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FY 06/07 Board of Supervisor's Budget Recurring One-Time . RecurrinQ Reserves Beginning Board Reserves 885,817 One-Time Funds FY 05/06 Projected Fund Balance (assuming $0.74 real 6,571 914 estate tax rate) Less Budgeted Fund Balance (537 991 ) Subtotal 885,817 6,033 923 County Executive Adiustments Regional Jail 53,570 Juvenile Detention 72,560 Emergency Communication Center 101,863 Finance Department (Decals) 45,000 CSA 68,960 CARS - Additional Staffing (195,020) CARS - City's Cost Share 48,755 OAR - Drug Court (6,790) CCF (7,867) Subtotal -- County Executive Adjustments 181,031 - Board of Supervisors Tax Rate ChanQes Cent Tax Rate Decrease - Impact - - .- Subtotal -- Rate Change - - Board of Supervisors Resource ChanQes 3.1 O~o Reassessment 1,608,703 Subtotal -- Resource Change 1,608,703 - Transfer to Schools Transfer to Capital Juvenile Court (1,995, b32) Additional 1/2 Cent (2~ total) (693,772) Subtotal -- Transfer to Capital (693,772) (1,995, 32) Net Reserves 1.981,779 4,038, 91 Items from Board of Supervisors' Work Sessions 1 1 Month(s) Northern EMS Staffing (50,000) ? 1 Additional Police Officer(s) (60,661) (35, 33) -- 3. One Cent Dedicated to ACE Program (387,543) 1- ACE Publicity (5,000) ~. Conservation Easement Promotion (17,000) t,. ArtlnPlace-LG-eneral Services Budget) (13,100) 7. Save the Fireworks (10,000) f'.c Film Festival (3,127) ~ Additional APS Worker(s) (41,902) (4, 70) / o. Seventh Bright Stars Program (154,426) II. :r A fJJ fJr (742,759) (39, 03) Subtotal -- Work Session Changes /,~ VEI</P f) RecurrinQ Revenues 1,239,020 Remaining One-Time Revenues for Non-recurring Needs 3,999,1 88 FY07 BOS Adjustments Budget Worksheet.xls Page 1 of 1 Printed 3/21/2006 1: 12 AM