HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-21 Budget Work Session': * Excellence through, E~ui~, SOLs and Bey0nd'~: · ': Growth:,: : ......,:~ "' BUsiness" the;Best >- $96;899,154~in:~School~iFand~i :. ~: ~- $, 9,410,397 ~n::Self. Sustam! g;~:. 7.2%: IncreaSe Over200O~0;ti~i 8.7%,., Increase. Over t~999;20'00;~::,: Current Revenue.. Prolectlo s ~..: ("assum~n§ $880;000 in coun~ ~xecutive~s' Budget] ~00-I~02" School, Board Funding Reques ~ Process · Revised Document Format:".i~: · ,,D, irectiOn to Superintendent:fori:..::~ - * N~edS~Based,, Request~ ~ · , Presentatior~ of Superintendents Rbque~l · 2~PUbliC, InformationSessions: · ~:BUdget Work: Sessions:' · public, Hearing .' TI~ School Board's Funding. Reqt~est~ ReflectS;: .the Superintendent'sRequest: f/2001-02 School Board FUnding:Request ] Re~,ueSt Highlights~ - G¢Owth · continued'Phase-Ins · selected Initiatives ~/~001-02 School Board ~unding;Request ReQuest Hi.clhli~hts .~.. .... '. · EXisting ObligationsioP~iifati~nal!'':~ A'djustments ~- Electricity >~!. Fuel >- Contract Services >':'~-PREP ~ 'CSA ~ BUS Replacement CATEC Gifted ,~/2001~02School BOard~'Funding ]{~q,~est::,' :~ compensation ~. Substitute pay - Enterprise Center W~bAnalySti' ReVenue Inc "' 1999.~2000 :' ~ ..... 2000-01 ~9~;70%:- :' '~: ~bCa~i ($4;99,~million)~!:,.:~ : ($1~73 miiiion)?.: School Board!'FundingR~quest: . !; 1.6 ~. .Stat~,share:.in1992¢93WaS;$??/~;~ i::~ .~ School ,Board:FUndingReq~uest E ceHence SOLs. and~Beyond~:,::. .... Higher S~ndardS: for,Ailii:.$t~d~nts~' - Measurable Board~Priofifies'' ., ~ meet and go beyond:,p:ri0rities. 4 ,~00~02~ School Board'Fimding~ReqUest COmpensation: Below:market:: nOway?. 'Me'chanism.:f~rSelfiCO~ecti°n~' Teacher turnover ., :.~ N°t j, ,. lncreaSin91y:ComPetitiVe::.Market ~001;02. School Board:FUnding:Request American: belibf that':suC~ess"fotl<~Ws~'h~rd'~°rl~. :on~matE orVerbat portions of! S'A~:: · :..:,5:Consecutive years of:~ins.°n reading tests: tests-a[:al~ grade tevels~:~: :: .... : ,::.~ . -:.:,4th and!6th gmdem~made:~largegainS~on.the'::. ~ ' StanfOr~t 9 in Fall 2000~'- · ' ' . Now is the fime~to~ rewarct~{eachem ~ for theirqiardWOrl~, ,~/2001~02' School BOard'yFunding Request, :Compen'satibn?~'B 'is: the ' - SChOol Board, S:: highest - Not:Fully Funded? · ,- increase: class size:' andlo~. ~- reduce prog:mms ../~001~02 Schoo[:Board~l~Unding~Request': ...: BUilding Challenging C'u.rriCulum::: Piedmont Virginia Community College Budget Request to be shared .by all localiti~'.. Facilities and grounds maintenance Extended Learning Institute Total: $45,000 9,000 $54,000 Albemarle County's share of request: Facilities and grounds maintenance Extended Learning Institute Total: $17,775 3,555 $21,330 Increase 108% Current Recommendation: Current Unfunded Amount: Facilities and grounds maintenance Extended Learning Institute Total Unfunded: $10,506 7,900 3,555 $11,455 Increase 3% Current request is based on percentage of annual enrollment Albemarle County 39.5% Buckingham 1.7 Fluvanna 10.8 Green 7.8 Lousia 6.3 Nelson 5.1 Charlottesville 28.8 Total 100% History Piedmont Community College was built in the early 1970s. (Albemarle County submitted deed to conveythe land to the State Board of Community Colleges on December 17,1970.) Formula for local support initi_'al ,ly based on percentag~ of oooulation Initially, the following localities provided support for construction and site work based on percentage of total population. Albemarle 39% Buckingham 3% Green 4% Fluvarma 7% Nelson 10% Charlottesville 37% Localities continued to provide funding for maintenance and operations. During the mid-1970's, Albemarle County's share was 45% (approx. $4,000 of $9,000). Requirements Localities are not required to provide support to community colleges and there is no standard state-wide formula for support. However, most localities provide some level of support for maintenance and operations. According to Bill Jackameit, PVCC's Dean of Finance and Administrative Services, the State has a "five-foot" role which means they will not provide support for facilities and grounds that are located over five-feet away buildings. This challenges community colleges to fred creative ways to provide for maintenance (such as college service fees, grants, events, local support, etc.) Notes Bill mentioned that Nelson County, Fluvanna County and Lousia County's staff have recommended fully-funding Piedmont Virginia Community College's current request.) Albemarle County's 1974 level of support ($4,065) would be the same as $14,495 in 2001 dollars when adjusted for inflatiorL 2 The County's Capital Improvements Program... ~ Serves as a planning guide for expenditures for major capital facilities and equipment ~ Incorporates a long- range capital needs assessment and a multi-year planning process Responding to a Changing Community Issues That Drive Our CIP General population growth ~Growth in the school-age population ~ Urbanization/Infill ~ Infrastructure ~ Maintenance/repair projects ~ Citizen expectations 2 How the CIP Responds to Community Needs A Hew Long-Term Capital Investment Strategy Increases general fund transfer to the capital program each year by the rate of revenue growth Increases annual general fund transfer to debt service by revenue growth rate Sets aside an additional 0.5% of operating budget growth to the capital fund Dedicates $0.01 cents of the tax rate to the capital debt service General Government Administration/Courts ~ Continues funding for the new/expanded court facility project ~ $10 million budgeted in FY 04 and FY 05 ~ $15 million planned in FY08 and FY09 $0.250 million to Court Square Enhancement in FY02 Public Safety ~Adds $6 million for three new fire stations ~ Continues $4.6 million for a new public safety facility ~ Continues $1 million for a combined Fire/Rescue Training Center and Firing Range Highways/Transportation ~Adds $4.3 million over the current CIP ~Adds $1.8 million to Neighborhood Planning ~Adds $1.8 miIHon to the Sidewalk Construction Program ~Adds $600,000 to new Transportation Planning and Improvement Program Library Projects ~Adds $720~000 in FY 05 to begin design/engineering for Northern Library ~ Beginning of library construction phase in FY 07- FY 11 ~Provides $20 million for a s~d IVorthernBra. nch, Crozet, ~~. $outhe.rn Neighbor. hood, l $cottsville expa.ns~on and Central renovation Parks and Recreation Continues $1.1 million for Athletic Field Development Continues $1.6 miIHon for an Urban Recreational Facility ~ Funds $400~ 000 for River Access, Greenway Development and Paramount Theater renovations using Tourism Funds .~~ Acquisition of Conservation Easements Continues $1 million for ACE in FY02 Funded with $650,000 in local revenues and $350,000 in~ ~ tourism revenues ~ Stormwater Fund ~ Adds $1.6 million to stormwater projects ~ Includes drainage system mapping, drainage and basin repairs, and regional basin construction Schools County Debt Requires $23 milli ', VPSA.loans Increases.debt service from $9,4 million to $1 $.2 million below debt maximum County Long-Term Debt 160,000 140,000 120.000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20.000 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 01102 02/03 03/'04 04105 05/06 06/07 07108 08/09 09/'10 10/1t -'~-- Schools -al--General Gov -.~-- Total Pay-As-You-Go vs. Debt Service _i ~ FY01/02 i FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 i FY05/06 I FY02-FY06 Local Revenues', 21,489! 20,689 20,881 21,280! 22,146 106,485 Pay-as-you-go } 7,7921 6,189 5,2781 4,936i 4,605 28,800 Debt Service ! 9, J,4-~'[ 11,246 13,072i 14,399i 15,246 63,405 Contingency Stayswithin Our financial pOliCy g~idelines 10 BOard of Supervisors' FY 200t!02 Operating Budget County General Fund Beginning Board Reserves Less ~,ounty Executive Adjustments Reduction in Jail Budget Request Health insurance Rate Reduction ($3,t43 to $3,006) Adjustment to Southside Fire Fighters - benefits and capital Esmont Park - part-time worker FiCA adjustment Compression Adjustments = FY02 budget impact, Subtotat Plus County Executive Resource Changes Additional one-time funds needed to return surplus Revenue Adjustments (ABC Profits, Wine Tax and Recordation Tax) Reduction in Bud~leted 599 Funds Subtotal Less Board of Supervisors' Adjustments 42,992 65,600 11,518 (165) (e7,o3e) 52,909 (41,511,) (43,099) Recurring One-Time 200,000 1,723,000 (20o,oa0) Subtotal Plus Board of Supervisors Resource Changes 714,000 One-Cent Tax Rate Reserve Subtotal 714,000 I Net Ending R~_~-~c_--ves 923,810 ' 1~452,178 I (~ost* Funding Funding I Board of Sul~rvisor's Funding I~.iti~Wes for Discu~ion Administration Registrar - Storage/Programming expenses for voting machines 20,000 20,000 Judicial Sheriff- Additional part-time wages (no Comp Board reimbursement) 34,464 34,464 Public Safety JCFRA - One additional Thermal Imaging Camera JCFRA - Additional Training materials t0~000 10,000 7,000 7,000 Human Development Social Services - On-Call Compensation Program PVCC - ~dEional operating expen~ - SHE - additional operating expen~ Bright Stare - Additional houm for T~ching ~=sis~nm JA~- Wo~s Edge Re~al ~sistan~ (10 month program) ParEs~e~ion AIb~e~e Coun~ Fair Jeffemonian Fe~ival 16,000 16,000 2, I93 2,t93 11,455 41,455 919 919 10,065 10,065 40,000 (6,666) 16,840 3,000 3,000 FY02 BOS Buc~ge'~Worksheet 3-21-01.xls Page 1 of 2 Printed 3/21101 1:33 PM Board of Supervisors' FY 2001/02 Operating Budget County General Fund Community Development 1 FTE Planner I S¢~i0t' PlaPifier - addltlo~lal l~alf-year - JLlly 1, '0t hire date Zoning Inspector - additional half-year - July 1, '01 hire date Two Zoning Inspectors - January 1, '02 hire date SBDC operating support School Division Transfer resources to School Division Additional Initiatives Funded 56,690 26,521 16,181 89,097 5, OO0 365,425 Recurring One-Time 49,440 7,250 28,521 16,181 43,097 46,000 5,000 231,669 87,090 * Net cost to County after offsetting revenues __School Division Available School Board Reserve Plus Additional Ongoing Resources - School Division Reduction in state revenues Savings from Health Premium Reduction __Savings from 0.3% Merit Pool Reduction from 4,2% to 3,9% Subtotal Plus Additional One-Time Resources - School Division General Fund transfer of recurring revenues General Fund transfer of current year anticipated one-time revenues Subtotal (174,362) 257,000 195,000 277,638 650,000 50,000 277,638 650,000 650,000 F"~otal School Board Resources i2,403,865 Unfunded School Board Initiatives: Recurring Needs 2,403,865 2,403,865 I:\DEP'iABUDGET~fy 02 worksessions~[FY02 BOS Budget Worksheet 3-21-01 .xls]Sheetl FY02 BOS Budget Worksheet 3~21-01.xis Page 2 of 2 Printed 3/2I/0'i 1:33 PM BOard of Supervisors' FY 2001102 Operating Budget County General Fund,. Beginning Board ReServes Less (~ounty ~.xeoufive Adjustments Reduction in Jai~ Budget Request Health Insurance R~e Reduction ~$3, t43 to $3,008) Adjustment to Southside Fire Fighters - benefits and capital Esmont Park - part-time worker FICA adjustment Compression Adjustment~ = FY02 budget impact, Subtotal 42,992 65,600 11,518 (165) (67,030) 52,909 Plus County Executive Resource Changes Additional one-time funds needed to return surplus Revenue Adjustments (AI~C Profits, Wine Tax and Recordation Tax) Reduction in Bud~leted 599 Funds Subtotal Less Board of Supervisors' Adjustments (43,099) Subtotal Plus Board of Supervisors Resoume Changes One-Cent Tax Rate Reserve Subtotal 714,000 714,000 I Net Ending !~o=rd of Supewisor's Funding lni~;a~ives for Administration Registrar - Storage/Programming expenses for voting machines C-ost * 20,000 Judicial Sheriff-Additional part-fimewages (no CompBoardreimbursement) 34,464 Public Safety JCFRA - One additional Thermal Imaging Camera JCFRA - Additional Training materials 10~000 7,000 Human Development Social Services - On-Call Compensation Program COrfimi~siO~l O~ Chil~l~e.~ a~8 Fai~iiie~ - a~itlo~a~ ~oui~ PVCC - additional operating expenses - SHE - additional operating expenses Bright Stars ~ Additional hours for Teaching Assistants JABA - Woods Edge Rental Assistance (10 month program) Pa~,~;Recreation Albemarle County Fair Jeffersonian Festival 16,000 2,193 11,455 919 10,065 40,000 16,840 3,000 Recurring One-Time 200,000 1,723,000 (200,08O) 92~,~110 I 1,452,1781 Recurring 0,,n~. Time Fundin~ , I Funding 20,000 34,464 10.000 7,000 16,000 2,'193 11,455 919 10,065 (6,666) ? ;16,840 3,000 FY02 BOS BudR~Worksheet 3-21-01.xls Page 1 of 2 Printed 3/21/01 1:33 PM Board of Supervisors' FY 200tl02 Operating Budget County General Fund Community Development 1 FTE Planner 1 Senior Planner - additional half-year - July 1, '01 hire date Zoning Inspector - additional half-year - July 1, '01 hire date Two Zoning Inspectors - January 1, '02 hire date SBDC operating support School Division Transfer resources to School Division Additional Initiatives Funded 56,690 26,521 16,181 89,097 5,000 Recurring One-Time 49,440 7,250 26,52t 16,181 123,000 850,756.80 348,585 269,153 885,007 * Net cost to County after offsetting revenues School Division Available School Board Reserve Plus Additional Ongoing Resources - School Division Reduction in state revenues Savings from Health Premium Reduction Savings from 0.3% Merit Pool Reduction from 4.2% to 3.9% Subtotal (174,362) 257,000 60,000 142,638 Plus Additional One-Time Resources - School Division General Fund transfer of nonrecurring revenues General Fund transfer of recurring revenues General Fund transfer of current year anticipated one-time revenues Subtotal 850,757 123,~00 650;1000 1,623,~57 Total School Board Ee~ources 50,000 4.2%~rteachers;3.9%forclassifie¢ 142,638 1,623,757 1,816,39~.....I Unfunded School Board Initiatives: Recurring Needs 2,403865 2,403i, 865 2,403,865 A:\[FY02 BOS Budget Worksheet 3-21-01 .xts]Sheetl FY02 BOS Budget Worksheet 3-21-01.)ds Page 2 of 2 Printed 3/21/01 5:28 PM