HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-25
Special Session
August 25, 2006
1: 45 P.M., MEETING ROOM 235
1. Call to Order.
2. Meeting with area legislators to discuss legislative requests for the 2007 Session
of the General Assembly.
3. Adjourn.
Special Session
August 25, 2006
1: 45 P.M., MEETING ROOM 235
1. Call to Order.
2. Meeting with area legislators to discuss legislative requests for the 2007 Session
of the General Assembly.
3. Adjoum.
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
Scottsville 401 Mcintire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-45% David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 2%-5843 FAX (434) 296-5800 White Hall
September 5, 2006
The Honorable R. Creigh Deeds
P. O. DrawerD
Hot Springs, V A 24445
Dear Senator Deeds:
On behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, I want to thank you for
your attendance at the legislative meeting on Friday, August 25. We appreciate you
staying beyond your scheduled time to speak with the Board on the very important issue
of state transportation funding. Weare in the process of confirming a date in either late
November or mid-December for our regularly scheduled legislative meeting and look
forward to continuing this dialogue with you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to meet with the Board last Friday.
Dennis S. Rooker
Printed on recycled paper
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
ScottsviUe 401 McIntire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 296-5843 FAX (434) 296-5800 White Hall
September 5, 2006
The Honorable Emmett W. Hanger, JI.
P. O. Box 2
Mt. Solon, V A 22843-0002
Dear Senator Hanger:
On behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, I want to thank you for
your attendance at the legislative meeting on Friday, August 25. We appreciate you
staying beyond your scheduled time to speak with the Board on the very important issue
of state transportation funding. Weare in the process of confirming a date in either late
November or mid-December for our regularly scheduled legislative meeting and look
forward to continuing this dialogue with you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to meet with the Board last Friday.
Dennis S. Rooker
Printed on recycled paper
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
ScottsviUe 401 McIntire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-45% David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 2%-5843 FAX (434) 2%-5800 White Hall
September 5, 2006
The Honorable R. Steve Landes
P. O. Box 42
Weyers Cave, V A 24486
Dear Mr. Landes:
On behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, I want to thank you for
your attendance at the legislative meeting on Friday, August 25. We appreciate you
staying beyond your scheduled time to speak with the Board on the very important issue
of state transportation funding. Weare in the process of confirming a date in either late
November or mid-December for our regularly scheduled legislative meeting and look
forward to continuing this dialogue with you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to meet with the Board last Friday.
Dennis S. Rooker
Printed on recycled paper
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
ScottsviUe 401 McIntire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 2%-5843 FAX (434) 2%-5800 White Hall
September 5,2006
The Honorable Robert B. Bell, III
2309 Finch Court
Charlottesville, V A 22911
Dear MI. Bell:
On behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, I want to thank you for
your attendance at the legislative meeting on Friday, August 25. We appreciate you
staying beyond your scheduled time to speak with the Board on the very important issue
of state transportation funding. Weare in the process of confirming a date in either late
November or mid-December for our regularly scheduled legislative meeting and look
forward to continuing this dialogue with you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to meet with the Board last Friday.
Dennis S. Rooker
Printed on recycled paper
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
ScottsviUe 401 McIntire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Vrrginia 22902-4596 David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 2%-5843 FAX (434) 296-5800 White Hall
September 5, 2006
The Honorable David Toscano
211 E. High Street
Charlottesville, V A 22902
Dear MI. Toscano:
On behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, I want to thank you for
your attendance at the legislative meeting on Friday, August 25. We appreciate you
staying beyond your scheduled time to speak with the Board on the very important issue
of state transportation funding. Weare in the process of confirming a date in either late
November or mid-December for our regularly scheduled legislative meeting and look
forward to continuing this dialogue with you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to meet with the Board last Friday.
Dennis S. Rooker
Printed on recycled paper
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
Scottsville 401 McIntire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Vrrginia 22902-45% David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 2%-5843 FAX (434) 296-5800 White Hall
September 5,2006
MI. John 1. Davies, III
P. 0.1147
Culpeper, VA 22701
Dear MI. Davies:
On behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, I want to thank you for
your attendance at the legislative meeting on Friday, August 25. We appreciate you
staying beyond your scheduled time to speak with the Board on the very important issue
of state transportation funding. Weare in the process of confirming a date in either late
November or mid-December for our regularly scheduled legislative meeting and look
forward to continuing this dialogue with you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to meet with the Board last Friday.
Dennis S. Rooker
Printed on recycled paper
Page 1 of3
Ella Carey
From: Sally Thomas
Sent: Monday, August 21 , 2006 4:07 PM
To: Board of Supervisors members; Andy Bowman
Subject: FW: Views from Around the Commonwealth, Virginia's transportation problems continue to get
I don't know if you 'all receive these communications, but this might help for next week's meeting with the
From: Virginians for Better Transportation [mailto:info@itstimevirginia.org]
Sent: Monday, August 21,2006 12:57 PM
To: Sally Thomas
Subject: Views from Around the Commonwealth, Virginia's transportation problems continue to get worse
If you are unable to view this e-mail, visit http://www.itstimevir~~'nia or~ for more information
\/'l\~'V\'V ITSTIME lJ ;~ (J
Views from Around the Commonwealth
In continuation of the "Views from Around the Commonwealth" series in which VBT is sharing
Virginians' perspectives of the transportation funding crisis, below are thoughts of retired
businessman Richard Davis. If you would like to submit your "view" of the transportation funding
crisis, please e-mail it to infQ@j!?J_imE!virginia.organd include "Views from Around the
Commonwealth" in the subject line.
Richard M. Davis
Retired Home Builder
Free Union
Page 2 of3
"When all the amazing bridges, tunnels, highways and interchanges in Virginia were built, it was
as if some believed this infrastructure would last forever without repair and maintenance.
"Today, I cannot drive anywhere in the state without seeing and experiencing the poor condition
of our roads and byways. A lack of highway shoulders, frequent pot holes and closed rest stops
are primary examples. Though minor, these clearly show the need for additional funding simply t,
maintain the state transportation industry's status quo.
"Meanwhile in Richmond some politicians are seemingly ignoring the realities of the transportatiol
funding crisis as they are clearly advocating no new taxes. I pay enough taxes and agree, but
there must be better places to economize than the maze of highways and byways that we've buil
and come to depend on. It would be irresponsible of us to allow our transportation system to
deteriorate after we have invested so much time and money to create it.
"I support long-term, sustainable, dedicated, multimodal transportation funding."
Fairfax County residents might need to resurface roads, fill potholes and
hold lotteries for road improvements
"Since the General Assembly has not approved additional funding for transportation, the Virginia
Department of Transportation (V DOT) and Fairfax County have been forced to reduce the
county's secondary road program by 40 percent," according to a recent Fairfax County news
release. As a result, at their July 31 meeting, members of the Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors questioned, only half-jokingly, whether the "Adopt-a-Road" program needs to take 0
a new meaning, the release stated.
"Instead of merely picking up litter on adopted roads, might residents need to step up and
resurface the roads, fill the potholes, provide maintenance and construct future roadways? When
it comes to traffic signals, might county residents need to hold a lottery because the program
only includes funding for one traffic signal for all 395 square miles of the county in fiscal year
"To address our transportation problems, the General Assembly must step up and act on
additional stable and reliable transportation funding for Fairfax County and Northern Virginia,"
said Gerald E. Connolly, Board of Supervisors chairman, in the release. Clic:k_lleI~Jo read more.
Virginia's transportation problems worsen as more Washington, D.C.
workers buy homes across state lines
As more Washington, D.C. area business professionals purchase homes in Virginia and move
closer to the Richmond metropolitan area each year, the state's transportation issues continue to
get wo rse.
With the rising cost of housing in Northern Virginia, there is "little wonder that the middle-income
Washington-region families are searching beyond the close-in suburbs of Northern Virginia and
migrating even further south toward Richmond," according to a recent Virginia Business article.
"Their migration south along 1-95 is stimulating the housing markets and creating traffic jams in
formerly rural areas," the article stated.
Page 3 of3
One possible solution to this growing transportation problem is a greater use of passenger rail,
according to Virginia Business. The demand for high-speed rail is growing, said Nancy Finch,
executive director of Virginians for High Speed Rail and co-coordinator for Virginians for Better
"We are in serious need of leadership - national leadership and state leadership on the rail issue,'
Finch said. "The public wants relief right now. That's one of the complications with rail. It's not ar
immediate tool. Fortunately, there is planning available in place. If sums were available it could
happen quickly." To read more, cUc:khere.
For more information about the transportation funding crisis or Virginians for Better
Transportation, click hl:!r~ or call 804-237-1399.
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gathering and dissemination practices. If you choose to register your company or organization as
a supporter, your company or organization name may be included in campaign materials. We USE
Registration Data to send you information and to keep you informed. VBT also uses Registration
Data to tailor our Web site to your particular needs. We use demographic and profile information
to tailor your experience at our site, showing you the content that we think you might be
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stop receiving future communications from us. Please see the Privacy Policy on the It's Time Web
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If you do not wish to receive updates from Virginians for Better Transportation,
Kenneth C. Boyd COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE David L. Slutzky
Rivanna Rio
Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Office of Board of Supervisors Sally H. Thomas
ScottsviUe 401 McIntire Road Samuel Miller
Dennis S. Rooker Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 David C. Wyant
Jack Jouett (434) 296-5843 FAX (434) 296-5800 WhiteHall
August 18, 2006
Mr. Ken C. Boyd
Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr.
Mr. Dennis S. Rooker
Mr. David Slutzky
Ms. Sally H. Thomas
Mr. David W. Wyant
Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
Mr. Larry W. Davis
Dear Ms. Thomas and Gentlemen:
This is to notify you that the Chairman, Mr. Rooker, has called a special meeting
of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors for the purpose of meeting with the
area's Legislators to discuss the Board's request for legislation at the next Session of
the General Assembly. The meeting is called for Friday, August 25,2006, at 1 :45 p.m.,
Meeting Room 235, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 Mcintire Road.
~/~ {l~.
EWC/len Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMc'd
I *
Printed on recycled paper
A special meeting shall be held when called by the Chairman or
requested by two or more members of the Board. The call or
request shall be made to the Clerk of the Board and shall specify
the matters to be considered at the meeting. Upon receipt of such
call or request, the Clerk, after consultation with the Chairman, shall
immediately notify each member of the Board, the County
Executive, and the County Attorney. The notice shall be in writing
and delivered to the person or to his place of residence or
business. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting
and shall specify the matters to be considered. No matter not
specified in the notice shall be considered at such meeting unless
all members are present. The notice may be waived if all members
are present at the special meeting or if all members sign a waiver
for the notice. (Virginia Code Section 15.2-1418) The Clerk shall
notify the general news media of the time and place of such special
meeting and the matters to be considered.
Page 1 of2
Ella Carey
From: Larry Davis
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:54 AM
To: Bob Tucker; Ella Carey
Subject: RE: Legislative meeting
A notice of the meeting must be posted at least three working days prior to the meeting. In addition,
everyone who has requested to be notified of a board meeting must be notified that a special meeting is being
called. The notice of the meeting has to be delivered to each Board Member, the County Executive and County
Attorney and the only topics that can be discussed at the meeting are those specifically detailed in the notice.
Only if all members are present, can other matters be discussed. The written notice to board members could be
waived if all members sign a waiver of the notice prior to the meeting.
The draft notice looks fine if the only item to be discussed is "to discuss the Board's request for legislation
at the next Session of the General Assembly". If other topics are intended to be discussed, they should be
specified in the notice.
Larry W. Davis
Albemarle County Attorney
Notice: This email may contain attorney-client privileged information, privileged work product, or other confidential information. It is
intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this
message immediately and notify me that you have received this by mistake. Thank you.
From: Bob Tucker
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 10:29 AM
To: Ella Carey; Larry Davis
Subject: RE: Legislative meeting
This looks fine to me, do we need to do any special ads for the meeting?
Thanks, Bob
Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
County Executive
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4579
Voice: 434.296.5841
Fax: 434.296.5800
Email: blu~k~r~lhe]Ilade.Qrg
Website: httr>:ll~.albJ~marle.Qrg
From: Ella Carey
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 20069:50 AM
To: Bob Tucker; Larry Davis
Subject: Legislative meeting
I contacted Mr. Rooker and he agreed that his name could be used to call this special meeting. Is the description
sufficient? Lettie
I 8/17/2006
A-mail: Board of Supervisors Page 1 of2
Ella Carey
From: County of Albemarle [newsletter@albemarle.org)
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 11 :58 AM
To: Ella Carey
Subject: A-mail: Board of Supervisors
A-Mail: Board of Albemarle County Believes in
Integrity, Innovation, Stewardship
Supervisors and Learning
August 17, 2006
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
members will meet with the area's
legislators to discuss the Board's request
for legislation at the next Session of the Quick Links...
General Assembly on Friday, August 25, County Home
2006 in Room 235 of the County Office
Building McIntire Road, beginning at 1 :45 County Calendar
Board of Supervisors
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UQdat~ PrQfiLeIEm<ljLAddre~ I Instant removal with Si;lJelJnsybsc(ib~T" I Pri\{CL~~QJicy. Constant Contact'
Albemarle County Community Relations I 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville J VA I 22902
Commonwea[tli 7'ransportation CBoard
John J. Davies, III 1401 East Broad Street
CULPEPER Richmond, Virginia 23219
Writer's E-mail Address:
September 12, 2006 jdavies@dbwle.com
The Honorable Dennis S. Rooker, Chair
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Dear Dennis:
Thank you for including me in the Board's legislative meeting that focused on
transportation. There is no question that under your leadership there has been significant
progress in trying to address transportation concerns in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area.
The approach which you have taken using CDA funding for off site improvements in the
29 Corridor is something I am trying to get legislators to recognize. Localities are looking for
creative solutions and it is time that the Legislature be a participant in the public-private
partnership arena.
CTBICharlottesville-Albemarle (27722.041 )IRookerD L TR 09.12.06.doc