HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB199300105 Public Notification 1993-09-09 .. r rr ,�`ov ALg4 a ®I1 4i Iiiiti COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 September 9, 1993 Devid N. Reynolds or Elizabeth A. Pratt Franklin D.R. Jackson or Virginia M. King Robert F. , Jr. and Nacy F. Selden Frank R. Stoner, IV or Elizabeth Bondurant Stoner Louise C. Putnam-Stoner Catherine C. Von Storch Cheryl C. Brunk Catherine R. Haney or Kathleen Claus Redfields Development Corporation Wintergreen Farm Land Trust James L. Jessup, Jr. and Suzanne Jessup Staton RE: SUB-83-105 Redfields Phase 2A Final Plat Ladies and Gentlemen: The Albemarle County Planning Commission has generally authorized administrative approval subdivisions and site plans. This letter is to notify you as an adjacent property owner that the following development has been submitted to this department: SUB-93-105 - Redfields Phase 2A Final Plat - Proposal to locate 30 single family detached lots on 9.99 acres to be served by a new public road. Zoned PRD, Planned Residential Development. Property, described as Tax Map 76R, Parcel 1, is located approximately 100 feet beyond Fieldstone Road and to its south. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. This property is located in a designated growth area and recommended for low density (Urban Neighborhood 5) . (See ZMA-91-07) . Plans of the proposed development are available for your review in this department. Should issues arise which staff is unable to resolve, you may require review of the proposed development by the Planning Commission by notifying me, in writing, no later than twelve days from the mailing date of this notice. Adjacent Owners - Redfields Phase 2A Final Plat September 9 , 1993 Page 2 If it is necessary for the Commission to review this plat, the meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 5, 1993, 7 : 00 p.m. , Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. The Commission will receive comments from the public at this meeting. In order to aid the Planning staff in the review of the above referenced plat, we respectfully request that any questions, comments or observations that you may have be submitted in writing to us in order that we may react to those questions prior to the Planning Commission' s review of the plat. Again, the proposed plan is available for your review at any time during working hours ( 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday) within this department. If you would like an appointment to discuss the plan or if I may be of further service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at ( 804) 296-5823 . Sincerely, CS? cV.,\.24, 42;‘ Yolanda Hipski Planner YAH/mem / A /'i � ^ !<hDF I D V� ` 8N //Y j 1 ` 1 V . ' /k G8ND \ TTON , ~~ k 7070 ''|:KO0Z00031OO ' 7U ' 0 =002VV03600 ' P ^ 1AXPML k . ^OOVn000498O ' ' 3. lAX['AR ` ' OO9OOOOOOO /300 ^ L_ 4 . 7AX|'AP - 0 /6N00000W nOO ' TO ' 00400YO00140C '/ � '| '�v ` � /hNOOO000O8("* ^ / �) r� /.' [AXyA|� - ' O /6N0�iOOOOo!�. ^���a�� �-~^ _ x 7. / AXPAk =OOOOOOOVOOO ' ^ U. WPM ' 00000000000000 ' � OR 2 [/|( 3 OR 4 UK 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 ' } AxMAP/PARCEL OW00000008bv ADDK| SW k[ YNO| D& . JAv ) » H OR ELTIAl`i 7/| ADDRESS2 A PRATT ' ADDR[ SS� Q4 OVERLOOK DRIVE ADDM54 [HARLUl7|6V( | \ i VA AVDKi '�S'/ 8 LUD|` ' ` .. , AyMA|`/rARCF| AuDK/ �� / jACK�O� �xAMKi � � : \ OR Y ��C [NiA � � � ' � ' ^ ' ^ | 0 ADDX[SW-'.' M KiNC ' ADDR[ SS3 ` M OVERLOOK DP }V;:' ADuALjW4 C/|AKi 01 lLOV | / U W y ADDk. W3 .' | P [U0L � YOy01 TAXMAP/PAKC! . 076N00000010K. N Al/DRMW 0 ! Di w . 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