HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-07 adjJune 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on June 7, 1989, at 1:30 P.M., Room 7, County Office
Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, ¥i=ginia. This meeting was
adjourned from May 24, 1989.
PRESENT: Messrs. Edward H. Bain, Jr., F. R. Bowie, C. Timothy Lindstrom,
Walter F. Perkins and Peter T. Way.
ABSENT: Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Mr. 'Guy B. Agnor, Jr.; County
Attorney, Mr. George R. St. John; and Chief o~ Community Development, Mr. ¥.
Wayne Cilimberg.
Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was calle~d to order at 1:36 P.M. by the
Chairman, Mr. Way.
Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session: July-D~cember 1989 Capital Improve-
ments Program.
Mr. Agnor said the Board has received a copy of the Planning Commission's
recommended Capital Improvements Program for the period of July through
December, 1989. This year the CIP review schedule is being changed to the
Fall of the year which necessitates that for this year only, there be two
reviews, one for July throughIDecember, 1989, ~nd the next will be for January
through June, 1990. ~
Mr. Cilimberg said the Planning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend the
funding of 22 Capital Improvement projects. He said the Commission also made
two additional recommendations: that the CoUnty Executive should approach the
coUnties of Buckingham, Fluvanna and Nelson to request "fair share" funding
for the Scottsville Rescue Squad in proportion to the number of calls in those
counties; and that the fUnding for engineering the Rio Road interchange, part
of the Meadow Creek Parkway funding, should not be delayed, so this informa-
tion can be available as development occurs, iMf. Cilimberg said the Planning
Commission made no recommendation on two projgcts: the Gordon Avenue branch
of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library and~he Avon Street/Route 20 connec-
tor road. The Commission decided not to prioritize these two projects because
they were received late and not reviewed with!the other projects. The 22
projects, with the funding recommended by the Planning Commission, are as
1. Stony Point Elementary Asbestos Removal $54,000
2. Yancey Elementary Asbestos Removal 95,000
3. Murray Elementary Asbestos Removal 99,000
4. Underground Storage Tanks (various school locations) 75,000
5. Southside Transfer Station 140,000
6. Southside School Gymnasium 134,000
7. Sidewalk - Rio Road 55,000
8. Information Services - Purchase/lease 106,500
payments and mainframe utilities/software
9. Hollymead Elementary Roof Replacement 176,000
10. Rose Hill Elementary Library Roof Replacement 7,300
11. Red Hill Elementary POD Roof Replacement 30,000
12. Stone Robinson Elementary Playground 20,000
13. Revenue Sharing Road Projects 500,000
14. Meadow Creek Parkway (engineering Rio Road 116,000
interchange alignment study, northern section)
Four Seasons Drive Channel Improvements
King George Circle Storm Sewer
Southern Regional Park
Scottsville Rescue Squad Ambulance
Woodbrook Channel (engineering study).
Berkeley Storm Sewer Phase II (engineering study only)
Meriwether Lewis Elementary Pavement
Circuit Court Microfilming and Reader/Printer
15. 4,100
16. 2,700
17. 691,000
18. 36,000
19. 4,500
20. 7,630
21. 12,000
22. 29,908
June 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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Mr. Bain asked the staff to inspect the road (Route 678) behind the
Meriwether Lewis School property. A property owner stated that the road is
being washed out because of the school construction. He asked if 'the County
still holds the bond for that road and if there are plans to install a drain
pipe to remove the water.
Mr. Way referred to the Avon Street/Route 20 Connector Road and said it
has not been decided whether it will be less expensive for the County to build
an interchange or a connector road. He said he sees no reason to apply funds
to this project immediately.
Mr. Way asked Mr. Agnor to summarize the funding available for the CIP.
Mr. Agnor said that $15,580,500 was available for the first six months of the
1989-90 CIP and the projects to be funded for this period totaled $13,042,888.
This leaves of surplus of $2,537,612 in the CIP budget. In the second six
months of the 1989-90 CIP, only $125,000 is available for projects that are
estimated to cost $2,902,022, creating a deficit of $2,777,022. Mr. Agnor
the total resources available for the 1989-90 CIP equal $15,705~500; the
cost of the projects is $15,944,910, leaving a deficit of $239,410. Adding
this to the deficit of $1,652,205 leaves the ~989-90 CIP short by $1,891,615.
Mr. Agnor then outlined the various projects in the CIP, which projects
have been moved from later years in the CIP t~ 1989-90, the projects the Board
has already committed to fund in 1989-90, and the projects which have in-
creased over the amount allotted to them in the CIP (on file in the Clerk's
office). Mr. Agnor recommended that the cost ~shown for the Crozet school
project be reduced from the architects' estimate $4,863,500 to the approved
project cost of $4,561,995, a difference of $~01,505. He said the State has
decreased its funding for highway revenue sharing projects, so the County can
also reduce its matching funds for these projsCts from $500,000 to $300,000.
He also recommended shifting the funds for the~ Crozet, Southside, Stony Point
and Yancey Schools from December to July, 1989-90.
Mr. Agnor said he has several other recom~nendations for balancing the CIP
budget. He said the Board could show temporary~ loans covering the shortfall.
Mr. Agnor said it will not be necessary to borrow temporary funds because the
funds raised by the bond issue in the Fall will cover the four school pro-
jects. If the Board follows this recommendation, more money will have to be
allocated in the later years of the CIP than is currently shown. Mr. Agnor
said the second way the Board could cover thiJ deficit is to split the Coun-
ty's tax collection, although he suggested reserving this method until the
needs become more critical. He said the Board could also shift projects from
the 1989-90 CIP to later years.
(Note: Mr. St. 3ohn left the meeting at i2:06 P.M., and returned at 2:30
Mr. Lindstrom said he has a project he wduld like to see added to the
CIP. He asked the staff to get a price for fabricated shields to redirect the
lights at Albemarle High School. Mr. Way suggested that the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Technical Center make these shields 'as a school project.
Mr. Perkins referred to the Planning Commission's recommendation that the
County Executive approach the counties of Buckingham, Fluvanna, and Nelson to
request funding for the Scottsville Rescue Squad. Mr. Perkins asked if
residents of these counties served on the rescue squad. Mr. Way said "yes".
Mr. Perkins suggested that these Volunteers ask their boards of supervisors to
fund the Scottsville Rescue Squad. Mr. Way said this is a good suggestion.
Mr. Agnor then presented his list of projects that could be cut or
deferred if the Board does not wish to borrow Short-term funds. He said all
new projects, except the projects which involve removing asbestos from the
schools, could be either deferred or funded in some other way. He said it may
be possible for the School division to use the operations budget to fund the
pavement for Burley Middle School, the roof for Rose Hill Elementary School,
removing the underground storage tanks, and the repaving at Meriwether Lewis
Elementary School. He said it may be possiblelto lease the Hazardous Materi-
als Vehicle. It may also be possible to fund the playground for Stone Robin-
son from the Parks and Recreation Department. 'He said the closure of the
Keene Landfill could be deferred until 1990-91.'
June 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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In addition to the deleting or deferring of most of the new projects, Mr.
Agnor said, he recommends deferring until 1990-91 the $60,000 needed to design
the expansion of the library and internal modifications. He said the follow-
ing projects could also be deferred: street lights, improvements to the
Greenwood Community Center, improvements at Claudius Crozet Park, the second
phase of the Berkeley storm improvements sewer, the Woodbrook channel,
improvements to the Ivy Landfill, improvements to the Windham/Jarman Gap
channel, the storm sewer on Smithfield Road and the Berkshire road channel.
He said funding to acquire rights-of-way for ~he Meadow Creek Parkway could
also be deferred, although buying the rights-of-way now could save the County
and State money later. He said the Avon Street/Route 20 connector road could
be deferred without any problem, as could the~sidewalk for Rio Road. The
$134,000 needed for the Southside School gym could be covered by the bond
Mr. Lindstrom asked if the improvements planned for Hollymead Elementary
School could also be included under the bond issue. Mr. Agnor said the staff
has questioned representatives of the Virginia Public School Authority about
the possibility of including several small school projects under the bond
issue. He said the staff was informed that the Authority preferred to deal
with projects of a magnitude that justified the bond issue, rather than a
collection of small projects. However, Mr. Agnor said, the Authority did not
refuse to accept small projects under the bond issue, so the staff recommends
adding some of the smaller school projects roi'the bond issue in the next four
years of the cycle. Mr. Bowie said he does nat think it is wise to fund less
expensive projects with long-term financing. '~He would prefer to reserve
long-term borrowing for major projects.
Mr. Lindstrom said the $60,000 estimated ifor the roof and the expansion
of the library at Hollymead School is part of ia $615,000 project to improve
this school. He asked why the $615,000 is being funded through the CIP,
instead of a bond issue. Mr. Agnor said the project could be funded under a
bond issue, which is one reason he recommends '-~deferring the Hollymead School
Improvements until the Fall review of the CIP.~, Mr. Lindstrom said perhaps the
Board should consider consolidating all the School division's roof improvement
projects under a bond issue. Mr. Bowie said h~ would prefer that projects
such as these be funded through short-term loahs. Mr. Lindstrom said the
short-term loans will have to be repaid with e~ther borrowed money or a tax
Mr. Bowie referred to the Hazardous Materials Vehicle and asked if it
would benefit the County to lease, rather than~buy, the vehicle. Mr. Agnor
said leasing the vehicle would cost the County more in the long run, but the
cost could be spread over several years.
Mr. Bowie said he agreed with the recommendation to fund the pavement at
Burley, the roof for Rose Hill, removing the ~jderground tanks, and the
repaving at Meriwether Lewis with carry-over m~ney rather than through the
CIP. He said the staff has informed the Board!l~that the Keene Landfill will
last for one more year, so he thinks funding for this project can be deferred
as well. He said he thinks the Southside SchoOl gym can be included under the
bond issue and the $60,000 Hollymead project cJn be reincorporated into the
$615,000 project and covered under a bond issue. He also thinks the Avon
Street/Route 20 collector road can be deferred~I, He said these measures would
reduce the shortfall to $1.4 million, which could be covered by short-term
loans to be authorized as the need arises. Mrs! Bowie also suggested that the
Ivy Landfill improvements ($225,000) be deferred until the Board receives the
report from the Engineering Department concern%bg extending the life of the
Mr. Way said the School projects may never be done if they are left to
the School division to fund with carry-over mo~ey. Mr. Bowie said the School
division may not be able to fund the entire cos~ of the projects he mentioned,
but he does think they can pay for part of theicost.
Mr. Bain said he would prefer knowing how much carry-over balance the
School division will have before deleting theselprojects from the CIP. If the
carry-over balance exceeds the amount estimatedi~ then perhaps the excess could
go toward funding these projects. He said he i~ also concerned about allocat-
ing money to the engineering design for the Meahow Creek Parkway, since VDoT
may change the alignment of the roadway.
June 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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Mr. Agnor said the reason for allocating money to Meadow Creek Parkway is
so the County can let the developer of Dunlora subdivision know the path of
the highway. He said this will save the state money in the future.
Mr. Bain said he supports Mr. Bowie's list of items to be deferred from
the CIP, with the exception of the following projects: the pavement at Burley
Elementary School, the removal of underground tanks at various schools, the
repaving at Meriwether Lewis Elementary School and the roof at Rose Hill
Elementary School. The items he would defer or fund another way are: closing
the Keene Landfill ($116,250); the Hollymead roof replacement ($60,000); the
Ivy Landfill improvements ($225,000); the Avon Street/Route 20 Collector
(150,000); and the Southside School gym ($134~000). Deferring or funding
these projects in another way would reduce the amount needed in the CIP budget
by $685,250, leaving a shortfall of $1,206,000. He said the funding for the
four Schools projects can be decided after the Board learns how much carry-
over balance the School division has. He thidks this information should be
available by the end of July.
Mr. Lindstrom said he can support Mr. Bain's suggestion since the entire
CIP will be reviewed in the Fall, but he feels that these deficits will
and cause the County problems. Eventually, he said, the citizens
of this County will have to lower their expecCations or pay for them.
Mr. Bowie commended the staff for the thoroughness of the presentation on
the CIP. Mr. Bain concurred.
Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie, seconded by Mr. Bain, to set a public
hearing on July 5, 1989, for the July through:December cycle of the CIP with
the following items deferred until the next CI~ review in the Fall. Any
shortfall of the approximately $1.4 million is;authorized to be funded through
temporary, short-term borrowing, if necessary.~
Keene Landfill Closure
Hollymead School Improvements
Ivy Landfill Improvements
Avon Street/Route 20 Connector Road
Southside School Gymnasium
There was no further discussion. Roll w~s called and the motion carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowie, Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mrs. Cooke.
(The Board recessed at 3:34 P.M., and reconvened at 3:50 P.M.)
Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: Legislative Program. Mr. Agnor said the
staff recommends that a legislative program focused on a limited number of
priority needs would be more effective than an:extensive program covering
multiple needs. He suggested the following priorities:
That counties be given the same taxing and borrowing powers as
The excessive regulatory and statutory mandates. The Board could
request that the state fully fund al~ present, new and expanded
services mandated by the state.
Dillon.'s Rule. Counties should be g~en more authority to determine
local organizational and administrative options without the need for
constitutional or legislative amendments for speclflc local matters.
Extending meals taxing authority to ~1 counties.
June 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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Legislation to make the local option sales tax available to all
counties and/or change the distribution formula to provide increases
in local revenues.
Legislation to permit counties to levy the same transient lodging
tax as cities.
Legislation shifting local governments' continued financial reliance
from real property taxes to a share of the Virginia state income
Allowing localities to increase local gasoline tax by five cents per
gallon or up to five percent of purchase price.
Authorizing counties to levy an admissions tax.
Fifty percent of net funds raised from the Virginia State Lottery
should be returned to localities to be used as needed (specific
legislation could tie funds to transportation, education, school
construction, recycling).
To defray costs of off-site public improvements necessitated by new
development, counties should be allowed to require that developers
contribute pro rata shares (or impa¢.t fees) as a condition of site
plan or subdivision approval, ii~
Provide additional State CompensatiQn Board funding for local
sheriff's departments.
Mr. Bain said he thinks it is important fbr the Board to work either
through the Virginia Association of Counties (¥ACo) or a legislative liaison
to encourage the passage of legislation which ~ould extend counties' taxing
and borrowing powers. He said the first objective listed by Mr. Agnor is the
most important, because if counties are granted the same taxing and borrowing
powers as cities, no further action will be needed to exercise other taxes
such as the meals tax and transient lodging taxes. Mr. Lindstrom agreed and
said he does not think the County can be expeqged to achieve the second and
third objectives, concerning excessive regulations and Dillon's rule.
Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the legislative liaison inform the Board of
the status of the projects undertaken by the G~ayson Commission. He asked Mr.
Agnor to check also with Mr. Cole Hendrix, Charlottesville City Manager and
member of the Grayson Commission. Mr. Agnor a~reed and said the staff will
draft a resolution after the Board has learned!ihow much progress has already
been made in the area of extending the taxing ~nd borrowing powers of coun-
ties. -~
Mr. Bowie said he thinks the tenth objective is important, too. He
firmly believes that localities are entitled tS some of the revenue from
lotteries. Mr. Way asked Mr. Agnor to draft a'~statement of the Board's
support for the distribution of lottery revenues to localities.
Mr. Lindstrom asked staff to prepare a status: report on the Chesapeake
Bay Act for the next agenda, so that any recom~endations can be incorporated
as quickly as possible into the County's regulations. He also asked that a
discussion of the office complex being built bx the University Real Estate
Foundation on Route 20 at its intersection wit~ Route 53 be placed on an
upcoming agenda. He noted that this proposed office complex lies in Area B of
the City/County/University Planning and Coordination Agreement, an area in
which any development proposal by one party mu~t be submitted to the other
parties of the agreement. He said this proper~y is zoned RA, Rural Areas. He
said the Chesapeake Bay Act, with its provisio] that state agencies shall
comply with the land use policies and regulati,
of some assistance.
ns of the localities, could be
June 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion: "Brainstorming" Session on Policy
Mr. Bain said he would like to discuss briefly several issues and then
discuss them more fully at a later date. The first item was the possibility
of formal joint cooperation with the City of Charlottesville in various areas
such as police, schools and fire. He suggested that a committee of represem-
tatives from the City, the County, the University, and citizens, be formed to
study these possibilities. Next, Mr. Bain discussed, the possibility of
Albemarle County taking over county roads from the State Highway System.
Other areas Mr. Bain thought the Board should discuss were the establishment
of service districts, and the involvement of board members in various boards
and commissions. The last item was a suggestion from the League of Women
Voters to establish a Fiscal Resources Committee.
Mr. Bowie said the County would incur capital costs of over $100,000,000
if it were to take over roads. He said spendSng this money on capital needs,
such as the equipment needed to maintain the ~oads and garages needed to
maintain the equipment, would leave very little to spend on highway repairs.
Mr. Bain said taking over the roads should be considered from a long-term
point of view. In the long run, he said, taking over the roads from VDoT
would give the County more control over what roads would be built and what
roads would be improved to what degree.
Mr. Way referred to the Fiscal Resources:Committee and said he has asked
that a discussion of this committee be placedlon the Board's agenda for next
Mr. Lindstrom said perhaps it would be worthwhile to consider consolidat-
ing the City's and County's police forces, but he doubts whether the City
would be willing to share the problems the County is experiencing with growth
in its schools. He said the City and County, the former urban and the latter
still somewhat rural, operate under different~philosophies and he does not
think one government could serve both of these philosophies. He said City
officials differ from County representatives on growth and land use, because
growth is almost an unmixed blessing for the City.
Rather than consolidate with the City, M~. Lindstrom said, he would like
to~,see the County pay for the increasing need':'for services, such as solid
wa~g collection, by establishing service dis{ricts. He said there seems to
be ~:~misapprehension on the part of some citizens of the Charlottesville
District that they pay more taxes already tha~ their rural counterparts, and
establishing a service district in this area ~ould only add to the imbalance.
all County residents subsidize the rural a~eas through the land use tax,
~. Lindstrom said, it is just as true that C~unty residents subsidize the
urban areas of the County, which were almost ~nnexed by the City, through the
Revenue Sharing Agreement. He thinks there s~ould be~some attempt ~o a~dr~ss
this misconception concerning the tax burden.::~ He sa~d th~s Board already nas
the authority to create service districts andiihe thinks members o the Board
should be thinking of ways to implement the a~thority they have.
Mr. Bowie said he supports establishing service districts and setting up
a Fiscal Resources Committee. He is not interested in pursuing the other
suggestions offered at the start of this brainstorming session.
Mr. Lindstrom said he thinks it is important to discuss the issues raised
by Mr. Bain because he thinks the Board too o{ten reacts to change rather than
anticipating change. He thinks how well the ~oard anticipates the changes
I:~ . · ' e in
coming to this County within the next ten yea~s w~ll make a b~g d~fferenc
the quality of life in the County.
Mr. Way said there is one other issue concerning the future of this
County that he feels the Board should discuss~~ the problem of drugs in the
community. He said this is something he want~ to discuss with the new Police
Chief. He would like to add this item to Mr. iBain's list and discuss these
items one by one on future agendas.
June 7, 1989 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
Agenda Item No. 5. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Motion was
offered by Mr. Bowie, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to refer disposition of the
building located on 414 Fourth Street, N.W., in the City of Charlottesville
used by the Monticello Area Community Action Agency, to the County Building
Committee for a recommendation. Roll was called and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowie, Lindstrom, Perkins, and Way.
ABSENT: Mrs. Cooke.
Agenda Item No. 6. Executive Session: Personnel and Land Acquisition.
At 4:55 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Bain, to
adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel matters and land acquisi-
tion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowie, Lindstrom, Perkina and Way.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mrs. Cooke.
The Board reconvened into open session at 7:30 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjourn. With no further business to come before the
Board, the meeting was immediately adjourned.'