HomeMy WebLinkAboutPHA Annual Plan for FY 07012001U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing PHA Plans Annual Plan for Fiscal Year Beginning July 1 ,2001 NOTE: THIS PHA PLANS TEMPLATE (HUD 50075) IS TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS LOCATED IN APPLICABLE PIH NOTICES HUD 50075 OMB Approval No: 2577-0226 Expires: 03/31/2002 PHA Plan Agency Identification PHA Name: Albemarle County Office of Housing PHA Number: VA036V0 and VA036MR001 PHA Fiscal Year Beginning: (mm/yyyy) 07/2001 Public Access to Information Information regarding any activities outlined in this plan can be obtained by contacting: (select all that apply) X Main administrative office of the PHA [--] PHA development management offices [--] PHA local offices Display Locations For PHA Plans and Supporting Documents The PHA Plans (including attachments) are available for pubhc inspection at: (select all that apply) x Main administrative office of the PHA PHA development management offices PHA local offices Main administrative office of the local government Main administrative office of the County government Main administrative office of the State government Public library PHA website Other (list below) PHA Plan Supporting Documents are available for inspection at: (select all that apply) x Main business office of the PHA ['-] PHA development management offices ['-[ Other (list below) Annual PHA Plan PHA Fiscal Year 2001-02 [24 CFR Part 903.7] i. Annual }e: Standard Plan Streamlined Plan: [] High Performing PI-IA [--] Small Agency (<250 Public Housing Units) × Administering Section 8 Only [--] Troubled Agency Plan ii. Executive Summary of the Annual PHA Plan CFR Part 903.7 9 iii. Annual Plan Table of Contents [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 Provide a table o£ contents for the Annual Plan, including attachments, and a list of supporting documents available for public inspection Table of Contents Annual Plan i. Executive Summary ii. Table o£ Contents / 1. Housing Needs 2. Financial Resources 3. 4. 5. 6. t Policies on Eligibility, Selection and Admissions Rent Determination Policies Operations and Management Policies Grievance Procedures Page # 1 2 5 10 Table Library 7. Capital Improvement Needs 8. Demolition and Disposition 9. Designation of Housing 10. Conversions of Public Housing 11. Homeownership 12. Community Service Programs 13. Crime and Safety 14. Pets (Inactive for January 1 PHAs) 15. Civil Rights 'Certifications (included with PHA Plan Certifications) 16. Audit 17. Asset Management 18. Other Information Attachments Required Attachments: [-] Admissions Pohcy for Deconcentration [~] FY 2000 Capital Fund Program Annual Statement [--] Most recent board-approved operating budget (Required Attachment for PHAs that are troubled or at risk of being designated troubled ONLY) Optional Attachments: [7'] PHA Management Organizational Chart ['--] FY 2000 Capital Fund Program 5 Year Action Plan ['-] Public Housing Drug Elimination Program (PHDEP) Plan [--] Comments of Resident Advisory Board or Boards (must be attached if not included in PHA Plan text) [---] Other (List below, providing each attachment name) Table Library Sa Documents Available for Review ~ List of Supporting Documents Available for Review Applicable Supporting Document Applicable Plan & Component On Display X PHA Plan Certifications of Compliance with the PI-IA Plans 5 Year and Annual Plans and Related Regulations X State/Local Government Certification of Consistency with 5 Year and Annual Plans ~the Consolidated Plan X Fair Housing Documentation: 5 Year and Annual Plans Records reflecting that the PHA has examined its programs or proposed programs, identified any impediments to fair housing choice in those programs, addressed or is addressing those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available, and worked or is working with local jurisdictions to implement any of the jurisdictions' initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PHA's involvement. X Consolidated Plan for the jurisdiction/s in which the PHA is Annual Plan: located (which includes the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Needs Housing Choice (Al))) and any additional backup data to support statement of housing needs in the jurisdiction X Most recent board-approved operating budget for the public Annual Plan: housing program Financial Resources; Public Housing Admissions and (Continued) Occupancy Annual Plan: Eligibility, Policy (A&O), which includes the Tenant Selection and Selection, and Admissions Assignment Plan [TSAP] Policies X Section 8 Administrative Plan Annual Plan: Eligibility, Selection, and Admissions Policies Public Housing Deconcentrafion and Income Mixing Annual Plan: Eligibility, Documentation: Selection, and Admissions 1. PHA board certifications of compliance with Policies deconcentration requirements (section 16(a) of the US Housing Act of 1937, as implemented in the 2/I 8/99 Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act Initial Guidance; Notice and any further HUD guidance) and 2. Documentation of the required deconcentration and income mixing analysis Public housing rent determination policies, including the Annual Plan: Rent methodology for setting public housing flat rents Determination ~] check here if included in the public housing A & O Policy Schedule of flat rents offered at each public housing development Table Library List of Supporting Documents Available for Review Applicable Supporting Document Applicable Plan & Component On Display [--] check here if included in the public housing A & O Policy X Section 8 rent determination (payment standard) pohcies Annual Plan: Rent X check here if included in Section 8 Determination Administrative Plan Public housing management and maintenance policy Annual Plan: Operations documents, including policies for the prevention or and Maintenance eradication of pest infestation (including cockroach infestation) Public housing grievance procedures Annual Plan: Grievance X check here if included in the public housing Procedures A & O Policy X Section 8 informal review and hearing procedures Annual Plan: Grievance X check here if included in Section 8 Procedures Administrative Plan The HUD-approved Capital Fund/Comprehensive Grant Annual Plan: Capital Needs Program Annual Statement (HUD 52837) for the active grant year Most recent CIAP Budget/Progress Report (HUD 52825) for Annual Plan: Capital Needs any active CIAP grant Most recent, approved 5 Year Action Plan for the Capital Annual Plan: Capital Needs Fund/Comprehensive Grant Program, if not included as an attachment (provided at PHA option) Approved HOPE VI applications or, if more recent, Annual Plan: Capital Needs approved or submitted HOPE VI Revitalization Plans or any other approved proposal for development of public housing Approved or submitted applications for demolition and/or Annual Plan: Demolition disposition of public housing and Disposition Approved or submitted applications for designation of public Annual Plan: Designation of housing (Designated Housing Plans) Public Housing Approved or submitted assessments of reasonable Annual Plan: Conversion of revitalization of public housing and approved or submitted Public Housing · conversion plans prepared pursuant to section 202 of the 1996 HUD Appropriations Act Approved or submitted pubhc housing homeownership Annual Plan: programs/plans Homeownership Policies governing any Section 8 Homeownership program Annual Plan: ['-'] check here if included in the Section 8 Homeownership Administrative Plan Any cooperative agreement between the PHA and the TANF Annual Plan: Community agency Service & Self-Sufficiency X FSS Action Plan/s for public housing and/or Section 8 Annual Plan: Community Service & Self-Sufficiency X Most recent self-sufficiency (ED/SS, TOP or ROSS or other Annual Plan: Community resident services grant) grant program reports Service & Self-Sufficiency The most recent Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Annual Plan: Safety and (PHEDEP) semi-annual performance report for any open Crime Prevention grant and most recently submitted PHDEP application (PHDEP Plan) X The most recent fiscal year audit of the PHA conducted Annual Plan: Annual Audit Table Library List of Supporting Documents Available for Review Applicable Supporting Document Applicable Plan & Component On Display under section 5(h)(2) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U. S.C. 1437c(h)), the results of that audit and the PHA's response to any findings Troubled PHAs: MOA/Recovery Plan Troubled PHAs Other supporting documents (optional) (specify as needed) (list individually; use as many lines as necessary) 1. Statement of Housing Needs [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (a)] A. of Families in the Jurisdiction/s PHA Housing Needs of Families in the Jurisdiction by Family Type Family Type Overall Afford- Supply Quality Access- Size Loca- ability ., ibility tion Income <= 30% 1375 5 4 4 2 3 4 of AMI Income >30% but 1015 5 4 4 2 3 4 <=50% of AMI Income >50% but 1250 4 3 3 2 2 3 <80% of AMI Elderly 3 05 4 4 3 3 3 3 Families with NA Disabilities Race/Ethnicity NA Race/Etlmicity NA Race/Ethnicity NA Race/Ethnicity NA What sources of information did the PHA use to conduct this analysis? (Check all that apply; all materials must be made available for public inspection.) Table Library X Consolidated Plan of the City of Charlottesville & Thomas Jefferson HOME Consortium Indicate year: 2000 U.S. Census data: the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy ("CHAS") dataset American Housing Survey data Indicate year: Other housing market study Indicate year: Other sources: (list and indicate year of information) B. Housing Needs of Families on the Public Housing and Section 8 Tenant- Based Assistance Housing Needs of Families on the Waiting List Waiting list type: (select one) X Section 8 tenant-based assistance [--] Public Housing [--1 Combined Section 8 and Public Housing ~] Public Housing Site-Based or sub-jurisdictional waiting list (optional) If used, identit ~ which 'urisdiction: Waiting list total Extremely low income <=30% AMI Very low income (>30% but <=50% Low income (>50% but <80% Families with children Elderly families Families with Disabilities Asian Black White # of families 450 % of total families 354 78.7 89 19.8 7 1.5 335 74.5 NA 65 14.4 9 2 306 68 135 30 Annual Turnover Table Library Housing Needs of Families on the Waiting List Race/ethnicity I I [ii~ii~ Hi Characteristics by Bedroom Size (Public Housing Or y) 1BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 5 BR 5+ BR Is the waiting list closed (select one)? ['-'] No X Yes If yes: How long has it been closed (# of months)? 14 Does the PHA expect to reopen the list in the PHA Plan year? X No [--] Yes Does the PHA permit specific categories of families onto the waiting list, even if generally closed? ~] No X Yes C. Strate for Addressin Needs (1) Strategies Need: Shortage of affordable housing for all eligible populations Strategy 1. Maximize the number of affordable units available to the PHA within b X X Employ effective maintenance and management policies to minimize the number of public housing units off-line Reduce turnover time for vacated public housing units Reduce time to renovate public housing units Seek replacement of public housing units lost to the inventory through mixed finance development Seek replacement of public housing units lost to the inventory through section 8 replacement housing resources Maintain or increase section 8 lease-up rates by establishing payment standards that will enable families to rent throughout the jurisdiction Undertake measures to ensure access to affordable housing among families assisted by the PHA, regardless of unit size required Table Library X X X X Maintain or increase section 8 lease-up rates by marketing the program to owners, particularly those outside of areas of minority and poverty concentration Maintain or increase section 8 lease-up rates by effectively screening Section 8 applicants to increase owner acceptance of program Participate in the Consolidated Plan development process to ensure coordination with broader community strategies Other (list below) 2-' Increase the number of affordable housm Apply for additional section 8 units should they become available Leverage affordable housing resources in the community through the creation of mixed - finance housing Pursue housing resources other than public housing or Section 8 tenant-based assistance. Other: (list below) Need: Specific Family Types: Families at or below 30% of median 1: available assistance to families at or below 30 % of AMI [5] Exceed HUD federal targeting requirements for families at or below 30% of AMI in public housing Exceed HUD federal targeting requirements for families at or below 30% of AMI in tenant-based section 8 assistance Employ admissions preferences aimed at families with economic hardships Adopt rent policies to support and encourage work Other: (list below) Need: Specific Family Types: Families at or below 50% of median ~trat~y 1: Target available assistance to families at or below 50% of AMI Employ admissions preferences aimed at families who are working Adopt rent policies to support and encourage work Other: (list below) Need: Specific Family Types: The Elderly Strategy ~: Ta[~et available assistance tp. the Table Library Seek designation of public housing for the elderly Apply for special-purpose vouchers targeted to the elderly, should they become available Other: (list below) Need: Specific Family Types: Families with Disabilities Strate available assistance to Families with Disabilities: Seek designation of public housing for families with disabilities Carry out the modifications needed in public housing based on the section 504 Needs Assessment for Public Housing Apply for special-purpose vouchers targeted to families with disabilities, should they become available Affirmatively market to local non-profit agencies that assist famihes with disabilities Other: (list below) Need: Specific Family Types: Races or ethnicities with disproportionate housing needs Strategy 1: Increase awareness of PHA resources among families of races and ethnicities with disproportionate needs: X Affirmatively market to races/ethnicities shown to have disproportionate housing needs Other: (list below) S[rategy 2: Conduct activities to affirmatively further tousin X X Counsel section 8 tenants as to location of units outside of areas of poverty or minority concentration and assist them to locate those units Market the section 8 program to owners outside of areas of poverty/minority concentrations Other: (list below) Other Housing Needs & Strategies: (list needs and strategies below) (2) Reasons for Selecting Strategies Of the factors listed below, select all that influenced the PHA's selection of the strategies it will pursue: X Funding constraints Table Library 10 X X X X Staf£mg constraints Limited availability of sites for assisted housing Extent to which particular housing needs are met by other organizations in the community Evidence of housing needs as demonstrated in the Consolidated Plan and other information available to the PHA Influence of the housing market on PHA programs Community priorities regarding housing assistance Results of cOnsultatiOn with lOcal or state government Results of consultation with residents and the Resident Adv/sory Board Results of consultation with advocacy groups Other: (list below) 2. Statement of Financial Resources 91 Financial Resources: Planned Sources and Uses ~Sources Planned $ Planned Uses 1. Federal Grants (FY 2000 grants) a) Public Housing Operating Fund ?~!!~ii~il~i~ill!i~ii~i~i,i~iilii~ !?~i~,i b) Public Housing Capital Fund ~!ii~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c) HOPE ~ Re~talization ~ ~ .............. ~'~ d) HOPE VI Demolition ~:?~~ ~ ~ ~?~ ~ ~;;~ e) ~ual Con~butions for Section $2,627,500 ¢¢~:~'~:~'~ ~:~ ~ ~ '~*~'~'~ ~;~:~ ~ ~ '~ ...... 8 Ten~t-Based Assist~ce:~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Public Housing Drag Elimination ~ ~ ........... '~ (in uding Assist~ce f~ds) ~? ~:~/~, ~ ~ ~,~ g) Resident Oppo~ ~d Self- $ 46,000 ~¢~:~ ~:~ ~:;~; ~:~ ~;~ ~'~ Sufficiency Grits ~ ~ ~ ~' h) Comm~ity Development Block $1,000,000 P~chase/Rehab Remal Gr~t Prope~7 i) HOME $ 100,000 Owner-occupiedRehab Other Federal Grits (list below) ~ual Contribution for Section 8 t~ou~ V~A Table Library 11 Financial Resources: Planned Sources and Uses Sources Planned $ Planned Uses 2. Prior Year Federal Grants (unobligated funds only) (list below) 3. Public Housing Dwelling Rental Income 4. Other income (list below) 4. Non-federal sources (list below) County of Albemarle $ 196,000 Operations/counseling Total resources $3,969,500 3. PHA Policies Governing Eligibility_, Selection, and Admi,~sions [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (c)] NOT APPLICABLE B. Section 8 (1) Eligibility_ Table Library 12 a. What is the extent of screening conducted by the PHA? (select all that apply) [-'] Criminal or drag-related activity only to the extent required by law or regulation [--] Criminal and drag-related activity, more extensively than required by law or regulation [--] More general screening than criminal and drag-related activity (list factors below) x Other (list below) Standing with previous rental aSsistance in other jurisdictions b. [--] Yes X No: Does the PHA request criminal records from local law enforcement agencies for screening purposes? c. [--] Yes X No: Does the PHA request criminal records from State law enforcement agencies for screening purposes? d. [-"] Yes X No: Does the PHA access FBI criminal records from the FBI fo~: screening purposes? (either directly or through an NCIC- authorized source) e. Indicate what kinds of information you share with prospective landlords? (select all that apply) [--] Criminal or drag-related activity X Other (describe below) Information regarding "standing" of client upon request by landlord or public housing agency (2) Waiting List Organization a. With which of the following program waiting lists is the section 8 tenant-based assistance waiting list merged? (select all that apply) [-'] None [-'] Federal public housing X Federal moderate rehabilitation [--] Federal project-based certificate program [--] Other federal or local program (list below) b. Where may interested persons apply for admission to section 8 tenant-based assistance? (select all that apply) X PHA main administrative office Other (list below) (3) Search Time a. X Yes ['-] No: Does thc PHA give extensions on standard 60-day period to search for a unit? Table Library 13 If yes, state circumstances below: If prospective tenant cannot find a unit, primarily due to unit availability, a request may be granted for up to an additional 60 days in 30-day increments. Prospective tenant must document efforts to locate housing to receive such extensions. (4) Admissions Preferences a. Income targeting [--] Yes X No: Does the PHA plan to exceed-the federal targeting requirements by targeting more than 75% of all new admissions to the section 8 program to families at or below 30% of median area income? b. Preferences 1. [--] Yes X No: Has the PHA established preferences for admission to section 8 tenant-based assistance? (other than date and time of application) (if no, skip to subcomponent (5) Special purpose section 8 assistance programs) Which of the following admission preferences does the PHA plan to employ in the coming year? (select all that apply from either former Federal preferences or other preferences) Former Federal preferences [~] Involuntary Displacement (Disaster, Government Action, Action of Housing Owner, Inaccessibility, Property Disposition) Victims of domestic violence Substandard housing Homelessness High rent burden (rent is > 50 percent of income) Other preferences (select all that apply) [~ Working families and those unable to work because of age or disability Veterans and veterans' families Residents who live and/or work in your jurisdiction Those enrolled currently in educational, training, or upward mobility programs Households that contribute to meeting income goals (broad range of incomes) Households that contribute to meeting income requirements (targeting) Those previously enrolled in educational, training, or upward mobility programs Victims of reprisals or hate crimes Other preference(s) (list below) 3. If the PHA will employ admissions preferences, please prioritize by placing a "1" in the space that represents your first priority, a "2" in the box representing your second priority, and so on. If you give equal weight to one or more of these choices (either through an absolute hierarchy or through a point system), place the Table Library 14 same number next to each. That means you can use "1" more than once, "2" more than once, etc. 1 Date and Time Former Federal preferences Involuntary Displacement (Disaster, Government Action, Action of Housing Owner, Inaccessibility, Property Disposition) Victims of domestic violence Substandard housing Homelessness High rent burden Other preferences (select all that apply) ['--] Working families and those unable to work because of age or disability Veterans and veterans' families Residents who live and/or work in your jurisdiction Those enrolled currently in educational, training, or upward mobility programs Households that contribute to meeting income goals (broad range of incomes) Households that contribute to meeting income requirements (targeting) Those previously enrolled in educational, training, or upward mobility programs Victims of reprisals or hate crimes Other preference(s) (list below) 4. Among applicants on the waiting list with equal preference status, how are applicants selected? (select one) X Date and time of application [--] Drawing (lottery) or other random choice technique 5. If the PHA plans to employ preferences for "residents who live and/or work in the jurisdiction" (select one) [-'] This preference has previously been reviewed and approved by HUD [-[ The PHA requests approval for this preference through this PHA Plan 6. Relationship of preferences to income targeting requirements: (select one) [--] The PHA applies preferences within income tiers X Not applicable: the pool of applicant families ensures that the PHA will meet income targeting requirements (5) Special Purpose Section 8 Assistance Programs Table Library 15 X X In which documents or other reference materials are the policies governing eligibility, selection, and admissions to any special-purpose section 8 program administered by the PHA contained? (select all that apply) The Section 8 Administrative Plan Briefing sessions and written materials Other (list below) How'does the PHA announce the availability of any special-purpose section 8 programs to the public? Through published notices Other (list below) Referrals from social services Active clients with vouchers Table Library 16 4. PHA Rent Determination Policies [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (d)] A. NOT APPLICABLE B. Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance ~rds a. What is the PHA's payment standard? (select the category that best describes your standard) ['--] At or above 90% but belowl00% of FMR X 100% of FMR [--] Above 100% but at or below 110% of FMR ['-] Above 110% of FMR (if HUD approved; describe circumstances below) b. If the payment standard is lower than FMR, why has the PHA selected this standard? (select all that apply) [~ FMRs are adequate to ensure success among assisted families in the PHA's segment of the FMR area The PHA has chosen to serve additional families by lowering the payment standard Reflects market or submarket Other (list below) c. If the payment standard is higher than FMR, why has the PHA chosen this level? (select all that apply) [--] FMRs are not adequate to ensure success among assisted families in the PHA's segment of the FMR area Reflects market or submarket To increase housing options for families Other (list below) d. How often are payment standards reevaluated for adequacy? (select one) Table Library 17 X Annually [-'] Other (list below) e. What factors will the PHA consider in its assessment of the adequacy of its payment standard? (select all that apply) X Success rates of assisted families X Rent burdens of assisted families X Other (list below) Budgetary Constraints - attempt to maintain 100% lease-up of vouchers (2) Minimum Rent a. What mount best reflects the PHA's minimum rent? (select one) [2 $0 X $1-$25 [-] $26-$50 b. X Yes ["'] No: Has the PHA adopted any discretionary minimum rent hardship exemption policies? (if yes, list below) Minimum rent is generally handled through a reduction in the utility allowance paid to the tenant. Upon written request by tenant for a waiver, actual utility bills will be reviewed and appropriateness of utility allowance paid will be determined. In no case will utility allowance paid to tenant be greater than published allowances. 5. Operations and Management [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (e)] A. P~A Management Stru~[ur~ (select one) X An organization chart showing the PHA's management structure and organization is attached. A brief description of the management structure and organization of the PHA follows: Daily activities for the rental assistance programs are carded out by two housing specialists and one housing inspector coordinated by a rental assistance coordinator. A housing counselor is responsible for all FSS and FLIP clients and works with the housing specialists on initial occupancy and recertification. Currently all positions are supervised by the Chief of Housing who reports to an Assistant County Executive. A Housing Committee with members appointed by the Board of Supervisors also reviews activities of the office and makes policy recommendations to the Board. Table Library 18 B. HUD Under PHA Program Name Units or Families Served at June 1, 2001 Expected Turnover Public Housing Section 8 Vouchers 220 50 Section 8 Certificates Section 8 Mod Rehab 145 50 Special Purpose Section 8 Certificates/Vouchers 'list individually) Public Housing Drug Elimination Program PHDEP) Other Federal Programs(list individually) Family Unification 44 8 C. Mare ement and Maintenance Policies (1) Public Housing Maintenance and Management: (list below) (2) Section 8 Management: (list below) Albemarle County Office of Housing Administrative Plan (under revision) 6. PHA Grievance Procedures [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (f)] Table Library 19 A. Public Housing 1. [~ Yes ['-] No: Has the PHA established any written grievance procedures in addition to federal requirements found at 24 CFR Part 966, Subpart B, for residents of public housing? If yes, list additions to federal requirements below: 2. ~ Which PHA office should residents or applicants to public housing contact to initiate the PHA grievance process? (select all that apply) ~] PHA main administrative office [--] PHA development management offices [--] Other (list below) B. Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance 1. [-'] Yes X No: Has the PI-IA established informal review procedures for applicants to the Section 8 tenant-based assistance program and informal hearing procedures for families assisted by the Section 8 tenant- based assistance program in addition to federal requirements found at 24 CFR 982? If yes, list additions to federal requirements below: 2. Which PHA office should applicants or assisted families contact to initiate the informal review and informal hearing processes? (select all that apply) X PHA main administrative office ['-] Other (list below) 7. Capital Improvement Needs CFR Part 9 NOT APPLICABLE 8. Demolition and Disposition Part 903.7 9 NOT APPLICABLE Table Library 2O Designation of Public Housing for Occupancy by Elderly Families or Families with Disabilities or Elderly Families and Families with Disabilities CFR Part 903.7 9 NOT APPLICABLE 10. Conversion of Public Housing to Tenant-Based Assistance [24 CFR Part 9 NOT APPLICABLE 11. Homeownership Programs Administered by the PHA [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (k)] NOT APPLICABLE B. Section 8 Tenant Based Assistance 1. [~] Yes X No: Does the PHA plan to administer a Section 8 Homeownership program pursuant to Section 8(y) of the U.S.H.A. of 1937, as Table Library 21 implemented by 24 CFR part 982 ? (If"No", skip to component 12; if "yes", describe each program using the table below (copy and complete questions for each program identified), unless the PHA is eligible to complete a streamlined submission due to high performer status. High performing PItAs may skip to component 12.) 2. Program Description: a. Size of Program [~] Yes ['-] No: Will the PHA limit the number of families participating in the section 8 homeownership option? If the answer to the question above was yes, which statement best describes the number of participants? (select one) [--] 25 or fewer participants [--] 26 - 50 participants [-'] 51 to 100 participants ['-] more than 100 participants bo PHA-established eligibility criteria Yes [-"] No: Will the PHA's program have eligibility criteria for participation in its Section 8 Homeownership Option program in addition to HUD criteria? If yes, list criteria below: 12. PHA Community_ Service and Self-sufficiency Programs 3.7 9 A. PHA Coordination with the Welfare (TANF) Agency 1. Cooperative agreements: X Yes [--] No: Has the PHA has entered into a cooperative agreement with the TANF Agency, to share information and/or target supportive services (as contemplated by section 12(d)(7) of the Housing Act of 1937)? If yes, what was the date that agreement was signed? 12/15/98 2. Other coordination efforts between the PHA and TANF agency (select all that apply) X Client referrals X Information sharing regarding mutual clients (for rent determinations and otherwise) Table Library 22 X Coordinate the provision of specific social and self-sufficiency services and programs to eligible families Jointly administer programs Partner to administer a HUD Welfare-to-Work voucher program Joint administration of other demonstration program Other (describe) B. Services and programs offered to residents and participants (1) General a. Self-Sufficiency Policies Which, if any of the following discretionary policies will the PHA employ to enhance the economic and social self-sufficiency of assisted families in the following areas? (select all that apply) [--] Public housing rent determination policies Public housing admissions policies Section 8 admissions policies Preference in admission to section 8 for certain public housing families Preferences for families working or engaging in training or education programs for non-housing programs operated or coordinated by the PHA Preference/eligibility for public housing homeownership option participation Preference/eligibility for section 8 homeownership option participation Other policies (list below) b. Economic and Social self-sufficiency programs X Yes [--] No: Does the PHA coordinate, promote or provide any programs to enhance the economic and social self- sufficiency of residents? (If"yes", complete the following table; if "no" skip to sub-component 2, Family Self Sufficiency Programs. The position of the table may be altered to facilitate its use. ) Table Library 23 Homebuyer Clubs 30 Referrals & PHA Main Office Sec~on 8 current cIientx (2) Family Self Sufficiency program/s a. ~ation Public Housing Section 8 34 Yes X No: If the PHA is not maintaining the minimum program size required by HUD, does the most recent FSS Action Plan address the steps the PHA plans to take to achieve at least the minimum program size? If no, list steps the PHA will take below: The FSS coordinator is assisting housing specialists with recertifications which allows the coordinator the opportunity to assess who may be a potential FSS client. The office has updated its informational materials for outreach efforts and increased its emphasis on coordinating with other human service agencies. Table Library 24 C. Welfare Benefit Reductions 1. The PHA is complying with the statutory requirements of section 12(d) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (relating to the treatment of income changes resulting from welfare program requirements) by: (select all that apply) [~ Adopting appropriate changes to the PHA's public housing rent determination policies and train staffto carry out those policies Informing residents of new policy on admission and reexamination Actively notifying residents of new policy at times in addition to admission and reexamination. Establishing or pursuing a cooperative agreement with all appropriate TANF agencies regarding the exchange of information and coordination of services Establishing a protocol for exchange of information with all appropriate TANF agencies Other: (list below) 13. PHA Safety and Crime Prevention Measures t 903.7 9 NOT APPLICABLE [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (n)] 15. ~Civil Rights Certifications [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (o)] Civil rights certifications are included in the PHA Plan Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations. 16. Fiscal Audit [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (p)] 1. X Yes ['-] 2. X Yes [-] No: Is the PHA required to have an audit conducted under section 5(h)(2) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U S.C. 1437c(h))? (If no, skip to component 17.) No: Was the most recent fiscal audit submitted to HUD? Table Library 25 Yes X No: Were there any findings as the result of that audit? Yes [--] No: If there were any findings, do any remain unresolved? If yes, how many unresolved findings remain? Yes 1--] No: Have responses to any unresolved findings been submitted to HUD? If not, when are they due (state below)? 17. PHA Asset Management [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (q)] NOT APPLICABLE 18. Other Information [24 CFR Part 903.7 9 (r)] A. Resident Advisory Board Recommendations 1. X Yes [-~ No: Did the PHA receive any comments on the PHA Plan from the Resident Advisory Board/s? 2. If yes, the comments are: (if comments were received, the PHA MUST select one) Attached at Attachment (File name) X Provided below: Two comments were received indicating a preference for the County to consider establishing a homeownership program using Housing Choice Vouchers. One comment indicating the difficulty in finding affordable housing and requesting flexibility in how long a voucher will be issued before lease-up. A second related comment was directed at exploring ways to increase participation by landlords. One comment agreed with the "0" minimum rent and also the immediate increase in rent when income changes. They also agreed with the use of the waiting list and no other preferences. One comment was received regarding credit reviews and other background reviews. They believe the cost of application fees and credit report fees are out of the reach of many lower-income persons and the Office of Housing should gather that information for potential landlords. 3. In what manner did the PHA address those comments? (select all that apply) [--] Considered comments, but determined that no changes to the PHA Plan were necessary. Table Library 26 X The PHA changed portions of the PHA Plan in response to comments List changes below: Changes to the second year annual plan include clarifying the "$25" minimum rent requirement and requests for waivers. Also all assistance payments will be adjusted upon notification of income/household changes instead of waiting until recertification. X Other: (list below) Although not reflected in the Annual Plan, the Office of Housing will investigate ways to provide incentives and possible assistance to those seeking homeownership by continuing to coordinate with other housing agencies. B. Description of Election process for Residents on the PHA Board 1. [-] Yes [-] No: Does the PHA meet the exemption criteria provided section 2(b)(2) of the U.S. Housing Act of 19377 (If no, continue to question 2; if yes, skip to sub-component C.) 2. [--] Yes [--] No: Was the resident who serves on the PHA Board elected by the residents? (If yes, continue to question 3; if no, skip to sub- component C.) 3. Description of Resident Election Process a. Nomination of candidates for place on the ballot: (select all that apply) [--] Candidates were nominated by resident and assisted family organizations Candidates could be nominated by any adult recipient of PHA assistance Self-nomination: Candidates registered with the PHA and requested a place on ballot Other: (describe) b. Eligible candidates: (select one) [--] Any recipient of PHA assistance [-'] Any head of household receiving PHA assistance [--] Any adult recipient of PHA assistance [--] Any adult member of a resident or assisted family organization [--] Other (list) c. Eligible voters: (select all that apply) [--] All adult recipients of PHA assistance (public housing and section 8 tenant- based assistance) [] Representatives of all PHA resident and assisted family organizations [~ Other (list) Table Library 27 C. Statement of £ with the Consolidated Plan 1. Consolidated Plan jurisdiction: City of Charlottesville and Thomas Jefferson Consortium 2. The PHA has taken the following steps to ensure consistency of this PHA Plan with the Consolidated Plan for the jurisdiction: (select all that apply) X The PHA has based its statement of needs of families in the jurisdiction on the needs expressed in the Consolidated Plan/s. X The PHA has participated in any consultation process organized and offered by the Consolidated Plan agency in the development of the Consolidated Plan. X The PHA has consulted with the Consolidated Plan agency during the development of this PHA Plan. [-'] Activities to be undertaken by the PHA in the coming year are consistent with the initiatives contained in the Consolidated Plan. (list below) ['-I Other: (list below) 4. The Consolidated Plan of the jurisdiction supports the PHA Plan with the following actions and commitments: (describe below) D. Other Information Required by HUD Table Library 28 Table Library