HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO200600075 Staff Report 2007-08-13��F arm
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Project Name: Town and Country, Phase II
Staff: David Pennock, Jonathan Sharp
— W PO 06 -75
Planning Commission Public Hearing:
Board of Supervisors Hearing:
December 12, 2006
Not applicable
Owners: Albemarle Hotel, LLC
Applicant: Hurt Investment Co.
Acreage: 16.190 acres (approximately)
Rezone from: Not applicable
Special Use Permit for: Not applicable
TMP: Tax Map 78, Parcels 9 (and 11)
By -right use: Highway Commercial uses with
Location: Will connect Olympia Drive (Rte.
Entrance Corridor overlay restrictions
#1770) and Town and Country Drive (Under
Magisterial District: Rivanna
Proffers /Conditions: Yes
Requested # of Dwelling Lots: N/A
DA — Yes RA — No
Proposal: Applicant requests a critical slopes
Comp. Plan Designation: The
waiver in order to construct road to connect
Comprehensive Plan designates this property
two existing road segments.
as Regional Service in Urban Neighborhood
Character of Property: This property is
Use of Surrounding Properties: Adjacent to
partially wooded in the center, but has
Fontana Subdivision and Guadalajara
previously been cleared in several places due
Restaurant (under construction). This road is
to construction on adjacent properties,
also in close proximity to a stretch of
including the recently approved Guadalajara
commercial development on Rte. 250,
including Car Max, the Tip -Top restaurant,
Kia, Freebridge Auto, and others.
Factors Favorable:
Factors Unfavorable:
1. This proposal represents an opportunity to
1. The Critical Resources and Open Space
complete a road connection serving as an
Plan designates part of this proposal as a
alternative to Route 250 for portions of
significant resource system.
Fontana and some commercial areas.
2. The Eastern Connector Road Study has
2. This linkage may accommodate future
not been completed, and this proposal may
commercial development in an area
be affected by the results.
designated for such activity.
Based on the uncertainty regarding alignment and the findings in the Critical Resources and
Open Space Plan, staff cannot recommend approval of the requested waiver. Should the
Commission make a finding that the appropriate commercial development within a designated
Development Area outweighs the concerns in the Open Space Plan, staff recommends partial
approval of the critical slope waiver.
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David E. Pennock, AICP; Jonathan Sharp, EIT
December 12, 2006
Town and Country, Phase II — WPO 06 -75
Hurt Investment Co.
Albemarle Hotel, LLC
APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Applicant requests a critical slopes waiver in order to extend a road on
approximately 16.19 acres (Attachment A). The property is zoned HC, Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance
Corridor. The property is described as Tax Map 78, Parcels 9 (and 11). It is located in the Rivanna Magisterial
District and will connect Olympia Drive (Rte. #1770) and Town and Country Drive (Under Construction).
The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Regional Services in Urban Neighborhood 3.
REASON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: This proposal is for a road extension. The proposed
layout impacts critical slopes in a number of locations, as further described below. Road construction is exempted
from critical slopes regulations only if there are no alternative alignments. In this case, there are no subdivision or
site plans currently under review. In addition, the Pantops Master Plan will likely incorporate an "Eastern
Connector" road extension, although the alignment has not been conclusively set. Portions of this project may be
incorporated in to the "Eastern Connector ", as discussed further later in this document.
This property formerly included many parcels along Route 250, with extensive activity, including SP 00 -032 —
Free Bridge Auto Sales and SP 02 -027 — Kia Auto. The most relevant history to this property involves the
construction of the first phase of Town and Country Drive:
SDP 05 -059 — Town and Country Phase I, and Guadalajara Restaurant Preliminary Site Plan
WPO 05 -099 — Road Construction Plans associated with above plan
SDP 05 -128 — Final Site Plan for Guadalajara Restaurant
SUB 05 -328 — Subdivision to separate out Guadalajara site
A modification to allow critical slopes disturbance is necessary before the preliminary plat can be approved by the
Planning Commission. The request for a modification has been reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning
aspects of the critical slopes regulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth - disturbing
activity on critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction. The
applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver (Attachment C), and staff has analyzed this
request to address the provisions of the ordinance.
Critical slopes cover approximately 6.1 acres, or 38 percent, of the 16.1 acres included in this request. This
request is to disturb 3.6 acres, or 59 percent, of these critical slopes. The critical slopes in the area of this request
do not appear to be man -made. Staff has reviewed this waiver request with consideration for the concerns that are
set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." These concerns have been addressed
directly through the analysis provided herein, which is presented in two parts, based on the Section of the
Ordinance each pertains to.
The Open Space Plan is the primary tool used by staff to identify aesthetic resources. The maps in the Open
Space Plan include inventory maps which show all resources. The composite map indicates those resources that
are of the highest significance or are part of a system forming a significant resource, such as a stream valley or
mountain range. The Open Space Plan shows "slopes > 25 %" on this property on the "Inventory Map 1 ".
"Inventory Map 2" indicates that portions of the proposed alignment are in "Wooded Areas ". Much of this area is
reflected on the "Composite Map" as "Major and Locally Important Stream Valleys and Adjacent Critical
Slopes ". Based on the content of the Open Space Plan, staff opinion is that the critical slopes on this site
represent a significant resource that is part of an important system.
Section 4.2.5(a)
Description of the project, critical slope area, and proposed disturbance:
This project is proposing the extension of Olympia drive to connect with the recently approved Town & Country
Lane (Phase I). Town and Country Lane will connect with Rte 250; therefore creating a new connector road to Rte
250 for the residents of Fontana. The critical sloped areas of the site are mainly wooded and run to a stream on the
northern border of the parcel (TMP 78 -09). The proposed disturbance areas will include the Olympia Road
extension, grading to make the placement of the road possible, as well as Erosion Control measures such as
Sediment Traps, and permanent Stormwater Facilities. Figure 1 on the following page shows the critical slope
areas and the disturbed critical slopes. The summary of disturbance is as follows:
Total site
16.1 acres approximately
Critical slopes
6.1 acres
38% of site
Critical slopes disturbed
3.6 acres
59% of critical slopes
*In addition, there is proposed grading on adjacent parcel TMP 78 -11 to connect the road to the existing (and
currently under construction) Olympia Drive. There is a small area of critical slopes (around 5000 square feet)
which is proposed to be disturbed (See Figure 2 on the following page.).
Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative
This disturbance is not exempt. In several area, the road can be moved further away from the stream. Its current
location is to allow for more development between the new road and Rte 250.
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18 -4.2:
"movement of soil and rock"
Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil.
"excessive stormwater runoff'
Stormwater runoff will run down to the stream which borders the northern portion of the property. The stream
flows into the 100 year floodplain, which begins at the very north - western tip of the property. (There is no
disturbance proposed inside the limits of the 100 year floodplain.)
Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization
and maintenance will ensure long term stability.
"loss of aesthetic resource"
A significant portion of wooded area is proposed to be removed in order to put in Olympia Drive. A portion
of the site north of Phase I (the Guadalajara site) was previously the site of the old Town & Country Motel.
The proposed road will be visible from Wilton Farm, Avemore, and portions of Fontana.
"septic effluent"
Septic effluence is not an issue, as the site and areas around it are served by public sewer.
Figure 1— Proposed Critical Slope Disturbance
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Disturbed Critical Slope
Undisturbed Critical Slo
Proposed Road
Parcel Outline
Figure 2— Offsite Critical Slope Disturbance
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IParced fH
Disturbed Critical,
Slopes on TMP 78 -11'> p
Summary of review of modification of Section 4.2.5(b):
Section 4.2.5 establishes the review process and criteria for granting a waiver of Section 4.2.3. The preceding
comments by staff address the provisions of Section 4.2.5(a). Staff has included the provisions of Section
4.2.5(b) here, along with staff comment on the various provisions.
The commission may modify or waive any requirement of section 4.2 in a particular case upon finding that:
Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter or
otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare, or that alternatives proposed by the developer would
satisfy the purposes of section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree; or (Added 11- 15 -89)
This parcel is relatively visible from adjoining residential and commercial developments, and from two
entrance corridors — Route 20 and Route 250. In addition, there are a large number of proposed critical
slopes disturbances. Further, these slopes are part of a system, as identified on the Critical Resources
Map in the Open Space Plan. This area is identified as one of the "Major and Locally Important Stream
Valleys and Adjacent Critical Slopes ". Staff finds that a strict application of the requirements set forth in
Section 4.2 would serve to forward the purposes of this chapter and otherwise serve the public health,
safety or welfare.
2. Due to its unusual size, topography, shape of the property, location of the property or other unusual
conditions, excluding the proprietary interest of the developer, the requirements of section 4.2 would
effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or would result in significant
degradation of the site or adjacent properties. Such modification or waiver shall not be detrimental to the
public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area, or to adjacent properties, or be
contrary to sound engineering practices; or (Added 11- 15 -89)
Denial of this waiver would not prohibit or restrict the use of the property. However, some significant
redesign of the proposed road would be necessary. Beginning at the eastern end of this parcel, the
construction of the roadway closest to existing Olympia Drive likely cannot avoid critical slopes
disturbance. Moving west from this point, the section of the road midway between existing Olympia
Drive and the Town and Country (Guadalajara) site (as illustrated on the preceding page in Figure 1)
could swing closer to Route 250 and farther from the stream area. With this layout, fewer critical slopes
would be disturbed. However, larger portions of developable area closer to Route 250 would be impacted
by the road construction, which would limit the area left for commercial development.
Granting such modification or waiver would serve a public purpose of greater import than would be
served by strict application of section 4.2. (Added 11- I5 -89)
This property is primarily in the Development Areas, and the proposed road will serve to link
development in the area as an alternative to Route 250. As discussed in the previous section, an
alternative layout may impact the suitability for development of portions of the property adjacent to the
Kia Auto Dealership and the Freebridge Auto Sales site.
As illustrated in Figures 3 and 4 on the following page, the proposed road layout will also help define the
connection where Olympia Drive tees into Town & Country Road. Engineering staff is concerned about
the proposed connection. The main concern is whether or not the road configuration is the best for serving
traffic in this area. Currently, a County funded study is under way to find the best possible alignment for
the Eastern Connector Road. The alignment of the proposed Olympia Drive /Town & Country Road
intersection is part of the study, and the study is not yet complete. The intersection may play a key role in
the study, and approving the proposed layout before the study's completion may preempt, or limit the
effectiveness of the study. Figure 4 illustrates the proposed Olympia Drive layout which matches a
possible layout of the Eastern Connector Road. Figure 5 (following page) provides more details of the
proposed layout and Figure 6 shows a possible alternative layout.
Figure 3 — Current Proposal
Under Construction Olympia Drive
Figure 4 — Eastern Connector Road Study and Proposed Olympia Drive
astern C onnector (Un'
,W,-,Olympia Drive (Pro o J ...
IM Rte 250 (Existing)
Parcel Outline
Central DA Transportation,
1 inch eqeaL's ip0q feet
t pry
'e' Major Intertonn a.
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Figure 5 - Proposed Layout:
Beneficial if it is used primarily for traffic coming onto Rte 20 (red)
from Rte 250 (in orange). However, if the majority of the traffic is
going onto Rte 20 from the existing Rte 250 and Rte 20 intersection,
then traffic on the proposed Olympia Drive will have to make an
unnecessary stop to get onto Rte 20.
Figure 6 — Alternate Layout:
Beneficial if traffic is heavier on Olympia Drive going onto Rte 20
than traffic on Town & Country Road going to Rte 20. This may be
the case if the Rte 20 Southern Realignment never occurs.
Based on the uncertainty regarding alignment and the findings in the Critical Resources and Open Space Plan,
staff cannot recommend approval of the requested waiver. Should the Commission make a finding that the
appropriate commercial development within a designated Development Area outweighs the concerns in the Open
Space Plan, staff recommends approval of the critical slope waiver for the portion of the site shown in green
below. The remainder of the site should wait until the Eastern Connector Road study is complete.
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Proposed Road Layout
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A. Road Layout Plans
B. Location/Detail Maps
C. Applicant's Request and Justification
D. Open Space Map
E. Excerpt from Review and Photos from Jonathan Sharp, Engineer