2001-02 Through 2006-07
VDOT's Route Number and NameLocationEstimatedEstimatedDescription/Comments
Priority Proposed From - ToAdvertisementCost
N/AN/A606 Dickerson RoadIntersection of Rt. 743Jun-02$6,500,000relocated to meet FAA requirements, funded w/ Fed. Funds, proj. will extend runway
11County wideCounty wideJun-07$850,000signs,pipe,plant mix projects, same funding
11County wideTraffic mgmt. ProgramJun-07$300,000Staff working with VDOT for traffic calming in the Hollymead area in 2001-02
22625 Hatton FerryHatton FerryJun-07$120,000operation of ferry [220]
33West Leigh DriveRt 250 to .4 mi nor. Rt. 250Aug-02$500,000rural addition
44Meadow Creek ParkwayMelbourne Rd to Rio RoadJul-02$14,505,100plans being dev. with citizen adv. cmt., includes bridge over CSX RR
44Meadow Creek ParkwayBridge over CSX RRJul-02$2,204,500widen to four lanes (associated with project above)
55649 Airport RoadRoute 29 to Route 606Jul-03$10,944,050widen to four lanes, bike lanes,sidewalks,RS98/99 [14,800]
66651 Free State RoadFree State RoadJul-05$3,350,000substandard bridge in Developed Area,project may build a new connector road [420]
77Meadow Creek ParkwayRoute 631 to Route 29Jan-15$37,500,000new road, County also petitioning for eligib. for primary road funding RS 97/98
88691 Jarmans Gap RoadRoute 240 to Route 684Aug-05$5,150,000serve increased traf w/ min widening, ped/bike access,RS 1999/00 [2,100]
99649 Proffit RoadRoute 29 to Route 819Aug-06$9,500,000CATS recom.,improve sight distance and alignment,bike/sidewalk,RS2002/03 [3,000]
1010601 Old Ivy RoadIvy Road to 250/29 BypAug-08$7,200,000widen, improve align, bike/sidewalk access,RS 2000/01 [5,400]
1111656 Georgetown RoadRoute 654 to Route 743Dec-08$3,200,000spot improvement, pedestrain access,urban cross-section, RS 97/98 [14,000]
1212781 Sunset AvenueRt. 780 to Rt. 708Oct-08$1,050,000spot improvements at various locations.RS 2005/06
1313631 Old Lynchburg RoadRoute 780 to Route 708Dec-08$2,000,000 spot improvements at various locations,RS01/02 [2,500]
Projects in bold are in the Development Area.
VDOT's Route Number and NameLocationEstimatedEstimatedDescription/Comments
Priority Proposed From - ToAdvertisementCost
1414726 James River RoadRoute 795 to Route 1302Dec-08$800,000spot improve, improve sight distance,RS02/03 [720]
1515679 Grassmere Road.25 miles south of Rt 738Jun-01$100,000Railroad crossing with no lights or gate [370]
1616625 Hatton Ferry Road.75 miles south of to RRDec-00$100,000Railroad crossing with no lights or gate. [220]
1717744 Hunt Club Roadnear intersection with Rt. 22Aug-01$10,000Railroad crossing with no lights or gate. Hazard elimin. safety funds
1818West Leigh DriveRt 250 to .4 mi nor. Rt. 250Oct-01$100,000Railroad crossing with no lights or gate.
19810 Browns Gap RoadIntersection of Route 789$550,000Intersection improvement. RS 2003/04.[2,000]
20676 Tilman Road RoadIntersection of Route 250$200,000intersection improvement,RS 2003/04 [4,800]
21678 Owensville RoadIntersection of Route 250$650,000intersection improvement [2,800]
22795 Blenheim RoadIntersection of Route 790$300,000intersection improvement. [570]
23606 Dickerson RoadRoute 649 to Route 743$1,200,000improve to handle projected traffic, CATS recommm., RS 2002/03 [5,800]
24795 James Monroe PkyIntersection of Route 53$350,000recommended from CATS, intersection improvement.RS 2005/06 [2,800]
**25Southern ParkwayAvon Str. to Fifth Str.$4,000,000will be constructed to serve development as it occurs
**26N/ARoute 240 to Route 250N/Ainterconnect of future neighborhood streets as needed
27643 Polo Grounds RoadRoute 29 to Route 649$1,500,000public req. to improv align, spot improv. safety related, RS2 004/05 [750]
N/A641 Frays Mill RoadRt. 641 @ Jacob Run$440,000install box culvert,RS 2005-06, not a County priority,a VDOT recommendedsafety project
N/A641 Frays Mill RoadRt. 641 @ Jacob Run$60,000install box culvert, no County Priority,a VDOT recommended safety project
28631 Rio RoadRio Rd @ Pen Park Lane$1,000,000Inter. improve. requested by City, to be funded from private source [25,000]
29743 Earlysville RoadRivanna River to Rt 643$1,000,000public request to improv align, spot improv. safety related.RS 2004/05 [8,300]
30684 Half Mile Branch RoadRt. 691 to Rt. 797spot/safety improvement to serve increased traffic w/ minimum widening [680]
31641 Burnley Station RoadNorfolk Southern RRbridge project with low sufficiency rating [340]
Projects in bold are in the Development Area.
VDOT's Route Number and NameLocationEstimatedEstimatedDescription/Comments
Priority Proposed From - ToAdvertisementCost
32708 Dry Bridge RoadRailroad overpassschool transp. Dept. request, low weight limit
33602 Howardsville Tnpk.01 miles south Route 626Railroad crossing with no lights or gate [390]
34640 Gilbert Station RoadNorfolk Southern RRbridge project with low sufficiency rating [170]
35642 Red Hill Depot Road.28 miles northeast Rt.708Railroad crossing with no gate [100]
36671 Millington RoadIntersection of Route 665intersection improvement[370]
37692 Plank RoadRoute 29 to Route 712 spot improvements, safety related [1,500]
38708 Red Hill RoadRoute 20 to Route 29improve alignment [1,200]
39Hillsdale DriveGreenbrier Dr. to Seminole Sq.new connector road between Hillsdale Rd and Hydraulic Rd, most of project is located in City limits
40601 Garth RoadIntersection of Route 658add turning lane at Barracks Farm Road, CATS recomm. [6,400]
41676 Ownesville RoadRoute 614 to Route 1050spot improvements at several points, CATS recomm. [2,300]
42691 Park RoadPark Road to Route 250extend to eastern 240/250 street system[600]
43678 Decca LaneIntersection of Route 676improve intersection, located near school, CATS recomm[1,900]
44616 Union Mill RoadFCL to Route 759improve alignment[4,100]
45743 Advance Mills RoadAt Jacobs Runimprove approach to bridge[1,000]
46732 Milton RoadIntersection of 762spot improvement, requested by public[1,000]
47795 Hardware StreetNear inter. with Rt. 20spot imrovement, requested by Scottsville[570]
48622 Albevanna Springs RdIntersection of Route 795intersection improvement[710]
49622 Albevanna Springs RdIntersection of Route 773intersection improvement[710]
50611 Garmans Gap RoadOff Route 691Railroad crossing with no gate [230]
511310 Ferry Street.05 miles south of Rt. 6Railroad crossing with no gate[80]
52682 Broadaxe RoadOff Dick Woods Roadspot improvements, public request[120]
53813 Starlight RoadOff Route 712school request,needs turn-around space[60]
Projects in bold are in the Development Area.
VDOT's Route Number and NameLocationEstimatedEstimatedDescription/Comments
Priority Proposed From - ToAdvertisementCost
54676 Owensville RoadIntersection of Route 601intersection improvement [4800]
1955637 Dick Woods RoadRoute 635 to Route 692Oct-00$1,100,000unpaved road, R-O-W available[132]
2056791 Wyant laneRoute 635 to Dead endNov-00$260,000unpaved road, R-O-W available[240]
2157605 Durrett Ridge Road.83 from Greene County Nov-00$300,000unpaved road, R-O-W available[110]
2258679 Grassmere RoadRoute 738 to Dead endNov-00$300,000unpaved road, full R-O-W available[370]
2359615 Lindsay RoadRoute 639 to Louisa CLApr-01$220,000unpaved road, R-O-W available[230]
2460737 Mountain Vista RoadRoute 6 to Route 726Aug-02$650,000unpaved road, R-O-W available[60]
2561708 Secretarys RoadRoute 795 to Route 620Jan-03$825,000unpaved road, full R-O-W not available[260]
2662702 Reservoir RoadRamp to Dead endDec-04$1,400,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined, sidewalks
2763640 Gilbert Station RoadRoute 641 to Route 747Oct-03$360,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[240]
2864633 Heards Mtn RoadNelson CL to Route 634Oct-06$360,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[60]
2965606 Dickerson roadRoute 850 to Route 1030Oct-06$1,280,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[360]
3066769 Beam RoadOff Route 20 northOct-06$200,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[780]
3167623 Woods Edge RdRoute 616 to dead endOct-06$345,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[420]
3268784 Doctors Crossing Route 600 to Route 640Oct-08$1,175,000unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[360]
69712 Coles Crossing RdRt. 711 to Rt. 692unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[250]
70647 Maxfield RoadRt.22 to Dead endunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[470]
71666 Allen RoadRoute 664 to Dead endunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[220]
72734 Bishop Hill RoadRoute 795 to Rt. 1807unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[180]
73640 Gilbert Station RoadRoute 784 to Route 20unpaved road, R-O-W not available[170]
74685 Bunker Hill RoadRoute 616 to Dead endunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[150]
75645 Wildon Grove RdRt. 608 to Orange CLunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[140]
Projects in bold are in the Development Area.
VDOT's Route Number and NameLocationEstimatedEstimatedDescription/Comments
Priority Proposed From - ToAdvertisementCost
76712 North Garden RoadRoute 29 to Route 760unpaved road, R-O-W not available[140]
77668 Walnut Level RoadRt. 810 to dead endunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[130]
78712 Coles Crossing RdRt. 713 to Rt. 795unpaved road, BOS request, R-O-W undetermined [130]
79762 Rose Hill Church LnRt. 732 to Deand Endunpaved road, BOS request, R-O-W undetermined [130]
80682 Broad Axe RoadRt. 637 to I-64unpaved road, R-O-W not available[120]
81678 Owensville RoadRoute 676 to Route 614 unpaved road, R-O-W not available[120]
82760 Red Hill School RoadRoute 29 to RHESunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[120]
83608 Happy Creek RoadRoute 645 to Route 646unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[100]
84674 Sugar Ridge RoadRoute 614 to Route 673unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[80]
85723 Sharon RoadRoute 6 to Route 626 unpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[70]
86 707 Blair Park RoadRt. 691 to Dead endunpaved road, R-O-W undetermined[70]
87769 Rocky Hollow RoadRt. 1484 to Dead endunpaved road, public request, R-O-W undetermined[45]
[ ] Most Current Average Daily Trips
** Currently not eligible not for VDOT funding RS - Revenue Sharing