HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202200002 Application 2022-01-31ALBENIARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of 'Transportation (V DOl).'Ibis plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requi rcments of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All it control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform'I'raffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 Ch'R Part 1926). General Construction Notes for Streets (This list is in addition to the General Construction Notes) 1. All materials and construction must be tested and documented according to VDOT standards and specifications. 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance. All drainage outfall easements are to be. extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified m the time of construction. Additional guards it may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of V I )O'I' (for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is required, it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9(A, B or Q. 5. Where coral cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PE-1. 6. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section derail, shall be strictly adhered to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be null and void. S. All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Unifrntn Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 9. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricadesshall be installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Hngineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. The speed linuts to be posted on speed linut signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by V DO'f for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross -drains are to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that me deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video camera inspection procedure_ General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. 'Ihc plan approving authority mustbe notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of Land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations_ 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. T A copy of the approved erosion and sechment control plan shall be mainlined on the site al all times. 5. Prior to commencing land dismrbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans including, but not limited to, off site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All dismrbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbingQ activities and duringQ site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. 'Ihc contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and aftry each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall betaken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall IV inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. I-L Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be linuted to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and 0 improvcmcnts, and damage to any public street because o sbdcs, sinkmo_ or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwaler management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required g PP 4 by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot. unit building or other portion of the xo tert �. Y L g Y g 1 1 1 1 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of Annual Rycgrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet Straw mulch is to he applied at 801hs1100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be little and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 901bs/l000sf. incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000tbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied al 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue. and 0-5% Pcicmual Rycgrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved b , the County erosion control PP J PP ) 1 inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures me to be, inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage 0 of clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. traps are to be cleaned €eJ a P Y P when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Sill fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 clays of final site stabilization, when measures arc no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 2L This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-204G.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechmcal engineer. A gcotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams_ 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities: conversion is not to lake place until the site is stabilized, and peinussion has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. _L 'q I T IR IF) 7177,q 7 0 NLT T -Til, 1� -1 -A--.// JL-,// _XL IV -ALI k_ -.1 _21L N-L 0 lik P 0: _\TTE q E ul'� S T 10 N l 2 W P 0 P LA N'��!i SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: dovid®southern-clossic.com ENGINEER TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 1 PARK WEST CIR., SUITE 108 MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23114 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA ZONING DISTRICT PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) TAX MAPS/PARCELS 03200-00-00-023EO (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023AO 03200-00-00-023BO 03200-00-00-029CO 03200-00-00-023DO 03200-00-00-029FO 03200-00-00-023GO 03200-00-00-029HO ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 67.44 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Mvanua Rater & Sin er Authority (RR'SA) General Water &r Sanitary Sewer Noes Last Revised: February- 2.011 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the Is test version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifics tions as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority •on January 17, 1195- exceptas modified below or modified to Special ?votes I� 2. RWSA shall approve all constriction material sand methods of construction. AI% econslruction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of any work. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility(1-800-552-7001). 4. RNVSA Engineer (Victoria Fortat (434) 977-2970 ext 205) shalt be notified three businessdays prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system sball be made withoutcoordmation with and the presence of RWSA staff No work shall beconducted on RWSA facxlitieson weekends ar holidays without special written permission from RNG'SA. b. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure -tested before a connection is made to the system. 7. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plan_ is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily comple to or accum te. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and + fi es. of all existing utilitiboth surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discsepancie s between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilitiesand structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans Or not Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition atno additional cost to the Owner. S. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RNVSA. No grading shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be p panted within 100 feetof RWSA facilities without written permission and RW SA apprmml of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a ja a blast survey maybe required. For blasting within 100 fee t of any operative RWSA sewerlme s, bypass pumping andror pre- and post -CCTV maybe required. RWSA mayaso require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original conditiom at no additional cost to the Owner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum sepamtivm requirements for utility cxassings W hen a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with comp acted 57 stone to the spxingline of the existing pipe. 11. New water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water sample s approved prior to making any permanent conned lion to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any eantaminatiam of the public water system. 12. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13. Na permanent structural facilities will be permitted in Die RNL'SA easement. Thisincludes building overhangs, re tainting walls, footers for troy structure, drainage structures, etc. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. qM ,-Q VARlOC806 r TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMENT = 268 AC NOT TO SCALE Al ®PREVIOUS DISTURBED AREA = 68.78 AC (WPO#201500073, WPO#201500078, WPO#***) PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA = 67.44 AC (WPO#***) TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 136.22 AC ROAD AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE N0.) 7 EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. O PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH -+� EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED - - -100 - - - EXISTING CONTOUR - 100 - PROPOSED CONTOUR x r000a EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS . 100.0o PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS T/C 100.00 (T/C - TOP OF CURB) #1 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO. ® VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND SEWER -i-- ---►- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T� SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 150500.00 COORDINATE LOCATION STATION OR WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE T PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP 0 REDUCER E BORE CROSSING Know what's below. call before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #----------- & #---------- CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION SECTION 2 IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. PCE 3A2 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3.07 INLET PROTECTION 3.09 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3.13 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP CD0 32 ' ROCK CHECK DAM OC:) 7 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3.31 TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING NU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL I Ej 2 v �1 \/% OFI7 ROk LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' APPLICANTS NAME SITE GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ARB: N/A ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS LATEST EET # REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 COVER SHEET C-1A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN C-2 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE I C-4 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE II C-5 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE C-5A EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-5B EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-6 HYDRAULICS C-7 SWM COMPLIANCE - PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITION C-8 SWM COMPLIANCE - POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIOI C-9 SWM COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS - SECTION 1 C-9A SWM COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS - SECTION C-10 CBPA COMPLIANCE PLAN C-11 CBPA COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS C-12 BIO-RETENTION FILTERS C-12A RIO-RFTFNT10N rd TFR I ANhCf APIN!_ 0 CQ r U Z �Ri co 0 0 Wr W U) Cd Q 'b'o Z U s. V! m Z �� rn WIir- U .,fit I w 4 O W 01 r-t 4)CZ -X-1 rN P. .2 a+ N O U O N U O ,fit c a ° 0 0 0 CP d o O 2' N VJ N Y .0 Q '3 M in in E N rn ���pLTH 0 `c T c p ° U y BRIAN C. MI CHELL o C. N0. 035724 v M 0112012022 v �FSSIONALENn N c N c 0 I� U O , �L L d t M 0 7 � o t rn ^�I ti Ei ° w N ° A � N o ~O V 5 [1 Qy CL 0 o o C� w 0 a ;u d M c REVISIONS DATE ITEM w N in N d c 3 H 0 a 0 a DATE t 01-20-2022 SCALE c 3 PROJECT MANAGER BRMN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -° c 0 PROJ. j c 201400885 .O SHEET � �O \ C - 1 H M���E�LE wan AAMRrr�aMcSwd. wh., firawdemille, .,k conars". lsfihfirfi�eafio cou-NuAl fi.sUsisslaisent Valerie Low, 321 Eart Maw St Suns 4M Chari�villeVAMM RE: SP201.�No�hP�nkMWdW �Novemberll.2015AeB�ofSu�i��k,climm�o�S�ialU��kWli�t�nwto modify clooditions ew-no,am mcbed sw coman,firrFactimanchmaderchrower is Section 303 oftre Plefirm, Ill.. beCo... wook ..... am be eorAan applicalikapporwals haw Been and coW�m haw Inew met Thin broblianna; rompliamm with 11malitfifill Ife, ShECfiAL USE PEFUNIT, app�lof*Z.ONMGCO�IAN�CECLE.A��,. Below, begarmingulan as answers ins al,sectial weemot orif,eu he,, quessawn moment, mceadfififiw� wand action, plonew-fificart ell 3rizi fififiest Morls Cc: Cam Located slowelfirp P 0 Bait 5526 So 211SURE NO�M� �PM F�CE A�MW be, 012"��NO. and! 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ThICCO fil be de,ficaran, Mr. finter, K Toolbar fie fifilownshaw Not y1lth F ofifil$ Meno. aw, AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STATEMENT NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPIJCATION: #ZMA-201111-111119, SP -200D,72 ZMA 201340007 North Pointe PEAff� Amendment Tax Map 32 Parcels: 20,20A, 20AIb 20,42,20A3,291,23,23A, 23B,23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G,23fl,md23L Approximately 229 acres zowd Planned D"elopmmt - Mixed Commercial r6FDMC") August 5, 2013 With respect to the property described in Tanning applionthart #ZMA-2000,09 and SlUtfieffi! 72 (the "Odgirsid Zial CIVIT I'Maertics; Lmflgd Parb=ldp is ft fee simple Owner tell North Pointe LLC is the chentrard purchs= of Tax Map 32a Pmv4s 20, 20A, 20A 1, 2(sac 20A3 mid 291 (die "North Point: Priaphicay")� and Violet Hill Aenciato. IsL.0 imtflvfusimploo�ofTaMepA Pme]923, 23A, 23B, 23C. 23D, 23E, 2SP, 230, 23H oil 23J (the "Viold Hill Propicbry"). The respective pardes Mo collectively reflected to battle as the "Ounce's which term shall include Only s�esm To irMPM Tim North Pointe property and the Violet Hill Property we rehirmal to collectively a the "PropW', all of which is the subject primping mop =wdmmt applical number ZMA 2013-00007 knowly fas ths "ZMA AmwWmm.' Poreand to Section 33,� of ft Albmade Comfy Zoning Ordinance, Outhen hereby volumed, proffien the conditions listed in this Amended and Re�ed Prefier Statement, which sliall be filyhed is. the Noah Pointe Amporly if the ZMA Ammdmmt is approved by ountcontionmepoWlered a, pm1 of the ZMA Amondm� and it is agreed that: (1) the ZMA Amendment hoell,givess rise U, the need for the conditional and (2) Such Conditions have a reasonable retail= to the mrsening requested, The Counsel ZMA, With n Associted proffers ded July 20, 1006 (Ili. "Ori I Perafficar Staimmt'�, was approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisons on plan August 2, 20106, and also included Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K (which pence 27K was at (he time composed of Iwo separate Trames 22H and 22Y, which have sincity bear attributed into a single ad 22K) which is Owned by Nelifildroductad Properthes - NP, LLC (the "Neighborhwd Inv�immt Properl The changes reflacted in [his ZMA Amendment shall Hot apply to the theighlystabood Investment Property. In all other respass, this ZMA Amaidmmt Awards and ressates said Mffas Ot their affinity and the Ammdad and Restated Proffa Statement shall mints to the multi -page application plan Ratified "North Pointe Coarearrafty", prepared by Kemey & Co., Archficans in Trawised through June 112006 and aticaralund hereto as Exhibit A (the "Application Plan"), and the Albemarle Candy Code in effect at of the date of the Original Profficar Statement (the "Comfy Code"). The North Pointe Community shall be mfedTwI to an the 1. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED IT. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 Ciandflon of a 40-Fow Buffer IM, the Eavame Carrialter. Within six (6) months after the acceptance by the Virgims Department of Tr�sPomion (-VDOT") Of the Road Impmmu as claimed in Section 5.3 that sum along the miabbod ]an mrU.S. Route 29, Owaser shall plant and ffi�ftor maintain a a times a landscaped buffer, including hadigarrows, along The Entrance Consider fiwtW parcels owned by Oww. no buffir will Consist of a minimum OMAN Wide Contiguous viva indsmpe anni that shall be subject to th "Buffer"I. Albemarle County Architecture Be.. Brand (IAlUg) review and approval ( a no Buffer my be located partly on the Owobes pmp" and poraily an VDC`r proporty. In ande event VDGT at my Time in the future red� any portion of the Buffet located an VDOT His w,perly, the ofisma shall �j)moae fair sub reduction by rxwAding the Buffer an Ow propery, in order to maintain a nunimum 40�feW Buffier, fiecom ifsuch �pmsa6m shall require the removal ofpa&ng adjacent to such Buffer. 2.2 Apporm. of Storm Water Management Facilities. The SWIM facilities isible fivers Ina Entrance Corackor identified an The Application Plan (M=Wat� management facilities 1. 2, and 10) shall be shown an a plan and be mideat to ARTS readew and Approved. SWM I all be designed such feet in slicape, pla�m% and land than (grading) transitiody between the Aw� �wr�tion � and The ardilificareat hand edge of am reciting lot and buildings, The plan for SWIM I dug be mbm�=d To the ARS with die That ARTS retaliation for Holding 14 or 19 identified an M� R to the Application Plan ("Shoot 13"), or my such building that is propmed in be lc=W where Building 14 is located on Shed B P=mt in The terms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 SW have a more structured app�w thm placement, and land form SWIM 10 (sAc below) and shelf be duped amb Chip it shape, (grading) transition between the adjacent eDnm�mfim wAA and flu, adjacent had edge of the parking lot it building. The pin for SWM 2 " be .bifted re the ARE willy the fare ARE submission for Any of Buildings 26 through 31. MAT 10 shall be drociped =ell that its shape plactiment, and led form (grading) we integral With the adj�t conn�atim area. plan for SWM 10 Shall be sularmthad to the ARE 9 the time mind plans am submitted To the County and VDOT far N�ffiw� PAmAI UL DENSITIES 3.1 Total Bufficlout The total �b� ofifichollareg units within the Project shall not exceed eight hundred runety-thiffic (III laidjact Up Section 3-2, the building footprints Bud gross floor areas of office, And after �. and the building footprints of hotels shall not eassed those set firch in the Land Use Breakdroun Table An Shot A to the Application Plan A`J. 3.2 Limited Ad st�t� to rite Ekft fthe Applitim, Plan. The gross floor arm of the buildings used for �uriaL safficts, offier upon, aid hotels shown on Shead A may be adjusted within a range of up to ran p� (t0%J provided that the maximum greas floor for web category cfu. show on Shed A is net "*wAed. The fooIpAuxa of'Buildings 6, 14 And 36 a shown on Shed A on be interchanged. Notwithstanding (he (a= of this Section 3.2 to title Contrary, Building 14 shall not initially exceed 89,500 acquare fast, provided, however. that the we yews following the issum- Of file wrgflcae of occupancy for Building 14. 14 is Building 14 may be adjusted within a range of up be ran percent (10%), and if Building located in the location shown an Shed H my mch calonsion shall be located to the met So that ridinarnal space is located along North Pointe Boulevard. Notwithstanding the talent of Ibis the a Section 3.2 go the contery, but subject 10 the provisions of Section 8.1, the County may Authorize Building 21 0 shown on Shoo A in be adjustall by � than ran patent 0 M). IV. STORMWATER MANAGENIENT AND STREAM BED CONSERVATION 4.1 Flood plain. The =a cribs lfg)�yccar flood plain within the limited Shall remain mdismrbed wompt for mad war,milu, public saffity fludlitto and their wassenge, and Federation and blaring mil., it Only to the �tmt such exceptions me permitted by County Ordinances and shall provide a am. y and prepare the replations. Upon the request of the County, Orwhadar nwmswy do�entafim and dedicate the land within such flood plain to the Comfy. 4.2 f�g magmmt PIN no dwww`dw/bd` mmogmn� Pned= tell be prepared, � all Kennesaw managandiat figuilitim for the Plan Project shall be designed and =8�ctcd, to �Odate all �t stom�t� discharge from Tax Map Parcel 032AO-02-WOMOO (Nafthwwds Mobile Hiring Park Development) and from I it northwest can. orpffit Road and U.S. Route the heading dmelopmm� on the norifficas 29, specifically the following parents shown =the m�l Albmmie County UK maps: tu=P AT, 32A, parcels 2-1, 2-1 A, 2. LA 1, 2-1 B, 2-1 C and 2-ID. 32, parcels 39, 39A, 39, and 39A; tax an no g�� �agmad fortifies "I mitigate fical stormuccater quality and quantity impacts, for the �wata gm.,W both within the Project and for such existing offies Conditions AS described bonds, 0 though the =tire preexisting condition of the dtaiMgC ZMB is an Undeveloped wooded site And is being developed to the misting off.Usive wnditims and the Imapmed ar-en, canditions. In addition, binfillm; shall comprise - minim= officirty-flaree and onx-flaurd percent (33 1/3%) of the total required puking lot lmd�ped angles within the G of the "Commercial Area" of the Pbol w such Commercial Area is delimmed on Sheet Applifi. Plan ("Shall Do). 43 Erosion and Sed� Control. Th, Owner iall. to the fiscrom pcatable", prode saw that exi.c! State and Local additional appropriate erosion and sediment contral measures minimum standards. it Them is dieligrement regarding wholluer the standard of 'odusimum it Recrecal will be extent prififixicable" is satisfied. tiny Virginia Depamnent of Corearrionion all provided an opportunity to =law and advise an Bach question. Post.Cms"dit,n St..nwatw MmgL��mt; The Owed shall, to the fla tmctim sionfievandar ENDS that arn dpAE9AW 10 maximum wtmt Predicable, provide post-� an average annual sediment �ovai rate of 80% as published by the Center far Watershed Protection in Affich, At Of The Practice Of W;dwded Protection (2000 edition). limited to, b*a��fi� bi�mion fil� and end retention Time will include, but Are not basins. 4.4 Site.. Buffer mad Restoradm- Upon the �m��mt Of the applicable comment pareard, the Owner shall notify the County "it provide me County with it COPY of My application(s) in the U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers andler DEQ for my s� dmturb�m In addificass ifu�smy, after first looking Ear-sith, for mitigation opportunities available to satisfy the Permitting proms, the Owner Shall =led the Comfy for a list of off -site opportunities within Albemarle County for such mitigation, and shall look for such mitigation opportmAom -ofte. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Iftlarel Street st ,md.,& Payfic st�,. Which in my trealt shall babillund. at least Leen, Road, North Pointe ouevarNorthaide Vorta, But and Northwest passage, shall be ill constructed is seshord With the ill�live urban design mom sections shown on Shed D-I in the Application Plan (I'Shess; D.111) it to in icandance With VENCT design standards pursuant CA detailed plans 117wd In base= Owner and VDOT, Rod (if) dedicated for public m and offered for ecepimee into the side highway system Trecia (with a �im= speadas of lifly (50) fical landscaping me sidewalks ses she. a. Shed D� I sbadl be hansilled and maintained by the 0". in nordance: with County AT VUBOT standards, Unless VINOT or its County agents in writing to a�,d this tesnonsficility 5.2 mmpway, Owner shall complain that at an internal name a no" Do &huge D-1 within the Project which Scares; the building or moderate fact Wddoh 6 �fi� of OWUPMY is sought with to little the scene base and all bar the final hyrt, Ofplml-mix asphalt The find lBYaT of plord-Trabi Asphalt shall be installed wittun me (1) Year 110110ANIT19 the issuance Of the fed ififte, afrowmay for a building retention. sormid by the affw�d sum sCgmt. wrt owner shall design and trawt all Of the mad 53 Road improvmims refernificand in Sections 5,3JUd�53.1fla) and 5,3 Ile) below, which arricalso shown on Shed D-I An the Application Plan and an Shot E CA Rig Appilection Plan entitled �'Ext�ed Round Imparamicant Plan" ("Sheral F") (c~iwly, little "Road Improvernerefirs"), unless Bach The various photon or the Road Hand Improvements we firm expermand in bonded by others, Improvements tic also shows for illudiregive purposes an a mlor-cDdcd copy of Shed 3 that is attached benefit BE Exhibit B. Owader shall dc6�e to Public use my required rifdu�iivay the it Use Of the term 4 now of li�ft. owes in fee simple, Fmpuq�ofthisSe�fLmi5.3,the 'road" as it applies to banned struch, shall daus berve tic same meaning as the word "S=t" Ili the AAyo (Chapter 14 of the Albemarle Carsenty, Code) Where Albemarle County Suhdi,ii.. Ordice, applicable. 5.3.1 Design and Phasing. All Read Inq�mmu site]] be designed and phased as Design. The Road AWI be shown an detailed Toad plane soft dynifig VDCT dest starefirds Which shall be uh,.idd by the Owner for review and, When satisfactory, approved by VDOT and the County (meW me We Road Implement,& to U.S. Route 29, which shall be subject only By VDUT approval) (Terminate, the "Approved Road ?]we). The Approved Road pipes shall show ties width and length (excepil as specified in Sections 5.11(a)(1)(H) and (v) and Section 5-3.11(bXibilt), location, type of section, and Someone of all lane impm�ents as raquirad by VOCIT thisign standurds. AI]DftheRoad Impm�ts shall be �"md in cmipU� with the Approved Rosind Plans. The Road variant. 0 U.S. Route 29 shall be based an the thm�t VDOT design Appeal and I-P- wassesholic requirements. Notwithstanding She provisions of ibis Wagrapb to the orrythary, in the event that the internal residential S"d designs AS Shown an State 0-1 am not socepw by VDOT, the Owner shall submit demiled road cons�,dion plans for such effects So the County for .1 Of Private shogral review and, when satisfactory, approval, subunt Ww HE the C�tY's aPPmv under the Subdivision Ordimec (Ch. 14 fiefthe Albmiwic County Codd. phasing, The Road impmvm� shall be wndmAcAcd and Aompided in three Ideal Am hat fidah below: (a) Ph= I Road l��. Prior tay approval at the fire �misl subdivision plot or itep]m within the projects o� shall Obtain all Associated permits Rod post all �ci�d bonds required fir, The connecting Of the fallowing (collectively, the 4'Phue I Road &gg�= cal U-sis, Rome 20: (i) U.S. Raft 29 goadibumd - ExxAw1idam of the verfical curvicame in the madwayjust north cribs fill U.S. Range 29 Souffibwnd �ns�cfi- Of a wminw-s 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders msaW rail arEquimdbyVDOT) staffingat a point the in 1000 flat ord, cribs nmimmucep =belong it �ding Smith to Almost Road. (fl,) U,S. fleme 29 Soodibo� - mnmdion of dual left lmw; with toper at the fiv) US. Roldc 29 smffbouM - �struedon ofright turn lane with Wpm to serve mahemmog Alan== He SIT 1515. a (Y) U.S. Raw 29 Nurthb*md �ruction of a candisho 12 foot Wide thmugh ]me (with shoulders or Flood rail " may be required by VDOT) extending train Proffit (Airport) Road (Ran(. 6491 to fig, No�ffi� P&IAW wt� (W) U.S. Raw 29 Nmffibomd - W=MCtiOn of a right hand Tom I.. at fix S�.d.�t mwbc� fire g�m of which will be subject to VDOT pprecal (vii) U.S. Raw 29 Noahbound - ��ctioll of IOR turn lane with tatax into SR 1515. (viii) SIT 1513 Basibound - mmt�im and/or restriping to provide left turn lane with thiper fix) Installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase firminfin video theaction and mmmdW immection impm� 9 shc indwasection with U.S. Rome 29. Cal) Close exeding � at U.S. Room 29 and S.uth.� Enhance to SR 1515. (ad) Pfopuad Enhance Rmd between North Pointe Boulevard U.S. Room 29, (2) North Pointo figghnignit Lififidery Road and Proffit Roadir Idnake Read and North Ifiahate Boulevard, in accordiance (I) with the design mu-mofims she" an Shed ELL fim Preffif Read to either Northiside Drive Eact ar, if Nothide, Drive East he not yet base wmnw$W to the roundabout at North Pointe Boulevard, North Pointe Boulevard bell be exuagdoll to Northwest Pnsage. The Owmar shall provide a fifty (50) fact public tight -of -way, along Leare, Read and shall �a a electrode public About to be accepted by VDOT und as much offlan other improvements shown on the ms�swdow in Terrible Within Box available rightsalf-way As, m�bly dd�ined by the County Brigincer. (it) "I'llary wandbmt Air verb that impmvmmts as may be apposived by VINOT and the County, a The intusmikm of Leake Road and PaUft Road she. on Shot IS and do additional wastlyoural right � Im an FROM Read from Leakety Road to US, Rou�29=shmnonMWF In additim,fmpropenyaquisitim that is required BUT the off - sift public fight-opway for ow�efiDn of fee impmnmnt required by this Sea on If 5.3.3 the Owner shall make a wish =tri"m in provide a leter of credit in a fican approved by the Comfy Attorney for such pwq� in She ormourat as declined necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided thin such conound. shall not exceed one hundred fifty Pointe (150c offing Cadbury's fair owke value appraisal pmp�d for acquiscition and mndmntion purposes. The cash cmmbofim or kn� of credit described in this Section shall be used to pay lor took" �afthe Eight ofway acquisition, Thetortalmost arms, right of way Acquisition for the offasects, property rACwAA;y to construct The improvereards, required by this Secailyin 5 3. 1 (a)(2)(H) shall incliwe The normal cum associated with acquiring land, buildings, msmmts mad other authorized interests by =demmtion or by purchase including, but act limited ma, land acquign� =*=win&, surveying. and T�able epmcys; fees. The cash contributim or due left of credit shall be provided by the Own within thirty (30) days upon request by the C)mmty. Ifthe property is acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase pace "I non =Cecil � bonded fifly proceed (150%) of the Courdy's fair market vaine appraisal prepared for =&mnafim purposes without the nesset of �heOwner. ffthersente ffl,rigbad ofwayac*snim =cwds the Bernard previously Contributed, Iddc the Owed shall reimburse the Co�y all Bach — caml is Within thirty (30) tiny. upon request by the Comfy. The County shall =fimd ted the Owner all canness wntributims upon completion ofthe land "addition. (iii) Intentionally Omited fiv) An additional through lane casetiound fice Preffit Road fican U.S. RouM29to the roundabout of the interactin ofWke Road it Proffit Read. maddition, for the off -site public right-opway for �tmdim of the for property Acquisition that is required improvmmts required by this Smuon 53. 1 (aX2)(ivX the Onsever $Wl make a Cash wntributim as. provide a Ionic of credit in A f� aFpmved by the County Attorney for such poirsonsfic in the �mt an &=ad necessary far the prepowity acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such =met shall not exceed and; hundred ffflyp�t (150sbcs) Argue County's fifirmarmt value appraisal prepared for acquisition and md�fim purposes. The cash contribution or labor of radii dmmbW in Thin Section 5.3.1 (a)(2Xiv) shall be used to pay far the Total cast ofthe right of wayzoquisitim. nctotal� of the right ofway acquisition for the off -site ProplarY necessary to washud the impmvmmts required by this Sadism 5.11(a)(2)(iv) shall include the �41 Costs psgibidad with Acquiring land, buildings, �c�% �m� and oftned, mthoriwd interests by =d�o(i. Her by purchase including, but act limited his land acquisition, "Homing, Surveying, and �nable mcbmays faces. The Utah wnhibution sar the leM of credit shall bepmAded by fludy o� within flinty (30) days upon request by the County. Tribe fbT Th months price, shall sea mmd we prosparly is Acquired by purchases the �tibafim the A hundred fifity, percent (150%) of the County's gain market value appraisal prepared for cmd�efim purposes without the consent of ft Owner. If rise One of the light Of WAY amowt previously mtdbmed, than the Owner shall reimburse the acquisition am& the Comfy all such CaMeng, cents within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. Thic, Comfy Shall refficad in the Owner all excess contriburporms oper completion office land acquisition. Completion of the Phase I Rged immewmenn. Within fifteen (15) monflis aft the �m offl, final building pmenit for a ��u building within the lands subject I Commercial subdivision plat or site Plan within file PACjpd, in prior to the issuance of to the fin a �iE�c of ocmT� for Such buildings whichever is Aft All Of the Phase I Road VDOT for public on or bonded for VDOT's thateacteducc if Impmvcmm� dual be accepted by highway, AT accepted by VDOT for public we or handed such Road Improvement; an, a primary to highway, the CowyAH VDOT-s Acceptance breach Read Impmvmmts =ase�daty (b) laws 11 goad Improymmb. Prior to approval ofthe firld Aim Plan that Would authorize the g�gd. mmmd.1, office =4 hotel gain floor amed AS she" . Shed A within the Project To commend harm hundred notify thousand i290,ODG) square finds, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and Post all associated bonds required for the youncruction of the fialkswing (collectively, the'?hmc IT Road Impm�mte): (1) Midic Entrance . U.S. Route 29 R Noodusid. Drive EWJS (i) US, Room 29 Southbounfill -conati Action (if a continuous lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be required by VDCIT) marfing at 12 fool wide darrugh earth of the Middle Entrance and extending to the point wbracrc it point that is 1000 feel frinnests with the portion Orion lane constmded pursuant to Section 5.3. 1 (a)(1)(ifi. (if) U,S. Rom 29 Soithbnmd - constrandoon of dual )ell MH I=. With taing. flat US Route 29 So�hbDmd - constrectim of a right him lane virifli Larne (iv) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - constrandion of a right hand lane All the middle Entrance, the grenadine; Inwhicle will be sublyrot to VDOT approval. (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - Construction of left him lane with topent (vi) SR 1570 Eastbmd - constructiout at HE containing eflannes to fault in sepmtc IRA, through and right win movements. ta of a traffic signal vio Enhance mad W�3tbomd - histatinfic, With 8 phase timing vidw de�on =it assainnued intmWim finpm�ents ant U.S. Route 29. (vifl) Existing emasom InCypearas close the momvw. (I%) Fraystage, mad final Cypms Drive in SR 1570 - ou�dy musitg U.S. Route 29 thmgb construction of public street to serve pacaperfics; Cyp� Drive. (2) Northadde Drive Bait between U.S. Route 29 and North Pointe Boulevard CA shown on Shed D-1. Completion of the Phase 11 Road Improvement$, Wiflue fifififint (15) months after the issuance fthe first building permit for a building within the aw& habjeat by the first subdivision plat or site plan that would andimize the it hat.1 gross Beer me AS shown on Shed A within the Poiject to socomal two handled madY t1comand (290,000) square fact, AT prior be the ignore of a Certificate of ousuffirmay for nay building that causes such gross floor area to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) �o= fed, wbOrhaver if marlier, all of the Phase 11 Road happovencents shall be accepted by VDOT fier P argy for VDors acceptance iblio headed for VDOT's awcpmncD if such Read Improvements ,a . primary higlaway, or Accepted by VDGT fm public Use Or bonded in the Cc if such Road Impmv�ts arre a secondary highway. (a) Phase III Road Improvements Prior An the earliest Of: (2) the approval of the field subdivision plat or Site pin that would authorize the aggregate number of dwelling units within [be Prial 10 comend flvc hundred thirty-flarep, (533)� (if) the approval of a subdivision plat AT site plan for any development of the Neighborhood investment Property or any porlion fificarsup a, (in) file five (5) year anniversary of the date of bounce of the first conficato of occupancy for it building of pmijses within the PMI Owner shall obtain all associated permits and Fed all associated bonds required for the caristructien of the following wed improvements (collectively, the '?hm in Rapid Impeachments") to the extent my such mad impmvmw� have nod already ban compldc&' (1) bkothesawast Erwm= (MIgnicite Lewis & Clark Drive) an U.S. RQuU29, (i) US. Route 29 Scuffibomd - w�Em of ]oft turn ],,a with topister. (IT) Northwest Passage firm U.S. Rome 29 to North Prices Boulevard (ifl) U.S. Roche 29 Northbound - mn�dim of a right baud win lane, The promentich ofwhich will be suffect to VDICIT appeal (IV) from ik�dy �cteA North Pointe Boularound between, NoahRide Drive East "it Northwest Passage (v) if the ml signal in be �oW by Others is is place prior No Owning wimaluminif work an this NarbywEwwe F��M And such traffic signal only includes three IcA Owner shall add the firmah Ing to the gcafs which shall include additional Most Arms, signal twes and scribal equipment incessary to imaim Nicalvereat Pmage's on of The maintenance, as downwind by VDCT. if Tio, ff. sgnaa Hot in place and the vaidethor traffic generated by the Preject causes dic VDCIT signal wwals ty be met, Ind VDOT mquim did a traffic sipul be installed in a candithort ofthe �� permit, Ow= shall install such Castle signal. (2) Notwithstanding my nuffirser provision wnwncd in this Proffer Slatmod, within me hundred eighty (180) days affige written Comes ftern file County that it intends to build al damningly School on dre School Lot (AS "School Lore' is defimd in Station 1), the Chumer shall submit road plms for the ��cbm of Northwest Passaffe from North Pointe Boulevard to US, Route 29 to VEADT and to the County for reviews and when sasactorApproval. F.�h�m Within Twelve (12) ..fh� Aft. of the building permit for construction of flat ciment� school, and if act already completed, Owner will wmpldc (i) Northwest P�ge franc North Pointe Boulevard tti U.S. Riclue 29, (h) the improymmts ad lerth in Section 5.3,1(cill) ab� and (ill) Noah Pointe Boulevard Imm Nortacide Drive Ent to Northwest Passiggla. To Allow the dcvdopmmt of the School Let, the Owner shall gmnt all temporary mmmmu, unnecessary CA all" ingress; and ogress bar vehicles and construction equipment, grading, the translation and Maint�M Dfref(WHIC and andinswit anninal ineavre� ad my Chat camshafts, &A temporary mummorm, am shown an the subdivision plot HE site plan for [be School Lsol and mutually agreed to by the Owed and the d�diipaoflhe School Let. Completion offibe Phase III Rmdlm�nts Within twelve (12)mmths after the o�mee of the applicable e� in Section 5.3-11u) which required the Owner to obtain all Associated permits and post all associated bonds rc*md fic the connection of the Phase III Road impm�mmts, all of the Phase III mad improvements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use car bonded for VDOT's aocep� if sucht Road Impmvemmts the a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT far public Use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceprombicsuch Road 1mwAvmbMz me a secondary highway. 5.3,2 tiponroq� by the Exurty, Owner Shelf make a rush courbution in the County or VDOT far the cost Ara le Bar witelifirs; radio system that will link one in mom offire signals between Larvis and Clark Dow and Airport Radand; provided, however, that the total cub exantribution shall not excesod thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000). Subject to matters of finite majefore, if the Comfy does Act request the Ends, or does request the filmods but the commintudian of the system it= mat begin by the later of December 31, 2010 in three (3) years after Completion craft oftheRmd Impmv=mM said funds shall be refunded CA the Owner, 5.3.3 Prior to the approval olplaw for improvements at my US. Rowe 29 intersoctions, to I Owner shall provide VDOT taffific signal network tiencing plans that VDOT finds comert b y addml The impacts of the proposed preffic signals for peak traffic periods. 5.3.4 Regime] Transportation Studyl Cod, Contribution. THIS PROFFER HAS BlEEN SATISFIED. Lima Tagunt by the County, Owed shall make a cob raintrilifictim. of am bridualdread thousand dollers ($100,000) to the County for the purposes of funding a regional harnportation study far the Route 29 coadden, which includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Riv� River and the Holiymead OrowIb Am of which North Pointe is a pad, The contrilatifirm shall be made within fairly (30) days &But requested by the County wydme after the pentraingisapproved, Iffific request is mma& within al you after the dong ofopprovid of the first final site plan for the first mmordit building within the Failures fit pmffw shall be=enulladvoid. Iferl cub anduribution is not cxpmrdAd for the stated purpose within then (3) years farm the date the finds were caratributeld to date Carady. all woMpraided foods docill be rchnded to Bac Owns. V1. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND CREENWAY 6.1 Ydei.. Pathway,. All padessublas pathways shall be classified ist shown on, it, onsifiest fish the pathway. An be nstruded by the the Pedestrian Pothway Key on Shoe C County, shall be she" on flar subdivision plat 0, Sim Plop far the firearderying or adjacent Inds within the Project. The pathways Shall be constructed by Owner as Class; A a, Class B trails an identified on Shoe (3, suit to exacrounne, With the applicable desig, and nmedn stmduds in the County�s Dinegn Standards Manuel Such Construction shall be in Conjunction with the ipm�.wtA for the Subdivision plat or site plan, as the cose may be, Rod bonded with the stoperit if the pathways am a subdivision impmwmmi, or with a perf�mce bond If the pathways am a site plan improvement. The pathway shown an Shed 0 along Flat Branch north thad South of likedhaside Drive Fasiddiall Hot Continue Through A culwH ire Colonel is used for the now, mssilig. 'Me pathway intended for the culwart between Park E and Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall conform so the applicable Standards in VDOT's "Subdivision Street Guidance and Owner shall egin the pathway if it in Hot accepted by VDOT for narmakerandect, 6.2 Lake. Upon potential the Goal owner shall defificalse to the Comfy the lake shown on die Application Plain for public ma, provided MAT and lake will be available for on by Owner for mom"t� mawgmAwt as d�-W in Shot C to the Application Plm entitled "Swm�tff Management and S� Co...vAfim Ple (Shed C"). VIL THIN SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELIETED YET. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8.1 Branch Lib�, (a) Upon request by line County. Outand, shall dedicate In the COhUUY the fee simple interest in the Ind shown on Shot 3 a a library, consisting of a 15,000 gq� fool My graded pad sites with utilities, to �odatc a 12,50) square foot building forarint, a five foot pw,.,e� strip and up to a 25,000 square fed buildings together with a �clusiw mmmt in the mjwM for kW� legal �tion staging And sufficient County Code required puking, stomwawr detterfied, and � quality fificilifirs far the location of a fimtEWing jeff..-MAwn Regional Library and mob Allow suffirs: that are compactible Left') with the propowd surrounding used, in detraumd by the County (die "library Norwithstanding the talent offle prim serum= an tho ccMmy, ifthe requirmmts for the library building require a larger budding footprint, the Comfy may authorize, the library building footprint to be larfair than a at" in the prior saAar�, provided, howcyu, that the size of the and, shown o "Park Ho on Shea B ("Park IT") en&� line size of the adjacent Parking IS (ft "Idlevery Puking Lots) hall be adjusted immediately north of the l�b=y Lot can Shoot Accordingly to anommoddin Such larger building Sectarian, The Owner shall not be responsible for my utility tap fim, but Owner shall Complete oc�,&jm of the Library Puking Lot and other parking recas sering the Uhrmy Lot The Owner shelf ponnit the County M use [be Library Parking Let and/or, if not already mmauc�d, Park K for purposes of mstmaim fiews the County that it intends fly begin taking. Within melve(12) months of�wrirmmti. oms�fim of the hibrary, the Owner shall fmke Bus �s me& and the mrs, of the Library Puking LET available with at later a fare kWh temperate] abuse base for Use a accese and in ion aging. shall be completed and available ow aid, an Thical it= has (10) months after headline a a building permit for the liberty, provided, h�, do asphalt pavement in ficands used for mammalian staging by the Comfy shall Am be required He tic installed until thiny (30) days (or well longer freewheels, time Am may be due 10 weather Conditions) wer me County has removed in =stmmion�miated mandiale W equipment. Upon thicarqued ofthe County, Park maintaining IT shall aim be dedicated to publy. ifir, but the Opinion shall rail be nspoweld. for other such park, Ovismar shall be responsible fier WBW� Of The "bAffY Parking Lot And puking space, serving the Liberty Lld .it ft County shall have ade bligatirs. 1. be A ... be, of any owmerls; prewifirmon. The Ccdwy�r request Tim dedication of the land for the Library LcI iBsam�offlie Rod Park H Ali.]] be made within three (3) years following the ]met Us wour Of (J) fist msidmtial building permit within if= ",al, (if) owees completion a F the infrastructure, (including bar not limited to sudds, w�� �, clechiel goal required for the use of the he extended by Library Let, in (Ili) December 31. 2016 (which December 31,2016 deadline may wtittm mutual agreement of the Owner and the County). VA request far such dedication is not frar will be null and void. =tic Within three (3) years following the laid ofthm dulfics, this Pin (b) Green Be in the avoid that The mqw�mts far the library building require a larger building bacterial, and the County elem to adhatim the library building Anabaptist to be larger than 12,500 ago= find rerm to ..Orion S. l(a) above, and in the finih. assume mordechip for a portion of the larger buildings Own" shall Accept such ownership in a �d that the building is thredoped as a cifinkerainium and the Cociany requests the Owner it, ;bdunty, radical price upon which the parties may mutually ag�, mid shall =tdb� to the C on a pin rate basis based on the proportional Sim ofthe portion afibe library building owned by the Owed relative to the at= of the library building as a whole, the we of designing and inflation of a �"aing such building, These =is may include, if denitand by the County, ins signal anneVe and my additional expanses Associated with s�muraliy rdnf=ing the war as fidereardarytia support the 9= roof Within too (10) days after anecipt ofa�q-� fbrpaYmant by the County that is Accompanied by documentation to support the progreas payment mount 0 provided in the �tucdm Contract, the Owner shall submit Bach paymm� try the County, Alternatively, in the wand the County elects to dwip the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Envimmentd Design fwLEED") bifildirig, the Owed shall wntibuW to the County, on a pin rate basis based On the MP�icnal site of the portion of the Brady building owned by the Owner rdative NO the sin of the library building Am a whole, the additional costs of constructing the library building To obtain LEED �ifimfim for the building, Wittlyintes(10) days after neceipt at a request for paystainat by the County that is ansamplificamod by documentation to support the pmgmn payment Amount as provided in the consfirreflon contract. rise Ownin shall Submit men payments to the County. Ile derign of the grabon roof, in the cidearida utilized in obtain the LEED Matification, AS applustable, shall be in the County's discreastion. 9.2 AffgrdableHoasine. Subj�tothei�smd=diuonsofthisS=i. 8.2, the Owner shall provide a minimum of fififirly (40) "fail-safe, sidential dwelling mats a affordable dwelling units, a mincrothe of sixty-six (66) "for-TeW' residential dwelling wits as affordable dwelling units, and a minim= of four (4) Carmap How Units (as Carriage Home Units ashe defined I. Smady. 8.2(d)), The forty (40) dwelling =its hall be wmpnsed of the following types of dwelling wits: twelve 12) firem mul!i�family, twelve (12) from ottwee (cwsistiKg of toawhEuxw, duldexcls, watched housing Condominiums in the few single family comeralABud the, widentified housing types); and sixw. (16) destarbelf, well at the sale prices and under The terms and candituday; set fifirth in this Section 8.2, The Owner shall �ey Ole VerponSiffilitY of sonstructing the affordable units to the subsequent owners oflms within the Property. (a) Multi-Flawly and "Other" FE-Se Affordable Unit . For multi -family and "other"fic-sale affordable dwelling units within the Property, such affordable Emis Shall be affordable 0 households with incomes less than eiplity parcent (60%) of the area median faily berande (the "Affordable thin Qualifying In�e'4), Such that the housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate taxes and forecowners insurance (PITT) do not cxcctd thirty percent (30Y.) of die Affordable Unit Qualifying ovided, howebear, that in no mw shall The selling price of such affordable unds be less than the Senator of On. Hundred Ninety Thousand four liundmd Dollars ($190,400) or sixty-five percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Dmehopmm Authority rAMA") =ran= mortgage ficir first-time home buyers at the beginning of the 90-day identification and qualification period indencychised in Section 92(0. di SinvJe Family Them hed Fin-Ses, Affordable Units ("bildgicandely-Pricrad Unite'. PAT single family detachend for -sale afficialichile units within the Property C'Modm�ly. Priced Unftes% such Modwddy-PrOABd Units shall be affmdable in houcholds with Internet ]am than mal hundred twenty percent (120%) of the � median fairly inwmc (she "Moddermally-Prichad Unit Qualifying Instance), met the the homing cots consciednig ofPM do for mcoW thirty percent (30%) of the Modmtely-Pnctd Unit Qualif3ring Income, provided, however, &in in no Overstaff the selling Tarbaccul'such Ishoderady-Piriced Units be required 0 he ]Sets than the greater of Tm Hundred 'Mildly Eight Thousand Doll= ($239,000) or eighty percent (801 of the applicable VEDA �i� mortgage fall ficad-thade home buyers in the beginning ofthd) 90-dayrideatification and qualification period beficamed in Section &2(f). (a) Par-lient, Affordable Und . Fail a period of five (5) years following the date the coltificae of occupancy is issued by the Capwy ran each fo�MA affordable miL sar until the ib Am Cold fies low or wNhml Cost units qualifying has such wild either the Virginia Hanning Development Authority, F�w Home Administration. or Housing and Urban Developments Scott= $I vkieb"w comes Best (die "Affordable Terandfini, such Units shall be readed to No for -rend households with incomes 1. than the Affiandeale Unit Qualifying income. b affordable unit may be coupled mom it= ral Towards the number of for-med affiordat ]a dwelling units required by this Section 8.2, (i) Cgic nor of Inter All deeds Conveying any intense in the fire rate Affordable each during the A filim-dahle Term shall remain language riescifing That such halt is my flor-rent affordable unit, or my pan flormcf, timing the Affordable Tariff, shall contain it Complain and fall disclosure of (he re�icli= and wa�ls Nm1d1hdAd bey this Section 8.2(c). price to the areveyow, of my interest in my ifin-cent affordable unit during the Affordable Team, the thm.m=t owner shall notify the ODuffly in writing ofthe Conveyance and provides the name, address and mlephmc number of the Owial UwIM and state that the requl=mts ofthis Section 8.2(c)(i) ham bear sAfisfIcd. 00, Annual R�dim During the Affordable Term and within nindy (90) days following the and of each calandur year, the thw-�m owner shall provide TO the Albemarle County Housing Offince, a Imatifired annual oppon ofall for-asit affordable units for the immediately preceding Year in a form Bad =balance ��bly acceptable to the County Housing Offices Subject to all federal, soft and local housing lows, and upon �mable notice during The Aflordwlv Term, the Owner shall make Available to the County at the than-wrmu ocancer's prfimdaes� ifremsestial my reporM opice ofmtat orio�agre�eiiu,� Other data pertaining to rmtd raise as the Counry may�naMy require, (it) Catriagn Hulmd, Cmdage He= Units shall meet the requirements for a single family dwelling a definad in five, Virgircia Unitbm Statewide Building Code, shall be on the smile princel AS, the primary dwrifing, unit A, which it is accessory, and shall not be Subdivided from the primary residence i"Cieringe How Units"). The subdivision restriction shall be included on The plat creating such pawds and be incorporated into each dead conveying title to such parcels. (a) Each subdivision pig hold Inte Plan ficir land within the PmPmY which includes affordable wife (which, far this Section S-2pe) educhill include Moderately-Prichad Units) shAll dissigmen the lots ce unds. as Applications, thin Vill, subject Be the terms and conditions of this pmff�, incorporate affordable unitistedearkard heroin The filed such subdivision plat or site plan shall include a minim= of them (3) inew, affindable wits. Thersafter, and =61 the mml number of affordable dwelling unim pmffered hmmda shall have been fulfilled$ the Owner shall provide a minimum offiame (3) such affordable dwelling units par your. EwhfinW subdivision plat and final site plan else slid] include a �ng total of the number and p�.g. of ffindable =its perilously plovided and Proposed in be provided by the al subdivision plat w site pin. Par purposes of thing Sciefion &2(d, go& units sball be dome to have been paritividifil who the subsequent own.?.Wda province; written chatics, in the County Housing Office or its Sentiment that the unitio) will be available (ACT sales as required by Section in 8.2(1) below. In the event that the Owner provides � Om three (3) affordable dwell If units in a single year, the Owner may lemy over" or "bartV credit, ran such affordable units, snob the do, a4fiflond affordable arrits which exceed th, minimum annual roquinmmt may be allocated hashrd flAs dwroon number of affordable wardis required to be provided for my future year. no maximum number of affordable units that my be morried over in banked iall Out "mad twelve (12) par ym. Notwithstanding the tons of this Section 8 2(0) to flit welitary, Upon the written request of the Owner, the Comty MAY Authorize At Alternative Pmms mdlw schedule far the provision argibor delivery of Such L%jdRble units upon a detemmatim that the request is in general accord With the PUTDO mad totem of SCUiM 8.2 stradlor otherwise firlbars the pals oflareviding ficifloardable hovsing in the County. All purchases of the gestalt affordable units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Howing Office ar its defifillsocau Th, subsequent �w/build� "If provide the County of its designer a Theriod of lamely (90) days so identify and proquillify n eligible purdimpur far the affordable unit The ninety g9cfi�fircy period shall wxmxnxncC upon Wyman edition fmm the thm-ormot that the unit(s) will be available for Able. IftheCturdscryarics; rucifinfic man not prevalse a quatifie] purchatifivir who comentes a mantand of purchase during this ninety (90)-dgy paiod� the then-c�t owerrodurdider shall beve, the right to efl the mait(.) without my antrootaxic on sales prics, or income ftk ,Ahmer(s), pmvjd.d, hourglass flocaudy monist Sold without coutely overhaul shall movallocked; be Counted toward the wardear Of affordable units mquircd to be provided pursuant to this (Cape of this Section 8.2. The Tesperstments of this Section 3.2 shall apply only to the first sale ufoad ofthe affordable Unit. c County shall bow She TighL fi� nine Bay free, a- reasonable refuse IT) 71 and subject to all applicable privacy laws, in inspect the �T& of Owner or my suraftemblifirs in intered far the purposes ofm�ng wrWH� with this Proft (h) Cash THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days after the Based of Supervisors ammal of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be Contributed fifires hdAwrgd fimm.A dollars (S300,000) Cash to the County of Alb=arle for ibis Albemarle Hvisficififig, ftddiafivc Fund in such otbw similar fired as may be dodalishad or authorizend by the County, The contribution shall be to fund Affordable home ownership Tom pmgrms within the Pmj� and other � of Albemarle County, including those provided by nonfitanifit homiag agencies mch as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Habitat for Hummity, and the Albmn�le Housing hnpmvmeat Pmg�. IfsmbcnhcDntribudonis the smiled purpose within five (5) years fim the date the funds were net expanded for Contributed 1. the County, ad mmj�nded funds shall be reficablead to the Owner. IX EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES Elen )owing 9.1 ftEy School Sim. Within two hmdmd sevesely (270) days to] request by Ole County, Owner shall Indicate to the County the land shown on the Appli.do. Plan as "Elmmtwy School 12.95 Acres Magnitude Layout", consisting of appwxhnatCly 12.85 ft� (Or a mpjlwpoUm branch Ind in the Courey's Sale discretion) (the "School Lill Print to dedication, the School LET shall be graded and Compacted by Owner ach a minim= of 95% with Suitable material for building carapparythin as measured by a standard Pmetol m�aim as certified by a professional engineer or as otherwise approved by the Comfy aid wpguvwmd1s shoccep on the Appliossitton Plan Shall be rise graded =it ban RATE fingimm, ph coldid, a fully graded pad site to Accommodate an elementally animal The sell and sail mmdmmts arksgul, and the mains befir an inclinational irrignition sy� drining the r�iimW fields dW] beW"cd, Sucbimpwvemmt�.%hallbu�sonablyequivalmdwihoso misting at rise remaoonsi flcldp of B&keyBUdN Uncanny qi.11wl, spedighfic of my above ground impmv�nts. The pithershart pathftya 0 Ohm' On the Ptaidechour offlan School Lot on ft Application Plan shall be Released an the subdivision plat prepared Icy Owner coating the an the site in graded far the �ation fields. School W ad the pathways sball be installed wb The Owner "I provide all utilities to the School Let. The dedication #hall bachade cas�u across ow",�, laid by, ml T, and use of Beard Water Robns5 oil 10 shown an the Apph the Plan, together with all adpormy �shAic�on msmmtfi its allow S�ata Basin an Its 10 to be rabsigmed acid courgs ifn�mary, to aaw=odaW tiny Solea)l Lot &MoAAwl it School Lat bell be Iud as .1 emenarSchool it, but it the Cerny dereastichas that The School Lot will not 1, used as all channintrayelfinval sar, it shall be usell by the ('ounty gas park recrwdml papfififint, ervnboth an, North Pointe community =I] the Region, If 1110 am I thm the School LEI be defficead by the 1= of Dc�ba 31, 2016 and the County), in three (3) years after the issuance of the F� maidectial building permit B Owner shall be under no further obligation no dedicate the School Lot for within the Prefer, Ili the purpose thearribed handles but slid]], by January 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days after such later thousand dollars (3500,000) ran to the County in be wed by the date, contribute five hundred County fifir projects identified in the County's CIP mA;OnahY related to the Heads offiche North Pointe a�=ity, and in such event the School Lot may be mod for offider raddential purposes as approved by the County afta request by Owner for an =mdmml to the Application Plan. Aft. dedication and before the County uses the Schmal Lot for a school difir fifir park and and by the County, Owner shall maintain the School Let Until omeadowl uroseand iftedrods requestad by the County to no longer do AM subject to tile Ow�Cs right to �elmive mat Of file School Lot Impark and r��mal purpose. Such parkand �iaml purposes shall be only an approved final site plan or Subdivision plat for the area that includes the th.. cases shown Schmd Lot. Upon being requested by the County, Owner shall cause all use and reachmentance of the School Let and �ove all imparearyinfinfirs established by Dastriner that the County requall be removed. The County shall not be oblipud to PAY Owed fifir any improvemmU �ablisbed by Owner the the County retains. The defied of dedication for the School Lot shall provide that if Die County accepts title As the School Let and thm dow Hot construct either a park or a school within �ty (20) years following the date the Board of Supervisors apparent the ZMA Amendment, fluen upon Onsficar's request title in the School Lot shall be �sfwcd to Owner at no ap�to Owner. 9.2 Ban Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop improvement., ad Bus Send (a) Owed shall monftet The (10) public bus stop Omwffs o shosivin on the applicable Plans or otherwise Own (2) in he muth�ost residentied area, fact (4) in the �ic)mial wasid, and flour (4) in the other Tmidmtial Areas, how in 4 habinkin MUWBIIY acceptable in Ownw and the County. The bus stop famoM shall be approved with select �mdion plans for the Project and bonded and =snded with the strides. fla Upon the requect by the County, Oymm shall confiedbute the Mal sum of twenty five thmmd doll= (325,000) Cash towards the design and wnstructim of the above ground bus gap impmvmnu snob a benches and sideram meeting Standards established by the Cirmlyat musib bus stop. Stan County dOCSMtTCqUCk the funds, or requests the fieficalsbul does net w�a the bus imp impmvm= by the Iota of Docturnbacer 31, 2015 or Board (3) yean aft plainclothes, of the mad network fact includes the bus stop tu.fF� than subject to niffiefies, of faces �j�M the Eirsexperanded hands shall, in flit distinction of the County, either be �med to Owed or applied to a Project ideraffied in the County's trapited improvement pmg� wiflun or wiffildrod in the Project thin benefits the Project. (c) Within thirty (30) days after the introduction of public trandiffirmartion ity the Precious, Owner shall contribute wmty-fiva thousand dollars ($25,000) Cash to the County He be usba for operating expenses related to such scrvicc� and shall Thereafter Annually Contribute Tawydy�Frva Ti.A.d Dollars ($25,000) cash to the County W be Used for (sliendiAg wP-R- retired to so& service for a poll of nine (9) additional Yang, such that the total firands contributed to the County pursuant Be thia Section 9.2(c) 6.11 net prood Two Hundred Fifty Thamand Dollars S250,000). If the introduction offrallific to the Peajam does net commence by the later of ran (10) years arm the Board of Supervisors approved the ZMA Occupancy Amendment, or seem (7) years after the time offlue, annual, office fied OdfifihAlUb of for The first commercial building within the Project, this Section 9.2(c) shall become null and void X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Unless the dedication of public nfdt-of-way add the commuction of sucstreet an required in camstaxion with the related wactions, or approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and foot Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) that wide right-of-way located unthin me area shown on Swal IS and identified CA a 11501 R.O.W. Reggerand for Future Dedication" connecting a right- of-way ficas the proposed middle mtmm mad undo Worth Pointe try, the southern Property Em of Thai MAP 32, Parcel 22B islioll? 32-221w). Prior to the issumm of a building permit for Building 32 as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Ciandidt Court ofAlb..,IA County, A ..k im�ble deed ofilondicalmin dedicating to public use for mad purposes, the me ladided "50'R.O.W. Resersed flor Future Dedimdon." Owner Acknowledges, that it it is wt pan of a subdivision plat Approved by the County, such oft of ricificatimmust be fire reviewed and appravord by the Board ofSapmi� and Accepted by the Beard. Such died of dadication shall include the following conditions: (I) that TMP 32-22B shall ham base upashchad; and (if) that prior tic its use for -ad purposes, there schall have bear constradrad an the land so dictiftionsund a mad approved by the County and =opted by VDIOT for public now bonded far VDOT's �ptmw. At the time Office �sbwdon ofthe access mad serving Building 32, the O�u shall Command the intermediate curb radii or the mad leaving TMP 32-22E and extend Construction of such mad for at lug a minim= of we hundred (100) fee few Nordisid. Drive Else. The OmAc Shall also piano at " and arsenic extended mad, a signs approved by the County, advising and notifying the public that such rght-of-way is the local= of a Route mad extension. Owner end giant �paruy wns�im M=mts as determined �sary by the County Engineer in OI1Ow for the mud to be mtmdW in TMP 32. 22E, which wnmudm claimants shall be an O�er's proplely, it outside of the dedicated riglo-oppay, And shall be established by the applicable aim plan. No inipro�m� shall he located within the temporary mm�dim intranets until confirmation of such mad has base completed. 10.2 Access CA Tax Man 32A. gmdn 2- Parcel 4 frrest Nmthwoods Mobile Rome Park Property). Unless the dedicathin ofpublic fight -of -way and the ��cdm of such Wed are required in sadjudectior, with the Approval of a subdivision plat vader Aibmmie CounlyCoxic § 14-409mdrdated sections, wth6r�essms: Owed shall bussers, an s I. the ]..it. labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication's at the eastern Ind of the main cumrr�al Access mind findin U.S. Rome 29 on Shed B for access by Tax Map 32A. Section 2, Puma] 4 C'T7%4P 32A.2-4"). Tried to the issuance of a building pwnit for Building 6 or Buildings VI thmugb V6, Bob an shown on the Application Plan, which. is cauli Ownw­ Ali.]] rouland it the Clerk's Office of the Cirsaut Court of Albemarle County, a cument, ifirevolable dead of dedication dedicating to public we for road purposes, the area lefifichad "Sif R.O.W. Rearread for Future reduction." Owncraknowlshies that if it is not pan of a subdivision plan apparchadd by the County, such offor of dedication =of be That reviandl and appossed by the Board of Supervisors d facreptold by the Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that TMP 32A-2-4 at][ have ban umbrined: and tfi) that pTim in its ABC for road purposes, Ili= shall have bow constructed on the or land so chdicood a mad Approed by the County ..,it .pro by VDOT far public use handed far VDOT E cmpW�. At the time of the constafifien of the roundecout serving Building 6 and Buildings Vl through Va thin Owner shall cancround the intrasection, curb radii and utmd commuction ofthe mad for A distance of at least thirly fee beyond the mmdabout. The Owner shall also place at the and of such m�ded mad, a sign, approved by the County, advising and wififyint; [be public that such right-af-way is the location are fund= mad extension. A and before the conditions cribs dedication have ban satisfied, and lfrequestrad After hdical by the County, Owner el maintain the dedicated land until requested by the County to no [mom do so, Subject To the Obander*9 Tight TO exclusive me Of the dedicated land for park, emotional, And/or gradinspubm purposes. Upon theing mquested by the County, O�r Amu cassess all use and maintenance Area, dedicated Ind =it Tmove all representing established by Owner (ifaday) that the County requeses be removed. Owner shall grant temporary construction cartoon, fiest determined �wy by the County Engineer by allow for the mad to be extionfided to TMP 32A-2-4, which comomflon ��ig shall be on Oeincest pronderty Bud orded. of the deffloccured right-opway, and shall be established by die applicable site plan. No imPmvmmu shall be located within the temporary construction casements Until oArstnbCfiQn ormunda mad halt be. Completed. XI. SIGNATORY [2.1 CeWtkt�, The undersigned modify that they cas the Only carraturis ofthe Property, which is the subject ofthe ZMA Amendmt. 12.2 Th. Owner. Them proffifirs shall me with the Propenty and with rufneence to Owner within these pareffers; shall include within it. meaning, and shall be binding upo� OrAmices =mmor(s) in interest and/or the filoveloper(s) of the PmPMY OT my TiOnfim of the prayinal (Sig.Wre Pages Immediately Follow) This Pull Statement may be signed in campripplas andifor via facsimile with the same full force and effect as Bill Signatures werearighted and onone document qfCgifficlar P mhorA_WAT_All Qwc�.. WIM Glacat Eastern Crdrqc�iyl anager COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLDITESVILLE it it N P I m and r Ile Jun . selaill ARK.Bacid hereby carefies that Mary ub L nAL we name dgdf�f Great Eastern Mmag�t Company, mat'Ile LLC Via ManagwofN Pointe Charlon - file, LLC, Virginia licabad liability Company is signed to the foregoing Amended and Restated Preffm Smtmmt bearing the date as of lillifi �q sold imie 2013, andenowleddled the men before me in my jurisdiction standard an behalf lr� liability company. Gi. der my hand this J5 dayofA&**-2013. 0 iscome My cuapaficr!�;A"Pgrgs - 11 t­31 2014 [SEAL] Daw COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE undersigned Notary P Op do tic idlefical aforesaid limby certifies that mal Ram= management ConequanyI Mandagar of"if'oled Hill Associates, L.I.C., a Virginia limited liability Company, is signed to fluts Amended and Rumed Prefflor Stalmmt homing the date as of 2013, f Sal acknowledged the same before me in myjurisdiction Aforesaid on balmild'of As ited liability company Given under my hand this day of 2013, mission caffircus: My cc CW4ft&qKW -r- I ISEALI C" & C.� 1911 MYC�. EM We -t 1 2014 CV4 CWH PR07P BE LIMITED PAR to to Limited Limit Gaza I r. Great Eastern Man. Datei COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OFALREMARLE dend ad Notary Public 84 f�br eaidiction donescad hereby certifical that f Greg Eastern Maug=mt Cmpmy, T Of T kinhip, onerM Period of CWH Properties Unifted Partmostup, a Virginia lifictifind pean�hi , is if to the fmgoing Amended and Restated Proffier S�wt bearing th 2013, acknowledged the a hot= , in mijurigifiction aforesaid an median or said partnership. Given undermy hand this chy.fMMMW 2013. r`�CWSW& aww_i Ramuft ime�wmalh3l 2014 [SEAL] Notary PuFas'.- 0 M LO C3 0 (n 0 00 ZQ) 14 saaaasI, 1-4 "14 0 6 co 0 _l,-) UJ C) C) LU 1.4 0 C: raccans! Z ficassal -4 Q) c Z 0 M LJ W LET 0 �r_ co Q) (f) P-4 LU �14 0 r P-4 L 0 C-4 co C.4 0 C-4 Q) 0 g �..) C) 0 4 I� 0 0 2 < E Q) 0) >1 C C) 1-11 BRIAN C. MITCHELL Lic. No, 03572 0112012022 0 NAL 10 1C, No' '35724 01 2 2022 0 0/ _SSIO L tttX r J NAJ 1 0 0 3: 0) E! :E 0 a) 0 >1 CL 0 0 0 9) REVISIONS C 0) CDA TE ITEM LET 4) -.tf 0 0 0 CE 0 4) :5 m 0 0 PROJECT MANAGER C li,,� I �MITCH�ELLP.E�. .21 PROJ.# SHEET If C 1 =Af, P ® a G-LOTS j1ITII GRIND PUMPS DI IIaRGI TO GRAN �I` V I " 'PARKS 11}\ SIZE MODIFIED MARK _TYPE_ I. WIDSCAPING _ AC 71VI7V _. - y_ IS. F.I CRITICAL SLOPE VVV S . SIZES �a A Res Natural Park LandGrass bowl grass 60encbes Passive 1950E NA ® — i� D Natural Vallee amphitlPEhItamea er Grass bowl PassMe 12 27995 93 PRESERVED 96 • -' C Riedenaal Street Island Landscaped grass Passive 16457 6,9M .-7 T•( _ ••• D Natural Valley use Recreation Natural woods 8 benches Passive 27 507 29,77E �.� E South Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active; Passive 46.507 65,672 �\,_ ,; .: _-re -•...., :.y,. ' C Er.,.,. aPal na..w.,., ..e ..v...,.m.,,Landscaped walk Acbve 36.544 N� t — MANAGED ♦ F oulh Club House Picnic Area Play courts In natural woods Aotwe 5360E 47 ... -+ r.... S y p NA a6 \� - o __, �♦ y - Q H Urban Plaza handscaped) Landscaped walkways Passive 12.10E NA �' ♦ II I Naft Club House Receation Area Pool and natural woods Ac,lve l Passive 50 669 64,0$7 ♦ m ., / Z ,� -Y,ao_. ♦ ifi Natural Valley Entrance and Play Area Play court nnatural woods Active; Passive 11586 12,392 ❑ ASCA CREATED/MAN MADE i'� __ r ;♦ 0 / C ,, - '•. ♦ g TOTAL 264B61 SIl 0fi3 f y '� ♦ RESERVED . FUTUREQI! - f• `.� ♦ FOR FUTURE , °8® �A Q o 69 •`•••-a. `DEDIC UPONDEMAND �I ` YT ��� nA, i • � tea, y 4 � • ILIAPDPnRV FVERGEIOtI •a "�", • +�-. i 12` I I-_;a�r Snel iPu- '*�-. 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ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REV 06/11/14 �.`4 - sue. GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESMULE, VA 22901 DAVD MITCHELL, E.IS. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: d.vd0southern-d.s.m.com TOwNES SITE ENGINEERING CIO TERFIBRIAC. MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LOR1 ROAD, SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, 74 23832 PHONE: (604) 748-90119011 FAY; (804) 746-2590 Asll ca-low E-MAIL: RMITCHELLaCCTOWNES.COM -�� Townes SITIF •.`"�- -4� - '•� e 201 Chesterfield, 9850 Virgri inia (383' _ Phone: 804 748-9 11 Pas: 804 748-2590 Y6 GREATEASTERN MANAGEMENT ASK US HOW 0 0 ►o C rnC30 V CC) dt U Z 0y� V' G! U n0 P W c� C:co W��U Z �"r� t)0 �.;_4 0 }7 N Z �' m O 6v .b 044 3 a 0 ., F- QI N O U C a Fy.y L) U �l C a ° U 0 0 01 O O 0 a Q N IT C ��pLT H p c T C p o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic. No, 035724 01/20/2022 P��FSS/ONALENG\� `0 y c 0 N C 0 U C l ti Y N qr1, (S a co 0 q ti ti IN 0 .Q O 0 ` U �I C 0 o W O Z REVISIONS 0) DATE ITEM w` N 41 0 0 0 CIL 0 0. DATE 0 -5 01-20-2022 SCALE c NOT TO SCALE 0 PROJECT MANAGER Tn BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY v C O PROJ-A c 201400'65 .3 0 SHEET # C - IB t 'BUFFER s 57 ss -- / sa''I -- \� I s /� \ — I `,30---- 31 41 % 61 32 It, i r 40— � /�/ it i � I � ` j j /^\I 1\ \� // Il I I / I I / I I I I � (\ I \ \ I //—\ / / / \\ \ I I / 1:1 I ' � ,•-- — 1ARK 1 } 33 I so --------- / 3637 ------------------------ i 1: `-------' L —, _ / / / \ 1 1 47 sw s„ 21, \ \♦ \\\� /' / % / i /'�/,i 'J `\ /�/`/ I 1\ � 1 I I I 1 I , l ' � ` \ _ - --� `\ -_ _ � � \ \- _,�_— .J :• .-'1I ' I I III r I � I I O O 1 I �Q /' / I , \ � � fe'l — 1 1 `\��/' , / I �, � I � 1 \ - - - - \`- - - __•' ,, \`\ �_ '� '— __- I I I I I -4 � J - '1/ 7/ / \` / \ I W _ j --7 7 S I 1 I I S/lt, 6 I I � I ------------ , -------'' ------ ------ - - _ - - - - - - - / 1 I I I L \ \ - 1 \ \ - --- / ' \ 1 \ \ ♦ - \ \ \ 'Y ' / \ O O ' \ — I I\ 11 \\ \ \\ \` \\ _ i / / / / / -_-/ % -------------' - \ / 1 I I \ \ O \ o O 0 00O _O O0O O \\\ I I O \OO O O O O O O O O OO 0\;\-\-------- 0 OO O . `—_— ° O o O I 1 / / // � -------\\ ��\ \-- 0 O O 0 O O O ��0-.; �� ��\00 \\ \\ \\ \\ I \\/ / \ \ I / / / 1 \ I I I / W CD � -- \ \ I 0 0•�. ° O 0\ \\ o I \ \ \ o / �I O ° \0� \ o \\ \\\ \ 10.1 o \ \ \\ \\ I I I CRITICAL SLOPE GRAPHIC SCALE \ \1 100 0 50 100 200 PRESERVED $ 1 I — MANAGED ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. 0 0 ko rlj 00 O lJ 0 d� U o c:Lu �2�U z 44� ,^ ,4�� ' ��orn O _ � i-1 3 cd 0 0 a��y N t0� N U U 0 a ° U 0 0 O cn N Q 3 C N N o+ ���pLTH 0 c T c p � o V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o C. No. 035724 F, 0112012022 s FFSS/ONALEN�\� 0 rn c N N c 0 C Y� N •3 N L O 0 N ti '\I O 48 0 ti N q 0 c 'T 0 �1 O � a N 0 co W L N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 to N N c 0 H O a) N 0 O DATE °' O1-20-2022 SCALE c 1"=100' o L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'o BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 PROJ.# 201400665 .3 0 SHEET # C - 2 r i o ° ' � 1 � o n". I �� �.. �_.-. 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'�s/►��.►" Vim. \�1:�►�..y`�.s �� `"�'�'..dr -�_ 11` ! i w`r�`•"�1..�1►�.�`r�w���i�',f�f �SwM�.�`�/i\�!~�•r�11���/�'��S7r7�MV,►���Y--�N�1���-�� � �.�_� \rye � ! '' ��".�w � �i�i�`MV1►v�„"i►r M"`r`�� '-, „ '. N�i��.j��A►```C�.�y��A�Mbe•�yVq---��-` � � , v..�Ar►�`��!,?i-, 1►•V►V1►�•►�v�ir�.w��• • , • N "N►�I�`rl►�� �vy� \ / r�'`��l�:SF„`�►!w•.�W►.�1D•V►'�•,Sls��y��.�>"V�•W��1'Vry �'h+' •:M i PION ENTRANCE E ITECTION r DIVERSION DIKE O O O O r SEDIMENT TRAP O O ° ° \O 0 0 :K DAM O ° \\° O ° O CONSTRUCTION D O O O O O •O�o, O° \ \ \ \\ a\\ \__ \ 'k ! SEEDING \ °\ ° 0�.. \ / o O f SEEDING o • — — — \ � ° � � \ O I ^ I \O\ fROL�00.111 0 \ z. BREAK IN cp cpA / CRITICAL SLOPE GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 PRESERVED MANAGED ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. 111 0I1p / � o Y � Q E 0 c ���pLTH p c T c V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112012022 s FFSS/ONALEN�\� a c N C 0 I� U O C w q E, ~� oN 0 ~ q V 0 w N � V W L q ° [� 0 U ^I O .. N'�I`ll O U O � co L REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N N c 0 H 0 0. 0 0 a DATE °' O1-20-2022 .SCALE c AS SHOIVN o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P-E- o -oo DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 PROJ. j, 201400665 3 0 SHEET' C - 3 r Q Y Q 3 'O BRIAN C. MI CMELL o Lic, No. 035724 M q <7/2012022 LV �FSS1ONALENG\7 n REVISIONS 01-20-2022 SCALE C 1 "=100' o s �BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. J c N a DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY -° c ° c PROJ. j 201400885 .1 L •O SHEET � C — 41 ` CONSTRUCTION NARRATIVE PROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 162-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THAT IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THE PROJECT ALSO INVOLVES THE INSTALLATION OF TWO BIO- RETENTION BASINS. THE TWO PROPOSED AND FOUR EXISTING BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND A PORTION OF A FUTURE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST OF THIS PROJECT. THE DISTURBED AREA ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT IS APPROXIMATELY 51 ACRES. THE EXISTING SITE IS MOSTLY FORESTED. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE SLOPES NORTHWEST TO RIVANNA RIVER. THE SITE CONTAINS WATERS OF THE U.S. THAT SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED EXCEPT FOR THE PERMITTED AREAS TO BE IMPACTED. GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER AND A 12" WATERLINE ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION AS PART OF THE NORTH POINTE SECTION ONE PROJECT. EACH WILL BE EXTENDED TO SERVICE THIS PROJECT. ADJACENT AREAS THE SITE IS BORDERED BY GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH AND FURTURE DEVELOPMENT TO THE WEST, PRITCHETT DRIVE (VA 785) TO THE SOUTH, AND FORESTED PARCELS TO THE EAST. OFFSITE AREAS THERE IS NO OFFSITE WORK PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT. SOILS THE SITE IS CHARACTERIZED BY SANDY, LEAN CLAY (CL) AND SILTY, LEAN SAND (SM). CRITICAL AREAS SENSITIVE AREAS INCLUDE WETLANDS AND WATERS OF TEIE U.S., CONTRACTOR MUST CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION FROM LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND PREVENT TEEM FROM ENTERING WATERWAYS. THIS SITE IS SET UP TO DRAIN TO TWO SEDIMENT TRAPS AND A SEDIMENT BASIN WHICH WILL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS STABILIZED. THE SITE CONTAINS STEEP SLOPES THROUGHOUT THE DISTURBED AREAS. THESE DISTURBED AREAS WILL NEED TO BE SEEDED AND STABILIZATION ACHIEVED TO PREVENT EROSION FROM OCCURRING AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALSO TAKE CARE TO KEEP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION IN ORDER TO NOT TRACK MUD ONTO EXISTING ROADWAYS. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE I 1 -ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROAD S, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VD OT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE OWNER MUST GIVE THE COUNTY INSPECTOR 48 HOURS NOTIFICATION TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING THAT WELL BE HELD AT COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 401 MCINTTRE ROAD FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 2. THE CERTIFIED RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER (CRLD) MUST ATTEND THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 3. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON THE ENTRANCE DRIVE AND PROFFIT ROAD LOCATIONS AS SHOWN. 4. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS NEEDED TO INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAPS AND BASINS 5. INSTALL SEDIMENT BASIN 1 AS WELL AS SEDIENT TRAPS 1, AND 2. GRADE IN SEDIMENT BASINS AND INSTALL THE RISER, BARREL, AND OUTLET PROTECTION AS SHOWN ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO THE ROAD PLANS FOR THIS PROJECT FOR DETAILS ON THE POND GRADING, INSTALLATION OF THE CLAY CORE WITHIN THE DAM, AND THE 12" DRAIN, VALVE AND CONCRETE SLAB REQUIRED FOR THE BASIN. 6. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IN THIS AREA AS SHOWN NECESSARY TO INSTALL ASSOICATED TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES AND SILT FENCE TO DIRECT RUNOFF TO SEDR ENTBASIN 1 AS WEL AS SEDIMENT TRAPS 1, AND 2. 7. INSTALL ALL TREE PROTECTION AND SILT FENCE S. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR SEDBMENT TRAPS T - 2 AND SEDIMENT BASIN 1 OF SEDIMENT THAT BUILDS UP OVER TIME AND PERFORM ANY REPAIRS NEEDED FOR THE TRAPS AND BASINS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY. 9. AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF ALL SEDIMENT TRAPS, SEDIMENT BASINS, AND OTHER INITIAL EROSION CONTROL (EC) MEASURES, THE COUNTY INSPECTOR AND CRLD MUST MEETTO INSPECT EC MEASURES BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PHASE H. PERMANENT STABILIZATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GRASS STABILIZATION ONALLDENUDED AREAS PRIOR TO TURNOVER OF THE PROJECT TO THE DEVELOPER. SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AS DICTATED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STORMWATER RUNOFF CONSIDERATIONS SIX BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS WEST OF THIS SECTION. MS-19 IS BEING ACHIEVED WITHIN THE NATURAL CHANNELS THROUGH THE STORM BEING CONTAINED WITHIN THE CHANNEL BANKS AND NOT CAUSING THE CHANNEL BEDS TO ERODE. MAINTENANCE IN GENERAL, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED DAILY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. SITE INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS SPECIFIED IN VAR10-PART H-F. ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: a. SEDIMENT TRAPS WILL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK b. THE BASIN EMBANKMENTS SHOULD BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE STRUCTURALLY SOUND AND HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGED BY EROSION OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. THE BASINS SHOULD BE CHECKED AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL FOR SEDIMENT CLEANOUT. WHEN THE SEDIMENT REACHES THE CLEAN -OUT LEVEL, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED. C. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSIT SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. D. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS WILL BE CHE (TED REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP THAT WILL PREVENT PROPER DRIINAUE.IF THE GRAVEL IS CLOGGED BY SEDIMENT, THE GRAVEL WILLBF PFNfOVED AND CLEANED, OR IT WILL BE REPLACED. E. DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EVERY STORM EVENT AND REPAIRS MADE TO THE DIKES, FLOW CHANNELS, OUTLET OR SEDIMENT TRAPPING FACILITY, AS NECESSARY. ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS, WHETHER A STORM EVENT HAS OCCURRED OR NOT, THE MEASURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRS MADE IF NEEDED. DAMAGES CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OR OTHER ACTIVITY MUST BE REPAIRED BEFORE THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. DUST CONTROL THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION: - VEGETATIVE COVER IN AREAS SUBJECT TO LITTLE OR NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, A VEGETATIVE STABILIZED SURFACE WILL REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS. - MULCH: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AREAS WITHIN HEAVY TRAFFIC PATHWAYS. - IRRIGATION: SITE TO BE SPRINKLED WITH WATER UNTIL THE SURFACE IS WET. REPEAT AS NEEDED. IT OFFERS FAST PROTECTION FOR HAUL ROAD S AND OTHER HEAVY TRAFFIC ROUTES. IN ADDITION TO THE TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES, PERMANENT METHODS SHALL BE APPLIED AND THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: - PERMANENT VEGETATION: APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING (PER STD 3.32). EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE H 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOH, STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGERTHAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR- 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROAD S, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDBMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROAD S BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER- 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEARFEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROTECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR'TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CLEAR AND GRUB TO FINAL i.7 V ITS OF CLEARING. 2. INSTALL ADDITIONAL SIDTFENCE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. BEGIN SITE GRADING OPERATIONS. 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER. 5. GRADE ROADWAYS TO SUBGRADE. 6. INSTALL STORM SEWER PIPES AND STRUCTURES, INSTALLING INLET PROTECTION FOR THE DRAINAGE INLETS AS PROGRESSION OCCURS. 7. INSTALL WATERLINE. 8. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER, STONE, AND PAVEMENT. 9. SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS 10. ONCE LAND DISTURBANCE AREAS HAVE BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SEDIMENTTRAPS AND OTHER EC DEVICES (WITH EXCEPTION OF THE SEDIMENT BASINS) UPON APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. 11. ONCE SEDIMENT TRAPS 1 AND 2 ARE REMOVED, PERMANENT BIOFIOLTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED, RESPECTIVELY. THE SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL REMAIN AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS UNTIL THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE ARE CONSTRUCTED. ONCE THESE FUTURE SITES ARE STABILIZED, THE BASINS MAY BE CONVERTED TO PERMANENT SWMIBMPS. O m ko 00 O lt�4 U co Q) O �C\2� U b it •� Q) G.'o a U O 0u O 4 a O BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic, No. 035724 0112012022 O Q' ti Q4 E, Q N o V O ti Q' O 48 W REVISIONS CDATE ITEM DATE O1-20-2022 .SCALE AS SHOWN 3 L I PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJq 201400,65 .3 0 SHEET i C —5B Paved construction endraince for erosion co l plans zi , STONE ._ _..... CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT PAVED A AccEss wnsHRAcx EXISTING 29 2% NT PAVEME J 29. 12' MIN! ri- � f1 L_.Q I - -POSITIVE DRAINAGE 4GR;'S R.N� "'s 1 TO SEDIMENT JPERATION PLAN TRAPPING DEVICE 12' IN. POSITIVE DRAINAGE ZE TO SEDIMENr TRAPPING DEVICE FILTER CLOTH SECTION A -A .A nwRmau water tap of 1 inch unfair be bustaMed with a nwwmmL 1 Och bNlcocA . stall � •e sn � a wash hose wit a Teter o ._ inches for adequate Tale pl lyme . h T b a N u f 1 Les constma pi estume. Nash water nmst be earned may from life e,hance to an approved .eating area to reruove sedbneTTt. AM sectiuiait sbaM be pfeveded from edermestal l cil'auls• ditches or watercom se,,. PAVED WASH RACK NO SCA E PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS @0PA A i 'I • ii­fGes �%ri awil . ,. 1-. III\= :::::..�:. I • I "� I � .III. �I- . as1 L • allies. - Wz _ tafl 1 �I -1 1 ►_mil- I ■• -. =11mr ��► ��1 �1 ;. -lour= 1 N- • I . ._r. r e • • • w • r • • • • • • w • w e • w • w • w e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • w • r • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • •cur • • • • • • • •cur •.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1••1•••1••e•••e•.•.•.•e 1191,101919191919 r•••e••111••w•ew•e•••w ..•.•� • : �•e .•• •111• •: .•.•.•.1 .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. �•�•�•I •�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�• �w•w•w•1 •w••••w•••w••, • • • • W r c r_•_•_•_•_A•_$•!•!•!• •!•_d_• e•!•!A_•!I !•!d_•!d_•!•!A_•9!•!•! - - 1111 • \1 • At . r� - c. y .iioi ✓ i ■ . - • T i ■ Ir / Ifs / htgClClEg CICICICIEg71 l,.. HIIIIIINIIII11MIIIIII011 •al . 1 I IN' 'al •.• �• •- 1• I k VA IF Ill W • 11 MU" Adapted [r00 Installation of Strair rabre niter parders for Sediment controLvill. MW rl =-x M D� AND BRIDGE STANDARDS Sluerawaid and lost ROCK CHECK DAM cD IP SILT FENCE DROP INLET 3.20 3.07 PROTECTION 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: 2 X 4' WOOD FRAME Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.1871 SOURCE: VA. DSWC EC-3 MAT TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 Ec-3 TYPICAL INSTALLATION AT END OF PPE UDC N��IT4YSAAD STAKNG DETAIL DDOM c cawrnaL state AT all -I I i� 1 OM •`� �`1� \ '1 , / 11Tr'[[M Rau I I 1 saC ON Ms g d!d( SM WO.C. TRANSy E CHECKS SLOT *.r TOCLOS r r avEax �flW[[ trot EIDATxw� All Tnei st TRANSVERSE OPEN CHECK SLOT V DITCH NOTES! 7-0° L SH ALL YLL aE 11000 pR METAL RCCOIIMMD SIT M AV PCT AND SIMLL PE A oa1MN Oi 19' INLDOTK N SVDy SOJ IETAL STAKES A WILY OF Y N IDATH 3111 eE USED. �y 2. SOL SIAK17AT04 MAT TYPE A AND M AK TO BE N ACCDRDMCE WRN THE APPROVED PRODUCIe LIST. < >. fl7Aj�QAT1011 WT i MT TO THE DIaM>m r. wTORII aN DOTM ■gE1 LPOINTOR ORRO OF M WON SWILL K "OTO THE 314. AL}L�y�M J awry Of AIJAM /AE RE P�/LLEL TO THE i 0P 7NE DnCR yATIM ■WL DRCKPO.ODICLL TK Qen LI Of M T OWE:T i s M TD LIe DRC1L CTNffln6 A TK L QNA7MN J UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM TERMINAL a T 1E A tl1E0. OF APMOM MATaK1 WE V007'D APP M MIOOICTS MET FOR IT'D. SOIL STABILIZATION MAT ROAD� r In 2" DITCH INSTALLATION TYPE A ORB ftll*Mplr J kill a 1 O V■OU 00'Allyn" OF TRAI■'MATKM xl.w I RIPRAP PLATE. 3.20-1 DROP INJ W M GefTE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION FRAME DETAIL A SPECIFIC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 5X) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING 1 C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. SOURCE: N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 1988 PLATE 3.07-1 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE 3.09-1 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.13-2 IP GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT 3.07 FILTER v,t-ice I GRAM F1J I •1i.>�Ji 1 =.t1•L `� •Oi •s�. eal W - 1w1==11� II�hIIIII HIM IIIIII��p�IIIIII IIIIII SPECIFIC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO AOVACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED AREAS. • GRJI J. SHALL BE VD OT f3, Aq357 OR 5 COARSE AGGREGATE. SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE 3.07- TABLE 3.32-D (Revised June 2003) SITE SPECIFlC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA SEED` LAND USE SPECIES APPLICATION PER ACRE Minimum Care Lawn Tall Fascist 95-100% (Commercial or Residentia0 Perennial Ryegrass Kentucky Bluegrasst 0-5% 0-5% TOTAL, 175-2DO fibs. H19 h Maintenance Lawn Tall Fescue TOTAL 200-250 Ibs Tall Fescue 128 Ibs. General Slope (3:1 or less) Red Top Gass or Creeping Red Fescue Seasonal Nurse CroP 2 2 Ibs. 20 Ibs TOTAL• 1 Tall Fescue 108 lbs. Low -Maintenance Slope Red Top Gass or Creeping Red Fescue Seasonal Nurse Gop2 2 Ibs. 20 Ibs. (Steeper than 3:1) Crownvetch3 20 Ibs. TOTAL 150 Ibs. 1 - When selecting varities of turfgrass, use the Virginia Crop Improvement Association (VCIA) recommended turfgrass variety list Quality seed will bear a liable indicating that they are approved by VCIA. A current turgfgrass Variety list Is available at the local Canty Extenstion office or through VCIA at 804-746-4884 or at http://sudon.cses.vt.edu/html/Turf/turf/publicat'ions2.htmL 2 - Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: February 16th through April .................................................... Annual Rye May 9 9 1st through August 15th.........-.................................... Fa l Millet August 16th through October ................................................. Annual R 9 9 ye November through February 15th .............................................Winter R 9 Y )e 3 - Substitute Sericea les ecieza for Crownveleh east of Farmvill Va. Ma P e, (May through September use hulled Sal all other periods, use unhulled Sericea). i If Flat used ea is used increase rate to 30 Ibs. acre. If Weeping LowraW in sa s P / 9 Include In an aloe of low maintenance mixture coin warmer seeding periods, Y P 9 9 increase to 30 - 40 SOURCE VA Ol SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET cIP PROTECTION 3.08 T- ENpINIL DISTANCE IS 6' MINIMUM ,F now /a IawVD EMRVaaldi FlOw OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION* * I r.o' I ,.r 1 b Jill , il: . '. '♦VDOT A 1357, all 13e OR 037 COARSE AGrawalaor TO REPLACE SET FENCE IN ' HORSESHOE ' NIEN HIGH Inacvl• of now s ExPEEMED SOURADAPTED from MOT Standard Sheets, and Va. OSWC PLATE. 3.08- CE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN Silt Trail TABLE 3.31-C TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES SEEDING RATE NORTH' SOUTH' PLANT 3/1 5/1 8/15 2/15 5/1 9/1 SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 6/15 11/1 4/30 9/1 11/15 3 bu. (up to 100 Ibis, 2 lbs. x - - x - - Use aping wrierxre (e.g. Noble). ((Awnn. sanw) not leas than 50 lbs.) d RYE 2 bu. u to 110 !be. (P 2.5 Ibs. x - x x - x Use for late fall aeadin winter 9 s (Socde Dorado) not lean than 50 Poe.) cover. tolerates cold and low moisture. GERMAN RYEGRASS 50 Ibs approx. 1 Ibs - x - - x - Warm -season annual. Dies at first (Salads Itdka) a be added to summer frost. May Y mixes. c ANNUAL ASS 60 Ibs iE Ibs x - X x - X May be added In mixes VAI Y ulti-flerun Ldlum mall ( l mow at of most stands. WEEPING 15 Ibs 5 11 on. Warm -mason perennial. May bunch. Tolerates hot, dry dopes LOVEGRASS and acid, infertle soils May be (Eragrows, call added to mixes, KOREAN 25 Ibs approx. 1 XA Ibs x % - % x - Warm seasonal annual legume. c LESPEDEZA Tolerates act soil& May be Y (L.W d. edaulacia) added to mixes a Northern Piedmont and Mountain region. See Plate 3.22-1 and 3.22-2. IfSouthern Piemont and Coastal Plain. c May be used as a cover crop with spring seeding. Y aP P 9 9 d May be used as a cover crop with fall seeding. x May be planted between these dates. - May a2t be planted between these dates. SOURCE VA DSWC 1 Area= 2.34 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4233 cf Wet Volume Req'd 4233 cf Bottom L = 44 ft Bottom W = 22 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4308 cf Dry Volume Actual 4592 cf Stone Outlet L = 15 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 455.0 Top Width= 42.0 Top Length= 64.0 Silt Trail 2 Area= 2.99 acres Wet Volume Req'd 5409 cf Wet Volume Req'd 5409 cf Bottom L = 52 ft Bottom W = 26 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 5676 cf Dry Volume Actual 5744 Icf Stone Outlet L = 18 Ift Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 468.0 Top Width= 46.0 Top Length= 72.0 \\ \ \ \\\ \ \ r N. \\\ � \ \ N. \\ \\\\\\\\\\I\I\\\\\\\ N\ \ / I I 1 A i I 1I 1I l lI 1I I I I I / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _- SCALE q ST- 1 1 "- -50 i i i i li A-1 ,///r71 f/// // // IliiilliiI- I i i l l i l I i/ II IIIIIlI1111 I I I I I I 11/ j li l ' / \ \ Illliiilliilil l i l l i�/'i/ i 1/' i t \\\ \\ Illiiilliilili I I i)liill 11 � `. \ \�I \ lJill I I IIII IIII IIII 1 1! 1 1 \� �� � I I111 1 1 Illll tll i 11111\\ -' � \` \ !,!III IIj1l lllillI\`II `I `I 11 \\ \ ` ` ��- y`• ! I l l l t l 1 it I 1I 1 I I It y\ 1 1 \ 1 ! I I I I I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I11 I I !Ill I t IIII 1 11 tl 1 1 1 I I ( I I I I \\ \\�\\ lliii i`l liii lIili ii ! i 11\ `. ------ - IF ------- SEDIMENT BASIN S CHEMA TI C ELE VA TIONS DESIGN HIGH WATER L `25-YR. STORM ELEV.) ll 67 C.Y./ AC. " WET ' STORAGE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT (" WET " STORAGE REDUCED TO 34 C.Y./ ACRE) SOURCE: VA. DSWC RISER CREST ELEV-436 DEWATERING ..... DEVICE BARREL PLATE 3.14-2 ST-2 ; o• BASIN DRAIN AREA WET STOR, VOL. REQ'D. WET STOR. VOL. ELEV. WET STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. REQ'D. DRY STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. ELEV. BOTTOM ELEV. RISER CREST ELEV. DEWAT. DEVICE ELEV. EMERG. SPILL. ELEV. 25-YR STORM ELEV. TOP DAM ELEV RISER DIAM. DEWAT. DEVICE DIAM. FLEX. TUBING DIAM. ANTI- VORTEX DIAM. ANTI- VORTEX THICK GAUGE ANTI- VORTEX HEIGHT ANTI- VORTEX STIFFENER -1/4 PIPE or 1-1/41-1/4 xl 4 ANGLE OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL ANTI -SEEP COLLARS DIAM. LENGTH INV. IN INV. OUT 1 AC. YD.3 FT YD.3 YD.3 YD.3 FT. FT. FT FT. FT. FT. FT. IN. IN. IN. IN. GA. IN. IN. FT FT. FT SIZE 38.12 2554 430 6128 2554 7318 435.50 422 435.50 430 435.50 436.55 437.50 48 24 26 72 14 21 42 120.49 422 418 4 5.8X5.8 O M l(� r n CC)O V d4 U U co O I� C' D W U w r Z U ao /w•� �4 r s~, `­q C v C .--I U g, Z J y c U;J m W Q) w U 1 � al +� N LLe�kk O �1 m W rl OPill a) - I�Y fill1I I O rF H W O Pill ,�y...y..II N +--I `i i•i ON Ut O N ►y � U �OP..tt a ° 0 111 / � D Y � Q 3 °I 10J 0 c r - .O o V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0 0112012022 s FFSS/ONALENG\� a m c D m 0 0 O C o' O 3 l O I\I ° �1 0 0 8 Jill r^ o O v1 c [i �I Q' O C;6 0 U a U U 0 d O r^ CI U r , L D REVISIONS c DATE ITEM D V) al D 3 a T 0 0 DATE s O1-20-2022 "' N_ .SCALE C NOT TO SCALE o iii PROJECT MANAGER m BRIAR C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N -°'° DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN ) CHECKED BY .5 c ° .3 11, PROJq 201400E65 SHEET =,f C -5 I / \ // // /// // / // / / / // /� / I C // / / ✓ `� \\ \IN \ \ ARIM I IN IOlE1FORARI', `, ` \ _ L- -- ` \ �/-�- - _ � - - 1\ \\ \ •BUFFER WA 711- 1 -�--`_ . III ' II 1 /1 \ / \ I NRE GAIF \11 1 \ W15T NL\ \ \ \/�'/'I-v \ ? ( I / f ' ! \ \ - \ ' I - I / 1 / _ •1 1�• I \\\ i I ss s 57 sa \\ >/ / \ /l \ I 1 III �� �� ♦I L \ \ _ \ -- _ �\ \ \ 67 I �I- y �1• /� D 3 \ ��fi / 1„L��� o- \ / I / I C III\ 1\ I ♦ I / ♦ / \ \ //1 I / /-t- y ��' \ A 5A / //- \♦♦ `- / , DA ♦ \ DA 81E - / 1 I I/ / D 37 / DA 81 / r - '►- �� 1►� I 5MPHSSA m v TaNi 4z ` +R QA a \ /ssA \ DA eMPs I I 1 1 1 1 I 1. / / 1 I \\ I / / \ �!'' I ~ I I � �>y DA13 // � I --- / / \ 1 �I \l ( I \ I \ ' // / / \ \\ 1 I I I II I 1 \ \�\ `` \\ \ / L'/ f• I I I =o_ I DA Ex1s s0 �\1 I \ \ / r / \ / / / / /: \ 1 I I I I \ ♦♦ ♦� 11 \) \ \ \ 1 DA s5 \ I I I I 1 / . 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DA, , _ / '/,�,`�"•"\y DA EX187- 40 op \ \ �\ \ \ \ Y2\\ �/- _ - - - i i I i l� \\ /.'' _ i ` / ' ♦ A E.1189 I \ i / % I I i ; `,-'-----__ � IN 00 ----- \' \\\ \\ a\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ - W 1 ♦ �� \\ \ \ I _ i F \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ - \ \ \\ \ \\ \ � _ _ _ `�\ T a � r �' / ♦- A 115 1 ` \ � sc` / '/' i I I I I I 1p It IN NI IN f -• _ O •\ \\ \\\-------_ ��-- ---. \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ l//'l/�/ \\Il_-`it o \ \ - \\ 01-1 STRUCTURE IDA RUNOFF ACRFs IC" 1 0.73 0.35 3 0.25 0.66 sA o.6z os9 5 0.58 0.57 7 0.33 0.68 9 1.14 0.46 11 0.45 0.58 13 1.18 0.55 15 0.27 0.72 17 0.01 0.90 19 0.13 0.67 20A 0.00 0.00 21 0.87 0.47 23 0.82 0.59 25 0.54 0.66 27 0.41 0.71 29 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 0.00 33 0.00 0.00 37 0.75 0.62 39 0.47 0.58 41 0.09 0.77 43 0.33 0.57 45 0.48 0.58 47 02/ 0.52 49 0.32 0.69 51 0.16 0.75 53 0.00 0.00 59 61 63 67 0.72 0.48 69 1.81 0.42 71 1.51 0.41 73 0.00 0.00 77 0.00 0.00 78A 0.00 0.00 81A 0.33 0.52 81C 1.08 0.53 81E 0.56 0.53 81 0.63 0.51 83 0.55 0.66 85 0.13 0.58 89 91 95A 95 0.39 0.57 0.64 0.62 97 0.18 0.73 99 0.32 0.75 101 0.00 0.00 102A 0.00 0.00 102C 0.00 0.00 105 0.50 0.52 107 0.38 0.58 109A 0.26 0.53 109 0.13 0.76 111 0.17 0.51 112A 0.00 0.00 115 0.14 0.77 117 0.32 0.77 119 0.11 0.74 121 0.12 0.80 123 0.26 0.51 125 0.54 0.59 127 0.00 0.00 129 0.00 0.00 133 0.40 0.65 135 0.21 0.76 137 0.05 0.78 139 0.05 0.78 141 0.11 0.68 143 0.47 0.45 145 0.31 0.53 147 0.45 0.39 149 0.47 0.45 153 0.33 0.77 155C 0.42 0.70 155A 0.16 0.64 155 0.34 0.74 157 0.03 0.90 159 0.00 0.00 161 0.00 0.00 163 0.00 0.00 165 0.00 0.00 / o i ° p o / --�_�• -- �- \ \ �I\\\\ \ / I I l \ \\\ l I --\__ / \ / / I I I \-i' 1' 1 I I I �^ 0 0'•- \ \ \\\ 1111 11111\\\\ \-/ � / // A 1111 \\ \\\ \\\\_ \\ / / \\\\\\ / / I I / /J I I I / mm I \ // d' GRAPHIC SCALE 0. 5\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ T- / 100 0 50 100 200 _�o 7 \/, 0,/ / // i�\ o FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. O O ko C r n ao 0 U) V d4 U Z a) '-' O c:Lu 40 Z 4-) O >..� W 4 L m III 3 a N a N ►y U ,Sy c a ° U O 0 O O C/) N Y � Q � E OI ���pLTH 0 c A c Q � O V > � BRIAN C, MI CHELL o Lic: No, 035724 � 1, O1/20/2022 s FFSS/ONALEN�\� a c N c ° I� U O C3 L o L E, ti o c N ti N ° 0 c (�' a O o U �~ o U wO O c N L OI REVISIONS DATE ITEM w a) in N N c 3 H 0 a) a O `a DATE °' O1-20-2022 SCALE c 1"=100' o L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'° BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � O PROJ.# iT 201400665 3 0 SHEET # C - 6 r IN IN, IN IN z NN IN E�l I \ NN IN- idelr r , IN > IN, \Nt 1I1 \ / \ T\ \\ \ \ ---- - \ I \ / _ \ I \ \\ \ \ \ \ \--- / / I I I 1 / I I / / \ j\ \ 1 y ''� \ l ti �- \`\`\ \o\ \ \ \\ // / 1 ' \ \ \ I \ / _ ---' tfi /_,` --- -- ,J\r //y5//// / / ////\ / \ \ \ / / / - -- \ \ / \ / / / / / I - - / / ,----------- IN \`, ❑ \ ` `--- ` _, \ I/ /�\ -i\ 1 1 J I I I / �\ J I I I III I lIN.- i \ r J J l /Ill III I I I I I \ \ \ tt / IN, / / I I I / I I I 1 I I / ,/ /.' 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I/ . r' �lll/. � \\ \\\ \\\ \` !-/// \\ \ / (IN FEET ) /_. ro // / / //4//,,�,/. / ` ////� /. It \ \ / lI / \ \\ \ \\\\\ ` N. .t\ %aril " 11IICh= 150 ft. 20150290 NPSECTA Teel 2-Ye Forr(IK30$" 20150290 NPBELT.1 To ll$6N finY-RewthfuSIS" PreWce]56 ®N10 HvanLOD SRvn3aawvu FraaI16R018 Pvepmeby HPlnc. Found 12p6ce0418 vreO ".18 Summary for Subwtchment Prel: Pmtlw AN Summary fw �l Prel: PFder Ml pull - SA$ds® 1]a1 nrs, Vaunt 0o of cep--046' Runoff - 2z EDas® 1235M1s,vaurw= 2. Y. Oeptlr-1Is. .,afl TR- rxmM OH=SCS. We nnalc."imeS a 500.1Mwnrs M-00pt. m�20 me1nM UH=SCS. we nIMlCN T - 'SnIf IX-OOSnra Ey SCS $r g p 5 Tech SCS g meSmn-SC0. Typ011 $4M $YMIRaMa11=38Y Typa 1124M 16Tear Ralnla11=548- Age car Dawamlon Aratwl cx Hon am 15.BW 55 WaWs,Gma, HSGa 15.BW 55 Wa.... HSGB BaM 61 Paswra/urasslanNrauv. rYia. NSGR BSA Ot PaswrakrwlwWrwas. fimJ. H909 5.130 5T We19nKa Average $.1X1 ST We19n1aaAreraga 3S.im 100.c0wpenmvs Me 25.120 1..%Pvno . T< Lenge� 81om vtlxW Uyy Onxmuon , talglh 81yw = OF = Mwptimr lmTo Ikell 161 rNmcl = hnlnl 8ee11 ,= INeec1 Mat 287 300 0.0150 0,17 Sheet Flew.SM.Mwr 29.7 2W O.O. Otr BM1MNew,&wMw W60a III wlhMlBn na O.aW pale S wN6e: LYflwaeNrlBh n-04M P2.3U' 20 1W 00140 ON Shadow CanunbabG It-, Shoof Connuearead Flea 24 1M 00140 OM &rrrlOw Scoundrel Flaw. Drove COncemeread Flow S1wrr Gov Pweld xi -"fee SMn Grwa Poldne S, IC fee e2 1.10 ODWQ I'mam CNnw annualChNnN Flaw 42 1,192 O.OWO 4,SS SSe CNnM pace. Caannal Flcw MP 19 er Pdnv 45' 11142' P»a-19 d Pat— 4.5 r 04$' n-00f0 EeM. made!anon own Few n-00f0 EeM. made Wnom dean Fare Sea Lsa] Tam Us Loa Tom Subcatchment Pre1: Predw M1 Subcatchmerx larl Prodo AP1 a. 54}ds ; $29D cls I Type II 24-err Type II 24-err 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 70-Year Rainfal1=5.48" -r Runoff Area-25,120 ac Runoff Area-25.120 so TTl Itl: Runoff Volume=0.966 of in Runoff Volume=2.803 af- Runoff Oe tag=0.46" Runoff De th=1.3 "- P P 6-_ I I I I I I Flow Len tag=1 583' � " Flow Len tag=1,583t 9 9 fill ` '•___r':-T-T-T-T-T': -___Tc=34.9 min- 'a Tc=74.9 min= I l l l l l ChIl CN=57 Illiiiilllili: _ wated, ­1 30150290 NP4EM.1 TjybY34b 100.Yem Ron(11-095" Prepare. by HP Inc. Hdr ed 1218R018 v 14 HVS,CO➢Sm,e pace SR Summary for SubotNnwM page: Predw AN Runoff - 70S9ps® 1233M1s. Vdu,nt ]]35M, PopN-3)D- TwwitLySCSTRMurFal alSCS. WegMMCN.Iime Spnn=SC01$Ownrs, M=005 nrs Type 11 $4-M 1c6VNr RaIn1a11=095" Arwfetl cH Damio(vm IM Sa WW.' m ffug a e.320 01 Puwm/nxepereffamv.rmff.sal 25.121 ST wegnrea Awrzga 26.1m 1D0.OD%Pervious Area To LargM Slope Vawcly Do= Desunuon halal (now) Uhl INswl rtlsl 25.7 Wu OOT50 017 Shell nwa .SwmgFw wouaa lBawaamnan memo all 24 1M 00140 083 arrallow CanunrrnG Flew, Shelled Concernment Floe .Grwa Pa... nv=rafps 42 1,183 O.OWO 4. Bad CNnwlowen Channel Flow Areal Far1-042 n-00f0 EeM. operate Wnorn dean dare 214.9 1AY Tool SubcMwrmem leof PrMw M1 IL Type II 24-err 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Runoff Area=25.120 no Runoff Volume-7.735 of Runoff DeP th=3.7Dn - Flow Len9 tag-1 583' Tc=34.9 min Q 30150290 NPBECT.1 Tyrwll2<M z-YearRaM&a1l PvepaPmhC1eyHIn. HSw6R018 pece1T Summary for SubotNnwM Pre3: RMw M3 Rum" - 125Tdsa 12,11 M1S VtlunF I I.... Sam- Sad. WMflbySCSm.20 mePW, UH=$CS. W�I6NGN, Tope S{Vn=500.1 M.W nla, M=005 nn Type ll2 hrt-Ycrrp,rda11=36Y Amtecl cH Drat ii Savm 9.1To 55 kof Gaff, H$Ga INSINS 61 Paswra/omsslaMlra,m.(9ud N909 5e Wni=n@a Avenge 26.nd 1m OWar Pemous Area To 141pe� Slope Valocay Currant, 0tecrmeon harm IM U (do IDA 2W 0,120 EU Sneer Flow, SMwn- Graaa Saran n- 0150 F2= 362" 0.1 1M O2a00 280 Snellow rcenrraleb Flow, Shallow Concentrated ..elan <v-S.Dpe 3b 1.3110 Om 523 1a.42 Clearer MI. CM1wwl Flow Award. 269 peml-6 ]r-0 39' are 0040 FMh. of action,dawn area 132 tAm Tee 9YbeaMr IRS: Prodge M3 .,x.e.. 25I h Type n 24-err 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" Runoff Area=25,1T0 ac Runoff Volume=1.136 of _ --- - ; - Runoff OePth=0.54" Flow Length=i,T50'- 20150290 NPSELT.1 Typa112<!u 10-Year Ro"Al lS" Prepere0 by HP Inc. P idle] 1218'2018 DO Summary for Subcatchreent Pre3: Pretlw AP3 Rum" - 44.T1 vis ® 1208 I. Volume- 3153 al, Pepe- 15P Runce4 SLSTR-20 memM, UH=SCS. We ghOoCN, Tope Span=SM-120.00 M, EM1 0.05 he Typo H 20.M 10-Yae! Ralnlallv,46^ aatwl cry ommo'1an 9.IT0 W°Ma 0°M, X80S 0'. HBO 26W WebM1otl AYaMP 26,1]0 1]0 1C0.00% ParvlpueFna To Un91n S e Y Qra6lY people, want nee, Pohl Ts 3W O.1203 Om Went FlowJM1m9bw Gharc8hon ne016o Pia YPP 01 ISO NOW 2.00 She. erpe Srnpad R. Shallow COMaMaN1 3A 1,250 0.= 6.0 IBM Chenntl Flow, Channel new Ann 2 6 V Perim, 67 re D,39 m 0.D40 - odbble'edom tleereEee 132 1.}90 Thal 6Ybrsl ft Prai: Frotlav M3 h J MT -r--r--r--r--r--r--r- r r r r� r -• a 1124-h Tj pe CCY [F [h '[r [F [F [F..[F.-[F- [F [F p - 10 Year Rarnfall=s 46 --4--F-- ----4--k--FF-- -- --Runoff Area=25.17O an, .[..[..I..I..[..[..[.-I..I--I:.IJt ..[RDR Runoff Volu me= h=1.5 a a:a:a.-t-..--t--t--t--t-...-. '. Runoff Oe tag-1.50' P Flow Len tag=1 T50 re ft4:-1::[: ,-. TL-15.3 mac -e--r--r--r--r--r--r--r- r r ::L C 6 _= Chill 20150290 NP4ECT.1 Thal 100.Year Ramall lwd11:by HP Inc. D6 4Xynmw sdlwa,. saaw. P rIW 121162018 pewee Summary Or Subcdouthment Pre3: Pmtlw AP3 Rum" - UD,K via Q 12.W ore, Volume- 6363A Dent-394. canaflby SLSTR-20meMo5, UX=SCS, Wagers ,Tope Span=Son-120.O0 M, M- 0.05 hm Typal 100Year Ralrlhll-895• Area feel cry CeeWWbn 91]0 55 WOW1a Dead Hag 16 oW 61 PwWrolareapplamrerand G°M, HBO on s9 WegnlN A., 36.1 ]0 10000% Parvlcue Poe Ta 4an9M sops Dead Cal Oaofptlon Dead man I., I Ws aW 0,1300 am ,Mel M,abWhe Greve:86°n rf P3aam' 0.7 IN WIND 2.00 shoaodrlane Kv-Shod; in.. SMllew Cwalkalal 3A 1,250 0.OPo0 6.0 IBM Chenntl Flaw, Channel Flax Asia 2 6 V from- 6.7 pan D,39' m O.MO -uM. xbble 60Mdm. tleen eitlee 132 LTu Teld SY50afehmant Prole FrWN Al r par h r°e RID a e,aa,a„>rs.av �� t 1 tare 1 ]0 o1e T a II 24-err YP (tLL� It`L� y11 yll �yylt J11J--- � 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Runoff Area=25.1T0 ac - RunoR Volume-8.263 of - �--F--I-}-}-} i- } � T Runoff Oepth=3.94" _ Flow Len tag=1 750'- 1 I -I- L-Jl,-yl-11-.E-JJ-.JJ-- -- --] Tc=15;3 join _ .-i.l..l.-�.-�..i.-ji jI CNF59. AN 11.0 Call 20150290 NPSELT.1 Troell2lhr 2-Year Rain(d�02" Prepere'J by HP Inc. FrirlW 12I16r2018 "are a6]56 ®3a14 HvnroLPn Sonwe dwore LLC pecela Summary for SubcatcM1mant Fred: Pmtlw AN Runoff 56T ds 6Y 1222 nrs, Volume= 0]D2 aI, DepM=DSO- RunaflhySLSTR-211 memM, UX=SCS. WaBnm0.LN, Tope Spear=S.N-130.OB M, EM1 O.OfiM TVCa II $4M 2-YeeIRNMeII=383' Area 1aa1 cry DaamdNn 8190 55 WaWa, GaM, HSGa 0838 Bt PasWreloresalantl/mope. GOW. HBO B 16820 50 WegMeE Averepe 16820 1 DO OD% Pervious lvee Td laneM a e velm cepadly Daeddptlw Imim own 1 Ilma fatal 1].B agD g.1ma 6.w aha.t new, anwmaw Gmv Dense n=o24D F2=3az^ 14 100 OdWO LA Shallow Concentrated Flaw,SNIIaw CwonMotl Plon Waatluann Kv=60f05 4A 1,O01 0.1000 8.11 4,]T [Fennel Flow, Channel Flow Alan- r$el Perm 8.1 pan OW nor o.D4D Eann. gabble erdmm. earl sea ffiA lope TNeI 6YbaatMfMaw Pro4: Pmtlev r n 6. 6� cLU o cq 0 fi 0] I I II I I I I I I I T13P� 112jdir ---E-.E-I----7-+-I- I 2-Year Rainfall � 3 62° "t-+-t--F-1-d-+-t--'- Runoff Area=16.820 ae ( Runoff Vo1ume=0.702 of I I _',Runoff Depth=0.50". ..-r- .-. -7- .- .1' 7T t� 4T ! l i-+-+--lenS:22.5 min �. .e..a-a..}..p.a .I..i..p.a7LP22.snin- 1 CN=se t¢t rr. t11 it; 20150298 NPSECT.1 Type 1124N 10.Year Rain(Y-SIS" Prepere06y HP Inc Fmpa] 121162018 y a6356®N14XMmGW9Mwae9tluPire LLC an,0 Summery for Sulwatpllment Pre4: Pmtlev AN Rum" - 2216 chM 12.1. ore, Volume- 2.W5d,, Dapd- IA3' .,all by SCSTR-20made p. UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, M=005 agar Typall20.hr 10-Year Rainlallv,48^ Am fact cN Deamolun 8.190 65 WOWS, GOW, R.G. DAN 61 PwWrwgngalaMlwedw Gatl, HBO Id. 55 . can o Avazepa 1LBW 100,00%panorcua Me To fang' "Ar) vabpM Cedaf iz Oe cameo inem wal IX181 f9hrt1 fchl ITA 300 0.10W on Shout p.Metcalf P2• 88$^ 10 IN Od200 LA Shallow ConcendneE now, Shallow Concentrated plead Wcaalnna uv=SONS 4A 1,001 0.1000 SW 4,t] Channel Flow, Channel Flaw A 12If Pern 61'r 020 WD Ewm.-bole omen dean aiaa ffiA 1mt Teal 6YbeatAhment Fred: Protlav M4 r er n fe 2R 10 - t -r-r s `7=peT�z�+lti I tF 0-Year Reln}a11�5A8" a-'RllnoHArea=12.0 0 air 1; --a--4--F--M--4--4--4--L--F 4 4� urioH Volume=2.005 of Runoff De tag=1.43•• P Flow Length=1,461' in E.F CtI > [L [T[` cN=56 -- -- -- --�-- -- -- ---'r--r- -- ..... 20150290 NPSECT.1 Thee II 24hr tIX}Year Ragall 95' PrepereO Ey HP Inc. FtlrIW 1218@018 Hwr1l Summary for SubcatcM1ment Fred: Pmtlw AN Rum" - 65.41vis®1216nre, Volume- 5..AD -362• Fare flby aeSTR20 memM, UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, EM1 0.06 hrt Type 1124hr 100Ywr Relrlhe 9S Are1 cry Dee U 8.1W W°Wa 0Rod MSG 138X1 68 WebM1Ntl Avre9a 1e.em 1w.DD%Famauaaa9 MTa Lf Slwe Ye M Gp fl N Oeecnpllan ITA i® 0.100 on chl SM1M FIOw, Shwnlow. Show. Den n=o$49 p2=36'2' 10 Im Od200 LA Shdacw Concennerea Flow, Shadow Concawmen Flaw Woodland Hv=501ps 4A 1,001 0.1000 SR 4.TI Channel Flow, Cnennel Flow Annual 61 20 n"DD4d Fenn o.1clon ,n ffiA 1mt Teal 6Ybwtehmanl Pros: Frotlw AN r h 0fiA1 T e II 24-err ==k--k--k--k--k--k--k k k r 160-Year Ra �°a6=6.96.. --t--t--6d--t--t--6-t--t--' Runoff Area=16.820 ac --[--`[`--[.--[--[--[--`[` [. [.-- _RunoRVolume=5,350 of • .-I--I--I--I--I-I--L I I r ._'.Runoff Oepth=3.82"- .-- --,Flow Length=1r46V- - -- --I-- -- -- -- -- --�-- -- -- -. = - r, 44 Tc-22.5 min rr�l�hrt��lrrt�-Y,, -I--t..l.-I--t. t--t--t--t-t' t--t-T- r - CN=sB - O O r n ao 0 V d� U 40 W ay an w OW � , � G0 FF---11 � ral 3 O cat � � °0aN AU O w r Pat ° 0 -04 30150290 NP4EM.1 TjybY34b 100.Yem Ron(11-095" Prepare. by HP Inc. Hdr ed 1218R018 v 14 HVS,CO➢Sm,e pace SR Summary for SubotNnwM page: Predw AN Runoff - 70S9ps® 1233M1s. Vdu,nt ]]35M, PopN-3)D- TwwitLySCSTRMurFal alSCS. WegMMCN.Iime Spnn=SC01$Ownrs, M=005 nrs Type 11 $4-M 1c6VNr RaIn1a11=095" Arwfetl cH Damio(vm IM Sa WW.' m ffug a e.320 01 Puwm/nxepereffamv.rmff.sal 25.121 ST wegnrea Awrzga 26.1m 1D0.OD%Pervious Area To LargM Slope Vawcly Do= Desunuon halal (now) Uhl INswl rtlsl 25.7 Wu OOT50 017 Shell nwa .SwmgFw wouaa lBawaamnan memo all 24 1M 00140 083 arrallow CanunrrnG Flew, Shelled Concernment Floe .Grwa Pa... nv=rafps 42 1,183 O.OWO 4. Bad CNnwlowen Channel Flow Areal Far1-042 n-00f0 EeM. operate Wnorn dean dare 214.9 1AY Tool SubcMwrmem leof PrMw M1 IL Type II 24-err 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Runoff Area=25.120 no Runoff Volume-7.735 of Runoff DeP th=3.7Dn - Flow Len9 tag-1 583' Tc=34.9 min Q 30150290 NPBECT.1 Tyrwll2<M z-YearRaM&a1l PvepaPmhC1eyHIn. HSw6R018 pece1T Summary for SubotNnwM Pre3: RMw M3 Rum" - 125Tdsa 12,11 M1S VtlunF I I.... Sam- Sad. WMflbySCSm.20 mePW, UH=$CS. W�I6NGN, Tope S{Vn=500.1 M.W nla, M=005 nn Type ll2 hrt-Ycrrp,rda11=36Y Amtecl cH Drat ii Savm 9.1To 55 kof Gaff, H$Ga INSINS 61 Paswra/omsslaMlra,m.(9ud N909 5e Wni=n@a Avenge 26.nd 1m OWar Pemous Area To 141pe� Slope Valocay Currant, 0tecrmeon harm IM U (do IDA 2W 0,120 EU Sneer Flow, SMwn- Graaa Saran n- 0150 F2= 362" 0.1 1M O2a00 280 Snellow rcenrraleb Flow, Shallow Concentrated ..elan <v-S.Dpe 3b 1.3110 Om 523 1a.42 Clearer MI. CM1wwl Flow Award. 269 peml-6 ]r-0 39' are 0040 FMh. of action,dawn area 132 tAm Tee 9YbeaMr IRS: Prodge M3 .,x.e.. 25I h Type n 24-err 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" Runoff Area=25,1T0 ac Runoff Volume=1.136 of _ --- - ; - Runoff OePth=0.54" Flow Length=i,T50'- 20150290 NPSELT.1 Typa112<!u 10-Year Ro"Al lS" Prepere0 by HP Inc. P idle] 1218'2018 DO Summary for Subcatchreent Pre3: Pretlw AP3 Rum" - 44.T1 vis ® 1208 I. Volume- 3153 al, Pepe- 15P Runce4 SLSTR-20 memM, UH=SCS. We ghOoCN, Tope Span=SM-120.00 M, EM1 0.05 he Typo H 20.M 10-Yae! Ralnlallv,46^ aatwl cry ommo'1an 9.IT0 W°Ma 0°M, X80S 0'. HBO 26W WebM1otl AYaMP 26,1]0 1]0 1C0.00% ParvlpueFna To Un91n S e Y Qra6lY people, want nee, Pohl Ts 3W O.1203 Om Went FlowJM1m9bw Gharc8hon ne016o Pia YPP 01 ISO NOW 2.00 She. erpe Srnpad R. Shallow COMaMaN1 3A 1,250 0.= 6.0 IBM Chenntl Flow, Channel new Ann 2 6 V Perim, 67 re D,39 m 0.D40 - odbble'edom tleereEee 132 1.}90 Thal 6Ybrsl ft Prai: Frotlav M3 h J MT -r--r--r--r--r--r--r- r r r r� r -• a 1124-h Tj pe CCY [F [h '[r [F [F [F..[F.-[F- [F [F p - 10 Year Rarnfall=s 46 --4--F-- ----4--k--FF-- -- --Runoff Area=25.17O an, .[..[..I..I..[..[..[.-I..I--I:.IJt ..[RDR Runoff Volu me= h=1.5 a a:a:a.-t-..--t--t--t--t-...-. '. Runoff Oe tag-1.50' P Flow Len tag=1 T50 re ft4:-1::[: ,-. TL-15.3 mac -e--r--r--r--r--r--r--r- r r ::L C 6 _= Chill 20150290 NP4ECT.1 Thal 100.Year Ramall lwd11:by HP Inc. D6 4Xynmw sdlwa,. saaw. P rIW 121162018 pewee Summary Or Subcdouthment Pre3: Pmtlw AP3 Rum" - UD,K via Q 12.W ore, Volume- 6363A Dent-394. canaflby SLSTR-20meMo5, UX=SCS, Wagers ,Tope Span=Son-120.O0 M, M- 0.05 hm Typal 100Year Ralrlhll-895• Area feel cry CeeWWbn 91]0 55 WOW1a Dead Hag 16 oW 61 PwWrolareapplamrerand G°M, HBO on s9 WegnlN A., 36.1 ]0 10000% Parvlcue Poe Ta 4an9M sops Dead Cal Oaofptlon Dead man I., I Ws aW 0,1300 am ,Mel M,abWhe Greve:86°n rf P3aam' 0.7 IN WIND 2.00 shoaodrlane Kv-Shod; in.. SMllew Cwalkalal 3A 1,250 0.OPo0 6.0 IBM Chenntl Flaw, Channel Flax Asia 2 6 V from- 6.7 pan D,39' m O.MO -uM. xbble 60Mdm. tleen eitlee 132 LTu Teld SY50afehmant Prole FrWN Al r par h r°e RID a e,aa,a„>rs.av �� t 1 tare 1 ]0 o1e T a II 24-err YP (tLL� It`L� y11 yll �yylt J11J--- � 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Runoff Area=25.1T0 ac - RunoR Volume-8.263 of - �--F--I-}-}-} i- } � T Runoff Oepth=3.94" _ Flow Len tag=1 750'- 1 I -I- L-Jl,-yl-11-.E-JJ-.JJ-- -- --] Tc=15;3 join _ .-i.l..l.-�.-�..i.-ji jI CNF59. AN 11.0 Call 20150290 NPSELT.1 Troell2lhr 2-Year Rain(d�02" Prepere'J by HP Inc. FrirlW 12I16r2018 "are a6]56 ®3a14 HvnroLPn Sonwe dwore LLC pecela Summary for SubcatcM1mant Fred: Pmtlw AN Runoff 56T ds 6Y 1222 nrs, Volume= 0]D2 aI, DepM=DSO- RunaflhySLSTR-211 memM, UX=SCS. WaBnm0.LN, Tope Spear=S.N-130.OB M, EM1 O.OfiM TVCa II $4M 2-YeeIRNMeII=383' Area 1aa1 cry DaamdNn 8190 55 WaWa, GaM, HSGa 0838 Bt PasWreloresalantl/mope. GOW. HBO B 16820 50 WegMeE Averepe 16820 1 DO OD% Pervious lvee Td laneM a e velm cepadly Daeddptlw Imim own 1 Ilma fatal 1].B agD g.1ma 6.w aha.t new, anwmaw Gmv Dense n=o24D F2=3az^ 14 100 OdWO LA Shallow Concentrated Flaw,SNIIaw CwonMotl Plon Waatluann Kv=60f05 4A 1,O01 0.1000 8.11 4,]T [Fennel Flow, Channel Flow Alan- r$el Perm 8.1 pan OW nor o.D4D Eann. gabble erdmm. earl sea ffiA lope TNeI 6YbaatMfMaw Pro4: Pmtlev r n 6. 6� cLU o cq 0 fi 0] I I II I I I I I I I T13P� 112jdir ---E-.E-I----7-+-I- I 2-Year Rainfall � 3 62° "t-+-t--F-1-d-+-t--'- Runoff Area=16.820 ae ( Runoff Vo1ume=0.702 of I I _',Runoff Depth=0.50". ..-r- .-. -7- .- .1' 7T t� 4T ! l i-+-+--lenS:22.5 min �. .e..a-a..}..p.a .I..i..p.a7LP22.snin- 1 CN=se t¢t rr. t11 it; 20150298 NPSECT.1 Type 1124N 10.Year Rain(Y-SIS" Prepere06y HP Inc Fmpa] 121162018 y a6356®N14XMmGW9Mwae9tluPire LLC an,0 Summery for Sulwatpllment Pre4: Pmtlev AN Rum" - 2216 chM 12.1. ore, Volume- 2.W5d,, Dapd- IA3' .,all by SCSTR-20made p. UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, M=005 agar Typall20.hr 10-Year Rainlallv,48^ Am fact cN Deamolun 8.190 65 WOWS, GOW, R.G. DAN 61 PwWrwgngalaMlwedw Gatl, HBO Id. 55 . can o Avazepa 1LBW 100,00%panorcua Me To fang' "Ar) vabpM Cedaf iz Oe cameo inem wal IX181 f9hrt1 fchl ITA 300 0.10W on Shout p.Metcalf P2• 88$^ 10 IN Od200 LA Shallow ConcendneE now, Shallow Concentrated plead Wcaalnna uv=SONS 4A 1,001 0.1000 SW 4,t] Channel Flow, Channel Flaw A 12If Pern 61'r 020 WD Ewm.-bole omen dean aiaa ffiA 1mt Teal 6YbeatAhment Fred: Protlav M4 r er n fe 2R 10 - t -r-r s `7=peT�z�+lti I tF 0-Year Reln}a11�5A8" a-'RllnoHArea=12.0 0 air 1; --a--4--F--M--4--4--4--L--F 4 4� urioH Volume=2.005 of Runoff De tag=1.43•• P Flow Length=1,461' in E.F CtI > [L [T[` cN=56 -- -- -- --�-- -- -- ---'r--r- -- ..... 20150290 NPSECT.1 Thee II 24hr tIX}Year Ragall 95' PrepereO Ey HP Inc. FtlrIW 1218@018 Hwr1l Summary for SubcatcM1ment Fred: Pmtlw AN Rum" - 65.41vis®1216nre, Volume- 5..AD -362• Fare flby aeSTR20 memM, UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, EM1 0.06 hrt Type 1124hr 100Ywr Relrlhe 9S Are1 cry Dee U 8.1W W°Wa 0Rod MSG 138X1 68 WebM1Ntl Avre9a 1e.em 1w.DD%Famauaaa9 MTa Lf Slwe Ye M Gp fl N Oeecnpllan ITA i® 0.100 on chl SM1M FIOw, Shwnlow. Show. Den n=o$49 p2=36'2' 10 Im Od200 LA Shdacw Concennerea Flow, Shadow Concawmen Flaw Woodland Hv=501ps 4A 1,001 0.1000 SR 4.TI Channel Flow, Cnennel Flow Annual 61 20 n"DD4d Fenn o.1clon ,n ffiA 1mt Teal 6Ybwtehmanl Pros: Frotlw AN r h 0fiA1 T e II 24-err ==k--k--k--k--k--k--k k k r 160-Year Ra �°a6=6.96.. --t--t--6d--t--t--6-t--t--' Runoff Area=16.820 ac --[--`[`--[.--[--[--[--`[` [. [.-- _RunoRVolume=5,350 of • .-I--I--I--I--I-I--L I I r ._'.Runoff Oepth=3.82"- .-- --,Flow Length=1r46V- - -- --I-- -- -- -- -- --�-- -- -- -. = - r, 44 Tc-22.5 min rr�l�hrt��lrrt�-Y,, -I--t..l.-I--t. t--t--t--t-t' t--t-T- r - CN=sB - O O r n ao 0 V d� U 40 W ay an w OW � , � G0 FF---11 � ral 3 O cat � � °0aN AU O w r Pat ° 0 -04 20150290 NP4ECT.1 Thal 100.Year Ramall lwd11:by HP Inc. D6 4Xynmw sdlwa,. saaw. P rIW 121162018 pewee Summary Or Subcdouthment Pre3: Pmtlw AP3 Rum" - UD,K via Q 12.W ore, Volume- 6363A Dent-394. canaflby SLSTR-20meMo5, UX=SCS, Wagers ,Tope Span=Son-120.O0 M, M- 0.05 hm Typal 100Year Ralrlhll-895• Area feel cry CeeWWbn 91]0 55 WOW1a Dead Hag 16 oW 61 PwWrolareapplamrerand G°M, HBO on s9 WegnlN A., 36.1 ]0 10000% Parvlcue Poe Ta 4an9M sops Dead Cal Oaofptlon Dead man I., I Ws aW 0,1300 am ,Mel M,abWhe Greve:86°n rf P3aam' 0.7 IN WIND 2.00 shoaodrlane Kv-Shod; in.. SMllew Cwalkalal 3A 1,250 0.OPo0 6.0 IBM Chenntl Flaw, Channel Flax Asia 2 6 V from- 6.7 pan D,39' m O.MO -uM. xbble 60Mdm. tleen eitlee 132 LTu Teld SY50afehmant Prole FrWN Al r par h r°e RID a e,aa,a„>rs.av �� t 1 tare 1 ]0 o1e T a II 24-err YP (tLL� It`L� y11 yll �yylt J11J--- � 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Runoff Area=25.1T0 ac - RunoR Volume-8.263 of - �--F--I-}-}-} i- } � T Runoff Oepth=3.94" _ Flow Len tag=1 750'- 1 I -I- L-Jl,-yl-11-.E-JJ-.JJ-- -- --] Tc=15;3 join _ .-i.l..l.-�.-�..i.-ji jI CNF59. AN 11.0 Call 20150290 NPSELT.1 Troell2lhr 2-Year Rain(d�02" Prepere'J by HP Inc. FrirlW 12I16r2018 "are a6]56 ®3a14 HvnroLPn Sonwe dwore LLC pecela Summary for SubcatcM1mant Fred: Pmtlw AN Runoff 56T ds 6Y 1222 nrs, Volume= 0]D2 aI, DepM=DSO- RunaflhySLSTR-211 memM, UX=SCS. WaBnm0.LN, Tope Spear=S.N-130.OB M, EM1 O.OfiM TVCa II $4M 2-YeeIRNMeII=383' Area 1aa1 cry DaamdNn 8190 55 WaWa, GaM, HSGa 0838 Bt PasWreloresalantl/mope. GOW. HBO B 16820 50 WegMeE Averepe 16820 1 DO OD% Pervious lvee Td laneM a e velm cepadly Daeddptlw Imim own 1 Ilma fatal 1].B agD g.1ma 6.w aha.t new, anwmaw Gmv Dense n=o24D F2=3az^ 14 100 OdWO LA Shallow Concentrated Flaw,SNIIaw CwonMotl Plon Waatluann Kv=60f05 4A 1,O01 0.1000 8.11 4,]T [Fennel Flow, Channel Flow Alan- r$el Perm 8.1 pan OW nor o.D4D Eann. gabble erdmm. earl sea ffiA lope TNeI 6YbaatMfMaw Pro4: Pmtlev r n 6. 6� cLU o cq 0 fi 0] I I II I I I I I I I T13P� 112jdir ---E-.E-I----7-+-I- I 2-Year Rainfall � 3 62° "t-+-t--F-1-d-+-t--'- Runoff Area=16.820 ae ( Runoff Vo1ume=0.702 of I I _',Runoff Depth=0.50". ..-r- .-. -7- .- .1' 7T t� 4T ! l i-+-+--lenS:22.5 min �. .e..a-a..}..p.a .I..i..p.a7LP22.snin- 1 CN=se t¢t rr. t11 it; 20150298 NPSECT.1 Type 1124N 10.Year Rain(Y-SIS" Prepere06y HP Inc Fmpa] 121162018 y a6356®N14XMmGW9Mwae9tluPire LLC an,0 Summery for Sulwatpllment Pre4: Pmtlev AN Rum" - 2216 chM 12.1. ore, Volume- 2.W5d,, Dapd- IA3' .,all by SCSTR-20made p. UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, M=005 agar Typall20.hr 10-Year Rainlallv,48^ Am fact cN Deamolun 8.190 65 WOWS, GOW, R.G. DAN 61 PwWrwgngalaMlwedw Gatl, HBO Id. 55 . can o Avazepa 1LBW 100,00%panorcua Me To fang' "Ar) vabpM Cedaf iz Oe cameo inem wal IX181 f9hrt1 fchl ITA 300 0.10W on Shout p.Metcalf P2• 88$^ 10 IN Od200 LA Shallow ConcendneE now, Shallow Concentrated plead Wcaalnna uv=SONS 4A 1,001 0.1000 SW 4,t] Channel Flow, Channel Flaw A 12If Pern 61'r 020 WD Ewm.-bole omen dean aiaa ffiA 1mt Teal 6YbeatAhment Fred: Protlav M4 r er n fe 2R 10 - t -r-r s `7=peT�z�+lti I tF 0-Year Reln}a11�5A8" a-'RllnoHArea=12.0 0 air 1; --a--4--F--M--4--4--4--L--F 4 4� urioH Volume=2.005 of Runoff De tag=1.43•• P Flow Length=1,461' in E.F CtI > [L [T[` cN=56 -- -- -- --�-- -- -- ---'r--r- -- ..... 20150290 NPSECT.1 Thee II 24hr tIX}Year Ragall 95' PrepereO Ey HP Inc. FtlrIW 1218@018 Hwr1l Summary for SubcatcM1ment Fred: Pmtlw AN Rum" - 65.41vis®1216nre, Volume- 5..AD -362• Fare flby aeSTR20 memM, UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, EM1 0.06 hrt Type 1124hr 100Ywr Relrlhe 9S Are1 cry Dee U 8.1W W°Wa 0Rod MSG 138X1 68 WebM1Ntl Avre9a 1e.em 1w.DD%Famauaaa9 MTa Lf Slwe Ye M Gp fl N Oeecnpllan ITA i® 0.100 on chl SM1M FIOw, Shwnlow. Show. Den n=o$49 p2=36'2' 10 Im Od200 LA Shdacw Concennerea Flow, Shadow Concawmen Flaw Woodland Hv=501ps 4A 1,001 0.1000 SR 4.TI Channel Flow, Cnennel Flow Annual 61 20 n"DD4d Fenn o.1clon ,n ffiA 1mt Teal 6Ybwtehmanl Pros: Frotlw AN r h 0fiA1 T e II 24-err ==k--k--k--k--k--k--k k k r 160-Year Ra �°a6=6.96.. --t--t--6d--t--t--6-t--t--' Runoff Area=16.820 ac --[--`[`--[.--[--[--[--`[` [. [.-- _RunoRVolume=5,350 of • .-I--I--I--I--I-I--L I I r ._'.Runoff Oepth=3.82"- .-- --,Flow Length=1r46V- - -- --I-- -- -- -- -- --�-- -- -- -. = - r, 44 Tc-22.5 min rr�l�hrt��lrrt�-Y,, -I--t..l.-I--t. t--t--t--t-t' t--t-T- r - CN=sB - O O r n ao 0 V d� U 40 W ay an w OW � , � G0 FF---11 � ral 3 O cat � � °0aN AU O w r Pat ° 0 -04 11.0 Call 20150290 NPSELT.1 Troell2lhr 2-Year Rain(d�02" Prepere'J by HP Inc. FrirlW 12I16r2018 "are a6]56 ®3a14 HvnroLPn Sonwe dwore LLC pecela Summary for SubcatcM1mant Fred: Pmtlw AN Runoff 56T ds 6Y 1222 nrs, Volume= 0]D2 aI, DepM=DSO- RunaflhySLSTR-211 memM, UX=SCS. WaBnm0.LN, Tope Spear=S.N-130.OB M, EM1 O.OfiM TVCa II $4M 2-YeeIRNMeII=383' Area 1aa1 cry DaamdNn 8190 55 WaWa, GaM, HSGa 0838 Bt PasWreloresalantl/mope. GOW. HBO B 16820 50 WegMeE Averepe 16820 1 DO OD% Pervious lvee Td laneM a e velm cepadly Daeddptlw Imim own 1 Ilma fatal 1].B agD g.1ma 6.w aha.t new, anwmaw Gmv Dense n=o24D F2=3az^ 14 100 OdWO LA Shallow Concentrated Flaw,SNIIaw CwonMotl Plon Waatluann Kv=60f05 4A 1,O01 0.1000 8.11 4,]T [Fennel Flow, Channel Flow Alan- r$el Perm 8.1 pan OW nor o.D4D Eann. gabble erdmm. earl sea ffiA lope TNeI 6YbaatMfMaw Pro4: Pmtlev r n 6. 6� cLU o cq 0 fi 0] I I II I I I I I I I T13P� 112jdir ---E-.E-I----7-+-I- I 2-Year Rainfall � 3 62° "t-+-t--F-1-d-+-t--'- Runoff Area=16.820 ae ( Runoff Vo1ume=0.702 of I I _',Runoff Depth=0.50". ..-r- .-. -7- .- .1' 7T t� 4T ! l i-+-+--lenS:22.5 min �. .e..a-a..}..p.a .I..i..p.a7LP22.snin- 1 CN=se t¢t rr. t11 it; 20150298 NPSECT.1 Type 1124N 10.Year Rain(Y-SIS" Prepere06y HP Inc Fmpa] 121162018 y a6356®N14XMmGW9Mwae9tluPire LLC an,0 Summery for Sulwatpllment Pre4: Pmtlev AN Rum" - 2216 chM 12.1. ore, Volume- 2.W5d,, Dapd- IA3' .,all by SCSTR-20made p. UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, M=005 agar Typall20.hr 10-Year Rainlallv,48^ Am fact cN Deamolun 8.190 65 WOWS, GOW, R.G. DAN 61 PwWrwgngalaMlwedw Gatl, HBO Id. 55 . can o Avazepa 1LBW 100,00%panorcua Me To fang' "Ar) vabpM Cedaf iz Oe cameo inem wal IX181 f9hrt1 fchl ITA 300 0.10W on Shout p.Metcalf P2• 88$^ 10 IN Od200 LA Shallow ConcendneE now, Shallow Concentrated plead Wcaalnna uv=SONS 4A 1,001 0.1000 SW 4,t] Channel Flow, Channel Flaw A 12If Pern 61'r 020 WD Ewm.-bole omen dean aiaa ffiA 1mt Teal 6YbeatAhment Fred: Protlav M4 r er n fe 2R 10 - t -r-r s `7=peT�z�+lti I tF 0-Year Reln}a11�5A8" a-'RllnoHArea=12.0 0 air 1; --a--4--F--M--4--4--4--L--F 4 4� urioH Volume=2.005 of Runoff De tag=1.43•• P Flow Length=1,461' in E.F CtI > [L [T[` cN=56 -- -- -- --�-- -- -- ---'r--r- -- ..... 20150290 NPSECT.1 Thee II 24hr tIX}Year Ragall 95' PrepereO Ey HP Inc. FtlrIW 1218@018 Hwr1l Summary for SubcatcM1ment Fred: Pmtlw AN Rum" - 65.41vis®1216nre, Volume- 5..AD -362• Fare flby aeSTR20 memM, UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, EM1 0.06 hrt Type 1124hr 100Ywr Relrlhe 9S Are1 cry Dee U 8.1W W°Wa 0Rod MSG 138X1 68 WebM1Ntl Avre9a 1e.em 1w.DD%Famauaaa9 MTa Lf Slwe Ye M Gp fl N Oeecnpllan ITA i® 0.100 on chl SM1M FIOw, Shwnlow. Show. Den n=o$49 p2=36'2' 10 Im Od200 LA Shdacw Concennerea Flow, Shadow Concawmen Flaw Woodland Hv=501ps 4A 1,001 0.1000 SR 4.TI Channel Flow, Cnennel Flow Annual 61 20 n"DD4d Fenn o.1clon ,n ffiA 1mt Teal 6Ybwtehmanl Pros: Frotlw AN r h 0fiA1 T e II 24-err ==k--k--k--k--k--k--k k k r 160-Year Ra �°a6=6.96.. --t--t--6d--t--t--6-t--t--' Runoff Area=16.820 ac --[--`[`--[.--[--[--[--`[` [. [.-- _RunoRVolume=5,350 of • .-I--I--I--I--I-I--L I I r ._'.Runoff Oepth=3.82"- .-- --,Flow Length=1r46V- - -- --I-- -- -- -- -- --�-- -- -- -. = - r, 44 Tc-22.5 min rr�l�hrt��lrrt�-Y,, -I--t..l.-I--t. t--t--t--t-t' t--t-T- r - CN=sB - O O r n ao 0 V d� U 40 W ay an w OW � , � G0 FF---11 � ral 3 O cat � � °0aN AU O w r Pat ° 0 -04 20150298 NPSECT.1 Type 1124N 10.Year Rain(Y-SIS" Prepere06y HP Inc Fmpa] 121162018 y a6356®N14XMmGW9Mwae9tluPire LLC an,0 Summery for Sulwatpllment Pre4: Pmtlev AN Rum" - 2216 chM 12.1. ore, Volume- 2.W5d,, Dapd- IA3' .,all by SCSTR-20made p. UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, M=005 agar Typall20.hr 10-Year Rainlallv,48^ Am fact cN Deamolun 8.190 65 WOWS, GOW, R.G. DAN 61 PwWrwgngalaMlwedw Gatl, HBO Id. 55 . can o Avazepa 1LBW 100,00%panorcua Me To fang' "Ar) vabpM Cedaf iz Oe cameo inem wal IX181 f9hrt1 fchl ITA 300 0.10W on Shout p.Metcalf P2• 88$^ 10 IN Od200 LA Shallow ConcendneE now, Shallow Concentrated plead Wcaalnna uv=SONS 4A 1,001 0.1000 SW 4,t] Channel Flow, Channel Flaw A 12If Pern 61'r 020 WD Ewm.-bole omen dean aiaa ffiA 1mt Teal 6YbeatAhment Fred: Protlav M4 r er n fe 2R 10 - t -r-r s `7=peT�z�+lti I tF 0-Year Reln}a11�5A8" a-'RllnoHArea=12.0 0 air 1; --a--4--F--M--4--4--4--L--F 4 4� urioH Volume=2.005 of Runoff De tag=1.43•• P Flow Length=1,461' in E.F CtI > [L [T[` cN=56 -- -- -- --�-- -- -- ---'r--r- -- ..... 20150290 NPSECT.1 Thee II 24hr tIX}Year Ragall 95' PrepereO Ey HP Inc. FtlrIW 1218@018 Hwr1l Summary for SubcatcM1ment Fred: Pmtlw AN Rum" - 65.41vis®1216nre, Volume- 5..AD -362• Fare flby aeSTR20 memM, UX=5C5. WaBn1e0.CN, Tope Span=S[U-120.00 M, EM1 0.06 hrt Type 1124hr 100Ywr Relrlhe 9S Are1 cry Dee U 8.1W W°Wa 0Rod MSG 138X1 68 WebM1Ntl Avre9a 1e.em 1w.DD%Famauaaa9 MTa Lf Slwe Ye M Gp fl N Oeecnpllan ITA i® 0.100 on chl SM1M FIOw, Shwnlow. Show. Den n=o$49 p2=36'2' 10 Im Od200 LA Shdacw Concennerea Flow, Shadow Concawmen Flaw Woodland Hv=501ps 4A 1,001 0.1000 SR 4.TI Channel Flow, Cnennel Flow Annual 61 20 n"DD4d Fenn o.1clon ,n ffiA 1mt Teal 6Ybwtehmanl Pros: Frotlw AN r h 0fiA1 T e II 24-err ==k--k--k--k--k--k--k k k r 160-Year Ra �°a6=6.96.. --t--t--6d--t--t--6-t--t--' Runoff Area=16.820 ac --[--`[`--[.--[--[--[--`[` [. [.-- _RunoRVolume=5,350 of • .-I--I--I--I--I-I--L I I r ._'.Runoff Oepth=3.82"- .-- --,Flow Length=1r46V- - -- --I-- -- -- -- -- --�-- -- -- -. = - r, 44 Tc-22.5 min rr�l�hrt��lrrt�-Y,, -I--t..l.-I--t. t--t--t--t-t' t--t-T- r - CN=sB - O O r n ao 0 V d� U 40 W ay an w OW � , � G0 FF---11 � ral 3 O cat � � °0aN AU O w r Pat ° 0 -04 H� U N Cl) N '3 Q H� c O E 0l tT p c ���pLTH c T C V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Licr No, 035724 � 01/20/2022 s FFSS/ONALE`,�\� a minalleal .-r c 0a N I� c O U v1 q � q � 0 U Ql � U "`I O � a a L % 01 O �, REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N 3 O H w ° y.+T a 0 CL DATE s O1-20-2022 "' N_ .SCALE 1" = 150' c o PROJECT MANAGER L m BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o+ -o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 iT •3 PROJ.# 201400665 0 SHEET j � C - 7 r I- r Lj NA / / /_ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, / / / I //LI / / \ I \ \ \ 1 `1l--/J J --- / AS rp /y \ 1\\ \ / \ / _ 1 1 1 / / / AN.\ \\ / • /-- \\ \\` \ ..�� 1 \\ \ —\\♦} 61— 6A `\6\� ire — /�6g )0 )1 )2\\ \ \\\\ \ \o\ I I / (D — I I I T _ `\s3 ' (1 \ / / I / l — _ / /• I i 5 �' / I \ PARK`_ ________________ Ell L—' / S. Oki 1 / / / / / / / \ / / / OFFISTE DA 170 1 I % / al ; -- 1 I I I I I I +/ / / / , — \ \ / / Da s1I Y s / I sorer BMP-1A) fl I I 1 / ,- (DA-fA) I I 1 sl r- • \ \ I \ -. 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Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 str 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 26 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Soilware Solutions LLC Pace 29 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWMIBMP4 (BI042ETENTION FILTER) fagr' ri ary OutFlow Max-1 1.94 cis @ 12.93 him HW=437.05' (Free Discharge) = m2=0dficeul2 YR Controlling Stocture(Onf Controls 10.37)cis @7.43 fps) Wjdru apn ■pmess 24.49 cfs__y__,__-n,___,__,__,__,__,__,__,_;__,__!_ ■POmary r ■prat 3.30 cfs ■POmary r r r ■Inflow 2.07 cfs Dmmary r r r r r r r � � -; ,- 4_- _, In I w'A e- a � r l l l l r l l - I 1 9 A' - 3-Risere -10YR Structure Orifce Controls 1.57 cfs 2.52 fps) - - -- -' _- -- -' ---- inflow r -1 4 In o A ea .5 0 ac z a --,4�1)I - ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- - - -Riser Controls 0.00 cfs s 0.00 is) 22 ' Re1ak-QIeM;446.03 ��- 3 P k - ea Ele' 01.� 1' - Peak Elev 438.3T 2° ' � � ' ra , f Stti =15� 47$Z r ! Stor Q 3 12 C f g econdary encyOutFlow Spillway ( c cfs ls 5.00 himis) HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) s= Emergency Spillway (Controls 0.00 cfs) ; Stor 99 cf age=2,,6 _ r, ^ 19 ' ,, _ ;__ �__,----------------- ',------------- __r-_ _- -_ _ __ __ r__ ___ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ BD Pond BMP 3: SWMIBMP3 (RETENTION BASIN II) _ - td - r rr rr - ,___,__.,__,__,__r__r__r__r__,__�__,__,__,__r__r__r__,___,___,__.,__ _ 2 cfs rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr , r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r H dro ran 9 P _ " r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r __,__.,__»__«__«__«__�_�_.,__,__,__»__«__«__,__,._.,__,__»__«__«__ 12 9 u , w ,o _. _c _c c . , , , ,' r r r r r r r _ ._ �_ �__a__1__ __ rir__r__'i__ri__'i__r_r__r__'i__, u ___ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ ''i � i _ __ ____ _ ____ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ■InRav _ _ _ _ ■ wmow Cf5 __________________i_______ _ _ ■Prmary Infldw'Ate2�0.S1aat 0.76 cfs a __'i __r__r___i__ai r r i , , -, , r r r i , r , i r r , r i i i r r r r r � � � � � ■ SeconOe9 � ' 6 r, ; 7 r r I r ;- 1, 1, 1, 1 1 , r r r r r r r r r r r r r r a.oz ds j! r r r r r r r ............................ --r - - to�age-8443� tsf ro' , r r - 0 05 „ r r 1--`-�--i- 05 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 10 15 80 85 9D 95 100 105 TO T5 120 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 - F- -- --L- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - --i-- 40 '',: 10 15 2° 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105110 115 120 Time (hours) Tlree rmmm) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ------------- _35 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Time (home) Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) 30 ,'",,'" _ 1,_.;--LJ----------=-------------=------ =------- Pond BMP 4: SWMIBMP4(BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge Stage -Discharge 25 0 11.95 Cis 15 Sta a-DiscM1 e, 9 ag 4w r r � r r r r r r 1 J ■ Prma ry sm r r r r r ■ PrmerY 440 ■Pdry 4a9 -, _J 10 4d8 r r r r r - ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- r r r r r r r r r I 0.00 cfs 447 r 5 ip 15 20 25 30 35 40 a5 50 55 60 85 ]0 ]5 80 85 90 &5 1W 1°5110ill 154p Ordure -r 502 Time Ihoure) _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 945- r r r 439 _ 444 443 r r r r r r r r r r r 442- ; ; W 441 r------r-----' 1'----- W ---- mom wanlonera r-----,- ---- r- W 1 r r r r r r 1 r r 1 r 1 _______r_____r_____�______r_____r _____�______r___ st ______.____.____.____.____.____.____«__ 440 r r r r r r r r _435 J _L _L _J _J _L _i _J _J i 439 438 _ ______ _____ _____ __ 437 Barrel (Calved) r r r r r ' ' 500 4. 0 10 20 30 0 so m 70 eo 90 ,m o 10 20 30 40 m m 70 ee m 0 5 to ■ m � m a m 4s m m m m Discharges (chs) Dbcharp (cla) DYd■aa (W 20150290 NPSECTA Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NPSECTA Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NPSECTA Typell 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NP-SECTA Type H24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 str 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD SoftwareSolutions LLC Page 53 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 56 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 59 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 08356 02014 HydroCAD Sollwam SduliOns LLC Pace 62 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWMIBMP4 (1310aWIPENTION FILTER) tl re Ptr Y 0g Hydrogrepn __ _ rims OUIFI*'- Max 41.77 cfs 12.64 himHW-439.20' Free Discharge) = 2=Orifice- 2 YR Controlling Structure Controls 1432)cis@10.25 fps) illydrograph r _ _ _ I .__�__�_ ;__�__ ■11mm. r 53:56. CFs., ;--�- ,--�--!--; --�--; -�, -� -, ;--�-- ■Phm,ry ■Irene,. 6.B4cfs-",--;--t--'--•-'-'--"--;--;--'--'-- -- -- ---- -- -- --, -- ■POmary 1 5 4.51 cfs ❑mmary f! i------'; - '',-;,InNitViAr•e0K.450aC- 7 6.So cfs ilriflpW ArQa=1 i910 a� 3 re cDnvola 1a.3s a a @ sse fpa> Inflow Area=1 540 ac r ___ __ ____ __ __ __ _ ___ _ cisfps -Riser (Weir Controlsr3.09 ds@2.07 fps) 4.15 cfs _______________________ o _ _ _ __ _ __ _ Q� ��V`4 '--•--•--•--, .rrrr ,rrrr r - 4T Peak - 4s - --� - storage= 9 ,28 f ° _ ___ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ r r Siola§e 3,,998of $econdary OutFlow Max-0.00 cis @5.00 him HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) MEmergencySpillway(Controls0.00cis) ° r r r r r 5 35 ' - �` -'- --'-`--`-`- `-r '--'--'-- --r-- --, --------- r- -----------------------------------------?----- Pond BMP 3: SWMIBMP3 (RETENTION BASIN II) _ 3 r r i r r r r _ r r r r r r r r r r r r 30..r__r_T__r------------ __r__r__r__________________________________________________________�i r r r 4 r r r ' r r r r r r r r r r r r r HYtlrograPh 3 25 22.47 cfs r_r__r__r__r__r __r__r__r r r r r i r r r r � r � 20 3 3 i r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r i r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r i J r r r 115.60 cfs aanow -i ■Pomery d 2 r r r r r r r r r r „ r r r r r r r r r r r r ,5 -� --� -�--'--'-r--r-r- r ' � " '-� r r '---� -�-�-- 2 r r r r r r r r i i r r r r r (�r- ti , . c r 1 1� r r 11ifli1W Area,-40 a' �. ■SecondaY t ---------------------------------- --- - ----- - 2p r r r r r r r r r r � � r r r r r r r � „ r r r � r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr rr rrrrr r r rr rr rrrrr r r r r r r r 5 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,ro. T , r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 0 ° r r r r r r r r r r 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 BS TO 75 80 Bs 90 95 160165 110 115 ,20 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 80 85 ]0 75 80 85 90 95 1W 105 110 115 120 r r r r r r r r r a 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5D 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) Time (naurs) A- i _ � r r_ r r_ r, r_ r r_ r_ r r_ rr r_ r _ _ r r Tlme (mura) Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) r r r r r r r 60 42.08 cfs .-:-1--------------------=--L-J--.- -' - - '-'- '-"- '-'-•- Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) g erge Sta e-oa°M1____ Stage-DiscM1arge w r r r r r r r r r r r r T r,-'T r T T r, T i T__ __(_ _,__�_i_______ __ _ __ ____ __ 0 30 1 Stage -Discharge 45° ___ ___ J- 1-_ DPrimary 503 DPrimary 440 ■PrIrY 4a9 r 4___ ♦__ 20 448 - - a a . r , ' S 447 0 d4fi _ _ ___ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5n STime°(hours) ]5 80 85 9° B5 160165 11° its 12p 65 ' III , r r - , , r r , -r _, - - - _ - - _. 502 439- 444 _ _ _ y 443 r r r r r r r r r r r r r ` a - r - D 4az- _ -- v r r 1 rrrrrrrrr r _ 441 r-----r-----, ceamm wainone� r r______,- W r r r r r 1 r r r r r r r r r r ______ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____J____ d38 439 438 _____ -,_-_- 437 4.16 5W ° 10 20 30 40 50 e0 70 80 90 too 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TO all w 0 5 to ■ m 25 m as m 45 m m m m Dlacneres (cm Dl6cnaref fora) DYd■ea (W 20150290 NPSECTA Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NPSECTA Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NPSECTA Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NPSECTA Type 1724-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/162018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peas 86 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peas 89 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peas 92 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 sin 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pace 95 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 RETENTION BASIN II Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 BIO-RETENTION FILTER (feet) Width feet 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWMIBMP4 B1042ETENTION FILTER d re HY fog P6 HY fog Ph d n Prima OutFlow Max 154 64 cfs 12.35 him HW-440.56' Free Discha e = - Discharge) _ 2=Orifirreli ceul2 YR Controlling Structurel(Onfice77 �Conttrols (16.31 al flow) fps) H dro ra Y 9 Ph r r r r r r r __i__r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ■Irene 115.86 cfs , ?--(--r-r-,--,--T--T--;--F----r-,--?--r--r--F-'r- ■Prrmen• J r r r r -,i -� � -� r r-, -r -r r ■Irenex 14.15 cfs _,____ _ _ __'_ ''_ _,,',_ �,,;,■Pdmen• _. _,_ t - -- -- -- -_________________________________________ ■Inflow 9.67 cfs -; i 7 T O Primary )inflow __L__r__J__J__J__J _ ft 4'S0- o�r�l�a - 13.81 cfs_- -- L _ _; 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MITCHELL, P.E. o -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJ. j, 201400,65 .3 0 SHEET i C - 9 20140065_NPSECT.2 Type H24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20140065NPSECT-2 Type H24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 Prepared :_y HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 HydroCAD010.00-13 s/n 063W 02014 HydroCAD SWhx So Wi LLC Page 1 HydroCAD010.00-13 sin 06356 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutims LLC Page 1 Pond 10P: SWMBMPS (BIO-RIETENTION FILTER) HWov,M Pore! 9P: SWMBMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) rhlsoo,pr s —r--r---r--r--*--r--r---------x--"-- ■ Inflow IER,,I - --r— - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- — -- -- — -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- - ■Inflow s 5.51 cfs � D mmary i.. Inflow Area=4.410 ac Inflow Area=3.310 ac r , _ = Peak Elev 458 39' a es cfs = Peak Elev 458 40' I, T _ Storage 3 cf 1 t J -7,46 -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- — Storage 0 cf -4r13 5 4.77 cfs a. _ ---------- --- ------ — a ,' L__L_1_J__J__J__d__a__L__L__L_J__J__J__1__L__ 3 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D' 5 10 15 4➢ LS 30 35 60 65 50 55 60 65 ]0 15 BO BS 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 5 10 t.i '20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 140 Term (M1oursi Time (1oum) Pond 10P: SWM/BMP5 (13110-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage-Discharae Stage -Discharge 4W ■Primary 491 ■fir 451 ------r------r-------------r______x_______ a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y w 458 aamm wanlon5@ _.___r______r______r______�_______r______r_.__.___._ w __________r_______r______________I_______I_______Y_ ' 451 46/ a t0 RO' 39 0 W W' TD in 90 a 113 21 fl0 io 6D ® A pselor9e tale) DYdwye (� 20140065_NP-SECT.2 Typelf24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20140065 NP-SECT.2 Type H24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 HydroCA0010.00-13 sin0535$ b2014HydWiCADSofhisire Sokffi t LLC Page HydroCAM10.00-13 Nn0635602014HvdroCADSoftware SddIuni LLC Page Pond 10P: SWM/BMP5 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hyde h Hytlmgraph 1a.79 cfs - lipmTeryl 11.10 cfs O P lmary 16 12 __ _ _ _ ' Inflow Area=4.410 ac 1o.77 gfs ' ' ° Inflow Area=3.310 ac 13.72 cfs n T T ; ;_r_ „ Elev=458.73' D Peak Elev=458.65' 13 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ___ .0 _� _a _• _r. _• _r._.� i____. _ 12 Storage=9,515 cf 9 -'�--=-------- -- ----------- Storage=4,994 cf tt ' 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 ---------1— J- „ ___r___r__r__r__r__r_Y___-__r__r__r__r__r__r_�__�__�__ b D ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; R - - - 'rrrr�;strr� 75Peak u 1 5____.__.__a__•__•__•__•__y__.__.__a__•__•__r-_�._�_y__._- 5o . . . . . . . . . 4 ,' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ___^____r__r__r__r__r_.T._i__i__r__r__r__r__r_.y._�__.r._�__ 3 ,' u_ �__�_ �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ ,_ I_ I_ 1 ._ 1__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ 2 _i _.. _.r _. _• _r. _r. _r._� 3 -� -, 'x -r -r -r -r-r-� -x -x -x -x -r -r-r-m -r-- 1 1 ' D 6 10 15 2➢ 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 TO 15 W 85 W 95 100 105 110 115 120 I.M. (M1ours) Time (M1oura) Pond 10P: SWM/BMP5 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge Stage -Discharge 4W D Primary 411 ■ PIrYy 459 _ _ a _. w 050- C 9wn Weir ' ' ' ' /0.lraay _r _T _r _l _ f _l _' w 411 Cu -T -1 -1 -1 -l------- Y 457 o to 2a W M W 'A W W D 1D W eo o W W ]0 W Mxwr9e t> W 20140065_NP-SECT.2 TypeH244v 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20140065_NPSECT.2 Type H24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 HydroCAD010.00-13 s/n 06356 ©2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 HvdroCAD010.00-13 sin 06356 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutims LLC Page 3 Pond 10P SWMHydrograph BMPS (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P SWMHBMP 6hB10 RETENTION FILTER) , J - ■ice 29.88 cfs ■Primary 25 -------------------- o mnow 2 cfs o w�mary zssagfs Y Inflow Area-4.410 ac zz .43 22 04 cfs Inflow Area=3.310 ac : I ,-_;-_ -- -� Peak Elev=459.10' 20L L L Peak Elev=458.98' 24 ' _T T r -r Storage=11,906 cf- 19 ,aStorage 6,234 cf r r r r ' r '' r ti 'v '� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 214_L__L__L_J__J__J__�__i__i__i__i_y_i_i__i__ 13_r �_ �_ � � �_ �_ �_ ___ _ __ _r _r_r_i _� _� _r _r. _r _r_r_r_� _� 10 0 13 q3: r LL t4 10 12 10 a a a a •• w e fl -.. 11L] 0 s 10 15 30 25 W 95 a M W S W C A h W C oo >6 1W 105 110 115 1M 5 10 15 3D 25 W W Q 45 W 0 W 0 70 11 10 05 90 95 100 105 110 111 12D 1 pip Tt• ei.) Pond 10P: 811111111111111111311111135 (BOeRETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (BIO-RIE ENTION FILTER) sba Naft ye Stage-Mscharge 4W DPnmary 4W �Rlvy 4 ------------------ � x _ E _n:l ------T--T-------T-------,---------------------050 45ft457 e zo W a W W'ID W W 457 0 10 W W 40 W W W W e■ickw, tm1 t.a.. wo North Pointe Section 2 SWIM Compliance - Analysis Point 5 Discharges Into FEMA Floodplain 0 M 10 OO O co U G7 UFO r� �C� U Qi b. •i rl �— P ;-4 rt M VI Vt Q) x O Cd 4 ^ �4 G4' 0O P4 U�..1 O O�4 r�4 a O BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic, No. 035724 0112012022 `2 l v ) O N O { E :J O W O CDATE REVISIONS ITEM DATE O1-20-2022 C::�LEDl 3 W4 c 0 0 L PROJECT MANAGER W BRIAN C MMITCHELL, P.E. o °o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJ. j, 201400,65 .3 0 L_ SHEET i C-9A / / / — 1 I I I /^ \\ ��\ \ I / / / / / \ \ \ I I I I / \\ I / \\ \ \ \ —/ 1 / / \ \ / /--- ---- \1 j I I I I 1 \ \ I I /// / / / / / / / \ \\ \ ` \` I I I I I I I / /--\ \----_ \\\ \ \ \ 1 \ \ / /-----_ \\ ( 1 N, \ 1 1 I J// 1 / / ( I l \ \\\\ \ \ III I I I I / / \ \ I / /—_-- \\ \ \\ \ \ �— \ \ \ \ \ / / I I I 0 / 1 ` \ \) I I I I \ \ \/o I I I / \\ \ / / / \ \ I _ �\ \ \ I 1 I I I I — I 1 \ ( I \ \ _ 1\ IN. \ \ I\ \\ I \ ! / \ I\ IN \\ r! // / \\/—� \ 1 / `— \ `\ I 1 I \ //! 1 \ I \ 1 1 1 / \ \\\ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ / \\ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I l l l l I 1 I \ I \ \ \ \ \ /It 'N IN IN\ 1 \ \ \, / / / / / / I I I I ❑ / / \ IN \�\ \ \ \ /11 NN IN NN It IN. / / — / / cOl S7-/E T14w 491.83 / /' $ / ��a \ \\\ \ ``+'1 1 / //I % l / / / 6549 / / callTEvrlaw \ / {> I `� \\ \ / JI/ / / JI 1 I r/ \_ \ IN It \_— ms g \ \\\IN IN IN, , ------ , IN PARK IN, 1\\ 1 43 - z9 \ \ --- IN, 31 1 I I N - \ �. _ / / / / / \ I /' 1/ I / % ' -----' ' BYPASS ; I \ / / I I I ( r s1 r /— — i' -- - \ YP SS TO AP 4 / i J I I I I I 1 I \ I 1 \ 1 p� J I I oo i/ j Izg : <j;\\\ \ I\ `_ ,, ' \ A-4A) I I I I lI I 1 \ \ / �'` / I 1 1 R / 39 '' \ % /ll)\\\I\ Il►J[ / j \\ J / l I I \ I I I / I I 1 1 Iksf , \ ;' I \ II?;''I„? "IN _ --- i / /l ,/ `" 1 I as / / \ \ / •7• wk IN wm ------------ N. II i SWM/BMP 1 __' 0 / '' / /�(z`. ( I BYPASS TO L / - \ \ \ 1 T r \ AP 1 (DA->B) / � ,. I� � \ �\\\\\� 1 r I s I / / • I i i l l l l" BYPASS 4 \ \\ _ \_. \r,F• ,/ / / I _ / / , / / (/ \PAR \I .Ap. - __ -.\ -_-_ IN -----_ \ — — `_ ► /' / /' / ' / i i ��'' _/ — — __ \ III III \ 11 , I / / \`_______' m III V N. IN \\ `\ \ \`. \ \\ I it , 1 i ' 1 II �1 i \ \\ \\ \\\ \\ ; i' 1 / / �co \ • \ . \ 1 t - / I \\ \\\ \\ \\\ \ \\ j \ ``\ s \\ \\ \\\ % /l I it \ \ 4 I jjj _ --- - B PAS6 \ \ I I 1 11 It C'�/s _ ,J \ \ WM/BM)�`3 BYP / bl, � �\\ \ \ \ O \ \ \ _ \ \ N. \ \\\\ \ \ \ / / / / 1 I / \ 1 11 I 1 / 1 1 , , '�- / I \ \ j r\ `\ `__\` i _ I '✓� / I \ _:ii \ o \ \ O 0 \ \�O O \-----�_`—_ _ \\\ \\\ `\\`\ \ \\ `'�/ \\ \\ \�`�\\\ \ I / J'II//( \\�\\\\� — /� /// \ \� C� l 0 0 \ \ \\ 1 \ \ \ '�� III \ \\ / I 1 \ I I I 1 1 ---- - 2¢ ->'. --- o \ \ / \ _ / / \ / / / I I I — — _ $ , ; \----------- 0- 1 mil/ o 11 \ \ \\ 1 II11\\\\ \ / \ \\ l / \ r- o \ I 1'1\ �� / / / �/1 \\\\`— i 1 \ / / /�\\ \\\ / ( / I I / \ / �' —' r pO /'.' ---- ( / l / — \ ( 1 Oo AREAS SUMMARYTABLE: /'///i��I \II I \ \\ \ / I 1 I I / / 8cfl \0 ( (III \\\\\i i' / 1 ////, ```\\\\'�/ 9//i/i ',// // / \llllll I \ \ ) I I I 1 / 18/ l//' IN N o / )/ / ` 4�� / / I1\I \\ IN,O I I J /// \ \�?Te e//�//' \ \ \ \\\ �— \ \ \ ?I O/ / / / / r / , / //��j/j/� j///� I r 111// 1 \ \\ 1 I I \ I / /J) / d° ///--,\ \ I ) IN ) W / ! /i /m /�/ / l l / l l I I 1 I 1 1 / / \ �) / / ! o l 9 f / /a/iii I I 1 \ �\ \ I o�/� 9 / \ / /— //d//.�j� // // 1 --/ \ ` \ I I l y 8h\ \ / // / . / // I I I I 1 1 1 8 / / N. / o / //9/ / / /' /// 1 I I // \ I / / / ' / // \ \ \ \ /o/ / ( / / /// l \ // // / \ _ / / g / / //i/ii / /// / l / / /! / \ $ \70 IN \/ // °° / \\ \\ _ I I I / ) I I .� "s \ -C�, cf��� °�O \ $5� \ /�/gl// // // / /�//4///i/�%/i'ii%--' 1 /// l j Ill� I P�' I I r/�\ °p %/ //� // \— \ s��+ \\ \\\\\\ \\ /�'��' // \ _ \ \ \\\ P \ DED TO APPLICABLE \\ \\ APPLICABLE SITE AREA= 131.25 ACRES It IN a —ae as��z � 0:: —J ! /�// /�/ /' / / / // 1 / 1p�j \ (1 _ - — — — — — — — — — ll ��/�//�//r/// / (_ / / J / / /// l 1,'-/////Y: l I \ \ I \ ! / \ l //' / � � ! - r INN.GRAPHIC SCALE \ / / \ )i / / \\ i 'Ili \ \ •' 150 0 75 so 31 _ / ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 150 ft. ONSITE OFFSITE (N OT AD SITE AREA) NO. ACRES IMP. % BYPASS 1 1.74 30 BYPASS 2 0.84 26 BYPASS 3 1.40 27 BYPASS 4 9.52 28 BYPASS 5 41.48 26 DA-1 22.13 43 DA-1A 3.85 6 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 DA-4 1.54 39 DA-5 3.31 46 DA-6 4.41 46 DA-7 1.97 60 111 Lle Milli 0IIp / � N Y � Q •3 c E N O, ,r LT H 0 c r ' >1 C V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112012022 s FFSS/ONALEN�\� a rn C N N c O I� U O) T + v •C 3 IJ � '�I O q � 0 O L O 0 c (� 2 U 0 0 co L REVISIONS DATE ITEM w to N ° 0 0 0. 0 a DATE °' O1-20-2022 SCALE c 1"=150' o L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o DESIGNED BY -°'0 BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 PROJ.# 201400665 3 0 SHEET # C — 10 r PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX 5E PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX SD 3. Determine the pollutant load entering the proposed BMP(s) Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Page 1of3 Page lof4 LBMP=[0.05+(0.009xIBMp)]xAx2.28 (Equation5-23) STEP 1 Determine the applicable area (A) and the post -developed impervious cover Summary of Situation 2 criteria : from calculations procedure STEP 1 thru STEP 3, Worksheet 1: Where: _BMP = relative post -development total phosphorus load entering ((post) proposed BMP (pounds peryear) Applicable area (A)* = 131.25 acres Applicable area (A)* = 131.25 acres (post = post -development percent impervious coverof BMP drainage area Post -development impervious cover: Ip°st=(total post -development impervious cover/A) x 100= 37% percent expressed in whole numbers) Structures = acres A = Applicable area of proposed BMP (acres) parking lot = acres * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, roadway = acres consult the locality for proper determination of this value. LBMp, = [0.05+(0.009) x 26 )] x 41.48 x 2.28 other: = 16% watershed - = 26.859 Pounds per year = acres lexisting = (total post -development impervious cover/ A) x 10C 0% = acres LBMPz = [OAS+(0. 6 x 3.85 x 2.28 Total = acres lexisting CPA < 1 ,he, 16% = ox 0.913 Pounds per year (post 37% > 1 ,he, 16unds Ipost=(total post-deve l op me nt impervious cover/ A)x 100= 37% 1 '-eMP3 = [0-05+(0.009) x 41 )] x 1.91 x 2.28 STEP 4 Determine the relative pre -development pollutant load (Lpre). = 1.820 Pounds per year * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, consult the locality for proper determination of this value. Lpre(watershed) = [0.05+(0.009 x Iwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) LBMpq = [0.05 + (0.009) x 46 )] x 4.41 x 2.28 = 4.661 Pounds per year STEP 2 Determine the average land cover condition 0tershed) orthe existing Where (:watershed) = relative pre -development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) impervious cover (lexisting) (watershed = average land cover condition for specific watersh or locality or LBMPs = [0.05 + (0.009) x 46 )] x 3.31 x 2.28 the Chesapeake Bay default value of 16% (percent expressed in = 3.489 Pounds per year Average land cover condition (I,,,,,,rsn,h): whole numbers) If the locality has determined land cover conditions for individual watersheds within its A = Applicable area (acres) LBMP6 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 46 )] x 4.41 x 2.28 jurisdiction, use the watershed specific value determined by the locality as (watershed. = 4.661 Pounds per year Lpre)watershed) _ [0.05+(0.009) X 16% )] x 131.25 x 2.28 Pounds = 58.055 Pounds per year (watershed = 16% Calculate the pollutant load removed by the proposed BMP(s): Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Worksheet 1 Pagelof4 L removed= EffBMP x LBMP (Equation 5-24) Page 2 of 3 STEP 5 Determine the relative post -development pollutant load (Lpost). Where: Lremoved = Post -development pollutant load removed by proposed BMP Existing impervious cover (I,x; tn,a): (pounds per year) Lpost = [0.05+ (0.009 x Iwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) EffBMP = pollutatn removal efficiency of BMP (expressed in decimal form) Determine the existing impervious cover of eth development site if present. LBMP = relative post-devlopment total phosphorus load entering Existing impervious cover: Where: Lpost = relativepost-development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) proposed BMP (pounds peryear) Structures = acres parking lot = acres post = post -development percent impervious cover (expressed in roadway = acres whole numbers) 4emwed/BMP1 = 65 x 26.859 = 17.458 pounds per year other: A = Applicable area (acres) = acres 4emwed/BMP2 = 50 x 0.913 = 0.456 pounds per year = acres LPost = [0.05 + (0.009) x 37% )] x 131.25 x 2.28 Total = acres = 114.742 Pounds per year 4emwed/BMP3 = 65 x 1.820 = 1.183 pounds per year lex;st;ng = (total post -development impervious cover/ A) x 101 00/0 STEP 6 Determine the relative poluutant removal requirement (RR). Lemwed/BMP9 = 50 4.661 = 2.330 pounds Per year x P oun * The area should be the same as used in STEP 1. RR = Lpost - Lpre(watershed) 4emwed/BMPS = 50 x 3.489 = 1.744 pounds per year RR = 114.742 - 58.055 STEP 3 Determine the appropriate situation. = 56.688 Pounds per year 4emwed/BMP6 - SO x 4.661 - 2.330 pounds per year The site informtaion determined in STEP 1 and STEP 2 provide enough information to STEP 7 Identify best management practice (BMP) forthe site. determine the appropriate development situation underwhich the performance criteria will 5. Calculate the total pollutant load removed by the BMP(s): apply. Check () the appropriate development situation as follows: 1. Determine the required pollutant removal efficiency for the site: Lremoved/total =Lremoved/BM Pl+Lremoved/BM P2+Lremoved/BMP3+Lremoved/BMP4 EFF = ( RR/ Lpost) x 100 Situation 1: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious Lremoved/total = 17.46 + 0.46 + 1.18 + 2.33 cover (lex;st;ng) is less than or equal to the average land cover condition Where: EFF = required pollutant removal efficiency (percent expressed in whole + 1.74 + 2.33 (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent numbers) = 25.50 Pounds per year impervious cover ((Post) which is less than orequal to the average land RR = pollutant removal requirement (pounds peryear) LPost = relative post -development total phosphorus load (pounds per cover condition (Iwatershed) 6. Verify compliance: year) 1post Iwatershed EFF = 56.688 / ###H## x 100 Lremoved/v i RR Worksheet 1 25.50 < 56.69 Page 3 of 3 2. Select BMP (s) from Table 5-15 and locate on the site: X Situation 2: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious BMP 1: Water Quality Volume Calculations: cover (lexst; g) is less than or equal to the average land cover condition BMP 2: (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent BMP 3: Vwq (ft3)= Impervious area (ftz) x 0.5 (in) / 12 (in./ft impervious cover ((Post) which is greaterthan the average land cover BMP 4: Vwq (ac.ft.) = Vwq (ft3) / 43560 ftz/ac.BMP 5: condition (Iwatershed). SWM/BMP3- Drainage Area = 41.48 acres lexisting �� <Iwatershed 16° � Impervious= 26 o � (post 37% > Iwatershed 16% = 10.7848 acres _Situation 3: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious Vwq (ft3) = 19,574 ft3 cover (lex;st;og) is greater than the average land cover condition (Iwatershed) Required 4x Vwq = 78,298 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 101,646 ft3 lexisting Iwatershed Situation 4: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lex;st;og) is served by an existing stormwater management BMP (s) that addresses water quality If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situation 1, than the low density development is considered to be the BMP and no pollutant removal is required. The calculation procedure for Situation 1 stops here. If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situations 2, 3 or4, then proceed to STEP 4 on the appropriate worsheet. SWM/BM P2 . Drainage Area = 3.85 acres Impervious= 6 % 0.231 acres Vwq (ft3) = 839 ft3 treatmentvolume 0.5" of runoff from impervious are: Provided WQvolume = 4,929 ft3 AREAS SUMMARYTABLE: ONSITE OFFSITE (NOTADI SITE AREA) NO. ACRES IMP.% BYPASS 1 1.74 30 BYPASS 2 0.84 26 BYPASS 3 1.40 27 BYPASS 4 9.52 28 BYPASS 5 41.48 26 DA-1 22.13 43 DA-1A 3.85 6 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 DA-4 1.54 39 DA-5 3.31 46 DA-6 4.41 46 DA-7 1.97 60 )EDTO APPLICABLE APPLICABLE SITE AREA = 131.25 ACRES I post = 37 % O rn C O U Z (L)co o 0 LU U Cd rr� Q W ZH bhp Q s. V! m Z +, O c 0.��4 w OWco cu W 01 6)) � a� �-. 0 0 12 a+ N 04 U O 4 c a ° 0 0 0 01 ? o O 0 VJ N � 0 Q '3 c d d rn 0 `c c p 0 U y .° BRIAN C. MI CHELL o C. N0. 035724 v M 0112012022 p IONALENO\� n N c d N C O O�L 6_4 ° W0 0 0 r ti N ° CL 0 V rr�r � o ' U � o a i 0 ; M c d REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 U) N N c 3 0 a 0 a DATE t 01-20-2022 " to SCALE C NO SCALE o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY a BCM / LEN CHECKED BY v c 0 PROJ. j c 201400885 .1 L SHEET # v ` C-10A 0 iz ! V i N IF, i OF / .00 mmmmmmm MMMMMMMME mmmmmmmllffin MMMMMMM111110 MMMMMMM1111.111111 ma"Mmmm"WrIll"I om RIMMEREMIUME NIMMIAMMIEREE WART VTVV ITVV LTVV / I I / 1 / / / l I IF IF l l III l I ll llllll , l , / / , / ..).:r. / / / // l /lI l llllll // / '.J::.: 1 1 1 I \ \ \ . . . . / l l l ll l lI IIII , /II , X, / , , 1 /�/ / /Ill , _ / ,/,Il IIII Iliilii Ill/•';I I \ \\ \�\ lillllililiiii IIII /��IF, - / --- , I AN/ / I I I I ry L /� 9VT 157.00 V: \ GPE Y ISSIPAS-- /---- �1-------- 1PERFORATED _____-\ VC WRAPPED R!- - / I I 1 I I I I ` / `� / FABRICIF WIDE B6iilA-' / l l 1 IF / / / // Q,• ; / • Mulch Layer • The mulch shall be unifornTly applied approximately 2 to 3 inches in depth on top of planting soil. • An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood clips or similar product. • Of the approved mulch products all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material including plant material. • Mulch shall be free of weed seeds, soil, roots, grass or any other substance not consisting of either bole or branch wood or bark. NOTES: 1. SOIL EVALUATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOR COMPOSITION, PLACEMENT AND DEPTH PER THE PLANTING SOIL MEDIA GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED ON THIS SHEET. 2. RAIN GARDEN CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE SITE IS FULLY STABILIZED AND ALL EC MEASURES HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR REMOVAL. 3. ALL GRASSED SWALES AND SURROUNDING GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY STABILIZED AND THE RAIN GARDEN EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE SODDED PRIOR TO PLACING THE RAIN GARDEN IN TO OPERATION 4. A MINIMUM OF 3 SOIL BORING LOGS PER BASIN SHALL BE PROVIDED TO EVALUATE SOIL SUITABILITY FOR THE PROPOSED RAIN GARDENS AND TO ENSURE THAT THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER IS AT LEAST 3 FEET BELOW THE FILTER BED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF EACH RAIN GARDEN. 5. A DENSE COVER OF WATER -TOLERANT, EROSION -RESISTANT GRASS OR OTHER VEGETATION MUST BE ESTABLISHED. RECOMMENDED GRASSES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: KENTUCKY-31 TALL FESCUE, REED CANARY GRASS, REDTOP, AND ROUGH -STALKED BLUE GRASS, NOTE THAT THESE GRASSES CAN BE MIXED. 6. MONKEY GRASS SHALL BE PLANTED OVER MULCH LAYER TO STABILIZE THE MULCH. 7. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WALL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE INITIAL GRADING IS COMPLETE AND THE UNSUITABLE EXISTING SOIL HAS BEEN EXCAVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM. B. THE PERIOD OF CARE AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BEGIN AFTER INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL PLANTS AND CONTINUE UNTIL ONE YEAR AFTER STATE ACCEPTANCE. SIORETENTION AREA GRASS CH EXISTING GROUND tY MAX. PONDING DEPTH Top <--D.O% PROPOSED GRADE'S 3• MULCH 3:1 MAX + PLANTING 1132 5' SOIL MEDIA • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS e o 0 0 0 0 0 o e•PEAGRAVEL 2 M..ITHE RECOMMENDED `.....,• WASHED GRAVEL GENERALLY C SOIL MIXTURE IS GENERALLY CLASSIFIED LOAMY 2•' SAND ON THE USDA TEXT URE TRIANGLE, WITH THE E VA DEG g• pERFOR HT 1% To COMPOSITION ATER PER THE VA DEO DAYLIGHT T 1% 1/2• - 2• STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS GRAVEL %TTO 88% OAND -% 1 %SOILFINES; AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% To 5% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 5 (NOT TO SCALE) MAX. PONDING DEPTH C" PROPOSED GRADE � ' � %�' 3 MULCH 3:1 MAX � •• PLANTING SOIL 2.5' SOIL MEDIA • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED ow o e HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CH7!ATED 3" PEA GRAVEL /0 �0 BI THE RECOMMENDED ` , :. (,yjAVELO SOIL MIXTURE ISV 12• WASHED GRAVEL GENERALLY GENERALLY CLASSIFIED LOAMY .. XT SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, YN THE FOLLOWING g• HDPE TO P COMPOSITION PER THE VA OEO T O 1% 1/2" - 2• STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.9 GRAVEL -85% TO 88% SAND -8% TO 12% SOIL FINES: AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% TO 5% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 6 (NOT TO SCALE) Bioretention Basin Adjacent to a Drainage Swale IEIORETENTION AREA /MIT—\ F FLOW IILOW CONCRETE CHECK DAM 3:1 MAX. (TYP•)� 15' FLOW Wm► 4 PLAN VIEW (NOT TO SCALE) Proposed brad 1-•. BIORETENTION AREA MAX. PONDED WATER DEPTH (9 INCHES) SECTION A -A' (NOT TO SCALE) 11-5.DWG NOTES: 1. PLANTING SOILS SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 12" OR LESS LAYERS AND SHALL BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED. BIORETENTION AREA PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ROOT STOCK OF THE PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORT FROM THE SOURCE TO THE JOB SITE AND UNTIL PLANTED 2. WALLS OF PLANTING PIT SHALL BE DUG SO THAT THEY ARE VERTICAL 3. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANTING PIT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL OF THE TREE 4. THE PLANTING SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ALLOW 1/8 OF THE OVERALL DIMENSION OF THE ROOT BALL TO BE ABOVE GRADE. LOOSE SOIL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIT SHALL BE TAMPED BY HAND. 5. THE PLANT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER AND PLACED IN THE PLANTING PIT BY LIFTING AND CARRYING THE PLANT BY ITS' BALL NEVER LIFT BY BRANCHES OR TRUNK) 6. SET THE PLANT STRAIGHT AND IN THE CENTER OF THE PIT SO THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/8 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL IS ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. MAKE SURE PLANT REMAINS STRAIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PROCEDURE. 8. NEVER COVER THE TOP OF THE BALL WITH SOIL. MOUND SOIL AROUND THE EXPOSED BALL. 9. TREES SHALL BE BRACED BY USING 2" BY 2" WHITE OAK STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO WALWAYS AND BUILDINGS. STAKES ARE TO BE EQUALLY SPACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TREE BALL. UTILIZING HOSE AND WARE THE TREE IS BRACED TO THE STAKES. 10. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVELS OF NUTRIENTS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF TO BE TREATED, BIORETENTION BASIN PLANTS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE CHEMICAL FERTILIZATION PLANTING DATE GUIDELINES BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATES. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. TOP ELEV .l 4" 2 R 6" FLOW- 2' 9. a" . � E �. a CONCRETE CHECK DAM (MODIFIED/DRY 610-6) Maintenanceanspection Guidelines The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive. Specific Facilities may require additional measures not discussed here. A schedule of recommended maintenance for bioretention areas is given in Table 3.11-5. The table gives general guidance regarding methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance. Planting Soil Urban plant communities tend to become very acidic due to precipitation as well as the influences of storm water runoff. For this reason, it is recommended that the application of alkaline, such as limestone, be considered once to twice a year. Testing ofthepH of the organic layer and soil, should precede the limestone application to determine the amount of limestone required. Soil testing should be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Over a period of time, heavy metals and other toxic substances will tend to accumulate in the soil and the plants. Data from other environs such as forest buffers and grass swales suggest accumulation of toxins and heavy metals within five years ofinstallation. However, there is no methodology to estimate the level oftoxic materials in the bioretention areas since runoff, soil, and plant characteristics will vary from site to site. As the toxic substances accumulate, the plant biologic functions maybecome impaired, and the plant „dia5 experience dwarfed growth followed by mortality. The biota within the soil can also become void and the natural soil chemistry may be altered. The preventative measures would include the removal ofthe contaminated soil. In some cases, removal and disposal of the entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Mulch Bioretention areas should be mulched once the planting of trees and shrubs has occurred. Any ground cover specified as plugs may be installed once the area has been mulched. Ground cover established by seeding and/or consisting of grass should not be covered with mulch. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 9 " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' O O 10 t:\ raj CO O Co f` Z od,^� U O W C� C:LU � IFZ r- b ttp ~ �IFrn Z O y c W U .Cd 'm w W ►•1 p., �21 co 3 O QI --I N oN U O w U 4 PO - ° 0 111 0IIF Y Q 3 c a) o jpLTH 0 c T V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic FNo. 035724 5aO1//0222 FSS/ONA s a rn C N N c O I� U O C3 3 0 w O N a y c T Q) "_4 O a_ l)v\ U ' � 0 - W OL REVISIONS DATE ITEM we in N N c 3 H O N 0 0 DATE °' B O1-20-2022 SCALE c AS SHOIYN o Ir PROJECT MANAGER L `a BRL4N C. MITCHELL, P.E. o -°'o DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � 0 .3 PROJ.j, 201400,65 0 SHEE=,0 c - 2"x2" STAKE WIRE GUY \1 TURNBUCKLE 120' ' 4530- 30' MIN a64} 6'J" MIN 12" +� TREE GUYING DETAIL - 3" CALIPER OR MORE `I NOT TO SCALE 3" EARTH MOUNDED TO FORM SAUCER 3" - 4" PINEBARK MULCH REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1 3 OF BALL PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL II SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PIT PRUNE ALL BROKEN, DEAD AND DAMAGED BRANCHES. DO NO CUT LEADER }I T' MIN. WEBBING x 12"MIN. f THREAD CABLE THROUGH METAL GROMMETS WRAP WITH COMMERCIAL CREPE TO SECOND BRANCH. START AT BOTTOM �6-12 GALVANIZED TURNBUCKLE ~ 13 GA. GALVANIZED GUYWIRE 3"x13'WOOD OR METAL FLAG PAINTED WHITE — 3 EARTH MOUND TO CREATE SAUCER l_ T' MIN. SHREDDED PINEBARK MULCH I� Ji REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1,3 OF BALL { II NI �2-2S2-Y30" STAKES. SALT PRESSURE 1REATEO PINEORIVE FLUSH WITH GRADE PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL SCARIFYBOTTOM OF PIT 1" 5HREDDED � \ PINEBARK MULCH 112- MIN MIN _ \./� ,4 c ' MIN B & B SHRUB I GROUNDCOVER BED NOT TO SCALE BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATE. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. M L -- -,_ ---- - ----—— ------------�\ BMP 5 II BIORETENTION FILTER 5 PLANT SCHEDULE SIZE SYMBOL QUANTOTAL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HEIGHT SPACING 11 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' O.C. O2 Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7' 15' O.C. 12 Itea Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal. 4' O.C. 16 Corpus Sericea 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' O.C. O 12 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' O.C. BMP 6 ------------- / ------------ ------------ ------ BIORETENTION FILTER 6 PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL WAN BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HEIGHT SPACING 4 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' O.C. O2 Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7' 15' O.C. 7 Itea Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal' 4' O.C. 10 Corpus Sericea 'Arctic Fire Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' O.C. O 12 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' O.C. r 0 m 1.0 PL M\ W O V d4 U Z od'�� N T"I Q) C V j W C) � U C:Lu Z"4� I.�r��U e K4 I"1 'PH ~ T� C Z rn W 1W .^ Pi.l Ld P -,�q --n O WI+1 ° Z�- rn I�1 FI {11 co 3 0 ,/-r O a�yI1 N a C N U ,Sy a1.2 c 0 111 0IIF � 3 Q c 0 E a) o+ j jI 0 c V > � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No. 035724 0112012022 s FFSS/ONAL11 ENC3\� a c N C O I� U O C w 3 ~ N q � o' q E, N c N �q N ti �N o o �w � w U 6-4 Cl- 0 o L O .L OJ O) REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 0 in N N C 3 O H r- O T 0 N a 0 a DATE -S O1-20-2022 "' N_ .SCALE C AS SHOiYN o L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N DESIGNED BY -oo BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY � c 0 PROJ. j, 201400E65 .3 0 SHEET f C-12A r