HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202200020 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-01-31ALBENIARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (V DOl').'Ibis plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requi rcmcnts of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall heprovided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may he required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All it control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform'fraffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). General Construction Notes for Streets (This list is in addition to the Gonera7 Construction Notes) 1. All materials and vonsuvction must be, tested and documented according to VDOT standards and specifications. 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance. All drainage outfall easements are to be. extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified m the time of construction. Additional guardrail may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of V I )O'I' (for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is required, it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9(A, B or Q. 5. Where coral toss sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PE-1. 6. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhecd to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be, null and void. S. All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Cnifrntn Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 9. 'traffic control or otherre-ulatcny signs or barricades shall be installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. The speed linuts to be posted on speed lint signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by V DO'f for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross -drains are to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video camera inspection procedure - General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. 'Ihc plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of Land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to c minimum standards and specification, of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations_ 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. T A copy of the approved erosion and sechmem control plan shall be maintained on the site al all times. S O O _. Prior to commencing land di activities in areas other than indicated on these Mans c 1 (ncluding, but not limited to, off site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. 'Ihc contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and afhv each iunoff- producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material lobe taken from an approved, designated burrowarea. 11. All waste materials shall betaken to an approved waste arm. Earth fill shall IV inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. I-L Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be linuted to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral physical ,• support, or order Ic mummies any hazard Ic persons. ph, ucal damage Id adjacent land and im vrovcmcnts. and damage to an public street because o lodes. sinkm rn delta vsc. l g YP 1 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwaler management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot unit, building or other portion of the propGty. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of Annual Rycgrass and Cereal Wintct Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet Straw mulch is to he applied at 801hs11004. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be little and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural -ratio limestone shall be applied at 901is/l000sf. incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000tbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied al 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue. and 0-5% Pciemual Rycgrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is tr, be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved b , the County erosion control PP J PP ) 1 inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be, inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage 0 of clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. traps are to be cleaned €eJ a P Y P when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Sill fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 clays of final site stabilization, when measures arc no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 2L This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of ater Protection Ordinance section 17-204G. approval. (W ) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 217, of optinnun moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechmcal engineer. A gcotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams_ 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities: conversion is not to lake place until the site is stabilized, and peinussion has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT ENGINEER SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ZONING DISTRICT TAX MAPS/PARCELS ZONING S *"_�TION U* El 2 ROAD PLANS GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: dovid®southern-clossic.com TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 1 PARK WEST CIR, SUITE 108 CHESTERFIELD, VA 23114 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 RIVANNA PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) 03200-00-00-023EO (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023AO 03200-00-00-023BO 03200-00-00-029CO 03200-00-00-023DO 03200-00-00-029FO 03200-00-00-023GO 03200-00-00-029HO ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 67.44 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Rivanna Rater & Sen•er Authority (RW&-i) General Water i& Sanitary Sesser Piotes Last Revised: Febmarv'_:Ol l 1. All ma Dials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction a cifica tions as ado b • the Albemarle Coun • Service p� adopted y ty Authority on January ia, 1993, exeepta as modified below- or modified in Special '_+,oNx 2. RR'SA shall approve all construcdon material sand me thuds of construction. Apreconsnuction iv �S • w. - co-n#cremes shall be h..ld zth R SA pear to the short of any ork. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying'Ass Utdi y(I-S00-55'__7001). 4. RR'SA Engineer (V'ictoria portal (434) 971 :9'0 ext 205) shall beautified three businessdays prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RI.VSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made Without coordination with and the presence of R46'S A staff. No work shall be conducted on RR'SA facilitieson weekends m holidays Without special written permission from RIVSA. 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWS A may require bypass pimping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure -tested before a connection ismade to the system. The location of existing utdhnes as shown on the plans is from data available at the Rue of design and is not necesearilvcompde to or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the lora Ron, size and depth of all existing utili Res, both surface and subsurface. The Contrac for shall immediatel •non • the Enzin ,e of an • discre metes between the Plans and 4 fy } � field condi Rons The Contractor shall use due ddtg mice to protect all utilitie sand structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not. Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. S. Erosion and sediment central facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement witho-ut special Written permission from Rs6'SA. No grading shall be permitted in the Rs6'SA easement unless permitted otherwise by RIV S_a. in Writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RIVSA facilities Without Written permission and RNVSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey maybe required. For blasting Within 100 feet of any operative RIVSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and or pre- and post-CCIV maybe required. RV-S A may also require eeruftcattan from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting Will not damage any RNVSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the tuner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements far utilitycrossings When a craning is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. the area of the crossing shall be back -filled With compacted 57 stone to the springline of the existing pipe. It. N v water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have Water samplesapproved prior to making anvpermanent connection to the public water SN'tem. Approved me flied sof filling and flushing new water mains Will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water sFstem. 12. AD easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilitie s into service. 13. No permanent Structural facilities Will be permitted in the RV"S A easement. Thisincludes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. Treesare not permitted in the RWSA easement APPLICANTS NAME: GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ARB: N/A ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. i;. %/ice„_' Or VAR1OC806 r TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMENT = 268 AC Z NOT TO SCALE AIRPORT PG�� ®PREVIOUS DISTURBED AREA = 68.78 AC (WPO#201500073, WPO#201500078, WPO#***) RE PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA = 67.44 AC (WPO#***) TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 136.22 AC ROAD AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE NO.) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. O PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH -+� EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED - - -100 - - - EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR - 100 - x 10000 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS .100A0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS T/C34&QQ (T/C - TOP OF CURB) �81 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO. St VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND SEWER ------�- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T� SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 150500.00 COORDINATE LOCATION STATION OR WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE T PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP 1 REDUCER E BORE CROSSING Know what's below. Call before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #**** & #**** CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION SECTION 2 IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. ePCE 3A2 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3.07 INLET PROTECTION - 3.09 DD _>_>- TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE 3.13 ST 0 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP CD0 3.2 ' ROCK CHECK DAM 00000 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3.31 TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING NU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL ct SITE � L R°j�r R g_ z 0 a LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS LATEST EET # REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 COVER SHEET C-1A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN C-2 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-2A OVERALL PLAN MAP KEY C-3 IT UTILITY LAYOUT SITE PLAN AND U L ITY L OU C-3A SITE PLAN AND UTILITY LAYOUT C-36 SITE PLAN AND UTILITY LAYOUT C-3C SITE PLAN AND UTILITY LAYOUT C-4 GRADING PLAN C-4A GRADING PLAN C-46 GRADING PLAN C-4C GRADING PLAN C-4D DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY C-5 BORE HOLES LOCATION MAP C-6 BIO-RETENTION FILTERS C-7 ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7A ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-76 ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7C ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7D ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7E ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7F ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7G DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7H DRAINAGE PROFILES C-71 DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7J DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7K SANITARY SEWER PROFILES C-7L SANITARY SEWER PROFILES C-7M SANITARY SEWER PROFILES C-7N LINE OF SIGHT PROFILES C-70 LINE OF SIGHT PROFILES C-8 HYDRAULICS C-9 DETAILS C-9A DETAILS C-9B DETAILS C-10 STREET TREES AND LIGHTING PLAN 0 CQ r U Z .--1 0 0 W � W Cn Cw Z U s. it .r V! m Z � � rn U�1 OW4� w61 W o -X-1 3 'R14 00 a+ N O Uy O N ►•1 � U O 4 c a ° U 0 0 rn d o O 2 N VJ N Y .0 �3 m E d rn E,pLTH OE ` `c T C o ° � r � BRIAN C. M CHELL o C. N0. 035724 0112412022 v O�FSSIONALENn N c N c 0 t� U O�L v 1 � d t M �I 7 � o t q E, 3 rn ti I\J O E,, W co A> 0 � I �Q) w d 0 o V O o o 0 d M c REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N in N d c 3 12 0 a 0 o. DATE 0 01-24-2022 C=:!= c 3 PROJECT MANAGER BRUIN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -0 c 0 PROJ.# c 20140065 SHEET # ° � C - 1 H Sh IF 0i M���E�LE an arbsfiobfifi�,M.Swrd. Alan isfiafirfi�vco no -al fi.sIsMassent Valerie ism, 321 Ent Maw St Susan 4M Chari�villeVAMM �Novemberll.2015AeB�ofSu�i��k,climm�o�S�ialU��kWli�t�nwto modify clonalitions fillmuncilma merged sw is Section 303 afire Plefirm, Ill.. beCo... wook ..... am be eorAan applicablitapporwals haw Been and coW�m hase Inew met Thin ififiblisdra; romptiamm with 11-hooll Ife, SFIEC� USE PEMI� app�lof*Z.ONMGCO�IAN�CECLE.A��,. 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SmAr. zone dessimadons. assifir begfifinfie, sea F Wahowton, DC 20472 Federal Emergency Management Agency CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) A...... .... ..... ... TrICCO fil bethe real K Toolbar now111 One fifilownscal Not S.Ith Fllx s AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STATEMENT NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPIJCATION: #ZMA-20011-11119, SP -20l ZMAT 201340007 North Pointe PEAff� Amendment Tax Map 32 Fourcole 20,20A, 20AIb 20,42,20A3,291,23,23A, 23B,23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G,23fl,ml Approximately 229 acres zowd Planned D"elopmmt - Mixed Commercial r6FDMC") August 5, 2013 With respect to the property described in Tanning appliontion #ZMA-2000,09 and SlUtfieffi! 72 (the "Odginal ZMA'J, CWTT Propertics Limited Partnership is Do fee simple Owner tell North Pointe (,h�lottovill� LLC is the courbact purchs= of Tax Map 32a Pmv4s 20, 20A, 20A 1, 20A2, 20A3 mid 291 (die "North Point: Pmpdfiirdy")� and Violet Hill Aenciato. IsL.0 imtflvfusimploo�ofTaMepA Parrals2l), 23A, 23B, 23C. 23D, 23E, 2SP, 230, 23H oil 23J (the "Viold Hill Propway"). The maiddidivis prUes Mo collectively raftered to hareln as the "Ownel, which term shall include any s�esm To irMPM Tim North Pointe property and the Violet Hill Property we relpfrod to collectively a the "PropW', all of which is the Subject creeping mop =wdmmt Application nmbw ZMA 2013-00007 kn� fas the "ZMA AmwWmm.' Pocant to Section 33,� of ft Albarmide Comfy Zoning Ordinance, Ounnon hereby volossixt, proffican the conditions listed in this Amended and Restated Prinfier Statement, which sliall be filyhrad is. the Noah Pointe Property if the ZMA Arrhandandent is approved by ountcontionsmepoWlered a, pinI of the ZMA Ancendivent and it is agreed that: (1) the ZMA Amendment icelfgives rise Has the need for the conditional and (2) Such conditions have a reasonable retail= to the �r�ng requested, The Original ZMA, With S associted proffers ded July 20, 1006 (Ili. "Ori I Proffer Enamel was approved by the Albemarle County Board of Swervisons on pill August 2, 20106, and also included Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K (which pence 27K was at (he time composed of Iwo separate parees 22H and 22Y, which have Rome bear combined into a single el 22K) which is Owned by Neighborhood Properthas - NP, LLC (the "Neighborhwd Inv�immt Properl The changes Reflected in [his ZMA Amendment shall Hot apply to the thelghbodisdand investment Property. In all other resparsts, this ZMA Amaidmmt Awards and nestam said Mffas Ot their andirmy and the Ammdad and Resulted Proffa Statement shall minte to the multi -page application plan Ratified "North Pointe Commonly", prepared by Kemey & Co., Archnstis in newised through June, 112006 and aticardiond hereto as Exhibit A (the "Application Plan"), and the Albemarle Candy Code in offers at of the date of the Original Profile Statement (the "Comfy Code"). The North Pointe Community shall be refigained to an the 1. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED IT. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 Cirediflon of a 40-Foart Buffer 11M, the Eavame Carrialter. Within six (6) months arm the acceptance by the Virgims Department of Tr�sPomion (-VDOT") Of the Road Impmmu as dofmdAd in Section 5.3 that sum along the iniabbod ]an of U.S. Route 29, Owaser shall plant and ffi�ftor maintain a a times a landscaped buffer, including hadgerrows, along for Entrance Consider fiwtW parcels owned by Owner. no buffer will Consist of a minimum 40i-forat tile mntio� viva landscape � that shall be subject To th "Buffer"I. Albemarle Comfy Architecture Be.. Brand CARB) review and approval ( a or located an VDOT no Buffer my be located partly on the Owobes pmp" and portly an VDCT proporty. In The event VDGT at my Time in the future Anducess, any portion of the Buff Employ, the owma shall compensate fair sub reduction by extianding the Buffer an Owner's propal in order to maintain a Hunimum 40�few Buffet, corgen ifiburch �pmsa6m shall require the removal ofparking adjacent to such Buffer. 2.2 Apporm. of Storm Water Management Facilities. The SWIM flcilitious isible firififin Ina Entrance Concor identified an The Application Plan (M=Wat� �U9=mt facilities 1, 2, and 10) shall be d� an a plan and be smideat to ARTS review and Approval. SWM I shall be designed =ell feet in slappe, pla�wt and land than (grading) m the Aw� conservation � and The adjwmt hand edge of am reciting lot Transition bow, and buildings, The plan for SWIM I dug be mbm�=d Up the ARS with die ficat ARTS submissim for Holding 14 or 19 identified an M� R to the Application Plan ("Shoot 13"), or my such building that is prequaded in be lc=W where Building 14 is located on Shed B pmmt in The terms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 shelf have a more structured app�w thm SWIM 10 (stc below) and shelf be designed amb Chip it shape, placement, and land form (grading) transition between the adjacent eDnm�mfim sych and die, adjacent had edge of the it buildings. The pin for SWM 2 " be difiifted To the ARE wifly the fine parking lot An ARE submission for Any of Buildings 215 through 31. MAT 10 shall be deassigreed =ell that its shape plactionerst, and led form (grading) we tategind With the adj�t cometecatiorn area. The plan for SWM 10 Shall be sularmthad to the AR33 9 the time mind plans am submitted As the County and VDOT fail N�ffiw� Puft& UL DENSITIES 3.1 Total Buffldout The total �b� ofildifiefling units within the Project shall not momad eight hundred runety-flow (III laskjact Up Section 3-2, the building footprints Bud gross floor areas of office, And after �. and die building footprints of hotels shall not meared those set that in the Land Use Brediddom Table sell Shot A to the Application Plan A`J. 3.2 Limited Ad st�t� to rite Ekft fthe Applition, Plan. The gross floor arm of the buildings used for �uriaL saffices, offier �, aid hotels shown on Shed A may be adjusted within a range of up to ran p� (t0%J provided that the maximum greas floor for web category Oft. show on Shed A is net "*wAed. The fiamprons of'Buildings 6, 14 And 36 a shown on Shed A on be interchanged. Notwitb�mWing (he (a= of this Section 3.2 to title contrary, Building 14 shall not initially exceed 89,500 stiquare fast, provided, however. that the we yews following the ismance of file wrgflcae of occupancy for Building 14. 14 is Building 14 may be adjusted within a range of up U, ran percent (I Ol and if Building located in the loodder shown an Shed H my mch expression shall be located to the die So that ridinansid space is located along North Pointe Boulevard. Notwithstanding the terms of Ibis the a Section 3.2 le the cantery, but subject 10 the provisions of Section 8.1, the County may Authorize Building 21 0 shown on Shoo A in be adjusted by � than ran Tm� 0 M). IV. STORMWATER MANAGENIENT AND STREAM BED CONSERVATION 4.1 Flood plain. The nm ofthe lfg)�yaar flood plain within the Purism Shall remain caband weept for mad mwidnip, public saffity flocilitto and their mwinA and Indication mdis and blading Hails, and OMY to the mtmt such ==Ptims him permitted by County Ordinances and .may and prepare the regulations. Upon the request of the Comfy, Owner shall peavide a a ty nwAA*Ay do�entafim and dedicate the twill within such flood plain tothe Cecil 4.2 f�g magmmt PIN no fiturnessuppreet mmogmn� Pound (offlaff") plan tell be prepared, � all Barnwell mmagmmt figailitim for the nelopromt) and from Project shall be designed and =8�ctcd, to �odate all �t Stonecutters discharge fears Tax Map Parcel 032AO-02-WOMOO firlarthemods, Mobile Hiring Park D, the seeing dmelopmm� on the northeats 29, specifically the following parents shown an die m�l Albmmie County UK maps: tu=P AT, 32A, parcels 2-1, 2-1 A, 2. LA 1, 2-1 B, 2-1 C and 2-ID. 32, parcels 39, 39A, 39, and 39A; tax an I it northwest can. orpffit Road and U.S. Route no g�� �agmad families "I mitigate fiess stormseater quality and quantity impacts, for the �wata gm.,W both within the Project and for such existing offies Conditions AS described bonds, 0 though the =tire preexisting condition of the dtaiMgC ZMB is Bring off-sive canditificins and the mdevrAMed wooded site And is being developed to the red Imposed aml anditions. In addition, bildifteras shall comprise - minimum offitirty-flificals and onx-flaird percent (33 1/3%) of the total required puking lot lmd�ped angles within the ad oil Sheet G of the al, such C.mmemiai Area is fiefirgan "Commercial Area" of the Proldit, Applifi. Plan ("Shea Do). 43 Erosion and Sed� Control. Th, Owner hall. to the "=I paracrible", prode saw that exi.c! State and Local additional appropriate erosion and sediment annual measures minimum standards. it Them is A diSligrement regarding wholluer the standard of 'Hownum it Recral will be extent Fordable" is satisfied. if. Virginia Depamnent of C.Orearrionion all provided an opportunity to review and advise He Bach question. St..nwatw MmgL��mt; The Owed shall, W the fla Post.Cmutruction -�tmctim sionfiesestar ENDS that arc �lgnca 10 maximum men Practicable, provide post an average annual sediment �ovai rate of 80% as published by the Center far Wtershd Proodke in Article At Of The pronfice of Wgwdd Prolmrin (2000 edition). Hammel filted, and end retention nuld, will include, but Ale not limited W. of basins. 4.4 Site.. Buffer sod Restol.dm- Upon the �m�—mt Of the applicable CD=mt pareard, the O� shall Ell the County "it provide me County with it COPY of My applicathms) in The U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers and/or DBQ for my s� dmturb�m In addifian, flummeday, after first looking fire-sh, for matignifed, Opportunities available to satisfy the Permitting proms, the Owner shelf =led the Comfy for a list of off -site opportunities within Albemarle County for such mitigation, and shall look for such mitigation opprorstrafties -ofte. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Internet Street sir umd.,& Pathfic strands. Which in my Everett shall bashind. at least Leen, Road, North Pointe ouevarNorthaide Lows, But and Northwest passage, shall be ill w.��t,d is sessord With the Almordive urban design mom sections shown on Shed D-I in the Application Plan (I'Shect D.111) it to in acerdence, With VENCT design standards pursuant as detailed plans Agvdd To base= Owl and VDOT, Rod (if) dedicated for for announce into the side highway system Trescas (with a �im= public an and offered speing of iffly (50) fent landscaping me sidewalks us she. a. Shed D� I shall be imitalled and muffnind by the Owner in aecDydmu with County AT VUBOT standards, unhas VIDOT or the Comfy agents in writing to a�,d thi ... nonshility. 5.2 miwpway, Owner shall complain that segment of an relevant S� " "0" DO &huge D-1 within the Project whicherves; thelatelihngor F�idmw forwhiala a �fi� DfOWUPMY it sought with To legal the name base and all bar the final hyrt, Ofplml-mix asphalt Tialifinl [bye Ofillard-mix Asphalt shall be installed within me (1) Year fullcul the issuance Of the fled partififte, afroupway for a building upended. sormill by the affemad sum scgmt. 53 Road lmonvemcut,. U.� shall design and tmGt all Of the mad improvmims informal in Sections 5,3,1(id�53.14b) and 53 1(c)bsdow, which docalso shown Shed D-I An the Application Plan and an Shot E AS HAS Appilbstion Plan all �'Ext�ed on Rmd Imparromicant Plan" ("Shinal F") (clatfinively, little "Road Improvemandrol unless Sata The various phrases or the Road Improvements tic also shown toy dIUSAwiwx purposes an a mlor-cDdcd copy of Shed 13 that is Hand Impmvemal we firm camenifichad in bonded by others, attached benefit BE Exhibit B. Owner shall dc6�e to Public use my required rifdu�iiway the it now of li�ft. owes in fee simple, Fmpuq�ofthisSe�fLmi5.3,the Use Of the term 4road- as it applies to indeed Bunch, shall daus berve, tic same meaning as the word "screct" Ili the = (Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code) Where Albemarle County Suhdi,ii.. Ordim, applicable. 5.3.1 Design and Phasing. All Read Inq�mmu site]] be designed and phased as Design. The Road Shall be shown an detailed Toad plane soft dynifig VDCT dest stingfirds Which shall be ularififial by the Owner for review and, When satisfactory, approved by VDOT and the Coal (meW Tair We Road Impm�mN to U.S. Route 29, which Shall be Subject only By VIDUT approval) (Terminal the "Approved Road ?]we). The Approved BOW pipes shall show ties width and length (exceird as specified in Sections 5.11(a)(1)(H) and (v) and Section 5-3.11(bl location, type of section, and payments of all lane impm�ents as ratiamad by VOOT design standards. A1113ftheRoad Impm�ts shall be �"md in cmipU� with the Approved Roband Plans. The Road v�t. 0 U.S. Route 29 shall be based an the thm�t VDOT design speed and I-P- wasseshopc requirements. Notwithstanding ed, provisions of ibis paragraph to the mtwy, in the event that the internal residential Stood designs AS Shown an Shual 0-1 am not accepted by VDOT, the Owner shall submit demiled road coustannifien plam for such aftesets to the County for .1 Of Private shogral review and, when satisfactory, approval, subluct, All An the C�tY's aPPmv under the Subdivision Ordimec (Ch. 14 fiefthe Albemarle County Codd. Phsaying. The Road impmvm� shall be worrinvided and Aompided in three Flowers AS ralt fieth below: (a) Ph= I Road l��. Prior IT approval at the fire �mi0l subdivision plot or itep]m within the projects Ealmm, shall obtain all Associated permits Rod post all �ci�d bonds required fir, The consmwdm Of the relieving (collectively, the 4'Phue I Road &gg�= As, U-sis, Rome 20: (i) U.S. Raft 29 Soudibumd - Exprection of the verfical c�at= in the madwayjust mudild offlid, fli) U.S. Range 29 Souffibwnd �ns�cfi- Of a wminw-s 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders msaW rail astrequirrebyVEBOT) staffingat a point the in 1000 flat ord, cribs mth�om =belong it pending Smith to Almost Road. (fl,) U,S. fleme 29 Soodibo� - mnmdion of dual left lares; with ts at the fiv) US. Rolde 29 smffbouM - construction ofright turn lane with Wpm to serve m�hemmog Alan== ill SIT 1515. a (Y) U.S. Raw 29 Nurthb*md �ruction of a cordinan 12 foot Wide through ]me (with shoulders Be Mind rail " may be required by VDOT) extending train Proffit (Airport) Road (Ran(. 6491 To ft No�ffi� Pinnop wt� (W) U.S. Raw 29 Nmffibomd - W=MCtiOn of a right hand Tom I.. at fix S�.d.�t qwc� fire g�m of which will be subject to VDOT pprecal (vii) U.S. Raw 29 NoahbowW - ��ctioll of IOR turn l� with Roger into SR 1515. (viii) SIT 1513 Endound and/or restriping to provide left turn lane with thque fix) Installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase firradifin video dedection and mmmdW mumbection impermanence, 9 Thic mrsaffiection with U.S. Rome 29. Cal) Close exuding � at U.S. Room 29 and S.uth.� Enhance to SR 1515. (ad) Pmpu&Ad Emb� Rusand between North Pointe Boulevard U.S. Room 29, (2) North Pointo figglongla lmke Road and Preffit Roadr linalike Read and North Ifiahatin Boulevard, in accalballance (I) with the design Composedness she" an Shed D-1. fim Proyffif Read by either Northiside Drive Beent al if Nohide, Drive East he not yet base wmnw$W To the roundabout at North Pointe Boulevard, North Pointe Boulevard bell be exandold US Northwest Passage. The Owmw shall provide a fifty (50) fact public tight -of -way, along Lmkc Read and shall �a a two4ainfie, public strund to be accepted by VDOT and all much offlan other improvements shown on the ms�swdow in pmsible Within the available rightsuf-way AS resident dd�ined by the County Signal (it) "I'llary wandbmt ar suals that improvements So may be approval by VINOT and ft Comfy, a The intusmikm of Leake Road and Pearl Road she. on Shot IS and n additional washowd right too lease an FROM Read from Leslie Road to US, Rout:29assibramonSheirtF In addifm,fmpropenyaquisitim that is required BUT the off - sift public fight-opway for ow�efiDn of fee impmnmnt required by this Section 5.3.3 the Ownar shall muslikey a cash =tri"m in provide a letter of credit in a fican approved by the Comty Attorney for such pwq� in She ansourat as declined necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided thin such cround. shall not exceed one hundred fifty parent (15PA) offing Comfy's fair owke value appraisal prepared for acquisetion and mndmntion purposes. The cash cordebustion or hatur of credit described in this Section shall be used to pay lor took" despite: right ofway acquisificirly. Thetortalmost of the right of way go,saitc, for the offasints, property �ary to construct The improvermarres f i required by this Section 5 3. 1 (a)(2)(H) shall inc!iWe The normal costs associated with a In rig land, buildings, msmmts aid other auLhcrirxd interests by =demmtion or by purchase including, but act limited ma, land acquign� =*=win&, surveying. and T�able ififtertheys, fees. The cash contributim or due left of credit shall be provided by the Own within thirty (30) days upon request by the C)mmty. Ifthe property is acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase pace "I non =card � boaded fifly pmdamn (150%) of the County's fair market vaine appraisal prepared for =&mnsfim purposes without the nareal of theOwner. Bolstered offlurigbad ofwayac*snim exceads the dual previously contributed, than the Owed shelf reimburse the County all m-b — ficam� is Within thirty (30) tiny. upon request by the Comfy. The County Shall rgdmd ton the Owner all cocces wntributims upon completion ofthe land "million. fil Intentionally Omitted fil An additional through lane caletimund fibe Proffit Road Emm U.S. RouM29to the roundabout AT the int..fin ofWke Road it Proffit Read. Ifiaddition, for property Acquisition that is required for the off -site public right-opway for �tmdim of the improvmmts required by this Sectuary 53. 1 ha)(2)(TX the Onerear $Wl make a wish saffilurbutilan or provide a Ionic of credit in A fertile appiamed by the County Attorney for such portipossfic in the �mt an &=ad necessary file the propowity acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such =met shall not exceed ande hundred ffflyp�t (1503A) large, County's fighmal value appraisal prepared for acquisition and md�fim purposess. The cash contribution or labor of I (al shall be used to pay far the Total cast ofthe right of radii dawilboad in This Section 5.3. waysexquisition. nctotal� of the right of way acquisition for the off -site PrespenlY necessary wiciew the impmvmmts required by this Sadism 5.11(a)(2)(iv) shall include the �41 to costs Ingbohed with Acquiring land, buildings, Awwrw, �m� and oftner, interests by =d�o(i. Her by purchase including, bill Set limited his land Acquisitions "nmi7j& survayinfin and �nable minal few. The Utah coordination sar the leM of credit shall bepmAded by fludy o� within flinty (30) days upon request by the Count. Tribe prosparly is Acquired by purchases the �tibafim far the purdwo Turing shall sea exceed we hundred fil percent (150%) of the County's fear market value appraisal prepared fell cmd�efim purposes without the consent of ft Owner. If rise 0031 of the light Of WAY acquisition commide the ammem previously cantromed reimburse the than the Owner shall shall reffind in the Owner all excess contribrations Wm completion ofthe land acquisition. Comfy all such =mass cents Within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. Thdi Comfy Completion of the Phase I Rgal immewmenn. Within fifteen (15) monthis aft the �m offle fie, budding Fall for a ��u building within the lands subject to the first commercial subdivision plat or site plan within the Pmjw, in prior to the issuance of a �iE�c of ocmT� for Such buildings whichever is Audi all of the Phase I Road Impmvcmm� Shall be accepted by VDOT for public on or bonded for VDOT's ancepatemse if Such Road Improvement; ars, a primary highway, ar accepted by VDOT for public we or handed TO the Comfy for VDOl Acceptance breach Read Impmvmmts art, a Bowl highway, (b) laws 11 goad Improymmb. Prior to approval ofthe fird Rim Plan that Would authorize the formed. mmmd.1, office =4 hotel garess, floor ama AS she" AH Shed A within the Project To blood two hundred undy thousand tell square fiAd, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and Post all associated bonds required for the yonstruction of the fbitening (collectively, the'?hmc IT Road Impm�mte): (1) Midla Entrance All U.S. Route 29 Noyflasid. Drive Ell (i) US, Room 29 Southbourld -corsti Action (if a continuous lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be requirand by VDCrF) marting; at A Is jet that is logo feel earth of the M 12 fool wide dimugh iddle Entrance and shipping to the point wbrarc it 0 wandta with the portion offirs, lane constructed pursuant to S ectim, 5.3. 1 (all 1)(ifi. (if) U,S. Rom 29 SowthImund - constrawbort Archie )ell turn wase With taing. to 29 So�hbDmd - =s�iDn of a right him flat US Ron lane MST ratur (iv) U.S. Route 29 Nartlabound - constrearion of a right hand lane M the middle PA�te, the politicians inwhicle will be subil to VDOT approval. (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of left him lane with twm� SR 1570 Eastbmd - constructififin at HE repoinsing ofln� (vi) to fault in sepmtclm% through and right win movements. ta of a traffic signal vio Enhance mad W�3tbomd - imstatinfic, With 8 phase timing valtry de�on =it Associated intumbection finpm�ents an U.S. Route 29. (vifl) Existing consfifiever InCypows Dnvo-=Mchmto close the momvw. (I%) Final mad fmm Cypms Drive in SR 1570 Abnormal of public street to serve praperlift ou�dy musitg U.S. Route 29 thmgb CyF= Drive. (2) Northolde Drive Bait between U.S. Route 29 and North Pointe 13001�ad AS shown On Shot D Completion of the Phase 11 Road Improvement$, Willi fiReast (15) months after the issuance fthe first building permit for a building within the ].Ad,, �bjclx by the first subdivision plat or site plan that would awimize the RtWFNy�U it ham gross flow, a A, show. an Shed A within the Poiject to solomd two sneered madY tboSmOd (290,000) Square fact, or prior be the banner. of a -1 occupancy for Any building that causes such gross floor area to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) �o= fed, wbithaver if mui all of the Phase 11 Road ]mpmvmen� shall be accepted by VDOT for highway, orancepted by VDGT for public Use Or bonded in the County for VDors acceptance public headed for VDOT's acisciddam if such Read Improvements ,a . primary if such Road Impmv�ts arre a secondary highway. (a) Phase III Road Improvements Prior An the earliest Of: (2) the approval of the field subdivision plat or Site pin that would authorize the aggregate number of dwelling units within [be Project 10 eyeard flvc hundred thirty-flanal, (533)� (if) the pprove of A subdivision plat HE Sun plan for any development of the Neighborhood investment Property, or any pol (hO.p a, (in) the five (5) year anniversary of the date of i"�m of the first confificatc, of occupancy for it building of prousess; within the Project, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and pubst all associated bonds required for the connection of the following wed improvements (collectively, the '?hm in Rapid Irnpm�ts") to the oxtent my such mad impmvmw� have not already been compldc&' (1) N.�the�m lRrRrAl fliffIggidle Lewis & Clark Drive) an U.S. RQuU29, (i) US. Route 29 Scuffibomd - w�Em of ]oft turn ],,a with topser. (IT) Northwest Passage firm U.S. Rome 29 to North Prince Boulevard fill U.S. Roche 29 Northbound - mn�dim of a right baud win lane, The Succeeding ofwhich will be sublect to VDOT appeal (IV) from ik�dy Abnormal North Pointe Boularound between, Nortlaside Drive East "it Northwest Passage (v) if the traffis; signal in be �oW by pill= is is place prior No Owning announcing work an this Northernmost F��M And such traffic signal only includes three IcA Owner shall add the firmill Ing to the gafs which shall include additional Mot em, Signal hiew and Smithey equipmot meaSsary to irmarn Noalvereat Pmage's on of The newel as da..W by VDCT. if To, p. Sgnaa Hot in place and that voideadar traffic generated by the Project causes dic VDCIT signal wwals ty be met, Ind VDOT linquile did a traffic All be installed in a confifithort ofthe �� permit, Ow= shall bell such traffic signal. (2) Notwithstanding my rubber provision wnwncd in this Proffer Slatmod, within me hundred eighty (180) days affire written outim ftern file County that it intends to build an cl=mtary School on dre School Lot (AS "School Lorne is defimd in Station 1), the Chniffififir shall submit road plms for the ��cbm of Northwest Papal from North Pointe Boulevard to US, Route 29 to VENOT And to the County for onvical and when SasactorApproval. F.�h�m within tweve (12) ..fhS Aft. of the building permit for weenwine of flat ciment� School, and if act already completed, Owner will wmpldc (i) Northwest P�ge from NOT& Pointe Boulevard tti U.S. Ricithe 29, (h) the improymmts sed lerth in Section 5.3,BOXI) ab� and (ill) Noah Pointe Boulevard Imm Nortmide Drive Ent to Northwest Passage. To Allow the dcvdopmmt of the School Let, the Owner shall gmnt all temporary onomrs unnecessary to all" infirms and ogress fail vehicles and connotation equipment, grading, the installation and Maint�M Dft�iM and andirmonfit annine ineavre� ad my Chat cas=mN, &A temporary moomm, am shown an the subdivision plot AT site plan for [be School Lsol and mutually agreed to by the Owed and the d�diipaoflhe School Let, Completion offbe Phase III Rmdlm�nts Within twelve (12)mmths after the o�mee of the applicable e� be Section 5.3-11r) which required the Owner to obtain all namented permits and post all associated bonds rc*md far the constreaction of the Phase III Road impm�mmts, all of the Phase III mad improvements shall be acrepined by VDOT for public use our bonded for VDOT's aocep� if ingen Road Impmvemmts an a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT far public use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceprombicsuch Road priamovernews me a secondary highway. 5.3,2 tiponroq� by the CiDurity, Owner Shelf make a rush =Hibution in the County or VDOT far the cost Ara cable Bar witelm radio system that will link one in mom ofthe signals between Lavis and Clark Drive and Airport Rmad; provided, however, that the total cub wntdbudm shall An succenod thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000). Subject to matters of finite majefore, if the Comfy does Act request the Ands, or son request the finds but the constructian of the system it= mat begin by the later of December 31, 2010 in three (3) years after completion craft oftheRmd Impmv=mM said funds shall be refunded IT, the Owner, 5.3.3 Prior to the approval ofplaw for improvements at my US. Rowe 29 intersontions, Owner Shall provide VDOT treffic signal network tiering plans that VDOT finds acceptably address The impacts of the proposed preffic signals for peak traffic periods. 5.3.4 Regime] Transportation Studyl Code Contribution. THIS PROFFER HAS DITEN SATISFIED. Lima Tagunt by the County, Owed sholl make a cob ofintributim. of am brundread thousand dollers ($100,000) to the County for the purposes of funding a regional tmgponafion study far the Route 29 comidof, which includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Rivaing River and the Holilonead Growth Am of which North Pointe is a pad, The contritatifirm shall be made within thirty (30) Sol &But mqueged by the County wydme after the asmaningisapprowed, Ifthe request is mattedle within mi you after the done ofopprovid of the first final site plan for the first mmordit building within the Fraud, Oft preffir shall be=enulladvoid. Ifumh cub amaribution is not experadod for the stated purpose within three (3) years farm the date the finds were cantribridead to ft Comity. all woMpraided foods Shall be reforaded to the Owns. V1. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND CREENWAY 6.1 Ydei.. Pathway,. All postal pathways shall be classified as shown cer, the Pedestrian Pathway Key An Shoe C it, ocapt for the pathway. As be nstruded by the County, shall be she" on the subdivision plat 0, Sim Plop far the fireardeadying or adjacent Inds within the Project. Th. path..ya Shall be constructed by Overser as Class A a, Class B trails an identified on Shoe (3, sod to exacronve, With the applicable desig, and nmedn standards in the County�s Design Standards Manuel Such construction shall be in conjunction with the ipm�.wtB for the Subdivision plat or site plan, as the cone may be, And bonded with the 97� if the pathways am a subdivision haprovernal or with a perf�mce bond If the pathways am a site plan improvement. The pathway shown an Shed 0 along Flat Branch north frad South of likedhaside Drive Fastshall Hot continue through A outwit ra pubma is used for the grmm immaing. 'Me pathway intended for the culwart between Park E and Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall conform To the applicable Standards in VDOT's "Subdivision Street Guidance and Owner shall egin the pathway if it in Hot accepted by VDOT for mvintmeOE., 6.2 Lake. Upon mquedby the Comfy, owner shall defificalse to the Comfy the lake shown on die Application Plain for public ma, provided MAT and lake will be available for on by Owner for mom"tm managemwt as d�-W in Shot C to tbe Application Plan entitled "Swm�tff Mmmmmt and S� Co...vAfim Ple (Shed C"). VIL THIN SECTION INTENTIONALLY DIELIETED YET. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8.1 Branch Lib�, (a) Uparn request by line CorAdy. Oulads, shall dedicate To the CO=tY the fee simple interest in the Ind shown on Shot 3 a a library, consisting of a 15,000 Square fool My graded pad sites with million to �odatc a 12,500 square foot building fortlrint, a five foot pw,.,e� strip and up to a 25,000 square fed buildings together with a �clusiw mmmt in the HImme for kW� plant �tion staging And sufricimt County Code required puking, stomwawr depeal and � quality fificilifignis far the location of a fi�tmWins Jeff..-Madiwn Regional Library an _A mob other was that are compatible with the proposed surrounding used, in detraumd by the County (die "library Lee'). Norwithstanding the team offle prim serum= to tlAp ccMmy, ifthe requirmmts for the library County may aufloorize, the library building building require a larger budding footprints ft rkmg immediately north of the l�b=y Lat syn Shoot IS ffiese "Librany Parking Lots) hall be adjusted and, shown as "Park Ho on Shea B ("Park B") andir line size of the adjacent To Accordingly to mommothse, Such larger building finalstrint. The Owner shall not be responsible footprint to be larger than a at" in the prior signal provided, however, that the size of the for my utility tap film, but Owner shall complete accentuation of the Library Puking Lot and other parking zdrcas Serving the Library Lot The Owner shelf permit the County to use [be Library Parking Let and/or, irate idrwdy wwnuc�d, Park K for purposes ofoorstruction Staging. Within Twelve (12) months offer wrirmmti� finam the County that it intends To begin oms�fim of the library, the Owner shall make Bus �s me& and the mrs, of the Library Puking Lot available with at later a fare kWh cDolp�ed abuse base for Use a accein and con in ion aging. shall be completed and available ow aid, an istai it= hous (10) months after inumm a a building permit for the liberty, provided, h�, do asphalt pavement in fifirmadis used for consuraction staging by the Comfy shall Am be required He tic installed until thirty (30) days (or well Jorager Regional time Am may be nccmmry due 10 weather Conditions) wer me County has removed in =stmmion�miated orcomiale rid equipment. Uposes thissfirequed ofthe Comfy, Park maintaining IT shall Alan be ddimed to pebble ifire, but the Open shall rail be .SpmWbl. for such park, Owl shall be responsible fin, WBW� Of The Library Parking Lot And other puking space, serving the Liberty Lot .it Thai County "I have Ady Obligation To be A ... be' f my owner's sommocifirmon. The Canal request film dedication of the ]slid for the Library Let OdPark H Ali.]] lateadc within Ind, (3) years following the ]met Us DCMT Of(J) issam�offlie fist residential building final within if= "And, (if) Gagraces completion a F the infcmtmwAn end for the ushe of the (including bar not limited to mens, w�� ishow, clecuries goal requit Libriany Let, in (Ili) December 31. 2016 (which December 31, 2016 deadline may he rectanded by satittim mutual agreement of the Owner and the County). Ifa request far such dedication is not =tic Within three (3) years following the laid of these dates, this proffar will be null and void. (b) Griden Ito in the Event that The mqw�mts far the library building require a larger building Asistprint, and the County ale= to adlassizes the library building fityprid to be larger than 12,500 ago= fast p�mt us secition S. l(a) above, and in the finihm wrifiership in a sweet that the building is developed as a warifiberainium and the Combly requests the Owner it, for a portion of the larger buildings Own" shall Accept such a assume awfideship ;bdunty, mamuble price upon which the parties may mutually Aimed, and shall =tdb� US the C on a pin rate basis based on the proportional sim ofthe portion afibe library building owned by the Owed relative to the at= of the library building as a whole, the cost of designing and �"aing such building, These =is may include, if desitand by the County, installation of a �,g� anal and my additional expanses Associated with swuwuaIiy regiftancing the war as fifircessarytia support the gred, roof Within too (10) days after accept ofaEAqmAA fbrpaYmant by the County that is Accompanied by documentation to support the playgoess payment mount 0 provided in the �tucdm contract, the Owner shall submit Bach paymm� to the County, Alternatively, in the wand the County elects to SANTA the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Envimmentd Design fwLEED") bifildiraw the Owed shall wntibuW to the County, on a pin rate basis based on the MP�icnal site of the portion of the Brady building owned by the Owner relative TO the sin of the library building Am a whole, the additional cases of Constructing the library building To obtain LEED for the building, Wittlyintes(10) days after reciapt at a request for payment by the County that is a�paniod by documentation to support the pmgmn payment Amount as provided in the construction contract. G. Ownsfir shall Submit men payments to the County. Ile design of the gram rool in the eduarida utilized in obtain the LEED AS applusible, shall be in the County's discrebution. 9.2 Affindableflaining. Subj�tothei�smd=diuonsofthisS=iout 8.2, the Owner shall provide a miTi.. of fififirty (40) "fail-safe, sidential dwelling units a affordable dwelling units, a minim= of sixty-six (66) wfor-Tcmw residential dwelling wits as affordable dwelling units, and a minim= of four (4) Carmap How Units (as Carriage Home shall be Units are defined I. Swily. 8.2(d)), The forty (40) dwelling =its winimsed of the following types of dwelling wits: twelve 12) firem mul!i�family, twelve (12) from mbee Hamel of trombonists, duplexcl attached homing condominiums in the comeralABud the, widernified housing typisil and sixW. (16) few Single family dothoubmil, meh�thesalepiicesand unddibetem�and creprolithoussai fifirth inthas Sofiong.2, The Owner shall energy Ole TearryinfidifilitY of caustructing the affordable units to the subsequent owners often, within the Property. (a) Multi -Family and "Chain FE-Se Affordable Unit . For multi -family and "other"fic-sale affordable dwelling units within the Prequary, such affordable units Shall be affordable 0 households with hicencel less than eiplity possent (60%) of the area median faily berame (the "Affordable thin Qualifying In�e'4), Such that the housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate taxes and homeowners insurance (PITT) do not cxcctd thirty percent (30l of die Affordable Unit Qualifying provided, however, that in no A,(w shall The selling price of such affordable units be less than the Senator of On. Hundred Ninety Thousand four liundmd Dollars ($190,400) or silay-five percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Dmehopmm Authority rAMA") =ran= mortgage ficir first-firre home buyers at the beginning of the Sol identification and qualification period inderceirsed in Section 92(0. (b) SinvJe Family Drum hed Fin-Sess Affordable Unds ("Migliendely-Pricasid Unite'. PAT single family detachend for -sale afrord" units within the Property C'Modm�ly. Priced Unfte% such Modo*dy.PHccd Units shall be affmdable in hoduadholds with Internet ]am than mat hundred twerity percent (120%) of the anno median family inwmc (she "Moddermally-Priced Unit Qualifying Incorrece), met the the homing cots condednig ofPM do fider mcoW thirty percent (30%) of the Modmtely-Pnctd Unit Qualif3ring Income, provided, however, &in in no ever"i the selling Tarbaccid'such Isiodefirectly-Pidwed Units be required 0 he Ims than the greater of Tm Hundred 'Thirty Eight Thousand Doll= ($239,000) or eighty percent (801 of the applicable VEDA �i� -�g-P fall fied-thade home buysers in the beginning ofthB 90-dayidectification and qualification period riefisensficed in Swition &2(f). (a) Par -Rent Affordable Uni . Fair a period of five (5) years following the date the mItffimm of occupancy is Issued by the Caspory, ran each forseard affordable miL or until the its Am Sold fies low or aternese cost units qualifying his such wild either the Virginia Hadumg Development Authority, Flowers Home Administration. or Housing and Urban Developments Scott= $I usailabover comes first (die "Affordable Teraffil such Units shall be redded to No for-rery households with incomes 1. than the Affiandable Unit Qmilifying income. affordable unit may be coupled mom it= ornat Towards the number of for-�l affordable dwelling units required by this Section 8.2, (i) Cgn nor of Inter All deeds conveying any in� in the fire rate Affdah, ,ah during the A filre-dahle Talent shall remain language rescifing That such ul is my flor-rent affordable unit, or my pan ib�f, timing the Affordable Term, shall contain it complain and fall disclosure of (he re�icli= uW wa�ls souldInded bey this Section 8.2(c). price to the conveyance of my interest in my ifin-cent affordable unit during the Affordable Team, the thm.m=t owner Shall notify the 0oAdwy in writing ofthe conveyance and provide the name, address and hilesphanic number of the Owial UwIM and state that the requirements ofthis Section 8.2(c)(i) ham bear sidisfical 00, Annual Saudi During the Affordable Term and within rundy (90) days following the and of each oulandur year, the thw-�m owner shall provide TO the Albemarle Comfy Housing Offica a entered annual repart ofall for -mat affordable units for the immediately preceding Year in a form And =balance ��bly waseptable, to the Comfy Housing Office, Subject to all federal, soft and local housing lows, and upon �mable notice during The Afflardablu Term, the thdi.comard, Owner shall make Available to the County at the thica-mumol ownel�a preal ifeemsested, my reporM opice ofmtat ori��agre�eiiu,� offire data pertaining to =to] raise as the Catmiy may�naMy require, (it) Catriagul Homes Cmdage He= Units shall meet the requirements for a single family dwelling a definad in five, Virginia Unitbm Statewide Building Code, shall be on the smile parcel AS the primary dwrifing, unit A, which it is accessory, and shall not be Subdivided from the primary residence i"Cieriap How Units"). The subdivision restriction shall be included on The plat creating such pawds and be incorporated into ealfich dead conveying title to such parcels. (a) Each subdivision pig tod Ift Plan fibir land within the PMSSEY which includes affordable =fill (which, far this Section S-2(c) that include Moderately -Prod Units) dual daugmen the lots or undis. w Applications, thin Vill, subject Be the terms and conditions of This ;Ami1A, incorporate affordable unimtsducribed herein, The fire such subdivision plat or site plan shall include a minim= of them (3) indican affindable wits. Theridifter, and =61 the mml number of affordable dwelling wim paciffeand hmmda shall have been fialfilled$ the Owner shall provide a minimum Affiliate (3) such affordable dwelling drafts par yourr. EwhfinW subdivision plat and final Site plan else slid] inden a owning total of the number and p�.g. of ffindable =its prayintrusly picarvided And PMPDSed in be provided by the Aimed to ill cc ad subdivision plat w site pin. PAT purposes of thaing Smefion &2(d, go& uniN sball be Ed have been provided who the subsequent own.?.Wda provides written -fiw in 0 u Y Housing Office or its ignition that the unitio) will be available firr sales as required by Section 8.2(1) below. In the event that the Owner provides � Om three (3) affordable dwelling units in a single year, the Owner may lately over" or "barall credfle ran such affordable l snob the do, elfiflonal affordable ardis which exceed The minimum �uW roquinmmt may be allocated ancerni flAs ,inim- number of affordable woub, required to be provided for my firturt, year. no maximum number of affordable units that my be onned over in banked iall Out "yound twelve (12) par ym. Notwithstanding the tons of this Section 8 2(0) to flit welftery, upon the written request of the Owbaer, flas Comty MAY Authorize AT Alternative Pmms mdlw schedule far the provision and/bor delivery of Such affieshble units upon a doemartmention tbut the request is in general accord With the PUTDO MAT totem of Section 8.2 stradlor otherwise filters the pals oflareviding fifloardable hovsing in the County. All purchases of the gestalt Affordable units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Housing Offices AT its dratifiners, Th, subsequent �w/build� shall provide the County or its designer a pasiod of lamely (90) days To identify and prinquillify ars eligible purcuticur far the affordable unit The ninety ggfi�finy period shall comencifics, upon Wyman Action fmm the fluI-crummil that the All will be available for Sale. Ifthecourstyarics; rucifinfic man not prevails a quil purchem who excestes a contend of purchase during this ninety (90)-dgy paiod� the fine-drawn. ovMzdbuddrr shall beve the right to nfl the trall without my antroothet on sales Ill or income ftk ,Uhmer(s), prodidnit, hourglass fleconey monist Sold without stattly Tradition shall movalickeds be munied toward the Rubber of affordable units Required to be provided pursuant to this t� of this Section 8.2. The Terfureements of this Section 3.2 shall apply only to the first sale crowd ofthe aftendable wits. c County shall bow the TighL fi� nine An tal a- reasonable imlice IT) Th and subject to all applicable privacy laws, in inspect the �T& of Career or my sucwmm in intagral far the purposes ofm�ng wrWH� with this Proft fla) Cash THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days aften the Based of Supervisors appromal of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be Contributed fifires h,�Wmd fimm.A dollars (S300,000) Cash to the County of Alb=arle for ibis Albemarle Hwassififig, lndimive Fund in such otbw similar fired as may be astablishad or auddeciand by the County, The contribution shall be to fund Affordable home ownership Tom pmgrms within the Pmj� and other � of Albemarle Comfy, including those provided by nacefitanifit homiag agencies Such AS the Piedmont Housing Affiliated, Habitat for Hummity, and the Albmn�le Housing hnpmvmeat Pmg�. IfsmbcnhcDntribudonis the stabold purpose within five (5) years finarn the date the funds wm net cxpcAddcd for contributed 1. the County, ad mmj�nded funds shall be ashadind to the Owner. IX EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES ftEy School Sim. Within two humbrod Beverly (270) days following 9.1 Elen and shown on the Applifififfic. request by Ole County, Owner shall dedim� to the County the I Selamendatic Layout", consisting of approxiermady 12.85 Plan as "Elmmtwy School 12.95 Acres ft� (Or A MPJIWPCIUM crunch Ind in the County's Sale discretion) (the "School Lial Print by Owner or a minim= of 95% to dedication, the School LET shall be graded and Compacted ;sanpAayMr as measured by a standard Pmetol febut with Suitable material for building m�aim as certified by a professional ougginfirce, or as otherwise approved by the Comfy Engineer As coldid, a fully graded pad site to Accommodate an elementally school The m�xioiW field impruvmmts shovem on the Appli ossitton Plan Shall be rise graded =it ban trip sell and hall mmdmmts add4 and the mains befir an inshartiound mignition sy� drining the r�iimW fields dW] beW"cd, Sucbimpwvemmt�.%hallbu�sonablyequivalmdwihoso misting at rise rammitioned fields of B&kayBUdd, Shool, exclusive of my above d­pn Sahara Led w pur, fin' ieldsmail�v�u� The ��o pald"Al FROof' Ind ado' A In' Plan an an via - bell be 1. 1 Ad far the -ill he On. ticocabe _it .. r an -it 10 pdFwg Y AeoulS epp earamaI s-7 A hot,_ oiPlan, or 1 0 to be Endeaor, aid aOuttenmyet I Aft Lin Is, School Lot will not hsl usM as all cleasintraychme sar, it shall be usell by the ('ounty gas park am =rwdml parpusels ervnboth adc North Pointe model =I] the begion. If the I the the School LEI be defficaus! by the 1= of Dc�ba 31, 2016 and the County), in three (3) years after the issuance of the fire maidectial building permit within the Project, the Owner shall be under no further obligation no dedicate the School Lot for the purpose efteparibed lorciss, but slid]], by January 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days After such later thousand dollars (3500,000) cash to the County in be wed by the date, contribute five hundred County fifir projects identified in the County's CIP evessidely related to the Heads offire North Pointe a�=ity, and in such event the School Lot may be mod for offider tamblential purposes as approved by the County after requ�l by Owner for an =mdmml to the Application Plan. Aft. dedication and before the County uses the uisseLet for a school ofir Am park and stanewhowl purposes, and deadpanned bythe County, Ownushall maintain the School Let Until refunated by the County to no longer do Ad, subject to tile OwwCS right to exclusive mat Of tile Y schoul Lot for park and r��mal purpose. Such park md �iaml purposes shall be cial Ad firml site plan or Subdivision plat for the area that includes the thoss, nest pp,.v School Lot. Upon being requested by the County, Owner shall cause All u" and mainfecarance of the School Let and manive, all impmwwAAyw established by D�a that the County roximaw be removed. The Comfy shall not be oblitind to PAY Owed for Any imPrOvemmu m1abIis1wJ by the the County retains. The deed of dedication for the School Lot shall provide that if Owner Die County accepts title As the School Let and thm dow Thai construct either a park or a school within twenty, (20) years following the date the Board of Supervisors appradaw the ZMA Amendment, fluen upon Onsficar's request title in the School Lot shall be �sfwcd to Owner at no ap�to Owner. Ban Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop improvement., ad Bus Seryl (a) Owed shall wwact The (to) public bus stop imoffs As shown on the Application Plans or otherwise two (2) in hic muth�ost residentied area, fact (4) in the �ic)mial mom and fibur (4) in the other Tmidmtial Areas, how in 4 10mfiw MOW IY AT acceptable in Owzdw and the County. The bus stop farrhaffis shall be approved with dead �mdion plans for the Project and bonded and =snded with the strides. fla Upon the requelt by the County, Oymm shall conessibute the Mal sum of twenty five thmmd dolliam (325,000) cash towards the design and construction of the above ground bus gap impmvmnu snob a benches and sidersiders; meeting Standards established by the Coundyat cub bus stop. Stan County does Ent nequest the funds, or requests the funds bad does net w�a the bus Shop berrovernmits by the Iota of Dmmb� 31, 2015 or flRdA, (3) years aft wmploim of the mad network that includes the bus stop tu.fF� than Subject to HABITAT, of fares �j�M the umpmded fiands shall, in the distinction of the County, either be �med To Owed or applied to a project idmtified in the Cm�y's mpitd improvement pmg� within or wiffidient in the Project thin benefits the reject. (c) Within Bill (30) days after the introductiono of public trareportaltion to the Paribas Owner shall contribute wmty-fiva thousand dollars ($25,000) cash to the County To be ul for operating expernes related to such scrvicc� and shall Thereafter Annually contribute Tawyrty�Frva Ti.A.d Dollars ($25,000) cash to the County In be Used for (sliendiAg current retired to so& service for a pwiod of nine (9) additional ycw;, such that the total funds contributed to the County pursuant Be LOB Section 9.2(c) 6.11 net extiond Two Hundred Fifty Thommund Dollars S250,000). If the introduction offrablic to the Pmj= does net Of -PPROWS the ZMA commence by the low, of to (10) years -it- the Board Occupancy Amendment, or seem (7) years after the time offle, alumina orthe fiedfieffifilefterif for The first commercial building within the Project, this Section 9.100 shall become null and void X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Unless the dedication of public nglf-of-way and the confirmation of Sucstreet an required in commorefion with the related wactions, or approval of a subdivisions plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and foot Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) that wide right-of-way located unthin me area shown on Swal IS and identified AS a 11501 R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication" connecting a right- of-way fires the proposed middle mtmm mad may Worth Pointe to the Southern Property Em of Tax MAP 32, Pump] 22B CIMP 32-221w). Prior to the issumm of a building permit for Building 32 as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall racord in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ofAlbmaric County, a m�4 imwwAgbIe deed ofilicalicalma, doliffical TO public use for mad purposes, the me labuded "50'R.O.W. Resersed The Future Dedication." Owner Acknowledges that it it is wt pan of a subdivision plat Approved by the County, such oft of ricificatimmust be fire announce and appravind by the Board orl'Supervigars, and Accepted by the Beard. Such died of dedication shall include the following conditions: (I) that IMP 32-22B shall ham base upetchad; and (if) that prior To its use for -ad purposes, there shall have ban constradrad an the land so dicidical a mad approved by the County and =opted by VDOT for public now bonded far VDOT's �ptmw. At the time Aides, �sbwdon ofthe access mad serving Building 32, the O�u shall modest the implantation curb radii or the mad Serving TMP 32-22E and extend construction of such mad for at lug a minim= of we hundred (100) fee few Nordisid. Drive Else. Th, OWTAT Shall also piano at " and ofsuch extended mad, a signs approved by the Comfy, advising and notifying the public that such dght-of-way is the local= of a Route mad extension. Owner slWl giant �paruy wns�im M=mts ass determined �sary by the County Engineer in 811OW for the mud to be mtmdW in TMP 32. 22E, which wnmudm claimants shall be an Onamer's propsey it Outside of the dedicated Shall he riglo-oppay, And shall be established by the applicable site plan. No iWo�m� located within the temporary Canonical contents until confirmation of such mad Inds base completed. 10.2 Access So Tax Man 32A. gmdn 2- Parcel 4 frrest Nmthwoods Mobile Rome Park Property). Unless the dedication ofpublic right-of-way and the ��cdm of such Wed are required in conjuractior, with the Approval of a subdivision plat vaider Aibmmie CountyCDde § 14-409andrichated sections, wth6r�essms: Owed shall buserve an s I. the ]..it. labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication's at the eastern Ind of the main cumrr�al Access mind Basin U.S. Rome 29 on Shed B for access by Tax Map 32A. Section 2, Puma] 4 CeTTAP 32A.2-4"). Prim to the issuance of a building Parcel for Building 6 or Buildinfas VI thmugb V6, Bob an shown on the Application Plan, which. is cauli Owner Ali.]] Owl in the Clerk's Officer of the Clean Court of Albemarle County, a current, inevomble dead of dedication dedicating to public we for road purposes, the area lefifierad "Sif R.O.W. Rearread for Future radical Owncralmowlsties that if it is not pan of a subdivision Tim appardeved by the County, such offer of dedication =of be That revivined and app..d by the Board of Supervisors d forephod by the Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that Thrill 32A-2-4 at][ have bear upwrial and fill that pil in its ame for road purposes, Ili= shall have bow constructed on the or land so dlicanxi a mad appronell by the County ..,it .pro by VDOT far public use handed far VDOT E aamplamea. At the time of the constmaian of the roundindaut serving Building 6 and Buildings Vl through V6 tic Owner shall construld the intermediate curb radii and Astand commiction ofthe mad for A distance of at least thibly fee beyond the Tontitown. The Owner shall also place at the and of such maxided mad, a sign, approved by the County, advising and notifyint; [be public that such right-opway is the location are fund= mad extension. A and before the conditions cribs dedication have bear satisfied, and lfrequidtfied After hdicale by the County, Owner el maintain the dedicated land until requested by the County to no [ml do so, Subject To the 0-0�'g Tight TO exclusive -- Of the dedicated land for Park, emotional, And/or gradinsprom purposes. Upon being mquested by the County, O�r Amu candis all use and maintenance ofthe dedicated Ind =it Tmove all impTovmm� established by Owner (ifmy) that the County requeses be removed. Owner shall grant temporary construction TO be witanded casmma ins docirmill �wy by the County Engineer Us allow for the mad to TMP 32A-2-4, which imagination ��ig shall be on Oeinces; pronderty Bud Outside of the dedissided right-opway, and shall be established by die applicable site plan. No imPmvmmu shall be located within the temporary construction casements until wmtructiQn oftelficila mad hm be. completed. XI. SIGNATORY , The undersigned rail that they me the Only ownm ofthe Property, [2.1 Cerfifinte which is the subject ofthe ZMA Amendmt. 12.2 Th. Owner. Them proffies shall me with the Propirty and mh rufmmm to shall include wind. it. meaning, and shall be binding uppon, Owner within these proffers; UHl =mmor(s) in interest and/or the disvelopel of the PmPMY Or my portion of the Trivial a Immediately Follow) (Signal Page This Friction Statement may be signed in wuntoTp" andfor via facsimile with the same full force and effect as Bill Signatures wismariginal and on one document P mhorA_MndAll Overfil WIM Great Eastern Crgzyt�il anager COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLDITITSVILLE Jun . selartbal AfiKdaid hereby carefies, that �d it Notary Pull and EVIne nild � we name LU f Great Eastern Mmag�t Company, mat 'Ile LLC I ManagwofN Plable Carter - file, LLC, Virginia licabad liability company is signed to the foregoing Amended and Restated Preffer Smtmmt bearing the date as of lillii �q 2013, andenowledged the samv before me in my jurisdiction ufor�id an behalf f$Md liability company. allow dar my hand 1 Ibis J5 dayfidfj��013. my �l� ,a console I EYVM M t­31 2014 [SEAL] I Does: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE undersigned Notary P bit do ill I ' diction aforesaid Inal cwfifim that itj Mal Eau= management Compact wose . ... old Hill Associates, L.I.C., a Virginia limited liability Company, is signed to ITS Manager ofVi' Amended and Rumed Prefflor Stalmmt bearing the date as of 2013, acknowledged the same before me in myjurisdiction Aforesaid on balmilforb f company hand this day of 2013, Gimmundermy my commission crifirm: CW4ft&qKW ISEALI C"_X& TaMMN=k"Ki:lIqonk1 MYC�. EM We -t 1 2014 CIVE PROP BE LIMITED PAR By. T tied Z Great Eastern Man. Datic COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OFALREMARLE dersi ad Notary Public 84 f�br eaifiction aforftajd hereby cortifics that f Greg Eastern Maug=mt Cmpmy, Of T kinhip, onerM Penney of CWH Properties Unifted Partnuestep, a Virginia lificand pean�hi , is if to the kernalgoing Amended and Restated Proffar S�wt bearing th 2013, acknowledged the a hot= in myjurisdicfion aforesaid an tudialf or said partnership. Given undermy hand this dely.fMCAMW 2013. r`�CWSW& aww_i Ramuft ime�wmalh3l 2014 [SEAL] Notary PuFas'.- 0 M LO C3 0 0 0 00 ZQ) 14 saaaasI, 1-4 "14 0 6 co 0 _l,-) LU C) C) 1.4 0 C: lassans! Z rail -4 Q) c Z 0 M LJ W LET �r_ co Q) (f) P-4 LU �14 0 r 0 ;.4 L 0 C-4 co C\I 0 C-4 Q) 0 g �..) C) 0 4 I� 0 0 0 < E 4) 0) T �W_ tpLTH 0 >1 C ACHELL C) mi BRIAN C, MI CHELL Lic. No, 03572 ;A 0 IONAL Ic, N 0 35724 01/ 0 24 2 22 0 L SSIONAJ 1 0 0 Pq E! AT :E 0 C",2 0 11-4 rz, >1 0. 0 0 e .2 0 REVISIONS CDA TE ITEM LET 4) -.tf (f) 0 0 0 CE 0 4) :5 0 PROJECT MANAGER 0 C li,,� I �MITCH�ELLP.E�. .21 PROJ.# 20140065 SHEET If =Af, C 1 e® , G—LOTS WITH GRIND PUMPS DISC HARGI TO GRA`1II'�I` V I " 'PARKS 11}\ SIZE MODIFIED MARK _TYPE_ I. WloscMlNG _ AcnvI7V _. --_y_ Is_F.I CRITICAL SLOPE VVV S . SIZES �a A Res mina Park Grass bowl grass 60encbes Passive 1950E NIA ® — i� D Natural Vallee amphrthea er Grass wwhs , ,. benches passMe 27 995 NIA PRESERVED 96 .fir-' C Rr,denual Street lsItnra Landscaped grass Passive 16457 6,996 .-7 T•( _ �.� D Natural Valley Entrance Natural woods 8 benches Passive 27 929 29,77E ss �.1 E South Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active; Passive 46.507 65,672 '�,,; `-•..... ' : 9 C E ei45e,Pat na..:..,...., .•v...,_,.,.,,� Landsca e0 walk&Oenches Acbve 3G.544 N� 1 1 — MANAGED ♦ F ou,h Club House Picnic Area Play courts in natural woods Act a, 5360E 4] 0 i. \ I\ __._ �° ... — __' ♦♦ H North Club HouUrban PIa se Ree rearlion Area Lardscapedwalkways Actra,, Passive 50.669 84,A ♦ y Pool and natural woos pgr m-A — ASCA CREATED/MAN MADE /" Z `♦♦ _ ♦ a / i Natural Valley Entrance and Play Area Play Court n natural woods Active, Passive I1586 1&792 .� i .� N=_ r :♦ / C 1, �. - _ - >� ♦ / Tom 2141301 31110fi3 \ I 1, hE -..� J_ .+e �._ ♦ P'.,.� g 1 �� � � 1' I A ♦ RE9EReID = npTITTMEp :r!// y _ ,a 'fit `'�.R,-. a. ♦ woNADEIUNo @ 4 gggGGG _ ce.s I 1\-� `�ti ��1 �'- - \ ILIAPnPnRV FVERGEIOtI �'k,�.- A __ •4 i �A � n:L-BE sac v it 14 T:_ p 1 I CiAFY. a lu;�/_--�.� I/ ny 2e_ f l O J 1 i ZLU5Hou5e �. a y\• Jl '01 a4 .. 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MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, 74 23832 PHONE: (604) 748-90119011 FAY; (804) 746-2590 asil caiow E-MAIL: RMITCHELLaCCTOWNES.COM Townes - ----- �' ( SITE ENGINEERING 9850 Lori Road, Suite 201 Chesterfield, Virginia 23832 _ Phone:(804) 748-9011 Pas: (804) 740-2590 GREATEA-TERN MANAGEMENT ASK US HOW 0 0 ►o C �j CO O �J CC) dt U Z 0y� V' G! U ♦--1 O U W �� C:co W��U z �",q� t10 J U'v` 0 4, Z W Q.� p W O L N I 1 .� 044 3 G I B It F_ QA.yI N O U1 O G.I yL) U 4 C a ° U O O 01 IV O O Y � Q E N IT LTH C p O U y � BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic. No, 035724 0 412022 o�FSS/ONALENG\� o N N C O U C O " ti r ti N r co� q 0 Q41 o ti C\2 -Z� N q q o �w O r REVISIONS DATE ITEM w` N 41 3 0 CL 0 a DATE °' L 01-24-2022 C:;m%ZD r PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY v C O PROJ.# c 20140095 3 0 SHEET # C — IB t i rl i� - EVINORRENIN, � \ / `� 1 NN 0 ; ,♦�,�,, ;:' ,.l �„i-- _- in i.Iya /Y�Ii'%ar i,'W��• '. •, �.�• .a.wi,._.. ��I�311_Ar.: .e a• •awe ��i� � ci5-.e•a.r�oici!•::♦ ti--- _ ola smum ,�• ,:; , _♦ � � �r 0"Wim-g,, Y/mil .. 1 p `, ��•1111 •I l �1111 �A �v � � � ,�H♦•/;, � III Q��/1�,�! ��� i r !�i/• ,� ��� � ��, <c®� � �� �r jv >l `l �� w� IOjt � �11�?ij, • 1 �!/�i: � ` \ 3" � / - � �ys� \ .//: � f pyi1l'�OVYjyti►� �> � I_ ir® •♦rn•�4 �liylilj'j���y�ilyliO, � � %s ,..., � � <•inp � !/ •Y' t,I. tII ��► iIN tit p •••/ii•♦% ��II!'tyll�►ytll�tylltt ��lllttyllttthl l •/Y ,! rI! yty. gip! Yyy p�, � • ::.••.• •• •• •• ,.,v. 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M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O712412022 v t O�FSS/ONALEN�'\ n N c d N c ° U c L �n6-4 � L v 1 O t > c o ti q � � •3 co 0 w o '\Cq " c OO U o a i W M N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N rn N N C 3 H O 4) a 0 a DATE d 01-24-202e t scALE •� o PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o, DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY v c 0 PROJ.1 c 20140085 3 SHEET � •° C - 2 i 0 1 " 1 1 '••^ - ^.a_r ram' �.'�:\�..� .. ��AI•:�I�AIL•.� _0 poll w1 tea. r` �b /�� �•� �:.:� �.I Icy 4 �4 III �� ,� ,� !►� am r+���.,_= SIR i�� l���i • IIIIIII �� ��� Wisi�.,��irr���. ■��>��rl 1, '� ���..A : `` �•., �\ .mil ��i—A � ®: � � I � � \w ate. SHEETS 9WIA up 1 •:.. • ter- - �� y D r!I�_�/, ■ADING ■LAN W-11 _ • •r i \ 3 O ° / \\I \ / // / 123 ------- 0 ' // / / �'I :' - - / �' i06•' \ / / / / % __-- --- ___ \ \ �O O 1 A 139v _ - _ . 18 - 160 d Tx Nfi, \V A 'vv `v vv vv J 135 14 I\ � \\144 \ •. . 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M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 01124/2022 v t O�FSS/ONALEN�'\ n N d N 0 ° I� U -L s y ti W t ti E, 3 q Im q6-1 a co h y Cq N V r ° ° O O Qy 0CF l 7 V 6 O r _ a M C REVISIONS •�, DATE ITEM w N N N N C 3 H O a 0 a DATE N 01-24-202e 19 c 1" = 100' o s PROJECT MANAGER N BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY 0 ° PROJ. c 20140085 SHEET ° C — 2A 0 0 O d� U i` �cQ w U biDcd U i•� •.fir ado a rl CO UO 0 0 A a TH BRIAN C. MIFCHELI Lic, No. 035724 A 0112412022 t 0 2 Y Q ON ti off a o'I'l -i u REVISIONS DATE ITEM w d to iN DATE \ 0O1-24-2022 J " N_ SCALE C r N PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn N v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN t o CHECKED BY c 0 PROD.# c 20140065 3 0 C -3 JJF 0 0 co d' U i` Z o1,1,^a CO cc, CO W N� �W ���U �_Ij U it Z +, o �o O W 0 r 4 N Cd .b a a .� o O U,y N 04 �! U O�y ,�y c a ° U O O N 0 O U a N J � d / Y Q '3 c d d a�tpLTH 0f ` c �Lks/F c O O G 7 a BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic. No. 035724 01124/2022 a FFSS/ONALENG\� a N c N N C O C O � � 'C 3 L q � o 0 a o U 0 y� U 0 (� W a "y N REVISIONS a, DATE ITEM w d .. to N N C 3 O F w O T N O. O O. DATE t 01-24-2022 N_ .SCALE C AS SHOIYN o r PROJECT MANAGER N BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn �N DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY o c 0 PROJ.j, c 20140085 3 0 SHEET � \ C -3A F 7+00 gel Wr - - - - _ -- -- -- -- -- Y. Y. --- r_ _.......- -- -- -- -- -- --I -- -- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8+-00 _ - - - ... 1 - - - ' - _--.-. T-20 D I I EASE Eq �� II / i II II II II II II IL II II II II II L22 3837/II IIII �20' DRA,NA�/EASEMENT 20 I I 19 I I 18 GP GP 4 33 32 31 30 29 28 I 27 26 I1III3 21 2" BDFF\ 35339 wo / 2Ss�, a m25 MPHD GP �s036 I I I I 2' DRAINAGE STEEPI K PLACE IWIDTH SANITA� O EASEMENT 25 MPH EIGN SPEED + ASEMENT SSo +I I +q� ,F. II I GS-S A (350 VPD) L yrs�cy C'p I I GP o P GP GP GP GP P G GP I L- GP a o • 0�S��P P � Y1d Mli r" Mli Mli - r-- I GJ-:......,. 3 GP 8'X6"� I z GP R 5' 6: G•V• / o o Q o 0 ? FIRE HYDRANT N o o - T W N W N R35 1_ 2 82 - L4 28p" L m L m .-� �) 8 G V 38 g" D.I. W W W W C3 W g D.I. W N W W dfw W W W W W; W W W W 40 J 11. R35' ^ ,\ 77 Yl.• FM FM FM FM- _ rl� ''• - S ITARY GP I GP I GP Gp V FIRE H - - - - X6'1EE �I I % 6 YDR T VARIABLE EASEMENT \ �p /S EASEMENT G\ \R35' � ? �'}� � 6' G.V. °D.AA C4 p �► /p I I I I I �20' DRAINE I I I =-' FIRE HYDRANT VARIABLE D SANITARY I , V N I EASEME I I ETAINING 61 I1 J 97SEWER EASET WAL 'm 98 41 57 58 59 60 95 96 R3`Dljq / 9456 93 <, GAP \\ \ I I I I � I; I IEWALL G � - - � tt+003 \I I L - - - - - - g' • ��. \ \\\\I I I I I / LI I II I I ? II 20' -SANITARY(3) 8" G.V. SEWER EASEM TI - -- -- - 9 0/ n 62 D55 PC+26.z - _ - - 86 - 42 GP _ GP I / I I I PEDESTRIAN TRAIL D r a a I I - 0 / 54 / I C SS A' I I \ �QJ I \-20' DRAINA E r 11 5' /� y 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT I �20'' DRAIN GE I p3 \ I\ EASEMENT _ 63 I I EASEMENT \ \ \ \ VARIABLE WIDTH SANITARY) 12 5° $ / I I SEWER EASEMENj B D \ 92 I 90 89 88 43 GP � / GP \ � /\ 91 - - 53 \ \ / Q VARIABLE WIDTH \ \ / / I BMP & DRAINAGE I I 64 / 5 '19 < 8'X6'TEE I I - - 44 GP 11 0 \ \I I EASEMENT �B \ \ Fig HYDRANT - -5 / a 9s � \ \ \ � / /%�' � 5' M � 11.25• - ROAD CENTERLINE GP 52 \ // ®\® \\ / //. �/ /i/ 65 / -/ Pwxce Poa ./ 4 / L .En 5 I \ Z \ R.• p[EP RIP0.P B E fOHPIC UNGFAUW t \ // BEN ea GIP 46 671 � / - / / ��P�� o / / \ / / 10' ACCESS 'BI.OWpFF 50 � �� �\ EASEMENT S GP �\ �� I ` I \---- \ PEDESTRIAN TRAI 47 1 ; L 1 / 49 �� �`" I I \ _ - / CLASS B d / 48 11 1 J EA & T NA / 1 10' ACCESS / EASEMENT 1 ,� 1 'CONSERVA BUF PEDESTRIAN TRAIL t REEN EASE E ARE - / CLASS B 1 1 11 MATCH C-03B 20' DRAINAGE o `` � f EASEMENT LINE C-03C - PEDESTRIAN TRAIL - CLASS 'B' 7' 4 z / / PEDCLASSNB' AI\ / \\_ \//�\\ �\ / \ / PEDESTRIAN TRAI / U / \ 126 / CLASS B LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 110.56' N32'46'39"W L2 393.10' N41'49'36"W L3 935.31' N48'10'24"E 1-4 494.49' N51'37'33"E L5 74.86' N38'15'18"W L6 154.90' N80'29'41"W L7 128.22' S41'49'36"E L8 665.00' N48'10'24"E L9 270.09' S16-27-53"W L10 511.93' S64'57'07"W L11 189.89' S25'03'47"E L12 247.84' S25'03'50"E L13 169.30' N73'35'02"W 1 ROAD CENTERLINE CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CHORD CHORD BEARING TANGENT Cl 24.45' 400.00' 3'30'06" 24.44' N34'31'42"W 12.23' C2 126.35' 800.00' 9'02'57" 126.22' S37'18'08"E 63.31' C3 60.26' 1000.00' 3'27'09" 60.25' S49'53'58"W 30.14' C4 470.62' 300.00' 89'52'52" 423.82' N06'41'07"E 299.38' C5 314.16' 200.00' 90'00'00" 282.84' N86'49'36"W 200.00' C6 167.94' 1000.00' 9'37'20" 167.74' N22'15'32"E 84.17' C7 242.04' 200.00' 69'20'21" 227.54' S51'06'03"W 138.33' C8 72.67' 200.00' 20'49'08" 72.27' N75'21'40"E 36.74' GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 i0D ( IN FEET ) I inch = 50 ft. 0 m LO i` Z o�,^a moo � W NZ,45 �W �w�U Zw V �_Ij U it ~ Z �, 0 d o, � .� I w W -m O ao 1v . W 0� N Cd 3 p., 0 cd 12 co a a 0 U 0 N U U O A a 2 U 0 6 0+ 0 U 2 d v (n Y a Q d rn a��pLTH 0p ` c �Lks/F c 0 0 G 7 a BRIAN C, MI CHELL o Lic. No. 035724 0 0112412022 a FFSS/ONALC. a a� d N C O c 0 .. •c r 0 q A� 0 y O 0 c a o U 0 y� U 0 a v1 d REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N N N C 3 F 0 a 0 a DATE t 01-24-2022 SCALE c 1" = 50, o PROJECT MANAGER v, BRL4N C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGN=BYBCM /t CHECKED BY -0 c 0 PROD.# c 20140085 3 O SHEET f ° C -3B t 10' ACCESS e 1\\\ EASEMENT I _ 1 C RVA BUFF ARE PEDESTRIAN TRAIL 1 % / REEN EASE •'y'' 31 - - - - - - - - - - - CLASS E "> . "{ • t EX .:H•ri'saa.. SWM P TRIA IL MATCH C-03B EASEMENTE \ LINE C-03C PEDESTRIAN TRAIL - - CLASS 'B' _ l AIL - TRIA ^ / � i \ o ° ° - \ \ 126 / PEDESTRIAN BA ' / SISi!.�r i o o ° 125 ,.- " �I / C PEDESTRIAN -MAIL CLASS 'B' i 127 \ / , 10' ACCESS / 8' PLUG \ GP _:: "� EASEMENT 0 0 o i'' Z 2 2' BLOWOFF GP i ��'' -20' DRAINAGE / \ 3EA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0.._..-.. -.. °�o+I`/ SEMENT / / \ \ 115 124 / I 114 CH / / \ 8 PLUG GP " BLOWOFF 2 133 I / / o / / 134 I I / 128 /GP now'\ GPI/ �` R4 � / 116 \ o o / \ \ I / ` ` �/ VARIABLE WIDTH SANITARY \ ° o 0 0°° o 0 o e \ \ / 3 ` SEWER EASEMENT G� / o °°oo o°o o°°o / / \ GP GP / I / �� 1BEND GP \ \ 3 \P o ° 135 / A IgBLE WIDTH S4 �\ R3 ' 1 23 132 / / SEWER EA NT 20' DRAIN GE / o - / �/ � °° - \ .. \ \ \ \ GP / / 131 GPI / 8' PLUG / -� 3 WQ ` _ \ 2 2' BLOWOGU Hg ° o \ w �,J 129 71•�0 / � ` R35' • / 136 w 6 c.v. w / 7 /� D 0 ` GP FlR HRANT 3 0� / / \o \ \ w J / \ \ �� =� \� � � '- Q 122 \ \ PEI/ESTRIAN TRAIL _ ' w � / / 121 GP 120 \. °o,. \ \ \ 119 ACCESS ��� � GP / / / / o �/yg ° ° \ \\ \-=-'.. / `' 112 EASEMENT / GP G ` Q w (3) >�' .V. e� WO GP / �3 l�uoi 20 DRAINAGE 137 / s� 118 2'� \ / / � � �GP Q � EASEMENT � ` \. ° lb 0 0 \\ 5 / ` / 138 / / VARIABLE WID /SANITARY GP \ All \ / / h`, 3 N o ° o \ 139 S R EASEMENT / / \110 ^6x / 8"X60TEE Apr i ` / / / 140 / / GP� �wd 2` 2 Q��.GP / �6'Rey,i 141 � J/ ` FFS- /T/E V�GP 142 �S, O/ P/ :... \ RPRO` / 3pEED 143 w'D) W 1R35 / SENDJ 145" WW GTEE o^ 8 -J /145 C7' GP GP VIA o ERVIA BU ` I 148 / I SEWER � GP 0 WID SANITARY o o REEN EASE ARE \ / /. I I VARIABLE EASES \ o / \ °O00 _ II \ - - 000 °p \ \ / / 149 I I \ 1 RIVAN _ - -.. _ �.\ .. o \ \ \ ( I I 150 151 \ . q RIVE \ I I \ \ -- R � I I _ \ 0 I II / o - / ROAD CENTERLINE ROAD CENTERLINE ° LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 110.56' N32'46'39"W L2 393.10' N41'49'36"W L3 935.31' N48'10'24"E L4 494.49' N51'37'33"E L5 74.86' N38'15'18"W L6 154.90' N80'29'41"W L7 128.22' S41'49'36"E L8 665.00' N48'10'24"E L9 270.09' S16'27'53"W L10 511.93' S64'57'07"W L11 189.89' S25'03'47"E L12 247.84' S25'03'50"E L13 169.30' N7335'02"W CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CHORD CHORD BEARING TANGENT Cl 24.45' 400.00' 3'30'06" 24.44' N34'31'42"W 12.23' C2 126.35' 800.00' 9-02'57" 126.22' S37'18'08"E 63.31' C3 60.26' 1000.00' 327'09" 60.25' S49'53'58"W 30.14' C4 470.62' 300.00' 89'52'52" 423.82' N06'41'07"E 299.38' C5 314.16' 200.00' 90'00'00" 282.84' N8649'36"W 200.00' C6 167.94' 1000.00' 9'37'20" 167.74' N22'15'32"E 84.17' C7 242.04' 200.00' 69'20'21" 227.54' S51'06'03"W 138.33' C8 72.67' 200.00' 20'49'08" 72.27' N75'21'40"E 36.74' 0 L \ 92 90\ G \ � o �\ \\ ° \ \\ o 0 0 0 0 0 U I� ° '. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° U 0 ° U ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °o ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0.° °° o 0 0- ° o° o o'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ° 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 50 ft. 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MI CHELL o Lit N0. 035724 0112412022 s oFFSS/ONALENO\ o a N c 0 I� U •c 3 0 ti O q ray 3 q � w Wrn O 0 O r� U O rn c "�I U vll L 01 REVISIONS DATE ITEM w V) N N 0 H 0 N 0 DATE s O1-24-2022 "' SCALE c 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C, MITCHELL, P-E- o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c O PROJ.# 20140065 .3 O SHEET # C - 4B r I I I I 1 sl I 1 A I � I 1\ I \ 1 I \ I , I 1 , / I I I I I 1 \ I 1 I I \ ` , I / I I M I I 1 ♦ I II E I 1 , I I / 1 \ - I \ I \ I , I I I I I I I / I I I \\ I I I \ / I I 1 / I I I I I I , I II I / I I \ I \ , I II I \ I , I - I II II III I I IIII I I I I I I III I 1 1' 1;�/•`,�� � ,� / I II I , I / I / I I / I I I , I - II / I I , 1 I 1 / , (I I I , 1 , 1 I / , -�-ri1'' ai■C 10 III I I I IIII 1 \ �\ LINE -______-___>- 11 111 IIII \ \\ \ _'_=-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ I I IIII I I \\ \ -------------- RN / / / / r / / I l l I I I I Il I 1 I / 1 I II ll f I I 1 I I I V I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I II I I I I II I 1 1 I 1 1 I 11 II 11 I I I II I I I I ' � 111�11 li Iiill'I``\\\\iillliii%/,� \I\1 lit 1 1 illllllll%//( I 1 I 1 / I I I I 1 / I I , / / , p� Of a` \\\\\ \ \may\ �O \♦ \\ ♦ ''� - - _^-_ ^- - \\ / - - - -- - - f / \\ I - / I /i' 'OO ---%i/'ii%iii "'j'ii,, /, �'//, '��„ _ \ ♦ \ \\\\\ ♦ IIIIIII// //// /�/ / ,// /,/ ' %ii,� i/,// / /iiii„ '�'�/i i', ___ _ \ \ \\ \ \ I1\IIII 1 ♦\\ I'llll ll 1 /ill //,,, /iii'i,/ 'iii�� iiiiiii, � ___ \♦ \ \ \IIII\1\\ \ ///�I 'h iii / / / �i// ll%I I II �\ 1111111 ! 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IN IN IN IN RIVANNA RIVER `:`"`o`\\`\`\`\ O \�0\\\.\\\\\ ♦\ \ \ \\\\\\ \\4-�:.o aQ\ \ \ \\ IN IN 0 ° o O O O\\\\\\�\\�\ \ \ ° ° \ \\\ \\\ \\ \\\ I \\ \\ \ \\ \\\ O \ \ \\ \\\ \ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\\\\ ' U °OOo \ °0000000000000° _ `\ \\ \ \\\�\\ o ° 0 IN 0 O o o� o ° ° o o ° ° ° o o ° o o ° o o ° o 0 0 \\\\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\ _—\\\\—\\ \\\ \I\ \I \I1\ \\\\\\\\\\\ U' O ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o 0 0 ° ° o o—o 0 0 0 ° o °\ ° ° o ° o\\\\ \\ lam\ \\\ II \\ \ \\\�1\ \ IN ° O ° ° O n —. ° ° O \\ \\ L\ ` I I1 II II Up -- __------ I / VAF21A_BCF_ _SEINER -€A ---- I ' / / _-'' / I j / 1 11 rti 77 \\\\ IIII IIIIII 111 I � II Ill l ll II l GRAPHIC SCALE \ 50 0 25 50 100 \ ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 ft. i O l(� O O (n � U V co O LL +) 0 O 00 LU �W Z b.0 c U Z yyy M C r m W°' 1 4 w O1 �..I U P r�•• W � O rn L M i� 3 P-1 O CZ I° CC)aI N Cq O N U jy c a ° U O O N ° O N Cl) N U 3 Q � E o+ T O o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o C. No. 035724 0112412022 s oFFSS/ONALEN�\ o N C O I� U O V� •c 3 0 C 0 Wrn c O ° Q a vll L N F REVISIONS ITEM w a) (n N N 0 H 0 a) N 0. I_ a DATE °' O1-24-2022 SCALE c 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � O PROJ.# 20140065 3 0 SHEET # C - 4C r I- 0 rn C O r U ...i Ri co UFO �CQ U �cd�U bO— .. U it •.fir T O •~ (L) 3 I H Gr�"c o Q, +-1 0 a�y) O 0 u 0 4 a Q Y Q BRIAN C. MIFCHELI Lic, No. 035724 A 01/24/2022 , O r^ V� r� co W d REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N IO T N a 0 L Q. t DATE 01-24-2022 N_ SCALE C s N PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N a DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY o c 0 PROJ.# c 20140065 3 0 C — 4D JJ .44 — o / /�� 00 / 03 1 / � i / 101 02 \ 200-00- 0 223 I 1 , \ 5\' 5 \ 59 6 / / / q5 97 � / \ / GRACE BAPTIST IiUR�H; I / \ \ 93 94 \ \ /7 I I BRUCE CATLETT, EMMEE ARgEN , \� I 1 I h w�u / / i i \ _ / / \ — \ I\ _/ 11 I & RUTH HOHANS IS I i 51 62 I I 1 I I I zz 1 \ ,r 50 14 \ \ \ 5 z` 43 I \ \ \ %� /i / / I i I 1 \ 2 9 90 6 /a' +1 \ / I ` I I I I I 1 I 1 44 \ I I \� ��// / //1 II( / I \ 6448 45 % j i I I I/'4. _-� ,/ i i / / / / l I 1 / l l \ `\`\ \\ ♦\\\ __ _ - _ '• /.. . . ., //. / 11.:. \\. \\` / 3 / /'// / ' 1 I' _ I \ \ \\ 151 I I \\ _ ,/' ' ' ' / - / % / I �r\ / `� ♦ 6 \ _-" >// \ \ / t 7 - --/_ .i' / / \ i ; \ 4. yr �L I \ \ \ � ,/ , / / / , / / / / I ~+ \ - I ! a`r 75 i6 / \ ♦ "-- " / I I \ _ \ \\ `\\ \ i , /�,%I / �__ _ _ i ' / / ! / l �♦ - _ ` `. \` \ -��__ 69 -" �& \\\\+► \`♦ / / \\ \\ \ ♦♦-\--11 I 46 Aw 45 P , 1 I I I \\I \\I 47� 1/ 49/ 1 / I - / / / _�\ / / \\"\\\ ` \\\R _`^___ - ♦ \ \ - `� \ \ \ I I / I / \\\ \ \ _ /. I I I I I j 1\ ' � I 1 / / ' , ' / / / - -- - �`^ ._- _^ ♦ `♦ -+u' - ` \ _- __�- I I I I � � � / Bv/ o� 1 � I 44 / II I I \♦"' / / I I 1 I I I - __ __ -_ __ __ -- _ \` \\ �, �, �'\ \ � --�-�_ -r__, // \`"_I"i "'" -_ - I I I I 1 1 _ „% � / � / 1/ AW / / IN / / / r/---------------- \ 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ — _ \ \ \ / 4t / / #032o0�-A00-o07022� 32Qo 00-00 / 02 G — \ \ \ o ° ° o — — — — \ \ \ / { \ \ — / DS�NgHoJ 362 ER v. 187 NO r 200-0 00-022J0 \ \ o 0 0 \ \ \ / / / / I I ROBERT TYBURSK 0 0 0 0 \ _ _ _ \ \ \\ 1 _ \ — \ _ J -/ / / \ \ D.B. 1 2 P 109 / I I I ARDTINE$$ LLC � ° o \ \\ \\ \\\ I \ \\ / //`\ \ \ �` / / I I / JD. 2Q43,/PG. 21 o \\_ \ ° o ° \\ AUGER PROBE TABLE Auger Refusal Stake # Depth DepthlEnd of Probe Additional Notes 3 20' 14' Hard Pan 6-12', Weathered Rock 13' 4 15' 15' Hard Pan/Weathered Rock 9' & 13' 7 30' 25' Hard Pan 15' 8 25' 19, Hard Pan 15' 19 10' Hard Pan — 7'6" Weathered Rock 4-5' 24 10' 10' 25 10' 10' 26 10' 10' 27 12' 12' 28 10' 10' 31 10' 10' Hard Pan at 5', Weathered Rock 10' 35 10' 10' 36 30' 30' Weathered Rock/Hard Pan 15' 37 30' 15' Hard Pan 15' 38 35' 35' 39 35' 17'/2" Hard Pan 17'/z" 40 25' 25' 41 5' 5' 42 20' 20' WeatheredRock 10' 43 12' 12' 44 5' 5' 68 10, 10, 69 10, 10, TEST PIT TABLE Stake # Depth Additional Notes 1 8' CL, WeatheredRock 2 10, Soft Weathered Rock 3* 20' Hard Pan/Weathered Rock 3-6', Refusal at 61— Auger Probe was also one in this area. 4* 15' Hard panWeathered Ibck 3-7', Refusal at 7'S"— Auger Probe was also done in this area. 5 10, CL, WeatheredRock 6 10, ML 7* 30' Hardpan, WeatheredRock 3-13', Refusal at 13'— Auger Probe was also done in this area. 8* 25' Hard Pan, pale yellowgray soil6-13', Refusal at13' —Auger Probe was also done in this area. 9 10, Soft Weathered Rock, Saperlite 10 10, ML, WeatheredRock/Hard Pan at 10' 11 10, ML 12 15' ML 13 20' CL/ML 14 15' ML, Weathered Rock 15 8' ML, Weathered Rock 16 12' ML, Weathered Roak 17 10, ML 18 10, ML, WeatheredRock 19* 10, Hard Pan 6"2', Refusal at 2'— Auger Probe waalso done in this area. 20 10, ML 21 10, ML 22 10, ML 23 10, ML, Soft Weathered Rock 29 10, ML,Saperlite 30 10, WeatheredRock 31 * 10, Refusal at 2'--Auger Probe was also done in this area. 32 8' ML 33 5' ML, Weatheredrock 34 12' Soft Weatheed Rock, %perlite 35* 10, Hard Pan 2- 6', Refusal at 6'— Auger Probe was also done in this area. GRAPHIC ( IN FEET ) t ineh = 6O ff O O CQ V O U Z a� O 0 W �� Z U s. V! Ql Z M O.rm c �.��4 w W 4� 61 O W 0 t- `� '14 b R1 a 0 0 c� N o v/ F0 N O � U ,Sy c a ° 0 0 0 a. O O r= a N Y .0 Q E d rn • C (p 0 T -p BRIAN C. M CHELL o Llc: No, 035724 0 0112412022 v O�FSS/ONALENc'\ n N C d N c 0 I2 U 1. � C 'L t y '.. 7 0 q E, 3 rn M 3 Iw Q 0 M 0 N N O M V O o 00 O " 0 r Q V v O r _ a Q r� M N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 :t in N N c 3 H 0 a 0 a DATE 0 t 01-24-2022 " SCALE c o s PROJECT MANAGER BRL1N C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -0 c 0 PROJ.1 c 20140085 3 0 SHEET # ° \ C — 5 X �M / Z;CAL 1" 301 i \ ///i If Di§31FAIER/ / ,' / / / i 9i i 2t / / - AIRAPP / , �F \\---------- / Ksv ell \ --- - - \�y"7� DID , ; , 51MK& IN �GQi9' / / / ,i , / / y/ / i A Aa [� ,,II�y (TTP).,' i i' /' i i i I j i/ E�L�SE i \ CHE DAM- - - i , / / / ,'� / /� i I A2 / ---------------- , ------------- --------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ ----------- I VTVV ITVV LTVV 2+44 AI I 1 l l l , l I l l / I l fl4- // l l 1 I l l I l/ 1 1 FF l / / / // /„ , 1 1 \\ '/i/''i/i i 'i/l, Ill�l� l�l/lllIll /lIlllllj l�Ill ii/j/ I/j i l / 1 I I\\ \\ \\ �`. l�l pl/ , //� ,/ Ihilll, I l I�IIIIIIIII��III� /% \ / / / //I,/I/I/Ill/I//I - //, IN,/ ✓C- ' l �;/�f�('I/I lllIll /11 7, l \ \ \ /P9'1'0�I11 / I�rJ W; — / 1 \--------- / PA69tC/U/NTy'�•'/.'/9, l 1 1 i lI /.I B�TTOMO V: I If IF I If It I \`�\ \\� \ — — —VARIABLF GY DISSIPA t1L.`.y � . --- ----------� 1 11 1 1�/ i / / / / i / / /' /i i i i i i r I i i I \� l `.\/ PERFORATED ------. 110, I— To • Mulch Layer • The mulch shall be uniformly applied approximately 2 to 3 inches in depth on top of planting soil. • An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood clips or similar product. • Of the approved mulch products all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material including plant material. • Mulch shall be free of weed seeds, soil, roots, grass or any other substance not consisting of either bole or branch wood or bark. NOTES: 1. SOIL EVALUATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOR COMPOSITION, PLACEMENT AND DEPTH PER THE PLANTING SOIL MEDIA GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED ON THIS SHEET. 2. RAIN GARDEN CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE SITE IS FULLY STABILIZED AND ALL EC MEASURES HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR REMOVAL. 3. ALL GRASSED SWALES AND SURROUNDING GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY STABILIZED AND THE RAIN GARDEN EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE SODDED PRIOR TO PLACING THE RAIN GARDEN IN TO OPERATION 4. A MINIMUM OF 3 SOIL BORING LOGS PER BASIN SHALL BE PROVIDED TO EVALUATE SOIL SUITABILITY FOR THE PROPOSED RAIN GARDENS AND TO ENSURE THAT THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER IS AT LEAST 3 FEET BELOW THE FILTER BED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF EACH RAIN GARDEN. 5. A DENSE COVER OF WATER -TOLERANT, EROSION -RESISTANT GRASS OR OTHER VEGETATION MUST BE ESTABLISHED. RECOMMENDED GRASSES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: KENTUCKY-31 TALL FESCUE, REED CANARY GRASS, REDTOP, AND ROUGH -STALKED BLUE GRASS, NOTE THAT THESE GRASSES CAN BE MIXED. 6. MONKEY GRASS SHALL BE PLANTED OVER MULCH LAYER TO STABILIZE THE MULCH. 7. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WALL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE INITIAL GRADING IS COMPLETE AND THE UNSUITABLE EXISTING SOIL HAS BEEN EXCAVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM. B. THE PERIOD OF CARE AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BEGIN AFTER INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL PLANTS AND CONTINUE UNTIL ONE YEAR AFTER STATE ACCEPTANCE. SIORETENTION AREA on I EXISTING GROUND IGRASS CFI �- r12' MAX. PONDING DEPTH PROPOSED GR 3' MULCH MAX 3:1 MAX ++ PLANTING 5' SOIL MEDIA MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTEDHARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIP$PEA GRAVEL 1132 THE RECOMMENDED BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS 2 M1.1 O MI )GRAVELO WASHED GRAVEL GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMY MIN. SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, WITH THE FOULOWNG 6' PERFORATED HOPE TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEO DAYLIGHT O 176 1/2' - 2' STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.9 GRAVEL TO 68% NRNES; -%%TOE %SOILAND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% To 51% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 5 (NOT TO SCALE) BIORETENTION AREA EXISTING GROUND I I WASS 12" MAX. PONDING DEPTH Tl1D ���I1M PROPOSED GRADE- q 3:1 MAX • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS - THE RECOMMENDED BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMY MULCH .5' SOIL MEDIA *PEA GRAVEL �2' WASHED GRAVEL SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, PATH THE FOLLOWING 6' PERFORATED HD�TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEG DAYLIGHT O 1% 1/2' - 2' STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.9 GRAVEL -85% TO 88% SAND -8% TO 12% SOIL FINES; AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% TO 5% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 6 (NOT TO SCALE) Bioretention Basin Adjacent to a Drainage Swale Lwi`\AS NOTED SOIL SIORETENTION AREA -EMIT A fi F3 � Q 'MIN 15' MIN. £f Q BERM FLOW FLOW �� SWALE PLAN VIEW LOW CONCRETE (NOT TO SCALE) CHECK DAM 3:1 MAX.- ' (TYP•) MAX. PONDED WATER DEPTH Q" INCHES) r SWALE-►{ I i : } I a \ Proposed Grad BIORETENTION AREA SECTION A -A' (NOT TO SCALE) II-5.DWG NOTES: 1. PLANTING SOILS SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 12" OR LESS LAYERS AND SHALL BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED. BIORETENTION AREA PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ROOT STOCK OF THE PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORT FROM THE SOURCE TO THE JOB SITE AND UNTIL PLANTED 2. WALLS OF PLANTING PIT SHALL BE DUG SO THAT THEY ARE VERTICAL 3. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANTING PIT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL OF THE TREE 4. THE PLANTING SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ALLOW 1/8 OF THE OVERALL DIMENSION OF THE ROOT BALL TO BE ABOVE GRADE. LOOSE SOIL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIT SHALL BE TAMPED BY HAND. 5. THE PLANT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER AND PLACED IN THE PLANTING PIT BY LIFTING AND CARRYING THE PLANT BY ITS' BALL NEVER LIFT BY BRANCHES OR TRUNK) 6. SET THE PLANT STRAIGHT AND IN THE CENTER OF THE PIT SO THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/8 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL IS ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. MAKE SURE PLANT REMAINS STRAIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PROCEDURE. 8. NEVER COVER THE TOP OF THE BALL WITH SOIL. MOUND SOIL AROUND THE EXPOSED BALL. 9. TREES SHALL BE BRACED BY USING 2" BY 2" WHITE OAK STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO WALWAYS AND BUILDINGS. STAKES ARE TO BE EQUALLY SPACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TREE BALL. UTILIZING HOSE AND WIRE THE TREE IS BRACED TO THE STAKES. 10. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVELS OF NUTRIENTS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF TO BE TREATED, BIORETENT10N BASIN PLANTS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE CHEMICAL FERTILIZATION PLANTING DATE GUIDELINES BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATES. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. TOP ELEV 4" 2 R 6" FLOW — 2'9. a" 2 —3' 18' CONCRETE CHECK DAM (MODIFIED/DRY 610-6) Maintenance/Inspection Guidelines The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive. Specific Facilities may require additional measures not discussed here. A schedule of recommended maintenance for bioretention areas is given in Table 3.11-5. The table gives general guidance regarding methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance. Planting Soil Urban plant communities tend to become very acidic due to precipitation as well as the influences of storm water runoff. For this reason, it is recommended that the application of alkaline, such as limestone, be considered once to twice a year. Testing ofthepH of the organic layer and soil, should precede the limestone application to determine the amount of limestone required. Soil testing should be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Over a period of time, heavy metals and other toxic substances will tend to accumulate in the soil and the plants. Data from other environs such as forest buffers and grass swales suggest accumulation of toxins and heavy metals within five years ofinstallation. However, there is no methodology to estimate the level oftoxic materials in the bioretention areas since runoff, soil, and plant characteristics will vary from site to site. As the toxic substances accumulate, the plant biologic functions maybecome impaired, and the plant „dis5 experience dwarfed growth followed by mortality. The biota within the soil can also become void and the natural soil chemistry may be altered. The preventative measures would include the removal ofthe contaminated soil. In some cases, removal and disposal of the entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Mulch Bioretention areas should be mulched once the planting of trees and shrubs has occurred. Any ground cover specified as plugs may be installed once the area has been mulched. Ground cover established by seeding and\or consisting of grass should not be covered with mulch. 3o GRAPHIC SCALE 80 0 15 30 ( IN FEET ) t inch = 30 ft. LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: I " = 50' VERTICAL: I " = 5' 0 M ko C\2 raj 00 O co Z 0 ,t .--I � W C� C: •r-1 LU Z ~ � c Z V) O y c W 0...14 w OU W k4 0 I_ G4 0 td .2 00a04 oN U O w U ,Sy c a ° 0 U O (/0 N Y � Q � E 9l OI F,p,t.TH OE ` c V 7 � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O1124/2022 s OFFSS/ONALENr a rn C N N c U I� U •c lT� 3 I� C L q � o a N Q IN N a r , c 0 O O c "�I U L`I o d Q r� REVISIONS DATE ITEM w in N N c 3 H 0 N 0 DATE s O1-24-2022 "' SCALE c AS SHOIYN o L PROJECT MANAGER O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 PROJ.# 20140065 .3 0 SHEET # C - 6 r SIORETENTION AREA -EMIT A fi F3 � Q 'MIN 15' MIN. £f Q BERM FLOW FLOW �� SWALE PLAN VIEW LOW CONCRETE (NOT TO SCALE) CHECK DAM 3:1 MAX.- ' (TYP•) MAX. PONDED WATER DEPTH Q" INCHES) r SWALE-►{ I i : } I a \ Proposed Grad BIORETENTION AREA SECTION A -A' (NOT TO SCALE) II-5.DWG NOTES: 1. PLANTING SOILS SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 12" OR LESS LAYERS AND SHALL BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED. BIORETENTION AREA PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ROOT STOCK OF THE PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORT FROM THE SOURCE TO THE JOB SITE AND UNTIL PLANTED 2. WALLS OF PLANTING PIT SHALL BE DUG SO THAT THEY ARE VERTICAL 3. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANTING PIT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL OF THE TREE 4. THE PLANTING SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ALLOW 1/8 OF THE OVERALL DIMENSION OF THE ROOT BALL TO BE ABOVE GRADE. LOOSE SOIL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIT SHALL BE TAMPED BY HAND. 5. THE PLANT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER AND PLACED IN THE PLANTING PIT BY LIFTING AND CARRYING THE PLANT BY ITS' BALL NEVER LIFT BY BRANCHES OR TRUNK) 6. SET THE PLANT STRAIGHT AND IN THE CENTER OF THE PIT SO THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/8 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL IS ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. MAKE SURE PLANT REMAINS STRAIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PROCEDURE. 8. NEVER COVER THE TOP OF THE BALL WITH SOIL. MOUND SOIL AROUND THE EXPOSED BALL. 9. TREES SHALL BE BRACED BY USING 2" BY 2" WHITE OAK STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO WALWAYS AND BUILDINGS. STAKES ARE TO BE EQUALLY SPACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TREE BALL. UTILIZING HOSE AND WIRE THE TREE IS BRACED TO THE STAKES. 10. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVELS OF NUTRIENTS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF TO BE TREATED, BIORETENT10N BASIN PLANTS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE CHEMICAL FERTILIZATION PLANTING DATE GUIDELINES BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATES. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. TOP ELEV 4" 2 R 6" FLOW — 2'9. a" 2 —3' 18' CONCRETE CHECK DAM (MODIFIED/DRY 610-6) Maintenance/Inspection Guidelines The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive. Specific Facilities may require additional measures not discussed here. A schedule of recommended maintenance for bioretention areas is given in Table 3.11-5. The table gives general guidance regarding methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance. Planting Soil Urban plant communities tend to become very acidic due to precipitation as well as the influences of storm water runoff. For this reason, it is recommended that the application of alkaline, such as limestone, be considered once to twice a year. Testing ofthepH of the organic layer and soil, should precede the limestone application to determine the amount of limestone required. Soil testing should be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Over a period of time, heavy metals and other toxic substances will tend to accumulate in the soil and the plants. Data from other environs such as forest buffers and grass swales suggest accumulation of toxins and heavy metals within five years ofinstallation. However, there is no methodology to estimate the level oftoxic materials in the bioretention areas since runoff, soil, and plant characteristics will vary from site to site. As the toxic substances accumulate, the plant biologic functions maybecome impaired, and the plant „dis5 experience dwarfed growth followed by mortality. The biota within the soil can also become void and the natural soil chemistry may be altered. The preventative measures would include the removal ofthe contaminated soil. In some cases, removal and disposal of the entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Mulch Bioretention areas should be mulched once the planting of trees and shrubs has occurred. Any ground cover specified as plugs may be installed once the area has been mulched. Ground cover established by seeding and\or consisting of grass should not be covered with mulch. 3o GRAPHIC SCALE 80 0 15 30 ( IN FEET ) t inch = 30 ft. LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: I " = 50' VERTICAL: I " = 5' 0 M ko C\2 raj 00 O co Z 0 ,t .--I � W C� C: •r-1 LU Z ~ � c Z V) O y c W 0...14 w OU W k4 0 I_ G4 0 td .2 00a04 oN U O w U ,Sy c a ° 0 U O (/0 N Y � Q � E 9l OI F,p,t.TH OE ` c V 7 � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O1124/2022 s OFFSS/ONALENr a rn C N N c U I� U •c lT� 3 I� C L q � o a N Q IN N a r , c 0 O O c "�I U L`I o d Q r� REVISIONS DATE ITEM w in N N c 3 H 0 N 0 DATE s O1-24-2022 "' SCALE c AS SHOIYN o L PROJECT MANAGER O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 PROJ.# 20140065 .3 0 SHEET # C - 6 r Lic, No. 035724 O1124/2022 s OFFSS/ONALENr a rn C N N c U I� U •c lT� 3 I� C L q � o a N Q IN N a r , c 0 O O c "�I U L`I o d Q r� REVISIONS DATE ITEM w in N N c 3 H 0 N 0 DATE s O1-24-2022 "' SCALE c AS SHOIYN o L PROJECT MANAGER O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 PROJ.# 20140065 .3 0 SHEET # C - 6 r LEWIS & CLARK DRIVE PROFILE 52 25 MPH DESIGN PEED IN CREST VAL E.• 1 MIN AG K VALU : 26 — Ml SSD: 155 T HIGH T STA 3+65.9 Lo A `— I'M STA:22 90.98 /P ELEV 4 6.50/. / \ qj O Omi 1� �� v luarn / a w 51 c y N N' / N W J s AM 08 m AD 86 X ROUADABOUI 1 .11 3 7 HIGF PT STA 15+99. 8 HIGH FT L W PT ST ' 19+1 .73 I. STA: 17+65.02 HIGH PT E V: 486.91 HIGH DT ELEV: 484.01 LOW PT EiEV 480 90 00 of JNE VI STA. 1 47.12 PVI STA:17+90.02 PVI STA., 19+51.541 50 LEV: 483.50 K: 2 7.52 N .5' MIN PROP K:23 46 K: M.6 Z LV0: 2(0.00 LVQ 50. LVO: 22.96 N o SWR Q a m�m 1A CV OO cV �� Wp 4i TM N m m (� U (� U (�jm (� UW Um m W m W> >m W / 10 Ol 49 a ti N; h N + �' 88 e 18 � H e 110, ¢ . 3. ' MIN m . mm I \. PROP ZOWK ewe ro EX 90 \ \ 0 oeo` C u 4s �1 \ M s I� _ ':gym M 1 N �.� I� � �� o! n CT � c^^ Ol ^ =M fa w '\ 'c: Mr � a0 �\M N o CODf pp c_ aD Of � �. m 1� C tD N '.� P '.�T O ^_ P w OP P._ m w - ., m O! �N b w ww ro t0 _ \ t0 "',O m V io �,;; � ": m M P hn m h \ O _ •� n t0 im M O m m �J rn Y iti O ti C F O1 m 3 In xJ m 4] m J pppp �C m 4 4: v� m N 2 u�.`. _ 17 ^ pp T Q �p o-) Oa'. N aJ N u 4] aJ of n ci 0; v O ^] P M J m m t0 n Q n O �� m �j s: \- m �� u� to v� v; 1 00 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 2 00 21 00 2240 2 00 2 00 25 00 26 00 27 00 28 00 28+90 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT C/L EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF C/L — EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: I " = 5' O Q T BRIAN C. MIKCHELI Lic, No. 035724 A Ol/24/2022 � r� Q, w � I q C o � ti � � q W O REVISIONS DATE ITEM DATE s O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE c AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJ.# 20140065 .3 0 SHEE # C — 7T CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD PROFILE I 25 M H DE 3IGN 5FEED HIG I PT SD : 22+ .00 IN C EST VA E.' 1 HI H PT E V s VI STA: 1+75.O5.0C MIN AG K VALUE.- 26 PM E .484.54 HIGH PT STA: 1 84.30 MI SSD. 155 T K:3 LVC:1 0. 0.00 PM SrA:15+00.30 Lol V PT ST : 18+00 00 n o m o m OW PT TA: 11+ 6.08 PA LEV:468 23 L W PT E V: 3 fO u N c ui (� LLJ LOW PT ELEW. 1.48 :25.78 VI STA: 0.O 8+50.0 ± + PM E :449. 9 K: 5, .98 N Q J L: 3 .1 00 n n ro LVC:1 .00 9 m 0 GGG��i 49 w aMo. ^U on I� on N m w +� O4 Nm f/lw M N �+� �+� w WU m w n r(UA m o r(>i�f m fC%S�i W m N ci W U p� +.IK� mW O — — — — fL m + N • II H ] 07 ' / w o ,o� .5' MIN II // N / fn Vl Vl � 00 D.1. W RUN Lei 48 m i \\ / o p > N �/ \ � ~ IIZo zz / / J F N II / w M z / \ \ / SWR SWR ova I> // \ \ i/ / 5 / / C US — — 55 Ou / 1.55 47 w DDm• t2OO n (n v~i Z / W 1ERUN p.l. / 20100 21 00 22 00 01 / ado +1M� / 1� w� 'k'ei Z ZZ W � N!�] II To 0 m in m in 406 EX R NDABO T 1 N II a z I / ao co yOZ ap o� / / N r7 to C1 Cf b of O id 2� .4 m W h 222 W22 En 122 N� W 45 "' 49 \ H" 2 / / a eo � �9. k'cd w 000010 / VO) / L.130. 5=1.0 %6 BE RLIN — -- X COM 0ED MUST 111 _ / o MUCW & Pl IN Fl _ T A L- — — — _ m I ---- ' a m 2 N WR / N 00 \ Wu 00 / o,0• / x � too / 43 47 8+00 94DO 1 00 11400 12 00 13 00 1 00 15100 16 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 2 00 2 00 25 00 26 00 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL EXIST. GROUND AT CIL EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF CIL SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: > " = 5' O M ko r n ao 0 V cod� U Z Od,^� W C\2 p �W •H Z �,^�U Lbw �t C W CL) m w Ocz 0 _ �•1 iH 1 1 W 3 H O cc)a�yy. N C N U 0�y \ jy a 02 -04 o O cn N � Y o � c 3 c E CT p,LTH OE, ` c o o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112412022 s OFtSSIONALENG� a c 0 N c 0 U c O ti o+ — ) O y L w q C) q r a 0. 0 O U 2 o l \ O vll L Cn .L N N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N N C 3 O H w O T 1= N a 0 a DATE ) O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE c AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7A STEEP ROCK PLACE PROFILE 53 25 M H DE lGN PEED IN C EST VAL E.1 MIN AG K VALU . 26 MIP SSD. 155 FT I I 52 I I 51 of uI M M' HIGH T STA: 3+25. + I HIGH PT ELEV: 474.14 N n N 50 PN I ELEV. 4 75.21 + $ ~ o Z K:20.9 N ++ y yr_ w w a s M �n uin U OJ �6; a n� I y USw 0 I / >m F wpn NVZ LOW PT TA: 16 22.24 LOW PT ELEV: 4 39.23 PVI S A:16+5 .19 49 25.88 L :175.00 _ m 1� p t(qp / M 0 + M nn N � i m +� F / to to I PRO too w N z n 18 / rn n 0oi m� N 0 Na w 00 n M / / 48 M m � OYZ� II m n 0 N �00 N t�0p tC m °i�II-0 co w ro� �WY M��lo N N ZZ 'na a00 Ot0 w +Or to 0. Q4 Np '> N� as a0 (n Z // II zo m rnr_ // rn co /� U) o r? HO> 000 � o � $ 3 MIN ui"°'Ln +rn�r 47 Go / j5 o» zz vi vir /10 m 0 � °m'v 3. ' MIN , cd I / N Go- i / rLQ°1" 0�. Dal R89 1x cn / $n SS RCP / Z 0: X ix �/V"w s �7 m w m w m w m w m w m S7RU'nfWS & PES IN LL 5; I I I _. I ., ., 1 _, ., 1 _, Vi /' / Qf� aD OD w a UD OD UO 45 / / / / / / 0 `COYPAC7EDRLL Z PLACED BELOW STORM SEOM m 57RUC7URES & PIPES I i ALL m IL m N co / a0 N a0 / / / 7+00 8+00 9+00 10 00 11 00 12 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 16 00 17 00 1 00 19 00 20 00 21 00 22 00 Station LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT C/L EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 9 " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' 0 m ko r n ao 0 V 0 d4 U 1 �� 114 ��40lir �W Z �bw C� "' Z a .��� w W c OW 4 — G4 0 m 0 a N a 0 w U 0 a ° 0 -04 U O _ o C/) N � Y o � c/)I I3 Q c E 0 o+ T C .p O U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O1/24/2022 s AFFSSIONALENG\ a N C N N C O U c O•c 0 o+ q 0 C) q r a C a 0 O U 2 o o+ iu REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N U7 N N 3 r w O T 1= a 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE c AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7C STEEP ROCK PLACE PROFILE 25 M H DE IGN 5FEED IN C EST VA E.• 1 MIN AG K VALU . 26 LOW P r ELM 503.29 Ml SSD: 155 T PM TA:26+ 7.70 PM ELEV:50 .50 :175. IW. CD ' +� 64 +� N HIGH PT STA. 24+87. 0 N ' N ' N OD HI PT : 505.0 52 P A STA:2 46.20 S' m t m F. "' 00 N MEVI ELEV:505.87 K:2418 m o m 0O10 m rn a le a W ' N N a0~ Z D oo W / \ N Z . to — \ ' N N•• y y ZZ -- Wo to / � � \ o 0to n 51 c rn II N goX. Ni CR MI / + I I / / N P N \ / 50 + O p N NOZ N a a o n / 3.5' MIIN 1 PROP 0 of � � / SSWR 0: a N I' o amo I�I / 0� \ w w M N*Z �Ld o? ' am in yr r / X w K 49 O D 11: 00 E0 N / / H Z / W x m w li PROF 00a 18 / 48 / / Ai I 47 / w � 6 X W m614 rL I 45 I I 7+00 19 00 20 00 21100 22 00 23 00 244DO 25 00 26 00 27 00 28 00 29100 30 00 31 Station LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L EXIST. GROUND AT CIL EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF C/L — — EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 9 " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' 0 m ko r n ao 0 V d� U co Z od,^� 4� rl 0 W �� p c:Lu Z � �r � 4 4.0 ;.4 �rr •~r rl � � c rn Qi .'y 1 4 w OLU W� O N L O -, � co G4 3 0 a N a C N U ,Sy a c ° 0 -04 U O cFi N N Q c E N o+ c ��F,pLTH AtCHIELL" BRIAN C. MIo Lic, No. 035724 0 Ol/242 z k1202 FSSIONALENO\ a c N C O U C 0 `� o+ q C) q r a C a 0 O U l \ \ o ^ ' vll L 01 L N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N in N N C 3 O H w O T 0 a 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' N SCALE c AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7D RETREAT LOOP PROFILE 52 25 MPH DE 3IGN SPEED IN C EST K VALUE. 1 MIN AG K VALU . 26 A41Af SSD. 155 FT LID 5110+81.85 HIGH PT ST : 11+75.92 TA: 13 74.20 a In LOW T ELEV. 484.85 HIGH PT ELEV 485.55 LOY f PT ELE t. 485.111 HIGH PT ELEV: 486.30 LOW PT LEV: 4E3.50 PM STA:10+ 0.00 PM STA. 1+75.0 PO STA:1 +45.87 PM S A:13+83.40 PM ST • 15+56. 3 c+.r N N PV ELEV,4E4.63 PM ELE :486.00 FINA ELEV: 484.96 PM LEV:486. 2 P\A V:482 2 ' 26 91 :18.3 LVC. 70.0 0 LVC: .00 LVC:7 .00 L :60.00 LV :125.00 c ± m o co `A g o o to a c°rp m� 1. N N \ U1 > .. In W N w mbn 00 w W 00 07 W LLI Nc Inm Iti m n m� — �tf) oo m •a� orn II ? m tVa 50 _ + N m ro ? I/ HN Or O N + O II ZO �.'+ N \ a 11 ` t` N U .U)J / — a Y a O OJ Ul r Ul z tE O ZZ N O of H Z_Z p ro MMja � II / UO o + II II j 10 / r ODrn .ap zza. 8 ww LLI gam 00LLI0 M a zzz n F aN II N rn m00 tin to to ¢ n t7�i o rc �n 'roto da Nn rnro II ro + •v�r \ Np ma `+M�� N u+iM II �� / -- \\ \ 3.5' / N to roll] /� / zzz L 4P OP ro r?? _ ---_ ro�� .- S wR -- yrzz \ =84.2 1 / \4 — �� / / \ p_1 � RCP LASS 111 � 5.5j MIN \ \\/ 1TMIN \ PRO \ ATERLI E / \ / / PROP \ SS 71 18-8: D 771 ift / \ '� / A III\ \ \. / ow / / 24 1 1 1 5X ceIiopAc7p LL MUS BE `\ 2,0 ro L=44.V9 PIACED S SEW J UCI S & PrES IN ILI / 26 — / L=44 .74 \ o i o o r D=1 ' RCP SS III w w m w w < / m m m w m 47 \ w N IF > N N N w D D D D co coUo / 4s •1 I I / I a5 EE 7+00 8+00 9+00 1 00 11100 12 00 1 00 14100 1 00 16 00 17 00 1 00 19 00 20 00 21 00 22 00 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT CIL EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF CIL SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' O m ko r n ao 0 V d4 U co y ^' O W �� p �W Z �+ t1A � c � O fn W�...�� � �+ w OW �0Z�_ 0 �1 M 11 Ld 3 0 a •--I .� �i N oN O O w U O \ a° c 0 -04 U O C/) v' Q E 0 o F,pLTHu" OE, ` c T U y � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112412022 s oFFSSIONALENr a rn c N C O U C O 0 q 0 a 0 O U 0 o (y U ^I W a 01 .L N N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w to in N N C 3 O r w O T a) N a 0 a DATE ) O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE c AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7E CLIFF VIEW COURT PROFILE 25 MPH DE IGN 5PEED IN C EST VALUE 1 MIN AG K VALU : 26 MIA SSD: 155 FT gto N o 49 m � m o 3 W N 5 FO I W n CD m J U J U N II O O_ Oal n~ �O— 00 II O a- a- CO NNO f00 0) OY + II n N 1, II > / / r B -74 18 / H 47 / ro 1098 — Lz 98.75 \ S= 4.07% \ = P C SS III 1 8 L 67.80 S 1.00 D 15" RC CLASS III 46 LL LL a. a u0 ` 45 8+00 9+00 1 00 11+00 12100 13 00 1 HEADLAND COURT PROFILE 25 MPH DE IGN PEED IN C EST VALUE 1 MIN AG K VALU . 26 MIA SSD: 155 FT HIGH PT STA. 1 35.00 \ HIGH P ELEV6 j,57.30 \ P%A A:10+6.00 :27.04 / o ilo :50.00 47 \ 00v�i / o� + z c m\ c. m w to to Z o0 m / cn z a a nzz \m as-- 46 / +MCC�l N FZZ 2. 091 \ \ \ a .1 d / / \ N Z IO in -- 4 W w 5; 1 8A \ / � = L=67. 4 MI D 15" RC CLASS III \ 8. \ / 4. RVNF / z m10 / N — / am u0 CON \ I 5X COM AC7E0 71 MUS BE ACED OW S M SEI ER I I \ 8+00 9+00 10 00 11 00 12 00 1 00 1 00 RIPARIAN COURT PROFILE JV 25 MPH DE IGN 5FEED T IN C EST K VALUE 1� MIN AG K VALU : 26 MIM SSD: 155 FT HI PT ST : 10+7 00 HI H PT El Ev 471. 19 49 P\4 ELE :470.42 fn InK:1 .86 cli LVC:1 iO.00 m0 IA ^ O� OON ^^ N� + U m ^ U ^ U W Um U Zrx H \ J �1, N I \ NM + II. eaa rn II +o \ m Ul in a 14, N �0 — o 1.03 \ 09; i WATE LINE L=1 20 5.2S 18 cftls.Q�j R X 124 CLASS Ill =109.87 -1.14% \ _ "ULA7 \ III \ 46 m Z m U.p \ \ U N � m \ \ \ ` oo m m ° m \ \ \ 45 8+00 9+00 1 00 11+00 12 00 1 00 1 15 M H Ut 7UN SPLE ) INCEST 1 .,VALUE 4s Mlhf SSD. 155 FT ry HIGH P STA. 1 +62.36 m HIGH ELEV 75.82 n . PM TA:11+1 .36 PVI ELEV:47 .07 LVC:100.0 m W p MN I?cq �n Ion +< ^a Lij 63 JL )> m W o \ _ / // 3.5' MIN \ e D. WA \ our- 47 z p \ / F�C W aI s s I e O m li N 46 8+00 9+00 10 00 11100 12 00 13 00 1 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT CIL EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF CIL — — EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF CIL SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 9 " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' 0 m r n ao 0 V d1 U co (v 0 W C� c:LU ZFeelb.0 t1A N;-4 •s~, v C 'C Z � 0 y rn c W Gi .'y1 4W t) O W ^� O � N L M F-4 cz a�yy. N a C N U U Sy a 0 ° 0 -04 o O _ 0 C/) v' � Y 0 � �3 Q E N O� C U 7 � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112412022 s OFFSS/ONALEN�'\ 0on c 0 N 0 0 U C O 3 o+ � r� C) f q Q) q r ti 0 0 O U o T (y U vll L �f C REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 N N 3 H 0 T a) 0. 0 a DATE °' O1-24-2022 N_ .SCALE C AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o 00 DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7B STORM 1 PROFILE N O � n OOi °o v II m o ai M WO aq O�� OR � �O N a+No m c',o II NO Z Y) 51 tool — r p'n�z ZZ oZZIIII / — � dd N v) r - /"1 O / o / ;a N / 5D N rn II r �'a O I W / PROP SSWR � . II Z_0 N I-M n t0 00 N O� O O n 00 0. 0zz ozp MlN X u�o v yN'Z1 U C IL 2zz m >; 000, O ,5. — L= .00 4 / L= 5.53 / =15 Rc p CLASS D= 15m RCP CLASS II 49 cs N /5' / a / o 6,5 +ca II a on ll N II— �o> / 10 PROP rn rn r ? L-142.50 SSWR MIN Os 4 RCP SS III PR P W/ 12 ell L=40.0 S=1.0 D-94! RCP Cl IP / OP S 3WR M 0 NOf n o / tick H O 47 O° In ( ? / J 46 M 1A n c O of 4 1 + II n I < Z 1 N - 1 a5 / / 1 OL24. 43 9+50 10400 11+00 12100 1 00 100 1 00 16 00 17 00 17 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF C/L -91 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1" = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' 0 m ko r n ao 0 V d� U Z 0d'�� �--1 W �� p c:Lu Z � -�4 tzp U � c Z y 4-) rn c 0) .� 1 4 w OLU W x°Z�- N L L� .� , QI Ld 0 0 a N oN o N U ,Sy a c ° 0 -4 U O cn N � o Q 3 C 0 E 0 o+ F,pLTHu" OftwE, c ` c T U y � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No. 035724 N Ol/24/2022 s oONAL S:t FFSSIa N c N N C O U C 0 q 0 Q) q r a 0 O U o T (y U vll L Ot .L N N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N N C 3 O r w O T a) N a 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE c AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # 4 C - STORM 2 PROFILE 5p / N N N / Ol O M 0 N t+o Il j / II O I N5; II NOZ n in 00 I � N* O N 49 cn r> II7z N NroK .. Q / N in i0 � / / / M N !� / in a 0OD 0 /00 / nl -a o , SS YR " / 48 SaoPRO '> L 11.19X WA 24 S WR 1 ulml • L=44.9 =15" RCP CLP SS III / 1"RCP C 'ASS 111 / MIN / / s 5= " •74 :,Ss 11% q8 n vo y4 ( " 47 ro p n O 00 N rp M V7 c/ "i "M)o 4II n 0 ni o�llz� / .II o da •> /I \ in in OP ZZ / \ / zv IeX a DLO to O 0 / \ ,h 0 rn ro II / � <II; / / 45 / L 345.05 / S 0.72% CP CLA S 111 / 5 1 0424. 43 9+50 1 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 1 00 15 00 16100 17100 18 00 18 53 STORM 3 PROFILE 5o MO n nn O g� cs-*N 06 �0) m O �o vn m rnw ,°�' azo vn I tf)�0� r na woo rnrri 0 » �zz II a } MII oonnII III W M- 49 z N O Only *ZZ W n— Z> aan Nvzz o u, razz in uriorz vri -�` Vi11 a__ • OrZZZ \ 10 :ip / \f IROP / PROP P� SOP PROP SSWR \ \ 3 MIN L 40.00 SOP SWRI • SSO 18 ROP S 3.00% RCF CLASS 48 NJ 1? / MI �p O \ / 40 +ad n o F II n / 48 L= .17 L 76. 1.00% 111 \ n `n O QASS- 0 / 50 L 62.73 S-0. 0% D=15" CP CLA 111 vi Ln 0; N ti / S=1.o = D 18" CP \ o ry � i _ n• RCP CLASS II ` 47 / 14, b: \ BIO-Fl R 6 46 Vol; 45 I 9t50 10 00 11 00 12100 1 00 1 00 1 00 15 STORM 4 PROFILE \ v \ LQ \ of \ oo 00 +17r \ nn NN 49 0 O O cn II cn n C4 I T II II \ rn rnrz � azz N r�� 46 161 $15` R 1.91$ �SS II 47 9t50 10 00 11 00 11 66 RO 4S 4f 47 STORM 5 PROFILE N a, a N v O n 4 � o 00 rnrn� +ate nna / vID o10 a M j HOB 0 v�rz >>> � zzz / / / O L= .00 S= .100 II D=15" RCP S III WAL 9+50 10 00 10 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF CIL SCALE: HORIZONTAL: I " = 50' VERTICAL: > " = 5' 32 0 m ko C r n ao 0 V 0 d� U Z o�,^ ;- W ��� �W •r-1 Z �"4PL4 b.0 C Z o Qi .N W OW O� G4 , 21 0 co 0 cc)ay N oN O N U O4 \ PO C ° 0 -04 o O _ o C/) v' � Y o � �3 Q E 0 o+ O o UAH BRIAN C.o Lic, No. 035724 0 Ol/24/2022 s oFFSS/ONALENC'\ a c 0 N C 0 U C O o+ � r� C) f q Q) q r O C a 0 O U o T l \ (y U o C� 0 REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N C 3 O r w O T 1= O a 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE C AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER L 0 BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7G STORM 6 PROFII F STORM 7 PROFILE r 0 iLq m J II C0 H STORM 10 PROFILE 49 0 o_ c O ^ N m o N of N O + Ln II rim m a rn O o Wo ±�II zj +uitII o- IQa —0 Naz in alr- II >> �II— / f/7FO> V1 H ? / / N / M N / GoQ II / N t N �`� H I� 1(o 47 o j TRC n 0 ri N Nr z / 5� Rp=wA to N O zj o / » 10\O,.eT mac, in yr I z z v 1 • CN PLACED BELOW STORM / SMUC7 VRES & DIFES IN f1LL / / N / / O N O) M rn,o a j e N NFL I � / / / Lcp / t12OO 42 9+50 10 00 11100 13100 13 A STORM 8 PROFILE 00 00 � II 47 0 y o Qc N Ln Z_ 00 II y aj OZ 46 / — vy$ BIO— LiER 5 56 v / p�1 RCPci ASS Nl Os o / LAUD SELOWS M SE 0 / 7RUMAES & POES IN N � n 00 / + O O F > / 45 N Q / N IZ O (n- or, (D= z 0 / o» 0 N Z Z / 9 43 O n N O / 0ii Na 0) z / \ in II FoZ / U1 U1F — / 1 A , \\\ 6• � q1 41 9+50 1 00 11 00 12 00 1 00 1 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF C/L 76 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 9 " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' 0 m LO C raj 00 O lJ 0 d� U rl 0 W �� p c:Lu Z r- �w •~r rl � C Z 0 y c W 0) .� w � OWxI N L Lz � i-1 0,0 Ld 3 a N a O O w U U ,Sy a c ° O -04 o O cn (()JC N Y •3 Q 0 E p,1.TH OE ` c c .p o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o 5724 Lic, SS No. Ol/0024/2 OFF/OLNA s a c N N c 0 U I� O V � I� +• 'C 0 o+ � r� U1 ti q o` c 0 O U 2 o.2 T U vll L O� REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 V) N N C 3 O H O 0 1= N 0. 0 a DATE ) O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE C AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7H STORM 9 PROFILE OOi O N c2 '0 �n 0i In of o of a MO M ID 11 47 o II U) II� z II rn �0. co— M GO CO O II / into m �o / N to F 46 / / 6 POP W =1.00X =15" RCP MASI III N Ls11 q57• \\\ O 0i �M / W N 0) Np~ O - o 45 o > > PLA BEL W STD SEVER 9g N f z z S7R CIURES & P/M IN PALL i / •T o° N / oa �n / OOo / 0) a via / 0 azo / .11- • / to �zZ / / 43 /ct, / O / 42 N O O^ / v vi oM / N V)V) / / 41 / INS OR / 0 0 40 M O / aMZ In In z / 39 / / 415 9+50 1 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 1 00 1 00 STORM 11 PROFILE Ya � \ N M N M m N / NNto ��'p ai: ^� n nn II wiz Ln n OjM� / O 0000u) t0 \ \ Q(L Q 10 > O'omCDOm z ~ rn m l O Izo II> v1�- - // +spa N r \ Q` _-o rn rnn? go»> \ / fn OFzzz \ J t 47 18w \ 00 N JAI, MIN 116 \ O a O Lg 5g W \\1WA5=1. L= OO OX \ ' o c; N 120 5105.2 g15" IkC CUSS D=1 RCP C AS / 111 n N ~ / L 109.87 ps1 " RCPCLASS 0 $ 114X . 9 .T COMP41C7W nLL MUST BE o N oa Io N �zz D= C7URS& PIPES INFl M 7: II HO nro,d — a, as — — — / / / / 128 L= 130 2 p=1 RCP SS 111 44G- 9+50 10 00 11+00 12 00 13 00 1 00 1 00 16 00 17100 1 471 461 451 STORM 12B PROFILE / lo / / i M cq II +co �v / NO N O /o CD 1 O / o�Z I o / II_ o Lwr uri.0 11+79 STORM 10A PROFILE Ya 0 n co O N tpp O 0� O — cn Y 0 0� 0az I O N �II— O da> > 48 In VI / / / / �5 PROP 47 4p / tdR ��5. / P CED B OW STOW SEWS / S UC7UR & PIPS IN FlL / 46 45 9+50 10 00 11A 0011 18 STORM 11A PROFILE Ya —^ \ N �� o '0 O00 m\ N 0 II I O\ N Or I! O O f0 ��II— 0 N 012K ZN G � 0 a > N N z 47 1 L= S=1. OX D 15" RCp CLASS I I 46 4 9+50 10 00 1 LEGEND 90 FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT CIL EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF CIL STORM 12A PROFILE Y/ no m O O4 . II O +M F a \ Z II- o 0 \ Fo> '> O Z_ O 46 O yFZ \ In+ In II0 \ N y�Z \ 4 18" L=40.011 PROP S=1.00 WA D=15" OCP CLASS III 9+50 10 00 1 Station 90 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1" = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' 0 m 1.0 rn v d� U �--1 o W �� c: •r-1 Z �b� Lu tzp � c Z C) y 0). I1 w Lu 0w ��� N m .b Gii 3 G4 cd 0 cc)ay N 00 C N U ,Sy c a ° 0 -04 U O v) N � o •3 Q E 0 o+ pLTH OE �RF ` c T C U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O1/24/2022 s OFFSS/ONALENO\ a c N C O U C 'C 3 � o q � �I N O 0 ti C\2 OT O U �~ U o+ REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 cn N N C 3 O H 0 O 0. a) 0 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' N_ .SCALE C AS SHOiY1V 0 L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N DESIGNED BY -oo BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJ.# 20140065 .3 0 SHEE C - 7IT # 19 47 4E 4' 44 4: 4e 41 STORM 12 PROFILE / M in / 0 N a O wnN a ODTOF a II + ^ ~ / Mm 1,2 m 11 - 0 II �m m rn rnF-__ / 0 7 F ap V) / M N Z O 06 fn N ZZ N - .$0 00 II II v na^ ;V,14 ?? O ROP n ZZ II -- -- n / a0 » u�m / w rzz 23 anvl0 O 1 d a > / 40.00 D 15' RCP CLASS I / R `15 v� . f\ ;Is / C8 N / M / C4 N a / [V m II / Of +M I jze II / Ln N ORLO z M 1�\\ Oi N + ryryk C4 II- . HO> 9 U) fnHZ / / / 150 L=32. � Sa1.0 X �I J uv SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 50' VERTICAL: > )'=5' LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL EXIST GROUND AT CIL EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF CIL Y vv 0Tvv VTW 6+52 STORM 13 PROFILE Y/ Ln�LnM to LO o:vzZZo 46 00 N II �j ��ZZZ - > > > m M o-N II v or i 'r 'o cn cn O> 0— o fV M / \ . 45 m o:� u II O / � �— �/ u0i II / \ PR P in f/0> Z \ / 1 \ / 156 a S=1 0 / La130.0 C�LAS� III Ss1.00 111 a15� R 00 / a \ 1 g6 \ / s\6 ' \ / cis 5 \ a / . tt PLA D BELO STORM SEWER \ II s15 STRUCTURES PIPES FXL a CN II / wOZ \ / / / / 43 / O fi i ,h b / / 42 / m / / N • M / M7 O o-gn� 41 /Y 1h b m m m0 M / or, / m MII P• .II Z 0 / in fn / / 39 / rn n m P•M Z_ / a h / / / 38 � V 6• L/ R VONS 37 36 9+50 1 00 11 00 12 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 16 00 16 93 O m LO CQ raj 00 O lJ co d� U W C\2 00 0 �W Z �4� ^ U ,4 .--1 � c Z c �: C W 0).��4 w c W O N L Lz cz 3 --I C� a N oN O O w U U O a ° 0 -04 U O C/) v' � o Q � c E N O� c ��F,pLTH C ACHELL BRIAN C. Mo Lic, No. 035724 0 0l/24/2022 s OFFSS/ONALENr a N C N C O U C O'C 3 J ti O L 1 a q � O � V � r ti a `I ~ T q O O U �~ U C~ Qj a �w O � L C' REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 cn N N 3 O H w O a) a 0 a DATE ) O1-24-2022 "' N scALE •� AS SHOiY1V o PROJECT MANAGER BRL4N C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N DESIGNED BY -oo BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 20140065 .3 0 SHEET # C-7J SANITARY 1 PROFILE ill N N N M c'I-t 5 n � n o � � ton�a II �azzo n w L >: NOzzZ v in w 00 pl 1 0cc I Coco I I.) co MI n M cqL. mn 1i1* ac N dp < W O II W i H � ON p +Ind °r�z In zip � N ova II I 0-ao v II +� �� o 49 W _� OIIz O Ia �p 10Vz da 2 (rn » zz N I z0 z n ui M 9- Foj 2 y�z da yp zz ON� +Ins y�z - rn _ Na +0 / \\ / raj y�z -�Ilp 7:�:\ \ _ Np , ---- -- ---- -- -- - -- -- \ / \ /VIC ts 41.84 O 0. % \ / " PVO 11 .78 LF O 0.40 \ inQ An LF O 0 40% \ 221. 4 LF O 0.40% \ 8" PVC "pki, — 43.97 O 0. % B" PV 120. 8 LF 0.40% / 28 52 CED BEL W SANI RY SE COV CTED MUS BE S CTUR & Pl IN FlLL C£D IW SA ITARY HER \ TRUCTU & P/ IN RIL 47 ALL P SEW17t AINS ALL BE -26 [ALL MAINS ALL SOR- J 46 E41 9+75 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 15 00 16100 17100 18 00 19 00 2 00 2400 22 00 22 41 LL 4, SANITARY 1A PROFILE n to Coco � I co(0r n rn I a n p O0i�0� 7�00 +I� ci I0 ^ ' � \\ p coo _ II- oa� I~ no +ZZj o o II _ r jZj Z_Z II- Qaj \ i fr/7�Z Z— / / 6P 84 04 LF r0-4O% 44 Q 0 \ \ \ 95% COMPACTED FILL MUST BE \ PLACED BELOW SANITARY SEWER \ STRUCTURES & PIPES IN FlLL \ ALL PVC SEWER MAINS SHALL BE SDR- 6 9+75 10 00 11+00 I I I 12 00 12 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1 " = 50' VERTICAL: 1 "=5' LEGEND FlNISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT C/L EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF C/L EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF C/L 99 SANITARY 2 PROFILE JG N N 0 pica ' a r 51 _ j �- / N CD/ OR / OD 00 / ccq CA j / v 0 50 in or z I rn / OD / a � w Wwin c±�Ilo IW I °fM as 0o C! a 1 010 / 49 In o II W Il z O �0. zZ / / / / QJG . 5 1 / ALL W 5TO FR MAIN SHALL SDR- aa M P Ab 47 9+ 5 10 00 11 00 12 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 35 52 61 5( 4£ C 25 SANITARY 3A PROFILE n I 0 n Oil viF m p•�oi j / CO r/ . / 'al / FOj / 2 uirz PJo / 6 A,g% /�jk • / 95X COMPACTED FlLL MU T BE / PLACED OW ITARY SEWER S7RUC RES & PES /N LL / ALL 26 PVC SnER MAIN SHALL BE SOR / / / 9+ 5 10100 11100 12100 13 00 1 Kl O rn y� O r U Z a� O 0 W CQ u 'cd U W CG4 Z U s. it .r v � I11 •L V! m Z C) c 0) O � N W G /� QI N v / ,Uy FOr N ►1 L U O Sy c a 0 0 O O O� N O O 2 N VJ N Q '3 M C 4C1 C N rn ��EpLTH OE ` `c c O o BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112412022 a O�FSSIONALENn N y-. C N N C 0 U C O�L 3 L_ s y ~� M 0 ti q 64 q a tiE, w N �Q) V ) 0 O C a O CF O " 0 r ` � V 0 0 r _ a I.� i O T� N ) REVISIONS DATE ITEM w d U) N d c 3 H 0 4) a 0 a DATE 0 01-24-2022 SCALE c AS SHo1YN 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -0 c 0 PROD. j c 201400l65 SHEET \ C-7K SANITARY 313 PROFILE � 52 n M M O �:0 e c'00Ln �z d�o-z- ro 0 vim••51 1q r� z IIz \ 3. // � mrz \ , k 50 $. 0 . " PVC 331.00 LF Q 0 24Y" /TARP i1fR ZICMAINS IN Fl WALL BF SDR-2 49 48 1 00 1 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 19 SANITARY 5 PROFILE 60 SANITARY 4 PROFILE VG a / NI I Z / I d / cn zj 51 N / M � / t0 u7 N NN to 0 NNN I I ow / MNN Nma / m — °f 50 n m N Vrl Zzz 49 14 / / / A- O V 48 1p / 9 X Ca C7ED MUST BE / ACED BLOW SA 'T.,/ CTUR S & P/ S W f7 [ALL SEKA MAINS HALL B SDR-2 Ile 47 / / 46 9+ 5 10 00 11 00 12100 1 00 1 00 1 00 16 0� N o• r p' I 0 500 t / / \ o- zD / 00 00 / It N 0 010 11 to W N °'0! / o-r o) Z- / II / z zz I0 ao <I 0 49 z_zII m 8 / 8" VC 8" PVC 1 F0.00 OAL 170.00 O 0. % 8" PVC 480— 80 P 8404 LF 0 0.40% PVC MA/ S SHALL BE SDR 44 A 26 47 9+ 5 10 00 11100 12100 13100 14100 1 00 16 00 17 00 1 00 1 89 SANITARY 8 PROFILE JV N M N N N (7 N N O N N 0) ¢i .a n 49 h II I j a ' F M N c'az 0 p• 0 ti 7 = Qaj •j a N .IIO 2 Inr_ _ z 46 " PVC 60.00 LF 0 0. 1% PVC SW MA NS SHA BE -26 47 9+75 1 00 10 f 9 a H 0 z 11 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT CIL EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF CIL 0 rn 4 rn co V 0 d4 U Z o !, ^ �� 0 W �� �W •r-1 Z � bw tzp V ,4 .--1 � c Z 0 y c 0) Lu O W �� rl � L Lz ly 3 a N 000) --I oN C N U U 0 a ° 0 111 Mier 01111" Y � � 3 Q c E o+ T C .0 O U y � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No. 035724 O1/24/2022 s oFFSS/ONALS:t a c N C O U I� O'C I� 3 � ITn�I q � w 3 q� U O L o` C O 0 U r^ v 1 U �• ^I W a O� OJ O) REVISIONS DATE ITEM w a) in N 3 0 0 0. 0 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' .SCALE AS SHOWN o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7L SANITARY 6 PROFILE w � LO rn0) W W w N N I cq N pMp I I N N MNj NNE MM N I N M p.4 00N +friaF Oi OD NNO o oopp II o p Lf) qt II o n uai � ZZ cln 49 V C41O < FOj jj M p p M I m yrZZZ M N !�ZZp II -- ajjj rn 0; N N I -tn IF Fo \ —4W- u 8" PVC 8' PVC 129. LF 0 0.40% PVC 32.40 if ® 0. % 470-- 7 SEWER MAINS S,IALL X SDR-26 46 9+75 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 13 0 SANITARY 7 PROFILE W N I SR N IIN I N N N N a �a LO r da r I� i,j aaZ 00l 49 N r�z p N n 00~_ 0. rnr? z vir? �z 8• F VC LF 0 0.99 14D.73 �1ry Q $ �F 9• ALL PI�C MAINi SHALL SDR 6 470+ 9+75 10 00 11+00 12 00 12 !t! SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — EXIST GROUND AT CIL EXIST GROUND 50' RT OF CIL EXIST GROUND 50' LT OF CIL 0 m ko r n ao 0 V d� U co �--1 o W � � cc)U c:Lu Z � "ram ,4 .--I � c Z o rn C 0) .� w cc) OW W QI �21 Ld 0 a --I N oN o N u U ,Sy a c ° 0 I I I Mier / � o Q c E o+ c T c .p O U y � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0 0112412022 s oFFSS/ONALENO'\ 0on c N 0 O U C 3 � lTn q � w 3 q� 0 q � L 0 C O 0 0 U r^ v 1 2 U T vll L C� .L N N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N N C 3 O r O 0 T 1 N 0. 0 a DATE s O1-24-2022 "' .SCALE AS SHOWN o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 .3 PROJ.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C-7M 51( 50( 49( m, 47! L.O.S. LEWIS&CLARK DR & RETREAT LP PROFILE \ 3.5 \ N ECT \ \ \ N 8, a r \ w \ 3.5' H E I G IT \ do. \ \ 3.5' 3. HEIGHT OF 0 00 11 00 12100 1 00 14100 1 00 16 00 16 L.O.S. STEEP ROCK PL & RETREAT LP PROFILE 51 / / / / 3.5 OF o OM ECT 50 O O / O / o / o w Li 49 3.5' WFIMT / OF E / / 46 / / / 3.6 / / HEIGHT OF 47 / 46 1 00 ll+00 12 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 16 00 16 60 60 L.O.S. STEEP ROCK PL & LEWIS&CLARK DR PROFILE 00 a O ,j N Lo 52 m N Cl y a O U K yy w (n w / 3E . 45 \ IG T OF / 51 280, O S i 3.5' HEIGH i OF E \ 3.5' OBJECT / \ / 50 4s 48 1 00 ll 00 12A.00 1 00 1 00 15 005 L.O.S. STEEP ROCK CT & STEEP ROCK PL PROFILE 15 9i! n N F U W w 48 Him r OF E)\ \ \ \ HEIGHT OF / \ OB ECT 47 3.5 \ \ HE HT OF OB ECT / 46 45 10 00 11100 12 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 16 00 16 60 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: I " = 50' VERTICAL: I " = 5' LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF C/L — EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF C/L 0 rn C r U Z a� o 0 W�� Z U s. it .r Z U.� I w OW l W O 1 b 'R14 a+ N o Uy O N ►•1 � U O ,Sy c a ° 0 U O O O� N O O 2 °1 VJ N N Y .0 Q '3 M C N I_ d ��EpLTH OE ` `c T C Q O U T U BRIAN C. M CHELL o LIC. N0. 035724 0112412022 v O�FSSIONAL ENOi\ n N y-. C N N C O U C L lT6--q 3 — 1 N t r^ y v � y 7 O q ~ a c c) (� A64 o 0 ^I o c .a 'Z o O ° 0 r _ a M c d REVISIONS 0, DATE ITEM w N U) N N C 3 O r 0 O T 1r C 0 0 (36 DATE 0 01-24-2022 AS SHOIYN o PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -° c 0 PROD. c 20140085 L =7N* m L.O.S. CLIFF VIEW CT & CLIFFSTONE BLVD PROFILE JV n 0 N 49 • J m 3.5 w Z HEM' HT OF 2 N i 3.5' i HEIGH 800— OF E i i i / HEIGHT OF OB ECT 47 4B 10 00 11100 12100 13100 14100 15100 16100 16 __ I L.O.S. HEADLAND CT & CLIFFSTONE BLVD PROFILE ,o / i / / HEIGHT OF / OBJECT 47 CO CO o / r+i o // 5• mJX /0z / 6 W x 46 3.5' HEIGH OF E / HEIGHT OF OBJECT/ 45 / 10 00 11100 12 00 1 00 1 00 15100 16100 16 Station 60 60 L.O.S. RIPARIAN CT & CLIFFSTONE BLVD PROFILE 49 o J . m � z i 3.5 OB ECT 48 el 3.5' O•S. HEIGH 47 3.5 HEI HT OF 46 45 10 00 11 00 12100 1 00 1 00 1 00 16 00 16 60 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' RT OF C/L EXIST. GROUND 50' LT OF C/L O rn CQ O r U Z W ul C Qw Z U $. it .r v O Z(m•r-4 0) 1 4 w W �r- co cu O W 0 1 � � /� a+ N F0 N ►1 L) U 0 Sy c a ° 0 0 0 rn d o O 2 N VJ N Y .0 Q '3 M C N I_ N ��EpLTH OE ` `c T C Q O U T U BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 01124 /2022 a O�FSS/ONALENG\ n N y-. C N N C O U c O .. �L `T� 3 v 1 N t 1 —0 7 O q ~ 3 Q) 0 (� Vq1 o V 0 I\i '� O 0 ^I o c .a 'Z o O " 0 r _ a M C d d REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N ..• in N N C 3 O H 0 O T 1r C 0 0 L Q. DATE t 01-24-2022 scALE �� As sllowN o PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY 0 c 0 PROD. c 20140085 L SHEET � \ C-70 I / / wul -m---- =----- z -'-� ---� _ - --- -- -- 71 -- \ I /7�ARY Ir s7 sa\//♦\PcE DA`81E 1. I I-/ / / DA/5 I /� / ` \\ \\ O\ I I I . /�° r ♦, _- �i G (asr r\ / �' J' i f / % \ 1.... -/-/ i / / a l J IN 5 MRE 1A.4 4- T7 / G p � •'•� / / TAINI�'ry 13}3 E. `It 1 oRANAf£ I I lµ QaoDA t3 / I I i A Ex1s 1 II 11 li so k I I I \I \ \ / I ► I p / {--- // \ \ \ \ I \ - / / 2p/GRAR : \ \ 1 I I I I I 1 \ j\ \ �� \R �.f - I I I „_< I I I I 11\)\\\\\\j \\ 1 DA 95 / yl \ /> / \ 1 I I I I I I 1 I \ ♦ - --� ►j / I I 1 11 i /// / // / / / l � DA\97 / / / / / / I I ♦ - , � °°' S / 7 zs � / I I I \ I I \ 1 I I I I ' � � \ } l / /// // '� / I II \ I ♦ \ / �`"�" I 1 � _ - � I 2 Gi-SSAR caaG ... _ ..., / I I I I I I I � ,,� \ \ \ +. Ilk Ifit-----'-\1 1 I 47 sw sw / 111\ 1 I\ \\\ \\ \ \,\\ \ \\ `` / 3? 1/ - /' ' - \ - \ �w - usEMENr / - \ - `\\ l 11 I ------- 1 I II \\\ / \ \\ \ I \1 / ! / '�\ \`� `� `�`` ./ / ♦\ ,\ `- j 1 I % I �' I\ 1 \\ 45- I Ni Nt IN " III / / I I I I \ _ __- ''" �' '" , '' '' ,; •\ _- - __ � � _ / � ,: ' ' I ^'' :>, i I 1 � U \ I I I It \ _ _ _------------- _ - " " l OF ON IN - - - - I \\ \ \- - ----- - -\\ ` i - 'vA n , D:A. EX187 EN - \ IN\ \ l \ i _ - - - - i i i ; '- .♦ `. DA L46 ' -i - - - /' - f DA EX3 1 i % "' ------ , N. IN -i ' /' / I ' \ to ACLET3\-_-- EA� \ L \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ 1 \\ zo• GR AGE `. DA 155 - `�- # ._ - I ,/ DA 1 - I - DA 105 \ \ \` EAspIENr .. W ` ----- IN \ \ \ \ �� \' \ �\ � \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ �\ � �srr'Itm ♦, .. -- - » 11 ' ilk ` / ' I � ' � 11 \I \� \I Vf 1 IN \DA 5A �� = `wood•\,� - -- -- ---------------- s2',Knu r �\ \ � _ \ \ _ _ \ • �\ \� - - - \ \ \ \ \ \ ` _____ / / yyiIpp _ ♦ \\\ \\ Str�E++ I \ � \ - � \ � \ �\ � - Z 0 __ _ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 94 N. IN / \ 1 \ / / \ `-' ~ Iit STRUCTURE mA xvrvo AMES ^c^ 1 0.73 0.35 3 0.25 0.66 sA o.6z os9 5 0.58 0.57 7 0.33 0.68 9 1.14 0.46 11 0.45 0.58 13 1.18 0.55 I S 0.27 0.72 17 0.01 0.90 19 0.13 0.67 20A 0.00 0.00 21 0.87 0.47 23 0.82 0.59 zs o.sa o66 27 0.41 0.71 29 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 0.00 33 0.00 0.00 37 0.75 0.62 39 0.47 0.58 41 0.09 0.77 43 0.33 0.57 45 0.48 0.58 47 0.27 0.52 49 0.32 0.69 51 0.16 0.75 53 0.00 0.00 s9 61 63 67 0.72 0.48 69 1.81 0.42 71 1.51 0.41 73 0.00 0.00 77 0.00 0.00 78A 0.00 0.00 81A 0.33 0.52 81C 1.08 0.53 81E 0.56 0.53 81 0.63 0.51 83 0.55 066 85 0.13 0.58 89 91 95A 95 0.39 0.57 0.64 0.62 97 0.18 0.73 99 0.32 0.75 101 0.00 0.00 102A 0.00 0.00 102C 0.00 0.00 105 0.50 0.52 107 0.38 0.58 109A 0.26 0.53 109 0.13 0.76 111 0.17 0.51 112A 0.00 0.00 115 0.14 0.77 117 0.32 0.77 119 0.11 0.74 121 0.12 0.80 123 0.26 0.51 125 0.54 0.59 127 0.00 0.00 129 0.00 0.00 133 0.40 0.65 135 0.21 0.76 137 0.05 0.78 139 0.05 0.78 141 0.11 0.68 143 0.47 0.45 145 0.31 0.53 147 0.45 0.39 149 0.47 0.45 153 0.33 0.77 155C 0.42 0.70 155A 0.16 0.64 155 0.34 0.74 157 0.03 0.90 159 0.00 0.00 161 0.00 0.00 163 1 0.00 0.00 165 1 0.00 1 0.00 / o c6 \ \\\\ l I \ / , I I I \I / \ / \ I } / \\\\_i' / / I I / 0 00 o �..z .--_ \\ \ \ \\\ \I11 11 111\\\\ \_/ /// / / / / cp -- t'\ Zr•o \\ \ II \ � 1 / / / / / \\ \ 1 \it1 I 1 I I I / mm I \ // / / / / 1 I \ \ 1 I d' \ \\_IN\\ 1 /�I / \�\��� /��� d'OI°1,//�/i/ / / / / / / / / / /\ \II 11 1 / \ \ \ \\ I 1 I / I 8 / // GRAPHIC SCALE IN \ \\ \\ \ \o / 100 0 50 100 200\ / �T ON, oi�7\oi\� \ �/f \ \ \ �\ 1 I I I I I 1(IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. O m lo C r n ao 0 V oQ) d� U W�0c) �W Z� t:A s-4 .� U ,4 Z okin y U .,�. w` OW 4Z N W0 o L � i••1 3 I 00 VJ a N oN U O w U ,Sy c a ° U O 0 O C/) N Y � Q � E OI C LTH T c O o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lie No. 035724 O1/2412022 s oFFSS/ONALENO\ o a c N C O I� U OV � N I� 'C L J ° •­4 ivy 3 c o" `^� c O O ° �~ U 0 a N vll L OI REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N Y) N N c 3 H 0 a O a DATE °' O1-24-2022 SCALE 1"=100' o L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'° BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � O PROJ.# iT 20140065 3 O SHEET =,f C - 8r 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS W-6 NOTES; 1. THUS ITEM MAY RE PRECAST DR CAST IN PLACE. Z. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. C SHARON CURB L GUTTER HAVING A ANDRES OF 300 FEET OR LESS (AONG FACE OF CURB) SHALL E PAD FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB L BUTTER. 6 FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRANAGE LAYER. THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB L BUTTER $HALL HE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SCOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES AND TO THE DEPTH BE THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CO-G IS BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A BE R THE ROAD DESIGN MANUAL IN THE SECTION ON GS URBAN STANDARDS. D ILA ,.x1: E ° D D D C D A BE CONCRETE OF THE CONTRACTOR COMBINATION 6" CURB AND GUTTER ROAD ANDSTUDGE STANDARDS IDS EVASION DATE SHEET 1 OF REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF 502 VIRGIMA DEPARTMENT BE TRANSPORTATION .1.0} I 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS AP -2 ADJACENT TRAVEL LACE ALMALT PAVEMENT W6F]16 @X EDGE a EXISM: PAVEKW LA4 DETIOUREU N FlEID1 TACK COAT THE HBO POSEO CONSTRMETIOV JOINT EXISTING ASNIKT LAYER NpPOSFO ASPHALT LAYERS _______ ENSTNO SUBBASE ______ fWBEOSFO SAE COMPACTED SUBGRME CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL ® REMOVE EXISTING ABPHALT LAYERS TO EX614410 BUBB.aY AM REPLACE NN PROPOSED ASPHALT WIENINO LAYERS ® PROPOSED MMMUM 1%, NCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE 51 X MI DEEM 12 AKO BSIT PHC FPS ATER I�NIESCISSOAY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS NOTES: I. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SMALL IMVE A PAVELEW ME N /LCORDMIFE WOH CURRENT MOST PROCEDURES MO E APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. TXE PAY MENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIaKFD SHILL WET OR EXCEED TCEPTMD TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. BE SURFACE MANAGE DE THE EXISTNO AND MOPOSEO PAVEMENT SMALL BE ADDRESSED N THE PAVEMENT CESOAF 3, A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SMALL BE TAKEN ALDtl THE CENTER OF THE AIDMEW TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EMITING PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE MAMED NO MORE THAN SUM FEET APART. 4. TXE ANACEW TRAVEL LANE $RILL BE MILLED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1'„ INCHES ND REPLCED WITH IH ASNINi SURFACE COARSE TO MATCH THE PROPo ED PAVEMENT WIDENING SURFACE COURSE, UNLESS WAVED By E EN R. 5. THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE THE MILLING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO E ADJUSTED TO ACHIEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CROSS -SLOPE AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRANI4E. 6. EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND M.YMERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SMALL BE RESTRICT SUBJECT TD THE APPROVM OF THE ENGINEER. 7. FINK TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT DE -IN SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT KL JOINTS AT TIE-IN LOCATIONS SMALL BE TESTED USING A 10 FOOT STRA'GHTEOGE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. VDOT I SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING RE`ERE"cE SRL 1 OF I REVISION BATE FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC 36 3 0302 ARGIL BFpARTTETNT OF TRAT6PDIFTATIDH 4" X 4" SALT TREATED 8"TO 12" I 8"TO 12" I 8"TO 12" I 2016 ROAD 8' MAXIMUM TEMPORARY M41-7 EON 201, 24 x 12" END ML-a EIa 5„ MMM z 12 20" MIN. TEMPORARY MARVIN AMID WOT TYPE RI BARRICADE EMAIL BE REMOVED WTOI THE TEMPORARY ROUTE IE COMPLETE TYPE III BARRICADE ,,,, I T1TIT/Y Tl. T1 BS T'/Y. im 9 TO BB USED FOR ALL S2VRY SVFfR JFITH THIS PRO✓SCT 2016 ROAD $ BRIDGE STANDARDS cc-rz 5, SIDE WALK A 4'BIxFFR SNIP II y PER16S9E Cp6E- ~/? 7 o- 3 IA " I xx U AEJ SHE SHEET 6�5 FOR BETAS �CROSSMU& � A4-S LOMAi TANGENT PLAN AREA w156EOF TYPICAL PLACEMENT SUMBE TO WTCH FACE TRAT'L1WAY SMALL sXAOF HNIDWAY CUB E q WIIIWI AT INTERSECTION z-o• MEI I.-B., AWL THE WAND WITH BUFFER STRIP Cfl�AAJt ATEA AT X.2 ' FRpEB VAIN BACK OF CUR 41WN1 AB'I EBGE OF PA4EE6]a z0 :1 .- e. - = i ATxx.SME .K TOP a aFA 2' MIN. 9 BEAR_ SECTION A -A x ' S- a NP. AT Y .2" HIGHER THAN r ! EDGE BE PAVEMENT AT MX. SAME AS TOP OF CURB TYPE C PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR APPLICATION R0.VWAY GRADE N PERCENT MINIMUM RAMP LWSON IN FEET A" CURB Y DU� D 2 4 1 2 5 2 ] 5 3 6 UF 8 5 ?fi f IJ IS B S Ls 1.A Y 4'; Y AT x.2" HIGHERPAVEMENT THAN EDBE BE PAVEMENT AiXX, SAME A5 TOP OF CURB 1®IES FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE. SEE SHEET OF 5, THE SELECTION OP CURB TYPE AND THE CONFIGURATION OF THE BUFFER STRIP MAY VARY TO MEET EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS MD ROMIWPV GEO4ETRICS PROVIDING THE DIMENSIONS MY SDPES ARE AS NOTED, THE REQUIRED _ENGTHOF A `ARAU_l NAACP 6 THINS COMBINED (PARALLEL 6 PERPENDICULAR) DESIGN CAN BE USED WITH LIMITED 0 5 FEET, REGARDLESS OF THE $LOPE WAIpNFW BUFFER STRIP. LANDING AT BOTTOM OF TWO SLOPING SIDES WITU 5'K 5'MIrv. DIMENSIONS ME SHORT PERPENDICULARRUNi0 THE STREET CAN BE PROTECTED BY A LANDSCAPED SETBACK OR CONNECTED TO THE SIOEWKK WITH A WARPED SURFACE. `vDDT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS IDS TYPE C (PARALLEL $PERPENDICULAR) APPLICATION NEVISTRA BATE SHEET 4 OF 5 soz VE6IIA rEPMmLEWE a TRMBtlRA110M 0)ns 03.OB 2016 ROAD $ BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD $ BRIDGE STANDARDS �'-� DaWOWrce mm. p5 C-C iTP. B" C- A..•I I I I I I A :• I I I I I JD"DIAME,ER �. � B I I B � •r� >I I I I I I'' TT TTT-.' " PLAN W LKL THICKNESS AND YNPREs PLAN CLASS AT CONCRETE L CLA55 Al CONCRETE SECTION A -A SECTION B-B xoTes 1. THE STANDARD SAFETY SEARS (SL-11 IS TO ME USED ONLY WHEN SFECiFD IN TIME RM4 ON THE DRAINAGE SUMMARY SHEET AND/OR THE DRAINAGE DESCNPIIm. FOR Wnp1ES. JUNCTION BOXES. AND DROP NETS WIN RESULTS GREATER TAME 1E FEET. THE SPACING CP ADJACENT SAFETY SLABS ENABLE W W'TO 12-WITH NO SAFETY SCAB LOCATED WIHN 6 FEET OF THE TOP OR BOTTOM OF THE STRUCTURE. SAFETY SLA35 SHNB ART E LOCATED BELLOW MY INLET PIPE OF W' DIETER OR GREATER. 2. THE COST OF THE SLA 6 INCLUDED N THE COST OF THE STRUCTURE. SEE CAST N PLACE DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER DETAILS }. ACCESS OPENINGS AS TO BE STAGGERED FROM SHE ERNEBE STRUCTURE TO THEOTHER WHERE APPLICABLE. STEPS ME TO BE STAGGERED MCORWIGLY. S K 5 BARS P 6.00 TYR. 4. SAFETY SCAB MAY HECAST-HERACE OR PRECAST. CAST-N-RME CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A} 00 0 PSI PRECAST CONCRETE 6 TO BEAT (MIMEO M. EFfORCM: STEEL TO BE IX ACCORDANCE WIN AR RISE�R .•W rT . - DIAMETER OR 30-1 . WHEN WON IS 5. Mf GESTHANDCKXING Y' HA ATHE ADCESSSXML HE LTABOULAR (SIAULTURE mp W b" LONG). TYPICAL PRECAST UNIT ROAD AND ay�TAMDARD: TYPICAL CONCRETE SAFETY SLAB FOR DROP INLETS, MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES BEFERFINC'E" BEET REVISION DATE VIRGIMA EPABTNNF OF TWNEP(MTAIWI b2 106.L,011 tiT NO PROJECTION OF PPE ABOVE GROUND LIE to OF FREE fa a F1I To OF ru OEO" ATE x - ---- - OHWIrO Lm Y /i I/ 1 ENRM N N 600x q ti ENT( D r yaE DU 3 "MORAL _ a MWa IT1D O X 0 x amaC rM w 0 x 0 x RDOrRC L1,10 PL I W wfnBlW B.I r Ir 0 .I X V/U PE11 ra 4 Ifl r' MALL' x.' FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUTABLE MATERIAL PPE PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE AN ED X 0 LIA 1.5 0 LK 0 K YN. tD A 0 7a OF 1EL - -` -- ra Or ru rOP Or ru -7 -_ /I / / tROLRp // / /• ///N N/NN/ /N/INN/ LPL VIO x 0 x w NaM x 0 x SW Wi/bp .. OAKS Ts - Was, W. BE0OM0 MATERIAL MAX-24• "THERMAL FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL wi TK oAA maBxNorr" ® NOTES: a BPtriXATMNi E To rE 6M6 E 6ALISLL MATEwK SV11 E FDA PlA61M: POE, HHEABOVE 011NE dT THHEROAD KKV0D616WE EX1r1gm IO Q' MOK 1K rOP a iK AWE. 9[GTm M2 SPEa THOMx FOR GENERAL R��Ec�sm Ox a HIM cLA AND SRd) +!!!!T O NTH( rEi1THLYCTID! JnOa ROxAD AM1 CRUSHED GLASS CLKDRWC TO TK 51 WDMQTLWS FDR CRUSHER RUN M:EGFIEAT=1 A(%EEGTE S� 25 ARE 26 w1' E USED N PL.LCE a CLA56 r BA © LMDn110 f INSTALL. OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS RETERENCE ROB » m CIRC. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL - METHOD "A" ]02 REYn1DH vEn OF. BATE VLLr/EA ETM a TRAP TATT 'b] M).p1 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS F(CLEAR S PACE) 5 CONCRETE TO BE 4. CLASS A3 % p b, ' 6. p.' :A, SIDETYALK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL WALL FENCE REQUIRED 'WHERE WALL HEIGHT If GREATER THAN 42 INCI 12• MIN. COVER OVER DRAIN FILL .IIIlf/�il���iyfl�Cy�7(I�NMII�i�I R/W 61, R/W61 R/W GRASS 36' FC to FC GRASS 1, �'� 2.00% CG-6 -2.08% -2.08% CG-6 2.007. 5' SIDEWA A a5' SIDEWALK S1 I �� 'II�L� &VARIES ' I h� h- t^ t^�&VARIES RESIDENTIAL STREETS: LEWIS AND CLARK DRIVE (STA. 9 9+25-END) STEEP ROCK PLACE STEEP ROCK COURT RETREAT LOOP CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD (END-STA.23+53) HEADLAND COURT RIPARIAN COURT CLIFF VIEW COURT NOT TO SCALE STEEP ROCK COURT RETREAT LOOP HEADLAND COURT RIPARIAN COURT CLIFF VIEW COURT NOT TO SCALE CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD (END-STA.23+53) ROAD �77`: North Pointe SubdivislonSection2 IPTION. Residentiat F itep 1: Determine Design ADT 1,050 -1 HH V u!`In ATJT c 22.5 PROJECT: North Pointe SubdivistonSection2 DESCRIPTION.: Residential Step 1: Determine Design ADT ADT 570 0/GHCVIII: 100XHCV/ADT 5 FPT=20XHCV 570 Design ADT=>of ALIT or FIAT 570 Material Notation PROJECT: North Pointe Subdivision Section 2 DESCRIPTION.: Residential Step 1: Determine Design ADT ADT 650 0/BHCV=100XHCV/ADT 5 FAT=20XHCV 650 Design ADT =>of ADT or FPT 650 Pawme�nt Desi n LII= 12.6 PROJECT: North Pointe Subdivision Section 2 DESCRIPTION.: Residential Step 1: Determine Design ADT ADT 320 MEN HCV=100XHCV/ADT 5 FPT=20XHCV 320 Design ADT=>of ADTor FPT 1 320 8.7 Descril Material Notation PROJECT: North Pointe Subdivision Section2 DESCRIPTION.Residential Step 1: Determine Design ADT ADT 60 0/oHCV III: 100 XHCV/ADT 5 DATE: / /2022 LEWISANDCLARKDRIVE SIN 2: Defermne Design CBR, RFand SSV Sample # CBRT Resiliency Factor RF #1 Source Value 92 Table I # 3 App. I 1 CBR 4 DMERF Design Value 2.7 Value Tked 1 CBRTO %REF= SSV 2.7 1 2.7 PIT, 2 2.25 he 2 2.25 PIT, 4 z.zs e 1 8 1 0.6 DESIGITSTATUS = DATE: CLIFFSTONEBOULEVARD Ste to 2: Determine Design CBR, RF and SS V Sample # CBRT Resiliency Factor RF #1 Source Value #2 Table #3 A I 1 CBR 4 DMERF Design Value 2.7 Value Us d 1 CBRD xRF= SSV 2.7 1 1 2.7 emenl Section ThHe ness,h a -ete 1.5 2.25 to 4 2.25 e 6 0.6 DESIGNSTATUS = DATE: / /2022 STEEPROCKPLACE SIN 2: Determne Design CBR, RFand SSV Sample # CBRT Resiliency Factor RF #1 source Value #2 Table TV App.I 1 CBR 4 DMERF Design Value 2.7 Value Bed 1 CBRD %REF= SSV 2.7 1 2.7 BI 1.5 2.25 to 3 2.25 e 1 6 1 0.6 DESIG NSTATUS = DATE: RETREATLOOP / /2022 Ste 2: Defermne Design CBR, RF and SSV Sample # CBRT Resiliency Factor RF #1 source Value #2 TableI # 3 ALI I 1 CBR 4 DMFRF Design Value 2.7 Value [Seed 1 CBRD %REF= SSV 2.7 1 1 1 2.7 IOCKWSS,n a -ete 1.5 1.67 to 2 1.67 e DESIG NSTATUS = DATE: _/ /2022 STEEPROCK COURT, HEADLAND COURT, RIPARIANCOURT, &CLIFF VIEWCOURT Ste 2: Deternone Design CBF_ RFand SSV Sample # CBRT Resiliency Factor RF #1 Source Value #2 Table # 3 App I 1 CBR 4 DMERF Design Value 2.7 Value Used 1 CBRD xRF= SSV 2.7 1 2.7 4.50 4.50 9 4.8 22.80 OK 9 3.6 15.98 OK 3.38 6.75 3.6 13.73 OK 334 3_6 T45 OK DR From Appenclix B= 13.6 ,Ar.;-::r \ AS.i` . SEGMENTAL REINFORCED Description or Proposed PaWe RtSection \ RETAINING Material Notation Thickness h a axh \ �T'..s:: WALL Surface77771- SM-9.5A Bitullinca s Concrete 1.5 2.25 3.38 \-'t'�';�o•': RETAINING WALLS Base 1IM-19.OA As all Concrete 3 1 2.25 1 6.75 m SURFACE COLOR Subbase I 21-B Lutreated Aggregate 6 1 0.6 1 3.6 TO BE m Dc COMPATIBLE 13.73 \ j WITH DESIGITSTATUS= OK \ = ARCHITECTURAL STYLE OF PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE WALL SUBDRAIN MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IF APPROVED (DRAIN TILE) BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEGMENTAL RE1jVF0.RCvED RETAININC #Ar LL OR APPROVED EQUAL IlLa]italLYa1144 O (n ()CC)r U _Z O �� J UcoO I0 W�� URI PH i h+l �11 V ;",9rI A AC L m Zy, O +y C Q) .� w W 41 O W o `4) PH N � -PI PP.-, € Qr I� 0 QI N 00 CNI U o N O U U SN c a 2 i+ U O OR d O O r=r^ a V J in TV Q 3 C N E ��EpLTH OA ` `c C C.1 T U BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112412022 v O�FSS/ONALEN�T\ n N C O2 N C O U I2 L-C��1. r^ C O V1 •L `T� 3 v 1 WRI O2 t y 0 7 O L IAAAAAI qE-4 CRT 3 q c M 6 3 I� co O64 11 o h �I > V W qL c (� a O O C �~ O E 0 l 7 V � O r_ a I.� 4) OT� N L/� t M c REVISIONS DATE ITEM w O) 1D O1 d c 3 l2 O CL O a DATE t 01-24-2022 in SCALE c NO SCALE o DO PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY v c 0 PROJ. c 201400 SHEET # C - 9 t TD-2 1 COVER LIFT NOTCH 12 3/8" WATER CAST IRON LID NOTES: (1) A 1-3/4" DIAMETER HOLE IS REQUIRED IN THE LID FOR TOUCH READ METERS. TYPICAL METER BOXES (5/8"-l" METERS) NTS FIG. W-7 TD-13 FRAME & COVER SEE FlG- S-II E STREET SURFACE OR j-NON-PAVED AREA SLOPED AREA 5 �4r 1'-0" MAX 2'-0' RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS GAST IN PLACE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE °- SECTIONS WITH "0" RING SEALS OR APPROVED EQUAL 3'-O" MIN .Q THE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE A e DUCTILE IRON PIPE (CLASS 50) 5" BAgffILLED IN 6" LAYERS AND COMPACTED BY HAND TAMPERS OR 12' MIN BACKFILLED WITH SELF -COMPACTING 16" MAX STONE. 5" I DI A 12"MIN 12"MIN .e ACROOSS UM M-HH.VATION FROM INLETTO FFECE VARIE 4 OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN �- - INLET & OULET PPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. v 3/4 DIA OF LARGEST PIPE IN MANHOLE TnoeMON fi' BEDDNG WITH NO. 80 STONE NOTES: 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ARE MIMMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. THE CONSULTANT SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES. INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. 4. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION SHALL BE GIVEN FOR ENTRANCE DESIGN ON SEWERS WITH STEEP SLOPES. TYPICAL MANHOLE WITH DROP CONNECTION NTS FIG:. S-I-C TD-2R SECTION 1-1 SECTION 2-2 PIPE DEGREE BEND DIMENSIONS VOL TEE AND PLUGS VOL SIZE OF (FEET) OU.YD. (FEET) CII BEND L H T L H T 90 2.50 2.50 3.01 0.24 4" & 6" 455 2-00 2.25 2.60 0.15 200 2-25 250 0.15 22 1/2 1.50 2.00 2.52 0.10 11 1/4 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.1E 90 3.66 3.16 3.21 CAB 8" 45 2.66 266 2.77 0.26 22 1/2 LIES 2.16 2.69 0.13 3.16 29Y 266 0.3E 11 1/4 1.66 2.16 2.67 0.13 90 4.83 3.83 3.42 0.83 10" & To 3.33 3.58 2.95 0.43 3.83 400 283 0-52 22 1/2 2.33 2.58 2.86 0.24 11 1/4 1.83 2.33 2.84 0.18 1. THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER THE PIPELINE : CHANGES DIRECTION, CHANGES SIZE, DEAD ENDS AND AT VALVES. 2. USE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE. 3, NO CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE JOINT. 4. THE CONSULTING ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO THE VERIFY THE TYPE & SIZE OF ALL THRUST BLOCKS CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS NTS FIG. W-3 ro-3 PD E E " m Mu �_ E L� M E GOUK a o1 o o �CC �a B H a L N N� '.N 0 (7Y 3Ear SE oEIM 0 EDO m Y0 G mg N�Ez i3�N LU �o _Q o i.. 2 G.tl yo 6 IN E E y\j E vOLD .-'�, O F 1 z a a < O 5E �E G E E 1Oof w E N N N Q BE O 0 TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER N.T.S FIG S-I-D TD-31 NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES- VILLE THREADS WHICH IS THE LOCAL STANDARD. LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES s' MIN 2' TO la' (2701 18"-22' 7 CU. FT. ALVE'BOX S68 STONE 42"MIN ' ::� 1 ,� 6" GATE •�.� VALVE .. TEE 250E P.S.I. CONCRETE R -'$11", I. "•a.: BASE AND THRUST „T•''�x } BLOCK AGAINST • \\V'' UNDISTURBED STABLE SOIL. STEEL PILL WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. NOTE 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT ( INCLUDING DITCHES ) 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED En AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF REWIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL 4" DIAMETER BRANCH AND VALVE -. - WATER N.T.S- FIG. W-4 TD-8 """"�• `RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS ON-LINE (TYPE "B") PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS " POST WITH CAPPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS AS DIRECTED. MARKER LOCATION MAY BE SUBJECT a TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL FINISHED GRADE R x °( ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX W/ LID z II u a Z N a --- M.J. GATE VALVE WATER LINE 4 8 I U 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE .9 e 2'x 2' BEARING AREA. THRUST BLOCK _ 4 a, < A . 4 a a NOTE : IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE. TYPICAL GATE VALVE NTS FIG- W-5 PLUG VARIES THREADED COUPLING PVC NIPPLE AND CAP PVC SLEEVE or o BRASS NIPPLE AND CAP i LUBRICATE ALL THREADS THRUST BLOCK f° METER BOX (SEE FIG. W-7) VALVE NO. 57 STONE M.J. FITTING 2" PIPE SLOPED TO DRAIN IF GRADE ALLOWS VARIES VARIES 2" PVC OR BRASS PIPE �• WATER MAIN AND VALVE 2" THREADED TAP ARE SAME SIZE PLUG DEAD END (TYPE "A") TYPICAL BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY NTS FIG. W-B SLOPED AREA RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS FRAME & COVER CAST IN PLACE SEE FIG. S-I-D, E PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS WITH "0' RING SEALS OR APPROVED EQUAL MAX 2'-0" A FITTING MAY BE REQUIRED WITH ACSA APPROVAL. THE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE 3' 0" MIN a DUCTILE IRON PIPE (CLASS 50) 0 BACKFILLED IN 6' LAYERS AND p e 5. COMPACTED BY HAND TAMPERS OR j BACKFILLED WITH SELF -COMPACTING J� STONE. 12" MN o 16" MAX MINIMUM ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 5" 4 ACROSS M.H. FROM INLET TO OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET 12"MIN 12"MIN ,a A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH V TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN INLET & OULET PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. FITTING DIMENSION VARIES WITH SLOPE. is 3/4 DIA OF LARGEST PIPE IN MANHOLE MIN- 6" BEDDING WITH NO. 68 STONE NOTES: 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. THE CONSULTANT SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. TYPICAL MANHOLE DROP CONNECTION TD-9 1 1/• SEND DUAL SERVICE SINGLE SERVICE NOM 1) SADDLES SHALL SE USO ON PVC PIPE '• ^^MPRESSION x 3/4' MALE PIPE COUPLING 'PROVED EQUAL FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OR DUAL RESIDENTIAL AND IRRIGATION SERVICES. r IL 'NpRFSIDN x D/{° MALE PIPE COUPLING PPROVED EQUAL tilt USE 0 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY tWOMM& SERVICE WHERE AN IRRIGAMON AFTER IS NOT PROMDED. TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1" METERS) NITS FIG. W-6A TD-10 r-FINISHED GRADE AIR RELEASE VALVE BRASS OR BRONZE PIPE BRONZE GATE VALVE DRAIN TO GRADE 111 I. IF POSSIBLE ll 11 h. - I �I �I I IITI I II-' BRICK SUPPORTS OR SOLID CEMENT BLOCKS RUSHED STONE TYPE "K" SOFT COPPER CORPORATION STOP NOTES: 1) A PRECAST MANHOLE CONE AND COVER WITH WATER CAST ON LID FOR TRAFFIC AREAS, OR A METER BOX ASSEMBLY IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS OR APPROVED EQUAL, SHALL BE USED. 2) FOR WATERLINES SMALLER THAN 12" USE A 1" A.R.V. AND FITTINGS. FOR WATER LINES 12" AND LARGER USE 2" A.R.V. AND FITTINGS. 3) IN SITUATIONS WHERE THE A.R.V. ASSEMBLY CANNOT BE OFFSET FROM THE MAIN AN ADEQUATE FOUNDATION SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THE WATER LINE DOES NOT SUPPORT THE MANHOLE CONE. AIRRELEASE VALVE (ARV) NTS FIG- W-9 NOTE. MIN, 60' DIAMETER MANHDLE REQUIRED. MANHOLE PVC CROSS �y -U�S�TAPPROVED FLEXIBLE RUBBER "_ DASKET STEP COUPLING E7' PS (STTAINLIPE ESSASTEEL) SPACED EVERY E' VERTICALLY l-WI' RESTRAINED BEND 'E I {IJ " • ° < " MAIN _ SEWER PIPE PLAN PROFILE BEDDING WITH NO, 66 STONE 1. HEIGHT OF THE VERTICAL DROP PIPE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ACSA, BUT SHALL NOT BE LESSTHAN TWO 12) FEET. 2. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STIR 26 P.V.C, SIZED THE SAME AS THE INCOMING PIPE AND CONNECTED TO THE DROP FITTING WITH STANDARD GASKETIOINT. 3. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO THE MANHOLE AT PIPE JOINTS. STRAPS SHALL BE MADE OF STAINLESS STEEL. 4. SHAPE INVERT AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE POINT TO SPRING LINE OF MANHOLE INVERT. 5. DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE FITTING SHALL RE ORIENTED AT45 DEGREES, INTO THE FLOW. 6. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 90 DEGREES FROM THE ACCESS STEPS. 7. MINIMUM 72" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED FOR A SINGLE 10" OR 12" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTION, OR TWO 8" DIAMETER DROP CONN[ CTIONS. STANDARD INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION N.T.S. FIG. S-1-C2 TD-30 TD-20 SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INDICATED , THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2- HIGHER THAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED TO THE MANHOLE. 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEWER MAN SHALL BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE ZDL Q (1/4" PER FOOT ) 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2' MIN DIAMETER OF 4'- 40 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 FEET. SALT TREATED FINISHED GROUND 2 x 4 MARKER J\ PLUG END OF - MAIN UNE-„ �(Ij� _ _ _ -- _ - . SERVICE LATERAL r[N LINE wvE-TEE PLAN VARIES R SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION N.T.S. FlG S-2 EMBEDMENT 8"MIN SPRING LINE O OF PIPE NO. 68 STONE - - REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL LARGER THAN 5' IN ANY DIMENSION -INTIAL BACKFILL" (6" LIFTS) THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER -HAUNCHING -BEDDING 6" max 4" min -FOUNDATION (SHALL BE NOTE 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE, 2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3, WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM B" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE' TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NTS FIG. S-3 ANCHOR EXTENDS INTO SIDE OF DITCH DITCH �6" MIN. LINE VARES OLL PIPE 2500 PSI CONCRETE �• �t2'[--- PLAN I „I • E; D.I. PIPE • �z ANCHOR MOLT AT FIRST JOINT ABOVE GRADE SPACING MANHOLE. 20% TO 35% NOT OVER 36' 35% TO 50% NOT OVER 24' 50% OR GREATER NOT OVER 16' PROFILE T TYPICAL ANCHOR DETAIL FOR SEWERS ON GRADES 20% AND GREATER N.T.S FIG. S-4 TD-34 R i ROADWAY I I � I o PAVEMENT - 36' MIN, 36' MI 0.25' MIN. THICKNESS COATED- CASING INSULATORSTEEL E65 STEEL CASING I t2" CONCRETE FILL BOTH ENDS I I :r 2'-0' 7' OR 81T 7' OR 8'��'-0�I 2'-0• DUCTILE IRON PIPE �18' OR 20' JOINT OF D.I. 20' JOINT OF D.I. (RESTRAINED JOINTS) NOTE: 1. STEEL CASING TO EXTEND TO BACK OF CURB, DITCH, SIDEWALK, ETC. OR A MINIMUM OF 5' BEYOND THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT, M-RCHEVER IS GREATER. 2. ENDS OF CASING CAN BE SEALED USING A PULL -OFT END SEAL GASKET IN LIEU OF CONCRETE FILL. 3. MIDDLE SPACER SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CENTERPOINE OF PIPE, SEWER TYPICAL STEEL SLEEVE INSTALLATION UNDER ROADWAYS NI FIG. S-5 0 CT) ILII co r U Z A w " c I� W �� W ��X"• C Z U bO Z D] 4) 5 w OW �� cu W 1 1 0 �` N P+1 N PH O) (rl ti -1 3 a E QI N CO `/ O �y O N ►'I � U 0 10 C a 0 0 O 75 01 4) o O N VJ N d Y a Q '3 C O) I_ 0 rn ��EpLTH OA C O O BRIAN C. M CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 15 0112412022 v O�FSSIONAL CL C 4) N c 0 I2 U v1 •L 24 �n L v l 4) 4; vl 15 .-, 7 O L q E, 3 q c M 3 I� O (� co h rY, A o 44 h �I I W L qL N o c (� 0 o O " �~ 0 [� 0 7 a O r_ 4) I.� i O T� N M C 4) REVISIONS DATE ITEM w O) N W •) c 3 H O CL O CL DATE -24-2022 t 01" NO CSCALE 3 O t PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn in DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN 4) r-' CHECKED BY v c 0 PROJ.# c 20140065 0 L SHEET # DO C -9A PRITCHETT LANE — PLANTING CONCEPT — 30' BUFFER PLANTING DETAIL OVERALL LENGTH ±1925 FEET BUFFER PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL ABBR.'S BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SPEC REMARKS rJ11en xa�an SUM p,o ®RM 13 A.rvbrvm RFD MAPLE (MN.) N/A N/A 40-50' 25-40' BNB Spwhw DeclOums Tree fl 13 1A1o0mban tulipihra 71AF POPLAR (�) N/A N/A 7d-90' 35'—Sy BRB Specimen peclBuae T. ® SY 13 mN. Ater crNwm SUGAR MAPLE (min.) N/A N/A 80'-75' 4O—SO BNB SpKhm De"m Tm QY YO 13 Ouerae albs WIVE OAR (MN.) N/A N/A SO-86 W-86 B&B Spwhw DeclOums Tree 2.5' ® BG 13 Nyeea e,lwtla BLACK GUY (yN.) N/A N/A J5'_5y 201-3D' BNYB 9ibcmapy Tree 2'S• C SB 13 Amalmehier omaaenels SER�ICEBERRY (25' N A / N A / IW-2W IW-25' 80 SubcmepY Taa 2.5� ® P 13 Dloeppae WSinima PERSIMMON (MN.) N/A N/A 35'-80' 25'-35' BNIB SubcmopY Traa ® R8 13 C.T. cmadmele REpBID YN. ( ) N/A N/A 20'-30' 20'—JO' an Fla.wNg Trae ® SN 13 Carya onto SHAGBARK HIODRY (YN.) N/A N/A 70'—W 50-70 80 FloN'WN9 Tree TO 13 Camue aMGo FLAppalo G mMlse Appala G DOGWOOD MIN' (MN.) in.) N/A N/A 15'-20, 15'-20, BNB FloewNg T. i/el�y RC 13 Junipmia NrgNima EASTERN RED CEDAR (yM,) N/A N/A 15'-20' 15'-20' BNB EYeV m Tree vlr� Vln W' 26 PNus trobus e WHITE PINE 2b.) (YN.) N/A N/A 50'—BO' 201-40' BhB Evergram T. GGu ARM 25 Vbumum Amtatum 'mdm., ARRDWWOOD'Blue YufM' N/A N/A N/A 5'-7' 5'-7' 2 GAL Shmb BH 28 Y mum pmnlfallum BLACK HAW N/A N/A N/A 12'-15' 12'-15' 2 GAL grab NB 28 Yibumum Imtwo NANNY BERRY N/A N/A N/A 10'-25' 10'-15' 2 GAL Shrub WN 28 Ha =dW Yr2Nnima WTN HAZEL N/A N/A N/A 15'-20- 15'-20- 2 GAL Shrvb SS 52 Rhue typhha STAGHONI SUMAC N/A N/A N/A 15'-20' 20'-30' 2 GAL Shrvb G.C. -- Amb melmecarpa BLACKiOOHYdY N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 GAL GaunA Cover Im wn Rhue m .D. FRAGRANT SUMAC 'Gro Lea N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 GAL CramA Cover 143 \ \ Z \ \ 11\0 O \\---------- --, \� o 0 0 0 0 0 D O O _ _ 0 0 0 O CONCEPTUAL STREET TREE PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL ABBR. =4 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME grED. REMARKS cNvm , b yW,y C AR SS Ater abam 'AUWmn Blaze' AUTUMN BLAZE RED MAPLE 2.5' N/A N/A 40'-50' 2W-40' Be® 2 ONE TREE PER 5D Ff OF CURB LINE EXACT (MN.) LOCATION DEPENDS ON UTILITY LOCATIONS 2 ONE TREE PER SO FT C Aver buRQManum TRIDENT MAPLE (MN.) 15* N/A N/A 20'-30 20-30 B9B LOCATION w CURB UDEPENEXACTDS ON URUTY LOCATIONS AC 59 Arr ampr4a ! c,s Imff MAPLE (EVE)*(4N5) 2.2 N/A N/A 25•_3g yg_35• gyg ONE TREE PERCT FT(' OF CURB LINE EXACT LDGAna DEPENDS ON unuTr Lounoxs I I. / I / / 1 GRAPHIC ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. O O ko rlj 00 O lJ co d4 U Z od,^� OHO W C� Z � bC Z O W a .� 1 4 w � OWx°�r� N L G4 -4 h� 0 � — a .� N a O O w U 4 a c ° 0 -04 0 O cn N Y Q 3 c E IT •o 0 U y � BRIAN C.IMICHELL o Lic, No, 035724 O1/24/2022 s oFFSS10NALENC2\ 0 on N m C O U I� 3 q` H� O� V1 0 q wN O �w w N O T 0 U vll L O) REVISIONS DATE ITEM Ec a) V) m N 0 H O 0. 0 0 DATE °' O1-24-2022 N_ .SCALE C o PROJECT MANAGER m BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o °o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 T .3 PROJgF 20140065 0 SHEET # C — 10