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SDP202100055 Plan - Revision 2022-01-31
ALBENIARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of 'I'i ansportation (V DOl).'Ihis plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requi rcments of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All it control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 Ch'R Part 1926). General Construction Notes for Streets (This list is in addition to the General Construction Notes) 1. All materials and construction must be tested and documented according to VDOT standards and specifications. 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance. All drainage outfall easements are to be. extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified m the time of construction. Additional guards it may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of V I )O'I' (for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is required, it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9(A, B or Q. 5. Where coral cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PE-1. 6. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be null and void. S. All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Cnifrntn Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 9. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricadesshall be installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Hngineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. The speed linuts to be posted on speed linut signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by V DO'f for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross -drains are to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video camera inspection procedure - General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. 'Ihc plan approving authority mustbe notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of Land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations_ 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. T A copy of the approved erosion and sechment control plan shall be mainlined on the site al all times. 5. Prior to commencing land dismrbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans including, but not limited to, off site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All diemrbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. v 8. During dewalering operations, wafer will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. 'Ihc contractor- shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and afti- each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall betaken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall IV inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. I-L Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be linuted to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and 0 improvements, and damage to any public street because o slide., smkmo, rn-collapsc. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwaler management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or otlicr potion of the propGty. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of Annual Rycgrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet Straw mulch is to he applied at 801hs1100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be little and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 901bs/l000sf. incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000tbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied al 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue. and 0-5% Peremual Rycgrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw pndch is ter be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved b , the County erosion control PP J PP ) 1 inspector. 19. Maintenance: All pleasures are to be, inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage 0 of clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. traps are to be cleaned €eJ a P Y P when 50,0 of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment All seated areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Sill fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 clays of final site stabilization, when measures arc no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 2L This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of ater Protection Ordinance section 17-204G. approval. (W ) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechmcal engineer. A gcolechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams_ 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities: conversion is not to lake place until the site is stabilized, and peinussion has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. NORTH POINTE CLUBHD SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434)09 FAX: (434) 963-2670-2670 E-MAIL: david®southern-classic.com ENGINEER TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 1 PARK WEST CIR, SUITE 108 MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23114 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY -BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 -PROPOSED TOPO FROM NORTH POINTE SECTION 1 PLANS BY TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING DATED 06/01/2020 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA ZONING DISTRICT PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) TAX MAPS/PARCELS 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 2.06 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Rivanna Rater & See er Authority (R &-i) General Water i& Sanitary Server Rotes La st Revised: February .U1Il 1. All maharials and methods of construction shall complvw-ith the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority on January 15, 1999: except as modified below- or modified in Special Notes - RW SA shall approve all constriction material sand me thuds of construction. 3 preci nnnuction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of anv work. 3. The contractor shall be re sponsible for no during?wSiss Utility(I A00-552-'DUI). 4. RR'S A Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 9"--,'..97D OXL 205) shall be notified three busine ss days prior to the start of construction. 5. :Ill work is subject to inspection by RLL'S?. staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RIVS A staff. No work shall be conducted on RR'SA facilideson weekends or holidays without special written permission from RV -SA. 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWS A may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes mustbe pressure -tested before a connector ismade to the yss tem. '. Tile larahon Of exl3fmF llldltiCS 8S S}lORm our the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarilvcample to or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediatel •non • the Enzin ,e of an • discrepancies between the Plans and y fy } Ia field conditions The Contractor shall use due ddrg nca to protect all utilidesand structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not Damage to anyexisling utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Avmer. S. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be perrtted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from Ry6 Sa. No grading shall be permitted in the RvVSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWS a. in writing. 9. No blasting mall be permitted within 100 feet of RIVSA facilities without written permission and RW SA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey maybe required. For blasting within IUD feet of any operative RV -SA sewerlines, bypass pumping and or pre- and post-CC"IV maybe required. RWS A may also require certift=ion from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage anv RNVS A facilities. IAmage to anv utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the 3Avmer. 10. The contractor shall obsen-e minimum separation requirements for utilitvcrossings When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the ex istiag pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 5' stone to the springline of the existing pipe. It. Nev- water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samplesapproved prior to making anvpermanent connection to the public water system. Approved me died s of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent anv contamination of the public water system. 12. AD easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilitie s into service. 13. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RV"SA easement. Thisincludes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. Treesare not permitted in the RWSA easement APPLICANTS NAME GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ARB: N/A ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONS ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN 3 FEET IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT. WALLS EXCEEDING 4 FEET IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A STAMPED ENGINEERED DESIGN . WALLS REQUIRE INSPECTIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE USBC. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES, ACCESS ISLES, AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICC ANSI Al 17.1-09 AND THE 2015 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE. ALL WATERLINES, SEWER LINES, AND FIRE LINES FROM THE MAIN TO THE STRUCTURE LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY MUST HAVE A VISUAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ALL ROOF DRAINS SHALL DISCHARGE IN A MANNER NOT TO CAUSE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND NOT OVER SIDEWALKS. 0 Or VAR1OC806 r TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMENT = 268 AC N W (n q (%)LL1 d0 0 z \ NOT TO SCALE AIRPORT PGA ®PREVIOUS DISTURBED AREA = 66.72 AC (WPO#201500073, WPO#201500078. WPO#) PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA = 2.06 AC (WPO#***) TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 68.78 AC ROAD AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE NO.) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. O PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH -+► EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED - - -100 - - - EXISTING CONTOUR - 100 - PROPOSED CONTOUR x r000a EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS . 100.0o PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS T/C 100.00 (T/C - TOP OF CURB) #1 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO. ® VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND SEWER -i-- ---►- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T� SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 150500.00 COORDINATE LOCATION STATION OR WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE T PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP 0 REDUCER E BORE CROSSING ISO CALCULATIONS Oi = 0.85 Ci = (1.5)((18(43800) = 1667 Ci = 1750 NFFi = (Ci )(01 )([1.0+(0+0)]) NFFi = (1750)(0.85)([1.0(0+0)] = 1487 NFFi = 1500 FIRE FLOW AVAILABLE TO BUILDING IS 2,000 GPM. Know what's below. Call before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #**** & #**** CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION CLUBHOUSE IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. ePCE 3A2 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3.07 - INLET PROTECTION 3.09 DD _>_>- TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE 3.13 ST 0 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP D ' M ROCK CHECK DAM 0C:) 0 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 3.31 TS TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING NU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL 2 SITE LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' E ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS EET # LATEST REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 01-21-2022 COVER SHEET C-1A 06-08-2021 SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B 06-08-2021 PLAN LAYOUT C-2 06-08-2021 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 01-21-2022 SITE PLAN AND UTILITY LAYOUT C-4 01-21-2022 GRADING PLAN C-5 01-21-2022 HYDRAULICS C-6 01-21-2022 PROFILES C-7 06-08-2021 DETAILS L1.00 01-21-2022 LANDSCAPE NOTES L1.01 01-21-2022 LANDSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN L1.02 01-21-2022 PLAY EQUIPMENT L2.01 01-21-2022 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN L2.02 01-21-2022 PLANTING SCHEDULE AND CALCULATIONS 1 of 3 1- 1- 0 2 2022 NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE LIGHTING PLAN 2 of 3 01-21-2022 NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE LIGHTING PLAN 3 of 3 01-21-2022 NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE LIGHTING PLAN 0 C (/)o IR14r - U 0 Z_ H-�o W U CW ��U Z V! m Z � W co ' " N W a 00 12 r�-rl csl N N �y O ►y L U O a 2 U 0 0 rn d o O VJ N Y .0 Q 3 d E d rn ,Lp.LTH OE ` `c c 0 0 � r � BRIAN C. M CHELL o C. N0. 035724 0112112022 v o�FSSIONALENn N 7E c N c 0 U c M_ L 3 L t y r1ti o W v 3 �1 W h 3 ti co y' y 0.1 Q) A V w CAI I,l w o fir n 0 V M c ^V O U 0 0 a ;u s M rn C DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 1010112021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS d c t DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE c 3 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N a DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -0 c 0 c PROJ.# 20190267 0 O SHEET � ` C - 1 IF 0i M���E�LE con ARMR.!!aM1SwW will lewnwiscooss, .,k Tonse". isfihfiafi�vcho I�.a fi.sUsisslassent Dixereassal Valerie Lon, 321 Each Maw St Susan 400 Chari�villeVAMM �Novemberll.2015AeB�ofSu�i��k,climm�o�S�ialU��kWli�t�nwto modify clonalitions ewwric,am anted sw is barchow 303 ofHe �niogOMin�conTMPsW2�2��O3��Wm�RilmuRDI�lt, Plefirs. 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Ifileally low ........ Me bad anastautnIal am Sassal On fil Iwarand ank 'Is I'd fill thos U-11 11 ban Norman, Idreh1fifirmlomfiFt FIRM as ffiescrown-fic Indowlear, I ks blis plars. owfific I, I lowered E,smao, Final wasw mr,m'swer, aafi, all colownry fice It wdTM as Ireland Frows ad accord laclow,an,seams Isin1 in Federal Emergency Management Agency D.C,2rJ7,2 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Fusys, fica wormse ms formal and final modifict .... efillot,d , momY"�,�M,bii,US�&Wthe Moccal Monoo fifirawfic, Plawaso- n... 1.1 Mosminfiess, A, $.as I firmans, LOMR mat A orsefirst the LOMR and fillefiathe Oil. I.(xFC small. nowol sea Federal Emergency Management Agency Wahowton, DC 20472 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) a...... ........... ThICCO fil be me,fisman, swer, K fordsor fie fififilownshaw Mal Flats Fi ofifii$ Menow aw, fireffin, s at. AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STATEMENT NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPIFICATION: #ZMA-20110-1109, SP -20l ZMA 201340007 North Pointe PEAff� Amendment Tax Map 32 Pasymbe 20,20A, 20AIF 20,42,20A3,291,23,23A, 23B,23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G,23fl,md23L MC!") Approximately 229 acres zowd Planned D"elopmmt - Mixed Commercial (BID August 5, 2013 With respect to the property described in paigusaing application #ZMA-2000,09 and SlUtfieffi! 72 (the "Odginal ZMA'J, CWH Propertics; Limited Parb=ldp is Due fee simple Owner tell North Pointe LLC is the Wn� purchs= of Tax Map 32a Parchals; 20, 20A, 20A 1, 20A2, 20A3 mid 291 (die "North Point: Priquiryl and Violet Hill Aenciato. IsL.0 imtflvfusimploo�ofTaMepA Feel 23A, 23B, 23C. 23D, 23E, 2SP, 230, 23H oil 23J (the "Viold Hill Propsely"). The respective pardes ans collectively robared to handle As the "Oviong", which term shall include Any succuspers To irMPM Tim North Pointe property and the Violet Hill Property we relpfrod to collectively a the "PropW', all of which is the Subject creating mop =wdmmt application number ZMA 2013-00007 kn� as the "ZMA Allentown.' Percent to Section 33,� of ft Allifiewde Comfy Zoning Ordinance, Outran hereby volossixt, proffiern the conditions listed in this Amended and Restated Priefler Statement, which sliall be filyhrad is. the Noah Pointe Peoporly if the ZMA Arystandanderat is approved by County. contionme IdWared a, pinI of the ZMA Amondm� and it is A agreed that: (1) the ZMA Amwidmmt icelfginas rise Has the nwd for the conditional and (2) Such conditions have a reasonable retail= to the mustraing requested, The Original ZMA, With ns samodted proffers dtend July 20, 1006 (Ili. "Original Proffer Staimmt'�, was approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on August 2, 20106, and also included Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K (which pence 27K was at (he time composed of Iwo separate Trames 22H and 22Y, which have sindic, bear combined into a single el 22K) which is Owned by Neighborhood Properthas - NP, LLC (the "Neighborhood Investment Parmadry"). The changes riciflactand in [his ZMA Amendment shall Hot apply to the thwidalcaboland investment Property. In all other resparts, this ZMA Amaidmmt Awards and resses said pmffixn Or their andirmy and the Ammdad and Resulted Proffier Statement shall mints to the multi -page application plan wall "North Pointe Commonly", prepared by Kemey & Co., Ambience, in wel through June 112006 and aftbaraffind hereto AS Exhibit A (the "Application Plan"), and the Albemarle Candy Code in effinci at of the date of the Original Proffigir Statement (the "Comfy Code"). The North Pointe Community shall be radfiered to an the 1. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED IT. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 Creation of a 40-Foot Buffer IM, the Eatearthince Carriall Within six (6) mmtbs arm the acceptance by the Virginia Depenfient of Tr�sPomion ("VDl Of the Road Impmmu as dolefishad in Section 5.3 that m along the iniabbod ]an of U.S. Route 29, Owaser shall plant and ffi�ftor maintain a a times a landscaped buffer, including hdydgerows, along file Entrance Consider fiwtW purcels; owned by Ownew no buffer will Consist of a minimum 404mat Wide mntio� viva hddesme � that shall be subject to th "Berri Albemarle Comfy Ardiiahadeffiral Be.. Brand (IAREF) review and approval ( a or located an VDOT no Buffer my be located partly on the Devices property and poraily an VDC`r property. In This event VDGT at my Time in the future red� any portion of the Buff maturity, the 0,wF shall compensate fair sub reduction by expanding the Buffer an Owner's pmpmy in order to maintain a Momene 40�few Buffet, �= ifshurch compsainsawn shall require the removal ofpa&ng adjacent to such Buffer. 2.2 Apporm. of Storm W#� Management Facilities. The SWM Dcilities isible fivin die Entrance Corador identified an The Application Plan (M=Wat� management facilities 1. 2, and 10) shall be shown an a plan and be madaut to ARTS neview and approval. SWM I shall be designed =ell feet in Stores pla�wt and land than (g4ng) transition between the Adjacent �wr�tion was and the adjactere hand edge of am Flanking lot -3 illi the fit ARB nd buildings, The plan for SWIM I " be mbm�=d W the AF subetrussishm for Building 14 or 19 identified an M� R to the Application Plan ("Shoot B"), or my such building that is prequided in be lc=W where Building 14 is located on Shed B met in The terms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 SW have a more structured app�w than PM M 10 (san: below) and shelf be designed such Chip it shape, placement, and land form Sw (grading) transition between the adjacent eDnm�mfim � and flu, adjacent had edge of the puking lot and buildings. The plan for SWM 2 shaft be submitted re the ARE willy the field ARE Submission for my of Buildings 26, through 31. SWM 10 shall be drisipend =ell that its shape placement and led form (grading) we integral With the adjacent corsion,atiort area. The plan for SWM 10 Shall be sumalthad to the ARE 9 the time mind plans aurs, submitted be the County and VDBOT far NmHhwezt fraffifte, HL DENSITIES 3.1 Total RuBdout The total �b� ofilasholling units within the Project shall not momad eight hundred rainfinity-flud, (III Subject Up Section 3-2, the building footprints Bud gross floor areas of office, and after �. and the building footprints of hotels shall not "=ad those set forth in the Land Use Breakd� Table sell Shot A to the Application Plan A`J. 3.2 Limited Ad st�t� to rite Ekft fthe Application Plan. The gross floor arm of the buildings used for �uriaL offical offier �, aid hotels shown on Shed A may be adjusted within a range of up to ran parent (tiss provided that the maximum grass floor for parch category original she" on Shed A is net exoneded. The finsoopman of'Buildings 6, Notwithstanding (he (a= of this Section 14 And 36 a shown on Shed A on be interchanged. 3.2 to th, contrary, Building 14 shall not initially exceed 89,500 square fast, provided, however. that After we yews following the issitiambe of die certificate of occupancy for Building 14. Building 14 may be adjusted within a range of up to ran percent 0 0%) and if Building 14 1. ,created in the location shown an Shed B, my such mpmsion shall be located to the nm An that the addinarnsid space is located Along North Pointe Boulevard. Notwithstanding the terms of Ibis County may Section 3.2 en the money, but subject 10 the provisions of Section 8.1, the Authorize Building 21 AS shown on Shoo A in be adjusted by mora, than ran patent 0 Cy IV. STORMWATER MANAGENJENT AND STREAM TIED CONSERVATION 4.1 Flood plain. The mm ofthe Hill flood plain within the PrEJfw Shall remain mdismrbed ment for mad owd,lip, public suffity flocilithei and their wassangfir, and peadficarban and blaring mil., it Only to the extent such moseptions are permitted by County Ordinances and shall provide a ..may and prepare the regulations. Upon the request of the Comfy, Owner nwmswy do�entafim and dedicate the twill within such flood plain to the Comfy. 4.2 f�g magmmt PIN no sturnothadearbart mmogmn� Pound (offlafinst plan tell be prepared, � all st��wr mmagmmt fiecilitirght for the Project shall be dwigned and commucted to �odate all �t stom�t� discharge fears Tax Map Parcel 032AO-02-WOMOO firlafthavoch Mobile Hiring Park Development) and from the misting dmelopmm� on the nortificas 29, specifically the following parents shown an die m�l Albmmie County UK maps: tu=P 32, parcels 39l 39, and 39A; in map 32A, Total 2-1, 2-IA, 2-LAI, 2-113, 2-1 C and 2-ID. I it northwest can. orpffit Road and U.S. Route immagwidet facilities "I mitighte fing stormuseater quality and quantity impacts, for the �wata gm.�W both ithi no Conditions AS described bonds, 0 the It the Project and for such existing offies Cgh the =tire preexisting condition of the dtaiMgC mag is and ... AuFfical wooded him And is being developed to the misting off.Usive wnditims and the shall complise.minimm offierty-flaree and proposed -ely nditions. ]a addition oneflaurd percent (33 fill of the total required puking lot thdradampled angles within the oil Shrect G of the "Commercial Area" of the Proice, AS such Criminal Area is fiefirseffied Applifi. Plan r`ShAwI Do). 43 Erosion and Sed� Control. Th, Owner hall. to the exams, pateable", prode saw additional appropriate erosion and sediment cantral measures that exceed State and Local minim standards. it Them is A disagreement regarding wholluer the standard of 'Hoginfirom ART! Recragation will be extent pranxicable" is satisfied. tiny Virginia 0CPHaternst Of provided an opportunity to =law and advise on SUH quostion. The Owed shall, to the fla Post.Cmissruction St..nwatw MmgL��mt; tmctim siondargeter BMPS that anin �lgnca 10 maximum mtmt pacticable, provide post-� wm� an average annual sediment manovai rate of 80% as published by the Center far Watershed Protection in Affich, At Of The Practia. of Woundfid Protection (2000 edition). Time ll include, but Ale not limited W. bi�mion filthers, and wd retention basins. 4.4 Site.. Buffer sod Restoratce, Upon the �m��mt Of the Reminded, comment pargard, the Owner shall Ell the County "it provide me County with it copy of My applicafical in the U.S Amy Corps of Engineers and/or DBQ for my name dmt.,b�m In addition. Functional after first looking mrsne for rhatigation, opportunities available to satisfy the Permitting proms, the Owner Shall =led the Comfy for a list of off -site opportunities within Albemarle County for such mitigation, and shall look for such mitigation OPPortmAOm -ofte. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 internal Street st ,mi Pathfic strands. Which in my Event shall bashund. at least I-cen, Road, North Pointe ouevarNorthandc Drive, But and Northwest she passage, shall be ill constructed is trachord With the ill�live urban design mom sections ved, on Shed D-I in the Application Plan C'Shoct Dl it to in amardance, With VDOT design standards pursuant to detailed plans Agreed to base= obachum, and VDOT, and (if) dedicated for public tang and offered for aradePtance into the side highway system Theca (with a �im= spel of iffly (50) feet), landscaping me sidewalks AS she. a. Shed D� I shall be hadalled and muffad"d by the Owner in aocDydmu with County or VUBOT standards, unhas VINOT or its Comfy agents in writing to a�,d this tesnonshility. 5.2 usampapay, Owner shall complain that Of Embyr a no" Do &huge D-1 within the Project which Parcel; the building or ancifilearme far Will 6 �fi� of OWUPMY is sought with at legal the swer, base and all bar the final hyr, Ofplml-mix sufal The field [else of plMt-U�% Asphalt shall be installed withip, me (1) year following the issuance of the first awfiflans of dowmay for a building of resulted. sormill by the affiAdad sum sbgmt. 53 Road lmonvemlatl. Olivetti, shall design and trawt all Of the mad improvmims rerermc5d in Sections 5,3,1(u)�53.lflfi) and 5,3 Ile) below, which fifirealso shown E Ad on Shed D-I He the Application Plan and an Shot E US ing, Appilestion Plan All xtern Roand Improvericant Plan" ("Shcal F") (clefil little "Road Improwmmu"), unless suh The various phrases or the Road Hand Impmvemwu we firm expermand in bonded by others, Improvements tic also simance for illustragive purposes an a mlor-cDdcd copy of Shed 3 that is attached benefit AS Exhibit B. Owander shall dc6�e to Public use my required right�f-way, the it Use Of the term 4 now of hereartba, owes in fee simple, Fmpuq�ofthisSe�fLmi5.3,the 'road" as it applies to burned all shall don, berve, tic same meaning as the word "S=t" Ili the = (Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code) Where Albemarle County Suhnic,iis. Ordina applicable. 5.3.1 Design and Phasing. All Read Inq�mmu site]] be designed and phased as Design. The Road Shall be shown an detailed Toad plane sell dynig VDCT dest starglards Which shall be Submitted by the Owner for review and, When satisfactory, approved by VDOT and the County (meW me We Road Impm�mN to U.S. Route 29, which shall be Subject only By VIDUT app�1) (Terminal the "Approved Road ?]we). The Approved Road pipes shall show ties width and length (exceral as specified in Sections 5.11(a)(1)(H) and (v) and Section 5-3.11(bl local type of section, and gAowwme of all lane impm�ents AS rallamod by VHOT design standards. A1113ftheRoad Impm�ts shall be �"md in cmipU� with the Approved Rayfifid Place. The Road v�t. 0 U.S. Route 29 shall be based an the thm�t VDOT design spedf and I-P- carryineshopir: requirements. Notwithstanding eves provisions of ibis paragraph to the ommary, in the event that the internal residential Stood designs AS showal an Shaw 0-1 am not socepw by VDOT, the Owner shall submit demiled road coustruction pie= for such Bbee� So the County for review and, when satisfactory, approval, whifeet all HE the C�tY's appeal Of Private stioness under the Subdivision ()rdimec (Ch. 14 ofthe Albnwic County Card. Phating. The Road impmvm� shall be woodativided and completed in three Final am nalt fieth below: (a) Ph= I Road l��. Prior tay approval at All fire �misl subdivision plot or helaken within the projects o� shall Obtain all associated permits Rod post all �ci�d bonds required for The demanding Of the fOlIMM (collectively, the "Phme I Road E;Tgg�= Be Ill Rome 20: (i) U.S. Finite 29 Soudibumd - wawtion of the vertical curvando, in the madwayjust north offset fli) U.S. Route 29 Souffibwnd �ns�cfi- Of a conferees 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders msaW rail arEquimdbyVDOT) sturfingat a point the in 1000 flat ord, cribs mth�om =beside it pending Smith to Almost Road. (fl,) U,S. Rima 29 Soodibo� - connotation of dual left laws with toper at the fiv) US. Rolder 29 smffbouM - wwRrucdory ofright turn lane with Wpm to scale swimming mvmm ill SIT 1515. (Y) U.S. Raw 29 Nurthb*md �ruction of a conti�.s 12 foot wide through ]me (with shoulders or gmd rail ans may be required by VDOT) extending train Proffit (Airport) Road (Ran(. 6491 To The No�ffi� P&IsW wt� (w) U.S. Raw 29 Nmffibomd - W=MCtiOn of a right hand Tom Ins. at fix S�.d.�t qwc� fire g�m of which will be subject to VDOT pperval (vii) U.S. Raw 29 Noahbound - ��ctioll of IOR turn IwA with tatheir into SR 1515. (vifi) SIT 1513 Eastbound - mmt�im and/or restriping to provide lefiturn lane with tatiffies, fix) Installation of a Val signal with 8 phase firamp, video dedection and mmmdW mumbection, instrumenting 9 dkc micasection with U.S. Rome 29. Call) Close exciting � at U.S. Room 29 and S.uth.� Enhance to SR 1515. (xi) Propusted Enhance Resdad between North Pointe Boulevard U.S. Room 29, (2) North Poftem filighnignit lmke Road and Preffit Roal Imake Read and North Ifiahate Boulevard, in ashoordimics; (I) with the design mu-mofims she" an Shed D-1. fim Preffif Read to either Nordiside Drive East ar, if Nohide, Drive Else he mat yet base wmnw$W ta the roundabout at North Pointe Boulevard, North Pointe Boulevard bell be olmdod US Northwest Passage. The O"w shall provide a fifty (50) fact public tight -of -way along Liblike, Read and shall �a a twit-larre, public Sure to be accepted by VDOT admil as much offlan other improvements shown on the ms�swdow in pmsible Within the available rightsuf-way AS m�bly disposal by the County Engineer. (it) "M& wandbmt ar verb that improverments AS may be approval by VDOT and the Comfy, a &a Wtmwtkm of Leake Road and Patfiffit Road she. on Shot IS and fifis additional wextbond right bonds Im an FROM Read from Leake Road to US, Roun:29firemorwrionShwal] In addition,fierpropeanythorbatificyn that is required far the ol sift public fight-opway for ow�efiDn of fee impmnmnt required by this Section 5.3.3 the Oblonar shall make a cash =tri"m in provide a letter of credit in a flarm approved by the Comfy Attorney for such pwF� in She mnwt as declined necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided thin such annound. shall not exceed one hundred fifty Thersal (150hl offing Caesar's Tilde owke value appraisal pmp�d for acquisition and mndmntion purposes. The cash chaddifieficho or licater of credit described in this Section shall be used to pay loor took" �afthe Eight ofway acquisition, Thetortalmost of the right of way polLanium, for the offasits, property nescrouldry to construct The improvembares q i required by this Section 5 3. 1 all shall realistic The normal costs associated with a in rig land, buildings, strumums, msmmts and other asuflucrized interests by =demmtion or by purchate including, but act limited tell land uquisiu� =*=win&, surveying. and T�abl� attorneys fees. The cash contributim cor The left of credit shall be provided by the Ovanner within thirty (30) days upon request by tbe C)mmty. Ifthe property is Acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase pace "I non =card � hundred fifly p�� (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared fier =&mnsfim Purposes without the n.1 of heOwner. b-thersont fulArigbad ofwayac*snim =cwds the null previously contributed, the Owed shall reimburse the County all mob is Within thirty (30) tiny- upon require by the Comfy. The County sholl refibrid W the Owner all excos wntributims upon completion ofthe land "Will fill) Intentionally Omitted fil An additional through lane cadbmund fibe Prieffit Road fican U S. Rmm2910 the roundabout at the influential ofWke Road it Proffit Read. maddition, for property acquisition that is required for the off -site public right-opway for �tmdim of the improvmmts required bythis &Action 53.1(a)(2)(TX thcO�m$Wl makes with wntributim wivervidea IMWofcmdit me fund aFpmvedby the CowyARmmy for such porlizesc in the �mt an &=ad necessary file the preplarty, Acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such meant shall not exceed mat hundred rhy, parent (I 50s`A) of the County's fair Hall value isid prepared for acquisition and md�fim purpD�. The cash contribution or labor of appra radii deembead in this Section 5.3.1 (al shall be used to pay far the sets] cast ofthe right of wayndequisition. nctotal� of the right ofway acquisition for the off -site PrOPOEY necessary to condreact the impmvmmts required by this Sadism 5.11(a)(2)(iv) shall include the �41 costs associtd with Acquiring land, buildings, �c�% �m� and allow artathaddrized interests by =d�o(i. ar by purchase including, bill Set limited his land acquisimen, "Homing, Surveying, and �nable aftchavey; lem. The Utah wartathration sar the leM of credit shall luseproceded by the o� within flinty (30) days upon request by the County. Tribe proquarly is Acquired by purchases the contribution far the purdwo prim, shall sea fishound we hundred My percent (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for cmd�efim purposes without the consent of ft Owner. If rise are of the light Of WILY Acquisition commide the ammm previously contributed, than the Owner shall reimburse the shall refuld in the Owner all cxms contribrations Wm completion ofthe land acquisition. Comfy all such =mass cents Will thirty (30) days upon request by the County. The Comfy huge I gogand immewnmM. Within fifteen (15) months Completion of the a ding parrich for . commercial building within the lands subject Road to the first commercial subdivision plat or site plan within file Pmjw, in prior to the issuance of aft the �. offle first bud a odififeary of occupancy, for mob buildings sulachl is gardli All Of the Phase I impmvcmm� shull be accepted by VDOT for public on or bonded for VDOT's anamptance if Such Road Improvement; fing a primary highway, ar accepted by VDOT for public we or handed mmts am a Scandal highway, He the Courall VDOl Acceptance irsuch Read Imparon, (b) Phase 11 goad Improymmb. Prior te approval ofthe fird mile, Plan that Would authorize be fignaggh owwe, office =4 hotel gress floor aw AS she" can Shed A within the Prithd To blood hare hundred Tandy thousand (29l square fied, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and Post all associated bonds required for the yonstruction of the fialkassing (collectively, the'?hmc IT Road Impm�mte): R (1) Midl Enhance con U.S. RESUA 99 ibloodusid. Drive EmUS 12a (i) US, Room 29 Southbourld -amrstj action (if a continuous 12 fool wide through lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be required by VDCEF) starting; at iddle Entrance and widening to the point volume it point that is logo feel earth of the M Chun 5.3.1ba)(1)(ifi. sidenducts with its portion offirs, lane constructed pursuant to Se (if) U,S. Rom 29 Soinhififidand - coastrawbort birdied fall turn I=. With tapper. flat US Route 29 So�hb�d - =s�iDn of a right him lane swift raper (iv) U.S. Route 29 Nortlabound - constrearion of a right hand lane M the middle Rmml the gwmetries fewhicle will be subil to VDOT approval. (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of left him lane with topert (vi) SR 1570 Eastbmd - constructiort at HE impairing afflaishis to fault in separds, left, through and right torn movements. ta of a traffic signal l Enhance mad Wcsflxwrdd - imstathatio With 8 phase timing, vidw dWRwmn =it Associated intmmim impm�ents im U.S. Route 29. to close (still ExisfingemasometCypmasDnvo-=Mchm the samseriver. (I%) Frontage mad flopern Cypms Drive in SR 1570 - main& U.S. Route 29 dongla construction of public street to serve pmpWW ou�dy m Cyp� Drive. (2) Nortbalde Drive Bait between U.S. Route 29 and North Pointe Boulevard has shown on Shedd D-1. Completion of the Phase 11 Road Improvement$, Withie fifluent (15) months a building Within the ].ad, Aj after the issuance fthe first building permit for ut to the fiest subdivision plat or site plan that would andimary the fictoNgm, it hol gross door me RA shown on Shed A within the Poijeat to holomd two sneered madY faction (290,000) square fact, or prior to the bawl of a cutifinfide .1 camuffie, for Bay building that causes such gross floor area to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) finquare fed, wbOrnower if Art all of the Phase 11 Road Improvement shall be accepted by VDOT fier P way for VDors acceptance Ell headed for VDOT's essential if such Read Improvements ,a . primary highway, or Accepted by VDGT fm public Use Or bonded in the Cc if such Road Impersonal arre a sesiancey highway. (a) Phase III Road Improvements Prior U, the earliest Of: (2) the Approval of the field subdivision plat or Site pin that would authorize the aggregate number of dwelling units within [be Pecieft 10 exuard flvc hundred thirty-fluse (533)� (if) the apperve of a subdivision plat HE site plan for any development of the Neighborhood Im,mament Proplarty, or any porlion (hO.p a, (in) Una five (5) year anniversary of the date of i"�m of the first caffificato of occupancy for it building of radial within the Project, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and Fed all associated bonds required for the courstructien of the following Wed improvements (selectively, the '?hm in Rmd Irnpm�ts") to the mail my such mad impmvmw� have not already been compldc&' (1) tykaridernmear Entrance (ciffRogile Lewis & Clark Drive) an U.S. RQuU29, (i) US. Route 29 Scuffibomd - w�Em of ]oft turn ],,a with toper. (IT) Northwest Passage firm U.S. Rome 29 W North Prices Boulevard fill U.S. Roche 29 Northbound - mn�di. of a right baud win lane, Than Swindles ofwhich will be subled to VDICIT appawall (IV) from 1IaAAdy �cteA North Pointe Boulaward bd� Nordiside Drive East "d Northwest Passage (v) if the fall signal in be �oW by pill= is is place prior w Owa wimalumint; work an this Norfficmmo&t F��M Slid such traffic signal only includes three legs, Owner shall add the fiamfir Ing to the g,,als which shall include a Ili=] did Mot himm, Signal hotels and amidery equipapent incessary to uppon Notthftn Passage's on of The iDWSeedon, as da..W by VDCT. if To, ff. Sgnaa Hot in plecas and that vehifififfor traffic generated by the Project causes dic VDCIT signal wwals ty be resel And VDOT hadquilm did a traffic signed be installed in a wndition ofthas �� permit, Ow= shall bell such traffic signal. (2) Notwithstanding my rabor provision wnwncd in thes Proffer Slatwil within me hundred eighty (180) days &ft� written comes firent file County that it intends to build Be clardarstary School on Ind School Lot (AS "School Lpt" is defimd in Section 1), the Cusandur shall submit road plans Tim the ��cbm of Northwest Paspol from North points Boulevard to US, Route 29 to VENOT and to the County for intrinsic, and when SasactorApproval. F.�h�m within Juresse (12) ..fhS Aft. of the building permit for emnewsh, of fles, ciment� School, and if act already completd, Owner will wmpldc (i) Northwest P�ge from Noah Pointe Boulevard tti U.S. Raine 29, (h) the improymmts and lerth in Section 5.3,Ncl ab� and (ill) Noah Pointe Boulevard Iman Normside Drive Ent to Northwest banner, To Allow the dcvdopmmt of the School LOT, the Owner shall grant all temporary minwid, unnecessary to all" ingress and ogress bar vehicles and construction equipment, grading, the installation and Maint�M Dfornifild and Sediment rential or nicastures, ad my Chat cas=mN, &a much temporary msmeam am shown an the hotel pie HE site plan for [be School Let and mutually agreed to by the Owed and the d�diipaoflhe School Let. Completion offbe Phase III Rmdlm�nts Within twelve (12)mmths after the o�mee of the applicable e� so Section 5.3-11u) which required the Owner to obtain all Associated permits and post all Scandal bonds rc*md far the construction of the Phase III Road impm�mmts, all of the Phase III mad improvements shall be mastoid by VDOT for public use our bonded for VDOl aocep� if Such Road Impmwemwts the a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT far public Use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceptance ifsuch Road proportional me a secondary highway. 5.3,2 tiponroq� by the Catemy, Owner Shall make a rush =Hibution in the County or VDOT far the cost Ora cable Or wirelem radio system that will link one in mom offire signals between Ladvis and Clark Drive and Airport Raged; provided, however, that the total cub wntdbudm shall and samseed thirty-five thousand dollars (135,000). Subject to matters of ficarmal majame, if the Comfy does Hot equal the Each, or dides request the finds but the convention of the system it= mat begin by the later of December 31, 2010 in three (3) years after completion craft oftheRmd Impmv=mM said funds shall be refunded by, the Owner, 5.3.3 Prior to the approval ofplans for improvements at my US. Rowe 29 intersection, Owner Shall provide VDOT mfflc signal network tiening plans that VDOT finds acceptably address The impacts of the proposed pagge signals for peak traffic periods. 5.3.4 Regime] Transportation Studyl Cash Contribution. THIS PROFFER HAS BlEEN SATISFIED. Upon Tagunt by the County, Owed Shall mako a cob ofinturbutione of am buipboad thousand dollers ($100,000) to the County for the purposes of funding a regional Transportation study far the Route 29 comiden, which includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Riv� River and the Holitonead Growth Am of which North Pointe is a pad, The contriblition shall be made within fall (30) days after requesbal by the County adaydrod, after the mzmdnglseppmed, Ifthe request is mattedde within =(I) youafta the ties ofopproval of the first final site plan for the first ondemarded building within the Pircloon, 0dB pmffw shall laboadmenullandvoid. ritual cub mnbibudn is not expershe for the stated purpose within three (3) years farm the date the finds were ithatributed to ft Courdy. all urestpulded foods shzll be refterpled to the Owner. V1. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND CREENWAY 6.1 Ydei.. Pathway,. All pandestribers pathways shall be classified AS shown on the Pedestrian Pathway Key OR Shoe C it, mompt fish the pathway. sa, be nstrudend by the Coal shall be she" on the subdivision plat Or Sim Plop far the underlying or adjacent Inds within the Project. Th. pathways Shall be constructed by Owner as Class A a, Class B trails an identified on Shoe OF sod to acoundifinve, With the applicable desig, and rystruction standards in the Coul Design Standards Manuel Such construction shall be in conjunction with the tnssexual for the Subdivision plat or site plan, as the cose may be, And bonded with the sinews if the pathways am a subdivision impmwmmi, or with a performance bond If the pathways am a site plan improvement. The pathway shown an Shed 0 along Flat Branch north and South of likedhaside Drive Fastshall Hot continue through a culwH ire pubma is used for the grow, immaing. 'Me pathway intended for the robust between Park E and Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall conform he the applicable Standards in VDOT's "Subdivision Street Guidance and Owner shall nain the pathway if it in Eel accepted by VDOT for mvintmemE., 6.2 Lake. Upon Handful the Comfy, Owner shall defificiday to the Comfy the lake shown on die Zp—plicesion Plain for public uses, provided Mat and lake will be available for on by Owner for mannostater management as d�-W in Shot C to the Application Plan entitled "Swm�tff Mmagmmt and S� Conservatism Ple (Shed C"). VIL THIN SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELZ'TED VID. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8.1 Branch Lflundry, simple in� in the Ind shown on Shot 3 a a library, consisting of a 15,000 gq� fool My (a) Upan request by line County. Ourraw, shall dedicate TO the County the fee graded pad sites with million to �odatc a 12,500 square foot building faidirint, a five foot pernessur strip and up be a 25,000 square fed buildings together with a �clusiw mmmt in the djwM for kW� ogm� �tion staging And sufficient County Code required pandring, stomwawr dctmiian and � quality facilifigh far the location of a fi�tmWins Jeffigm.-Madissury Regional Library and mob oth. ung; that are appraisal with the proposed surrounding used, in determined by the County (die I'Llbrary Lee). Noraddistareding the team fififfle prim serum= an the accuracy, ifthe requirmmts for the library building require a larger budding thanplint, the Comfy may majoraisse the library building Ell con, shown AS "Park Ho on Shea B ("Pulk IT") saviour the size of the adjacent To immediately north of the Library Lat on Shoot IS ift "Liblary Puking List) hall be adjusted Accordingly to nowwrying Such larger building gunpoint The Owner shall noI be responsible footprint to be larger than a at" in the prior saAar�, provided, however, that the size of the for my utility tap &a, but Owner shall complete oc�,&jm of the Library Puking Lot and other parking recas serving the Library Lot The Owner shelf permit the C�owty to use a Library Parking LiA and/or, if not already wmnucnd, Park He for purposes of =arm HER Staging. Within twelve (12) months offer enumeration ficial the County that it intends to begin oms�fim of the library, the Owner shall fD*e San �s me& and the aress, of the Library Puking Liat available with at later a fare kWh onipanded abuse base for Use a access and ��mdion Singing. Such afted w� swung the Library Lot And the Library Parking Lot shall be completed and available ow we an ]arm it= unin (10) months after issmance, of be building permit for the liberty, provided, h�, do asphalt pavement in firwass used for mammalian staging by the Comfy shall fail be required To tic installed until thing (30) days (or well final formal time fich may be necessary due to weather Conditions) afte, me County has removed in czpnsatrucfion�rclated materiale rd equipment. Upon therequess ofthe Comfy, Park IT shall alm be dsficated to public =, but the Open shall rail be .SpmWbl. for maintaining such park, Ovissir shall be responsible fm announce of The Library Parking Lot and other puking spaces serving the Library Ll't .it The County shall have ade bligatirs. 1. be be, of my owner's powifirmon. The Conrail request film dedication of the land for the Library LII ifinsficarreacifthe Rod Park H She]] be made within three (3) years following the ]met Us welor Of (J) fast msidmtial building permit within if= "fild, (if) Gonfices completion a F the infrastructure (including bar not limited to stmins, w�� ishow, clescuries goal required for the me, of the LibriaryLson,or (iii)Dcamerharl (which Decemba3l,2016 deadline may he m�ndw by wthavat mutual agreement of the Owner and the County). He request fir such dedication is not ffer will be null and void. =tic Within three (3) years following the laid ofthm fil this Pin (b) Grain Be in the evand that the mqw�mts far the library building require a larger building Asistibrint, and the County elecess to amilissizes the library bitil ficquid to be larger than 12,500 ago= fied p�mt as seshods S. Ile) above, and in the finihm mount that the building is developed as a waskerainima and the Coal requests the Owner to Assume orldwaship for a portion of the largm buildings Own" shall Accept such ownership in a moral price upon which the parties may mutually State, mid shall =tdb� US the Cmunity, on a pin rate basis based on the proportional sim ofthe portion afibe library building owned by the Owed relative to the at= of the library building as a whole, the East of designing and �"aing such building, These =is may include, if degived by the County, installation of a �,g� IONIC' and my additional expanses Associated with Structurally rearriftancing the war as normal support the 9= roof Within too (10l after Hall ofa�q-� fbrpaYmant by the County that is Accompanied by documentation to support the pmgmg payment mount 0 provided in the �tmcdm contract, die Owner shall submit Bach PcYmpmS be the County, Alternatively, in the even the County elects to dwiSn the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Envimmentd Design fwLEED") bifildirig, the Owed shall wntibuW to the County, on a pin rate basis based on the MP�icnal site of the portion of the library building owned by the Owner relative TO the sin of the library building Am a whole, the additional cases of Constructing the library building W obtain LEED for the building, Witlyintars(10) days after extrapt are request for payment by the County that is asionamparambod bydo�m�tim to support the program payment Amount all provided in the construction crowd. G. Owning shall Submit men payments to the County. Ile design of the gram roof, in the diveria utilized in obtain the LEED Madfication, Am appluable, shall be in the County's disherware. 9.2 Affgrdabl�Hoasine. Subj�tothei�smd=diuonsofthisS=iout 8.2, the Owner shall pwvjde a minimum of Jerry (40) "fail-safe, sidential dwelling units a affordable dwelling units, a minim= of sixty-six (66) ofor-Teraw residential dwelling wits as affordable dwelling units, and a minim= of four (4) Carmatic How Units (as Carriage Home Units m defined I. Shall 8.2(d)), The forty (40) dwelling =its shall be wmpnsed of the following types of dwelling wits: twelve 12) firmin muffi4amily, twelve (12) from mbee Hawel of townhourres, duplexes, attached houll, condominiums in the comeralIBud the, widernified housing typol and sixw. (16) few Single family dothoulself, well at the sale prices and under The terms and carridituday; set fifirth in this Section 8.2, The Owner shall Owl Ole VeraffifidifilitY of constructing the affordable units to the subsequent owners oflms within the Property. (a) Multi -Family and "Chat" FIS-Se Affordable Unit . For multi -family and "other"Ril affordable dwelling units within the Property, such affordable Emis Shall be affordable 0 households with incorrect less than eiplaty pancent (60%) of the area median faily herame (the "Affordable thin Qualifying bawl Such that the housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate taxes and manservant insurance (PITT) do not cxcctd thirty percent (30l of die Affordable List Qualifying ovided, house,ner, that in no Alone shall The selling price of such affordable firmts be less than the Senator of On. Hundred Ninety Thousand four liundmd Dollars ($190,400) or sixty-five percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority rAMA") =ran= mortgage her fire-firthe home buyers at the beginning of the Sol identification and qualification period refercursed in Section 92(0. (b) SinvJe Family Delor hed FOE -See Affordable Uses ("Mixinstely-Prield Unite'. For single family detachad for -sale afrord" units within the Property C'Modm�ly. Priced Unhe% such Modo*dy.PHccd Units shall be affersuble in hodoodsolds; with oncomes ]am than othe hundred mmy percent (120%) of the areal median family inwmc (flIt "Morderawly-Priced Unit Qualifying Incounce), mob the the homing cots consindrig ofPM do fidar mcoW thirty percent (30%) of the Madencely-Peco Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, &in in no evand"i the selling priccod'such Ishoderody-Piriced Units be required 0 he Ims than the greater of TWO Hundred 'Mildly Eight Thousand Doll= ($239,000) or eighty percent (801A) of the applicable VEDA �i� -�g-P far first-thany home buysers; in the beginning ofthm 90-dayidectification and qualification period befigainced in Section Ill (a) FmoRmr Affordable Got . Far a period of five (5) years following the date the mitiflougge of occupancy is Issued by the Caumy ran each forrvid affordable miL or until the uts pre Sold AS low or atershe cost units qualifying AS such wild either the Virginia Housing Development Antlemy, F�w Home Administration. or Housing and Urban Developments Scott= $I whichever comes first (die "Affordable Teraffil such Units shall be =led to households with incomes 1. than the Affordable Unit Qmlifying income. No fiddr-rent affordable unit may be coupled mom it= orreac Towards the number of fiff-reall affordable dwelling units required by this Section 8.2, (i) Cgn nor of Inter All deeds conveying any in� in the fire � shall remain language reficifing That such all is rate Affinhade l during the A filim-donle Term my flor-rent affordable unit, or my pan thermal timing the Affordable Term, shall contain it complain and fall disclosure of (he re�icli= and wa�ls praddlisland bey this Section 8.2(c). price to the conveyance of my interest in my ifin-cand affordable unit during the Affordable Yampa and previde, Team, the thm.m=t owner Shall notify the 0omwy in writing Ofthe carrive the name, address and mlephmc number saf the pautendial UwIM and state that the requirements ofthis Section 8.2(c)(i) ham bear sddisflml� (a), Annual R�dim During the Affordable Term and within nindy (90) days following the and of each oplandur year, the thw-�m owner shall provide TO the Albemarle Comfy Housing Office, a latinfired annual oppot ofall for -mat affordable units for the immediately preceding year in a form Bad =balance ��bly mancyptable, to the Comfy Housing Offifiese, Subject to all federal, soft and local housing lows, and upon �mable notice during The Aflordwlv Term, the thn.adersain, Owner shall make Available to the County at the thou.,urmif owner's Parcel ifenmucefited, my reporM opics ofmtat ori�magre�eiiu,� offire data pertaining to foram] raise as the Comfy may�naMy require, (it) Catrialub Hown, Centel He= Units shall meet the requirements for a single family dwelling a definad in The Virginia Unitbm Statewide Building Code, shall be on the smile parcel AS the primary dwrifing unit he which it is accessory, and shall not be Subdivided from the primary residence (4lbarifigge How Units"). The subdivision restriction shall be included on The plat creating such parealls, and be incorporated into each dead conveying title to sfind, pareads. (a) Each subdivision pig suld Ift Plan fin land within the I'Mrsall which includes affordable wife (which, far this Section S-2e) Shall include Moderately-Pricd Units) dual darigram the lots or undis. AS Applications thin Vill, subject Be the terms and conditions of this mufficar, incorporate affordable unimtsducribed h�oin, The field such subdivision plat or site plan shall include a minim= of them (3) surede affindable wits. Theidifter, and =61 the mml number of affordable fidevedling unim pmffered hmmda shall have ban fulfillod$ the Owner shall provide a minimum offial (3) such affordable dwelling Unite per your. Eifinal subdivision plat and final Site plan else slid] include a �ng tow of the number and p�.g. of fflumble =its pm,ously prifivided and Proposed in be provided by the aimed to ill cc ad subdivision plat U, site pin. Ther purposes of fling Scal &2(d, go& uniN strall be Ed have been pronided who the subsequent own.?.Wda potential written -fiw in 0 u Y Housing Office or its designese that the unit(s) will be available ficar sales as required by Section 8.2(1) below. In the event that the Owner provides nyWm, Om three (3) affordable dwelling units in a single year, the Owner may leepary, over" or "bsl credit, ran such affordable units, mob the do additional Affordable arrits which exceed The minimum Annual roquinmmt may be allocated wifini the ,inim- number of affordable =is required to be provided for my grading year. no maximum number of affordable units that my be carried over in banked Shall Out "and twelve (12) par year. Notwithstanding the tons of this Section 8 2(0) to flit WnttwY, uparm the written request of the Owner, the Comty MAY Authorize Sal alternative pmms mdlw schedule far the provision andior delivery of Such affial units hipficat a dwmmamdion that the request is in general accord With the PUTDO Sed totem of Section 8.2 And/or otherwise figalsoral the pals oflareviding Affordable housing in the County. All identical of the fil affordable units Shall be approved by the Albemarle County Hostaing Choice Of its dftia�, Th, subsequent ofivincribuilder "If provide the County of its designer a Thadifind of timely (90) days so identify and pretrial An eligible ra written edition purchaing for the affordable unit The ninety g9fi�dsy period shall wymdncdRcA witc, firm the that the unitl will be available for Able. Ifthecomt7wits dicifinfic man not provally a quill purchativir who excestes a standard of purchal during this ninety (90)-dgy paiod� the then-c�t owerrourilder shall beve, the Fight to efl the mil without my Centuries on sales prics, or income ftk ,Uhmer(s), proddifid, hourglass vacancy monist Sold without mob residential shall monarlivaleass be wwmad toward the warder of affordable units Required to be provided pu�t to this t� of this Section 8.2. The Tequimmmts of this Section 3.2 shall apply only to the first sale proud ofthe afkardable Mains. IT) 'Me County shall bow She TighL fimm nine By tal on abaccestrable notice and subject to all applicable privacy laws, in inspect the ramerds, of Owner or my amazement in interead far the purposed ofm�ng wnVH� with this Proft fla) Cash THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days allin the Based of Supervisors appromad of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be Contributed ffi. lifigned fimm.A dollars (S300,000) Cash to the County of Albemarle for ibis Albemarle Housing lndimive Fund in such otbw similar fired AS may be established or audiddrused by the County, The contribution fibill be to fund affordable home ownership Tom progralm within the I'myeat and other � of Albemarle Comfy, including those provided by neetwifit himil agencies mob OR the Piedmont Housing Affiliated, Habitat for Thermally, and the Albmnele Housing ImPdmwNSrdf Pmg�. IfsmbcnhcDntribudonis not caphadded for the smted purpose within five (5) years fim the date the funds were clizatognited to the County, all mmjMnded funds shall be ashadind to the Owner. IX EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES 9.1 Elemmu" School Sift. Within two hummid severely (270) days following request by Ole County, Owner shall indicates to the County the land shown on the Applimfion Plan as "Elemental School 12.95 Acres Magnetic Layout", consisting of approximately 12.85 man (Or a melwpoth, ofmb Ind in the County's able discretion) (the "School W). Print to dedication, the School LET shall be graded and Compacted by Owner to a minimum of 95% with Suitable material for building c=pudm ads measured by a standard Prectol m�aim as certified by a professional ginglinfire, or as otherwise approved by the Comfy fingimm w establish a fully graded pad site to accommodate an elementary animal The mo�iotW field impruvmmts shopho on the Appliosatton Plan Shall be rise graded =it ban trip set an I Royal, asuchuhro of my above r�iimW fields Shoo bo' ad, Sucbimpwvemmt�.%hallbu�sonablyequivalmdwihoso misting at rise monfloind fields of BldnyBUdN Sl dim afle, 'mail �v�u� The ��o pahway" of' bad d` A In' Plan an an via - bell be 1. 1 d far the -ill he ow. ticocabe _it .. r an -it 10 t_p.,S IF aeoul pp S earn amaIs-7 A hot,_ oi 1 0 to be extratg-fi, aid am Outtenmyet School Lot will not 1, used as all cleamnisaychme siR, it shall be usell by the ('ounty gas park am =rwdml parpumbes ervnboth Use North Points community am] the Region, If 1110 County rise$ rail request thea the School LEI be deffictiod by the lamar of Dc�ba 31, 2016 fleral mutual agreement fidithe Owner (which December 31,2016 deadline may he =�dad bywri and the County), in three (3) years after the issuance of the fire maidectial building permit within the I'mied, The Owner shall be under no forther obligation no dedicate the School Lot for the purpose deperfical Intel but slid]], by January 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days after such later date, contribute five hundred thousand dollars (3500,000) cash to the County in be mad by the County for projects identified in the County's CIP coubsonably related to the Heads of the North Pointe central and in such event the School Lot may be mod fifir offider tamblential purposess ication Plan. as approved by the County after request by Owner for an =mdmml to the APPI park and Aft. dedication and before the County uses the uisseLet for . School or Am hall mananthe School Lt fit stacreational purposes, and d7mqmAIcd1 bythe County, Ownsms requested by the County to no longer do AM subject to the OWHOCS right to melmive mat Of tile y School Lot for park and mwAdhmd purposes. Such park and �iaml purposes shall be oral void firml site plan or Subdivision plat for the com final includes the th.. nst shown PPHs Saturn Lot. Upon being requested by the County, Owner shall cause all use and mainfientramy of the School Lot and �ove all imparoverfinfirms establishod by Dooder that the County retwits be removed. The Comfy shall not be Obliged to pay Owed for any improvement; established by Owner the the County retains. The dual of dedication for the School Lot shall Provide that if Die County Accepts title fin the School Let and thert does Hot construct either a park or a school within tharity (20) years following the date the Board of Supervisors appreves the ZMA Amendment, flum upon Onseficar's request title in the School Lot shall be �sfwcd to Owner at no ap�to Owner. 9.2 Ban Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop improvements, ad Bus SAM (a) Owed shall comfort Pay (10) public bus stop imoffs o shown on the Application Plans or otherwise Me (2) in hic muth�ost residented area, fact (4) in the �ic)mial mom and fibur (4) in the other repidential Areas, Bow in 4 10mfiw mutually acceptable in Ownw and the County. The bus stop forwiffle shall be approved with mad �mdion plans far the Project and bonded and =snded with the strides. fla Upon the request by the County, Oymm shall contribute the Mal sum of twenty five thmmd doll= (325,000) cash towards the design and whastruction of the above grand bus gap impmvmnu snob a benches and siderse meeting Standards established by the Coal cub bus stop. Stan County does Ent request the funds, or requests the funds bad does net w�a the bus Shop bmmyvmnmD by the Iota of December 31, 2015 or final (3) years aft continue, of the mad network that includes the bus stop tummffu than Subject to nuffiteris of fares majews, the tonexpended fiands shall, in flit distinction of the County, either be �med to Owed or applied to a project ideraffied in the Comay's mrsited improvement pmg� within or adifireent in the Project thin benefits the Project. (c) Within thirty (30) days after the intrinducticaut of public tramportation to the Proicas, Owner shall contribute tweray-fil thownd dollars ($25,000) cash to the County In be usiza for operating expennes related to such scrvicc� and shall Thereafter Annually contribute Tawnty�Frva Ti.B.d Dollars ($25,000) cash to the County W be Used for (sliendibig mP-S- retired to so& service for a period of nine (9) additional ym� such that the total funds contributed to the County pursuant Be thia Section 9.2(c) 6.11 net Amend Two Hundred Fifty Thommd Dollars S250,000). If the introduction offal umspt)ftation to the Peajam does net ZMA commence by the later of ran (10) years arm the Board of Supervisors approved, the Occupancy Amendment, or seem (7) years Aft, the data fthe its.=. mithe first ambitious of for The first mmmmial building within the Project, this Section 9.2(c) shall become null and void X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Unless the dedication of public nglf-of-way and the sommuction of Sucstreet an required in wriffinfiefion with the related Section, or approval of a suladfivial plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and foot Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) last wide right-of-way located Whole me area shown on Swal IS and identified as a 11501 R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication" completing a right- of-way firwas the proposed middle mtmm mad into Worth Pointe OF the Southern Property Em of Thai MAP 32, P�] 22B CliMP 32-221w). Prior to the issumm of a building permit for Building 32 as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Cheadit Court ofAlb..,IO County, . radmot, imwwl deed ofiledication dedicating to public use for mad purposes, the me labeled "50'R.O.W. Reserved fier Future Dedimdon." Owner acknowledges that it it is wt pan of a subdiAsion plat approved by the County, such oft of dcalicatiormust be the rovicesse and approval by the Board ofSapmi� and Accepted by the Beard. Such died of dadilagion shall include the following conditions: (I) that TMP 32-22B shall ham base upsedifind; and (if) that prior To its use for ad purposes, there shall have ban constructiad an the land so diciflituddl a mad approved by the County and Accepted by VDIOT for public now bonded far VDOT's grachareturne. At the time ofthe �sbwdon ofthe access mad serving Budding 32, the Owner shall mn� the implantation curb radii or the mad Serving TMP 32-22E and extend construction of such mad for at lug a minim= of we hundred (100) fee few Nordisid. Drive Else. The 0,mor Shall also piano at " and armada extended mad, a signs approved by the Comfy, advising and notifying the public that such dght-of-way is the local= of a fb�e mad extension. Owed shall giant �P-1-Y wns�i- M=mtl AS determined dinimary by the County Engineer in allow for the mad to be mtmdW in TMP 32. 22E, which andemitim wwwws shall be an Owl propety it Outside of the dedicated riglo-opway, And shall be established by the applicable site plan. No fi�Vo�m� shall he located within the temporary mm�dim Answers until confirmation of such mad was base completed. 10.2 Access to Tax Man 32A. gmdn 2- Parcel 4 lent Nmthwoods Mobile Rome Park Property). Unless the dedication ofpublic opt -of -way and the ��cdm of such Wed am required in adjunctior, with the approval of a subdivision plat vatiffier Aibmmie CountyCDde § 14-409andrulated sections, artheirsuccessater Owed shall busherve an y I. the ]..it. labeled I'll R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication's at the eastern bad of the main cumrr�al Access mind fain U.S. Rome 29 on Shed B for access By Tax Map 32A. Section 2, Puma] 4 C'TTAP 32A.2-4"). print to the issuance of a building Parcel for Building 6 or Buildings VI thmugb V6, Bob an shown on the Application Pie., which. is cauli Owner She]] raboad in the Clerk's Offiche of the Clean Court of Albemarle County, a comfort, irrevocable dead of dedication dediciating to public we for road purpose% the area letherad "Sif R.O.W. Interval for Future radical Overtmallurowlsises that if it is not pan of a subdivision TIM appreved by the County, such offer of dedimfion =of be That revidocil and approdard by the Board of Supervisors it radepeod by th. Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that Thrill 3 2A-2-4 31.11 have ban upwrial and tfi) that pHil, in its HBO for road purposes, Ili= shall have bow constructed on the land so ddimtod a mad Approed by the County ..,it .pro by VDOT far public use or handed far VDOT E .��pW�. At the time of the constanifien of the mundedaut serving Building 6 and Buildings Vl through V6 the Owl shall commuld the intintrection curb radii it AMAw1 constrabrion affair, mad for . distance of at least thbly fee beyond the mmdabout. The Owner shall also place at the and of such m�ded mad, a sign, approved by the County, advising and ingifying [be public that such rightaf-wery is the location are fund= mad extension. After dedication and before the conditions cribs dedication have bear satisfied, and !frequented by the County, Owner "I maintain the dedicated land until requested by the County no [mom do so, Subject Try the Chanel Tight TO exclusive me Of the dedicated land for Park, recreational, and/or g=space purposes. Upon theing mquested by the County, O�r Amu madin all use and maintenance ofthe dedicated Ind =it Trawave all impTovmm� established by Owner (ifadal that the County requeses be removed. Owner shall grant temporary construction Roy Engineer by allow for the mad ta be munded casmma As demmincif necessary by the Cc to TMP 32A-2-4, what, mmomflon ��ig shall be on Glances property and Outside of the dedicate right-opway, and shall be established by die applicable site plan. No impmYmmu shall be located within the temporary construction casements Until wmtructiQn of�eb mad hass be. completed. XI. SIGNATORY , The undersigned modify that they cas the Only ownm ofthe Proppay, [2.1 Cerfificate which is the subject cribs ZMA Aniwdmt. 12.2 Th. Owner. Them proffers shall me with the Property and mh rufmmm to proffers; shall include within its meaning, and shall be binding upon, Owner within these OrYmices =mmor(s) in interest andfor the filovelopor(s) of the Property Of my portion of the prayperly. (Sigmwre Pages Immediately Follow) This Position Statement may be signed in comanpairs andfor via facsimile with the same full force and effect as bull Signatures; werearightfial and on one document P moselftifirdAll Gillum. WIM Great Eastern Coal anager COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE y castrefies, that it it No Fall in and for junsifietbal signal himb I A oin 01111.1rilt., U me a f Often Eastern Mmag�t Company, myse name e _&II file, LLC, ManagworfN Plablithe Charlotte fla. LL Virginia limbild liability company is signed to the Amended and Restated Preffe SMt-imi bearing the date as of 6.4 1:4 1 13, andenowledged the sam, before me in my jurisdiction ufor�id an behalf al limited 20 liability company. Given dar my hand this J5 wyofA&**-2013. 0 iscrour My crearrifirs!�ld"Pres - 11 t31 2014 EYVM At a [SEAL] 02 Dal COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Op undersigned Notary P do ill I ' ifieficat aforesaid bereby ificatifics that 11 Ram= management CoHqdi .. Manager by!"it Hill Associates, L.I.C., a Virginia limited liability Company, is signed to The Amended and Restated PmMr Slammustat homing the date as of 2013, iaf acknowledged tbesamebofm main myjurisdiction Aforesaid on behalfo company Given under my hand this day of 2013, non mpims: My comis CW4ftLqKW ISEALI C" & a 19 MYC�. EM We -t 1 2014 CV4 CWH PR07P ES LIMITED PAR SHIP toartner to Limited Partimmidip, partner L' , Gaza 1 r. Great Eastern Man. Ell COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OFALREMARLE dersi ad Notary Public 84 f�br eabdiction atmesaid hereby cerdfia that f Greg Eastern Maug=mt Compaiday, T Of T kinhip, onerM Penney of CWH Properties Limited Partnmbip, a Virginia lificand parrifirshi , is si to the librugoing Amended and Restated Proffor S�wt bearing th 2013, acknowledged the a hot= in myjurisdicfion aforesaid an tumbalf or said partnership. Given undersay hand this dy.fMCAMW 2013. r`�CWSWSj aww_i Ramuft ime�wmalh3l 2014 [SEAL] Notary PuFas'.- 0 M LO C3 0 'Oso -:14 r- 1-4 Z alls, Q) saaaasI, 1-4 "Jal 0 �4 6 co 0 _l,-) C) 0 C) LU .,4 0 C: Z _4 Q) cc: Islas) 9) _4 C Z East CM) am U) CO UW fial LET 0 .1 co Q) �_= Int 0 1-4 r4P-4 Ld C' Pal C-4 CO C-4 0 1-4 0 C-4 Q) 0 0 0 0) 0 0 < E Q) 0) t1sLTH 0 C >1 C C) BRIAN C. MI CHELL Lic. No, 035724 0112112022 72 0 IONAL 1 0 4) 0 3: 0) E! 'a m :E 0 0 0 C; >1 0. 0 0 0 0 Lw 9) REVISIONS GA TE ITEM J/202 0610812021 PER COMMEN TS C LET 0 0 0 0 PROJECT MANAGER 0 li,,� I �MITCH�ELLP.E�. C .21 PROJ.# 20190267 SHEET If C 1 =Af, P ® a G-LOTS j1ITII GRIND PUMPS DI IIaRGI TO GRAN�1r V I " 'PARKS 11}\ SIZE MODIFIED MARK _TYPE_ I. WIDSCAPING _ AC 71VI7V _. - y_ IS. F.I CRITICAL SLOPE VVV S . SIZES �a A Res Natural Park LandsGras, owl grass 6hencbes Passive 1950E NIA ® — i� D Natural Vallee amphitlPEhItamea er Gras, bowl PassMe 12 27995 93 PRESERVED 96 ' C Rr,denaal Street Island Landscaped grass Passive 16457 6,9M .-. �.� D Natural Valley use Recreation Natural woods 8 benches Passive 27 507 29,77E �.� E South Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active; Passive 46.507 65,672 ' C ErF a, ,Pal na..w.,., ..e .,....,.:..,, Landscaped walk &benches Acute 36,544 NA t — MANAGED ♦ F oulh Club House Picnic Area Play courts In natural woods Actve 5360E 47 a6 r\� - o __, �♦ y - Q H Urban Plaza handscaped) Landscaped walkways Passive 12.10E NIA �' ♦ II I North Club House Receation Area Pool and natural woods Actra, i Passive 50669 64,087 a `` r ,.4eyv ♦ �♦ m ., ,+ � ,• ,,. . o - ASCA CREATED/MAN MADE r .� � /'__ -. Z � � ♦ p° J Natural Valley Entrance and Play Area Play court in natural woods Active i Passive 11586 12,392 : / / C 1 I �•. A TOTN 264.861 SIl Dfi3 -� r i fiE -..� .ems L\`�\� ♦ - 9 I e y, � I` y SAM/BMb 79' \ \ 113 � �Ipyjgy�y � S� _ C 4 FFF _ // 'ti �� � :EI �� • RESERVED ' g yp P •♦ FOR FUTURE 9 1 q�IA k DEDIC O UPON r: ATIXI oEM,rND 11 ' Er 75 l�-\ �ti �f �- - \ ILIAPnPnRV FVERGENtI �1��- v __ •4 \\\❑❑❑\\\❑❑❑... °7 Q • /s s/! \ ■ —� it f q --� � /' /-� _ ♦ Yin +tr - / � � p •V � � � - ❑�❑1�1�'V � r �� � err ��'` � �/- ♦ � ��.,..-N, � ,�,�y!'^�w, �"�,� � '��,♦. / �_� ...., + /A \ © -. __ I I / 16 , RBI �.. may_. __ _ • �, \. � � 9 I: r.1�� f � �5 / -- ! r � \\�\.\: • -� � �� Y O GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESMULE, VA 22901 DAVD MITCHELL, EJS. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: cl. id houthern-drasic.,. TOwNES SITE ENGINEERING CIO TERFIBRIAC. MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD,SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, 2 PHONE 74 (B04) 748 9011 9011 FAY; (804) 748-2590 rill ca-low E-MAIL: RMITCHELLaCCTOWNES.COM J ` ;J --�.. _._ � ' .4f .�.-. - r 1r L/ a II 156 ,. -'��� • _�;\ : - a �--' Y - _ -:: '■ � b qqA � O G ■'.`. w ,.:_: I / � �� .. ' �/ �LLU6HOE$E / If I,, � i � 115a 11�4 159 _ �/41 , '. ,. � , --- .__. _, f 1 k 'R\ \ ■ �® . f 1 I 1 \ � \ K� i { --'Y ____ \� ' ~�'•� • �� _ ,4,1�/T-Y` � /4y. „' ` �` - � ! � I �� <wt,\ J\ \ \;� Ins i '�k .. , e0 ,e X 1 /� -� I� \._.z� a �' 1 i y�' -�,.- - - - 1 I,. �■ se +,� ate• p g _„<� -, �:�roL �rr l;F/ -`_�.♦ i , \ fy -/`. j .,j `. _ s{ , _ /r•S ---\ - EErPORAa>_ 61 ) + ---- _, v y _ _ _.-✓ ❑ - ,c '�:.- :7 \^, \.- \, � 31.V_ L , •y I cui FS.-saCs� 1. - /"r </ V i /�.^+:_ ,..- _ "..Y, �(�Y'I`,f \\.... •`_ FOR FUTURE r �r .. _ "t\ '.._- <- �i. -� /', ::. �':. ;�., ,.,r ;/. / -_, 0.• - •... (` G�-'-'.. _,� /' r _. � aI I y BEBIUTIDN .. uva4 Dndulo - - �J � -- ♦s �♦ ! I .. wry � J/.(L I �-li T PAIR* f 1ar •� J Lai.. 1 u TT^ ., .�, - coma - �._•'� -„ /V a Q !'. A E S DRIVE �� ❑� LAYOUT PLAN fsj ROAD IMF,0\El ... WITH iI II - 0 OA P y g R'EQLJ R D �VI - 'ROPE AMEN IE S NLES I EIS _ _ 1PPROV TO E110 ` IT. NORTH POINTE a . w� - s =.- RIVANNA DISTRICT ❑� ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REV 06/11/14 -� Townes -7- , -- SITE ENC;INEERING 9850 Lori Chesterfield, Road, Virginia 23832 _ Phone:(804) 748-9011 Pas: (004) 748-2590 Y6 GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT ASK US HOW DATE REVISIONS ITEM O m In C rn � C3 0 V dt U O � Z ^I Ill Lj C U C:LU pzi .0U rq � Ta bw V Z` om V, m W 0 W .� 1 W LU 0 y L O r Q 'T It 1-0- a 00 a N Cq 0 O N Fyy L) U r�..l C a ° U O O 01 N O O VJ C� Q E IT iz E_ ��EpLTH pE, ` c T C Q ° U y � BRIAN C. M CHELL o C. N0. 035724 01/21/2022 o�FSS/ONALENG\� o y N C O U 3 r ti ti ° 7• I� L_ W v 3 O O q� 0 0 E~ ° w ° ° U �I 4 U U U a L m d w d N 3 0 El 0 C1 DATE °' L 07-31-2020 SCALE c NOT TO SCALE 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'° BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY -° C O PROQ c 20190267 3 ° SHEET # C — IB t --------------------- ------------------- ZI If If ---- __--------- I i ' ' _l------------------- , - \\ It If ���_ i / i i i i / i � -------------- ------ ------------------ ----------------------------- -____ /r------- _ _ - - - - - - - - ----- I 11 I I l I l II I i I I I l / -+L7t5- — — — — — ____ --- ------ ----- \ 1 ' I I ---- — _ I I , I l / I , I 1 I , 1 1 I , I l l / / / , — — — — — —' ------------------------------ 7 / / t � ' i i / / i / i l i / i i I ' i (� / � \ iii i i / �------------------- -------------------------------- \ / 1 I f // i t i f \ / i iii i i i / i r-------- `t I l / l I l , I l l , l I /{ ' I �I I / \ / / / i � / / i i i i i �--------------------------------- ___--------------------------------------- '- \ \ \ ,I I I ' l , , I 1 ; 1 ' I 'I ' l i ' I ' ' / '--- \ / r / / / / / r r / / / / ------------------------ -'--------------------------------- _ ` .\ , , / It l l I, l I l I _ l Sy�------------------------- ,- - - '- \` -47e- - - - - ------------------ \ \i i i' 1 // i ' I i I i �' l l \ i 1 i l I I I I l i 1 i l EX 20' ORAINA,\'---------------- ---------- lI i t i i l l i I l l 1// I!! l/// I / l I l ! I!, l l // l l EASEMENT `. i i i//� i i i/ i i i i' i l/ l I l l I I I I I I l // /, i I d l l l l `. / i i% / i i i / i i%/ / i r -- ------------- \ \ I I/ / --- - I I ' I I 1, LINE TABLE LINE# LENGTH DIRECTION Ll 255.912 N73° 08' 35,11'E L2 68.084 N360 57' 46,96'E L3 129.632 N480 10' 23.81'E L4 60.701 N32` 46' 39.13'W L5 107.950 S360 12' 54.91'W L6 20.396 S240 54' 19.16'W L7 52.911 S36' 12' 54.90'W L8 17.705 S49` 54' 19.87'W L9 14,485 S36' 44' 33,25'E CURVE TABLE CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Cl 25.432 830.500 001.7546 C2 101.714 369.500 015.7720 C3 124.663 75.000 095.2352 C4 118.963 645.500 010.5593 C5 37.048 25.000 084.9089 C6 44.481 284.500 008.9580 C7 24.778 284.287 004.9938 i i ll // l /E 1/A it IN 71 / l l l l i/ l/ l l l ,'' %/ i i/ / i ` -------------------------'' I i i ' 1 i i l / i i i i/ l i A l /I BE l __ l I / ll i i � l ! I ! I l 1 1 / I l / l , l l / / / , / ---- - , � 7L / r/ / -- l I / It / l I ! l I I r l l I / / i r / , / ' ' / / / i / i r ------ - • , I I ! / / l l! l l ! I l l l l l ll l l /, / --- ` . IJ-1-/._.r_ l l l l l ,! l , r /, f00 YEAR BACKWATER l / / l I I I I'�l --i 71- j— l ! ! l l I / l / / l I / EX 20' RAINAGE / i i i i i I r / , / r �C-------- �` \\ `\ i ! I I 1 I / / i i i i i i i I ELEVATION 462.38 / / I I ' / / / l / I ! l + l ! , l / -\ EASEME � � , / / � i i / i i i i / i / / / � — — — — \\ I / / / / / l 1 I I I //! //////�!f-�/-l��� // / / / L3 -_ l - � / / / / / / - \ \ \ . / / / l r / / , / / � / / / i l l I --�F------- I i' i/ l/ l lilt I l /- `\ y'/' /i i i i/ i i i i / _ �\ i l r i I /ll/ � � � / ! / / / / / / / / / , / / / . / 20 / � � �- .� / / / / / � i / ' / r r / ; � _ \ \ l . / i'//i 00°° ----- `. EXPL�-+L2 r -� +- 4- i l i I ll i l I/ l T-Q���%J j7 �/ /' i / i i i i i i/ i ' �{ '� P- - o l Tl/l!/'-1�1� /mil , l / / / //// °��_` l l / l—i / T/7L r�- iO/ / , �___ `. , l l i / ' , , / • , / r / I I I I iil i ii it i ilI l _ I i l i I !li l l l l --\��� 'i iiil I ilil/l li li 1 ilil l l / \ /„ftL� y/�['i /// i/i//r I l j T� T- // r / to / l l \\\ / / % //�,/ / i ? 7` /o i`- /'—r' J i / ; 0 1 i " �'r ' r' .' 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I EASEMENT LATERAL J EX SSM?If / , I � III ; ° ' '' c• . .3\\ I --------- (JIt vAIt - - _ / Qom' 1 q , / , \ _ — I ,\--------48r-------- EX 8" SSWR L7 .SHELTE------------- R K . A a�a. 4: .. a\' d~ .a.•g' !A °e quo a .. •. \ R'. a e`( A 4 C4 4• / / EX.101 SIDEWAL• \ / %� I/ 1 . e4. C5 r O \ X /RR. EX 1 " EX BUS S76P 4. \\ ' 4 j Ol / �/ �/ \ W \ EX 8" D.I. W/L — —W — — "l^�'J\-fl — — \`W� — —W — } —W — — —W — — — —W — — /w — — —W — — —W — — —W — W — — —W — — .�W — — —W — — —W — — W —W — — —W — — —W/L — —W — — ,� EX —W W ,\ 1 n EX 12" D.L W/L .' /r / —w c — _W — _ `. \ / ' -ARV \ 3 \\ // ' ' � W � 3 EX FIRE _ HYDRANT\ I 1. CLIFFST6NE BOULEVARD'`, 35 MPH\DESIGN SPEED 1 \ GS-7 - PUBLIC - 8,000 VPD , ULI Heil III GRAPHIC SCALE ' zo o to zo a a. ( IN FEET) , \ — — — — — — --------- ---_------ - __---------- 1 inch = 20 ft. / :.\' ��---------------485--- __ - - \ � 1 r 1 1 / 1 / 1 O O U)CO � U O � Z H-�o co 0 W � CQ U W �Cd U rl Z C: Z E W CO , ►��dlr� tin W Ix b ^ G 2 IZ, �aN .... �"+ o ."I 0 N O � U ,i+ c a ° U O I rn d o O 2 N N Y a Q �3 M c d E N rn ,�p.LTH OE C O O U T U BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112112022 v t O�FSSIONALENG\ n N C d N C O U ny C 'L L_ s L W EL,� o 0 ti > Q 0 :Z) OL V m C r l�l N O 0 L c ti .n r, (� o �rJ O V U �+ 0 0 E..4 a L ti d C REVISIONS CDATE ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS d C d t " DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE 1" = 20' c 3 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn a DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -o C O c PROJ.j 20190267 0 =2i / / O EX 20' DRAINAGE EX VARIABLE WIDTH l l l / SANITARY SEWER EX 20' gqRAINAGE _ EA �3 ��<1dLlTz�'l�/-�L 0 /CEX— RIPAP_2;_ — EX/z/L /T�pz� 19 ZY FILTER FABRIC 4z�z,� w SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONNECTION POINTS, RECEIVING PIPE SIZES, INVERTS, AND PIPE MATERIALS FOR UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY UPON FINDING A DIFFERENCE IN FIELD CONDITIONS AND WHAT IS DEPICTED ON THE PLANS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE MISS UTILITY OR A PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATION SERVICE TO MARK ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS, RELOCATIONS, NEW SERVICES, AND TEMPORARY SERVICES WITH THE UTILITY OWNER PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 4. MAILBOX LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED WITH UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. ADA NOTES: 1. ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMPS MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DESIGN INFORMATION AND ADA REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES, ACCESS ISLES AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICC ANSI A117.109 AND THE 2015 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE. SITE SUMMARY: USE: CLUBHOUSE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA ZONING DISTRICT PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) TAX MAPS/PARCELS 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 2.04 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' BUILDING: 3,800 SF (TOTAL AREA) 2,600 SF (USEABLE RECREATION AREA) HEIGHT: 27 FT PARKING*: BUILDING: 1 PER 125 SF USEABLE REC. AREA 2600/125 = 21 SPACES SWIMMING POOL: 1 PER 125 SF WATER SURFACE 4545/125 = 36 SPACES 23 SPACES REQUIRED (57 SPACES REDUCED BY 60%) 29 SPACES PROVIDED 27 STANDARD SPACES 2 ADA SPACES *THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR A RESIDENTIAL RECREATIONAL FACILITY WITHIN A SUBDIVISION SHALL BE REDUCED BY THE PERCENTAGE OF DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION WITHIN ONE -QUARTER MILE OF THE FACILITY. REQUIRED SETBACKS: COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FRONT = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM SIDE = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM REAR = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM SITE IMPERVIOUS: 0.93 AC / 40,463 SF i i (\ O CA SIG HCP CG-12NUN RETAINING WALL {. r. "� p CA= _ / BUMPER BLOCK (TYP.) I / a —_ I II � ae. •. C2 / a I II a 1 oe a. I• � n /�I II < a a £ • GATE / �S •a: C — — — — e — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — N // �/Q - GATE � a 4' VINYL FENCE ` / a --------- -- a -` 6" SIN. SERVIICE C.O.Al 3 2 C) / C.O. 1.55 SERVICEF EX8"SSWR I mo_ �lM —�11 _ = JO' / 4 CS" / L7 'S19ELTER / I ab I < —n _ _ EX 8" D.I. W�• W �W GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 a ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. L8 a ° / ..a .. a. ..a .. \ L5 9. a EX R W . as ! — — — — — — — — — — — � ae — ---- �4EX 101 SIDEWALK "G C5 �/\/\/ \ _ \ \ X /RR. EX 1 " EX BUS STOP e. Ol / \ ETER W ? b. by a . a .4 / "4 � 14 W — — —W — —W — — —W — — — —W — — �W — — —W — — —W — — —— W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —— _ \ rJU1 EX 12" l _ W - _ ARV \ \ \ IA Oa' a J I 3 �TL����� 2 11 W _ _ 3 EX FIRE \ \ W l HYDRANT \ CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD 35 MPH DESIGN SPEED GS-7 - PUBLIC - 8,000 VPD �W � `W\ 0 rn 0 � dl O � Z Ho W � U CW ���U U� Z v •�I � m Z � (m CO W W"aloes ' LW 12 a ....+ 0 ."I 0 N O L U ,i+ c a ° U ° 5 rn d o O '^ 2°1 VJ N Q a d ,j�pLTH OE ` `c (p ° 9 � BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O1/21/2022 v O�FS3/ONALENO\ n N a-. C N N C O U C M M �L 3 L_ •d s y 7 ° t r� �1� _ `/ E-4 3 l�l W ti ° " 1 y 0 ti 6-4 w O CCy,S v ° c rr^^ *T COL vl ° C 0 U 7 0 a ;u d rn DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 1010112021 PER COMMENTS 01 21 2022 PER COMMENTS d C t " DATE 07-31-2020 c SCALE 1. = 20' 3 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N a DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -° c O c PROJ.j 20190267 0 O SHEET � ` C — 3 ---------------------- ♦ --__ \ \ ` ` \ \ \ ♦ \ ` \ �-__ � I 1 1 1 / 1 I l / / / ____ ____ _______ __ 1. ALL PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURE TO CENTER OF STRUCTURE. \ \ \ ` ♦ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ /, --_ / / / / / T 2. VDOT STANDARD ST-1 STEPS REQUIRED ON ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES 4' TALL OR HIGHER �950. - - - - - - - - - - \ \ , , \ \ \ \ ♦ \ \� l , I , 1 , , , I 1 / •, , , � / , / � / 7--_____ 3. RCP PIPE TO BE CLASS III UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ------- \ - 4. ALL ROOF DRAIN PIPE FROM BUILDING TO RCP STORM SEWER SHALL BE HDPE OR EQUAL \ `\\ \ \`\\ `♦\ \\ \ \ \ \\\ `\\ \\\ `\ \ i /l , 1 I i i I i II j j `\\ / i / i i / i -----______ 5. ALL ROOF DRAINS SHALL DISCHARGE IN A MANNER NOT TO CAUSE A PUBLI NUISANCE AND NOT OVER SIDEWALKS i------------- 6. ALL STORM SEWER WITH INVERTS BELOW THE NORMAL POOL OF SWM BASIN TO BE 0-RING PIPE It 7. BOOT CONNECTORS REQUIRED FOR ALL PLASTIC PIPE CONNECTIONS INTO STORM STRUCTURES `\\ `\ \ \ \ `♦ `\ `) i i i I i i i i ll \\ / / / / / /-______ 8. ANY STRUCTURE PROPOSED TO BE MODIFIED MUST BE REPLACED IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE DURING \\ ♦\ \\ \\ \ \ ) / l � l I l i l l l % l 1 i 1 , ; l \ � \ `.\ � / � � � i / � / � / i i � - - -¢73- _ _ _ MODIFICATION. l i / �\ \ / i i i i i i/----------- _-------- - i' i------------------------------'' _--- -----------------_ ---------------- - \) / \ / i i i/// i i i/ i i T-----------------------------------------_----------------- _----------------- ------ Structure Table Structure Name STRUCTURE DETAILS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION 1 TOP = 484.500 VDOT DI-5 INV OUT = 481.000 TOP = 484.797 3 INV IN = 480.785 DI-38-72in (6ft) INV OUT = 480.685 TOP = 484.651 5 INV IN = 479.693 DI-313-72in (6ft) INV OUT = 472.704 TOP = 466.875 7 INV IN = 462.514 M/H INV OUT = 462.414 9 TOP = 463.958 EW-1 INV IN = 462.000 Storm Pipe Table STORM PIPE FROM STR TO STIR INV IN INV OUT PIPE SIZE PIPE LENGTH Slope 2 1 3 481.00 480.78 15 IN. CL. III RCP 21.51' 1.00% 4 3 5 480.68 479.69 15 IN. CL. III RCP 99.17' 1.00% 6 5 7 472.70 462.51 15 IN. CL. III RCP 67.93' 15.00% 8 7 9 462.41 462.00 15 IN. CL. III RCP 82.79' 0.50% /-------------------------------'''_ -- --------------------------------------- 1 1 1 I l I I l l l l--- 1 l i i' l i i i l fl it i ill fl i it it it / ll l/ l l i i i i// i i i/ i i i i '-------------------------------- ------ 1 _-$7e------ __� i' i t i t l l l / l /ll / / ``♦ i i i/ // i i i// i i // -_ ---- l i i' i l i i i i l i' i i y i l / f l, l `♦♦ i i i // i i i i i / i ___-------- '------------------------------------------ --'-------- �-''�\\.\ '�\ \ \`, / II I 1 � 1 11 /l ll � y r-/-l/ i l i i l i/ i i f /j l l / // i i// i i --------------------------- --- ` -/- , I / , l , / / / /\ / / / / / _ 100 YEAR BACKWATER / l i i i i i i i 1 i f I l l l�i-1 �- L� l l l , � l l , � l , l l l ���\ , i � , / / / / i i i i / i � / / \ � ELFVA'T1BAt-46F:38--------------''��/ / / , __— l/ i --1--_ l_ \i/ -----465------ ll�� ` % // / /' / '/ / / , � / � / � � � "-------- ° -T- -- --RI-P-RA-P i i I =7'xW=-'xD=2". 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It - , \ ♦ \� \ / I - / -------------------- ----------------- _ / 1 1 I I ,' l , , l .p. \ _ . -s -•r _ . r . - k .GAT ` / 1 \ \ `-` \♦ \\ `\ \\ / \�\ I 1 1 I I .. /1 , .e- , ♦ �: � '� � � +` -� n' _______- - ''' ter.. ... ... ... ... ./ .. .. \ \ `, \ ♦ `\ /' \ JF ... + -- ..---------'- /' .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ♦ ��\ I \ / \ 1_u- _mod_ ` • -" _ __________ _^_ _-F.^? / \\ \\ \\ `♦ ` / r -T \ --�.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 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EX RIW :EX.104$OEWALK d' p'.4 ,. aEX BUS SXP �.\ .. a?�\ _ . . ... 4 .. 1 Ol / /�j W- -w - - -vq,:z3I - - `W\\ - -W - } -w - - -W - - - -w - - - - -W - - -W - - -w - W - - -W - -,mow - - -\d - - -w - - -w� - -w - - -w - --\✓/L/- -w - - -w - - \ I --- -- — CLIFFST6NE BOULEVARD 1 \ I 35 MPH\DESIGN SPEED W \ \ `\\ GS-7 - PUBLIC - 8,000 VPD \ }F \ GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 M i / ( IN FEET)__-------------- '' 1 inch = 20 ft. I � / a°.\� / ---------------ASS -- ----- ------------------- 0 M 11.0 C\2 rlj 0 CO O �J ,�q U U) Z "I ^ W .--I C /)I I3 Q c E 0 o+ >, BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic No. 035724 0112112022 s OFFSS/ONALENC'\ a rn c 0 / c II ! 1 U c II II II I•c 3 L 0 L W V 3 W a v Q CID fl I N U -° O I I a � I I \ L o+ iu DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 2J 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 1010112021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS N °' DATE 07-31-2020 scALE 0 L ° PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 1\� \ C 0 1 PROJgF 20190267 .3 0 SHEET j C - 4 r H -- _--------- - \ \ \ ♦ ` \ \ \ \ \ \ , 1 I I I 1 I 1 I /1 / / / / / / / T-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- \ / / / / / _ __--- - \ ------------- ---------------- " ------ --- `. ---------------------------------------- --------------- -------- `T---------'----------------------------------------- _-------- `\ - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- -', ;l / \ \ `'/ / i i i / / i / - - - - - - - - - - - - - _----------------- __,-- \ ------------ - \----------------''" __--------------------_-------------- '\ i------ ----- ----- `t�) / \ /// i i i i / i i------------------------------------------------------- _------------------- l'---/--- \ / i i ///iii / i i __ -----------------------------------''' ---------- l_,------------------------ --'----------------------------------' � - - 47e -'-�_--------------------------------- ------\`-`-\- \-- "-_-___---- \ `\ `\ \\`\ _ ________________________________' _____________________________TF-jJ100 YEAR BACKWATER 4- L. _EL�AYBM-46F.38--------- l l l il ---- \\` _---465-------- EA- _°o°°° RTIE-PR-RA-FP W=Vx-AD \B=j-/E/LL ii?i- - 1/9l7 it \ ili l/ l l---f----- /// ����/�/i / � ���' ° I_ 1 t' a ;•`!'.;:.'::>;::.'::a''_-....:.,::•'.:':;s." �.:�'' / l l l / l % l � l / / l / l / / l l / l / ��\�-- % / / % / / / / / / / / ��/ �/ \/ o +'....:.�:;,f�•:....;:.:�'':,'.a'...��... 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I I ..< .a. •" _,n •�Q.. .+ -^ . .a 3800 SF �.� .■■. ■■ .■■■ .■ ■■ .■ BUILDING 4 ... ... ... ... ... �y ....... 4545 SF .. w . _ ^ L' .- ^..'.'..'.'. - ............r e . I _ I I 290 SF : +'_ na • . • POOL = l� 0 �.. ` I . :�I 1 .............. 1 ........ -n ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'I'.'.'.'.'.'......�...........i.. ....�:.. .•L U +_ �llaa.. _na' . ..... ........ ........ ........ .... .. ... ........ .1 ....... ....... `��I�... ... ........ ..... I I + .. •. w a + ......... < ... I 7. .. .. I . .. �\// ` •i.. . • e. .I I. . \ / \ °/Y i ✓/ I�/I I '/ 11 ' G ITE 11 1 I III I _ e fill I :.GATE e:' .+^.. 2�-------------- /� ��/� � :, •" £ ` \\� 4' VINYL FENCE--------- ----- -- — --- - .--- // i,' i . / --c Q- / /�i it / .\; ��� .�_o.. \ �\ — ------ .a: ----------- 6" SAN. SERVIICE C.O. 3 , / n / ��� / % % \ �.. \ \ • C.O. J . / .• / ..(7 `\------- — — — — — — • 1.` SERVICEW — — — — / ^ E -_ / i / i '� / ��� E • � - -----' ------ - W - - -------- ' a. e . // .• �/ 'e' 3 \`.' I I /I \\ e X R W FINE +:-�■ ■ 'EX:104$OEWALK %' 4 \ EX BUS SXP \.\ "r. a<�\ . �° 4 .. I 01 -vqZZ31 - - `W, \ - -w - } -w - - -w /W - - -w - - -w - - -w - w - - -w - -/`w - - -w - - -w - - -w/ - -w - - -w - - -w/' ,- _w - _ -w - - / `\0 \\\ \ 1\ -w t I \ ' ;' \\\ CLIFFST6\NE BOULEVARD 1 \ I \\\ 35 MPH\DESIGN SPEED W \\\ GS-7 - PUBLIC - 8,000 VPD GRAPHIC SCALEERROR ' a. ERROR MEN! ( IN FEET) I \ `'4 — — — — — — -------_—_---- __---------_ I inch = 20 ft. 1 �/. a°.\ ��---------------A§5 --- - - - '--- - "- - 1 1 1 1 ,1 O m ko �0 r � C.)O � Z�rn �rn E-1 O 0 C\2 -p LU U C:W a 'bw L) Z +, E-1 'rrn 0 W w �q� N W x°�Pj R;.b ^ r. 3 cd 0 w 0aN I + o .4 U C w 0u U ,Sy c a 2 U 0 0 O Cl) N C 3 Q c au E a) o, c �aF p,LTH >, C O o U y � BRIAN C. HI CHELL o Lic No. 035724 0112112022 s oFFSS10NALENO'\ a rn c N N C 0 U c 3 L a✓ 0 W � vj 3 E, q U O f1' a U U 2 0 e� U 0 a N N O� C DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 2J 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS °' DATE 07-31-2020 scALE O PROJECT MANAGER L BRL4N C. MITCHELL, P.E. o -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � O PROJgF 20190267 .3 0 SHEET j C - 5 r 50 4£ 4E 47 4E 4E STORM1 PROFILE a 0 O N 00 rn N rnN �a 00 00ro Noo0 a N� II 00 l0l O N* II +4 11 Yzo Q NOZ O POII- < c c o» _ -- ao t0 It I ,0 t0 Cp4 OtY If / L6 MccIII N \ �II9O L 4 99.17 21.51 y EL y S 1.00% =1.00% z z CI A"S 111 uj a / a ao W O O O h�V10�F, M ZZa0 //D=lp- wIIO y o 7.93 5.00% / RCP CLASS 11 / 8 -=82.7 L= RIPRA 7'xW=5 D=2' D=15" RCP CLASS III W/ FILTER ABRIC 11000 9450 11+00 12 00 13 00 13 S III 52C 51E 51C 50-5 50C 49-5 49C 48-5 48C 47° 74 47C \ \\ \ ------ \-\-`\ LEGEND SCALE: FINISHED GRADE AT C/L HORIZONTAL 1 " = 50' EXIST. GROUND AT C/L VERTICAL 1 " = 5' LINE OF SIGHT PROFILE J I a SCALE: 1 " = 50, O 00 0 r - U O Z d' H '-' o W U CW ���U Z x� r n L) rI C v \./ V! m CO 0 W WCO cu d CO N did' c� 12 a 00 N 04 N Qy) 0 ►y L) U 0 a 2 0 0 O Ot N O O 0 VJ N N Y .0 Q 3 M C d 1_ d rn ���pLTH 0E ` `c T C Q O U T U BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112112022 v O�FSSIONALENO\ o- N 7E C N N C O U C M M �L 3 L 'd t y 0 O t_ W (b 3 1Tn N v 1 0 OcoN o 44 N O 0 CL w tT 0 w O �1 U V O a 0 0 O• N DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS d C t " DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE AS SHOfl1V C 30 s PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N a DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN 0 CHECKED BY -0 c 0 c PROJ.# 20190267 0 L O SHEET � ` C - 6 GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL I INITIAL BEDDING 3 STONE * STABLE SOIL ROCK * SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF #68 STONE. FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION INITIAL BACKFILL a'�nl MI UNSTABLE a B 6a e SOIL MIN MIN MIN MIN. #68 STONE _ O x "_ :GRANULAR FILL AS O A�PPROVED BY ACSA -? STAB SOILCK� ABLE x SOIL OR ROC\ NOTE 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRENCH. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING NITS FIG. W-2 TD-2 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS I/B BEND DUAL SERVICE SINGLE SERVICE NOTE: 1J SADDLES SXALL BE USED ON PVC PIPE. - ^MAPRE59DI1 x 51 MALE PIPE COUPLING PPROVED EQUAL FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OR DUAL RESIDENTIAL AND IRRIGATION SERVICES. z• It ^ MMPRESSIDN x 3/4' MALE PIPE COUPLING PPROVI:D EQUAL FOR USE ON DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICE WERE AN IRRIGATION METER IS NOT PROVIDEC. TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1" METERS) NTS FIG. W-6A A EW-II AD SHAPE TO BE BEVELED r--------- WITH MORTAR I FLFL WW Do NOT `------- - BEVEL 8 INVERT a -- NOTES: 1. "H" MAY BE REDUCED UNTIL '•X" READIES A MNMUM OF 4" WHERE ENDWALL WOULD PROTRUDE MSHOULDER SHODER LINE. 6. BEVEL EDGE IS REWIRED ON THE HEADWALL AT THE INLET END OF THE INNO CASE SHALL TOP OF EXDWAII PROJECT MOVE FILL SLOPE, CULVERT (WHERE THE FLOW ENTERS TIE CULVERT). DITCH SLOPE, OR SHOULDER. ].HEADWALL. AT THE OUTLET END OF THE CULVERT MAY BE ETHER SQUARE 2 THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CART IN MACE. EDGE OR BEVEL EDGE. 3. ALL CAST N PLACE CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3. FOR PRECAST SEE S.ON SHALLOW FILLS WHERE ENDWALLS ME 1.OR LESS BELOW SHOULDER SHEET 101.02. LEE, THE TOP OF 'THE ENII SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE GRADE OF THE ROM. INGS 4. THIS STANDARD TO BE USED WITH STRAIGHT CROSSAND ILL SKEWS(O•TO 45'). 9. %" CRIMPER MAY BE PROVIDED ON ALL EDGES AT MANUFACTURER'S OPTION. 5. HEADWALL TO BE BEVELED N ALL AREAS EXCEPT WHERE A CONFLICT WRH INVERT OR WNGWALLS OCCUR EW-1 EW-M ENDWALL FOR CIRCULAR PIPE DIAMETER OF FIRE EMMERT 12" 15" 18" 21" OR 24" ]" OR M' ' OR 36" A 0'-8" 0'-e" 0'-9" 0'-11" 1'-O' 1-0•' B V-11" P_T, T-3" T-g„ P-SX 2'-0„ C P-li. 1,_7-, T-8„ 2._,. 2,_6' 7r D P-OX 1,_y,. 1.-1,. 2•_p„ 2,.g., y._0„ F 0'-8" 0•-9" 0'-B" 0'-9" 0'-9" X 2'-3" 2'-11" 3'-2" 3'-9'• 4--3" V-B' a 0'-11/i' 0'-11 0'-2" O'-21A' 0:-31/i 0•-21Y." b 0'-1" ('-r/;' a-}/R" a-2" 0'-2%z" CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE COMO. PPE 0.241 0.492 0.697 1 1.318 1 2.067 1 2.947 C.M. PPE 0.25] 0.521 0.738 1.38E 2.1911 3.M5 ENDWALL FOR ELLIPTICAL PIPE SIZE OF ELLIPTICAL PURE CULVERT (SPAN x RISE) 2 Xx%" WNW 34"x22" M".24" 42"x27' 45"x29' 49"x32" 53"x34" A O'-6" 0'-9" V-10" o'-1Y O-R' 1'_p,: p_p„ 1,_0., B T-2" T-5" T_IX 1'-8" T-B" T-D" 1'-1T' T-11" C 1._,. T_11" 2'-l" 2•-4" 2'-5" 2'-7" 2'-l" 2'-W' D T-Y' T-7" 1._10" 2'-0D" 2'_3" 2,_15„ 2'-SX Y-10" F 0'-8" 0'-8" 0'-9" O'-9" 0'-9" 0'-9" 0'-9" 0'-Y' H 2•-XP' y_y. y_T„ 3,_B, 4,_0' p_2" 4_5" L 5'-5" T-2" 8'-e" Y-T. D'-2" D'-11" 12--l" a'-TY' S 1._R„ 2'-6" 2--D•' 3,_2" 3,_6„ 3.-9" 4,-1. 4,_5„ a 0'-2%i' 0'-Y/r o'-3%s" a-4^ C-4%s" 0'-4)';' 0'-5" o'-s%z" O'-21/Y 0'-2Y." p,-y.. 0'-Y/P' p'-yii. W-4,. 1 0'-4%Y„ CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE CONC.PIPE 0.502 0.855 1.236 LSOD 1.811 2.101 2.512 2.801 'REFEHEIDE" STANDARD ENDWALL FOR PIPE CULVERTS �vu1.T ROAD ND BRIDGE STADMDS 105 12" - 36" CIRCULAR AND 23" x 14" - 53" x 34" ELLIPTICAL PIPES REVISION DATE SHEET 1 DF 1 302 MINIMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 01.01 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS NOTES: 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS AT IF CAST IN PLACE. 400E P51 N PRECAST. S. HAVING A 300 FEET OR LESS `. -III 2" R RAKING PACE OF CURB) WILL BE PAID FOR AS MO CURB WILL IL. RADIAL CURB. 4, THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 3" (15" DEPTH) OR INCREASED AS MUCH AS P.. 0.. 3" (21" DEPTH) N ORDER THAT THE BOTTOM OF CURB GULL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A ;A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. D,; OTHERWISE THE DEPTH IS TO BE W AS SHOWN NO ADJUSYMENT IN THE PRICE BID IS TO BE MADE a A' A' FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE IN DEPTH. 14 . . 5, CG-2 IS TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS MEETING A, .;A . THE REOUREMENTS FOR CG-6 AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESRN MAAIAL, LY D.' D.�' D IN THE SECTION ON GS URBAN STANDARDS.' 'C'_ D.�T D•DC D nn, ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE IF CURB IS EXTRUDED BASE SUBBASE CG-2 REFERE""" STANDARD 6" CURB DVL"'I ROAD ND BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 REVISION GATE SHEET 1 O 1 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATON zovol 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS TD-10 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS SEE STANDARAD SL-1 FOR MPLICMLITY OF SAFETY BLOBS. B STANDARD W-1 NOTE: 1 FRAME A COVER THE TOP O MASODY IB�ICTO E LEFT L ADJUST HINT LOW TO PAID FRAME PROPER MADE WBY T OF COVER AND FR OR TO GRADE S THE VE OF MORTAR NE �� BRICK AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. ST-1 SECTION B-B BRICK CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK 45' EMBEDMENT a"MIN SPRING LINE OF PIPE NO. 68 STONE _- REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER UUNCHING DOING 6" max C min UNDATION (SHALL BE NOTE 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE BACKFILLED ENTIRELY YOUTH NO. 21A STONE. 2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE' TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NTS FIG. S-3 HALF PLAN VIEW TD-34 B HALF SECTION A -A (WITH FRME AND COVER REMOVED) BRICK CONCRETE NOTES: 1. QUANTITIES SHOWN ME FOR MANHOLE WITIKKR PIPES. THE AMOUNT DISPLACED BY APES MUST HE DEDUCTED TO TABLE OF QUANTITIES DEPTH BRICK MANHOLE CONCRETE MANHOLONCREE BRICK CONCRETE CONCRETE FEET THOUSANDS W. YARDS CU. YARDS 4 0.5 0.785 1.437 5 0.7 O.J&5 1.888 B 0.9 01 1.961 J 1.0 O.785 2.223 8 1.2 O.J85 2.485 9 1.4 5J85 2J47 D 1.6 0J85 3.009 11 1.9 0.970 3.455 P2 2.2 0.970 3.817 13 2.5 0.970 4.179 14 2.8 0.970 4.541 15 3.1 0.970 4.903 ib 3.4 0.8]0 5.285 TJ 4.0 1.173 6.032 NCRELENT D.45 .582 OBTAIN TRUE QUANTITIES. 2. A BASE THICKNESS OF 9" WAS USED N COMPUTING CONCRETE QUANTITIES. 3. INCREMENTS TO BE ADDED FOR EACH ADDITIONAL FOOT O DEPTH. 4. MATERIALS MAY BE BRICK, CONCRETE OR APPROVED CONCRETE MANHOLE BLOCK. 5. IF BLOCKS ARE USED THE HNMI)M THICKNESS OF SAME IS TO BE 5". OTHER THICKNESSES ME TO CONFORM TO WALL THICKNESS SHOWN FOR CCKMETE. 6. ALL CONCRETE TO E CLASS AS. ]. WHEN SPECIFIED ON PLANS THE AVERT S TO HE SHARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STADIA IS-i. THE COST OF FURNISHING AND PLACING ALL MATERIALS TO THE SHARING INCLUDED TO BE INCLUDUD ED IN THE BID PRICE FOR THE STRUCTURE. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE MANHOLE FOR 12" - 48" PIPE CULVERTS ROAD AND BRID�T STANDARDS 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF 5 06.01 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS CG-6 NOTES: 1. THIS REM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST N PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS AT IF CAST N FILMS, 4000 PSI P PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB A GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB) SMALL BE PAD FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB It GUTTER. 4. FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRANADE LAYER, THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB M GUTTER pOFFALSLUBBASEE COURSES AND TO T ED FIE DEPTO TH SLOPE THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CG-6 6 BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND R MR'"ROASDPEDESIGASN SHOWN IN THE "SECTIONF ON GS URBAN STANDARDS. D, T-IT P D D P D A D A D _ 1 BE CONCRETE OF THE CONTRACTOR THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND GUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF SUBBASE GORSES PROVIDED A MNMUA DEPTH OF T" IS MAINTAINED. COMBINATION 6" CURB AND GUTTER DVW1 ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 REVISION DATE SHEET 1 O 1 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201.03 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS VAII DIAL SECTION A -A A FRAME & COVER (SEE FIG. S-I-D,E) SLOPED AREA STREET SURFACE OR NON -PAVED AREA 1'-O" MAX RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS CAST IN PLACE 3'-I MIN PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS _y1�_ 12"• MIN "0" RING SEALS 4 16"MAX MINIMUM ELEVATION DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5" 4'-0" FROM INLET TO OUTLET SHALL BE 0.2E FEET. DEPTH OF FLOW CONCRETE FILLETS VARIES CHANNEL TO BE 3/4 DIAMETER OF CONTRIBUTING -*If-' ---- SEWER. f 4 ' 12 A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH '•d.! TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN INLET & OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. MIN. 6" BEDDING NOTE W/ NO. 68 STONE 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN N.T.S FIG. S-I-A TD-25 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS THE LETTERS V.D.O.T. ME OPTIONAL IF USED THE LETTERS ME TO BE CAST N THE DEPRESSIgI F�XP� COVER V' WIDE RASED % OF SHOWN. 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O A A ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ V. D. 0. T. ❑ OPTIONALL_ APPROXIMATE WEIGHT CAST IRON TOP FRAME 239 ± 12 LBS. COVER 137 ± T LBS. B SECTION B-B BOTTOM XVDQTI SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER EFERENCE SHEET 2 OF 5 REVISION DATE 224 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3O2 106.02 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS CC-12 T A wN •5 DOWELS, B" LONGS PERMISSIBLE 1�2 AT p" C-C WNSTRUC➢ON 5�MIN. JOINT 12.1 MN ' iro\ t 4'MM o MAX I�x m6 B @L ry 12MAX 1 WITH BUFFER STRIP JT RAMP RNAP 5' MI. 'SEE TABLE A CiEE iMLEI 1�2� •� TRUNCATED DOMES ten MAX a_ 'F@� e'MIN SEE SHEET 1OF 5 FOR DETNLS 5'-0" MIN SHARE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY CURB BACK of cufte 46 :1 WITH BUFFER STRIP Zan :1MN rwN r�s48 �. Mom. 2'MIN' 7 SECTION A -A l WITHOUT BUFFER STRIP PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION N j JOINT N & 1 0 NG SECTION B-B -+ 1 CRGSSWALK E1 I1 ,P1, •K`A 4'SWWE LANAI AREA NOTES FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WANING SEE SHEET tOF 5. SURFACE, CROSSWALK LVRB A% iG$' 1'v, OYTSM OF 1RAVELWAY SRALL BE FROVIOED FOR wXIAIR caasswux c R.I. E uAROU THE REQUIRED LENGTH OF A PARALLEL RAMP TYPICAL PLACEMENT AREA QUR. IS LIMITED TO 15 FEET, REGARDLESS OF THE AT INTERSECTION B%IDiw.N MP SLOPE. WITHIN CROSSWALK TYPE B PARALLEL APPLICATION ROADWAY GRADE IN PERCENT MINIMUM RAMP LENGTH IN FEET C" CURB 6" CURB 0 6 1 5 2 3 6 9 4 8 5 G 5 6 14 15 XVD07 ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET 3 OF 5 REVISION DATE 203.0J OJ/16 LANDNG 48:I MAX. DIAGONAL PLACEMENT YO E LANDING 48 N MAX. LL_ ""MAX E sLCPE CURB �T MAy 5 MN � CVNB o I T CROSSWALK alpQyr S = CROSSWALK a2'1 's = I1 11 Mbx Odd RETIE CVRB II ✓3' II CURB WITH BUFFER STRIP rc WITHOUT BUFFER STRIP' CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE PEOIFIOATI°" REFERENCE TYPE B (PARALLEL) APPLICATION 105 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS �i!!dB --a -.0- RR sa a,Cm F 4- HIRE ONES II ' SIDE)YALII DETAIL NOT ro SDNF T TYPICAL P.4 INC D"AnON WEw ELEVAnON view SPACE DETAIL SOLID BOARD GATE SOLID BOARD FENCE AKHT TD 5GlE DUMPSTER SCREENINC DETAIL M)T M SSALE - IMNDOAP SIN LOCATION HANDICAPPED Kiz$�� MAX xoDBUIT cuRB AND a ER PARKING GOITERS AIR) � MINACES IOD- .00n Fftj INMEDIATELY ADNCENT TO CLRB TOM-ANCr RAMP SMALL NOT BE STEEPER IS, NW NCI. INNWC4PPm SPACES SHRILL BE IDENTIFIED BY ABOVE GRADE SONS AS RESERVED FOR PHYSICLLLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS. PROVIDE (1) 12- XIS- SIGRY AT EACH HUNDIC1PPm PARKING SPACE INDICATED ON THE SITE PLAN . SON BILL BE ALUMINUM (PAINTED NHITE) NM GREEN LETTERS AND INIERNIDOIUL WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL. (DEPRESSED SIDEWALK) PROUWE A 6" X 12" SIGN BELOW THE N/EEICIWR SYMBOL SPECIFING HANDICAP RAMP DETAIL PO/AL7IES FOR N01A77ON CG- 12B THE LOWER EDGE OF SONS S BE AT LEAST MA INCHES ABOI£- GRAZI RECULAR "0T 70 SCALE HANDICAPPED PARXING SICN 7YA RR /7.SA'D FOR RILL .STORY .4RMRR P/PA:i' d.4v.CO/-7/7A'D i7TH FAMT PROJR/-'T NO PROJECTION OF WE ABOVE GROUND LINE TOP OF FILL TOP Of FRILL TOP OF ILL BROIIIO LIE WDIIa llE i ` OIO{FD UlE 2 I/ N EARTH a EARTH D N VIVIR 1P SIGN. I O d ®KIND MA1pA J - Wa VD 0 N 0 IO ENTDNNG NWA W 0 N A, I RD Mk MV WYo N 0 L 44° PER TO, N ILL D' MAF 24• FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDNG, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PIPE PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE N1H to W D TK W K O YK LD x 0 NN. I.D. 0 TOP of FILL TOP OF FILL TOP a ILL JINN///J J/N//NJ ' I /// OHORD ♦ ( = -- 1 �K J -ROCK ORpqpWqq Gro.11 I MATOIIK E "I D. • �•- I MN. OF, BEDONG -KOyHp MATERML FARM MAIL MAIL 24• MaER1K FOUNDATION SOFT, YELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL DEGROANCE OF NOTES: TIMBUNNOE TNFROCT"f I(!vlu7 SECTION 302 SIB[PICATI Fd1 PLMTC PPE, THE OUTS 1Y THE CLASS I NYCK LL MATERIAL SMALL E CLASS L SUCI'LI MATERIAL N ACCORDANCE "IpOED 10 C2 MOVE M TOP OF TIRE PWL OTN SECTION 3D2 O THE ROAD AO BROOE YEDTICATIDNS FOR GENERAL NOTES ON fW8 EDC•< SEE NSTALLATKN OF PPE CULVERTS MD 5101IM AWCM G[XRA NDKS bII SKLi A).OD. REGULAR BJGNIFLL MATEpIL N ACCOOMQ I NTH C 302 O E ROAD M E BROGE CO1Fa TO THE WE REPREYWS FOR CRUSVER R N C'RV91E0 CLASS fMLYH411dK AGGREGATE 9IE 2] AND 26 MAY BE USED N PLACE OF CLASS I RMLNSLL ` =r INSTALL. OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS SFCG}TCAION REFERENCE ATOM AND OmOE STANDARDS CIRC. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL - METHOD "A1l 302 , . REVISION BNEET DF DATE vRdaA IBIrMrwNr or TRADPMTATION 303 DT.m NOT TO MALE 0 rn rlj �J O 00 O U O D7 Z -4 EW-T '-' O I� C\2 U c:0a 'w r n R-4 C v L) Z +, c)Ld ° O � P.H W xN F+1 .� 'Rf co 0 w �aN I + o O N ,Sy c PO ° 0 NNNI\ QI 3 �� 4� c E Ql 01 �a10,LTH OA ` c T U y � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0 01/2112022 s oFFSS10NALENCD\ a G) r+ C O N / o U 3 01 c REVISIONS DATE ITEM 11 2J 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS N c s DATE 07-31-2020 "' N_ ,c SCALE NO SCALE 3 O tl PROJECT MANAGER L O BRL4N C MMITCHELL, P.E. o .N -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJgF 20190267 3 0 SHEET i C - 10 r LEGEND GENERAL — TP— TP— TP— TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) .. .. PHASE BOUNDARY SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY a- EXISTING UNDERGROUND GAS H. EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UGE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ------------ EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER E PROPOSED BURIED ELECTRIC — — PROPERTY LINE - — — -200— — — — EXISTING CONTOUR M PROPOSED CONTOUR + 572.50 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION QMA/C173 �1-------- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER ---*—SAN— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER 1T SAN — �AN----O SEWER CONNECTIONS SEWER CLEANOUT WATER EXISTING WATERLINE W PROPOSED WATERLINE /H VALVE ABBREVIATION LIST A ADJ ADJACENT, ADJUSTABLE AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ALT ALTERNATE ALUM ALUMINUM APPROX APPROXIMATE ARCH ARCHITECT(URAL) B BC BOTTOM OF CURB BD BOARD BLDG BUILDING BLKG BLOCKING BRK BRICK BR BOTTOM OF RAMP BS BOTTOM OF STAIR BW BOTTOM OF WALL C CEM CEMENT CIP CAST IN PLACE CJ CONTROL JOINT CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COL COLUMN CONIC CONCRETE CU FT CUBIC FEET D DID DECK DRAIN DIA DIAMETER DIAG DIAGONAL DIM DIMENSION DN DOWN DS DOWNSPOUT DWG(S) DRAWING(S) E E EAST EA EACH EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRIC(AL) EQ EQUAL EQUIP EQUIPMENT EXP EXPOSED EXIST EXISTING EXT EXTERIOR F FAB FABRIC FIN FINISH FT FOOT, FEET FTG FOOTING SYMBOLS GENERAL NOTES DRAWING TITLE 1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW THE SITE CONDITIONS AND INFORM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN SITE CONDITIONS OR EXISTING GRADES THAT ARE NOT DESCRIBED ON THE PLANS BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. # DRAWING TITLE= DRAWING DESCRIPTION SCALE: 1:X 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT ALL WORK MEETS ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND NATIONAL BUILDING AND SAFETY CODES L# • # # 0 0.5X X 2X THAT PERTAIN TO THE PROJECT WORK. IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN A CODE AND THE CONTENT OF THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONSULT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. 3. SHOULD THERE BE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL, OR ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW AND COORDINATE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. DRAWING No./LETTER GRAPHIC BAR SCALE DRAWING LOCATION DRAWING SCALE 4. CONTRACTOR IS TO CREATE A WORK SCHEDULE AND DISTRIBUTE TO OWNER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, AND CIVIL ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. THE SCHEDULE IS TO CLEARLY OUTLINE DATES FOR: SECTION/ELEVATION A. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING TO REVIEW CONSTRUCTION FENCE AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES. B. REVIEW OF MATERIAL MOCK-UPS. SECTION NUMBER C. REVIEW OF SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL LAYOUTS. # D. CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND SLAB REVIEWS. SECTION LOCATION E. PLANTING SCHEDULE - TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NORMAL PLANTING TIME OF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS. #• # F. LANDSCAPE PLANTING TREE LAYOUTS (WITH FLAGS) AND PLANT QUALITY REVIEW (BEFORE PLANTING). G. FINAL PLANTING REVIEW. H. PROJECT COMPLETION. DETAIL KEY 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION 8. DEPTHS OF SITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF CONFLICTS OCCUR BETWEEN UTILITIES AND PROPOSED ELEMENTS. — — DETAIL LETTER CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL NECESSARY UTILITY LOCATIONS WITH THE SERVICE PROVIDER IN CONSULTATION WITH THE DETAIL TITLE I DETAIL LOCATION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGE TO SITE FEATURES TO REMAIN RESULTING FROM ` r AREA TO BE DETAILED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN THE AMOUNT OF COST TO REPAIR OR REPLACE. 1 ' I 7. PRIOR TO PROJECT COMPLETION, THE SITE IS TO BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED OF ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, SIGNS ETC. 8. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO GROUND AND BOND ALL EXPOSED METAL OBJECTS IN LANDSCAPE. MISC 9. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INCLUDING GRADE CHANGES, SURFACE TREATMENTS OR EXCAVATIONS OF ANY KIND IS PERMITTED NORTH ARROW MATCHLINE WITHIN THE AREA IDENTIFIED ON THESE DRAWINGS AS A TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ). IN ADDITION NO ROOT CUTTING, NO STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR FILL, NO MOVEMENT OR STORAGE OF VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT IS PERMITTED WITHIN THESE AREAS. N N . - THE AREA(S) IDENTIFIED AS A TPZ MUST REMAIN UNDISTURBED AT ALL TIMES. CENTERLINE 10. CONTRACTORS MUST CLEAN UP ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT THE END OF EACH DAY. LIGHTWEIGHT Ip PROPERTYLINE MATERIAL, PACKAGING, AND OTHER ITEMS MUST BE COVERED OR WEIGHTED DOWN TO PREVENT WIND FROM BLOWING SUCH MATERIALS OFF OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTORS ARE PROHIBITED FROM DUMPING, BURYING, OR BURNING TRASH ANGLE ANYWHERE ON THE SITE. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THE CONSTRUCTION SITE MUST BE KEPT NEAT AND TIDY TO PREVENT IT FROM BECOMING AN EYESORE FOR THE OWNER. DIRT, MUD, OR OTHER DEBRIS RESULTING FROM ACTIVITY ON SITE MUST BE PERPENDICULAR PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM SURROUNDING ROADS AND WALKWAYS. 11. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITTING AND ENTITLEMENTS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. 0 DIAMETER G GA GUAGE GALV GALVANIZED GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANICAL MED MEDIUM MFR MANUFACTURER MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS MO MASONRY OPENING MTL METAL N N NORTH NIC NOT IN CONTRACT No., # NUMBER NOM NOMINAL NTS NOT TO SCALE H HDW HARDWARE O OC ON CENTER HDWD HARDWOOD OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER HM HOLLOW METAL OPNG OPENING HOR HORIZONTAL OPP OPPOSITE HT HEIGHT RL RAIN LEADER S S SOUTH SCHED SCHEDUL(E), (ED) SD STORM DRAIN SHT SHEET SIM SIMILAR SQ SQUARE SS STAINLESS STEEL, SOLID SURFACE STD STANDARD STL STEEL STN STAIN(ED) SUSP SUSPEND(ED) T TBD TO BE DECIDED TC TOP OF CURB TEL TELEPHONE THK THICK(NESS) TOM TOP OF MASONRY HVAC HEATING/VENTILATING/ P PERF PERFORAT(E), (ED), (ION) TOS TOP OF STEEL AIR CONDITIONING PL PLATE TS TOP OF STAIR PLYWD PLYWOOD TW TOP OF WALL I ID INSIDE DIAMETER PNL PANEL TV TELEVISION INCL INCLUD(E), (ED), (ING) PNT PAINT(ED) TYP TYPICAL INSUL INSULAT(E), (ED), (ING), (ION) PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT INT INTERIOR PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH U LINO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PT POINT J JT JOINT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING V VERT VERTICAL VIF VERIFY IN FIELD K KO KNOCK OUT R RAID RADIUS RB RUBBER BASE W W WEST, WIDE, WIDTH L L LENGTH RD ROOF DRAIN W/ WITH LT LIGHT RE: REFER TO W/O WITHOUT REINF REINFORC(E), (ED), (ING) WD WOOD M MAS MASONRY REQD REQUIRED WE WATER ELEVATION MATL MATERIAL REV REVISION WT WEIGHT LAYOUT NOTES 1. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 2. ALL PLAY AREA DESIGNS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER COORDINATION WITH PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LAYOUT DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD. REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL ANGLES ARE ASSUMED TO BE 900 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THESE DRAWINGS PROPOSED IN THE FIELD FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPORTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF CONFLICTS IN LAYOUT OF LANDSCAPE FEATURES ARISE DUE TO CHANGES TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 7. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR LAYOUT OF PARKING AREAS, DRIVES, AND CURBS. GRADING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING GRADES IN FIELD AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2. SLOPE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS. 3. PROVIDE VERTICAL CURVES OR ROUNDINGS AT ABRUPT CHANGES IN GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BLEND NEW EARTHWORK SMOOTHLY INTO EXISTING. 4. PITCH EVENLY BETWEEN SPOT GRADES. ALL PAVED AREAS MUST PITCH TO DRAIN AT A MINIMUM OF 1%. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOT ALLOWING THIS TO OCCUR SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONTINUING WORK. 5. ALL EXTERIOR STEPS SHALL HAVE BETWEEN A 1 % OR 2% WASH ON THE TREADS. SEE STEP DETAILS FOR SLOPE PERCENTAGE. 6. ONCE GRADING OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETE, ALL DISTURBED AREA WITHIN OR OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED BY FINE GRADING AND SODDING OR MULCHING AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 7. PROVIDE TOPS OF WALLS AND PIERS TO HAVE MIN. 1% WASH TO DRAIN. waterstreetstudio landscape architecture I civil engineering 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE project name DAVID MITCHELL SOUTHERN CLASSIC client 3891 Seminole Trail, Charlottesville, VA 22911 project address 20190267 project phase APRIL 22, 2021 issue date revisions 1 - 01 /xx/2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS LANDSCAPE NOTES sheet title Ll 00 • sheet number / \ / / s \\ \\���:�\\;�\\\\/LIMN' RAIN GARDEN :; ` END FENCE TWO DOUBLE WIDE BALANCE BEAM �� ::::`yN:::`\N,N,\\\' \" \\\\"4 "` - 462.75------ _ STAINLESS STEEL SLIDES 911 / \\\\\ x\\\\\\ ""\\\C`\\\\"\\\\\ "\\\\ LOG " "\\�;"\ \\\ \\\\\\:" "" I \\\�`R ` " 6. y�?�Li\ \ HILL CLIMBER ROPE 7 PLAY AREA " \/ / ADJUSTED INLET \`\ "" 466:5 L \ P.I.P. PLAY SURFACING �\ / -- y\\\ ° IN t�` "` \\ NATURE PLAY PATH \`I4 „ \ /RUBBER MULCH SURFACING STAIR \\\:N" LAWN I\ SWALE WITH ::::7: ` :; "\ 46 ^ I \ " "\ \`:: y` SPINNER BOWL, / \\\" \\\ \\\\\ "CONCRETE \ o y \\\` "\\\ " \\\ \ TYP. CHECK'\ "`\\ ` " \, . " DAMS " \\ SIDEWALK ;: \ ::: `rr 4,469 38 "`\ I / : \IN IN, 241-011 \ \�\:` `\\ ` :"`\\\\:"`\\::"`\::. `\:\: VIEWING AREA,\.\. ;ROCKSCRAMBLE \\ :::"\\ "`:::: \71,` 7.� �. :::` :::"` :"` "" :"`\\\\"`':\ o o "`\: " x\ BEGIN FENC STAIR �' _+ 480.4°. a.na 4 \ I IN \\ PLAYAREA 5 �`\ Ta: BENCH, TYP.\�` v STAIR FROM POOL "\:�:,`N,N,:\NNI%IN, :;` DECK W/HANDRAILS'\\\\ - "\\ ��`\\IN V\A" `A VVA v vA �♦ `AVA"\ ^VVA `VAA —AV e— °i.' `� VAAA"VAvA `AAVAAvAv "VAA AVA `AAV A IN TS 480.5 — — / I I h s` - 485.00 PAVILION PLAY LAWN e ^ o. \ \ \\ o^ PLAY AREA 7900SF \ \\\\\\ \\\\ / I I • - ---- 4 • .. \\ BENCH, TYP. \\\ \\ a P 4 e \ \ \ \ \ \ \ l,U 9 a - n a - \ \ \ \ \ \ ICJ IN, e e' `52 0" — — _ _ I ADA ACCESS I I a —�9----_�� I. \\ CLUBHOUSE AND \ / I / g <AA A � -n III PLAY AREA - .`. \\ I le •� �n.' ;��� VAvA A • / J P ^ LAWN Nil e -� ^ ��II CLUBHOUSE - PARKING LOT / BABY POOL POOL =tll.`Y`.` `LL .h+ \ \ \ SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS S C I a 1/ ,...III. \` FOR PARKING LAYOUT ' " wA SEE CIVIL/ARCH 11'< / \ . +483.00 \ \ \ n \ \ \ e IN / , \ / HAMMOCK DRAWINGS FOR POOL II -^' :N, PLANT BED, TYP. DECK LAYOUT a II _ n \ y--__ n s^ N N,` ^ LANDSCAPE \ \ :. ` ._ a' LIGHTING, TYP. SEE IIN::"���::` / ,� NORTH POINTE II' o.\ LIGHTING PLAN ZaCLUBHOUSE n \\ \\ \\ \\•'• < _ n e pr oject ro'ect name � < e e II d e / < �e waterstreetstudio landscape architecture I civil engineering 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team // r I�"`\\\\ \\��\\,?l:1�1�\.CLL`T\\\iT�\\rr"\4�T`\\T��"���\\���\"�� . S� I DAVID MITCHELL �►�. ""\\:`\\\\ ""\\"`\\\:"\\\ `\\\\ `\\\\ "\\ ,,,R\ ,,�� y.�� T�...�y-.�\\\\ "` \\:"\\\:` "\\\\:"`\\\""\\:"`\\;\\\\\\"`\\\:""\\""\\""\\:`\\\\\""\\;"\, . �:`:`:` SOUTHERN CLASSIC -� \ \ \ \ %. client 3891 Seminole Trail � Charlottesville, VA 22911 LAWN "\ .. ...... I _ - _ — •tea _\\\\ LAWN ``. < I project address p 1 /Sl' — a. .. e. V. Q `'.< b oo ^o\e eo�o o,' 'd q •< 201902674. o- a. ae . . . `a.a . O O a. ✓ SIDEWALK 4.-------------- • \ w w w w w w w w w w w w w w- CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD w w w w :- 3 • \\ \\\ ____ project phase �w - - -- � w w �w \ � �w w APRIL 22, 2021 — _ n w issue date b." w \ \ w u \ \ \w 0 Z o l_ ELI� w a � \ ,A IN G e , 1. , , a e 3 , • — , F d- NOTES: __ - / • . / 0 10 20 1 SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL GRADING revisions 1 - 01 /xx/2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS LANDSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN sheet title 0 2. SEE LIGHTING PLANS FOR PROPOSED LANDSCAPE LIGHT FIXTURES / 2 sheet number Hammock KOMPAII Meeting Post KOMPAll Hill Climber Rope, Type 6 KOMPAN* NR0815 NR0805 CORt 0536 Let's play Let's play Let's play Item no. NR0815-1001 Item no NR0805-10D1 Item no. COR105361-1101 waterstreetstudio General Product Information General Product Information General Product Information landscape architecture I civil engineering DimensnnsLzwxH 13'Tk3'8'k53" Dimensionsi-MAi G'A7'X27' �, DlmenslonsUVAH 16'8'xVxl37' 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 1 Age group 5-12 Age group 2-12 Age group 2-12 / Play capacity(users) 2 Play capacity(users) 1 Play capacity(users) 10 } Coloroptions •• Coloroptions 00 Coloroptions �••��•'._. T O* o AD 0 ��O O ,k-O Io • �O FYI. sir Item no_ COR105361-1101 Item no. NR0515-1001 w` Item no. NROB05-1001 aid - eight Installation Information - Max fall height 0"Installation Information Installation Information may- Safety surfacing area OFl2 / � Maz fall height 4'2" � `~ 'A Max fall height 0" Numberofinstallers 2 K. Safe surfacing area 0f12 Total installation time 22 ' Saferysurtacingerea 294 R2 � -� Safety g - i Number of installers 2 1 .l + f • Number of inscellers 2 Excawtion volume 1.74 yd3 Concretes vole i80 8 = Total volume time 12 Footing depth t09 yd3 Total insmllationtime 2 Excava J Concretiovolume 2.64 Ea�tionwlume 009tl3 Footingdeph(sandard 3'7' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION yd3 tt , -:p - � '• A4" Concretewlume 0.01 yd3 Shipmentweight 105lbs Corccord ropes with l9mm diamaterormom The steel surfaces are hot -dip galvanized inside Corocerd aluminium dampsare used as Footingdepth(standard) 3'4" - "-" Foo[ng depth (standard) 3'3" Pnchoringoptions In -ground r are special'Hercule5-type with galvenistlsix- and ouceitlewith lead-freezinc The connectors between steel posts and rope. Two professional seal Shipmentweight 27216s - 5 Shipmentweight 761bs strandedsteelwas. Eachstandistightly galvanization has exmllentcormsion resistance aluminium castiigsam bolted together. The All Organic O%RRoboaniawotsbymsusni KOMPAN are Hemmocklsmadeorstes rREShas high Tmckehe ts and can emadeo ams.lesssteel All OrganicR Robillwod bym sustainable are - "- madeof100%Robiniewoodfromsustainable breidedlBtamPES ropes. PES has hih brackets and can move over two a#s.The Anchoring options In -ground made of 100%Robinia wood from _ a� Anchoring options In -ground r wrapped with PES yarn, The whichismeh highly inoutsideenvironmemsantl requiresminmal heightof the clamps isthusvariable. Warranrylnformation g Surface r each individual strand.The ropes are highly maintenance. European sources.On request it can be strengthwith e>rvellern resistancetoabasion flange bearings are siliwreennchetlto make European scurces.On request it can be - - - - � _ ' wear-antl vandalism-resismmantl can be Corocortl Rope 10 years suppliedwith FSC4pCerfified (FSC®C004450) and UV radiation. The rope loops are connected the suspension maintenance free. At the rope Warramylnformati0n supplied with FSC®Certified (FSC®C004450) -� - Warrantylnformation replaced atsice if needed. SClamps 10 years Robiniawood. by nyton(PAS) connectors providing a s mouth fixation the re is a Wmable anti twist functions Robiniawood. _ TODD SHALLENBERGER and comic, rtable hamm cek. that prevents wi hall ng up the ropes. Robinia Wood 10 years Rebinla Wbod 10yeare Sparepar5guarahteed 10years Ropes &nets 10 years Spare ponce guaranteed 10 year. project manager Swing hangers 5years - - EcoCoreHDPE Lifetime Spare parts guaranteed 10 years ® ® CARLIN TACEY Accessbb Accessible Aground project team Beveled grountl ground ,ci ed activNe50 level keel play Accessible Accessible Access a Accessde acti"N� activdles es Accessible Accessible Bevafetl elevated grountl ground Bevafed elevaced grountl ground Present 0 1 1 activities0 ectivrtks level level play activiteso acwtes level Wei play Required 0 1 1 1 act"hes tvues activfiies WDW Resent 0 1 1 Resent 0 1 1 Required 0 1 1 Required 0 1 1 1 Through the KOMPAN Variant Team, you can Hill climberropes are ideal embankmentplay choose between additional 7 rope colors and products, usable on slopes of20-60'and customize your solution. The assorMentis a available in various lengths. The robinia posts are available as wood in- wide span of colors nankingfrom elegantand ground anchoring or hot dip galvanized steel in- groundfootings. expressive ablack a natural,neutral hemp colorlor, t , to a range off attractive and eye-catching signalcolors. ' Max fa ll he ig hat I Total heiW "Max fall heig htl•"Tots I height l... Safety s u lacing a rea how-Temelhavit 25 ps2anl 3 pasoml 6" [15cm] yHf Eli Q •Max fall heightl'"Tool height)""" Safety surfacing area Max fall height] Total height E M 00 a htoorl ;1 E] L.1.. P . & i NROB15 N ,.,00 NR0805 NR0805 caR,dse, NROB15 1.100 •4'-2 112avn NorEs: 2 7 / 80cm ___---_--'293.9n' 127.3m" DUE TO THE SLOPED NATURE OF THE PLAYGROUND SITE, AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE TRADITIONAL SWING IS PROPOSED AS COR105361 A GROUP PLAY HAMMOCK OR EQUIVALENT TO MINIMIZE Note Total height is variable 1 HAMMOCK THE FOOTPRINT OF FLAT FALL SPACE NEEDED. 2 LOG STUMPS 3 HILL CLIMBER ROPE L1.05 SCALE: N.T.S. Ill 1-1.05 SCALE : N.T.S. iiii, L1 .05 % SCALE : N.T.S. NOTE: Parkour 1 KOMPANI Spinner Bowl KOMPANI AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO A TRADITIONAL CLIMBER REQUIREMENT, A BOULDER/STONE ROCK NR0858 ELE400024 Let's play Let's play SCRAMBLE IS PROPOSED AS AN EMBANKMENT PLAY FEATURE. THE BOULDER SCRAMBLE IS TO USE REPURPOSED BOULDERS FOUND ON SITE AND SUPPLEMENTED AS NEEDED WITH Item no. NROB56-1D03 PURCHASED STONE. STONE WILL BE TAGGED AND PLACED FOR OPTIMAL PLAY AND General Product Information DRAWINGS PROVIDED FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE STONE. DimensbnsLWxH 152'x7'10"x5'7" Item no. ELE400024-3717LG Age group 5 - 12 General Product Information Play capacity(users) 4 - Dim ensons LxWxH 1'8"x170'k2 Coloroptions 049 12 Age group 5-,2 NORTH P I NTE +� ® �%• , • Coay capacity loroptio s(users) •••••: - �} rY � �® � o •CLUaBHOUSE 0 project r 9h J DAVID MITCHELL Item no ELE400024-3717LG Richter Spielgerate SOUTHERN CLASSIC J g/stallation Information - ,II for more than 50 years P' client ` Maxa"fa°might 2'0" S3891 Seminole Trail, Safety surfacing area 149tt2 Namberoflationirs 2 Stainless Steel Slide width = 1 5 m height = 1 5 m Item no. NR0856-1003 Total insfallationtime 12 Charlottesville, VA 22911 Installation Information Excavation volume 0,14 yd3 I I I project address Max fall height 57 Concretewlume 0,08 yd3 Safety surfacing area 3521t2 Footing depth (standard) 211" Order number 3.64200 Number of ins41tem 2 Shipmentweight 44lbs _ S S The Spinner Bowl is made of recyclable PE. The Heavy duty engineered bearing systarl Thesteelsurfacesarehot-dipgalvanizedinside Anchoring options In -ground v 20190267 4 Total installationtime 5.0 bowl is moulded in one piecewith integrated single rowdeep groove ball bearings with rubber and outside with lead-free anc. The Excavation volume 0.27 yd3 metal thread bushings and a watertlrain hole to seals.The fully closed bearing construction is galvanization has excellent corrosion resistance Surface v _ ensure high durability in all climates around the lifetime lubricated and maintenance free, in outside environments and requires minimal Warranty Information Concretewlume 0.00 yd3 world. maintenance. Footing depth (standard) 37 Hollow PE Parts t0 years Shipmentweight 475lbs Bearingconstruction 5years Ad Organic Robinia products byKOMPA14 are Nets and ropes are made of UV -stabilized PA Slide interface panel of 19mm EcoCorerv. Anchoring options In -ground v Hot dip galvanized steel Lifetime ____ made of 100% Robiniawood from sustainable with inner steel cable reinforcement. The rope is EcoCore-isa highlydumble,em-friendly Components European sources. On request itcan be inductlontrea d in ordertocreatea strong material, which is notonly recyclableaRer use, Surface v Hardware 10 years suppliedwith FSCOCertified(FSC®C004450) connection between steel and ropewhich leads but alsoconsisls ofa core producedfrom 100% Warranty Information Spare parts guaranteed 10 years Technical information project phase p g � Order No. 3.63300 Robiniawood. to good wear resistance recycled material. 1 Slide, width 1.00 m with round Robinia Wood 10 yeare Slides made of stainless steel, slide walls 9 Stainless steel components Lifetime glass bead blasted anchor EcoCoreHDPE Lifetime LL A P R I L 22, 2021 Ropes &nets 10 years Accessbie Accessble Handrail tube 0 42 mm, wall thickness Order No. 3.63320 - 3.63380 Accessible issue date Spare parts guaranteed 10 years Beveled elevated ground ground 2mm 1 Slide, width 1.00m achrities0 level level play activitieslevel types Resent a 1 1 1 Slide, width 1.00 In, with 1 wave Height of sides 16 or 20 cm Order No. 3.63390 13.64100 Required 0 1 1 Attached at the top and bottom with Accessible Agrounde TheS inner Bowl amiable different store mix celREmaterialwimatleofrotomoldetl designed versions in atlarkts hichcoe Accessble p Order No. 3.63395 / 3.64105 aevaled elevated ground ground coloropfions. stone mixed PE materialwith surface designed with mottledPP sumerwaste and mounting plates aclivihes0 level III play 1 Slide as above butwith higher sides acWNes texture. Moor differences mix 25%recycled post-consumerwasfe and 75% Resent o activviities 1es visuality of the material are to be expected. A rgin material Green Line a his ures the lowest Thickness of sliding surface possible c02eemission factor. Order No. 3.63300 2.5 mm, all other Order No. 3.64200 - 3.64230 Required o , 1 1 Slide, width 1.50 m slides 3 tam The Robiniaweoticen be supplied as untreated i •Max (all height••Tofal heightl `•`Safety surfacingarea � � "Max fall heightl **Total height rawmod or painted with a brown colored Order No. 3.63395 if 3.64105 Order No. 3.6424013.64250 trans parent pig mentthat ina ihtains the golden 13'-9" [419cm] with higher sides for fall height of more 1 Slide, width 1.50 In with 1 wave wood colorof the wood. 1'4" 52cm] than 2.00 In ' Max fall heightl"Total height I """ Safety surfacing area " Max hall height[ "Total height Installation information E Dimensions seesketches revisions :ii'i-laz,vni OSurfacing requirements (small deviations possible) depending on the installation height, iv embankment slides depending on the 1 - Ol /xx/2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS N Order 0 65 kg Weight topographic situation; in the run -out ,--, ro y / CID'� f price Ilst for more 1 ��l 1 detailed information) 3 63340 130 kg area we recommend m in � I I N�Z� Attention- 3.63360 150 kg sand (please refer to a m material such as `------------- rmoese �3.63380 170 kgreExact measurements ma van^ Y Y% slidewlthns_ELE400024 � `�\ for all installation dimensions refer 3.63390 231 kg d h d\�\�" 3.63395 249 k s groan anc or o not need ELE400024 1:100Te current assembly instructions. g PLAY EQUIPMENT '2'-0" / 60em I _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ Technical changes reserved. 3.64100 242 kg concrete foundations; all other slides / sNRoe a- %' ...**2'-0""// 603m8 t g 3.64105 280 kg Z items 30 x depth x 30 cm -s-rn7om, 350 1200 3.63300 - 3.64250 3.63395 13.64105 g Excavation de th 70 cm sheet title 3.64210 175 kg 3.64220 200 kg 3.64230 225 kg 3.64240 320 kg 4 BALANCE BEAM 5 SPINNER BOWL KTDOUBLE WIDE STAINLESS STEEL SLIDE 3.64250 335 kg Ll "05 SCALE : N.T.S. Ll .05 SCALE : N.T.S. Ll .05 SCALE : N.T.S. Ll 002 sheet number ____________________________ i r-------------- ---'------------------------- ----------- ------------------ �` l I l I l l I , Ill \ / / i , // / i i i -- - -- ------------------------ — \ l I I I I I l l I I I l I I , / , I ,/ L _ — — \`\ / / % / / / / / / % % % /— — — — — — — ____________________ — — — — — —--------'' \\\ 11 1 I I I I 1 I I I i 1 I I I \\ \ \ \ \ ) l I l ' l I I I I , I , , I 1 , 1 ' `. / / / / / / / / / — — — —------------ \ I 1 1 1 1 , I I I / I , , l l , , , I , 1 , 'l \ / / / , ; / , / / , / — — — — — — —------------------- _-'- \ , 1 1 ' , ; 1 I I I I W a t e r S t r e e t s t U i o l I' l I I I l l �\ , / / ,/------------ _ I l l I I / / / / / / / / /-_--- 1 , 1 I I I I ______________ I I , landsca a architecture I civil engineering I I / 1 1 ' I l' l , , / / /// / / // �-------------------------- I l l l l l� �1� / %/ /; / — 4 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesvil A 9 z / / / /------------------------ \ ___------ \\ 1 I I , 1 I I I / r I I I I \ l l I l l l l I I % / \ \ / / / /� / / / / / / /' / //r'---_ _------ If 1 _ _ _ _ _ — -_ I I I i , I I I I i , ' 1 I I ` t8Charlottesville, V zz o ------------------- ---------- _____________ / / / / / ---------------------------------- - /_---------------------------------- - /------------------------- '��, If l l l l l l \ I , l l l l/l/ l// l l l/ l l l l' l l l l ll l �,� i i i // i///// i/ ,-__ __ ------------------- 1 I , l ,' -- \\ -__ ------------------------ _ -------� � �` i i l ' / I � 1 N$ \ i i I 1 / I l /,' I I I, l 1/ 1, 1 i i , / / / 2 P$--------- 1 I I I /' /l /I /I � , � , , ll / l /I l /I /l I l / �----f---��� / 1 + , / / / / / /� /� / /�_--__------------ - � �- --- I I i I I 1 / l /' / ' l i I I ' � 1 1 ;„/a+++ "+ // 6JV l I i i \ / / + 2 N$ ------------------ - 19 $C$ l -7-tiJ lull l lI, 111/l/l, l l+:„+ /V. +fr, /' ------ 2 / II 1 1 / l / / / ' I I I I I 1 1 I I \ \ (1)AF HV �x�y :/`x „i+./ �y ,+ + Ml% -------- - --------- `v is + � �' 1 HV - 1 CIF +:,; / „i+/+x w 1' �i ./+ +i"+i 462.7 3 JV � l ,' .' ,� / / / / , / / � / / / / / I 1 I t I I Ii i li ,i ,/ p/ 6 1 CC' , / , I i I I I 'i "/ ' / T 5.20 °° °° ° °° °°° / i ,i / / / / / / / / , I I I I I I I ++/+ "y/ D 0000°°° °°° + „ °° / / / / / / I 1 LT :� „ M Ek' i / / i / i i i I I i �„ `�000000 0000 � / � 1 LT � "+ 1 N$' �' � / / / � , , / I I II I II 11 11 I I I 1 1 Jv , NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION (1)A$ a ._ „)y r, `/" „+ r+,+,/,`°� /.. .'v,`1 '� r� ./ °° / i / / ,� ,� / / / / I 1 1 I I 1 '1 11 11 l l l l l l V :� /^ i v^✓+ + i A�� ; ao °° / //' / I I I 2 CF "" t „� +/ / ' >r„-r" ' ,, R',; °,° _ - I , `.,..:,y,� 1 JV �..._..� 0000..- " ° ° , , // 1 1 ' II , ,I 1 I 1 vv professional seal \ „ !"`"„ r +�+° $a° ., / ,.; A- 2CC-� oo.� / / / 3CC I II 1 II I 1 1 „'��^O, G /. �„ II I '1 11 1 I 1 v 4 CF i I 1 1 1 v v TODDSHALLENBERGER / / // ' / ✓+ °P a .b�.p. 46 ° ^ . 5 S1Y , : ; k + 1 JV t t t 1 A +,„ •_ +\ \ project manager 2HV 42 1 °o o°oo°o ° p 'o / I I 1 /+ + /^ " +/„ „ - '�°0000 ° ° ri^467 JO. _ _ \ \ \ \ \ (I)AS ,/ �" r / „"+ °°m°b°$°g U l ° $u�' ° ° ° ° ° °° °° ° � -, ' I I I I \ \ ` ° o yg°@°o�ggo°oo $gR$o ° < °° ° ���°° °° °° 6 S" : „, 3 CC I I , \ \ \ project ARLIN TACEY �y o o�. 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LIRIOPE MUSCARI; MULCH PATH PLANTING PLAN -^ LILYTURF , o j 3 `\ s. 2. ALL LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING SHALL BE - __------- LJ sheet title `\ MAINTAINED AS A HEALTHY CONDITION BY THE _-- ° n` CURRENT OWNER OF A PROPERTY OWNERS' __ / PANICUM VIRGATUM \ PLAY SURFACING ------------ ASSOCIATION, AND REPLACED WITH WHEN NECESSARY. \ u\ _ ^ SHENANDOAH' \ \ __------ \ o \\ REPLACEMENT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE \ \ \ __- 0 10 20 40 ° APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN \ L2901 - i -, sheet number PLANT SCHEDULE Total Tree Canopy QTY. SYMBOL Scientific Name Common Name Size Spacing Root Notes Canopy Per Species* toward Tree Canopy Total Canopy Requirements ** TREES 4 AF Acerxfreemanii ' Jeffersred' Freeman Maple 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Street tree 397 1588 3 AS Acer Saccharum'Legacy' Hardy Sugar Maple 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Street tree 195 585 6 LS Liquidambar styraciflua 'Word' Cherokee TM Sweetgum 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Street tree - Non -fruiting variety 249 1494 9 BIN Bet ula nigra River Birch 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 397 3573 3573 19 CC Cercis canadensis'Ace of Hearts' Eastern Redbud 8'-9' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Matched specimen 124 2356 2356 'A Matched specimen, single straight , 23 CIF Comus florida ppalachian Mist' Flowering Dogwood 8'-9' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B 124 2356 2852 leader 13 HV Hamamelis virginiana Witchhazel 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 113 1469 1469 20 JV Juniperus virginiana Eastern Redcedor 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 16 320 320 4 LT Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 387 1548 1548 8 MV Magnolia virginica Sweetbay Magnolia 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 113 904 904 9 INS Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B 118 1062 1062 9 PA Platanus x acerifolia ' Bloodgood' London Plane Tree 3.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 368 3312 3312 2 PS Pin usstrobus White Pine 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B 118 236 236 SHRUBS 31 SCS Comus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 24" Ht. 3' O.C. 3 Gal. 72 2232 2232 60 SFG Fothergilla gardenii Witch -alder 24" Ht. 3' O.C. 3 Gal. 3 180 5 SIV Ilex verticillata slop. Winterberry 36" Ht. 4' O.C. 3 Gal. Include 1 male cultivar for every 10 41 205 female 1000 SRA Rhus aromatics 'Gro-Low' Gro-Low Sumac 18" Ht. 3' O.C. 3 Gal. 33 33000 238 STO Thuja occidentalis'Smaragd' Emerald Green Arborvitae 6-7 Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 10 2380 2380 112 SVD Viburnum dentatum'Blue Muffin' Arrowwood Viburnum 3'-4' Ht. 4' O.C. 5 Gal. 31 2356 3472 TURF Tall Fescue Seed Mix per the Virginia Cooperative Extension Program Recommendation (except where noted sod or synthetic turf) Total Canopy 24104 62768 * SF based on Plant Canopy Calculations - https://www.albemade.orq/home/showpublisheddocument/1 020/6375511 14418370000 'Planting exceeding five feet in height at a maturity of ten years after planting; within the gross acreage of developed site properly LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS Tree Canopy Requirement: 20% of Total Site Area Total Site Area Square feet Gross Site Area 87,878 Square feet -J Rec. Areas 7,900 Square feet -J Pond Area 0 Square feet -J Wetland Area 0 Square feet Required: 15,996 Square feet Provided: 24,104 Square feet +) Tree Save 0 Square feet +) Canopy Bonus 0 Square feet +) Proposed Trees + 24,104 Qualifying Shrubs Square feet Street Trees 1 Large Shade Tree (1 1 /2" cal.) per 50 Linear Feet of Requirement: Frontage; Street trees approved as a part of Road Plan -Section 1 Submittal Street Frontage: 631 Linear Feet Required: 13 Large Shade Trees Provided: 13 Large Shade Trees Interior Parking Lot Trees Requirement: 1 Large Shade Tree per 10 Parking Spaces Parking Lot # I Parking Spaces: 29 Required: 3 Large Shade Trees Provided: 3 Large Shade Trees Interior Parking Lot Landscaping Area Requirement: 5% of Paved Parking and Vehicular Circulation Area shall be Landscaped with Trees and Shrubs Parking Lot Parkin Area: 13,443 Square feet Required: 672 Square feet Provided: 3,505 Square feet Screening Requirement: Additional planting of low street shrubs (12" tall minimum) between the street and the parking area is required. Parking areas consisting of four spaces or more shall be screened from adjacent residential or rural districts. Provided: The parking lot is screened by hedgerow of 87 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' spaced 36" O.C. waterstreetstudio landscape architecture I civil engineering 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE project name DAVID MITCHELL SOUTHERN CLASSIC client 3891 Seminole Trail, Charlottesville, VA 22911 project address 20190267 project phase APRIL 22, 2021 issue date revisions 1 - 01 /xx/2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS PLANTING SCHEDULE AND CALCULATIONS sheet title L29 sheet number 02 x ? z 0. 1 1es6®3'®F W® 5a a J 0.0 a nm i "Lt s + x s': + 0. e a,w a x o w, + _ +0.0 0.0 + .2 +3.9 +0.5 21 s«z s 6 x +oo +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 .0 +0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 X +0., +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. .0 0.20 +8.4 +0.3 +00 +6.6 + 0 + 1'^ RAN EN (END (FENCE .5 [BLENCH, T9 P. .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 X 9pa.ui.laF6 `ryh u4 F 4»hn �F Y ARIBA +0.0 +0.0 +oo O 0+0® 0+0.0 0 ull-w 3 li� 0.0 + . +0.0 0 +00 3 +0 � +0.0 + 0 + +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 + .3 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 + o +0.0 +0.0 +0.6 +si1s0 B 0 - 0.0 0 +oo +0.0 0.0 x 0.0 0.0 0.1 (� +488.38 ,B +0.1 C4 0. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.1 0. + + + + + +oo 0.1 0.7 0.2 22l 1.0 0. +0.0� O +0.1 , � +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 + +0.2 + 489.48 +0.5 1.7 + +o.z + 7 RRCI& PC O +0.0 +0., Q .� 0.3 1.7 .6E U. 0.0 0.1 ° +0.0 B T8V 4A2.®® AM 5f W 401.90 +0.1 +0.1 + +0.5 +5.2 +0.1 93 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + �.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0., +0.2 447 .13 0.1 +0.1 +0. 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SP33124 Path Light, contemporary rectangular, 300( 1 436 13.32 100% K, full cutoff, bronze finish ❑ B Max'. ]5kd 10 Hydrel Cedar P1 80CRI 30K 12 Cedar Accent Light, Water Shed Lens, Cap- 1 312 4.46 100% 4 X 4 O C , 25DEG VISL C1 short flush, 3000K, bronze finish O Max: nae 7 WE-EF USA 616-1321 QR1354 LED, Wall Luminaires / Recessed 1 516 7.7 100% QR1354-LD-6/6W/3000K, bronze finish, full 0 D cutoff Mn: 39,E x x x Statistics Description Site Top Symbol + Avg 0.1 fc Max 1.7 fc Min 0.0 fc Max/Min N/A Avg/Min N/A General Site Top + 0.7 fc 9.4 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A hillside bottom + 0.1 fc 2.0 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A hillside middle + 0.7 fc 37.6 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A hillside top + 1.4 fc 12.3 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A landing middle + 0.5 fc 2.7 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A landing top east + 2.6 fc 5.3 fc 0.3 fc 17.7:1 8.7:1 landing top west + 1 8.6 fc 37.8 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A parking lot )K 2.7 fc 9.4 fc 0.5 fc 18.8:1 5.4:1 path top east + 0.8 fc 1.8 fc 0.1 fc 18.0:1 8.0:1 path top west + 1.1 fc 2.4 fc 0.1 fc 24.0:1 11.0:1 property line + 0.0 fc 0.5 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A rain garden + 0.0 fc 0.0 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A rain garden path + 3.3 fc 42.9 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A stairs top deck + 1.8 fc 2.5 fc 1.3 fc 1.4:1 tree + .9 fc2 1fc fc70: 1 3.0:1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0. +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 ®t A U� Notes: I. The spillover of lighting from luminaries onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half foot candle. 2. All Outdoor luminaries emitting 3,000 lumens or greater shall be equipped with a full -cutoff fixtuire. 3. all outdoor lighting regardless of the amount of lumens, shall be arranged or sheilded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. ,b!1% FEDERATED LIGHTING VIRGINIA Designer FLVA-BE Date 12.20.21 Scale SEE DRAWING Drawing No. Summary NFC PLAN VIEW •i FEDERATED LIGHTING VIRGINIA Designer FLVA-BE Date 12.20.21 Scale SEE DRAWING Drawing No. Summary NFC BIRDS EYE PERSPECTIVE RSX1 LED ' Area Luminaire ra•mom AIX1�fiOPlef 1 mw. �'� �SP Irre Orer,.d. la.Fw.•w•wy. �iI, ] s-,1Nlidw, 4 Fo5•r IwmmUwmoriiiRlr, tM o. mcmlnWe fom.A11111 TroonmdN"e"Ien3 IAVLT dehn opsreer..ry l,eehino4n^ 3.I8s,%60 ld12 Po1gapre"cen 'ei.cum eramtoue.mr. " kaYtr6 4 gIDN,r lM, 27Nv LON MII"MU 13 peallm n 14 4F•IOLTaINOIT CUS A 15 WlbeaNmetl nM KTArl2 za addliond nb,vrbn onNbr• mllmlr"Pu 61nN1INeUI•aa hRun nmi y RSImaIAU9(•V RA UwralawMlMeslRrn den N,<dy M4,1 a taw R.te4rYmm�biweon.ehMMt Mw•vg used qw� RSIK9A;iM5NIU mswM wl•IXMlgnnryeerl' 6 Mwlnwdw17 Bewsluen-.amrR•aIemn wYmbinSeAA RAsaby<nrvAraptwy •daaM6qtCmOrrdwskM iPpduaIntroduction PSINBIINWIU RAW MII NN,wmwiK%H9 adaH eo.:� 12e4 cell rdim l ih 3 id ou17m1sm nwwx_sv NKFwnma»m" lr ueJad olwm<ale,•t.ed,�dficped.e.t<•.r.lelne,em/am The new RSX LED Area family delivers maximum o114als(uN mnwrp mNlewGrm• DA""„mau�a°'""rPp.awM":.""s'Snatngc'°"du'° value by providing significant energy savings, long Bubsatscam m tow 5Y M Ml4Rn life and outstanding photometric performance at an ow twu NmR op" Specifications affordable price. The RSX1 delivers 7,000 to 17,000 EPA lumens allowing it to replace 7OW to 40OW HID 05 0.57 W(0.mI -- (ft=47K)°): luminaires. Length: 21.8" (55.4 cm) The RSX features an integral universal mounting or (SPA mount) mechanism that allows the luminaire to be mounted / Width: 13.3" (33.8 cm) L on most existing drill hole pattems- This 'no -drill" Hei ht: 3,0" (7,6 cm) Main Body H solution provides significant labor savings. An g 7.2" (18.4 cm) Arm easy -access door on the bottom of mounting arm Weight 31.0 Ibs (14A kg) allows for wiring without opening the electrical House Side Shield External Glare Shield External 360 Full Visor (max): compartment. A mast arm adaptor, adjustable integral slipfitter and other mounting configurations are available. Accessories including bullhorns, cross arms and othe' adpaters are available under the accessories tab at Lithorl Outdoor Poles and Arms product page. Click here to visit Acce55rc e5. • EXAMPLE: RSX( LED P4 40K R3 MVOLT SPA DDBXD Round Tenon Mount -Pole Top Slipfitters HAN DHOLE ORIENTATION 2IA' tlKM• r6sslm uas>m u3sm Ausm aslssa Masan L 7.7A' wour ASr251R AST25 me Ami-2n W25-Sit am7531D ASPA: r IM, MOP 09n1M Awls-im t511sm 4smts, AOIs-m dsq; r4 RSX1 LED OF 30K INIA R2 Type2Nde MVMI (12011-2771 1 SPA SgJaRpok mRrrlrg(3ff mIn.SD pokforlm9+P, 15'min.SD pokfa23.4A90i 0 B Drill/Side Location by Configuration Type P2 4oK 4OWK R3 lype3lMde *VOLT (347V-4NVI' RYA kund Fire moumg OT min ela RND pike for 2,F4 alW,, 3 D-min. da FIND Fide P3 SOK 5000K US llpe35hon lowwodkaohagefa fetaW.2Aier"JA120'I N R4 7Kpe4Wlde optionasoo" IAA MIN an Isolator (fib 2318'CO terenl Wil_ - -- A4S ljpe45hon 120, 277• IS Adiundde slighter fr[s2-3fro)niumil' ... -�-. i08, 347• Wee Visit trades A ReadlxalRn sadel SNeBbD Side Bb[ Round P4k 0rdy S&t(60 SWA.0"', AS ne5Wde' Mandate w owm ..lwM. aa19As DMnas DMnAs om3zes Dual ruin,, ASS flpeSShon' �' �' WBASC Wit belief with arlxecaNdl6m - AM Ardmnrose Fina" MSP ndllNlabledt arm sgwre pdemouming' AFRR90 AUtamrtlom FRIAAwy AARP AdImlaHeutamlmuMgolemouming' RSX POLE DRILLING RSX1• Luminaire EPA go Found AAWB AdluvLaoletit an wines wdl bAtort S libretto 08 T of Pob 'Includes ium,naire and integral mounting a.m. Other tenons, arms, bradets or oche, accessones are not included in th,s EPA data AFRL90 Aatdnalile FRm RTa AAWSC 4111mta6le tit elm well xdLkel and Surface Lmldlt bet' ,,.re. .,-...., .ay. .. _ 01431). seer• u ext SPA -SR Mica a57 tA3 1.M AN Romd PikU M e• a61 131 1.15 .1 146 Zell 14 le MA Vest AnAdlpm• an an Go 136 11 IM 111 134 IF SAlppedlMWkd Shipped Installed ODB1m Dark Bann HS House-9desheld' "Standalone and Nelteorted Sensors/Controh lfactory default settings, see table page 9) Oa1m Balk RSX STANDARD ARM&ADIUSTABLE ARM 10.57 1-01 Im 132 136 2AB 131 13 PE --harecrntrol, bunt sift NLIMR2 might nlP JHIR.Jtvn - ONAKD Natural Alunnum w as 134 1.13 1 1.74 Zile 135 20 PEx nmlIXommlertMN Oriented, adll6tatle" PIRNN Whittled&-LP,d monnnkJmdlT%!emlr ifol use Mtn FLAP, I OWH%D 'yyhsle 7r II7 felt 1.73 2.56 226 SlA7 135 2A2 34P PER7 Snm-wire pool recepade only trio commis' DOILUD lectured Dark Ammer 3r 114 Ln 23 3.21 LR7 436 L* 3.73 497 CE34 (rnddtentry-V4"NPT l0ly 2) •Skee:RRIIRwith might Air an be used as a standalone a rltlwsxktd Solution. Sensor(merage DBLB%D 1rrlued ear. zee' 15-Stagier Sliphua b' III SJx L11 3,95 369 5A Ili SA 714 pattern 6affened when tumid is need. AASP.AARP Adlunuhle as- Ltl L92 3A4 I) ON 577 421 611 144 SF Angklusef40.211.34JI` ONA%D iwnxM N.rond.almm�im Arm s4uaranwnd Pole ste 231 111 In 4.52 LN 6)6 4d1 6.94 91S OF Oord4t fore INS. 24D.4a1l' OWFlGXD lectured - • it Z)1 Is 136 321 515 12/ I/r Belt in* Shipped Separaelyirequires same field assembly) >25 SP020NY M $Sign prdi,lOKV sunardl No 131 091 431 5.67 IN 7.91 SS2 8.27 lla3 FAO Mdadjula8eardpm". F6S fxlPnd ghm!nlnd' 87 L76 4W 4,a 597 IN oil 591 827 11.03 DMG 0- toy ($mining eylmdaut DKl dtmunt; kr examal EGFV External gyre hull yysar{W aced lift eperNR1 L In 425 464 6.11 S91 SAT I SAS Bile am wmml(mnlml Wend xwrae RS Bkdsplks" '. L/TNL7N/A One LMmiaW L,1hx,� WS11 A.. lr.: '. - „s. ulhono RSxl Aroa LED W • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • R1me: 1-e06709-SERv p37Ba • L/TiYON/A One Lthmia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone. l-BOD705-SERY 037W • +,r... i,'. Rev 02•'1': in Rev OLIl/20 _ L/GHT/NG �201&2019 AcWly &rWz Ughtlry MC An,igMs •eseved Paget niti _ L/G2YT/NG OA1&2D19 Acuny &ands Lgh,Irg MC AII,igh,s rpaerve0 r - COMMERCIALOUTDOOR COMMERCI CK.TDCOR UTeLW "am /.- �/.- HYDREL Mr'Es HYDREL CEDAR LED f 2 11- CEDAR LED ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: CEDAR Pt 90CRI SuK 12 ISDh6 KFA FLL'_i 8N5 12V LED _LEAP seerret, Material" Poirformartilliacka9w (111. Color Tonrepteraturre* Voltage* Disturdel liblitionfling' Loops* CEDAR A Pl Sector 27K tJ "'Dec, KM FI( BR 90CRI 30K 2501G :150R WSL HIGHLIGHTS 40K 40'LG 1 40K be Accent lights are suitable for a variety of mounting SOK applications including ground, wall, tree, sign and architectural accents 5 v p • Suitable for wet locations - - Available in 80CRI and 90CRI ihranons -.. _ _.- • 66 m ep d m Moun ting g ndup.ndent Mo t ng :..- Ste., WeiBM: 0916s be Taper -sure lock JBA '." I A. TRAs . . : ,I .,..c-..:. ,_,ST 3' St.. ere P,« ofa. rcn,vcwo� .m t 4 JO aFir .ns 56' 6" St.. TRIPS Tree Mounted isox with Bronze mounting strap, available with H: 4-A'nlfmun1w/C1 ARJB ,B., Aluminum I JBosestrap s per rap S 12" 26`stems, ...,.M. 5. 26. 1134mm) w/C2 ® Coils Recienguer canopy PM60A Adjustable Post Mount S3BR' 3'St•m Brass 6 61 • : Ttrom: w C3 CN48R J' recui gul., onapy, Sire. PMBR60A Adjustable Post Mourn Bronx S6BR' 6' Scent Brass LKIMIN CN5 Round 5' canopy PM60C Post Mount with Conduit 5 BR' -" 24' stems, au{.6b CN50R 5' romM canopy, brass PMBR60C Post Mount with Conduit -Bronx Eatemian A.ma• WMC VVen Mount Cover PM600 Poet Mount with Or Bottom EA 24' or 36' WMSA Wall Mount with Splice Access PtABR600 .I Mount with Open Bottom Bronx EA45 45' - 12'. 24- or 36' STK Mounting stake EA90 90-- 12'. 24' or 36' DIMENSIONS LUMEN PACKAGES IRA Tree Mounted J-Boer&.me TRB Tree MOunlpd J-Boa. Bronze .. \n,w Deave bit Wmerw 362 1 318 753 I . v e oro`.•, e„ Internal Lnwer Internal iih•n C1 All Material War 11 49 4i 45 IHL _., u..., FA n,nx• C2 - ,-.x-IL- Bl -ra --.- DNA t .,. .. _ B+Z Law W 11 scrawl Ac<n FG Green C3 45'Ange Cut BRS •ne Smooth NOS- N•tus•18ronx Smwu hsk Calld•la /439 In!, aT n.- ._ l2 lr,.e _., eerie v, m,vn,,.mi .e ,oamw a,v ..eel v.ay _... ..1 Sotin le Non: YeformatlonWmdm4000K 80CRI with C7 op Bred FLClem Sp,eadlens FLB Light Blue DRL ,Smooth YET Verde Tentu,ed w/SeU"Cie' L3 Soflertog Lem FM Mercury Vapor ❑DH n;e•r Bronze WH Wh•t•Teetured POL Polished Bin fill c1 CI FMB Medium 81" WHS White Smooth wl Glow Cl` STANDARD DISTRIBUTION FMBO Medium St. Dlchrosc CIF Custom Fmsh OR Red Z' 21nc Undercoat r FOOD Rod Dichroic ilea. BLZI •Repne l Fields 0 No6u 1 Remote 6'vafor e, rogwrod. Ophom far 2 Numnum stems only competiabie with PM6DA. PM-60C end PM6W 3 B., stems onlymmpeeede.1h PMBR60A PMBR60C end PMOR60D. 1 1 4 Enended arms compatble .11,WMC a<d WMSA CS C2 C3 '511G 251 I 40CEG 5 Osly one oprcn tan be tpx fed. aHan U1411 ere. 6 NBSpant......lalry yaynanrs tt gnear.afual appawarce rhac may vary byhmsro. alter Recluses CUnr1 NOTEIyd•IRw.ewe.thaU,91•TO Mod6y tip•c4caoon Wnnr+w Naee. ar9 dwwndon Wo, Mn d..n h robe em.med es a •eM,�« dr••e•nnn'S/xd ry i,lc••nee,,-. pa,pafee yhdxt ncr AIMING DETAILS eo 1 ' CEDAR Forever Bright SPECIFICATION FEATURES Model: SPJ-3124 Finish: Blade Contemporary Path Light DESCRIPTION Model*: SPJ-3124 Material: Solid Brass Electrical: 12V or 120V Engine: FB-2WREC-TA125-2700K Lumens: 125 Color Temp: 2700k Mounting: Consult Factory LED: Nuchia 0- wet I Isted Finish: Electrical: Labels: Our naturally etched finishes will withstand the test of time. All finishes are individually treated insuring consistency. Our meticulous application results in a fixture that truly becomes "a one of a kind', Available in 12V or 120V ETL Standard Wet Label C-ETL 24- 4 B/1_, 3- Tt I ORDERING INFORMATION Model# Finishes Wattage Lumens Color Temp. Electrical SPJ-3124 B 2W 125 2700K 12V V - Wrde GM - Gun Metal M, :' 1 P; 12y M = Moss B = elan :lh;if 12CV AG = Ailed Brass R = AUSIV `RVF NBA = Mane Brome PYDP= PVD Pdished RC = Raw Cooper PYDS = PVB Satin WWW.SPJLIGHTING.COM QR1354 LED 197-0352 (previous product code: 616-1321 - for reference only!) Description IP55. Recessed LED wall luminaire. Shielded light source. Suitable for installation in cavity wall construction or concrete pour construction using optional installation blackout. Barn Type asymmetric,'forward-throw'IA60j Light Source LED-6/6W / 350 mA - 3000 K CRI 80 Gear Type electronic gear Nominal Luminous Flux Ism) LED Lumens LEDs Total Lumens 134.51m 6 807 Into Ti 85 eC Delivered Lumens Flux Jim) LED Lumens 85.91m Total Lumens 515.51m Ta 25 •C Rated Input Power 7.7 W 410o Keystme DinerIWatendale PA15MIUSAITe1.17z4742Oec1fas.1724742OD351rdoumOvi"cetllw m4l.aom12l4WE2103:55 QR1354 LED 197-0352 (previous product code: 616-1321- for reference on!y!) I I ,1031' 3.90' 354' Material Specification CLIO 4"cdn6n - CIYc - arYC2m Body Luminaire body and lens frame constructed in die cast aluminum. Weight ilbsl 7 10 Lens: Tempered glass lens. Colours: M RAL9004 Black RAL9007 Grey Metallic RAL9016 White RAL8019 Dark Bronze Quick Ship Quickship features a one week ship time for Steplights and two week ship time for the rest of our Core products. All applicable information must be included for orders to be processed and colours must be in one of our 4 standard finishes, A maximum order quantity of 30 pieces applies. Gasket: Silicone rubber gasket Fasteners: PCs polymer coated stainless steel Ingress protection. IP55 Impact protection: IKOB Corrosion protection: SCE Mounting: Suitable for installation in cavity wall construction or concrete pour construcu;l i Lis I optional installation blackout Listings- ETL listed. Suitable for wet locations. Electrical Specification Power supply. Integral IECGI electronic driver 12OV-27N.0.11YV dimmable, to be specified With order. Brim/Ballast: Integral EC electronic converter Cable: Suitable for through wiring. Lifetime LED >60,000 h Ta 25-IBI OflO) Control gear>50,ODO IF Ta 250 Mounting Accessories 410oKevs DoreIWmndWe PA15MIU.SAITell724742MOIFa.1724142OMlrmelnorRee-e1canIm,.weefcomi21104ZZIg3:55 Joe ,f!1% FEDERATED LIGHTING VIRGINIA Designer FILVA-BE Date 12.20.21 Scale SEE DRAWING Drawing No. Summary NFC