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WPO202200004 Stormwater Management Maintenance Agree. 2022-02-07
Kimley)))Horn STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DESIGN APPROACH MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Greg Harper - Albemarle County From: Matt Harrell - Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Date: May 1, 2019 The Square and Oak Street Improvements Subject: State Project # 1217-002-R71, PE-101, RW-201, C-501 (UPC 113188) Stormwater Management Design Approach WATER QUALITY The required total phosphorus pollutant load requirement for the The Square and Oak Street Improvements is approximately 0.14 lb/year based on the current design. Kimley-Horn recommends the purchase of nutrient credits to satisfy the project's water quality requirements. This project qualifies for the use of nutrient credits to meet water quality requirements since there is less than 5 acres of land disturbance (per VDOT IIM-LD-251.4), less than 10 Ib/yr of phosphorus removal (per VDOT IIM-LD- 251.4) and the project outfalls do not drain to a drinking water reservoir. Nutrient credit purchase is often the most cost-effective measure, especially when considering that it is a one-time purchase with no maintenance, whereas BMPs will require long-term maintenance. At the time of purchase Kimley-Horn estimates the market rate for credits would be in the range of $15-22k/lb, meaning the project's total treatment requirement could be met through a one-time purchase of $2,100- $3,100. The purchase of nutrient credits is allowed by DEQ to meet a project's water quality requirement as long as the credits are purchased in the project's HUC (Hydrologic Unit Code) or an adjacent HUC in the same watershed. As of April 2019, there is 1 nutrient credit bank within the Rivanna River sub -watershed, as well as credits available for purchase in adjacent RUCs within the same James River watershed. WATER QUANTITY In existing conditions, almost 100% of the site is impervious area. The site's drainage area sheet flows to the south and west through downtown Crozet before being captured by grate and/or curb inlets and conveyed through a closed storm system. The existing curb along The Square storefronts is substandard in height, minimizing the curb's ability to capture runoff and prevent overtopping. In front of the Parkway Pharmacy site, the sidewalk is lower in elevation than The Square, leading to ponding in the pedestrian space. The proposed improvements will provide a curb & gutter (6" high curb, 2' wide gutter pan) to better capture runoff on The Square and convey it to proposed drainage inlets/pipes that are sized for roadway spreads and flow during the 10-year storm. Curb & gutter will be installed along Oak Street to concentrate runoff in this area and convey flow to proposed drainage inlets at the southern project limits. This project is required to meet Part IIB of the Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations for water quality and quantity (channel protection and flood protection). The project has three overall outfall points. The first outfall (Outfall A) is the only outfall that drains to the north and conveys a small percentage of the total site flow. Outfall A is a drainage inlet on the east side of Crozet Avenue at the Crozet Avenue & Kimley)))Horn Page 2 Three Notched Road. In order to meet water quantity requirements at this point through the Energy Balance equation, the project improvements will divert a portion of the stormwater runoff draining to this inlet to the project's second outfall point (Outfall B). Outfall B is an existing grate inlet in the two-way north -south public alley, approximately 250 linear feet south of The Square. Outfall C is an existing curb inlet on the east side of Oak Street, approximately 70 linear feet north of Library Avenue. Outfall C's curb inlet was constructed as part of the Piedmont Place development. The contributing drainage area to Outfall C remains the same in the pre -development and post -development condition, but due to the decrease in impervious area, water quantity requirements can be met at this outfall through the Energy Balance equation. In contrast, Outfall B's contributing area increases in the post -development condition due to the diverted flow from Outfall A. As such, water quantity requirements at Outfall B cannot be met through the Energy Balance equation and must be analyzed further downstream. Outfall B and Outfall C ultimately converge along Library Avenue in a closed storm system. This closed storm system ultimately drains into a recently improved and stabilized channel and constructed wetland BMP system before outfalling into Powells Creek. Since the site's contributing drainage area is less than 1 % of the total runoff in Powells Creek, the analysis will stop at the point immediately downstream of the constructed wetland BMP system. Improvements have been recently constructed between the site and Powells Creek, including Downtown Crozet Streetscape Project, Phase 2 (VDOT Project No. EN04-002- 126, UPC No. 75271), Downtown Crozet Streetscape Project, Phase 2A (County RFQ No. 2009-06173- 30), and Downtown Crozet Stormwater Management Project. The Phase 2 streetscape project area was the Crozet Avenue corridor between Tabor Street and The Square. The Phase 2A streetscape project area was the Library Avenue corridor between Crozet Avenue and Oak Street. The stormwater management project improvements included improving and stabilizing the channel starting at the intersection of Jarmans Gap Road and Carter Street and ending at Powells Creek to the south. The project also included a constructed wetland BMP system that captures and treats runoff from the upstream Jarmans Gap Road channel. After exiting the project site, Outfall B's flow is conveyed through a closed storm system until it reaches the Jarmans Gap Road channel. The closed storm system through which it flows was designed and constructed with the two streetscape projects described above. The flow in this closed storm system will contain the 10-year storm because this system was designed to convey a "full build -out" runoff for the 10- year storm. The "full build -out" design accounted for future development of off -site drainage areas (such as The Square and Oak Street Improvements). Further, the concrete pipe system will ensure the 2-year velocities will not be erosive within the closed storm system. The downtown Crozet storm system drains into the previously discussed Jarmans Gap Road channel. Similar to the upstream closed storm system, this channel was designed to the "full build -out" condition and accounts for The Square and Oak Street Improvements development. During channel design, six cross sections were selected to analyze and verify non -erosive velocities for the 2-year storm and adequate capacity for the 10-year storm. The results of this analysis verify these conditions and can be found in the attached. K:\RIC—RDWY\113038009 Crozet Avenue Streetscape Phase 2\CADD\Sheet Set\113038009005.dwg, Layout:Sheet 6 Apr 29, 2009 brion.mcpeters XREFS: X—TB113038009 X—HA113038009 x—VD0Td11129des x—DA113038009 alb0S6_ccn3d—DB x—V113038009cr(100scale) x—V113038009 This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley—Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley—Horn and Associates, Inc. it Ni 0-, ' __'��' , �----��o-� _—_ �/ // I I 1 �•( jl_�\-- — ___ \` III ^\`\♦/ / i/ / // \�I I11 // /\ \ /ol/ w //'�/I �1 \ � 1 _ `� I II I\ I °' i// '/ / /v�� / / / ! </ / /l/ 0\\ 1\\ 1 D I R% ho / / I I / / / / _ IORis / b/ // I / ' / / r( r D \ `\ I�I I I / �,�c 1 / I O.• �\— . _,� o o � / / J I/ i // \a � �` �1/'\VII \ —\\ \ QIE °\ \• ) =- = \/ � � ° /•'( �\Q �' \ 1 \\ \' O r�l G * �-- i I \` II ❑ i Ili��--_r1 --t �—.0 I J� / o / �e o /d.1 141 ----- oNJ \\ \ / �— // I \' ��.\ - I-----\ -- -4 -� \ \ \ � / I I J l , � / ice. cn % 1 \ \ � \ L :�.— \I T 6ts--rt—�-- /4 I p�' o) /' / / 1 ' v/�\ ' j \\ "lVl � \ l> .'�/ / ✓� \��\,%J���� — — \�-�. `� � ,/ /' �/�o `I I:�` `' � _ 1 i I \\ \,\ \\ a. �}i /I,�I I 1 / I � // iI 17J I I { r C_l /l � � � �� I ( I r � 1 / � � � o RO ° /' — � — � � �� — ao o _ � ,N \ ` • \ $ ,� I \ \\ -- � II �--�---� i 1 / � --\— -- // / / �/ /�/ / / I I I / a \^O• a a // / /, — -~��—�o�.,. � \al --- I ----� \\ ` t — Il�o C4I ol© /"1 //- � / / / / / >/ � / // � /J / � •cam i \\ ��/ / /' ,' � `—` ``'• 1 `\ •\ \\ 'i. �� I' �I o`t' •o CCC'►5551 .. a 0\ o \ o / // / / w jam- '�--- "� ��-------�-- `----- -- i \ / O QI 11 I I\ \ `/ �l\\ \ \\ _ / \\ / X^\\ \` / l� - per_ \ � \\ \ \N \ ! 1 � \ \\ �\ I\C\ % \\ .�—\—• p \ � \ ��/`/ // / // -�- / `\\ ♦.\ \ '/ Tom\/ Z /a/o\` \ \ \ � � _ �� y� 1 �'"�'Y� 1 � gyp: \ • / \\ \\ /' \ ` ♦ \ ` \ I ��� / OZ4 ♦ \ \ \ J� —ol \ \ �-. - --- -- --- `\ 1 / 1 I / 1 / 1 1 \ \ 1 1 I \ I 1 1 I 1 \ \ I O ` \ CD \ \ D m \ \ \ `\ D \ ` \ Z 1 o \ 2 j m C4 o -PI. Z O M W N D to 0O� om p OZ m (o 0 a m e: 113038009005. d wg COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 401 McIntire Road PRE—D Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 Phone: (434) 872-4501, Fax: (434) 972-4091 SCALE AS NOTED v v1 DESIGNED BY CAG Z �� Kimle -Horn DRAWN BY 9 �3 ❑ _ ❑ and Associates, Inc. RAINAG E AREA MAP DRB C' a Ox OC 2009 KIMLEY—HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CHECKED BY BAM �4- =y 1500 FOREST AVENUE, SUITE 115, RICHMOND, VA 23229 PHONE: (804) 673-3882 FAX:(804) 673-3980 f�L'E 1 No.,REVISIONS DATE JBY K:\RIC—RDWY\113038009 Crozet Avenue Streetscape Phase 2\CADD\Sheet Set\113038009005A.dwg, Layout:Sheet 5A Apr 29, 2009 brion.mcpeters XREFS: x—HA113038009 X—PA113038009 x—V113038009 x—VDOTd11129des x—DA113038009 X—MSHA113038009 X—TB113038009 olb056—con3d—DB x—V113038009cr(100scale) x—SW113038009 This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley—Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley—Horn and Associates, Inc. `\�' `\\ \ \I \\ \ \ I \ \\ \ 1 It ° / I / i�� \- -�- � -- �� �♦ � I I •� ``� \ 1 \ `� \ O W li ov / /' /I Q `/ \\ \ — // I l \ i �yc ��\ DD �/ • \ y ' I I III � \ �� `.\ - � ;--------�_,I�'il Oo / ( \VI O y ��. /y 81 / 00 JWIN) OWD / � 1 1 \ \ \ 1 � 1 \ ♦1 / 1 \ / 1 ` / I / -- ` \\ 1 , O \ \ ♦ 1 I ` ♦ O O N O O / \ \ / (P J1 / i-' Y••` 4••' i-' •F•' i'•' Y Y i'•' i-' '•' •F•' Y w W w w W W W \ `. ♦` \\ I I I I 0 0 0 I I J I I I N I ' ' I I I I I I I I M \\ \ `♦ \ (1)01DJUtDWDNM4WDN0�JOU)�WN�� \\ �# D m M m , -- r Z ` O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O" O O O O D c o 0 \ 0 O N O W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N-4 O O �U1J�U1�OWwU1N(ONU10�O�NMOONOW014-1W , - \. "Wmm) O"OMONW44 0mmm"CbUl-' (00(n0)UIM 1 I 1 1 \ 1 II m C4 o � MN DOco M00m> 0 o p OZ m (o 0 ame: 113038009005A.6 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 401 McIntire Road POST - Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 Phone: (434) 872-4501, Fax: (434) 972-4091 DRAINAGE AREA MA SCALE AS NOTED DESIGNED BY CAG PDRAWN BY DRB CHECKED BY BAM 9 ❑ � ❑ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 'x OC 2009 KIMLEY—HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ,t,0 1500 FOREST AVENUE, SUITE 115, RICHMOND, VA 23229 PHONE: (804) 673-3882 FAX:(804) 673-3980 N REVISIONS DATE I BY Al l" Project: Crozet Stream Analysis Project #. 113038011 Date: 1/1112011 Locality: Albemarle 2 -year storm 10 -year storm 1=8/(Tc+Of INTENSITY FACTORS STORM EVENT 8 D E 2 -year 5 -year 10 -year -year 50 -year - ear 49.02 55.71 46.9525 40.11 M7.75O.66 35.68100 31.09 STATION 015`RA'CE STREAM BOTTOM ELEVATION (it) DRAINAGEAREA, A(acres) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT,C CA CONCENTRATION TIME,TC(min) RAINFALL INTENSITY,1 (in/hr) RUNOFF, Olds) CHANNEL SLOPE FLOW ASTER CALCULATION RESULTS MANNING VALUE,n _. FLOW DEPTH, d(R/s) VELOCITY, v IRA) Inv secure Ina accum !nor I accum [nor accum 2- ear SO- ear 2-yew 10- ear 2-year 10-year 2-year 10-year 1+58.31 --: 158.31 -'. 666.00 '=43.59 4359 -0.77 0.775: 33.368 33368 22.04 •22.04 :"2.82 3.78 +: 94.09 - 126.12 .' 0.04 1+80 2+00 180 200 665.55 -. 665.11 0.00 50.90 43.59 44.49: 0.75 -. 075 0.77 0.77' 0.000 0.675 33.368 34.043 0.42 038 22.46 r: 22.84 2.79 '_ 2.76 3.74 3.71 ,.: 93.11 94.10 124.93 F126.35 2.07% s 2.20% 0.04 0.04 : 1.73 21.95 5,34 ,: 5.89.- - 2+20 220 664.43 0.00 44.49 035 0.77 0.000 34.043 0.32 23.16 2.74 3.68 9336 125.43 3.40% 0.04 2+40 240 : 663.92 -000 44.49` : 075 0.77 - 0.000 14.043 036 -:: 23.52 ". 2.72 3.66 -G 92ZS F124.44 2.60% 0.04 2+60 260 663.57 0.00 44A9 035 0.77 0.000 34.043 0.42 23.94 2.69 3.62 91.62 123.29 1.70% 0.04 2+90 3+00 280 300 663.00 662.72 0.00 0.73 44 49 45.22 0.75 0.75 0.77 ! 0.76 0.000 0.548 34.043 34,591 0.35 0.45 - 24.29 24.74 `:.2.67 2.64 3.59 ': 3.56 90.97 91.36 122.37 123.13 285% 1.40% 0.04- 0,04 1.89 2.13 4.71 5.22 3 r20 !- 320 -. 662,12-" 000 45.221.: 0.75 0.76-". OA00 34'.591 034 ::: 25.08 -2.62 3.53." 90.64 r 22.24 'r-3.00% 0.04 ti 3440 340 661.29 0.00 45.22 0.75 0.76 0.000 34.591 0.30 25.38 2.60 3.51 90.02 121.47 4.15% 0,04 3+60 360 ,'- 660.54 0,00 45.22 075 -:0.76.: omo 34,591 0.31 ;25.70 ri2.58 349 :': 89.38 ,°12069 13.75% 0,04-- 3+80 4+00 380 400 660.12 659.89 0,00 ''0.89 45.22 46.11 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.76.(:0,668-35,258 0.000 34.591 0.39 049 26.08 ^2657 2.56 `•2.53 146 343 t 88.60 89.33 `: 119.72 120.82 2-10% ::1.15% 0.04 0.04- .': L91) '. 2.15 419 4.62 4+20 42G G59.46 0.00 46.11 0.75 0.76 0.000 35.258 0.39 26.96 2.51 3.40 88.58 119.89 2,15% 004 4+40 : 440 :.. 659.28 1000 46.11 --: 0.75 0.76 OOW :35.258 054 ..f 2Z5O ='2.48 3.36:. 87,55 6118.61 I(0.90% 0.04 - 4+60 460 658.81 0.00 46.11 0.75 0.76 0.000 35.259 0.37 27.87 2.46 3.34 86.85 117.75 2.35% 0.04 4+80 - 5+00 480 500 " 658.36. 658.21 000 0.74 46.11: 46.85 OJS 075 0.76a: 0.76 0.000 0.555 %:258 35.833 0 38 ::' 0.58 < 28.25 28.82 '- 2:44 2.41 3.32 3.26 86.15 86.46 ':116.88 117.42 2.25% 0.75% 0 04 0.04 2.13 2.42 3.64 4.01 5+20'- 520 657.85.- `0.00 46.85 ',-0.75 0.76 0.000 .35.813 0.41 "-29.24 -;2:39 3.25 I: 8572 :'116.51 "1�80% 004 5+40 540 657.43 0.00 46.85 075 0.76 0.000 35.813 039 29.63 2.37 3.23 85.04 115.66 2.10% 0.04 5+60 -. 560 657.21 ''-0.00 46.85 `.. 0.75 0.76 -- 0400 0.50 :` 30.12 -2.35 3.20 '.: 94.18 114.60 L10% 0.045+80 580 600 656.77 65635 : 000 0.69 46.85 4754i 0.75 O75 0.76 0.76'. 0.000 0.518 0.38 0.39 30.51 `-30.89 2.33 2.31 3.18 3.16 - 83.54 84.09 113.80 - 114.63 2.20% 2.10% 0.046+00.::' 004 - 1.64 1.85 4.90-: S.41 +20 620 656.26 OLO 47.54 0.75 0.76 O.00D 0.70 31.59 2.28 312 8294 11320 0.45% 0.046"0.' 640 : 655.71:: - 0 00 47.54: 0.75 0.76 ": ' 0.000 0.35 < ` - 3194 1 `. 2.27 3.10-: -.82.38 -112.50 = 2.75% 0.04 ,'6+60 660 655.46 0.00 47.54 0A 0.76 0.000 t35.813, 0.47 32.422.25 3.07 81.63 111.57 1.25% 0.046+90 680 700 654.83 654.10 000 U.14 47S4 47.68 S 0,75 0.75 0.76 0.76 0.000 0.105 1 6 0:33:. 0,32 32.75^ 33.07 2.23 2.22 105 3.04 81.12 80.87 -;110.93 110.64 ::-3.15% 3.65% 0.047+00 0.04 167 1.84 5.85 648 J+20:r :720. 653.80 -0.00 47.68" 0.75 0.76e: 0.000 6 0.44 : 3351 d: 2.20 3.010.76 0.000 6 0.40 33.91 2.19 2.997+60 ':: 760 653.14' :000 47b8': . 0]5 0.76-- 0,000 :. 6 047 -: 34.37 2.17 2.97.,: 78.93 108.23 1:30% 0.04 -: Crozet Stream Analysis Report Label .. Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Range - -. (ftift) r.Elevation (ft) 2+00, 2-year 0.040 0.02200 666.83 665.10 to 668.69 ft 3+00, 2-year 0.040 0.01400 664.40 662.52 to 665.63 ft 4+00, 2-year 0.040 0.01150 661.76 659.86 to 664.18 ft 5+00, 2-year 0.040 0.00750 660.14 658.01 to 661.00 ft 6+00, 2-year 0.040 0.02100 657.83 656.19 to 658.07 ft 7+00, 2-year 0,040 0.03650 655.57 653.90 to 657.31 ft 2+00, 10-year 0.040 0,02200 667.05 665.10 to 668.69 ft 3+00, 10-year 0.040 0.01400 664.65 662.52 to 665.63 It 4+00, 10-year 0.040 0.0115D 662.01 659.86 to 664.18 It 5+00, 10-year 0.040 0.00750 660.43 658.01 to 661.00 It 6+00, 10-year 0.040 0.02100 658.04 656.19 to 658.07 It 7+00, 10-year 0.040 0.03650 655.74 653.90 to 657.31 ft Discharge Flow Area Wetted Hydraulic Radius; Top Width '. Normal Depth i Critical Depth' (fN/s) (ft') Perimeter `(ft) (n) (ft) (ft) (ft) 94.10 17.61 18.44 0.95 17.58 1.73 1.69 91.36 19.42 17.53 1.11 16.39 1.88 1.67 89.33 21.30 19.72 1.08 18.89 1.90 1.63 85.46 23.77 19.78 1.20 18.78 2.13 1.69 84.00 17.14 19.73 0.87 19.24 1.64 1.59 80.78 13.81 18.45 0.75 17.91 1.67 1.76 126.35 21 A6 19.42 1.10 18.43 1.95 1.92 123.13 23.60 18.24 1.29 16.89 2.13 1.90 120.82 26.16 20.95 1.25 20.00 2.15 1.85 117.42 29.25 20.99 1.39 19.82 2.42 1.91 114.51 21.17 21.01 1.01 20.46 1.85 1.80 110.54 17.07 19.58 0.87 18.98 1.84 1.97 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods ScH it3)f.EirtaWaster V8i (SELECTseri@s 1) 108.11 A1.03] 1111/2011 4:12:24 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755.1666 Page 1 of 2 Crozet Stream Analysis Report critical Slope". Velocity - .Velocity Head Specific Energy.: Froude Number Flow Type Oft) (fvs) (ft) (ft) '.. 0.02509 5.34 0.44 218 0.94 Subcritical 0.02517 4.71 0.34 2.22 0.76 Subcrftcal 0.02520 4.19 027 2.17 0.70 Subcrftical 0.02531 3.64 0.21 2.34 0.57 Subcritical 0.02644 4.90 0.37 2.02 0.92 Subcritical 0.02573 5.85 0.53 2.20 1.17 Supercritical 0.02391 5.89 0.54 2.49 0.96 Subcritical 0.02400 5.22 0.42 2.55 0.78 Subcrftical 0.02396 4.62 0.33 2.48 0.71 Subcrftical 0.02,406 4.01 0.25 2.67 0.58 Subcritiml 0.02415 5.41 0.45 2.30 0.94 Subcritical 0.02440 6.48 0.65 2.49 1.20 Supercritical Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdBeYillailMideMaster v6i (SELECTseries 1) [] V1112011 4:12:24 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT06795 USA +1-203.755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Cross Section for 2+00, 2-year Project Description i Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Channel Slope 0.02200 ft/ft Normal Depth 1.73 ft Discharge 94.10 ft-/s Cross Section Image 666.00 667.50 667.00 w 666.50 666.00 665.50 665.00 Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Shc9kkin¢EIdbwMaster V8i(SELECTserles l) [ 1/6/2011 3:18:10 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 3+00, 2-year Project Description ' Friction Method Solve For Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Manning Formula Normal Depth 0.01401) ft/ft 1.88 it 91.36 ft'Is Cross Sectlon Image, - Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdboidelpahtsMaster Val(SELECTserles l) 11612011 3:18:39 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertovm, CT06795 USA +1-203-7554666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 4+00, 2-year Project Description _ Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge .C[oss Section image 0.01150 Will: 1.90 It 89.33 fPls Bentley Systems, Inc. Haested Methods ScENdWay:ElmeMaster VIii(SELECTseries 1) [ 1/612011 3:19:02 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203.755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 5+00, 2-year Project Description Friction Method Solve For Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Manning Formula Normal Depth 0.00750 ft/ft 2.13 it 66.46 fft Cross Section Image C 0 m w Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdAdjftfrettmMaster V8i(SELECTseries l) [ 1/6/2011 3:44:17 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 6+00, 2-year Project Description Friction Method Solve For Manning Formula Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Cross Section Image Station 0.02100 ft/ft 1.64 ft 84.00 ft-/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdBAkaej:EhOaMaster V8l (SELECTserles 1) ( Ill 112011 4:12:51 PM 27 Slemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA ♦1.203.755.1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 7+00, 2-year Project Descnptlon .. Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth In- dt Data " Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge 0.03650 Poft 1.67 it 80.78 Wis Cross Section Image 657.50 657.00 656.50. 656.00 655.50 W 655.00 654.50 654.00 Station r Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods ScBetilfoo erMaster V81(SEIECTseries 1) [] 1l612011 3:45:03 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 666.00 667,50- ; ' . ; ?................. ..................I................. s 667.00 1.............,_..-....._ 1.........,.,...,.... .-.......... ............. w sss.s0� i i 666.00 665.50 -0+1 Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdb1kWsyr&bffMaster Vei (SELECTseries 1) [ 116/2011 3:45:27 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1.203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 3+00, 10-year .. ....................... . Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Cross Section Image C 0 m w Station 0.01400 fUft 2.13 ft 123.13 ftl/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdhakWn%EhteMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) 1/6/2011 3:45:46 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1.203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 4+00, 10-year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Cross Section Image c 0 .R a m Station 0.01150 fUft 2.15 it 120.82 Os Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sd9a1h1e)MhteMaster VBI (SELECTseries 1) [ 116/2011 3:46:06 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA 0-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 5+00, 10-year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Cross Section Image Station 0.00750 f fft 2.42 it 117.42 l Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdtekWaPIrbWaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) ( 1/612011 3:46:29 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 6+00, 10-year Project Description Friction Method Solve For Input Data Channel Slope Normal Depth Discharge Cross Section Image Manning Formula Normal Depth 0.02100 fUft 1.85 ft 114.51 fV/S Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods ShcaPr W%X4dxWaster Vat (SELECTseries 1) [ Ill 112011 4:13:20 PM 27 Slemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755.1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section for 7+00, 10-year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.03650 ft/ft Normal Depth 1.84 ft Discharge 110.54 f?1s Cross Section Image r 657.50 657.00 656.50 656.00 0 � 655.5E w 655.0E 654.5E 654.0[ Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdEaWmyC kbuivaster VSi (SELECTseries 1) [ 1020111 3:47:47 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA ii-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1