HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200700045 Legacy Document 2008-01-07 (4)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SP2007-00045 Flow Auto Staff: Margaret Maliszewski Sales and Display Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: January 15, 2008 February6, 2008 Owners: Flow 1313 Richmond LLC; Janice S. Applicant: Flow 1313 Richmond LLC; Janice Linkous S. Linkous Acreage: Approximately 1.94 acres Special Use Permit: Sales and Display in the Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay District (Section (b) of the Zoning Ordinance) TMP: TM 78, Parcels 15D and 15E Existing Zoning and By -right use: HC - Location: 1307-09 and 1313 Richmond Road, Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance south side of Richmond Road (Rt. 250 East), Corridor Overlay District — retail sales and approximately 1060 feet east of Riverbend service uses. Drive. Magisterial District: Rivanna Conditions: Yes Proposal: Expansion of the Flow Volkswagen- Requested # of Dwelling Units: NA Audi -Mazda dealership including additional outdoor display of vehicles. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Comprehensive Plan Designation: Regional Service — regional -scale retail, wholesale, DA (Development Area): Pantops business and/or employment centers, and (Neighborhood 3) residential (6.01-34 units/acre). Character of Property: A residence has been Use of Surrounding Properties: The subject demolished from Parcel 15 E and the site is property is surrounded by commercial uses. currently used as a parking area. Parcel 15D Car dealerships occupy the adjacent parcels contains the existing Flow Auto dealership. and the site across the street, as well as several other sites along the corridor. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. Motor vehicle sales use is a by -right There are no unfavorable factors. use in the Highway Commercial District. 2. The ARB had no objection to the proposed use, with conditions. 3. No detrimental impacts to the entrance corridor are anticipated, as recommended by ARB. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval with conditions. SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 STAFF PERSON: Margaret Maliszewski PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: January 15, 2008 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE: February 6, 2008 SP 2007-00045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PETITION: PROPOSAL: Expansion of the Flow Volkswagen -Audi -Mazda outdoor automobile sales and display parking areas in the Entrance Corridor. ZONING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: HC - Highway Commercial - commercial and service uses and residential use by Special Use Permit (15 units/acre); EC Entrance Corridor Overlay District - overlay to protect properties of historic, architectural or cultural significance from visual impacts of development along routes of tourist access. SECTION: (b) which allows for outdoor storage, display and/or sales visible from an EC street in the EC Entrance Corridor zoning overlay district COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Regional Service - regional -scale retail, wholesale, business and/or employment centers, and residential (6.01-34 units/acre) in Neighborhood 3 (Pantops) Development Area. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION: 1307-09 and 1313 Richmond Road, south side of Route 250 East, approximately 1060' east of Riverbend Drive TAX MAP/PARCEL: 78/15E and 78/15D MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna CHARACTER OF THE AREA One of the two parcels associated with this request (parcel 15D) contains the existing Flow Auto dealership. The adjacent parcel to the west (parcel 15E) was previously the site of a residence. That house was demolished in 2004. The surrounding area consists primarily of retail uses, with this immediate stretch of Rt. 250 East consisting primarily of auto dealerships. The subject parcel is located on the south side of the road, adjacent to the Brown Toyota dealership (to the east) and across the street from Battlefield Ford. (See Attachment A for a location map.) To the west of the site is the Crown BMW dealership. Other auto dealers in the area include Dennis Enterprises, Kia, CarMax, Brown Mercedes, and Free Bridge Auto. The ACSA headquarters and equipment storage is located to the south of the site. SPECIFICS OF THE PROPOSAL This proposal includes the addition of 71 vehicle display spaces on parcel 15E (see Attachment B), with associated landscaping (see Attachment C), lighting and related site improvements. The proposal also includes the establishment of parking, including 29 display parking spaces, on parcel 15D (the site of the existing dealership), together with landscaping improvements and other associated site work. The special use permit requirement for the outdoor sales and display use is to allow for review of the potential impacts of the sales and display activity on the Entrance Corridor. Other activities related to the auto sales use are considered by -right. The ARB has reviewed this proposal for its impact on the Route 250 East Entrance Corridor and had no objection to the request for the Special Use Permit with SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 standard conditions related to landscaping, lighting and method of display. (See Attachment D for the ARB's action.) PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY SDP -271: Pantops Toyota: On May 5, 1969 a site plan was approved for a Toyota Sales Building on what is now parcel 15D. SUB -694: T. R. Moore: This subdivision created parcels 15, 15D and 15E (September 28, 1972). SP -2004-50: Flow Auto: A Special Use Permit (SP -2004-50) for sales and display was approved for parcels 15D and 15E on May 2, 2007. That proposal included a new showroom on parcel 15E. The applicant has since chosen not to pursue the new showroom and to pursue only additional parking on parcel 15E. The approval of the 2004 request was subject to conditions similar to those being recommended for the current request. SDP -2006-127: Flow Auto: A site development plan was submitted for a new auto dealership building on parcel 15E that was associated with SP -04-50. The SDP was withdrawn. There have also been numerous sign permits and ARB applications for this site. ARB -07-21, reviewed on March 19, 2007, is a proposal to construct an addition to the existing Flow dealership building on parcel 15D. That addition is illustrated on the Special Use Permit plans, but is not the subject of this SP request or review. CONFORMITY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Land Use Plan - The property is located in the Pantops Development Area (Neighborhood 3), and is designated Regional Service in the current Land Use Plan. The purpose/intent of the Regional Service designation noted in the Plan is to provide locations for highway related uses, comparison shopping and specialized goods and services. Typical primary uses include regional -scale commercial uses, and auto dealerships that typically include outdoor storage and display of vehicles for sale. Neighborhood Model - The ordinance limits the review of this Special Use Permit specifically to the impacts of the sales and display activities on the Entrance Corridor. Therefore, this request is not reviewed for conformance with the Neighborhood Model. STAFF COMMENT Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: Special Use Permits provided for in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and that the character of the district will not be changed thereby, The subject parcel is located in the HC zoning district. The dominant character of the segment of the Entrance Corridor in which the subject parcel resides is that of a dense commercial strip. Many of the properties in this corridor have already been developed as automobile dealerships with outdoor storage and display of vehicles (as described above under "Character of the Area"). The proposed use is SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 compatible with other existing auto dealers in the immediate vicinity. that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, According to section 30.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, the intent of the EC Overlay District is, in part, to ensure a quality of development that is compatible with the County's important scenic, architectural and cultural resources through the architectural control of development. The ARB has applied the County's adopted guidelines for development within the EC to the review of this request and has recommended conditions of approval. (See Attachment D.) with uses permitted by -right in the district, Although a special use permit is required for the proposed modifications/additions to the outdoor sales and display areas on these sites, this activity (sales/display area) is for an accessory use to motor vehicle sales, which is already allowed by right within the Highway Commercial (HC) zoning district. Other automobile dealerships exist in the immediate vicinity. Therefore, the sales and display use is compatible with other permitted and existing uses. with the additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance, There are no additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance related to vehicle storage or display. SUMMARY The intent of the special use permit requirement is based on potential impacts to the Entrance Corridors. The ARB has reviewed this proposal for its impact on the Route 250 East Entrance Corridor and had no objection to the request for the Special Use Permit provided the site is established in a manner consistent with the conditions recommended by the ARB. Staff has identified the following factors that are favorable to this request: 1. A motor vehicle sales use is a by -right use in the Highway Commercial District and the proposed use is accessory to that use. 2. The Architectural Review Board has reviewed the request for outdoor storage and display, had no objection to the request, and recommended conditions of approval. 3. With the conditions recommended by the ARB, no detrimental impacts to the Entrance Corridor are anticipated. Staff has identified no factors that are unfavorable to this request. The following factors are relevant to this consideration: 1. There are several automobile dealerships with outdoor sales/display of vehicles in the immediate vicinity along the Route 250 East Entrance Corridor. SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Based on the findings contained in this staff report, Staff recommends approval of this special use permit with the following conditions: 1. Vehicles shall not be elevated anywhere on site. 2. Vehicles shall be displayed only in areas indicated for display shown on the plan entitled "Flow Automotives", identified as Sheet 3, prepared by Collins Engineering, with revision date of 12/18/07. Display parking shall be only in designated striped parking spaces, as identified on this plan. No parking shall occur in travelways. 3. Final site plan approval is subject to ARB approval of the lighting plan (submitted with the site plan). Maximum light levels on site shall not exceed 30 footcandles. 4. Final site plan approval is subject to ARB approval of the landscape plan (submitted with the site plan). Landscaping shown on the plan will be required to be in excess of the minimum requirements of ARB guidelines and/or the Zoning Ordinance to compensate for the negative visual impact of the proposed use, including but not limited to the use of larger caliper trees, additional evergreen shrubs and continuous interior planting islands. 5. Final site plan approval is subject to the recordation of easements for ingress/egress and for the installation, maintenance and use of planter islands and landscaping on adjacent parcels (Tax Map 78, Parcels 15, 15D and 15E). ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map B. Flow Automotives display parking plan (rev. 12/18/07) C. Flow Automotives landscape plan (rev. 12/18/07) D. ARB Action letter with recommended conditions of approval SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 Attachment A 061 062 063 62 Flow Automotive -25 78 -59A SP2007-00045 gg /.� 78-57 Tax Map 78, Parcel 15E & 15D _ 1 i nn 16 10� 12A' i 12 ZOR 757 20 73A I s 20F1 63, 20K / "50 2 26c ��� _ 50 313 53 m i.. 3 \ \ 51Al 20J "31 j' — 20M � / /\31M' � i I3IA V L 45 20M1 `_ _ OF .� 3 �� 4 9�� 33G 48 4�9 4t 39 s 1 22A39 31A 4N ` — 33 ism m 29 MX INC..33D J_ 79-7A 78-22 ewe ' -28 -78-26 92-16 _ { f u. 27A 6 f nx 276 Y 2-1 'a i -777 091 092 Albemarle Count Tax Map: 5ca1e a no ,SDA 2.6 y 078 93 _ Mae: iAis rP. fs PordiN120112 IR oNy art0 parcels asa7.fol3W6 See Map Book lrkrtduction for aUCWane! cHtails. MV SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 Attachment B SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display 8 PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 � i�waad3sn wi>.aas �.3sw.s rwsNse�r a ooe `e,��e?�o �'rn :.a.x Ol 1N3WaN3WH 210f'VW S3/VlOfN01nv M01� DN1IJ33NIDNE SN1E'7107 �5ta 1 SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display 8 PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 Attachment C \: � ��� ° �s O?�V®(_9 / J SR2007-045 Flow Auto Sle and Display RC 1/15/08 BOS 26/08 } .... .... . ,, SR2007-045 Flow Auto Sle and Display RC 1/15/08 BOS 26/08 Attachment D COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4012 November 15, 2007 Sheeran Architects c/o Peter Sheeran 226 East High Street Charlottesville, Va 22902 RE: ARB2007-00098 Flow Auto -Display Parking Addition Tax Map 78, Parcels 15D, 15E Dear Mr. Sheeran: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on November 5, 2007, completed a preliminary review of the above -noted request. The Board took the following actions. Regardingthe he Special Use Permit/Rezoning, the Board by a vote of 5:0, forwarded the following recommendation to the Planning Commission: The ARB expresses no objection to the special use permit, subject to the following conditions: 1. Vehicles shall not be elevated anywhere on site. 2. Vehicles shall be displayed only in areas indicated for display shown on the plan entitled "Flow Automotives" prepared by Collins Engineering and dated 9/17/07. Display parking shall be only in designated striped parking spaces, as identified on this plan. 3. Final site plan approval is subject to ARB approval of the lighting plan (submitted with the site plan). Maximum light levels on site shall not exceed 30 footcandles. 4. Final site plan approval is subject to ARB approval of the landscape plan (submitted with the site plan). Landscaping shown on the plan will be required to be in excess of the minimum requirements of ARB guidelines and/or the Zoning Ordinance to compensate for the negative visual impact of the proposed use, including but not limited to the use of larger caliper trees, additional evergreen shrubs and continuous interior planting islands. Regarding the Preliminary Site Plan, the Board made the following comments and suggestions for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. 1. Coordinate parking totals and labeled spaces on sheet S-1. 2. Revise the two long internal planting islands to continuous planting islands. Eliminate the gaps in both islands. SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 3. Revise the landscape plan to include 3 large shade trees and evergreen shrubs in the long planting islands located at the interior of the display parking area. 4. In the planting areas that front the EC replace the Inkberry holly with an alternate species and indicate the plant size as 36" minimum at planting on both parcels. 5. In the planting island the fronts the EC, revise the row of holly to a staggered row on both parcels. 6. Extend the evergreen shrub row that fronts the EC into the end islands that frame the entrance to the site. 7. Space the large shade trees at 35' on center along the EC on both parcels. 8. Add interspersed ornamental trees along the EC, on both parcels. 9. Revise the existing conditions plan to include the existing plants on the east side of parcel 15. 10. Replace the White pine with an evergreen tree that provides more consistent long term screening and one that is better suited to the available space. 11. Replace the Hemlock with a more disease resistant tree. 12. Include the VT plant in the plant list or eliminate it from the plan. 13. Provide shade trees on parcels 15 and 15E at 40' on center along the shared property line. Stagger these trees. 14. Continue the mixed planting along the full length of the area between parcels 15 and 15E. Do not stop short of the southern property line. 15. Add Schip laurel to the planting area between parcels 15 and 15E. 16. Provide 2 large shade trees and evergreen shrubs in each end island along the travelway shared between parcels 15D and 15E. 17. Coordinate the appearance of the three end islands located along the travelway that is shared between parcel 15D and 15E. 18. Replace the Redbuds with Serviceberry. 19. Coordinate all landscaping with existing and proposed utilities and easements. 20. Include the following note on the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." 21. Revise the photometric plan as follows: a. Use 1.0 as the maintenance factor (LLF). b. Limit light levels to no greater than 30 footcandles. c. Show lighting levels out to the property line. d. Limit spillover at the property line along Route 250 to less than .5 footcandles. e. Clearly indicate the proposed color for the fixtures on the plan. Bronze is recommended. 22. Resolve the grading issues on the west and south sides of the site regarding retaining walls, level planting area, filteras, etc. Include proposed grading on the landscape plan. 23. Provide revised architectural elevations for the addition to the existing building. Coordinate the size of the building illustrated in the elevations with the size of the building illustrated on the plan. Maintain the window at the south end of the west elevation in the revised design. 24. Add an understory of evergreen shrubs in the island between the Entrance Corridor and the maintenance building to the south. 25. The shade trees shall be a minimum of 3 '/2" caliper. Ornamental trees and other understory trees shall be a minimum of 8' in height. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 3' in height. You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albemarle.org/planning. Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing. Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08 11 "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner Cc: Don Speight 1425 Plaza Drive Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103 Linkous, Janice S 2205 Shepherds Ridge Rd Charlottesville Va 22901 SP 2007-045 Flow Auto Sales and Display 12 PC 1/15/08 BOS 2/6/08