HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200500019 Bond Release 2022-01-21 (4)Summary Report of Observations Abington Crossing — Private Roads Albemarle County, Virginia F&R Project No. 71SO069 Prepared For: Tribal Properties, LLC 1900 Lauderdale Drive Richmond, Virginia 23238 C/o Mr. Kim Tingley Prepared By: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 6181 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, Virginia 23932-3330 August 31, 2015 Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business FR❑EHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 6181 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, Virginia 22932-3330 T 434.823.5154 1 F 434.823.4764 August 31, 2015 Tribal Properties, LLC 1900 Lauderdale Drive Richmond, Virginia 23238 c/o Mr. Kim Tingley Reference: Summary Report of Observations Abington Crossing — Private Roads Albemarle County, Virginia F&R Project No. 71T0069 Dear Mr. Tingley: The purpose of this report is to summarize the field observations and test results performed by Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) in connection with the referenced project. Our services were performed in general accordance with F&R Proposals No. 1471-213T (private) dated December 11, 2013, and No. 1471- 0048T (revl) dated May 27, 2014. The attached report presents our understanding of the project and summarizes our test results and observations. We have enjoyed working with you on this project, and please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service. Sincerely, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Brendan L. Quirk, P.E. Clyde A. Simmons, III, P.E. Staff Geotechnical Engineer Senior Engineer/Branch Manager F:\Projects71S\71S0069 (Abington Crossing Pipe Repairs)\Albemarle Cc Summary report.doec Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804,264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 2 1.0 LIMITED SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND SOILS TESTING ........................................... 3 2.0 STORM SEWER PIPE REPAIRS.......................................................................................5 3.0 POST CLEANING OBSERVATIONS................................................................................. 5 4.0 WALKTHROUGH INSPECTION OF SURFICIAL ASPHALTERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5.0 CONTINUATION OF SERVICES...................................................................................... 6 APPENDICES APPENDIX I Abington Place — Private Roads Letter by F&R, dated January 29, 2014 APPENDIX II Private Roads Repair List APPENDIX III "Storm Water System Cleaning Report" by RKM enviro clean, Inc., dated, July 30, 2015 Tribal Properties, LLC F&R File No. 71SO069 Page - i - Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia August 31, 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Executive Summary is provided as a brief overview of the project and is not intended to replace more detailed information contained elsewhere in this report. As an overview, this summary inherently omits details that could be very important to the proper application of the report. • In January, 2014, F&R collected thirteen (13) asphalt cores, designated C-1 through C- 13, from the private roadways at the Abington Crossing site. F&R recorded the asphalt thickness and depth of the underlying subbase gravel at each cored location. Hand auger borings were performed at each location and the soil cuttings extracted were visually classified by a geotechnical engineer during field operations. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing was performed on the subgrade soils below the subbase stone layers at each location at roughly 1 foot intervals. Some limited testing of the concrete curb and gutter, using the Swiss rebound hammer at approximately 500 foot intervals was performed. In addition, F&R walked the private drive lanes and noted locations where significant alligator and/or tension cracks were evident. • During the time period of October 2014 through June 2015, F&R performed site observations of A.G. Dillard's field repairs to storm sewer pipes with respect to specific deficient items noted by Albemarle County personnel. We understand that these items were selected from the report entitled "Hollymead Towncenter", by Accumark, dated 12/16/2013, and "Hollymead Towncenter Push", by Accumark, dated 1/6/2014. • On August 10, 2015, F&R visited the site to verify the pipe cleaning worked performed by RKM enviro clean, Inc., as stated in their "Storm Water System Cleaning Report" dated, July 30, 2015. F&R observed the storm pipe between manhole structures 1131- 113, 9-9A, 21-21A, and 23-24. Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 1.0 Limited Subsurface Exploration and Soils Testing During January 2014, F&R performed a limited subsurface exploration to provide information on the existing conditions of the asphalt pavements, subgrades, and concrete curbing for the private drive lanes at the above mentioned project site. We understand that the County of Albemarle will utilize the information provided in F&R's report dated January 29, 2014, to help formulate a decision on whether or not the existing road conditions are to be accepted into its system. For this exploration F&R collected thirteen (13) asphalt cores, designated C-1 through C-13, at the approximately locations indicated on the Field Test Location Plan. F&R recorded the asphalt thickness and depth of the underlying subbase gravel at each cored location. Hand auger borings were performed at each location and the soil cuttings extracted were visually classified by a geotechnical engineer during field operations. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing was performed on the subgrade soils below the subbase stone layers at each location at roughly 1 foot intervals. The DCP is a device utilizing a 15 pound steel weight falling 20 inches to drive a cone with a diameter of 1.5 inches and height of 1.66 inches a distance of 1.75 inches into the ground. The number of hammer blows required to drive the cone three successive 1.75 inch increments is recorded, and these blow counts provide a general indication of in -situ soil conditions and has been correlated with certain engineering properties of soils. Some limited testing of the concrete curb and gutter, using the Swiss rebound hammer at approximately 500 foot intervals was performed. Individual test locations are indicated on the attached Field Test Location Plan. The Swiss Hammer provides a rebound number, which is an indication of the concrete surface hardness, and can be roughly correlated with concrete strength. However, it should be understood that this method is not considered as reliable as Windsor Probe testing, or testing concrete core samples. This method was chosen because it is nondestructive and can be performed very rapidly. In addition, F&R walked the private drive lanes and noted locations where significant alligator and/or tension cracks were evident. These locations are also indicated on the attached location plan. Hand auger borings encountered existing fill materials below the subbase gravels at each test location and shallow hand auger refusal on these materials was typical. Refusal was experienced at the top of the subgrade fill materials (i.e. just below the subbase gravel layer) at 9 of the 13 test locations. Hand auger refusal was believed to have been experienced on coarse gravel within fill materials. Recovered fill materials were generally described as brown, very moist, silty SAND (SM) and sandy SILT (ML), with little gravel and mica. Although the presence of coarse gravel within the fill materials is believed to have inflated the recorded DCP blow counts to come extent, we still considered the encountered subgrade materials to be relatively dense and firm. Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 The majority of the private roads and alley ways, based on our visual evaluation, appeared to be in relatively good condition. The subsurface materials encountered at the test locations were considered to be firm and stable, and suitable for flexible pavement support. However, field measurements indicated that the asphalt layer at test locations C-3 and C-11, and the subbase layer at C-7 and C-8, do not meet the specified design thicknesses. We noted that cracking was not observed around C-7 and C-8, but significant cracking was observed around C- 3 and C-11. Based on our visual evaluations and the subgrade materials encountered, we felt that the areas of cracking indicated on the attached site plan were likely the result of insufficient asphalt thickness. It was F&R's opinion that the cracked areas highlighted should be repaired, with the repair consisting of removal of the cracked asphalt and gravel base as necessary to allow for replacement with the required thickness of new asphalt. As a minimum, we recommended he cracked areas be removed and replaced, and any other areas of insufficient asphalt thickness which become evident during this process should also be removed and replaced. In addition, we recommended that the exposed subgrades be probed by the geotechnical engineer to verify that they are suitable for pavement support. It was F&R's judgment that no remedial action is necessary at the two locations where the gravel base did not meet thickness requirements (i.e. C-7 and C-8). At each of these locations a thicker asphalt layout was present to compensate for the lesser gravel thickness. The Swiss Hammer test results provided a few locations that correlated to a compressive strength of less than the specified 3,000psi minimum. We recommended that these values be reviewed by the civil engineer and Albemarle County to determine whether the concrete will meet its intended function. A complete copy of F&R's report for the above mentioned exploration is attached in Appendix I. Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 2.0 Storm Sewer Pipe Repairs In the spring of 2014 Mr. Tingley approached F&R with a copy of the report entitled "Hollymead Towncenter", by Accumark, dated 12/16/2013, and "Hollymead Towncenter Push", by Accumark, dated 1/6/2015, which chronicled the interior condition of the storm sewer pipes using a remote camera. We were informed that Mr. Tingley had reviewed the Accumark reports in collaboration with Albemarle County personnel, at which time the county representative made hand written notes on the pages of the reports indicating which specific items needed to be addressed. A.G. Dillard was scheduled to mobilize to the site and address the items identified by Albemarle County, and F&R was requested to observe their work and document the repairs. F&R reviewed the Accumark report and compiled a list of the specific items Albemarle County had identified. The list was provided to A.G. Dillard and Mr. Tingley for review, and A.G. Dillard replied with a revised copy indicating which items they agreed to address in the field. During the time period of October 2014 through June 2015, F&R performed site observations of A.G. Dillard's field repairs and updated the aforementioned project list once the repairs were completed. A.G. Dillard's repair work generally consisted of excavating down to expose the existing pipe, hand patch cracks, pipe fractures, and/or broken collars using Rapid Set cement, pouring a concrete collar around the patch work, or completely replace the existing pipe, and backfilling up to original grade with controlled and compacted fill. Areas located in the roadways were backfilled with compacted VDOT 21A and capped with asphalt. A complete copy of the public roads repair list is attached in Appendix II. 3.0 Post Cleaning Observations On August 10, 2015, an F&R Staff Engineer was onsite as scheduled to observe the condition of the storm sewer pipes between the following manhole structures: 1131-16, 9-9A, 21-20A, and 23-24. We understood from the Storm Water System Cleaning Report by RKM enviro clean, Inc., dated 7/30/15, that the aforementioned storm sewer pipes were cleaned using a Cusco Wet/Dry Vac and a SE Rodder truck. F&R was requested to visit the site and verify that loose organic debris and/or trash had been removed from the locations noted in the RKM enviro clean, Inc., report. While onsite F&R removed the manhole hole covers at each location and used a flash light to observe the interior of the pipes to evaluate their condition. The pipes were found to be generally clear of foreign materials (i.e. soil, leaves, trash, etc.) and appeared clear of any obstructions. Pictures were attempted to document the pipes' interior condition; however, the images were considered to be of poor quality and provided little to no clarity. A complete copy of the RKM enviro clean, Inc., report is attached in Appendix II. Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 5.0 Continuation of Services We recommend that Froehling & Robertson, Inc. be retained for professional and construction materials testing services if additional repair work or new construction of the project is found to be warranted. Our continued involvement on the project helps provide continuity for proper implementation of any further repairs or construction considered necessary. If additional site work is scheduled we recommend F&R be allowed to review of project plans and construction specifications, and observe all field work to verify compliance with VDOT requirements. We have enjoyed working with you on this project, and please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service. Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 APPENDIX I Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. CEngineering Stability Since 1881 r 6181 Rockfish Gap Turnpike 1 Crozet, Virginia 22932-3330 T 434.823.51541 F 434.823.4764 1861 F&R Record Number 7111-3072 January 29, 2014 Tribal Properties, LLC 1900 Lauderdale Drive, A-120 Richmond, Virginia 23238 c/o: Mr. Kim Tingley kim0145@gmail.com Re: Abington Place — Phase I and II — Private Roads Charlottesville, Virginia Dear Mr. Tingley: F&R has completed the requested limited subsurface exploration for the referenced project site in accordance with F&R Proposal No. 1471-213T (private) dated December 11, 2013. F&R's understanding of the project was developed from our discussions and site meeting with you, and our review of the provided site layout drawings by Dominion Development Resources dated 3/21/07. Project Information F&R was requested to perform this limited subsurface exploration to provide information on the existing conditions of the asphalt pavements, subgrades, and concrete curbing for the private drive lanes at the above mentioned project site. We understand the County of Albemarle will utilize the information provided herein to help formulate a decision on whether or not the existing road conditions are to be accepted into its system. Exploration Procedures F&R collected thirteen (13) asphalt cores, designated C-1 through C-13, at the approximately locations indicated on the Field Test Location Plan. F&R recorded the asphalt thickness and depth of the underlying subbase gravel at each cored location. Hand auger borings were performed at each location and the soil cuttings extracted were visually classified by a geotechnical engineer during field operations. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing was performed on the subgrade soils below the subbase stone layers at each location at roughly 1 foot intervals. The DCP is a device utilizing a 15 pound steel weight falling 20 inches to drive a cone with a diameter of 1.5 inches and height of 1.66 inches a distance of 1.75 inches into the ground. The number of hammer blows required to drive the cone three successive 1.75 inch increments is recorded, and these blow counts provide a general indication of in -situ soil conditions and has been correlated with certain engineering properties of soils. Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business Some limited testing of the concrete curb and gutter, using the Swiss rebound hammer at approximately 500 foot intervals was performed. Individual test locations are indicated on the attached Field Test Location Plan. The Swiss Hammer provides a rebound number, which is an indication of the concrete surface hardness, and can be roughly correlated with concrete strength. However, it should be understood that this method is not considered as reliable as Windsor Probe testing, or testing concrete core samples. This method was chosen because it is nondestructive and can be performed very rapidly. In addition, F&R walked the private drive lanes and noted locations where significant alligator and/or tension cracks were evident. These locations are also indicated on the attached location plan. Exploration Results Hand auger borings encountered existing fill materials below the subbase gravels at each test location and shallow hand auger refusal on these materials was typical. Refusal was experienced at the top of the subgrade fill materials (i.e. just below the subbase gravel layer) at 9 of the 13 test locations. Hand auger refusal was believed to have been experienced on coarse gravel within fill materials. Recovered fill materials were generally described as brown, very moist, silty SAND (SM) and sandy SILT (ML), with little gravel and mica. Although the presence of coarse gravel within the fill materials is believed to have inflated the recorded DCP blow counts to come extent, we still considered the encountered subgrade materials to be relatively dense and firm. The field Pavement Subgrade — DCP Reports for each test location is attached and a summary of each location is detailed in the table below. Test No. Road Designation Aspalt Thickness (inch) Subbase Gravel Thickness (inch) Design Aspalt Thickness (inch) Design Subbase Gravel Thickness (inch) C-1 Aldersgate Way 2 9 2 8 C-2 Aldersgate Way 2.25 12.5 2 8 C-3 Aldersgate Way 0.88* 16 2 8 C-4 Private Alley 3.5 10 2 6 C-5 Private Alley 3.5 14 2 6 C-6 Abington Drive 2 7 2 6 C-7 Abington Drive 3 4** 2 6 C-8 Abington Drive 2.5 5.5** 2 6 C-9 Private Alley 2.88 6.5 2 6 C-10 Private Alley 3 1 6 2 6 C-11 Private Alley 0.88* 10 2 6 C-12 Private Alley 2.25 7 2 6 C-13 Private Alley 2.75 8.5 2 6 * Asphalt thickness was measured to be less than the design thickness ** Subbase gravel thickness measured to be less than the design thickness Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Place — Phase I and 11— Private — Charlottesville, VA 71R-3072 2 January 29, 2014 fit Upon completion of the asphalt and subsurface testing, Swiss Hammer testing was performed on the existing curb and gutter concrete bordering the private roads and alley ways. The results of the Swiss Hammer testing are provided in the table below. Test No. Rebound No. Correlated Concrete Strength (psi) 1 30 3500 2 28 3200 3 24 2500* 4 24 2500* 5 20 2000* 6 31 3800 7 31 3800 8 26 2800* 9 29 3400 10 32 4000 11 26 2800* 12 32 4000 Test No. Rebound No. Correlated Concrete Strength (psi) 13 30 3500 14 26 2800* 15 32 4000 16 21 2100* 17 27 3000 18 29 3400 19 29 3400 20 31 3800 21 26 2800* 22 28 3200 23 30 3500 *Swiss Hammer result correlated to a strength below the specified 3,000psi Laboratory Results Representative subgrade soil samples were subjected to Water Content (ASTM D 2216), #200 Sieve Wash (ASTM D 1140), and Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) testing to substantiate the visual classifications and assist with the estimation of the soils' pertinent engineering properties. The results are shown in the table below. Boring No. Natural Water Content (%) Liquid Limit/ Plasticity Index % Passing No. 200 Sieve USCS Class. C-3 21.8 41/13 41.4 SM C-4 13.8 34/8 26.8 SM C-10 11.2 28/6 29.7 SM C-13 24.7 47/14 52.7 ML Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Place — Phase 1 and 11— Private —Charlottesville, VA 71R-3072 3 January 29, 2014 Analysis/Recommendations The majority of the private roads and alley ways, based on our visual evaluation, appeared to be in relatively good condition. The subsurface materials encountered at the test locations were considered to be firm and stable, and suitable for flexible pavement support. However, field measurements indicate that the asphalt layer at test locations C-3 and C-11, and the subbase layer at C-7 and C-8, do not meet the specified design thicknesses. We note that cracking was not observed around C-7 and C-8, but significant cracking was noted around C-3 and C-11. Based on our visual evaluations and the subgrade materials encountered, we feel the areas of cracking indicated on the attached site plan is likely the result of insufficient asphalt thickness. It is F&R's opinion that the cracked areas highlighted should be repaired, with the repair consisting of removal of the cracked asphalt and gravel base as necessary to allow for replacement with the required thickness of new asphalt. As a minimum, we recommend he cracked areas be removed and replaced, and any other areas of insufficient asphalt thickness which become evident during this process should also be removed and replaced. In addition, the exposed subgrades should be probed by the geotechnical engineer to verify that they are suitable for pavement support. It is F&R's judgment that no remedial action is necessary at the two locations where the gravel base did not meet thickness requirements (i.e. C-7 and C-8). At each of these locations a thicker asphalt layout was present to compensate for the lesser gravel thickness. The Swiss Hammer test results provided a few locations that correlated to a compressive strength of less than the specified 3,000psi minimum. We recommend that these values be reviewed by the civil engineer and Albemarle County to determine whether the concrete will meet its intended function. Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Place — Phase I and 11— Private — Charlottesville, VA 71R-3072 4 January 29, 2014 Closing F&R appreciates the opportunity to provide consultation on this project. If you have any further questions concerning the information contained in this letter, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully yours, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. BRENDAN L. QUIRK Lic. No.050602 �. /-.29- /Li Brendan L. Quirk, P.E. Staff Engineer Attachments:. Field Test Location Plan Pavement Subgrade - DCP Reports Clyde A. Simmons III, P.E. Senior Engineer Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Place — Phase I and ll — Private — Charlottesville, VA 71R-3072 5 January 29, 2014 PAVEMENT SUBGRADE INSPECTION REPORT Project: Abington Place Phase I & II — Private Roads Lot No: Client: Tribal Properties Date (on -site): 12/30/13 F&R Representative: C. Annentrout/ J. Yeago Project No.: 71R3072 DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TESTS (ASTMSpecial Technical Publication No. 399) Core No. Asphalt Thickness inches Test Depth' Sample Blowsz Visual Description of Subsurface Soils: 1 2 0 30+ 9 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 2 2 1 /4 0 30+ 12.5 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 3 7/8 0 10 15 30 16 inches of crushed stone subbase. Subsurface materials consisted of brown silty SAND (SM), with little gravel and mica. Experienced hand auger refusal at 20 inches below top of asphalt. 4 3 Yz 0 6 10 20 10 inches of crushed stone subbase. Subsurface materials consisted of brown silty SAND (SM), with little gravel and mica. Experienced hand auger refusal at 26 inches below top of asphalt. -1 8 12 13 ' Depth Below Top of Existing Subgrade Materials 2 Blows Per 1.75-inch Increment Following Initial Seating The Soil descriptions and classifications indicated above are based on visual observation and should be considered approximate. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from these encountered and noted above. PAVEMENT SUBGRADE INSPECTION REPORT Project: Abington Place Phase I & II — Private Roads Lot No: Client: Tribal Properties Date (on -site): 12/30/13 F&R Representative: C. Annentrout/ J. Yeago Project No.: 71R3072 DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TESTS (ASTMSpecial Technical Publication No. 399) Core No. Asphalt Thickness inches Test Depth' Sample Blowsz Visual Description of Subsurface Soils: 5 3 '/z 0 30+ 14 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 6 2 0 30+ 7 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 3 0 30+ 4 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 8 2 '/z 0 30+ 5.5 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. ' Depth Below Top of Existing Subgrade Materials 2 Blows Per 1.75-inch Increment Following Initial Seating The Soil descriptions and classifications indicated above are based on visual observation and should be considered approximate. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from these encountered and noted above. PAVEMENT SUBGRADE INSPECTION REPORT Project: Abington Place Phase I & II — Private Roads Lot No: Client: Tribal Properties Date (on -site): 12/31/13 F&R Representative: C. Annentrout/ J. Yeago Project No.: 71R3072 DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TESTS (ASTMSpecial Technical Publication No. 399) Core No. Asphalt Thickness inches Test Depth' Sample Blows2 Visual Description of Subsurface Soils: 9 2 7/8 0 30+ 6.5 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 10 3 0 8 12 16 6 inches of crushed stone subbase. Subsurface materials consisted of brown silty -clayey SAND (SC-SM), with little gravel. Experienced hand auger refusal at 24 inches below top of asphalt. -1 7 6 6 11 7/$ 0 30+ 10 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. 12 2 '/4 0 30+ 7 inches of crushed stone subbase. Experienced hand auger refusal on surface of subgrade materials. ' Depth Below Top of Existing Subgrade Materials 2 Blows Per 1.75-inch Increment Following Initial Seating The Soil descriptions and classifications indicated above are based on visual observation and should be considered approximate. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from these encountered and noted above. J I N C L F&R 0 1881 PAVEMENT SUBGRADE INSPECTION REPORT Project: Abington Place Phase I & II — Private Roads Lot No: Client: Tribal Properties Date (on -site): 12/31/13 F&R Representative: C. Annentrout/ J. Yeago Project No.: 71R3072 DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TESTS (ASTMSpecial Technical Publication No. 399) Core No. Asphalt Thickness inches Test Depth' Sample Blows2 Visual Description of Subsurface Soils: 13 2 %a 0 10 10 10 8.5 inches of crushed stone subbase. Subsurface materials consisted of reddish brown sandy SILT (ML) with little gravel. Experienced hand auger refusal at 24 inches below top of asphalt -' 5 7 7 ' Depth Below Top of Existing Subgrade Materials 2 Blows Per 1.75-inch Increment Following Initial Seating The Soil descriptions and classifications indicated above are based on visual observation and should be considered approximate. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from these encountered and noted above. APPENDIX II Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 A.G. Dillard Accumark County Hand Written Adressed Item # Accumark Report Comments Agreed Notes Report Page # Comments (Y/N) (Y/N) 1 41 Survey Abandoned Flush line- repair as necessary N N 2 43 Water Level, Sag in pipe, 5% of cross sectional area Repair as necessary N N 3 46 Photo 10_2A: 60.5ft, water level, Sag in pipe, 30%of cross sectional Sag, repair as necessary N N area Q 49 Photo 11_7A: 158.81ft, Water Level, Sag in pipe, 15%of cross sectional Sag y Y Sag, pipe rebedded in compacted 23A area 5 52 Photo 12_2A: 37.06ft, Deposits Settled Other, 5% of cross sectional Repair collar y Y Debris Seperated Joint. Joint coupling repaired. area, at 06 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: YES 6 55 Photo 13_2A: 10.39h, Deposits Settled Other, 5% of cross sectional Repair collar y Y Debris Seperated Joint. Joint coupling repaired. area, at 06 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: YES 7 59 Photo 15_3A: 76.59ft, Water Level, Sag in pipe, 5% of cross sectional Sag N N area Collapse; new loft joint and exterior coupling $ 62 Photo 16_8A: 121.25ft, Survey Abandoned Repair y repaired. Concretecurband asphaltdriveway patch replaced. Collapse; new loft joint and exterior coupling 9 69 Photo 19_3A: 34.36ft, Collapse Pipe Sewer, 40% Repair Y y repaired. Concrete curb and asphalt driveway patch replaced. 10 73 Photo 21_4A: 58.72ft, Water Level, Sag in pipe, 30%of cross sectional Sag y "Called for 24" HOPE interior coupling repair but area upon excavation of pipe no damage was found" 11 77 Photo 22_7A: 37.09ft, Fracture Circumferential, from 11 to 12 o'clock, Repair Y 30" HOPE intetior coupling repaired. Damaged within 8 inches of joint: YES areas sealed with spray foam sealant. 12 $2 Photo 24_2A: 134.98ft, Obstacles Pipe Material, 20%of cross sectional Remove Y Y Obstacle removed area, from 10 to 02 o'clock Photo 25_25A: 186.04ft, Surface Reinforcement Visible at 12 o'clock, Area surrounding RCP was excavated to allow full 13 91 within 8 inches of joint: YES y concrete coverage. Hole was filled with plastic. Concrete collar poured. Area surrounding the point of interest was 14 91 Photo 25_26A: 186.04ft, Hole, at 08 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: y excavated to fully expose the in -situ pipe. The YES fracture was hand patched with Rapid Set cement and enclosed with a poured concrete collar. 15 104 Photo 30_3A: 12.94ft, Broken Soil Visible, from 31 to 01 o'clock, within Repair Y 15" HOPE exterior coupling repaired. Concrete 8 inches of joint: YES sidewalk replaced. 16 108 Photo 32_4A: 4.17ft, Deposits Settled Other, 20%of Cross Sectional Flush Y N Cleaned by RKM enviro clean, Inc. area, form 04 to 08 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: NO 17 142 Photo 47_3A: 6.26ft, Joint Offset Large Repair y 18" HOPE exterior coupling repaired. Photo 49_2A: 16.12ft, Infiltration Runner, at 07 o'clock, within 8 inches Existing pipe removed, new 30ft joint and exterior 1$ 147 ofjoint: NO Check repair as necessary Y Y coupling repaired. Concrete curb and asphalt driveway patch replaced. 19 149 Photo 50_3A: 4.59ft, Fracture Circumferential, from 01 to 05 o'clock, Repair Y Y 18" HDPE, Structure 13 to outfall pipe; pipe within 8 inches of joint: NO damaged at end. Replaced entire pipe. 20 149 Photo 50_4A: 9.64h, Joint Separated Medium Repair Y Y 18" HDPE, Structure 13 to outfall pipe; pipe damaged at end. Replaced entire pipe. 21 150 Photo 50_7A: 18.08ft, Fracture Circumferential, from 11 to 01 o'clock, Y Y 18" HDPE, Structure 13 to outfall pipe; pipe within 8 inches of joint: NO damaged at end. Replaced entire pipe. Photo 52_2A: 34.77ft, Fracture Circumferential, from 12 to 01 o'clock, 30" HDPE, 34ft from outlet structure; interior 22 154 within 8 inches of joint: NO Collar? Y damage. Interior coupling repaired. Damaged areas sealed with spray foam sealant. 23 156 Photo 53_2A: 12.88ft, Broken at 12 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: Repair Y Y 18" HDPE, Structure 13 to outfall pipe; pipe YES damaged at end. Replaced entire pipe. 24 156 Photo 53_3A: 16.85ft, Broken, at 06 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: Repair Y Y 18" HDPE, Structure 13 to outfall pipe; pipe YES damaged at end. Replaced entire pipe. 25 167 Photo 53_5A: 25.1ft, loin[ Separated Large Repair Y Y 18" HDPE, Structure 13 to outfall pipe; pipe damaged at end. Replaced entire pipe. 26 163 Photo 56_3A: 15.75ft, Fracture Circumferential, from 11 to 12 o'clock, Repair N N within 8 inches of joint: YES 27 16$ Photo 5832.77h, Joint Offset large Repair Y Y HDPE exterior coupling repaired. Concrete sidewalk replaced. replaced. 28 1$0 Photo 62_5A: 303.21ft, Tap Break -In Intruding, at 30 o'clock, 4", 4", Repair Y Y Intruding pipe cut flush with receiving pipe. within 8 inches of joint: NO 29 182 Photo 63_5A: 8.83ft, Survey Abandoned Flush Y N Cleaned by RKM enviro clean, Inc. 30 184 Photo 64_3A: 149.12ft, Deposits Settled Compacted, 5%of Cross Flush N N Sectional area, at 06 o'clock, within 8 inches of joint: NO APPENDIX III Tribal Properties, LLC Abington Crossing —Albemarle Co., Virginia F&R File No. 71SO069 August 31, 2015 STORM WATER SYSTEM CLEANING REPORT Submitted to: TRIBAL PROPEF C/O WILLIAM L. JEFFRIES, JR 1700 BAYBERRY COURT, SUITE 103 RICHMOND, VA. 23226 Prepared for: CLEMENT KIM TINGLEY 525 GROVE AVENUE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 30 July 2015 30 July 2015 Clement Kim Tingley, 525 Grove Avenue Charlottesville, VA. 22902 To Mr. Clement Kim Tingley, Enclosed please find the Storm Water Cleaning Report. The report details technical services and findings for the cleaning operations for the Abington Place Subdivision, 1439 Timberwood Blvd. Charlottesville, VA. On July 22 through 23 2015. If you have any question concerning this report, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (540) 463-4855 Respectfully Submitted, Richard Mast General Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMITTAL LETTER.......................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ........... iii PROJECT OVERVIEW..........................................................................iv 1.0 STORM WATER CLEANING 1.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ...... ... ... ......... ......... ............. v 1.2 FIELD ACTIVITIES 2.0 SITE CHECK 2.1 SOIL SAMPLING AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ......... ......... ............ vi 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3.1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...............................vii 4.0 LIMITATIONS 4.1 LIMITATIONS........................................................................ vii LIST OF TABLES: Table 3 Chemical Analysis Results LIST OF APPENDICES: Appendix I - Figure 1 Proiect Overview As standard procedure by RKM Enviroclean, Inc. (RKM) the following Storm Water Cleaning report has been completed for the operations located at the Abington Place Subdivision RKM EnviroClean, Inc. (EnviroClean) was contracted by Mr. Clement Kim Tingley of Easy Living Homes to clean debris from parts of storm system located at 1439 Timberwood Blvd. Charlottesville, Virginia. RKM mobilized to site and completed operations. No testing of soils or debris were taken during this incident as evident in Index 2.0 STORM WATER SYSTEM 1.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The subject property is located at 1439 Timberwood Boulevard Charlottesville, VA. Sections of lines to be cleaned were identified using a report issued by Accumark Subsurface Utility Services on 12/16/2013. 1.2 Field Activities On 22 July 2015 RKM Enviroclean (RKM) personnel responded to said site to begin cleaning activities. Utilizing a Cusco Wet/Dry Vac and a SE Rudder truck cleaning began. Per the ----report the rudder line was placed in up flow manholes and continued to the corresponding down flow manholes. The vac unit suction hose was placed in the up flow manholes and retrieved debris removed by the rodder line. (Appendix I) This process was used on all manholes and lines described. The debris removed were typical of this type of system and included items such as sols, stone, brick & concrete pieces. The manholes and lines cleaned were as follows: Manhole #1131— 113 #9-9A #19E-19D #21-21A #23-24 #26.1-26 #27-28 On 23 July 2015 all activities were finished and RKM demobilized from the scene. 2.0 t.YGl� I1 .Y\u1U111Uof\►L1ZNso I a LVA10W W.110%\WL.W No Samples taken Table 3: Chemical Analysis Results March 4, 2010 Sample I.D. Sample Type/ Depth TPH m** DRO Below Method Detection Limit ** Parts per million (mg/kg) 3.0 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS RKM has no recommendations for this site. Limitatinns Our professional services have been performed, our findings obtained, and our recommendations prepared in accordance with customary principles and practices in the fields of geology and environmental science. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. This company is not responsible for the independent conclusions, opinions, or recommendations made by others based on the field exploration and laboratory test data present in this report. The work performed in conjunction with this assessment and the data developed are intended as a description of available information at the dates and locations given. This report does not warrant against future operation or conditions, nor does it warrant against operations or conditions present of a type or at a location not investigated. Appendix I