HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100014 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-02-07• z r. �, Jeffier5� o % Shasta, C, r� 5"amRitlge..R. �e � • • • • Ga`aen°p Gt t a Redfields �. QQ �� -e l?oc�co so � jj� � ti �._..�T • � ���e o rsp 9� e''n r p Sherwood Manor Villas At Southern Ri ed Condos ° c ay SITE r,. • - • - h. "Oak Hill • �' Moors Creek �V see 1 I • -• .• mm `Mosby Mountain /� ��` • -� ea �� -- l-C-o C-t �ad-D � • - • r � O a o ji.� J I • -• ZONING MAP AMENDMENT OWNER/DEVELOPER 5th Street Forest, LLC 250 West Main Street, Suite 201 Charlottesville, VA 22902-0000 TMP SUBJECT TO AMENDMENT 76-54 TMP(s) NOT SUBJECT TO AMENDMENT 76-46AA, 76-46AB MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Samuel Miller & Scottsville STEEP SLOPES £r STREAM BUFFER There are no stream buffers within the project area. Managed steep slopes exist within the project area. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY Boundary survey provided by: Brian S. Ray, Roger W. Ray & Assoc. Inc., September 26, 2018 Topographic survey with two (2) foot contours provided by: Terra Engineering & Land Solutions, August 22, 2007, revised November 4, 2009 Additional GIS information provided by Albemarle County FLOODZONE According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO286D), this property does not lie within a Zone A 100-year flood plain. WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED Non -Watershed Supply Watershed WATER AND SANITARY SERVICES Provided by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) PARKING Parking requirements to comply with section 4.12.6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, unless parking alternatives per section 4.12 are pursued during site plan and are approved by the Zoning Administrator. USE EXISTING: Vacant PROPOSED: Mixed Use Development ZONING EXISTING: Neighborhood Model District OVERLAY: Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, Steep Slopes - Managed, Dam Break Inundation Zone - State COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Urban Density Residential, Community Mixed Use PROPOSED: NMD ROW RESERVATION CALCULATION ACREAGE RIGHT-OF-WAY RESERVATION ACREAGE LESS R/W RESERVATION TMP 76-54 7.07 .13 6.94 APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 SITE £s ZMA DETAILS Sheet 2 of 20 TMP 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 80 0 80 16B 240 Graphic Scale:1-80' Legrnd D—bree Gnphtc Scz e 1 "-80' Lege d v �htaf-wey non bbe deli®ted item tsa.y formWtiuu paW improvemmm Bs Br ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201900003 1� ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS �� A NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT 3- nght-d., re.er,auan Oo° BLOCK NETWORK Sheet 6 of 19 No changes proposed to Block 1 with ZMA2021-XX Amendment 6 0 TMP(,) 76-46A, ]654, Porfion of Z6-06F �,(Gp`cENpOAD zota xwwe REVISED 8 SEPTEMBER 1010 pmlect 18.0M SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. !„ A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA2D19DD003 LBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS ( A NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT BLOCK NETWORK Sheet l l of 19 See sheet 2&rnot -of- yrex Lion bypucd TMP(s) 76-46A, 7654, M,hon of 76d6F REVISED 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 pr.,e !: 18.W4 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 LIMITS OF ZMA2021-XX AMENDMENT Sheet 3 of 20 T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Q \\\\V T.M. 76-52K THOMAS, WAYNE P OR VIRGINIA P COLLIER AND BRUCE V THOMAS D. B.4457-592 D.B.684-149 PLAT ZONE: R4 RESIDENTIAL USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL .� 2.44 AC T.M. 76-52P RACE, PAUL JR & VALERIE F RACE D.B.4964-197 _ D.B.684-149 PLAT ZONE: R4 RESIDENTIAL "- USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 1.38 AC V T.M. 76 52L SIDDH LLC D. B.4495 584,588 PLAT ZONE: R4 RESIDENTIAL USE: COMMERCIAL 5.43 AC T.M. 76-46C1 5.52 ACRES ZONED: R15 OWNER: MOUNTAINWOOD PROPERTIES, LLC DB 1615 PG 687 DB 5010 PG 420 PLAT DB 925 PG 236 PLAT Lkm N 150 0 150 300 450 Graphic Scale: 1"=150' a T.M. 76-46A 5TH STREET FOREST LLC D.13.5519-331 D B.5145-626 D B 4573-270 D B 4431-372 D B 3038-88,96,97 PLAT ZONE: NMD USE: OPEN 5.09 AC .t— ti� n �NI AP AMENDMENT `11 APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 AL EMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS OHO -;-- AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 TIN ONDITIONS Sheet 4 of 20 - T. M. 76 46F (PORTION) 1 q REGION TEN COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD, INC. i h� Ln D.B.5145-626 v Dam break Inundation L D.B.1005-483 PLAT D.B.722-518 PLAT ZONE: COMMERCIAL OFFICE I `I USE: OFFICE I i h / Y.Z✓ i 847 AG -/ 450 H a ,.'T.M. 76-46AB 5TH STREET FOREST LLC I °D.B.5531-570 D.B.4573-270:;; vY>` D.B.4431-372 v�Fr•F a �� ' i V r. �•v� v (� k D.B.3038-88.96 & 97 PLAT v R� D3.2726-69 �Q1 i v ,.� I m1 D.B.2768-106 THRU 109 PLAT um` L JJJJJ v m - D. B.925-456 & 457 PLAT - 420/ $ II = I ZONE: NMD V li 46n 1 T.M. 76-54 -48 AC - -` x r, 5TH STREET FOREST LLC '/ tll } - _- Rg �7 43 D.B.5531-570 d. II +� Q D.B.4573-270 _ •� I 1 i / ' D.B.4431-372 �.:'I !1 J •;� sA D.B.4367-496 --6`501 & 502 PLAT) I�1,,,• "i, i_; - - \l,,� ) ' _ D.B.2168-106 THRU 109 PLAT`.i L Managed slopes ZONE: NMD / 7.07 AC n I7 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 0 F. H n ----------------- -- — - P l� l 1 80 0 80 160 240 Graphic Scale: 1"=80' I / / r / I 1 I I / r n l /(f , I V' — —_-- -- ------------ —-- wl� M STA OUNJ ZONING MAP AMEN61G4 NT 440= l _ � = APPLICATION PII N Z M A20214 - ALBEMARLE BUSINESS -- C M P US --- AMEI 1DMENT TO ZiMA2019 3 EXISTING C010,ITIONS heef 5 of 20 r - - -%�o�� REVISED 07 F vA.. TMP 76-54 2022 r 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. y ` _ 'BONING MAP AMENDMENT ` _ " < Alf tr-0GATION PLAN l f _ _--- — ,A ZMA202100014 pp AL EMARLE �B,USINESS. AMENDMENT ZA�AZUf�T--3 r / i - EX IST,IJjG CON IONS --------------- it " I I 450�, �2s , ' `O / - - __ -—_________ , `J i I —_ _30 -4 ��- O`` r PIE _- _ <`�x"l •.r �.�°" it \�— — < ------------ \ LAC--- --- 70 I I O 1.i' ���'- _ A(`/� - 420 -460 1 r, \` / /, V �� -�"�/ - �\ �:'/ PERM T' ACCE S ESAT'i I ' an , I , _ —_ — _ /' I \ 11'', 1' I 'li \ 1' _ ��� �: f\ `I \I /• -_ -----` — ---- __' _- _-_ I I / 4' r \ �-- I --_____ ____— _ -- _ i — —__'- ___` _ —___— ___ _ i 11 1 11 v , 0 0 — — — P 76 54 ' I ,1 4zo VISED 07 FEBR k 022 rnrE Roure'ssi srH sfREET s 420 - I iSi�bm 15 Nov mb' v9�ABLE WIDTH wIw o —� _ - /I/ • < ��I I D. e.1205-314' P�E ' ---- - 430- _/11 D.B.43 7-496,501 &1502 PLANS J roje : 18.004 80 0 80 '160 240 / Legend — %r Managed Graphic Scale: 1"=80' ' Slopes [ Q , E E R I N G, P.C. 80 0 80 160 240 Legend NOTE: No changes from ZMA2019-3 project: 18.004 ® Right-of-way Managed Sheet included for reference purposes only p reservation Slopes CHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Gra hic Scale: 1 =80' LEGEND LAND USE PROHIBITED PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS Travel ways, ingress/egress, grading, Vehicular Circulation* Residential and commercial landscaping, utilities buildings Residential and non-residential buildings, signage, grading, landscaping, open space, utilities, Buildable Area None open-air surface parking, structured parking, parking areas, travel ways, ingress/egress to the site, stormwater infrastructure, etc. Residential and non-residential Restricted Parking Area Open-air surface parking lots build® l structured parking, signage, grading, grading, landscaping, open space, utilities, travel ways, ingress/egress to the site, stormwater infrastructure, etc. Right-of-way improvements, Right -of -Way N/A - area reserved for right- stormwater infrastructure Reservation of -way improvements Vehicular circulation area is shown for circulation feasibility purposes. This location is approximate and may change during site plan. 25' ROW Reservation 0.2 AC Wfl / / �o �� -'.'- I \� -'. - \yam 'd'�♦ I ' / 1 I \ ' 1 I \ ' 1 I \ ' 1 I \ \ ' 1 I \ \ 1 �( \I \ ' 1 I ♦ .i.0� \ \� ' ' 1 I ' 1 I n D O 80 0 80 160 240 Graphic Scale: 1"=80' Legend EMManaged NOTE: No changes from ZMA2019-3 Sheet included for reference purposes only 3' ROW Reservation 0.012 AC ONING MAP MENT APPLIC PLAN RL�M 1 202 00014 SINESS 'CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 co ED _W U } J 0 J 0 LAND USE Sheet 8 of 20 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 25' ROW Reservation 0.2 AC y I \ \ 80 0 80 160 240 Graphic Scale: 1"=80' 7 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS 3' ROW Reservation 0.012 AC \ocav_aa / 9 co. J&N �•� ���� OCK 1 ''.�.• O ..'*.• 5.09 ' i = 00 ozx Legend Managed �. Slopes CC V R� GREE .- Crosswalk & pedestrian path to be constructed per approved SDP2021-22 NOTE: No changes from ZMA2019-3 Sheet included for reference purposes only Existing cross- walk across Old Lynchburg Road CAMPUS AMENDMENT Existing asphalt path O O � I CIRCULATION Sheet 9 of 20 Q Circulation Key 2 < — Sidewalk U } J > Pedestrian Path 0 J 0 < ......... Vehicular flow TMP 76-54 2022 r 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 25' ROW Reservation 0.2 AC 0 �. O O 0 � 80 0 80 160 240 Graphic Scale: 1"=80' - Connect to existing water Legend ®Right-of-way Managed reservation Slopes n Connect to existing sanitary Connect to existing storm I ZONING MAP AMENDMENT L APPLICATION PLAN I ZMA202100014 EMARLE BUSINESS AMENDMECAM P U S CONCEPTUAL 3'ROW GRADING & UTILITIES Reservation Sheet 10 of 20 0.012 AC Additional Notes: 1.Building footprints, road and sidewalk layout shown for J / conceptual purposes only 1 i NOTE: No changes from ZMA2019-3 Sheet included for reference purposes only TMP 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 80 0 80 Graphic Scale:l" 80' 160 NOTE: No change om ZMA2019-3 Sheet included fo efere ce purposes only ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 EMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 REEN £s AMENITY SPACE Sheet 11 of 20 Additional Notes: 1.Building footprints and road layout shown for conceptual purposes only 2. Notwithstanding the green & amenity spaces depicted on this Application Plan, the Code of Development shall regulate the minimum required green & amenity spaces and landscape. Therefore, provided such requirements are satisfied, non -substantive changes to the depicted design are allowed. There will be a minimum of 20% (118,744.56 SF) green space and amenity area in the NMD. T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 rIIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Legend Right-of-way F7qreservation Variable width ROW reservation for construction of single -lane roundabout 0.05 AC Managed Slopes 0 o rn r D �zm c� A =o CO �c ;0 00 0 00 D0 0 Dam break inundation zone 2' ROW reservation per approved ZMA2019-3 0.001 acres BLOCK 5 1.48 AC Vision Lane I Private Street To be constructed per approved S D P2021-22 BLOCK 4 1.48 AC STATE ROUTE 631(5TH STREET) VARIABLE WIDTH R/W 80 0 80 160 240 \\'/ v vv Variable Width ROW Reservation to be dedicated if necessary for multiuse path improvements 0.08 AC BLOCK 2 3.25 AC BLOCK 3 2.35 AC r_+ s'ry v `N M A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT / APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 BEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 BLOCK NETWORK Sheet 12 of 20 1. See sheet 2 for right-of-way reservation by parcel T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 Graphic Scale: 1"=80' \SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Legend Portion of VDOT ROW (Contains stormwater management facility) Crosswalk & portion of pedestrian path to be constructed per approved SDP2021-22 Variable width ROW reservation for construction of single -lane roundabout 0.05 AC Existing crosswalk Existing transit stop to be improved M 2' ROW reservation per approved Z 3 / � 0.001 acres Sidewalk to be provided if _ portion of VDOT ROW is " acquired by Owner \T \ N Sidewalks n along Vision = Z Lane to be , I o? constructed m per approved I IN SDP2021-22 D ro 0IN' IN Vision Lane PriNo&vates�Sr�e��t.................................................... --- Ross", •• To be constructed per approved Ro''• S D P2021-22 .� : WhV, i -------------- STATE RO�TE 631(5TH STREET) VARI BLE WIDTH R/W Proposed two-way shared -use 80 16 Dath DeZ40DOT standards Variable Width ROW Reservation to be dedicated if necessary for multiuse path improvements 0.08 AC ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS AMENDMECAM P U S CIRCULATION Sheet 14 of 20 Circulation Key • — •> Sidewalk <Ra Ra RR RR RR> Pedestrian Path <. • • • • • > Pedestrian Allee Proposed two-way shared -use path (VDOT standards) ......... Vehicular flow *See sheet 2 for right-of-way reservation by parcel TMP 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 Graphic Scale:l"=80' \ \ \ • % SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 BUSINESS CAMPUS RENT TO ZMA2019-3 :ONCEPTUAL i & UTILITIES Sheet 15 of 20 iditional Notes: Building footprints, ad and sidewalk rout shown for inceptual purposes ily TMP 76-54 07 FEBRUARY 2022 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 IEERING, P.C. Legend Green Space Green & Amenity Space Amenity Space 0 r D 3ZM O A Co O ,a� 40m 0 a00 V 00 0 Variable width ROW reservation for construction of single -lane roundabout 0.05 AC New edge of pavement per multiuse path improvements M 2' ROW reservation per approved ZMA2019-3 0.001 acres Crosswalk to be provided through parking area to allow for pedestrian connectivy from pocket park to Class B Type 2 pedestrian path Class B Type X Pedestrian Path Vision Lane I Private Street To be constructed per approved S DP2021-22 Multiuse Path STATE ROUTE 631(5TH STREET) Variable Width ROW Reservation to be d_4cated if necessary for se path improvements 0.08 AC Park mi Transport P aza ABC Park Rooftop Deck ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 MARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 Park/Dog Park EEN & AMENITY SPACE Sheet 16 of 20 Additional Notes: 1.Building footprints and road layout shown for conceptual purposes only 2. Notwithstanding the green & amenity spaces depicted on this Application Plan, the Code of Development shall regulate the minimum required green & amenity spaces and landscape. Therefore, provided such requirements are satisfied, non -substantive changes to the depicted design are allowed. There will be a minimum of 20% (118,744.56 SF) green space and amenity area provided in the NMD. zD >0 TMP 76-54 m0 *D REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 Linear Greenway project: 18.004 a AMP ENGINEERING, P.C. INTERIOR STREETS 12'E 8' 2.5' 6' �� 5' TRAVEL LANE OPTIONAL STREET PARKING 11' LANDSCAPE STRIP SIDEWALK 33.5' 5 0 5 10 15 Graphic Scale: 1"=5' CONCEPTUAL STREET SECTIONS Sheet 17 of 20 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS A NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD (WEST SIDE) EXISTING ASPHALT PATH EXISTING OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD (WEST SIDE) NO IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE 102' 16'E TRAVEL LANE LANDSCAPE Street section measurements shown for feasibility of compliance with Virginia Department of Transportation or County of Albemarle standards. Exact measurements to be determined at site plan. 3 3' - 5' - ASPHALT PATH T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. RURAL TO URBAN STREET COUNTRY GREEN ROAD & MOUNTAINWOOD ROAD EXISTING COUNTRY GREEN ROAD & MOUNTAINWOOD ROAD UNPAVED SHOULDER 0' 2, TRAVEL LANE 12' ss a ° �A aC( � l _ COUNTRY GREET ROW RESERVATI y v PROPOSED COUNTRY GREEN ROAD & MOUNTAINWOOD ROAD CURB r,r MOUNTAINWOOD ROAD ^xr" ROW RESERVATION MAINTENANCE 10' 25' 6' 5' 1' TRAVEL LANE LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK 24.5' 5 0 5 10 15 Graphic Scale: 1"=5' SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS (VDOT STANDARDS) OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD (EAST SIDE) EXISTING OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD (EAST SIDE) UNPAVED HOULDER 10' z' TRAVEL LANE 12' PROPOSED OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD (EAST SIDE) ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS 10' 2.5' 6' �� 5' - TRAVEL LANE LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK 24.5' A NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD (EAST SIDE) ROW DEDICATION Source: VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix A(1): VDOT Complete Streets: Bicycle & Pedestrian Facility Guidelines, Bus Stop Design & Parking Guidelines, (A(1)-69, 71) Street section measurements shown for feasibility of compliance with Virginia Department of Transportation standards. Exact measurements to be determined at site plan. CONCEPTUAL STREET SECTIONS Sheet 18 of 20 Right -of -Way Reservation For specific right-of-way reservation information, please refer to Site & ZMA Information (sheet 2) and Proposed Circulation (sheets 9 & 14). T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. TWO-WAY SHARED -USE PATH �■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■� (VDOT STANDARDS) 5TH STREET EXTENDED TRAVEL LANE SHOULDER LANUSCAPE AJrHALI PATH 37 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS A NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT CONCEPTUAL i �,,` - - STREET SECTIONS Fa�\y' f`� Sheet 19 of 20 VARIABLE WIDTH R RESERVATION* - 5 � � In* j IIDO �1 )SII� PROPOSED f^" 5TH STREET CURB V GRADED 2' GRADED AREA AREA MAINTENANCE 12' 2.5' 5.5' 10' 1 ' TRAVEL LANE LANDSCAPE 14' MULTI —USE PATH 8 VDOT REQUIRED LATERAL OFFSET DISTANCE FROM FRONT OF CURB 35 Source: VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix A(1): VDOT Complete *To be dedicated if necessary for multi -use path improvements Streets: Bicycle & Pedestrian Facility Guidelines, Bus Stop Design & Parking Guidelines, (A(1)-24, 26) 1. Improvements shown are within right-of-way and right-of-way reservation area adjacent to 5th Street 5 0 5 10 15 Street section measurements shown for feasibility of compliance with Virginia Department of Transportation standards. Graphic Scale: 1"=5' Exact measurements to be determined at site plan. T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. PEDESTRIAN ALLEE 4<4 • • • • • * PAVERS, CONCRETE, ASPH A T, OR OTHER HARD CAPE SURFACE* COMPACTED SUBGRADE T PEDESTRIAN ALL€E 5 0 5 10 15 Graphic Scale: 1"=5' PEDESTRIAN PATH *Filter fabric to be provided if required ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY A NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT JE DUST, GRAVEL, -]ALT, OR EQUIVALENT -PERMANENT SURFACE' PACTED SUBGRADE CONCEPTUAL STREET SECTIONS Sheet 20 of 20 T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 20' OFFSET FOR ADEQUA SLIP LANE SEPARATION 4' TRUCK APRON T I 1 16' LANE DEDICATION 40 0 40 80 120 Graphic Scale: 1"=40' M 85' SLIP LANE RADIUS ZONING MAP AMENDMENT EXHIBIT ZMA202100014 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS AMENDMENT TO ZMA2019-3 SINGLE -LANE ROUNDABOUT EXHIBIT Sheet 1 of 1 This exhibit is shown for roundabout feasibility purposes. This exhibit shows a .5' CURB & GUTTER roundabout with a 150' inscribed diameter, slip lane, and pedestrian improvements. /--4' LANDSCAPE STRIP SIDEWALK _ _ _ _ /-1' MAINTENANCE z �-150' INSCRIBED DIAMETER Approximately 0.05 AC (2350 SF) ROW dedication from the eastern portion of the project property may be required for a single -lane roundabout with a 150' inscribed diameter. Key Area on project property that may be required for roundabout improvements Parcel boundary T M P 76-54 REVISED 07 FEBRUARY 2022 Submitted 15 November 2021 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.