HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200700023 Staff ReportZMA 2007-23 Montalto and ZTA 2007-01 Monticello Historic District Petitions: ZMA 2007-23 Montalto PROPOSAL: Rezone 329.68 acres from RA Rural Areas to MHD PROFFERS: Yes ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes X No ZTA 2007-06 — Monticello Historic District (MHD) — Monticello Scholar Residence — Zoning text amendment to amend the MHD regulations by adding Section 11.3.1(24) to allow "Monticello Scholar Residence" as a use permitted by right. The existing density for new residential development authorized in the MHD is one dwelling unit per twenty-one acres, and the proposed zoning text amendment would not change that density. Character of the Area: Located in the Southern Albemarle Historic District and formerly owned by Thomas Jefferson, this site has local, national, and world significance. It is part of the Monticello area that appears on the World Heritage List. At an elevation of 1,270 feet, Montalto overlooks Monticello, Charlottesville, and a considerable portion of central Albemarle. It borders Monticello, Michie Tavern property, Carter's Mountain Orchard, Kenwood, as well as privately owned residential parcels. ZMA 2007-23 - a rezoning of 329.68 acres on three parcels from Rural Areas (RA) to Monticello Historic District (MHD), in order to allow uses on the property that are not permitted in the Rural Areas District that support the purpose and intent of the MHD, including: Seminars, conferences, lectures, meetings, and special programs Catered food service Outdoor events and gatherings Scholar apartments and scholar offices Educational programs Administrative offices Caretaker residence These uses would take place in three existing buildings - the house, the barn, and the tower. Landscaping of the grounds of Montalto would provide additional areas for parking and outdoor events. The application plan is included as Attachment A. ZTA 2007-06 — amend the MHD to add Monticello Scholar Residence as a by -right use in multiple -family structures. The scholar residences would be accommodated within the three existing buildings. The existing MHD does not allow multi -family housing. A caretaker and accommodations for others engaged in the Monticello organization have been included in this description. The amended text is included as Attachment B. Planning and ZoninLr History: ZMA 2007-23 / ZTA 2007-06 Montalto PC Report - ZTA 04-03 created the Monticello Historic District (MHD). Although the Montalto property was acquired shortly before the Monticello Historic District was created, future plans for Montalto were uncertain at the time. Therefore, Montalto was not included in the MHD. - 2004 - Southern Albemarle Historic District was created - January 2008, Planning Commission Work Session. The staff report and minutes are attached (Attachment Q. A binder titled "Summary of Feasibility Study for Montalto" dated July 2007 and revised October 2007) was provided to the Planning Commission prior to the work session. (Please remember to bring this binder to the meeting on April 8, 2008). - 2008 — An easement held by the Piedmont Environmental Council was placed on 150 acres of Montalto (Attachment G). Applicant's Justification for the Request: After a year-long study, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation concluded that "Montalto presents a unique opportunity to enhance the quality and depth of the Foundation's research and education programs by converting the remaining structures into spaces for scholarly seminars, meetings, and short-term residences for scholars. With extensive interior renovation, but with minimal exterior alteration, the large house and the stone buildings nearby can be transformed to meet these needs. The study also demonstrated that Montalto is an appropriate venue for the uses now permitted within the Monticello Historic District, including public tours, administrative facilities, and hosting periodic meetings." By -right Use of the Property: If developed under the current RA zoning, the property could be developed with agricultural uses, forestal uses, or residential development at allowed densities, subject to easement restrictions. Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan: Rural Area: The Guiding Principles of the Rural Area Plan are not compromised with this proposed application and the applicant has make an effort to incorporate the Principles into this proposal. The development would be situated on the mountaintop within the three existing structures and the new parking areas would not be intrusive on the landscape. Outdoor areas to be used for gatherings and events would be situated around the buildings. The remaining property would remain undeveloped. An area of the property may be placed into vineyards sometime in the future. A conservation easement was recently placed on 150 acres in the viewshed of both Monticello and Charlottesville. Under the RA District, this property has 29 potential divisions for residential development; under the MHD, density would be reduced to a maximum of 15 residences. The reduction in residential density furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Historic Resources: The above referenced submittal has been reviewed by the Historic Preservation Planner for possible impact to known historic architectural resources and known or potential archaeological resources with the following comments: 1. Montalto (002-1053), built c. 1905-1915, is located within the project area ZMA 2007-23 / ZTA 2007-06 Montalto PC Report 2 2. The subject area is located within the boundary of the Southern Albemarle Rural Historic District (002-5045) which includes notable properties such as Monticello and Ash Lawn -Highland, and meets all four criteria for historic significance (A - Patterns of History; B - Significant Person; C - Architecture; and D - Archaeological Potential) under the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. 3. The proposed rezoning of Montalto embodies Albemarle County's commitment to the preservation of its historic resources through identification and recognition of valuable buildings, structures, landscapes, sites and districts which have historical, architectural, archaeological or cultural significance. Furthermore, this proposal reflects the Historic Preservation Plan's objective to pursue additional protective measures and incentives to preserve Albemarle's historic and archaeological resources in order to foster pride in the County and maintain the County's character. Natural Resources and Cultural Assets Component of the Comprehensive Plan: Central Wells: The Comprehensive Plan requires Board of Supervisor approval for wells serving three or more connections, as a protection measure of the County's water supply. This requirement has been satisfied as a central well having 24 connections to serve 35 people was approved by the Board inl998. Open Space Plan and Mountain Protection Plan: At a higher elevation than its neighbor, Monticello, this property has been identified as a mountain resource in the Mountain Protection Plan. This rezoning would not cause substantial new disturbance of the mountain. No negative visual impacts to scenic resources are anticipated with this proposed rezoning, as it will utilize existing structures. The Dark Sky: Protection from light pollution is one of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Lighting ordinance standards have been adopted in the zoning ordinance to implements this goal. The Architectural Review Board will review the exterior lighting within the Entrance Corridor. In concert with other large Rural Area projects, the applicant has offered to further restrict lighting by proffering to shield exterior lighting from adjacent neighbors. Scenic Resources: An Entrance Corridor (EC) overlay district was adopted to implement the Plan's intention to protect and enhance the County's attractiveness to tourists and other visitors. A portion of this site is within the EC Overlay. Proffers 1. All outdoor lighting shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from the abutting properties. 2. Vehicular access to the Property shall be controlled during peak events that require off- site parking. 3. No more than three (3) Monticello Scholar Residences shall be occupied as an accessory use at one time, except during the semi-annual meetings of the Board of Directors of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc." Waiver of Section 4.2.5 Critical Slopes: STAFF COMMENT: ZMA 2007-23 / ZTA 2007-06 Montalto PC Report 3 Relationship between the application and the purpose and intent of the requested zoning district: Public need and justification for the change: The Monticello goal to provide educational opportunities for people desiring to study Thomas Jefferson would be realized by having a meeting place and by providing living facilities for scholars. Anticipated impact on public facilities and services: Emergency Services: Acces Transportation: The existing access bridge shared by Monticello will be used to access Route 53. Virginia Department of Transportation has reviewed this application and has offered no objection. Monticello's gated control of the road heading to Montalto, shared parking arrangements with Monticello, and a shuttle service to bring visitors to and from Monticello have relieved concerns regarding unlimited public access to the site and the additional impervious surfaces needed for parking areas. Water and sewer: A central well system was approved by the Board of Supervisors in 1998 with the subdivision of a lot for the well (SUB 98-072 Mountaintop Land Trust), as required by the state. The review of the water and sewer systems will take place as part of the site plan review. An extension of the Jurisdictional Area has not been requested and a request for extension is not anticipated. ZMA 2007-23 / ZTA 2007-06 Montalto PC Report 4 STAFF PERSON: Joan McDowell, Principal Planner, Rural Areas PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION: January 29, 2008 PROJECT: ZMA 2007-23 Montalto ZTA 2007-06 Monticello Historic District (MHD) Text Amendment APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Rezone 329.68 acres in three parcels on Montalto, the mountain adjoining Monticello to the southwest, from Rural Areas to Monticello Historic District (MHD) and to amend the MHD to include "Scholar Residences" as a by -right use. The applicants, the TJF Realty, LLC and Thomas Jefferson Foundation are proposing uses that would not be permitted in the Rural Areas zoning district and adding "scholar residences" to the by -right uses in the MHD. The existing house was constructed of native stone in the early 1900's for J.A. Patterson. More recently, the house and accessory buildings were used by the University of Virginia as housing for law students. Two of the buildings constructed for student apartments were demolished after the Thomas Jefferson Foundation acquired the property in 2004. The applicants have proposed to renovate the interior of the three remaining structures, the house, the tower, and the barn, in order to provide apartments for visiting scholars of Jefferson, the Jefferson era and Jefferson's legacy, as well as a conference center for seminars, lectures, meetings and other special programs devoted to Jefferson and Monticello. Outdoor spaces would include gardens, gathering areas, reception areas, areas for outdoor events, a bowling green, amphitheatre, and parking. The actual acreages have not been given for the project area, but it is generally the area at the top of the mountain. Page two of the Summary of Feasibility Study for Montalto July 2007 (Revised October 2007) (Attachment A) contains a summary of the activities to take place on the property and the uses for the interior and exterior spaces. Page three of the Feasibility Study provides the scope of work, as well as the two primary guides for the renovation: 1) the view from Monticello of the northeast slopes must be preserved and is being studied to determine how it would have appeared in Jefferson's life; 2) rehabilitations to various structures and improvement to the grounds must respect the historic architectural and landscape fabric, as appropriate. The applicants have not proposed changes to any building's exterior, except as necessary for general maintenance. Each of the 8 — 10 apartments created would have a kitchen. Food service for both indoor and outdoor events would be catered. The house also includes a catering kitchen. A letter from the applicants' attorney describing the proposed uses is attached (Attachment Q. The letter is accompanied by a letter from William Beiswanger, the Robert H. Smith Director of Restoration. Mr. Beiswanger has summarized the connection between Thomas Jefferson and Montalto. In addition, a sampling of PC Worksession report 129 08 Page 1 of 5 information identifying visiting scholars to Monticello has been provided, as well as examples of similar fellowships offering housing at five other historic sites. PURPOSE OF THE WORK SESSION: To provide an opportunity for a discussion of issues as the review of these applications progresses. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROJECT: ZMA 2007-23 Montalto PROPOSAL: Rezone 329.68 acres from RA Rural Areas zoning district which allows RA -- Rural Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre) to MHD Monticello Historic District zoning district, a planned historic district to permit the restoration, preservation, education, programs, research and business activities related to the operation of a historic house museum and historic site at Monticello; residential density (1 unit / 21 acres) PROFFERS: Yes No X EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Rural Areas - preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources/ density ( .5 unit/ acre) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes X No LOCATION: 1400 Montalto Loop Road, Route 53 at the entrance to Monticello TAX MAP/PARCEL: TMP 77-31; TMP 77-3113; TMP 78-25A MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Scottsville ZTA 2007-06 — Monticello Historic District (MHD) — Scholar Housing — Zoning text amendment to amend the MHD regulations by adding Section 11.3.1(24) to allow "scholar housing" as a use permitted by right. The existing density for new residential development authorized in the MHD is one dwelling unit per twenty-one acres, and the proposed zoning text amendment would not change that density. The Monticello Historic District ordinance is included as reference (Attachment D). EXISTING CONDITIONS: The property currently contains three structures: the house, the barn, and the tower. Three buildings used for UVA student housing were removed after acquisition by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation. Driveway access from Route 53 and the Saunders Bridge connecting the entrances to Monticello and Montalto continues around the buildings and the project site. The mountaintop was cleared sometime in the past and is mostly lawn now, but some landscaping around the buildings, including large trees, remains. PC Worksession report 129 08 Page 2 of 5 REVIEW COMMENTS: Review comments are included as Attachment E. Most of the issues related to changes required for the site plan have been given by the reviewers. No objections to the map amendment or the text amendment have been offered. The Zoning Division includes concerns regarding parking, as discussed below. QUESTIONS FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION: 1. Issue: The proposed uses for Montalto should meet the purpose and intent of the Monticello Historic District (copied below): 11.1 INTENT AND PURPOSE, WHERE PERMITTED The intent and purpose of the Monticello Historic District (hereinafter referred to as "MHD") is to create a planned historic district: - To permit restoration, preservation, conservation, education, programs, research and business activities related to the operation of a historic house museum and historic site at Monticello; - To promote the preservation and enhancement of a unique historical site; - To preserve significant tracts of agricultural and forestal land; - To be a district that is unique to those parcels which both belonged to Thomas Jefferson and contain uses related to the operation of the historic site, in recognition of- - the importance of Thomas Jefferson to the history of Albemarle County; - the importance of Monticello to the reputation, education, and economy of Albemarle County; - Monticello as a unique element of the historical and architectural legacy of Albemarle County, the nation, and the world, as recognized by its inclusion on the World Heritage List administered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Restoration or re-creation of Jefferson -era structures or landscape features, and their subsequent interpretive use, shall be regulated only to the extent necessary to protect public health and safety. Discussion: The functions proposed to be held on Montalto would compliment and further the educational component of the MHD, including the importance of Thomas Jefferson to the County, and the preservation and enhancement of a unique historical site. The acquisition of the property prevented its division into residential lots and protected the Monticello view shed, as well as the view of the mountain from lower elevations. Placing this property into the MHD could ensure that its uses would be connected to the purposes and uses contained in the District. While the Feasibility Study, the plans (Montalto Zoning Map Amendment) and Proposed Uses at PC Worksession report 129 08 Page 3 of 5 Montalto (letter dated October 19, 2007 from Valerie Long of Williams Mullen) documents details and insights of the proposal, staff is concerned that while the intention of the applicant is to link the study of the scholars in residence, the subject of the conferences, and other activities on this site to Jefferson, Jefferson's era, and Jefferson's legacy, these links could become less clear in the future. Proffering these documents or providing a statement of intent with the rezoning would provide guidance for the implementation of the proposed uses and rehabilitation of this property. Question: Does the proposed rezoning of Montalto meet the purpose and intent of the Monticello Historic District? If not, what should the applicant offer to make the proposed uses consistent with the purpose and intent of the MHD both now and in the future? If it does, what commitments should be provided to assure the consistency is maintained in the future? 2. Issue: The access to the site is from a narrow winding access road and limited on- site parking is available on-site. Discussion: Access to the site would be for three primary sources: the transient scholar residents, the staff (including caterers), and visitors to the seminars and functions. On-site parking is limited to a total of 28 spaces (12 existing and 16 new), as well as a parking courtyard next to the catering kitchen in the house. An area south of the Project Area (Figure C2.1, Attachment B) has been labeled "overflow parking". The number of spaces for this area and the reason why it is needed has not been provided. The applicant intends to provide shuttle service from Monticello to the site for those attending seminars and events. Staff is concerned that the Feasibility Plan does not provide details regarding the shuttle service and the parking accommodations. For example, is the parking at Monticello adequate to also serve the proposed uses; provisions for the shuttle to pick up and return visitors both at Monticello and Montalto; areas to be designated for allowed parking on Montalto; provisions to restrict vehicular access to Montalto. Access to the buildings by emergency vehicles has been verified. However, the Fire Department has concerns regarding clearing of snow and ice on the access road. The applicant has been requested to provide a written plan giving arrangements for snow and ice removal. uestion: Does the Planning Commission believe more details, as noted by staff, regarding the shuttle service and parking accommodations should be provided? Does the Commission believe a written plan giving arrangements for snow and ice removal should be provided? 3. Issue: The allowable density in the MHD is 1 house per 21 acres. The Rural Areas district allows 5 development rights on each lot, with the remainder divided into 21- acre increments. The proposed scholar residences do not use these development rights. Discussion: The applicants have not addressed potential residential density for this property. The Monticello Historic District would allow 15 divisions to establish residences on the property. Although the potential for a greater lot yield exists in the RA, staff is concerned that the land in the MHD should be protected from future divisions. PC Worksession report 129 08 Page 4 of 5 Question: Should the applicant commit to limit residences to scholar residences only and restrict potential future residential divisions? 4. Issue: Little is known about the property outside the project area limits. Discussion: A potential vineyard and expansion of the walking trail on the remaining property has been discussed, but future plans for the remaining property have not been finalized. The MHD would provide basic regulations regarding the uses on the balance of the property. However, as particulars for the use of the remaining property are not known without future commitments by the applicant, staff's opinion is that statements of what would and would not occur on the hillsides would be beneficial. uestion: Would the Planning Commission like additional information and commitments regarding the possible uses on the remainder of the property? RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Planning Commission review the proposed addition to the Monticello Historic District and give guidance regarding issues raised in this report, as well as any additional items the Commission would like to see addressed. ATTACHMENTS: A Summary of Feasibility Study for Montalto July 2007 (Revised October 2007) B Montalto Zoning Map Amendment Plans, Draper Aden Associates, October 29, 2007 C Letter from Valerie Long, dated October 19, 2007 D Monticello Historic District Ordinance E Staff Review Comments PC Worksession report 129 08 Page 5 of 5 P:\CV04\ 1 OO\CV0411 0 Montalto\CV0411 0-06 Rezoning\CAD\CV0411 0-06\dwg\Z-APP PLAN-1.dwg March 27, 2008 4:44:30 PM ~ ~~iP r\,()-..J ~ig H 6~:I: V -..J~Q) l!I!j ~ g CD 3. Jg t'\"\ CIJ CIJ !""!. tr*' " :S. en i:l ~ Q) = r+ tD. I,.,J ~SDca S (t) .I:lo.~~ r:l ~ ~""'en IJQ '~ r\, ~ s. + > ~~ar rn I w m c: ~ ~ "'" o tD......... C1I ':i. (t) ~~ > 00 00 o n I-" · ~ (t) 00 l!I!j 1:1 ;:S. ""l ~ 1:1 :J: ::D OJ 51 l>>criil~ ~[~i: g [ [ ~ ::D - co '1 g ); "< ~. 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