HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202200015 Correspondence 2022-02-074
January 18, 2022
Margaret Maliszewski
Planning Manager, Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(Sent via email mmaliszewski@albemarle.org )
RE: ARB-2021-127: Crozet Self Storage - Preliminary (05600000003200 & 05600000032A0)
Dear Margaret,
Thank you again for your help with the review of our project. Below please find comments and
responses to the ARB's Preliminary Review letter dated December 2151, 2021, with an updated
description of the project, summary of changes and comment response narrative. If you have
any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Andrew Lewis
Sr. Development Director
Description of the Proposal:
Please find attached the revised proposal for the development of a 100%climate controlled self -storage
facility. The self -storage facility is approximately 90,000 gross square feet along with an interior loaded
garage that is approximately 1,600 sf. The facility is three story building with a basement level within the
southern half of the building footprint. The building is sited on parcels TMP 56-32 and TMP 56-32A and
comprises a total of 2.56 ac. The site will have an access driveway connection to Brownsville Road and a
small parking lot able to accommodate 12 cars.
Summary of Chances and Comment Response Narrative:
In response to the previous feedback from the ARB, the applicant has made significant changes to the
layout, landscaping, and building design. Many of the comments from the ARB meeting were related to
scale. To address those suggestions, the building now includes a below grade basement level, which
allows for a reduction overall building footprint. In addition, the building is re -designed to include a
mansard roof and gables, which give the appearance of a two story building, while the third level attic
space is stepped back internally to allow the roof slope to conceal the third level from the exterior
views, and the gable features provide relief along the primary facade. The building elevation along Hwy
250 now includes trellises (green screens) between the gable features, which will be planted with ivy or
similar vine type species to further breaking up the facade of the building. In addition to the mansard /
gable design, the material of the building has been re -designed with an EIFS (stucco appearance) along
with stacked stone rock foundation and white vinyl trim, so that the building is more compatible with
existing commercial buildings in the immediate area and provides a more residential mixed use
In addition, the northern portion of the first floor is partially below grade, which allows the building to
fit within the existing topography and further conceals the views from the north. The building height
along Hwy 250 is approximately 37'-4", which is similar to other commercial buildings in the areas, while
the rear (northern) elevation along Brownsville Road varies and is below 28'-0"and is substantially less
than typical commercial buildings in the area. As an example, while a measurement of building facades
has not been performed, the height of other commercial buildings in the area such as the Cloverlawn
development are most likely 28'-32', while the typical convenience store gas station development or
single story retail storefront building would include a facade with a parapet extending to approximately
30' to 35'.
To address comments related to the visual impacts from the entrance corridors, the southwest building
corner has been moved approximately 54 feet further east, away from the Crozet Avenue and Hwy 250
intersection, which allows the existing trees and vegetation along Crozet Ave to remain, providing a
landscape buffer along this entrance corridor. The landscaping along Hwy 250 has been increased to
further screen the building from the Hwy 250 entrance corridor, with a substantial addition of shade
trees and shrubs, as well as additional low-level landscaping in the vicinity of the stormwater facility.
To provide a design that better relates to pedestrians, the building design now includes a community
conference room and entrance at the southwest corner along with an exterior patio with metal roof
canopy and arcade columns, which allows a better connection with pedestrians and provides a
community activity center on the corner. The facade includes storefront windows within the gable
features with a fully functioning interior hallway, which connects the community conference room to
the office space and parking area to the east. The design includes a sidewalk adjacent to the building
along the southern facade which allows for a future connection to pedestrian and multi -use paths
planned in the area.
Comments and Response:
A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. The following items and all
items on the ARB Final Site Plan Checklist must be addressed:
1. Provide perspective renderings that show the proposed building in the surrounding context to
clarify the scale, extent of visibility, and visual impacts along both corridors.
➢ Please refer to the attached perspective drawing of the primary views of the building along
Hwy 250 with views looking northwest form the Brownsville Rd/Hwy 250 intersection and
looking northeast from the Crozet Ave Hwy 250 intersection.
2. Revise the architectural design to incorporate forms, features and materials that reflect the
traditional architecture of the area.
➢ Please refer to the description of changes above, and the attached revised building
elevations. The previously submitted facade drawings are included for reference.
3. Revise the architectural design to include architectural elements with greater relief.
➢ Please refer to the description of changes above, and the attached revised building
elevations. The previously submitted facade drawings are included for reference.
4. Revise the architectural design with a combination of reduced footprint, reduced height,
substantial breaks in the building form, and substantial changes in depth for recesses and projections
along the walls to reduce the mass and scale of the building.
➢ Please refer to the description of changes above, and the attached revised building
elevations. The previously submitted facade drawings are included for reference
5. Revise the architectural design to eliminate blankness on all sides of the building.
➢ Please refer to the description of changes above, and the attached revised building
elevations. The previously submitted facade drawings are included for reference
6. Include a detail of the dumpster enclosure in the plan.
➢ The dumpster enclosure has been removed from the design. Trash service will be via a small
rolling refuse container, which will be stored internally within the garage and rolled in and
out on trash pick-up days.
Add low level planting to screen the lift station from view.
➢ Substantial plantings have been provided, and the alarm and control box feature will be
attached to the west exterior wall of the building refer to the landscape plan and utility plan.
8. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the site and architectural plans: Visibility of all
mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
➢ Refer to the site layout and landscape plans showing the mechanical equipment mounted at
ground level and screened from view from the entrance corridor.
9. Provide a complete lighting plan for review. Include all proposed building- and ground -mounted
lighting in the plan.
➢ Revised lighting and photometric plans are provided
10. Provide 16 large shade trees along Brownsville Rd., 2y:" caliper at planting.
➢ Refer to the attached landscape plan for compliance with this comment.
11. Add a large tree on the north side of the parking lot, 2%" caliper at planting.
➢ Refer to the attached landscape plan for compliance with this comment.
12. Increase the planting along the Rt. 250 side of the building to offset the impacts of the scale of
the building.
➢ Refer to the attached landscape plan for compliance with this comment.
13. Add low level plantings all along the Rt. 250 frontage.
➢ Refer to the attached landscape plan for compliance with this comment.
14. Revise the design to reduce the scale of the building to not overpower the setting of the site.
➢ Please refer to the description of changes above, and the attached revised building
elevations. The previously submitted facade drawings are included for reference.
15. Indicate on the plan the material and color proposed for the retaining wall. A muted earth tone
color is recommended.
➢ The retaining wall has been removed from the design, a small decorative wall has been
provided at the edge of the patio that is now sited at the southwest corner of the building.
This small wall will match the rock foundation material provided on the building facade and
should not require a handrail.
16. Include a detail of the retaining wall safety railing in the plan.
➢ The retaining wall has been removed from the design.
17. Add low-level landscaping in the vicinity of the stormwater facility to integrate it more fully into
the landscape.
➢ Refer to the attached landscape plan for compliance with this comment.