HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100021 Plan - Revision Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2022-02-01LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE - - - - ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT 10 10 PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR 311.5 x x m SPOT ELEVATION 311.5 TO x x TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 311.5 TW x z- TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 311.5 BW x >2- BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION - ....... - STREAM - - STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB I CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING MATERIAL 0 CONCRETE RIPRAP ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE X X FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE GUY WIRE oau OHU OVERHEAD UTILITY ucu UGU UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE q q DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN S S SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER W W WATER LINE 0 0 WATER METER 0 0 WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT A A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS GAS- GAS LINE EASEMENTS CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACCESS SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE SANITARY WATERLINE - GASLINE NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. OWNER/DEVELOPER Annamae Holdings LLC 1514 Ballard Drive Charlottesville, VA 22932 PLAN PREPARATION Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)227-5140 ZONING DCD - Downtown Crozet District SP202000015 approved on January 11, 2021 Overlays: Dam Break Inundation Zone - State, Entrance Corridor, Flood Hazard Overlay District, Water Protection Ordinance, Scenic Byways SDP200900085 approved on 8/27/2009 and minor SPA SDP201700023 approved on 8/10/2017 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT White Hall SOURCE OF TITLE DB 3613 PG 454 DB 321 PG 363 PLAT SETBACKS Per approved SP202000015, setbacks are provided as follows: PRIMARY BUILDINGS FRONT MINIMUM: 1' FRONT MAXIMUM: 10'* SIDE MINIMUM: None SIDE MAXIMUM: None REAR MINIMUM: 0' REAR MAXIMUM: None 'Up to 20' with administrative modification BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum building height in DCD: 50' or 4 stories Proposed building height: 2 story building addition SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary& topographic surve provided b : Y P Y Lincoln Surveying, December 15, 2020. BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 FLOODZONE According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO229D), this property is located within a Zone AE 100-year floodplain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Lickinghole Creek Water Supply Watershed. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by ACSA public water and sewer. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. ITE TRIP GENERATION AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Oty In Out Total In Out Total Total Animal Hospital/ 640 20 21 16 37 11 14 25 254 Veterinary Clinic Employees ANI MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT MAL WELLNESS CENTER EXISTING USE Veterinary Office PROPOSED USE Veterinary Office, two-story building addition of approximately 6,000 SF total and parking lot expansion LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Building 3,970 SF 2.6% Pavement 10,932 SF 7.2% Sidewalk 944 SF 0.6% Open Space 135,961 SF 89.6% Total= 151,807 SF (3.485 ac.) PROPOSED Area % Building 7,119 SF 4.7% Pavement 11,076 SF 7.3% Sidewalk 954 SF 0.6% Open space 132,658 SF 87.4% Total= 151,807 SF (3.485 ac.) PARKING SCHEDULE Downtown Crozet District: Minimum of 1 space per 1,000 square feet of net floor area, 9,892 SF GFA 8 spaces required, 23 spaces provided (no maximum per Sec. 20B.4) Bicycle parking: 1 space per 10 vehicular parking spaces required; 8 vehicular spaces required 1 bicycle parking space required LANDSCAPE Landscape shall comply with Sec. 18-20B of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 9 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. 13. Accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with ICC ANSI A117.1-09. 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve." 15. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. 16. Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects and 540-562-3580x131. FIRE FLOW & PREVENTION A knox box is required. Location of the knox box to be coordinated with the Fire Marshal's Office. ISO needed fire flow is 1,500 gpm. Total estimated flow is 3,126 gpm, AWWA Q20 calculation is 5,601 gpm. VDOT DETAILS NOTES Contractor shall review the latest VDOT standard details prior to construction. Details subject to change. See below a list of VDOT details for contractor to review from VDOT official website. 1. VDOT IS-1: VDOT STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS 2. VDOT DI-3A, 3B, 3C: STANDARD CURB DROP INLET- 12"-30" PIPE: MAXIMUM DEPTH (H)-8' 3. VDOT MH-1: STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 4. VDOT MH-1: MANHOLE FOR 12"-48" PIPE CULVERTS 5. VDOT CG-12: CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE GENERAL NOTES 6. VDOT CG-12: CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE TYPE B (PARALLEL) APPLICATION 6. VDOT CG-12: METHOD OF INSTALLATION 7. VDOT CG-6: COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER (CONTRACTOR MUST USE 8" VDOT 21A COMPACTED STONE UNDER CURB) 8. VDOT CG-2: STANDARD 6" CURB (CONTRACTOR MUST USE 8" VDOT 21A COMPACTED STONE UNDER CURB) 9. VDOT WP-2: ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING (FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC SDP202100021, AMENDMENT TO SDP2009-85 TAX MAP PARCEL 056A2-01-00-00700 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1 "= 1000' G R A N I BARGAMIN PARK 0 � "a" Q REA s M "d^ wer ,fy1 e� % e o U a The Lodge at Old Trail V S a e OLD TRAIL ,Xy S dTe v 1, The Summit Q A;,,rmr -t• 1` IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOGGLE MAPS SHEETINDEX C1 COVER C2 APPROVED SP2020-15 CONDITIONS C3 EXISTING CONDITIONS C4 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN & STORMWATER PROFILES C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 LIGHTING PLAN & SITE DETAILS C7 STORM PROFILES & DETAILS APPROVALS Current Development Planner Date Current Development Engineer Date Architectural Review Board Date Fire Official Date Building Official Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date 0 `R\\ Three Nr.D_Aed J `ROUTE 240 THREE NOTCH•D ROAD V I L L A 6 E Crozet Park a Community Building MS Claudius Crozet Park V tz, Crozet Park & Pool PARK VIEW WHITE OAKS 4. IAC BROOKWOOD k SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERINGCOM I T SHIM 83Lic. 451Go S O AL,10� w�Y MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.03.22 REVISION: 2021.07.15 [ARB] 2021.08.02 [ARB] 2021.12.21 2022.02.01 FILE NO. COVER 20.005 C1 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 202000015 ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the staff reports prepared for SP 202000015 and all of their attachments, the information presented at the public hearings, any comments received, and the factors relevant to special use permits in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-20B.2(E)(17) and 18-33.40, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 202000015, subject to the conditions attached hereto. I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of six to zero, as 2 recorded below, at a regular meeting held on February 3, 2021. 3. Clerk, Board of County Superv' ors 4. Ave Nay Mr. Gallaway Y Ms. LaPisto-Kirtley Y Ms. Mallek Y Ms. McKeel Y Ms. Palmer Y _ Ms. Price Y —� RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SE202000022 ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER NOW BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the staff reports prepared in conjunction with the special exception request and the attachments thereto, including staffs supporting analysis, all of the comments received, and all of the factors relevant to the special exception in Albemarle County Code §§ 18- 5.1.11 and 18-33.49, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SE202000020 Animal Wellness Center to to allow the veterinary clinic and associated uses to be located less than 200 feet from a residential property line, subject to the conditions attached hereto. I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of six to zero, as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on February 3, 2021. Clerk, Iloard of County Sup e sors Mr. Gallaway Ms. LaPisto-Kirtley Ms. Mallek Ms. McKeel Ms. Palmer Ms. Price SP2020-15 Animal Wellness Center Special Use Permit Conditions Development of the use must be in general accord (as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator) with the concept plan entitled, "Special Use Permit SP2020-00015, An Amendment to SP2008-009, Concept Plan, Animal Wellness Center, 56A2-01-00-7," prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C., dated July 20, 2020, last revised January 15, 2021. To be in general accord with the exhibit, development must reflect the following essential major elements: • Location of the existing building and its proposed additions • Location of the proposed new building in the "tnture phase/development" • Location of the parking areas • Location of the outdoor animal exercise area Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. The outdoor animal exercise area must be separated from access by the public and limited to the area behind the building. Final site plan approval is subject to approval of the landscape plan (submitted with the site plan) by the Architectural Review Board (ARB). Landscaping shown on the plan may be required to be in excess of the minimum requirements of the ARB guidelines and/or the Zoning Ordinance to mitigate visual impacts of the proposed use. Subject to the approval of the Albemarle County Facilities and Environmental Services department, a parking lot may be permitted in the location of the existing drainage channel located within the Albemarle County drainage easement (deed book 3982, page 599), as shown to the west of the existing building depicted on sheets 6 and 7 of the concept plan. For a parking lot to be permitted in this area, at a mininuun, the developer must relocate and reconstruct the drainage channel to a condition that is consistent with the design of the existing channel and modify the drainage easement to reflect the new location. Piping of the existing or new drainage channel is not permitted. Any disposal of the County's existing drainage easement is further subject to the requirements of hirginia Corte § 15.2-1800(B). SE202000022 Animal Wellness Center Conditions Development of the use must be in general accord (as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator) with the concept plan entitled, "Special Use Permit SP2020- 00015, Au Amendment to SP2008-009, Concept Plan, Animal Wellness Center, 56A2-01-00-7," prepared by Shinnp Engineering, P.C., dated July 20, 2020, last revised January 15, 2021. To be in general accord with the exhibit, development must reflect the following essential major elements: • Location of the existing building and its proposed additions • Location of the proposed new building in the "future phase/development" • Location of the parking areas • Location of the outdoor animal exercise area Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The buildings used for the veterinary clinic and overnight animal boarding uses must be air-conditioned and must be sound -proofed so that sound measured at the nearest agricultural or residential property line shall not exceed 55 decibels. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit information to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and the Zoning Administrator (or their designees) that demonstrate that the sound attenuation qualities of the construction materials used in the renovation, expansion, and/or construction of the veterinary clinic and overnight animal boarding service buildings can reasonably meet the fifty-five (55) decibel sound limit in County Code §18-5.1.1 l(b). SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM H OF�I \GI U T .SHIM D Lic. . 45183 I �o� �11Z2 `�, S7nXTAl E�G MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.03.22 REVISION: 2021.07.15 [ARB] 2021.08.02 [ARB] 2021.12.21 2022.02.01 9111110111►[6l 20.005 APPROVED SP2020-15 CONDITIONS C2 TMP 56-A2-01--46A CLIFFORD H FOX JR ZONE: DCD \ ROL \ \ \ TMP 56-12 \ D BZ 2898 P. 215 D.B. 1671 P. 603 PLAT \ SSMH \ \ 656.09 30' PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT O.B. 3985 P. 642 I,,/TTTT7\/ If 1 APPROX. LOCATION OF EX. FIRE HYDRANT TMP 56A2-01--6 D.B. 4024 P. 567 TMP 56A2-01--6 R&H PARTNERS, LLC DB 4024 PG 567 DB 4079 PG 391 PLAT DB 367 PG 155 PLAT DB 255 PG 175 DESC. ZONE: R2 RESIDENTIAL USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 8.08 AC SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESALLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U T SHIM a L1C. .45 183 '(O� �11�22c'(v S%nAt AT V"G MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER \ 658.35 :II- \ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA \ rygANlrgRy \ 1 2 SUBMISSION: CCESS/BCEq/N 0 O lNl/ERis \ \ \ N $Lg%g4 W 2021.03.22 \ TMP 56-11 DP \ COUNTY OF RLE �I� O ALBECq/A/ DB 3830 PG 168 \ \ I REVISION: DB 1671 PG 603 PLAT / DB 367 PG 155 PLAT ZONE: R2 RESIDENTIAL \ \ 2021.07.15 [ARB] ` USE: FOREST ss ` 5.51 AO ' I \ 681.23 2021.08.02 [ARB] \I 2021.12.21 1 2022.02.01 CFI \ FILE NO. 20.005 LANDSCAPE LEGEND \ \ ' �. EXISTING CONDITIONS CALIPER / SPECIES / CROWN SPREAD \ ' i "1 30 0 30 60 90 UDWEX:3" CAL. / DOGWOOD / 6' CROWN SPREAD \ j \ ' '" Scale: 1=30 C31 TMP 56-A2-01--46A CLIFFORD H FOX JR ZONE: DCD P Y 30' PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT O.B. 3985 P. 642 i /7TTTT \I I I l I 1 1 \ I TMP 56A2-01--6 R&H PARTNERS, LLC DB 4024 PG 567 DB 4079 PG 391 PLAT DB 367 PG 155 PLAT DB 255 PG 175 DESC. ZONE: R2 RESIDENTIAL USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 8.08 AC SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U T SHIM a L1C. .45 183 Slnnre. ECG MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER 6 5835 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 656.12 '�\ 65.II' \��\ \ \ ryggNlrgRy \ 1 SUBMISSION: ccESS/e EAIV t E \ \ I 2021.03.22 ALBE TMP s\ I \ IN F(p pD� R COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Cq DB 3830 PG 168 \ I REVISION: DB 1671 PG 603 PLAT / DB 367 PG 155 PLAT I ZONE: R2 RESIDENTIAL \ \ 2021.07.15 [ARBI ` USE: FOREST ss ` 5.51 AO ' I \ 681.23 2021.08.02 [ARBI \I 2021.12.21 I' 1 2022.02.01 11 iFl I ` FILE NO. 20.005 LANDSCAPELEGEND \� II. I GRADING & UTILITY PLAN CALIPER / SPECIES / CROWN SPREAD \ ' I i "1 30 0 30 60 90 UDWEX:3" CAL. / DOGWOOD / 6' CROWN SPREAD j \ Scale: 1 "=30' C41 I 2CHR20 • 1 11 0) 1 I\I is \ / ' _12W L25 II II I \\ I II \ � I I I II • I I\CHRzS to \ I I II \ \ \ 16W,4?30 -x-a x x \ 4WAL \ I 1 WAJ40 0 14't4AL30 \ \ 12WAL25 60 x 0WAL25 >-�RD - RD . I L- 1I I / III I I � 660 I I /III I 1 I OZ I / /I I. I V o f'1 I I I I I I \\ +� .� I I I I I / t ) \ m TREE PROTECTION FENCING l � 10WAL25 0% 18WAL35 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Total Can Total Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF OLarge Deciduous Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Magyar' "Magyar' Ginkgo 2.5" Cal. 5 21 84 420 0 Large Deciduous Tree Platanus occidentalis American Planetree 2.5" Cal. 2 47 1253 2506 Large Deciduous Tree Quercus robur "Fastigate" "Fasti ate" English 9 2.5" Cal. 2 21 14 28 Oak Large Deciduous Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple 2.5" Cal. 2 30 397 794 Ornamental Tree Magnolia x soulangiona Saucer Magnolia 6-8' Ht. 2 17 145 290 lJ Evergreen Screening Viburnum utile "Conoy" "Conoy" Viburnum 24" Ht. 21 4 18 - Shrub ® Evergreen Screening Shrub Rhododendron Azalea 24" Ht. 12 4 10 - \ 62 \ \off \ I _ _1✓ 1 °NU\ 1 \ \ T \-I-, - R \ 2DWP6 I°ho / 6HO I w \ Q CTION \ "o aw z -66 I \ E G G\ I 0% S C30 I 1 V II z w6 �°ti (2/DWW6 I o I ( \ \ I IFFE I \ \ 660.44 or 11 \ I I `L _ I \ O \ \� / I x \ - \ ~6 S-, o \ it, \ 6 .43 I 4 1 5 DITCH 1 / P s \ \ ASS- P---R P PULL POTTING MIX AND ROOT MAT APART TO DIRECT THE OUTER ROOTS INTO THE ADJACENT SOIL. DO NOT LEAVE CIRCLING ROOTS NATIVE BACKFILL SOIL AMENDED WITH 15% DECOMPOSED ORGANIC COMPOST SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOIL PREPARE SUBSOIL TO WITH MOUND TO PREVENT SETTLING I / k PU Lie pR AI A -J 6SYC1 < O / DW6// 6$O / / / / / / /� / \%I d •� W6 // / /�j to 2pxi1-0� ✓ - . x / / ACS EASE 6 / NEW 1'C15 O (V I M I / / / /1sYc1 EBLAC SWM oi31.- �Q CCES1. I J I1P G (n \ 0 \ - \ \ \ \\\ \ \ I OHO_ H \ 14WA•5 OHU \ _ , \ \ \ \ \ \. \ \ O�J I O HU \v U / \ \ HU\1' \ \ OHU OHU /OH / \ 777 0 \\ 1 H O OHU/ �OHn_ SET TOP OF ROOT CROWN 2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 3" DOUBLE -SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. WATERING BERM SHAPE SOIL SURFACE TO PROVIDE 3' DIA. WATERING RING FINISHED GRADE TREE PIT DEPTH EQUALS ROOTBALL DEPTH. MEASURE BEFORE DIGGING 1. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. IF SPACING NEEDS ADJUSTING CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2. PRIOR TO MULCHING, LIGHTLY TAMP SOIL AROUND THE ROOT BALL IN 6" LIFTS TO BRACE SHRUB. DO NOT OVER COMPACT. WHEN THE PLANTING HOLE HAS BEEN BACKFILLED, POUR WATER AROUND THE ROOT BALL TO SETTLE THE SOIL. SET TRUNK PLUMB, SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING ONE CENTRAL LEADER (NO CODOMINANT LEADERS, UNLESS SPECIFIED) ARBOR TIES, OR EQUIV. 2"X2" SQ. OAK STAKES SET 180 DEGREES APART OUTSIDE ROOT PACKAGE TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE 2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS. NO MORE THAN 1" OF MULCH ON TOP OF ROOT BALL. ROUND -TOPPED SOIL BERM 4" HIGH X 8" 'MDE ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND THE ROOT BALL. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOT BALL PERIPHERY. REMOVE BURLAP, STRING, AND WIRE FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOT BALL. BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL RESTS ON EXISTING OR RECOMPACTED SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING SLOPE AND ROUGHEN SIDES OF LOOSENED SOIL. CL SEE TREE PLANTING DETAIL FOR STAKING ROOT BALL MODIFIED AS REQUIRED ROUND -TOPPED SOIL BERM 4" HIGH X 8" WIDE ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE ROOT BALL FOR 240. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOT BALL PERIPHERY. 4" LAYER OF MULCH. NO MORE THAN 1" OF ON TOP OF ROOT FINISHED GRADE EXISTING GRADE LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SEC. 20B.4(D) SCREENING FROM PUBLIC STREETS: PARKING AREA OF MORE THAN FIVE SPACES SHALL BE SCREENED FROM STREETS 'MTH CONTINUOUS EVERGREEN SHRUBS. SHRUBS SHALL MEASURE 24" IN HEIGHT, AND AT MATURITY SHALL BE THREE TO FIVE FEET IN HEIGHT, PLANTED BETWEEN THREE & FIVE FEET O.C., DEPENDING ON SPECIES PROVIDED: 21 EVERGREEN SHRUBS, PLANTED 5' O.C. SEC. 20.6.4(E)) LANDSCAPING: REQUIREMENTS OF SUBSECTION and (b) SHALL APPLY ONLY TO PARKING AREAS HAVING MORE THAN 25 SPACES. SUBSECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO PARKING AREAS WITHIN THE DCD SEC. 20.B.5(B)) TREE CANOPY: SUBSECTION OF THIS CHAPTER SHALL NOT APPLY WITHIN THE DOD ENTRANCE CORRIDOR STREET: LARGE SHADE TREES, 35' O.C. W/ INTERSPERSED ORNAMENTAL TREES EXISTING TO REMAIN: 3 SYCAMORE TREES PROVIDED: 2 LARGE SHADE TREES + 2 ORNAMENTAL TREES PARKING AREA: ONE LARGE SHADE TREE FOR EVERY 10 PARKING SPACES, 40' O.C. 23 PARKING SPACES PROPOSED PROVIDED: 7 LARGE SHADE TREES SCREENING SHRUBS PROVIDED ALONG PERIMETER OF CROZET AVE. FRONTAGE AS NEW BUILDING & ADDITIONAL PARKING TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT A LATER TIME PER APPROVED SP2020-15 NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes of steeper than 3:1 to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. MAINTENANCE: • LOW MAINTENANCE GROUND COVER -The best time of year to mow is during the fall through late winter. Mow on a three-year cycle where 1/3 of the area is mowed each year. Do not maw during the spring or summer months because of the nesting season. When mowing, cut gross no lower than 6 inches and allow stubble to remain until spring to help insulate plant roots and provide cover for wildlife. If native warm -season grasses are cut lower than 6 inches during the active growing season, the stand will be reduced significantly. iTF ! fl Connly of Albemarle r z .:'^i �COnservahon Plan Chet Absl To be pl teed on F andseape Plans fin y_ e ? ���� .?- (Handbook, pp III-2NJ I11 297 for ct mplete spocdicamms) S I. Thel.2112 ide items shall be sh - th I 1r 0 Trecsto,b 1. w T r 1r jn§ r h t fffj ,CvES 0 Limns of (outside wt dripsne oft :tlbean ccf ❑ Lueation and type ofp tc livcl mint p e:R s r Y.4 I s t p ❑ ❑ Proposed trenching or tunneling beyond III limits of clearmg 2, Idirkines, Al� .. 0 All tr' 1 I c caved shall be marked all p nt or rihbnn at a I I):ht clr Iy t slble to eynlpmem opcmm i� da 0 No m- d'nh :hall begin until the true marking has been inspected and approved by a County Imp U<r ' 1. Pre -construction Conference v i 0 Tree preservation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site hr.. 4. Equipment Operation and Storaee: F yi g'= 0 Heavy equipment. vehicular traffic and. tongs of consnuction materials including soil shalLnot be peon ded wahlp the dnpline of krefs ` tu be cased rrr r. S. Snit. Erosion and Shlrmwater Detention Devices, �la , _ M` r�v {q. 1 _ 0 Such dexiccc shall not adversely affeu Ines to be sated :, , «• ,� fi to fi Flres:., Ktaa ❑ fires are not permitted within 100 feet of the dnpline of pees to he sat cd at na µ 7. Toxic Materials. 't 0 Toxic materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of the dripline of toes 1. be : aved.' g. Protective Frontline: _ 0 Trza to he retained within 40 feet of a proposed build rig or grading activity shall be protected by fencing 0 Fercin g shall be in lace and shall be inspected and a roved lo a County Inspector nor to trading or con str ct g P P PP Y ry P P 6 g Iqn 9. Tree Wells: ❑ When the ground level most be raised within the dnpline ofa tree to M1e sated, n tree well shall be provided and a conitruetipn detail sabmi0ed forannoved. 10. Tree Walls' El When When the ground level must be lowered within the dripline a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a consimcnon detad submitted for approv:d 11. Trenchine and Tunneline: ❑ When trenching is required within the limits ofclearing, it shall be done as faraway from the trunks of trees as possible. Tunneling s= under a large tree shall be considered as an alternative when It is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder roots ✓: 13. Cleanup:, 0 Protective fencing shall be the last items removed during the final cleanup h ? 4 13. Uamaeed Trees: •- : '-_ L 0 Damaged trees shall be treated inamediatelyby pruning, ferhliiation or olher methods recommended by a tre speclaltsL a t„„rrrr g. i NOTE: IT IS THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFER \VITH THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE COHSERVATIOS' REQUIREMENTS. -OWNERSIGN URE1. (DATE) I '. fill 'e 4 .rv.. ;" $11/0 Page 104 ORIGINAL SLOPE SHOULD PASS THROUGH THE POINT WHERE THE TRUNK BASE MEETS SUBSTRATE/SOIL PRIOR TO MULCHING, LIGHTLY TAMP SOIL AROUND THE ROOT BALL IN 6" LIFTS TO BRACE TREE. DO NOT OVER COMPACT. WHEN THE PLANTING HOLE HAS BEEN BACKFILLED. POUR WATER AROUND THE ROOT BALL TO SETTLE THE SOIL. LOOSENED SOIL. DIG AND TURN THE SOIIL TO REDUCE THE COMPACTION TO THE AREA AND DEPTH SHOWN. SLOPE AND ROUGHEN SIDES OF LOOSENED SOIL. ORIGINAL GRADE EXISTING SOIL SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U T JHIM1C. .45 S7nhtAI E�G MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.03.22 REVISION: 2021.07.15 [ARB] 2021.08.02 [ARB] 2021.12.21 2022.02.01 9111110161 LANDSCAPE PLAN 20.005 I 3X ROOTBALL DIAMETER DIM. 3X WIDEST DIMENSION OF ROOT BALL SHRUB PLANTING - SECTION 2 TREE PLANTING DETAIL 3 TREE ON SLOPE @ 25% 4: 1 to 50% (2: 1) C5 Not To Scale C5 Not To Scale C5 Not To Scale CG V'u V'u V'u V'u V'u V'u V'u V'u V'u V'u ,u,u ,u,u ,u,u ,u,u +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 LLOO LLOO LLOO +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +p.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + .0 + .71111 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +0.2 +0.2 +0.2 +0.2 +0.2 +0.2 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 0.5 .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.2 0 +0.7 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.9 +1.0 +1.0 +I 1 +0.7 0.5 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 LLOO .0 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.6 +1.2 +1.6 +1.9 +2.1 +2.1 +2.0 +2.11 +2.4 +2.4 +2.2 +1.7 +1.2 + �5 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 LLOO +0.0 .5 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0. +1.0 +2.0 +3.0 +3.7 +3.9 +3.7 +3.7 +4.0 +4.4 +4.6 +4.4 +3.2 +2.0 +1.0 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 LLOO +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 + 3 +1.2 +2.6 +5.2 +7.1 +6.3 +4.9 +5.9 +7.2 +7.0 +7.5 +8.0 +5.4 +2.6 +1.2 5 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.3 .50.5 +1.5 C +3.6 +6.5 +10.6 +7.4 +1.4 .4 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 + .0 +0.0 -2@12' LLOO LLOO +0.0 +0.1 0.4 .5 +0.5 +0.6 1.5 0.9 + .3 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 .5 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +0.8 +0.9 +0.8 +0.7 +1.2 +0.9 0.5 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.7 +1.3 +1.2 +1.1 +1. +2.8 +2.0 +1.1 0.4 +0.1 +0.0 .5 .5 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +1.4 +2.0 +1.8 +1.4 +5.6 +3.3 +1.6 + 6 +0. _L .0 .5 +0.0 +0.1 + 2 +2.1 +3.1 +2.4 +1.8 8.6 +4.3 +1.9 +0.7 + .2 +0.1 .5 @ 12' +0.1 +0.1 .3 2.3 4.1 +3.0 +2.1 8.2 +4.1 +1.7 +0.7 0.2 +0.1 +0.1 +0. .3 2.35 @ 20' .2 +3.1 +2.2 +1. + . + . 5 @ +�.1 3.9 +2.4 +1.3 _5 +0.2 +0.1 +5_4B S4 +1.6 .5 +3.3 +5. +0.0 +0.0 +0 + .25 2.1 3.2 +2.7 +2.1 4? 0 +1.6 +1.0 +0.4 +0.1 + . + 1 . 0.0 + 0.0 + 1 + 0. + 1.4 2.2 2 1 + 1 9 + 1.7 1 + 1 + 1 + .6 1.6 1.5 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1 + 1.1 + 0.9 + 0.6 + 0 + 0.1 + 5 +0.0 +0.0 + .0 +0.1 0.8 1.6 +1.7 +1.8 +1.8 +1.8 +1.9 +2.0 +2.1 +2.1 +2.0 +2.0 +1.8 +1.5 +1.2 +1.0 +0.8 06 .3 +0.1 .5 +0.0 +0.0 .0 +0.1 0.5 1.1 1.4 +1.7 +1.9 +2.1 +2.4 +2.7 +2.8 +2.8 +2.7 +2.8 +2.6 +2.1 +1.6 +1.3 +0.9 +0. 0.3 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.7 +1.1 1.5 +1.8 +2.4 +3.2 +3.7 +3.8 +3.5 +3.5 +3.8 +3.6 +3.1 +2.1 +1.5 +1.0 +0.7 +0.3 +0.0 +0.0 0.0 +0.0 +0.1 5 + . +0.8 .2 +1.8 .7 +4 + .8 .8 4.1 4.1 +4.7 +4.7 +3.9 +2. +1.6 +1.1 +0 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0. 0.5 +1.1 1.8 +2 +1.0 5 +0. +0.1 0.5 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 + . + .3 +0.0 . . .3 + .0 + . + .1 +0.1 +0.0 .0 +0.0 + + +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 LLOO LLOO LLOO +0.0 +0. +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +o.o +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 LLOO LLOO +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0 Symbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description Lamp Filename Number of Lamps Lumens Per Lamp Light Loss Factor Wattage A 6 Signify Gardco ECF-S-32L-365-VWV-G2-2 EcoForm Area LED ECF - Small, 32 LED's, (2) LEDGINE SLD LIGHT ecf-s-321-365-ww- 1 Absolute 1.00 40.00 3000K CCT, TYPE 2 OPTIC, No Shield ARRAY(S) DRIVEN AT 365mA g2-2.ies B 6 Signify Gardco 121-32L-700-VWV-G4-4 121 LED Sconce (2) LEDgine DRIVEN AT 700 ecf-s-321-la-ww-g 1 Absolute 1.00 70.2 mA 2-4-his.ies + Lighting Notes 1. Pole mount fixtures shall be mounted at a total height of 20' from the finished grade, which includes the pole base. 2. Wall sconce fixtures shall be mounted at 12' height. 3. Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle. 4. Finish of the lighting fixtures shall be dark gray. Site & 4 rea CM GARDCO EchoForm Gardco EcoForm Gen-2 combines economy with performance in an LED area Project: luminaire. Capable of delivering up to 27.800 lumens or more in a compact, low Location: profile LED luminaire. EcoForm offers a new level of customer value. EcoForm Cat.Ncx features an innovative retrofit arm kit, simplifying site conversions to LED by eliminating the need to drill additional holes in most existing poles. Integral Type' control systems available for further energy savings. Includes Service Tag, our Lamps: city: innovative way to provide assistance throughout the life of the product. Notes: Ordering guide H example: ECF-S-64L-900-NW-G2-AR-5-120-HIS-MGY ECF-5 EI 32L 365 WW-62 AR 1jgx2 120 120V DD 0-10VExtemal IMM3 PCB Faring Square Pole Textured EMFM 32 LEDs 365mA Warm White Arm Mount 208 208V dimming (byo[hers)' Integral with Phorommrol Adapter SK Black 2Type2 n Single she apt (2 modules) 530 3000K,70CRI (dandaN)' 2-90 Rotated 240 240V DCC DualCrcullControP" #3lens" Button" (120,277,347VAgr Indudedin WX White area, 5301A Generation left 90' 277 277V FAWS Field Adjustable IMRI7 TLRD5 F2 Double standard BZ Bronze The small 700 NW-62 2-270 Rotated 347 347V Wattage Selecror4° Integral with Till Lock (208,240,480VAC) product DGY Dark Gray 700MA Natural White following right 480 48DV SW Imerfacemodule #71ens" Receptacle TB MGYMedium Gray 1A 4000K,70CRI mounting 270' UNV 120-277V forSiNWRe4A' Spine PMsllount Fusing Terminal 1050mA Generation kits must (50/60H4 LLC Integral will TLRD7 FPI Single Block" Customer 12A be ordered TYR3 HVU 347-UDV module'''" Twist Lack (120, 277,347UAO' RPA specified 3Type3 RAIL Specify ROOMA CW-62DoiW separately (50/60Ha BL Bi-level Receptacle FP2 Double Round Pole CDDOK,7e (See 3-90 Rotated functionality141' 7PIn (208.240, 480VAO Adapter Optional 48L 900 SOOOKtion2 pccessodeA) left 90' (fits[o3'- cOloroL702 48 LEDs 9001A Generation DyruDimmer. Automatic TLRPC FP3 Canadian fax. RAL7024) (3 modules) SF 3-270 Rotated ProfileDimming g Twist Lack Double Pull QOB, 39,OD CC Custarncdor 1050mA right Receptactil 240.4801 pole)° (Mudsupply C550 Safety SO% 1.2A Mount e Mount' Dimming,] hours4° Phatocell21 Surge Protadion HIS cdorddD 12A r4 DMA Typing CM5OMedian 50% Dimming, 001A standard) Internal forrequjred 81hoursO SP2 Incressurri Housing fadoryquote) 4Type4 INS 490 Rotated CS30 Safety 30% Side Shield" BI lEOs 9DOmA Wallmoum Ieft90° Dimmin ,7hours4° (4^0� IA withsudace 4-270 Rotated CM30Median 30%Dimming, 1050mA conduit right 81hours"2 rear army 270' permitted Types RAM Retrofit arm 5 Type mount kiN SW Type SW AFR Auto Front Row AFR-90 Auto Front Row, Rotated left 90' Ant-270 Auto Front Row, Rotated right 270' 1. BL-IMRI3i equipped with out -boarded saneor housing when B. Notwallebledrill ar4BOV 14. HIS not available with Type 5 and SW optics. voltage is HW(347-4BOV) 9. Must specify Input voltage. 15. Not avelMblewRM1 Do. too, and FAWS dimming control options. 2. Mounts to:Cone nd pole with adapter included for square poles. 10. Dimming will not be connected to NEMA receptacle if ordering 16. Not available wdh DD. DiFAW3 and LLC dimming control 3. Limitedtomaximum of46 degrees aiming abovehorizontel. with other control option.. options. 4. Not avallable with other dimming control options. 11. Not available In 480V. Order photocell separately with TLRD5/7. 17. Must specify a motion sensor low. 5. Not avellable with motion sensor. 12. Not available with DCC. s. Not evil with photocontrol. 13. Not available with SF end WS. RPAs provided with black finish 7. Awalialle only in 120 or 277V. standard. ECF-S-Ecol'orm-area-smell 06/20 psgel of 8 t\t Olr `U br La L• vaenlun Gardco LED wall sconce 121 offers distinction through its styling, powerful optical design, array of distributions, and impressive selection of control possibilities. Designed to add an element of style to your application by pairing straight lines with rounded edges, the form of the 121 is timeless, yet contemporary, and will complement a wide assortment of architectural styles and designs, while delivering high light levels and functional distributions. 121 sconces are available in Type 2, 3, and 4 distributions, and provide output of up to 12,400 lumens. Energy saving control options help to increase energy savings and offer California Title 24 compliance. Emergency Battery Backup option available for path -of -egress and is integral to the luminaire. Ordering guide Prefix bum be, of LE 121 121 LED wall sconce 16L 16 LEDs 1 module) 32L 32 LEDs (2 modules) 200mA CW-G4 Coal White 5000K, 2 Type 2 400mA 70CRI Generation 4 3 Type 3 53OmA NiNeutral White 4000K. 4 Type 700mA 70DRI Generation 1000mA Will Warm White 3000K, 70CRI Generation 4 1200mA WY-G4 Warm Yellow 2700K, 530mA 80 CRI Generation 42 700mA BW-G4 Balanced White 3500K 100i 80CRI Generation 42 AM-G4 Direct Amber(590nm) Project: Location: Cat.Nw. Type: Lamps: 01 Notes example:121-32L-700-NW-G4-3-120-BL-IMRI2-BZ Emergency UNV 121 Battery Peck HVU 347-480V Cold Weathi81 120 120V Hank to omit an 208 208V mcy option 240 240V 277 277V 847 347V 400 480V DD 0-10V External dimming (controls by IMRI2 Integral with#2 lens 10 PCB Photocontrol Button's Fusin, Ifrakurs9 others)4 IMRI3 Integral with#3 lens 10 Fl Single (120. SK Black Doc Dual Circuit Control 4A°B 277,347VAC)I WH Whge FAWS Field Adjustable Wattage 4B F2 Double (2DB, 240, BZ Bronze SW Interface Module for 481 DGY Dark Gray SHOW["-h F8 Canadian Double MGY Medium Gray LLC Integral wireless module 4,yo2 Pull(208. 2". SL BI-level functionary with motion sensor "' 4801 Customer specified RAL Specify optional Dvnallimmec Astigmatic Prollle Dlmmin, 4' Suroa Pr,tactlo^ color or RAL MOkA strengthen (ex: OC-LGP or CS50 Security 50% Dimming. 7 hours SP2 Increased 20kA OC-RAL7024) CM50 Median 60% Dimming. 8 hours CC Custom color (Must supply color chip for required CS30 Security 30% Dimming, 7 hours factoryquote) CM30 Median 30%Dimming. 8 houre ' Only 16L up to 700m k can be used with battery • Not available with other dimming ° Available with two modules (32L) at 530mi backup (EBPC) configuration. control options. .0 Not available with DD, DCC, and FAWS dimming ' Extended lead times apply. Contact factory ' Not available with motion sensor. control options. for details.' Not available with photocontrol. 11 Available in 1201277V. or 347V. ' Available in 120V or 277V only. 1 Not available in 347 or 4801 11 Must specify a motion sensor lens. 4 Must specify Input voltage. 1s Not available with DCC, PAWS, SW, and LLC. 121-LED-well-sconce 05/20 pagel of 5 �U wr `U Oy L• L• PAEMIUn STATISTICS: Average = 1.3 fc Maximum = 10.1 fc Minimum = 0.0 fc SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U T SHIM a Lic. 45183 S%nI.rAT V"G MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS ° ° " ° CENTER 325.3� 5 .; 4" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE 2 V 0000000000000000 4" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE rn`Iar 2C B°[L�LRY RESERVE e - - •� ° -_ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA a LD 425 425 - 1 ACCE SIBLG COMPACTED SUBGRADE SUBMISSION: x PARKING- 2C TO BEBFIE FIELD 2021.03.22 Ix a • ww 12 TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION REVISION: ` 2021.07.15 [ARB] 4 a aa`t� C7 NOT TO SCALE 2021.08.02 [ARB] VAN 2021.12.21 3325 2022.02.01 r---�I �_. 5 4 • ■ LE zs 1.5" OF SM-9.5A -.. ©12 wR'aptaselE 2" OF BM-25 FILE NO. R7-8 NO PARKING 06" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE 000000000 20.005 I a 1 e c o f rax1. a no u sed LEGEND - GREEN (flETflORER), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE(REfAORER) O O O O O O O O is are e said 20 , 1sO zoo sa BACKGROUND- WHIT E(RFTRORFFL) 'Reduce spacing 50%. ..See °'gMryG�1°" ° MUMS N�rae s-Gm4IDax MMlmataK ��� .s -oomee�v COMPACTED SUBGRADE LIGHTING PLAN &SITE page6-31. "'See page 6-2 for arrow design. Mama4a-wan IntmmmFFcmxl earxcxaya-eu• P•1naERsrxal DETAILS 11 HC PARKING SIGNAGE 13 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION 20 0 20 40 60 C7 NOT TO SCALE C7 NOT TO SCALE Scale: 1 "=20' C61 ZD 9 • 0f a 5 - �9'00 I � � I 4 �l 4 I a 2 I / _U z w N co C � I I 60 301 � 6010 m 1 4 \ \ I \ 0 5# � I 25 I NI � I 11@00�111111 � 4.0ao i 6J6/P5 \I _ pi/_ ice/ _ a 24" I Ris A. 24" STORM A I N I WEI R A SAT , � I PER EN T —� D• 4GE ]�)STORMTECH BMP #1 C7 SCALE: 1"=10' —�J HDPE A2 A3 670 670 665 660 655 665 660 655 wvj TOR ROW 83 650 650 645 10+00 10+50 11 +00 5 w w J O7 w0 O o 1-YR WSE=656.08 O+ EC O o_ � 10-YR WSE=658.20 100-YR WSE=658.45 o c�¢ EX. / GRADE / wcn I I PROP. GRADE 2100 YR WSE =65845 NONWOVEN FILTER FABRIC =658.33 ----- 1 �i-rn wsE =s5s.oe (24) ADS SC-740 STORM TECH CHAMBERS WITH ISOLATOR ROW_ INV= 4. E OUTLET 24" INV. (ROW 1) HDPE CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR j/3 OUT=654.83 STONE AASHTO M43 OR - ----------------------- INLET (ROW 1): INLET ROW 1 -- EQUIVALENT PER TABLE 1 ON C13. INV. IN = 655.00 TOP OF PIPE = 656.25 INV. 24 HDPE IN 654.85 2� STORMTECH BMP Ji1 PROFILE PRECAST 4" TOP OF BASE CONCRETE WEIR TOP=656.83 PROVIDE REINFORCED - � WATERTIGHT 5.0000 CONNECTION TO STR. 3" ORIFICE W/ DEBRIS CAGE 2.0000BOTTOM @ INV. 654.83 MH INV=654.83 ]�) WEIR A2 DETAIL C7rn Al A2 `� 670 O 670 0 � 665 665 wow 660 655 WEIR PLATE 660 � 655 ------' `O `O `O 650 650 0 ZZ Z 649+50 10+00- a a 10+50- a 11 +00 5 w woo o a== o= M N STORM PROFILE Al—A2 C7)SCALE: 1"=30'oil A5 675 5 670 0 665 5 660 0 655 5 650 0 649+50 , 0+00 , 0+50 5 i i■ aa �� �•r 24" HDPE FROM- BMP #1 INV. IN 654.83 MH-1 FRAME & COVER PRECAST 4" CONCRETE WEIR TOP=656.83 STR. A2 BASE INV=654.83 / (60" MANHOLE) / 24" HDPE TO MH-1 STIR. Al INV. OUT 654.83 AIR � MANHOLE A2 DETAIL C7) 7 )S I OHM PRUF ILL A.5—A4 C7 SCALE: 1"=30' W/ DEBRIS CAGE MANHOLE DETAIL (TYP.) SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT( 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN(dSHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM H op v T .SHIM a C. . 45183 �o� ^� Sln>vei BC�G MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.03.22 REVISION: 2021.07.15 [ARB] 2021.08.02 [ARB] 2021.12.21 2022.02.01 FILE N0. STORM PROFILES & DETAILS I 8 STORM PROFILE A5—BMP �� C7 SCALE: 1"=30'