, and
view protection as well as for recreation activities,
all contribute to a multifaceted open space system
that reinforces place character and "fit" to the land.
Urban Development
Pedestrian Circulation
Open Space
Urban Development
Vehicular Circulation
Vehicular circulation, in the form of a hierarchical system
of parkway, roads, streets, and their intersections, provides
a functional network for access. The system of roads and
streets also contributes to orientation as well as gives shape
to development patterns. Direct vehicular access to the
urban development area is not permitted from the parkway.
Major access points are provided from Rio Road:
one intersection at the northern end and possibly two
at the southern end.
The interior streets are proposed in the form of a grid modified
by topography. This network defines development blocks,
pedestrian paths, and connections to the broader landscape.
Meadow Creek
The Meadow Creek Parkway project parklands concept
is based on some simple, but aggressive goals to improve
the environmental and civic quality of Meadow Creek and
adjacent lands. The first goal is to restore and protect
the natural resources. The second goal is to connect
and integrate the park and its neighbors. The third goal
is to make the park a place of environmental learning
that leads to action beyond the park.
These goals led to the development of systems that can be
considered the layers of the park. The first layer is design
for water quality. The second layer is planting vegetation
appropriate to the distinct conditions of the park.
The final layer is recreation and education--
the use of the park by people.
Restore and Protect:
Meadow Creek channel and bottomlands
Scenic and historic resources; rural character
Pervious surface for groundwater recharge
Connect and Integrate:
Charlottesville and Albemarle County park and trail system
Neighborhoods and schools with parks
Terrestrial and aquatic habitat
Learn and Act:
Natural history of the creek, valley and region
Environmental education about impacts of urbanization
and remediation techniques
Interdependence of parks, urban development,
and transportation for "smart growth"
Improved Meadow Creek
Welland Terraces
Stormwater Swales with weirs
Water System
Improved Meadow Creek
a. constricted aperture to spread flood flows
over adjacent wetland and bottomland terraces
b. sinuous meanders to slow velocity
c. pool & riffle sequence to improve aquatic habitat
Iow flow channel to improve aquatic habitat
Wetland terraces
a. stabilized banks and vertical surfaces: riprap,
gabion, bio-engineering techniques
b. horizontal surfaces planted in appropriate
wetland species
c. terrace elevation and configuration related to
1, 5, 10, 100 year storm events, each terrace has
different character and capacity
d. terraces provide stormwater detention, retention,
and remediation
Stormwater swales
a. integrated with neighborhoods
and transportation corridor
b. weirs detain and retain stormwater for absorption
and slower release
c. planted with appropriate water-tolerant species
Scenic Meadows
Urban Forest
Vegetation System
Scenic meadows
protect rural and historic character
b. open space network for the neighborhood
pervious surfaces for groundwater recharge
Wetlands and Bottomlands
a. detain and retain stormwater, reduce downstream
flooding, and improve stormwater quality
b. provide habitat diversity and connectivity
c. create educational and recreational amenity
Urban forest
a. filters out air pollution, produces oxygen,
and moderates temperatures
b. shade improves creek habitat
c. pervious surfaces allow groundwater recharge
d. visually buffers road from developed areas
and developed areas from each other
provide habitat diversity and connectivity
Recreation and Education System
Circulation network
a. Roadway/parkway
b. bike and pedestrian trails
pedestrian-only trails
d, bridges
Scenic Vistas and Viewpoints
a. overlooks from upland meadows
b, views from Rio Road and Parkway
c. view from CATEC school
Interpretative signage
a. path entrances, intersections, and footbridges
b. overlooks and viewpoints
c. significant natural and cultural features
Restoration and stewardship programs (building and
maintaining wetlands, trails and interpretive signage)
a. local schools-University of Virginia, CATEC,
CHS, Catholic High School, Greenbrier School
b. conservation organizations--Environmental
Education Center, Rivanna Trails Association,
Natural History Museum
The diagram below shows land uses that would begin to take shape in the corridor as a result of the recommended
conceptual design. The acreages shown for the areas are approximate. Many of them occupy multiple parcels under
multiple ownership. It is not the purpose of this study to determine how contiguous land areas are created out of
these multiple parcels; rather, this diagram is intended only to show an overall land use strategy.
1N TF..NI mN
The following Estimate of Probable Construction costs has been developed only for the parkway (road), parkway-associated
landscaping, and a separate pedestrian trail in the project corridor between Melbourne Road and Rio Road.
Estimate of Probable Construction Cost for Selected Items
Road Construction Item Quantity
CG-6 curb and gutter 4,908
GR-2 guardrail 100
Cut volume 56,904
Fill volume 78,072
Regular excavation 56,904
Borrow excavation 21,168
Asphalt Concrete Type SM-9.SA 1,900
Asphalt Concrete Type BM-25 (175mm) 8,680
Aggregate Base Material, Type 1, No. 21A (140mm) 7,273
Bridge 720
Units Unit Cost Cost
M $ 43.56 $ 213,792.48
M $ 66.95 $ 6,695.00
CU. M.
CU. M.
CU. M. $10.50 $ 597,492.00
CU. M. $ 7.50 $158,760.00
metric ton $ 51.10 $ 97,090.00
metric ton $ 36.90 $ 320,292.00
metric ton $15.00 $109,095.00
SQ. M. $1,450.00 $1,044,000.00
$ 2,547,216.48
Site Amenities
8' crushed rock trail (4" depth @ 6,000 I.f.)
Finegrading, seeding, and mulch
Contingencies (15%)
Units Unit Cost Cost
SQ. M. $ 4.55 $ 20,293.00
SQ. M. $ 3.77 $ 205,593.18
ea. $ 300.00 $ 75,000.00
ea. $ 25.00 $ 50,000.00
$ 350,886.18
$ 2,898,102.66
$ 434,715.40
$ 3,332,818.06
Existing view
View of proposed parkway in northern portion of corridor looking toward Rio Road Existing view
A Jones & Jones project with Civitas
Would these concepts be appropriate in the restoration of
Meadow Creek and the detention of stormwater from the
transportation and urban development elements of the
Meadow Creek Parkway project?
Bike & Foot Paths
Bike Paths
Class I
What are some methods & techniques we can propose
to accomplish the following:
1. slow down the flow of the creek
2. protect the banks against further erosion
3. give the creek a floodplain again
4. detain stormwater that enters the creek
5. plant for shade over the banks
6. plant wetland plants that can filter creek water
7. restore pool and riffle sequence
8. remove vertical obstacles to connectivity
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