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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
inia, was held on November 29, 1989, at 1:30 P.M., Meeting Room #7, County
~ffice Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. The meeting
adjourned from November 15, 1989.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. F. R. Bowie,
~s. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 1:35 P.M.),
.ter F. Perkins and Peter T. Way.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., ~County Executive; Mr. George R.
~t. John, County Attorney; and Mr. V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning
Community Development.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at
:30 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way.
Agenda Item No. 2. Consent Agenda. Moti6n was offered by Mr. Bowie and
~econded by Mr. Bain to approve the Consent Agenda.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way.
Mr. Lindstrom.
Item 2.1. Resolution to take Cobblestone Lane, Chippendale Court,
Tck Drive and Carriage Lane in Candlewyck Phases I and II into the
tare Secondary System of Highways. Letter dated August 10, 1989, was re-
.eived from A. G. Dillard, Jr., requesting acceptance of these roads. The
~ollowing resolution was approved by the vote Shown above.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that pursuant to Virginia Code Section 33.1-229, the Vir-
ginia Department of Transportation be and !is hereby requested to
accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to final inspec-
tion and approval by the Resident Highway Department, the following
roads in Candlewyck Subdivision:
Cobblestone Lane:
Beginning at Station 10+08, a point ~n common with the edge of
pavement of State Route 677 and the d~nterline of Cobblestone
Lane, thence in a westerly direction i~long the centerline of
Cobblestone Lane a distance of 1,214 i'feet to Station 22+22, the
end of the cul-de-sac.
Chippendale Court:
Beginning at Station 10+10, a point i.~ common with the edge of
pavement of Cobblestone Lane and the iaenterline of Chippendale
Court, thence in a northerly directi~ along the centerline of
Chippendale Court a distance of 317 feet to Station 13+27, the
end of the cul-de-sac. '
Candlewyck Drive:
Beginning at Station 10+09, a point i~ common with the edge of
pavement of State Route 677 and the cinterline of Candlewyck
Drive, thence in a westerly dmrect~on:ialong the centerline of
Candlewyck Drive a distance of 1,317 {eet to Station 23+26, the
end of the cul-de-sac.
Carriage Lane:
Beginning at Station 10+10, a point i~ common with the edge of
pavement of Candlewyck Drive and the ~enterline of Carriage Lane,
thence in a southerly direction along;the centerline of Carriage
Lane a distance of 540 feet to Statioh 15+50, the end of the
cul- de- s ac
29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
[Page 2)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Trans-
portation be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right-
of-way and drainage easements along th~se requested additions as
recorded by plats in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 696, pages 164 through 179; Deed Book
696, page 181; Deed Book 772, pages 205 and 207; and Deed Book 1077,
page 175.
Item 2.2. Resolution to take Lonicera Way in North Pines - Phase II into
~he State SecondarySystem of Highways. Letter dated October 23, 1986, was
eceived from Mr Michael C West, R D Wade Builders, Inc., requesting
cceptance of this road. The following resolution was approved by the vote
hown above, i~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of SuperVisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that pursuant to Virginia Cote Section 33.1-229, the Virgin-
ia Department of Transportation be and
into the Secondary System of Highways,
approval by the Resident Highway Depar
North Pines Sections 2 and 3:
Lonicera Way:
Beginning at centerline Station 2
1030), a point common with the ce
Lonicera Way and Forsythia Lane a
tion, thence in a westerly direct
along the centerline of Lonicera
the cul-de-sac and the end of pre
is ?~hereby requested to accept
subject to final inspection and
tme~t, the following road in
0+96.43 of Lonicera Way (Route
nte~iine intersection of
nd ~he end of previous dedica-
ion ~ia distance of 2,754 feet
Way ~to Station 48+50, the end of
sen~i dedication.
portation be and is hereby guaranteed
of-way and drainage easements along tk
recorded by plats in the Office of the
Albemarle County in Deed Book 875, pa
pages 472 through 476; Deed Book 703,
Book 1076, pages 602 through 604.
irg~nia Department of Trans-
a 5~ foot unobstructed right-
ese ~equested additions as
Cl~rk of the Circuit Court of
es 7iA7 and 748; Deed Book 918,
pages 734 through 745; and Deed
Mr. Bain asked if the County Engineer insplects plats to ensure that the
and bounds are correct. Mr. Agnor said ~e would verify that and report
~ack to the Board. !i
Not Docketed: Resolution for Mentally DiSabled Citizens. Mr. Way said
~is item was deferred from a previous agenda. !~He said the Coalition for the
Disabled is requesting the Board'
Motion was immediately offered by Mr.
~t a resolution as set out below.
Roll was called and the motion carrie
Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr
Mr. Lindstrom.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisor;
concerned about its citizens who are
retardation and substance abuse servi.
WHEREAS, more than fifty local c
for residential services and there is
support in the form of a resolu-
Bowi!e and seconded by Mrs. Cooke to
by ~he following recorded vote:
Perkins and Mr. Way.
of ~lbemarle County is greatly
.n ne~d of mental health, mental
:es, and
ttlze~s are now on waiting lists
a fo~r- to seven-week waiting
period for other associated support s~.rvic&s provided by the Region
Ten Community Services Board, and
WHEREAS, Albemarle County provides significant funding for these
services through local taxes, and
29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting) 308
~Page 3)
WHEREAS, the lack of adequate treatment for mentally disabled
citizens is not unique to Albemarle County but is widespread through-
out the Commonwealth of Virginia,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of
Albemarle County urges the Governor and the General Assembly to
consider the funding of services for mentally disabled citizens among
the top priorities for the 1990-92 Biennium.
Not Docketed: Mr. Way informed the Board that December 1 is the date of
Aids Support Group Event at which it is requested that an available Board
~ber read a proclamation. There was no Board member available for this
Agenda Item No. 3. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Create and Advertise
a Public Hearing on a Public Recreational Facilities Authority of
,emarle County.
Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by Mr. Bowie to adopt a
~esolution as set out below.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
hereby signifies its intent to adopt a resolution to create an author-
ity to be designated "The Public Recreational Facilities Authority of
Albemarle County", the purposes and functions of which shall be as set
out in the proposed Articles of Incorporation of the said Authority
attached hereto.
A public hearing shall be held in connection with this matter at
the County Office BUilding, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville,
Virginia, Room 7, at 7:30 P.M. on Decembe~ 20, 1989.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Super~lsors of Albemarle County:
There is hereby created a public rec~ieational facilities author-
ity whose name shall be the Public Recreational Facilities Authority
of Albemarle County, the address of whose principal office shall be
the County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville,
Virginia, 22901-4596. ~
The Authority is created under the p=~visions of Chapter 29,
Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia 1950, Sections 15.1-1271 through
15.1-1287. !~
The names, addresses and terms of office of the first members of
the Authority are: ~.
Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr.
23 Orchard Road
Charlottesville, Va. 22901
one-year term
Mr. David Bass
Route 1, Box 356
Charlottesville, VA
one-yeaM term
Mr. John H. Birdsall, III
Route 5, Box 356
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Mr. Archibald Craige
East Belmont Farm
Keswick, VA 22947
Ms. Norma J. Diehl
106 Mountainview Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
one-year term
two-yea~ term
two-yea~ term
29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
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Mr. G. David Emmitt
1734 Franklin Drive
Charlottesville, VA
two-year term
Mr. C. Timothy Lindstrom
HCR 1, Box 20
Charlottesville, VA 22901
three-year term
Mr. Scott B. Peyton
Seven Oaks Farm
Greenwood, VA. 22943
three-year term
Mr. Raymond Reiss
Route 2, Box 317
Scottsville, VA 24590
three-year term
The purpose for which the Authority is created, is to accept,
hold, and administer open-space land and interests therein, under the
provisions of Chapter 17 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia 1950,
as specifically prescribed by Code Section 10.1-1701.
The name of the participating political subdivision is Albemarle
County. ~
The purposes of the Authority shall not include power to acquire
interests in land by purchase or by eminent domain without the express
concurrence of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, but shall
be limited to accepting interests in land ~hich from time to time may
be voluntarily conveyed to the Authority ~y the owner or owners
thereof, i~
The purposes of the Authority shall ~t include the power to
issue bonds or to incur debt.
Agenda Item No. 4. Authorization of Buck'!S Elbow Radar Microwave Tower
lite Agreement.
Mr. Agnor summarized his memorandum dated iNovember 15, 1989:
"The Federal Aviation Administration has declared a one-quarter acre
site it owns on Buck's Elbow Mountain as Surplus property, and it is
to be transferred to the U. S. General Services Administration (GSA)
for disposal. Staff is requesting your authorization to begin nego-
tiation with GSA for the purchase of this ~ite for radio repeater
transmission. Currently, the repeaters 1Qcated on Carters Mountain
and Fan Mountain provide coverage for approximately 85 percent of the
County. The addition of the Buck's Elbow ~Mountain site would increase
our coverage of the County to 95 percent. ~!~The existing tower on this
site would provide for antenna/repeater installation to serve our
Departments of Police, Inspections, Engin~pring, Education (Transpor-
tation) and Zoning. The Rescue Squad and Civil Air Patrol will
probably utilize the tower as well. Ninety percent ($8,646) of the
funding for the antennas/repeaters is anti~ipated through a Criminal
Justice Services Grant.
The cost of the one-quarter acre site is e~timated to be between
$2,500 and $3,000 with road maintenance an~. access easement rights
approximated at $2,000/year. Maintenance i~osts could be shared by the
various departments/agencies.
Staff requests that the County Executive bt authorized to:
1) Sign the FAA License Agreement to install and maintain two radio
antennas on the Buck's Elbow Mountain'S. Radar Microwave Link Tower;
2) Sign an agreement between the County ~nd landowners granting
access from State Route 611 (Jarmans ~ap) to the Radar Microwave
Link site; and
~ovember 29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
~Page 5)
3) Begin negotiations with the Federal General Services Adminis-
tration for the purchase of the Radar Microwave Link site."
Mr. Perkins asked if the price included the tower building and land. Mr.
~gnor said it does.
Motion was immediately offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mrs. Cooke to
~rove the three authorizations requested by the County Executive.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
~S: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
Agenda Item No. 5. Approval of Minutes: !~May 10 and May 17, 1989.
Mr. Bowie had read the minutes for May 10,~ 1989, (Pages 1 to 11). With
~egard to Agenda Item No. 6d, Mr. Bowie questioned whether the proviso men-
2ioned in his motion relative to control of residential cut-through traffic
have been a part of the resolution.
Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Lindstrom to approve
minutes with the notation made. Roll was called and t-he motion carried by
following recorded vote:
Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs~ Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
Agenda Item No. 6.
'eceived from the Clerk:
Minute Book Correction.
The following memorandum~as
"While reviewing the minutes for January t8 (Night), 1989, Mr. Bain
asked that the Clerks check a condition placed on SP-87-81. The tape
has been checked, and it was found that the Clerk transcribed the
condition incorrectly. As shown in the minutes, the condition reads:
'Not more than ten competitions shall be ~ld per calendar year, of
which no more than two shall exceed three~monsecutive days and the
remainder shall not exceed one day per ev~ht.'
The condition was intended to read, and the tape will show this exact
language: 'Not more than ten competztlonMilshall be held per calendar
year, of which two may extend for three ca~secutive days and the
remainder shall not exceed one day per event.'
Since this is a substantive change, the C~erk needs the Board to vote
on this change so that the applicant may 5~ notified of the error
Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Lindstrom to approve
~he minute book correction for the minutes of January 18, 1989, as set out in
the Clerk's memo.
Roll was called and the motion carried by khe following recorded vote:
Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
Agenda Item No. 8. Other Matters not List~d~ on the Agenda.
Mr. Way said there has been a request from~a citizen to oppose a tower to
be built in Nelson Gounty near the Albemarle CoUnty boundary line. He asked
that staff determine the status of the tower and have information available at
the next Board meeting. ~
Mr. St. John informed the Board that the c~se of Sanford vs. the Board of
Zoning Appeals scheduled for December 8, 1989, has been continued. A date is
to be announced by the court.
~ovember 29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
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(Mr. St. John left at 1:48 P.M.)
Agenda Item No. 7. Work Session: 1989-95 Capital Improvements Program
The Board made the following comments and requests during the work
Under VII, Parks and Recreation, Mr. Lindstrom asked if staff had inves-
:igated the possibility of having a park on property west of the SPCA above
the reservoir. Mr. Cilimberg said staff had examined that area only as part
~f the Rivanna River Greenbelt Plan. Mr. Lindstrom said he had hoped to have
~ore detail on this area from the Planning Department's topographical maps.
Mr. Bowie said he served on the Greenbelt Committee, and he felt there
;hould be an action plan with a map. If the land is identified, the purchase
:rocess should begin, even though it may not be developed for another 20
'ears. Land will not get any cheaper.
Mr. Cilimberg said the property owners have been identified, and staff
~an prepare costs for land acquisition. Mr. Lindstrom requested that a
:opographical map having the parcels in question marked be available to the
Board, along with the appraised value and the Actual use of the property.
Under II, Education, No. 6, Albemarle High School Phase I Expansion and
Renovation, Mr. Agnor said the light shield replacement is included with the
baseball field and tennis court project. Mr. ~gnor said the fixtures are
actually being replaced because they are deteriorating. At the same time the
shields will be added to protect the environment at a cost of $58,000.
Mr. Bowie still maintained that he has ne~er noticed any unusual light
:ollution, and feels that before $58,000 is spent, more information should be
)btained. Mr. Bain said he would like to know'ithe price of light shields
Mr. Lindstrom said he thinks it is appropriate to cut down light poilu-
Lion as much as possible. He asked that staff ii0btain and evaluate information
~egarding light shields from the Schools Divis~6n. He said more information
%s needed on this whole issue so there can be some control of light pollution
in the County.
Regarding Mint Springs Park, Mr. Bain aske~ what is being done to the
swim area. Mr. Cilimberg said the swim area i~i being reduced to a depth of
five feet from 12 feet. Mr. Bain said that is ridiculous. Mr. Way agreed.
Mr. Bowie said the depth if one reason why peopiSe lmke to go to lakes to swim.
Mr. Agnor said he thought it was for safety anvil being able to rescue swimmers
in trouble.
Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director of the County's! Department of Parks and
Recreation, said this change is a safety issue.' He said the most recent
guidelines from the National Water Safety Counclil recommend five foot swim
depths in lakes where the bottom cannot be seenl, when a swimmer goes under. It
is very difficult to find a swimmer underwater 'in a lake. He pointed out that
the new Southern Regional Park lake will be fiv~ feet deep. Mr. Mullaney
added that, although these guidelines are not legal requirements, if a drown-
ing takes place, these standards are cited by the experts in a court case.
Under VIII, Utilities, No. 12, Lickinghole! Creek Regional Sedimentation
Basin, Mr. Bowie said he still feels that this project should revert to the
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority because the pgrpose is to protect the
- reservoir. He said he has no problem leaving this item in the CIP as
something required to protect the reservoir, not because of growth. The
project should be paid for by the people who ar~ actually getting the benefit.
He said the RWSA has access to other grants forifunding which Albemarle County
does not, and he feels this project should not be funded by general tax
dollars. Mr. Agnor said the City representatives had voted against the RWSA
taking over this project, and the County representatives on the RWSA Board had
voted for it. The Chairman broke the tie in voting against it several years
ago. Mr..Bowie said the question should be brought back before the RWSA
~ovember 29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting) 32L2
Page 7)
Mr. Lindstrom agreed that it is appropriate that the bill be paid by the
Lsers. However, the most important issue is the protection of the watershed.
~r. Lindstrom said part of the problem is protecting the watershed from
levelopment. He said he would not have supported development projects in
~rozet except for having this project in the CIP. It is necessary, regardless
~f who has to pay for it. He said a private basin built by a developer will
~ot work as efficiently, especially from the administrative standpoint.
~either does a private basin reduce the amountof sedimentation in the water-
;hed better. Mr. Lindstrom said if Crozet were not developing, this protec-
zion would not be necessary. By permitting growth in Crozet, Mr. Lindstrom
Peels this Board has an obligation to the citizens. He said the Board elimi-
hated Ivy and Earlysville as growth areas because they lie in the watershed.
the decision was made to deal with the watershed protection problem in Crozet
by designing this basin. He said if growth continues in Crozet, he feels
there should be a substantial contribution made by developers to the cost of
~his project. Mr. Lindstrom agreed that it would be nice to have the RWSA
~ssume this project, but he does not want to d~lay it on that account. It is
~he last remaining "piece of the puzzle" in th~ watershed protection system.
Mr. Bain said if two-thirds of the cost i~ recouped, this project is
~orth the money. Mr. Bowie said he is willing~to leave the Lickinghole Creek
~asin project in the CIP, with the statement that he has a problem paying for
it with tax revenue.
Mr. Lindstrom said local sedimentation basins are a problem to maintain.
?his would eliminate that cost. He said he fe~ls it is a big mistake to think
~bout taking this project out of the CIP. Mr.~iBowie asked if there are any
mstimates of how much developers would contribute toward this project. Mr.
~gnor said when the project was first designed ~ears ago, estimates were made.
Mr. Bowie asked if current estimates could be ~vailable before the public
Mr. Perkins said the problem is whether t~is is the way the Board wants
~o spend Albemarle County's money, and what is~he return on that money. He
~aid it is really impossible to say. He would ~ot know what price to put on
lrinking water. He said the decision was made~hat Crozet should be a growth
~rea, even though it is in the watershed. His ~eeling is that, since the
~ntire CIP budget as presented cannot be funded, it is better to wait and see
~hat will happen with the developers.
Regarding the Joint Security Complex, Mr. Bowie said things have changed
since this item was originally placed in the CIP in 1985. He pointed out that
state-of-the-art modular cell units are now available and are highly recom-
mended by the State. He said he spoke to the J~il Administrator about the
possibility of using modular units. Mr. Bowie said apparently these units
house 40 bunks in addition to storage room, guatd rooms, and council rooms.
He suggested that the 1989-90 amount be $-0-, and the $124,782 shown for
1989-90 be moved to 1990-91 to provide the first modular unit. Mr. Bowie said
the Jail Board has not met formally to discuss {his subject, although he has
spoken with several members of the Jail Board. ~Mr. Lindstrom said this sounds
like a good idea, but he would like for the Jail Board to meet formally to
discuss it. The consensus of the Board was to leave the request as presented
by staff until the Jail Board meets and considers Mr. Bowie's recommendation.
On an unrelated issue, Mr. Bain requested ~hat Route 637 between the Ivy
Landfill and Route 635 be given special consideration in the Six-Year Highway
Plan because of the public use of the road.
(The Board recessed at 3:11 P.M. and reconvened at 3:30 P.M.)
At this time Mr. Agnor summarized his memo!dated October 26, 1989, to the
Board regarding the 1989-95 Capital Improvement!Program. He said the annual
General Fund appropriation of $1.0 million has ~o be increased; long term
financing in significant amounts will be required; and the General Fund will
have to increase appropriations to pay additional debt service.
Mr. Agnor suggested the following revisions in the CIP:
~ovember 29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting) 314
~Page 9)
Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom to delete any reference under II.
~ducation, Item 3, to a specific school site; that it be noted that the Board
las taken no action to recommend any site for the proposed urban area
~lementary school; and that a work session be scheduled for January 10, 1990,
~o look specifically at the issue of the school's redistricting without
~eference to a particular site.
Mr. Bowie asked if the motion could include that further consideration be
given to the Albemarle High School request at that work session. Mr.
Lindstrom said he would include that in his motion. Mr. Bowie then seconded
the motion.
It was agreed that the Board members would visit Albemarle High School as
a group prior to the work session.
Mr. Bain requested that staff "fine tune" figures for the cost of devel-
)pment and acquisition of another urban area elementary school site compared
~o the cost of development at the Whitewood Road site. Mr. Lindstrom added
~hat it is necessary to know how much land would remain at the Whitewood Road
property if a school were built there and what use could be made of the
~emaining property.
Mr. Way then summarized the motion that the Capital Improvements Program
hot be site specific with regard to school projects and that a work session be
scheduled for January 10, 1990, specifically dealing with the Urban Area
mlementary school and the proposed expansion at Albemarle High School. Mr.
Bowie noted that he had omitted a disclaimer that the Board is not endorsing a
~articular site. Mr. Lindstrom added that thiS~statement is included so
~arents will not feel that the Board is cox~it~ed to any particular site.
Mr. Cilimberg then requested that the Planning Commission be invited to
~ttend the January work session because of their review of site plans. There
~as unanimous consent from the Board.
Roll was called and the motion carried by?~he following recorded vote:
%YES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs~~ Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
~AYS: None.
Mr. Perkins suggested that instead of the?/renovations proposed to make
Rose Hill Elementary School the alternative education high school, the old
Crozet Elementary S~hool be used for that program. In response to Mr.
Perkins' request, Mr. Cliff Haury distributed ~ memo dated October 3, 1989,
from Mr. Andy Overstreet regarding the costs t~! renovate the old Crozet
Elementary School.
Mr. Perkins pointed out that the Rose Hil~area is where an elementary
school is needed. He felt that for the short tlerm solution, the continued use
of Rose Hill as an elementary school, the expan.~ion of Woodbrook, Broadus Wood
and Red Hill Schools should all be considered, ii~·
Mr. Lindstrom asked if the possibility of ~aving a joint alternative
education program with the City had been investligated. Mr. Haury said it had
not been recently, but that it was a possibilit!~.
Mr. Lindstrom said he is sympathetic ~o M~. Perkins' concerns because of
previous problems with surplus buildings. Mr. Way said he would like to know
exactly what it would cost to renovate the old Erozet School to make it usable
for the alternative education program. Mr. Bai~ said his concern is the
legality of making minimal changes to the old C~ozet School. He thought that
Mr. St. 3ohn should consider that issue. He al~o asked that staff consider
the total cost of keeping Rose Hill as an elementary school, including the
cost of asbestos removal. Mr. Bowie said that ~he total cost of keeping Rose
Hill as an elementary school, expanding the new,~Crozet School to a 700-student
capacity, and expanding Woodbrook Elementary School would be equal to building
one new school. He said Mr. Perkins' suggestio~ would be a short-term solu-
tion and would provide a home for the alternative education program.
(Mrs. Cooke left the meeting at 5:45 P.M.)!
lovember 29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
Page 8)
Consideration should be given to reducing the Joint Security Complex
project that will occur from the Jail Board's plans to use modular
construction to replace portions of the requested project. Staff is
unable to calculate these changes, and recommends that the project
be carried as shown, with the recognition that an amendment to the
CIP will be made when the costs are known.
2. Remove the Meadow Creek Parkway ($28~6 million) and the Avon
Street/Route 20 connector ($1.3 million) from the program, thereby
recognizing that the County funding of debt service for road
projects basically from property taxes is a burden beyond our
capability when you consider that the school needs can quadruple the
county debt in five years (from last~year's debt totalling $12.7
million to a potential 1994 debt totalling $53.9 million). Staff
proposes that you continue the fundihg of $0.5 million per year in
local funds for Revenue Sharing Highway projects, which is matched
by the State, and basically used for ~improvements to existing roads,
but staff recommends abandoning the aoncept of County funds being
used in any significant amounts for new highway construction. Staff
believes the school capital program is a heavy enough burden without
adding road construction.
3. Remove $405,925 for the leased facilities that provide for the
Northern Area County branch library. ~ The request is for a 25,000
square foot space costing $1.005 mil%ion. The staff recommendation
is for a 15,000 square foot facility!costing $600,000. For compari-
son, the Gordon Avenue library contains 12,384 square feet of which
8,000 square feet is usable for library needs. In 1994-95, after
three years usage of leased space, fdnds are provided to consider a
permanent facility, at which time usage experience may more accu-
rately establish the size needed."
Mr. Agnor said these revisions would reduce the CIP total from $76.9
nillion to $46.6 million. The resources to accommodate the recommended
revisions could include $27.5 million in long term Virginia Public School
%uthority (VPSA) debt for school projects, increasing the General Fund appro-
priation to $2.0 million by 1994, and splittin~~ collection of personal prop-
mrty tax in 1991. Mr. Agnor said there is al~'6 the possibility of splitting
~he collection of real estate taxes to reduce the long term debt, as well as
initiating another referendum on the meals tax,i=~
Mr. Agnor said that staff had been requested by the Board to review the
request from the Schools for the Bus Shop main%enance. After visiting the
site, staff recommended reducing the request fr~om $38,000 to $5,000 for now
and that consideration be given to expansion ofi"the garage facility in
(Mr. Bain left at 4:50 P.M. and returned ~t 4:54 P.M.)
The Board then began discussions regarding!~the School's Long Range Plan-
ning Committee' s Report.
Mr. Bowie said he felt that site specific ,names for schools should not be
used in this report on the CIP. He also felt ~hat consideration should be
given to using 700 as a capacity figure for elementary schools instead of the
current School Board policy of 600.
(Mr. Cilimberg left at 4:58 P.M. and retur~ed at 5:03 P.M.)
With regard to the Whitewood Road propertY~ Mr. Lindstrom felt strongly
that the site is favorable for other purposes. He said there is not enough
information available at this time to make a final decision, but he felt that
the capital budget should not be site specific.J }Ie wanted it made clear in
the record that the Board of Supervisors has not agreed to the Whitewood Road
property as a school site. He felt that the Board members taking office in
January should have a vote on this issue.
~ovember 29, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
~Page 10)
Mr. Haury pointed out that Route 810 is intolerable to support a higher
:apacity elementary school.
Mr. Bain requested that information regarding the cost of converting the
)id Crozet School for the alternative education program and the cost of using
:he Rose Hill Elementary School for the alternative education program versus
:ontinued use as an elementary school at parity be studied closely and made
~vailable for the January 10 work session.
Mr. Bowie asked the result to the Long Range Planning Committee
recommendations if the School Board changed its policy of school capacity from
500 to 700 or 750. He said he did not need that information by the work
~ession, but he would personally like to have that information.
Mr. Bowie then offered a motion to advertise for public hearing on
~ecember 13, 1989, the 1989-95 Capital Improvements Program presented today,
:cluding Mr. Lindstrom's previous motion, Mr.%Perkins' suggestions and Mr.
%gnor's recommendations. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the comments regarding the
Ioint Security Complex, the Meadow Creek Parkway, the Library, and the Bus
~hop were included in the motion. Mr. Bowie s~id his motion includes comments
from all the work sessions. Mr. Bain seconded':the motion.
Mr. Way suggested that the motion be restated before the vote is taken.
Mr. Bowie said his motion is to have a public hearing on the CIP as
)resented with the modifications made during t~e various work sessions,
~pecifically that a work session be scheduled ~or January 10, 1990; Mr.
.indstrom's motion to delete any reference to ~ specific site for the proposed
Lrban area elementary school; Mr. Perkins' suggestion to use the Old Crozet
:lementary School for the alternative educatio~ high school instead of Rose
~11 Elementary School; and including the thre~ recommendations in Mr. Agnor's
.emo of October 26, 1989, as set out above. ~
Roll was called and the motion carried byi~the following recorded vote:
~ES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mr. Lindstrom, Mr. ~Perkins and Mr. Way.
NAYS: None.
~BSENT: Mrs. Cooke.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjourn to December 6,! 1989, at 8:00 A.M.
At 5:55 P.M., with no further business to !come before the Board, motion
~as offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Bowie to adjourn to December 6,
1989 at 8:00 A.M. Roll was called and the motilon carried by the following
~ecorded vote:
kYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mr. Lindstrom, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way.
NAYS: None.
~BSENT: Mrs. Cooke.